Reclaim Brixton event at the weekend, protesting at how yuppies are forcing the indigenous black population out of the area they have lived in for.. er… some years. The organisers were proud that the event was peaceful… apart from the times it wasn’t.
A peaceful protest against gentrification in Brixton, London, has ended in violence. The local town hall was stormed by protesters, the window of an estate agents was smashed, and CS spray gas was used to disperse protesters who had gathered at a Brixton police station. Guardian: Police use CS spray as anti-gentrification protesters mass in Brixton
Surely the news fates have delivered opportunity here?
A collection of folk from 3rd world hellholes are unhappy with their lot and are keen to relocate to enjoy all the free WiFi an iPhone in Starbucks can draw down.
Meanwhile a collection of trustafarian soap dodgers seem unhappy with gentrification taking place and are keen on getting down and dirtier.
Surely the solution would be a cultural exchange programme?
Last Thursday, as Lutfur Rahman, the extremist-linked mayor of Tower Hamlets, was thrown out of office by a judge for corruption, vote-rigging, and bribery, the Metropolitan Police called in one of the saga’s key figures for an interview under caution.
But it wasn’t the former mayor or any of his associates. The suspect the Met wants to talk to is Andy Erlam, the lead petitioner in the court case against Mr Rahman.
“I was quite literally sitting in court, listening to the judge read out the ruling, when I got an email from a CID officer asking me to attend an interview this coming Tuesday,” said Mr Erlam. “It is Kafkaesque.”
This case is chilling and bodes ill for freedom and democracy in an increasingly ghettoized Britain.
It is notable that
1 The police did precious little to follow up complaints against Rahman. Shades of Rotherham?
2 Complainants were harassed by Rahman and his gang and if anything the police have assisted in this process.
3 Justice has been upheld by the actions of private individuals at their own financial risk and not by the organisation meant to protect civil society.
4 How much fraudulent postal voting will be going on across the country during this election?
I call this the talking head covers all channels but worse on BBC.
10am ish discussion with graphs about Labours housing announcements .Two talking heads who agree the stamp duty is very good politics aimed at Londonors.One says rent caps a bad idea then talking heads look at the newspapers starting with the Independent which leads on to yep you guessed it Labours housing policy.
Quick shift to small sound bite about Clegg possibly losing his seat and Lib Dems losing lots of seats.No reference to any Conservative policies Ie for comparison.
‘A Conservative minister [An unnamed “senior minister”] has hit out at the BBC’s coverage of the Tories during the election campaign, and promised to “sort out” the corporation after the election.’
This is why the BBC has so completely transformed itself into Labour’s Election Campaign Media HQ. The BBC need Labour to get into Downing Street – by hook or by crook – on May 7th. Whilst the Corporation gets jokey about Charter Renewal on W1, it is all-too-aware that with a Labour administration safely in the door post May 7th (preferably with the SNP to prop them up), their annual £3.5bn heist on the British public will continue unmolested by piffling worries about ‘impartiality’ or even the relevance of a vast, hugely powerful monopolistic publicly-funded behemoth of broadcaster in these days of online and subscription-based digital programming.
The BBC is Labour’s last best hope of getting into Government on May 7th, and Labour getting into power is the BBC’s last best hope of surviving the 2017 Charter renewal process.
Vote UKIP or vote Tory and do your bit to bring this crooked, politically-biased, disingenuous, common purpose politburo down once and for all.
I agree with everything you have said Phil other than the vote Tory bit.
Call me Dave has had five years to at least start reforming the BBC and has done nothing.
The left wing bias is so embedded and so overt that it wouldn’t take much to start the ball rolling.
But sopping wet social democrat Cameroon has not lifted a finger and nothing tells me that that would change were he given five further years.
I shall be voting UKIP henceforth. Granted they may not be in a position to change things right now (2020 may be a different matter) but at least I can sleep with a clear conscience.
I do hope that not too many people have such a well developed conscience as you do. If you are in a marginal seat a vote for UKIP will let McMiliband into No 10 and that is a heavy price to pay for the country. Similarly if UKIP are challenging Labour don’t vote Tory vote UKIP.
I agree that Cameron has done little to curb the excesses of the BBC, but do remember that at the start of the coalition term in power they effectively took between 10 and 15 % out of the BBC budget by forcing the corporation to pay for stuff that previously was paid by general taxation eg the World Service, and by freezing the LF for the full 5 years. If the Tories do form the next government they certainly need to do much more to rein in the over mighty BBC. One thing we can be certain of is that Labour/SNP will give the BBC a blank cheque for services rendered.
I’m voting UKIP. I won’t be put off by the LibLabCon ‘vote for me or you’ll let in the other chap*’ trope.
I believe in UKIP policies, so why would I vote for a party that I disagree with? If the Tories can’t win a majority, that is their problem. I appreciate that a Labour government will be all our problems, but Labour Lite will be just as destructive in the long term.
“One thing we can be certain of is that Labour/SNP will give the BBC a blank cheque for services rendered.”
I a sorry to say, but yes it is as corrupt as that…abolish the BBC and replace it with free choice and it will be the Labour Party who will be outraged. Combine that outrage with their hated of the free press (if it is not Labour supporting) and the totalitarian mindset becomes clear.
OK here goes. I have only ever voted for the UKIP in the European Elections (at least for as long as can remember) and I am glad there is a UKIP voice in this election (if any pollster asks me what I am voting I say UKIP) but anybody (except for tactical voting reasons) who votes UKIP in this General Election (with the consequence that we get a MIliband led government) is a moron.
There are more and more senior tory and labour candidates and former bigwigs coming out to support a lab/con “grand coalition”… Anything to stop us having a referendum on the EU and to keep their faces firmly riveted to the EU trough.
I say bring it on. It is the one thing that will guarantee a massive UKIP majority in, (or even by), 2020.
There is a very good reason for UKIP supporters to vote UKIP in seats where there is no chance of electing a UKIP MP.
If UKIP win a seat anywhere they will become entitled to claim office expenses for the party – with the amount available rising with the total number of votes won across the whole country.
An article on Breitbart gives a good summary>
” To qualify, a party has to have at least two MPs elected at the general election, or win one seat plus at least 150,000 votes nationally. UKIP has never qualified for the grants before as they only ever had three MPs, all of whom defected whilst in office. However, at next week’s election the party is guaranteed to qualify, as it is polling ahead in a number of seats and will get several million votes nationally.
Parties receive £14,015 a year for each MP elected, plus a share of £150k travel budget and £27.99 per 200 votes. UKIP is currently polling 18 percent and is expected to get about six seats. This would give them £860k a year. If Farage gets the number of MPs into double figures the annual payment would be around £1m a year, or £5m over the time of the Parliament.”
”South Thanet Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay is facing further questions about his business interests after it emerged the accountancy firm of which he is a partner helps foreign nationals claim welfare benefits.”
Just back from the hustings. Despite being ahead in the polls the SNP candidate came across very poorly and went down poorly, he seemed resentful of his audience and I would hate to be represented by him, so my tactical vote is now cast.
