482 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD

  1. In the Real World says:

    Has anyone considered the possibility that THECLAPPEDOUTOLDMANONTHEBUS is part of a “cunning plan ” to discredit all of the other looney left spin doctors .

    His posts are always so unbelievable , like his support for the religion of peace [ when there have been over 23.000 terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11] , or his claimed belief in CAGW , [ when every real fact proves otherwise ]
    Then his post that TOP GEAR should be about electric cars .
    All of these are so blatantly ridiculous that they make it obvious that the BBC,s & other left wingers propaganda is just so stupid it should be laughed at .


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Indeed they have. 🙂


    • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

      I suppose making silly comments is a break from making Flint tools.


    • Deborah says:

      I have a suspicion that THECLAPPEDOUTOLDMANONTHEBUS and others of his ilk are employed by the BBC PR department and that it is their job (paid by us) to trawl the net putting up pro BBC comments). I also suspect that they post the unbelievably pro BBC comments that appear on the Daily Mail website.


      • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

        Any evidence. Clearly not since you have overlooked my general criticism of BBC news. So far I have only come across one guy who has attempted to constructively find fault and that was by carefully finding a questionnaire an analysing it. The rest of the commentary is pure speculative and non factual drivel. That includes your contribution.


        • Mat says:

          Lol taking the high and mighty approach is just so you muppetonaclamshell!


        • johnnythefish says:

          ‘……So far I have only come across one guy who has attempted to constructively find fault and that was by carefully finding a questionnaire an analysing it.’

          To what are you referring?


        • Becca says:

          This is a site commentating and exposing Al Beeb’s Bias , why therefore, do you contribute here ?


          • Becca says:

            Manonclaptoutomnibus, I await your reply ?


            • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

              I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.


              • Guest Who says:

                “… all this site appears to be about ”

                Unsure of which incarnation I am addressing, I must respectfully disagree.


              • Guest Who says:

                “… all this site appears to be about ”

                Unsure of which incarnation I am addressing, I must respectfully disagree.

                Use of ‘appears’ is nicely vague, and a semantic tool the BBC is not above using even in editorial. Allegedly. Sources say. I have learned.


              • Becca says:

                Good to know , thanks .


      • noggin says:

        … Maybe manonclaphamomnibus really does like cruising for a bruising here … hmm “cruising”
        … manonclaphamcommon?


      • Brian Mac says:

        I could agree more Deborah. It would be sickening indeed if ‘ manonthebuswiththeclap’ employers are in fact the bbc. I have had my suspicions, and if true then another waste of license fee money.


      • Lord Reith says:

        We do indeed. You try and stop us. We got rid of Clarkson.


    • Guest Who says:

      All bluffs are possible… doubles, triples, or more.

      Just waiting for another ‘man’ to appear to decry any who are not him posting on BBC topics frequently through choice versus long-suffering duty (there’s a weekend coming, so buckle up) diatribes usually on anything but.

      Always a giggle.

      However my favourite was from a ‘regular’, ironically, last night.

      “Which, I guess, is why you hang out here rather than among the real world”

      That was one to treasure.


      • Neil Andrew says:

        Obviously you are employed to make negative comments here about the BBC. Why else would you spend so much time following BBC twitter, FB, etc eyc


        • Guest Who says:

          Careful with the assertions, Mr. Andrew; it erodes your colleagues’ (see what I did there?) flounce impact.

          Now, by whom would I be employed, so obviously?

          To share examples of BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity, and integrity, on a blog forum devoted to the activities of a media monopoly corporation who claims to speak for my nation, and represents the most powerful force for propaganda and policy-skewing in a country I still hold dear?

          What brings you here to do nothing other than try and interfere with the BBC being held to account?


  2. George R says:


    Richard LITTLEJOHN-

    “As the columnist who coined the expression ‘Guardianistas’ to describe the various Lefties who march under that newspaper’s banner, including the people who run the BBC, I’m beginning to think it’s time for a rebranding.
    “Given that they like to blame Britain for those they call Islamist ‘militants’ and have never met a terrorist they don’t like, perhaps they should in future be known as GuardianISIS.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2992574/Racist-No-Nigel-Farage-simply-stating-obvious-writes-RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN.html#ixzz3UFwMbmz2


    • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

      Yes ,I know, it’s tough,everyone’s against you. But I wouldn’t rely on the woolly mammoth tracking skills of LittleJohn. Don’t spread this around but he makes stuff up to get people like you going. The bin men story for a start. What you need to do is find a subject,get expert at it and learn to discuss it with others. Id start with ontology.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘But I wouldn’t rely on the woolly mammoth tracking skills of LittleJohn. Don’t spread this around but he makes stuff up to get people like you going. ‘

        High on invective, as usual.

        Funny, just revisited the global warming ‘discussion’ linked by Roland above. Your reluctance to engage in debate after exhausting your arsehole – sorry, arsenal – of a few clapped-out Greenie mantras was……….totally predictable.


        • ManonClaphamomnibus says:

          I’m happy to discuss gw at any time


          • johnnythefish says:

            You tried and failed.

            Follow the link, as advised, and get back to me once you’ve answered all the points in that thread.


    • Hexhamgeezer says:

      Or UK-phobes


  3. JimS says:

    As ‘Red Nose Day’ infiltrates even Radio 3, why not have a new ‘Comic Relief Day’, one that is a relief from racist Henry, toxic Sandy, time-expired Hardy, loonie-lesbie Calman, etc. etc.


    • I heard that pardon. says:

      Or a “Hand relief day”. After all they are all a bunch of w*****s.


    • David Brims says:

      Strange how Race Hustler Lenny Henry says Britain is a deeply waaycist country but then has the temerity to ask us for money for the basketcase that is Africa.

      As someone once said ” Charity is poor people in the First World giving money to rich people in the Third World.”


      • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

        It may be a relief for some of you than for every dollar put into Africa 10 are taken out. Africa is the most resource rich country in the world. Why is everyone so poor then. Should be called red face day. If we hadn’t plundered the country so much they might now have stable government and less of them trying to get out.


        • +james says:

          Ah Red Nose Day again. The Mercedes dealership in Niarobi is rubbing it”s hands.


        • The Lord says:

          You really are an idiot, aren’t you?


          • The Lord says:

            Sorry James. I was addressing the Idiot on the bus. You just got in the way. 😉


        • ManoneGoalkeeper says:

          What about the Chinese plunder of African resources?


        • David Brims says:

          ”Africa is the most resource rich country in the world. Why is everyone so poor then.”

          Africa is full of Africans and therein lies the problem.


          • Mark says:

            Many of Africa’s woes appear to have taeken root a decade or so after independence, giving the world such merciless despots as Idi Amin, “Emperor” Bokassa, Robert Mugabe, and many more.

            Their idea of democracy is “one man, one vote, one time.”

            Foreign aid meant a fleet of Mercs and Beamers for corrupt government officials and nothing foranyone else.

            For this reason, I am boycotting that clapped-out unfunny farce that is Red Nose Day, but donating to cancer charities instead.


          • Lobster says:

            “Africa is the most resource rich country in the world” says the man on the bus. It has been quite a few years since I was at school, but I seem to recall Africa as being a continent not a country.


        • johnnythefish says:

          ‘It may be a relief for some of you than for every dollar put into Africa 10 are taken out. ‘

          Does that include Nigeria’s missing £200+ billion of oil wealth? Think you’ll find that never left the country.

          And care to comment on what happened to Zimbabwe’s ‘wealth’?

          You make it sound like they’re not big enough to stand up for themselves, which is a tad racist if you don’t mind me saying. What is it they’re lacking in, exactly?


        • TigerOC says:

          Quote;“If we hadn’t plundered the country so much they might now have stable government and less of them trying to get out.”

          Please would you provide a link to the country called Africa or perhaps that was a “typo” because your geography is a bit wonky.

          Lets have a look at some typical examples of Africa;

          Zimbabwe; in 1980 had a trading surplus. Now the poorest country on the planet. Mugabe is the third richest African. 4 million (1/3rd of the population) Zimbabwe nationals live outside Zimbabwe as refugees. Zimbabwe has effectively nationalised all businesses. It has no national currency since the collapse of the ZW$ some years ago and all transactions are done ZAR or US$.

          All Zimbabwe’s minerals are privately owned and traded for the sole benefit of ZANU-PF (Mugabe).

          Now please explain how this has happened despite massive international aid to this country.


        • D1004 says:

          You mean plundering like those nice communist Chinese people are dong to Africa at the present time ? Is that our fault as well Scott?


          • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

            If you want to understand Africa then you need to understand the role of colonialism which changed African society from an agrarian economy to that based on the cash nexus. This was brought about by the invading colonialists taking the land away from the indigenous population and putting them to work for money. There was no democracy involved.
            The country was also often arbitrarily chopped up amongst the invading colonialist,a fact that has contributed to numerous wars.
            The second phase was post colonialism where political control moved From the colonial power to the colony. Economic power did not transfer however. The economic detriment has been exacerbated by tax relationships which benefit the developed world.Moreover, because the relationship between host and colony was on the basis of primary raw materials,crops etc. these countries did not develop Middle classes. Hence the predominance of military figures at the top of African societies. Corruption is also widespread for the same reason.
            That’s why you see what you see now.Add to that the effects of global warming which is itself generating tensions over land and resources such as water. One reason why religion has such a purchase.
            If you want to go back further then we are in the era of slavery. It is the development of underdevelopment.


            • johnnythefish says:

              ‘……you need to understand the role of colonialism which changed African society from an agrarian economy to that based on the cash nexus.’

              How is that different to India, which seems to be doing pretty nicely? And where would this ‘agrarian economy’ be now without the West’s civilising influence?

              ‘The country was also often arbitrarily chopped up amongst the invading colonialist,a fact that has contributed to numerous wars.’

              Ah yes, the tribal system – the world’s first example of multicultural harmony. Are you serious?

              ‘The second phase was post colonialism where political control moved From the colonial power to the colony. Economic power did not transfer however.’

              Start with Zimbabwe to illustrate your point, then move on to Nigeria.


            • TigerOC says:

              Quote; If you want to understand Africa then you need to understand the role of colonialism which changed African society from an agrarian economy to that based on the cash nexus. This was brought about by the invading colonialists taking the land away from the indigenous population and putting them to work for money. There was no democracy involved.

              Africans were never and have never been “agrarian farmers”. They are/were nomadic herdsmen barely into the iron age. They had yet to invent the wheel before Europeans arrived. Any crops they grew was done by women on a subsistence level.

              American and Australian colonists were driven by economics and cared little for the welfare of the indigenous people. Most of British Central Africa was colonised with a strong religious component. The London Missionary Society (LMS) was a major influence in driving a Christian colonisation. These influences in my opinion created a “dependency culture” amongst indigenous tribes which persists today.

              In looking at Africa look first at the tribes and their behaviour. They formed clans and when the land they occupied became over grazed they moved Southwards. The lead clans were the Xhosa followed by the Zulu. Because of the geographic obstacles of the mountains and wide fast flowing rivers of the Eastern Cape the Xhosa were unable to move further South. This caused a bottleneck which resulted in widespread genocide by the Zulus under Shaka. This effect was felt as far North as present day Zambia and resulted in the death of 2.5 million people. Robert Moffat of the LMS noted the complete and utter desolation and the absence of any people in central Southern Africa in the 1830’s following the “clean-out” by Shaka’s Western commander, Mzilikazi. The genocide only ceased when European settlement started in the region


            • Hexhamgeezer says:

              ‘the cash nexus’ ROFLAO


        • Manonclaphamomnibus you say Africa is a “country.” It isn’t.


      • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

        Although not statistically correct just in mineral extraction and cash crops alone.


        • johnnythefish says:

          So what are you saying – that all the profits from minerals and crops go out of the country, or just a proportion? If the latter, how is that different to any other ‘country’ in a globalised world?


      • Angrymanupnorth says:

        Yep Dave. “Follow the money”, as someone else once said.

        Climate Change is also about poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in the third world.


        The ‘war on drugs’ is also about poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in the third world.


        The United Nations is also……

        Go figure.


  4. David Brims says:

    BBC 2 Tonight 9 pm Robert Peston interviews Marine Le Pen and examines the rise of the right, titled ” Quelle Catastrophe! France,” Do you think that title is er, um, a bit loaded ?



    • GCooper says:

      As I’ve said before, Le Pen’s economic policies would have brought a smile to the face of Peston’s dad – another tired, old socialist with his head full of nonsense.


      • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

        Preston is hardly a Liberal.


        • Mat says:

          Oh yes being a son of a labour peer and good mates and biographer of Gordon Brown’s all while working for the liberal BBC and feeding us labour ‘lines to take ‘ from his insider contacts in the labour government !
          deff singles him out as a right winger !


          • 60022Mallard says:

            I believe Robert’s name has been mentioned in connection with an editorial vacancy at the BBC’s favourite newspaper.

            You may have noticed the distinct lack of “scoops” for Robert since May 2010, or am I making 2 + 2 = 5.

            The classic one was his and Robinson’s announcement that Labour were going to raise VAT at a budget , then Gordo bottled it, leaving the two stool pigeons with rather a lot of egg on their faces.


            • I Can See Clearly Now says:

              I believe Robert’s name has been mentioned in connection with an editorial vacancy at the BBC’s favourite newspaper.

              He has pretty much confirmed his interest:

              There have been rumours that Peston has applied for the role of Guardian editor when Alan Rusbridger moves on later this year. So does he want to be my new boss? He sidesteps the question with a joke, but says: “I am 54 years old, and I would quite like a newish challenge at some point. I have no idea what it would be. But I am giving quite a lot of thought at the moment to what a newish challenge might be.”

              Robert Peston – Guardian


          • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

            He was also mates with Murdoch and was his willing fool during the attempted Bskyb takeover.

            Lines to take – explain


          • 60022Mallard says:

            Has he written his autobiography yet?

            I’m keen to learn who tipped him off about Northern Rock, and Lloyds and the Halifax. Many people may wish to shake him warmly by the throat for those two “scoops”.


        • ManoneGoalkeeper says:

          It’s Peston not Preston by the way.


    • Thoughtful says:

      The usual disinformation from the BBC ! Le Penn is very much of the left! Forced nationalisation and re-nationalisation is hardly a right wing free market laissez faire policy, nor is protectionism.

      Front National is much closer to the left than it is to any other ideology.


  5. Pounce says:

    I see the bBC are dripping from between their arse cheeks over how Julian Assange is going to get interviewed by the Swedes in the UK.
    Julian Assange case: Sweden U-turn on questioning

    Yup in the strange world of the cocksuckingchildrapingterroristdefendingbritishhating bBC director only tories accused of being rapists are bad, if you are anti society, muslim or even a film director then you can only be a victim.

    The bBC, the traitors within our midst.


    • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

      Where is that evident in the report?


    • grimer says:

      Pounce, I agree with most things you say, but Assange is clearly being setup by the US/UK/Swedish governments – they don’t like wikileaks one little bit. What better way to discredit him than some spurious rape allegations. I believe the Swedish prosecutor originally said there was no case to answer.


      • Becca says:

        Whatever – the man is a traitor.
        How many lives has he put in jeopardy by his leaks. Perhaps we will never now ?


        • grimer says:

          Hmmm. Is he really, though?

          Our establishment are subverting our so-called democracy, flooding the country with immigrants to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’, up to their necks in paedo scandals, war mongering in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, etc.

          I am loyal to my fellow Brits, but find it very hard to feal loyalty to our leaders. I think Wikileaks should have been more selective in what they leaked (to avoid risk to active soldiers), but the principle was sound.


          • Becca says:

            In what way is Wikileaks qualified to know who are, and who are not our active soldiers or agents ?


  6. Umbongo says:

    There was yet another Labour election broadcast (in 2 parts) masquerading as items on Today: at 6:50 Norman Smith (Labour’s favourite assistant political editor) presided over an “examination” of energy prices and the mooted Labour freeze. Norman was paired with a rep from Schneider Electric – a painfully right-on energy consulting outfit – to damn the energy suppliers. Then at 7:50 Caroline Flint (the shadow energy secretary) was given a pat-a-cake “interview” with Justin. It was the usual “thank you for deigning to come into the studio and lie so convincingly” crawling to a senior Labour apparatchik .
    There was no pretence of a genuine examination of energy prices and pricing. No-one that I heard gave a clear breakdown (available here) of a typical dual fuel energy bill: for instance that warmist-inspired “social/environmental” costs are around 7% of the bill: that VAT is 5% and the companies’ gross profit margin varies within a 7-9% range). Yet again the BBC’s impartial “mission to inform” has been cynically replaced by the BBC’s “mission to explain” which, in turn, has morphed into the BBC’s mission to get Labour into power.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Miliband and the BBC apparatchiks don’t seem to grasp that energy company costs are about more than just the price of oil. Must be down to their lifelong careers in La-La Land.


  7. Phil Ford says:

    Sheffield and Rochdale CSE stories:

    Watching the BBC TV News last night (Rochdale CSE), and before that a report on the BBC Radio4 ‘PM’ programme (Sheffield CSE), I was struck by one thing above all else: what was missing from both ‘in-depth’ and ‘exclusive’ reports. Anyone care to guess what that was?

    Both were surreal, mystifying experiences. I can imagine what it’s like to listen to the North Korean News Agency, on this evidence.

    The BBC: Lying by omission. And they really don’t give a damn what you might think about that. ‘World class journalism’ at it’s best, folks. Because they’re worth it.


    • Becca says:

      So come on all you Tory voters on this site , what is the present government doing about Al Beeb’s bias and propaganda ?


      • 60022Mallard says:

        Presumably waiting for the next Charter discussions to start.

        This might just have something to do with who the BBC tout for, and not just in the run up to the election. As they are still smarting from the present squeeze, having to let go so many loyal staff.

        IIRC one James Purnell is likely to be a leading negotiator for the BBC. Now where have I heard that name before. Wasn’t he a minister in the last Labour administration. If Labour get in the negotiations will be like old times with old friends. Possibly even full government funding?


      • Fnord, our master says:

        Actually that’s unfair.
        There is an election coming up shortly so the Tories are trying to sound as though they are going to do something about it without actually making any such commitment.
        Just like every other area of policy.


      • grimer says:

        So come on all you Tory voters on this site , what is the present government doing about Al Beeb’s bias and propaganda ?

        Enjoying the anti-UKIP, pro-establishment BBC coverage? Labour/Conservatives/Lib Dem are three cheeks of the same mutant establishment posterior.


    • Umbongo says:

      The omission was so incredibly obvious: who does the BBC think it’s kidding? Do the BBC editors really have such contempt for the BBC audience that they consider that by dropping the word “Moslem” from these reports we’ll forget from which culturally distinct minority community this criminality and barbarism has arisen?
      Incredibly the tenor of the BBC coverage is that the real culprits are the police, not the actual perps. Certainly the police have acted disgracefully here but, as with St Stephen Lawrence, the police didn’t actually commit the crime although they are not innocent either. Manifestly the police were incompetent in the case of St Stephen but, in the case of Moslem predation on young white girls, the police were arguably criminally complicit.
      We now learn – and the BBC reports it with a straight face – that no police are to be prosecuted in respect of the enabling of Moslem grooming. I’m no lawyer but I would have thought that the senior police involved, who were informed but apparently squashed any investigation into the Moslem grooming, are guilty of being accessories before, during and after the fact. This is considering that, AFAIAA, the grooming/rapine was occurring at the time senior police became aware of it.
      Given the police will arrest and the CPS will launch a prosecution of anybody accused of fashionable criminality (as well as arrange inordinate publicity by, among others, the BBC) the lack of any criminal proceedings here argues that anyone enabling Moslem-activated predation is immune from prosecution. I wonder when that was written into law – perhaps the next time he’s on Today Keir Starmer will tell us. Meanwhile it seems IIRC that the sole policeman held “responsible” for this charade has now left the police and is suffering on a full pension accordingly. Whatever, but the BBC’s efforts to redact the perpetrators’ Moslem background from its reportage will, I have little doubt, backfire horribly.


      • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

        Is their religion either established or important to the crime. It wasn’t a religiously motivated crime was it?After all there are plenty on this site who espouse violence and regularly castigate women and probably regard themselves as Christian.
        As to the point about the Police ,history tells us that it is quite possible for them to engage in activities that an individual would get banged up for life but en masse they are non culpable.
        Keir Stamer hasnt been at the DPP for a while.


        • Dover Sentry says:

          “As to the point about the Police ,history tells us that it is quite possible for them to engage in activities that an individual would get banged up for life but en masse they are non culpable”

          er…any evidence for your classic left-wing stereotyping of ALL EN MASSE police officers?



          • Angrymanupnorth says:

            Dover. Don’t ask one of the Menonaclaphambus that. Don’t feed the trolls if they are being rude and bigoted.

            Menonbus (I think there may be at least 3 of them) don’t care that sexually frustrated youngish pakistani muslim men, with the implicit consent of their religious guides, rape (mostly vulnerable) young kuffar girls the length and breadth of our country. I wouldn’t bother engaging with them, even though one Manonbus has, on occasion, raised genuine critique.


          • manonclaphamomnibus says:

            Why left wing?


          • manonclaphamomnibus says:

            you failed to answer the question why left wing?
            I think you are in danger of stereotyping yourself actually.
            I’d ask you to think a particular incident at a football ground as one example btw.


            • johnnythefish says:

              Because you are left wing.



              • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

                Whatever that means.Clearly you haven’t a clue.Consequently it is difficult to understand how you could reasonably make any judgement about political bias.


                • johnnythefish says:

                  From your previous posts I have gathered that you are:

                  – Anti-Thatcher

                  – Anti-Conservative

                  – Pro-Labour

                  – Anti-Israel

                  – Islamophile

                  – Pro global warming

                  – Angered by Jeremy Clarkson

                  Seems to tick all the boxes.


        • 60022Mallard says:

          Strangely most non Moslem grooming cases that get prosecuted seem to involve single defendants who tend to target their “own”.

          “… but en masse they are non culpable.”

          That would certainly seem to have been the case in many Moslem gang cases where the fear of being branded “racist” led to lack of zeal in dealing with reports of incidents leading to a feeling of immunity from the law by the perpetrators.


          • manonclaphamomnibus says:

            ‘That would certainly seem to have been the case in many Moslem gang cases where the fear of being branded “racist” led to lack of zeal in dealing with reports of incidents leading to a feeling of immunity from the law by the perpetrators.’

            That maybe true. But it could equally be true if you left the Moslem designation out. Pack mentality is clearly not limited to these groups. Consider the current police investigation into prominent Conservative cabinet members suspected of paedophilia and child murder along with senior members of the armed forces and other luminaries.
            I would suggest that many hunt in packs where there is common purpose eg drug and people traffiking.
            As to fear of being branded racist I think this has been pretty much established as an important factor as has the general stereotyping of the girls involved.
            This highlights the minefield that the services operate in. Just think what’ll be like if they suffer more cuts.


