Well, it’s Budget Day and I noticed the BBC telling us that Osborne will use this for electoral purposes, targeting key groups of voters. Gosh. How fortunate that Brown and Darling never played such low politics during THEIR Budgets. Anyway, here’s a new much needed Open Thread for your completion.
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“Y jufed lukiit ot rhw sum”
What I meant to say was: “I just looked at the sun”
“Solar eclipse 2015:
“Viewers mock BBC’s ‘patronising’ coverage as they suggest using a colander to view it”
Saw that the hole thing was full of holes.
George. I used a colander. Very effective. Omni-crescents!
If the bBC did party political broadcasts:
Multi-billion pound plans to overhaul rail in North of England
Plans to overhaul transport across the North of England, including with multi-billion pound rail schemes, are being laid out by the government later. The Northern Transport Strategy report details what George Osborne believes will create a “northern powerhouse”. It contains a long-term plan to improve road links and speed up train times between major cities.
Seems factual and Ok, then the bBC political propaganda unit steps in:
But the Rail, Maritime and Transport union said the proposals were “yet more pie-in-the-sky nonsense”.
This report isn’t really full of new ideas.
Instead it’s the packaging up of the best ideas from the various northern (and Labour-led) councils and the coalition government.
But Mick Cash, leader of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union, said that transport services across the region were actually “lumped with clapped-out, overcrowded trains with any replacement programme light years off”.
But Mick Cash, leader of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union, said that transport services across the region were actually “lumped with clapped-out, overcrowded trains with any replacement programme light years off”.
Meanwhile Labour’s Jim Naughte on the Today programme was cynicism itself; couldn’t believe that the Tories would invest in railways and for good measure had a mandatory pop at Thatcher who he suggested ‘hated the railways’.
The truth though is different (as it always is with lefties).
Under Thatcher BR had some of their best managers. She electrified the East Coast mainline lines into St Pancras and Liverpool Street, sanction the Channel Tunnel and the Channel Tunnel link, saved some important rural mainlines (Settle and Carlisle and North of Scotland), introduced the successful sectorisation of the railways, canned the Serpell report which called for further mass closures of the railway….and so on.
In Labours 13 years they managed to electrify 45 miles of railway – in 2004, they also introduced the fairs escalator which saw regulated fares increase by inflation + n%. Not that Naughtie would have put that to anyone from Labour. And as always under labour, nationalisation was a disaster with lack of investment and a strategic vision. £millions were wasted on loss making routes inefficiency and the design and building of useless locomotives.
It really upsets the anti privatisation mob to tell them that passenger numbers have doubled since 1996, having drifted for many years before that. Just like the correlation between man made CO2 and global warming in undeniable, so seemingly is the storming success of privatisation on passenger numbers.
Ah, but all that money the fat cats are making comes the response. Exactly you reply. They have been so successful at putting bums on seats in an industry with relatively fixed costs that they can make a profit. And if the “fares are too high” how come so many more people are travelling?
If anyone suggests that the “producer led” nationalised railway – like it still is in France – would ever have achieved such growth just laugh and say “You must be joking”
You may be surprised at where train drivers fit in to the pay scales – probably on more than many middle managers in front of their computer screens.
Oh I nearly forgot the competitive and active freight companies carting around millions of tonnes of goods that a still nationalised railway would have priced much of on to the roads.
The biggest problem for the railways now is its success. Under BR it was managed for decline – singling tracks, taking out capacity to save money during renewals etc. Now it is rather expensive to put it back in and cannot be done without disrupting traffic, which the media do not seem to recognise.
Agree with much but cannot really go with some of your points, although this is not the site to list them But the awful locos were all the responsibility of Tory industrial policy in the late 50 s, all the useless locos from the dinosaurs like North British, Metro Vick, Beyer Peacock, the BR workshops, the Hydraulics were all designed to shore up dying industrial companies in the North. Cost a fortune and all a waste of time, nothing achieved.
When The Asian Network and 1Xtra start doing more to attract white listeners then they can start fcuking around with Radio 2, is nothing sacred?
Radio 2 Is Too White say BBC Trust
Beeboids’ (and GuardianISIS’) main political aim is the colonisation of Britain as rapidly as possible via continual campaigning for open-door mass immigration from Asia and Africa.
