Well, it’s Budget Day and I noticed the BBC telling us that Osborne will use this for electoral purposes, targeting key groups of voters. Gosh. How fortunate that Brown and Darling never played such low politics during THEIR Budgets. Anyway, here’s a new much needed Open Thread for your completion.
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I can’t bring myself to watch the BBC programme on the Budget. It is more than heart or stomach could take but I’m sure they will analyse it to death and come up with something that suits the Labour narrative nicely.
Watching on Sky, which is unfortunately unlikely to be a lot better but at least I will have the comfort of knowing I had the choice of paying for it rather than having to pay for the privilege of something substandard.
A bit off topic, but the look on the faces of the Labour front bench when George Osbourne came up with this crack is worth registering:
Peston , Edwards, Langdale and Jo Coburn did their best to rubbish the Budget in the BBBc summary. Oh for the dreamy reports we used to get when Gordon was their man.
Note for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Stop Smearing Critics of Islam as Islamophobes.
Branding everything a ‘phobia’ stifles meaningful debate.”
By Brendan O’Neill.
Or, to show its much vaunted balance, the bbc should start using the phrase ‘kuffarphobia’, to reflect the reality of industrialised islmic CSA which has so debauched this country.
We hear on the BBC about Benjamin Netanyahu’S surprise win. Surprise? Really?
We learn about the surprise Republican wipe out in the US mid-term elections despite Obama being the most perfect human being since Mahatma Gandhi ever to walk on water. Surprise? really?
There is alarm over the surprising wins for right wing parties in Europe. Surprising? Really?
Isn’t it interesting how the agenda driven BBC news can soften the real story of the way history is moving. One day, the cocktail party circuit that dictates media opinion (as opposed to public opinion) will stand in the rubble of their tiny narcissistic world, shake their heads and mutter, “What happened?”
I hope they get more than a “surprise” on May 7th. A heart attack inducing shock would be most welcome!
Kevin Connolly used the term “party faithful” – the operant euphemism at the BBC for people who support parties it doesn’t like – three times in four minutes on Toady this morning. Dumb Israelis, they somehow can’t see the benefits of having ISIS create its own version of a multi-culti paradise in downtown Tel Aviv, or the imam-awaiters with nuclear weapons.
Wonder whether we ought to start referring to the Beeboid lefties as “the corporate faithful”? Offhand, there’s no-one I can think of in the Beeb who hasn’t drunk the Kool-Aid, Clarkson and his gang possibly excepted..
It’s just the BBC. Relax – Manchester will be the next city to be conned by false monetary investment and given promotion to a status way above its capabilities. That’s why the BBC moved to Manchester and not Birmingham. They (at the BBC) think Birmingham is not ‘North enough’, even though economic demographics between the 2 cities are similar in every way, compared to London.
Politics will always ensure that if we take a step forward, we have to take 2 steps back.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live’s Breakfast Programme went very much into overdrive over what is considered to be the possible implications of George Osborne’s budget. The studio was filled to the rafters with the BBC’s Jeremiahs, with the ghastly Pienaar describing it very much in terms of prolonged austerity and thumbscrews! The subliminal message was clear – don’t gorget to vote for the Labour Party in May. The BBC has already jumped the gun and is busy electionnering on behalf of that party. By failing to adopt and impartial and balanced approach towards national politics, the BBC is building up trouble for itself in the future.
The notable omission from the Programme was any discussion regarding the implications of the result of the election in Israel. It was only briefly referred to in the news headlines. We all know that the BBC hates Bibi and the Likud Party and would have preferred the opposition to win. However as our “national” broadcaster, the BBC has a duty to properly report this event, because with Iran currently fighting a proxy war with Saudi Arabia for influence in the Middle Eas, the result in Israel will have a bearing on the security issue in that region, as well as Western Europe. Why do we have to continue to pay a licence fee for a so-called national and international news service determined by a few left-leaning individuals based in Salford Quay?
On Princess Nikki’s show this morning, one brave soul tried to point out Pienaar’s bias; of course Nikki shut him down pronto. Odd though, for such an unbiased reporter, Pienaar always refers to “Cameron” and “Osborne”, but it’s “Ed Milliband” and “Ed Balls”. He did it again today. But if Princess Nikki says he’s unbiased, he’s unbiased. What are you going to do, complain?
What happens when a Yemeni muslim Shiite goes to a disco and takes his AK47 with him? I hope he filled in a risk assessment. Enjoy;
I wonder if they played Bob Marley’s “I shot the Sharif?”
I’ll get me coat …….
But I did not shoot the refugees.
My coat in there, too?
Hey folks, if you can spare 6 minutes, check out this video explaining what true islam means.
It’s extracts of sermons from North London muslim preacher Mizanur Rahman (AKA Abu Baraa).
The bit at the end is where he explains that muslims can have slaves.
“Video: UK Muslim spokesmen explain Islam’s death penalty for apostasy, hilarity ensues”
How the bBC went out of its way in which to promote Abubaker Deghayes as somehow a victim, yet the very man is at the heart of a jihadist outfit based in the UK:
Grieving father’s plea to Syria sons
The father of a teenager who “died in battle” in Syria has urged his other two sons to leave the country and return home. Abdullah Deghayes, 18, from Brighton, went to Syria with his two brothers to fight a “dictator” and was not a terrorist, Abubaker Deghayes said.
The same man who the bBC allowed to say this:
Syria fighters pose no risk to UK, says father
A man whose three sons went to fight against the Syrian government has said British fighters will not pose a risk to the UK on their return. Abubaker Deghayes spoke to the BBC after David Cameron said Britain could not ignore the security threat the UK faced from jihadists in Iraq and Syria. But Mr Deghayes said there is a history of Britons fighting in foreign wars.
Whom the bBC celebrated with on the release from Cuba of his wife,islamic country,computer course seeking in Afghanstan brother
Family cautious at Omar’s release
Whom the bBC promoted also as a victim:
Omar Deghayes speaks to Panorama
And yet we find that the British government have taken into care a 16 year old boy from this family whose family had booked a holiday in which to fly out out to the gulf, in which they presumed was an attempt to send them to Syria to fight fort ISIS.
British jihadis’ young brother is barred from travelling abroad
A 16-year-old boy whose two elder brothers have been killed fighting in Syria has been barred by a high court judge from travelling abroad. Mr Justice Hayden made the teenager – who has joint British and Libyan nationality – a ward of court, which prevents him from leaving the jurisdiction of England and Wales, after local authority social services staff raised fears that he might travel to Syria….Council staff had learned that family members were making plans for the boy to go to Dubai during the Easter holiday. The judge said he was concerned to “keep this lad alive” and said an order barring him from travelling abroad was proportionate.“(The teenager) is a vulnerable young person,” said the judge. “He has grown up in modern Britain in an extraordinary family – a family where the male members are patently committed to waging jihad in war-torn Syria.”
So, a family of Islamic jihadists who have done nothing but try and kill others for allah since they sought asylum here from Libya are not the peaceful followers of Islam the bBC has tried to brainwash us all into believing.
If the above is just one family of where the bBC have got it wrong, how many other cases are they also?
Hidden from the site (and the hearing) of most Britons, but still paid for by them, the BBC’s World Service goes about some of the most subversive activities of all the BBC’s many propaganda divisions, largely unnoticed back home.
Take last night’s ‘Business Matter’s for example. In common with most of the BBC’s purportedly business orientated output, it was hard to see what actual ‘business’ content there was, save a single segment on 3D printing.
The main thrust of the programme was about the Israeli election. Apparently it was ‘too close to call’. Others have commented on how reliable a prediction that turned out to be. Quite why this was deemed the paramount business story of the day was far from clear.
Then we cut to two guests. One an American Social Justice Warrior who immediately started banging on about ‘race’, the other, a Singapore-based ‘consultant’ who bizarrely began his contribution by ripping into the ‘disgraceful’ behaviour of ‘Republicans’ by allowing Netenyahu to commit the thought crime of dissing The One in his (very possibly adopted) homeland.
Business content? Not very much, clearly. None at all, you night well argue. Cultural Marxism? Plenty! In fact another great day’s work for the BBC, as it drips its propaganda into any ear that is naive enough to listen – not just in the UK but anywhere in the world.
The BBC gets up to all sorts in the wee small hours via its World Service, when it thinks nobody at home here in the UK will be listening. It’s essentially a non-stop socialist broadcasting propaganda exercise, infecting every topic it tackles with a very conspicuous left wing agenda.
Of course, they do all this using the British license payer’s money – all part of their ‘duty’ no doubt to ‘inform and educate’. It’s just that it’s a very particular form of ‘education’, as told from a very particular point-of-view. Not what one might call ‘representative’ or even *whispers* ‘impartial’.
Except when there is a Palestine story the BBC ignores Israel. They run a Middle East Business Report that as far as I can see never mentions Israel. Unfortunately I can’t prove that claim because they insist they don’t keep records of programme content.
‘..prove that claim because they insist they don’t keep records of programme content.’
Really? As a student of BBC weasels that still comes as a surprise.
Like all drones I would have thought every second of footage was logged obsessively for diversity and other parameters, and Danny Cohen then watches it all at night in his private cinema.
What I would see happening is them scampering behind a ‘purposes of..’ to ensure no claim can ever be proven that would not suit the narrative.
BBC Watch probably has them nailed on anything you need anyway.
When I and others have complained about bias, we get a stock response about editors and producers being able to broadcast biased articles so long as other programs redress that bias at a later date.
When asked which programs they thought redressed the particular bias complained about and exactly what records monitoring the impartiality of the output was taken & kept, I was told that there was no monitoring and no records.
In other words BBC denials have been either lying or failing to follow their own charter!
Of course there is no taking this further because they just refuse to answer !
Theres the Glasgow media group which does exactly that.
Purely on a point of information I wonder who funds the Glasgow Media Group? The taxpayer or some other source?
It looks as if it is the taxpayer one way or another.