            • Geyza says:

              I am sure that those children who were selected because of their being khuffirs (non-believers in Islam) would not notice any difference between 2000 police ignoring rapes and 200 police ignoring rapes. The end result is the same. Perhaps there wouldn’t be enough police to police twitter. That could only be a good thing.

              The police should uphold the law, not just against non-powerful white people. When any white paedophile, who is not a member of the political elite, or celebrity, is accused of paedophilia, they are prosecuted. When it is the elites, or Muslims, they are not. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that Islam IS a massive part of the Jihad rape of young white children. To deny that you have to be entirely twisted in the head.


            • johnnythefish says:

              ‘Consider the current police investigation into prominent Conservative cabinet members suspected of paedophilia…..’

              How very economical with the truth you are – just like your beloved BBC!

              Looky here:


              How’s that ‘settled science’ doing by the way?


            • DYKEVISIONS says:

              Scotty, I can’t let you get away with that!
              I know I am feeding a bed wetting troll but as you say, where is the evidence of any ‘senior members of the armed forces’ were involved , names? Thought not…


              • stewart says:

                Dont think he’s Scott. Our Scotty don’t go in for the “Protocols of Zion” thing like Claphambusbomber


            • Ben C says:

              There really is no minefield. The minefield is something planted in the heads of dimwits by the likes of the BBC. There are victims of crime and perpertrators of crime. That’s all.


        • johnnythefish says:

          ‘It wasn’t a religiously motivated crime was it?’

          Had the perpetrators been Jewish and the victims Muslim, what do you think the BBC’s approach to this issue might have been? Can you hazard a guess?


      • Laska says:

        One problem is the House of Lords – now Supreme Court – decision in, I think, Re B, and a few others. The previous law was that having sex with a girl under 16 was strict, even, absolute liability. But ReB allowed this to be undermined by allowing “I thought they were over 16” defence which made the law pretty ineffective. The law regarding under 13 was unaffected by this change but this had a big impact on 14 to 16. There was more nuance in their ratio but the police are not nuanced are they? So the police effectively gave up on that law as too confusing: does the girl look over 16 and did the defendant reasonably believe she did? The law has been pretty much undermined by the ’68ers who were unhappy with lack of mens rea in absolute and strict liability. Surprised – not – that the BBC doesn’t mention this judicial activism as a possible explanation for police and CPS ineffectiveness. And this is exacerbated when certain “communities” always have access to a lawyer who are fully aware of this ineffective law. Of course, the “individual” case you mention, well, they’ll go to town on that because there is no “public interest” or “social cohesion” to factor in. Justice is always undermined when it is not the individual that is the focus. That is the corruption that we thought had gone by the 20th Century. The MSM, of course loves these statutory rape stories except when it becomes complicated by ethnicity when they become curiously incurious and “uncomfortable” despite the widespread knowledge about this over the last thirty years.


    • Deborah says:

      I noticed it too Phil – no mention of Islam or Muslim men anywhere. Surely the responsibility and the blame in Rochdale, Oxford, Sheffield and Rotherham should lie with the men molesting the girls and the culpability of the authorities is very much secondary? But no mention of these men at all. And if it was happening in Rochdale, Oxford, Sheffield and Rotherham, I do wonder in how many other UK cities was it happening as well.


      • Phil Ford says:

        The closest either report came to naming names was to mention (in the ‘PM’ report – Sheffield CSE) that those arrested were made up of ‘many nationalities’. Something nicely (and safely) vague about that.

        I wanted to know which nationalities? How did the percentages break down? Did these ‘nationalities’ have – in any way – any bearing on the nature of the crimes? Any similarities to the increasing number of large-scale CSE scandals erupting in and around other UK cities?

        BBC? = *tumbleweed.jpg*


        • lmda says:

          I have seen a report on the Sheffield case which said the perpetrators were mainly Iraqi Kurds – which would have enabled the BBC to say (triumphantly) that they were not Pakistani …. but in any event we can be sure that INTDWI.


          • Mark says:

            INTDWI – took me a minute or so to work out.



  8. Invicta 1066 says:

    I see the BBC are still going at Farage and continuing to give credence to what he didn’t say.
    Iraqi-born Conservative MP for Stratford-on-Avon Nadhim Zahawi compared the UKIP leader to Goebbels

    Where was his family when the British were being bombed by the German?

    The hypocrisy of this man who was parachuted into a safe Tory seat ahead of the all the local party workers, who lived and worked in the area; all those loyal to the Conservatives, many having served as councillors for local wards probably for years, and might have hoped that one day they could represent THEIR local people…all brushed aside by who ticked the right Cameron box for ethnicity, quotas and show, just like Warsi
    If I lived in Stratford I wouldn’t have voted for him on principle.


    • GCooper says:

      And there’s the irony so overlooked by the Left wingers who own the BBC. It really is a case of ‘vote Conservative get Labour’ – even if the Conservative’s win. The only differences between the two main parties is one of emphasis and speed. Aside from that they are all but identical.


      • manonclaphamomnibus says:

        You make the classic mistake of confusing the term ‘left wing’
        with those that use facts and reasoned argument. They really arent the same thing.
        If you really want to operate on that level then the corollary is that people that dont use reason or facts are essentially ‘right wing’

        If at this point you have put down your rock and begun scratching your head,may I suggest ,in all probability,you are in the latter group.


        • johnnythefish says:

          ‘You make the classic mistake of confusing the term ‘left wing’
          with those that use facts and reasoned argument’

          Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho…. oh, please – don’t, I can’t take it.


        • Athelstan says:

          Can I respectfully remind everyone, that the main purpose of this site is to highlight the many examples of BBC bias, not feed the ego of the troll who calls himself manonclaphamomnibus. Please do not feed this troll.


          • Barlicker says:

            Well said, Athelstan.
            This site is rapidly going downhill, so do as you would do in the real world and ignore the loony on the bus.


        • Demon says:

          “You make the classic mistake of confusing the term ‘left wing’ with those that use facts and reasoned argument.”

          Nope, never ever confused those two polar opposites. It would take an idiot to think that someone who is left wing could be confused with someone who uses facts and reasoned arguments.


    • Aerfen says:

      What fools the townsfolk of Stratford were to vote for him!


      • Umbongo says:

        To be fair the electors of Stratford are not alone. The Conservative-voting idiots of Buckingham sent Bercow to Westminster in 2010.


        • Thoughtful says:

          Only because the tradition of the house is that the speaker stands for election unopposed. So much for the democratic rights of the people in the speakers constituency.


          • Umbongo says:

            I think that tradition is going the way of all flesh as this shows. Anyway, Bercow was opposed by Farage and John Stevens of the Buckinghamshire Campaign for Democracy among others. Unfortunately Bercow fended off the opposition and the baleful results of that tragedy are played out daily in the Commons.


            • Bercow was elected as SotH because it was the Tories turn. Labour apparently approved of Bercow specifically because most Tories couldn’t stand him. That’s the level of Politics we have in the UK. (That’s my understanding.)


  9. Fred Bloggs says:

    bBC news yesterday. Doing a bit about Sheffield, the Police and lack of action about abused girls. There was an elephant in the broadcast, them whose name will not be mentioned. Not a hint, not a mention, not a reference; almost as if it and them did not exist. Just the same way I am writing this, their name will never be used.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      IIRC not long ago there was at least one programme based on SY police investigations into grooming and rape. I do not believe it was on the BBC

      One prosecution was eventually successful, one not, but it did reveal the difficulties in actually investigating and getting even as far as charging let alone having a reasonable chance of a conviction.

      Much as Labour harridans may moan about the low “conviction rate” arising from rape allegations and moaners on here about ditto for Asian men grooming, the police do have a very difficult task in these cases. The corroborative evidence beyond “he said, she said” can be extremely difficult to produce, and unlike ISIL and others “justice” such back up is still required to convict in the U.K.


  10. George R says:

    GUARDIANISIS in political action

    (c/o Chakrabarti)-

    “Terror attacks are a ‘price we should be willing to pay’ to protect us from being snooped on, says privacy group”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2992642/Even-collecting-data-stops-terror-plots-s-wrong-says-Liberty-Human-rights-group-criticised-unacceptable-comments.html#ixzz3UGVrZ94M


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      An interesting point! Cars run people over, planes crash and modern medicine kills people and yet we still use all three. There will always be a trade off between how much and what type of security you can apply to a society and the costs,often hidden, of supply.


      • Athelstan says:

        Please do not feed this troll.


      • EmersonV says:

        Are you some sort of idiot to compare flying with terrorists committing mass murder. Accidents will always happen and people accept that for you to justify terrorist action as accidental when it is criminal are you just another leftist apologist..


      • dave s says:

        No it is not the same and you know it. Cars planes etc kill by accident except in the rarest of cases. Terrorists kill by design. That is implicit in the word – terrorist.
        The very worst form of equivallence is to equate accident with human wickedness.
        Terrorism corrodes civil society. Untreated it will eventually destroy it.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘Cars run people over, planes crash and modern medicine kills people and yet we still use all three. ‘

        And last time I looked every effort was being made to minimise the chances of accidents occurring in ‘all three’.

        The security services are trying to do the same with terrorism, but far more vigorously because they are not dealing with accidental death arising from human error but with evil, deranged Islamo-psychopaths intent on the slaughter of innocent people.

        As ever, the leftist trick of moral relativism is found wanting in logic and, yes, morality.


        • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

          Not relativism just cost benefit . Check out some of the contributions where people are reluctant to allow any more intrusion into their freedom. That’s the cost.


          • johnnythefish says:

            ‘Not relativism just cost benefit ‘

            Your statement was pure relativism. Whether measures to improve safety are ‘cost benefit’ is a different argument entirely.

            ‘Check out some of the contributions where people are reluctant to allow any more intrusion into their freedom. That’s the cost. ‘

            Do you think the security services have the resources to be bothered looking into your private affairs? Anyway, to me saving lives is more important. Presumably you think the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost to Islamic terrorism over the last 15 years or so is a ‘price worth paying’.


            • Becca says:

              Without a strong defence force and intelligence service there is no freedom .


    • Alan says:

      And? You want the liars, cheats and paedophiles currently called the establishment knowing every last thing you say, every last thing you do and every last thing you think? Knowing what’s in your bank account, what you earn, what your medical records contain?

      In return they will keep you safe?

      Good luck with that. I suggest you read 1984 to see what happens next.


      • grimer says:

        The far simpler solution would be mass deportation of trouble makers. No jihadists = no jihadist terror.

        I heard some twonk on Radio 4 stating that ‘we just have to accept that terrorism is now part of life in Britain’.

        I don’t accept it and will never accept it.


  11. Leamas says:

    What larks on the daily three hour Labour Party broadcast known as Five Live Breakfast circa 8.20 this morning.

    The subject was the announcement that there would be a concerted effort to stop drugs being smuggled into prisons. Who could possibly think that was a bad idea?

    Well Five Live have a database full of fecking idiots, and they didn’t disappoint. An “author” soon revealed to be an ex-junkie and ex-con thought otherwise, and everything was going so well. He hit all the right marks, from it being a societal problem to the violence it might engender, then all points inbetween. Textbook hand-wringing. But then he rather hilariously decided to name a range of very wealthy drug taking pop and television stars and even told Dame Nicky he must have had experience of this kind of thing while on ToTP.

    Much spluttering, backtracking and arse covering ensued, followed by a mysterious loss of the telephone line.

    I would be in paroxysms of delight if writs started dropping through Five Live’s door in the next couple of weeks. It is no more than they deserve. If they had s story about how awful it is to kill children for sexual purposes they’d try to balance it with a chat with Ian Huntley.

    They are utter scum.