If you want UKIP policies implemented then you will not get them by voting something other than UKIP. It is the increasing popularity of UKIP that has moved the “Tory top brass” from the glib multiculturalism of yesteryear. Tory voters are now realising that unfettered mass immigration will eventually destroy, if not their way of life,,but that of their children and grandchildren at a cultural level 30 or 40 years from now. Manual workers who voted Labour are realising that unfettered mass immigration is now forcing down their wages and making competion for state benefits more intense. Now is not the time to be voting Tory or Labour when many in both camps realise they are being taken for granted or even insulted . No one is saying there will be a majority UKIP government or dozens of seats, but any drop in share of vote will cause joy at the BBC and sighs of relief from the adherenrs of the two zombie parties. 2nd or 3rd places in many seats will, in the future, dissuade people who want UKIP from the cunning plan of not voting UKIP and so not getting UKIP.
* More EU
* More unskilled immigration
* More Islamic colonisation
* More unsustainable population growth
* More benefits dependency
* More foreign aid (bribes)
* More BBC propaganda
* More debt
* More multiculturalism
* More ‘green’ energy nonsense, resulting in higher bills.
No thanks. You can vote for *more* of the same old discredited claptrap, I’ll vote with my conscience.
It is only in about 100 seats that voting UKIP MIGHT let Miliband in – and you should remember that there are plenty of Kippers who would have voted Labour but have now switched.
Anyone can find out whether their seat is a tory-labour marginal. If not then voting UKIP is the best way to keep out Miliband as UKIP is probably going to replace the Conservatives as the main party opposing Labour.
WAEIT, you forget that the Coalition was obliged to tackle much larger targets than the BBC in its five-year term, with the lefty Lib Dems hanging round Cameron’s ankles on a number of issues. Even then Cameron froze the license fee and demanded and got other concessions from the profligate broadcaster.
I could point out some other major and muscular changes made by Cameron but I sense that you wouldn’t be inclined to accept them. Vote UKIP by all means, but it will be a wasted vote if you actually want anything to move forward in the right direction,
Leftie Dave won’t do anything against the BBC just like he’s been doing nothing for all the time he’s been in power.
This is the man who collaborated with the ultra far left Socialist Workers Party over the formation of the UAF. He’s only interested in preserving vested interest, and once he and a few cronies realised that far left wing politics weren’t threatening him & his friends wealth he wasn’t bothered about opposing it any more.
The BBC licence fee recommendation to Parliament is made by a cross party committee which has already been formed and has been working on their proposals for some time. There was a thread posted on these pages asking for submissions to that committee some time ago.
It doesn’t matter if the Tories or Labour get in the outcome on this is very likely to be the same (The Public will be shafted either way!).
The LibLabCon party are one big conglomeration, with a very limited set of powers because they have given most of those away to either regions, or the EU. Only one can stand out as different because it’s the only one planning to get those powers back!
The BBC wants Labour in power simply because it has so many left wing creative dreamers working for it, who might have talent in music, visual arts, and dance, but don’t have the first clue about economics and reality. They don’t have to when they work for lady bountiful aka the BBC.
Tory “a lie a day” election, trundles on. whoppers about deficit reduction, the erm long term plan, no answers on money tree economic, or welfare cuts last week
I think the Tory policy for today, is to lie about unemployment figures again, and get caught doing it again.
Benefit claimant counts rather than official unemployment statistics have been used by Tory candidates.
JSA figures at the local level maybe accurate, but it is not correct to confuse JSA rates and unemployment. etc etc
“Ideally, politicians should be clear on the data they use. JSA is meaningful but different from unemployment.”
Still … never mind
just look at the ST “rich list” eh!
were all in it … erm … together?
Old “call me Dave” forgot his teams, hmmm which team is it?
oh yes!, the one my uncle used to own
I suppose this site is very familiar with this report CIVITAS “Impartiality at the BBC?
An investigation into the background and claims of Stuart Prebble’s ‘Independent Assessment for the BBC Trust'”
but it is news to me & maybe to other readers here. I was particularly pleased to see the University of Cardiff’s “unbiased BBC stats” called out as they heve long been regarded as bogus by this site.
Thanks Nisa, it certainly is. It is worth remembering though. The final conclusion (page 19) by CIVITAS report: (Cardiff is oft quoted by BBC as proving it’s ‘so called’ impartiality is clearly shown as being entirely false and fabricated. (quote) – The BBC Trustees have relied on this data to claim that the Corporation’s EU coverage properly complies with statutory requirements. They are wrong to have done so, and this raises grave doubts about their competence in meeting their regulatory obligations. ‘
No, really. Actually, not to worry; the BBC has for you.
Seems that, for all these silly global mishaps, what’s really trending is ‘men and women’ are painting their nails to ‘show solidarity with Bruce Jenner’.
Sadly for the bbc, they may need to getting modding soon. It’s not going too well.
Blimey, they’re getting as bad as the UKIP – I bet this was some typical stuffy old ex-colonel from the shires in a blazer…
‘Gulzabeen Afsar, a council candidate in Derby, made the comment on Facebook. In a post, she said: “Just can’t take Mr Ed Miliband seriously!” and later said “Never ever will I drop that low and support the Al Yahud!”. Al Yahud is Arabic for “the Jew”.’
Here she is at an “Islamic relief” fundraiser….I.E. a Muslim bad mouths Miliband for having a Jewish background, and it’s all the right wings fault…..Perfect BBC framing of the facts in favour of the Labour party…
I am just a normal slave to Allah.
How can people even think things like this?
Also – I wonder what would be the reaction of the authorities if a group of English people held a Christian relief fund raising even in say Saudi Arabia or Iran.
Strange. I read about that story yesterday, yet it seems that only now has it made it to the BBC website. I say “seems” because had the link not been provided above, I’d still be blissfully unaware it was on the BBC as it isn’t given any link on the main news or indeed election pages.
Now had it been a UKIP candidate, we all know things would have been a lot different.
R4 headlines at 5-30 played it straight, almost word for word from her webpage. Tory, tick, candidate for local elections, tick, said her name without further comment, tick, mentioned the fact the phrase she used was Arabic, tick. What was not mentioned was her religion, I mean what possible light would such a thing shine on the story ? Jewiphobia anyone ? Racist comment anyone ? If I said I could not vote for say Rahman because he was a Muslim what would be said about me then ? Would plod want a word in my ear ?
Our old friend, biased Norman Smith, yet again has praise for Miliband ‘and his growth in stature’ as well as a dig at the Tories who have needed to return to Plan A – the economy – because their campaign isn’t working. That’s probably because the BBC have been playing down Tory achievements and announcements and (as Guido points out) been heavily promoting Labour and Miliband. It’s difficult to get your message out through the BBC filter
Statesman Ed v lacklustre Cameron seems to be their narrative du jour – hard on the heels of lining up Ed v Boris yesterday on the Marr show (no Cameron there) and Labour’s Marr asking if this is a hint of things to come? The symbolism of Cameron as a loser is pure BBC. It can be only be the future if as the BBC hope, Miliband gets into Number Ten, if he doesn’t he’ll be replaced and on the first boat out to New York. That’ll teach Cameron to complain about Marr’s lies last week.
What else? Oh according to the BBC the Tories have got thousands of small businesses to sign one of their letters (as opposed to the Labour supporting letter from GPs a few weeks ago – which was apparently spontaneously written errr…to coincide with a grid announcement on the NHS, by ED (and organised by a Labour activist).
Labour today have also launched to great BBC fanfare their stamp duty bribe. But the BBC have failed to properly challenge them on, where the money is coming from? why it wasn’t in the manifesto? or their response to the Tory stamp duty reforms, when they argued that this would only put house prices up.
