So the good news is that Tony Blair is back on the political scene. And, surprise surprise, he’s backing Ed. The Beeb have been crowing about this all afternoon. Tony is warning us how dreadful things might become if there’s even a hint we want out of Europe. Does the British public need reminding of this pillock’s appalling record? He was absolutely desperate to join the Euro (now what happened there?) he told us only a few thousand Poles would be heading to these shores (turned out to be nigh on a million) and dragged us kicking and screaming into Iraq using extremely dubious evidence suggesting weapons of mass destruction. We had an open door immigration system and our population increased by about six million. Any youngster these days that wants a job will find themselves competing with numerous third world and eastern European people who will do the job for half the price. And God forbid if those British youngsters want to buy a house. There are so many here now that property prices are astronomical. And what has this political sage been doing since leaving office? Oh yes, he’s been the middle east peace envoy; that’s clearly been one hell of a success.
Milliband minor, I think you’ve just lost the election…
Blair says Miliband is showing strong leadership by not giving the British electorate a long-overdue vote on Europe – the last one being when we thought we were voting for a common ‘market’.
I’d have thought strong leadership in politics was about stating your case then seeing how many people follow you, not deciding on their behalf because they can’t be trusted to come up with the ‘right’ decision.
But then that’s Blair for you. He couldn’t trust us with a vote on mass immigration so he thought he’d keep it out of his manifesto then, once elected, do it anyway.
Funny because on Radio 4 they described BLiar as ‘Toxic’, and Michael Gove was able to say that Blair had chosen to attack the EU referendum because he wasn’t able to attack Tory economic policy, because he didn’t agree with Millipedes policies.
He said that what Blair was actually saying was that the metropolitan elite knew best and the British public were so ignorant that they couldn’t & shouldn’t be allowed to speak let alone be listened to !
‘They seem confident that the telly tax booty will keep rolling in.’
Don’t they just. Maybe James Purnell knows things others don’t?
Quite the loyal contractor to take it all on faith. Still we are talking nearly two and a half DMIs, and everyone did very nicely out of that little money pit. Well, bar the licence fee payer.
So I’m reading up on the story about how the Greeks are seeing Euro signs when they looked towards Berlin in regards to getting out of their socialist orchestrated financial mess they are in: Greece Nazi occupation: Athens asks Germany for €279bn The Greek government says Germany owes Greece nearly €279bn (£204bn; $303bn) in war reparations for the Nazi occupation during World War Two. It is the first time Greece has officially calculated what Germany allegedly owes it for Nazi atrocities and looting during the 1940s.
Whilst not just a bBC issue, I would have liked to have seen this map regards the Axis occupation of Greece :
You know, a little background information to the story.
If they owe Greece that much, how much must they owe the countries of Western Europe?
Someone needs to warn the greedy loons in Greece about the history which led to the second world war, the rise of Hitler and the Versailles treaty.
Lefties are always more interested in control, in money and in controlling money. Quality of human life or consequences of actions don’t cloud their self righteousness or thinking.
Besides the obvious bias, and brainwashing typical of the BBC, one has to question the lack of ethical judgement displayed in that they believe this subject is fitting to make a game out of. I’ve no doubt they will claim it’s to heighten awareness of the dangers faced by these refugees, but let’s look at it another way.
Imagine a game made about those trapped in the Twin Towers on 9/11, or in the underground on 7/7, would we find that fitting?
I find it sick and disquieting that any so called civilised human being thinks it’s a topic to make a game out of.
Since they have, I expect other topics will become ‘gameworthy’.
Palestinians in Gaza – but only related to actions by Israel.
The plight of 3rd world communities as a result of climate change.
I can guarantee there won’t be one on Christians persecuted in Muslim countries.
The list is endless. But be sure, all will follow the detestable BBC agenda that we observe continually.
Well it seems that one BBC News Editor failed to heed the warnings about social media and has bitten the dust (well has been taken off election coverage until her promotion arrives).
But when a senior BBC journalist tweets something like…;
“#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”
– the ‘diversity’ of it all; now for all to experience, in LONDON-
“Father-of-six imam ‘assassinated’ on London street by ‘Syrian hit squad’:
“Fierce critic of Assad regime found slumped in car with chest wounds after daylight attack.
“Abdul Hadi Arwani, 48, found dead in Volkswagen Passat on London street.
