Today, Radio 4, Friday morning. If I hear the news start again with Ed Miliband will……’ I will scream. I then heard both Naughtie and Wee Dougie try to down play Ed’s future speech where he will blame Cameron for the deaths of the illegal immigrants drowning in the Med. I am not sure if it is the Today producers or the Labour spin masters that realised they had gone too far. Listen out for the scratch of the pens as Ed’s speech gets rewritten.
The BBC already did this to Prime Minister Tony Blair for other reasons. After his speech in Las Angeles in August 2006 the News at 10 political commentator said “this is what the PM meant to say …….”
“…will say…” isn’t this what we were subjected to for 13 years under the last labour government, with that awful man Alistair Campbell managing their propaganda machine. Whatever else is said about the coalition government of Mr Cameron, the sheer ugliness of labour’s manipulation of what passes for news came to an end. If they form the next government, it will begin all over again. The lies, the bullying of news channels and newspapers and the marxist indoctrination including organised violent demonstrations against anyone who steps out of line. Surely we haven’t forgotten already what the national atmosphere was like in the months leading up to the 2010 general election?
How did Peston’s analysis of the IFS’s party spending proposals miss this “fact”?
Ed Miliband would saddle every working family with extra taxes equivalent to more than £1,000, according to an independent comparison with Conservative plans
“Will say”. The BBC at its clairvoyant best. Why don’t they wait until it “has been said”, and report it as news, instead of predicting things which, as a result, may be subtly (or not so subtly) changed.
Yes & by running the speech through BBC opinion before it’s given they have an opportunity to fine tune it & iron out stupid gaffs. Pity the speech wasn’t what the press release the night before said, how could the Beeb defend that once it’s done!
If only they would wait until there is a fact to report – more likely we will get from the BBC in their broadcasts before long that ‘Labour will wish to say…’ in response to a Conservative proposal even more overtly than we do presently.
That is the way the BBC is going, embedding itself as a Left/Socialist propaganda tool.
Let the African immigrants come into Britain, all 800 million of them, give them the keys to the country and all 60 million British people move to Africa.
I’m going to take a wild guess, Britain would descend within, I don’t know, 5 or 10 minutes into Zimbabwe and Africa would flourish and blossom.
I have images in my mind David, of Africa, empty of humans, and the British people setting up industries and infrastructure and agriculture and within 10 years becoming a thriving, wonderful place, with good healthcare, good climate in most cases, and a magnificent area to play in, attracting tourists…..and the stupid africans clamouring to get back to their abandoned land now we’ve improved it……..such are idle dreams…..
In a way this has actually happened before: In 1787, the Continent of Australia was occupied by a 100 percent Black population. It also had the coincidental fortune to have been populated by White Convicts rather than Black Slaves, as the British Parliament was moving a motion for the abolition of the Slave trade in 1788, the same year of the first White settlement.
I’m not sure why Ed and the BBC have drawn attention to Dave’s “culpability” in Libya. After all, as he and the BBC are well aware “migrants” are basically future Labour voters to a man, woman and any “extras” they can get onto the voting rolls. This has been the basis and rationale of Labour’s immigration policy, certainly since 1997 and, indeed, since 1945. Labour cannot get over its disappointment that substantial numbers of English white working class (and I mean working) voters – since the 70s – have not retained the obligation to vote for it. Hence the import of more grateful and biddable voters and the proposed extension of the franchise to children.
The BBC never analyses or mentions the “why?” bit of the great Labour-sponsored immigration from the third world since 1997. Further, it deliberately ignores or, where it doesn’t ignore, dismisses the concerns of the indigenous population about non-EU Asian and African immigration. Rather, it concentrates on “cry me a river” reports from Southern Europe/Libya which morph into barely concealed advocacy for unlimited African immigration into the EU/UK.
Any BBC reportage on concerns in England about immigration concentrates on the EU bit and, even then, tends to deal with the working immigrants, not the host of EU-sourced and other parasites who abuse our hospitality. As things now stand, this is an open wound which the BBC keeps septic but it’s the bit that no UK government can do anything about absent leaving the EU. However, that dilemma damns – in the BBC’s eyes – anything which might stem the tide (particularly the UKIP suggestion of Australian-type immigration controls).
Whatever, the BBC campaign on behalf of Labour continues unabated – it’ll get worse (or better, depending on your political outlook).
It’s a a long time ago, but I recall thinking that his greatest crime was refusing to toe the common purpose line. From the Catholic Herald in 2010:
I think that the BBC’s coverage of Lord Black’s release disgraces the BBC; and that it is yet another little sliver of evidence for the subterranean existence of the heaving morass of hidden, and often half-conscious, assumptions which underlie all its supposedly “impartial” reporting of the world we live in.
Conrad Black’s name is at last being cleared
Convinced that someone at the bBC is pratting around with live link ups.
Andrew O’Neil was happily interviewing William Hague re Libya and the launch of the Tory English manifesto, with no detectable delay, yet as the interview went on the delay deteriorated, I grabbed my phone stopwatch app and on the last question the delay was 6 seconds!
The rule seems to be Labour uncomfortable interview = pull plug
Tory/UKIP interview = Build in big delay and make interviewees look stupid to the point of answering the question before last and thus taking away the impact of their response.
It is very irritating but Neil is the only BBC interviewer I admire.In the interview before Hague he laid into the Labour man re Eds non existent foreign policy interventions, even bringing up the Chilcot enquiry long delayed.
Re Eds speech,the map of the Med behind him where all those people drowned. How low can you go to win power.
‘I inserted my appointment letter, and the screen showed up a series of questions. ‘Have you got an NHS number’. ‘Yes’. ‘Have you lived in the UK for the past 12 months’. ‘No’. Both receptionist’s heads shot up, wearing a joint expression of horror. Presumably some sort of alarm had sounded deep in the bowels of the NHS computer. Argggh! That occupied the next half hour whilst they consulted the ‘Overseas department’ for what to do. Presumably anybody NOT entitled to NHS treatment would have answered that question in the affirmative and saved everybody a lot of trouble…’
Milliband having a go at Camoron for the Libyan/refugee crisis .
What the bbc won’t ask
Do you wish Ghaddaffi was still in charge there to stop the flow through Libya ?
If not what would you want the new rulers, if they were capable to do about people coming up from Africa ?
Stop them at the border , and deport southwards any found in Libya ?
Detain them in Libya ?
Allow them through onto the boats any hence beyond to Europe ?
Sooo, dose of VD is going down like … well.. . a dose of VD
Ah! … they just haven t got used to the Drearybyshire faux sympathetic sighs, and erm … oh dears.
At least on 4 in a bed, if one of the hosts is shite they say so
there and then.
Ah! Ratface Vicky the Salford Slapper” getting her comeuppance.
That is good news.
What the BBC still don’t get, is that girly shows about do gooding, being left wing and Islington doesn’t appeal to the “Loose Women” audience, who like gossip, fashion hunky men, and err, girly things.
You can’t class her as an accomplished broadcaster with gravitas, that’s for sure.
Do gooding left wing Islingtonians are out at that time of day at Costa talking loudly about the school fees, and how Jakasta’s internship withthe Tatler is going. Or they are busy do gooding.
Lucky she’s backed by ‘unique funding’ and the belief sets of all those £400kpa BBC mandarins, because in the real, commercial world, she and they’d be a laughing stock and out on their ears.
With the BBC they at least are in their ‘market rate’ jobs no matter what.
Just a thought: what are the odds that the news about Lutfur Rahman’s crookery will have disappeared completely from the BBC listening/viewing output by the weekend? It’s already been relegated to the “London” page of the BBC website where, we are informed, this ornament to the corrupt imported politics of the sub-continent is “mulling [a] judicial review”.
Didnt give us too many damning details of Mr Rahmans past or that he was previously a Labour party Mayor. But does quote from the Judge “This is not the consequence of the racial and religious mix of the population, nor is it linked to any ascertainable pattern of social or other deprivation.”
Although they seem to contradict this later with the Judge saying Mr Rahman had played “race” and “religious” cards.
And in the Beebs “Analysis” they seem less concerned about the state of democracy in the UK, but “How will the Bengali community in Tower Hamlets, many of whom voted for Mr Rahman, react? What will the judgement’s impact be on community cohesion?”
‘But does quote from the Judge “This is not the consequence of the racial and religious mix of the population, nor is it linked to any ascertainable pattern of social or other deprivation.”’
Oh, certainly yer honour. There’s absolutely no doubt that had Rahman tried this in, shalll we say, Cheltenham or St Albans, he would have been every bit as successful. The racial and religious mix of Tower Hamlets had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Given the number of BBC staff in Israel the complete absence of anything about Israel’s Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism followed by Independence Day is a little puzzling. Perhaps they were too busy disrespecting Australia’s commemoration of its fallen on Anzac Day?
