BBC R4 Today programme as part of it’s electioneering describes how Labour’s plans on non-dom tax are ‘all over the papers’. We are then treated to headline quotes from the Guardian, Independent, Mirror and Times. So the whole range of newspapers eh?
Just to point out how selective this is, here are UK newspapers ordered by January 2015 circulation with the BBC picks marked by *
Title Circulation
The Sun 1,978,702
Daily Mail 1,688,727
*Daily Mirror 992,235
Evening Standard TBA
Daily Telegraph 494,675
Daily Express 457,914
Daily Star 425,246
*The Times 396,621
i 280,351
Financial Times 219,444
Daily Record 203,725
*The Guardian 185,429
*The Independent 61,338
The BBC Today Programme at 8am this morning was breathless in its enthusiasm for Labour’s headline-leading Nom-Dom ‘story’. It’s absolutely clear to anyone with even a sliver of doubt that the BBC is now in full-fledged Labour electioneering mode. We hear it on The Today Programme and see it on Newsnight daily.
That the BBC should cast all pretence of so-called ‘impartiality’ aside to become Labour Election Campaign HQ is revealing in and of itself – but who would have imagined that the misappropriation of millions of license fees would be quite so brazen, quite so transparent?
Still, that pesky Charter renegotiation must be weighing heavily on the Politburo’s mind – with Special Ed already having made clear that he presents no danger to the BBC’s annual £3.5bn tax grab, the Corporation is going hell-for-leather now to ‘nudge’ all its viewers and listeners towards its preferred election outcome.
Yes – at 07:35 or so, Ed Balls canters into the studio, all pleased with this little jape, gives a five-minute Party Political Broadcast with almost no interruptions from BBC reporter (Nick Robinson ?) – apart from one question which completely stymied Balls for about 4 or 5 seconds (I know – when was the last time Ed Balls ever stopped raving away in an interview like that ?) when it was pointed out to him that non-doms multiplied during the last Labour government whilst he was in power. He eventually waffled something about a £30k ‘tax levy’ wasn’t enough to stop them….no follow-up from the Beeboid, like – “so you admit your last policy failed – what makes you think this one will work well for the UK ?”. He also completely ignored the point that he had absolutely no clue whatsoever how much the new policy would bring in, and simply threw out vague numbers like ‘hundreds of thousands, perhaps even billions !”. For heavens’ sake, get a clue BBC, it was waffly garbage like this the last time Labour were in power, and look where that got us.
So, at 08:10, the prime, 10-minute ‘Today’ slot, did we get any real discussion on the topic – nope – we got one Lord Paul (until recently a Labour Peer, who now considers himself ‘non-affiliated’, apparently) a heavy Labour donor and personal friend of Gordon Brown, who came on, surprise, surprise, to support the two dick-Eds. Hmm – would this be the guy who only rescinded his non-dom status to preserve his seat in the House of Lords ? And his view was that the new Labour policy would prevent corruption by non-doms who gave money to political parties out of tax savings they made from their non-dom status. Cue bold Beeboid who says – “So, you admit that you only gave up your own personal corrupt ways when your Peerage was threatened ?”. In your dreams ! No such thing, he was simply allowed to go on and say exactly the same things again, but was then ably abetted by the Beeb’s own Mr Peston, who spent a few minutes of the 10-minute slot re-iterating the Balls position, before he conceded a half-hearted nod and half a sentence to any sort of critique of Labour’s stance, i.e. “The conservatives say….”
Then, as noted above, we get an Education Minister to discuss the new testing regime, designed to test whether the £500 additional funds per pupil to secondary schools, given to support pupils if they have failed basic numeracy and literacy problems when leaving primary school, has been at all effective. But hey, that’s not going to be allowed to be the topic here, the Beeb interviewer wants to talk about ‘unqualified’ (i.e. no formal teaching qualification, but certainly qualified in their subject matter) and ‘rising’ classroom sizes – i.e. anything but talk about the government’s education policy announcement – and then it’s off to the races again, with half the interview allotted to questions about Labour’s non-dom policy, which she’s probably only just heard about, and is not the appropriate spokesperson to ask – but, the BBC were on an agenda-driven trail this morning, and getting the right opposition spokesperson to speak to was not going to get in the way of the BBC be-Labouring Mr Balls’ little ‘wheeze’ – which may not even raise a bean in tax revenues, and certainly won’t help children failed by the teachers who can’t even get them to read and write half-decently in 6 years of schooling.
There you go – a Labour candidate, a Labour-donating peer who probably can’t stand anyone else getting non-dom status since he was forced to give his up, and two Beeboids who were both so far up Ed Balls’ fundament they could have played with his tonsils.
Couldn’t be more neutral than that, now – could you ?
Actually, I hardly think that the Mail has been friendly to the Tories these last five years – they’ve not been aversed to giving them a good kicking (unlike the completely tribal Labour supporting Guardian).
Remember that we found out, from Leveson, of the close relationship between the Mail’s Editor and Gordon Brown.
Norm with a ‘Labour says’ that they probably wished he didn’t mention.
Be interesting to see who came up with what scoop when.
And what all those satirical programmes scriptwriters are tucking into once Lord Hall Hall, James Purnell and Danny Cohen have cleared the topics to be covered.
Have I missed something? When did the Conservatives leave the election race? Because for the last two days the BBC six o’clock news has been full of Labour – by 6pm each day I expect a balanced reporting of the day’s campaigning from ALL parties. Is that too much to ask?
Sofa sloths serious face time .A WHITE police man has been arrested in America (I don’t live there why do I care) for killing an apparently unarmed BLACK man.
It’s fairly clear now that the long-term stability of this country – in its current guise – is being intentionally jeopardised. The reason for which is presumably so it can be ‘refashioned’ for some group’s benefit.
Prepare for change people, since what has come before cannot continue now. Who knows what comes next but it won’t be a smooth journey for many.
Well you know why…The Beeboids are creaming their pants in mouthwatering anticipation, of the forthcoming aftermath, where-by legions of blacks and leftists go looting and burning, in many an American City.
These luvvie fckers are charging tens of millions of households in the UK £145 so they can, inter alia, stoke-up racial tension and cover-up child sexual abuse.
I saw this screamed out this morning on the BBC Facebook page.
Interestingly, the comments almost universally panned the BBC for irrelevance and/or stirring race tensions, as the headline was about as in your face on relative colours as it could have got.
In a world of several billion, what propels a person killing another person to BBC ‘news’ status, and how they do it, is quite amazing.
I heard about this on the radio this morning. From that, I believe the cop is actually going to be charged with ‘murder’.
But why does this become headline news in the UK ? It’s not as if, in the US, black people have given up killing others (black or white) or that white people have given up killing other people, or even black/white people trying to kill cops. It’s more of a non-story….. and would normally be lost in all the murder cases in the US, and all the cases where police are involved in shootings…..
That is, until you hear this referred to by the BBC reporter in London along the lines of‘…another case of a black person being killed by a policeman… (conveniently forgetting the eventual court outcomes of the cases he’s alluding to)….. and then the BBC reporter fundamentally encouraging riots locally in the US ( with all that entails), by asking leading questions of an American on a phone call to the Beeb like ‘…and what are people feeling this morning ?…. anger, outrage ….?’, and ‘are they ready to march in protest right now, later today….. ?
The BBC – trying to create the ‘news’ in line with its own agenda, abroad as well as here. It thinks it has a white cop ‘bang to tights’ on this one, so it’s trying to conflate all the past events, and to hell with any actual judicial system which says they are wrong, they are going to create their own, ‘peoples’ courts’.
Love the permatations and combinations Viz
black people killing others (black or white)
white people killing other people
black/white people trying to kill cops.
I understand if you were fully inclusive and had included the other bit you wouldnt have anything to write about ie
Cops killing unarmed blacks.
Since youve never heard of that before theres a been a bit of a stir in the US about a disproportionate numbers of unarmed blacks biting the dust of late. Need to keep up I suggest and perhaps train yourself in objectivity. You may be less biased in the future.
I know here’s been a number of cops defending themselves recently against ‘unarmed’ blacks trying to kill or maim them – and in the due process of law, some of these thugs have been killed themselves, and the cops have been tried and found not guilty of anything.
Cry me a river – objectively !
And, just in case you are unaware, objectively, there are a disproportionate number of crimes committed by black people in the US, and specifically a disproportionate number of violent crimes – hence there’s likely to be a disproportionate number of ‘unarmed’ blacks ‘biting the dust’, as you put it. And some people have decided to try to take the law into their own hands, and rioted. There’s objectivity for you.
Oh, and while we’re both here, I’ve been attempting to find out from you a link to the book you have referred to on more than one occasion as being able to provide an insight into the working of the BBC. You have cited ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’, published by Abramhis. You may well have replied elsewhere, but not that I can find. Any search on the data you give turns up nothing. The only conclusion I can draw, without some evidence that this book exists, is that it may well be an internal BBC document. Any better information ?
manonclaphamomnibus, you nob-polisher, really, why do you post here? Which Uni are you a product of, I think we should be told (Southampton, my alma mater) You have way too much time on your hands, trolling. Any funding you care to disclose? (me, UK govt pension)
The BBC loves it when one of their campaign issues comes up. This time it’s a shooting in the US of a unarmed black man by a white policeman, so that ticks all the boxes. A tragedy certainly, a crime maybe, for those involved and affected, but the most important story IN THE WORLD? Really, I mean seriously really?
Sad to say other news websites seem also to be jumping on this bandwagon, not just BBC.
No I most certainly did not. It was in a night club in Berlin 79-80ish. The band had just played somewhere I hadn’t gone and was in the club with a mate. The rest of the band were OK. Geldof just blanked us and was wandering around I assume waiting for someone to recognise and fawn all over him.
Early days yet but, on the face of it, it looks as though this one may have legs.
What I object to, however, is that it will be used to cast doubt on previous shootings where the policeman has been vindicated: “Yet another shooting by …. etc”.
Limbering up for it’s turn to host the Scotland Debates after ITV will the BBC
a) copy STV with a random but representative studio audience?
b) do a Question Time and select from who applies, checking that they are not pesky Tories or racist UKIPers?
Tricky one eh?
Puff piece for the SNP (who ironically were threatening recently to take control of the BBC in Scotland to prevent anti-SNP bias!).
Ms Sturgeon is attracting increased attention south of the border. She has sought to portray herself as an ally of like-minded politicians outside her home country.
She can seek to portray herself however she likes, but she is no ally of any British politician who loves the United Kingdom.
She wants to break up our great nation and siphon off as much of the national wealth to Scotland as possible.
A YouGov poll conducted in March showed Ms Sturgeon had a higher UK-wide net approval rating than David Cameron, Ed Miliband or Nick Cleggr
Erm, could it be that the approval ratings are as high as they are because most people south of the border know very little about her (and therefore don’t have strong feelings one way or the other)?
Her performance won plaudits elsewhere. In the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland wrote the SNP leader “will have had plenty of non-Scottish Labourites nodding approvingly’
A left wing journalist sings the praises of an anti-austerity politician. Colour me shocked!
The article lists some SNP policies that many people will find reasonable. What they don’t tell us is that, if Scotland had got its independence, the SNP would have kept Britain’s oil but walked away from Scotland’s fair share of the national debt!
“That’s why my message to those of you watching in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is one of friendship.”
…as the wolf said to the lamb.
The BBC has not explored the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Ms Sturgeon is trying to increase the chances of a coalition involving the SNP by making it more palatable to the British public.
Ms Sturgeon has already made it clear that her role in any Labour/SNP coalition post-election would be to move Special Ed and his motley crew ‘further towards the Left’.
With the BBC, for its own existential reasons, already deeply committed to bringing it about, let’s avoid the complete and utter disaster that would befall this nation should the horror of a Labour/SNP coalition emerge on May 7th.
How is she going to do that then. I think you are assuming a lot. In my opinion Labour is the only party with an economic program that is capable ,for sound reasons as opposed to ideological ones, of turning the economy around.
There maybe lots of folks that disagree in which case they can quote evidence that demonstrates austerity economics actually works. Perhaps you could share your insights with Greece, since it seems to be doing so well there!
Good grief – the austerity programs, to an extent, actually WERE working in Greece, which had got its economy into an unbelievable, and downwardly spiralling mess – probably even worse than that caused by Brown/Balls/Miliband in the UK. It’s just that they didn’t like the cure for the self-inflicted situation – a bit like junkies. So they want to go back onto a binge again funded by everyone else – a bit like so many junkies when they have to face reality. Now thy are having to track back on so many of Syriza’s election policies that they’re probably going to have to have another election soon, because the current Greek government is not running on its manifesto at all, but is rowing backwards like mad.
And as for Labour’s financial acuity, we actually have a track record for Labour Party economic policy, and especially with the Brown/Balls/Miliband troika. Two years of managing our economy well (because Mr Brown was following the previous Conservative Government’s economic policies, and not his own) Mr Brown kicked off a spending spree – eventually believing his own, and his party’s, rhetoric that he was ‘The Great Big Clunking Fist’ and that he’d eliminated Boom and Bust from the UK.
Actually he’d become a great big clunking idiot, and he and the two Ed’s, between them, had driven us to the brink where, when the world crisis arrived (and he’d been warned about his follies for years), our economy went straight over the cliff edge into the longest and deepest recession we’ve had in modern history. That it has not been full resolved yet is a classic example of how far into the mire Labour got our finances.
MOCO – You wearing those Socialist Rose tinted glasses again:
“Labour is the only party with an economic program that is capable……… of turning the economy around.”
You mean like the way they trashed the best EVER economic circumstances inherited by any UK Government (EVER) in 1997, returning a chronic bust, recessioned and deeply indebted economy, (one of the most indebted in the whole wide world), to the Coalition in 2010? Remember “There is no money left”?
Or are you referring to the 1979 Labour legacy to Thatcher of the sick man of Europe, not long after Dennis Healey was queuing up behind Zimbawe at the IMF for a bail out?
How much debt do you want to hand over to your grandchildren?
Re Gordon Brown you may benefit yourselves if you look at the figures rather than being self absorbed in your rhetoric. Government borrowing was coming down after 2005 and in fact the UK was in a better position than most at the time of the banking crash,which was a worldwide phenomena.George Osbourne agrees with this assessment and you can verify it on YouTube it with the words Osbourne select committee . The current troubles are therefore due to the uncontrolled banking sector much of which remains unregulated worldwide.
National debt is another thing entirely.In all probability we still carry paper from the South sea bubble. The indisputable facts are if you have growth and preferably inflation then borrowing on gilts,which are at an all time low, can make the government money. So leaving it to our grandchildren ,definitely not. By following austerity we will leave a lot worse since there is not a shred of evidence that austerity economics inflates economies.
This isn’t left wing it’s just very basic economics.
Re Greece the point I was making was if you lift yourself up from denigrating individual EU countries and look at the bigger picture the Eurozone is unworkable.It always has been. Capital flows take a natural course in an economic system guided by the desire to make money. Lending to Greece was just such an imperative. Had the mechanism of devaluation been in place then each debtor nation could rebalance its economy against creditor nations. In the case of the Euro this is not possible since no mechanism exist.Which is why Greece and others will not get out of a jam very soon.Again none of this is rocket science or left wing. My personal opinion is that this situation will ultimately cause the Euro to collapse.
All very good except it should be remembered that Cameron is the one trying to break up the UK. I seem to remember that arch anarco syndicalist communist left wing muslim loving fascist liberal reactionary revisionist aka Gordon Brown was seeking quite reasonably to keep our Nation together.
Furthermore an endorsement of anti austerity does not necessarily imply an endorsement of a particular individual or party.
Indeed since there is no evidence that austerity encourages economic growth ,endorsees of the position are clearly anarchists,
economic vandals or just simply ignorant of economics.
the austerity programs, to an extent, actually WERE working in Greece, which had got its economy into an unbelievable, and downwardly spiralling mess
You havent got a clue have you! Look at their GDP figures an educate yourself. You are about as clever at reality as you are science. Greece has not got itself into anything. The Euro is holding both debtor and creditor nations(Germany) in economic aspic. Without fiscal union Europe isnt going anywhere. Thats the reality. Greece would be fine if it had its own currency. It could then devalue.
So Greece was forced into the debt position it now holds ? Yeah, right!