  12. Captain Panick says:

    Mr Cohen, you know you want that summons letter delivered to that man Clarkson, the one who isn’t one of us? Yes Twynan. Well why don’t we get a courier to take it from here, and have a helicopter filming the journey, and have a BBC News Crew giving on the spot commentary? We could even enter the coverage for awards!


  13. George R says:

    The integration of Islamofascist Islamic State, with European Muslim jihadists.

    Global INBBC censorship of ‘Islamic jihad’ in favour of Islamophilic deceptive word ‘militant’, as e.g. here-

    “France investigates IS killing video over Merah link”


    In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’-

    “Executioner in ISIS child murderer video is French terrorist whose brother slaughtered Jews in Toulouse and sister took her baby to join jihadists.

    “Sabri Essid, a French citizen, has been identified as man in the lSIS video.
    “Essid, a married father, thought to have joined Islamic State last year.
    “The 30-year-old has served time in France for terror-related offences.
    “Essid part of a family of extremists, including Toulouse terrorist.
    “Half-brother Mohammed Merah killed a rabbi and three children in 2013.
    “Shot dead by French special forces after 30 hour siege in apartment.
    “Merah’s sister Souad travelled to Syria last year with her four children.”


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2990489/French-terrorist-ISIS-video-half-brother-Tolousse-terrorist-woman-took-baby-join-Islamic-State.html#ixzz3UGcPShef


  14. Invicta 1066 says:

    R4 Today programme. Subject what Labour would do if elected about energy prices.
    Promised a freeze, BBC won’t like that, what about Global Warming?
    Much made about current governments’ failings by Labour politician, and quite correctly claimed that Cameron had been complaining about energy prices back in 2009 when in Opposition.

    Somehow Davis missed the opportunity to ask the labour lady ‘ ‘well you were in government in 2009 so what didn’t you do then what you are proposing now when you had the chance’?


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      ‘Cameron had been complaining about energy prices back in 2009 when in Opposition’

      Didnt do much about it did he.


      • GCooper says:

        As opposed to the gurning half-wit who masterminded the Climate Change (Freezing Little Old Ladies) Act, you mean?


        • manonclaphamomnibus says:

          I think you’ll find there is a world wide concern about global warming,particularly where immediate and obvious effects are being felt. As to old Ladies freezing,that is not an issue relating to Global Warming but rather one relate to the distribution of rewards in the economy. I suggest that Old ladies probably have numerous issues if they are poor.
          If youre so worried about energy costs I believe Milliband addresses these unlike the encumbent Tories. I am not sure if UKIP have anything to say about this at all.


          • GCooper says:

            They have. UKIP says it would scrap the CCA. If you weren’t so ill-informed you would have known that.

            The fact is, your boy put up energy prices, then tried to make a show of distorting the market even further as an election stunt. Clearly, he is an even bigger fool than you are proving to be.


          • johnnythefish says:

            So, Mr Omnibus, as a supporter of Labour Party policy and the anti-capitalist, redistributionist scam that masquerades as global warming – what is it that attracts you to the BBC?


            • johnnythefish says:

              Still waiting…


              • Manonclaphamomnibus says:

                Don’t support Labour for a start. As to GW you are a bit out of touch.Even the diehards accept GW just argue that it’s not man made. You’re 20 years behind the time I’m afraid


                • johnnythefish says:

                  ‘Even the diehards accept GW just argue that it’s not man made.’

                  Sorry, can’t make sense of that.

                  As I said, follow Roland’s link to the last debate you chickened out of and answer the points. What are you scared of?

                  P.S. I think you’ll find it’s the tired old climate models with their tired old assumptions and their tired old disproved predictions that are 20 years out of date. Do keep up!


          • st george says:

            I agree Ed will keep my energy prices low but taxing the bejesus out me .


  15. Disgusted of Essex says:

    Another petition worth signing – share and enjoy



    • Guest Who says:

      So tempting, but Mr. Cohen may be better left to a sack of rats that make the Wolf Hall characters look like an AA support group.

      Trashing staff, brand reputation and financial security (not sure the licence fee can be raided to make up like usual) for what seems a pretty personal inter-office spat may not go down as well with the guys and gals round the boardroom table if and when sacrifices need to be made.

      You can only trade on ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid”s global success so long.


    • GCooper says:

      Cohen deserves sacking for the disaster that was Atlantis alone.

      Still, that’s what you get when you put an under-qualified Guardianista in charge of programming, simply because he ticks the right political boxes.


  16. George R says:

    Of course, Beeboids politically approve Assange, and disapprove Farage.

    This Assange-

    “There Are Traitors in America”

    By Bill O’Reilly.

    (video clip.)



    • George R says:

      “Why the liberals who defended traitors like Snowden and Assange should look at this photo and admit: We were deluded fools”


      (Jan, 2015.)



      • Angrymanupnorth says:

        Angryman rant. Shoot me down.

        I’m very angry (it’s my thing). I’m very angry about this generalisation. I’ll defend (some of) the actions of Snowden and Assange and (I think you may have gathered) I’m no ‘liberal’.

        Whilst Mr Hasting’s heart is in the right place and his analysis follows some logic, it breaks down when he gets to Snowden and Assange.

        And it breaks down because Hasting’s is of the generation which appears not to get digital information and how it works. (Maybe he’s a snob who doesn’t really give a shit about average Joe? But that may be an inference too far.) What a ridiculous analysis, to believe that our security services today are made weaker and not much stronger because of the failings highlighted by the Assange/Snowden affairs.

        Like the appeasers of Islam deflect the responsibility of murderous acts carried out in the name of Islam, so does Max Hastings with this ridiculous knee-jerk assertion, penned without due consideration in haste after the terrible events in Paris.

        Assange and Snowdon to blame for 1400yrs of Islam’s barbarity and it spilling on the streets of a continent neither of them originate from? To blame for US government acting in contravention to the Constitution? Nothing to o with Islam? FFS.

        “So Field Marshall, why did we lose the battle?”
        “Well your majesty, some middle aged guy from Australia did some stuff on a computer, which meant the whole forces and strategy of our nation were scuppered.”
        “Is that you’re fucking excuse? A dude on a computer? I hope you’ve got your fucking act together for the next battle.”

        We live in a world where all the resources of the US government can’t stop a 12 year old with a lap top hacking their Defence Department’s digital information. For two decades now our governments’ reflex responses are to treat all citizens as enemies and to remove freedoms through legislation, as we drift into an Orwellian nightmare world without average Joe noticing or giving a shit.

        My tin hat is on George R. Give me both barrels. I’m always open to logical persuasion.


        • I Can See Clearly Now says:

          For two decades now our governments’ reflex responses are to treat all citizens as enemies and to remove freedoms through legislation, as we drift into an Orwellian nightmare world without average Joe noticing or giving a shit.

          Sums it up.

          I used to joke to friends that I was surprised the plod didn’t want CCTV in everyone’s home. But I didn’t really think… and then this week we got it…. everyone should install CCTV ‘to catch burglars’. Well; if you believe that I’ve got an old banger to sell… runs really well… From what I read, the plod are less than enthusiastic about catching burglars. But they love damsels in distress. Couple of rows on the old CCTV; out you go, do not pass Go; do not collect 100 points. It will be like the old lady protestors dragged off a bus under the Prevention Of Terrorism Act…. and remember Walter Wolfgang?

          The police must end their abuse of anti-terror legislation

          How long do you think before you can’t get house insurance unless you have cameras recording your every move…. for your protection, of course?

          We demonise the likes of Assange at our peril.


        • manonclaphamomnibus says:

          I am not sure that anyone appeases Islam. Firstly there are different interpretations of Islam and they are spread throughout the world. Moreover Iraq and Iran are both Islamic countries and yet they are fighting ISIS. Saudi Arabia a friend of the US and the UK supports a virulent form of Islam.
          I think even you would agree that understanding a phenomenon allows you to better react to it. Lumping Islam into one entity doesnt really help this process.
          As to surveillance I dont think anyone can reasonably object to it if it keeps people safe but it has to be reasonable , proportionate and properly monitored.


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      ‘Of course, Beeboids politically approve Assange, and disapprove Farage’

      Any evidence for this?

      Rather than letting others do your thinking for you might be an idea to consider whose doing the collecting,who knows about it ,who oversees it and whether its all used for legimate purposes.
      For people that dont want the nanny state you sure as hell form a line quickly enough when ordered to do so.


      • grimer says:


        Jasmine Lawrence is the editor of the BBC News Channel, where it is safe to say she has significant influence over the BBC’s coverage of the European elections and politics in general. Lawrence’s Twitter feed largely consists of retweets of Labour MPs and left-wing journalists. Today she has been sharing her thoughts on UKIP, joining those using the anti-UKIP parody #WhyImVotingUKIP hashtag to attack the party:


        The BBC’s Charter requires its journalists to be impartial, something you would have thought they might be particularly careful about at election time. For such a senior BBC journalist to openly broadcast an attack on a political party the day before an election is inappropriate to put it mildly…

        The mask slipped – she didn’t lose her job, though…


  17. Alan Larocka says:

    Charles Kennedy stand for Parliment? He can’t even fucking stand!


    • Jeff says:

      That’s wicked, but I did laugh!


    • Geoff says:

      Yes and the tone of the MSM and the Twitteraiti is that as a recovering alcoholic we should all feel sorry for him, which of course we should.

      But compare to the same MSM’s portrayal of Mr Farage as a raving piss head, which of course he’s not….


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      Unfortunately standing isnt required. My MP couldnt answer a basic question whether he was drunk or sober. Sadly for him (maybe not) he stands up in the house and readily admits he hasnt a clue.
      Still has one of the biggest majorities in the country though .Nice work if you can get it.


  18. Geoff says:

    Latest Populus poll:

    Lab 32 (-1)
    Con 29 (-3)
    UKIP 18 (+3)
    LD 8 (-1)
    Greens 6 (-)
    Others 7 (+1)


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      The usual suspects have been cranking up the ‘UKIP vote is starting to crumble’ narrative this week. For example, the Independent:


      However, Ipsos MORI had UKIP up by 4% yesterday and now Populus has them up 3% today. That’s remarkable! I think the Populus number has set a record high each week for the last three weeks.


      • 60022Mallard says:

        There was even a poll in the Scottish referendum that said the outcome would be yes, but the betting never wavered from a no.

        Check the betting odds rather than the polls, and if you think UKIP will be other than an “also ran” when the final seat totals are tallied make yourself some big money on the present odds available.


        • Random says:

          You’re not wrong, but if UKIP gets as expected 18% of the vote and only 3 seats that’s liable to convince a lot of people that politics is a complete waste of time.
          Especially when the ‘winner’ will get approximately 33% of the vote and maybe 276 seats.


          • Roland Deschain says:

            It’s interesting how politicians suddenly change their tune on the unfairness of voting systems depending upon whether it gives them some power. You’d think Nick Clegg would be appalled that the system could so disadvantage a “smaller” party but:

            Nick Clegg bets Ukip supporter SIX pints the Lib Dems will win more seats than Nigel Farage’s party in May

            It seems he’s practically boasting about it.


            • 60022Mallard says:

              Ah Nick Clegg.

              In recent elections Labour have needed about 35% to get a majority and the Tories 40%. Largely to do with size of constituencies where Labour dominate those with smaller electorates and the over representation of the Welsh particularly, Scots and Irish.

              The proposal to reduce to 600 M.P.s and arrange constituencies with + or – 5% the same number of electors would have resulted in levelling the playing field and Labour losing 35 of the 50 reduction in M.P.s.

              So when Labour pop over the line again you can thank Nick for throwing a hissy fit and the Lib Dems voting with Labour to defeat the Bill.


              • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

                (1) Labour do seem to be better entrenched in their heartlands than the Tories, so that leaders like Gordon Brown in 2010 or even Michael Foot in 1983 can get over 200 seats with a poor share of the vote ( < 30%). Contrast these results with the Tory 'meltdowns' of 1945 and 1997 (31% of votes in the latter case) where they were left with well under 200 seats.

                (2) The Scottish factor has been reduced, as there are now 59 MPs and not 72 as previously. The rise of the SNP will cost Labour seats in Scotland too. Low population density in highland-and-island type constituencies would mean that you would have very large areas for one MP to cover if you tried to group as many voters together as in one small part of Birmingham or Surrey.

                (3) Another factor often overlooked is that Labour safe seats often have low voter turnouts. If you gave monetary incentives to vote, or made it obligatory, the effect would be to push up the Labour share of the vote in places where they win anyway even in 'bad' years like 1983.


                • 60022Mallard says:

                  Seats now England 533, Scotland 59, Wales 40 and NI 18.

                  Proportionate to populations it should be 545,56,32,17

                  Without the small redistribution between 2005 and 2010 there is a reasonable chance Labour would have remained the party with most seats, largely because of the move in the right direction from Scotland to English shires.

                  Wales is 20% over represented getting 1 M.P. per 57,000 electors against England at 72,000 and Scotland and NI 66,000.

                  If Labour do not represent a disproportionate number of constituencies with small electorates, whether they turn out or not, why would they lose 70% of the overall number of seats lost by reducing to 600 and equalising constituency sizes with only 15 spread over the Tories and Nationalists.


          • I Can See Clearly Now says:

            UKIP will struggle against the ‘wasted vote’ taunt in May. But they are on course to be second in 100 seats. Those seats will be well set up for next time. In theory that will be 2020, but it could be a lot sooner if there is a messy result.


            • 60022Mallard says:

              Unlike horse racing there is no each way bet in general elections. Winner takes all.

              Labour just need to be the biggest party to be invited by the Queen to attempt to form a government and, just like in Norfolk, the “rainbow alliance”, which includes UKIP unfortunately as a rubber stamp for Labour policies as they are complete political novices, will rush in and be cheered to the rafters by Norman Smith and all at Broadcasting House. The BBC opinion of the Lib Dems will change overnight if they coalesce with Labour.


              • I Can See Clearly Now says:

                Labour just need to be the biggest party to be invited by the Queen to attempt to form a government…

                Surely that is wrong. Doesn’t Cameron remain Prime Minister until he resigns or loses a vote of confidence? So Cameron could get less votes than Miliband, but would remain PM with support from Lib Dems / UKIP / DUP if the SNP abstained?


          • Doublethinker says:

            Not BBC bias comment .
            Perhaps its time to re consider PR rather than first past the post ( FPTP). Under FPTP the SNP will get ~40 seats compared to the handful that UKIP might get, even though UKIP poll 3 or 4 times their vote nationally. Of course the SNP may put Labour in power! How will the English react to that when they voted in large numbers for Tories or UKIP? Similarly the LIB Dems will get many times the UKIP seats with less than half their vote. The Tories would also find that PR got rid of the inbuilt Labour basis caused by constituency population. So PR would give UKIP 90 plus seats and be much representative of the views of the country than FPTP is.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      Comfortable Labour majority on the cards with those figures and no change on the EU or immigration.

      And for the UKIP voters get down to Ladbrokes as fast as you can. They are offering 25 to 1 against UKIP achieving 10 seats and 100 to 1 for 20 seats. So if you really believe your time has come put some money where your mouth is and clean up and book a nice holiday on the anticipated proceeds to celebrate!

      Unfortunately betting is usually a better indicator of outcome than polls.


      • Angrymanupnorth says:

        Read this.


        And read the comments filtered by ‘highest rated’. If you think the Liblabcon propaganda isn’t being seen for what it is, I would politely ask you to reconsider.

        If you believe in the EU, the Conservative Party, David Cameron, the Liblabcon, then I won’t persuade you.

        Otherwise, consider UKIP, join the people’s army and mould it from within. And have a modest flutter.

        Miliband is unelectable and however stupid you think people are, they aren’t that stupid.


        • 60022Mallard says:

          I wish I could recall which newspaper I recently reviewed the betting against result over recent years and the correlation was strong, and unlike CAGW there is no question of correlation equalling causation, it’s people’s cash which makes the odds

          If you are right, and there is a bandwagon, you must be on a huge winner so none of this modest flutter nonsense please from UKIP supporters.

          Milliband is not an attractive proposition, but I’m sure you have heard of the principle of divide and rule. A solid turnout in Labour heartlands and division elsewhere will see him home. My currently Lib Dem seat in East Anglia will have a Labour M.P. in two months time with a strong four way vote, which excludes UKIP

          The principle of “least worst” realistic outcome should be in people’s minds when they put that X on the paper.


          • Roland Deschain says:

            I mentioned this yesterday in the old Open Thread, but it bears repeating. Where I live there is, to my mind, a worse option that LibLabCon, and that’s the SNP. So I have to decide who is best placed to keep them out and whether, if that is Labour, I can really bring myself to vote for them. Those of you south of the border possibly feel there isn’t a worse option that LibLabCon.

            We all have to decide what’s best, or least-worst, based on our own constituencies. Tory voters also need to consider whether voting Tory rather than UKIP could let in Labour, as could be the case where Nigel Farage is standing.


            • Geoff says:

              How the hell are we ever going to change things by voting for more of the same?

              Voting Labour or Tory to keep the another out is just voting for another 5 years of the same as we have had for the last 18 years, how great have those years been?


              • Roland Deschain says:

                I’d agree with you, except that SNP isn’t more of the same. It’s worse as far as I’m concerned – the breakup of the UK. So for this election the best I can hope for in my neck of the woods is more of the same.

                And on that depressing note I shall wish you a good weekend.


          • Angrymanupnorth says:

            We clearly don’t see Labour and Conservative the same way. I see them as akin to two drivers sharing a car at the Le Mans 24hr. (Red for 5-15yrs, blue for 5-15yrs) a generational musical chairs to decide who pretends to manage the socialist/corporate Ponzi scheme.

            I don’t see the ideological distinction that you perceive. Liblabcon – like a cancer infected old dog – needs to be put down.


          • Arthur Penney says:

            Well quite a few will look at Cameron and at Miliband and then decide which they would rather have as Prime Minister.

            Something like that happened in 1992. (To the chagrin of the BBC who expected a Labour majority – they had to keep the champagne on ice (literally) for 5 more years.)

            And remember
            1) The lowest labour vote polled is the correct one and

            2) The increase in UKIP vote over the last 12 months has not resulted in a Tory decline – but Labour.


        • manonclaphamomnibus says:

          Except Farage supports TTIP which is entirely against UK interests and is being cooked up by the EU COMMISSION.
          It will stop UK Governments from fulfilling the wish of the electorate. Are you sure he is so against the EU. You should ask him.
          Maybe you should say why you think Labour are unelectable too.


      • Essex Man says:

        I agree with you Mr Mallard , there are only 2 people who can be PM , the Evil 2 kitchen`s Millipeed or Cam . If the kippers deny Cam becoming PM , the Millipeed /SNP will take over.Whenever, from May onward`s the BBC/ Millipeed/Guardian , do or say things ,you don`t like,I will keep posting , ” I told you so” . There will no point ranting & raging, cos you will have to grin & bear it for 5 years ,with the rest of us. Millipeed /SNP ,a warning from history .Be Prepared .


        • I Can See Clearly Now says:

          Last line of Peston’s programme on France was Marine Le Pen saying something like ‘There is no more left and right. There are nationalists and globalists. That is the new demarcation and this will decide the future of the world.

          Sadly, this truth is lost on the Tory True Believers.


    • Mark says:

      Liebour voters are not transferring their allegiance to UKIP then. The prospect of Millipede having a majority on fewer than one-third of the popular vote is very scary indeed.


      • 60022Mallard says:

        And probably less than 20% of the actual electorate


      • manonclaphamomnibus says:

        What are you scared of exactly?


        • Angrymanupnorth says:

          I’m uber-angry today. And I rarely get personal with posters. I’m gonna give myself a pass on this one.

          Do you know the first thing about our economic predicament you fucking corpse brain? Fuck off , do some research apply some basic division and work out where the fucking money is going to come from to pay your pension in 30 years time dicksplash. And fuck off to Greece and ask their retired (former) Public sector workers where their pension cheques are going to come from in 3, 5, 10 years time and why they don’t have enough for life’s basics, you heartless fuckwit.

          You’re like a twat carrying a fucking grenade who wonders what will happen when you pull the pin out, Lets try and see, huh?

          You fucking thick c*^t.

          Research: National debt; national deficit; national unfunded liabilities for a start.

          If you can’t do maths, you’re chances of understanding why Miliband would be an absolute disaster to this country are slim.

          Asking if you want Miliband or Cameron is like asking is you want crucifying or polonium poisoning. Wth the latter, you might last a bit longer, but in the end you’re fucked.


          • I Can See Clearly Now says:

            Tooth fairy economics has ‘gained traction’, as they say. If I was Prime Minister, every child would be given a copy of this little book:

            A Short History of Financial Euphoria


            • Angrymanupnorth says:

              I can see clearly now that I am not alone.

              As your SPAD, could I add to your curriculum?

              Road to Serfdom. F A Hayek.
              Economics in One Lesson. Henry Hazlitt.
              On Truth. Prof. Harry Frankfurt.
              Revolution. Ron Paul.

              Still angry.


            • Angrymanupnorth says:


              Peter Schiff’s ‘How an economy grows, and why it crashes’ (I think that’s the title) is good for young readers.


          • Roland Deschain says:

            Feel better?


          • manonclaphamomnibus says:

            Perhaps you could address the gilts market and the effect further cuts will have on the national economy.
            National debt and the budget deficit are two different things as Im sure you will appreciate. Under current conditions borrowing long term for many anaylists makes perfect sense.
            The real issues in the economy are structural and these have to be addressed. Making funny money through various wheezes in the City only goes so far. And there are huge implications when it goes wrong.
            Putting the control of money under the Government is definitly the way to go in this direction.
            As to UKIP what has he said on any of this that really makes sense.


            • 60022Mallard says:

              “Putting the control of money under the Government is definit(e)ly the way to go in this direction.”

              Unless you end up with a delusional Chancellor who believes he has ended “boom and bust”, who borrows to spend even more in benign times rather than paying down debt, who actually increases benefits spending as a %age of GDP in the “good times” rather than it falling countercyclically, who builds schools and hospitals on the never never on a grand scale, and when his fingers are finally forcibly removed from the levers leaves the cupboard bare, for someone else to sort the mess out.

              And the two muppets who follow him into office in his despicable party learned everything they know at his knee and want to make the same mistakes again!

              Can you remind me what the two Eds confidently predicted the outcome of not spending so much as the delusional Gordon had pencilled in would be? A million more unemployed, to match the one million put out of work in 2007/8 when Gordon’s boom turned to bust (sorry downturn in Gordon and BBC speak).

              People and employers decided that jobs and staff were more important so wages gave (except in the public sector) rather than jobs. I’m on year 8 of a pay freeze, but many times better off than on the dole and £900 a year take home better off because of the huge rise in personal tax allowances.

              Perhaps governments need to control money, but not those who suffer from financial incontinence and could not run a church cake stall without making a loss (aka the Labour Party)

              Signed a former member of the Labour Party who has seen the light and keen to help similar misguided fools to do the same!