The Today programme has a lot of time on ANZAC DAY this morning.
But today is NOT ANZAC DAY. It is tomorrow.
The BBC was following the lead of the Turkish Government which decided to have ceremonies on 24 April, today.
Why ? To drown out the fact that 24 April is the day the Armenians commemorate the genocide that started in 1915.
This morning – the Today prog hardly mentioned the Armenian genocide. Some tricky researchers and producers in there – favourable to Turkey because it is Muslim, or because it is bidding to be in the EU ?
Reporting anything that can be seen to be sympathetic or positive towards Israel is not part of the BBC agenda but it is far worse because Israel is not given credit for any of its remarkable humanitarian work and innovations that benefit the world. See weekly news at
I heard a typically unfunny R4 comedy programme at 11pm the other night (it really is a ghastly slot for comedy casualties). this one featured Punt & Dennis with their slant on the election. Is it really necessary during the election campaign? And why is the BBC so desperate to bring us a Charlie Brooker Screenwipe view if the election that they have to broadcast it the day before voting? are all these programmes produced with the BBC’s scrupulous balance?
“Are all these programmes produced with the BBC’s scrupulous balance?”
Did they recycle one of the BBC’s favourites, originally from the New Quiz presenter’s script, seemingly approved at high level for broadcast between 18.30 and 19.00 “It’s the Tories that put the “n” in cuts.”
Edgy comedy that, approved for broadcasting but removed from their discussion web site as it broke the rules when written down.
Vote Labour and improve this website!
The latest piece of spurious election ‘news’ from the BBC is that Labour constituencies are more likely to have faster internet than Conservative ones (see Still, those faster connections might be of benefit to Labour MPs and supporters when it comes to downloading dodgy pictures and ISIS videos.
Israel is actually the only country in the Middle East where the number of Christians has increased during the past 50 years. Not only was this not mentioned but it was also stated that it was the Israeli occupation (sic) that was causing Palestinian Christians to leave. Well, not totally – Christian Palestinians started emigrating from about 1850 onwards to escape the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which then controlled the place, often leaving for Chile and later other South American countries. Despite the occasional selective history, the programme was reasonably balanced by BBC standards. To whom, of course, Israel does not count, to answer Flexdream’s question.
When Israel and the BBC get together we expect and to a certain extent are resigned to major errors. In this case referring to ‘historic’ Palestine which to the BBC includes Jordan (at least on the map because it was never mentioned again) is an agenda-driven error. While not informing the audience that Bethlehem is part of the Palestine Authority, so arguably not occupied, at all is a failure in the duty to accurately inform.
However a more unusual error was to refer to the Druse as Muslim. They have their own revealed religion and from what little we know of it is definitely not Muslim. The Druse BTW are loyal to the state they reside in. For that reason Israeli Druse fight in the IDF.
Apart of Jordan and Israel (the site of most biblical Christian sites) the major omission was Egypt. The Coptic Christian in Egypt constitute the largest Christian community in the Middle East, as well as the largest religious minority in the region, accounting for an estimated 10% of the Egyptian population.
Does anyone have an idea why they didn’t even get a mention?
Every time I turn on Radio 4 (other than the news) the issues are BME or LGBT, be it drama or documentary.
I have the feeling that their audience figures must be plummeting as they are excluding at least 90% of the audience who like to feel occasional affinity with the subject matter they listen to.
I presume the commissioning editors orders are to prioritise these areas and they do as they are told, but wonder if the BBC has a known and public policy to this effect?
Sadly most of the programmes, like the World Service dross, lack any imagination and are almost Soviet in style.
(One exception last night was the programme on satanic child abuse in Hampstead.)
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has still failed to report either the arrest of an Algerian in Paris for attempting to carry out attacks on churches or the findings of the election court set up to investigate the activities of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman. The failure of the BBC to properly report the events in Tower Hamlets is extraordinary, bearing in mind that Andrew Gilligan has been exposing the Mayor and the Council in the Daily/Sunday Telegraph for the past two years. The reason why the BBC should have taken up this story is that the Metropolitan Police refused to investigate the matter properly, even at one stage threatening a complainer with being interviewed under caution. There was even evidence to show that the police made little or no effort to prevent intimidation at the polling stations. Furthermore, the Electoral Commission were noticeably inactive in pursuing the claims against Rahman and his cronies. It was left to four ordinary voters to bring forward an election petition in order to get the matter properly investigated. Imagine the reaction of ther BBC if Tower Hamlets was run by the Conservatives!! The reason why the BBC did not investigate Rahman was due to the fact that he was a Moslem, who relied for his election to office on the postal vote system. The postal vote system was considerably extended by the last Labour Government without putting in place the necessary checks to prevent abuse. The system was extended by the last Government, because of the fact that Labour supporters have in the past proved more reluctant to turn out and vote, particularly in bad weather! This must have demonstrated to the BBC that not all is well in our multi-cultural society, and therefore nothing further must be made of these events, particularly with an election coming up! When is the BBC going to face reality regarding the problems emerging in our much-vaunted multi-cultural society, and to ensure that it provides an impartial and factually correct news service! At least it will not have to bother for next two days, because it can flood the airways with trivia relating to the Premier League!
That story is so yesterday it doesn’t even feature on the BBC website England news home page!
The BBC does find space there for this though “UKIP “sausage roll” candidate Kim Rose quotes Hitler” You see what they did there? UKIP to Hitler!
They also smear with “Mr Rose was recently called in for police questioning over allegations he tried to influence voters by giving away sausage rolls at a party event featuring snooker star Jimmy White.” without going on to say that the police have decided to take no action.
The propaganda is relentless.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC plays the “loss” of voters at this election.
I believe about 3/4million? have disappeared, doubtlessly all due to the coalition changing the rules on voter registration and “disenfranchising” people rather than trying to cut down on postal voting fraud.
If Labour lose I expect this will become a bigger story. However isn’t it a good thing that (for example) many students will no longer get two votes, one in their home constituency and one where they study?
Jeremy Vine had some good callers on today about Tower Hamlets, an ex-copper and ex-council worker from there. I was surprised the plug wasn’t pulled on some of the stuff they were coming out with, which is what usually happens if someone strays too far – or J.V. just interrupts and talks over the top of them.
I have a friend who has lived in Tower Hamlets for over 35 years and she has been telling me about the goings on for years.There has been a real climate of fear especially if you dont belong to Rahmans ethnic really is shameful the police did nothing,nor the electoral commission.
Given the revelation about Livingstone’s renewed influence in Milliband’s politburo, this is now a major story. Were he simply a figure from Labour’s fun-filled past it would be one thing but as he now has renewed influence, he deserves the most intense scrutiny.
If the BBC lets him off the hook it is simply further evidence of how this corrupt broadcaster is fiddling the election.
Well the headline isn’t. It appears that the UKIP PCC for Southampton Itchen used a quotation from Mein Kampf to explain how liberties and freedoms can be eroded and removed from the masses imperceptibly, in small measures, by an authoritarian regime. These methods have, as a matter of historical record, been used by the bureaucrats driving the EU project over decades.
Doesn’t stop the BBC getting ‘Hitler’ and ‘UKIP’ in the same headline though.
Thanks BBC. Well done. We see what you did there. Keep up the good work.
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide that resulted in 1.5 million deaths. The BBC does not seem very keen to discuss the issue. I wonder why? Would it detract from Mr. Ed’s attempts to talk up the plight of the migrants trying to cross from Libya? Surely not!
Have go say the w1a writers are maintaining a pretty good level of satire by essentially looking out the glass box at the day to day operation of the BBC and pretending this isn’t exactly how it happens.
It seems the main thing is to hire as many people as possible who no one knows what they do and if they did they find out they were bad at it. But that’s just brilliant.
Oh, and the tosser count is at an ongoing peak level.
It’s not even a case of ‘not caring’ – the BBC is very largely antagonistic to the motor car. It has always regarded interest in the car as somehow uncultured and it certainly doesn’t fit with the banal ‘back to nature’ fantasies of its beloved ‘Greens’.
Isn’t the ugly c*** in the pink hair the lefty rent a gob who was on QT boasting that she would get Farage?
As the big day draws ever closer so the lefty scum get nastier, they are vermin who are forcing ordinary people into a conflict not of their making.
If they continue with their disgusting and cowardly attacks on anyone who doesn’t fit with their warped ideology they will feel the backlash, it is inevitable.
I watched a video on youtube, in it a group from Britain First confronted the leaders of the group who attacked Nigel Farage and his family in their local pub, the cowards locked themselves into a room and wouldn’t come out, instead they shouted abuse at the BF protesters from behind the locked door. Very brave.
