Could Clarkson have engineered his suspension from the BBC to force their hand?
Clarkson’s contract is up in a month, and who knows what kind of conditions it holds for the BBC to be able to recontract him for another period, nor the penalties should they break that contract.
The BBC have paid Clarkson a large amount of money for the Top Gear franchise, obviously if he isn’t there to present it they will lose that money, and Clarkson will be free to sell a similar program to another broadcaster.
I think we all know that the BBC has absolutely zero commercial nous, and wouldn’t see that they might be being played. Politically motivated senior staff probably don’t care if the BBC loses hundreds of millions, because they’ve done it before, and there’s little or no consequence to them. Nor does it matter if the viewing figures fall further, or the programming becomes even more anodyne. It just doesn’t matter. The spineless government will always keep their gravy train going because they’re too inept to think & implement an alternative.
There’s good news for all you Top Gear fans, it’s not going to be dropped! Thankfully they are getting shot of the three politically incorrect regular dinosaurs, Clarkson, May and Hammond, replaced by Marcus Brigstocke, Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis. Rubber burning gas guzzlers that do 200mph are out, solar powered, super safe eco automobiles that take three days to drive to Brighton are in. The Stig will have to go. Rumour has it he will be replaced by the Reverend Giles Fraser who won’t try to go round a race track as fast as possible (I mean where’s the fun in that?) but will tootle along country lanes in an electric car while lecturing us on the horrors of climate change. There will be regular contributions from Sandi T, Jeremy Hardy and Jo Brand where they’ll strain every sinew to get some snide remark about UKIP into the proceedings, at which point the audience will hoot and scream their approval.
Sounds like a winner to me…
Jeff, whilst that is very funny indeed and worthy of the name ‘satire’, it is also a depressing possibility – we have to remember the BBC’s commitment to its 28gate mates….
Cyclone in the South Pacific. I bet the warmies are rubbing their hands with glee – I can feel yet another global warming push on its way. The biggest, worst, strongest, wildest,windiest, wettest, most fatally dangerous common or garden cyclone, EVAH. And it’ll be all OUR fault. How very dare we.
Happened to listen to a short excerpt of R4 any questions during a short car journey yesterday. The panel were discussing Clarkson and they were generally not that interested but thought the BBC should keep him on. Dimmers took a poll of the audience and, good heavens, a very large majority wanted him gone.
Red Nose Day has been around for longer than Jezza’s Top Gear. Who are the real dinosaurs ?
I would not put in a penny for nationalised charity if I can help it, even though many private firms have jumped in on the act in recent years.
I contribute to LOCAL charities, mainly hospices, rather than to listen to self-righteous pricks lecturing me on where I OUGHT TO cough up for charity.
If you recall ITV ditched it’s telethon I remember when this whole malarky started & you used to get hassled every where you went. But then of course BBc doesn’t have to worry about flogging advertising slots during the entertainment vacuum.
This is well worth a read for those of you who are sick and tired of the evil oil and co2 mantra pushed by the BBC climate change and all things green kindergarten.
There’s no date on that story, but it’s clearly a very old one.
Reference to “News 24” (it’s not been called that since 2008) and pressure to “help the public understand new technology such as WAP phones” are a dead giveaway.
What’s the day, date and time (& weather forecast) at the top refer to then?
It refers to today’s date and time – many dynamic websites include up-to-date information alongside old content. For example, if you were to go back to an old Biased BBC post on this site, the sidebars would still include the most recent comments from today.
‘Nick Thorpe’s seven part documentary film series on Roma communities across Europe – A Gadjo in Romanistan – begins 16 March on Duna TV’
I look forward to it. Here’s just a taste that would bring a tear to Woolfie Smith’s eye
‘…Communist authorities encouraged Gypsy music. Young children were brought here from poor villages and taught music, discipline, and foreign languages, and when they finished they were guaranteed a job. The state-run National Entertainment Centre allotted them a restaurant, night after night’.
Funnily enough this sounds like the BBC’s idea of a utopia.
Young children forcibly removed from loving homes and indoctrinated in socialism. Sounds right up their street. Just make sure there are no UKIP foster parents, we absolutely must draw the line somewhere…
BBC inform us that one of the missing girls has been named. The never ending story continues. How much longer before they come back to the UK and whelp courtesy of the NHS?
Tony ‘impartial’ HALL wants to sack Clarkson, and retain Fairhead.
” Will Rona Fairhead hang up her £500k-a-year hat at HSBC?”
[Opening excerpt]-
“How long will Rona Fairhead hang on to her £500,000-a-year-plus non-executive position at HSBC?
“The smart money would not give her much longer in the plum post. From the point of view of MPs on the select committee, Fairhead’s role at the bank calls into question her position as chair of the BBC Trust. For fellow directors at HSBC, however, it is the other way round.
“The bank, having been embroiled in money-laundering for Mexican drug barons, foreign exchange rigging and latterly suspected tax acrobatics at its Swiss private banking arm, is knee-deep in reputational risk.”
As I consider it wise (most of the time) to follow doctor’s orders I stopped listening to BBC ‘comedians’ some time ago.
So I’d be interested to learn if anyone on here has heard on the likes of ‘The News Quiz’, ‘HIGNFY’ and ‘The Now Show’ a deserving and relentless piss-take of Green Party policies? You know, something like Jihadi chihuahuas invoking the ‘right to a family life’ defence?
A classic BBC moment in today’s repeat. In answer to a question on Hilary’s Clinton’s e-mail account one of the panellists mentioned why using a private e-mail account for government business was a serious matter. Sandi Toksvig immediately cut across him to launch a spirited defence of Clinton. Forget the comedy – defend Hilary.
The BBC News website is down – makes me realise I don’t read news anywhere else nowadays. Don’t even know where to look.
— George Bevis (@GeorgeBevis) March 14, 2015
George, so much is explained. Prepare for a glittering array of market rate job offers in complement to the day job.
For the second time in a few days, the BBC deliberately misrepresents a statement by Nigel Farage in order to manipulate public opinion of him. They were stupid enough to open comments on their intended hit piece regarding “scrapping race discrimination laws” when Farage made the absolutely reasonable (I dare say so reasonable that only a Britain-hating xenophobic liberal Marxist would have any issues with it whatsoever) that British citizens should receive preference in employment over people arriving from overseas, which dramatically backfired as people rebelled against the BBC for its obvious BBC. Today, it’s an attempt to make it look as if Farage hates the NHS, even though everything he’s said about the NHS contradicts this lazy inference, and naturally they have not opened a comments section this time. They choose the sensational headline “NHS nearly killed me” yet the article itself shows that Farage was talking about a single incident when he had testicular cancer misdiagnosed and thus made sure he had private healthcare when he was earning enough to cover the costs. He also made it abundantly clear that the NHS SAVED his life after his plane crash five years ago, yet this is buried deep in the story. Farage supports a free-at-point-of-entry NHS more than anyone in the current cabinet or even the shadow cabinet, since all three main parties have done their damndest to privatise large areas of the NHS since the days of Thatcher. Whether you support the NHS or not (I’m a big fan but also accept there’s a lot of problems with it namely too much bureaucracy) it is unfair for the BBC to continue to skew Farage’s words like this.
(3). £3bn more, annually, into our NHS which desperately needs it
(11). Ending PFI privatisation of the NHS, proliferated by Labour and the Tories
(64). Ensuring GP’s surgeries are open at least one evening per week where demand permits
(65). Ensuring migrants have NHS-approved health insurance until they have paid into the system for 5 years
(66). Ending hospital car parking charges
(67). Replacing bureaucratic watchdogs with locally elected health boards for more transparency
(68). Stopping the sale of patient data to big business
(69). Ensuring a high standard of English speakers in the NHS
(70). Amend working time rules to give trainee doctors, surgeons, and medics better environments
(71). Encouraging and protecting whistleblowing to get to the bottom of poor performance
A shame that they haven’t said they will train enough Doctors & Nurses from the UK population so that we won’t need to steel them from countries which have had the foresight to train them, and in doing so impoverishing those countries.
Sadly the Tories have failed to train sufficiently.
Moreover many doctors have left to practice oversees because the nhs has become so underfunded.Bit like the last time the Tories were in.Then it fell to Blair to put enormous resources in to provide what ended up as a reasonable service.
If there are further budget cuts be sure that the nhs will rely on foreign trained personnel and agency staff. That’s what get when effeciency savings Al la Grayling go horribly wrong. Same legal aid and education. Gove airlines. Come crash with me!
Then it fell to Blair to put enormous resources in to provide what ended up as a reasonable service.