Greece would be fine if it had its own currency ? Hmmm… yes, because it could then try to drastically devalue its way out of the debt mountain it has itself created over the years. But the debts will still be in Euros, not drachmae, so they won’t go away.
In the meantime, Greece would become a land of peasants and poorly-paid holiday industry workers, because anyone who had an ounce of sense will, or already has, moved their Euros out of Greek banks, refusing to have it converted to the equivalent of the mark in the Weimar Republic. That in itself will be far from creating a strong and vibrant economy.
Oh boy, you really must do some reading, and thinking, and not in the Lefty drivelbases you seem be so intent on replicating
Greece spent £300 million cooking the books – sorry, on its financial proposal which clearly proved it met all the convergence criteria – to join the Euro.
It was laughingly accepted by Germany and the rest who couldn’t expand their grand political project fast enough.
Germany then lent Greek banks loadsamoney.
Greek banks then lent loadsamoney to its citizens to spend on big, shiny German 4 x 4’s, Miele washing machines etc. The there was the corrupt and useless tax system which made tax evasion a breeze.
ALL their own fault, aided and abetted by the rest of the Euro crims, but especially Germany.
Hey that’s a pretty accurate description of Gordon Brown, in the main – (well, I’m not so sure about the muslim-loving bit.) When did you waken up to reality ?
There is plenty of evidence that austerity stops you whirling off down the plug-hole. The alternative, as espoused by the Labour party is to get ourselves further into debt. Oh, that works well, let’s see, in Greece – past masters at doing that for years. And don’t give me this crap about borrowing and spending wisely creating growth. Spending on non-productive features creates debt growth, not economic growth – and employing a million additional public sector workers, whom you cannot lay off after a short period, is not spending wisely – it’s storing up current and future debt.
Labour governments, like most socialist governments know how to spend – usually other peoples’ money, because Brown and Blair, for instance (take a look at their finances) are doing quite well, thank you, after almost ruining our country completely.
And as for your claim that people actually trying to get us out of the mess that those you support got us into are….anarchists ? Yeah, right – just like Mr Brown abolished Boom and Bust.
Omnibust would like to see yet more debt piled on younger generations then in a later post will no doubt go on a rant about…..the intolerable amount of debt that will have to be paid back by younger generations, all the Babyboomers’ fault etc.
Another case of LLDD – Lefty Logic Deficit Disorder.
35 minutes into this programme the mood changed drastically. It was now 1985. Cut from sampling expensive haute cuisine in a recreated 1985 restaurant….
The male head of today’s family and called Bernard wistfully says, ‘I wish everyone could have eaten like this’.
Flashes of the 1985 miners strike are played with the hit ‘Two Tribes Go To War’ being played.
It turns out that Bernard’s uncles were striking miner’s. He wasn’t a miner but he helped the ’cause’ by wearing the badges and putting money in the bucket when it was passed around.
We are told that others were struggling to put food on the table. They had been on strike for a year with no pay(!) and no benefits. And for ‘some’, things were ‘getting desperate’.
Bernard and his wife recreated a starving miner’s family meal called ‘Tatty Pot’. It comprised dumplings, vegetables and meat. There was almost a tear in Bernard’s eye as he recreated the culinary hardship. It was after all, what people had to eat back in the 1950’s they quipped whilst shaking their heads.
(Cut to video of 1985 miners’ soup kitchens).
His wife comments that when you’re hungry you are angry. And says she is so ‘humbled’ by the dumplings menu (??.
Not once was ‘fatcher mentioned. But you knew what the angle was.
The programme then moved on to the ‘Big Bang’ and greed.
Haven’t seen the 80’s program yet, probably won’t watch as the family featured are just typical of the lefty metropolitan types the bBC just loves – middle aged couple called Brandon and Rochelle? Ffs!
The woman is a whingeing feminist who has somehow made it into her mid 40’s without knowing how to use a can opener and zero recollection of her formative years in the 70’s. She also thinks its her husbands duty to cook the meals, hating her time in the 60s and 70s. Just surprised they didn’t use a mixed race couple.
Typical bBC rewriting history fodder, that bears little or no resemblance to those that were actually there, we didn’t all live off Vesta Curry’s in the 70’s….
When the family sat down to eat the ‘Tatty Pot’ meal of dumplings, meat and vegetables, Brendan and Rochelle winced as they chewed on this meal of hardship and activism.
Strangely, their teenage daughters enjoyed the concoction and voiced their approval.
But, the poor lasses weren’t ‘there’ in 1985 and could not sympathise with the horrible hardship that this tasty and nutritious meal evoked of those divisive 1980’s. Brendan used the word ‘polarised’.
I, too, was saddened to see some lefty “support-the-miners-strike” element inserted into what has been a most interesting series so far. The struggles with both sorts of tin-opener were amusing, but how praiseworthy that the wife has clearly never resorted to tinned food to feed the family. She should be highly commended!
Not seen these but Vsta Curry brings back memories. In the 60s my Father used to buy one once in a blue moon. I was allowed to taste it now and was horrid.
“Fatcher” was mentioned, a little earlier than the dumplings part.
The usual line of her “Controversial” policies was of course mentioned…
On a side note, the striking miners were pricks, the entire thing (battles with the police and being on the breadline) was totally staged, I have that from the horses mouth(s), Union activists from Atherton & Leigh, it was all about getting Thatcher and the Tories out, plain & simple, and ably assisted, of course, by the BBC, to quote union members who I have spoke to, face to face, “The BBC were lapping it up, eating out of our hands”
And it would have worked too, if not for that pesky Falklands thing.
BBC ‘Today’ program with John Humphries is interviewing a Tory Minister about non Dom status:
Labour are going to abolish non Dom Status, why didn’t you?
No they’re not they’re just tinkering around the edges and are only going to limit the time non Dom Status applies
Labour are going to tighten up the rules on Non Dom Status why didn’t you.
We did queue list of ‘tweaks’ which Humphries proceeds to nit pick over.
What he didn’t seem to realise in his zeal to attack a Tory was that he had de facto conceded that Labours so called abolition of the Non Dom Status was exactly what critics were saying about it tinkering around the edges !
I’m trying not to pay much attention to the Election “promises”
It’s not good for my blood pressure I well remember the “EU Referendum Promise ” now who made that one ……..Blair 2005 ……Cameron 2009. So if any of them say the Sun is shining and the clock says midday , I’ll still go out and check.
Ahh the Labour EU referendum promise. Mrs Dave & I went to see our local MP when the Lisbon treaty reared its head. First of all he had no idea what the Lisbon treaty was. Then he told me it wasn’t a treaty and there would only be a referendum if it was, a treaty that is.
Again even if the tories win I’m not holding my breath on a referendum.
For the last few days every single main headline on the Al Beeb news website has been what Liebour are going to do after the election etc, etc. During this sensitive period, is there meant to be some kind of balance at the BBC?
By the way, the ‘new’ BBC news online site has been made to look different. All I can see is the Labour red banner on the top has been broadened.
Also does the picture with the BBC news headline today, Wednesday, remind you of something?
King Kong with a Burka?
When I wrote to the then Prime Minister’s Blair’s office to say he had been treated unfairly by the BBC , the PM’s office did complain to the BBC because my letter was then re-directed to the Chairman of the BBC ( Mark Thompson ) at the time . But then he sent it to Head of Complaints for answering where it should have gone in the first place!!!
The BBC nearly stumbled into a bit of impartiality when Humphrys went momentarily off-piste while “interviewing” Balls about the Labour non-dom policy on Today. Humphrys asked Balls about the results of the existing non-dom annual one-off charge. Balls agreed that increases in the charge had increased the tax take. Humphrys then asked why not just raise the charge since it’s simple and effective. Obviously Balls did not expect this one and there was silence over the airwaves. Balls eventually gave a non-answer: Humphrys – back in line – didn’t pursue.
“…The BBC nearly stumbled into a bit of impartiality when Humphrys went momentarily off-piste…”
Humphrys does that sometimes. It’s just a vestigial memory kicking-in of what it once used to mean to be an honest journalist with some integrity. It comes, it goes. Nothing to worry about – nothing that a quick visit down to ‘Political Reorientation and Narrative Enforcement’ can’t cure.
Complete bias on your part. You should go back and listen because youve just made it up. Write notes if you have to. Balls did not give a non answer which is why Humprys didnt have to follow up.
He actually gave a shite answer……….which Humphrys didn’t follow up, but would be normal Humphrys ceaseless interruption fodder when interviewing a Tory or Ukipper.
Peston “analysed” the Labour non-dom policy. His “killer” argument (in Labour’s favour obviously) was a tweet by ex gaol-bird and serial gobshite Duncan Bannatyne in which he not only favoured the Labour Party proposal (natch) but claimed non-doms were hurting domiciled entrepreneurs. No “some say”, no “but the Conservatives say . . “, just a straightforward assertion delivered by Peston in Labour’s interest
That’s all part of a long running feud Bannatyne has been having with James Caan, when they were both on Dragons’ Den. As P G Wodehouse said, it is never difficult to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.
You obviously must be a rich non dom who wants to freeload over the rest of decent hardworking tax payers. FYI however all sides of the house support this move in varying degrees. Contributions like this say lot about the nature of the ‘British Culture’ which you people say you want to preserve.
The fact is that the more Companies offshore the less chance indiginous enterprises can compete. The less revenue generated means services such as health will collapse and ultimately productivity will fall faster.
Radio 4 billing ‘Lives in a Landscape’ as people rebuilding relationships in Rotherham with the impression to the casual listener that this is about the Paki rapists reaching out to apologise and perhaps build some bridges. Of course not! The program is about the local rugby club helping those local people who are in the main white.
“Al-Qaeda linked extremists said to have changed way they communicate after leaks by the traitor.
“Al-Qaeda linked networks have altered tactics since Snowden stole files.
“He stole intelligence files from GCHQ and US National Security Agency.
“He fled justice in US to Hong Kong, then Russia where granted asylum.”
BBC foreign news coverage has slipped into a quasi-official advocacy role agitating for foreign aid. That’s now clear on a macro level. The following is a disquieting example of how intervenetion can go wrong on a micro level….
Here BBC reporter Michael Downey intervenes personally in the lives of two Syrian child street beggers. Although he is carefull to tell us someone else phoned for an ambulance. He chased that ambulance. Humanitarian efforts only get them a beating, gets them arrested and probably lands them in further trouble with their begger gang master. Well done Michael for being there to report for us. Trouble is, our bleeding heart Michael seems to be proud of such illconceived actions. Well it gave the BBC some copy and Michael gets his pay cheque.
After pinning the roundel on Malala, the BBC’s record for posting copy and moving on oblivious to what’s in their wake (unless more copy can be spun from tragedy) is not exactly great.
Interestingly no-one – not the BBC propagandists on-air commentators nor the Conservative Education Secretary (WTF does she know about tax – or education for that matter?) noted one probable result of this policy. This is not that in return for not very many tax pounds we will see an exodus of non-doms. It’s that in reviewing their plans non-doms will view London a bit less favourably and decide not to base themselves – and their businesses – over here.
As an example: the massive Greek shipping industry is effectively based in London in part due to the tax advantages accruing to its non-dom owners who live here. This creates non-trivial benefits of skilled employment directly and huge indirect benefits via service industries based here. The next generation of Greek ship-owners, instead of remaining settled in or coming to London, will reassess other financial centres for settlement: New York, Hong Kong or anywhere really.
Accordingly changing the non-dom policy puts at risk quite enormous benefits to the UK economy: well in excess of any tax amounts raised. However the BBC doesn’t believe that consideration of such issues is an appropriate use of its analysts’ time. Rather it prefers to concentrate on how the Conservatives will counter this “master stroke”. The BBC’s conspiracy with Labour will ruin us all.
I think that degree of subtle understanding is a bit too analytical for the BBC’s ‘analysts’. BBC ‘experts’ may like to pose as informed business insiders, but few of them have any real experience – beyond taking shorthand from party spin doctors.
Please read what I wrote. I’m not talking “shipping” – I’m talking Greek shipping as an example. That industry is owned by a few very wealthy families. Those families have lived and worked in London for generations while maintaining their domiciles in Greece.
Even so, and looking more generally, as the “rich” or probably more important, senior decision makers in or using world-wide service industries generally (eg shipping, banking, insurance) – which are, for the time being, solidly established in London – move or base themselves outside the UK there’ll be an effect on London alright: and it won’t be good. But, hey, as long as you and Labour and the BBC are happy with a so-called “fair” tax regime which will raise an extra pittance, who cares? Only that skilled UK well-paid workforce servicing those industries who will lose their jobs (or whose jobs will migrate abroad) and the rest of us who will be taxed to kingdom come to make up for the inevitable shortfall caused by envy and stupidity.
Although I want to put a another point
We could just be a tax haven for everyone else , or we could ~ by having the will ( and tax policies) be doing the jobs and businesses ourselves .
bBC: have been airing the GP letter news. The letter is organised by a Dr Clare Gerado, who is a Labour activist. She claims she is not an activist, but one) she is the person organising the letter; two) she uses the excuse thats she is combating the business letter. She is not a business woman she is using this as a specious cover.
Clare Gerado is very much a Labour activist and regular attender of Labour Party conferences; she is married to Sir Simon Wessely the Beeb’s favourite psychologist when they want a quote. Clare is very much the Beeb’s first choice when they want a GP’s quote as she used to Chair the Royal College of GP’s. I have no idea who took over from her as she continues to be the first choice spokesman (I know that expression would annoy her) for the Beeb.
For Beeboid supporters of Snowden and Assange-
“Why the liberals who defended traitors like Snowden and Assange should look at this photo and admit: We were deluded fools.”
I do not know about other regional services, but BBC LookEast news always has an item saying how bad the NHS is now. Sometime it is quite old news, sometime not really true, but they have to have a piece of Labour Propaganda somewhere near the start of the programme.
Same here – i reported this a fortnight back when it all started in the SW regional news – you would think the NHS here is collapsing like a pack of cards – endless headliners citing a selected patient on how they have been mistreated – it’s an agenda I don’t see on ITV regional
the Jewish Chronicle had a new Survation poll of British Jews, suggesting a large majority of British Jews would vote Conservative in an election tomorrow. Voting intentions were CON 69%, LAB 22%, LDEM 2%, UKIP 2%.
Their policy is that the Jews are UK nationals, no greater, no lesser than anyone else.
They will certainly treat them better than SNP members treat English residents in Scotland and far better than the Labour supporting members of the religion of peace do.
Don’t you mean the policy show by the followers by the “Religion of peace” when they take over in a few years time courtesy of entryism via the Labour Party ?
I for one would not want to be a Jew in the first Western European country to have a Muslim majority government. Would you ? Will it be like when the National SOCIALISTS took over in Germany ? When they raised 3 DIVISIONS of MUSLIMS from Bosnia. Who committed WAR CRIMES against the JEWS.
Do you have a short memory? This was pointed out to you by myself and others recently, not that you responded to us in any shape or form.
One word for you pal, no two, bloody TROLL.
This poll of voting intentions of Jews is even more surprising – because traditionally Jews are socialist and vote Labour. Having a nominally Jewish leader for the Labour Party would make a Labour vote by Jews more likely. The fact that Ed cannot even garner the Jewish vote tells you something.
The EU is a bandwagon is it? As for the Palestinian issue Israeli has garnered widespread condemnation over the theft of Palestinian land and their continued evasion of International Law. Even Jack Straw,a Jew himself, likens the Israeli Government to Fascists.
Pray tell your views on The. bombing of Yemen by the Saudis ? Does it not count that Muslims bomb Muslims ? Children killed by Muslims obviously in your world doesn’t count. PRATT.
Lets hope Fabian Hamilton gets the boot in Leeds NE. Obsessed with his bicycle, a unilateral nuclear disarmer and wants all the lap dancing clubs closed down, but not a word on the pogroms taking place at home and abroad.
Oh! … Bunny 😀 …
back from cringing behind the door with the UKIP Diversity Cabaret, when someone wanted to ask you about, frightening children on their Sunday lunch?.
… “I m gonna get you Farage”? …
get you 😀 eh! … Bunny
The above threads, starting with Foot and Benn, were in response to a Tourette’s-ridden rant about the death of Maggie and revolution, by our resident she-troll.