Typical of any bully who is allowed to get away with what they do the left will continue with their onslaught so long as they are protected by the gvnmnt, councils and the poodle forces of the UK, it’s only going to get worse.
Very fluent delivery Bunny. Your argument was both logical and to the point. Were you employing a dialect spoken by the natives of Bongo Bongo Land at one stage? Or was it merely Fuzzy Wuzzy speak? I must admit, there has been a shortage of left wing intellectuals in the election so far. Thank you for filling such a much needed vacuum.
Rent a scum day out defending democracy and free speech again. Oh I’m wrong . it’s the fascists out to stifle freedom of thought & speech again, Lets hope none of them were late signing on.
22:00 news. Peston is somewhere telling us 39% of jobs go to migrants. Complete with the usual slag off the English content. Lithuanian this time usual stitch up English don’t want this job. Then on to the employer who is “happy” with migrant workers. So he can pay low wages. Wonder if it includes a claw back on food and accommodation. Peston fails to ask the question I would “is your business unviable if you pay more than minimum wage and what do you get paid?
Evan Davis was trying to get a young Lithuanian (or he could have been Latvian) man gainful employment via social media recently. Maybe that is the answer.
By mistake watched a bit of some BBC2 show late. Politics for the poor and needy by the look of it. In la la BBCland the population is in rags and living offf food parcels.
Sick of it. Nobody on the wretched BBC has any interest in creating anything. Except some dire so callled arts rubbish. Wealth and creating businesses pass the beeboid by.
What an archaic shower they really are. out of date and soon to be out of jobs. At least I hope so.
On BBC 2 this evening there was Sex and the Church.
I have never seen so many straw arguments put up by the BBC.
The beedy eyed presenter, who claims to be a Christian, exulted the virtues of the “Enlightenment”. The “Enlightenment” that gave us the French Revolution, Stalins Russia, Pol Pots Cambodia, and Hitler’s Germany.
The BBC had the temerity of accusing the Church of cover up. When Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict who apologised in England for the their problems. Yet the BBC who covered up Uncle Mac, Chris Denning, Winfred Bramble, Jonathan King, Garry Glitter, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile and many more that the Beeb have covered up. Yet the BBC has never apologised or compensated the Licence fee payer.
The BBC abuses their power in the same way they abuse children,
+James. You were supposed to have forgotten about that. Like you were supposed to have forgotten about Keith Allen meets Nick Griffin (Channel 4). So when the media sprung their who would have know act recently someone might of believed them.
When Canadian TV produced its dire ‘Little mosque on the prairie’ the BBC indulged in one long orgasm.
On another note, listening to Classic FM at 2:00 AM UK time, their incredibly thick bimbo newscaster reported that thousands had gathered to commemorate the anniversary of Gally Polly.
I heard that one too. Speechless. I listen mostly to Talksport or Classic FM, but I have to state that the news headlines on Classic appear to have been written by a BBC-type leftist clone.
Here’s a thought we have ton’s of auto cue readers at the BBC of all shades who are probably on 40k a year so why do we need to have people like Miss Hell and Nana who are paid in the hundreds of thousands to read prepared statements – Notice Nana needs to keep looking at her notes re Gallipoli you would think she would spend some time to read up on the subjects she has to talk about the next day not just read what somebody else has written
So Nana says the polls are so close that people think if they vote it won’t make a difference . Run that by me again if something is close then surely every vote counts – doh.If you actually listen closely to what they say on that couch it is utter crap – they get away with it because most people just use Breakfast for a bit of background noise
There was absolute silence on the Beeb national news last night about the Tower Hamlets’ corruption saga; quite extraordinary, one would expect the biggest political scandal of recent times to at least warrant a mention.
So today’s major news story in the “Labour will …” series is some minor fiddling at the edges proposed on an item measured in single millions out of the tens of billions NHS. The BBC do go on to mention that the £2.7 million in TOTAL item is about 1% of whatever – but it is an even smaller proportion of the total NHS budget, say 0.3%. Nevertheless Labour will!
A bunch of hard line lefties were invited onto the tail end of the ‘Today’ program this morning.
There was the usual hysterical whining ‘artist’ woman who couldn’t express why she wanted Red Ed to win but that anyone who didn’t was some how morally deficient, and if she was in Scotland she’d be voting SNP as they are more ‘proper’ Socialists, and anyway Labour has ‘failed’ in Scotland.
She couldn’t see the dichotomy that Labour had failed in England too and the solution to failure is not continue doing more of it, but less!
One interesting comment from a US guest was that “Cameron seems bored by the election, and gives the impression that he just wants to go work in some merchant bank”.
Now for sometime I have been saying that Cameron does not want to win this election, but to get out of politics so he can collect his reward from the Sunni Muslim world. He has worked hard on their behalf, bombing Lybia (there was no love lost between the Saudis and Gaddafi); playing down the role Islam played in Drummer Lee Rigdy’s murder; and sending British troops into Syria. Or at least he would have done if Special Ed hadn’t stopped him.
He has worked hard behind the scenes on his masters behalf, and I’m sure that his reward will be great when he is able to collect it.
Now for sometime I have been saying that Cameron does not want to win this election, but to get out of politics so he can collect his reward from the Sunni Muslim world.
You have been saying that… and it looks like you were right.
The American was P.J. O’Rourke. He has written some very funny books that give a different perspective to that of the MSM. Hence, he is usually labelled as “right-wing”.
P J O’Rourke is brilliant, a really funny, sharp guy who cuts through all the liberal BS. Do yourselves a favour and get copies of ‘Holidays in Hell’, ‘Republican Party Reptile’, ‘Parliament of Whores’ and ‘Give War a chance’.
Some quotes from the great man;
“Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.”
A couple more PJ O’Rourke quotes about the liberal left which make me think of Red Ed and the three witches from the debate;
“The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors–psychology, sociology, women’s studies–to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favour abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”
The UKPR polling average continues to show a tie – CON 33%(-1), LAB 33%(-1), LDEM 8%(nc), UKIP 14%(nc), GRN 5%(nc). Some of the individual pollsters are showing consistent leads for one party or the other (YouGov and Populus, for example, are generally showing small Labour leads, ICM and Ashcroft small Conservative leads) so it’s not the case that all the pollsters are showing an exact tie, more than the average of the different companies’ house effects is neck and neck.
try for some serious (and some not so serious) thoughts on the polls.
If I were you I’d forget about yougov – they’re polling the same people daily and getting the same answers +- MOE. (UKIP has been at 13% on every poll in April bar one).
The phone pollsters are getting better Tory results (Tories more likely to have phones!) and the Internet pollsters are getting better Labour ones (Internet geeks tend to be left-wing – witness twitter). Both sets are missing those people who don’t have Internet access and who have PAYG/ no phones – whoever they could be.
I notice that Al Beeb is now banging on about Farage’s state of health.
Is this a further attempt to undermine the voter’s perception of his capability?.
Also, there seems to be a certain amount venom aimed at Farage on Al Beeb’s programs from their news readers, presenters as well as their fixed audiences.
Yes I noticed it too this morning you can see it in their eyes when there is a piece about him. I think we are in for a few surprises this election they can keep reporting their rubbish and singing la la la with their fingers in their ears but I don’t believe them polls for some reason
No matter who says what, or whoever rolls their eyes, or sneers, or is otherwise disrespectful, Nigel, himself, ALWAYS comes across as a human being, thoughtful, polite, considerate, and honest.
THAT is why he will do well, and THAT is why he’ll defy all the efforts of the BBC, Channel 4, and press to destroy him – the end result of which, if anything, increases his popularity.
BBC Headline News:
Labour leader Ed Miliband will today make a major foreign policy speech in which he will accuse David Cameron of failing to intervene to save Milly Dowler from drowning after she had been thrown overboard by a group of Bankers and Hedge Fund managers from Rupert Murdoch’s luxury yacht ‘Big Business’.
Appreciate the gist of your comment Bob, but, please, no references to a poor murdered girl, bad form, and very upsetting for her family….think a bit before you post, and the 29 others who approved. However, aim your sights at the likes of Galloway, and no form of depraved and painful demise for him will elicit any moan from me…..Dead Ringers, for a change, fired into him today in a wonderful send-up worthy of hearing again and again…..
But it seems it’s O.K. for Red Ed to continually take the dead girl’s name in vain to score cheap political points and for the Guardian to print lies that the News of the World hacked her phone and deleted e-mails which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs? They didn’t care about Millie Dowler – they just used her as a weapon to use on Rupert Murdoch.
it’s O.K. for Red Ed to continually take the dead girl’s name in vain
Which he doesn’t do.
the Guardian to print lies that the News of the World hacked her phone
The News of the World did hack her phone. That’s not a lie.
and deleted e-mails which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs
As initially reported by the Guardian, that was the belief of the police at the time, but evidence later emerged that the deletions were automatic. The Guardian retracted the claim, unlike people like you who continue to perpetuate it.
which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs?