Wrong right there – a lot of what Blair and Brown put in went to massively increase NHS pay. As pay in the real economy (that supports the NHS – remember?) declined, the NHS workers used their union muscle to increase their differential so that it is now ludicrous.
Do you remember the big announcement of the ‘investment’? Blair talked of ‘reform of public services…’, reform… reform…. reform… Brown then got up and rambled on about ‘investment in public services…’, ‘investment… investment… investment…’. I knew that day, for the first time, New Labour was doomed.
The problem with the idea of “reform” is that it will be designed and overseen by the Department of Health. As a result it will make NHS management even more complicated, expensive and demoralising for all staff. The key requirement will be to create as many layers of management as possible, to maximise the distance between the Department and the clinical areas where things might go wrong – not my fault Gov.
The priorities for NHS Trusts are:
1) don’t embarrass the minister
2) don’t overspend your budget
3) comply with all equal opportunities legislation
4) comply with all regulations to reduce your carbon footprint
5) treat some sick people.
Check out the Kings and rose reports. The latter has been postponed till after the election but is a withering attack on Graylings reforms.i think mentioned ‘the worst management structure they had ever encountered’ Sarah Wolleston has gone mental over it.
Teresa the appeaser spreads the guilt over child sexual abuse which is ‘woven into the fabric of our society’. BBC must be pleased, no mention of the M word from our Teresa. A BBC favourite is this girl.
This is either down to sheer laziness i.e. they couldn’t be arsed checking his identity, or political correctness i.e. they deemed it inappropriate/offensive to ask him for it.
Either way, the BBC show what a shoddy, unprofessional outfit they are, not fit for purpose.
new yorker magazine’s and the bbc’s view of gerry adams are at odds. apparently the magazine thinks adams is a mass murderer and a war criminal while the bbc still thinks he’s a statesman. how bizarre!
A disgusting attack by Paki kids on an elderly man in Rochdale goes unreported by the BBC, and Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad appear to have forgotten to mention the racism involved. Imagine if this was the other way around, BBC would be all over it!
This was immediately prior to the riots, so maybe, because they’ve been caught and stopped from abusing young white girls in Rochdale they’ll have a riot in protest!
When I watched QT the other night, I thought one of the regulars from here had managed to infiltrate the audience and get to speak. It was the chap sitting at the back, who told the Bennett woman he’d read the last Green Party manifesto and it seemed to him, that it was only acceptable to the sort of people who would live in protest tents outside St Pauls and smoke weed all day; it made myself and Mrs G chuckle anyway.
Must be a UK wide Government blackout on news about immigration centres since just seen Russia Today and top billing is UK Detention Centres Hunger Strike:
RT must be on a Soviet style misinformation campaign?
Or is it a UK D Notice issued?
One could never imagine the BBC not relishing such a ‘Labour left agenda’ gem opportunity to headline a story like this to push the rights nose in it!
Time will tell as the truth always outs nowadays, thank God.
“Is this proof he is a killer? A 15,000-word expose by the respected New Yorker magazine makes devastating claims about Gerry Adams.
“The IRA co-ordinated first attack on the British mainland On March 8, 1973.
“Six men, two women convicted of exploding two IRA car bombs in London.
“New Yorker claims Gerry Adams was present during planning of bombings.
“Current Sinn Fein leader maintains he has never been a member of the IRA.”
My mother’s empty bungalow – rather, ‘The Occupier’ – kept getting intimidating letters from the BBC regarding the possible absence of a TV licence.
So I went on the Licensing website and registered the property as empty, receiving a confirmatory e-mail the same day. Nonetheless, the letters kept on coming, culminating in notice of the instigation of court proceedings.
So I sent them a letter, pointing out – in not so many words – what an inept bunch of tossers they were and could they not afford to instil a bit more professionalism from their £4bn a year poll-tax-guaranteed budget?
This came in their reply (verbatim):
‘I note that although you’ve previously registered the property as empty. This was updated for a period of one month. Now further enquiries letters were scheduled to be sent.
I’ve now updated our records, stopping letters for six months. We’ll then write to the address again just to check the situation is till the same. If the property is still the same please let us know.
There’s a chance that another enquiry letter has already been prepared for posting*. If one arrives in the next few weeks, please ignore it’.
*This is 10 weeks after I made the empty property declaration.
Whilst spending 18 months renovating an empty Victorian property I enjoyed collecting the stream of increasingly threatening letters from the BBC’s boot boys. Like you, I informed them it was empty but to no avail. In the end I was hoping some enforcement clown would show up as I needed to raise the level of the cellar floor.
“In an extract from his new book about the relationship between politics and the media,
Nick Robinson recalls how Churchill finally came out on top in his long-standing feud
with Lord Reith.”
By Nick Robinson-
“There is no written evidence that Churchill asked the BBC for the opportunity to speak out against appeasement. However, he did complain to a young BBC producer who visited him on the day after Chamberlain returned home from Munich. A memo records their meeting. They spent hours discussing the Nazi threat and ‘Churchill complained that he had been very badly treated… and that he was always muzzled by the BBC’. The producer was called Guy Burgess. The man who would become his country’s most famous traitor tried to reassure the man who would become its saviour that the BBC was not biased.”
‘Many Pressure groups are single issue, but 38 Degrees has set itself up as a critic of the government on a number of issues. There is nothing wrong with this. But it is totally wrong to spin matters of fact matters that you know are simply not correct. On the issue of health and the upcoming debate on the Health and Social Care Bill that is exactly what 38 Degrees are doing. They have an agenda. They have commissioned legal opinion. That legal opinion does not say what they want it to say. So they have simply present the opposite view as fact, ignoring their own legal opinion…..
Assertion 1: Procurement: the assertion is made by 38 Degrees that there will be “costly and complex procurement procedures” whereby “The new commissioning groups will be subject to EU Procurement rules”. The implication is clearly that proper procurement is a bad and expensive thing and there will be a material and bad change.
Yet examination of the opinion makes it clear that procurement rules already apply and were specifically put into law by the Labour Government in 2005-2006: the first line of the barrister’s opinion states:
“The current procurement law contained in the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, which derives from European law, has always applied to NHS purchasing with the effect that any goods or services required by NHS health providers to enable them to provide health care themselves are subject to those Regulations”
To strengthen the point at paragraph 32 the opinion states that:
“The application of procurement law is not by any means new to the NHS”….
So where are the Kinnock cartoons ? Or the BLiar ones? The man who did more to destroy the British way of life than any other nor cartooned? Maybe they were in even more fear than the Charlie Hebdo bunch ?
Either way this was a typical left wing attack which the BBC is unable to balance with a view from the other side.
Tony ‘not impartial’ HALL – Rona FAIRHEAD- HSBC-Jimmy SAVILE-
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Beleaguered BBC chief in abuse inquiry ‘cover up’ over claims she personally blocked the release of information concerning the Jimmy Savile probe .
“Rona Fairhead is accused of blocking access to letters on Jimmy Savile.
“The letters were between top BBC figures and a team investigating Savile.
“The probe has so far taken more than two years and cost at least £5million.
“Tory MP Andrew Bridgen, pictured, accused Ms Fairhead of going ‘native.'”
Tony ‘not impartial’ HALL’s pre-Star Chamber CLARKSON hearing-
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Astonishing remarks on Top Gear affair as senior BBC boss claims ‘Clarkson is like Savile’ and that ‘Jeremy has personal issues. He is self destructing… he should go into rehab.’
“A senior BBC TV executive has launched an attack on Jeremy Clarkson.
“The executive said: ‘Jeremy’s self destructing… and should go into rehab’
“They claimed: ‘Look what PM says… then swap ‘Clarkson’ for ‘Savile.’
“They added: ‘The pressure on [Top Gear producer] is Savilesque.'”
What is more shocking, Danny Cohen (AKA Mr BBC) said, “I think it will be a great tribute to Jimmy to recreate his famous show as a Christmas treat for audiences,”
So the BBC attack Clarkson, but defend a Jimmy Savile lover.
It is doing nothing about it because it lacks the backbone to force a confrontation.
There is the added complication that a least a proportion of the Conservative party’s MPs are little more than Cultural Marxists themselves and probably share a lot of the BBC’s cherished beliefs.
The BBC have no business sense at all. Those senior executives would be out on their ears in the commercial world. Top Gear earns real money for them so it must come first and if it means Clarkson is indulged then that is the business way of doing things. The problem is the BBc’s funding model. It encourages them to act foolishly. The stupid taxpayer picks up the bill.
From BBC 5Live News … more bleating shite , about the 3 missing Islamic teen terrorists, the 3 missing Islamic baby bombers
… WHY? the BBC is making this news.
Foisting dodgy family self pity, on listeners again, what s going on?