The BBC (News & World; often identical) FaceBook feed this morning was an education in what happens when you have too many staff with too much budget and too little professional judgement. In addition to the WHITE vs. BLACK racial wind-up attempt, what they figured was news was a treat, especially reading the comments ripping them a new one (like they care)…
BBC World News This man hated Australia so much he posted himself home
With diagram.
BBC World News Rahul Gandhi is back. And so are the memes
Of course, the memes have it.
BBC World News A South Korean activist launches copies of The Interview into North Korea.
And the balloon goes up.
BBC World News What’s it like to conquer Everest?
Featuring… a young lady who may be Keira Knightley. Well posh. And that’s about it. No poor rough oiks for BBC World. Except the Sherpas who lug their stuff (not featured).
BBC World News China’s Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang retires
Hold. The. Front. Page.
Oh, and this from domestic…
BBC News “To vent such stupid, naive comments beggars belief”
Many commenters wondering what the BBC obsession with Kate Hopkins is.
Guess she’s going to host HIGNFY soon? Danny will be so proud.
And to think she lead the Conservatives to three election victories by democratic means. If people think that she was a witch and still lead her party to three victories, what does it say about her socialist opponents, eh Bunny? Not much different to todays socialists in my book, all of them brain dead and dangerous to society.
I notice that recently BBC on-line seem to have shaken off News Sniffer tracking of their report updates – I’m guessing a happy by product of technical changes made by the BBC?
The Aids approach just seemed to polarise views without gaining any ground. What Farage needs is some real ideas on tax and allowances that mean something: just leaving the EU won’t solve the bedroom tax issue. He needs concrete policies to appeal to a big constituent of natural voters who are going back to Labour
Down here in Margate I’ve never seen so much activity by the other parties. Labour who were wiped out of Kent last time think they can consolidate their vote and squeak through: Farage is not making any ground in working class areas but the pensioner belt. The Tories are standing as a more moderate UKIP but really need Labour voters to switch.
I’d still give Farage the edge here, but it’s not going to be the resounding victory we all hoped for at present.
Hold your nerve! The Mail is just a propaganda rag for the Tories. They want to make Kippers fear their voted will be wasted. YouGov polling is internet-based, so under reports UKIP support. Check out ukpolling:
‘What Farage needs is some real ideas on tax and allowances that mean something: just leaving the EU won’t solve the bedroom tax issue’
This is unbelievable. You are saying you are gonna support UKIP and yet you freely admit they have no policies yet (apart from the one). You clearly have not a clue about the basics. This election is only about one thing Economic policy. If you dont understand that and are too disinterested to find out you shouldnt vote.
When an established people are threatened with being overrun, a policy of fighting for survival is perfectly adequate. Nevertheless, others regularly list the UKIP policies (I never bother, for I know you’re just employing the ‘tell it often enough…’ technique). for one, take the policy of support for grammar schools. Labour strangled grammar schools fifty years ago. We’ve had long enough to see how it worked out. Students arrive at university needing remedial English and Maths. Seems it worked out well.
Yet again, you express frustration that those who don’t think like you are allowed to vote. Tells us all we need to know.
Totally biased report of Nigel Farage’s morning on One News. Rent-a-mob were out again and the Beeb simply broadcast the standard template ‘UKIP in disarray’ story. Scumbags.
UKIP were always going to get this from the media and the other parties. I think their vote is solid and will hold. Anyone voting UKIP decided to do so a long time ago.Wait and see if I am right.
Social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others.
In the recent election in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu achieved above what the polls had predicted. However, in France, Sarkozy seemed to win at the expense of Marine Le Pen. She was going for a really high percentage. Hopefully UKIP can resist the ‘Go to bed with Farage…’ scaremongers.
Probably because they are professionals and you arent. Try reading the open letter from the Doctors regarding the damage inflicted by that useless crackpot Lansley on the NHS.
If this woman (?) is typical of those doctors that signed the letter, I wouldn’t let the lefty Common Purpose quack treat my dog, Guardian? agenda? what agenda?
I love what she’s done with her hair. I notice the BBc has lots of people with this style of haircut. I call it the “I cut it myself” style, on. I sometimes wonder why that might be.
‘Probably because they are professionals and you arent.’
So professional they oppose collecting payment for treatment from foreign health tourists telling us they ‘Are not the government’s border guards’. You know what, given as it’s the poor old taxpayers who have to pick up the tab for their liberal largesse, I’d call that rather arrogant – and just a tad political.
There was an investigation by a TV channel I really can’t remember which channel into how ineligible persons were obtaining free medical evidence from as far as I can recall buying NHS Numbers.
That ones easy, Cameron/No 10 Tories are just liars.
They’ve lied barefaced about absolutely everything else, do you think their going to stop at UKIP?
On UKIP, the press (in Tory pockets), the enemedia is set against them … but truth has a habit, of popping up at the most inopportune moments, and Mr Farage
won t go quietly anywhere, so next will be diminishing the oxygen of publicity on real policies, and upping the smear angle.
Looking at that latest poll, LAB + GRN = 37%, CON + UKIP = 46%.
Left 37%, Right 46%, but the LAB vote is staying stubbornly solid while the Green vote is collapsing, and a solid LAB vote means 5 years of Millipede, Harperson and Balls-up.
Therein lies the danger of a split non-socialist vote.
I don`t normally agree with the Clapped out bus conductor, “Where`s Blakey “,but he is right about kipper polices , there is only one policy . You think voting Kipper will be a return to the 1950`s ,it won`t. Voting kipper will definitely put Millipeed /SNP in power . But most of you just can`t see it ,but you will soon find out , it will be like living in Communist East Germany .
Hmm Just wish a better team would form up around Farage to kick back at all this Not sure if he is the problem or no one pushing to help but he seems to be coping for a awful lot of crap with no back up , I live in red Wales so my vote will be wasted but UKIP would most likely have got my vote as the local Tory’s are just well? one man and a very bored dog of a party here !
He has good people around him but the press never report anything they say – unless they can make it into a “UKIP split” story. When any of them get on broadcast programmes they do well – and are usually then shouted down by the “rent a gob” audience.
Try looking at their policies. They certainly are in disarray.
I’d quite like to know what you people are going to do about the fact that in years to come immigrants will have out bred the indiginous population. What’s your answer?
I’d quite like to know what you people are going to do about the fact that in years to come immigrants will have out bred the indiginous population. What’s your answer?
Reminds me of the question Keynes was asked: ‘What are the implication for the British economy in the longer term?’ Keynes replied that, in the longer term, we’re all dead. If you want to get an idea of the likely outcome, you could read ‘The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire.’
It will be a new situation and one that has not occured before in a settled industrial European nation. Especially in a country as long standing as ours.
It will inevitably lead to strife. Up to and including civil war. Which is why a true conservative ,caring for the future generations, always has opposed large scale immigration.
I suggest you start to look at where the frontiers of a balkanised England will be drawn. And make decisions accordingly.
The ideal world of the liberal., that world of the desires and a belief in the perfectibility of human nature rather than the real, will not countenance such an eventuality.
Prudent men will also consider leaving. Sadly this is my inevitable option. After many generations my family will have to consider leaving our valley.
What will happen to England I cannot forsee but there will come a time when we, the old English , will have to leave and leave quickly. If England cannot be as we have always shaped it then we must go.
Does this make you happy? Maybe it does. The liberal is a strange creature.
I always suggest we read Homer particularly closely. All human life and human frailties are there. A pitiless view of reality and our world. Forget the machinations of the Gods and concentrate on the men and the women of the tale. They are us and always will be.
Also: “We hate those who represent the forces of conservatism, so we’ll rub their noses in diversity, and in so doing, gain a few million grateful Labour-voting immigrants.”
It all depends if the immigrants believe in bettering themselves by working hard and becoming productive members of our society, as after all, the USA, Canada and Australia were built by immigrants.
But if OTOH those immigrants believe in bettering themselves merely by sponging off welfare, then it’s time to make this country less attractive for them.
Again, the USA, Canada and Australia employ points systems to weed out ‘undesirable’ immigrants.
The other blunder in post-war Britain was to try and shore up declining industries such as cotton by importing cheap labour from Pakistan. Many mills shut down in the 1960s and 1970s due to cheap imports from Asia.
Now the unemployment rate among Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the mill towns is well above the national average, many of them do not wish to abandon their ghetto mentality, and we’re left with a massive recruitment pool for jihadists.
Given none involved are really a major concern of mine beyond what they can inflict on me and mine, the latest BBC ‘Spats with the Nats’ remains one to view from a nearby hill whilst enjoying an Easter picnic.
I’m sure there was more than something, but has the ‘vicious abuse’ ever been specified, or does it remain under lock and key chez Beeb towers, along with details of a ‘fracas’ enough for the rozzers to find nothing for them to bother with and the main perp back on the roster PDQ?
Have to admire the call for ‘restraint’ from social media users, which I suspect will be engaged about as well as a plea from Hugs or Mary on high imploring the BBC peon levels to ‘just behave’. Or a Flokker here to get their head around their rather variable standards of acceptable dialogue depending whether on broadcast or at receiving end status.
But nice memo, Don M. This treating with respect thing… a new precedent, maybe? Time to all gather again in the forecourt sporting brown cords and Tena for Seniors in a show of support?
…and, of course, the BBC will be telling all of its employees that, in the spirit of respect and restraint the Beeb want others to show, BBC employees can no longer say what they like about anyone else and then simply hide behind the usual get-out clause, namely….
‘….this tweet is mine alone, and has nothing to do with the BBC ….#BBCusername ‘
Nah, thought not.
(Just a note – I am personally totally against the actions taken by the usual knuckle-draggers in Scotland – but I am also totally against the BBC’s hypocritical stance on issues like the one I mentioned. If employees of most other organisations tried this sort of stuff, no allowance would be made, the employer would be held responsible for stopping it.)
“Dudley man jailed for pro-Jihad letters in touch with Abu Hamza and killers of Lee Rigby.
“The son of a former mosque leader who was in regular correspondence with some of the world’s most feared and violent terrorists has been jailed for nine months.”
Two separate gangs of Pakis beat up a white man & two women in Bolton. BBC report? Nah don’t be silly – the brown eyed boys haven’t done anything wrong in their eyes.
Hi, Thoughtful. Just a point, if I may. You are normally quite respectable to people, and I know, for instance, you would not use pejorative terms against other groups (such as the disabled, for instance), so it is a pity that you somewhat let that position down in referring to Pakistanis as you have above.
Would you have such an issue if I referred to Australians as Aussies? To British people as ‘Brits’? Or to Americans as ‘Yanks’? If not then you are not treating people of different races in the same way, and that is the legal definition of ‘Racism’ !
I know loads of Pakistanis and not one of them views this as a pejorative, so I have to say to you that this is an oppressive judgemental and racist construct which exists in your mind & alas in the mind of several oppressive Fascists who view language as a tool of their authoritarian and oppressive politics.
No, because I know that Aussies don’t mind being called that, and even call themselves that, as do the ‘Yanks’, and I know of no ‘Brit’ who takes offence at being called one either, and it is a term used by themselves.
But many Pakistanis do take offence at being called by the name you called them, and especially in the context of a negative article you were pointing to.
What is the point of effectively offending so many when adding 5 letters completely removes that offence ? And, as for calling me a racist, and comparing me to a fascist, well, that’s just so much over the top and completely without basis.
But, if you have to use labels like that in your arguments, with no good reason, then I guess it says more about your attitudes than mine.
Sorry if you take offence Richard but just to put thelid on this, I see no reason why I should show any respect at all to a number of young men engage in a racist crime in which they beat two women up, and a young man.
As you say I don’t normally use such words, because I hopefully have something called manners which seem in themselves to offend those on the left as they are a class marker.
I also find it extremely annoying that the left have decided that certain words must not be used, yet refuse to say they have banned them, like the so called ‘n’ word which now has been revived with a new meaning, but which the left cannot accept. It’s a form of control, political and mind control exerted over people who have no say.
Fair enough, Thoughtful – but, just to be clear, I wasn’t talking about showing respect to the bunch of thugs who carried out the deeds in the article mentioned in your post.
No real harm done, I’m sure we both feel we’ve been insulted before, and we’ll both feel the same way again. Sometimes things turn out that way. Good of you to post.
Also, just to be clear, I agree with your sentiments about the creeping constraints of political correctness, for instance, where some, just as you say, mainly from the left of politics, try to shut down any discussion about certain issues, declaring the situation to be ‘settled’….i.e. to allow no argument with their position, even with facts,
Abbreviation of Pakistani … one can assume
Reminds me of a conversation I had with the Al BBC morning inquisition, actually over Prince Harry s use of that very term, some snotty Beebot told me, its racist, I disagreed.
Said Beebot then asked if I would ever use the word n-gger?, I said no
… then increasingly irritated Beebot proceeded to inform me that’s the same, an abbreviation of the word negro.
I succinctly reminded them that was impossible, as n-gger has more letters.
… suffice to say, the phone got cut off 😀
‘Paki’ is a perfectly acceptable abbreviation for Pakistani and is widely used by Pakistanis themselves, along with ‘Pak’ (there are plenty of shops in Bradford, Luton, Birmingham etc that call themselves ‘Pak Grocers’ or ‘Pak Supermarket’). Where it becomes unacceptable it is when it is used with a derogatory adjective, such as “dirty Paki” or “filthy Paki” or similar, in which case one can reasonably assume that the person using the phrase wishes to cause offence or be disrespectful.
Many of the slighting terms (e.g. the N-word, the P-word) are acceptable only WITHIN the confines of their respective communities.
Thus, African-Americans may use the N-word when talking among themselves, but all the rest of the world must not, and a similar case seems to be developing with Pakistanis.
With Jews, things are more complicated. The word “Yid” is neutral when pronounced ‘Yeed’ to rhyme with ‘deed’, but highly offensive when pronounced to rhyme with ‘did’. Also a lot of Jews, especially the more secular ones, refer to themselves by the back-slang word “Wej”, though they have assured me that that term is neutral.
One unarmed black shot in the US, shooter charged with murder, is no longer the BBC misitw (most important story in the world) – so maybe the BBC has some shame.
Meanwhile for those who haven’t forgotten the 148 unarmed blacks murdered at Garissa I recommend the tributes at by a Reuters correspondent. Shame the BBC lacks the resource to cover much that happens in Africa. Much more important for the BBC to concentrate on the suffering of blacks in the US.
‘Shame the BBC lacks the resource to cover much that happens in Africa’
Not when the motivation is there. One dead chap and half of them were on the first A380 they could charter.
Several hundred up North daily, and they stayed well put round the pools. I think Ch4 did spare an actual investigative reporter or tow. Then they came home. Don’t think the black on black slaughter is easing much.
Maybe the BBC needs to run a sympathetic piece of disenfranchised police officers’ motivations?
Yet to view it, and may not (not keen on snuff ‘news’). So I guess I will have to rely upon objective reporting of the justice system at play.
That said, ‘overseas law official shoots local’ is awful, but hardly ‘news’ here, is it?
The BBC obsession with certain places and certain crimes remains, at best, oddly focussed, considering this is the BritishBC.
Gearing up for commercial expansion in other lucrative markets, combined with pet buzz topics, may explain a lot. Doesn’t excuse it. And doesn’t excuse being VERY specific in headline terms between perp and victim when getting vague beyond reason when it doesn’t suit.
However, and I agree with you, the bbc has an obsession with black men being shot by white police officers. Multi kulti policemen in New York being shot by black men, little interest. White men shooting blacks down in the ole’ South, is gold every time. The obsession tells you more about them than about the US every time.
Was it murder? Have we got all the facts? In the past we’ve witnessed edited recordings, (what ever happened to that Paris Metro incident), false statements & facts that suddenly appear as the case goes on before the media drop it. Wasn’t he running away? Why would you run from the Police? . I’ll leave it to the court to decide but as I don’t live in America as I said before I really don’t care.
But darling, the US is soooo much more important to ‘them’ than ‘ Darkies’ in Africa. More chance of winning a media prize, more chance of a bit of free shopping in NY, lots of media helpful local resources, ( what the F… Is there in Northern Kenya for Christ’s sake ? ), no the needs of the reporters trump the needs of the locals every time ( likewise the Yemen ).