Yes, let’s ignore that a) the NotW had hacked far many more people’s phones; b) that Andy Coulson and other newspaper executives have been convicted of criminal activity; and c) that internal emails disclosed at the hacking trial showed that closure of the NotW had been discussed within News International weeks prior to the Guardian’s story about the Milly Dowler hacking being published:
“If we are the subject of further inquiries into computer hacking and possibly payments, this is why we should consider the shutdown option. Is the brand too toxic for itself and the company? I believe it is. Unparalleled moments need unparalleled action. Showing we get it is important for us and for Rubicon. You could be the person to save the Rubicon deal.” Rubicon was the internal company name for the takeover of BSkyB.
Really, Andy, I know you have a history of relying upon falsehood to shore up your own shaky prejudice, so I know it’s unlikely that you’re going to accept the facts in this case. I daresay you’ll fall back on your other tactic of hurling abuse my way in a pretence that this makes you somehow a better man.
The IT manager of Millie Dowler’s network provider stated under oath at the Leveson inquiry that they had no evidence that her message box had been accessed by an un-authorised person(s).
He gave evidence that it was likely that her messages had been cleared by an automated system because it was too full.
Such misinformation persist to justify the inquiry. The day after this evidence Jeremy Vine corrected a caller that made this accusation.
Charlie & Robert Brown. You are right, of course. I was appalled at the way the Milly Dowler case was so callously politicised at the time and my intention was to highlight that, not show her any disrespect.
This is who Beeboids’ chum, Livingstone suppports-
“UK: Muslim mayor rigged elections, charged foes with Islamophobia.’”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]-
“Lutfur Rahman may be looking for work now; I suggest he become the poster child for what is wrong with contemporary Britain. Today Islamic supremacists like Rahman — and, at the other end of the spectrum, the participants in Muslim rape gangs — are able to get away with almost everything, because those who should be stopping them are desperately afraid of charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia.’ They’re more afraid of those charges than they are of the destruction and damage that these Islamic supremacists leave in their wake. It is good that Lutfur Rahman has been barred from standing for office again, but unless there is a massive change in the British political culture, and this cowardice and appeasement set aside, there will be many more Lutfur Rahmans.”
Have you noticed that whenever the Fascists are attacked over their lunacy on matters concerning race & religion, their mind set is such that their politics is perfect and cannot be challenged, therefore it is not an attack on them but their brown eyed boys, and out come the meaningless bully words.
One of the things people like me had hoped when Cameron came to power was the overthrow of the politicisation of the public sector, the swing of the pendulum the opposite way, and the horrible reactions of Fascists when they find someone isn’t as deluded as them, which should have been made a disciplinary offence.
Of course Cameron has done none of this because his backers either weren’t interested or actively didn’t want a change.
The only solution is a vote for UKIP and the hope that Nick will change things for the better.
Another hand selected audience on This Week, Suzanne Evans was treated abysmally, but held her cool. The venom from Diane Abbott towards her is almost palpable.
There are thousands of reasons why Farage needs to win Thanet, but if nothing else I want to see Abbott’s reaction after her display here.
Good post but I am sorry, mate. I just cannot stomach that odious, thoroughly unpleasant character Abbott. She has been captured on several occasions now spouting arguably racist (anti white) rhetoric so why should I listen to anything she has to say but of course, she is a bbbc favourite. I had time to notice that hand picked bbbc audience again also and also see how our Suzanne was very diplomatic. She even mentioned that no one has picked fault with the UKIP manifesto (again completely ignored by the beeboids)
bbbc in all its glory downright open, unashamed bias. ……..sooo predictable
I watched this and saw how that bastard Neil began the discussion with a snipe against UKIP, misrepresenting their policy on refugees, sneering about UKIP only selecting Christians. One day, when the socialists and Islamists form their ideal state, they will build a statue to Andrew Neil, for his stirling work in denouncing the remnants of British culture. Neil is the slimiest of the BBC bunch, despite his occasional whacks at infantile Labour leaders.
Unreal. But maybe there’s an election due? Still; it’s not ‘pragmatic’ Blair; this man is a True Believer. If he does go down this path, it would be a wonderful opportunity for the newly elected member for South Thanet to advocate a move to a US approach to free speech. Votes would drain from Labour to UKIP. If UKIP become the main opposition to Labour in the North, Labour will have a new reality to face.
“Another bone of contention for shareholders was the £513,000 in fees handed to part-time non-executive director Rona Fairhead, who is also the chairman of the BBC Trust. She has come under pressure to resign due to the fact she sat on the board while alleged tax evasion routinely took place in HSBC’s Swiss Private Bank during the last decade.
“A shareholder described her pay as ‘obscene’. Another shouted ‘resign’ when she stood up for re-election. Robertson defended fellow members of the board, including chief executive Stuart Gulliver, Douglas Flint and Fairhead, saying: ‘I want to make it absolutely clear the board has full confidence in both Douglas and Stuart and the rest of the management team.’
“Yesterday HSBC confirmed Fairhead would stand for relection but that she intends to step down after a year. The bank stunned investors and politicians by announcing it has launched a review into whether it should move its headquarters from London.”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Today, Radio 4, Friday morning. If I hear the news start again with Ed Miliband will……’ I will scream. I then heard both Naughtie and Wee Dougie try to down play Ed’s future speech where he will blame Cameron for the deaths of the illegal immigrants drowning in the Med. I am not sure if it is the Today producers or the Labour spin masters that realised they had gone too far. Listen out for the scratch of the pens as Ed’s speech gets rewritten.
They have gone too far.
Labour and their ‘will say’ PR team at the BBC.
The claim is farcical on every level
The BBC has hitched itself to a deranged nag that is plunging over a cliff.
I await the BBC trying to respin the ‘what Ed meant to say’ for him later.
The BBC already did this to Prime Minister Tony Blair for other reasons. After his speech in Las Angeles in August 2006 the News at 10 political commentator said “this is what the PM meant to say …….”
‘I await the BBC trying to respin…
Getting trickier by the hour.
Norm… quick… save him!
Has the actual speech emerged yet? No time to search.
“…will say…” isn’t this what we were subjected to for 13 years under the last labour government, with that awful man Alistair Campbell managing their propaganda machine. Whatever else is said about the coalition government of Mr Cameron, the sheer ugliness of labour’s manipulation of what passes for news came to an end. If they form the next government, it will begin all over again. The lies, the bullying of news channels and newspapers and the marxist indoctrination including organised violent demonstrations against anyone who steps out of line. Surely we haven’t forgotten already what the national atmosphere was like in the months leading up to the 2010 general election?
How did Peston’s analysis of the IFS’s party spending proposals miss this “fact”?
Ed Miliband would saddle every working family with extra taxes equivalent to more than £1,000, according to an independent comparison with Conservative plans
Many a true word eh!
Straight from the horses mouth.
“Will say”. The BBC at its clairvoyant best. Why don’t they wait until it “has been said”, and report it as news, instead of predicting things which, as a result, may be subtly (or not so subtly) changed.
Always jumping the gun, aren’t they?
Media organisations are provided a copy of the speech the night before (by all parties I believe) Surprises are not allowed.
‘Speeches’ are merely a demonstration of being able to read the autocue: another example of the dumbing down of politics.
Yes & by running the speech through BBC opinion before it’s given they have an opportunity to fine tune it & iron out stupid gaffs. Pity the speech wasn’t what the press release the night before said, how could the Beeb defend that once it’s done!
If only they would wait until there is a fact to report – more likely we will get from the BBC in their broadcasts before long that ‘Labour will wish to say…’ in response to a Conservative proposal even more overtly than we do presently.
That is the way the BBC is going, embedding itself as a Left/Socialist propaganda tool.
Sofa sloth in Southampton covering education fails to spell education.
Let the African immigrants come into Britain, all 800 million of them, give them the keys to the country and all 60 million British people move to Africa.
I’m going to take a wild guess, Britain would descend within, I don’t know, 5 or 10 minutes into Zimbabwe and Africa would flourish and blossom.
As long as the ‘progressives’ are left behind to welcome the tribes into Hampstead.
I have images in my mind David, of Africa, empty of humans, and the British people setting up industries and infrastructure and agriculture and within 10 years becoming a thriving, wonderful place, with good healthcare, good climate in most cases, and a magnificent area to play in, attracting tourists…..and the stupid africans clamouring to get back to their abandoned land now we’ve improved it……..such are idle dreams…..
Much like Israel, then.