And then despite having Labour’s housing spokesman in their studio to talk about this and their rent controls, the BBC forgot to ask him (h/t Guido) why the Shadow Minister said only a month ago that there wouldn’t be any rent controls….and suddenly there are.
The Tory campaign might be lack-lustre, but Labour’s is looking increasingly opportunistic and incoherent. Opportunism is becoming a theme for Labour, it defines them and Miliband’s shallow approach.
They like to think they are, I’m not so sure. The internet is probably having a bigger effect, people are picking up on the bBC’s (and Sky’s) bias and seeking information elsewhere.
I’m sure the bBC will also be more than a little surprised at some of the results when they roll in in the early hours of the 8th May.
I’m hoping that if Cameron gets in it will be with a majority so, without the Lib Dems in tow, he can start to really get to grips with people like the BBC.
Just right to go on an empty chair, in those debates
mind you I suppose preferable, to turning up with his empty head
… which team is it? I don t know?, who am I? etc
Totally agree. If I thought UKIP would win even 50 seats I would vote for them,but I don’t and what I want is a Conservative majority .I don’t think people fiully understand how the Libs were a drag anchor on Tories which is why many things couldn’t happen in the last Parliament,leaving people disappointed.
As far as the BBC electioneering goes it is so blatant people are noticing and are searching elsewhere for more clarification.I don’t bother with the web site at all.
Sorry Deborah, I don’t buy this ‘it was because they were in coalition’ business, Cameron was happy to, he could have either gone back to the country or attempted to go it alone on a slim majority, a marriage of convenience.
All this as well following probably worst Labour administration ever.
Vote Tory get LibDem
Vote Labour get SNP
Vote UKIP get UKIP.
I agree Geoff. Cameron was completely comfortable getting into bed with Clegg. He is not from the Right wing of the party and clearly felt more at home with the Liberals than with sensible members of his own party such as John Redwood.
The Tories have had the last vote they will ever get from me, unless the squidgy Oxford PPE Left is banished – for good.
I think ‘Call me Dave’ is from the Cameron wing of the Camerovative Party. I’ll get stick for this but I think Boris is cut from exactly the same bolt. And Blair is in that very weave, too: Blair, Heir to Blair & Heir to Dave.
Doesn’t suit me, Sir!
Unless some miracles happen, the UK could be stuffed!
If a Lib Dem calls ask him why he/she has handed Labour a 20 – 30 seat advantage at this election.
He/she may be surprised by that remark, but if the number of M.P.s had been reduced to 600 with approx equal constituency electorate sizes, Labour would have “lost” 30 of the 50, Wales 10!!!!and Scotland 4 or 5. So the 20 would have been shared out by the Tories, Lib Dems and Nats
The present in built bias towards smaller urban seats and Wales would have been ended and the election much fairer.
Do not get me started on the chaos proportional representation would bring!
What makes me laugh are the people who complain about the coalition but then call for PR which would ensure, even more than FPTP at present. Totally muddled thinking and totally left-wing (but then I’m repeating myself).
He couldn’t. Labour and the Lib Dems, both of who benefited from the gerrymandered boundaries would have outvoted him.
Oh and not to mention the Labour voices that the BBC broadcast telling the public that the Tories were trying to rig the boundaries. Not once did the BBC challenge them putting it to them that votes of equal value were a democratic right.
At least Cameron managed to ensure that individual voter registration was introduced….despite ongoing opposition from Labour and continued carping, to this day from the BBC.
It seems carrying a camera absolves one from actually assisting those in need. In fact an award can often be the result where others would be accused of neglect.
I remain unclear on what the BBC is trying to push with all this.
But the heartwarming success stories in conclusion may encourage more such…. ‘migration’ if the benefits outweigh the risks.
Suzanne Evans brushes off her well-publicised name ‘gaff’ with charm and aplomb. Evidently she got C4 Tantrum Gurning Murphy’s name wrong.
Emma Reynolds (Labour Housing Spokesperson) asked about funding of their rent control and stamp duty ‘give away’. Her answer receives an audible laugh from within the studio – it is Andrew Neil I think. Emma confirms it is tax avoidance and the Magic Money Tree again. Instead of Andrew skewering Emma, who has recently confirmed, correctly, that rent controls will have a negative effect on housing quality and stock, Emma gets a free pass to waffle inanely as Jo Co provides the questions.
Have they put a leash on Brillo?
It’s early in the program, but it’s all ‘Ed plans this’, ‘Ed will do that’.
Ahh! Brillo on Emma Reynolds! Leash is off. Emma is back peddling on her historic comments.
And the Labour policy is…. Totally incomprehendable to me. It is not rent controls, nor tenancy enforcement. I think it might be a specific policy to legislate on three year tenancies and control of rent increases within the period of a tenancy agreement, even though shorter tenancies will be ‘allowed’ anyway. ? . And David Gauk (conservative) is being asked to explain what is wrong with a Labour policy which appears to me is changing by the hour.
Ahh! Brillo asks Emma whether she knows about the academic understanding of the negative impact of Rent Controls. The most well understood of economic principles (Rent Controls have bad results). She doesn’t. Emma’s layperson’s response is unbelievable. Emma knows better evidently. The intelligence of the Labour Party’s representatives is, quite frankly, embarrassing. Labour Auton Skewered. Again.
Wow. Conservative PPC (and incumbent) Andrew Rossendale is begging Suzanne Evans and begging UKIP supporters to vote for the Conservatives. “We’ll let Ed and Nichola in” (paraphrased), protests Rossendale! Rossendale exposes himself as a Kipper! Suzanne suggests that Rossendale should reflect on which Party is his true home. Terrific stuff. Nice one Suzanne.
Christian Fraser has a piece on UKIP and polls. Evidently one of the pollsters will be left with egg on their face. A spread of 10% to 18%. Only one Christian? Time will tell.
‘The Whig Party’ is given a platform. Evidently ‘Whigs’ are anti-UKIP, pro-immigration, pro BBC and pro-NHS. The usurping of terms, historical political movements and words continues. We have Hope not Hate – spreading hate and suppressing free speech. We have Unite Against Fascism, a group of islamofascist sympathisers who act to suppress free speech and use bully tactics synonymous with fascists. We have Socialist Workers Party, which has a deficit of workers. We have Unite, who divide. We have the ‘The Whig Party’, which appears to be a front for ‘Multiculti-BBC-NHS-Openborders-Islamification of Britain’ Party. And who’d a thunk it! Their Leader, one Waleed Ghani, once worked for the BBC! It would not surprise me if ‘The Whig Party’ is another establishment founded and funded red herring party designed as a propaganda tool against UKIP. The number of such organisations littering the political landscape is adding up.
The current GE is the most interesting I can remember. Godspeed and good luck, Nigel Farage and the UKIP team.
Meanwhile on BBC Pro Labour News at 1 BBC1, which many more people watch, If you didn’t know, you’d have no idea how dumb Rent Controls are, nor what the consequences of their introduction might be. Gompherz (the small) confirms that the Labour policy on housing is all about helping the little people, those struggle to get on the housing ladder. Thanks Simon! Go Labour!
Classic ‘leftie do-gooders know best’ piece on the BBC News today. ‘Deer numbers are out of control. The effects on woodland, devastating.’ Cue, Dr Paul O’Donoghue with a standard piece of exaggeration ‘The British countryside is effectively dying, right before our eyes.’ O’Donoghue is a walking environmentalist cliche, a great hairy hulk of a man, eyes aglow with fervour; a David Bellamy for today, but hopefully without denier tendancies. His solution is to re-introduce the lynx. It’s all so wonderful; ‘One of Britain’s missing predators will be back soon.’ [Lynx were allegedly ‘hunted to extinction in Britain more than a thousand years ago.’ but other sources stop short of that claim.] Concerns of farmers are mentioned, but brushed aside.