It’s almost as if the Beeb reporters, the white ones anyway, aren’t keen to go to a country full of blacks, and prefer to go where most of the police are white.
Shabana Mahmood’s car crash interview on DP today, hard to believe Labour have someone more inept than Balls, like Warsi more positive discrimination and tokenism in action.
It is quite special, as it appears is most of the gabbling babes in the Labour ‘hood. Non-dom students earning a fortune. Huh? The woman is simply programmed to spout BS.
Andrew Neil sure as heck going out with a bang.
Maybe the strategy is to throw a couple to the cybernasties and garner a ‘must be doing something left’ counter.
Good to see the ‘you say lots, hundreds of people, one person say… name one…’ response being used more to great effect.
Andrew Neill is impartial so untypical of your BBC political journos. He rightly gave the Tory a hard time also, but was rightly easier on the more reasonable Lib Dem.
Errr Ummm Errr Ummm. Well well look. Hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions. Well look err umm a number of people. Umm umm. Hundreds of millions.
Shabana Mahmood seems a particularly good example of a female non-white wannabe politician elevated far beyond her pay grade by Labour (and let’s not forget the Tories have form in this area too e.g Warsi.) Mahmood is clearly bright (Oxbridge/barrister) but is out of her depth as a politician. She rattles on like a machine gun, spouting the party line on the topic of the day with little attempt to answer the question put to her. Highly irritating woman.
“Are you an undecided voter? Claudia Hammond finds out what psychology can tell us about some of the influences on our decision making in the run up to the election. Cognitive psychologist, Professor Colin Davis talks about his research on TV election debates and the influence of the on screen ‘worm’ used to show what a group of undecided voters think about what’s being said throughout the debate.”
The BBC have found that if they manipulate the worm in favour of one candidate, they can influence the way millions of viewers will vote, and that it is very difficult for viewers to discount this. The ‘expert’ interviewer said that the commons select committee said that they shouldn’t use the worm and all the broadcasters agreed – except one (guess which) who did broadcast the worm live.
This really is dangerous insidious stuff because it is impossible for any of us here to detect, if bias is present, and yet the implications for the outcome of an election is profound.
It is worth listening to on the iPlayer near the beginning of the program.
I see BBC Talkback was laying into the Loyalist community in Belfast over racist attacks. Of course, Republicans are never racist…. they just kill those they don’t like!
Coming back to the non-dom issue, even the BBC can’t tolerate Balls. Via Guido, Norman Smith – of all people – has crapped all over Labour by reporting this thereby showing up Balls and Labour for the truly stupid incompetents they are. In fact Guido generally itemises Labour’s complete disarray on this one.
Normally his every utterance is borne on gilded wings daily to an adoring public by all from the sofa tottie to Laura ‘he entered the room and it lit up’ K on twitter, so how all not on political desks (and aware of how a professional career liability can stick in association) treat Ed’s death spiral will be interesting.
He may well have ensured the BBC his support in return for theirs.
But he may not win. Which may not be the best side to be left on.
“Last week, the BBC – so breathless in its coverage of the Edward Snowden revelations – excitedly reported that a laptop on which his stolen files had been stored by the Guardian was going on show at the Victoria and Albert museum.
“It also devoted airtime to Snowden’s unsurprising ‘news’ that Britain spied on Argentina after the Falklands war.
“But yesterday, when the Mail told how Snowden had not even read many of the files he carelessly released – an act which security officials say risked countless lives, and handed a gift to our enemies – the Corporation did not consider it worthy of a single mention on its website.
“Then again, with the BBC buying more copies of the Guardian than any other newspaper, is its Left-wing, metropolitan bias really still a surprise?”
The daily trials we face as we aim to Educate, Inform, or in extreme cases Entertain. #W1A returns Thursday 23 April, rewritten by Daniel Cohen & James Harding as the last series wasn’t quite hitting the comedic spot.
I may have edited a few bits for satirical effect.
Now I understand why the BBC ran with the Trans children yesterday.
It would appear that the BBC are desperate to promote leftie Derbyshires new program and they thought that this story was suitable as it hadn’t been carried elsewhere.
When Derbyshire was interviewed on the Radio 4 program “The Media Show” she was incredibly hostile and defensive, almost to the point of being aggressive and argumentative.
Turns out that there’s a deal of upset behind the scenes with people at the BBC believing the program has ‘hoovered up resources’ (denied by Derbyshire who is obviously sensitive), that there is no need for another ‘news’ program, and that this is not really a proper news program anyway.
Brendan O’Neill at Spiked! has a piece on this.. trend.
Not sure those who are used to getting their way on pet topics are quite being spared sensible counter-commentary they way they have been used to.
‘there is no need for another ‘news’ program, and that this is not really a proper news program anyway.’
Given it seems a vanity project backed by a production team with the same editorial integrity as all the rest, probably the case.
Seemed an odd one to kick off with, maybe for ‘effect’ to complement Louis T’s effort?
Not sure grown media types skulking around media obsessed ism-activists messing with kids’ lives to push agendas is ever going to have a happy outcome.
It’s been mentioned before on this site:
-just how often do Beeboids have to mention Labour first, in their daily Election news propaganda, to prove their ‘impartiality’? E.g. Radio 4 ‘PM’.
There is a variation.The Tories are introduced as making a proposal. Ha. Can’t let that go. Next sentence ‘But Labour says’ – in a tone which suggests that errors have been identified.
you just know when a radio 5 live or bbc presenter interviews a spokesman or woman from ukip the narrative and the tone of the interview will change to a totally anti ukip bias and scaremongering of there policies,people better wake up to the left wing agenda and anti ukip bias by the bbc and it is clear that they want nigel farage and ukip to fail,the only remedy to this is for everybody you know to get out there on may the 7th and vote for ukip,if not you will wake up to ed millband and harriet harman ruling this country for 5 years,that we dont want.
Yes, a good UKIP showing in Norwich North should see it turning from blue to red, along with many other potentially blue seats. But in the Labour heartlands a good UKIP showing will change nothing. If all the tactical voting in the world in a by-election did not shift Heywood it will not change in a general election.
I’m afraid vote UKIP means Ed should get in, probably with the lowest percentage of support from the total electorate in history.
Voters need to wake up, smell the coffee and vote for the least worst of the two realistic options for heading the next government, because despite all the nonsense on here about they are all the same, in five years time the outcome of the result of this election could be seminal for the country in moving forward or regressing.
We’ve heard it before – and all we end up with is more Cameron. more BBC and more cultural Marxism.
Let Cameron lose. Let the Tories realise their party will never regain power until it gives due regard to the voice of the conservative people of this country as opposed to just that of the ‘liberal elite’.
Very good point, Cameron aping BLiar, who aped Maggie. Return to basics, and the REAL British population will give you victory every time. It’s quite simple really, who want to stay as we are, we will allow some movement ” forward” but slowly does it captain, we are a conservative country ( arn’t they all ? ) no need to appease the loony left.
Absolutely spot on, the LibLabCon wouldn’t even mention immigration if UKIP hadn’t started to exert pressure in these past few years.
F**k Cameron – Mr Blairlite! Force the Tories to change so that they actually represent Conservative values again – and these are not gay marriage and a £+10 billion overseas aid budget.
It should make them get a decent leader, and I don’t mean a pro E.U. chancer like Boris Johnson.
If the choice comes down to Miliband or Cameron it’s between Old Labour and New Labour. Throw in the LibDems and its rather like the choice the Romans gave St Lawrence – to be boiled, fried or grilled.
Looking at the three old parties, Nick will give our country away while Ed will sell us out and Dave will sell us out for a better price (for his chums). None of those options is one I’m prepared to vote for.
Totally agree with you Mallard , but its more like ,” I would rather the Millipeed/SNP were ruling England than voting Conservative” ,its the Kippers or Nowt with them , but it will come back to bite them in the end . They will get nothing , it is stating the “Bleeding Obvious” as Basil Faulty would say .
Opening scene`s of Fawlty Tower`s spelled it in various ways .There is no long political strategy with Kippers , you may have no seats after the election . The Tory ones are on loan & will come back , ukip will have gone, once Farage stands down after the election .But Millipeed /SNP will soon be our Masters .
The Tory party is a dead man walking. Redwood, Bone, etc. only stay quiet now because they think Cameron will give them a fair referendum. When the feel the Size 10 in the teeth, they’re going to be pretty angry. Those sensible ones can merge with UKIP while Dave’s faction are already inseparable from Labour.
So you think the nation will be in the same state after 5 years of either?
A completely nanny big state racking up the national debt and extra public sector workers, or a leave people to get on with it, lower spending state, probably solvent on an annual basis, lots more private sector workers and healthy businesses paying their taxes.
Make no mistake this election is back to the future for sure with Labour and a good UKIP vote should see Ed in and, (if there are any) UKIP M.P.s an irrelevance, and lots of UKIP voters waking up four weeks tomorrow saying I did not vote for that to happen.
Least worst of the big two should be the (possibly unfortunate) choice for realists rather than dreamers.
Cameron as PM would not be quite as bad as Miliband, but he’d still be fudging and mudging over Europe and being timid about security issues re. Islamist terrorism.
I think he will hold the referendum as per the manifesto, but like Wilson 40 years earlier, he’d get the Labs and LibDems into the Yes camp.
Are you walking the streets, free of the secure institution you were consigned to, post-sectioning, due to an administrative error, or have you escaped? Either way, I think we’d all feel safer if you returned from whence you came, soonest.
And your adoration of Nigel has not gone unnoticed, but he’d like you to be informed, as gently as possible, that he is already spoken for, thank you, and he wishes you a speedy recovery.
The BBC, on behalf of their beloved Liebour, have been splashing the headline around all day about Labour’s proposed non-dom rule, which was essentially written on the bag of an envelope last night.
Unfortunately for both the BBC and Liebour, it’s fallen apart lol
Did anyone see the BBC drama last night Ordinary Lies? It glamourised a story line of a Northern man grooming and having a sex with an underaged school girl? Isn’t that a bit insensitive considering events in Rotherham recently? To make things worse they’d cast a man of Asian origin as the groomer!
I’m still waiting for the BBC to report on that lying scumbag father whose vile daughter ran off to join ISIS. Remember how they gave this disgusting cretin airtime to propagate his foul lies and crocodile tears during which time he blamed all for his daughter’s little magical mystery tour. If I were in power I’d deport him immediately alongside every other ISIS-supporting scumbag that infests our land.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
They just can’t help it can they?
BBC R4 Today programme as part of it’s electioneering describes how Labour’s plans on non-dom tax are ‘all over the papers’. We are then treated to headline quotes from the Guardian, Independent, Mirror and Times. So the whole range of newspapers eh?
Just to point out how selective this is, here are UK newspapers ordered by January 2015 circulation with the BBC picks marked by *
Title Circulation
The Sun 1,978,702
Daily Mail 1,688,727
*Daily Mirror 992,235
Evening Standard TBA
Daily Telegraph 494,675
Daily Express 457,914
Daily Star 425,246
*The Times 396,621
i 280,351
Financial Times 219,444
Daily Record 203,725
*The Guardian 185,429
*The Independent 61,338
So, that’ll be the BBC ‘getting it about right’ again.
The BBC Today Programme at 8am this morning was breathless in its enthusiasm for Labour’s headline-leading Nom-Dom ‘story’. It’s absolutely clear to anyone with even a sliver of doubt that the BBC is now in full-fledged Labour electioneering mode. We hear it on The Today Programme and see it on Newsnight daily.
That the BBC should cast all pretence of so-called ‘impartiality’ aside to become Labour Election Campaign HQ is revealing in and of itself – but who would have imagined that the misappropriation of millions of license fees would be quite so brazen, quite so transparent?
Still, that pesky Charter renegotiation must be weighing heavily on the Politburo’s mind – with Special Ed already having made clear that he presents no danger to the BBC’s annual £3.5bn tax grab, the Corporation is going hell-for-leather now to ‘nudge’ all its viewers and listeners towards its preferred election outcome.
Absolutely shameless. Absolutely inevitable.
Currently it’s the top story on the BBC website. I wonder what
Labour press releasenews story the BBC will lead with tomorrow?Sorry, reported in error (bloody phone screen)
Yes – at 07:35 or so, Ed Balls canters into the studio, all pleased with this little jape, gives a five-minute Party Political Broadcast with almost no interruptions from BBC reporter (Nick Robinson ?) – apart from one question which completely stymied Balls for about 4 or 5 seconds (I know – when was the last time Ed Balls ever stopped raving away in an interview like that ?) when it was pointed out to him that non-doms multiplied during the last Labour government whilst he was in power. He eventually waffled something about a £30k ‘tax levy’ wasn’t enough to stop them….no follow-up from the Beeboid, like – “so you admit your last policy failed – what makes you think this one will work well for the UK ?”. He also completely ignored the point that he had absolutely no clue whatsoever how much the new policy would bring in, and simply threw out vague numbers like ‘hundreds of thousands, perhaps even billions !”. For heavens’ sake, get a clue BBC, it was waffly garbage like this the last time Labour were in power, and look where that got us.
So, at 08:10, the prime, 10-minute ‘Today’ slot, did we get any real discussion on the topic – nope – we got one Lord Paul (until recently a Labour Peer, who now considers himself ‘non-affiliated’, apparently) a heavy Labour donor and personal friend of Gordon Brown, who came on, surprise, surprise, to support the two dick-Eds. Hmm – would this be the guy who only rescinded his non-dom status to preserve his seat in the House of Lords ? And his view was that the new Labour policy would prevent corruption by non-doms who gave money to political parties out of tax savings they made from their non-dom status. Cue bold Beeboid who says – “So, you admit that you only gave up your own personal corrupt ways when your Peerage was threatened ?”. In your dreams ! No such thing, he was simply allowed to go on and say exactly the same things again, but was then ably abetted by the Beeb’s own Mr Peston, who spent a few minutes of the 10-minute slot re-iterating the Balls position, before he conceded a half-hearted nod and half a sentence to any sort of critique of Labour’s stance, i.e. “The conservatives say….”
Then, as noted above, we get an Education Minister to discuss the new testing regime, designed to test whether the £500 additional funds per pupil to secondary schools, given to support pupils if they have failed basic numeracy and literacy problems when leaving primary school, has been at all effective. But hey, that’s not going to be allowed to be the topic here, the Beeb interviewer wants to talk about ‘unqualified’ (i.e. no formal teaching qualification, but certainly qualified in their subject matter) and ‘rising’ classroom sizes – i.e. anything but talk about the government’s education policy announcement – and then it’s off to the races again, with half the interview allotted to questions about Labour’s non-dom policy, which she’s probably only just heard about, and is not the appropriate spokesperson to ask – but, the BBC were on an agenda-driven trail this morning, and getting the right opposition spokesperson to speak to was not going to get in the way of the BBC be-Labouring Mr Balls’ little ‘wheeze’ – which may not even raise a bean in tax revenues, and certainly won’t help children failed by the teachers who can’t even get them to read and write half-decently in 6 years of schooling.
There you go – a Labour candidate, a Labour-donating peer who probably can’t stand anyone else getting non-dom status since he was forced to give his up, and two Beeboids who were both so far up Ed Balls’ fundament they could have played with his tonsils.
Couldn’t be more neutral than that, now – could you ?
And, of course, I meant to write about Mr Balls’ vague figures ‘….hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions’
Oh dear, his vagueness even got to me this morning. 🙂
what they meant was ‘all over their papers’.
Humphrys referred to the Mail and Telegraph as ‘Tory papers’ before reading out their headlines.
Funny, no similar political attribution for the Guardian or Mirror – ever, that I can remember.
Funny, that.
Actually, I hardly think that the Mail has been friendly to the Tories these last five years – they’ve not been aversed to giving them a good kicking (unlike the completely tribal Labour supporting Guardian).
Remember that we found out, from Leveson, of the close relationship between the Mail’s Editor and Gordon Brown.
Off now to The Paperboy to see if any missing headlines fell into the ‘we didn’t have space for stuff that doesn’t suit the narrative’ category.
Speaking of which….
Those two won’t play well with the other two in the triumverate.
Probably best not to mention. Professional courtesies and all.
