Polly Toynbee asks what being ‘European’ means…..
The reason so many hurl themselves recklessly at our rocky southern shores is because we are a haven of civilisation, where peace and law prevail, human rights are mostly observed, mercy is valued and murder punished.
Europe may lose that reputation if it becomes primarily a fortress, ignoring the age-old humanitarian lore of the sea that long predates human rights laws.
She seems to have no idea that those immigrants, coming in such vast numbers, and she of course doesn’t say when the tap should be turned off, will destroy what they value…..not just that ‘reputation’ but Europe’s very values and its ability to bring those values into being that created that reputation.
On Today (08:17) they are talking about one billion people in Africa now, and the likely prospect of rapid growth to 2 billion….and so many of them wanting to come here….things will get worse.
Such numbers will destroy Europe in its present democratic, liberal state that provides security, stability and welfare…none of which will be possible as vast numbers of people force their way into Europe and fail to integrate and achieve their dreams.
If Europe is that helicopter it can only rescue so many people, too many people loaded on board will bring the helicopter down.
Our Polly is not just another ignorant liberal. She knows something about Africa, having spent a lot of time in Rhodesia. And look how well that worked out for everyone. As the saying goes: Tomorrow lies close at hand in images of elsewhere.
The version I knew was painted on a wall on the approach to Paddington Station: FAR AWAY IS NEAR AT HAND IN IMAGES OF ELSWHERE. I have often wondered whether that was an original composition or copied from somewhere else. Peter Simple regarded the author as a literary equivalent of Banksy would be revered today, and called him the Master of Paddington. Do you know of some other source?
I’ve been watching with my kids a teen sci-fi called ‘the 100’, which just concluded season 1.
A few groanworthy aspects (it is a soap still), but also some gritty plotlines, especially on ethical dilemmas, not least on where the point comes when fluffy idealism slams into cold, hard facts.
And the bbc leads the pack in denial of realities.
In the real world, territory and control is how sustainability and order is maintained.
It was a BBC doco that framed this for me so starkly, about a family of tigers on an Indian reserve.
It followed the mother and 2/3 cubs as they grew. Awesome photography.
Oddly, despite usual experience, all the cubs survived (wonder if any factors helped with that?), and it made compelling viewing as they grew to young adults.
But… at the conclusion, harsh realities were alluded to but frankly then left vague.
The reserve is finite in area. An adult tiger needs a lot of territory to survive. Where once there was one there was four. The future outcome did not look to be as pretty.
Just a few days ago, a boat load of presumably devout Muslims, threw a dozen Christians into the sea, where they drowned, because the Christians they did not pray to allah, when called to prayer.
Are these the type of people we want in Europe? Once their descendents are a majority, will they throw our descendents into the “sea” .
Look at what has happened to Christians in any Muslim country.
How and why leftists are so ignorant, should attract major research funding.
An African solution to an African problem?
Holding her one-year-old daughter in her arms, Agnes Salanje said she faced death from attackers.
“We could have been killed as these South Africans hunted for foreigners, going from door to door,” Salanje, who was a domestic worker in Durban, told Agence France-Presse. “I will not go back. It is better to be poor than be hunted like dogs because you are a foreigner.”
– from The Guardian
And the view from the ‘elite’:
But Malema continued: “It is clear that the ANC government is losing control over society and now resorting to extreme measures in the same manner done by the apartheid regime. The crisis that confronts society is primarily a political crisis born of politicians who have failed to provide jobs for the people of South Africa, and who have failed to educate the nation on coexistence of all Africans, including socio-economic migrants.”
Wouldn’t it be easier just to set up an enclave in, say, Tuscany, where all these ‘mixing-pot maniacs’ could practice what they preach, and leave the rest of us our ‘homelands’?
I like Tuscany, despite Polly. Its just too cruel to create a colony of unassimmalable aliens in a beautiful region.
I think an immigrant colony in Sicily would be much better than one in Tuscany. It is not heavily populated, the beaurocracy can be stifling and some of the locals have a certain way of dealing with trouble makers, should there be any. Oh, and it is much closer to North Africa and an island.
The elite either knows nothing about human nature or it is lying as usual. Really not sure which listening to the likes of Toynbee. This matter will be dealt with by the ordinary people in the end. Such things always are and it will not be for the likes of the liberal elite to stand in their way.