If you want a more balance picture, you don’t need to consult a climate change denier or US shock-jock; just read this page from the BBC in March:
The numbers of deer killed by lynx in European studies seem insufficient to reduce deer populations to the point that they would allow tree generation. … the main culprit preventing regeneration is red deer, whereas the lynx usually catch the smaller roe deer. … a recent study in Norway reported lynx to be killing twice as many domestic sheep as roe deer in summer. They also sometimes eat grouse and presumably pheasants,… The RSPB will be unhappy if lynx eat the last 1,300 surviving capercaillies, the largest species of grouse in Scotland.
Not to mention possible attacks on domestic animals and small children.
But notice this line: It ‘belongs’ in our countryside. Indeed, we are obliged under the European Habitats Directive to “study the desirability of reintroducing [threatened] species” that have become extinct from our region. Europe interfering again.
By coincidence, I was just reading The Ecologist on this on Facebook.
It kicked off with ‘the UK public have spoken’ which, being one and having no recollection of being asked, put me in that place I go when anyone presumes to tell me how I am thinking. Especially if it’s based on an independent survey they have paid for that has amazingly given the required result.
But I am going to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt here. That report did at least accord a fair crack at the counter arguments.
That said, not mentioning their own recent report seems a strange lapse, and frankly equating human and livestock space here now with a thousand years ago seems idealistic at best.
But Monbiot wanted wolves back didn’t he? So who knows. The compo lawyers will be happy. Fluffy puddy tats they are not, as evidenced by the hefty guage wire cages between them and the happy-snappers in the op-ed.
Seems a classic PR as news piece from a favoured source that went through the BBC machine with zero thought. Like most.
I’m pretty torn over this issue. I fully accept the concerns of farmers regarding the threat to their livestock represented by the reintroduction of the Lynx; on the other hand I am in favour of reintroducing species we formerly hunted out of existence.
This is a tricky one for me. I am not a farmer, though, so in the end, for me reintroducing the Lynx would be almost an abstract notion which might make me feel better, but for the farmers it would be potentially be a massive problem and threat.
We have to listen to the farmers and those who live and work in the countryside. In the end, their experience and advice is the best guide on this and other issues relating to reintroduction of species. We absolutely must not leave this up to the eco-zealots – down that path lies madness, as I think we all know.
When the activities of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds were made unlawful, the reason given was to “prevent unnecessary suffering”(a single stag or hind was chased over a long distance until, exhausted, it was held at bay – ie not attacked by the hounds but prevented from running further,- then shot at close range): henceforth any killing of deer was to be performed by grim-faced licensed professionals who wouldn’t enjoy it or by the farmers who knew where the damage to their crops was being done, either way death would be swift, clean and modern and no metropolitan sensibilities would be offended. But that was then. Now we hear that lynx will perform the necessary culling sometimes starting eating at the back end before the front end has stopped moving…. and you Mr Ford say you’re torn, well, not as torn as …. I don’t need to finish do I?
Ditto the issue of planning permission. For years you couldn’t build a dog house that might be visible against the horizon… ‘Environmentally sensitive area’. Google knows everything – 1987. Now they erect monstrous wind turbine eyesores without a flicker of guilt. And they wonder why the public are contemptuous.
Appreciate the reminder, David. Looks interesting. Sadly conflicts with Game of Thrones on Sky Atlantic – but Sky Box to the rescue, so I’ve got it set to record at 1.30am in HD tomorrow morning!
Completely OT, but I use FaceBook to track an eclectic mix of the personal, the professional, the educational and the informative (not sure where the BBC would place).
In the last few days I have noticed several ‘sponsored posts’ crop up, and they seem very politically targeted. All so far have been dishing dubious dirt on Tory candidates.
Usually such things wash over, but I have taken to posting to ask who is doing the sponsoring.
So far the answers (if offered) have been from anonymous Admins saying ‘just me, as a concerned individual’.
It’s to be hoped that the superannuated student activists who make up so much of the BBC’s staff get to watch it so they can find out what a fascist really looks like.
In other words, most decidedly not like Nigel Farage!
Funny how quiet it has been here about the resignation and disgrace of Jim Wells of the DUP. The BBC has also ignored it.
Since his views are pretty similar to the BiasedBBC heart one would have thought he was worth a mention. Or is it such an embarrassment to find out that in the real world, nobody much cares for these views here? No doubt Vance will be to the rescue. He does love gays. And Women, and blacks, and Muslims and immigrants. So in touch. Not.
Would the “Gay row Health Minister Resigns” link that’s been fairly prominent all day on the BBC News page be the same one the BBC has ignored? Or is that a different Jim Wells of the DUP?
Is there any aspect of government or NGO oversight, especially regarding media and free speech, now not stuffed with folk who rather clearly do not leave their (radical) politics at the door?
How can IPSO pretend to function impartially under a regime modeled on the BBC top floor?
Anyone thinking that any complaint to IPOS (Independent Press Standards Organisation) will be treated impartially needs to read the tweets from the individual who has just been appointed Director of External Affairs. Also read his other tweets in the comments in the above linked article.
I’m sure a good few are, but I remember confronting a few Lefties of the “BNP supporters are Tory scum” variety with the survey that said that the bulk of BNP voters had never voted before and of those that had, the majority had voted Labour. Never confront a socialist with facts, their tiny brains simply can’t handle the contradictions
Has anyone else noticed how UKIP have vanished from the BBC News page?.
It’s at least a week since there was ANYTHING relating to UKIP on the main page, even although it was(as always)in the negative.
Obviously the BBC are now trying the “ignore them” tactic.
Something else I’ve noticed is that all the photos used to promote Ed Miliband are carefully selected images which show him in a “commanding/statesman” pose.
The BBC are now also trotting out supposed “snap polls” which “show” the Conservatives and Labour as neck and neck.
The BBC really are desperate to control the election and get Labour into 10 Downing Street……..
No doubt a striking resemblance to his granddaddy, Sam, a member of the Russian Red Army.
Clearly there is something in his DNA. You just can’t keep a Commie down.
I wonder why the Milibands (or whatever their real name is) didn’t return to the USSR when the war was over and where their alien Marxist creed really belonged?
One view is that the recent drop in oil prices presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for governments to get rid of fossil fuel subsidies and introduce a price on carbon.
She seems blissfully unware of, or chooses not to mention:
The slogan that Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has adopted for this election campaign is “Making it clear.” For whom – ther Labour Party? During this election campaign, the Radio Five Breakfast team have been interviewing certain individuals, whom it is claimed represent particular interest groups in our society. What this means in reality is that the individuals chosen tend to come from those people intending to vote for left-wing parties. This morning it was the turn of “expectant mums” and when they were asked what was the most important issue for them during this campaign, they answered practically in unison -yes you’ve guessed it – the NHS! Radio Five Live has been busy “weaponising” the NHS over the past few weeks, no doubt with the intention of giving Mr. Ed the opportunity to concentrate on the economy and business. Ha, ha, ha! While the NHS is an important issue, surely there are other important matters that are relevant to this campaign, which are barely touched on by the Breakfast Show. The coverage of the election by this station is appalling and basically infantile, and apart from the above item, there was little further discussion of election issues so as to assist the process of “Making it clear!” Please pass the sick bag, assuming there are any left with only ten days to go to polling day.
