Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see there was more welcome news on the economy this morning with the suggestion that average income back to pre-crisis levels. On Today, I heard the BBC interview ponder what wages would be had we not had the economic crisis! Oh dear – as Ed’s ‘cost of living crisis” narrative goes off the rails the comrades are doing their best for the glorious leader!!!
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Al Jazeera-supporting INBBC, inc its Cairo Bureau, and its Arabic TV, won’t like this:-
“Egyptian Government Closes 27,000 MOSQUES in Move to Fight Islamic Terrorism.”
– See more at:
That’s a massive story. Good spot by George R.
This is why the BBC and the establishment won’t accept the glaringly obvious truth that Islam is the problem and that its values are incompatible with Western, civilised values.
If they did accept this truth, then the consequences would be profound and we would have to mobilise British society against Islam. For example we would have to do what the Egyptians are doing and start closing mosques.
And so we go on with the madness. Pretending that all is well. What elephant? I can’t see an elephant in the room.
“Egyptian President Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi knows that in order to strike down Islamic terrorism, you have to exterminate the nests: the mosques, the hotbeds of
Knowing that mosques are the hub of extreme Quranic teaching, el-Sisi and the Egyptian government hope to reduce the threat of Islam, including the recruiting of ISIS insurgents in Egypt, by shutting down 27,000 mosques.”
“Any imam who preaches about the Caliphate or any other political aspect of Islam will be barred from ever preaching in Egypt again.”
How is Mr. “nothing to do with Islam” Cameron going to play this?
… like the BBC, try to ignore it as long as is possible?
“any political aspect of Islam” hmm
what about the nauseating number of Islamic MPs?,
the infiltration into our local government?
What about creating camps in remote areas of the countryside.Then we can build railways and pack em tightly into cattle wagons without food and water.You know,the old ,sick,young children etc. I know it got bad press the last time it was done but hell you guys are soooo much more devout than the previous bunch.
You mean get in first, before they do it to us?
Like Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, you mean ?
Actually we’re talking about preventing the intolerance, bigotry, racism and violence of Islam.
Islam is an extreme religion that calls for the death of non believers, sanctions the beating of women, permits sex with children, encourages throwing gays to their death from the top of buildings and calls for jihad to force the entire world to submit to Islamic sharia law.
You may want to live in a society like that, but I don’t. if you do, flights to Tehran start from as little as £300.00.
Egypt (a Muslim country) is courageously taking firm action to tackle Islamic ideology and I applaud them.
Sisi is just one more muslim leader preparing his country so that his brand of islam will end up forcing the world to submit. His courage is only of benefit to his variant of islam. He may (?) be the enemy of muslim extremists. He certainly is not a friend to non-muslims.
‘What about creating camps in remote areas of the countryside.Then we can build railways and pack em tightly into cattle wagons without food and water.You know,the old ,sick,young children etc. I know it got bad press the last time it was done but hell you guys are soooo much more devout than the previous bunch. ‘
Is that what Egypt is doing? Must have missed that.
what ARE? you smoking dude
Godwin’s Law.
“Egypt’s El-Sisi CLOSING 27,000 Mosques In Effort To Fight Islamic Terror”
A reprise.
“Have you been radicalised, poor thing?
“He’s affectionately now known as Jihadi John. But how he could possibly have been ‘radicalised’ is apparently a total mystery to the BBC and the British establishment. As we continue to commit civilisational suicide, sometimes only satire will do.”
By Vincent Cooper.
Tonight at 8:00pm radio 4 will broadcast “The Report” which this week will be about “Anti-Semitism in the UK: Is It Growing?”
“Anti-Semitism in the UK: Simon Cox investigates the changing face of prejudice against Jewish people after recent lethal attacks in Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels. With the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for European Jews to move to Israel, we look at whether there is more dangerous anti-Semitism online and on the streets of the UK. ”
What I heard from the preview sounded just like the dangerous distraction and denial that one would expect from the BBC with a full 30 minutes of blaming whitey (BNP & EDL & NF) whilst never mentioning Islam and Muslims at all.