And other Ed has promised the licence fee is golden, so no letting professional integrity interfere with sensible conflicts of interest.
In the spirit of balance…
Norm with a ‘Labour says’ that they probably wished he didn’t mention.
Be interesting to see who came up with what scoop when.
And what all those satirical programmes scriptwriters are tucking into once Lord Hall Hall, James Purnell and Danny Cohen have cleared the topics to be covered.
Well the Morning Star is out , so On The Whole We Think We Got It Just About Right .
Have I missed something? When did the Conservatives leave the election race? Because for the last two days the BBC six o’clock news has been full of Labour – by 6pm each day I expect a balanced reporting of the day’s campaigning from ALL parties. Is that too much to ask?
If I was an Aussie I would be proud of this guy, and yet the BBC would recoil in horror and call him an Islamophobe..
The BBC would say this is what you get with a UKIP style immigration system.
Sofa sloths serious face time .A WHITE police man has been arrested in America (I don’t live there why do I care) for killing an apparently unarmed BLACK man.
It’s fairly clear now that the long-term stability of this country – in its current guise – is being intentionally jeopardised. The reason for which is presumably so it can be ‘refashioned’ for some group’s benefit.
Prepare for change people, since what has come before cannot continue now. Who knows what comes next but it won’t be a smooth journey for many.
Well you know why…The Beeboids are creaming their pants in mouthwatering anticipation, of the forthcoming aftermath, where-by legions of blacks and leftists go looting and burning, in many an American City.
These luvvie fckers are charging tens of millions of households in the UK £145 so they can, inter alia, stoke-up racial tension and cover-up child sexual abuse.
When faced with an outrage, nothing eases the pain like a shiny new flat screen TV.
I saw this screamed out this morning on the BBC Facebook page.
Interestingly, the comments almost universally panned the BBC for irrelevance and/or stirring race tensions, as the headline was about as in your face on relative colours as it could have got.
In a world of several billion, what propels a person killing another person to BBC ‘news’ status, and how they do it, is quite amazing.
Totally disproprtionate BBC coverage compared to, say, the rape, torture, slaughter and general ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East.
I heard about this on the radio this morning. From that, I believe the cop is actually going to be charged with ‘murder’.
But why does this become headline news in the UK ? It’s not as if, in the US, black people have given up killing others (black or white) or that white people have given up killing other people, or even black/white people trying to kill cops. It’s more of a non-story….. and would normally be lost in all the murder cases in the US, and all the cases where police are involved in shootings…..
That is, until you hear this referred to by the BBC reporter in London along the lines of‘…another case of a black person being killed by a policeman… (conveniently forgetting the eventual court outcomes of the cases he’s alluding to)….. and then the BBC reporter fundamentally encouraging riots locally in the US ( with all that entails), by asking leading questions of an American on a phone call to the Beeb like ‘…and what are people feeling this morning ?…. anger, outrage ….?’, and ‘are they ready to march in protest right now, later today….. ?
The BBC – trying to create the ‘news’ in line with its own agenda, abroad as well as here. It thinks it has a white cop ‘bang to tights’ on this one, so it’s trying to conflate all the past events, and to hell with any actual judicial system which says they are wrong, they are going to create their own, ‘peoples’ courts’.
Love the permatations and combinations Viz
black people killing others (black or white)
white people killing other people
black/white people trying to kill cops.
I understand if you were fully inclusive and had included the other bit you wouldnt have anything to write about ie
Cops killing unarmed blacks.
Since youve never heard of that before theres a been a bit of a stir in the US about a disproportionate numbers of unarmed blacks biting the dust of late. Need to keep up I suggest and perhaps train yourself in objectivity. You may be less biased in the future.
I know here’s been a number of cops defending themselves recently against ‘unarmed’ blacks trying to kill or maim them – and in the due process of law, some of these thugs have been killed themselves, and the cops have been tried and found not guilty of anything.
Cry me a river – objectively !
And, just in case you are unaware, objectively, there are a disproportionate number of crimes committed by black people in the US, and specifically a disproportionate number of violent crimes – hence there’s likely to be a disproportionate number of ‘unarmed’ blacks ‘biting the dust’, as you put it. And some people have decided to try to take the law into their own hands, and rioted. There’s objectivity for you.
Oh, and while we’re both here, I’ve been attempting to find out from you a link to the book you have referred to on more than one occasion as being able to provide an insight into the working of the BBC. You have cited ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’, published by Abramhis. You may well have replied elsewhere, but not that I can find. Any search on the data you give turns up nothing. The only conclusion I can draw, without some evidence that this book exists, is that it may well be an internal BBC document. Any better information ?
manonclaphamomnibus, you nob-polisher, really, why do you post here? Which Uni are you a product of, I think we should be told (Southampton, my alma mater) You have way too much time on your hands, trolling. Any funding you care to disclose? (me, UK govt pension)
The BBC loves it when one of their campaign issues comes up. This time it’s a shooting in the US of a unarmed black man by a white policeman, so that ticks all the boxes. A tragedy certainly, a crime maybe, for those involved and affected, but the most important story IN THE WORLD? Really, I mean seriously really?
Sad to say other news websites seem also to be jumping on this bandwagon, not just BBC.
Helen Mirren lectures us on several subjects whilst pushing her new film. Yea thanks for that..who are you again?
You mean saying lines someone else has written and getting your tits out in the 80s doesn’t qualify you as a political commentator?
Errrr no, a bit like people who sing songs. Did I tell you all I met Bob Geldof once/
Did you give him your fekkin money?
No I most certainly did not. It was in a night club in Berlin 79-80ish. The band had just played somewhere I hadn’t gone and was in the club with a mate. The rest of the band were OK. Geldof just blanked us and was wandering around I assume waiting for someone to recognise and fawn all over him.
Early days yet but, on the face of it, it looks as though this one may have legs.
What I object to, however, is that it will be used to cast doubt on previous shootings where the policeman has been vindicated: “Yet another shooting by …. etc”.
Works both ways.
The default witch hunts no matter what may mean that if there is a case to answer, ‘cry wolf’ inertia applies.
Though given the scale of the US outrage industry that is unlikely to be allowed to happen.
Oh No , not another case where a policeman walks up and shoots a random black man and then there’s a complete cover up .?
Limbering up for it’s turn to host the Scotland Debates after ITV will the BBC
a) copy STV with a random but representative studio audience?
b) do a Question Time and select from who applies, checking that they are not pesky Tories or racist UKIPers?
Tricky one eh?
Can Nicola Sturgeon win over the UK? –
Puff piece for the SNP (who ironically were threatening recently to take control of the BBC in Scotland to prevent anti-SNP bias!).
Ms Sturgeon is attracting increased attention south of the border. She has sought to portray herself as an ally of like-minded politicians outside her home country.
She can seek to portray herself however she likes, but she is no ally of any British politician who loves the United Kingdom.
She wants to break up our great nation and siphon off as much of the national wealth to Scotland as possible.
A YouGov poll conducted in March showed Ms Sturgeon had a higher UK-wide net approval rating than David Cameron, Ed Miliband or Nick Cleggr
Erm, could it be that the approval ratings are as high as they are because most people south of the border know very little about her (and therefore don’t have strong feelings one way or the other)?
Her performance won plaudits elsewhere. In the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland wrote the SNP leader “will have had plenty of non-Scottish Labourites nodding approvingly’
A left wing journalist sings the praises of an anti-austerity politician. Colour me shocked!
The article lists some SNP policies that many people will find reasonable. What they don’t tell us is that, if Scotland had got its independence, the SNP would have kept Britain’s oil but walked away from Scotland’s fair share of the national debt!
“That’s why my message to those of you watching in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is one of friendship.”
…as the wolf said to the lamb.
The BBC has not explored the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Ms Sturgeon is trying to increase the chances of a coalition involving the SNP by making it more palatable to the British public.
Ms Sturgeon has already made it clear that her role in any Labour/SNP coalition post-election would be to move Special Ed and his motley crew ‘further towards the Left’.
With the BBC, for its own existential reasons, already deeply committed to bringing it about, let’s avoid the complete and utter disaster that would befall this nation should the horror of a Labour/SNP coalition emerge on May 7th.
Shame that wavy Davey can’t stomach a deal with UKIP.
Markets spooked by threat of Labour-SNP coalition, economists warn –
Funny how the BBC forgot to mention this in their article…
How is she going to do that then. I think you are assuming a lot. In my opinion Labour is the only party with an economic program that is capable ,for sound reasons as opposed to ideological ones, of turning the economy around.
There maybe lots of folks that disagree in which case they can quote evidence that demonstrates austerity economics actually works. Perhaps you could share your insights with Greece, since it seems to be doing so well there!
Good grief – the austerity programs, to an extent, actually WERE working in Greece, which had got its economy into an unbelievable, and downwardly spiralling mess – probably even worse than that caused by Brown/Balls/Miliband in the UK. It’s just that they didn’t like the cure for the self-inflicted situation – a bit like junkies. So they want to go back onto a binge again funded by everyone else – a bit like so many junkies when they have to face reality. Now thy are having to track back on so many of Syriza’s election policies that they’re probably going to have to have another election soon, because the current Greek government is not running on its manifesto at all, but is rowing backwards like mad.
And as for Labour’s financial acuity, we actually have a track record for Labour Party economic policy, and especially with the Brown/Balls/Miliband troika. Two years of managing our economy well (because Mr Brown was following the previous Conservative Government’s economic policies, and not his own) Mr Brown kicked off a spending spree – eventually believing his own, and his party’s, rhetoric that he was ‘The Great Big Clunking Fist’ and that he’d eliminated Boom and Bust from the UK.
Actually he’d become a great big clunking idiot, and he and the two Ed’s, between them, had driven us to the brink where, when the world crisis arrived (and he’d been warned about his follies for years), our economy went straight over the cliff edge into the longest and deepest recession we’ve had in modern history. That it has not been full resolved yet is a classic example of how far into the mire Labour got our finances.
MOCO – You wearing those Socialist Rose tinted glasses again:
“Labour is the only party with an economic program that is capable……… of turning the economy around.”
You mean like the way they trashed the best EVER economic circumstances inherited by any UK Government (EVER) in 1997, returning a chronic bust, recessioned and deeply indebted economy, (one of the most indebted in the whole wide world), to the Coalition in 2010? Remember “There is no money left”?
Or are you referring to the 1979 Labour legacy to Thatcher of the sick man of Europe, not long after Dennis Healey was queuing up behind Zimbawe at the IMF for a bail out?
How much debt do you want to hand over to your grandchildren?
Re Gordon Brown you may benefit yourselves if you look at the figures rather than being self absorbed in your rhetoric. Government borrowing was coming down after 2005 and in fact the UK was in a better position than most at the time of the banking crash,which was a worldwide phenomena.George Osbourne agrees with this assessment and you can verify it on YouTube it with the words Osbourne select committee . The current troubles are therefore due to the uncontrolled banking sector much of which remains unregulated worldwide.
National debt is another thing entirely.In all probability we still carry paper from the South sea bubble. The indisputable facts are if you have growth and preferably inflation then borrowing on gilts,which are at an all time low, can make the government money. So leaving it to our grandchildren ,definitely not. By following austerity we will leave a lot worse since there is not a shred of evidence that austerity economics inflates economies.
This isn’t left wing it’s just very basic economics.
Re Greece the point I was making was if you lift yourself up from denigrating individual EU countries and look at the bigger picture the Eurozone is unworkable.It always has been. Capital flows take a natural course in an economic system guided by the desire to make money. Lending to Greece was just such an imperative. Had the mechanism of devaluation been in place then each debtor nation could rebalance its economy against creditor nations. In the case of the Euro this is not possible since no mechanism exist.Which is why Greece and others will not get out of a jam very soon.Again none of this is rocket science or left wing. My personal opinion is that this situation will ultimately cause the Euro to collapse.
All very good except it should be remembered that Cameron is the one trying to break up the UK. I seem to remember that arch anarco syndicalist communist left wing muslim loving fascist liberal reactionary revisionist aka Gordon Brown was seeking quite reasonably to keep our Nation together.
Furthermore an endorsement of anti austerity does not necessarily imply an endorsement of a particular individual or party.
Indeed since there is no evidence that austerity encourages economic growth ,endorsees of the position are clearly anarchists,
economic vandals or just simply ignorant of economics.
the austerity programs, to an extent, actually WERE working in Greece, which had got its economy into an unbelievable, and downwardly spiralling mess
You havent got a clue have you! Look at their GDP figures an educate yourself. You are about as clever at reality as you are science. Greece has not got itself into anything. The Euro is holding both debtor and creditor nations(Germany) in economic aspic. Without fiscal union Europe isnt going anywhere. Thats the reality. Greece would be fine if it had its own currency. It could then devalue.
You sound like a mental patient.
Yes, let’s go with ‘sounds like’.
Yes – he’s laughing at his own post.
So Greece was forced into the debt position it now holds ? Yeah, right!
Greece would be fine if it had its own currency ? Hmmm… yes, because it could then try to drastically devalue its way out of the debt mountain it has itself created over the years. But the debts will still be in Euros, not drachmae, so they won’t go away.
In the meantime, Greece would become a land of peasants and poorly-paid holiday industry workers, because anyone who had an ounce of sense will, or already has, moved their Euros out of Greek banks, refusing to have it converted to the equivalent of the mark in the Weimar Republic. That in itself will be far from creating a strong and vibrant economy.
Oh boy, you really must do some reading, and thinking, and not in the Lefty drivelbases you seem be so intent on replicating
‘Greece has not got itself into anything.’
Greece spent £300 million cooking the books – sorry, on its financial proposal which clearly proved it met all the convergence criteria – to join the Euro.
It was laughingly accepted by Germany and the rest who couldn’t expand their grand political project fast enough.
Germany then lent Greek banks loadsamoney.
Greek banks then lent loadsamoney to its citizens to spend on big, shiny German 4 x 4’s, Miele washing machines etc. The there was the corrupt and useless tax system which made tax evasion a breeze.
ALL their own fault, aided and abetted by the rest of the Euro crims, but especially Germany.
Tsk, even your beloved BBC knew about it.
Sorry, link:
Hey that’s a pretty accurate description of Gordon Brown, in the main – (well, I’m not so sure about the muslim-loving bit.) When did you waken up to reality ?
There is plenty of evidence that austerity stops you whirling off down the plug-hole. The alternative, as espoused by the Labour party is to get ourselves further into debt. Oh, that works well, let’s see, in Greece – past masters at doing that for years. And don’t give me this crap about borrowing and spending wisely creating growth. Spending on non-productive features creates debt growth, not economic growth – and employing a million additional public sector workers, whom you cannot lay off after a short period, is not spending wisely – it’s storing up current and future debt.
Labour governments, like most socialist governments know how to spend – usually other peoples’ money, because Brown and Blair, for instance (take a look at their finances) are doing quite well, thank you, after almost ruining our country completely.
And as for your claim that people actually trying to get us out of the mess that those you support got us into are….anarchists ? Yeah, right – just like Mr Brown abolished Boom and Bust.
Omnibust would like to see yet more debt piled on younger generations then in a later post will no doubt go on a rant about…..the intolerable amount of debt that will have to be paid back by younger generations, all the Babyboomers’ fault etc.
Another case of LLDD – Lefty Logic Deficit Disorder.
BBC 2. Broadcast 8th April. ‘Back In Time For Dinner’
Where do I start? How could a family food programme of today descend to 1980’s Agitprop?
35 minutes into this programme the mood changed drastically. It was now 1985. Cut from sampling expensive haute cuisine in a recreated 1985 restaurant….
The male head of today’s family and called Bernard wistfully says, ‘I wish everyone could have eaten like this’.
Flashes of the 1985 miners strike are played with the hit ‘Two Tribes Go To War’ being played.
It turns out that Bernard’s uncles were striking miner’s. He wasn’t a miner but he helped the ’cause’ by wearing the badges and putting money in the bucket when it was passed around.
We are told that others were struggling to put food on the table. They had been on strike for a year with no pay(!) and no benefits. And for ‘some’, things were ‘getting desperate’.
Bernard and his wife recreated a starving miner’s family meal called ‘Tatty Pot’. It comprised dumplings, vegetables and meat. There was almost a tear in Bernard’s eye as he recreated the culinary hardship. It was after all, what people had to eat back in the 1950’s they quipped whilst shaking their heads.