The other issue of concern is that Radio Five is still refusing to give any coverage to the shenanigans at Tower Hamlets. The reason why the BBC needs to investigate this matter further is because of the attitude adopted by the Metropolitan Police towards members of the public who dared to complain about the abuse of the electoral system in that part of London. As I pointed out on Friday, the police did little to prevent the intimidation of voters at the polling stations, and took no action when a witness was assaulted by two of Mr. Rahman’s supporters inside the Royal Courts of Justice itself. Even when the judge was reading out his verdict on Rashman and his cronies, one of the four petitioners responsible for petitioning the setting up of an election court to investigate this matter, received an email from a CID officer asking him to attend an interview on Tuesday. As he stated, “It is Kafkaesque.” With the failure of the police to deal effectively with the abuse of young teenage girls in Rotherham and elewhere, there is something clearly amiss with our police force, which was once held in such high regard affection. This is an issue the BBC should be investigating, as well as raising with the political leaders between now and polling day.
Good point. Brillo broke the news on Daily Politics and made a point of praising some obscure Beeb journalist who allegedly followed the story from the start. I thought then how wrong that was – Gilligan deserves the credit.
Sports commentator sacked in Australia over ‘despicable’ Anzac Day tweets
Australia’s public broadcaster sacked a sports commentator over tweets sent on Anzac Day which criticised the “imperialist invasion” at Gallipoli and described Australians commemorating the day as “poorly-read, largely white, nationalist drinkers and gamblers”.
“Remembering the summary execution, widespread rape and theft committed by these ‘brave’ Anzacs in Egypt, Palestine and Japan,” McIntyre wrote.
“Not forgetting that the largest single-day terrorist attacks in history were committed by this nation & their allies in Hiroshima & Nagasaki.”
Just heard on 5Live (but can’t find it online) of a 38 yo man in Blackburn questioned about electoral fraud. Blackburn, eh? Wonder what his background is.
Blackburn seems nice.
“Sajjad said on his website, “Despite concerns from the Electoral Commission and the Police, Labour liberalised the post vote system in 2001, meaning anyone on the electoral register could have a postal vote.
“Since then the number of people using absent votes has shot up over 200% in some constituencies.
“The numbers have gone up dramatically in every constituency but particularly in seats with substantial Asian electorates.”
“What is evident from recent campaigns is that within the Asian community campaigning remains very similar. Regardless of which party one supports Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats are likely to use the ‘beradari and caste system’ to garner votes.”
Is that the nanny out of her kitchen holding the other one or the lady who started threw a bit of Flanders (I know it is spelled wrongly but pun intended) mud?
Just had the Labour Party candidate at the door. “Can we rely on your continued support?”
He was a pleasant chap with a cheery demeanour and a friendly smile.
My old mum always instilled in me to be polite to strangers and never to swear.
I have just caught the end of the leader’s interview on bbbc between evan davis and nicola krankie.
Well, what a stark difference from the interview he had with Nigel Farage the other day.
Actually when I say davis interviewed krankie it was more of a very, very cosy chat really, no interruptions to the answers to the questions he put and davis had a constant sickly smile on his face, giving krankie plenty of nods and NVC signals to her at the appropriate moments. At one stage I thought they were going to start to make love to each other but then i remembered that would be impossible for davis wouldn’t it……..
By the way who in the bbbc chooses these interviewers to sit in front of the camera. I mean people like andrew ‘marxist’ marr, diane abbot etc. Is it ‘Plug from’ the beano?… about having faces for radio……..jeez.
Back to the point of this post, however – How can the bbbc possibly deny bias when they behave like davis did in front of Farage and then the complete opposite with sturgeon.
It really is a true disgrace and the bbbc should be made to pay heavily for this…….Close ’em down…..Well, I suppose one can live in hope…….
What a pathetic sniveling, grovelling ‘Uriah Heep,’ ever so creepy person, Evan Davis truly is.
No question from Uriah Davis on Nicola Krankie to justify a per capita amount of the 1400 pounds the Scots have over the English. BTW it was never according to Barnett based on geographic means and was adamant that it should not be done so.
Useless, useless,useless. BBC – a state media which perverts democracy
I agree, the contrast between Farage’s interview and the one with MacMiggins couldn’t be more profound; in fact Farage wasn’t really interviewed, it was just a prolonged personal attack on him and UKIP. The interview with Sturgeon contained no questions regarding the Barnett Formula or the SNP desire to see the U.K. without nuclear weapons – in a world far more unstable than it has been for decades.
Panorama wasted more of our money with junkie Richard Bacon taking American statistical guru Nate Silver around three constituencies from which he could try to predict the election result. They chatted to a few voters, taking 20 minutes before finding a Conservative, then at the end Silver said that he didn’t know.
Another 30 minutes of bBBC anti-Conservative propaganda.
Listening to those people (especially the inbreds in Devon), it was the sort of programme that makes you despair. In Skeggy, Bacon spat out it was 99% white – you could tell he didn’t like saying it. Then, he proceeded to say there were loads of Eastern Europeans there. So, it might be 99% white but it’s not 99% British is it? Contrary to you, I got the impression they were saying don’t vote UKIP because there’s no point – this point is hammered home with regularity by the BBC/ITV/luegenpresse/pollsters etc. The part on Bury North, an area I’m very familiar with was a joke. Bury North goes all the way to Edenfield in the sticks and Holcombe always votes Tory. Bury North isn’t all terraced housing like Coronation Street either. It will go Tory again because it’s a Tory area and Bury South will go Labour again so there won’t be much change up here. It’s a lost cause (at least for this election) but it won’t stop me from delivering UKIP leaflets and getting the message across. It takes time (perhaps too much time) for people to change their vote but we might as well plug away. If we get a few seats now, it’ll be something to build on for 2020, by then, the country will be a clusterfuck.
There’s precious little pretence at balance as the Newsnight gals tell us their BBC predictions for the election have UKIP on two seats (up one on previous figures) – and neither of those is South Thanet.
Frankly you don’t have to be holding a candle for UKIP to see the bias here.
Pray tell, how are the Greens doing, girls?
This all-girls-together late-night hilarity in the dorm follows an all but incomprehensible set of survey results from our Alegra – BBC graphics were hit and miss and the only sense I could make of it was that the BBC wanted to make out their audience was ok (honestly) with the idea of the SNP pulling Miliband’s strings come the aftermath.
Newsnight- Wark and Stratton do the theoretical MP seat numbers.
Wark- “…..and even UKIP is up one (to 2), which we think is Thurrock and not Thanet, so sorry about that Nigel..”
Cut back to studio with a sniggering Stratton. Cue hagiographic introduction to the Krankie woman from the SNP.
So confidently biased they are, any pretence at impartiality goes out of the window in favour of sneering contempt for UKIP, and fawning adulation of the McTrots.
Roll on 8th May, when these media barstewards get the shock of their lives, in England at least.
The expression ‘sneering metropolitan elite’ was crafted for Wark. Apart from the dig at Nigel Farage, she attempted to use the interview with the kidnapped women as a vehicle to promote herself; always trying to appear ‘profound’. David has a request on language, so I’ll resist… but I couldn’t help thinking how sharp Amanda Berry was, the more so for her ordeal. No faux-sophistication required; a class act compared to Ms Wark.