“Was a fierce critic of Assad and has been in demonstrations against him.
“Preacher is understood to have six children, including a one-year-old girl .
“Mr Arwani was a preacher at the An-Noor Mosque in Acton, west London.”
A list of the most senior government appointments as of 18 December 2014. A surprise to see Vicky Pryce there although she might have been in office at some point in the previous 12 months.
Compare this list of very senior peoples salaries, with the list posted earlier of BBC senior staff, and most in a senior position are on salaries double that of their counterparts.
It was another country that even when the film was made was vanishing.
The main line station Mallingford is Bristol Temple Meads. Now a dull and lifeless place with Brunel’s original station with that superb roof stripped of rails and neglected.
The people looked different. I suppose the actors reflected their time. You still see faces like theirs in the shires but less so now. The new people have vacancy or menace in their eyes and their faces have no real life to them. Weak and ineffectual as they are no wonder they need all their new laws to protect them.
Cowardly and fearful except in a crowd which is why Twitter and the rest suits them so well. This election is for them. Just listen to the whining and moaning of the commentators, politicians and the rest. As for us we should just get on with our lives and wait for the world to turn.
Spring is here . We do not need these people .
Just watched Sky’s Press Preview which had an example highlighting where this self-loathing liberal ‘more interested in every other culture besides our own’ attitude stems from: the snooty upper middle class metro trendy. They loathe the English, even though they are English.
England has always suffered from a vile, cowardly and treacherous upper class which held those beneath with utter contempt. And I feel that this is the driving force behind the multicultural swindle – spoiled self-loathing upper classes wishing to cancel out their own culture due to some pathetic feeling of guilt over a perceived notion of self-superiority. I absolutely despise the snooty lefty metro classes and their comments of ‘little Englanders’ etc. In truth, I find Sky News just as revolting as the BBC. Thank goodness we don’t have to fund that crap.
As I’ve said here before, Sky is a mystery. Why Murdoch allows it to continue spewing its Left-liberal propaganda like the BBC’s ‘mini me’ is very strange. Could it be that he despises the UK?
In any case, it largely comes about because any TV channel that wants to broadcast news has only a tiny gene pool from which to recruit.
And that’s just another reason why the BBC’s hegemony must be broken.
Anybody seen the photo the bBC is using for the labour would scrap non Dom tax status.
What do you see when you see that picture. Got to laugh, if I was evil I would start a campaign over how racist the bBC is
Yes, the Tories will give the NHS whatever they need! Wow, the Tory Party donors must be really coming up with the goods. But no, what the BBC report should say is that the Tories will squeeze the taxpayer for whatever the InterNHS needs.
I could suggest this is a blatant attempt at voter bribery and vote buying. OK, I will. Blatant, dishonest, vaccuous, uncostable vote buying. Challenging Labour at the bottom of the political barrel with their magic money tree.
Vote UKIP. You may not like what they say, but maybe that is because, sometimes, the truth hurts, and UKIP are prepared to tell it.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
So the good news is that Tony Blair is back on the political scene. And, surprise surprise, he’s backing Ed. The Beeb have been crowing about this all afternoon. Tony is warning us how dreadful things might become if there’s even a hint we want out of Europe. Does the British public need reminding of this pillock’s appalling record? He was absolutely desperate to join the Euro (now what happened there?) he told us only a few thousand Poles would be heading to these shores (turned out to be nigh on a million) and dragged us kicking and screaming into Iraq using extremely dubious evidence suggesting weapons of mass destruction. We had an open door immigration system and our population increased by about six million. Any youngster these days that wants a job will find themselves competing with numerous third world and eastern European people who will do the job for half the price. And God forbid if those British youngsters want to buy a house. There are so many here now that property prices are astronomical. And what has this political sage been doing since leaving office? Oh yes, he’s been the middle east peace envoy; that’s clearly been one hell of a success.
Milliband minor, I think you’ve just lost the election…
You missed out getting very very rich.
Blair says Miliband is showing strong leadership by not giving the British electorate a long-overdue vote on Europe – the last one being when we thought we were voting for a common ‘market’.
I’d have thought strong leadership in politics was about stating your case then seeing how many people follow you, not deciding on their behalf because they can’t be trusted to come up with the ‘right’ decision.
But then that’s Blair for you. He couldn’t trust us with a vote on mass immigration so he thought he’d keep it out of his manifesto then, once elected, do it anyway.