And as the unending flow of millions of immigrants arrive in Britain, GuardianISIS campaigns to get preferential treatment for them in all areas of British society.
This is the propaganda-Page 1 ‘Guardian’ today-
If you think that’s bad, this was in the guardian yesterday:
The best exotic nostalgia boom: why colonial style is back
Echoes of empire can be seen everywhere from TV’s Indian Summers to Dishoom, London’s hottest new restaurant chain. But is this rose-tinted take on Britain’s colonial past erasing a bloody history?
This is the number taking Britsh jobs.
This is the number needing the NHS.
This is the number needing housing.
This is the number needing schooling.
This is the number that was never asked for by the British public.
This is the number of times the political elite has stuck its middle finger up at the British public. 298000 times.
Is that a cracked Union Flag?
Who cares/knows/sees what ‘colour’ R2 is?
Jeremy replaced by the call to prayers anyone ? Ought to get the all important Friday drive home audience, might cause a few problems on the M6 though.
I’ve always thought that the ‘Asian network’ is a bit, well, ‘Asian’ in the BBC Indian sub-continent and mass rape of white children sense of the word ‘Asian’.
Who is politically worse:
a.) Guardian’s RUSBRIDGER,
or b.) BBC’s HALL?
Here’s Delingpole re- Rusbridger-
Can somebody please explain why the Uk is taking in yet another Pakistani
Ahmad Nawaz: Teen shot by Taliban plans Birmingham move
Now before the resident clones get their knickers in a twist. By continuing to allow people from foreign countries to run away and then recreate the conditions they left behind in their new countries is simply a recipe for disaster . Why because those with guns and a subscription to the bBC Urdu service will see that their opponents are given sanctuary in the West and simply continue to murder death kill until they gain the country of their dreams.
The UK hands over £1 billion a year to Pakistan and instead of using that to improve their country, they build nuclear weapons, buy jets,tanks and ships in which to act as Chinas proxy against India.
No schools, no Hospitals and no sewers, and when people get hurt they travel all the way over to the Uk and then when once over here, they scream “council house”
The homosexual kiddy fiddlering crooks in Parliament have voted to write into law that we hand over more money to the third world than every before and the bBC tries to explain to the plebs why this is a good thing:
What should the UK do about foreign aid?
The UK is about to pass legislation committing it to ringfencing 0.7% of gross national income for international development spending. …..but this will mean developing new models that recognise that simply replicating the old growth path of the rich world will only compound the pressure on resources and hasten climate catastrophe.
The UK should not waste its money on foreign aid . The money should be spent on the nations defence .
Looks like Clarkson is out, quite an anti bBC rant.
“9,468 needed to reach 1,000,000”
Long session at the start of Daily Politics on the UKIP scandal, with Brillo helpfully recalling every UKIP scandal – in the world – ever. Funny enough, just a token reference to other parties. I’m surprised he doesn’t have the Beeb regulars Vicki Pryce and Denis McShane to offer advice.
Ofcom has ruled that UKIP is a ‘major party’ and must have coverage as such. Do we assume these regular hatchet jobs will be counted by the Beeb as ‘coverage’.
OTOH Neil gave the resident Labour lard-arse a comprehensive going over for her anti-white racism.
She is thick, racist and a bullsh@tter.
The foul Laurie Penny backs up Dimwit Abbott. Here is what she says in the New Statesman (http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/laurie-penny/2012/01/white-british-power-divide) “Defenders of privilege and hierarchy will do anything at all to distract attention from power, and to re-phrase attacks on power as attacks on the powerless.”
erh… The privileged Laurie Penny went to one of Brighton’s most expensive private schools. So she would know…
Up the worker’s Penny!
By the way catch the vid on YOUTUBE of Starkey taking her to the cleaners. Its hilarious.
Sorry “workers” not “worker’s” …I blame my third rate Comp’ education…
Thanks Shirley Williams.
Hay! I have yet to receive an apology from Shirl’ …but I want one. If the Met are handing them out for nothing then why can’t I and millions of others have one from the “proud” originator of the failed Comprehensive system? Perhaps her Grammar school educated daughter could pen it for her?
Polly think you mean this gem from Youtube:
For sure! TV gold in our house. Thanks Charlatans.