Yes the poor lass all over the media front page with her tatoos showing from every angle ? must be hell trying to be treated like a normal non sexual object when parading yourself out to the red tops !
“Casual Sexism” … is comparable to racist abuse? bleats Panto Campbell on 5live, lets get the, right on/twitterfarty/outraged latte lovers to fill an hour on it, probably be able to shoe in a couple of victims of Islamofauxbia too
… how drole, how very BBC
ps … how about the sad old Daily Fail headlines eh!
red Ed, the landgrabber etc … all getting quite desperate.
Certainly trending on my feeds, if not the ones the BBC appears to surf and feature.
Were it all not so serious it would be funny, but credit the lady. Maybe she’s who Anger and Protest editors (down, Mason) should be interviewing and not the parade of fellow incitement experts programmed on their speed dials?
They can’t help themselves…
An article today on the BBC website considers how a night out might be affected by the outcome of the General Election i.e. price of beer and fags etc. But in one section they feel it necessary to prefix it with an editorial qualifier: “The BBC does not condone the use of illegal drugs, but they are, for better or worse, a part of the lives of millions of Britons.” They are being disingenuous – one cannot help suspect that they do condone the use of illegal drugs and do think that they are are indeed ‘better’ rather than ‘worse’. Strangely enough, none of the other sections: arts, music, sport, smoking etc are prefixed in this way, telling us what the BBC does or not condone. Interesting, also, that the BBC presumably considers drug taking to be a regular part of a night out (perhaps it is for some BBC employees).
Another day dawns on Pravda, sorry I meant BBc Breakfast with the sofa dwellers.
How many reporters does the BBc have in Nepal every time I watch a news item there seems to be another one there.
So let’s begin with unarmed black (can I use that word) killed in America. A quick look around the internet alleges that the deceased was selling crack cocaine and had 20 previous convictions and then ran from the Police. The media are giving out some vague reason or on the BBc this morning at least just not mentioning why he was arrested. Also missing are pictures which are easy to find on the internet of looting.
It’s charity of the day . DEC featuring Saleh Saeed, former Chief Executive of Islamic Relief Worldwide. Couldn’t see how much he gets paid though.
But wait not one charity of the day. Who says you don’t get value from the BBc…what oh yes I do. BONUS CHARITY OF THE DAY! The national obesity forum, Who?
The wheel of same news stories spins around and lands on child obesity for the umpteenth time. Fizzy drinks & junk food Blah Blah Blah.
“How many reporters does the BBc have in Nepal every time I watch a news item there seems to be another one there”
It would appear, a fair number.
Whilst a degree of coverage is clearly warranted, the results I see scattered about the broadcast, online and social media hardly appear to contribute much.
Clearly, earthquakes result in rubble. The BBC appears to have a thing for rubble. And they also appear to occupy a lot of critical payload space on relief flights to buzz about taking pictures of more rubble.
And I do wonder where they stay when they capture heartbreaking images of folk too scared to sleep indoors.
For sure it is hard to see the value of sending ‘names’ long haul all the way there to create demands their filmic contributions back home may stretch to justify.
Older readers might remember the time when the bbc just took a feed from whichever was the local provider, a few shots of fallen buildings, a few shots of locals digging for victims. All shot without sound by a Indian cameraman with a few words of script added in London. Today ? A plane load of reporters making their way to the zone, live on TV, live as I speak with empathy provided by Childes in R5. All to what end ? The dead are still dead, the buildings are still smashed but the beeb has been able to show it’s the worlds provider of news for every occasion. Nothing new is learned that wasn’t know before but the bbc has placed its reporters on the spot, it’s brand image is on show and gets the reward down the line. When you are a big brand you have to show it before the game, sorry, as the disaster “unfolds”. This is what your money is spent on folks, bbc “product” on show to the worlds audience.
Are they referring to a Labour Party membership card? Afterall, she is one of their major donors – aside that is from Trades Unions and dodgy bankers (ie the Coop).
No, our mystery object is…. a Gold Blue Peter Badge.
This bombshell is dropped during the weather forcast this morning. Well, mumsy weather girl Carol Kirkwood (Silver Blue Peter Badge holder) was coming to us live from the Blue Peter Garden.
I’m pleased to inform readers here that this tiny slice of 1960s BBC outdoor wimsey still exists.
However, despite all the supposed tradition delivered this morning, a little research tells me our national broadcaster has moved it to Salford, ‘for fans to enjoy’.
The channel was originally supposed to become an online-only brand in autumn 2015, but its boss said the shift would not now occur until “after Christmas”.
Head of Strategy at the BBC may have missed a trick. A quick reschedule for Blue Peter and…..
Perhaps there’s still time for J K Rowling to put a good word in for BBC 3 with soon-to-be-PM Miliband?
🙁 BBC 3 has had a stay of execution I have no idea why BBC 3 exists full stop. Unless it’s to make money for Seth MacFarlane as every time I turn it on there is Family guy or American Dad on. I really don’t understand the rationale of constantly repeating a program for years.
One has the feeling the BBC empire has grown so large – with a constant, easy income of same size – that the people running it have completely forgotten about parts of it that are not ‘flagship’, that don’t have a significant footfall, either in house or among viewers & listeners.
BBC3 (& some other parts of the BBC) appear to be a bit like a half drunk cup of coffee that is put down on the carpet by feet, then it gets pushed back so no-one kicks it over, the sofa gets moved forward a bit and it’s forgotten. Three weeks later, during a house-clean, it is discovered with repeat upon repeat of a coating that would bring delight to Sir Alexander Fleming.
The only time I watch BBC3 is to watch Family Guy, the only programme worth watching at that time of night amongst the dozens of repeats on Freeview.
Fortunately the TV has a timer so I’m able to avoid watching the repeats of EastEnders. Why that is even made beats me. I expect it is just another example of the ‘liberal elite’ spitting on the ‘hard-working’ indigenous, while still expecting them to vote Labour, in between drinking, thumping, whoring, murdering, gambling and claiming benefits.
The bBC have no balls when it comes to cuts, remember when they were going to axe 6Music and the Asian Network? The three men and their dog who listened complained and they reneged on the decision. The same has happened with BBC3.
A shame they didn’t listen to the 1,000,000 who didn’t want Clarkson to go.
BBC 5Live Enfield … Yep! important marginal constituency … so all go to a …. mosque?, where all “aspects” of the community meet?.
1/. The mosque is outside the constituency! … so why?
2/. Do voters from outside the constituency? … frequent? … so why?
3/. Hmmm … All “aspects” of the “diverse, multi ethnic community”, so that s Muslims then?.
Glad to hear that the Beebot, is kneeling, out of respect?
on the vast array of prayer mats etc.
Next up … some whining adherent, wants money for football pitches and erm “community needs”.
BBC’s radio 4 decided to do a series called ‘Tommies’ featuring the actions of an Allied division on the Western Front during World War One. Guess which Division they decided to focus on? Out of the hundred or so British Divisions they chose the ‘Lahore’ Indian Division. With no disrespect to the brave Indian soldiers,would it not have been better to choose a GB based unit, after all,if this were an Indian radio production could you imagine them choosing an English unit as representative. Of course not. Only at the bbc.
Sounds to me like you’re in need of a visit to ‘Diversity and Cultural Enrichment Re-orientation’, Jeff. You’ll find them down the corridor, turn hard left, just across from Room 101.