Funny because on Radio 4 they described BLiar as ‘Toxic’, and Michael Gove was able to say that Blair had chosen to attack the EU referendum because he wasn’t able to attack Tory economic policy, because he didn’t agree with Millipedes policies.
He said that what Blair was actually saying was that the metropolitan elite knew best and the British public were so ignorant that they couldn’t & shouldn’t be allowed to speak let alone be listened to !
I wonder if the BBC will repeat this?
Now that treacherous toad B-liar has joined the Liebour campaign team, can Mandel-scum and Campbell be far behind ?
‘They seem confident that the telly tax booty will keep rolling in.’
Don’t they just. Maybe James Purnell knows things others don’t?
Quite the loyal contractor to take it all on faith. Still we are talking nearly two and a half DMIs, and everyone did very nicely out of that little money pit. Well, bar the licence fee payer.
So I’m reading up on the story about how the Greeks are seeing Euro signs when they looked towards Berlin in regards to getting out of their socialist orchestrated financial mess they are in:
Greece Nazi occupation: Athens asks Germany for €279bn
The Greek government says Germany owes Greece nearly €279bn (£204bn; $303bn) in war reparations for the Nazi occupation during World War Two. It is the first time Greece has officially calculated what Germany allegedly owes it for Nazi atrocities and looting during the 1940s.
Whilst not just a bBC issue, I would have liked to have seen this map regards the Axis occupation of Greece :

You know, a little background information to the story.
If they owe Greece that much, how much must they owe the countries of Western Europe?
Someone needs to warn the greedy loons in Greece about the history which led to the second world war, the rise of Hitler and the Versailles treaty.
Lefties are always more interested in control, in money and in controlling money. Quality of human life or consequences of actions don’t cloud their self righteousness or thinking.
A BBC reporter stated tonight that Britain had surrendered since 1997 to being invaded without a shot being fired…
And then I woke up.
BBC Criticised for Making Computer Game about Syrian Refugees
Besides the obvious bias, and brainwashing typical of the BBC, one has to question the lack of ethical judgement displayed in that they believe this subject is fitting to make a game out of. I’ve no doubt they will claim it’s to heighten awareness of the dangers faced by these refugees, but let’s look at it another way.
Imagine a game made about those trapped in the Twin Towers on 9/11, or in the underground on 7/7, would we find that fitting?
I find it sick and disquieting that any so called civilised human being thinks it’s a topic to make a game out of.
Since they have, I expect other topics will become ‘gameworthy’.

Palestinians in Gaza – but only related to actions by Israel.
The plight of 3rd world communities as a result of climate change.
I can guarantee there won’t be one on Christians persecuted in Muslim countries.
The list is endless. But be sure, all will follow the detestable BBC agenda that we observe continually.
Syrian Preacher Found Shot Dead In London
The bBC don’t seem to have got around to reporting this yet.
BBC- re Dewsbury Teenybombers
“deeply concerned”, “fears”, ” praying for the safe return”, “ordinary Yorkshire lads”. etc.
Not the BBC News
“Assistant Chief Constable Mark Milsom’s remarks below are the height of fatuousness, even coming from an official of contemporary Subjugated Britannia”
“He is wringing his hands over the possibility that the jihadis won’t be able to return to Britain, and that their families, which are almost certainly made up of jihad sympathizers, who are praising Allah that these boys are seeking “martyrdom,” will be “devastated.”
Mark Milson epitomizes the fantasy world that today’s British
officials live in.
R Spencer
Well it seems that one BBC News Editor failed to heed the warnings about social media and has bitten the dust (well has been taken off election coverage until her promotion arrives).
But when a senior BBC journalist tweets something like…;
“#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”
…what does she expect? The sack? Never
You should point out that this was a year ago not a current issue, and was discussed here at the time.
– the ‘diversity’ of it all; now for all to experience, in LONDON-
“Father-of-six imam ‘assassinated’ on London street by ‘Syrian hit squad’:
“Fierce critic of Assad regime found slumped in car with chest wounds after daylight attack.
“Abdul Hadi Arwani, 48, found dead in Volkswagen Passat on London street.
“Was a fierce critic of Assad and has been in demonstrations against him.
“Preacher is understood to have six children, including a one-year-old girl .
“Mr Arwani was a preacher at the An-Noor Mosque in Acton, west London.”