… they angling for a bloody payout?
a couple of days later … 2nd girl named
a couple of days after that … 3rd girl named
then … @bringbackourgirls?
then … families legal teams speak
loop back to families tears etc etc
Someone on the blog has mentioned Cameron’s cosy connection with the Saudis and the Saudis connection with ISIS, and we are all aware that Cameron/May share the BBC’s adoration of Islam. Hence the massive propaganda campaign to portray the girls as victims, as indeed are many followers of Isis, like the be-heading psycho, which just leaves a few bad guys in the picture. And we all know that those bad guys are not muslims. not real ones.
Ed Balls can’t commit to 2% on defence . Cameron can’t commit to 2%. Clegg surrendered to the Spanish years ago. Does anybody know what UKIPS stance is on this this ? surely coming out with a firm commitment here might get a few people interested
Every time i hear savile i think of the BBC not of all the other places.
The beeb made savile and are totally responsible for everything he did at the BBC. The golden goose could’t be touched,Mr And Mrs Wilcox knew and she’s now a Dame.
Mass non payment might be a good idea.Hit them where it hurts no money no BBC simples
Al Beeb reports that, Farage offers Tories a post election deal.
Cameron has often promised us a vote on ‘in or out’ of the EU.
Farage is willing to do a deal with the Tories if they offer a referendum before Christmas. Where are our Conservative bloggers on this ?
Oh good , then their is no point voting ukip ,because the Conservatives are the only party offering a referendum ,voting ukip in Tory /Labour marginals will ensure Millipeed/SNP form the next Government . That means No referendum . If ukip are teaming up with the Conservatives ,what`s the point of voting ukip?
Why would anyone believe a word uttered by a proven liar like David Cameron?
And, back on topic, why would anyone expect the BBC (or CH 4) to broadcast the truth about anything to do with UKIP or any party or body that doesn’t conform to the Cultural Marxist agenda?
It is high time that the Members of Parliament of this country put the interest of this nation before party politics and their jobs . Farage is for this nation.
After Ansar, or Begg, or Hasan
or the MCB, or CAGE, or MPac?
… the BBC just can t help themselves
the Al BBC “reverse Midas touch”
every Islamic spokesman/.org they vouch for,
or big up “turns to sh-t”.
Today tune in to “The Big Questions” and find
Nikki with the Ramadan Fnd, and latest “go to guy”
from the Muslim Debate Init on the front seats.
A never ending production line of apologists
so very … very BBC
“do Muslims … read Islam have a problem with apostates?
Apart from threatening them, wanting them dead, and killing them due to the book of hate … terrorising their own children
with its wicked narrative.
Erm lets think eh! … you couldn t make it up
“do Muslims … read Islam have a problem with apostates?
Well, this apostate can say its true:
Called a bad Muslim (Along with sister) and ostracised from the herd at having the temerity to get found with bruises from actual physical abuse (Such as getting hog tied naked in the garden and getting whipped, such as being hung naked from the cellar and getting whipped , having to live in the cellar (with 7 year old sister) until they went to bed. Being informed by other sister that her family have informed her to tell me I am no longer welcome for not being a Muslim, being attacked at school for being taken into care, getting phone abuse, getting a cross ripped off me in Yorkshire by somebody I didn’t know in the middle of the day (Big mistake) and there’s lots more.
It’s all pretty flowers and such when the liberals talk about Islam (Mr Khan down the road isn’t like that) but the thing is, ask yourselves, will they let your son date, never mind marry their daughters, when that openly happens without a change of faith, then the world will become a better place.
Yet for all of the above and all the ugliness that has transpired in the name of Islam, the left still see me as a….bigot.
‘It seems that, across the board, it now takes its right to distort evidence so much for granted that it no longer has the ability to recognise what damage this is doing.’
I have been noticing for a while, especially on FaceBook, the whole thing spin up, and of course the blow back it is now inspiring.
I was going to acknowledge a degree of ‘two wrongs’; clearly rape is terrible and is news, even if abroad. But to the extent the BBC are focusing on India and, especially as noted, to the exclusion of a lot else, along with context, closer to home, is hard to justify.
It’s hard not to see this as a clunky effort to redirect, and the target selected is cynical. Why India? Democratic? English speaking? But still exotic enough to serve as a lightning rod for a bit of fudging on what is going on where, at whose hands?
As always, like BBC semantics, at best they have played fast and loose with numbers, especially perecentages of totals. Just as they do with costs, human or financial, of weather catastrophes. When Krakatoa blew, there were no Swedish sunbathers on beaches where mangroves used to be. India measures population using the billion.
“…the question the BBC has to answer is why did it so deliberately omit the evidence from the final version of that film, which might have given its worldwide audience such a different picture?”
Hell of a question. However, the BBC has proven too prone to falling back on blank refusal to answer at all on spurious grounds, or at best semantic weasels from anonymous spokespeople that are too often used to close the case anyway.
And they keep getting away with it. How and why by now must surely disconcert the most loyal professional conscience.
Is it my imagination , or does the B BC exhibit its anti-English bias when the six nations rugby is on?
We seem to get Irish/Welsh/Scottish commentators routinely on English matches (i.e. when England are playing at Twickenham) on ENGLISH television) , but , if you look at BBC Wales/Scotland etc. ,they always have Welsh/Scottish/Irish commentators and NEVER an Englishman leading the presenting?
Do they think we’re stupid not to notice , or is it just another 2 fingers up to England from this self-loathing Leviathan?
If I’m wrong (and I’m not a Rugby expert) ,can some Rugby fans explain how I’m wrong ??
I dunno about that, Conan. Maybe. All I know is that for the big Ireland v Wales game we had one Irish commentator (Phillip Matthews) and two Welsh commentators (Eddie Butler and Jonathan Davies). That’s why we lost. We wuz robbed.
Actually no it was a great piece of Welsh defence in a pulsating second half, setting up a nail biting last weekend to come.
I thought exactly the same Conan. There used to be options on the “Red Button” to select alternative commentary for such matches – BBC Wales etc but never a BBC England option. (Not that BBC England has ever existed).
I tend to watch with the sound down. I rarely watch any programmes on the BBC nowadays. Even their quiz programmes seem to be controlled with “favoured” contestants given easier questions. Gone are the days when the questions were written on cards and read out. Nowadays its all computerised with a producer able to select suitable questions for suitable candidates at will
“BBC boss likens Jeremy Clarkson to Jimmy Savile after establishment support.
“It is claimed Clarkson is ‘self-destructing’ and has been able to continue behaving badly due to support from powerful friends including Prime Minister David Cameron.”
It looks like the political ‘left’ alliance of BBC and its trade unions, will seal Clarkson’s fate-
“Friend Or Pho? Clarkson’s Apology Revealed/
The Top Gear star seeks solace in Vietnamese cooking as unions say his bust-up is a crucial test for new BBC bullying policies.”
It wouldn’t surprise me if Clarkson turned out to be a bully. But he would hardly be unique at the BBC were that the case!
When the far-Left union bosses start complaining about everyone equally I promise to stop considering them nothing more than sanctimonious, hypocritical opportunists.
The (often redacted) results of various past and ongoing inquiries suggests the BBC’s handling of internal matters can vary a lot depending on how too often on how un-named executives feel about those they have power over.
However, while these nice honest girls may not have covered up for Allah, the message they bring is typical of what we have come to expect from the bBC:
Racism forced these girls to turn to the Darkside as they were ostracised
Not their Fault
Portrays all Muslims as bad
Media has a lot to do with and so the girls went over there to see what it is really like.
Sense of community with ISIS
Felt they didn’t belong here.
When they read the papers all they saw was their faith attacked.
If we see our community is attacked , then we feel attacked.
The media never shows a positive side of Islam and what the media shows is..just lies.
Talking on the Sunday Politics prog’ David Lammy was allowed to slip in a poisonous piece of propaganda. They were discussing the latest kerfuffle due to Nigel’s interview (we’ve all heard it) on a typical channel 4 hatchet job, um sorry, I mean documentary. Lammy spouted that there has been a rise in anti Semitic attacks and by innuendo suggested the “far right” were responsible. You know who these dreadful people are, these mythical hoards of tattooed skinheads who rampage through parts of north London attacking synagogues and defacing Jewish cemeteries. Of course it’s complete balderdash. We all know who is responsible and they are as far removed from the traditional bogey men as it’s possible to be.
I think if Brillo had been conducting the interview he’d have jumped on him.
“A prominent public figure has once again demonstrated that the instinct of authority is to hide trouble, rather than face it.
“Rona Fairhead, head of the BBC Trust, has personally approved the blocking of the release of unredacted letters about the Jimmy Savile scandal. She acted on the bureaucrat’s favourite excuse – that publication would inhibit frank discussions of such matters in future.