            • st george says:

              Wrong Wrong Wrong….problem is that socialists like you love to think by spending money solves everything. I recent trip to my doctor (who I remember jumping up and down in aboulute bliss when Labour got in 1997 ) has now told be that Labour was the worst thing to happen to this country. They have tripled spending in the NHS with nothing to show <which coupled with the benefit system accounts for about 1/3 of our gdp. No other country has this and for an reason. Sorry you and your labour chums screwed it royal and if you want to see the result of a socialist country look at france


              • Philip says:

                I agree the NHS is not supportable as a public service. It is very poor value for money (like the BBC) and would be better run by Tesco (or Waitrose). The taxpayer alliance + The Times also confirms the NHS funding model should not be ‘free for all liftestyle twerps’ and health immigrants as it will bankrupt any future government – left or right – and increase UK taxes (NI contributions) massively to pay for it. Its not a BBC ‘World Service’ and not paid by the telly tax. Its a massive cost.


              • Becca says:

                NHS – Far too much admin and pen-pushers.


                • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

                  I’m currently doing a temp job with the NHS and I have to agree. Admittedly the situation hasn’t been helped by the various policy changes imposed on it by various governments over the last 30 years or so.

                  Their turnover of staff (I can only comment on office/admin /manager bods) seems far in excess of even multinational bank or global megacorps. Anecdotally my job isn’t helped by the fact that most of the people I deal with are part-timers on jobshare, it’s just badly organised.

                  And this is a very white, English health care trust – god knows what it’s like in the big enriched cities.


          • JoShaw says:


            I hope you don’t bump into Jeremy Clarkson, that’s all.


  19. Philip says:

    Small item found in Daily Mail yesterday. How the BBC use TV stats to enhance its (dwindling) debate viewing figures. I agree with Cameron (who I won’t vote for) that the TV debate is irrelevant ‘entertainment’ for the BBC lefties. The BBC is still campaigning for a TV pre-election ‘debate’ claiming ’22 million TV viewers’… (That is from 2010 when the first 9.9 million watched), then it was 4.2 million and since then 8.6 million – so hardly the BBC 2 million will ever watch a BBC live media broadcast. We know who to vote for and it’s not Milliband, Cameron or Green blob wotsit. The debate we want is independence (Brexit) from the EU meddling. That is never going to be fairly debated on the BBC. Everything else is pointless waffle for politicians promises we cannot afford to make. No BBC debate will remedy anything.


  20. George R says:

    A discussion which Islam Not BBC (INBBC) does not provide-


    “Jihad on the Offensive

    — on The Glazov Gang.”




  21. noggin says:

    When I drove back this morning I caught something on CAGE again.
    What is it with these extremists and the BBC? they are literally obsessed, where were they when these bast-rds were threatening
    beheading Christians again?, burning their children alive in cages?.
    The BBC and its reverse midas touch with Ansar, or Begg, or Hasan
    or the MCB, or CAGE, or MPac, or the Ramadan Fnd.




  22. noggin says:


    • Pounce says:

      Terrorist appoligist bukari was well exposed as a right west hating cunt. Why can’t the bBC interview Muslims like that they do Tories, Christians , Jews, but not blood thirsty Muslims


  23. Guest Who says:

    Craig again checking the BBC on detail; detail fails.


    There is a ‘twist’ in that some form of correction went into play, but in reality how many in the audience will ever have noticed?


    • AngusPangus says:

      I flagged this up on the midweek open thread a couple of days ago. As well as disappearing immigration as the 3rd top concern, the BBC also totally ignored the finding that 53% of young people wanted “serious cuts to government spending” to deal with the deficit, which goes totally against the anti-austerity/anti-cuts meme that the BBC have been pushing for the last 5 years. The other “answers” available to deal with the deficit were “increase taxes” (for OLDER people), let future generations pick up the bill, or don’t know.

      The deficit question was clearly contrived to produce an expected massive majority in favour of raising taxes, viz, (i) raising taxes was the first available response (ii) tax rises would be directed at “older people” (i.e. the young people being surveyed wouldn’t have to pay and (iii) the “cuts” option wasn’t just “cuts” but “serious cuts” – clearly flagging this as an unpleasant option.

      Despite all of this transparent manipulation, 53% still wanted “serious cuts”. Yet, because this so obviously does not fit the BBC austerity/anti-cuts stance, it was not reported. Of course, had it been 53% in favour of tax rises, the BBC would no doubt have trumpeted the finding.

      This is blatant management and manipulation of the news agenda. (Also note, on the website reports, no direct link to the actual full survey results was provided; they obviously didn’t want people seeing the un-varnished truth)

      I have tweeted Newsbeat and BBC News several times to ask why the surprising finding in favour of cuts was not reported. *tumbleweed*


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘As well as disappearing immigration as the 3rd top concern, the BBC also totally ignored the finding that 53% of young people wanted “serious cuts to government spending”

        Their editorial by omission seems to be getting ever more proactive.

        ‘This is blatant management and manipulation of the news agenda’

        Calling the trust and transparency of the entity claiming to educate and inform into serious doubt.

        I hate to say it, but as views appear their own to mess with at whim, twitter is no medium to solicit replies. Not bad for holding them up to derision, yes, if risking a blocking as they retreat further into their comfort zone.

        Complain formally. They have to reply. Then share here.

        That said, it is possible that those with a mind and the means to stir things up more in the media may by now already taking an interest.


        • AngusPangus says:

          Honestly, I’d love to, but I simply don’t have the time or the stamina to take a complaint to a meaningful point. The entire complaints system is designed as a self-serving NFA round filing cabinet, as I think you know from bitter experience!


          • Guest Who says:

            Fair do’s. No argument, no worries.

            Shame their system has been designed so effectively to not improve their service, as this site and others highlight daily when the unaccountable test limits further.


  24. Teddy Bear says:

    The following story showing what the BBC understand as the required ‘virtues’ to be successful in business reveals a few things about their own mindset:
    1. They see no problem raising and encouraging children to be deceitful and dishonest if it means they will succeed.
    2. Their understanding of good business practice and service is itself based on their own lack of ethics.
    3. It was only after complaints that they responded with with: ‘On reflection, we accept that when taken out of context the quiz could be seen to be condoning immoral behaviour, which was certainly not our intention.’

    On reflection??? Check out the questions and answers on the article below.

    Be afraid, be very afraid! c0702.gif

    BBC business quiz for children is dropped from website after their workplace skills were rated on how deceitful they were

    *Quiz asked eight ‘business’ questions and gave out points for dishonesty
    *Those who answered dishonestly to five or more praised as ‘go-getters’
    *Others were shown message saying they were ‘too nice’ to succeed


    • GCooper says:

      You only have to look at the BBC’s post-Jeff Randall coverage of what it imagines to be the world of business, to see how weak a grasp of the subject the Guardian readers have.

      Many of the twits who work at the BBC haven’t ever been employed by a private enterprise concern. Much like their preferred political leader, of course.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Much like their preferred political leader, of course.

        Which one? None of the two main parties and the Fib Dems have had a job at all let alone one in the private sector !


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      About sums it up. One of my friends Kids has been an intern for a while. Works all day and some evenings with no break and no money. Goes from one intership to another being supported by their parents. Good degree too. Tends to accurately reflect the reality of the BBC questions. The only way any ethics have been introduced is generally through legislation.


      • Angrymanupnorth says:

        Grow up fascist.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Internships are terrible things, and are in reality illegal. Every time they have been challenged in court the employer has been forced to pay at least the minimum wage.

        When it comes to politics how many people can afford to work in Westminster and live in London for 5 years whilst earning nothing? Cameron’s refusal to make them illegal only shows his desire to protect the top jobs for those with wealthy families.

        I am told this is also becoming the norm with the BBC, with people unable to enter a career in the broadcast industries without first completing an unpaid internship.

        What use is an illusion of equal opportunities when the barrier when it comes to employment in the better paid jobs, comes down to how well off and willing to fund their kids the parents are.


      • D1004 says:

        Are you trying to be liked ? You are curious. By the way I’m still waiting for you to make one.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘‘On reflection, we accept that when taken out of context the quiz could be seen to be condoning immoral behaviour, which was certainly not our intention.’

      See, they apologised.

      For the kind of howler that would have had every BBC Pultizer wannabee screaming for positions to be considered.

      Sorry, no… take that back… they didn’t apologise.

      They couldn’t even manage that.

      Lots explained though. Still little excused.



      • Teddy Bear says:

        I think what explains this is that we are witnessing the actions of those without conscience, much less the understanding of the dynamics in what makes a good life. This is why they have to masquerade as ‘caring and concerned’ to achieve power, knowing they have none.
        This is also why they will always expose their hypocrisy.


  25. stuart says:

    suzanne evans of ukip is on the leftie liberal any questions panel tonight radio 4 8 pm,i think should pull out of this show tonight because it will just be one big anti ukip,anti nigel farage biased hatefest not only by the howling socalist workers party invited audience but the politacal establishment invited guests tim farron,ken clarke phil redmond and co will just gang up on suzanne and no doubt bully her and scream accusations of racism ,i think she should pull out of any questions tonight because i think the bbc,snide dimbleby will just set up any questions tonight just to attack and mock suzanne evans as a racist which she is damm well not,we will see what happens tonight,but i fear the worst for suzanne evans of ukip tonight.oh bty,what odds they bring up nigel farages comments about employment tonight but wont mention this disgusting report released today about another muslim paedophile ring in rochdale abusing 100s of white children with the police turning a blind eye again,you disgust me greater manchester police force,just disgust me.


    • Thoughtful says:

      I’m sure that I heard on Radio 4 a mention that the “recently launched Muslim manifesto” was to be discussed. If this is the case then it is a jaw dropping disgrace that the BBC could dignify such a thing by discussing it.
      What next a discussion of why the Nazi party failed to eliminated 100% of the Jews and how they might have done better?

      As for Greater Manchester it doesn’t have a Police force since the Fascist Tony Lloyd became commissioner. It now has a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad which is only interested in infringement of left wing policy.


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      it will just be one big anti ukip,anti nigel farage biased hatefest … snide dimbleby will just set up any questions tonight just to attack and mock suzanne evans

      Well; that turned out pretty accurate if the first two minutes are anything to judge by…


  26. Mr Glodstone says:

    Question Time was so boring last night, why have such bland people on the panel? Anna Soubrey seems never to be off the thing and the Labour woman was unbelievably dull.
    The only memorable programmes are those with outspoken participants from the right or the left. I believe Mark Steyn has been in the U.K. this week, why not have him on?
    The only interesting thing about last night’s edition, was whether Charles Kennedy was going to last until the credits.


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      Question Time was so boring last night…

      I love it when that happens; set of zombies trying to outdo each other on political correctness. It’s like the old Monty Python movie set during the Black Death….’Bring out your dead!… Bring out your dead!’

      The viewers must be able to contrast these brain-numbing lost hours from their lives with the vibrant contributions made by UKIP panellists when they get a chance.


  27. George R says:

    Apparently, Beeboids demand ‘transparency’ of British national security,
    but will they provide ‘transparency’ in their own Star Chamber Clarkson case?


    • Guest Who says:

      Given the default BBC CECUTT and FOI reactions, their commitment to transparency seems to be crystal in what they demand of others but pretty opaque when the spotlight swings to their activities.


  28. ANeaterArris says:

    Teenage racist rants of Bighead Brigstocke.