Trying to fix in peoples minds that Islam is not a threat to the Jews is not only a lie, but it is also dangerous misinformation.
Gee and to think that the importation of half the third world along with their Allah inspired hatred hasn’t got anything to do with it. Yet to the bBC islam can only be a relion of peace.
Remind me ,how many recently did we kill in Iraq and Afganistan . Prior to that how many did we kill in Iran. Prior to that how many Palistinians did we kill . Try get some facts together before you speak. You obviously know nothing of the involvement of the British killing spree in Arab lands
Most of the people who comment regularly here are very well informed. They understand that the values of Islam are not compatible with those of Western, civilised society.
Do you condemn the intolerance, racism and violence of Islam? If not why not?
What part of Islam attracts you most? This part?
Or throwing gays off roofs?
What’s this ‘we’ cunt features . I’m a brown skinned paki look a like. To female sex organs like you, I can only be a victim.
‘You obviously know nothing of the involvement of the British killing spree in Arab lands.’
Please do enlighten us.
Oh, and would those be the lands invaded and occupied by Muslim Arabs that you’re talking about?
Many on what you call the right were very opposed to Iraq and other interventions.
My favoured option is complete cut off from the Islamic world. No trade No tourism and minimal diplomatic relations. No flights no sea borne traffic.
That will hurt the West deeply but it will allow the Islamic world to develop as it wishes free from Western interference.
WE will then see a flowering of the Islamic world if I read the scholars of Islam right.
Peaceful co existence will be the watchword unless the Islamic world wishes otherwise. Then of course things will be different.
islamic societies have never succeeded. And they never will. That is because islam, the doctrine which directs their societies, is morally and intellectually bankrupt. Under your scheme, which I see as the best option for non-muslim countries, there is a good chance that islamic societies will self-destruct. If they don’t, we will not have wasted our resources, human and others, on taking part in their pointless sectarian terrorism. Equally, we could have prepared ourselves for the inevitable onslaught of islamic societies in their quest for world domination. A quest which muslims have conducted since the beginning of islam, a quest which is the only means they have of redressing, however temporarily, the failures of their societies.
It has baffled me why Jews and Muslims band together against the so called far right, as they will on Saturday in their ritualistic opposition to the EDL in Manchester, as in Newcastle last week against Pegida, as in joint support for UAF no platformism. Try this.
Jews/Synagogues are under attack. But not from real muslims who are peaceful, just as ISIS are not real muslims. See Cameron/Obama.
Muslims are under attack from far right baddies who are responsible for a backlash against peaceful muslims who are not responsible for atrocities like Paris/Isis and others which are not committed by real muslims – see Obama/Cameron etc.
So Jews and Muslims are both victims of oppression and consequently band together against their common enemy.
As they sing on UAF demonstrations: ‘Straight, gay, muslim, Jew, we are many more than you’.
Yeah, the logic sucks, don’t tell me.
Jews and Muslims have a common interest when an “anti-anti-Semitism” demo is unconnected with the Pally problem.
Manchester on the whole has good Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Muslim relations, but when the Pally problem rears its ugly head, the Jewish-Muslim truce is broken.
So whose trying to fix anything in people’s minds? Last time I remember this kicked off big time was in Germany in the 30’s.
Where were the Muslims then pray? You need a break my friend. I prescribe four months off from reading the gutter press.
where were the muslims? is that a trick question?
Funny, as soon as Mr Omnibus is presented with some inconvenient facts he disappears.
Scotch mist perhaps ?
Ah ! Amin Al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerulsem, hater of Jews, helped form the 3 Waffen SS divisions formed of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims the 13th, 21st and 23 rd Mountain SS divisions. Rubbish troops but good for killing and raping any Serbs and Jews they could get their hands on ( ever wondered why the Serbs hated them in the last fight down there ? Maybe we were on the wrong side again ). After the war he scarpered off to Egypt and escaped any judgement in Nuremberg. Here he is having a chinwag with that laid back old sweetie Heinrich Himmler.
Post war one of his followers was one Yasser Arafat who had his troops adopt the Nazi salute, of course old manwhoneverwouldneverbeseenonaBirminghambusatnight would know all of this, he’s just being an old tease with us thick right wing morons, aren’t you pal ?