For anyone who hasn’t caught it, the full series of the new bBC comedy ‘Peter Kay’s Car Share’ is available as a preview until midnight on the Iplayer,
For once a bBC comedy that does have a few genuine laugh out loud moments, but of course it being a bBC comedy needs to keep reminding us of diverse Britian.
There was a interview on this morning’s Today programme with the DUP’s Peter Robinson. It seemed to sum up the BBC position quite nicely. It wasn’t a long interview but I think at least half was spent trying to get Mr Robinson to say in several different ways that he didn’t agree with Jim Wells’s remarks on gay couples.
The rest concentrated on whether the DUP could come to any agreement with the Tories whilst the Tories planned £12bn of welfare cuts. Especially the effect of the “Bedroom Tax”.
I’d have thought there might have been a number of issues of interest to the GB public, but evidently only those of interest to the BBC were to be looked at.
Listened to the World Service this morning. Had a lengthy piece on the Baltimore riots.
They had on a person from Baltimore who basically saw the riots as a positive thing, a sort of venting of tension for the oppressed community! I’m not sure if I was a shopkeeper and saw my business go up in flames I would be so positive. At the end they said the person was an arts editor for the Baltimore Times.
A quick look at the Baltimore Times will tell you all you need to know about the Beebs agenda for this story.
Very interesting, Jean Claude Junker effectively torpedoes the Tory election campaign promise to renegotiate Britains relationship with Europe.
There will be no renegotiation until 2009 at the earliest, and then that might not happen. Cameron will be forced to declare an immediate referendum or admit he’s been lying.
Nothing as yet on the BBC which is unsurprising as it doesn’t help their cause at all !
Fair enough, if Junker won’t acknowledge that the EU needs to change (and will change as the Eurozone members draw closer together) …we will have to judge the EU on what we have now.
UN admits Israel was right – Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.
Now will the BBC report same…Don’t hold your breath.
Maybe it would be easier for the BBC if they had ‘Not News’ Editorial meetings, as the list of topics they need to quietly shunt away or ignore seems embarrassingly extensive?
Especially when it comes to stuff they gave full coverage to when the narrative suited fine.
Agree. There is a legitimacy issue with the BBC regarding its bias and I think there is a simple modern solution. After an appropriate period, say three years, all emails and programme minutes regarding programme making on all the platforms should be placed on the internet available for perusal by the license payer. I would actually go further and “remove the wall” in a post modern fashion and do what we see in dramas and films, show the production process. Thus on radio we should be able to hear the conversations between the presenter and desk staff – transcripts would be good. We should listen in on the news editorial meetings so that we can see their reasoning in how they address and present a story. Basically, we are currently treated simply as passive consumers by just being given the mysterious created final programme by the BBC. We should be involved in the process and know the process. This would be a first for a large media organisation and would be a big step in transparency. They let TV cameras into Parliament and increasingly into court because the modern age is skeptical of the authorial delivery from higher authorities. The confidence to be gained by the licence fee payer would be a bonus.
If that hasn’t got Hugs convening a ‘purposes of’ crisis meeting I don’t know what will.
The notion of citizen trawling raw data seems to appeal when Bradley, Ed & Jules do it, but they are less keen when it’s their own integrity being checked between what is and what the BBC wants to make it.
Found it!! Fits perfectly! Dore Gold responds to a typical anti-Israel biased interview from BBC! BBC should be ashamed…!
Arrogant bitch….
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Not on The Ten O’Clock News
Reclaim Brixton event at the weekend, protesting at how yuppies are forcing the indigenous black population out of the area they have lived in for.. er… some years. The organisers were proud that the event was peaceful… apart from the times it wasn’t.
BBC: Police use CS spray on Brixton gentrification protesters
A peaceful protest against gentrification in Brixton, London, has ended in violence. The local town hall was stormed by protesters, the window of an estate agents was smashed, and CS spray gas was used to disperse protesters who had gathered at a Brixton police station.
Guardian: Police use CS spray as anti-gentrification protesters mass in Brixton
‘Scotland Yard confirmed the spray was used after members of Reclaim Brixton entered the local police station.’
In a ‘delivering cookies from a grateful community’ sense, or a T-800 expressing service dissatisfaction sense?
Most of the protesters were hideously white. (and, it’s hard to put my finger on it, sort of middle-classy looking)
I do hope the property owners are not from overseas companies, as the UAF would have to intervene against the anti gentrification fascists.
Surely the news fates have delivered opportunity here?
A collection of folk from 3rd world hellholes are unhappy with their lot and are keen to relocate to enjoy all the free WiFi an iPhone in Starbucks can draw down.
Meanwhile a collection of trustafarian soap dodgers seem unhappy with gentrification taking place and are keen on getting down and dirtier.
Surely the solution would be a cultural exchange programme?
Ah, hipsters.
To paraphrase the expression used in WWI:
” … led by honkies”
After what Plod did for Rahman?
Ungrateful bastards.
Last Thursday, as Lutfur Rahman, the extremist-linked mayor of Tower Hamlets, was thrown out of office by a judge for corruption, vote-rigging, and bribery, the Metropolitan Police called in one of the saga’s key figures for an interview under caution.
But it wasn’t the former mayor or any of his associates. The suspect the Met wants to talk to is Andy Erlam, the lead petitioner in the court case against Mr Rahman.
“I was quite literally sitting in court, listening to the judge read out the ruling, when I got an email from a CID officer asking me to attend an interview this coming Tuesday,” said Mr Erlam. “It is Kafkaesque.”
This case is chilling and bodes ill for freedom and democracy in an increasingly ghettoized Britain.
It is notable that
1 The police did precious little to follow up complaints against Rahman. Shades of Rotherham?
2 Complainants were harassed by Rahman and his gang and if anything the police have assisted in this process.
3 Justice has been upheld by the actions of private individuals at their own financial risk and not by the organisation meant to protect civil society.
4 How much fraudulent postal voting will be going on across the country during this election?
I call this the talking head covers all channels but worse on BBC.
10am ish discussion with graphs about Labours housing announcements .Two talking heads who agree the stamp duty is very good politics aimed at Londonors.One says rent caps a bad idea then talking heads look at the newspapers starting with the Independent which leads on to yep you guessed it Labours housing policy.
Quick shift to small sound bite about Clegg possibly losing his seat and Lib Dems losing lots of seats.No reference to any Conservative policies Ie for comparison.
Having read the how Lutfur Rahman the Mayor of the Tower Hamlets Islamic Broadcast corporation has suffered a temporary defeat (rigging the local election under the noses of the police). And then the Police themselves ignoring protestations from local observers and concerned individuals (under threat without any support of the Police) in Rotherham as in Tower Hamlets of the growing ‘State-within-a-State’ of so called BBC ‘multiculturalism’ has completely and spectacularly FAILED across Europe. The BBC may be in denial but the effects are so obvious now that Doctors can see it as a national disease it now is…”And once European countries can no longer defend themselves, the end of national independence cannot be long delayed.’
‘A Conservative minister [An unnamed “senior minister”] has hit out at the BBC’s coverage of the Tories during the election campaign, and promised to “sort out” the corporation after the election.’
‘ Miliband vowed to renew the telly tax when the BBC license fee comes up for renewal in 2016, should he be prime minister at that point.’
Now, how is this likely to pan out, impartially, personal-prejudices at the door-wise, free of any conflicts of interest?
Tricky call.