This action is straightforwardly wrong. The BBC are not a secret private empire, nor can they be a law unto themselves. Even private business, in the modern world, has to submit itself to severe outside scrutiny.
“So, since the BBC have made mistakes, they have an especially strong duty to be frank about them. They are the servants of the public, not its masters. The licence fee is collected, with the force of law, on that basis. It is largely because they have been allowed to hide their errors in dark corners that those errors have gone on unchecked for so long.
“There are, of course, good arguments for commercial confidentiality in the BBC. But outside these narrow limits, the first response in the public sector must always be clarity and transparency. Those who cannot or will not follow this policy should not be in positions of public responsibility.”
The bBC hate Clarkson because he’s popular and won’t tow the PC diversity and eco line. They also hate the fact that the same type of people like him, hating those very same people and in their own morbid way they’re punishing those by removing him and his program.
They haven’t thought this through very well. If it is the case that he should take his show to Sky and it becomes pay to view, it will only make those who had never previously questioned the telly tax do just that, after all why the need to pay an extra sub of c25 quid per month to view such a show on top of the telly tax?
As far a Savile goes, he reminds me of the types that still litter the bBC today, ie ‘stars’ , ‘stars’ because the bBC tell us they’re stars, just look at the types that presented Fridays Comic Relief. Of course I don’t imply that they’re serial child abusers, but like Savile many can’t fathom just why they’re such ‘stars’, but the bBC insist that they are..
As a kid growing up with Savile on TV, my peers and I just didn’t get him, we hated TOTP when he presented, he had absolutely no knowledge or even cared about the music he introduced. On Jim’ll Fix It he was devoid of personality, empathy or interest yet somehow like TOTP he managed to present it for 20 years, because the bBC saw him as a ‘star’
Clarkson like Savile? do me a favour Even if JC is an alcoholic womanising brawler he will never stoop to the depths of Savile.
Why would the BBC care about commercial anything? Their record shows that like every other left wing outfit they haven’t got the first clue about money management, and waste tens if not hundreds of millions without a second thought!
Did my eyes deceive me or did I just see what looked like a PR exercise program for KFC. Haven’t given them any money fror a long time as they sell hal al , wonder if they will mention that. Plus the various reports that crop up about hygene issues at their outlets.
And so F1 begins. Strikes me when they are only showing highlights why is the whole team out there? All they need is one reporter to do a couple of interviews the rest of it can be done in the studio, But I suppose then some will miss out on the jollies.
If you made a complaint to the BBc about Clarkson no doubt you too will now have this in your in box. Dear Audience Member,
Thank you for contacting us about Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear.
We announced on Tuesday that Jeremy Clarkson had been suspended by the BBC pending an investigation and that, as a result, there would therefore be some disruption to the current series of Top Gear.
We’ve received a wide range of feedback about this and some people have expressed their disappointment or have asked for more information. We do hope you’ll understand that we value this reaction, but the investigation is still underway. Until more is known, we’re therefore unable to say anything further in response and will not yet be making further statements about the issue.
We realise you’ll be disappointed that we can’t respond to you in any more detail but thank you for contacting us.
‘We’ve received a wide range of feedback’
A wide range? They have had upwards of a million people complaining about it. You couldn’t possibly get a narrower ‘range’.
-No doubt INBBC will narrate another sob story campaigning for them to be free again in U.K. -Free to commit Islamic jihad violence here, instead of in Syria?
NO. Put them on trial, now.
“Two ‘boys’ aged 17 from north-west London and a ‘man’ aged 19”.
Interesting to know that the BBC defines the age of puberty and responsibility at 18 years. But don’t they also support votes for 16-year olds?
I see the article includes the usual photograph of the three sluts, which has become symbolic – rather like a stained glass window or icon – of misguided yoofs snared away from model parents. Some hefty compensation payments in store for them when they return.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 30, 16:19 Weekend 29th March 2025 The lines on her forehead always make me question whether what she is saying is true or just BBC “agenda”.…
Fedup2Mar 30, 16:11 Weekend 29th March 2025 Excellent news – the today propaganda show – the new girl formally complains against comrade Robinson – from the DT…
tomoMar 30, 16:10 Weekend 29th March 2025 Fixation triggered by trauma isn’t uncommon, it’s normal. Decades ago when a relative expired d/t medical negligence / incompetence at…
pugnaziousMar 30, 16:03 Weekend 29th March 2025 He’s supposedly the interim choice for 5 months but probably will be rubber-stamped as permanent…given he is the tick-box DEI…
pugnaziousMar 30, 15:54 Weekend 29th March 2025 Douglas Carswell isn’t wrong….Britain has been captured by politicians, media, judges and a civil service that all have a very…
ZephirMar 30, 15:38 Weekend 29th March 2025 My mom and dad were both dwarves All their lives they struggled to put food on the table
ZephirMar 30, 15:37 Weekend 29th March 2025 Dwarf enters the library: “One book on discrimination of dwarves, please.” – says the dwarf “Third row…” – replies the…
ZephirMar 30, 15:35 Weekend 29th March 2025 A Female Dwarf goes to the doctors and says “everytime it rains my vagina hurts” The doctor has a good…
ZephirMar 30, 15:24 Weekend 29th March 2025 I can see a boycott from 12 year old schoolgirls …
diggMar 30, 15:23 Weekend 29th March 2025 Wonder which globalist is secretly funding that little plot?
Could Clarkson have engineered his suspension from the BBC to force their hand?
Clarkson’s contract is up in a month, and who knows what kind of conditions it holds for the BBC to be able to recontract him for another period, nor the penalties should they break that contract.
The BBC have paid Clarkson a large amount of money for the Top Gear franchise, obviously if he isn’t there to present it they will lose that money, and Clarkson will be free to sell a similar program to another broadcaster.
I think we all know that the BBC has absolutely zero commercial nous, and wouldn’t see that they might be being played. Politically motivated senior staff probably don’t care if the BBC loses hundreds of millions, because they’ve done it before, and there’s little or no consequence to them. Nor does it matter if the viewing figures fall further, or the programming becomes even more anodyne. It just doesn’t matter. The spineless government will always keep their gravy train going because they’re too inept to think & implement an alternative.
There’s good news for all you Top Gear fans, it’s not going to be dropped! Thankfully they are getting shot of the three politically incorrect regular dinosaurs, Clarkson, May and Hammond, replaced by Marcus Brigstocke, Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis. Rubber burning gas guzzlers that do 200mph are out, solar powered, super safe eco automobiles that take three days to drive to Brighton are in. The Stig will have to go. Rumour has it he will be replaced by the Reverend Giles Fraser who won’t try to go round a race track as fast as possible (I mean where’s the fun in that?) but will tootle along country lanes in an electric car while lecturing us on the horrors of climate change. There will be regular contributions from Sandi T, Jeremy Hardy and Jo Brand where they’ll strain every sinew to get some snide remark about UKIP into the proceedings, at which point the audience will hoot and scream their approval.
Sounds like a winner to me…
Regular feature – every week Jo Brand test drives a tank.
She won’t fit….
What do you mean ? Jo Brand is the tank.
Jeff, whilst that is very funny indeed and worthy of the name ‘satire’, it is also a depressing possibility – we have to remember the BBC’s commitment to its 28gate mates….
Cyclone in the South Pacific. I bet the warmies are rubbing their hands with glee – I can feel yet another global warming push on its way. The biggest, worst, strongest, wildest,windiest, wettest, most fatally dangerous common or garden cyclone, EVAH. And it’ll be all OUR fault. How very dare we.
More feckin money for the Third World please, because it’s all your fault you greedy polluting Westerners*!
*Copyright Agenda 21, aka mitigating actions aginst ‘climate change’.
Happened to listen to a short excerpt of R4 any questions during a short car journey yesterday. The panel were discussing Clarkson and they were generally not that interested but thought the BBC should keep him on. Dimmers took a poll of the audience and, good heavens, a very large majority wanted him gone.
I wonder why the discrepancy?
Studio audience chocker with Green watermelons.
Almost without notice now the bBC gives us biannual TV charity appeals, Children In Need and the alternate biennial Sport/Comic Relief.
How are people stupid enough to fall for all this self serving lefty bollocks?
Thinking people need relief from all this relief …
Red Nose Day has been around for longer than Jezza’s Top Gear. Who are the real dinosaurs ?
I would not put in a penny for nationalised charity if I can help it, even though many private firms have jumped in on the act in recent years.
I contribute to LOCAL charities, mainly hospices, rather than to listen to self-righteous pricks lecturing me on where I OUGHT TO cough up for charity.
