Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see there was more welcome news on the economy this morning with the suggestion that average income back to pre-crisis levels. On Today, I heard the BBC interview ponder what wages would be had we not had the economic crisis! Oh dear – as Ed’s ‘cost of living crisis” narrative goes off the rails the comrades are doing their best for the glorious leader!!!
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Had to laugh at this.
Will Self, BBC regular, will be delivering a lecture at the Linbury Thatre, Royal Opera House: “Will Self questions whether Weill and Brecht’s Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny can ever rupture opera’s moneyed bourgeois complacency.”
I wasn’t laughing at that, although I note that it’s a small theatre yet tickets are still available. I was laughing at the title of his professorship, which I seem to have missed before:
Professor of Contemporary Thought (Brunel University)
I think our universities need a good clear out.
Indeed. A large dose of senokot should do the trick.
“Will Self questions whether Weill and Brecht’s Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny can ever rupture opera’s moneyed bourgeois complacency.”
At the risk of demonstrating my ignorance, what on earth does this mean and who (apart from an insomniac) would pay in either time or financially to attend such an event?
Like minded common purpose filth, that’s who
Brunel, Isn’t that a Muslim University?
Indeed, our ‘universities’ are stuffed with otherwise unemployable idiots, that delight in their false learning and left-wing trash thought. Not counting those in medicine, science,engineering…….just those usual tossers in the arts and sociology…….very few worthwhile historians coming out now, so indoctrinated are they.
I just read BBC online news story of the Oxford report’s “key findings”. The words “muslim” or “Pakistani” do not appear at all. Not once.
I then looked at the actual OSCB report itself. The word “muslim” appears 4 times. The word “Pakistani” appears 20 times.
The report says the perpetrators are mainly muslim and says;
“This needs to be researched and understood at a national level given both its importance and the sensitivities of any conclusions. It cannot be parked as too potentially sensitive or inflammatory to peruse openly at that level”. (Para 8.79)
The BBC is guilty of the most despicable censorship and is doing the exact opposite of what the report calls for. The BBC is wilfully concealing importance key findings from the public to serve its own left-liberal, politically correct, sharia compliant, pro Islam agenda.
In suppressing these key findings, the BBC is complicit in child sexual exploitation and is putting children at risk.
“…In suppressing these key findings, the BBC is complicit in child sexual exploitation and is putting children at risk.”
The BBC calls it ‘impartiality’. Everyone else recognises it as lying by omission.
There’s a TV advertising jingle that I can’t get out of my head today, for some reason:
Funny how the mind works … and I’m not talking personal computers.
BBC use of the word “exploitation” is interesting. Do they actually mean “exploitation” which theoretically could be used to cover people having additional children to obtain more benefits (for instance)?
Or do they mean “abuse”, which has a different connotation altogether?
In BBC world, the two words are used inter-changeably.
Thanks for the earworm, Mustapha. Damn you.
It’s the same as refusing to give the skin colour of a suspect for murder. He is less likely to be traced without this information.
Someone will die for the sake of Political Correctness.
Over 2000 of us already have been sexually abused in the name of political correctness.
I think that we can safely estimate that the true number is probably well over 10 times that plus many other types of crime that are associated with this child abuse. Cameron is right to say that this is a national emergency but he was careful not to mention which minority group in our society is responsible for the vast bulk of these crimes.
The liberal left must be cursing these Muslim because they are getting increasingly likely to derail the whole trip to Multiculti Utopia by waking the rest of us up to what is actually going on. The BBC is working hard to keep us quiet by its usual lies and omissions but the veil is wearing thin. The nasty truth is beginning to be seen by increasing numbers. The next question is what are we going to do about it when we , not the elite, but the people, fully realise what is happening to our society, culture and country.
Why can’t the same reasoning be equally applied to all laws?
For instance, whenever a repressive change is applied to motoring law, the tree huggers and safety campaigners always insist that “if it saves one life, it’s worth it”.
Why shouldn’t the same justification apply to murder,rape, grooming etc cases If by giving the skin colour of a murderer, rapist, groomer etc it saves or one life (or removes a chance of potential harm or life threatening situation) then it’s worth it.
Interestingly, I caught Women’s a Hour – should be Spare Rib – and they looked at this report. I expected nothing but Jane Garvey interviewing a mother of one of the victims had to deal with that elephant in the room. She said it was awkward but that they had to look at who did this. The mother was pleasant but firmly said it was Muslim men that were perpetrating this. Her description of the profile was very exact and Jane Garvey did not interrupt or sidetrack which is the BBC mode when they don’t like the direction. Remarkable and demonstrates that the ignoring elsewhere in the BBC machine is wilful and intended.
I just happened to catch this section.
Just before Garvey turned the focus to ‘the men’, the mother had been talking about how the insidious council had really screwed her and family up. It was as if Garvey didn’t want to focus too much on the sins of the (Labour) council and diverted attention to the perpetrators.
However in identifying these men she referred to them as Asian – which showed her committing the same bullshit as done by the council. At best she tried to adjust the mother’s terms to say Pakistani.
Missed that. The mother kept to the precise issue of muslims and wasn’t deflected. This “Asian” tag is a defamation and a wilful deceit. Who, What, How, Why and, is it, When? Basic rule of journalism is report the facts without favour. Well, thats gone out of the window. All those BBC programmes on the propaganda in the Soviet Union and how the state lied unlike the pristine Free World. Well, well, what happened to those relentless pursuers of the truth? At least the BBC now knows all the propaganda tools as they mislead us. Maybe they should revisit the Soviet information control and tell us how necessary propaganda is to control the population.
Missed that. The mother kept to the precise issue of muslims and wasn’t deflected. This “Asian” tag is a defamation and a wilful deceit. Who, What, How, Why and, is it, When? Basic rule of journalism is report the facts without favour. Well, thats gone out of the window. All those BBC programmes on the propaganda in the Soviet Union and how the state lied unlike the pristine Free World. Well, well, what happened to those relentless pursuers of the truth? At least the BBC now knows all the propaganda tools as they mislead us. Maybe they should revisit the Soviet information control and tell us how necessary propaganda is to control the population.
Looked at the bbc website just now for the story, UK front page ? No, England news ? No, well and truly buried as story no 4 in local news for Oxford behind finding Tudor stone and fat cat pay rises it’s as if they cannot dump it fast enough, talk about burying bad news. Does it need one of their daughters to be raped by this filth for them to see reality ?
“India Blocks Controversial BBC Rape Documentary”
‘For once, prominent women activists were on the same page as the government, decrying the film for what they said amounted to giving a platform to a rapist and a murderer. ‘
Oops. Dilemma time in Top Trumps towers. What the public needs to know to make its own mind up. And what not.
Still, they’ll always have Glasgow.
So glad I don’t live in the sort of country where unwelcome news is suppressed.
Why shouldn’t Beeboids censor this?:-
“I couldn’t tell if my girl was more at risk from sex predators or the social workers:
Mother of victim of Oxfordshire paedophile gang tells how she begged for help”
Read more:
If Britain was a third world country it is very likely that the dictator in charge would arrange for these social workers and complicit cops to be shot along with the rapists. But we have a democracy and Cameron and May who are now responsible will do nothing, because they want to tease the moslem votes awasy from Labour. Its a democracy, then protest, but thugs from the UAF, backed by the cops, the interfaith bunnies consisting of Christians, Jews, Muslims., Gays and Trotskiests, will be there to stop you. And the BBC will shower praise on them.
Our leading political parties have produced a climate where Islamic supremacists are given droit de seigneur over the children of white working classes.
BBC unveils poster to promote new editorial guidelines for journalists and programme makers.

Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s adhan.
Straying from the endless (and thoroughly justified) criticisms of the BBC’s risible ‘news’ output, it’s worth remembering that the comrades’ work carries on undaunted in less obvious areas, too.
Last night, for example, I watched a BBC 4 programme I’d recorded about the history of British Rail’s efforts to modernise itself after nationalisation.
Had it been scripted and directed by the Labour party itself, it could not have been more blatantly one-sided. It was little more than a hymn of praise to state ownership with barely even a nod to the misery of living in this country in an era dominated by hopeless state-owned organisations and strident trade unions.
It’s a pretty reasonable bet that most of the BBC team that produced this polemical rubbish were at school (assuming they were even born) during the era in question, so had no experience of a rail network that was more laughing stock than rolling stock.
As for the dreary parade of ‘experts’, they can only have been hand picked by someone with a very clear Marxist agenda.