In a way this has actually happened before: In 1787, the Continent of Australia was occupied by a 100 percent Black population. It also had the coincidental fortune to have been populated by White Convicts rather than Black Slaves, as the British Parliament was moving a motion for the abolition of the Slave trade in 1788, the same year of the first White settlement.
” Secret Plan to let in 50 Million Africans into Europe.” It’ll be like Rorkes Drift.
-to be followed by another 50 million.
I’ll dust off me Martini-Henry then…….
you were only supposed to blow the bloody heads off!
Oi! Stop chucking them bloody spears.
I’m not sure why Ed and the BBC have drawn attention to Dave’s “culpability” in Libya. After all, as he and the BBC are well aware “migrants” are basically future Labour voters to a man, woman and any “extras” they can get onto the voting rolls. This has been the basis and rationale of Labour’s immigration policy, certainly since 1997 and, indeed, since 1945. Labour cannot get over its disappointment that substantial numbers of English white working class (and I mean working) voters – since the 70s – have not retained the obligation to vote for it. Hence the import of more grateful and biddable voters and the proposed extension of the franchise to children.
The BBC never analyses or mentions the “why?” bit of the great Labour-sponsored immigration from the third world since 1997. Further, it deliberately ignores or, where it doesn’t ignore, dismisses the concerns of the indigenous population about non-EU Asian and African immigration. Rather, it concentrates on “cry me a river” reports from Southern Europe/Libya which morph into barely concealed advocacy for unlimited African immigration into the EU/UK.
Any BBC reportage on concerns in England about immigration concentrates on the EU bit and, even then, tends to deal with the working immigrants, not the host of EU-sourced and other parasites who abuse our hospitality. As things now stand, this is an open wound which the BBC keeps septic but it’s the bit that no UK government can do anything about absent leaving the EU. However, that dilemma damns – in the BBC’s eyes – anything which might stem the tide (particularly the UKIP suggestion of Australian-type immigration controls).
Whatever, the BBC campaign on behalf of Labour continues unabated – it’ll get worse (or better, depending on your political outlook).
Jean Raspail author of ‘The Camp of the Saints.’
for it to happen by 2045-2055 was an overestimate.
Conrad Black seems to be intent on returning to the House Of Lords.
It’s a a long time ago, but I recall thinking that his greatest crime was refusing to toe the common purpose line. From the Catholic Herald in 2010:
I think that the BBC’s coverage of Lord Black’s release disgraces the BBC; and that it is yet another little sliver of evidence for the subterranean existence of the heaving morass of hidden, and often half-conscious, assumptions which underlie all its supposedly “impartial” reporting of the world we live in.
Conrad Black’s name is at last being cleared
I hope he purchases the Telegraph. It has become a pitiful shadow of its former self.
That’s very interesting to hear. I still savour Lord Black’s masterful demolition of that BBC interviewer.
Convinced that someone at the bBC is pratting around with live link ups.
Andrew O’Neil was happily interviewing William Hague re Libya and the launch of the Tory English manifesto, with no detectable delay, yet as the interview went on the delay deteriorated, I grabbed my phone stopwatch app and on the last question the delay was 6 seconds!
The rule seems to be Labour uncomfortable interview = pull plug
Tory/UKIP interview = Build in big delay and make interviewees look stupid to the point of answering the question before last and thus taking away the impact of their response.
This is what 3.7bn a year buys you.
Yes I saw that, and you are right, the delay developed from nothing to something totally unacceptable, especially on a UK based interview…gremlins!
It is very irritating but Neil is the only BBC interviewer I admire.In the interview before Hague he laid into the Labour man re Eds non existent foreign policy interventions, even bringing up the Chilcot enquiry long delayed.
Re Eds speech,the map of the Med behind him where all those people drowned. How low can you go to win power.
Labour may have weaponised the NHS – but just think, if it were not for a willing BBC parroting blind public sector approval….
Many real people realise the NHS to be less of a bazooka and more an antique and expensive outdated flintlock
‘I inserted my appointment letter, and the screen showed up a series of questions. ‘Have you got an NHS number’. ‘Yes’. ‘Have you lived in the UK for the past 12 months’. ‘No’. Both receptionist’s heads shot up, wearing a joint expression of horror. Presumably some sort of alarm had sounded deep in the bowels of the NHS computer. Argggh! That occupied the next half hour whilst they consulted the ‘Overseas department’ for what to do. Presumably anybody NOT entitled to NHS treatment would have answered that question in the affirmative and saved everybody a lot of trouble…’
Milliband having a go at Camoron for the Libyan/refugee crisis .
What the bbc won’t ask
Do you wish Ghaddaffi was still in charge there to stop the flow through Libya ?
If not what would you want the new rulers, if they were capable to do about people coming up from Africa ?
Stop them at the border , and deport southwards any found in Libya ?
Detain them in Libya ?
Allow them through onto the boats any hence beyond to Europe ?
Oh dear, oh dear Derbyshire’s bBC TV show getting just 39k viewers.
Best news I’ve heard all day!
Sooo, dose of VD is going down like … well.. . a dose of VD
Ah! … they just haven t got used to the Drearybyshire faux sympathetic sighs, and erm … oh dears.
At least on 4 in a bed, if one of the hosts is shite they say so
there and then.
Ah! Ratface Vicky the Salford Slapper” getting her comeuppance.
That is good news.
What the BBC still don’t get, is that girly shows about do gooding, being left wing and Islington doesn’t appeal to the “Loose Women” audience, who like gossip, fashion hunky men, and err, girly things.
You can’t class her as an accomplished broadcaster with gravitas, that’s for sure.
Do gooding left wing Islingtonians are out at that time of day at Costa talking loudly about the school fees, and how Jakasta’s internship withthe Tatler is going. Or they are busy do gooding.
Lucky she’s backed by ‘unique funding’ and the belief sets of all those £400kpa BBC mandarins, because in the real, commercial world, she and they’d be a laughing stock and out on their ears.
With the BBC they at least are in their ‘market rate’ jobs no matter what.
And ALL of the 39K are quests of HMP.
I thought she was excellent leading some of Radio 5’s Olympics coverage.
Calm down there, I am joking!
Her daytrip to Gitmo, was one of her ,,, erm “highlights”?
How about her “sighfest” with Moazzam Begg?
all flustered about “Babar”
…. memories eh!
The market for vacuous TV output is obviously finite.
Not on The One O’Clock News
I look forward to seeing it being mentioned on the BBC. Nothing to do with Islam. Pictures in the article, now familiar scenes of anti-UKIP vandalism.
Just a thought: what are the odds that the news about Lutfur Rahman’s crookery will have disappeared completely from the BBC listening/viewing output by the weekend? It’s already been relegated to the “London” page of the BBC website where, we are informed, this ornament to the corrupt imported politics of the sub-continent is “mulling [a] judicial review”.
The London page is the only place they ever had the story. Hidden away there from the start.
Yes I was just going to post on this myself. This was front page news today in most papers, so you would think its news worthy still.
The Beebs website report from yesterday
Tower Hamlets election fraud mayor Lutfur Rahman removed from office
Didnt give us too many damning details of Mr Rahmans past or that he was previously a Labour party Mayor. But does quote from the Judge “This is not the consequence of the racial and religious mix of the population, nor is it linked to any ascertainable pattern of social or other deprivation.”
Although they seem to contradict this later with the Judge saying Mr Rahman had played “race” and “religious” cards.
And in the Beebs “Analysis” they seem less concerned about the state of democracy in the UK, but “How will the Bengali community in Tower Hamlets, many of whom voted for Mr Rahman, react? What will the judgement’s impact be on community cohesion?”
‘But does quote from the Judge “This is not the consequence of the racial and religious mix of the population, nor is it linked to any ascertainable pattern of social or other deprivation.”’
Oh, certainly yer honour. There’s absolutely no doubt that had Rahman tried this in, shalll we say, Cheltenham or St Albans, he would have been every bit as successful. The racial and religious mix of Tower Hamlets had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Where do they get these judges from?
X Factor ?
I’m surprised he didn’t slip in the other bit of political class cant about the whole thing being due to “climate change”.
Given the number of BBC staff in Israel the complete absence of anything about Israel’s Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism followed by Independence Day is a little puzzling. Perhaps they were too busy disrespecting Australia’s commemoration of its fallen on Anzac Day?
The Today programme has a lot of time on ANZAC DAY this morning.
But today is NOT ANZAC DAY. It is tomorrow.
The BBC was following the lead of the Turkish Government which decided to have ceremonies on 24 April, today.
Why ? To drown out the fact that 24 April is the day the Armenians commemorate the genocide that started in 1915.
This morning – the Today prog hardly mentioned the Armenian genocide. Some tricky researchers and producers in there – favourable to Turkey because it is Muslim, or because it is bidding to be in the EU ?