Hi Al Beeb,
How about all the money raised being sent to Vanuatu
If you recall ITV ditched it’s telethon I remember when this whole malarky started & you used to get hassled every where you went. But then of course BBc doesn’t have to worry about flogging advertising slots during the entertainment vacuum.
This is well worth a read for those of you who are sick and tired of the evil oil and co2 mantra pushed by the BBC climate change and all things green kindergarten.
Seems legit.
Looks like all those God fearing really pious followers of a peaceful religion the bBC employs have been put to good use.
Over £1,500 a second. No worries, BBC, we’ll pay.
There’s no date on that story, but it’s clearly a very old one.
Reference to “News 24” (it’s not been called that since 2008) and pressure to “help the public understand new technology such as WAP phones” are a dead giveaway.
“There’s no date on that story”
You may be right. Still, allowing for inflation it still looks a spiffy investment even after all this time.
What’s the day, date and time (& weather forecast) at the top refer to then?
What’s the day, date and time (& weather forecast) at the top refer to then?
It refers to today’s date and time – many dynamic websites include up-to-date information alongside old content. For example, if you were to go back to an old Biased BBC post on this site, the sidebars would still include the most recent comments from today.
The old Biased BBC page would still be more informative and funny than the BBC will be .
7 hours of sport on bbc1 this saturday…why do i pay for a tv licence
BBC man Nick Thorpe gets all nostalgic for the communist era here in his report ‘Missing the old Gypsy orchestras’
‘Nick Thorpe’s seven part documentary film series on Roma communities across Europe – A Gadjo in Romanistan – begins 16 March on Duna TV’
I look forward to it. Here’s just a taste that would bring a tear to Woolfie Smith’s eye
‘…Communist authorities encouraged Gypsy music. Young children were brought here from poor villages and taught music, discipline, and foreign languages, and when they finished they were guaranteed a job. The state-run National Entertainment Centre allotted them a restaurant, night after night’.
Funnily enough this sounds like the BBC’s idea of a utopia.
‘Nick Thorpe’s seven part documentary film series on Roma communities across Europe…’
Dear Lord.
Beam me up Scotty (no, not you).
Young children forcibly removed from loving homes and indoctrinated in socialism. Sounds right up their street. Just make sure there are no UKIP foster parents, we absolutely must draw the line somewhere…
Ceauscescu placed all the gypsies in the worst part of towns , where the transit lorries would run through .
BBC inform us that one of the missing girls has been named. The never ending story continues. How much longer before they come back to the UK and whelp courtesy of the NHS?
When will the BBC get it into their thick skulls that nobody except them gives a shit?
Tony ‘impartial’ HALL wants to sack Clarkson, and retain Fairhead.
” Will Rona Fairhead hang up her £500k-a-year hat at HSBC?”
[Opening excerpt]-
“How long will Rona Fairhead hang on to her £500,000-a-year-plus non-executive position at HSBC?
“The smart money would not give her much longer in the plum post. From the point of view of MPs on the select committee, Fairhead’s role at the bank calls into question her position as chair of the BBC Trust. For fellow directors at HSBC, however, it is the other way round.
“The bank, having been embroiled in money-laundering for Mexican drug barons, foreign exchange rigging and latterly suspected tax acrobatics at its Swiss private banking arm, is knee-deep in reputational risk.”
Read more:
Anyone watching Kenneth Moore figthing muslims in ‘North West Frontier’ on BBC2, now?
“When those devils do a job, they do it properly..”
Watch out for Herbert Lom’s character near the end of the film talking about his duty to carry out jihad.
how times change…
Hmmmm, maybe Clouseau can sort this out then – have all the Jihadis gibbering wrecks in no time.
That cheese-eating surrender minkey ?
As I consider it wise (most of the time) to follow doctor’s orders I stopped listening to BBC ‘comedians’ some time ago.
So I’d be interested to learn if anyone on here has heard on the likes of ‘The News Quiz’, ‘HIGNFY’ and ‘The Now Show’ a deserving and relentless piss-take of Green Party policies? You know, something like Jihadi chihuahuas invoking the ‘right to a family life’ defence?
Russell Howard maybe?
Marcus Brigstocke anyone?
Go on then, just one vicious jibe will do…
A classic BBC moment in today’s repeat. In answer to a question on Hilary’s Clinton’s e-mail account one of the panellists mentioned why using a private e-mail account for government business was a serious matter. Sandi Toksvig immediately cut across him to launch a spirited defence of Clinton. Forget the comedy – defend Hilary.
“The BBC Website Went Down, Replaced By Terrifying Clown Logo”
The BBC News website is down – makes me realise I don’t read news anywhere else nowadays. Don’t even know where to look.
— George Bevis (@GeorgeBevis) March 14, 2015
George, so much is explained. Prepare for a glittering array of market rate job offers in complement to the day job.
That would be Beavis of ‘and Butthead’ fame by the sounds of it.
LOL. The only place to find out what’s going on!!!!
For the second time in a few days, the BBC deliberately misrepresents a statement by Nigel Farage in order to manipulate public opinion of him. They were stupid enough to open comments on their intended hit piece regarding “scrapping race discrimination laws” when Farage made the absolutely reasonable (I dare say so reasonable that only a Britain-hating xenophobic liberal Marxist would have any issues with it whatsoever) that British citizens should receive preference in employment over people arriving from overseas, which dramatically backfired as people rebelled against the BBC for its obvious BBC. Today, it’s an attempt to make it look as if Farage hates the NHS, even though everything he’s said about the NHS contradicts this lazy inference, and naturally they have not opened a comments section this time. They choose the sensational headline “NHS nearly killed me” yet the article itself shows that Farage was talking about a single incident when he had testicular cancer misdiagnosed and thus made sure he had private healthcare when he was earning enough to cover the costs. He also made it abundantly clear that the NHS SAVED his life after his plane crash five years ago, yet this is buried deep in the story. Farage supports a free-at-point-of-entry NHS more than anyone in the current cabinet or even the shadow cabinet, since all three main parties have done their damndest to privatise large areas of the NHS since the days of Thatcher. Whether you support the NHS or not (I’m a big fan but also accept there’s a lot of problems with it namely too much bureaucracy) it is unfair for the BBC to continue to skew Farage’s words like this.
UKIP Policies on the NHS.
(3). £3bn more, annually, into our NHS which desperately needs it
(11). Ending PFI privatisation of the NHS, proliferated by Labour and the Tories
(64). Ensuring GP’s surgeries are open at least one evening per week where demand permits
(65). Ensuring migrants have NHS-approved health insurance until they have paid into the system for 5 years
(66). Ending hospital car parking charges
(67). Replacing bureaucratic watchdogs with locally elected health boards for more transparency
(68). Stopping the sale of patient data to big business
(69). Ensuring a high standard of English speakers in the NHS
(70). Amend working time rules to give trainee doctors, surgeons, and medics better environments
(71). Encouraging and protecting whistleblowing to get to the bottom of poor performance
A shame that they haven’t said they will train enough Doctors & Nurses from the UK population so that we won’t need to steel them from countries which have had the foresight to train them, and in doing so impoverishing those countries.
Sadly the Tories have failed to train sufficiently.
Moreover many doctors have left to practice oversees because the nhs has become so underfunded.Bit like the last time the Tories were in.Then it fell to Blair to put enormous resources in to provide what ended up as a reasonable service.
If there are further budget cuts be sure that the nhs will rely on foreign trained personnel and agency staff. That’s what get when effeciency savings Al la Grayling go horribly wrong. Same legal aid and education. Gove airlines. Come crash with me!
Then it fell to Blair to put enormous resources in to provide what ended up as a reasonable service.
Wrong right there – a lot of what Blair and Brown put in went to massively increase NHS pay. As pay in the real economy (that supports the NHS – remember?) declined, the NHS workers used their union muscle to increase their differential so that it is now ludicrous.
Do you remember the big announcement of the ‘investment’? Blair talked of ‘reform of public services…’, reform… reform…. reform… Brown then got up and rambled on about ‘investment in public services…’, ‘investment… investment… investment…’. I knew that day, for the first time, New Labour was doomed.
‘£3bn more, annually, into our NHS which desperately needs it’
Falls spectacularly at the first hurdle. First and foremost it needs reform. The opportunities for efficiency savings alone are vast.
The problem with the idea of “reform” is that it will be designed and overseen by the Department of Health. As a result it will make NHS management even more complicated, expensive and demoralising for all staff. The key requirement will be to create as many layers of management as possible, to maximise the distance between the Department and the clinical areas where things might go wrong – not my fault Gov.