Day by day, hour by hour, the BBC does its work, bending history, twisting reality to suit nakedly socialist aims.
Wasn’t it a comedy narrated by Rebecca Front?
To be fair BR did have some major achievements, in particular the West Coast Main Line Electrification and Design Council-approved approaches to signage and ‘image’. The HS125 certainly proved its worth over the years.
All large organisations are mostly populated by people trying to do a good job and that was certainly true of BR.
The programme did touch on union Luddite-ism, but didn’t make much of it. Why exactly did diesel and electric locomotives need firemen except to maintain jobs and political influence within the Labour party.
I will not go into what I thought was a poor cut and paste programme however the role of a second man is misunderstood by many so I will point out a few things.
Second men replaced the role of firemen with the end of steam however there was still steam inside diesel (and electric!) locos provided by a small boiler which provided steam heat to coaches, it needed constant attention as they were very temperamental. Two men were needed on the many freights which were still unbraked, second men were needed on railways still worked on the line side signal box system. The second man was also useful to BR with a large number of drivers going to retire in the decade after the end of steam in 68 which needed to be replaced by trained men who had thoroughly absorbed the culture of the railway. The accident at Ladbroke Grove was directly caused by the train being driven by a man who had only been driving on the railway for 16 days and who had no railway culture to fall back on. To put it bluntly the man was lost and did not know what he was doing, the accident would have never happened on BR as he would have had to have had to be on the rails for a couple of years at least before driving a train on his own. Most of the blame fell on Railtrack, who although guilty of sloth, did not behave as poorly as Thames Trains did with their training people off the street and expecting everything to go well, it didn’t and never was going to, their senior managers ought to have been in the dock. Someone is still needed to uncouple freights and perform brake tests. You still see two men on some freights as it’s simpler to take someone with you than have people at each end.
And not a ‘Western’ or ‘Warship’ in sight.
Careful you’re giving out personal information useful to prying eyes 🙂
I would probably agree with most that you say but in the programme the unions wanted a second man on the APT and HS125, neither of which needed one.
The accident at Southall which killed 7 and wrecked a HST was caused by the AWS safety system being u/s before leaving Swansea and the train being driven by only the driver who missed the preceding Red signal and ploughed into a freight train. BR required trains travelling at over 100 mph to be double manned, a union requirement. Great Western Trains dropped this. In BR days the train would have been turned on the Landore Triangle before leaving Swansea allowing the working AWS in the trailing cab to lead but this would have meant leaving late which for a private company had cost implications. Both this and the lack of a second man lead to the deaths of seven people, add the cost of lives lost at Ladbroke Grove and privatisation was expensive in lives for the former Western Region.
I did find it strange when they mentioned the highly laudatory and influential advertising campaign ‘This I s The Age of The Train’ without once mentioning the person that fronted it
I wonder why
Yes I saw that Golden Age of British Rail film, I thought the propaganda was more subtle than usual. Usual stuff about Beeching for instance, but then the suggestion that Barbara Castle had stood up to Beeching instead of carrying on his plan. But everything became a blur when it was said that just before privatisation, BR was the most efficient railway in Europe. I can still recall waiting patiently night after night at Liverpool St for the brothers to deign to take us home. (Sorry if I’ve posted this previously.)
The programme completely misled about the reason why the railways were nationalised. It is true that they were largely worn out – hardly surprising after the war! Moreover, the GWR was not loss making. It never had been and there was no reason why it should have been taken over by the government, other than the desire to create a centrally controlled organisation, with all the predictably dire consequences.
The decision to nationalise the railways was taken by a hard Left government for reason of political belief. It used economics as an excuse.
Amusingly, I see next week’s BBC 4 offering in this slot is an examination of our post-war changed eating habits brought about by immigrants opening restaurants, we are told.
You can almost taste the diversity, can’t you?
There’s no agenda, of course.
Umm BR Central control ? Well they painted the stock the same (almost) and used the same uniforms, apart from that the regions were basically the old companies run by the same people and with the usual infighting between the regions. This continued up until Sectorisation and the end of the BR region system to be replaced by business units controlling their own bottom lines shortly before privatisation.
Well, that’s certainly one version of the story. I’m sure you will realise, as you seem to have inside knowledge, that there are differing reviews from within the railway industry too. There was a great deal of resentment at the takeover, not least of the engineering side by the former LMS.
In any case, whether you think it was effective centralisation or not, the railways were nationalised and placed under political control and the glowing picture presented by this programme was a far cry from the reality.
Totally agree with you, GC and as per your comment above: ‘……with barely even a nod to the misery of living in this country in an era dominated by hopeless state-owned organisations and strident trade unions.’
This aspect of life in the sixties and seventies, but especially the latter, has been totally airbrushed from history by the BBC. Totally. Part of the reason is they don’t want to admit why Margaret Thatcher was elected i.e. because the country had had enough of strike after strike by the miners, dockers, power workers, railwaymen, car workers, print workers, binmen, GPO – you name ’em, they made life absolute misery for the honest guy just wanting to do an honest day’s work and look after his family. The commie greedbuckets from the unions thought they ran the country – Maggie showed them they didn’t, and to some fine tune.
A quick Google found this:
‘Many people felt that trade unions stood up for the interests of ordinary workers and battled for a fairer, more equal society. Some governments however, felt they damaged the country’s economy. ‘
There’s balance for you – it was the governments you see, and it was only a feeling.
I completely agree with you and it infuriates me that a generation of BBC types, few of whom will have experienced how bad things were in the 1960s and 1970s, are lying about the situation pre-Thatcher.
The glowing view of BR was because the programme was not a history of post war or post steam BR but in fact a history of BR’s Publicity Film Unit. If the programme was called that them no problem but it wasn’t it said it was the modern history of BR which it was not. The film unit like any large company film unit was concerned with shiny new toys, in this case West Coast Modernisation, Manchester Pullman, Blue Pullman, HST, APT etc, no mention of poorly thought out modernisation with large amounts of cash wasted on poor diesel designs, large marshalling yards which were obsolete on day one, not going to the air brake in the 1950s. An even larger criticism was not moving away from the Region( for which read the old companies ) system towards a modern business lead railway. It was very much an old school engineering lead railway which was not trusted to spend large amounts of money by the treasury after the huge amount thrown away in the 1950s.
I don’t necessarily disagree with your general analysis, but I think you’re overlooking the subtext here. As so often happens with the BBC, while purporting to be a history of the Publicity Unit, the programme actually functioned as propaganda for nationalisation.
A properly objective programme would have shown how the Unit was pumping out the WIlsonian ‘white heat’ nonsense, while the reality was very different.
What it actually did was applaud the Unit’s work without admitting it was about as historically accurate as any Soviet propaganda effort.
Fully agree, yes it was in reality a paste job for the glories of nationalisation, but a true history would have been all talking heads as nobody filmed day to day BR. nobody films daily reality anywhere do they ? You could argue that any use of moving pictures is deeply suspect in a historical sense for this reason. Best left in books.
It is time that the post war labour government was criticised. But it introduced the NHS and in lefty eyes could do no wrong. It’s economic policies were useless and doctinaire. After such a dreadful war what was needed was a light touch and to allow the creativeness of the nation to flower. The railways should not have been nationalised and if they had been allowed to stay in private hands much pain would have been avoided let alone expense.
No doubt much of the network would have been closed. That had to come but modernisation may have been swifter and carried out with much more success.
I think this is the key point. There is a lot of re-writing of post-war history going on at present, as young Marxist historians look back on the period and try to pretend that the era was some sort of socialist wonderland.
Nobody who watched it collapse into anarchy during the 1960s and ’70s could possibly be under any such delusion.
The programme offered no explanation of why BR was still building steam engines after the war when every other European railway system had been using far more efficient locomotives for decades. Nor did it offer any calculation as to what the failure to modernise the system cost the British economy as a whole. Nor did it even speculate as to why the hard Left Attlee government seemed beholden to the railway unions, the boilermakers and the NUM.
Funny that, eh?
HIstory repeated itself in the motor industry when unleaded petrol was introduced in the late 1980s. We had our ’85 Vauxhall Astra retuned for free back then.
There was one major car manufacturer whose models’ engines could not be adjusted to take unleaded.
Yup – Austin Rover ex British Leyland.
mikef, agreed. BR was a laughing stock in this country, let alone abroad. We still get occasional glitches and are annoyed by them, but before privitisation it was expected that the train would be late, be dirty and most of the staff uninterested. BR was certainly not the most efficient in Europe in the same way that the NHS is not the envy of the world, These are all socialist lies.