Looks to be a typical leftwing pressure outfit funded by? and with completely predictable views on the major issues.
Hardleft or outdated Marxist . Doubt the academics involved have ever had anything other than an academic or quango job.
It’s not funny at all, but if ever there was a neat summary of the ‘Beware of the Leopard’ antics of CECUTT, that is it.
The demand proof, but it lies with them, and they know they can deny it even exists.
Must be great to be totally unaccountable and know it.
and that segment of the World Service is broadcast nearly every day. The Singapore “consultant” is a nut who is given frequent airtime.
Investigations into the Clarkson incident have uncovered more details about John Shield.
Shield was trained by Alastair Campbell at Downing street in the Labour years, and is described as the architect of the BBC’s increasingly combative approach. He joined the BBC from the Department of Work and Pensions in November 2013, having previously worked for the BBC in news and current affairs. Shield has installed a strategy of responding to negative stories about the BBC quickly and robustly. He believes the BBC should meet its critics on open platforms like Twitter. Shield has also sharpened up the way the corporate press office reacts to press reports. If there is a potentially challenging piece about the BBC that doesn’t include a response from the corporation, the press team will move quickly to try to insert a statement.
If it is down to him, this ‘robust strategy’ certainly has paid dividends thus far across all platforms, social to anti-social.
Best I can judge it has moved the BBC simply from simply being a laughing stock to a corporate libel defendant, which takes some skills. Combative ones on par with Monty Python’s Black Knight spring to mind.
The school of Ally Campbell may not be an alma mater to mention at all, much less crow about.
‘responding to negative stories about the BBC quickly and robustly’
Using truth and integrity can work. With spin, lies and insane comparisons… not so much.
So far the only responses from the corporation appear to be massive hole excavations or anodyne waffle from secret squirrels. Neither too convincing. And the cover ups are hurting the BBC as badly or more.
Hope he is deemed by BBC sharehol… stakeholders to be worth what he is going to cost them if he is the architect of this cluster-FUBAR.
Frankly at the position I am observing from, he’s doing a cracking job.
It sounds a very Campbell-like smear…the way that, whoever it was, tried to smear both Clarkson and by insinuation enmesh the Tories in the Savile affair.
An ill disguised partisan political attack from a senior BBC strategist which is completely contemptuous of the BBC’s charter obligations.
If I heard Ed Miliband correctly (just after 1350Hrs) BBC2, he is going to bring an end to ‘Climate Change denial’. He said it live on BBC!
Will he have some footsoldiers round me up and march me to the gallows? Will I be imprisoned? My tongue cut out? Exiled? How could he achieve this? Does he know its not just me? Could this be the ‘Pol Pot’ Ed relaunch? I might have to start acting deliberately thick if he gets elected as a matter of self preservation.
Keep doing what youre doing. Youre a great advert for science.
The polar bears are still there, Man on Bus, there’s plenty of snow and the temperature hasn’t shifted this century.
‘Youre a great advert for science.’
You wouldn’t know science if it jumped up and bit you on the arse.
I read the same article. The problem is that The Daily Mail (and other media) like to elevate certain ‘cherry picked’ spokespersons to speak ‘authoritatively’ on certain subjects.
It’s the same with religious apologists – get the most academically qualified person you can find to back our side of the argument.
It’s all bullshit!
“(and other media)”
You presumably Include the BBC in this grouping. You are right. But Prof Kelly’s article is more about the scientific method, its application and the politicisation of the Royal Society. It is this, along with the ‘Warmist’ religion that is getting in the way of the facts relating to what we know about AGW being publically disseminated and subject to open scientific scrutiny, which has led to the public’s perception of science itself being soiled. The Royal Society is being let down by certain influential incumbents. It is truly sad.
But the science is most definitely not ‘in’.
Everybody is free to write a paper on Global warming and have it peer reviewed. The fact that the deniers cant says it all doesnt it
A third of ‘papers’ used in the IPCC report are non-peer reviewed. Many true scientific papers that don’t support the AGW line have been reviewed, despite the best efforts of Mann, Jones and co. to hijack every scientific publication on the planet. Oh, sorry, you’re probably not aware of Climategate.
Some haven’t even been published and are in breach of the IPCC’s own cut-off dates.
Others are no more than leaflets from the environmental lobby (remember ‘Himalayan glaciers gone by 2035?!)
Anyway, how’s the ‘science’ doing? any more ‘settled’ yet or can they still not make their minds up over the lack of warming?
And any info yet on why the BBC lied over its 28gate meeting?
So you read the same article but somehow have failed to grasp the significance of the society’s motto ‘nullius in verba’?
I suggest you read it again.
A quote from the link:-
—Generating electricity from windmills has contributed to electricity prices increasing by twice the level of inflation over the last decade, with further huge rises to fund renewable energy to come.—-
There you have it…
How will they bring an end to climate change denial? Using methods employed to deal with those who are outspoken about immigration – as in the woman who ranted on a tram, and others Remove their children into care, have a trial which is based on offence that has been caused, and let it run for a couple of years with occasional psychiatric reports. Likewise with those who criticise Islam – depict them negatively as Islamophobes, arrest and charge with race hate offences and ignore the fact that Islam is not a race. And likewise climate change denialists can be lampooned as many practising Christians are and their children ostracised at school. Government grants scrutinised for evidence of climate change denial in scientific research applications.
Consider this: climate change denyer arrested after offensive rant on a bus. Teacher sacked after posting offensive tweets opposing theories of climate change. BBC presenter has final warning following controversial remarks about climate change. Complaints made to the Bishop regarding vicar whose remarks denying climate change and man’s responsibility to the planet offended parishoners.
I think this proves that lefties are inferior people.
As the lefties would have to legally prove that we are denying that the Climate Changes, therefore the problem is that they would fail, because the morons do not understand the position that scientists take on the matter, let alone understand the science.
The problems come when inferior people obtain power. It would make money for lawyers, but as in NAZI Germany, the lefty lawyers can also break out with emotionally violent rants when legal technicalities do not go their way. So therefore Miliband’s lawyers would send us to the gas chambers even if we prove that we think that the Climate always Changes.
Always remember it was Miliband who produced the Climate Change Act of 2008 – the prime culprit for higher fuel bills.
If its Labour Party Gas Chambers, then just as NAZI jurisdiction was limited, Miliband’s jurisdiction would only cover the British Empire.
Like Einstein, Piers Corbyn and those 43 Fellows of the Royal Society and 18 Professors of the GWPF would have to go abroad.
Must persuade more effnicks & ROP , to “deny” Global Warming ,& see what the Evil Millipeed would do to his favourite “untouchables” .Absolutely nothing ,I am sure, unless you are ” Hideously White “.
This developing news item doesn’t look good. Hostages taken.
I think we can guess who’s behind it.
What the BBC?
That’s almost funny.
Will it be those ‘men’, again?
What ITV?
I suspect it will be ‘Islamist militants’, which – to be clear – is, of course, ‘nothing to do with Islam’. Amirite?
All I know at this stage is it’s got nowt to do with the religion that traces its roots to Arabia.
Have the so called British Broadcasting Corporation linked it to ‘so called Islamic State Militants’ yet?
Now it’s ‘self-styled’.
Just listening to the BBC coverage of the budget, the BBC’s, Honourable Robert James Kenneth Peston (son of a Labour Peer), described the Tories spending plans as ‘bonkers’.
Is that commentary appropriate from a BBC employee?
‘Is that commentary appropriate from a BBC employee?’
Only if they leave their personal politics at the door, next to their professional integrity.
Sounds about right. Thats what taking 70 Billion out the economy is .
Quite within his remit to say that as an economics editor.
If they get in ,we are destroyed
“If they get in ,we are destroyed ”
I assume you mean if the Conservatives get in you (the BBC presumably) will be destroyed. That would be enough for me to change my vote to them.
Funny, don’t recall Peston saying that Brown’s massive tax/borrow/spend binge including over a million extra public sector jobs, massive wage hikes in the public sector, massive expansion of PFI, massive expansion of the welfare budget, wages for sixth formers, £200 fruit and veg grants for pregnant women, £200 trust fund for every newborn, reckless lending by the banks, £12 billion wasted on an abandoned NHS computer system, £2 billion wasted on a truancy ‘initiative’ etc etc – was ever ‘bonkers’.
Funny, that.
Even funnier when you consider every measure the the coalition has taken to reduce the deficit has been opposed by Labour and, through their usual proxy left wing commentators including their oh-so-funny ‘comedians’, by the BBC.
Anyway, Mr Omnibus, in order to avoid this ‘destruction’ you warn us of, please advise who we should all be voting for.
I’m all ears….
How does he take 70 billion out ?
Is he doing it with a suitcase , or sending it via banks like most migrants – sorry, immigrants?
That’s a good point. If the government doesn’t tax or borrow to spend as it sees fit, then there is more available for others to spend and less distortion in the money markets.
And government borrowing is later paid back with a mix of taxation and inflation (which acts like a tax on the solvent).
Last Sunday my son ran the North London half marathon. Not running the race but gracing it with his attendance was the tax exile Mo Farrah. I spent the entire duration of the race – or so it seemed – listening on the public address system to the commentator screaming Mo’s name (I didn’t see the great man). Set me wondering how much Mo was paid to attend. And the only reason why his name is considered a great draw is because of the oxygen of publicity he received (or receives) from the BBC. Why shouldn’t that honour have gone to someone who was born in the UK and pays UK taxes.
d the only reason why his name is considered a great draw is because of the oxygen of publicity he received (or receives) from the BBC’
Nothing to do with his athletic ability then.
But lots of other British competitors won Olympic medals in London 2012, such as the Brownlees, but the BBC never reports on their exploits.
But lots of other British competitors won Olympic medals in London 2012, such as the Brownlees, but the BBC never reports on their exploits.