Read more:
All the vendettas and conflicts in the Middle East are now being played out in our streets.
Thanks a bunch for immigration from that unstable powder keg.
I’m sure Islington, Hampstead and Hoxton could benefit from such vibrant multicultural enrichment.
As this is only the beginning, as INBBC campaigns for more such ‘diversity,’ in the form of mass immigration from Iraq, Syria , Turkey, etc.
If you want to see something the BBC would never broadcast, here’s Katie Hopkins. Funny lady.
A list of the most senior government appointments as of 18 December 2014. A surprise to see Vicky Pryce there although she might have been in office at some point in the previous 12 months.
Compare this list of very senior peoples salaries, with the list posted earlier of BBC senior staff, and most in a senior position are on salaries double that of their counterparts.
Just watched The Titfield Thunderbolt from last night (bBC2). If UKIP want to take us back to the 1950’s – Lets Go!!
Was that really Britain? not just another time, it was another country.
Recommended viewing.
It was another country that even when the film was made was vanishing.
The main line station Mallingford is Bristol Temple Meads. Now a dull and lifeless place with Brunel’s original station with that superb roof stripped of rails and neglected.
The people looked different. I suppose the actors reflected their time. You still see faces like theirs in the shires but less so now. The new people have vacancy or menace in their eyes and their faces have no real life to them. Weak and ineffectual as they are no wonder they need all their new laws to protect them.
Cowardly and fearful except in a crowd which is why Twitter and the rest suits them so well. This election is for them. Just listen to the whining and moaning of the commentators, politicians and the rest. As for us we should just get on with our lives and wait for the world to turn.
Spring is here . We do not need these people .
Titfield Thunderbolt, then and now. Steam locomotives have got a personality while modern trains are just, well, boxes on wheels.
Passengers are now customers.
Railway stations are now train stations.
First Class is business class. etc etc.
A documentary on the Beeching cuts from 1984
Thanks for this, will watch tonight.
Just watched Sky’s Press Preview which had an example highlighting where this self-loathing liberal ‘more interested in every other culture besides our own’ attitude stems from: the snooty upper middle class metro trendy. They loathe the English, even though they are English.
England has always suffered from a vile, cowardly and treacherous upper class which held those beneath with utter contempt. And I feel that this is the driving force behind the multicultural swindle – spoiled self-loathing upper classes wishing to cancel out their own culture due to some pathetic feeling of guilt over a perceived notion of self-superiority. I absolutely despise the snooty lefty metro classes and their comments of ‘little Englanders’ etc. In truth, I find Sky News just as revolting as the BBC. Thank goodness we don’t have to fund that crap.
As I’ve said here before, Sky is a mystery. Why Murdoch allows it to continue spewing its Left-liberal propaganda like the BBC’s ‘mini me’ is very strange. Could it be that he despises the UK?
In any case, it largely comes about because any TV channel that wants to broadcast news has only a tiny gene pool from which to recruit.
And that’s just another reason why the BBC’s hegemony must be broken.
Return their contempt with laughter. They are not England and never were.
When these people talk of the English they have no idea who we really are.
Not Biased? Not even pretending to be impartial. But then it is Nick (is my IQ really that low? I can’t believe it!) Robinson.
Attempting to influence the electorate, through using the BBC as a pro EU vehicle. Who’d a thunk it?
So we should trust Tony Blair on this one? Yeh, right Nick.
This English businessman says:
Vote UKIP.
Anybody seen the photo the bBC is using for the labour would scrap non Dom tax status.
What do you see when you see that picture. Got to laugh, if I was evil I would start a campaign over how racist the bBC is
Yes I laughed too.
Looks a bit like a burqua to me.
Can’t be???
O.K. – I must be a RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sick people of Britain (and Europe. Oh and Africa. Oh and…) can breath a sigh of relief.
Yes, the Tories will give the NHS whatever they need! Wow, the Tory Party donors must be really coming up with the goods. But no, what the BBC report should say is that the Tories will squeeze the taxpayer for whatever the InterNHS needs.
I could suggest this is a blatant attempt at voter bribery and vote buying. OK, I will. Blatant, dishonest, vaccuous, uncostable vote buying. Challenging Labour at the bottom of the political barrel with their magic money tree.
Vote UKIP. You may not like what they say, but maybe that is because, sometimes, the truth hurts, and UKIP are prepared to tell it.