Reporting anything that can be seen to be sympathetic or positive towards Israel is not part of the BBC agenda but it is far worse because Israel is not given credit for any of its remarkable humanitarian work and innovations that benefit the world. See weekly news at
I heard a typically unfunny R4 comedy programme at 11pm the other night (it really is a ghastly slot for comedy casualties). this one featured Punt & Dennis with their slant on the election. Is it really necessary during the election campaign? And why is the BBC so desperate to bring us a Charlie Brooker Screenwipe view if the election that they have to broadcast it the day before voting? are all these programmes produced with the BBC’s scrupulous balance?
“Are all these programmes produced with the BBC’s scrupulous balance?”
Did they recycle one of the BBC’s favourites, originally from the New Quiz presenter’s script, seemingly approved at high level for broadcast between 18.30 and 19.00 “It’s the Tories that put the “n” in cuts.”
Edgy comedy that, approved for broadcasting but removed from their discussion web site as it broke the rules when written down.
‘Is it really necessary during the election campaign?’
The BBC is not meant to campaign at all, much less during an election.
Hence, ‘satire’, of a unidirectional variety, relentlessly, for the purposes of art, literature and getting away with it in other ways.
They know there’s nothing that can be done.
Not sure the spelling of Punt is correct.
Vote Labour and improve this website!
The latest piece of spurious election ‘news’ from the BBC is that Labour constituencies are more likely to have faster internet than Conservative ones (see Still, those faster connections might be of benefit to Labour MPs and supporters when it comes to downloading dodgy pictures and ISIS videos.
Watching the otherwise excellent ‘Kill the Christians’ I hear “but there’s one country in the Middle East where Christians are still safe, a last bastion. It’s the Lebanon”
Excuse me, but doesn’t Israel count?!
I believe in the Lebanon the Christians also have AK47s and do not turn the other cheek!
Israel is actually the only country in the Middle East where the number of Christians has increased during the past 50 years. Not only was this not mentioned but it was also stated that it was the Israeli occupation (sic) that was causing Palestinian Christians to leave. Well, not totally – Christian Palestinians started emigrating from about 1850 onwards to escape the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which then controlled the place, often leaving for Chile and later other South American countries. Despite the occasional selective history, the programme was reasonably balanced by BBC standards. To whom, of course, Israel does not count, to answer Flexdream’s question.
When Israel and the BBC get together we expect and to a certain extent are resigned to major errors. In this case referring to ‘historic’ Palestine which to the BBC includes Jordan (at least on the map because it was never mentioned again) is an agenda-driven error. While not informing the audience that Bethlehem is part of the Palestine Authority, so arguably not occupied, at all is a failure in the duty to accurately inform.
However a more unusual error was to refer to the Druse as Muslim. They have their own revealed religion and from what little we know of it is definitely not Muslim. The Druse BTW are loyal to the state they reside in. For that reason Israeli Druse fight in the IDF.
Apart of Jordan and Israel (the site of most biblical Christian sites) the major omission was Egypt. The Coptic Christian in Egypt constitute the largest Christian community in the Middle East, as well as the largest religious minority in the region, accounting for an estimated 10% of the Egyptian population.
Does anyone have an idea why they didn’t even get a mention?
Every time I turn on Radio 4 (other than the news) the issues are BME or LGBT, be it drama or documentary.
I have the feeling that their audience figures must be plummeting as they are excluding at least 90% of the audience who like to feel occasional affinity with the subject matter they listen to.
I presume the commissioning editors orders are to prioritise these areas and they do as they are told, but wonder if the BBC has a known and public policy to this effect?
Sadly most of the programmes, like the World Service dross, lack any imagination and are almost Soviet in style.
(One exception last night was the programme on satanic child abuse in Hampstead.)
But why should R4 care about audience? Their funding is secure and no-one can compete, although the internet is changing that.
Vote here
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has still failed to report either the arrest of an Algerian in Paris for attempting to carry out attacks on churches or the findings of the election court set up to investigate the activities of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman. The failure of the BBC to properly report the events in Tower Hamlets is extraordinary, bearing in mind that Andrew Gilligan has been exposing the Mayor and the Council in the Daily/Sunday Telegraph for the past two years. The reason why the BBC should have taken up this story is that the Metropolitan Police refused to investigate the matter properly, even at one stage threatening a complainer with being interviewed under caution. There was even evidence to show that the police made little or no effort to prevent intimidation at the polling stations. Furthermore, the Electoral Commission were noticeably inactive in pursuing the claims against Rahman and his cronies. It was left to four ordinary voters to bring forward an election petition in order to get the matter properly investigated. Imagine the reaction of ther BBC if Tower Hamlets was run by the Conservatives!! The reason why the BBC did not investigate Rahman was due to the fact that he was a Moslem, who relied for his election to office on the postal vote system. The postal vote system was considerably extended by the last Labour Government without putting in place the necessary checks to prevent abuse. The system was extended by the last Government, because of the fact that Labour supporters have in the past proved more reluctant to turn out and vote, particularly in bad weather! This must have demonstrated to the BBC that not all is well in our multi-cultural society, and therefore nothing further must be made of these events, particularly with an election coming up! When is the BBC going to face reality regarding the problems emerging in our much-vaunted multi-cultural society, and to ensure that it provides an impartial and factually correct news service! At least it will not have to bother for next two days, because it can flood the airways with trivia relating to the Premier League!
That story is so yesterday it doesn’t even feature on the BBC website England news home page!
The BBC does find space there for this though “UKIP “sausage roll” candidate Kim Rose quotes Hitler” You see what they did there? UKIP to Hitler!
They also smear with “Mr Rose was recently called in for police questioning over allegations he tried to influence voters by giving away sausage rolls at a party event featuring snooker star Jimmy White.” without going on to say that the police have decided to take no action.
The propaganda is relentless.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC plays the “loss” of voters at this election.
I believe about 3/4million? have disappeared, doubtlessly all due to the coalition changing the rules on voter registration and “disenfranchising” people rather than trying to cut down on postal voting fraud.
If Labour lose I expect this will become a bigger story. However isn’t it a good thing that (for example) many students will no longer get two votes, one in their home constituency and one where they study?
Jeremy Vine had some good callers on today about Tower Hamlets, an ex-copper and ex-council worker from there. I was surprised the plug wasn’t pulled on some of the stuff they were coming out with, which is what usually happens if someone strays too far – or J.V. just interrupts and talks over the top of them.
I have a friend who has lived in Tower Hamlets for over 35 years and she has been telling me about the goings on for years.There has been a real climate of fear especially if you dont belong to Rahmans ethnic really is shameful the police did nothing,nor the electoral commission.
And we know where Beeboids’ political chum, Livingstone, stands:-
“Ken Livingstone stands by disgraced Tower Hamlets Mayor”
Will Beeboids give Livingstone the same hostile treatment which they give to Farage? Only kidding.
Given the revelation about Livingstone’s renewed influence in Milliband’s politburo, this is now a major story. Were he simply a figure from Labour’s fun-filled past it would be one thing but as he now has renewed influence, he deserves the most intense scrutiny.
If the BBC lets him off the hook it is simply further evidence of how this corrupt broadcaster is fiddling the election.
The ‘political left’ and Islamic alliance in action:
“How Red Ken helped write Ed’s manifesto:
“ANDREW PIERCE with the stories the spin doctors DON’T want you to read.”
Well the headline isn’t. It appears that the UKIP PCC for Southampton Itchen used a quotation from Mein Kampf to explain how liberties and freedoms can be eroded and removed from the masses imperceptibly, in small measures, by an authoritarian regime. These methods have, as a matter of historical record, been used by the bureaucrats driving the EU project over decades.
Doesn’t stop the BBC getting ‘Hitler’ and ‘UKIP’ in the same headline though.
Thanks BBC. Well done. We see what you did there. Keep up the good work.
Quoting Hitler is always a bad idea, that’s why mainstream politicians don’t do it.
Not on The Six O’Clock News
Labour has suspended one of its General Election candidates…
Sumon Hoque… denied five breaches of the Road Traffic Act, including driving without a licence and being over the legal drink-driving limit.
Accused Labour candidate suspended
The ‘diversity’ of Oxford.
“UK woman branded racist for bringing her Muslim sex abusers to justice”
This is a good article at a very good site:
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide that resulted in 1.5 million deaths. The BBC does not seem very keen to discuss the issue. I wonder why? Would it detract from Mr. Ed’s attempts to talk up the plight of the migrants trying to cross from Libya? Surely not!
Have go say the w1a writers are maintaining a pretty good level of satire by essentially looking out the glass box at the day to day operation of the BBC and pretending this isn’t exactly how it happens.
It seems the main thing is to hire as many people as possible who no one knows what they do and if they did they find out they were bad at it. But that’s just brilliant.