This is my first post here.
BBC 4 did an earlier documentary 3 or 4 years ago about the inter City 125, which covered a lot of the same ground, but did have a lengthy section about the “age of the train” ad campaign highlighting Savile’s involvement. It was titled “the age of the train” in fact! They binned that documentary and made this new one specifically to airbrush Savile….
Seen it on You Tube , amongst Intercity 125 stuff .
I can remember when rail union leaders Ray Buckton and Sid Weighell were household names along with Arthur Scargill and co. The idea that British railways were very good in the 1970s is just laughable. I find tickets quite expensive nowadays but the rolling stock and information systems are modern and reliable.
So who did pay for the BBC’s latest blast of pro-EU propaganda?
‘So, put another way, the BBC commissioned a rabidly pro-EU programme from a film making duo who have close professional and organisational links with a former Director of BBC News who, in turn, has been appointed by the Corporation to tell the outside world – on a supposedly ‘objective’ basis – how balanced and impartial is the BBC’s output in relation to the EU’
‘So, put another way, the BBC commissioned a rabidly pro-EU programme from a film making duo who have close professional and organisational links with a former Director of BBC News who, in turn, has been appointed by the Corporation to tell the outside world – on a supposedly ‘objective’ basis – how balanced and impartial is the BBC’s output in relation to the EU.’
Tone, Danny, James, Hugs, Mary…. that smell that wafts down those market rate corridors… seems to be you.
Will BBC-NUJ criticise Labour Party-supporting ‘Daily Mirror’?-
“Hacking Was ‘Rife At Three Mirror Papers.’
One journalist had 100 celebrity targets and was making 250 hacking calls a day, a court hears.”
On the R4 Today programme, the Guardian invariably features (often at length when Naughtie reviews them) in ‘newspaper front pages’ that are quoted from at 0620-ish (and later). However, today (exceptionally), every newspaper front page EXCEPT the Guardian was quoted from at that time, and neither was it later in the programme. Why? Simple. The Guardian’s headline was ” Phone hacking ‘on industrial scale’ at Mirror”.
This sort of censorship is regularly seen on the Today programme, where they will deliberately omit any mention of newspaper whose headline/front page is critical of Labour or their supporting cast. Disgraceful.
No doubt we can expect to see Piers Morgan subjected to the same legal processes as Brooks & Coulson. This will also no doubt lead to the close down of the Mirror as happened to the News Of The World ?
As I munch my sarnie, a bumper selection of other news:
Let’s start with trust and transparency:
‘the BBC has gone public on the idea, with even less detail’
Maybe get the Glasgow office on it?
‘there are 14 occurrences of a scissors symbol, which I take to mean information redacted.’
Perhaps just a reminder to staff of what can happen if they fail to stay faithful to the team?
‘The question for Rona is, I think, if she hasn’t been asking the right questions at HSBC, can she really provide the scrutiny required to keep the BBC straight ?’
Luckily for Rona the BBC’s bosses doesn’t have to answer questions; Lords Patten and Hall Hall have said so. Maybe better to get her enobled PDQ to seal the deal.
Interesting. As is the BBC’s more ‘softly-softly’ approach to the story thus far.
And here folk were worried. About the competence. Not the balls to ovary ratios, clearly.
‘BBC DG Lord Hall is today expected to warn that a diminished Corporation will lead to
“a UK dominated by global gatekeepers and American taste-makers”. Presumably the US taste-makers who co-funded not just Intruders, but Orphan Black, The Musketeers, Ripper Street, The Tudors – and, yes, Wolf Hall.’
I wonder if he did or, at least, one of his many spokesmen?
BBC News Channel still leading with ‘UKIP U-turn on immigration’. Totally synthetic story, pushed with childish glee by Norman Smith. In the face of constant bias, the UKIP people never complain. Clearly they’ve decided that it would look petty, or something, so best avoided. It must be difficult, though. Hopefully it all just hardens the core vote.
As Beeboid Comrade SMITH knows, but doesn’t say:-
“UKIP launches Immigration policy”
BBC-NUJ immigration policy: ‘the more the merrier!’
“Immigration is now on the verge of destroying UK,
“Deceit, denial and delusion are the hallmarks of the establishment’s approach to immigration.”
I think even if UKIP complained they would get no redress.
UKIP is the only party that is honest about immigration, and moving away from an arbitrary target to a points based system is a major advance. Boy George is just miffed he didn’t think to adopt an office for immigration approach first and UKIP outmaneouvred him. The pro-EU parties are stuck with a truly racist Europe First immigration policy.
As far as I can remember UKIP have always advocated a “points system”. On Today, Farage said that he was against ARBITARY immigration limits/targets/caps. Since this interview, the BBC have omitted this crucial qualification. A simple lie to suggest that, like the Tories, UKIP will not be able to restrict immigration and so must accept a de facto “open doors” immigration policy. The 50,000 “limit” that the BBC is so keen to push, arises because Farage has said that a points system would lead to “normal immigration levels” of 20000 to 50000. Brain surgeons and engineers are not migrating any where in their hundreds of thousands.
the bbc are scum, after the saville scandal you would think they would go away quietly, like the newspaper NOTW did, now the scum are demanding EVERYONE has to pay the licence fee, even if you have no TV,15 year old boy alan cartwright was murdered for his bike by 3 black “yoofs” the bbc ran the story for 2 days, not once did they mention “hate crime” or “racist”, compare this to the non stop bullsh*t about the so called racist Chelsea train incident , oh and the 3 innocent darling suicide bombers heading off to join ISIS, then they were apologizing for the emwazi wanker, no wonder UKIP are the main contenders, england is a TINY country, overfilling it with useless scroungers is a recipe for disaster
This was a dreadful murder . You are right but the BBC will avoid covering it and cover up the truth.
UKIP must get our votes. The future of England demands no less.
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
Once you get beyond Brexit, UkIP’s policies fall apart. I was having no end of fun tormenting the kippers on order-order by tearing the rs out of Nigel’s back-of-a-fag-packet eye-catching initiatives. I subsequently got banned for inappropriate use of the nigger word 🙁
A tory party run by a tory is britain’s best hope.
Once you get beyond Brexit, UkIP’s policies fall apart.
Some Kippers like their policies on immigration and grammar schools as well. And their policy to stop taxing poor Brits to enrich corrupt Africans.
I am with you on this one Uncle Bup
“A tory party run by a tory is britain’s best hope. ”
As the only Tory party we have is being run by a socialist, UKIP are the next best option.
If we had such a party that would be fine but the current Tory party- May and Cameron?
My support for UKIP is based on simple truths. No free people can allow any other nation or institution power over them.
No elected representative has the power to give away that sovereignity vested in him by the people .
This is not a matter for negotiation.
UKIP seem to be the only party that begins to grasp this.
If the UKIP gamble doesn’t pay off, we could have the worst-case scenario of a minority Miliband govt propped up by the SNP.
This begs the point – how would such a govt be able to pass any laws affecting only England ?
Uncle Bup ,I think you can guess the popular response to your War Cry for the T ories by the pitiful number of ‘likes’ you have received.
No-one believes the Tories any more.
Roll on May ,so that we can tell the BBC,and the LibLabCon what we really think of them.
‘Jihadi John’s’ father Jasem Emwazi ‘in state of shock’
Very deceptive headline. Mr Emwazi’s lawyer said he was in a “state of shock” after being questioned by officials for two to three hours and released without being named a suspect. So the state of shock isn’t on discovering his son was probably a serial murderer but because he had a tough interview.
BTW what was the ‘refugee’ from Kuwait doing back there?
Jihadi John family’s 20 years on benefits: How it’s cost taxpayers up to £400k to house fanatic and his relatives in upmarket areas
I suppose if we wait long enough the BBC might discover that the Emwazi quite well out of the Britain that so embittered him he became a Jihadi.
Sheesh! … He must have had a “hard time” chatting to, the talking heads from one of the chief funders of International Islamic terror.
First the Mirror hacking, and now this:
Those professional, objective journalists in the cubicle gardens at the country’s largest media monopoly are going to have their hands full digging up more on Mad Mo, the three little Jihadi chicks, and their extensive family and community networks, to steer away from all this.
Maybe a Chelsea fan would oblige with a Chorizo lob in the vicinity of one of those places of worship that appear to double up as takeaway storerooms until called back for the affront?
Jeremy Bowen tweeted during the Israeli prime minister’s speech to the US Congress yesterday. In one tweet, he said, “Once again, Netanyahu, plays the holocaust card”.