…unless to express wrinkled-nose contempt that so many attended private schools…
or, in the case of Tom Daley, to celebrate diversity and launch a whinge-fest about internet abuse of gays.
The Brownlees are too white Deborah.
He was probably on his way to visit his 22 year old brother in prison, that’s his brother with some 17 convictions for theft etc.
Unfortunately rather more typical of the average Somali in the UK than Mo.
BBC 2 interview with Ed Balls finishes at 1504Hrs. Ed Balls looks comfortable and so at home next to “Robert” in the Labour Party red themed Budget coverage suite. He is allowed, uninterupted by his admirers, sorry, the BBC Budget team, to spout his postmodernist econo-babble . Jo Coburn, Bob Peston, Huw Edwards and James Lansdale, tech’ed up to the eyeballs offer the odd ‘cutting’ question (well, if you cut with a blunt wooden spoon).
Yes, comfortable and at home, unlike the shivvering Natalie Bennett (Green), who is allowed to give minimal Budget feedback to Joanna Gosling with the BBC Parliament mobile unit (No, not the unit who are in the helicopter. The other mobile unit. No expense spared by the BBC). Joanna wasn’t too keen on Patrick O’Flynn (UKIP) completing his sentences, which may have been well constructed, but they were interrupted by Joanna before their completion so we’ll never know. Thanks Joanna – we see what you did there – A leaf out of the Emily Maitless book of rudeness and obfuscation.
Plenty of time though for beeboids Simon Gompertz (the balder Gompertz, not the comb-over-gone-wrong arty one) and Vicky Young armed with tech and podiums (podia?) in Toonland to frame the discussion in a socialist statist big government presumptive narrative. Podiums do give the impression of academic authority don’tya think?
LibLabCon machine in overdrive today on the BBC.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense and Reason.
and just the one policy which makes it a lot easier to understand.
I presume you didnt understand what Balls was saying which is why you called it babble. He is however on the side of economics that has worked unlike the austerity economics of Osbourne or his palls in the EU.
The Road to Serfdom. And Balls knows it, which makes him evil. His followers are merely deluded.
Where has Ball’s economics worked ?
in his head?
Yes Yes we all know youve read one book. It is hopelessly outdated however.
“…[Balls] is however on the side of economics that has worked…”
Only if you call bringing the country to its knees financially by artificially over-inflating the public sector with ‘jobs for votes’ (which happily didn’t work as he’d planned), whilst simultaneously engineering a deliberate policy of uncontrolled open-door immigration (again, to bolster the Labour vote – which, again, happily didn’t work out as expected).
You might be happy to entrust the finances of this nation to Ed Balls – but on past evidence I seriously doubt the majority of the electorate will agree.
Is that the same Balls who confidently predicted another million jobless to add to the million private sector workers who lost their job in the “downturn” in 2007/8 and added hugely to the demand for food banks?
Is that the same Balls, who when the party left office the Chief Secretary to the Treasury left a note to his successor that “The cupboard is bare”?
Is that the same Balls who mocked the government that it took the UK longer to get back to pre-recession GDP than most other European countries which had a “downturn” as a result of the banking crisis, whereas our GDP dropped off a cliff because some buffoon decided he had single handedly defeated boom and bust and forward committed ever rising future tax revenues which did not materialise.
Is that the same Balls whose party managed something never achieved before to increase the %age of GDP spent on welfare in a boom time, whereas it normally increases in difficult times and falls in good times. The graph really took off after the downturn reaching 13% of GDP with about 10% being average.
So Mr Balls is “… on the side of economics that has worked”. If you believe that and are prepared to let them anywhere near the nations finances again when they couldn’t even make a profit running a charity cake stall God help us!
It’s a curious thing with clap on a bus, whenever you get him bang to rights, he always goes AWOL , stays stum for a while and then reappears like nothing has ever happened with more sh1t .
My advise is to ignore the buffoon and treat him like another Scott or Bunny, a troll and nothing but a troll.
Ignore. His object is to rise your ire, to annoy and to gain attention. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
Mr Omnibus ticks all the BBC boxes – being a Labour supporter is just one of them. Which is why, unsurprisingly, he comes on here defending the BBC.
So he thinks he’s defending the BBC’s impartiality, but because he defends it with his own left wing views he’s actually confirming their bias!
It’s almost like he can’t tell the real Rockridge from the fake Rockridge!
Manonclaphamomnibus…you are so funny stating:
“I presume you didnt understand what Balls was saying which is why you called it babble. He is however on the side of economics that has worked unlike the austerity economics of Osbourne or his palls in the EU.”
You need to look at Balls record in Government:
NHS Wales
My particular favourite to add to the list the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 .Almost as bad as the Human Rights Act . They both together accelerated the compensation culture and made lawyers very rich including the Blairs, in a government full of lawyers.
Remember Miliband welcoming his mentor Francois Hollande and demanding Plan B (end to austerity)?
If you are so wise, man on bus, why not take your skills to France and get a job there where they agree with your economic analysis?
Oh er sorry, they don’t have any spare jobs there. They have massive unemployment and out of control budgets.
I assume you have a different analysis in which case lets hear it. As to France they are locked into the austerity of the ECB et al who go along with the auterity approach. They dont have unemployment and budget issues out of choice BTW .These things have occured because they cant devalue relative to other european countries,notably Gemany.
Same prob for all the GIPSI members.
They have no way out currently.
We do . We can borrow on the gilt market and structurally change our economy to help particularly some areas in the north that were largely decimated by Thatcher. Regeneration means wages, means taxes, means happy people means Government paying down the budget deficit. Everyone wins.
Tory approach means more people laid off less tax receipts ,collapse of major infrastructure and total collapse of the economy except for those in specialised industries such as banking and financial services.
Road to Serfdom.
You are up north – I am not.
You want austerity then fine. Its no odds to me.
Strange to imagine a 0 hours contract as not a road to serfdom but I guess by repeating it enough times you may end up convincing enough people.
Just like your beloved BBC and Deadhead Ed who you keep parrotting, you are totally out of touch with the reality:
‘There is very little difference in
overall job satisfaction between
zero-hours contract workers and
the survey average. In all, 60%
of zero-hours contract workers
agree or strongly agree they are
satisfied with their job with 19%
disagreeing, compared with a
survey average of 59% agreeing
and 20% disagreeing.
On average 65% of zero-hours
workers say they are satisfied with
their work–life balance compared
with 58% of all employees.’
Click to access zero-hours-contracts_2013-myth-reality.pdf
But hey ho, government intervention is best so along will come Deadhead Ed and his union paymasters with their cheerleading BBC in tow and cock it up for all.
‘collapse of major infrastructure and total collapse of the economy except for those in specialised industries such as banking and financial services.’
Our economy has not totally collapsed, it is recovering from mad Gordon. The French economy is in a total mess. Fact.
‘They have no way out currently.
We do . We can borrow on the gilt market and structurally change our economy to help particularly some areas in the north that were largely decimated by Thatcher. ‘
Erm, like Brown didn’t do in 13 years of government?
P.S. Noted the anti-Thatcher comment. BBC supporter – tick!
Gilts are at an all time low. Irrelevant what happened in the past.
It is entirely true to say that the areas affected by the pit closures have never recovered.
Irrelevant. You’ll be borrowing more and in time those ‘gilts’ will reach the end of their term and have to be renewed – in all likelihood at a much higher rate.
Anyway, what would you spend the money on, more public sector jobs?
‘They dont have unemployment and budget issues out of choice BTW .These things have occured because they cant devalue relative to other european countries,notably Gemany.’
They can’t devalue because they signed up to the Euro. So it was their choice.
‘and just the one policy which makes it a lot easier to understand.’
That’s at least twice you’ve said that.
Have this one on me and put uninformed blind bigotry to one side just for a few minutes:
Little wonder you defend the BBC – light on the facts, heavy on the bias. But it’s never too late to learn, as they say…..
You must work at Labour Party Hq ……..Even the labour party backbenchers looked lost in the commons…Look at France for your version of the socialist way ….Don’t even have to try to win this one
Must I? I thought I worked for the BBC. Ok the Labour party it is then!
Tell me, can any of you people engage in factual debate. You dont all have to run away into the long grass with you ad hominem remarks all the time do you?
… can any of you people engage in factual debate.
Fact: You regularly mention the Glasgow Media Group.
Fact: We regularly ask your opinion of their proposed 20% Wealth Tax.
Fact: You never respond.
‘Tell me, can any of you people engage in factual debate.’
Nice line in self-deprecation. Or maybe I missed your reply to the UKIP link I gave you – you know, the one that shows they have more policies than just the one you claim.
Going back to the “in search of moderate Muslims” program I wonder what the thinking was behind the commissioning of this program. Did the BBC really think there were such mythical creatures? Did they believe that they were going to present to ‘deniers’ such as us evidence that we were completely wrong?
If that was the case then they got it badly wrong. Safraz Mansoor didn’t just show that there aren’t ‘moderate’ Muslims, but he showed that Muslims find the term offensive.
Given the BBCs terror of offending anyone especially the brown eyed boys can we now assume that in the future they will avoid using this term except when quoting others who have said it?
Now that they have the evidence will they change the corporate mind ? If not, then what is the point of running programs which teach them facts, and then ignoring those facts because they don’t fit the hive mind consciousness?
Yes, I got that feeling too. It is as though Safraz Mansoor was the ‘exotic’ at school, university and work, the one that was a little bit browner, just like the one that was a little bit taller or fatter, but still one of the crowd.
He probably doesn’t even have any Muslims as friends so it was a shock to find that today’s young Muslims are part of a substantial community, a community that has no need to interact with any one who isn’t a Muslim – parents, siblings, Imam, teachers, doctors, council, shopkeepers and employers. They, then see his like as ‘Uncle Toms’, ‘Bounty Bars’ brown on the outside and white on the inside, and reject that and go back to the ‘one true faith’.
It’s called ‘Multiculturism’ or Apartheid or separate development. Thanks a lot ‘progressive’ politicians.