Like a lecturer haranguing a snurty sixth former (which is pretty much the case). Try to watch the whole thing. She doesn’t know what hit her and is clearly dishonest.
Very funny – even the BBC Asia Correspondent sticks the knife in Dianes :
I like the BBC Asia correspondent. I have seen him a few times and he seems to have the ability for argument, reflection and thought (as seen here). Something Diane Fat-bot does not.
Is he the chap who, as I recall, had Robert Spencer on his show (via phone of course) and an imam, who Spencer wiped the floor with; much to the chagrin of the host and the imam?
Unsure. Does anyone know who he is?
It’s here –
Robert Spencer doing what he does best, the host gets more and more frustrated with the imam as he doesn’t do the job that he’s got him on the show to do.
The imam was evasive and unconvincing.
There was little negotiation, with the Imam. Which seems to be the ROP way. “We are right. You are all wrong.” was his narrative. Spencer, a brave man in the wider scheme of things , quotes the Koran at will and this back footed the Imam. ROP does not respect other religions. Sikh, Hindu, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan even the Agnostic and Atheist will cop it if they had their way.
95% OT: A Labour spokesman says Cameron will lose out by refusing to debate Miliband, especially since they are to have separate interviews on the same night. Brillo is shocked; says surely that would never happen.
But Brillo may be wrong; Guido was declaring just that yesterday:
[It doesn’t explicitly say both will be at the same location]
BREAKING: Brillo reads a report that another UKIP member has been suspended. Here we go…. we knew this would happen as the election approaches.
No mention of this:
UKIP are doing the right thing. Clear out the bad apples. No compromises. Could this professional UKIP party discipline be eclipsed by other news today?
I’ll get me coat…
Maybe Nigel should add penal reform to his other one policy.
“we knew this would happen as the election approaches”
Perhaps, but my anger is reserved for the f*cking idiots who think they can make fraudulent expense claims and get away with it. They must know the scrutiny that UKIP are under, yet go around giving the BBC et al opportunities like this.
I add the caveat that we don’t know the full facts yet but judging by UKIP’s reaction it seems reasonable to assume that Janice Atkinson has been an idiot.
And just look at the picture of Nigel Farage the BBC has used.
As ICSCN says above.
The BBC is right to report on the UKIP suspension(s) today. Where they are wrong (ie biased) is that the same level of publicity is not afforded to the inaction of the Labour Party over this:
or the Conservative Party over this:
Bias by omission. Proper LibLabCon propaganda the BBC way!
Vote UKIP. The Party that cleans behind its own fridge. Unlike the slatterns of Labour and Conservative.
You NORTHERNers have a special part to play in the forthcoming election:
If Tories In strong LABOUR constituencies TACTICALLY vote UKIP you can stop the:
Vote Tory get LABOUR /SNP stitch up –
My view is much more democratic to:
Vote UKIP – get UKIP / Conservative alliance –
Could stop our Scottish friends from leaching even more British Taxes to add to their £1,800 extra per person with the Barnett formula.
What you think about that Mr Omnibus?
Yes let’s get the hypocritical UKIP in. When they’ve dispensed with their one policy we can all sit round watching the UK economy tank.
Like the struggling Norwegian and Swiss economies which can only regard France and Greece with envy?
Mr Omnibus, you really do think Labour are competent don’t you?
Labour who have shown absolute incompetence twice now in my lifetime they managed to get in Government for a long spell.
Both times their legacy left this country in shameful dire straits and you people that put us through all that need to apologise for attempting to destroy this once proud nation that never would have had to deal with the current problems without LABOUR.
In 1979 their legacy was the ‘sick man of Europe’, where Dennis Healey had to queue up like a third world nation at the IMF asking for a loans to bale us out.
2010 – ‘There is no money left’ . Plus a massive recession,-
Millions of Muslims radicalised through a war fought on lies –
Gangs of Pakistani Muslims raping, pimping underage non-muslim girls all over our land in mainly Labour controlled areas –
Now still every department of state has skeletons coming out of the cupboards with Labours legcacy from importing millions into our country but not building the houses, NHS, Schools and infrastructure to cope to selling off our gold reserves etc etc etc etc.
