You would need a heart of stone not to laugh.
The UK’s economy grew at a faster pace than initially estimated last year, revised official figures show. The economy grew by 0.6% in the final three months of 2014, up from the previous estimate of 0.5%, the Office for National Statistics said. The unexpected increase meant growth for the year was 2.8%, higher than the earlier estimate of 2.6%.
Then this…
But shadow chancellor Ed Balls, speaking at a campaign event in Swindon, said Conservatives were “telling people you have never had it so good” despite it being the “slowest recovery for 100 years”. “This is a government which has presided over five years when wages have not kept pace with rising prices and family bills,” he said.
Just like Balls, the BBC is desperate to thrown as much cold water on the good economic news. It has the power to impose its own narrative and I suggest that without the BBC, Miliband would be languishing in the polls.
The you have the Tories…“telling people you have never had it so good”
Did the BBC ask Herr Balls to prove that? Who said it? When did they say it? Where? Where’s the evidence that they said it?
Over to you Norman…get interested, earn your £000’s
It never fails to amaze me when it comes to the duplicity of the left when it comes to British Politics. Every time they take control of anything they ruin it. Be education, immigration, the NHS , foreign policy, or the economy , when they are in the driving seat , it’s a given that everything will go downhill.
Currently the Scottish Nationalists (Who are constantly portrayed as victims) are using bullying tactics in which to rule over us all. The irony is somehow lost to them that they have become what they erroneously claim the nasty English of doing. Yet for all their visions of being the architects of a socialist utopia they haven’t explained how they are going to fund all this. In fact not one left wing party has done. Oh hang on there’s: Tax the rich, Tax the bankers, get rid of nuclear weapons, which they band out time after time. Yet all of the above would fund around 1 month of their ambitious plans to save the world I mean, the left have insisted that all asylum seekers regardless of where they are in the world will have guaranteed access to the UK. Then there’s how they are going to get rid of all hydrocarbon powered power stations as well as Nuclear ones and plug into wind, solar and tide power , the thing is while ecologically admirable , all of the above will add thousands of pounds to your electric bill. Lets not forget how they are going to hand over everybody around £85 a week to live on.
This begs me to ask the question: “Where is all the money for the above going to come from?” In fact, why isn’t the bBC asking that question? But they don’t they continue to subscribe to this notion that only they know the answers to the world and that the sooner that they and their ilk are in power then the sooner the world will be a better place.
Excellent comment!
Balls must feel a bit of a clown.
On the very day he continued talking down the economy, the BBC were reporting this from just up the road.
“Balls must feel a bit of a clown”. Potential Labour MPs are genetically screened and only those without the embarrassment gene are selected. The BBC are aware of this so never even try to embarrass them by confronting them with their stupidity
the economic news today is good, but there is no feel good factor on the streets,i dread this election because no matter what happens ed millband looks as if he got the keys to no 10,ed millband is are version of barack obama and what a dreaded mess that man has made of the usa,on may the 7th are nightmare begins with ed millband,ed balls and the dreaded harriet harman ruling over us for 5 years,that is so depressing.
The economic news today is only good if you ignore the previous 59 months that this “government” has been in power.
Why would anyone “feel good” about their standard of living being 0.2% higher than it was 5 years ago!!
Albabum said “The economic news today is only good if you ignore the previous 59 months that this “government” has been in power.”
yes you can thank gordon broon , ed no balls and the labour party for that. That one eyed scottish gimp even stole Englands gold to give it to traitorous Scottish Socialists so they could feel good at Englands expense.
Its going to take generations to recover from the previous 2 Scottish PM’s, Brown and Tony Blair. Those 2 Traitorous Scotts have done their best to destroy England. Brown with his ecomonic incompetence, and Blair, the worst of all Socialist Scotsmen to rule England with his phoney and illegal socialist wars. Like all Socialists, those 2 jocks have no shame. And you Albabum, you have no shame either, shame on you.
Glad to see that you don’t disagree with me.
“That one eyed scottish gimp even stole Englands gold to give it to traitorous Scottish Socialists so they could feel good at Englands expense.”
Really, is that so – love to see the evidence!! (There was me thinking it was the UK’s gold as opposed to England’s or are you like our American friends and don’t know the difference between England and the UK)
“Those 2 Traitorous Scotts have done their best to destroy England. Brown with his ecomonic incompetence, and Blair, the worst of all Socialist Scotsmen to rule England with his phoney and illegal socialist wars. ”
Remind me how many “non -Scottish” seats Labour secured in each of their 3 election victories.
you scots begged england to take you after your failed attempt at empire building. you were bankrupt, you didnt have 2 groats to rub together.
Scotland is like that money grabbing girlfriend you have that marrys you when she is penniless, then after a years of take take take, she expects you to give her the home u paid for and pay her money for the rest of her life when she runs off with another bloke and leaves you with the kids
Why would anyone “feel good” about their standard of living being 0.2% higher than it was 5 years ago!!
Because the mess left (on the books and off the book debts run up, gold sold off at the absolute lowest point, etc., etc.) by the previous Labour government threatened to bankrupt our economy for decades. As always – Labour governments leave our economy in a mess that others have to sort out.
The great pity is the very short memory of the British people, who seem to be able to see only as far as the next government handout when the economy has been recovered.
(There was me thinking it was the UK’s gold as opposed to England’s or are you like our American friends and don’t know the difference between England and the UK)
You mean like how the Scottish feel that all the oil under the sea belongs to them, so much so, they even refused to give the Shetlands the right to opt out of Scotlandistan (If they had won the vote) as they quite naturally cannot be allowed to keep the Oil under them.
Yep – Scottish Oil but UK Gold. Par for the course for the far-leftoids – what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too.
At the present time it remains UK Oil.
At the time of the sale it was UK gold.
“PS, hows your wife with my kids? ”
Totally unnaceptable comment which will be reported to DV as such.
just to be sure Albabum, it costs 99 quid to do a DNA test on your kids.
Very classy – but totally consistent with many on this site!!
Totally unacceptable comment which will be reported to DV as such.
Simon, is that you? Why are you pretending to be Scottish when your are actually the MP for the Pakistani state of..’Rochdale’.
Oh hang on…Scotlandistan says it all.
the economic news today is good, but there is no feel good factor on the streets….
Sorry, Stuart, but if you look at Guido’s web page ( you will find the opposite to be true.
what is wrong with you albaman,the economic news is good,wages are rising,food has never been cheaper,we even have 1p of a pint of beer,what more do you want i ask,just negative news is all your after,cheer up man.
It is really rather simple Stuart. If for the last 59 months the cost of goods and services has been increasing a fall in the same costs in month 60 make little difference. Lets celebrate when we have another 58 months of everyone’s standard of living increasing!!
thank god the tories are getting the economy to recover after the disaster of the terrible duo of scottish socialists who ruled this country, Brown and Blair
If for the last 59 months the cost of goods and services has been increasing a fall in the same costs in month 60 make little difference.
And clearly that’s a false analysis of the information given. You’re completely confusing ‘costs of goods and services’, ‘income’ and ‘standard of living’.
Here’s to another 58 months of Tory government then. Hopefully without the millstone of liberalism.
I suggest that without the BBC, Miliband would be languishing in the polls.
True but you do realize youre encouraging them now!