OT: For any unsure how to use the HTML tags listed below the reply box, check out this link:
The example there shows how text can be italicised simply by enclosing it within a leading ‘i’ tag and a corresponding trailing ‘/i’ tag. (Ignore the outer ‘p’ tags shown – this site’s software completes all the other stuff required.)
In a similar way, you can use bold ‘b’, strong ‘strong’ and strikethrough ‘strike’ tags.
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC adopts the latest insanity which the NHS has introduced.
“Women with vaginal piercings to be classed as having suffered female genital mutilation ”
New NHS rules will apply to any woman whose labia or clitoris is pierced
Even women who consented to piercing will be potential victims of crime
Mandatory reporting regulations sent to medics by Government chiefs
Rules in line with guidance issued last year by World Health Organisation
FGM illegal in UK BUT critics say laws around ‘designer vagina’ surgery are ambiguous
I’m quite sure al of us know what the motivation is behind this, it is to drag in non Muslims into the FGM argument and to muddy the waters which are in reality Crystal clear.
Circumcision on infants ought to be though.
That would get Muslims as well as those Jews you hate.
I wasnt aware I hated anybody
Shows lack of awareness
In what way is circumcision comparable to FGM? What are the lasting effects? And were you not aware that circumcision is a legitimate medical procedure?
As a general rule unnecessary surgery should not be performed without consent.
Yes, the ‘widening’ of the definition of FGM is an obfuscation exercise designed to hide the prevalence of this Moozalem/third-world barbarity.
The liberalelite would now go to any lengths to hide the truth from the populace.
Witness each new murderous attack is NEVER described as attributable to the ROP ,but each one (e.g. Tunisia) is perpetrated by ‘madmen’, ‘gunmen’ ,or ‘extremists’ ……as if there was no connecting thread between them.
What was that story about The Emperor’s New Clothes……?
‘The Institute for Fiscal Studies’ has been given much air time by the BBC of late, who stress that they are not politically affiliated (this explicit disassociation of the IFS from ‘Left’ and ‘Labour’ was given on the BBC yesterday in their introduction to the IFS spokesperson on News 24). Ed Balls quotes them and their reports and stats in his Labour Party Broadcast, delivered courtesy of the BBC (18.3.15 BBC2 1430ish until 1504Hrs).
Yet on their website, the IFS state: “…Our goal at the Institute for Fiscal Studies is to promote effective economic and social policies by better understanding how policies affect individuals, families, businesses and the government’s finances.” Perhaps the inherent statist, socialist content of their ‘mission statement’ is not obvious to all? Studies of whose name is Peter and whose name is Paul so as to determine which to steal more from – the socialist way.
Are you seriously saying you dont want to understand how policy affects families and businesses or the mere fact of understanding how something works is in some way inherently socialist?
Presumably not understanding something is inherently Tory or UKIP then. Which means being stupid and ignorant immediately qualifies you as a conservative.
No. I’m saying that the IFS is inherently leftist, statist and socialist in its concept, its staffing and its research matter and that the BBC should not actively suggest otherwise. Because that is biased. I don’t mind who undertakes research in this field, nor what their political views are, as long as the research isn’t funded by the taxpayer.
That the BBC label Tories as ‘right wing’ is misleading enough. But the IFS not ‘left’ ‘statist’ or ‘socialist’? Do me a favour.
The Tories are right wing er!!!!!
So to call a party left wing or centre left is also not on?
Man with the clap, caught on a bus, must have plenty of time on his hands ,or acting under James Purnells Orders, part of his rapid reaction force , to counter anti – Bbc /labour comments .
“Man with the clap, caught on a bus” – Classic!
Tell me have you lot started to stand up straight yet. I have bronze tools to barter if youre interested.
Haven’t checked this guy for a while…. well worth it to see how the moves and shakes of the top floor play out in friendly territory…
‘This, I suspect, Mr Clarkson’s lawyers will find more productive in leverage than all the clumsy attempts to draw parallels with Jimmy Savile’s position’
They are not wanting for ammo on any basis really, are they?
The court of public opinion – dont cha just lurve it
Yeh, shocking – just like that democracy thing.
Still, not quite as bad as that Common Purpose thing.
And hanging parties?
I’ll have a pint of what you’re drinking.
Test 2
Thank you, anyone have any idea why I would be blocked when using my normal email account ? Using an alternate and everything works fine, curious.
A little late afternoon cheer (possibly not for the BBC) as Aunty shows she’s down wiv’ da yoof….
BBC News
You may think this looks like it was designed by a teenager. It was: New £1 coin design, created by a teenager, revealed by Mint
This top comment gives a flavour of how that went down with the readers (and kept on going):
Darren James Dear BBC News, how condescending is your tagline here ‘You may think this looks like it was designed by a teenager. It was’ This really is a backhanded compliment. Wouldn’t ‘well done, who would have thought this winning entry was designed by a 15 year old’ or ‘If you’re good enough you’re old enough, and here’s the proof’. Rather than thinking about this being a clever play on words please think about your audience
A few others to show how they are held in such high esteem and so trusted:
Amanda Elaine Choin It’s BBC news what do you expect?
Jane Robinson Mitchell With each day that passes I lose a bit more respect for the BBC.
Darren James Would I be wrong in thinking BBC News will see fit to just leave this and not respond?…
Harry Large My bet is they’ve already seen it, they don’t respond to anything #clarkson
Went well, I thought.
If the Tories do manage to win an outright majority, or even if they remain the largest party and form a Tory led coalition, it will be despite the best efforts of the BBC.
The BBC are outrageously pro Labour. If the Labour party had to buy the amount of favourable advertising they get from the BBC it would cost millions of pounds and of course be illegal. If we believe in the power of advertising, and of course this bias has been going on for decades, then Labout ought to win every election hands down. That they don’t do this, must mean that the British people are not really leftward facing and resist the insistent left, left, left drum beat of the BBC. Well done Britain.
Now come on Tories if you have a chance, close down the state funded , leftist biased, monopoly of the BBC . This would then allow the British to have a pluralistic media and to hear the policies of the left , centre and right parties , on an equal footing and to make their own minds up , without that old bitch of an auntie bellowing left good, right bad in their ear non stop.
Also J Clarkson should sue the BBC for as much as possible, resign and make the same programme for some other organisation. He should then write about his time with the lefties at the BBC. That book would make him a lot of money and tell people what the BBC is really like.
‘…without that old bitch of an auntie…’
I always think of the BBC as more of an uncle.
‘Uncle Joe’ sounds about right.
Piss-Aunt works for me
pissant [pis-ant]
Slang: Vulgar. a person or thing of no value or consequence; a despicable person or thing.
Obsolete. an ant.
Slang: Vulgar. insignificant or worthless.
Uncle Jimmy, morelike.
TUNISIA: while INBBC propagandises about its utopian, non-existent ‘Arab Spring’, it will misrepresent the reality of the latest Islamofascist massacre in Tunis: over 20 tourists murdered today.
Clearly, we Kafirs are under the threat of murder by Muslim Islamofascists in virtually any Islamic country.
So much for tourism in Tunisia.
And INBBC, as part of political ‘left and Islamic alliance, is sympathetic to boycott of, under siege, Israel!
INBBC’s politbureau will deceive with the word ‘militants,’
not Islamofascist, Islamic jihadists .
But ‘Jihadwatch’ has-
“Tunisia: Islamic jihadists murder 21, including 17 foreign tourists, at museum”
Beeboids’ systematic deception to appease Islamic interests continues.
Sadly terror is an effective weapon and the massacre is just that. Designed to destroy any possibility of contact with the Islamic world by Westerners.
That policy can work two ways and will eventually lead to a closing off of Europe.
Looks inevitable now and is just a matter of time.
Only a fool would go to a a Muslim country without needing to for necessity. Tourists are target no 1 for any passing murderers. I always remember one of the first of the present generation of murders of British tourists as far back as 1997. 3 generations of Yorkshire women, Granny, Mother and little daughter all shot to death amongst many others in Luxor. Surprisingly back then the bbc managed to call the killers ” Fundamentalist ” , I’m quite sure they would not be so hurtful of feelings these days. 3 generations wiped out in a moment, quite horrifying, look at the picture, imagine the little girl now a 23 year old women, enjoying her life, all stolen from her and her mother and grandmother by these filth the bbc and this government pander to. This story has always stuck in my mind because of its violence and disregard for life, women, and those not in any sense a part of the problem and I often think of them when another atrocity happens.
Well said.
I like Dubai , where they are tolerant and you are safe .
Best of all luvvies hate it .
Encouraging though to see spontaneous support by local Tunisians for the security forces action against Islamic State.
Al Beeba may not see Islamic State as an evil threat but many muslims do, just not the sort favoured by al Beeba.
Well; what do you know? Breastfeeding ‘linked to higher IQ’.
The research in Brazil traced nearly 3,500 babies, from all walks of life, and found those who had been breastfed for longer went on to score higher on IQ tests as adults.
I fully expect further research to show that a baby regularly breast-fed in public, with a selfie posted on twitter, is guaranteed to turn out a genius.
Been long known. Those that have vaginal birth live longer too.
Its to do with the micro fauna in the gut which is key to mineral absorbtion a process that winds down over time.
Bet you were well pleased when these stomach-ulcer-through-stress-deniers won the Nobel Prize.
Until the two scientists carried out their pioneering research, it was widely believed that nothing could live in the extremely acid environment of the stomach, and that ulcers and gastritis were the result of lifestyle and stress.
Professor Warren said it took a decade for others to accept their findings. “Everybody believed there were no bacteria in the stomach. When I said they were there, no one believed it,” he said.
And that’s science!
Yes its a process of discovery. Strange that!
PS the moon wasnt made of cheese before we landed on it!
‘Yes its a process of discovery.’
Coming from a ‘settled science’ advocate, that takes a bit of swallowing!
