The BBC has totally ignored this blistering attack on Miliband and Labour for their record on the NHS…
However the moment this came to light they are straight in there to dump on Cameron…worthy of frontpage news as a story in its own right apparently….
David Cameron’s West Ham football ‘brain fade’
Once again the BBC lie: Cameron DID NOT say “he was a West Ham supporter”, he said “I’d prefer it if you all supported West Ham”:
It is possible to support more than one team. There are teams you like more than others, maybe for their sportsmanship, or their record in adversity. You do not need to be a fanatic, and only support one team.
I am fairly certain that if that attack had been launched against a Tory (on the BBC, because the Beeboids would never have let it get to air) the BBC would STILL be playing it thirty years after the events.
Belgrano anybody?
The BBC, brave warriors that they are, did not have the guts to attack her when she was PM.
Now that she passed on, the simple idiot minded left, can now show how brave they are.
Mrs Thatcher was attacked endlessly by the BBC when shae was in power and it still continues: mentioning her name is like a dog whistle to a lefty. They wouldn’t take her on face to face of course, but their whole output from news and current affairs to “comedy” and drama was geared to attacking her.
It’s so petty it’s a joke.Cameron has given about 30 speeches in a couple of weeks and if it were me I’d have more than brain fog.
But I have emailed Sky about them cutting off Cameron’s speech this morning in which he set out his thoughts about minorities of which I am one, So quite interested.As they cut away the news reader said oh we will keep an eye on that and let you know if anything important is said.
I want to hear the whole thing not some talking heads version of the main points.
The Beeb and Sky are both as bad as each other,they seem to think they are at the centre of the election and their views are more important .No wonder the public has tuned out……
Re the migrants. Labour know they shot themselves in the foot .Notice it has all gone quiet about the story.
.I found it disgusting that Miliband should give a speech like that in front of a map of the Med ,just to remind us of all those poor people drowning.He should be ashamed for allowing it .
Miliband is a ruthless bastard. He will do anything to get into power and once there he will do anything to retain power. What is so sickening is that the BBC will laud him as they did Obamah and they will cover up his dirty deeds time after time whilst he wrecks the country beyond recovery.
The BBC got in a huge amount of practice after 1997. St Anthony and his government could do no wrong. There were no tough questioning like after 2010 when the BBC actually operated as the official opposition, because Labour were in disarray.
Then Tony upset them, since when he has been down there with the Tories and Lib Dems, apart from his I’M backing Ed cameo recently.
You know he upset them because the “edgy ” comedians include him on the target list.
He is going to import all African Muslims off the boats in Italy, just as soon as they get EU citizenship papers from Italy. African Christians have probably been murdered on the boats, or in the holding camps by then.
Then Labour can complete the project of making sure that the Conservatives never get elected again.
‘A BBC spokesman said “We aim to balance all coverage over the course of the campaign.” ‘
If the BBC were honest about their pro-public sector and anti-Conservative (and an anti-UKIP) reporting I might respect them more, but being honest about this would undermine their argument for tax payer funding.
The BBC therefore corrupt our national life with the lie that they are politically neutral, and they promote that lie in order to obtain tax payer funding.
So why do they need tax payer funding? In order to fund their 24/7 lobbying on behalf of the middle class public sector Party – in other words their own pockets at the expense of everybody else.
The BBC are truly vile. They are enemies of a free society.
Snobbish, arrogant, clapped out, cynical, morally bankrupt propagandists for a one party State.
If all that BBC spin was on behalf of something noble like defending our way of life against Islam I might have more respect for them, but all that cynical news management has what purpose? To facilitate their troughing that is all. Has there been a terrorist enemy whose arse the BBC have not sought to kiss? Spineless lying cunts.
red ed meets red russell !!
With luck, Jo Coburn will know what is most appropriate to wear