I would have rather conservative realism had prevailed years ago but it was not to be. The elite aided by it’s useful idiots in the media/church/universities took a chance with fantasy politics and tried to deny human nature. The elite is despicable and will have real misery to account for in the end and that will include itself.
Polly’s a bit rascist isn’t she ? European values and all that . We British had values , when we were what we were , English have values , Scots have values , Irish as well etc etc . They aren’t all the same . The rest of Europe have values normally retained in their borders , as I sense when going from Germany to Austria .
The USA has values , so does Australia , and there is a thought that there will be an Anlglospere alliance of values in the world , which could funnily enough , not include Britian as we subsume ourself in the EU .
What does Polly think about Jewish values ? Her language about the unified people’s of Europe has more in common with thoughts in thirties fascist States than liberal minded Britain .
She’s claiming that Africa and Asia are uncivilised.
I am afraid there is what appears to me, a ‘con’ trick . Ie the ‘Cons’ leader has promised ships etc to the aid of the refugees but ‘not asylum in Britain’.
But as we all know , they will be put on European soil given asylum, and then we all know which way the will ahead, to the shouts of ‘go West young men’ from our so called European allies .
Lets get out of the EU.
I think young Polly is declaring her Guardian elite defined values (above any conservative English values that have saved the nation from destruction and war). She may refect the new BBC ‘Politspek’ for the EU Politburo stance. No surprise that the EU wants to banish entirely our English national identity – the EU that has no solution to the problem of mass immigration just more crisis. It will just get louder. ‘EU DECLARES WAR ON BRITISH CULTURE’… ‘Our beliefs set us apart from continental Europeans who throughout history have known nothing but centralisation and absolutism’.
…’ We want to deal with global challenges by co-operating globally, not being denied a voice and being dictated to by Brussels.’… Increasingly we are ruled by crises that are directly related to EU policies of third world appeasement for non europeans to dilute and distort the host nationality. It does seem to be all part of a master plan to destablise Europe from within aided and abetted by our sworn enemies which we are then forced to ‘invite’ (on benefits) as sharing our exact same national values.
Has anyone with a villa in Tuscany volunteered its use to house boat people, while the owner is away lecturing us about “Do as I say, not as I do” in the U.K.?
BBC editor to intern (possibly son of a Today presenter?) “We need an on message independent comment on a social affairs item”. Intern “I’m sure Polly will be pleased to pop over”.
Small point, that does not affect the thrust of what you are saying, but if referring to Polly Toynbee (if most BBC generic managers I retract) I believe she sold said symbolic albatross to tattered cred a while ago, probably after Littlejohn eviscerated her on it.
The location of the vast funds liberated overseas still remains a matter of interest.
A couple of days ago on BBC 5Live they were interviewing an Italian (?) official who stated that only a small percentage of those being rescued from the waters of the Mediterranean qualify as refugees. The rest are actually from countries not deemed to be a danger to their lives. And yesterday another spokesperson said that they are coming from all corners of Africa, many of whom have travelled through numerous countries to get to the north, in their desire to get to Europe.
Listening to Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme this morning, I heard a slot about the potential for a cure for malaria being available very shortly. As the programme highlighted, this means that (despite the fact that this ‘cure’ is highly inefficient at the moment), many millions of babies and expectant mothers in Africa, where the disease and its effects are most prevalent and deadly, will be spared from death by malaria than has been the case in the past.
Hmmm – I wonder if anyone has even begun to think of the effect that this will have on one of the areas of the world with (now) the least effective food production capabilities in the world, and one of the highest growth rates already ? In particular, has anyone thought about the necessary cultural adjustments (i.e. reproduction rates to maximise the number of children to look after the parents in their elder years) that will be necessary to prevent a potentially much worse catastrophe than that brought about today by malaria ?
The law of unintended consequences potentially strikes again…yet we hear no cogent or critical analysis of the possible impacts of these ‘world-changing medical advances’.
And ‘some people think’ that the African/Mediterranean exodus crisis will be assuaged if we just let more people into Europe ?
Listening to Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme this morning, I heard a slot about the potential for a cure for malaria being available very shortly.
Slightly off-topic, but I bet the BBC didn’t go over the old DDT argument, being lefty environmentalists an’ all.
Rural malaria was a major public health problem prior to the mid-1940s, even in the United States. With the advent of DDT, the era of uncontrolled malaria ended, followed by decades of dramatic control or elimination of both urban and rural malaria. Unfortunately, those marvelous achievements were lost as countries complied with international pressures to abandon DDT and house spray programs.