The priorities for NHS Trusts are:
1) don’t embarrass the minister
2) don’t overspend your budget
3) comply with all equal opportunities legislation
4) comply with all regulations to reduce your carbon footprint
5) treat some sick people.
Check out the Kings and rose reports. The latter has been postponed till after the election but is a withering attack on Graylings reforms.i think mentioned ‘the worst management structure they had ever encountered’ Sarah Wolleston has gone mental over it.
Teresa the appeaser spreads the guilt over child sexual abuse which is ‘woven into the fabric of our society’. BBC must be pleased, no mention of the M word from our Teresa. A BBC favourite is this girl.
DIckheads !
The imposter has committed a criminal offence of Deception/Pecuniary Advantage.
Will he be arrested? No, of course not.
This is either down to sheer laziness i.e. they couldn’t be arsed checking his identity, or political correctness i.e. they deemed it inappropriate/offensive to ask him for it.
Either way, the BBC show what a shoddy, unprofessional outfit they are, not fit for purpose.
Shut ’em down.
new yorker magazine’s and the bbc’s view of gerry adams are at odds. apparently the magazine thinks adams is a mass murderer and a war criminal while the bbc still thinks he’s a statesman. how bizarre!
OMG! That picture of a young Gerry Adams. He looks like a cross between Frank Spencer and our very own Scott.
A disgusting attack by Paki kids on an elderly man in Rochdale goes unreported by the BBC, and Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad appear to have forgotten to mention the racism involved. Imagine if this was the other way around, BBC would be all over it!—van-8840118#rlabs=4
Remember also Walter Chamberlain who was attacked in Oldham by Pakis, the family were pressured by GMPCES not to report it as a race crime.
This was immediately prior to the riots, so maybe, because they’ve been caught and stopped from abusing young white girls in Rochdale they’ll have a riot in protest!
When I watched QT the other night, I thought one of the regulars from here had managed to infiltrate the audience and get to speak. It was the chap sitting at the back, who told the Bennett woman he’d read the last Green Party manifesto and it seemed to him, that it was only acceptable to the sort of people who would live in protest tents outside St Pauls and smoke weed all day; it made myself and Mrs G chuckle anyway.
Having read their manifesto I reckon there’s a lot of LSD involved too.
++++++++STOP PRESS++++++++
Bird flies off tall building
BBC Reporter and Film crew in situ Dubai
Must be a UK wide Government blackout on news about immigration centres since just seen Russia Today and top billing is UK Detention Centres Hunger Strike:
RT must be on a Soviet style misinformation campaign?
Or is it a UK D Notice issued?
One could never imagine the BBC not relishing such a ‘Labour left agenda’ gem opportunity to headline a story like this to push the rights nose in it!
Time will tell as the truth always outs nowadays, thank God.
There is an election coming up and most of the people of this country are totally against any more unfettered immigration .
For Beeboids to censor on IRA and Gerry ADAMS?
“Is this proof he is a killer? A 15,000-word expose by the respected New Yorker magazine makes devastating claims about Gerry Adams.
“The IRA co-ordinated first attack on the British mainland On March 8, 1973.
“Six men, two women convicted of exploding two IRA car bombs in London.
“New Yorker claims Gerry Adams was present during planning of bombings.
“Current Sinn Fein leader maintains he has never been a member of the IRA.”
Read more:
“New report on Rotherham abuse scandal to be published on Tuesday”
My mother’s empty bungalow – rather, ‘The Occupier’ – kept getting intimidating letters from the BBC regarding the possible absence of a TV licence.
So I went on the Licensing website and registered the property as empty, receiving a confirmatory e-mail the same day. Nonetheless, the letters kept on coming, culminating in notice of the instigation of court proceedings.
So I sent them a letter, pointing out – in not so many words – what an inept bunch of tossers they were and could they not afford to instil a bit more professionalism from their £4bn a year poll-tax-guaranteed budget?
This came in their reply (verbatim):
‘I note that although you’ve previously registered the property as empty. This was updated for a period of one month. Now further enquiries letters were scheduled to be sent.
I’ve now updated our records, stopping letters for six months. We’ll then write to the address again just to check the situation is till the same. If the property is still the same please let us know.
There’s a chance that another enquiry letter has already been prepared for posting*. If one arrives in the next few weeks, please ignore it’.
*This is 10 weeks after I made the empty property declaration.
Sheer quality, eh?
Whilst spending 18 months renovating an empty Victorian property I enjoyed collecting the stream of increasingly threatening letters from the BBC’s boot boys. Like you, I informed them it was empty but to no avail. In the end I was hoping some enforcement clown would show up as I needed to raise the level of the cellar floor.
I don’t bother replying on my late father in law’s house. They can’t prosecute him! It wastes their time and none of mine.
I do have shares in the Royal Mail and anything that boosts their profits is aok with me.
I just tell them I’ve got a television but they can’t have any money from me . I’ll let them know when I use it as the law allows and pay up then .
“Winston Churchill’s bitter battle with the BBC.
“In an extract from his new book about the relationship between politics and the media,
Nick Robinson recalls how Churchill finally came out on top in his long-standing feud
with Lord Reith.”
By Nick Robinson-
“There is no written evidence that Churchill asked the BBC for the opportunity to speak out against appeasement. However, he did complain to a young BBC producer who visited him on the day after Chamberlain returned home from Munich. A memo records their meeting. They spent hours discussing the Nazi threat and ‘Churchill complained that he had been very badly treated… and that he was always muzzled by the BBC’. The producer was called Guy Burgess. The man who would become his country’s most famous traitor tried to reassure the man who would become its saviour that the BBC was not biased.”
(BBC and appeasement: then and now.)
Plus ca change…
Dont know if any one else has posted this allready – but it has to be worth aaugh
Go on you kmow it makes sense
Be very wary of that lot:
‘Many Pressure groups are single issue, but 38 Degrees has set itself up as a critic of the government on a number of issues. There is nothing wrong with this. But it is totally wrong to spin matters of fact matters that you know are simply not correct. On the issue of health and the upcoming debate on the Health and Social Care Bill that is exactly what 38 Degrees are doing. They have an agenda. They have commissioned legal opinion. That legal opinion does not say what they want it to say. So they have simply present the opposite view as fact, ignoring their own legal opinion…..
Assertion 1: Procurement: the assertion is made by 38 Degrees that there will be “costly and complex procurement procedures” whereby “The new commissioning groups will be subject to EU Procurement rules”. The implication is clearly that proper procurement is a bad and expensive thing and there will be a material and bad change.
Yet examination of the opinion makes it clear that procurement rules already apply and were specifically put into law by the Labour Government in 2005-2006: the first line of the barrister’s opinion states:
“The current procurement law contained in the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, which derives from European law, has always applied to NHS purchasing with the effect that any goods or services required by NHS health providers to enable them to provide health care themselves are subject to those Regulations”
To strengthen the point at paragraph 32 the opinion states that:
“The application of procurement law is not by any means new to the NHS”….
“Humza Yousaf calls for UKIP MEP to resign after ‘racist slur”
is the headline on the BBC Politics page.
Now check out the photos of the two protagonists and tell me if the
the picture editor at BBC Scotland is NOT biased.
Scarfe’s controversial Thatcher cartoons re-examined
So where are the Kinnock cartoons ? Or the BLiar ones? The man who did more to destroy the British way of life than any other nor cartooned? Maybe they were in even more fear than the Charlie Hebdo bunch ?
Either way this was a typical left wing attack which the BBC is unable to balance with a view from the other side.
Sorry, I made a wrong click there. I think.
Tony ‘not impartial’ HALL – Rona FAIRHEAD- HSBC-Jimmy SAVILE-
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Beleaguered BBC chief in abuse inquiry ‘cover up’ over claims she personally blocked the release of information concerning the Jimmy Savile probe .
“Rona Fairhead is accused of blocking access to letters on Jimmy Savile.
“The letters were between top BBC figures and a team investigating Savile.
“The probe has so far taken more than two years and cost at least £5million.
“Tory MP Andrew Bridgen, pictured, accused Ms Fairhead of going ‘native.'”
Read more:
Tony ‘not impartial’ HALL’s pre-Star Chamber CLARKSON hearing-
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Astonishing remarks on Top Gear affair as senior BBC boss claims ‘Clarkson is like Savile’ and that ‘Jeremy has personal issues. He is self destructing… he should go into rehab.’
“A senior BBC TV executive has launched an attack on Jeremy Clarkson.
“The executive said: ‘Jeremy’s self destructing… and should go into rehab’
“They claimed: ‘Look what PM says… then swap ‘Clarkson’ for ‘Savile.’
“They added: ‘The pressure on [Top Gear producer] is Savilesque.'”