Nasty little blighter, this Bowen chap, isn’t he?
Full details here:
That seems to be Leftist default position in response to what has been widely acknowledged as a masterful piece of oratory
Its in their DNA I guess
In fairness to Netanyahu in his reference to the Holocaust he also mentioned many of the millions other than Jews who had been victims of the Nazis. This was important to his message: Iran, as he pointed out, was not only a threat to the Jews, but a threat to its neighbours and indeed the USA. He was not playing the Holocaust card; he was warning that worse can happen to the rest of the free world.
I watched the speech and he said that the 6 million Jews killed was only a fraction of all the people who had been killed fighting Nazis. Seemed to me that he was highlighting the bigger problem for the world and not just the Jewish state. People like Bowen are beneath contempt
Jeremy Bowen tweeted during the Israeli prime minister’s speech to the US Congress yesterday. In one tweet, he said, “Once again, Netanyahu, plays the holocaust card”.
Would that be the same bBC which keeps pushing out:
British Empire
For the angst the left feel when they look in the mirror and sees a white face
You could add slavery and environmental damage to the list.
The point in his speech when Netanyahu referenced the holocaust was appropriate and pertinent to the subject: that of nation states which seek the annihilation of Israel and of the Jews; something which Iran seeks to achieve and the Israel will stop – one way or another, alone or with allies.
Bowen is another Beeboid drone parroting the usual PC lies.
I’ve just re-heard Mishal’s interview with Nigel Farage. Obviously Mishal has been taking lessons from Humphrys since the “I’m ignorant, me” style pioneered by Humphrys was deployed by Mishal for all it was worth. In, what, 30 seconds Farage explained the UKIP approach to immigration (ie an Australian-type points system where those who can contribute most to the welfare of the UK are allowed in; the rest not). He also finessed Mishal’s not such killer point about last week’s announced UKIP immigration cap of 50,000/year. Farage explained that a points based system would be most unlikely to yield immigration of 50,000 – more like 25,000.
Farage’s explanations were quite plain – even simple – but Mishal deliberately refused to understand. Instead, she took the usual BBC route of trying to discredit UKIP on the basis that Farage refused to name a “cap” which he said – and who could disagree? – hasn’t worked and, BTW, won’t work if we remain members of the EU. Mishal alleged – and Farage denied – that, accordingly, UKIP was going to let immigration rip. Farage then repeated his explanation, in words of one syllable, of the principles behind the points based system and why such a system would restrict immigration to pre-1997 levels.
Then, of course, despite Farage’s crystal-clear explanation of the whys and wherefores of UKIP immigration policy Norman Smith and, following him, the continuous BBC “news” gloss on the policy, reported that UKIP had removed the 50,000 annual cap and therefore would open the UK borders to whoever wishes to come here. Smith’s comments and the BBC gloss are straightforward lies motivated by nothing more than political (and, probably, personal) contempt for Farage, UKIP and any non-Labour voters out here.
Well said.
BBC-Democrat censors this too:-
“Facebook Suspends 12-Year-Old Black Conservative Who Criticized Obama”
(inc 3 min video clip)
The reason given is that you need to be 13 to hold a Facebook account.
Do you?
Good point Arthur, but you spoil it somewhat with you petty second sentence. Even if you mistyped it.
No – genuine question?
True, you can report Facebook members under 13.
Given the amount of money and number of staff it has, it still amazes what the BBC will not report upon, but what it does:
I stumbled across this ‘eat my shorts’ special on their FaceBook feed.
As an example of austerity reporting during these sensitive times, it’s safe to say it has had a ‘mixed’ reception in the comments.
Guessing they are already gearing up for when they can go commercial around the Gulf… oh… the already are.
OFCOM threatens that it will pull RT’s broadcast licence for “anti-western” bias
Interesting read by a journalist who takes a jaundiced look at the British media in general and the BBC in particular in comparison;
‘anti-Western bias[as in comments and views]’ aired as a reason to pull a broadcast licence, eh?
Interesting precedent. Tell me more, do.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha…………….by Glenn Greenwald. You couldn’t make it up !
Very very suspicious activity at Manchester University made all the more so by the BBCs ‘nothing to see here’ reporting which is not shared by others.
Parts Manchester University have been evacuated over concerns due to explosion fears after a student’s experiment went wrong.
It followed concern about how the highly dangerous chemical, acetone peroxide, had become ‘crystalised’, making it volatile
(for volatile read highly explosive).
Here’s what Wikipedia says about this compound:
TATP has allegedly been used in suicide attacks and in improvised explosive devices. However, TATP is difficult and dangerous to make by a would-be terrorist.
Due to its high susceptibility to accidental detonation by shock, friction, or sparks, acetone peroxide has earned the nickname “Mother of Satan”.
The BBC tries to smooth over the whole affair which has seen parts of Manchester cordoned off and the bomb squad called.
“Police have also evacuated surrounding buildings as a precaution but said they believed there was no malicious intent.”
This is at odds which how the MEN is reporting it:
“The MEN understands police are investigating why the experiment was being carried out and what precautions had been taken.”
Although there is no news as to who made the chemical compound and for what reason, given its popularity as a terrorist weapon I think we should fear the worst, as the quantities here must be sufficient to cause concern.
Although the MEN makes mention of the terrorist possible angle the BBC doesn’t mention it at all, making it even more suspicious.
Talking about Manchester-
“Muslim used names of women, wedding in code about UK jihad plot”
And, in another case today, in London, ‘Evening Standard’ mentions jihadists and Islamic State, INBBC doesn’t-
1.) ‘Evening Standard’-
“Two men held in probe into money-laundering linked to funding jihadists travelling to fight in Syria”
2.) INBBC-
“Two men arrested in terror fraud probe linked to Syria”
At the exact same time another ‘student experiment’ in Liverpool University went a bit wrong and exploded injuring the operative.
Although the BBC news are claiming the two are unconnected what are the chances of these two incidents at the same time on the same day being unconnected?
If the same chemical is involved then we have to have the greatest suspicion that a terrorist device was being prepared, and that the explosives at one of the sites detonated prematurely.
‘what are the chances’
Easy Tiger. You will rouse a sleeping bridge arch dweller with such… ‘questions’. Only the BBC are allowed. Apparently.
Meanwhile, at an Arrivals Terminal somewhere in the United Kingdom…
“What’s up, Docs?”
Unfortunately the photo on the BBC site misses out some of the most severe damage which is to the right where at least 4 window units were blown out. An explosion which has the power to blow out windows across a 50 foot frontage is not a small one as has been reported !
Again on this story the BBC while giving very little information are keen to tell us that there is no connection between this and the incident at Manchester. I for one don’t believe that!
Quite small pressure waves in enclosed spaces can create a lot of damage. But it is interesting when the old BBC wide angle vs. cropping tool is used.
We are very much still in the early stages of speculation, which for the BBC is fine (apparently) but must inspire the rest to more caution (apparently).
Beyond unhappy coincidence we at the very least one might consider a) the calibre of student expertise, b) the calibre of teacher oversight (or expertise. See a.) or…. as a wild card… c) the calibre of security service ability to mess with tinkers’ mixture ratios before they go all extra-curricular.
One is sure the BBC will tell all or, as can happen, suddenly go very quiet, as further detail emerges.
Here is a video on how the crystals are made – no way it could be made accidentally by experiment and a demo of just how explosive it is.
Imagine the quantities of precursor chemicals needed to produce sufficient quantities to cause the explosion the size of the Liverpool one.
Can they not practice this in the middle of broadcasting house on a much larger scale?
Do we have the clumsy students’ names?
Manchester, Liverpool.
“To blow up one university may be regarded as a misfortune; to blow up both looks like carelessness.”, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.
you learn more in them 2 places than the sheep shagging taught in welsh universities, which consists of wear wellies 2 sizes too big
Also another student from Manchester found guilty of trying to blow up one or two “easy targets” in Manchester etc.
He was studying in Manchester I wonder at which university?
I expect there is no suspicion that another post-grad, incompetent, student was mucking about with the same substances used in the London terrorist atrocities
I wonder what Manchester Universities’ policies are on “unsupervised” experiments with highly dangerous chemicals?
Click to access Chemical%20Risk%20Assessment.pdf
It seems that “the chemical” that has caused the major incident has been removed from the Pariser Building.
I wonder why they were storing this stuff
What possible use is it in chemistry experiments?
It seems there needs to be a few questions asked?
TATP has been a favourite explosive choice of Palestinian terrorists.