Oh, and the tosser count is at an ongoing peak level.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Ex-Top Gear producer launches blistering attack on ‘meddling’ BBC executives.
“Andy Wilman accuses the corporation of not caring about the’car world’ and having a ‘compulsion to meddle.'”
By Camilla Turner.
It’s not even a case of ‘not caring’ – the BBC is very largely antagonistic to the motor car. It has always regarded interest in the car as somehow uncultured and it certainly doesn’t fit with the banal ‘back to nature’ fantasies of its beloved ‘Greens’.…no dogs,no whites,no infidels.
Another idiot spoilt brat, coming to you on BBC speed dial any time soon.
Oh look…We’ve now got a new “progressive alliance” forming and sucking up to each other…
Isn’t the ugly c*** in the pink hair the lefty rent a gob who was on QT boasting that she would get Farage?
As the big day draws ever closer so the lefty scum get nastier, they are vermin who are forcing ordinary people into a conflict not of their making.
If they continue with their disgusting and cowardly attacks on anyone who doesn’t fit with their warped ideology they will feel the backlash, it is inevitable.
I watched a video on youtube, in it a group from Britain First confronted the leaders of the group who attacked Nigel Farage and his family in their local pub, the cowards locked themselves into a room and wouldn’t come out, instead they shouted abuse at the BF protesters from behind the locked door. Very brave.
Typical of any bully who is allowed to get away with what they do the left will continue with their onslaught so long as they are protected by the gvnmnt, councils and the poodle forces of the UK, it’s only going to get worse.
If there is an image, I can’t see it?
Very fluent delivery Bunny. Your argument was both logical and to the point. Were you employing a dialect spoken by the natives of Bongo Bongo Land at one stage? Or was it merely Fuzzy Wuzzy speak? I must admit, there has been a shortage of left wing intellectuals in the election so far. Thank you for filling such a much needed vacuum.
Rent a scum day out defending democracy and free speech again. Oh I’m wrong . it’s the fascists out to stifle freedom of thought & speech again, Lets hope none of them were late signing on.
22:00 news. Peston is somewhere telling us 39% of jobs go to migrants. Complete with the usual slag off the English content. Lithuanian this time usual stitch up English don’t want this job. Then on to the employer who is “happy” with migrant workers. So he can pay low wages. Wonder if it includes a claw back on food and accommodation. Peston fails to ask the question I would “is your business unviable if you pay more than minimum wage and what do you get paid?
absolutely bob on
same as the crock of shite that the NHS would cease to exist without foreign workers.
Maybe the Beeb could get a Lithuanian to do Peston’s job cheaper?
Evan Davis was trying to get a young Lithuanian (or he could have been Latvian) man gainful employment via social media recently. Maybe that is the answer.
I’m sure Evan and his friends could find lots of things to keep young Eastern European men gainfully employed.
Exactly, men rather than women, young and preferably good looking -unlike Evan.
By mistake watched a bit of some BBC2 show late. Politics for the poor and needy by the look of it. In la la BBCland the population is in rags and living offf food parcels.
Sick of it. Nobody on the wretched BBC has any interest in creating anything. Except some dire so callled arts rubbish. Wealth and creating businesses pass the beeboid by.
What an archaic shower they really are. out of date and soon to be out of jobs. At least I hope so.
On BBC 2 this evening there was Sex and the Church.
I have never seen so many straw arguments put up by the BBC.
The beedy eyed presenter, who claims to be a Christian, exulted the virtues of the “Enlightenment”. The “Enlightenment” that gave us the French Revolution, Stalins Russia, Pol Pots Cambodia, and Hitler’s Germany.
The BBC had the temerity of accusing the Church of cover up. When Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict who apologised in England for the their problems. Yet the BBC who covered up Uncle Mac, Chris Denning, Winfred Bramble, Jonathan King, Garry Glitter, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile and many more that the Beeb have covered up. Yet the BBC has never apologised or compensated the Licence fee payer.
The BBC abuses their power in the same way they abuse children,
Waiting for the BBC production “Sex and the Mosque / Madrassa”.
Well the BBC had Nick Griffin put on trial for warning the Public about the Muslim paedophiles in Yorkshire.
The BBC is part of the cover up and Rotherham .
+James. You were supposed to have forgotten about that. Like you were supposed to have forgotten about Keith Allen meets Nick Griffin (Channel 4). So when the media sprung their who would have know act recently someone might of believed them.
The entire ‘establishment’ is part of the cover up…because the entire establishment are involved.
Paedophilia is the control mechanism.
When Canadian TV produced its dire ‘Little mosque on the prairie’ the BBC indulged in one long orgasm.
On another note, listening to Classic FM at 2:00 AM UK time, their incredibly thick bimbo newscaster reported that thousands had gathered to commemorate the anniversary of Gally Polly.
I heard that one too. Speechless. I listen mostly to Talksport or Classic FM, but I have to state that the news headlines on Classic appear to have been written by a BBC-type leftist clone.
Trust them to find waycism in every corner of history:
Here’s a thought we have ton’s of auto cue readers at the BBC of all shades who are probably on 40k a year so why do we need to have people like Miss Hell and Nana who are paid in the hundreds of thousands to read prepared statements – Notice Nana needs to keep looking at her notes re Gallipoli you would think she would spend some time to read up on the subjects she has to talk about the next day not just read what somebody else has written
So Nana says the polls are so close that people think if they vote it won’t make a difference . Run that by me again if something is close then surely every vote counts – doh.If you actually listen closely to what they say on that couch it is utter crap – they get away with it because most people just use Breakfast for a bit of background noise
But… but… she is a professional journalist!
There was absolute silence on the Beeb national news last night about the Tower Hamlets’ corruption saga; quite extraordinary, one would expect the biggest political scandal of recent times to at least warrant a mention.
Move along now Mr Glodstone, nothing to see there…..
Lutfur who?
So today’s major news story in the “Labour will …” series is some minor fiddling at the edges proposed on an item measured in single millions out of the tens of billions NHS. The BBC do go on to mention that the £2.7 million in TOTAL item is about 1% of whatever – but it is an even smaller proportion of the total NHS budget, say 0.3%. Nevertheless Labour will!
no make that 0.003% – really worthy of news headlnes
A bunch of hard line lefties were invited onto the tail end of the ‘Today’ program this morning.
There was the usual hysterical whining ‘artist’ woman who couldn’t express why she wanted Red Ed to win but that anyone who didn’t was some how morally deficient, and if she was in Scotland she’d be voting SNP as they are more ‘proper’ Socialists, and anyway Labour has ‘failed’ in Scotland.
She couldn’t see the dichotomy that Labour had failed in England too and the solution to failure is not continue doing more of it, but less!
One interesting comment from a US guest was that “Cameron seems bored by the election, and gives the impression that he just wants to go work in some merchant bank”.
Now for sometime I have been saying that Cameron does not want to win this election, but to get out of politics so he can collect his reward from the Sunni Muslim world. He has worked hard on their behalf, bombing Lybia (there was no love lost between the Saudis and Gaddafi); playing down the role Islam played in Drummer Lee Rigdy’s murder; and sending British troops into Syria. Or at least he would have done if Special Ed hadn’t stopped him.
He has worked hard behind the scenes on his masters behalf, and I’m sure that his reward will be great when he is able to collect it.
Well said, its a view I have held too
Now for sometime I have been saying that Cameron does not want to win this election, but to get out of politics so he can collect his reward from the Sunni Muslim world.
You have been saying that… and it looks like you were right.
The American was P.J. O’Rourke. He has written some very funny books that give a different perspective to that of the MSM. Hence, he is usually labelled as “right-wing”.
P J O’Rourke is brilliant, a really funny, sharp guy who cuts through all the liberal BS. Do yourselves a favour and get copies of ‘Holidays in Hell’, ‘Republican Party Reptile’, ‘Parliament of Whores’ and ‘Give War a chance’.
Some quotes from the great man;
“Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.”
A couple more PJ O’Rourke quotes about the liberal left which make me think of Red Ed and the three witches from the debate;
“The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors–psychology, sociology, women’s studies–to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favour abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”
Post weeks averages from all the weeks polls:
The UKPR polling average continues to show a tie – CON 33%(-1), LAB 33%(-1), LDEM 8%(nc), UKIP 14%(nc), GRN 5%(nc). Some of the individual pollsters are showing consistent leads for one party or the other (YouGov and Populus, for example, are generally showing small Labour leads, ICM and Ashcroft small Conservative leads) so it’s not the case that all the pollsters are showing an exact tie, more than the average of the different companies’ house effects is neck and neck.
try for some serious (and some not so serious) thoughts on the polls.