Read more:
The Beeb have gone mad. They have no moral compass. The Rotherham Denier BBC have the temerity to compare Clarkson to Savile.
Time to scrap the TV Licence, all that coke have turned their minds into mush.
I have often posed this question to the Conservative voters and even MPs that view this site…
What is the Tory Government doing about this bias?
What is more shocking, Danny Cohen (AKA Mr BBC) said, “I think it will be a great tribute to Jimmy to recreate his famous show as a Christmas treat for audiences,”
So the BBC attack Clarkson, but defend a Jimmy Savile lover.
It is doing nothing about it because it lacks the backbone to force a confrontation.
There is the added complication that a least a proportion of the Conservative party’s MPs are little more than Cultural Marxists themselves and probably share a lot of the BBC’s cherished beliefs.
The BBC have no business sense at all. Those senior executives would be out on their ears in the commercial world. Top Gear earns real money for them so it must come first and if it means Clarkson is indulged then that is the business way of doing things. The problem is the BBc’s funding model. It encourages them to act foolishly. The stupid taxpayer picks up the bill.
Whilst the Islamo-Marxist BBC bombard us with sob stories about the scum who’ve gone to join Isis stories such as the following barely get a mention:
From BBC 5Live News … more bleating shite , about the 3 missing Islamic teen terrorists, the 3 missing Islamic baby bombers
… WHY? the BBC is making this news.
Foisting dodgy family self pity, on listeners again, what s going on?
… they angling for a bloody payout?
Still giving, “the 3 Mosquateens” linespace
Syria girls: First missing London schoolgirl named
a couple of days later … 2nd girl named
a couple of days after that … 3rd girl named
then … @bringbackourgirls?
then … families legal teams speak
loop back to families tears etc etc
on and on … relentless
Someone on the blog has mentioned Cameron’s cosy connection with the Saudis and the Saudis connection with ISIS, and we are all aware that Cameron/May share the BBC’s adoration of Islam. Hence the massive propaganda campaign to portray the girls as victims, as indeed are many followers of Isis, like the be-heading psycho, which just leaves a few bad guys in the picture. And we all know that those bad guys are not muslims. not real ones.
Sincerest apologies if this has already been covered on this thread but I’ve just spotted that the BBC are now comparing Clarkson to Savile!
There is literally no low they won’t stoop to in the pursuit of discrediting their enemies.
Ed Balls can’t commit to 2% on defence . Cameron can’t commit to 2%. Clegg surrendered to the Spanish years ago. Does anybody know what UKIPS stance is on this this ? surely coming out with a firm commitment here might get a few people interested
Perhaps the answer is here ?
That seems unlikely to help much.
Who is this senior boss?
There’s a danger the BBC is a victim of what it pulls with others here, so I’d prefer a bit more substance first.
If verified the hole has just been dug a lot deeper
Every time i hear savile i think of the BBC not of all the other places.
The beeb made savile and are totally responsible for everything he did at the BBC. The golden goose could’t be touched,Mr And Mrs Wilcox knew and she’s now a Dame.
Mass non payment might be a good idea.Hit them where it hurts no money no BBC simples
Al Beeb reports that, Farage offers Tories a post election deal.
Cameron has often promised us a vote on ‘in or out’ of the EU.
Farage is willing to do a deal with the Tories if they offer a referendum before Christmas. Where are our Conservative bloggers on this ?
Oh good , then their is no point voting ukip ,because the Conservatives are the only party offering a referendum ,voting ukip in Tory /Labour marginals will ensure Millipeed/SNP form the next Government . That means No referendum . If ukip are teaming up with the Conservatives ,what`s the point of voting ukip?
Perhaps because of this ?…
Why would anyone believe a word uttered by a proven liar like David Cameron?
And, back on topic, why would anyone expect the BBC (or CH 4) to broadcast the truth about anything to do with UKIP or any party or body that doesn’t conform to the Cultural Marxist agenda?
It is high time that the Members of Parliament of this country put the interest of this nation before party politics and their jobs . Farage is for this nation.
After Ansar, or Begg, or Hasan
or the MCB, or CAGE, or MPac?
… the BBC just can t help themselves
the Al BBC “reverse Midas touch”
every Islamic spokesman/.org they vouch for,
or big up “turns to sh-t”.
Today tune in to “The Big Questions” and find
Nikki with the Ramadan Fnd, and latest “go to guy”
from the Muslim Debate Init on the front seats.
A never ending production line of apologists
so very … very BBC
“do Muslims … read Islam have a problem with apostates?
Apart from threatening them, wanting them dead, and killing them due to the book of hate … terrorising their own children
with its wicked narrative.
Erm lets think eh! … you couldn t make it up
“do Muslims … read Islam have a problem with apostates?
Well, this apostate can say its true:
Called a bad Muslim (Along with sister) and ostracised from the herd at having the temerity to get found with bruises from actual physical abuse (Such as getting hog tied naked in the garden and getting whipped, such as being hung naked from the cellar and getting whipped , having to live in the cellar (with 7 year old sister) until they went to bed. Being informed by other sister that her family have informed her to tell me I am no longer welcome for not being a Muslim, being attacked at school for being taken into care, getting phone abuse, getting a cross ripped off me in Yorkshire by somebody I didn’t know in the middle of the day (Big mistake) and there’s lots more.
It’s all pretty flowers and such when the liberals talk about Islam (Mr Khan down the road isn’t like that) but the thing is, ask yourselves, will they let your son date, never mind marry their daughters, when that openly happens without a change of faith, then the world will become a better place.
Yet for all of the above and all the ugliness that has transpired in the name of Islam, the left still see me as a….bigot.
“but the thing is, ask yourselves, will they let your son date, never mind marry their daughters, “
You really are a nasty piece of work Pounce. How dare you turn your back on such a loving community?
‘It seems that, across the board, it now takes its right to distort evidence so much for granted that it no longer has the ability to recognise what damage this is doing.’
Ouch! Christopher Booker on the BBC:
Why to blacken India on rape do they have to omit the facts?
That’s quite a piece.
I have been noticing for a while, especially on FaceBook, the whole thing spin up, and of course the blow back it is now inspiring.
I was going to acknowledge a degree of ‘two wrongs’; clearly rape is terrible and is news, even if abroad. But to the extent the BBC are focusing on India and, especially as noted, to the exclusion of a lot else, along with context, closer to home, is hard to justify.
It’s hard not to see this as a clunky effort to redirect, and the target selected is cynical. Why India? Democratic? English speaking? But still exotic enough to serve as a lightning rod for a bit of fudging on what is going on where, at whose hands?
As always, like BBC semantics, at best they have played fast and loose with numbers, especially perecentages of totals. Just as they do with costs, human or financial, of weather catastrophes. When Krakatoa blew, there were no Swedish sunbathers on beaches where mangroves used to be. India measures population using the billion.
“…the question the BBC has to answer is why did it so deliberately omit the evidence from the final version of that film, which might have given its worldwide audience such a different picture?”
Hell of a question. However, the BBC has proven too prone to falling back on blank refusal to answer at all on spurious grounds, or at best semantic weasels from anonymous spokespeople that are too often used to close the case anyway.
And they keep getting away with it. How and why by now must surely disconcert the most loyal professional conscience.
Is it my imagination , or does the B BC exhibit its anti-English bias when the six nations rugby is on?
We seem to get Irish/Welsh/Scottish commentators routinely on English matches (i.e. when England are playing at Twickenham) on ENGLISH television) , but , if you look at BBC Wales/Scotland etc. ,they always have Welsh/Scottish/Irish commentators and NEVER an Englishman leading the presenting?
Do they think we’re stupid not to notice , or is it just another 2 fingers up to England from this self-loathing Leviathan?
If I’m wrong (and I’m not a Rugby expert) ,can some Rugby fans explain how I’m wrong ??
I dunno about that, Conan. Maybe. All I know is that for the big Ireland v Wales game we had one Irish commentator (Phillip Matthews) and two Welsh commentators (Eddie Butler and Jonathan Davies). That’s why we lost. We wuz robbed.
Actually no it was a great piece of Welsh defence in a pulsating second half, setting up a nail biting last weekend to come.
I thought exactly the same Conan. There used to be options on the “Red Button” to select alternative commentary for such matches – BBC Wales etc but never a BBC England option. (Not that BBC England has ever existed).
I tend to watch with the sound down. I rarely watch any programmes on the BBC nowadays. Even their quiz programmes seem to be controlled with “favoured” contestants given easier questions. Gone are the days when the questions were written on cards and read out. Nowadays its all computerised with a producer able to select suitable questions for suitable candidates at will
“Jeremy Clarkson suspension:
‘Top Gear presenter has called BBC bosses to apologise.'”
