The Buddhist prison population has soared by over 44% in 10 years. the question is ‘Why the surge in Buddhist prisoner.’ Nearly 1% of the UK’s Buddhist population is in prison.
The BBC investigates this pressing and puzzling issue.
Are they terrorists? No, don’t be stupid…that’s a media myth.
Are they really criminals? No not really…they are victims of poverty and discrimination…. disparities in how they are treated are often part of a complex mix of educational, employment, health and social inequalities that have characterised many of their lives. Most of the prisoners said that they experienced differential treatment as a result of their race, ethnicity or faith.
Could it be that negative stereotypes and institutional discrimination, or “Buddhaphobia”, as it’s referred to, is fuelling the increase in Buddhist prisoner numbers?
Apparently the Government’s complacency on this issue is breathtaking.
Still, the Buddhists aren’t alone…Muslim prisoner numbers are also ‘surging’..up 84%…oh..and Jewish from 181 to 319…a 76% increase.
But wait…1% of Buddhists are in prison…and 0.4% of Muslims relative to their UK population. Buddhists are either very bad or very discriminated against…but the BBC isn’t interested in that statistic for some reason.
The BBC naturally wants you to be concerned only with the Muslim prisoners…there must be some conspiracy behind the increase…alienation, neglect, disenfranchisement, poverty….but be aware, it’s nothing to do with terror...despite police making terror related arrests practically every day…only 1% of prisoners have ‘terror’ related convictions the BBC insists.
It’s a crime mystery.
Why has there been a surge in the number of Muslim prisoners?
Is it really a mystery that the Muslim prison population has nearly doubled in ten years when…
Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years
No conspiracy, not Muslims being disenfranchised and ignored, vicitms of stereotyping and institutionalised Islamophobia…just an increase in population that correlates almost exactly with the increase in prisoner population.
One other explanation is that non-Muslim prisoners are being forced to convert to Islam for their one study 52% of Muslim prisoners questioned were those who converted whilst in prison.
This is just yet another example of the BBC pandering to Muslim activists who seek to portray Muslims as victims…in this case I suspect the ‘activist’ who has encouraged the BBC to cover this story (not much encouragement needed) is Labour Muslim MP Sadiq Khan whom the BBC tells us says…
One of Britain’s few Muslim MPs, Sadiq Khan, is determined to get to the bottom of it – asking more parliamentary questions about Muslim prisoners than any other member.
Yet more Muslim ‘Lawfare’.
Khan of course is the MP who wants Islam to dominate Parliament….
They are being unfairly discriminated against for their culture. (ie. Fraud & Corruption)
Brings to mind the Fletcher /godber conversation in the 1st episode of Porridge from 1973- which may have some relevance in the debate!!
Fletcher: What religion are you?
Godber: C of E, I suppose.
Fletcher: That’s no good! Everybody’s C of E! You don’t get perks with that! If you say you’re a Sikh, you can grow your hair.
Or if you’re a Muslim, you’re allowed special food.
Godber: I don’t like Chinese food.
Fletcher: It’s not Chinese – Muslims aren’t Chinese!
Godber: What’s Muslim food then?
Fletcher: Well, it’s a damn sight better than the rubbish you get in here, innit?! Otherwise Muslims wouldn’t eat it, would they? Or you could say you was Jewish. Jews get special food too.
Yeah, say you’re Jewish. Oh, no, you can’t.
The doctor will examine you and spot the evidence.
Godber: Evidence?
Fletcher: Yeah Mind you, with Jews the evidence is only CIRCUMSTANTIAL, innit?
Thanks for reminding me that once, a long long time ago in a different era, the BBC produced real comedy gold.
All we get now is a bunch of retarded morons in an audience that titter when some equally retarded moron utters “Fatcher” or “Daily Mail” or “F*ck”
You’ve missed the malapropism. Fletcher’s exact word was ‘Muslin’, a nice little play on words by the scriptwriters from a freer time.
In the future we shall have a mooslim Prime Minister says Mr Khan. And I thought we already had one.
Despite this appalling increase in apparent Buddhist criminality (!), I’m not going to suffer too many sleepless nights. When was the last time a Buddhist in Western Europe tried to blow someone up or butcher them in the streetwith a knife? Has anyone been killed for drawing a picture of Buddha? Some religions are definitely more dangerous than others….
Buddhists on the rampage
Not again.
Lies, damned lies and statistics. I want absolute numbers not percentages.
One year it was reported that the unemployment rate in Switzerland had gone up by 50%.
