A guest Contribution by Graeme Thompson who posts as hippiepooter!
Check out the BBC landing page for Easter Day (@ 09:35):-
Just one incidental mention of Easter.
On it’s UK News site (@ 09:47):-
Just one secondary mention.
Well, at least its Easter Day headlines do not relate Easter to Islam as Alan has highlighted here and here.
Unless of course, one takes into account that the Easter Day Messages of His Holiness the Pope and His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury are centred on persecution Christians suffer throughout the world from … from … for once the BBC decide not to relate Easter to Islam.
The unparalleled Islamic evil of ISIS has at last resulted in Christian Militias aided by international volunteers to defend themselves, recover their homes and form part of the struggle to defeat ISIS.
My hope and prayer this Resurrection Day is that they will kill as many British Jihadists as possible so they don’t come back to Britain to murder people here, and, now that ISIS is on the retreat, those British Jihadists who do return are hung for Treason.
Christian readers of B-BBC may wish to consider donating the proceeds of their Lent sacrifice and Easter fast to the Christian Militia Dwekh Nawash.
While most girls and boys are enjoying their Easter Eggs and sitting down to a family lamb roast….
Spare a thought for these 2 muslim children (aged 14 and 16) who’ve been arrested in Blackburn Lancs for building a bomb intended to kill infidels.
Happy Easter!
Boy, 14, And Girl, 16, Held By Anti-Terror Police http://news.sky.com/story/1459148/boy-14-and-girl-16-held-by-anti-terror-police
Spare a thought for these 2 muslim children (aged 14 and 16)…
Don’t spare too much thought, though, they’re out on bail… unlike the Kurdish female who allegedly committed the far worse crime of going out to fight our enemies.
For INBBC to censor:
-Are these “teenagers” MUSLIMS?
“Teenagers, 14 and 16, held on suspicion of terrorism offences”
As teenagers I don’t think that can be reported. But the answer to your question is ‘yes’, and they were radicalised online without their religious parents being aware. Probably.
According to the link
Their intention in travelling to the region, where areas are controlled by Islamic State (IS) militants or an al-Qaeda affiliate, is being investigated
So they are Muslims. In a way, our liberal media tries to hide the truth, while at the same time. gives the game way.
I wonder if this is intentional.
Whatever the truth, one thing is abundantly clear. Unless Muslims give up Islam, they have to be deported or banished. There is no hope for Europe or the UK, otherwise.
I pity them. In the ‘it’s a pity it didn’t blow up in their faces’ sort of way.
Errm, we’re talking of kids of 14 and 16 here?
Special treatment in a British Guantanamo is what I’d prefer to see. For adult Jihadists I’d like that to be based in South Georgia, but maybe more friendly climes for these.
I read an article in Frontpagemag.com a few years ago about underage inmates at Guantanamo who were schooled there and left loving Americans.
But then these were kids taken from a comparatively primitive culture and shown the best of America. These kids in Manchester are in all probability products of Islamised western degeneracy and it would be a whole lot harder to civilise them.
ISIS deserters say that the most savage ISIS Jihadists are westerners.
Muslim traitors who are of age though I’m all in favour of the death penalty for Treason, commuted to Life under review if they cooperate. I think a revolver held to the head to carry out the sentence and the option of cooperating or getting their brains blown out could produce very actionable intelligence.
This is how we should deal with genocidal terrorists.
“For adult Jihadists I’d like that to be based in South Georgia”
Please,think of the wildlife
No need to worry about the wildlife. Penguin (the seabird, not the chocolate biscuit !) is non-halal and forbidden. So is whalemeat.
Pray for the destruction and annihilation of Islam- the most evil cult in the history of mankind.
Not a muslim Easter but the BBC’s print outlet produce the predictable story that Easter is really a pagan festival – golly gosh – which Christians borrowed.
Oh yawn. I suppose they think they think they’re being big and clever. I look forward to a similar deconstruction of some Saracen festival — oh, except it’s pagan to begin with.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
I never knew that, I’m shocked as well.
Spare a thought for these 2 muslim children (aged 14 and 16)…
Don’t spare too much thought, though, they’re out on bail… unlike the Kurdish female who allegedly committed the far worse crime of going out to fight our enemies.
I actually found the bBC coverage of Easter most disturbing. In fact on the run up on this most holy of Christian celebrations, I was informed by the bBC about how muslims are fasting for Lent (while telling me it wasn’t even Ramadan) I was informed how a white women in America was wearing the hijab for Easter.
In fact the bBC even questions if Easter is valid today:
In contrast rather than asking if Ramadan is still valid the bBC came out with a raft of articles in which to inform the world that actually Islam is a wonderful faith. (yup the most holy time in the year for the followers of a region of peace and I counted over 8000 deaths over the month when Muslims are meant to abstain from evil thoughts)
Islamic group’s health advice over Ramadan fasting
Ramadan fasting dilemma when sun never sets
Eid al-Fitr recipes
Examiners ‘may accommodate Ramadan fasting’
Ramadan: Five things you may not know
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
World cup 2014: Algeria coach angry at Ramadan questions
Ramadan Timetable 2014
BBC News Turkey Ramadan drummers
Ramadan fasting ‘should be relaxed’ says doctor
I notice with respect to the BBC link
“Uighurs and Xinjiang
Uighurs are ethnically Turkic Muslims
They make up about 45% of the region’s population; 40% are Han Chinese
China re-established control in 1949 after crushing short-lived state of East Turkestan
Since then, there has been large-scale immigration of Han Chinese
Uighurs fear erosion of traditional culture”
Is the BBC saying that large scale immigration is both wrong and destructive?