The old sod was an evil bugger, responsible for the death of at least 19000 Jews in the Balkans in the war, killed any Muslims who tried to work with Jews and develop post war Palestine together, if anyone could be said to be the one person responsible for the whole mess between Jews and Palestinians then it him. The Nazi salute was carried on from Arafat to Hamas and Hizbollah,

But of course old Never Seen On A Bus Knows This ?
A read of this book might open a few eyes although some from the bbc, c4, and the Muslim brotherhood might prefer them kept closed
He visited a couple of concentration camps including Auschwitz, was given a briefing on the on going murder of the Jews in the room set aside BEFORE the Wansee conference. His desire to live in a Jew free Palestine had a direct input into the “final solution” for Europe, Hitler paid him the modern equivalent of £12m and helped him in every way possible to archive dominance in the Arab mind, as being a religious leader he could transcend national boundaries. His ideas lead to the founding of the post war socialist Arab States in Iraq, Syria and Egypt. Those with bus passes for various parts of London would know all this of course, saying we would like to establish concentration camps for the followers of this man is just his little joke, they would be far more likely to do it to us as their spiritual leader saw at first hand.,_Bosnische_SS-Freiwillige_beim_Gebet.jpg
Quite a few hundred here … all praying to Allah
Members of the division at prayer during their training at Neuhammer in November 1943.
Palestinian chidren are brainwashed from infancy with “Jews are pigs” and “Christians are dogs” propaganda in their Hamas-sanctioned textbooks.
Hamas are the current Nazis.
Where were the muslims in the thirties? Around 70,000 of them from North Africa fought on the side of Franco in a very confusing war, involving anarchists, Stalinists, and various kinds of nationalist and fascists. But it does appear that the muslims were very brutal in Madrid. Meanwhile Hitler was cosy with the Grand Mufti. I do suggest that those wise historians in the SWP and UAF ease up on their no platformism and allow open discussion on history and its relevance to contemporary politics.
Would those Hamas-sanctioned textbooks be the ones that are partly financed by the European Union? The ones that also describe Andalusia (Spain) as a long-long daughter that has to be returned to Islamic rule? (Clue: the answer is ‘yes’).
Godwin’s Law.
Where were the Muslims in Germany in the 1930s? Well there was in charge of the whole lot of them called Der Fuhrer for a start! And if you knew anything what so ever about history you would know that the Muslims fought Jihad in Spain for Franco, and in Germany they joined the SS in their hundred of thousands.
Why do you think they Bosnian civil war happened? Oh sorry the BBC never told you that it was because during WWII murdering hordes of Muslims in SS uniforms slaughtered the Christians and post war Communism just kept a lid on the pressure cooker!
What about Haj Amin Al Husseini? met Hitler and might have converted him, inspected and approved of the death camps including Auschwitz and reported the plans to the whole Muslim world.
Who recruited thousands of Palestinian Jihadis to the Nazi SS and fought against British rule in Palestine. trained Yasser Arrafat and still today they fly the Swastika, make the socialist salute to their leaders and where Mein Kampf is translated into Arabic & distributed free of charge to anyone who wants to read it.
So there you have some of it not all by a very long chalk.
Apprantly to the bBC the biggest story of the day is the Cameron one. Yes let’s call the PM a coward instead of reporting the real news. I mean what is The parliament channel all about, what is the parliament show on bBC 2 all about instead a good 16 minutes from 12 to 1215 was spent on this non news worthy story. The bBC then went to a story about how police are raiding the home of an ex Tory MP , it’s as if politics is all the bBC wants to talk about.
There is a HYS on the great debate. I was honoured to have been moderated out for suggesting that the BBC Party is represented to defend its political policies.
The broadcasters are cowards. They know Cameron is an utterly deceitful wide-boy on manoeuvres and they know the honourable thing they should do at this point is to ’empty-chair’ him. But they are running scared; afraid that to treat a sitting Prime Minister like that would ‘have huge implications’. Sorry; but his time is up; he is up for election again as an equal. They should have the guts to get on with it.