    Marcus Brigstocke is soaking up ever more of the license fee preaching to the bien pensant choir. A hard man to escape if you like radio. And a smug sermoniser on Twitter. If you don’t like Al Qaida or the European Union you’re a ‘racist’.
    Here is Brigstocke the teenage public schoolboy, from one of his school contemporaries. “Power to the rich! Glory to the rich! BOMB THE BAN!” He also did a racist impression of the black kids (when they weren’t around), consisting of sticking his tongue in his lower lip and going “‘Ee deaf? Buss ‘ee in de head”, presumably an early version of his ‘yoot’ voice.” – posted on one of the many threads excoriating him on Cookdandbomd.co.uk, a left wing comedy forum which should in theory be on his side. They think he’s a hypocrite, a bandwagon jumper, pointing out several shameful contradictions in his recent career, such as calling people with mental health issues on disability allowance ‘lazy.’; ‘Depression isn’t a real disease’ etc.. (Discussed here http://www.cookdandbombd.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=24197.0 school memories and much more here http://www.cookdandbombd.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=35200.15;wap2)
    He owes his tiresome ubiquity to parroting the BBC left wing agenda on every possible issue, stoking the endless smear campaign against ‘racist’ Nigel Farage and Geert Wilders – an especially loathsome distortion as the latter has received countless credible death threats for defending enlightenment values against Islamists – the real fascists.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      I thought he, and Sandie Toksvig, were Lib Dems until just after the last election, but could not take actually having a say in government rather than being safe in perpetual opposition, like many other Lib Dems of the time.

      Seems like Giles Wemmbly Hogg may be based on his youth.


      • ANeaterArris says:

        Yes indeed. Wish he’d stick to his strengths, playing upper class twits.


  29. 60022Mallard says:

    Another BBC own goal.

    Comment about the Millibands “kitchen” seen in the recent soft focus piece by the BBC drew a response from a friend that were only standing in their “second” kitchen and that the other was a much grander affair.

    Now who was it who decided to film Ed and Mrs Ed at home in that kitchen – the BBC, the Labour PR machine or a joint effort?

    Ed “two kitchens, man of the people” Milliband?


  30. Non Licence Fee Payer says:

    Oisin Tymon, the perfect Beeboid.

    Young, trendy left looking, with an unpronounceable name.


    • Geoff says:

      Read on Guido he ticks another box as well….


    • thoughtful says:

      Never the less the real Ahem in the woodpile is Danny Cohen who was the subject of an entire thread on these pages not so very long ago, and hates Clarkson with a passion.
      Despite this self interested Jew realising the anti Semitism coming from the Muslims, he is so blinded by his liberal values that he is unable to see past them. Just as aggressive in his desire to silence anyone whose views do not accord with his own, this overpaid ego does not appear to know that discriminating against someone on the grounds of their political beliefs is a breach of their human rights !


  31. chrisH says:

    Only the BBC could send their business monkey( doubtless never ran one in his life either) to BRIXHAM…to discuss the election.
    It`s part of 100 constituencies being visited by the Today hacks-and hang the carbon footprint for this one.
    Maybe the BBC thought it was Brixton-but by my reckoning, Brixham is a fishing port…so would you not have thought that FISHING, and its demise…might have popped its head up in the “Business News”.
    But no-the only person asked was some bluestocking LibDem who was allowed to bang on about the lack of roads and broadband in Torquay….but the disastrous EU Fishing policy seemed not to be salient…relevant-and bloody well NOT to be broached by a BBC suckup or a LibDem EU Manic.
    This was about 7.15 this morning.
    What was YOUR “Turnoff the bloody BBC moment” this morning?


    • Old Goat says:

      Oh, yes – singularly awful This stupid mare kept on about “The Bay” and “The boys from the Bay”, and shrieked “absolutely” at the beginning of each sentence, at least four times.


  32. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    OK, now we know: Shilan Ozcelik – Hero!

    British teenage girl charged with trying to join Kurdish forces fighting Isis

    There was some confusion over this story yesterday, but now it’s clear.

    A teenager from London, who was allegedly trying to join a Kurdish military women’s unit fighting Isis in Syria, has been charged with a terrorist offence.

    Shilan Ozcelik, who is of Kurdish descent, was arrested earlier this year at Stansted airport. She is believed to be the first British citizen to be arrested for trying to join the campaign against the jihadis who control eastern Syria and western Iraq.

    Ozcelik appeared at Westminster magistrates court on Wednesday and was charged with a terrorist offence. She was remanded in custody and is due to appear at the Old Bailey next month. Her supporters are planning a demonstration outside Holloway prison in north London, where she has been remanded.

    So the whole UK establishment has been at pains for a month to eulogise the three females who went off to join ISIS. The head of the police gave them ‘no arrest’ assurances in Parliament just this week. Yet Shilan Ozcelik, who has volunteered to put her life at risk fighting our enemies is treated as a criminal.

    It would be good to see this case as an aberration but, sadly, it seems standard practice for the UK to dump on its friends.


    • DownBoy says:

      Yeah and they are still droning on about the three little Nazis. Apparently, we are told, there is now footage of them beside a car on the Turkish side of the border looking apprehensive.

      We don’t care.


      • Llareggub says:

        The more videos of them, the greater the chance that the CIA will grab them and waterboard the little sluts to make them blabbler.


    • thoughtful says:

      Friends? If Cameron had had the chance he would have been sending the military to fight on the side of ISIS !
      Saudi is a friend of ISIS, so it’s obvious where Camerons orders are coming from. After he has left power we will no doubt see him able to collect his reward and then we will know for certain who exactly was pulling the strings.

      Saudi doesn’t like Iran, so we don’t like Iran, yet they are the ones fighting ISIS in Iraq.

      Why are you surprised that the British government is hostile to Kurdish fighter? Look to what Saudi feels about them to find out what British policy is.

      The truth is that we are being controlled by politicians under the control of some other government and not a very nice one.


  33. chrisH says:

    Anyone able to tell me how one Todd Sterns belief that “there will soon be a big US announcement about global boiling(or suchlike)…very soon” becomes a news item on the 7am Radio 4 News this morning.
    Who the hell is he-and what kind of news item is THIS?

    Tell me again-how the hell does this make an “Item on the news”?
    Do BBC monkeys just read ANYTHING they`re given?…as if I don`t know.
    Fucking Warmons…always tooting their toot for Big Green.
    Yes “Warmons”-that`s them that is…Peter Hitchens gave us the word-let`s use it!


    • Angrymanupnorth says:

      Warmons. Hmmm. I like it.

      Eco-loons, Warmists, Reality Deniers and now Warmons. Hmmm.

      There’ll be enough terms for a thesaurus entry soon.


      • DownBoy says:

        I wonder if we could encourage some of these smug loonies to check if all the polar bears are dead yet by camping on an ice floe in the arctic. Go the bears!


        • Angrymanupnorth says:

          Frozen Leftard. The new polar bear snacks. I like it!


        • chrisH says:

          And-yet again, to quote the Greatest Living Hitch….polar bears can swim any way!
          So what the fuss?


    • Richard Pinder says:

      I suspect that Todd Stern is about to announce that he has successfully stopped the Climate from Changing, thanks to a UN agreement.
      But I don’t think it will work because these morons confuse politics with science.


  34. George R says:

    “On 11 March 2015, members of the European Scrutiny Committee heard evidence from the BBC on the media and European scrutiny.

    “Committee Chair Sir Bill Cash said ‘the issues in question go to the heart of the Charter obligations of the BBC’.

    “The committee is holding an evidence session as part of its inquiry into the European Scrutiny system.

    “The European Scrutiny Committee assesses the legal and political importance of EU legislation.

    “Witnesses included:

    • Lord Hall, Director General, BBC

    • James Harding, Director of News and Current Affairs, BBC”

    ( Video of proceedings: 1 hr: 55 m).


    -There are some politically revealing/ and concealing moments, e.g.:

    -HALL simplistically using his false mantra that everything Beeboids do is ‘impartial;’

    – and HARDING, apparently non-plussed to learn that the finance which BBC gets from European Union must be used to further the political aims of the E.U.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      This Committee found the BBC “ignorant” on most issues, or as a witness on the report of a previous Committee put it “I think for Mensa members, complaining to the BBC has now been established as a futile endeavour against a brick wall of low intellectual ability”


  35. Mr Glodstone says:

    This is going over old ground (for some) but it is still interesting –


  36. Steve Jones says:

    Could I ask those of you that live in a village to check on the whereabouts of your resident idiot. There is at least one bench by the war memorial sitting empty at the moment.


  37. The Old Bloke says:

    Any Questions, Radio 4. Talk about a Lefty love fest? Well this is it and I’ve only listened to 10 minutes of it. Ken Clarke? What a silly old fool, time to go I’m afraid, time for your bed bath and dinner…don’t be late!


    • DownBoy says:

      Interesting that this week on QT and AQ the Conservative Party have been represented by Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke, both from the dripping wet far left of the party. They are both eurofanatics. The sort of Tories the BBC can put up so the programmes have the veneer of balance but are actually all one way traffic.
      Incidentally I thought Suzanne Evans did well tonight.


      • Steve Jones says:

        I enjoyed watching that idiot green leader getting the ridicule that she and the greens deserve on QT. Obviously the BBC was unable to bus in the audience from a previous AQ that cheered on Bennett’s every utterance.


  38. George R says:

    When will INBBC’s Muslim Head of Religion, Aaqil AHMED, give him a TV series?

    Perhaps to replace ‘Top Gear’?

    “Under fire, vicar who said ‘we love Allah’: Liberal clergyman attacked by traditional Anglicans for allowing full Muslim prayer service in his Church.
    “Giles Goddard, vicar of St John’s, Waterloo, held ‘inclusive mosque’ event.
    “During service asked congregation to praise ‘the God that we love, Allah.
    “Fellow clergymen call service ‘offensive’ and say it is against church law.”



    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2992645/Under-fire-vicar-said-love-Allah-Liberal-clergyman-attacked-traditional-Anglicans-allowing-Muslim-prayer-service-Church.html#ixzz3UIkxuWMk


    • DownBoy says:

      He will be on ‘Thought for the Day’ before you know it.
      I think Rev Giles should head on out to Yemen or Saudi or maybe Shia Iran, rock up to the local Mosque in his cassock and ask to go inside and lead some hymns of praise to Jesus.
      Hey Giles, that bearded guy with the sword isn’t about to enact a charming local sword dance, he wants your neck.


  39. Brian Mac says:

    Well ! Thats me heading out now. Hopefully I can get a pint of what Charles Kennedy was drinking last night


    • Steve Jones says:

      Steady on Brian, a pint of what Kennedy drinks would probably kill the average person.


      • Mr Glodstone says:

        To adapt a line from Ricky Gervais re Mel Gibson, when he hosted the Grammys:
        “I like a drink as much as the next man, as long as the next man isn’t Charles Kennedy.”


  40. Roland Deschain says:

    Syria girls: Video appears to show missing British trio

    Give it a rest, BBC. We don’t care. No-one much does, except you.


    • noggin says:

      oops and Peston “Quelle” surprise
      oops and Dermot f-ckin Oleary and Red Nose Big Up BBC night
      oops and Clarkson (where s me beanz) …
      ps – has his producer got a Red Nose?


  41. Non Licence Fee Payer says:

    I see Peston is on BBC2 beating us over the head with EU good, non-establishment political parties bad, in his Quelle Catastrophe! A programme lamenting the failure of mad lefty economic policies.