Btw – how’s that going? Have the squabbling infants agreed yet on why their predicted catastrophic warming is still failing to materialise – it’s been over 18 years you know!
So those sad women who breast feed their kids up to the age of 6 are actually creating genii rather than psychopaths then? Who knew eh?
More of Selfservative s Camerons Islamophilia
The report was likely to recommend that Britain not classify the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. This would annoy the Saudis and the Egyptians, who see the Brotherhood’s quest to establish a caliphate as a threat to their power,
(which is quite obviously true in regard to the Egyptian regime, which supplanted a Muslim Brotherhood government).
But if they are too tough on the Brotherhood, it will annoy Qatar, which is positive toward the Brotherhood and just signed an intelligence sharing agreement with Britain.
What’s a witless dhimmi Prime Minister to do?
Note also: “Britain is the command and control centre for the Brotherhood in Europe. Nowhere else comes close — that is undeniable.”
R Spencer
More scorn on the BBCs islamophilia … after Sundays Taqiya-fest
“The Muslim spokesmen, by contrast, practice various forms of evasion and deflection, claiming victim status repeatedly. Abdullah al-Andalusi of the ironically named Muslim Debate Initiative is the worst, ascribing Islam’s death penalty for apostasy to “Victorian translations” and claiming that it is only a law in “post-colonial secular states,” and pouting that the BBC is conducting an “Inquisition court.” Note also how he dodges the question of whether or not he condemns the words of UK imam Haitham al-Haddad, who has defended the death penalty for apostasy.
After that, Usama Hasan, author of The Way of the Prophet: A Selection of Hadith comes across as honest and forthright, but in reality, his obfuscation is just more sophisticated than al-Andalusi’s”
R Spencer
See they’re advertising the Toady program on telly more and more now. Must be haemmoraging listeners. Saw this before MOTD2 on Sunday.
Audio of an angry Commentator going on about how there’s too many white men employed in things like business and as film directors.
John Humphrys: “Positive Discrimination is what’s got to happen?”
Angry Commentator: “Yeah and everybody who complains about it has got to have it ripped out of their claws.”
Then the tagline
Hmm, whether you agree with the sentiment or not, is this or is this not propaganda?
The ‘angry commentator’ is Perry Grayson. Not me.
NP, I don’t listen to that show at all, I try to avoid BBC news current affairs, so I have no idea who he is. But I found the advert so disconcerting, every now and again you have a moment where you’re jolted by how brazen the bias is. It definitely seems to be morphing into the ministry of truth. I would have forgiven the ad if the tagline had been more accurate like:
He’s an artist (I like some of his stuff) best known for public ‘cross dressing’. He may have been bullied as a child, but that’s between him and his therapist and gossipy speculation on my part. He doesn’t hide his hatred of white men. The BBC love him.
Oh yeah I know him, his stuff is quite nice actually. Brave of him to attack white middle-class males, he’s certainly a man of principle.
This is what he said in 2007 “I’ve censored myself. The reason I haven’t gone all out attacking Islamism in my art is because I feel real fear that someone will slit my throat. … With other targets you’ve got a better idea of who they are but Islamism is very amorphous. You don’t know what the threshold is. Even what seems an innocuous image might trigger off a really violent reaction so I just play safe all the time.”
Sorry for calling him a w@nker. I shoulda said
I think “cowardly w****rs” seems more appropriate.
TUNISIA: Islamofascist massacre- some context for distorting INBBC apologists-
“IS ‘caliphate’ a dream come true for Tunisian jihadists”
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/tr/security/2014/07/tunisia-jihadists-welcome-isis-caliphate-officials-fears.html#ixzz3UlYZX8t0
Will INBBC now irresponsibly mis-translate the Tunisian Preident’s words here, and use INBBC’s dangerous euphemism of ‘militants’ instead?:-
‘France 24’-
“In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi said that ‘Salafist jihadists’ were responsible for Wednesday’s deadly attack on a Tunis museum, in which at least 20 foreign tourists were killed.”
So what exactly do the BBC have against the taxi firm Uber? Seems like hardly a week goes by without some anti-Uber article. It can’t be that they are instinctively anti-business, well, not that alone. So what is there beef with Uber? Anyone know?
‘their’ beef not ‘there beef’. Where is an edit option when you need one eh?
Not sure, but doesn’t Uber set a price at the begining thus denying those who claim for Taxis travel the right to inflate their claims, also seeing as a lot of Taxis drivers are Pakistani, they are losing out a lot of custom as well. And we all know just how deep in the bed the bBC are with the the peaceful ‘British’ Pakistani community.
I would imagine it’s because their existence creates loss of leverage and power for the black cab union.
United Kingdom
On June 11, 2014, London-based Hackney carriage (black cab) drivers, members of the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, disrupted traffic as a protest against Transport for London’s refusal to stop Uber’s calculation of fares based on distance and time taken, as they claimed it infringes upon their right to be the sole users of taximeters in London.[128] The following week, London mayor Boris Johnson stated it would be “difficult” for him to ban Uber “without the risk of a judicial review”; however, he expressed sympathy for the view of the black-cab drivers:
I’m normally on the side of the traditional British cabbie but on Monday night I got charged £4 to go half the length of Sloane Street in one. I had had a few so didn’t question it but the driver clearly ripped me off so bring on Uber I say
I have been reliably informed by an (indigenous) London cabbie that U ber is ruining the London cab trade-apparently they are believed to employ lots of ‘men’………….make of that what you will.
Thanks to everyone who replied – much appreciated.
I did a little (and I mean a ‘little’) research on Uber myself and found this page on the Huffington Post which, like R4, is a bellwether for lefties – it’s where they go when they need to find out what they are allowed to think.
Seems like Uber is not a taxi firm but an app which puts passengers in touch with ‘taxis’ – I’m assuming here that this is a licence for hire deal but I don’t know if that is always true.
I can see why the BBC would be anti-Uber as it pretty much circumvents state control by excluding the State from the deal. Not so sure of course that they should be broadcasting such opinions though.
I’m not sure I’d want why daughters or grand daughters taking the risk of getting any old pervert turning up but then that is, sadly, the way of it with an ordinary taxi firm. You don’t need to travel far from here to find taxi firms that abuse young women, eh Mr Miliband?
But given this is a tool that gives people a choice of taxi and one that actually turns up I can’t see the problem. It has to be safer than flagging down any old car for hire. Sure the BBC has a duty to warn people of the potential pitfalls but it seems to go well beyond that in the articles I have both read and heard broadcast. The BBC really needs to learn where the line is drawn. Warn sure then back off and allow us adults to make our own choices – we don’t need distortions and lies just the facts thank you very much.
A final illustration of BBC-like thought process is beautifully shown in the link above:
Back in Chicago, another driver sexually assaulted his female passenger, landing the company in legal hot water. Give them credit, I guess — this time, they actually acknowledged the complaint, as opposed to playing the “she’s lying” card. (Always a classy move.)
Uber doesn’t make adequate checks nor take responsibility is the meme. So despite the writer acknowledging that Uber accepted the complaint and acted responsibly they are still accused of doing the opposite. A classic case of leftist double-think. Uber is wrong even when it is right.
Now where have we seen that before?
So exactly how many presenters do the bbc need to cover this budget? Huw Edwards, Jo Coburn, Joanna Gosling, Sophie Raworth, and Christian Fraser are all at Westminister, and they’ve still had Simon McCoy Annitta McVeigh, Sophie Long, Emily Maitlis, and now Chris Rogers in the studio. AND the above only includes those who have presented major parts of a broadcast and not all the correspondents (including Reeta Chalrabati, Robert Peston, James Landale, Kamal Ahmed, and many others)
….and Brillo nowhere to be seen. Maybe they couldn’t fit him into the diversity quotas?
The London psychiatrists’ sofas are filled with his recent interviewees. I think he’s on gardening leave until a few sofas are freed up.
A thirty grand a day taxi budget doesn’t spend itself.
What race is Islam?
Doesn’t stop the crazy ‘race’ industry from deciding that there is a race of Islam and you aren’t allowed to insult it, or criticise it or you’ll be court as a nasty ‘Waycist’.
Not made the BBC yet but I’m sure it will.
Anti Conservative Bias. At its cunning, ongoing, incestuous best.
BBC 24 ‘News’. More Budget coverage. 2012Hrs.
Christian Slater frames a question to Alok Aharma MP (Reading West) with the term ‘omnishambles Budget’ (2012).
“The 2012 Budget” would be impartial.
Using a ‘word of the year’ coined and spread by the BBC during 2012, shoehorned into the dictionary by the OED (well within traditional time-frames) , used by the brilliant Armando Iannucci’s creation Malcolm Tucker, to associate Osborne with dumb-assery. Nice BBC. Subtle. Well done comrade Christian.
[typo. Alok Sharma.]
Must be destroying the BBC that they can`t even get a court artist in to watch the scripted defenestration of David Duckenfield at the Hillsborough “Inquiry”
Witch trial more like.
If there`s not a Hillsborough panto at Tolpuddle in a few months time, then Loach, Hare or Curtis aren`t doing their jobs…I bet it`s already being scripted and commissioned for radio 4 , as we speak!
What’s the grounds for saying Duckenfield is victim of a witchunt ? The guy has admitted he lied and covered up for decades
Funny old business.
‘Mr Beggs pointed out that in Mr Dalgish’s 2010 book My Liverpool Home, he spoke of ‘Scousers’ climbing through windows and using ropes to get into Wembley Stadium.
He write that the fans were ‘bunking in to the most famous stadium in the world for the final of the oldest trophy in football’ for the Liverpool v Everton FA Cup Final in 1986.
Mr Beggs read another passage in which Mr Dalglish gave his reaction when the official attendance was given at the game – 98,000.
‘I just laughed, as there must have been 110,000 crammed in, beneath the twin towers.’
The barrister told the court, here was an ‘icon’ of the game of football, and especially to Liverpool fans, ‘laughing at the fact they broke the law’ by gaining entry to a football ground without tickets.