It was used also in the car bombing of the Israeli Embassy in London back in 1994 and a car bomb in Finchley north London on the same day by a Palestinian terror group.
All have since been released from prison in the UK.
More than a coincidence, given the hordes of pro-Pally sympathisers at our universities.
I hardly know where to start de-constructing this article about the shambles that is UK energy policy:
Firstly, the ‘analysis’ is done by Roger Haribo hence the solution he uses by way of illustration shows wind coming to the rescue. What about when the wind hasn’t been blowing Roger? The analysis starts shallow and gets shallower.
The article expresses confusion about how the UK can possibly have got into this mess. It has to do this because the BBC agenda does not allow a statement of the obvious – building windmills and solar panels instead of real power stations has been, and always will be, a fools errand.
The mandatory picture of cooling towers belching clouds whilst dwarfing houses nearby (long lens perspective compression) is included in order to confuse the hard of thinking who will see smoke not cloud.
Risible stuff Haribo.
“…The article expresses confusion about how the UK can possibly have got into this mess. It has to do this because the BBC agenda does not allow a statement of the obvious.”
Such a tangled web they weave. So many elephants in the room now that their discredited (but doctrinally absolute) CAGW narrative has an ever-growing problem squeezing past them all.
Watching any BBC programme on ‘climate change’ is an act of bravery well beyond the call of duty. I couldn’t watch more than 2 minutes without screaming incessantly at the TV.
bBC headlines
Average income back to pre-crisis levels, says IFS
Good news you’d think? Nah according to the bBC some people are better off than others, you know like pensioners (who have lived through a number of recessions) which allows them to quote that:
“It isn’t fair”
Yes folks, it appears that the young on benefits who can all afford mobile phone contracts of over £30 a month, drugs and getting pissed on a weekend are the new underclass. But the bBC finds a scapegoat with old age pensioners and who I am told have been groomed by the conservatives with tax breaks, winter fuel and the like as they vote.
The bBC, the leftwing traitors within our midst.
bBC bias at work:

School apology over ‘Palestinian terrorism’ homework
The bBC reports on a question paper handed to 7 year olds in Scotland and complains about the bias shown towards Palestinian.
The handout, given to P7 pupils at New Stevenson Primary School, states “Palestinians feel they have the RIGHT to use terrorism against the Israelis.”
Here is the photo the bBC use, note that while the bBC make sure you are informed of the Pal part they ensure you can’t read the entire question paper)
Here is the question page in full. Now taken in full context, is there really a problem with this? Apparently the bBC feels there is and anybody who even refers to a bomb carrying gun tooting child raping follower of the religion of peace as a terrorist then they can only be….wrong. Cue the use of the noun…Miltant
The bBC, which bends over backwards in its unofficial capacity as propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
North Lanarkshire Council election, 2012
Labour 41 seats
SNP 26 seats
Independent 2 seats
Conservative 0 seats
Was about to post something similar after seeing this story Pounce, but you beat me to it 😉
I wouldn’t cue the term ‘militant’, I think it’s ‘freedom fighter’ that they’re after.
What was in this worksheet sounds right to me for any institution wanting to give an understanding of what’s going on in this part of the world.
But given the ever more entrenched PC Islamic dhimmitude prevalent in this country you won’t be surprised to hear that following complaints, the school has apologised profusely and is removing this worksheet from their curriculum.
You also won’t be surprised to find no other view in the BBC article justifying it as is. They present it as SHOCK, HORROR, IMAGINE A SCHOOL TEACHING THIS TO THEIR CHILDREN. 🙄
Yup, ‘freedom fighter’ is what they’re after.
I wonder what makes IS any different for these morons – perhaps they’ll have to be viewed in the same light?
‘A North Lanarkshire school has apologised following complaints about a homework worksheet which labelled Palestinians as “terrorists”.’
Typical BBC sleight-of-hand, which suggests the worksheet labels all ‘Palestinians’ as terrorists – it doesn’t. But the BBC has to imply this otherwise it wouldn’t have a story and that is because it’s a truism that some ‘Palestinians’ (past and present) are terrorists, and that gives the worksheet its validity.
Great to see Daily Politics confuse the two Milibands.
How can the BBC possibly confuse Tweedledum with Tweedledee (or is it the other way round)?
Tweedledum (it could be Tweedledee actually) is almost 6 ft 6 in as shown here:
Whereas the other one isn’t. B*gger, now I’m confused.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee ? More like the Mad Hatter and the March Hare.
Relentless pursuit of their contrived ‘UKIP in confusion over immigration’ story by the Beeb. They’ve just had old Beeb stalwart Peter Kellner on; big lead in about the ‘confusion’, only for Kellner to disagree and say that Farage had probably made a ‘smart move’. Oops! that wasn’t supposed to happen; quickly cross to Robin Brant (Robin Who?) to try re-establishing the ‘line’.
Kay Burley now interviewing Steven Woolfe on Sky News. Totally different; fair and respectful. Burley must have seen the light.
Kay Burley just read about four tweets strongly praising Steven Woolfe and one? against. One said he was ‘gorgeous and articulate’. (Maybe he’s the guy to win the wimmin’s vote!) One tweeter said to Burley ‘looks like he won you over’ to which she just went ‘Hmm’.
UKIP rarely gets the respect it got in the last few minutes from Sky. Black and white contrast with the BBC.
Meanwhile, all we are told by the BBC is that Labour have ‘promised to control immigration fairly’.
What does that even mean, actually? Looking forward to their in-depth analysis. If it ever arrives.
Blah, blah….
‘“Our job is to ensure that the British public has the strongest possible voice in that debate. And when the charter review begins, we intend to do just that.”’
‘..did not want the charter process to become a “form of self obsession on the trust’s part’
As the obsessive spinning shows.
Still, the comments are balanced, as one might expect:
Just as long as this oversight is impartial. There are too many out there with unpleasant agendas regarding the BBC.
Can’t argue, though a slight question may linger on who is being referred to and what a pleasant agenda may entail in contrast.
Listened to the Media Show an hour or so ago.
If anybody else has a clue what the BBC shills and suits were on about let me know.
Had me in mind of Alan Partridge and his on-air bid to do his PearTree Productions show from Norwich-and Tony Hayers was his guest.
What a shame that Coogan and Ianucchi fall like stones from those former giddy heights of theirs.
Was Steve Howl it bidding for his Media Productions franchise?
Utter bollo!
There are many with an unpleasant agenda for the BBC. Those are the lefties who want to keep it in its present form – that is a very unpleasant thought.
Another UKIP in crisis/confusion BS story on 6 o’clock news.
Room full of people laughing at the BBC’s desperation.
Radio 4 18:00 news: they opened the batting with the Farage v Mishal “ma belle-end” spat on the “Today” rubbish.
They gave a clip of Aunty Misha[l] harrying St Nigel, who played with a good straight bat and blocked her or gently swatted her away. Apparently UKIP are to be more flexible about their notional limit of 50,000 enrichers for the UK per annum. Then we had our thinking done for us (by gee-you’re-wonderful Norman Smith?) with an editorializing comment to the effect that it was easy to TALK tough on immigration but harder to ACT! The BBC traitors clearly thought they had caught him out (they had not) and that we needed to be told, in case we hadn’t got it.
By 20:00 this virtual non-story had, thankfully, dropped down the batting order to three or four. I mean, it’s not as if there aren’t other things going on, with Mohammed and Benjamin Bunny and such like. The change from the previous UKIP position was small.
This was shameless manufactured news, set up by Mishal and seized upon later by the BBC’s News [sic] Room.
I listened to Jeremy Vine “interview” Steven Wolf this lunchtime, I’ve never heard Wolf before and he came across very well; everything he said with regard to immigration was just common sense to me. Vine seemed to think there was something wrong with not wanting foreigners, with HIV and cancer, to be able to come here for treatment on the NHS; especially in the light of it already straining under the pressure of all the immigrants and their children who are already here…oops I mean under the pressure of the increasingly aging British population who are all living so much longer than they should be.
Mr Glodstone, it is obviously the ageing Brits who are causing the problem. I have had cause to visit the hospital quite a bit lately, and was amazed by the number of Miss Marple types in A&E who were wearing hijabs and the Captain Mainwaring look-alikes with long beards and dressed in pyjamas.
Here’s some anecdotal evidence.
I had to go for an outpatient’s X-Ray to a large suburban East London hospital the other day.
I waited an hour and a half (no problem) but it gave me time to observe the (admittedly estimated) demographic in the waiting room.