    He’s another BBC employee who could do with a touch of the Clarkson.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Well for once I thought that he and the BBC achieved a fairly balanced programme. He did keep calling the FN rightist , presumable because they want out of the EU ,don’t want open door immigration, don’t prostrate themselves before Islam, and are promoting nationalism over globalism, but their economic policies are very old leftist, re nationalisation with heavy doses of protectionism etc.
      But the programme showed how debilitating the massive French public sector is , how smothering to growth are French labour laws, how they cause massive unemployment, how many people flee France to work in a freer market system in the UK, even , although not specifically stated, how right and courageous Lady Thatcher was to tackle the union power in the 80’s. He was even very clear that high taxes reduce the tax take and prevent economic growth.
      All of these are things that Red Ed wants to re-impose on the UK. This was good broadcast for the Tories and UKIP if people bothered to watch it. It wasn’t so much a Warning From History but more a Warning From The Present!


  42. 60022Mallard says:

    Just finished watching Peston on France’s troubles.

    Dropped off for the last few minutes but do not think I missed the omission of the elephant in the room problem of being trapped in the Euro, did I?

    When the French lifestyle could be devalued steadily against the D-mark and other major currencies it did not really matter, but tied to Germany where productivity rises faster than in France the inevitable result is being priced out of markets and steadily strangling the life out of industry.

    Did you note the “Work laws” book on the desk of the employer who looks to employ less than 50 people to avoid many requirements and the size of the “payslip” detailing all the deductions

    Hollande came into government sounding like the two Eds, taxing the “rich” to pay for a socialist nirvana. Unfortunately higher tax on nothing produces less than lower taxes on something as the money departed. It would appear they have learned nothing from M. Hollande’s problems.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      No you didn’t miss it – that elephant was noticed by its absence. As were the much larger elephants of immigration and Islamification. They – the political establishment – just don’t get it, do they? Still believing that if only we had a few more Euros or Pounds in our pockets then nasty Mr Farage and nasty Madame Le Pen would vanish like the morning mist. It’s no longer about the money, Mr Peston!


    • Lobster says:

      There wasn’t much mention of the other elephant in the room either, seeing that has caused a lot of problems in France. I did have to smile at the FN mayor who organised a pig roast for his town – I bet that went down a storm with certain elephants!
      EDIT – Sorry Ian, you beat me to it!


    • Expat John says:

      No, they know all right. They just don’t want to face the consequences.


    • Invicta 1066 says:

      I agree with you. I was pleasantly surprised the programme was fairly evenly balanced for the most part (by BBC standards) and informative. I actually learned something about the French economy, stifling bureaucracy and that underworked public servants take 90 days off a year.
      I would love the union rep. who was in favour of the status quo having to run a business where a woman can go on maternity leave for one, two or three years and give no date for returning, give notice after two years when she finds another job, but come back and the employer is forced to give her back her old job.


      • RJ says:

        I found it interesting that according to Peston the disagreement in France is between “the left” and “the extreme right”. The doesn’t seem to be anyone in France on “the right” or “the extreme left”.


        • GCooper says:

          Further confirmation that Peston is deeply confused and unable to tell left from right. Or even Left from Right.


          • I Can See Clearly Now says:

            To be fair to the Beeb, they gave Marine Le Pen the last word – there is no more right or left; the new demarcation is nationalist v globalist; that is the future of the world.


  43. A Teddy called Moh says:

    I watched comic relief for 2 minutes this evening. Saw some Africa child sobbing about his dead family . I didn’t think it that funny, I think they should change the name before someone sues them for misrepresentation or false advertising.


  44. stuart says:

    another thing that the bbc and radio 5 live confused me this week about is the lack of coverage yesterday of the brutal shooting of these 2 white unarmed police officers by black armed protesters with guns in ferguson usa,there was no coverage at all at the bbc about this compared to the coverage when a police officer shoots a black man in america,why has this horrific brutal shooting of these 2 white police officers in ferguson yesterday been totally ignored by the bbc and radio 5 live.why i ask.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Because the BBC is totally biased, perhaps? Just guessing.


      • An English Gentleman says:

        And they will take all opportunity to criticize/show police is a negative way. I wouldn’t be surprised if hey are privately rejoicing over this and any kind of coverage may cause sympathy/support for the police which is absolutely what they do not want.

        Again, if it doesn’t fit the agenda ignore and move on. If they can’t avoid reporting just report passively and quickly move on


  45. Leamas says:

    I’ve been listening to Any Questions for twenty-five years, but tonight there was a first. Dimbleby felt the need to explain that the audience ticket allocation is on a first come, first served basis.

    I can only assume this is after the recent Bristol edition where the Greens had patently rigged the entire show and packed the auditorium with a very vocal Natalie Bennett fan club.

    What steps are AQ taking to ensure no party can rig future editions?


  46. Expat John says:


    Absolutely no mention of the protestor’s politics, the President’s political party or heritage, or of the nature of the mass protests
    If Maduro was a right wing leader, if the dead protestor had been a leftist, we can rest assured that these facts would have appeared in the article.

    The BBC, misinforming by omission.


  47. Miss Dominique du Slap says:

    I see the sanctimonious lefty fest, Comic Relief, is back and like a leering turd which just won’t flush the BBC swindle is looking to syphon even more of our money – yep, that IS in addition to the 12 billion frittered away by our f**king useless politicians each year. The holier-than-thou left just love using other people’s money for their failed projects. You see, socialism doesn’t make money so the old maxim becomes ever more true: socialism works until you run out pf other people’s money.


    • Old Goat says:

      You can tell by the amount raised each year, how the plebs think. And these are the same plebs who, should they bother to vote at all, will elect either Cameron or Militwat to be their leader in May. Glad I left. At least with Marine Le Pen we have a chance in France – she is leading the field at the moment, and hopefully will maintain her impetus until 2017 and beyond. Poor old Nigel won’t get very far, when the others plus the media are doing their damnedest to destroy his party.


      • Alex says:

        Yes agreed, but what i don’t understand is why do the right never get anywhere in this country because the majority of people I speak to share Ukip concerns over immigrants and particularly followers of the religion of piece? And many polls seem to indicate that such views extend across large parts of the population. Labour, the BBC, Sky and Channel 4 etc will, as you say though, do everything they can to silence all debate. Labour are the enemy of the English; I cannot BELIEVE how any Englishman or woman could ever consider voting for these far-left scum.


  48. AsISeeIt says:

    Change the way we think

    BBC Breakfast brings us a cheery sports story about a 95-year-old who has broken a world record – for 95-year-olds.

    This story could ‘change the way we think about ageing!’

    Couple of points here: Is this the first ever BBC Grey Sports News Report?

    We now have a ring-fenced Wimmins Sports, so are the BBC about to establish a new sports ghetto?

    The possibilities are endless:

    The Zimmerframe Cup?

    Scoring a Fogey at Golf?

    The Derby and Joan…. Derby?

    But more to the point, about all this ‘change the way we think’ business…

    Dear BBC, if I want to change the way I think then I will do that myself – how about changeing the way you think for once?

    Stop bloody trying to lead me by the nose.

    Which brings me to the appropriately beaky-looking Sally Nugent on the sofa this morning banging on about how wonderful is the BBC staff beano Red Nose Day

    Then a bad storm in the Pacific is suddenly ‘the worst ever!’

    BBC – how about you change the way you think?


    • Lobster says:

      I’m surprised they managed to show elderly people in a favourable light at all – they do tend to vote for the “wrong” parties don’t they? Not forgetting all the bed-blocking they cause in hospitals, despite them paying into the system all their lives. They also tend not to be very “diverse”.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        ‘…surprised they managed to show elderly people in a favourable light at all’

        Don’t imagine the BBC agenda will change; run that 200 metres in prescribed time, granddad, or you’re for the Terry Pratchet euthenasia programme. We need to fit in half a million more people every year – EU says so -bed blocking? You’re Britain blocking granddad.


    • Oldbob says:

      The worst cyclone ever shit is always so predictable…….wait for it…..and now over to our resident climate change cretin in where ever the tiny speck in the ocean is, holed up in some dimly lit hotel room with the tropical shutters banging for additional effect who proceeds to inform us in a near hysterical voice that this is the worst storm in living memory yada yada.

      Guess what BBC ? I and thousands like me don’t give a tuppeny toss about your climate fantasies and delusions.

      Off switch.


  49. AsISeeIt says:

    A very telling sequence was broadcast by the BBC tv news just now.

    As Red Nose Day topped the news (?!) and the Jeremy Clarkson story came in second – self-regarding celebrity obsessed BBC or what?

    Note the on screen series of pictures of personalites : Russell Brand, then Lenny Henry, then a young black man I don’t recognise (rapper, The Voice winner? kids tv?), then Stephen Fry…. all lefty PC boxes ticked!

    Then we get a shot of Jeremy Clakson very appropriately underscored with a quote about Dinosaurs

    Could the BBC agenda be any more clear?


  50. Geoff says:

    A tweet I saw last night, worth repeating here.



    • Pounce says:

      That explains to me why the bBC kept very quiet about the vote last week which wrote into law that 0.7 % of the GDP will go towards foreign Aid. If the plebs knew about that they would ( as they will) reduce the amount they hand over for good causes . Myself I give no money to any charity that workss abroad.


      • lock13 says:

        me neither makes no sense who in their right mind would live in a house that is falling apart (U.K.) and spend all their wages on fixing somebody else’s house in Timbuktoo -utter lunacy


        • Geoff says:

          Good analogy, the same as if Britain were a ship, listing badly with dwindling supplies and limited fuel (as it is) would it keep taking on more passengers?


      • johnnythefish says:

        We had a standing order for 20 quid a month going to Action Aid in Africa for nigh on 20 years. Over that time nothing had changed – Bob Geldof’s starving Ethipoia had tripled its population, once-wealthy Zimabwe was a basket case, oil billions were being siphoned by Nigeria’s elite, brutal wars were still being fought across the continent etc etc

        So we cancelled the standing order and wrote a letter to Action Aid explaining why.

        Didn’t get a reply – of any sort.


        • Invicta 1066 says:

          Correct point about the population. Save one poor starving African 10 year female, and in 10-15 years you will have an extra 4-5 mouths to feed. The land in many parts just cannot sustain the increasing population, these are human beings and we should do something to help them. Educating females, birth control should be offered. I despaire of the idiots who claim that because has Africa ha Every time I see a new well being dug


          • Invicta 1066 says:

            Somehow the above comment just posted itself.
            Sorry try again

            Correct point about the population. Save one poor starving African 10 year female, and in 10-15 years you will have an extra 4-5 mouths to feed. The land in many parts just cannot sustain the increasing population, these are human beings and we should do something to help them. Educating females, birth control should be offered. I despair of the idiots who claim that because has Africa has a young and rapidly growing population this is wonderful, it is disastrous. Every time I see a new well being dug I shudder to think how long the ancient water table being tapped into will last. Same thing is happening in the USA’s wheat belt, water table laid down thousands of years ago dropping by 3ft a year and being replenished at the rate of about an inch each year.
            BBC red button regional news claims that 80,000 new houses need to built in Birmingham to cater for the increasing population, we are all doomed, I tell you!


      • grimer says:

        I give some money to Sight Savers (I think they do important work and help people to help themselves – i.e. avoid dependency due to blindness) and also some money to ‘Facing the world’ that provides plastic surgery to people suffering horrific deformaties. Both have a specific goal and are relatively small specialised charities.

        I learned about Facing the World via a Sky documentary. It featured a yound Indonesian boy with a horrific facial tumour. They brought him and his mother to the UK for the operation. He had a day visiting the sights of London before the operation. They asked him if he liked England. He said he liked it, because people didn’t stop in the street, stare, point and laugh at him. Maybe British culture isn’t as evil as the BBC would have us believe.


    • lock13 says:

      Red Nose day must be the biggest gathering together of unfunny people on the planet was Ross and Norris McWhirter there with young Roy Castle


      • nofanofpoliticians says:

        I don’t like Ricky Gervais much, but this pretty much bangs the nail on the head for me…