Mr Dalglish said he laughed at the official attendance figures – not people allegedly ‘bunking in’.
Mr Beggs then moved on to a post-match Home Office report about the FA Cup Final in 1989, another all-Merseyside final, a month after the Hillsborough disaster.
The report spoke of the ‘sheer scale’ of attempts to bunk in from fans from Merseyside, which was ‘troubling’.
Mr Dalglish said the ‘clamber for tickets’ for the all-Merseyside Cup Final was ‘overwhelming’ to ‘show their unity and support for the families who had lost loved ones at Hillsborough’.
The witness was then asked about what he had written in his book about the Heysel disaster of 1985 involving Liverpool fans in which 39 rival Juventus fans were killed.
Mr Dalglish had written that only ‘chicken wire’ separated the groups of ‘passionate’ supporters which was inadequate.
Mr Beggs continued: ‘Are you not acknowledging that within the Liverpool supporters there was a cohort of supporters prone to violence?’
‘No,’ Mr Dalglish replied.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2880934/Angry-scenes-Hillsborough-inquest-barrister-asks-Kenny-Dalglish-drunk-violent-ticketless-fans.html#ixzz3UmSXHeAf
True, but does it not strike you that there’s something odd about all this? Mr Duckenfield comes across as possibly mentally ill.
Beeboid Tim Whewell knows what’s going on in Tunisia, as his report from July, 2013 indicates; but present-day INBBC Politbureau still misleads with its ‘militants’ and ‘gunmen,’ and remains in denial about Salafist jihadists and the growing recruitment to Islamic State-
“Justice kiosk: Tunisia’s alternative law enforcers”
By Tim Whewell.
BBC News, Tunisia,
July 2013.
Scroll down to end for 11 min video clip-
“Muslim Terrorists ‘Opened fire on anything that moved’
in Tunisia Museum jihad Massacre”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/03/muslim-terrorists-opened-fire-on-anything-that-moved-in-tunisia-museum-jihad-massacre.html/#sthash.FKnaQoDo.dpuf
Another heavy-hitter journalist speaks out on multiculturalism – Allison Pearson in the Torygraph:
The mess the multiculturalists got us into is there to see every day: it’s in our segregated communities, it’s in every single news bulletin. The BBC urges us to rejoice that three teenage lads who went off to join the Christian-beheaders of Islamic State were stopped at the Turkish border this week and returned to their families. At home on the sofa, everyone thinks: “Really? What do we want them back for? How can we be sure the junior jihadists won’t start a little light terrorism in the UK?”
We must listen to Trevor Phillips and his inconvenient truths about race
There are many Muslims who want to live in an Islamice state which is governed under the Sharia; but they want it to have all the quality of life you only get here: in the nations of the democratic, (liberal) West. They want to live like Muslims but with the kaffirs paying for everything and taking all the blame for the problems.
They want to live like Muslims but with the kaffirs paying for everything and taking all the blame for the problems
To be fair they are not alone in that. How else do you explain the numbers of people who vote Labour?
That’s why most immigrants to Western countries vote for the progressive parties who they know will look after them in return for their votes, and will never stop immigration: Labour here, Socialists in France, Democrats in the U.S. etc; my point about Muslims however, is that they want kaffirs to behave like good dhimmis.
“The first generation Muslim immigrants were not seeking a new way of life when they arrived; they expected to continue their old lives, but more prosperously.”
They rejoice to have them back amongst us because that way they can cause us more harm. I once shared a student house with a Leftist who I recall was practically rolling around on the floor saying how much he hated this Country. He was very lazy so naturally he now works in the Public Sector. Every now and then I see him tweeting against the cuts. He got a First in Physics at Oxford University so he is by no means stupid, just a lazy fat bastard with “Daddy” issues.
They love them and hate us.
and as Dave says “This isn’t Sparta”
The BBC warns us about the terrible consequences of Friday’s eclipse for solar panels:
Unwittingly, these unashamed champions of CAGW and renewables are undermining their own propaganda. In short, the article says that the moon eclipsing the Sun will switch off all the UK’s solar panels but it won’t matter. Good job the UK spends so much on the useless things and pays a fortune to the owners for the trickle charge they produce.
I don’t think the morons notice that the Sun is eclipsed by the Earth for half of the day, and I think that the Solar input for Friday will be similar to a day, two weeks ago, when the days where shorter, and the daily eclipse was longer.
Scrolling down the BBC web page 18.3.15, 2218Hrs, “Explainers” a video offering of “Five problems for Netenyahu – 60secs” with a still shot of Bibi striking a certain pose reminiscent of an old German political organisation.
Totally unnecessary. Stop it BBC – It reflects badly on the whole of our nation.
To continue the theme of useless renewables, a high pressure area forecast to sit over the UK for the next few days means the windmills will produce nothing either.
What a moronic energy policy this country has.
Good job we’ve got all those environmentally-friendly diesel-powered generators on standby.
‘….owners of diesel generators are being incentivised with offers of astronomic fees to make them available to the grid – subsidies equivalent to up to 12 times the going rate for conventional electricity, and even, on very rare occasions, up to £15,000 per megawatt hour (MWh), or 300 times the normal rate of £50 per MWh. ‘
Newsnight. 18.3.15
Chris Leslie’s pathetic expose of the emptiness of the Labour Party, intellectually, economically and politically is humiliating to our society. That is ‘the official opposition’ – watch it and weep. Evan didn’t give him a free pass to be fair. Labour will spend more, whether we can afford it or not. And we can’t.
And that bastion of truth and integrity Damian McBride is a guest. Facepalm. Done with BBC for the day.
Vote UKIP.
Just copied this from Guido site comments:
This extract just goes to show what real Charlatans these ‘lefty’ broadcasters are. Absolute con merchants:
realfish • an hour ago
I thought that the BBC were bad enough but Channel 4 news tonight (that’s the news channel where old leftie Jon Snow rules the roost and pulls stunts like taping up his mouth in support of freedom of the media) descended to a new low in integrity.
Gathering a vox pop of people in Plymouth Channel 4 News interviewed a number of ‘ordinary’ folk who rubbished the budget.
The ordinary people included a healthcare worker, a student and a worker from the local university – the later two being activists in the student union.
The health care worker, who was looking for a ‘little light’ at the end of the tunnel and for who the budget did nothing was someone called Suzy Franklin. It’s no wonder that this ordinary health care worker wasn’t impressed, Channel 4 forgot to tell us that Suzy was a hard left Unison activist, Secretary of the local branch; describes herself on Twitter as, ‘Socalist – “Those who do not move do not notice their chains. – UNISON Branch Sec & NEC – tweets pc.’ She was also mentioned in despatches on the Socialist Workers site.
Channel 4 News is a dishonest disgrace
Did you notice she happened to be the only person out of four, which were interviewed earlier in the day, that attended the debate? The other three were a non voter and two UKIP supporters. Maybe they were too busy working?
The budget today had me thinking, again, about what a total rip off the price of fuel at the pump is. The way in which VAT is charged on the price of the fuel after the fuel duty (which is the largest portion of the price) has been added, seems completely wrong to me. It is a purchase tax additional to the price of a product; the main price booster of which is a different tax that has already been levied: It is tax on a tax!
No, it is not a tax on a tax, it’s a tax on a duty. That’s why it’s called Fuel Duty. It’s the same with tobacco and alcohol. If you work for HMRC, this counts as logic.
There is always the notion of a levy on a fee; which the BBC also seems keen on in years to come.
It then becomes a semantic discussion: when is a tax a duty and a duty a tax? My point is that the VAT is added not solely to the cost of the fuel, but to the cost of the fuel and the duty combined. The duty should be added after the VAT has been levied on the cost of the fuel – that’s just my opinion.
The bBC which can bring you the news from darkest afganistan within minutes when NATO have bombed their heroes , who can call up the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, boko haram even sooner for their version of events, cannot report on a shooting in Sweden 5 hours ago. The daily express can , AP can, US news can, as can Canadian news. But the BBC nothing. It appears their reporters are too busy defending Islamic terrorism thousands of miles away, than reporting on a current news story a few hundred miles away.
3am, the guardian, Belfast telgraph, the Indian hindu. Australia’s SBS and Russia’s RT are reporting the shooting in Sweden.
The bBC on the other hand has just updated its news to report that the UK governments claim to have reduced CO2 is disputed and that people are leaving behind more wet wipes on british beaches.
Yup that’s the billion pound bBC for you.
Interviewed on the “Today” programme Ed Balls was asked to say how a Labour Government would eliminate the deficit. He was allowed to get away by listing areas of public spending reduction saving mere millions when he is claiming to save tens of billions.
Malmö Mafiosa….?
Are the Swedes making us a Smörgåsbord we can’t refuse….?
Fear not, it’s just the BBC’s way of reporting on some fatal shootings in Sweden. TV news reassures us this incident is not ‘terrorism related’. The outbreak of miniature warfare (‘automatic weapons – believed to be Kalashnikov assault rifles – were used in the attack late on Wednesday’) happened according to the BBC in an area of Gothenberg prone to ‘gang violence’.
Here’s the BBC’s on line report
‘Gun violence is not uncommon in Sweden’s major cities, though shootings in public places with multiple victims are rare’
So that’s ok then. My hunch is that aside from a few heavy metal ‘hairy bikers’ the Swedish people haven’t gone in for this sort of gangbanging (outside of the sauna) for quite some centuries. And what the BBC finds difficlt to tell us is that this shooting is immigrant related. NUJ rules? PC rules? Leftist bias….? We’ll never know, we just pay for all the obfiscation.
Two minutes Googling tells us ….