(Cut to video of 1985 miners’ soup kitchens).
His wife comments that when you’re hungry you are angry. And says she is so ‘humbled’ by the dumplings menu (??.
Not once was ‘fatcher mentioned. But you knew what the angle was.
The programme then moved on to the ‘Big Bang’ and greed.
Ah, well…
Haven’t seen the 80’s program yet, probably won’t watch as the family featured are just typical of the lefty metropolitan types the bBC just loves – middle aged couple called Brandon and Rochelle? Ffs!
The woman is a whingeing feminist who has somehow made it into her mid 40’s without knowing how to use a can opener and zero recollection of her formative years in the 70’s. She also thinks its her husbands duty to cook the meals, hating her time in the 60s and 70s. Just surprised they didn’t use a mixed race couple.
Typical bBC rewriting history fodder, that bears little or no resemblance to those that were actually there, we didn’t all live off Vesta Curry’s in the 70’s….
When the family sat down to eat the ‘Tatty Pot’ meal of dumplings, meat and vegetables, Brendan and Rochelle winced as they chewed on this meal of hardship and activism.
Strangely, their teenage daughters enjoyed the concoction and voiced their approval.
But, the poor lasses weren’t ‘there’ in 1985 and could not sympathise with the horrible hardship that this tasty and nutritious meal evoked of those divisive 1980’s. Brendan used the word ‘polarised’.
I, too, was saddened to see some lefty “support-the-miners-strike” element inserted into what has been a most interesting series so far. The struggles with both sorts of tin-opener were amusing, but how praiseworthy that the wife has clearly never resorted to tinned food to feed the family. She should be highly commended!
Not seen these but Vsta Curry brings back memories. In the 60s my Father used to buy one once in a blue moon. I was allowed to taste it now and was horrid.
‘His wife comments that when you’re hungry you are angry’
Sounds like the next Snickers TVC is pre-destined. Who to play the schizo?
“Mr. McGee, don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. “
“Fatcher” was mentioned, a little earlier than the dumplings part.
The usual line of her “Controversial” policies was of course mentioned…
On a side note, the striking miners were pricks, the entire thing (battles with the police and being on the breadline) was totally staged, I have that from the horses mouth(s), Union activists from Atherton & Leigh, it was all about getting Thatcher and the Tories out, plain & simple, and ably assisted, of course, by the BBC, to quote union members who I have spoke to, face to face, “The BBC were lapping it up, eating out of our hands”
And it would have worked too, if not for that pesky Falklands thing.
BBC ‘Today’ program with John Humphries is interviewing a Tory Minister about non Dom status:
Labour are going to abolish non Dom Status, why didn’t you?
No they’re not they’re just tinkering around the edges and are only going to limit the time non Dom Status applies
Labour are going to tighten up the rules on Non Dom Status why didn’t you.
We did queue list of ‘tweaks’ which Humphries proceeds to nit pick over.
What he didn’t seem to realise in his zeal to attack a Tory was that he had de facto conceded that Labours so called abolition of the Non Dom Status was exactly what critics were saying about it tinkering around the edges !
I’m trying not to pay much attention to the Election “promises”
It’s not good for my blood pressure I well remember the “EU Referendum Promise ” now who made that one ……..Blair 2005 ……Cameron 2009. So if any of them say the Sun is shining and the clock says midday , I’ll still go out and check.
Ahh the Labour EU referendum promise. Mrs Dave & I went to see our local MP when the Lisbon treaty reared its head. First of all he had no idea what the Lisbon treaty was. Then he told me it wasn’t a treaty and there would only be a referendum if it was, a treaty that is.
Again even if the tories win I’m not holding my breath on a referendum.
Jeremy Clarkson to host Have I Got News For You in a fortnight –
In what other organisation would you get sacked for thumping a colleague one week, and be invited back a couple of weeks later?
I thought the whole idea around being sacked for gross disciplinary misconduct was that it was permanent dismissal. Otherwise, it’s a mockery.
He was not sacked. bBC did not renew his top gear contract. Typical beeb
Really, Mockery of the Week would be the more appropriate relaunch vessel.
HIGNFY an interesting one for JC to accept. The chair is as disposable as the guests, as it is there to serve the Hislop/Merton pincers.
Angus D. did not survive. Jimmy C. almost didn’t but pulled through.
I wonder if Mark ‘Nibbler’ Thompson’s proclivities will come up, or will that have fallen at the comedic hurdle that is the latest DG’s desk?
It will no doubt be re-edited to make Clarkson look stupid.
Sue Perkins favorite to replace Clarkson –
I so hope she gets the job!
For the last few days every single main headline on the Al Beeb news website has been what Liebour are going to do after the election etc, etc. During this sensitive period, is there meant to be some kind of balance at the BBC?
By the way, the ‘new’ BBC news online site has been made to look different. All I can see is the Labour red banner on the top has been broadened.
Also does the picture with the BBC news headline today, Wednesday, remind you of something?
King Kong with a Burka?
I can only agree. Even used as I am (as we all are) to the BBC’s flagrant bias, this election’s coverage has been almost beyond belief.
The BBC just doesn’t even try to hide its bias any more, does it?
It doesn’t have to. It knows no-one is going to enforce it. Least of all the Tories.
When I wrote to the then Prime Minister’s Blair’s office to say he had been treated unfairly by the BBC , the PM’s office did complain to the BBC because my letter was then re-directed to the Chairman of the BBC ( Mark Thompson ) at the time . But then he sent it to Head of Complaints for answering where it should have gone in the first place!!!
The BBC nearly stumbled into a bit of impartiality when Humphrys went momentarily off-piste while “interviewing” Balls about the Labour non-dom policy on Today. Humphrys asked Balls about the results of the existing non-dom annual one-off charge. Balls agreed that increases in the charge had increased the tax take. Humphrys then asked why not just raise the charge since it’s simple and effective. Obviously Balls did not expect this one and there was silence over the airwaves. Balls eventually gave a non-answer: Humphrys – back in line – didn’t pursue.
“…The BBC nearly stumbled into a bit of impartiality when Humphrys went momentarily off-piste…”
Humphrys does that sometimes. It’s just a vestigial memory kicking-in of what it once used to mean to be an honest journalist with some integrity. It comes, it goes. Nothing to worry about – nothing that a quick visit down to ‘Political Reorientation and Narrative Enforcement’ can’t cure.
Complete bias on your part. You should go back and listen because youve just made it up. Write notes if you have to. Balls did not give a non answer which is why Humprys didnt have to follow up.
He actually gave a shite answer……….which Humphrys didn’t follow up, but would be normal Humphrys ceaseless interruption fodder when interviewing a Tory or Ukipper.
Peston “analysed” the Labour non-dom policy. His “killer” argument (in Labour’s favour obviously) was a tweet by ex gaol-bird and serial gobshite Duncan Bannatyne in which he not only favoured the Labour Party proposal (natch) but claimed non-doms were hurting domiciled entrepreneurs. No “some say”, no “but the Conservatives say . . “, just a straightforward assertion delivered by Peston in Labour’s interest
That’s all part of a long running feud Bannatyne has been having with James Caan, when they were both on Dragons’ Den. As P G Wodehouse said, it is never difficult to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.
Good point: “some say” the personal is the political which for Bannatyne – and Peston and the rest of the BBC mouthpieces – is evidently true.
You obviously must be a rich non dom who wants to freeload over the rest of decent hardworking tax payers. FYI however all sides of the house support this move in varying degrees. Contributions like this say lot about the nature of the ‘British Culture’ which you people say you want to preserve.
The fact is that the more Companies offshore the less chance indiginous enterprises can compete. The less revenue generated means services such as health will collapse and ultimately productivity will fall faster.
Radio 4 billing ‘Lives in a Landscape’ as people rebuilding relationships in Rotherham with the impression to the casual listener that this is about the Paki rapists reaching out to apologise and perhaps build some bridges. Of course not! The program is about the local rugby club helping those local people who are in the main white.
SNOWDEN, Beeboids and National Security.
Hypocritically, Beeboids censor this:-
“How Snowden helped three terror groups:
“Al-Qaeda linked extremists said to have changed way they communicate after leaks by the traitor.
“Al-Qaeda linked networks have altered tactics since Snowden stole files.
“He stole intelligence files from GCHQ and US National Security Agency.
“He fled justice in US to Hong Kong, then Russia where granted asylum.”
Read more:
“Snowden’s clearly an anarchist and traitor.
“Those who endorse him are just as dangerous.”
Read more:
With all due respect, I’m not sure Max ‘Hitler’ Hastings (as he was once known) is someone we should take very seriously.
Snowden undoubtedly is a traitor. But I can’t help wondering if some of the people he snitched on were every bit as much traitors themselves.
Max Hastings.
Private Eye might have been a better source. Particularly during the years when Hastings was at the Telegraph.
Read it and weep
BBC foreign news coverage has slipped into a quasi-official advocacy role agitating for foreign aid. That’s now clear on a macro level. The following is a disquieting example of how intervenetion can go wrong on a micro level….
Here BBC reporter Michael Downey intervenes personally in the lives of two Syrian child street beggers. Although he is carefull to tell us someone else phoned for an ambulance. He chased that ambulance. Humanitarian efforts only get them a beating, gets them arrested and probably lands them in further trouble with their begger gang master. Well done Michael for being there to report for us. Trouble is, our bleeding heart Michael seems to be proud of such illconceived actions. Well it gave the BBC some copy and Michael gets his pay cheque.
agreed, its a full-on political movement these days financed by a media tax. The medium is the message.
After pinning the roundel on Malala, the BBC’s record for posting copy and moving on oblivious to what’s in their wake (unless more copy can be spun from tragedy) is not exactly great.
How IS message lures Western women
I have to confess, those pictured don’t look very, er, Western to me.
you’re not watching enough bbc ‘news’.
Lincolnshire Men and Western Women, eh?
The next generation of Beach or Pet Shop Boy hits is inspired.
Interestingly no-one – not the BBC
propagandistson-air commentators nor the Conservative Education Secretary (WTF does she know about tax – or education for that matter?) noted one probable result of this policy. This is not that in return for not very many tax pounds we will see an exodus of non-doms. It’s that in reviewing their plans non-doms will view London a bit less favourably and decide not to base themselves – and their businesses – over here.As an example: the massive Greek shipping industry is effectively based in London in part due to the tax advantages accruing to its non-dom owners who live here. This creates non-trivial benefits of skilled employment directly and huge indirect benefits via service industries based here. The next generation of Greek ship-owners, instead of remaining settled in or coming to London, will reassess other financial centres for settlement: New York, Hong Kong or anywhere really.
Accordingly changing the non-dom policy puts at risk quite enormous benefits to the UK economy: well in excess of any tax amounts raised. However the BBC doesn’t believe that consideration of such issues is an appropriate use of its analysts’ time. Rather it prefers to concentrate on how the Conservatives will counter this “master stroke”. The BBC’s conspiracy with Labour will ruin us all.
I think that degree of subtle understanding is a bit too analytical for the BBC’s ‘analysts’. BBC ‘experts’ may like to pose as informed business insiders, but few of them have any real experience – beyond taking shorthand from party spin doctors.
there was me thinking Steph McG was a former captain of industry, serial entrepreneur and the toast of the city.
London is a centre for shipping regardless of the non dom status of owners. I think linking the two is a little disingenuous.
Please read what I wrote. I’m not talking “shipping” – I’m talking Greek shipping as an example. That industry is owned by a few very wealthy families. Those families have lived and worked in London for generations while maintaining their domiciles in Greece.
Even so, and looking more generally, as the “rich” or probably more important, senior decision makers in or using world-wide service industries generally (eg shipping, banking, insurance) – which are, for the time being, solidly established in London – move or base themselves outside the UK there’ll be an effect on London alright: and it won’t be good. But, hey, as long as you and Labour and the BBC are happy with a so-called “fair” tax regime which will raise an extra pittance, who cares? Only that skilled UK well-paid workforce servicing those industries who will lose their jobs (or whose jobs will migrate abroad) and the rest of us who will be taxed to kingdom come to make up for the inevitable shortfall caused by envy and stupidity.
You chose the right word there ‘envy’ – the basis of so much that socialism tries to pass off as ‘compassion’.
Although I want to put a another point
We could just be a tax haven for everyone else , or we could ~ by having the will ( and tax policies) be doing the jobs and businesses ourselves .
The BBC’s role is to push Labour’s war against the wealthy and stuff impartial and meaningful analysis.
bBC: have been airing the GP letter news. The letter is organised by a Dr Clare Gerado, who is a Labour activist. She claims she is not an activist, but one) she is the person organising the letter; two) she uses the excuse thats she is combating the business letter. She is not a business woman she is using this as a specious cover.
Clare Gerado is very much a Labour activist and regular attender of Labour Party conferences; she is married to Sir Simon Wessely the Beeb’s favourite psychologist when they want a quote. Clare is very much the Beeb’s first choice when they want a GP’s quote as she used to Chair the Royal College of GP’s. I have no idea who took over from her as she continues to be the first choice spokesman (I know that expression would annoy her) for the Beeb.
For Beeboid supporters of Snowden and Assange-
“Why the liberals who defended traitors like Snowden and Assange should look at this photo and admit: We were deluded fools.”
(Jan, 2015.)
Read more:
I do not know about other regional services, but BBC LookEast news always has an item saying how bad the NHS is now. Sometime it is quite old news, sometime not really true, but they have to have a piece of Labour Propaganda somewhere near the start of the programme.
Watch Anglia News or Meridian News on ITV HD instead then, I do.
Same here – i reported this a fortnight back when it all started in the SW regional news – you would think the NHS here is collapsing like a pack of cards – endless headliners citing a selected patient on how they have been mistreated – it’s an agenda I don’t see on ITV regional
Labour Party ‘nom dom ‘ status blows up in their face as Balls says he will not abolish it, mearly ‘ tinker ‘
Oh dear, bbc on message more than the leadership !
the Jewish Chronicle had a new Survation poll of British Jews, suggesting a large majority of British Jews would vote Conservative in an election tomorrow. Voting intentions were CON 69%, LAB 22%, LDEM 2%, UKIP 2%.
No wonder the Fascists hate them so much !
I didnt think UKIP had a policy on Jews.That comes maybe after they take power!
Their policy is that the Jews are UK nationals, no greater, no lesser than anyone else.
They will certainly treat them better than SNP members treat English residents in Scotland and far better than the Labour supporting members of the religion of peace do.
April 8, 2015 at 2:03 pm
“I didnt think UKIP had a policy on Jews.That comes maybe after they take power!”
That may be your most moronic and offensive comment yet. Well done.
Don’t you mean the policy show by the followers by the “Religion of peace” when they take over in a few years time courtesy of entryism via the Labour Party ?
I for one would not want to be a Jew in the first Western European country to have a Muslim majority government. Would you ? Will it be like when the National SOCIALISTS took over in Germany ? When they raised 3 DIVISIONS of MUSLIMS from Bosnia. Who committed WAR CRIMES against the JEWS.
Do you have a short memory? This was pointed out to you by myself and others recently, not that you responded to us in any shape or form.
One word for you pal, no two, bloody TROLL.
This poll of voting intentions of Jews is even more surprising – because traditionally Jews are socialist and vote Labour. Having a nominally Jewish leader for the Labour Party would make a Labour vote by Jews more likely. The fact that Ed cannot even garner the Jewish vote tells you something.
Ed has wrapped himself in the Palestinian flag – as well as the EU flag. A consequence of jumping onto bandwagons.
The EU is a bandwagon is it? As for the Palestinian issue Israeli has garnered widespread condemnation over the theft of Palestinian land and their continued evasion of International Law. Even Jack Straw,a Jew himself, likens the Israeli Government to Fascists.
Jack Straw is NOT Jewish, an MP for Blackburn ? you shmock.
‘As for the Palestinian issue Israeli has garnered widespread condemnation over the theft of Palestinian land….’
And how did the ‘Palestinians’ find themselves in this unholy mess in the first place?
And wtf does ‘evasion of international law’ mean?
Pray tell your views on The. bombing of Yemen by the Saudis ? Does it not count that Muslims bomb Muslims ? Children killed by Muslims obviously in your world doesn’t count. PRATT.