Give me an hour or two to give you the list…..but Labour is in terminal decline, with Scotland only the start of massive National realisation of the total desertion of the class warriors, (which appears to be their overall raison d’etre), you appear to support.
All the Kippers MEP`s are going to be investigated , to check whether they have claimed more than allowed, for European Parliament expenses. Looks like its another ukip party policy, fraud. You may find a lot of them booted out or even defecting.
Struggling to see much BBC-related input here. Are you ever tempted?
Maybe Panorama (without certain researchers), of Newsnight (with BIJ) or DP (without Jasmine on studio duty) could be lured into an objective pan-party roster of liars, cheats, nonces, racists, tax dodgers, two-jobbers, house-flippers, anti-semites and sex maniacs in the run up to a democratic election?
As for UKIP, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I’d have thought, so a purge seems tough but maybe for the best. Meanwhile the others quietly decay at every level from the dead wood so dogmatically retained in face of all reason.
A lot like the BBC.
Perhaps all MEP’s should be investigated ? That would be a bit fairer and would open a few cans .
Perhaps the EU should be investigated?
“EU auditors refuse to sign off more than £100 billion of its own spending”
But, then again maybe it’s more important to investigate a restaurant bill?
I nominate a commissioner who suggested back in 1983 that the UK should quit the EEC as it was back then.
Step forward, Kinnocchio !
A quick search of the BBC website (search parameters – “dutch” “election”) appears to confirm that the so-called world class broadcaster forgot to report on this Wednesday’s Dutch provincial/senate elections. I wonder why. Is it just the usual incompetence and arrogance or is it because the left-wing coalition was the big loser? Is ignoring “narrative-unfavourable” news developing into a nasty habit? As with the Israeli election, when the BBC’s boyos don’t win, everything suddenly goes quiet (cf the last Australian general election). I would have thought that Geert Wilders’ party’s failure to increase its total vote would have had the champagne bottles out at Broadcasting House. OTOH, maybe the relative triumph for the right/Christian parties put a bit of a damper on things.
Oh for crying out loud…..Don’t listen the BBC radio 2 if you’re white, because you’re messing with their politically correct quotas…
Way-hay… when life gives you lemons, pop a slice in the rum punch.
Me an me homies now dubbing a wicked VO mix tape riighht now, viv all de latest patois, to see us installed in de Lenny Henry suite wive da next intake, mon.
And if it turns out our faces are not right for this radio station, there’s always Nursing in Finland, a band I am starting too.
Hideous (in a righteous way), innit?
In an Alvar Liddel baritone (for now): “In other news, the BBC has learned that it really has become a parody of itself.”
“Non-payment of BBC licence fee accounts for 10% of prosecutions”
It was an Abbot self propelled gun. Not a tank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FV433_Abbot_SPG
“Tank delivers pro-Clarkson petition to BBC.
“As close as fans will ever get to declaring all-out war on the Beeb.”
(inc video clip).
He should hit someone!
Collington House is a secondary school in a Midlands town with a large proportion of its students from the Muslim community. New head teacher Roz Taylor, eager to be inclusive and accommodate all faiths and cultures, finds herself increasingly at odds with one of the parent governors.
This is a drama that gets behind the news headlines and political wrangles to examine what is actually meant by “Islamisation” and the difference is between radicalisation and the co-existence of different faiths in schools on a day-to-day level.
B****cks ! This is nothing more than a piece on Political Correctness, to put forward the arguments which the Fascists would like to have put forward in Birmingham but didn’t, because they didn’t have enough courage to stand up to the Muslims and what they wanted.
“One of the parent governors” just happens to be a strict Muslim and the play is about incorporation as far as possible while they stand up against him with what they feel is unacceptable.
Another more moderate Muslim is shown helping to find a way through this.
All pie in the sky biased crap which illustrates how the Fascist believes the world works. In reality the hard line Muslim would call the other an apostate and threaten him with death, at which point he would back down, and all the loonie lefties would never have stood up to him in the first place.
No, I think its purpose is to tell us how to think the world works.
All the jaded stereotypes in there, the bored, aging, white male (deputy?), the enthusiastic thwarted woman with the bastard ex-husband.
Everyone is ‘onside’ about homosexuality and multi-culturalism, apart from the minority Muslim.