I counted just over 20 chairs.
It was obvious that ,FOR THE WHOLE PERIOD, some three quarters of the patrons were not native English speakers .
On average, one quarter of the occupants were Asian women (mostly elderly) with their heads covered.
It struck me with some clarity that ,for NHS staff, it has become a numbers game i.e. treating a larger number of people was deemed a success.
Thus, it would be possible ,even probable, that , at some time in the near future, our ‘wonderful (Inter-)National Health Service could deem itself to be a great success without having attended to ANY native English people ,whose tax has paid for all this.
Thanks Liebore, you f*****g c ***s.
Always a joy to see what concerns the BBC as “features” for “comment and analysis” in rearguard of their “news flagship” that is the Today Show.
News it ain`t! The run up to the 8am news is always a giddy skid through the sewers is it not? So `twas today.
Anyway , this morning featured a gang hoodlum who was something big in Tottenham Yoof circles-hard to work out what exactly our mentally challenged gangsta was saying-but hey, it`s all about the low slung pants and attitude.
Went to nursery with wee Mark Duggan, doncha know…a beautiful man to put alongside Murdering Mo, no doubt.
Well-a vet of Broadwater Farm-Stafford Crapps was it?- told us that as the bankers screw the country, so a boot through a cops skull or a firesale of a carpet warehouse on the High Road is -well “all for soulja Marky”!
My point?…what the hell has resurrecting this stiff of a story got to do with the price of eggs?…when Sir Staffy said that the repsonse to the 2011 unpleasantness merely brought out the sticky beaks of Hampstead to bring out their Dexys dungarees by way of rubbernecking thrill sniffing…didn`t our Beeboid hack not see who THAT applies to?
Mais non!
Utter swill from the BBC-and how come they`re happy slumming it on Bruce Grove?…but less happy to Sharon Shoesmiths gold-plated portakabin, paid for by Ed Balls incompetences in 2007?
Both were Haringay-both not in any way related to any news event today-but only ONE of them gets an airing for the BBC on the Gordorful TOady Show.
Setting the agenda since 1979…and the stick in the swill bucket since 1997…that`s THEIR BBC!
Sure as fun isn`t mine anyway!
Meanwhile, in a strange, bizarre, parallel universe, “BBC DJ Nihal” has criticised Radio 1 diversity. “BBC DJ Nihal” (no, me neither) works for the racist BBC Asian Network. ‘The Radio 1 office, he said, is “all white” while 1Xtra’s is “all black”. Well, “BBC DJ Nihal”, that might be because the racist 1Xtra is billed as “the home of black music”. Tell me: is there also a ‘lack of diversity’ on the racist Asian Network, “BBC DJ Nihal”?
Is that the same as Mosside being mostly black, Bradford being mostly pakis, Prestwich being mostly Jewish and London being, well, who knows these days?
That’s the joy of multiculturalism and integration, we have to fit in around them while the newcomers build their own little communities everywhere and take advantage of our liberal ways.
Just watched milipede on the news trying to get tough with camoron over immigration….it was like watching Gary Glitter questioning Jimmy Savile on kiddy porn, how anyone take liebour seriously when it comes to immigration is beyond me, their policy? OPEN THE GATES AND LET EM ALL IN!!
Radio 5 dead had some Yank hand wringing liberal feminazi on their afternoon show today, she is an expert campaigner on death row in the US and works on saving a few of the doomed and was plugging a book.
The bbc CAREFULLY choreographed…sorry, questioned her on her work, she basically espoused every liberal cliche going in defence of these murdering scum…abused as a child, brought up in povurteh, no chance of succeeding in life, blah, blah,blah.
She then went on to say that many of the doomed were ‘beautiful souls’ (she got to know them) before they started taking drugs, picked up a gun or a knife and ended an innocent persons life…..Hmmmm, now where have we heard that before?
In the interest of impartiality dickead Dan Walker asked her about the impact of the crime on the victims and their families, she sounded like the question was an inconvenience. The basic premise of the whole interview…It’s all our fault, we, as a society, let the killers down.
So it’s just the same as the Tory and Fib Dems then? Hardly surprising when they’re all members of the same political party though !
Pink Tories want cheap labour, Liebour want Liebour voters, and as for the Limp Dumbs, who knows what they want ?
‘Who know what the LimpDims want??’
By all accounts, to be s**t on from a great height.
“When in doubt, keep ’em out!”
The excellent immigration officer Ian Foot in ‘Come Fly With Me’.
Channel 4 is running the Yarls Wood “scandal”(er, is that the word?) for three days in a row now.
Very Leveson-very tedious.
Pop will eat itself indeed…the media create their own weird stories and conflate them into a howl of howling, self-amplifying feedback…and by the time the Guardian and the BBC get hold of this, it`ll be another liberal Bermuda Triangle that doubles as a graveyard for liberal pretensions to reason, proportion and any link to the British people.
Remind me again Yarls Wood IS the place where illegals go before we send them back?…because they`re here illegally?…until they get away and hide in the UK somewhere?
How Channel 4!…ouanquers!
Total garbage from Channel 4. No recognition that they chose to come to this country. No recognition that they might be bogus. No recognition that their complaints might be contrived. And why are we giving asylum to (claimed) rape victims etc.? Isn’t asylum for those persecuted for political reasons?
Immigration – has the penny really dropped?
A few days ago there was an article in the Torygraph by a lady – aghast that she might be thought a Kipper – who had recognised that immigration is out of control. Now we have a self-confessed leftie ‘struggling’ to admit that Farage is right:
My name is Chris Maume, and I – no, I can’t say it. I’ll try again: my name is Chris Maume, and – no, no, I can’t. One last try: (deep breath) my name is Chris Maume, and I think I agree with Nigel Farage about immigration. There! It’s out. That wasn’t so difficult, was it?
Ukip may be largely bonkers, but its leader is at least addressing an issue which is surely the gravest facing our increasingly crowded nation.
It is tough to admit, but Nigel Farage may be right about immigration
The ‘tipping point’ is a trendy idea these days. Maybe we reached one on immigration.
Oh dear ‘Indy’ writers finding out that inviting the world to live here means losing their local playground/ green belt and the schools are totally full in London. My heart bleeds, I look forward to more of these muppets seeing reality as it happens to them, bring it on
A fine Costing the Earth with the aptly-named Tom Heap was on yesterday.
If you want to see what a car crash looks like when an immoveable shibboleth is hit by an irreversible bandwagon…look no further.
For wee Tom was by the Grand Canyon( or the Salt Sluice if we call it by its true Hopi name?)…and-unlike all those bleeding tourists that blocked his view(Americans on the lam, unlike Heap Sitting Bull)…we were getting the story of the Hopi and its wish to wipe out the buffalo…horreur!
Of course I parrot phrase, and simp it all up-the BBC have taught me well how so to do.
So-Native rainbow original indigenous people-the Hopi….up against the Heapi…the liberal limey cretin out from Highgate Wood to tell them to jolly well leave the beefalo alone.
Who do we support?…Mother Nature and her bison that whitey wiped out?…or the American Indians who want to kill the buffalo and get eating and slopping up the burgers for the tourist?
Heap was indeed a crumpled heap by the end of his looping the loopy…what does a BBC touristing whirly bird do when bison meet Hopi? Pipes of Piss indeed!
The red skinned chappies lost I think-a Hopeless case of a show indeed.
Bring back Uriah!
No less cringing and pointless as wee Tom!
No airmiles were wasted in the making of Heaps Dreamweaving around the Grand Canyon?
Were they?….worraprik!
BBc carry on with the age divide agenda with the news that average wages are back to levels from was it 6 years go blah blah. I’ve done statistics so I know you can use statistics to mean anything you want. Pensioners are 1.7% better off. So when they freeze to death in the winter it’s because they’ve blown their wad on caviar. 1.7 percent of not a lot is not a lot (I did advanced maths as well). Complete with pensioner who tells us she’s comfortably off but then as an ex-nurse would she not be getting an occupational pension? Meanwhile the figures have plummeted in the 22-30 year old age group. Blah blah blah.
The ‘Old making gains/Young losing out’ ‘unfairness’ angle was only a minor sideshow earlier, but now it is the main attraction.
The UK has recently imported vast numbers of young foreigners. The Beeb never tire of telling us how wonderful it is these folks work for wages that Brits would not accept. Now it feels like they are talking out of both sides of their mouths; promoting immigration on the basis of low costs while campaigning for state intervention to re-distribute from the (mostly indigenous) old to the (significantly foreign) Labour-inclined young.