“…wide-boy on manoeuvres.”
I lol’d. Sums Call Me Dave up quite nicely.
‘Apparently to the bBC the biggest story of the day is the Cameron one.’
They managed to cover it twice in the hour I was listening to Today, including the prime 8.10 slot, and including an ‘interview’ (aka party political broadcast) with that doyen of judgement and good taste Alastair Campbell because ‘no front bench Labour spokesman was available’ (and if you believe that…..).
Then again on Jeremy Vine, and on a never ending loop on the news…..
Anyone would think an election was imminent.
‘that doyen of judgement and good taste Alastair Campbell ‘
Doubtless this was raised…?:
If not one might almost suspect their invitation and intention was less light than heat.
‘“pathetic”, “weaselling”, “morally cowardly and democratically wrong”
But enough about the TV licence and Editorial Guidelines, especially in the run up to a GE the BBC needs its candidate to win.
Anybody watching the almost in tears bBC interview of the woman who interviewed the Indian rapist . Apprantly it’s all about free speech , I wonder if the bBC would say the same when it comes to speaking about Islam . Funny enough the they did air a story about how equal Pakistan is by allowing when to form an elite counter terrorist unit. Cue picture of woman in hijab struggling to cock a 14.5 mm Russian madeAA gun.
Always appreciate a nice turn of phrase:
‘demonstrating the curious ability of environmental NGOs to get their press releases reported by the BBC’
Ah, because what they offer is clearly ‘news’ (c) A Newsroom Tealady. Versus ‘not news’, which editorial integrity exists to reject if not felt worthy of bringing to the attention of the public.
I have learned.
Digital Spy @digitalspy
You can expect a whole lot of nudity in BBC One’s new Poldark series, says Aidan Turner
Way-hey! If that doesn’t get the girls in the cubicle gardens aflutter, what will? Maybe a few of the women, too.
Seems the PR USP is locked down. Clearly Atlantis & The Musketeers hadn’t sussed what sells.
“So tell me Aidan, what was it first attracted the director to your… er… role?”
Would the people behind the latest iteration of poldark be the same people who feel that page 3 girls getting their tits out is sexist?
Part of the climate-change scandals are the endless vitriolic attacks by the Warmists on anyone who disputes the already-exploded theory of Global Warming. In the US as well as here – you can’t get on in much of “scientific” academia unless you subscribe to the cult.
Any wavering – and they are hounding you with McCarthyite questions “Are you or have you ever been a Climate Sceptic?”.
The latest on this is that a nutty Democrat Congressman has been trying to find out who funds a set of 7 prominent sceptics – demanding information from their universities. Someone has suggested their fightback could be the plot of a movie – maybe a BBC blockbuster even ? :
“Maybe they should make a movie about your merry little band. How about Magnificent Seven II? I can see it now: Using nothing but their wits, a band of 7 supergeeks–for–hire—and thanks to Rep. Grijalva, we’ll soon know by whom—protect the global village from the ravages of the United Nations. Imagine black helicopters shooting Hellfire hockey sticks! The drama of Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice decisions! Scintillating dialogue (“The Parties agree to the operationalization of the modalities within a common but differentiated framework.” “Oh yeah? Well we don’t need no stinkin’ modalities!” Followed by the furious rat-a-tat-tat of a keyboard. Compelling, no?) And to spice things up, sex scenes written by the master himself, Rajenda Pachauri, the IPCC chairman who has just been forced to resign ! The possibilities are endless.”
“Broadcast of BBC documentary an ‘insult of womanhood’:
Ravi Shankar Prasad ”
Read more at:
“‘Britain Is the Enemy of Islam’-
One Month of Islam in Britain: January 2015”
by Soeren Kern.
After Mo Ansar, the Ramadan Fnd, Mpac, then Moazzam Begg and CAGE all turning “bad news” for the BBC.