Never mind, I’m sure the Moderate Muslim will win the day, taking the head teacher under his wing and possibly providing her with a house, demonstrating the merits of Islam and Islamic finance!
By your comment you also appear to know how it works! But how do you know your version is right?
A teenager who planned to behead a British soldier has been jailed for 22 years by a judge at the Old Bailey. Same approach on the One News.
Just a teenager. Same old story.
Yes but it’s a ” betrayal of Islam” again no doubt !
He’s just one of the ‘men’.
As part of my day’s/week’s end teatime cuppa surf I read this and then, just now, this from one of a few excellent complements to this fine site:
‘one of those BBC headlines that can, if you come at it unprepared, read like a cryptic crossword clue’
And it goes downhill from there in the text.
Craig has also, like DB, a keen eye for the BBC’s more ‘doing everything stupid’ tweeters, and this one is pretty special:
I just wish this were not so close to accuracy:
‘He knows he can get anyway with it now, so why bother even pretending anymore?’
Surely such arrogance in face of so many people finding so much wrong with the BBC simply the ultimate in hubris?
I also see he has noted a BBC howler shared here:
…and has been moved to get in touch with them.
‘It is an open-and-shut case.”
Given his abilities with fact archiving, how CECUTT ‘handles’ his complaint will be well worth the wait. And if I know them, given the clearness of the cut, they will drag it out to 2016 minimum.
Which, given their published activities here, will simply add to the case for the prosecution.
There’s also this other gem from the twitterverse:
Littlejohn on last night’s Phillips Ch4 doco and the tyrany of the left and their religion of political correctness.
“The fact is they won’t countenance any dissent from their proscriptive manifesto and ‘values’ system. And because they have seized control of the civil service, local government, the police, the law and the BBC, they now impose a Stalinesque stranglehold on the public discourse”.
More Islamic jihadist intimidation and violence inside British society-
Two reports-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Convert to Islam jailed for plotting Lee Rigby-style beheading of British soldier”
2.) INBBC- censors anything Islamic, from misleadingly worded headline-
“Soldier beheading plan teenager Brusthom Ziamani jailed”
And the inevitable appeasement-
“MOD recognises Islam Awareness Week”
And awareness of Islam in USA?:-
“U.S. Air Force veteran charged with trying to join the Islamic State”
Islam Awareness Week ?
We have Ram-a-down-your-throat every bloody year.
Every sodding hour more like.
I accidentally turned the radio onto R2 10 minutes ago, and suddenly realised that the dirty boy – Jonathan Ross – is back on the Beeb. Has he served his time and so they just sneak him back on? I wonder if he is still on £3 million a year?
HEADLINE NEWS: Jailed.. blah, blah, selling stories to the Sun newspaper, blah, blah….
The salient point is that the Sun journalists were found not guilty, having claimed ‘public interest’. But the Beeb leave them somewhat tainted.
This old Sun story has been done to death, but it still gets a higher profile from the Beeb than the topical Mirror hacking scandal.
Is Diane Abbott a racist? Let repeat that. Diane Abbot is a racist. Now I know that according to the wisdom of such monumental intellects as Jo Brand, only white people can be racist: because we have THEY POWER! You can only be racist if you have the POWER and as all other ethnic groups in our society do not have the POWER they are ipso facto incapable of being racist. Enough of that. What I say is FU Jo in a wholly metaphysical way, please let us keep it non – physical.
Back to Diane. Last night on this week the Sunday Times article by Trevor Phillips came for discussion. DA went into meltdown . The Asian boy from BBC Asian Radio was a plucky fellow and took her on head to head, but the real clincher was Andrew Neil (respect man, real respect – he is fast become my No.1 pol commentator). AN quoted DA’s racist statements not once but several times. DA refused to engage. Refused to answer. She ran to the arms of the winging bitch Yasmin Allah lie Brown.
Watch it with a nice glass of Shiraz and a Cuban cigar, bought on the streets of Havana. ^0 years of communism has killed the enterprise spirit.
Brillo is pretty good, all things considered. He gives everyone a fair hearing, and a carpeting, in equal measure.
That’s what a decent interviewer should do.
She also proved her racism on at least a couple of other occasions attacking “Blue Eyed” Finnish nurses – I can’t remember the exact words but it was something like she objects to these blue-eyed nurses and she wants even more black ones. She also claimed that Caribbean mothers were so much better than white ones.