Lets hope Fabian Hamilton gets the boot in Leeds NE. Obsessed with his bicycle, a unilateral nuclear disarmer and wants all the lap dancing clubs closed down, but not a word on the pogroms taking place at home and abroad.
I have said it before on this site, the definition on an anti-Semite is some one who hates Jew’s more than is necessary. SARC.
[comment deleted]
And how long since Foot & Benn died ?
Oh! … Bunny 😀 …
back from cringing behind the door with the UKIP Diversity Cabaret, when someone wanted to ask you about, frightening children on their Sunday lunch?.
… “I m gonna get you Farage”? …
get you 😀 eh! … Bunny
The above threads, starting with Foot and Benn, were in response to a Tourette’s-ridden rant about the death of Maggie and revolution, by our resident she-troll.
Orphaned posts again?
You lefties treat her as though she is immortal .
[comment deleted]
La belle Corée du Nord vous appelle.
Nice bit of sarcasm.
She made my don’t do as I do, do as I say socialist father in law into a home owner.
The BBC (News & World; often identical) FaceBook feed this morning was an education in what happens when you have too many staff with too much budget and too little professional judgement. In addition to the WHITE vs. BLACK racial wind-up attempt, what they figured was news was a treat, especially reading the comments ripping them a new one (like they care)…
BBC World News
This man hated Australia so much he posted himself home
With diagram.
BBC World News
Rahul Gandhi is back. And so are the memes
Of course, the memes have it.
BBC World News
A South Korean activist launches copies of The Interview into North Korea.
And the balloon goes up.
BBC World News
What’s it like to conquer Everest?
Featuring… a young lady who may be Keira Knightley. Well posh. And that’s about it. No poor rough oiks for BBC World. Except the Sherpas who lug their stuff (not featured).
BBC World News
China’s Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang retires
Hold. The. Front. Page.
Oh, and this from domestic…
BBC News
“To vent such stupid, naive comments beggars belief”
Many commenters wondering what the BBC obsession with Kate Hopkins is.
Guess she’s going to host HIGNFY soon? Danny will be so proud.
And to think she lead the Conservatives to three election victories by democratic means. If people think that she was a witch and still lead her party to three victories, what does it say about her socialist opponents, eh Bunny? Not much different to todays socialists in my book, all of them brain dead and dangerous to society.
I had forgotten about her , until Bunny reminded me .
She will live on , courtesy (!) of the left .
I notice that recently BBC on-line seem to have shaken off News Sniffer tracking of their report updates – I’m guessing a happy by product of technical changes made by the BBC?
Does anyone out there have any insight into this?
UKIP seem to be unable to find a way of stopping the current drop in support.
The Aids approach just seemed to polarise views without gaining any ground. What Farage needs is some real ideas on tax and allowances that mean something: just leaving the EU won’t solve the bedroom tax issue. He needs concrete policies to appeal to a big constituent of natural voters who are going back to Labour
Down here in Margate I’ve never seen so much activity by the other parties. Labour who were wiped out of Kent last time think they can consolidate their vote and squeak through: Farage is not making any ground in working class areas but the pensioner belt. The Tories are standing as a more moderate UKIP but really need Labour voters to switch.
I’d still give Farage the edge here, but it’s not going to be the resounding victory we all hoped for at present.
Hold your nerve! The Mail is just a propaganda rag for the Tories. They want to make Kippers fear their voted will be wasted. YouGov polling is internet-based, so under reports UKIP support. Check out ukpolling:
Last: Populus’s poll has topline figures of CON 31%, LAB 33%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 15%, GRN 4%
The anti-UKIP propaganda is relentless, but some of us would vote for Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Benny Hill before we would vote for David Cameron.
There’s a good, honest analysis of the situation here:
‘What Farage needs is some real ideas on tax and allowances that mean something: just leaving the EU won’t solve the bedroom tax issue’
This is unbelievable. You are saying you are gonna support UKIP and yet you freely admit they have no policies yet (apart from the one). You clearly have not a clue about the basics. This election is only about one thing Economic policy. If you dont understand that and are too disinterested to find out you shouldnt vote.
When an established people are threatened with being overrun, a policy of fighting for survival is perfectly adequate. Nevertheless, others regularly list the UKIP policies (I never bother, for I know you’re just employing the ‘tell it often enough…’ technique). for one, take the policy of support for grammar schools. Labour strangled grammar schools fifty years ago. We’ve had long enough to see how it worked out. Students arrive at university needing remedial English and Maths. Seems it worked out well.
Yet again, you express frustration that those who don’t think like you are allowed to vote. Tells us all we need to know.
Totally biased report of Nigel Farage’s morning on One News. Rent-a-mob were out again and the Beeb simply broadcast the standard template ‘UKIP in disarray’ story. Scumbags.
UKIP were always going to get this from the media and the other parties. I think their vote is solid and will hold. Anyone voting UKIP decided to do so a long time ago.Wait and see if I am right.
Agree and I still maintain that many professionals, especially those working in the public sector will not admit their support for obvious reasons.
I believe the MSM and LibLabCon know this, why else would Cameron be asking for them ‘to come back’ if UKIP support is ‘apparently’ waning anyway?
Social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others.
In the recent election in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu achieved above what the polls had predicted. However, in France, Sarkozy seemed to win at the expense of Marine Le Pen. She was going for a really high percentage. Hopefully UKIP can resist the ‘Go to bed with Farage…’ scaremongers.
Probably because they are professionals and you arent. Try reading the open letter from the Doctors regarding the damage inflicted by that useless crackpot Lansley on the NHS.
I wouldn’t assume too much if I were you.
If this woman (?) is typical of those doctors that signed the letter, I wouldn’t let the lefty Common Purpose quack treat my dog, Guardian? agenda? what agenda?
I love what she’s done with her hair. I notice the BBc has lots of people with this style of haircut. I call it the “I cut it myself” style, on. I sometimes wonder why that might be.
‘Probably because they are professionals and you arent.’
So professional they oppose collecting payment for treatment from foreign health tourists telling us they ‘Are not the government’s border guards’. You know what, given as it’s the poor old taxpayers who have to pick up the tab for their liberal largesse, I’d call that rather arrogant – and just a tad political.
There was an investigation by a TV channel I really can’t remember which channel into how ineligible persons were obtaining free medical evidence from as far as I can recall buying NHS Numbers.
Produced by a Labour Activist of course and signed by dozens more in the loop.
That ones easy, Cameron/No 10 Tories are just liars.
They’ve lied barefaced about absolutely everything else, do you think their going to stop at UKIP?
On UKIP, the press (in Tory pockets), the enemedia is set against them … but truth has a habit, of popping up at the most inopportune moments, and Mr Farage
won t go quietly anywhere, so next will be diminishing the oxygen of publicity on real policies, and upping the smear angle.
“Enemedia” love it, I’ll be borrowing that 😉
Looking at that latest poll, LAB + GRN = 37%, CON + UKIP = 46%.
Left 37%, Right 46%, but the LAB vote is staying stubbornly solid while the Green vote is collapsing, and a solid LAB vote means 5 years of Millipede, Harperson and Balls-up.
Therein lies the danger of a split non-socialist vote.
I don`t normally agree with the Clapped out bus conductor, “Where`s Blakey “,but he is right about kipper polices , there is only one policy . You think voting Kipper will be a return to the 1950`s ,it won`t. Voting kipper will definitely put Millipeed /SNP in power . But most of you just can`t see it ,but you will soon find out , it will be like living in Communist East Germany .
Hmm Just wish a better team would form up around Farage to kick back at all this Not sure if he is the problem or no one pushing to help but he seems to be coping for a awful lot of crap with no back up , I live in red Wales so my vote will be wasted but UKIP would most likely have got my vote as the local Tory’s are just well? one man and a very bored dog of a party here !
He has good people around him but the press never report anything they say – unless they can make it into a “UKIP split” story. When any of them get on broadcast programmes they do well – and are usually then shouted down by the “rent a gob” audience.
Try looking at their policies. They certainly are in disarray.
I’d quite like to know what you people are going to do about the fact that in years to come immigrants will have out bred the indiginous population. What’s your answer?
I’d quite like to know what you people are going to do about the fact that in years to come immigrants will have out bred the indiginous population. What’s your answer?
Reminds me of the question Keynes was asked: ‘What are the implication for the British economy in the longer term?’ Keynes replied that, in the longer term, we’re all dead. If you want to get an idea of the likely outcome, you could read ‘The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire.’
It will be a new situation and one that has not occured before in a settled industrial European nation. Especially in a country as long standing as ours.
It will inevitably lead to strife. Up to and including civil war. Which is why a true conservative ,caring for the future generations, always has opposed large scale immigration.
I suggest you start to look at where the frontiers of a balkanised England will be drawn. And make decisions accordingly.
The ideal world of the liberal., that world of the desires and a belief in the perfectibility of human nature rather than the real, will not countenance such an eventuality.
Prudent men will also consider leaving. Sadly this is my inevitable option. After many generations my family will have to consider leaving our valley.
What will happen to England I cannot forsee but there will come a time when we, the old English , will have to leave and leave quickly. If England cannot be as we have always shaped it then we must go.
Does this make you happy? Maybe it does. The liberal is a strange creature.
I always suggest we read Homer particularly closely. All human life and human frailties are there. A pitiless view of reality and our world. Forget the machinations of the Gods and concentrate on the men and the women of the tale. They are us and always will be.
It will end up like Yugoslavia. There will be blood. That is the future our politicians have bequeathed our poor country.
Adopt UKIP policies.
What just the one?
Well Labour only have one.
“We hate those who are rich, those who are clever and those who are successful.”
Also: “We hate those who represent the forces of conservatism, so we’ll rub their noses in diversity, and in so doing, gain a few million grateful Labour-voting immigrants.”
while a lot of Labour MPs are millionaires.
All ‘earned’ from the public purse.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news. ….”
I asked him to expand on that statement as it would be very interesting to get his learned view on the problems of BBC news.
”in years to come immigrants will have out bred the indigenous population. What’s your answer? ”
Deport them.
And take Omnibust with them as he loves them so much.
It all depends if the immigrants believe in bettering themselves by working hard and becoming productive members of our society, as after all, the USA, Canada and Australia were built by immigrants.
But if OTOH those immigrants believe in bettering themselves merely by sponging off welfare, then it’s time to make this country less attractive for them.
USA, Canada and Australia are large countries and were closer to a blank slate, we are not.
Sorry, but I don’t want to live in a branch of Pakistan, hard working or not.
Again, the USA, Canada and Australia employ points systems to weed out ‘undesirable’ immigrants.
The other blunder in post-war Britain was to try and shore up declining industries such as cotton by importing cheap labour from Pakistan. Many mills shut down in the 1960s and 1970s due to cheap imports from Asia.
Now the unemployment rate among Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the mill towns is well above the national average, many of them do not wish to abandon their ghetto mentality, and we’re left with a massive recruitment pool for jihadists.
Given none involved are really a major concern of mine beyond what they can inflict on me and mine, the latest BBC ‘Spats with the Nats’ remains one to view from a nearby hill whilst enjoying an Easter picnic.
I’m sure there was more than something, but has the ‘vicious abuse’ ever been specified, or does it remain under lock and key chez Beeb towers, along with details of a ‘fracas’ enough for the rozzers to find nothing for them to bother with and the main perp back on the roster PDQ?
Have to admire the call for ‘restraint’ from social media users, which I suspect will be engaged about as well as a plea from Hugs or Mary on high imploring the BBC peon levels to ‘just behave’. Or a Flokker here to get their head around their rather variable standards of acceptable dialogue depending whether on broadcast or at receiving end status.
But nice memo, Don M. This treating with respect thing… a new precedent, maybe? Time to all gather again in the forecourt sporting brown cords and Tena for Seniors in a show of support?
…and, of course, the BBC will be telling all of its employees that, in the spirit of respect and restraint the Beeb want others to show, BBC employees can no longer say what they like about anyone else and then simply hide behind the usual get-out clause, namely….
‘….this tweet is mine alone, and has nothing to do with the BBC ….#BBCusername ‘
Nah, thought not.
(Just a note – I am personally totally against the actions taken by the usual knuckle-draggers in Scotland – but I am also totally against the BBC’s hypocritical stance on issues like the one I mentioned. If employees of most other organisations tried this sort of stuff, no allowance would be made, the employer would be held responsible for stopping it.)
INBBC ‘report’ (readers can fill in the missing words)-
“Dudley man jailed on terrorism charge”
Some background on ‘diverse’ Dudley-
“Terrorists responsible for 7/7 bombings attended lecture in Dudley”
A non-INBBC report-
“Dudley man jailed for pro-Jihad letters in touch with Abu Hamza and killers of Lee Rigby.
“The son of a former mosque leader who was in regular correspondence with some of the world’s most feared and violent terrorists has been jailed for nine months.”
Two separate gangs of Pakis beat up a white man & two women in Bolton. BBC report? Nah don’t be silly – the brown eyed boys haven’t done anything wrong in their eyes.
Hi, Thoughtful. Just a point, if I may. You are normally quite respectable to people, and I know, for instance, you would not use pejorative terms against other groups (such as the disabled, for instance), so it is a pity that you somewhat let that position down in referring to Pakistanis as you have above.
Would you have such an issue if I referred to Australians as Aussies? To British people as ‘Brits’? Or to Americans as ‘Yanks’? If not then you are not treating people of different races in the same way, and that is the legal definition of ‘Racism’ !
I know loads of Pakistanis and not one of them views this as a pejorative, so I have to say to you that this is an oppressive judgemental and racist construct which exists in your mind & alas in the mind of several oppressive Fascists who view language as a tool of their authoritarian and oppressive politics.
No, because I know that Aussies don’t mind being called that, and even call themselves that, as do the ‘Yanks’, and I know of no ‘Brit’ who takes offence at being called one either, and it is a term used by themselves.
But many Pakistanis do take offence at being called by the name you called them, and especially in the context of a negative article you were pointing to.
What is the point of effectively offending so many when adding 5 letters completely removes that offence ? And, as for calling me a racist, and comparing me to a fascist, well, that’s just so much over the top and completely without basis.
But, if you have to use labels like that in your arguments, with no good reason, then I guess it says more about your attitudes than mine.
Sorry if you take offence Richard but just to put thelid on this, I see no reason why I should show any respect at all to a number of young men engage in a racist crime in which they beat two women up, and a young man.
As you say I don’t normally use such words, because I hopefully have something called manners which seem in themselves to offend those on the left as they are a class marker.
I also find it extremely annoying that the left have decided that certain words must not be used, yet refuse to say they have banned them, like the so called ‘n’ word which now has been revived with a new meaning, but which the left cannot accept. It’s a form of control, political and mind control exerted over people who have no say.
Fair enough, Thoughtful – but, just to be clear, I wasn’t talking about showing respect to the bunch of thugs who carried out the deeds in the article mentioned in your post.
No real harm done, I’m sure we both feel we’ve been insulted before, and we’ll both feel the same way again. Sometimes things turn out that way. Good of you to post.
Also, just to be clear, I agree with your sentiments about the creeping constraints of political correctness, for instance, where some, just as you say, mainly from the left of politics, try to shut down any discussion about certain issues, declaring the situation to be ‘settled’….i.e. to allow no argument with their position, even with facts,
I agree Thoughtful, but ease up on richard D a bit.
Abbreviation of Pakistani … one can assume
Reminds me of a conversation I had with the Al BBC morning inquisition, actually over Prince Harry s use of that very term, some snotty Beebot told me, its racist, I disagreed.
Said Beebot then asked if I would ever use the word n-gger?, I said no
… then increasingly irritated Beebot proceeded to inform me that’s the same, an abbreviation of the word negro.
I succinctly reminded them that was impossible, as n-gger has more letters.
… suffice to say, the phone got cut off 😀
Black people call themselves the word starting with the 14th letter of the alphabet.
‘Paki’ is a perfectly acceptable abbreviation for Pakistani and is widely used by Pakistanis themselves, along with ‘Pak’ (there are plenty of shops in Bradford, Luton, Birmingham etc that call themselves ‘Pak Grocers’ or ‘Pak Supermarket’). Where it becomes unacceptable it is when it is used with a derogatory adjective, such as “dirty Paki” or “filthy Paki” or similar, in which case one can reasonably assume that the person using the phrase wishes to cause offence or be disrespectful.