If I were you I’d forget about yougov – they’re polling the same people daily and getting the same answers +- MOE. (UKIP has been at 13% on every poll in April bar one).
The phone pollsters are getting better Tory results (Tories more likely to have phones!) and the Internet pollsters are getting better Labour ones (Internet geeks tend to be left-wing – witness twitter). Both sets are missing those people who don’t have Internet access and who have PAYG/ no phones – whoever they could be.
I notice that Al Beeb is now banging on about Farage’s state of health.
Is this a further attempt to undermine the voter’s perception of his capability?.
Also, there seems to be a certain amount venom aimed at Farage on Al Beeb’s programs from their news readers, presenters as well as their fixed audiences.
Yes I noticed it too this morning you can see it in their eyes when there is a piece about him. I think we are in for a few surprises this election they can keep reporting their rubbish and singing la la la with their fingers in their ears but I don’t believe them polls for some reason
No matter who says what, or whoever rolls their eyes, or sneers, or is otherwise disrespectful, Nigel, himself, ALWAYS comes across as a human being, thoughtful, polite, considerate, and honest.
THAT is why he will do well, and THAT is why he’ll defy all the efforts of the BBC, Channel 4, and press to destroy him – the end result of which, if anything, increases his popularity.
Here’s one in your eye, BBC.
BBC Headline News:
Labour leader Ed Miliband will today make a major foreign policy speech in which he will accuse David Cameron of failing to intervene to save Milly Dowler from drowning after she had been thrown overboard by a group of Bankers and Hedge Fund managers from Rupert Murdoch’s luxury yacht ‘Big Business’.
(H/T Bill Quango MP.)
Milly Dowler should not be included in any attempt at wit by anyone.
Appreciate the gist of your comment Bob, but, please, no references to a poor murdered girl, bad form, and very upsetting for her family….think a bit before you post, and the 29 others who approved. However, aim your sights at the likes of Galloway, and no form of depraved and painful demise for him will elicit any moan from me…..Dead Ringers, for a change, fired into him today in a wonderful send-up worthy of hearing again and again…..
But it seems it’s O.K. for Red Ed to continually take the dead girl’s name in vain to score cheap political points and for the Guardian to print lies that the News of the World hacked her phone and deleted e-mails which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs? They didn’t care about Millie Dowler – they just used her as a weapon to use on Rupert Murdoch.
it’s O.K. for Red Ed to continually take the dead girl’s name in vain
Which he doesn’t do.
the Guardian to print lies that the News of the World hacked her phone
The News of the World did hack her phone. That’s not a lie.
and deleted e-mails which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs
As initially reported by the Guardian, that was the belief of the police at the time, but evidence later emerged that the deletions were automatic. The Guardian retracted the claim, unlike people like you who continue to perpetuate it.
which resulted in that paper being closed with the loss of 300+ jobs?
Yes, let’s ignore that a) the NotW had hacked far many more people’s phones; b) that Andy Coulson and other newspaper executives have been convicted of criminal activity; and c) that internal emails disclosed at the hacking trial showed that closure of the NotW had been discussed within News International weeks prior to the Guardian’s story about the Milly Dowler hacking being published:
Really, Andy, I know you have a history of relying upon falsehood to shore up your own shaky prejudice, so I know it’s unlikely that you’re going to accept the facts in this case. I daresay you’ll fall back on your other tactic of hurling abuse my way in a pretence that this makes you somehow a better man.
But as usual, you’re just plain wrong.
The IT manager of Millie Dowler’s network provider stated under oath at the Leveson inquiry that they had no evidence that her message box had been accessed by an un-authorised person(s).
He gave evidence that it was likely that her messages had been cleared by an automated system because it was too full.
Such misinformation persist to justify the inquiry. The day after this evidence Jeremy Vine corrected a caller that made this accusation.
Charlie & Robert Brown. You are right, of course. I was appalled at the way the Milly Dowler case was so callously politicised at the time and my intention was to highlight that, not show her any disrespect.
This is who Beeboids’ chum, Livingstone suppports-
“UK: Muslim mayor rigged elections, charged foes with Islamophobia.’”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]-
“Lutfur Rahman may be looking for work now; I suggest he become the poster child for what is wrong with contemporary Britain. Today Islamic supremacists like Rahman — and, at the other end of the spectrum, the participants in Muslim rape gangs — are able to get away with almost everything, because those who should be stopping them are desperately afraid of charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia.’ They’re more afraid of those charges than they are of the destruction and damage that these Islamic supremacists leave in their wake. It is good that Lutfur Rahman has been barred from standing for office again, but unless there is a massive change in the British political culture, and this cowardice and appeasement set aside, there will be many more Lutfur Rahmans.”
“Vote rigging party is STILL playing the racism card:
Say after mayor is forced out, deputy blames ‘Islamophobia.’ ”
Have you noticed that whenever the Fascists are attacked over their lunacy on matters concerning race & religion, their mind set is such that their politics is perfect and cannot be challenged, therefore it is not an attack on them but their brown eyed boys, and out come the meaningless bully words.
One of the things people like me had hoped when Cameron came to power was the overthrow of the politicisation of the public sector, the swing of the pendulum the opposite way, and the horrible reactions of Fascists when they find someone isn’t as deluded as them, which should have been made a disciplinary offence.
Of course Cameron has done none of this because his backers either weren’t interested or actively didn’t want a change.
The only solution is a vote for UKIP and the hope that Nick will change things for the better.
Another hand selected audience on This Week, Suzanne Evans was treated abysmally, but held her cool. The venom from Diane Abbott towards her is almost palpable.
There are thousands of reasons why Farage needs to win Thanet, but if nothing else I want to see Abbott’s reaction after her display here.
25 minutes in
Good post but I am sorry, mate. I just cannot stomach that odious, thoroughly unpleasant character Abbott. She has been captured on several occasions now spouting arguably racist (anti white) rhetoric so why should I listen to anything she has to say but of course, she is a bbbc favourite. I had time to notice that hand picked bbbc audience again also and also see how our Suzanne was very diplomatic. She even mentioned that no one has picked fault with the UKIP manifesto (again completely ignored by the beeboids)
bbbc in all its glory downright open, unashamed bias. ……..sooo predictable
And they want 16yr olds to have the vote?….there are 20-30yr olds in that audience who have got nothing between their ears….dear,dear dear….
I watched this and saw how that bastard Neil began the discussion with a snipe against UKIP, misrepresenting their policy on refugees, sneering about UKIP only selecting Christians. One day, when the socialists and Islamists form their ideal state, they will build a statue to Andrew Neil, for his stirling work in denouncing the remnants of British culture. Neil is the slimiest of the BBC bunch, despite his occasional whacks at infantile Labour leaders.
Another reason for the BBC to support Labour
That is an appalling article.
Unreal. But maybe there’s an election due? Still; it’s not ‘pragmatic’ Blair; this man is a True Believer. If he does go down this path, it would be a wonderful opportunity for the newly elected member for South Thanet to advocate a move to a US approach to free speech. Votes would drain from Labour to UKIP. If UKIP become the main opposition to Labour in the North, Labour will have a new reality to face.
The whole website/ newspaper is appalling.
Just what is Islamophobia anyway ?
A Humpty Dumpty word that can mean anything its speaker wants it to mean.
Besides, why should Islam be given preferential treatment in a society so obsessed with equality ?
For edification of Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future.”
By David Horowitz and Robert Spencer.
( 64 page pdf pamphlet).
Click to access Islamophobia.pdf
“Vote Labour”…To become a criminal in your own Country, everytime some Islamist halfwit chooses to make an “Islamophobic” allegation against you……
Journalist & commentator – former Editor of BBC Radio 4’s The World Tonight & BBC World Service’s Newshour
HSBC – Fairhead – BBC.
[Excerpt from ‘Daily Mail’ report of HSBC’s AGM]-
“Another bone of contention for shareholders was the £513,000 in fees handed to part-time non-executive director Rona Fairhead, who is also the chairman of the BBC Trust. She has come under pressure to resign due to the fact she sat on the board while alleged tax evasion routinely took place in HSBC’s Swiss Private Bank during the last decade.
“A shareholder described her pay as ‘obscene’. Another shouted ‘resign’ when she stood up for re-election. Robertson defended fellow members of the board, including chief executive Stuart Gulliver, Douglas Flint and Fairhead, saying: ‘I want to make it absolutely clear the board has full confidence in both Douglas and Stuart and the rest of the management team.’
“Yesterday HSBC confirmed Fairhead would stand for relection but that she intends to step down after a year. The bank stunned investors and politicians by announcing it has launched a review into whether it should move its headquarters from London.”
Beeboids censor out BBC Trust’s FAIRHEAD’s role as Director of HSBC-
“HSBC considers moving HQ out of UK”