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“BBC boss likens Jeremy Clarkson to Jimmy Savile after establishment support.
“It is claimed Clarkson is ‘self-destructing’ and has been able to continue behaving badly due to support from powerful friends including Prime Minister David Cameron.”
It looks like the political ‘left’ alliance of BBC and its trade unions, will seal Clarkson’s fate-
“Friend Or Pho? Clarkson’s Apology Revealed/
The Top Gear star seeks solace in Vietnamese cooking as unions say his bust-up is a crucial test for new BBC bullying policies.”
It wouldn’t surprise me if Clarkson turned out to be a bully. But he would hardly be unique at the BBC were that the case!
When the far-Left union bosses start complaining about everyone equally I promise to stop considering them nothing more than sanctimonious, hypocritical opportunists.
Or the fact that if you hit someone at work you get kicked out.That might have something to do with it!
The (often redacted) results of various past and ongoing inquiries suggests the BBC’s handling of internal matters can vary a lot depending on how too often on how un-named executives feel about those they have power over.
Or persistently breach staff rules on impartiality through your tweets.
Er, hang on, no – nothing to see – move along….
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
INBBC’s perpetrators: merely “militants” (aka: ISLAMOFASCISTS)-
“Deadly blasts hit Pakistan churches in Lahore”
INBBC policy remains:- ‘yes, it’ll be wonderful to continue with the mass immigration from Pakistan into Britain: the diversity of it all.’
NO: end immigration from Islamic countries. The evidence for this is clear.
And not a Burka in sight:

British Muslim teenagers condemn radicalisation
However, while these nice honest girls may not have covered up for Allah, the message they bring is typical of what we have come to expect from the bBC:
Racism forced these girls to turn to the Darkside as they were ostracised
Not their Fault
Portrays all Muslims as bad
Media has a lot to do with and so the girls went over there to see what it is really like.
Sense of community with ISIS
Felt they didn’t belong here.
When they read the papers all they saw was their faith attacked.
If we see our community is attacked , then we feel attacked.
The media never shows a positive side of Islam and what the media shows is..just lies.
With the help from you it seems.nice bit of objectiviy may I say
Are you ok Mr Omnibus? Your posts seem somewhat disconnected today.
‘The media never shows a positive side of Islam…’
They obviosuly don’t tune in to the BBC with its 70% media coverage then. Relentlessly positive, relentlessly devoid of criticism.
Talking on the Sunday Politics prog’ David Lammy was allowed to slip in a poisonous piece of propaganda. They were discussing the latest kerfuffle due to Nigel’s interview (we’ve all heard it) on a typical channel 4 hatchet job, um sorry, I mean documentary. Lammy spouted that there has been a rise in anti Semitic attacks and by innuendo suggested the “far right” were responsible. You know who these dreadful people are, these mythical hoards of tattooed skinheads who rampage through parts of north London attacking synagogues and defacing Jewish cemeteries. Of course it’s complete balderdash. We all know who is responsible and they are as far removed from the traditional bogey men as it’s possible to be.
I think if Brillo had been conducting the interview he’d have jumped on him.
So who is responsible?
Islamofascists – Muslims
Bus driver, Are you being serious ? In all honesty ?
” Is BBC a public servant… or a secret empire?
“A prominent public figure has once again demonstrated that the instinct of authority is to hide trouble, rather than face it.
“Rona Fairhead, head of the BBC Trust, has personally approved the blocking of the release of unredacted letters about the Jimmy Savile scandal. She acted on the bureaucrat’s favourite excuse – that publication would inhibit frank discussions of such matters in future.
This action is straightforwardly wrong. The BBC are not a secret private empire, nor can they be a law unto themselves. Even private business, in the modern world, has to submit itself to severe outside scrutiny.
“So, since the BBC have made mistakes, they have an especially strong duty to be frank about them. They are the servants of the public, not its masters. The licence fee is collected, with the force of law, on that basis. It is largely because they have been allowed to hide their errors in dark corners that those errors have gone on unchecked for so long.
“There are, of course, good arguments for commercial confidentiality in the BBC. But outside these narrow limits, the first response in the public sector must always be clarity and transparency. Those who cannot or will not follow this policy should not be in positions of public responsibility.”
Read more:
On which basis pretty much all organisations shouldn’t exist,particularly political parties.
Certain political parties can and have ceased to exist given opportunities afforded at the ballot, every few years.
Guaranteed funding in perpetuity and unaccountable self-oversight can however see overly unique public service models fall into disrepute.
Savile = Clarkson?? WTF?
The bBC hate Clarkson because he’s popular and won’t tow the PC diversity and eco line. They also hate the fact that the same type of people like him, hating those very same people and in their own morbid way they’re punishing those by removing him and his program.
They haven’t thought this through very well. If it is the case that he should take his show to Sky and it becomes pay to view, it will only make those who had never previously questioned the telly tax do just that, after all why the need to pay an extra sub of c25 quid per month to view such a show on top of the telly tax?
As far a Savile goes, he reminds me of the types that still litter the bBC today, ie ‘stars’ , ‘stars’ because the bBC tell us they’re stars, just look at the types that presented Fridays Comic Relief. Of course I don’t imply that they’re serial child abusers, but like Savile many can’t fathom just why they’re such ‘stars’, but the bBC insist that they are..
As a kid growing up with Savile on TV, my peers and I just didn’t get him, we hated TOTP when he presented, he had absolutely no knowledge or even cared about the music he introduced. On Jim’ll Fix It he was devoid of personality, empathy or interest yet somehow like TOTP he managed to present it for 20 years, because the bBC saw him as a ‘star’
Clarkson like Savile? do me a favour Even if JC is an alcoholic womanising brawler he will never stoop to the depths of Savile.
The BBC hardly hate Clarkson purely on commercial grounds if nothing else.
An interesting distinction, that may not serve the bbc’s tanking reputation as well as you apparently think it does.
Why apparently? Nothing said to suggest that.
Why would the BBC care about commercial anything? Their record shows that like every other left wing outfit they haven’t got the first clue about money management, and waste tens if not hundreds of millions without a second thought!
Ideal non competitive, non real world job for special Ed after he crashes and burns in May.
In all seriousness you might want to reconsider your use of the word ‘alcoholic’.
Did my eyes deceive me or did I just see what looked like a PR exercise program for KFC. Haven’t given them any money fror a long time as they sell hal al , wonder if they will mention that. Plus the various reports that crop up about hygene issues at their outlets.
And so F1 begins. Strikes me when they are only showing highlights why is the whole team out there? All they need is one reporter to do a couple of interviews the rest of it can be done in the studio, But I suppose then some will miss out on the jollies.
If you made a complaint to the BBc about Clarkson no doubt you too will now have this in your in box. Dear Audience Member,
Thank you for contacting us about Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear.
We announced on Tuesday that Jeremy Clarkson had been suspended by the BBC pending an investigation and that, as a result, there would therefore be some disruption to the current series of Top Gear.
We’ve received a wide range of feedback about this and some people have expressed their disappointment or have asked for more information. We do hope you’ll understand that we value this reaction, but the investigation is still underway. Until more is known, we’re therefore unable to say anything further in response and will not yet be making further statements about the issue.
We realise you’ll be disappointed that we can’t respond to you in any more detail but thank you for contacting us.
Thank you for contacting
‘We’ve received a wide range of feedback’
A wide range? They have had upwards of a million people complaining about it. You couldn’t possibly get a narrower ‘range’.
Another three Muslims (male) from U.K about to support Islamic State Islamofascists?”
“Three teens ‘bound for Syria’ held by Turkish authorities”
-No doubt INBBC will narrate another sob story campaigning for them to be free again in U.K. -Free to commit Islamic jihad violence here, instead of in Syria?
NO. Put them on trial, now.
Well said. Strange parents have not reported them missing. Perhaps they having noticed or thought they were out with their young girl friends.
No doubt thr Bobcats will blame the police or security services.
All six Muslim volunteers to Islamofascist Islamic State should be put on trial, whatever Cage, Chakrabati, Guardianisis demand.
As usual, INBBC politically censors out any reference to words MUSLIMS, ISLAM, and JIHAD, but headlines word ‘teens’.
Teenophobia from the BBC.
“Two ‘boys’ aged 17 from north-west London and a ‘man’ aged 19”.
Interesting to know that the BBC defines the age of puberty and responsibility at 18 years. But don’t they also support votes for 16-year olds?
How’s about that then guys and gals!
I see the article includes the usual photograph of the three sluts, which has become symbolic – rather like a stained glass window or icon – of misguided yoofs snared away from model parents. Some hefty compensation payments in store for them when they return.