It turned out that the number out of work had gone up from 200 to 300.
Whenever the term ‘alienated’ is used I am reminded of Enoch Powell’s comment in response to the discredited Scarman report following the Brixton riots. The report said something to the effect that blacks were alienated because of poverty, deprivation, discrimination etc. To which the great man remarked: No, they are alienated because they are alien.
Instead of trying to find fault with the British maybe the bBC should look across the water and see just how large the Islamic prison population is in Europe:
Muslim population in French prisons sparks integration debate
The question surrounding Muslims’ integration in France has returned to the forefront of public discussion this week, following a report that 60 percent of inmates in the country come from “Muslim religion or culture.”
45% of Belgian Prison Inmates Are Muslim
5000 inmates in Belgian prisons are Muslim. That represents 45% of the prison population.
2% of Italy is Muslim, 35% of Italian Prisoners are Muslim
At least 35% of Italian prison inmates come from Muslim-majority countries, and one in four prisons has a prayer area set aside for them, a government report obtained by ANSAmed showed Monday.
It appears that Muslims have a penchant for criminality and it has nothing to do racism, poverty or having a poorer education. I mean wasn’t there a Muslim lord who was sent to prison for killing somebody on the M1 for texting as he drove, he then after serving days (yes days) went on a rant about how the jews were behind him getting nicked.
And it appears the bBC are happy to promote this as the reason why so many Muslims are banged up at her majesties pleasure:
Muslim groups accuse government of criminalising Islam
The open letter accuses the government of trying to deflect attention from crises in the economy and health service, while trying to silence criticism of foreign policy.
Again, a comparison with the Chinese population in the UK seems appropriate.
Many of them, particularly the older generation, keep themselves to themselves, and they don’t always learn English. In this respect they are alien, perhaps more so than most other non Europeans. However, IMO they are not “alienated” in the sense that their semi-separate existence is not something imposed upon them, and I don’t recall any claim that it is.
They do their own thing, which usually involves work, and they don’t whinge. Very few people seem to object to their presence here. One of the few examples of multiculturalism actually working in practice, although the younger generation seems to be integrating very well.
This comparison is kryptonite to the BBC.
Where does our other problem really lie?
Fantastic piece JoShaw – would love to see that put to one or all of the BBC libtards
In our dreams Mr Larocka, in our dreams.
And well said, JoShaw.
and just a simple point – when I walk past people of Chinese appearance there is often a smile. When I walk past the local mosque there is nothing but scowls.
Whose damn country is this ?
“Whose damn country is this ?”
But that’s your first mistake. Don’t you realise that national boundaries should no longer exist and we should be prepared to share everything we’ve built to those who want a piece of it?
I haven’t figured out what we get in return. I’m sure it will be explained in due course. I notice, for instance, that I have no problem tracking down the latest edition of Big Issue in my high street. Previously unobtainable sprigs of heather are also freely available.
The future looks rosy.
And they don’t wear flowing robes ,pointy wide hats and Ming type moustaches . They wear western clothes .
Are they in prison for non payment of the BBC TV Tax (sorry – licence)?
Gosh, we wonder, what on earth could be driving up the Muslim prison population?
Can’t be linked to this news report from August 2014 – because those arrested are said to be Asians. Oh well, we will have to go on looking for an answer or perhaps just accept what the BBC says.
One of the more imbecilic pieces from the BBC. The BBC persist in regarding Muslims as an ethnic entity, which of course they are not. They are a religious/cultural entity, with ideological overtones. Rather than comparing the rate of imprisonment with other groups, which tells us nothing about the “why”, while delivering the foregone (and almost certainly wrong) conclusion that it is down to discrimination, the BBC would be better placed enquiring whether there is anything in the religion/ethics/Scriptures etc of Islam that might explain the relatively high imprisonment rates.
Why the big rise in Muslim prisoners?
Well I can tell you, but the Fascist left will never accept it despite it being true.
Under the BLiar oppression there was a moratorium on the Police prosecuting Muslims for all but the most serious of crimes’ or those which were unavoidable.
Where I live Muslims without any visible form of incomes were driving around in some of the most expensive cars on the market, such as Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys Hummers, etc etc. All the public knew what was going on and what the source of this money was, but despite loads of reports, the Police did nothing.
Until that is the Tories came to power, and the unofficial moratorium ended, the Police were free to make the arrests which they had plenty of evidence for and there were Muslims in the paper every day of the week for some pretty serious offences.