Spot on. What we are seeing is the start of a Tsunami of African immigrants into Europe that will last for decades. Can Europe survive in any form that resembles Europe of say 1990 or 2000. I doubt it. White European birth rates are very low, immigrant birthrates are much higher and within a few generations there will be more non white Europeans than white ones. The arithmetic is undeniable, the consequences unknowable. To ignore this is PC to raise it is seen as racist.
Have any of these pro-immigrant twits* looked at a map of the World and measured Europe against Africa? How do they expect Europe to accommodate all the Africans into Europe with the crowded Europeans already there? There are many countries in the Middle East which have millions of square miles uninhabited, and are fortunate to also be rolling with money due to being luckily situated on some of the Earth’s largest oil deposits. Those countries could take most of the Africans and they also share a religion with most of these migrants. Win win.
* mis-print
Not only twits, Demon, but also winkers 😉
“They want the white man’s world but they don’t want the white man in it; but what they can’t fathom is that the white man’s world comes with the white man and leaves with him.” Unknown.
Another socialist prepared to give the migrants a home.
Don’t let migrants drown – blow the boats up before they set off.
If we have a Moderator on this site can you please censor this picture. It is offensive (and I’m not referring to the placard).
E.U’s political class (inc U.K main political parties, and Beeboids) are all politically campaigning to speed up the unlimited, open-door, mass immigration into Britain from Islamic and other countries of Middle East and Africa, so as to colonise the West, irreversibly..
British people, and those of Europe, have been put into this political nightmare crisis, where their societies are undergoing an E.U engineered conquest through enforced colonisation.
Two particularly relevant book on this crisis are, of course:-
“Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis”
By Bat Ye’or.
(‘Look inside’ for excerpts)-
Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints:
“Our civilisation is disappearing.”
E.U’s, and political left’s answer to mass immigration crisis into Europe and Britain?:
-Finance and operate bigger, safer ships to transport immigrants more frequently from Libya, etc, to E.U ports.
Not only to Sicily, but to London, Bristol, Southampton, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Cardiff, Dover, Liverpool, Hull, Newcastle, Leith, etc.
A demographic and politcal nightmare for Europe indeed.
i just dont get it , what do all the gays at the beeb think will happen to them under the sharia law they seem to crave
They keep on trotting out ” they are desperate people fleeing the danger and tyranny in Libya” and are ignoring the fact that a large percentage are economic migrants from Somalia and other failed African states. Why are these people never properly questioned regarding their motives for making the journey? The inconvenient truth is that they believe they will be given housing and benefits.
We are regaled by the Lefties saying that these migrants are nett contributors to our economy. If that is really the case give us the figures. How many are unemployed? Claiming benefits? Living off the Black economy?
Fleeing persecution or prosecution?
We certainly seem to attract more than our fair share of criminals.
Has anyone asked the question how many members of ISIS or other Islamic terrorists there might be coming into Europe hidden amongst these economic migrants?
Simply read
Camp of saints
Novel by Jean Raspail
published 1973
Total colonisation of Europe from Middle East and Africa (mainly from Islamic countries), via self-induced permament mass immigration is speeding up.
This political campaign for colonisation of Europe is supported by all main political parties and most of MSM (inc BBC).
‘EU Referendum’ has:
“Tony Abbott, telling us that the only way to stop the drowning is to stop the boats coming – and to offshore the asylum-seeker processing – as his country has done. However, Tony Abbott, the Australian politician, doesn’t understand that EU Member States can’t follow suit as long as the Charter of Fundamental Rights is part of the Lisbon Treaty. ”
“Asylum seekers: pull down the fences?”
And, in the United States-
“Middle Class wages decimated by immigration,
public opposition at record high”
“The Path to National Suicide:
An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism”
By Lawrence Auster
(90 pages, pdf)-
Click to access PNS.pdf
For Beeboids-
96-year-old healthy Christian grandmother brutally assassinated in the street after being stabbed by an Iraqi Muslim illegal alien”
For Beeboids-
“France detains three new suspects linked to alleged terror plot to attack Paris churches.
“Sid Ahmed Ghlam is suspected of planning an attack on a church in Villejuif, south of Paris and of shooting and killing a woman nearby.”