… their latest “reverse midas touch” acquisition as Muslim mouthpiece is the MDI Muslim Debate Init very own Abdullah al Andalusi seen below, but today on he turned up blaming us for wannabe Islamic mass murderers in Syria, on 5Live news , a erm
Islamic Affairs Specialist apparently, below defending Islamic blasphemy/sharia, re cartoons
And in other market rate news…
Danny in charge, eh? Playing to their strengths there. Here’s hoping he stays on twitter and mutters darkly at lots more people who pay his ridiculous salary.
‘The current way – the BBC doing pretty much what it wants in the media landscape, constrained only by income and fear of Fleet Street, and Ofcom regulating what’s left – has to change.
That income being now ensured as is, or set only to rise, like a Beeboid’s pension, it’s hard to see performance or attitudes changing much.
Can’t see much fear of Fleet Street, as NotW discovered and The MIrror will be doubtless reminded when the time to repay debts comes. As it will.
All in all, about as unique as it gets.
Nothing on the BBC Entertainment section about Madonna’s proposed meeting with France’s Marine le Pen. Love Music, Hate Racism are in a tizz about it and the UAF are citing their no platform policy. Madonna, they say, should not give a platform for Le Pen – even though it is two women having a meeting. But this is how the left, so well supported by our media, operate.
“no platform” eh!
first you vilify
then you deny
then you control
… Hitler could be proud, Islam taught him so well
freedom of speech – freedom of expression?
#je suis Charlie eh! … #je suis Ch—- hello?
HELLO! …anyone?
Can you imagine a head of a company who’s been in the post for nearly 2 years, and vowed to trim the management when he was first appointed, still not knowing what his managers do?
And for this he gets paid £600k+
But that’s the BBC for you. It shows they’ll say anything they believe the public wants to hear at any given time with no intention to actually perform to it.
BBC chief questions purpose of corporation’s senior managers
Silly chap,he ought to know that the purpose of senior management is to soak up all the free money which is flooding the corridors of beeboid Central. As we all know the place is awash with dosh, it cannot all be spent on pointless propaganda, nobody watches the crap. No, the purpose of senior management like the purpose of a Saxon kings housecarls is to take a hit for the boss and die if necessary.
The fat salary is to pay for their retirement in Rock or Blakeney ( look them up ).
He’ll probably hire a consultant to advise him that what he needs to do is to hire another senior manager to be able to tell what each of the other senior managers do.
Eventually they’ll find they already had 5 managers in place in the same role. They just didn’t have another senior manager who was able to tell anybody.
It shows how cynical I’ve become that immediately on seeing the headline in this article I smelled a rat.
Head of BBC Trust calls for it to be axed: Chairman believes corporation should be overseen by tough external regulator
Besides the fact that the Culture, Media and Sport Committee were recommending that the BBC Trust, that was seen not to be effective in regulating the BBC, was to be replaced by a board of directors, which was the previous system in place before it was found not to be effective and replaced by the BBC Trust, there was something additional to feel suspect.
Suddenly the head of BBC Trust is criticising the BBC and saying that it needs tougher regulation, in line with what MPs have been jerking off the public with.
Then near the end of the article all becomes clear about what’s going on here:

Mrs Fairhead made her speech at a media conference in Oxford, where many were surprised at her apparent willingness to get rid of the body she runs.
However, others were wary about her links to HSBC.
Mrs Fairhead, 53, has spent more than a decade as a director of the embattled bank, which is facing allegations that it helped wealthy clients evade tax.
Last year, she was paid more than £500,000 for 50 days’ work there. She and the rest of the bank’s directors say they had no knowledge of any alleged wrongdoing.
The former Pearson executive, who is also on the board of PepsiCo, will be grilled about her role at HSBC by the Public Accounts Committee on Monday.
Yup – that would account for it.
Private Eye have been Ms Fairhead’s case like a rash for quite a while now. Lots of questions about her former role at HSBC.
Guido offers this link. Something for Harrabin on climate change and something for the BBC to use when defending ISIS. I love theories which resolve more than one question. So that innocent peaceful beheader was produced by climate change and we who are burning up fossil fuel are ultimately to blame for the killings.
Thanks for posting. Unbelievable tripe !!
I’m sure this must have been posted somewhere already by now, but I can’t find it. It is in the Guardian and Mail, and on the twittersphere.