‘Original Gangsters (OGs) is a criminal gang in Sweden. Founded in 1993, it has its base in Gothenburg…. formed in the Gothenburg suburb Bergsjön in 1993 by Denho Acar (alias “Dano” or “Djingis Khan”) and two of his childhood friends…. the first known large-scale violent conflict was in 2000, with the Naserligan gang, the members of which was of Albanian extraction…. Being a Turkish citizen, Acar is able to avoid extradition while he remains in Turkey’
I blame those Montague guys. And them Capulets.
To put it simply, the Labour government would not eliminate the deficit, they don’t know how to. If labour do get to run this country after May, then that is it I’m afraid, it is all over, we will turn into Greece or go cap in hand (the country being the cap) to the E.U. Gordon Brown was doing his best to break the bank of the U.K. but he ran out of time. Why anyone with even the slightest bit of intelligence would vote for Labour is quite beyond me.
‘…the Labour government would not eliminate the deficit…’
You are of course correct. There is no way in which a Labour chanchellor would ‘cut’ spending. He would perhaps fiddle the books and pretend to ‘invest’ but, most importantly, he would be pressured by the public sector unions for payback for their support. And the BBC too.
Got to love the bBC, they find somebody to contest the governments claims they have cut CO2 emissions by saying the governments stance doesn’t take into account goods bought in the UK, but produced abroad. Yes apparently according to the left anything made abroad (But esp China) should also have its carbon footprint added to ours.
But the Leeds report’s authors say the UK’s long-term CO2 targets would have to be tightened if Britain took responsibility for the extra emissions stimulated by the demand from British consumers for overseas goods.The analysis shows that CO2 emissions produced within the UK fell 194 million tonnes in 2012 compared with 1990. But the cuts were outweighed by a rise of 280m tonnes created abroad during the manufacture of goods imported to Britain. At present, the UK is committed by law to reducing CO2 emissions 80% by 2050 based on 1990 levels. ”
Why is it left wing? Please explain otherwise people may think you just say this kind of thing because you dont have a clue. If you dont reply people will know you dont have a clue!
Claptraponthewrongbus, you are becoming a pain in the arse.
Game over! You dont have a clue as we somehow expected.
Hey! Mr Bus Man! What do you think of the Glasgow Media Group’s proposal for a Wealth Tax? ‘Fairness’ is a big issue for the BBC. Do you think a 20% Wealth Tax would be fair?
If you work hard and do the right thing and are not rewarded,do you consider that to be unfair or fair?
If you work hard and do the right thing and are not rewarded,do you consider that to be unfair or fair?
Coming from a Christian culture, I would consider it unfair if a worker doesn’t get paid. ‘The labourer is worthy of his hire’. But you would only lose a month’s pay, because if you’re not paid for one month you wouldn’t start work the next month. Would you?
However, with the Wealth Tax proposed by The Glasgow Media Group, my reading is that you could work hard all your life, pay tax on your earnings, save some money and then be asked to pay another 20%. Those who lived a profligate life would have nothing to pay. Is that what is proposed? Do you know? Do you think it would be fair?
The parable style of presentation is missing a big issue in my view. That is the issue that wealth is obtained entirely through work.Further, that the sucess of those highly renumerated is entirely dependant solely on their own efforts.
In fact ,the yeilds on investment make a ton more money than you could hope to make through your average daily job. So wealth does not equate to your day job . Consider the top 5 families in this country whose combined wealth
is more than the bottom 20%.
Moreover wealth is a transferable asset. Your Dad can be rich and through trusts etc so can you. It works even on a non monetary level your Dad’s rich and you have access to a hundred open doors. That’s not necessarily working hard.
On the other hand you can spend your life stacking shelves or constantly on internships working hard but going nowhere. Not exactly profligate either; just poor. Low pay brings with it cummulative disadvantages/expectations that are readily transferred to the next generation.
I accept the immediacy of your philosophical premise however apart from the real world dissentions listed above but note the fact like most things in life ,they have their bounds.
Evidence suggests that the rich will continue to get rich and by implication the poor will become poorer. Indeed if this trend continues the 1% will end up owning 99% of the world.(They currently own 50%) Society for a host of obvious reasons would break down long before that.
In fact I’d go as far to say that this site is predicated on an implicit notion that resources are scarce and threathend particularly by ‘foreigners’ even given Britain’s relative standing economically.
On this logic ,redistributive taxation is an essential part of modern society. At the end of the day there will be someone’s mun/dad/kid looking for an operation or your kid needing an education ultimately without the funds to provide it.
May I say I have no axe to grind since I am (was) in the 1% .I am retired now.
‘In fact ,the yeilds on investment make a ton more money than you could hope to make through your average daily job…….’
Er, no. Investments can go down and often do.
…..Evidence suggests that the rich will continue to get rich and by implication the poor will become poorer. Indeed if this trend continues the 1% will end up owning 99% of the world.’
I’ll definitely have a pint of what you’re on unless you’re referring to Al Gore and chums, in which case – distinct possibility.
‘We’? You appear to be an orphan.
Because the whole man-made global warming myth is a front for anti-capitalism and redistribution of wealth aka ‘mitigating actions against climate change’ aka Agenda 21.
But this has been explained to you before. If you want further evidence links can easily be provided.
My guess is you know all this already but choose to crack a deaf ‘un by fabricating yet another display of wilful child syndrome.
A quick search on the above shows me the bBC has form in promoting this ” We should add the CO2 of other countries industries the UKs” in able to scream the Government is lying angle.
UK CO2 emissions rising, government advisers warn
Carbon emissions ‘hidden’ in imported goods revealed
UK in ‘delusion’ over emissions
Other than the bbC pushing out this story almost every 2 years the only other constant is the author… Roger Harrabin .
So products need energy in their manufacture and distribution
The energy used creates Co2
Countries buy the products.
Therefore the amount of Co2 produced should be directly related to those who benifit.
Whats wrong with that.
So by that logic all goods created for export in the UK should have their carbon footprint subtracted from the total then? Or should they be double counted? Or triple as they have to be transported too?
Can we spell ‘Ponzi’?
‘Whats wrong with that. ‘
a) The country making the profit should pay the price.
b) Co2 is not a problem anyway, as evidence has proven.
Man with the Clap from the back seat of a bus , you are a consumer too , & the amount of leccy you are wasting with your lefty Bbc rubbish ,is going to cause the sea level to rise by 4 feet overnight. Perhaps you could get a one way ticket to the Swiss gaffe, that terminates people who want to end it all ,& do us all a favour, which in turn will leave more resources for the rest of us .
I think ‘we’ should add in the consumption and production of all the ex-British colonies too. Without our evil interference these would all be ‘sustainable’ countries with their peoples all living in harmony with their environment!
Roger Harrabin should write his pieces with a bit of charcoal on a slate, travel by dug-out canoe and dress in animal skins.
For no particular reason I feel drawn to posting a link to this old archaeological story from the Indy
‘An engraved ring has suggested evidence of close contact between Viking Age Scandinavians and the Islamic world…The ring is adorned with a violet-coloured piece of glass that was, until recently, presumed to be an amethyst. An inscription on the glass has now been found to read either “for Allah” or “to Allah” in an ancient Arabic script’
How nice. Have to laugh at this bit : ‘The excavation site at a Viking trading centre in Sweden called Birka’
ISLAM – The One Creed (i.e. The One Ring)
One creed to rule them all,
One creed to find them,
One creed to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them !
The Vikings supplied the caliphate with European slaves from the 7th Century, there have been hoards of Islamic coins found in Scandinavia and a gold statue of Buddha from Kashmir was discovered at Helgo in Sweden.
“Perhaps the Scandinavians were aesthetically uplifted by the gold and eastern trinkets arriving in their homeland in payment for the human misery they exported to the caliphate.”
Emmett Scott ‘The Impact of Islam’ (A great read).
The daily dose of climate change alarmism today:
Apparently, some “academics from the University of Leeds” have come up with a report, er, “for the government”.
We must all stop importing anything from anywhere because of “carbon emissions”, and stop buying our own cars, which spend 90% sitting on driveways (I suggest that during this ‘90% of their time’ they are not producing any “carbon emissions”, or emissions of any other kind), and we should all involve ourselves in car-sharing.
Interesting, in that one piece (fronted, of course, by Harrabin, the climate expert), they conflated CO2, “carbon emissions” and pollution all together as one entity.
Now, call me picky, but carbon is not CO2, and CO2 is not a pollutant, but is (as we all know) a trace, essential gas, present in tiny quantities in the atmosphere, and man-made emissions are really of no relevance – there has been far more of it in the past, during which all life thrived.
I think most Today listeners must, by now, have assimilated some semblance of what all this climate change malarkey is all about, and it certainly isn’t for anyone’s benefit. So why do they keep pushing it? Maybe it’s because of the last-chance saloon later in the year, in Paris, which if “successful”, will cost us ALL dear.
I see Pounce posted whilst I was typing…
Old Goat wrote:
I see Pounce posted whilst I was typing…
Sorry about that, myself I’ve noticed that dick splash is flaming again in which to try and dilute the content and direction of this blog by getting people to answer his petty question. May I ask that people don’t reply to his petty protestations and treat him as you would the lune on the bus that he is.
He’s like the neighbourhood lunatic who pisses through your letter box then runs off, cackling maniacally.
Folk really must not feed the trolls.
‘Now, call me picky, but carbon is not CO2, and CO2 is not a pollutant, but is (as we all know) a trace, essential gas, present in tiny quantities in the atmosphere, and man-made emissions are really of no relevance – there has been far more of it in the past, during which all life thrived.’
Yes, you are picky and ,you know what, its entirely irrelavant.
As to life thriving in higher concentrations that is utter crap.
If you are talking about the Ordovician- Silurian and the Jurassic-Cretaceous periods where there was an enormous amount of Co2 you will find that the planet was covered in ice. Not really thriving then eh? This was because the suns luminescence was 4% down on current levels.
You appear to approach climate science in the same way someone struggling to count to 20 takes their shoes and socks off.
Global warming involves a whole range of causative factors which interact in complex ways. To isolate one as you have done and present in a wholey unrepresentative fashion suggests to me you are totally ignorant or have a ton of shares in the oil business.