The prison population has shot up because Labour refused to prosecute Muslims, and that knowledge drew even more into what appeared a safe way to easy money.
Not that the BBC could even begin to countenance that truth.
Even one of their own officers was at it. He probably got away with it for so long as challenging him would have been ‘racist’.
“Muslim youths having been raised in a culture that extols Islamic supremacy, regard their criminal activities as acts of war against kaffirs.”
The reason so many are in prison: they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong; which under the Sharia, if what has been done is committed against infidels – they haven’t.
Unlike other religions, islam lacks any moral core. There are lots of things that the koran tells the faithful they should do, or that they shouldn’t do, but these rules represent an attempt to micro-manage daily life in the backwater Arabian peninsula, in the time of the Emperor Heraclius. They are all about avoiding pigs and dogs, taking brides with single-digit ages, kill thy neighbour – that sort of thing.
There are pretty daft rules in the Old Testament, too, but, crucially, not only does the OT have the Ten Commandments, setting out an irreducible moral framework, but there is a very ancient tradition of moral debate in Judaeism. Some of the ideas attributed to Jesus in the New Testament had definitely been circulating among Jewish rabbis for several centuries before the time of Christ.
In complete contrast, islam’s core text is an instruction manual for imposing islam universally, using any amount of lying, deception, oppression, murder, enslavement. Theodore Dalrymple, who used to write in The Spectator, when he was a doctor serving an unnamed prison, often commented on how every prisoner always proclaimed his innocence, along with a massive sense of injustice. It wasn’t that the prisoner claimed never to have peddled drugs, or committed armed robbery, or attempted murder. He was always “stitched up” for this robbery, or this murder. It’s hardly surprising that islam finds a fertile recruiting–ground among such paragons of virtue.
The lack of a muslim moral compass is much in evidence among established muslims as yet outside the prison system. It’s no coincidence that a belief system which condemns women to eternal subservience and which categorizes non-muslims as animals is behind the recent child-rape outrages (and it’s no surprise, either, that the beebyanka pretends there is no islamic connection). Likewise, there is nothing in the koran that says you can’t do a drive-by shooting, or sell heroin on the street.
I’m not pretending that there haven’t been plenty of nominally Christian murderers and gangsters and quite a few nominally Jewish ones, too, but it is actually impossible to reconcile such criminality with either the Old or the New Testament. The criminality of islam grows organically from its central text.
I actually believe that there are good, moral Muslims. And Hindus have in living memory committed massacres in India.
However only the raving Islamophile or their deluded audience can think that there is not a major problem with Islam of several orders greater than that posed by any other religion, ideology or creed.
The point is that muslims don’t acquire morals from being muslim. As for Hinduism, yes, it certainly has its violent extremists, but I think that that is because it is closely entwined with Indian nationalism (“Hindu” and “India” share the same etymology, after all). That is why the targets of Hindu violence are nearly always muslim. The violence of muslims is directed at anyone who is not muslim (or at those who aren’t muslim enough, or who subscribe to the wrong heresy).
It’s a bit hard to imagine Hindus going into British prisons on recruitment drives.
“Now We Have a Bad Islam”
By Bill Warner.
(5 min video clip.)….the fifth column speaks out.
As an apostate from the gay death cult, I would love to see see each person on that list deported along with all their families to Syria.. Any lefties who complain, send them too.
Have Beeboids worked this out?:-
“Why politicians pretend Islam has no role in violence”
By Daniel Pipes.
Has INBBC noticed this?:-
“Islam can be a violent faith, says Queen’s chaplain: Canon expresses concerns about 100 passages in the Koran that ‘invite people to violence.’
“Rev Gavin Ashenden said some 100 passages in Koran incite violence.
“Said Bible instead preaches forgiveness and delivering people from sin.
“Asked if Koran was ‘evil’ he said ‘I will let people decide for themselves.’ ”
Read more:
What does INBBC Religious Affairs reporter, Caroline WYATT, do all day?
Or is she censored by INBBC’s Muslim, Aaqil AHMED:
Commissioning Editor for Religion, and Head of Religion & Ethics?
Robert Spencer,
“UK: Queen’s chaplain says there are Qur’an passages that ‘invite people to violence'”
Qur’an passages that ‘invite people to violence’”
Not one but hundreds. The whole book is full of it. The central theme of the koran, is to impose sharia by force. Force is essential, as victory without bloodshed doesn’t count.
“Why won’t we tell students that Kant is better than the Koran?
The problem on campus isn’t hate preaching — it’s academic cowardice.”
By Brendan O’Neill.