Dave666, I notice that they didn’t ask anybody whose pension was ruined by Brown or those who lost the lot at the hands of ex-Labour MP Robert Maxwell.
Nolan is about to have the license fee as part of his debate on his show on bbc northern Ireland. So tune in now folks.
Tonight watched a BBC doco about owls.
Would happily pay a sensible sub for a channel running such work. Or reward a supportive commercial one with ad-tention.
All the rest on offer… not so much.
This is the real problem with the BBC. Now and then you catch a glimpse of what it once was – a phenomenal resource of education and information.
It still trades on that memory, though what it has become is so often an empty, ill-informed, vehicle for political activism.
How we get it back to what it was? Heaven knows. Most probably, we can’t, so it will have to go.
In the latest propaganda piece from the BBC, presented by Helen Czerski, I noticed a possible justification for the BBC to censor correlations, when at the end of the program an ignorant female idiot suggested that the past is no longer a guide to predicting Climate Change. The BBC also censored the pause, preferring to dwell on past BBC Global Warming documentaries set in the twentieth century. Also I noticed that the BBC is still employing the Charlatan, Professor Peter Cox. The BBC has had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC. The BBC claims that it has access to 4,000 Climate Scientists but not one of these has been used as an Independent Scientific investigator into complaints about Professor Cox. Professor Cox has been known to confuse the southern ocean with the deep ocean in a complaint to the BBC by Mensa members about the censorship of the fact that Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels follow Atmospheric Temperature levels in Ice Core data after an 800 year lag due to deep ocean temperature lags of around 800 years, the mass of the Oceans been 270 times that of the Atmosphere. Also I note that Professor Cox believed in the disproved “Positive feedback mechanism”. Further investigations have found that Cox is a member of the Royal Society Climate Change Advisory Group which authored a disreputable document entitled “Climate Change Controversies“, which was withdrawn after protests by the Society Fellows. I have just found out that the Group virtually comprises all the other Charlatans that I have come across in the last few years. The above Professor Peter Cox, the man at the centre of the Climategate affair Professor Phil Jones, the only Atmospheric Physicist charlatan I have see on the BBC Professor Joanna Haigh, the man who produced the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory Professor Michael Lockwood, Sir John Houghton and Professor Sir Brian Hoskins. The documentary ended with straw man propaganda statements. The IPCC imposed “formidable consensus of opinion“ and the “overwhelming evidence that the Climate Changes“.
Richard, I take it you watched ‘Climate Change By Numbers’?
I’m waiting now for the BBC – in the finest traditions of its celebrated ‘impartiality’ and outstanding journalistic standards – to broadcast a rebuttal, comprising 3 skeptical climate scientists.
Do you think I’m wasting my time?
Wasn’t worth watching, but watched the last 15 minutes. I think its repeated tomorrow. But how do you complain about three ignorant mathematicians who know nothing about Climate Change beyond the IPCC headlines.
We need an updated “Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary on the latest developments in Astronomy on the calibration of carbon dioxide warming on Venus and the barycentre wobbling induced solar magnetic regulating of Climate Change.
But if you complain to the BBC, they will get the same people who produce the propaganda, to investigate themselves. So the best strategy is to make things awkward for the BBC by complaining about things you know are censored by the BBC. This would add to the growing problems for the Royal Societies left-wing ideologues for possible investigations by the fellows in the future, which could be set off by Whittingdale’s suggested recommendations for future investigations into the BBC.
Coming soon: Part 2 – The Victims.
The BBC has ‘learned’ that the Conservatives are considering a mild reform to the child benefit scheme, whereby it would be restricted to the first three children (see The Office for National Statistics suggests that there are 320,000 families with four or more children.
Now, if I was a BBC researcher I would be thinking: Hmm, are there any communities that traditionally have large numbers of children and might be disproportionately affected by this? Might it even be discriminatory in some way? Of course, by the same token of being a BBC researcher I would not be asking whether such communities are in themselves growing due to, I don’t know, maybe such factors as higher immigration and accumulative effects of increased family sizes?
So, keep an eye out for an important follow-up article from the BBC Real Soon Now. Complete with victims, hard luck stories and an assurance to voters from the Labour Party that are opposed to it.
What the BBC learns, and does not learn from, is always an enduring mystery
No excuses for those who set them, but defusing these timebombs that take an instant to set, can take years or simply be impossible.
Like Gordon Brown loading hundreds of thousands more beholden Labour voters into the public sector, with the prospect of redundancy nigh on impossible to effect, much less afford. Especially with a complementing outrage megaphone packed with equally embedded gravy trainers in the BBC. It is simply too big now to contemplate allowing to ‘fail’, which is the inevitable consequence of it being left to its own market-rate, can only go up as well as up devices.
This new reform is way overdue, but may be too little, way too late, and with a world of pain to weather presuming the political will exists to hold firm, especially with hordes of BBC staff packing out their content zones with discontent.
Imagine the generation of angry disenfranchised kids brought up in families who saw child benefits as a career move, only to find the golden goose has dried up. Are they going to shrug and get a job now? Or will the lure of the excuse industries’ many anger outlets be more seductive?
All covered in glorious context-free detail from Nihal to Naughtie.
I wonder what the BBC will have to say about Ed’s appalling hypocrisy?
Two more partisan, predictable and ultimately pointless ‘men are evil and women hold the power’ articles on the same day. These parasites create the very hostility they report in a biased fashion BY being so gynocentrically biased and refusing to challenge or scrutinise the logic (or lack thereof) of feminist prejudice towards men.
I’m getting a 404 not found on that link.
The “HIDEOUSLY WHITE ” BBC, gets shed loads of erm “Cultural
Diversity” warnings on 5Live this morning, from Nihal, about the disenfranchisement, no opportunities etc …
Yep … this from the guy who has a primetime 5 days a week show on the “HIDEOUSLY ASIAN, PRIMARILY ISLAM” network …
… You just could not make this sh-t up
I ve got a great idea, N Campbell loves filling his slot (sorry 😀 )
breakfast phone in show so much, with his Muslim buddies that,
Nihal should let him take over his show,(in the interests of diversity)
… as his new position on the “BBC working group to improve diversity at the corporation” … is obviously keeping him busy,
at the same time … kick out the “HIDEOUSLY ISLAMIC” Aquil Ahmed
from a position that only represents 4% of the population.
heard it, it was truly awful. I wish 5L got as worked up about their impartiality as their diversity.
After bleating and complaining, after he couldn t fully orchestrate
the “live debates” Camoron is now moaning again.
Just forget the traitorous liar, put in the “empty chair” highlight it for a couple of seconds for every question, and get on with it.
Just because he has an overload in favourable print media bias
and wouldn t be able to lie so openly, under scrutiny.
hmm … the “state” we re in eh?.
Cameron is making a big mistake here. The BBC are making his failure to debate a major news item and it is not going down very well for Cameron. I know he can’t be sure that the ‘invigilators’ will be fair and impartial , but surely he must be aware that Ed will be his usual awkward and unconvincing self.
.. surely he must be aware that Ed will be his usual awkward and unconvincing self.
Whenever Ed uses the ‘You’re just as bad as me, you plonker’ argument, it can be very effective. After all, Cameron deceitfully talked about pre-Labour levels of immigration (40k?) as ‘tens of thousands’, re-defined that to mean 100k, and then proceeded to miss it by a factor of three. He only beat Ed at PMQs by always having the last word. That privilege wouldn’t be available during a TV debate.
Well surprise, surprise,
Nick “I m so, so, sorry” Clegg, is on BBC news as we speak
Doing what his shameful excuse for a party, have been doing for the last five years, after every Tory expose or f-ck up … just like dummies, taking all the flak and offering up a punchbag to replace Camoron
… its done his shower a lot of good getting into bed with those inept liars the Selfservatives hasn t it
… Ah well, one born every minute
Some people never learn eh!
Welcome noggin.
Having been ruthlessly bigged up at the last election by the BBC as its only hope of denying the Tories a majority, the Lib Dems were immediately vilified by our elephant in the room media organisation for entering the coalition.
As I understand it big Gord also offered them a deal to keep him in No.10, on the basis of Labour policies or nothing. Just imagine how that would have gone down in the country, propping up the delusional idiot and his party that had just wrecked the economy!
You should be thanking them for saving Labour from having to try to clean up the mess they created. Everything said by Labour on the economy has proved wrong, but now they have the chance to pick up the reins again with the economy on the mend again.