Many of the slighting terms (e.g. the N-word, the P-word) are acceptable only WITHIN the confines of their respective communities.
Thus, African-Americans may use the N-word when talking among themselves, but all the rest of the world must not, and a similar case seems to be developing with Pakistanis.
With Jews, things are more complicated. The word “Yid” is neutral when pronounced ‘Yeed’ to rhyme with ‘deed’, but highly offensive when pronounced to rhyme with ‘did’. Also a lot of Jews, especially the more secular ones, refer to themselves by the back-slang word “Wej”, though they have assured me that that term is neutral.
One unarmed black shot in the US, shooter charged with murder, is no longer the BBC misitw (most important story in the world) – so maybe the BBC has some shame.
Meanwhile for those who haven’t forgotten the 148 unarmed blacks murdered at Garissa I recommend the tributes at by a Reuters correspondent. Shame the BBC lacks the resource to cover much that happens in Africa. Much more important for the BBC to concentrate on the suffering of blacks in the US.
‘Shame the BBC lacks the resource to cover much that happens in Africa’
Not when the motivation is there. One dead chap and half of them were on the first A380 they could charter.
Several hundred up North daily, and they stayed well put round the pools. I think Ch4 did spare an actual investigative reporter or tow. Then they came home. Don’t think the black on black slaughter is easing much.
Maybe the BBC needs to run a sympathetic piece of disenfranchised police officers’ motivations?
Don’t be hard on the BBC, have you tried getting a skinny soy latte in Northern Kenya near the Somali border? It’s a nightmare.
But there must be some children there they could “play” with.
No matter which way you view this, it was out and out murder by a police officer, the man posed no threat whatsoever.
Yet to view it, and may not (not keen on snuff ‘news’). So I guess I will have to rely upon objective reporting of the justice system at play.
That said, ‘overseas law official shoots local’ is awful, but hardly ‘news’ here, is it?
The BBC obsession with certain places and certain crimes remains, at best, oddly focussed, considering this is the BritishBC.
Gearing up for commercial expansion in other lucrative markets, combined with pet buzz topics, may explain a lot. Doesn’t excuse it. And doesn’t excuse being VERY specific in headline terms between perp and victim when getting vague beyond reason when it doesn’t suit.
However, and I agree with you, the bbc has an obsession with black men being shot by white police officers. Multi kulti policemen in New York being shot by black men, little interest. White men shooting blacks down in the ole’ South, is gold every time. The obsession tells you more about them than about the US every time.
Was it murder? Have we got all the facts? In the past we’ve witnessed edited recordings, (what ever happened to that Paris Metro incident), false statements & facts that suddenly appear as the case goes on before the media drop it. Wasn’t he running away? Why would you run from the Police? . I’ll leave it to the court to decide but as I don’t live in America as I said before I really don’t care.
But darling, the US is soooo much more important to ‘them’ than ‘ Darkies’ in Africa. More chance of winning a media prize, more chance of a bit of free shopping in NY, lots of media helpful local resources, ( what the F… Is there in Northern Kenya for Christ’s sake ? ), no the needs of the reporters trump the needs of the locals every time ( likewise the Yemen ).
It’s almost as if the Beeb reporters, the white ones anyway, aren’t keen to go to a country full of blacks, and prefer to go where most of the police are white.
Shabana Mahmood’s car crash interview on DP today, hard to believe Labour have someone more inept than Balls, like Warsi more positive discrimination and tokenism in action.
It is quite special, as it appears is most of the gabbling babes in the Labour ‘hood. Non-dom students earning a fortune. Huh? The woman is simply programmed to spout BS.
Andrew Neil sure as heck going out with a bang.
Maybe the strategy is to throw a couple to the cybernasties and garner a ‘must be doing something left’ counter.
Good to see the ‘you say lots, hundreds of people, one person say… name one…’ response being used more to great effect.
Because… it is the right thing to do.
Yeah, but no, but yeah, but….
The way it’s going the Tories could simply run footage of Labour Shadow spokespeople ‘explaining’ their own policies instead of PPBs.
Is there a single one capable of mustering a brain cell, much less a coherent argument?
Andrew Neill is impartial so untypical of your BBC political journos. He rightly gave the Tory a hard time also, but was rightly easier on the more reasonable Lib Dem.
Funny…if it wasn’t so frightening.
Errr Ummm Errr Ummm. Well well look. Hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions. Well look err umm a number of people. Umm umm. Hundreds of millions.
Bloody hell she looks like a Jihad crankie who talks just like the Scottish one…..shite.
Shabana Mahmood seems a particularly good example of a female non-white wannabe politician elevated far beyond her pay grade by Labour (and let’s not forget the Tories have form in this area too e.g Warsi.) Mahmood is clearly bright (Oxbridge/barrister) but is out of her depth as a politician. She rattles on like a machine gun, spouting the party line on the topic of the day with little attempt to answer the question put to her. Highly irritating woman.
Radio 4 all in the mind
“Are you an undecided voter? Claudia Hammond finds out what psychology can tell us about some of the influences on our decision making in the run up to the election. Cognitive psychologist, Professor Colin Davis talks about his research on TV election debates and the influence of the on screen ‘worm’ used to show what a group of undecided voters think about what’s being said throughout the debate.”
The BBC have found that if they manipulate the worm in favour of one candidate, they can influence the way millions of viewers will vote, and that it is very difficult for viewers to discount this. The ‘expert’ interviewer said that the commons select committee said that they shouldn’t use the worm and all the broadcasters agreed – except one (guess which) who did broadcast the worm live.
This really is dangerous insidious stuff because it is impossible for any of us here to detect, if bias is present, and yet the implications for the outcome of an election is profound.
It is worth listening to on the iPlayer near the beginning of the program.
I see BBC Talkback was laying into the Loyalist community in Belfast over racist attacks. Of course, Republicans are never racist…. they just kill those they don’t like!
Coming back to the non-dom issue, even the BBC can’t tolerate Balls. Via Guido, Norman Smith – of all people – has crapped all over Labour by reporting this thereby showing up Balls and Labour for the truly stupid incompetents they are. In fact Guido generally itemises Labour’s complete disarray on this one.
OT, but here is the party leader ‘helping’ clarify…
Normally his every utterance is borne on gilded wings daily to an adoring public by all from the sofa tottie to Laura ‘he entered the room and it lit up’ K on twitter, so how all not on political desks (and aware of how a professional career liability can stick in association) treat Ed’s death spiral will be interesting.
He may well have ensured the BBC his support in return for theirs.
But he may not win. Which may not be the best side to be left on.
Beeboids: politically embedded with SNOWDEN.
‘Daily Mail Comment’ (scroll down)-
“BBC’s liberal bias.
“Last week, the BBC – so breathless in its coverage of the Edward Snowden revelations – excitedly reported that a laptop on which his stolen files had been stored by the Guardian was going on show at the Victoria and Albert museum.
“It also devoted airtime to Snowden’s unsurprising ‘news’ that Britain spied on Argentina after the Falklands war.
“But yesterday, when the Mail told how Snowden had not even read many of the files he carelessly released – an act which security officials say risked countless lives, and handed a gift to our enemies – the Corporation did not consider it worthy of a single mention on its website.
“Then again, with the BBC buying more copies of the Guardian than any other newspaper, is its Left-wing, metropolitan bias really still a surprise?”
Read more:
The daily trials we face as we aim to Educate, Inform, or in extreme cases Entertain. #W1A returns Thursday 23 April, rewritten by Daniel Cohen & James Harding as the last series wasn’t quite hitting the comedic spot.
I may have edited a few bits for satirical effect.
Now I understand why the BBC ran with the Trans children yesterday.
It would appear that the BBC are desperate to promote leftie Derbyshires new program and they thought that this story was suitable as it hadn’t been carried elsewhere.
When Derbyshire was interviewed on the Radio 4 program “The Media Show” she was incredibly hostile and defensive, almost to the point of being aggressive and argumentative.
Turns out that there’s a deal of upset behind the scenes with people at the BBC believing the program has ‘hoovered up resources’ (denied by Derbyshire who is obviously sensitive), that there is no need for another ‘news’ program, and that this is not really a proper news program anyway.
Brendan O’Neill at Spiked! has a piece on this.. trend.
Not sure those who are used to getting their way on pet topics are quite being spared sensible counter-commentary they way they have been used to.
‘there is no need for another ‘news’ program, and that this is not really a proper news program anyway.’
Given it seems a vanity project backed by a production team with the same editorial integrity as all the rest, probably the case.
Seemed an odd one to kick off with, maybe for ‘effect’ to complement Louis T’s effort?
Not sure grown media types skulking around media obsessed ism-activists messing with kids’ lives to push agendas is ever going to have a happy outcome.
It’s been mentioned before on this site:
-just how often do Beeboids have to mention Labour first, in their daily Election news propaganda, to prove their ‘impartiality’? E.g. Radio 4 ‘PM’.
Radio 4 PM.
Radio 4 Please Milliband more like.
There is a variation.The Tories are introduced as making a proposal. Ha. Can’t let that go. Next sentence ‘But Labour says’ – in a tone which suggests that errors have been identified.
you just know when a radio 5 live or bbc presenter interviews a spokesman or woman from ukip the narrative and the tone of the interview will change to a totally anti ukip bias and scaremongering of there policies,people better wake up to the left wing agenda and anti ukip bias by the bbc and it is clear that they want nigel farage and ukip to fail,the only remedy to this is for everybody you know to get out there on may the 7th and vote for ukip,if not you will wake up to ed millband and harriet harman ruling this country for 5 years,that we dont want.
Yes, a good UKIP showing in Norwich North should see it turning from blue to red, along with many other potentially blue seats. But in the Labour heartlands a good UKIP showing will change nothing. If all the tactical voting in the world in a by-election did not shift Heywood it will not change in a general election.
I’m afraid vote UKIP means Ed should get in, probably with the lowest percentage of support from the total electorate in history.
Voters need to wake up, smell the coffee and vote for the least worst of the two realistic options for heading the next government, because despite all the nonsense on here about they are all the same, in five years time the outcome of the result of this election could be seminal for the country in moving forward or regressing.
We’ve heard it before – and all we end up with is more Cameron. more BBC and more cultural Marxism.
Let Cameron lose. Let the Tories realise their party will never regain power until it gives due regard to the voice of the conservative people of this country as opposed to just that of the ‘liberal elite’.
Very good point, Cameron aping BLiar, who aped Maggie. Return to basics, and the REAL British population will give you victory every time. It’s quite simple really, who want to stay as we are, we will allow some movement ” forward” but slowly does it captain, we are a conservative country ( arn’t they all ? ) no need to appease the loony left.
Absolutely spot on, the LibLabCon wouldn’t even mention immigration if UKIP hadn’t started to exert pressure in these past few years.
F**k Cameron – Mr Blairlite! Force the Tories to change so that they actually represent Conservative values again – and these are not gay marriage and a £+10 billion overseas aid budget.
It should make them get a decent leader, and I don’t mean a pro E.U. chancer like Boris Johnson.
Labour = Country regressing
Tory = Country regressing
Hobsons choice! The recovery is a myth.
Labour = Marxist
Liberal = Socialist
Conservative = Liberal
If the choice comes down to Miliband or Cameron it’s between Old Labour and New Labour. Throw in the LibDems and its rather like the choice the Romans gave St Lawrence – to be boiled, fried or grilled.
Looking at the three old parties, Nick will give our country away while Ed will sell us out and Dave will sell us out for a better price (for his chums). None of those options is one I’m prepared to vote for.
I wouldn’t worry.
Lord Ashcrofts polls show that where UKIP is doing BEST the Tories are also doing best. The red kippers are staying UKIP.
Totally agree with you Mallard , but its more like ,” I would rather the Millipeed/SNP were ruling England than voting Conservative” ,its the Kippers or Nowt with them , but it will come back to bite them in the end . They will get nothing , it is stating the “Bleeding Obvious” as Basil Faulty would say .
Basil spelled his surname ‘Fawlty’.
‘Faulty’ describes your lack of appreciation of long term political strategy.
Opening scene`s of Fawlty Tower`s spelled it in various ways .There is no long political strategy with Kippers , you may have no seats after the election . The Tory ones are on loan & will come back , ukip will have gone, once Farage stands down after the election .But Millipeed /SNP will soon be our Masters .
The Tory party is a dead man walking. Redwood, Bone, etc. only stay quiet now because they think Cameron will give them a fair referendum. When the feel the Size 10 in the teeth, they’re going to be pretty angry. Those sensible ones can merge with UKIP while Dave’s faction are already inseparable from Labour.
24% of C2DE voters polled by TNS BRMB say they will vote UKIP.
16% of ABC1’s say the same.
Latest TMS BRMB April 9th Poll:
LAB 33% (+1)
CON 30% (-3)
LIB DEM 8% (0)
UKIP 19% (+3)
GREEN 4% (-1)
Liebour voters are not switching to Green.
It’s five years of Old Liebour Millipede then – as opposed to five years of Blue Liebour Dave.
We’re stuffed no matter what.
So you think the nation will be in the same state after 5 years of either?
A completely nanny big state racking up the national debt and extra public sector workers, or a leave people to get on with it, lower spending state, probably solvent on an annual basis, lots more private sector workers and healthy businesses paying their taxes.
Make no mistake this election is back to the future for sure with Labour and a good UKIP vote should see Ed in and, (if there are any) UKIP M.P.s an irrelevance, and lots of UKIP voters waking up four weeks tomorrow saying I did not vote for that to happen.
Least worst of the big two should be the (possibly unfortunate) choice for realists rather than dreamers.
Well said, loco man.
Cameron as PM would not be quite as bad as Miliband, but he’d still be fudging and mudging over Europe and being timid about security issues re. Islamist terrorism.
I think he will hold the referendum as per the manifesto, but like Wilson 40 years earlier, he’d get the Labs and LibDems into the Yes camp.
[comment deleted]
Are you walking the streets, free of the secure institution you were consigned to, post-sectioning, due to an administrative error, or have you escaped? Either way, I think we’d all feel safer if you returned from whence you came, soonest.
And your adoration of Nigel has not gone unnoticed, but he’d like you to be informed, as gently as possible, that he is already spoken for, thank you, and he wishes you a speedy recovery.
[comment deleted]
We’re addressing that particular oversight, as I write.
[comment deleted]
Tooting Popular Front, leader Woofie Smith ?
[comment deleted]
Turned up with a few qualifications from a college for the poor working class eh ?
The BBC, on behalf of their beloved Liebour, have been splashing the headline around all day about Labour’s proposed non-dom rule, which was essentially written on the bag of an envelope last night.
Unfortunately for both the BBC and Liebour, it’s fallen apart lol
In other news….
‘But without anything to say the only recourse for Reynolds was to ratchet up the atmosphere’
‘…the Trust’s members are not, to say the least, chosen democratically’
There’s a thing.
No, but… ‘unique funding’ means anything really goes.
Did anyone see the BBC drama last night Ordinary Lies? It glamourised a story line of a Northern man grooming and having a sex with an underaged school girl? Isn’t that a bit insensitive considering events in Rotherham recently? To make things worse they’d cast a man of Asian origin as the groomer!
Very uncomfortable viewing, although it was more the case of the 15 year old leading him on, so in the bBC’s eyes it was OK….
Boston Marathon Islamic jihad trial.
Three reports-
1.) ‘Fox News’-
(inc video clip)
“Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found guilty on all counts in Boston Marathon bombing”
2.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Boston Marathon jihad mass murder Dzhokhar Tsarnaev guilty, faces death penalty.”
3.) BBC-Democrat-
“Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found guilty”
Please sign this petition to abolish the TV licence. Maybe then we can get on with our lives in peace.
PS Over 76,000 signatures already!
Much to my surprise I hadn’t signed that one. I have now.
I’m still waiting for the BBC to report on that lying scumbag father whose vile daughter ran off to join ISIS. Remember how they gave this disgusting cretin airtime to propagate his foul lies and crocodile tears during which time he blamed all for his daughter’s little magical mystery tour. If I were in power I’d deport him immediately alongside every other ISIS-supporting scumbag that infests our land.