I’ve just spotted it on the Netanyahu thread. Never mind, it bears repeating I think. The Holocaust Card comment says a lot about this senior beeboid.
Bowen’s been caught out. Will it change him? No.
Bbc r5 like a bad smell keeps coming back to the ‘issues’ in football, and tonight’s ‘issue’ is sexism, yep, those Chelsea fans are very naughty men, giving women naughty words in stadiums, laughing at women linesMEN and referees ( ought by now the FA have follow the example of Network Rail and renamed Signalmen as Signaller, I mean what the fuck has 170 years of tradition got to do with any working man, sorry working persons job ? ) , lots of comfy chats with wimmin, who feel hard done by in a male bastion, lots of facts about how poorly represented wimmin are in the FA………I truly wonder if any real women, are bothered by male behaviour at football matches, I mean do any real women really want men to behave like David Walliams so that his estranged wife walks out of their marriage because they could not put up with their man’s cross dressing rather then be a real man. If women want a caveman in bed then I’m afraid they have to put up with caveman behaviour in the stands. Sorry girls, you cannot split male behaviour into little compartments, you have to take the rough with the smooth and real women unlike the r5 Salford kind like it that way.
I know I won’t be alone in this but I am seriously concerned and beyond rage about how the British media and populace are completely ignoring the mass gang rape of white girls by Muslam peado gangs. When I post concerns on facebook I’m being ignored and called a racist. I’m finding that papers are reporting these shocking cases on on pages 4, 5 and 6 etc instead of where it should be front page.
We now have people like Russell Brand and millions of other upper-class misguided pricks blaming this country for Isis… what is happening? For merely wanting to protect one’s cultural identity you get called a racist these days. But deep down I know that patriots such as us will be vindicated in the history books. We can still see through the vile brainwashing that’s turned many of our fellow countrymen and women into sheep.
… deep down I know that patriots such as us will be vindicated in the history books.
Maybe in a hundred and fifty years, all the history books will be written by someone with ‘Mohammed’ as one of their names, and their writings will not be kind to us at all? Far-fetched?
I sympathize. It is for this reason that I feel we must be prepared to leave. Much as Israel is calling all Jews home we must be prepared to start anew in another land.
There will a a window of opportunity when this is possible and we must be prepared. Miss that window and the darkness of the savage future will catch us .
I am too old to start again, but I urge my children to leave, even though it is the end of our family and its history here. Like Alex I see no anger over the mass rapes of our children, and see attempts to justify the sins of Isis, and constant attacks on what should be seen as universal values. There is not going to be a fight. Just some bitter remarks from old men who do not belong
Where do people propose to go ? This is not the 17C, there are no empty parts of the globe any longer, the planet is overcrowded. If you want to settle somewhere you will have to remove the sitting tenants, good luck with that.
The alternative is for you to show the British people how to grow some balls and fight for the land that is yours by right and not surrender it to some dirty heathens. I know which path I will take. The thief’s will have no stomach for what is not theirs, they will not fight for long. Rather an honest death rather than running away with our tails between our legs, are we not British ? Then show them. You are old enough to see what happened with the Irish.
Quite right, Alex. Our politicians are all thick, self-serving, spineless weasels. And people, younger ones especially, into gormless fecking sheeple.
Of course the BBC can manage a full report on this pro Palestinian, anti Israel, indeed anti Semitic Jew (if such a thing is possible).
Manchester has it’s very own ( Sir) Gerald Kaufmann .
Not an article for Beeboids’ CoJo politbureau-
“How The Western Intelligentsia Denies Islam’s History of War and Crime”
By Robert Spencer.
Wasn`t there some story about a Pakistani student trying to blow up the Manchester Arndale Centre in March 2009?
But only getting convicted by the Americans?
I`m SURE that I heard a Beeboid tell me that this happened earlier in the day….bloody serious to me, says an awful lot about how our two jurisdictions are “differently abled” to protect their people.
Turned on the 10pm news on the BBC-but no mention!
Instead plenty about sexism in football..and some slurry aimed at the banks as usual. as well as some fanciful crap about Miliband scaring the Tories.
