Tooth or Truth

Teeth with severe periodontitis


The Guardian provides a perfect illustration of just how the truth is being twisted in the propaganda war in the run up to the election…one would have hoped for better from the über ethical Guardian…

The rise of DIY dentistry: Britons doing their own fillings to avoid NHS bill

In a country that prides itself on free healthcare, DIY dentistry is an almost Victorian notion of hardship. But poverty and inequality – and the increasing stigma attached to both – are blocking access to healthcare for the poorest people in the UK, and grim tales of a black economy are on the rise.


Ah yes the stigma of poverty and inequality… using Labour’s narrative that poverty and inequality are a Tory creation the Guardian is trying to suggest we vote Labour if we want a Hollywood smile…..not even the BBC has stooped that low…perhaps because they remember this from 2009 under Labour whose recession, the worst in 100 years according to the IFS, helped with that inequality…never mind their policy of abandoning manufacturing, replacing the shopfloor with banks and the trading floors of London financial houses…

Millions ‘opt for DIY dentistry’

Millions of people in England have resorted to DIY dentistry, a survey by consumer magazine Which? suggests.

Since a new dental contract was introduced in 2006 there has been growing concern over access to care.But the government said the findings of the survey were unreliable, and said access to NHS dentistry was improving.


And this in 2007…

Pros and cons of DIY dentistry

Problems with getting an NHS dentist are leading some people to pull their own teeth out.


Still the BBC isn’t being exactly honest in its reports about the NHS…but what’s new.




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13 Responses to Tooth or Truth

  1. The Old Bloke says:

    It is all the BBC have left to fight the election with on behalf of Labour. Every other part of the Labour manifesto has been rubbished, the NHS is all that is left!


  2. johnnythefish says:

    1997-2010 was only ever a time of peace, abundance and ‘social justice’.


    • Stu says:

      Absolutely and you missed pissing away our gold reserves and budget surplus.


    • Komrade Mina says:

      Labour tooth fairies to the rescue! Lol.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      And the biggest recession for decades while other nations had a “downturn” by comparison.

      Who “left the cupboard bare” for their successors?

      What actions do you believe Labour would have taken to bring spending back under control? But then they never had to and may well pick up an improving economy again only to …. do what thy always do – run out of somebody else’s money to spend!


  3. Philip says:

    Hmm… Dentisty is largly Private having become unworkable under the NHS which had clearly had antiquated services and falling standards of healthcare (at the time) and a higher cost (at the time) and a longer waiting list (than ever thought of now). i.e Dentistry is (mostly) a sucess story and it is still fully subsidised for all NHS patients (according to theor means) with options for ‘private’. We also get the chance to change practices according to what suits our budget (or convenience) and THAT is what the Left don’t like. Privatisation has shown it works in health, and can work for GP’s too IF they were allowed to work in the same way (as Dentists do well out of it). It would cure the NHS waiting list ‘crisis’ that the Milliband and Co. at the BBC (who have fully private BUPA healthcare outside the NHS). Dentists are always keen to ask about ‘who is paying the bill’ and that kleade to better service… and that is clearly NOT the case in the NHS where nobody asks who pays for ‘anything at all’ and leads to massive overpayment for basic health care staff a peak periods working double shifts’. Health tourists in addition – cannot pay their bills (or their governments refuse to pay them) and that is entirely OK with the leftist mindset we have got used to…where nobody pay for anything as it’s seen as ‘entitlement’ to a free lunch on BBC expenses.

    Nobody in the world copies the BBC ‘perversions’ or indeed the state ‘bereaucarcy’ that is now the NHS (which is clearly as bad for your health as it is for the Doctors who are leaving in droves)… Hardly the ENVY of the world, more a dire consequence of Labour manifesto.


  4. Dave666 says:

    This DIY dentistry is of course another resurrected story. I remember hearing all this before from the days of liebour. I know as I experienced it . At the time of labour my local NHS dentist after declaring it would not go private then suddenly did and stopped any NHS work. I was then forced to register 30 miles away at the only NHS dentist I could find taking people on. There were the stories then of people removing their own teeth with pliers. A quick search on the net reveals this from 2009,
    Once again having a long memory pays off when it comes to media stories.


    • Edward says:

      They weren’t allowed to stop NHS treatment for patients already registered, but some practices did stop new NHS registrations. This caused me a problem when I needed urgent dental treatment about 7 years ago, because I hadn’t been to my dentist for years and they had struck me off their register. However, where I live I am spoilt for choice for NHS practices. Probably because they can be run as private businesses with the no-lose situation of receiving subsidies from the state for those not so well off. There are 3 practices within 2 miles of where I live that didn’t exist 10 years ago.

      Ironically, the practice that refused me treatment has now closed.


  5. Aerfen says:

    In fact dentists are the ONE major benefit for ordinary people which has come from EU immigration.

    There are plenty of dentists now, so they are obliged to resort to working for the NHS with too few people capable of paying for private treatment.

    I’m not too impressed with them, but an Eastern European dentist is better than no dentist.


  6. Neil Miller says:

    That photo – how the hell can someone let their teeth get that bad?


    • Essex Man says:

      Smoking ,drinking , sugar , salt , McDonalds ,crisps , tea & coffee ,not cleaning n flossing , your teeth . All of this will be banned once , Millipeed /SNP , come to power in May . All white Englishmen will be interned ,& re-educated under Millipeed/SNP government/Gestapo/Harperson instructions.


    • The General says:

      No its all due to 5 years of a Tory led government. No doubt before 2010 that person’s teeth were perfect.


  7. Max Roberts says:

    I seem to remember that all my dentistry problems took place during the time of a labour government. Even though bacteria were rotting away my jawbone in several places, no NHS treatment possible in any way. Had to go private, expensive but they did manage to fix what they could and bring the problem under control.

    I think that is still the case, NHS dentistry has always been a heap of crap irrespective of government, anyone who claims otherwise is nothing but a liar.