I’m just not sure.
See Religion of Peace website
In case INBBC hasn’t noticed:-
“The War on Christianity Getting Even Worse”
By Bill O’Reilly.
(inc 3 min video clip.)
I actually found the bBC coverage of Easter most disturbing. In fact on the run up on this most holy of Christian celebrations, I was informed by the bBC about how muslims are fasting for Lent (while telling me it wasn’t even Ramadan) I was informed how a white women in America was wearing the hijab for Easter.
In fact the bBC even questions if Easter is valid today:
In contrast rather than asking if Ramadan is still valid the bBC came out with a raft of articles in which to inform the world that actually Islam is a wonderful faith. (yup the most holy time in the year for the followers of a region of peace and I counted over 8000 deaths over the month when Muslims are meant to abstain from evil thoughts)
Islamic group’s health advice over Ramadan fasting
Ramadan fasting dilemma when sun never sets
Eid al-Fitr recipes
Examiners ‘may accommodate Ramadan fasting’
Ramadan: Five things you may not know
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
World cup 2014: Algeria coach angry at Ramadan questions
Ramadan Timetable 2014
BBC News Turkey Ramadan drummers
Get ready for heart rending stories from BBC about how tearful parents can’t understand why their kids were building Easter bombs instead of easter bunnies.
Followed a few days later by the revelation that the parents attend pro jihad rallies, call for those who insult the prophet to be beheaded, or something.
Apologies for the double post
It’s worth saying twice 🙂
David Vance,
“My hope and prayer this Resurrection Day is that they will kill as many British Jihadists as possible”
That’s your special Easter prayer? To pray for more killing?
Sick even for you Vance.
So Scez, you want British Jihadists to go unscathed in the battlefield, come home to explain ‘It’s the MI5 wot made us do it, innit’, then kill us.
I am overwhelmed by your moral superiority.
“So Scez, you want British Jihadists to go unscathed in the battlefield…”
I don’t fantasize about blowing peoples heads off with a shotgun, I leave that to crazed religionists and good Christians such as yourself.
No, you just enable Jihad with your leftist posturing and smears. Scez, the headchoppers friend.
I don’t think anyone can top the sublime contempt Mina has expressed for you and your ilk.
Killing genocidal jihadists upsets you? Maybe you bootlickers should go there and help “spread peace”. They need hostages, human shields, concubines 😉
Think how cool it’d be to trash your own people on TV… before they cut your brainless head off.
“Killing genocidal jihadists upsets you?”
Please explain the difference between being genocidal and praying to God for more killing?
This is getting off the topic of BBC bias.
But what’s your answer to genocidal jihadists? They are slaughtering fellow muslims, christians, gays, jews, destroying cultural heritage, imposing sharia, broadcasting brutal and cruel killings, heck they even kill their own who want to leave.
I say kill as many of them as quickly as possible. Arm and train their victims. Jews learnt from the Holocaust the need to fight genocide. What would you say? Fair enough if you’re a pacifist, but as long as the jihadists live they kill and there is no geographic limit to their ambition. We even have muslim and arab allies in the fight against the jihadists. This is not anti-Islam, even though the jihadists are muslims.
This doesn’t preclude ‘hearts and minds’ and an ethical foreign policy and an end to foreign wars of choice, but doing all that will not be enough.
All you’ll get from Scez is doublespeak, just like Cage. The biggest enemies of British democracy are correctnicks and jihadists. They follow the same tactics and have the same totalitarian objectives.
How Dez, exactly, does one passively resist a genocidal enemy?
“Please explain the difference between being genocidal and praying to God for more killing? ”
The difference is like the nazis who slaughter innocent people on the one hand against those who pray that all the nazis are killed to protect the innocent.
I can’t believe even you are that obtuse Dezi.
I can, Demon
Are you that morally inverted or are four syllable words out of your comprehension?
Genocide is the systematic extermination of an entire group. Praying that a militant group doing as such will be destroyed is not the same.
By that twisted logic, you must hate police for shooting violent thugs before they get killed too.
Given your support of Hamas in the past and its continuing sick commitment, enshrined in its charter, to the destruction of all Jews, you’re the last person on this blog in a position to moralise.
Not as sick as the special Easter prayer from Mecca:
Last weekend, the Imam of Mecca’s grand mosque, Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, called for all-out war against Shi’ite Muslims and Christians.
His quote : “Our war with Iran…is truly sectarian. If it was not sectarian, we will make it sectarian… The Jews and cross” – meaning Christians – “I swear by Allah that they will have their days…The prophet said that Rome will be conquered.”
And about a quarter of Muslims in the UK are sympathetic to this type of jihadist bombastic ranting, spurred on no doubt by Saudi imams in British mosques.
“UK: Christian appeals suspension for inviting Muslim to church”
[Robert Spencer]:
“Inviting Enya Nawaz to church was “bullying” her, you see. Meanwhile, in shattered, staggering, dying, dhimmi Britain, Muslims invite Christians to go to mosque and convert to Islam all the time. How many of them do you think have been suspended from their jobs and hounded in this way? Zero? Exactly.
“That Enya Nawaz brought this to authorities was a gesture of Islamic supremacist contempt for Victoria Wasteney’s acts of kindness. That authorities took the case and suspended Wasteney was a manifestation of how afraid British officials are of offending their Muslim overlords.”