Ta BBC-a massive story down the truth hole, and a load of self abuse and self aggrandisement from the BBC-oh, and no inclination to mention Islam…as per.
Get stuffed BBC!…when I require a story, I get your lefty shit 24/7
Thousands of White British girls get raped, silence from the Labour Party and the BBC. One professional White footballer gets convicted of raping one girl on dodgy evidence and the BBC goes into hyper drive. Something is very wrong with society, something very wrong at the BBC.
Yes, the BBC does seem to lack a sense of proportion and have strange priorities.
On Woman’s Hour, Jane Garvey led off with sexism in football, which was taken up later in the 6 pm news and elsewhere. Speaking in almost Primary School teacher tones, she said football had dealt with racism “which is wrong” and homophobia “which is wrong” but sexism remained to be driven out. But any problems with sexism in football are as nothing compared to the abuse of girls in Rotherham, Oxford, etc, which they should be raising every day until something is done.
Later we had Hazel Blears talking with Garvey about the lack of women in GCHQ (presumably at senior levels) and intelligence in general. Again, hardly a priority even if true, which it isn’t, as there have been many female graduates from red brick universities for at least two decades in MI6, GCHQ, etc.
Woman’s Hour at its worst is just a small group of middle class, professional, Leftist women talking to themselves about themselves with little idea about the outside world. Their lack of global perspective and sense of proportion is frightening.
BBC Brillo in Need. We need Brillo clones, to stamp out bias, and cut to the facts, This Week, 5/3/15.
CAGE idiot exposed by the Brillo as Islamist infiltrator, (or should that be infil-traitor). And Portillo summed it up succinctly ‘ …..I’ve no idea why the BBC have given you so much airtime this week….’
If you don’t understand the danger of these barbarian sharia sympathists, watch this interview on This Week. Taqiyya exposed. Tongue tied. Wake up people!
Vote UKIP 🙂
I saw that. Brilliant. Even Alan Johnson got stuck in.
Straight after, some Kirsty Wark wannabe telling some funny little Nigerian man off for being beastly to boko haram. (just seen, it was Sarah Montague)
Yet, Portaloo sits through the whole interview gurning vacantly. You don’t need a Brillo to expose a Muslim shit talking shit. Flippancy with UKIP, more respect for the beheaders’ orifice
I thought we had had seen that last of CAGE on the BBC, but for some reason the bearded one turns up on This Week!!
This piece of Muslim shit, essentially a nobody, must have some serious leverage over the BBC, if they are giving him hours of air time to spout his pernicious messages. Goodness knows what effect his use of the phrase “beautiful man” has had on the Beeboids. But I suppose it’s the well-worn “you can’t defeat terrorisn, if you don’t understand terrorists” shtick. The crucial idea is “know your enemy” not “understand your enemy”. Correctly analyzing the strategies, tactics and logistics of an enemy may lead to its defeat. Wondering what you could have done to make your enemy hate you less is futile. Especially, if your enemy is irrational or guided by religious zealotry.
I’m sure this will meet with the full approval of the BBC & the Fabianistas:
‘Nothing more than a manual for the take-over of the country whilst espousing certain lefty buzzwords & employing Taqqiya.’
‘This document should chill every sane person in the country. Absolutely fucking horrifying.’
Such is the pace of muslim subversion the events of DC Alden’s The Horse at the Gates appear to have been brought forward.
The BBC would never have made this headline when Liebour were in office. A dig at the Tories:
Immigration was up several million under Liebour but the BBC were too busy partaking in the multicultural gaiety!
BBC Breakfast sofa story tellers Janet & John read us a few selected pages out of the big book of immigration story this morning.
Sombre tones and faces like smacked arses – just like they were taught – no place for empathy-face sarc tone or quizzical truth-to-power glances here – couldn’t wait to move on to tell us about something more palatable….
….Harrison Ford has pranged his kite….
“…. Han Solo or Indiana Jones would have been pround – we can say that now because we hear he’s alright”
God forbid the BBC says something out of turn – eh?
The BBC on Facebook are currently running a story under this headline:
“Why do some Indians want to ban the BBC?”