Can I take it that after the next election if Ed needs the Lib Dems to get him over the line will you be returning to advise us of a Damascene conversion in your opinion of them?
“will you be returning to advise us of a Damascene conversion in your opinion of them? ”
How can immigration from the EEC be controlled under present European law ? Labour are hypocritical weasels as it was them who promoted huge immigration from the third world. If Cameron is to blame for the levels we see presently then it is because he did not get tough with the Europeans and insisted on imposing strict conditions for entry. But then Liberals and Labour would not have supported him.
Bottom line no matter what any of them say, as long as we stay in the EU we will have no control and that it. The public should be wise to this by now one hopes. Gordon Brown with the phrase he stole from National Front (British jobs for British workers). David Cameron with his no if’s no buts. It’s all as good as a lie they can bluster and tinker on the edges of welfare benefits at the end of the day it’s still an open door. Lets see if the conservatives give us a vote on EU membership if they do win the election or if we get another cartful of excuses like “we have to see if we can re-negotiate first”
There was an ‘interesting’ guest on the Today program who talked about where the broadcasters go from here, and the effects on the Tories if each option were followed.
Currently the position is that the joint broadcasters will stick together and show the debate with an empty chair. So that’s BBC, ITC, Channel 4, Sky TV rather than cancel them. But the whole thing relies on all of them holding a united front and doing so – and he said there is a weak link which has a history of making a decision it claims it will stick to, and then caving in, – The BBC!
A lot of what happens now depends on whether the BBCs management are actually capable of sticking to a decision once they’ve made it, but like a lot of public sector organisations their decisions change on a minute by minute basis regardless of the cost and uncertainty it causes.
The greatest damage to Cameron will be the empty chair debates so watch this space as to what an unreliable and flaky BBC finally decides to do.
The BBC is overtly worried about the Tories and the licence fee
… that being said the surrender monkey Al BBC is hardly the “strongest straw” in the medias “camels back” eh! 😀
Al Beeb in Taff land this am. interview a spokesman from the Cardiff Health Trust re., the long wait of patients in ambulances at A&E. Answers include ageing population and growing population of Cardiff.
I would have asked him
A. Doesn’t every population age?
B. Where are all these people arriving in Cardiff coming from? and
C. Won’t the growing population also age? – The mind boggles!
On the Media Show yesterday there was a long ‘interview’ with Lord Hall who, as the boss of the corporation, used the opportunity to tell us how marvelous the BBC was, how 97% of us had interactions with the BBC everyday, how the BBC was vital life force of culture of our country, how we all loved and respected it, how brilliant and impartial its news reporting was, how important it was to our democracy to have this service etc etc. He concluded by saying how vital it was that some form of the license fee, or other mandatory tax, was levied upon us for this gift from God.
Later there was discussion about this with a panel of three other guests. One lady , whose name I sadly missed, said that the speech/interview had made her sick and that the last thing she wanted was a massive corporation telling her what to think and she made a heartfelt plea for plurality of news provision rather then the BBC monopoly. Bravo! Needless to say the BBC presenter kept trying to shut her up, but she ploughed bravely on, pointing out that the very size and reach of the BBC was a massive problem in a democracy. Well said that woman. She spoke for many of us here.
To be hoped some clever tech whiz posts the link, as that would be a worthy watch.
Lord Hall Hall seems allowed out in person rarely (always wondered if the allusions to his absentee edicts from on high in W1A were mocking this), and other than inquiries he tries to avoid by pulling the old Lord card out, it’s invariably a totally staged fluff interview inside the bunker, where his utterances would make Mandy Rice Davies smile.
Especially the use of 97%, which research has clearly shown to be more credible than 103%, which the BBC has learned from scientists they should not try on as it just looks silly outside the tractor factory.
And 97% of the British public are not practising Muslims.
A Hall (anagram = Allah) should note the following: just because he loves the figure 97 (the supposed percentage who use the BBC, the bogus percentage of ‘scientists’ agreeing on CAGW, and of course that most wonderful year of the Blair revolution, ’97) others may feel less warm. It may be for all I know that 97% of the British people come across litter, broken glass, graffiti or dog muck each day … but that doesn’t mean that these are good things.
Proves a point not all bunnies are cute as shown in the above clip.
When you want a bunny boiler can you find one.Never mind a 12 bore should suffice.
Let’s talk dirty with Bunny. Apparently race play is quite popular in some quarters. The comments below the article are funny.
still censoring links of some Muslims in Britain to Islamic State-
whereas ‘Daily Mail’ has front-page-
“Conned by jihadi cold callers:
“Yard reveals pensioners are being fleeced out of savings by ISIS backers.
“Police believe fraudsters were taking money from the old to give to ISIS.
“Pensioners were allegedly phoned and tricked into handing out details.
“The caller would claim to be a police officer as part of the alleged scam.
“One victim reportedly lost around £150,000 to criminals, police say.
“Men, aged 37, 29 and 23, arrested in London after raids on seven properties.”
Read more:
-INBBC has cryptic report which censors out words ‘jihadist’ and ‘Islamic State’-
“Thre men arrested in terror fraud probe linked to Syria.”
“Indian government furious at BBC over broadcast of gang-rape documentary.
“Delhi outraged at screening of India’s Daughter film, which included interview with Mukesh Singh – rapist who fatally attacked student Jyoti Singh in 2012.”
“A society that gives such airtime to apologists for monsters like Jihadi John is sick”
“It all started when a previously little-known Muslim ‘human rights group’ called Cage seized the stage and gave vent to a stream of propaganda which was dutifully carried live by the BBC and Sky. The press conference lasted nearly an hour, and excerpts were later carried on news bulletins.
“Cage had brilliantly captured the airwaves. Asim Qureshi — its silver-tongued research director — was able to utter the preposterous statement that Emwazi was an ‘extremely kind’ and ‘beautiful, gentle young man’. Qureshi planted the idea, which he later developed in various interviews, that harassment by MI5 had in effect driven Emwazi into the arms of ISIS.”
Read more:
Something else the BBC doesn’t want us to know.
There are worrying signs that the Earth could be about to cool significantly.
Antarctic sea ice is far above average. Excess Antarctic sea ice this time of year reflects significant amounts of sunlight and this continues to cool the planet. A lot.
There has been no global warming for more than 18 years. What’s going on?
“…There has been no global warming for more than 18 years. What’s going on?”
Don’t worry: they’ve got that covered. Remember how they changed ‘Global Warming’ into ‘Climate Change’?
When the models prove consistently useless, as they have, it’s helpful to employ a vague catch-all instead. It works something like this:
1. Drought = Climate Change
2. Floods = Climate Change
3. Storms = Climate Change
4. Blizzards = Climate Change
5. Er…you get the idea.
Ain’t climate science great?
Well you wouldn’t know would you.You are after all just following orders.
Typical smear tactics:
“… just following orders” = “only obeying orders”.
This was the rejected Nürnberg Trials legal defence, so lightly ‘encrypted’ as to be practically ‘en clair’; are you saying Phil Ford is acting like a Nazi?
So you’ve mastered Saul Alinsky Lesson 1.1 – bravo!!
There is no secret about this. Check out NASA for further details. there’s plenty on the web too.
Remember 60 degrees below equals ice
20 degrees below equals ice
1 degree below equals ice
Key point is any environment where the temperature is below 0 wiill produce ice. Ice will change the albedo of the planet but this won’t stop global warming unless it becomes very extensive. The answer is,as always, in the physics not in the gutter press.
What global warming? No warming for 18 years.
the planet is still warming, the missing heat just hiding in Murderous Mo’s knife
Scientists can say what they want, have you seen niagara falls?
simple physics? I don’t think it’s simple at all ! Sea water of course doesn’t freeze at 0 it freezes somewhere around -2 but that depends on salinity and that changes as the water around it freezes. It’s a dynamic system where it is impossible to predict or know exactly what the freezing point is.
The sun does not shine much on Ice, and not at all during half the year, and the variation in ice coverage is negligible. So the calculations and observations show that the most obvious changes to albedo are caused by clouds.
Look at all the satellite photos taken of the Pacific from a geostationary satellite, taken per day, at midnight GMT, at a point where the Equator and the International date line meet. Pick out the cloudiest and the least cloudiest. And you have an idea why the Earth has the greatest degree of Albedo change for any planet in the Solar System, it’s the equivalent of turning the dark blue Pacific into the Icing up of the whole Pacific Ocean.
Even so, I think that the mass and thermal inertia of the Oceans means that the cooling trend really takes off from about 2018, and is only a Dickensian style mini-ice-age.