It’s shocking she hasn’t done time for any one of these let alone allowed to continue as a useless MP paid by taxes from the white folk.
As I’ve noted I complained about having a racist on TV yea and where did that get me? Nowhere I’ll see if I can find the reply I got.
Has Trevor Phillips only just figured out that people of the same race and/or nationality prefer to live in the same area? It is inherent in all of us from birth, to favour those who are most like ourselves.
“Generally speaking, human beings most readily identify and feel comfortable with people (and cultural figures) similar to themselves” Lawrence Auster ‘The Path to National Suicide’
That tank delivering the 1,000,000 signature pro-Clarkson petition to the BBC today was classic.
I laughed out loud when that video popped up in twitter. Great stuff. For some reason, the fact their fake Stig’s crash-helmet was made of papier mache, or something, made it look even funnier.
Real Britons at work!
Sadly destined for oblivion as we move to the weekend, in other news:
‘So the matter moves from BBC Agreed Procedures to a commercial settlement and rows over intellectual copyright.’
Lawyers richer. Market rate egos polished. Licence fee payers….?
‘[Allan Yentob] booked direct, which is not ‘best practice”‘
When it comes to jollies and hotels, it’s not like he hasn’t had enough of it. What does he do again?
‘Drama boss Ben Stephenson travelled to Edinburgh, but there’s no sign of a hotel booking. Perhaps he slept on someone’s floor.’
Yes, that is likely it. Nice to spare the public.
Rearranging the shuffleboard referees on the Titanic springs to mind.
NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve just turned to BBc1 news no word of a lie what did I hear”…not to look into the sun..” I didn’t bother was it the non event I expected & not the defining moment of our times the BBc is telling us it was. Still 11 year break now untill the next one.
I must confess I looked, but I think I got away with it.
The BBC have been telling us to not look into the Sun ever since Murdoch dumped Gordon Brown.
Radio 4
Todays eclipse was best viewed in the North (not said ‘ but we’re not going anywhere near those oiks’) .
So all the reporting came from the South East – back to the London centric South East localist broadcasting we were promised that spending all the money in the move to Salford would stop.
Not a chance !
17.25 get in car, switch on R4 PM.
Some “expert” with an american accent is talking about why people join ISIS. She tells us it offers a “canned ideology” which is attractive “not just to muslims, but to anyone who’s unhappy with the status quo and who wants to change their lives”.
She adds that people join ISIS because they are poor and deprived.
What utter crap.
No mention of islam, no mention of jihad, no mention this has been going on since the 7th century, no mention of ancient arab tribal rivalries, sunni versus shia for regional and ultimately global dominace.
Nope, it’s just some people reacting to being unhappy by chopping off heads, crucifying, throwing gays off buildings, smashing antiques etc.
17.26 turn off radio.
Why does everything have to be viwed through the prism of the BBC’s left wing, whining liberal anguish where aggressors are painted as victims?
Why is there no alternative I can listen to? Why am I forced by law to pay for this student politics version of life?
It’s utter crap all right – the ‘liberal’ left aiding and abetting Islamic deception.
Reminds me of this great line from Pamella Geller mocking the deceitful notion of jihad being a peaceful quest for self-improvement:
My jihad is not burning the toast
Yesterday on Newshour, Tim Franks interviewed Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon. Here’s what he had to say about him before the interview, starting at 28 minutes in:
“….He’s a former Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, a tall man with an easy-going temperament, slightly scruffy shoes…”
Huh?? The day I hear a BBC reporter making a disparaging remark about a Palestinian’s dress sense…
Franks goes on to question Yaalon, trying to interrupt him several times, asking the standard questions the BBC obsesses about – like when is Israel going to roll over and play dead, though of course not in those words – and evidently not listening to the answers as the don’t fit the BBC world view.
For example, Yaalon pointed out that Israel is reluctant to see the establishment of a Palestinian state that will have rocket launchers aiming at Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv.
After the interview, he has the following to say after being prompted by host Julian Marshall:
“…I think what will be intriguing in the last couple of years of the Obama administration is whether … the Americans might be willing to consider giving the Palestinians backing at a symbolic level at the United Nations. That would be anathema to the Israelis and cause a huge internal political storm in the United States. It will be fascinating to see if they decide that’s the way they’re going to go.”