Well, that ‘some Indians’ headline would be a good start, but the comments from a few do offer other suggestions:
“Sanjay Kumar Rai – Indians want ban because bbc ignored the Rotherham sex grooming by muslims, specifically pakistanies. Uk have more rape cases per capita considering the population and it’s density. But still bbc travelled across to India for this documentary rather than making one in Rotherham prison, a more suitable place. And, That too they decided to telecast now, 2 years after making it! When the very good statistics r coming about economy, tourism, investment etc. Foul smell is coming out of whole tantrums”
Sometime under Labour we got UK rape laws where, as far as they can write it, a man is a rapist if the woman says so. This nonsense seems to have slipped under the radar until the Ched Evans case, when there was a lot of muttering around the edges. But people were still intimidated into not openly rubbishing the whole concept. It is only this week that I have seen a clamour on a comments section (Torygraph?) having a real go.
It looks like the BBC know that common sense is threatening to derail their ‘project’ and have used the Indian case to fight back. It’s outrageous of course; you should be able to think the Indian case was the worst kind of brutality while believing a drunk man is not guilty of rape for having consensual sex with one of today’s fantastically capable females. But the Beeb will smear you if it can.
To borrow from Bob Monkhouse… People laughed when Andrea Dworkin said ‘All men are rapists’ – they’re not laughing now!
BBC 4 : ‘Global Warming….’ sorry, ‘Climate Change by Numbers’
Just about managed to stomach a third of this show – I’m not keen on having the wool pulled over my eyes. It’s like watching an hour of Derran Brown (magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship) but all of it without any bloody pay off, other than windmills!
As soon as the BBC defaults to “The UN” as the ultimate arbiter of truthiness, well I tend to smell a rat.
Interesting however that the show acknowledged people just don’t seem to accept all those little tricks the climate scientists do with their numbers.
The story seems to have taken on a strong element of council for the defence.
Could be that they feel the tide is turning?
John Donnison, whilst interviewing someone from the search team looking for the Malaysian aircraft asked if the people searching were bearing in mind the feelings of the relatives of the missing passengers and crew. Does that question really need to be asked?
“The Islamic State (aka ISIS and ISIL) has beheaded journalists and social workers, burned a pilot alive, and forced hundreds of captive women into sex slavery – all while citing Islamic texts to justify their actions and appeal for new recruits.
A Muslim in the latest Islamic State beheading video cited two Qur’an verses (8:12 and 47:4) to refute “those who say [beheading] is cruel.” In New York Wednesday, a Muslim was found guilty of plotting to bomb the New York subway system.
The previous day in London, a woman from Nigeria pleaded for asylum, as she faces certain death if she returns to her homeland: an Islamic court has sentenced her to die for being a lesbian.”
R Spencer.
3 girls join the rush to mass murder in Syria,(at least 2000 maybe double that by now).
Mohamhead Emwazi is happy to initiate and front Islamic mass murder, for the Islamic state.
and an estimated 1000 000 non Muslim girls have been gang raped by Islamic paedophiles here in the UK over years perfectly acceptable as, mandated in Islamic texts.
BBC will still deny this Islamic gang rape, and even admit that Islamic State is Islamic …
with that in mind
The islamofauxbia scam returns again
Situation normal on the sofa this morning. Sloth tells us about a space mission to the “dwarf” planet Jupiter. In reality of course Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Then the same story as yesterday about how beastly men are to women footballers. I’m sure non of this is actually about sexism but more about the agenda to promote women’s football as it’ll be cheaper to fill in the airtime than some other sports. Until of course the pay gap is closed. as I dislike football & never watch “mens” football I’m still not going to be watching football full stop.
I’m sure non of this is actually about sexism but more about the agenda to promote women’s football…
That exactly what I was thinking, but I do like to watch some of the better football matches, and the Open golf, and the Six Nations Rugby, and … Actually, while dropping those saves them money, there could be a subplot that the majority of women still don’t watch sport and the Beeb may feel shame at the lack of ‘fairness’ in purchasing sporting rights for a mostly male audience.