A somewhat simplified version of events
Oil is a hydrocarbon which when burnt gives off an array of gases one one which is co2.
Co2 absorbs IR radiation which ,in sufficient quantities, will prevent heat energy from being reradiated out into space.
If heat cant escape the environment will warm in the same way
if you left a radiator on in a room the room will get hotter.
There are further complications but that is the essence of it. If you budding scientists want to punch holes in these statements then go ahead.
Do you have evidence of ‘warming’ ?
yup and so do you because the source for that evidence is online. Unhappily sea animals also have the evidence.That’s why they are moving habitat where they can.
Personally, I’m still waiting for those hot dry summers and ‘the end of snow’ – both well overdue, y’ know.
‘Co2 absorbs IR radiation which ,in sufficient quantities, will prevent heat energy from being reradiated out into space.’
‘“Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats,” explains James Russell of Hampton University, SABER’s principal investigator. “When the upper atmosphere (or ‘thermosphere’) heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space.”
That’s what happened on March 8th when a coronal mass ejection (CME) propelled in our direction by an X5-class solar flare hit Earth’s magnetic field. (On the “Richter Scale of Solar Flares,” X-class flares are the most powerful kind.) Energetic particles rained down on the upper atmosphere, depositing their energy where they hit. The action produced spectacular auroras around the poles and significant1 upper atmospheric heating all around the globe.
“The thermosphere lit up like a Christmas tree,” says Russell. “It began to glow intensely at infrared wavelengths as the thermostat effect kicked in.”
For the three day period, March 8th through 10th, the thermosphere absorbed 26 billion kWh of energy. Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95% of that total back into space.
In human terms, this is a lot of energy. According to the New York City mayor’s office, an average NY household consumes just under 4700 kWh annually. This means the geomagnetic storm dumped enough energy into the atmosphere to power every home in the Big Apple for two years.
“Unfortunately, there’s no practical way to harness this kind of energy,” says Mlynczak. “It’s so diffuse and out of reach high above Earth’s surface. Plus, the majority of it has been sent back into space by the action of CO2 and NO.”
High atmosphere High energy radiation does not equal global warming.
Low energy IR Low atmosphere does.
If it helps, a microwave cooker is designed to operate at a certain frequency. That frequency corresponds to the resonant frequency of the water molecule. The heating effect literay comes from the exitation of water in the food. If you changed the frequency the food wouldnt heat.
In a similar way the diatomic bonds of Co2 will absorb
certain frequencies and be opaque to others.
Ah, so the theory is Co2 in the upper atmosphere helps radiate heat back into space but in the lower atmosphere it traps it.
So, please explain whilst you’re here: Co2 has increased in the last 18 years but the expected warming has failed to materialise. Why is that?
Bit of help for you here:
Go on, choose your favourite!
And a very good article on Co2 data here, including such gems as:
‘When will we finally truly do the math? The anthropogenic only portion of atmospheric CO2, let alone China’s portion, does not have the cojones necessary to make one single bit of “weather” do a damn thing different. Take out just the anthropogenic CO2 and rerun the past 30 years of weather. The exact same weather pattern variations would have occurred. Or maybe because of the random nature of weather we would have had it worse. Or it could have been much better. Now do something really ridiculous and take out just China’s portion. I know, the post isn’t meant to paint China as the bad guy. But. Really? Really? All this for something so tiny you can’t find it? Not even in a child’s balloon?…..
….The IPCC makes the bizarre claim that up until 1950 human addition of CO2 was a minor driver of global temperature. After that over 90 percent of temperature increase is due to human CO2….
…..The claim that a fractional increase in CO2 from human sources, which is naturally only 4 percent of all greenhouse gases, become the dominant factor in just a couple of years is incredulous. This claim comes from computer models, which are the only place in the world where a CO2 increase causes a temperature increase….
…..Creating data is the only option in climate science because, as the 1999 NRC Report found, there is virtually none. A response to February 3, 1999 US National Research Council (NRC) Report on Climate Data said,
“Deficiencies in the accuracy, quality and continuity of the records place serious limitations on the confidence that can be placed in the research results.
The situation is worse today. The number of stations used is dramatically reduced and records adjusted to lower historic temperature data, which increases the gradient of the record. Lack of data for the oceans was recently identified.
“Two of the world’s premier ocean scientists from Harvard and MIT have addressed the data limitations that currently prevent the oceanographic community from resolving the differences among various estimates of changing ocean heat content”………
Data necessary to create a viable determination of climate mechanisms and thereby climate change, is completely inadequate. This applies especially to the structure of climate models. There is no data for at least 80 percent of the grids covering the globe, so they guess; it’s called parameterization. The 2007 IPCC Report notes,
Due to the limited resolutions of the models, many of these processes are not resolved adequately by the model grid and must therefore be parameterized. The differences between parameterizations are an important reason why climate model results differ.
Variable results occur because of inadequate data at the most basic level and subjective choices by the people involved……
…….I was flattered when he asked me to review one of his early papers on the historic pattern of atmospheric CO2 and its relationship to global warming. I was struck by the precision, detail and perceptiveness of his work and urged its publication. I also warned him about the personal attacks and unscientific challenges he could expect. On 6 November 2009 he wrote to me, “In Germany the situation is comparable to the times of medieval inquisition.” Fortunately, he was not deterred. His friend Edgar Gartner explained Ernst’s contribution in his obituary. “Due to his immense specialized knowledge and his methodical severity Ernst very promptly noticed numerous inconsistencies in the statements of the Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change IPCC. He considered the warming of the earth’s atmosphere as a result of a rise of the carbon dioxide content of the air of approximately 0.03 to 0.04 percent as impossible……
…..How much longer will the IPCC continue to produce CO2 data with trends to fit their hypothesis that temperature will continue to rise? How much longer before the public become aware of Gray’s colorful observation that, “The anthropogenic only portion of atmospheric CO2, let alone China’s portion, does not have the cojones necessary to make one single bit of “weather” do a damn thing different.” The almost 18-year leveling and slight reduction in global temperature is essentially impossible based on IPCC assumptions. One claim is already made that the hiatus doesn’t negate their science or projections, instead of acknowledging it, along with failed predictions completely rejects their fear mongering.
IPCC and EPA have already shown that being wrong or being caught doesn’t matter. The objective is the scary headline, enhanced by the constant claim it is getting worse at an increasing rate, and time is running out. Aldous Huxley said, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” We must make sure they are real and not ignored.’
And so on.
Link please?
Here you go
Still not done the homework I set you yesterday?
Detention looming.
repeat it I’ll do it now sir!
Mr man on a bus. Al Gore made a statement lately that he wants any one that doesn’t agree with his ‘Global Warming’ view should be sent to jail. A sinister, and creepy man indeed. So this is how the left think of anyone who doesn’t agree with them eh?
Should we all be burned to the stake for refusing to accept the crap that you left wing cronies try to force down our throats every day. I just bet someone like you would love that. Wouldn’t you???
What with his gas guzzlers and his mansion and his intercontinental flights to indoctrinate the gullible, Al Gore probably uses more energy in a day than an entire African town does in a year.
Poor guy probably hasn’t got over failing to make it to the presidency.
I think the crap here, manonthewrongbus, is largely spouted by you.
There IS no global warming, and hasn’t been for around 19 years, and even if there was, that, surely, would be a GOOD thing? And of course it would have nothing to do with CO2, which, as we know, lags about 800 years behind any warming. But you’ll argue the toss with that, as well. Arguing the toss appears to be the raison d’etre for all you misinformed warmies, who ensure that their blinkers are firmly welded to their stupid heads, whilst, with their fingers in their ears, shout”lalalala” at the tops of their voices, because they don’t like truth, and don’t want to hear it.
Any evidence? You do realise that science is an evidence based discipline dont you. Tell me do you have the same view of Gravity ie that someone made it up.
There is no evidence of any rise in global temperatures for around 19 years
There is also precious little evidence of man-made climate change once you discount the outputs of the various discredited global climate models (which are all still completely unvalidated)
There is plenty of scientific theory and empirical research into climate change, but you won’t see or hear any of it on the BBC – they hitched their cart to the IPCC (a non-scientific body) decades ago
Still, while we are all paying for extortionately expensive renewable energy and lining the pockets of landowners while simultaneously having little impact on global CO2 emissions we can all pat ourselevs on the back for being taking in by the scam
‘Global warming involves a whole range of causative factors which interact in complex ways.’
I think you need to tell that to the climate modellers me old mukka.
How many BBC Boxes did this tick???
‘My Hijab and Me’
—From Marvel Muslim Superheroes to the World Muslimah pageant this is UK Vlogger Dina Tokio’s story about looking amazing and wearing a scarf. This is My Hijab and Me…. And you can watch Muslim Miss World this Thursday night at 9pm on BBC Three—-
Count me out, please!
I am sure this hijab would go down well with the
9am this morning, Radio 4 announcement concerning Wimmin’s Hour at 10 am which will look at the impact of the debate on immigration on effnic wimmin. Predict – mooslim wimmin will have their say. Then straight on to Melvyn Barg with three Islamophiles who discuss the wonderful achievements of some Mohamidan and the Caliphate during the 11th century ….. great improvements in science, jurisprudence, philosophy. My car journey terminated at 9.15 so I turned the radio off. My problem: as I know the extent of BBC bias, I cannot rely on the academics to deliver a truthful account of this period in history.
Thanks for letting us know – not! Fifteen minutes of life that can never be recovered. Whinge, whinge, whinge. It was only relieved at the end when they all burst into tears discussing how some Asian women told a survey that they intended to vote UKIP! I hope they didn’t flush all their eye-wipes down the BBC toilets.
And in the interests of balance, tomorrow’s Woman’s Hour will feature an elderly, white East End lady whose neighbourhood was colonised by Bangladeshis. She is now living in Essex…..