No doubt such a scenario would be very entertaining for Franks and the rest of the motley BBC crew ‘reporting’ on the Middle East, but for the Israelis it would be very serious indeed.
Still, Israel survived without US support from ’48 to ’67 and will do so again if it comes to that. The deluded PeeCee lefties at the BBC fail to understand that they are reporting on a nation that rose from the ashes of the Holocaust.
Now if you were an Israeli who was forced out of Gaza by your “own side” to make way for a Palestinian state, would you not be a little wary of the wonderful way the “Palestinians” have arranged their affairs with free and fair elections won by the group with most AK47s? Anyone know the name of the leader of the official opposition party in Gaza, and whether he (presumably) is actually in jail?
Seeing how well that magnanimous gesture by Israel towards the “Palestinians” has turned out would you rush to do it all over again in the West Bank (of Jordan?)
No, but that’s what the ‘international community’ would love to see.
And isn’t it strange how the BBC shows absolutely no curiosity about the possibility of another Palestinian election.
Anyone know the name of the leader of the official opposition party in Gaza, and whether he (presumably) is actually in jail?
It’s worse than that, he’s dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead. Maybe not; Abbas survived 2007, but knows better than to interfere again. But didn’t the Hamas heroes throw some Fatah people off the tops of tall buildings? I was sure the Beeb would organise one of their standard campaigns to have these perpetrators of war crimes extradited to The Hague. For some reason, they didn’t seem to take an interest in this case. Can’t work out why.
One million, and still counting …
“1,002,779 supporters”
Might this have something to do with the ‘illiberal views’ of immigrant cultures that are coming to the capital in waves?
Just saying.
Is Konstandinos Erik Scurfield, who was killed fighting against the Islamofascist, Islamic State, a hero to GuardianISIS?
‘Sky News’-
“UK Kurds Honour Briton Killed Fighting IS.
“The body of Konstandinos Erik Scurfield has been flown to Manchester – supporters described him as a ‘fallen hero’ and a ‘martyr’.”
(video clip.)
Or, are the the Snowdens and Assanges the ‘heroes’ for Beeboids?:-
“Why the liberals who defended traitors like Snowden and Assange should look at this photo and admit:
We were deluded fools.”
(Jan, 2015.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2904237/MAX-HASTINGS-liberals-defended-traitors-like-Snowden-Assange-look-photo-admit-deluded-fools.html#ixzz3UxGONm4U
Snowden – left refuge in China for refuge in Russia while hoping to find refuge in Cuba. Was he playing dictator Top Trumps?
‘Daily Mail’-
“Incredible moment hundreds of Kurds mob hearse carrying ex-Marine killed fighting ISIS after body arrives back at Manchester Airport.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3004574/Incredible-moment-hundreds-Kurds-mob-hearse-carrying-ex-Marine-killed-fighting-ISIS-body-arrives-Manchester-Airport.html#ixzz3UxQ3orKP
BBC seem to be most quiet on this story… I ‘wonder’ why?
The eclipse of science to appease Islamic interests in England.
Will Beeboids expose this censorship on its ‘Education and Family’ pages, or endorse it?
I thought I’d listen to Radio 4’s “Gardener’s Question Time” this afternoon. First Question – how to reduce your carbon footprint? Off switch.
I don’t doubt that the question was asked during the recording, but it was a production decision to broadcast it and a typical BBC “right in your face” decision to make it the first one on the programme.
The Get-UKIP campaign now in full swing. Channel 4 News had a piece starting at 7.27 which was no more than a smug, sneering pseudo-docu on strange looking Kippers they found at the Margate spring conference.
If you have time, catch it again at 8.27 on Channel 4 +1….. Freeview Channel 13.
I think there will be one attack like this per week, launched against UKIP until the election. The elite and its creatures in the MSM don’t appear to have learned from the Euro elections: the level of support for UKIP will remain the same regardless.
Another reason for BBC-NUJ trade union branches (and U.K political class) to continue to campaign for the entry of Islamising Turkey into the E.U-
“Get ready for Erdoğan’s caliphate, Turkey’s ruling party official says”