This is why the BBC has so completely transformed itself into Labour’s Election Campaign Media HQ. The BBC need Labour to get into Downing Street – by hook or by crook – on May 7th. Whilst the Corporation gets jokey about Charter Renewal on W1, it is all-too-aware that with a Labour administration safely in the door post May 7th (preferably with the SNP to prop them up), their annual £3.5bn heist on the British public will continue unmolested by piffling worries about ‘impartiality’ or even the relevance of a vast, hugely powerful monopolistic publicly-funded behemoth of broadcaster in these days of online and subscription-based digital programming.
The BBC is Labour’s last best hope of getting into Government on May 7th, and Labour getting into power is the BBC’s last best hope of surviving the 2017 Charter renewal process.
Vote UKIP or vote Tory and do your bit to bring this crooked, politically-biased, disingenuous, common purpose politburo down once and for all.
I agree with everything you have said Phil other than the vote Tory bit.
Call me Dave has had five years to at least start reforming the BBC and has done nothing.
The left wing bias is so embedded and so overt that it wouldn’t take much to start the ball rolling.
But sopping wet social democrat Cameroon has not lifted a finger and nothing tells me that that would change were he given five further years.
I shall be voting UKIP henceforth. Granted they may not be in a position to change things right now (2020 may be a different matter) but at least I can sleep with a clear conscience.
I do hope that not too many people have such a well developed conscience as you do. If you are in a marginal seat a vote for UKIP will let McMiliband into No 10 and that is a heavy price to pay for the country. Similarly if UKIP are challenging Labour don’t vote Tory vote UKIP.
I agree that Cameron has done little to curb the excesses of the BBC, but do remember that at the start of the coalition term in power they effectively took between 10 and 15 % out of the BBC budget by forcing the corporation to pay for stuff that previously was paid by general taxation eg the World Service, and by freezing the LF for the full 5 years. If the Tories do form the next government they certainly need to do much more to rein in the over mighty BBC. One thing we can be certain of is that Labour/SNP will give the BBC a blank cheque for services rendered.
“I do hope that not too many people have such a well developed conscience as you do. ”
Bit sneery, but hey…….
UKIP is the only party that wants out of the Socialist/Marxist construct that is the EU and therefore the only party that puts Britain first.
As somebody who loves his country my conscience would not permit me to vote any other way.
And may God save the Queen!!
Bit dramatic that wasn’t it? But sneer away……..
Nothing wrong with a well developed conscience. Something that should be encouraged. I hope many are developing theirs.
Vote UKIP. Clean conscience.
Amen to that Angryman
I’m voting UKIP. I won’t be put off by the LibLabCon ‘vote for me or you’ll let in the other chap*’ trope.
I believe in UKIP policies, so why would I vote for a party that I disagree with? If the Tories can’t win a majority, that is their problem. I appreciate that a Labour government will be all our problems, but Labour Lite will be just as destructive in the long term.
* or chapette
“One thing we can be certain of is that Labour/SNP will give the BBC a blank cheque for services rendered.”
I a sorry to say, but yes it is as corrupt as that…abolish the BBC and replace it with free choice and it will be the Labour Party who will be outraged. Combine that outrage with their hated of the free press (if it is not Labour supporting) and the totalitarian mindset becomes clear.
“sneer away”
OK here goes. I have only ever voted for the UKIP in the European Elections (at least for as long as can remember) and I am glad there is a UKIP voice in this election (if any pollster asks me what I am voting I say UKIP) but anybody (except for tactical voting reasons) who votes UKIP in this General Election (with the consequence that we get a MIliband led government) is a moron.
A moron you say? Cheers Wild
Or somebody who is capable of thinking just that little bit further ahead than you.
‘anybody who votes UKIP in this General Election (with the consequence that we get a MIliband led government) is a moron. ‘
And what are those ‘conservatives’ that vote for Dave?
You and Essexman must be proud.
There are more and more senior tory and labour candidates and former bigwigs coming out to support a lab/con “grand coalition”… Anything to stop us having a referendum on the EU and to keep their faces firmly riveted to the EU trough.
I say bring it on. It is the one thing that will guarantee a massive UKIP majority in, (or even by), 2020.
Just goes to show what we’ve said all along – they are two sides of the same counterfeit coin.
There is a very good reason for UKIP supporters to vote UKIP in seats where there is no chance of electing a UKIP MP.
If UKIP win a seat anywhere they will become entitled to claim office expenses for the party – with the amount available rising with the total number of votes won across the whole country.
An article on Breitbart gives a good summary>
” To qualify, a party has to have at least two MPs elected at the general election, or win one seat plus at least 150,000 votes nationally. UKIP has never qualified for the grants before as they only ever had three MPs, all of whom defected whilst in office. However, at next week’s election the party is guaranteed to qualify, as it is polling ahead in a number of seats and will get several million votes nationally.
Parties receive £14,015 a year for each MP elected, plus a share of £150k travel budget and £27.99 per 200 votes. UKIP is currently polling 18 percent and is expected to get about six seats. This would give them £860k a year. If Farage gets the number of MPs into double figures the annual payment would be around £1m a year, or £5m over the time of the Parliament.”
The whole article is here:
If you agree with UKIP’s policies vote for them – to give them a properly funded election machine for 2020.
Always assuming the Labour/SNP coalition lasts that long. Which it won’t
”South Thanet Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay is facing further questions about his business interests after it emerged the accountancy firm of which he is a partner helps foreign nationals claim welfare benefits.”
It depends on your local seat. In my area eitiher SNP or Labour will win, so a vote for UKIP, Conservative or LibDem is wasted here.
Ditto Flexdream, but I’d rather ‘waste’ my vote than give it to Labour or the SNP. Two cheeks of the same arse.
Just back from the hustings. Despite being ahead in the polls the SNP candidate came across very poorly and went down poorly, he seemed resentful of his audience and I would hate to be represented by him, so my tactical vote is now cast.
If you want UKIP policies implemented then you will not get them by voting something other than UKIP. It is the increasing popularity of UKIP that has moved the “Tory top brass” from the glib multiculturalism of yesteryear. Tory voters are now realising that unfettered mass immigration will eventually destroy, if not their way of life,,but that of their children and grandchildren at a cultural level 30 or 40 years from now. Manual workers who voted Labour are realising that unfettered mass immigration is now forcing down their wages and making competion for state benefits more intense. Now is not the time to be voting Tory or Labour when many in both camps realise they are being taken for granted or even insulted . No one is saying there will be a majority UKIP government or dozens of seats, but any drop in share of vote will cause joy at the BBC and sighs of relief from the adherenrs of the two zombie parties. 2nd or 3rd places in many seats will, in the future, dissuade people who want UKIP from the cunning plan of not voting UKIP and so not getting UKIP.
What will Cameron deliver?
* More EU
* More unskilled immigration
* More Islamic colonisation
* More unsustainable population growth
* More benefits dependency
* More foreign aid (bribes)
* More BBC propaganda
* More debt
* More multiculturalism
* More ‘green’ energy nonsense, resulting in higher bills.
No thanks. You can vote for *more* of the same old discredited claptrap, I’ll vote with my conscience.
It is only in about 100 seats that voting UKIP MIGHT let Miliband in – and you should remember that there are plenty of Kippers who would have voted Labour but have now switched.
Anyone can find out whether their seat is a tory-labour marginal. If not then voting UKIP is the best way to keep out Miliband as UKIP is probably going to replace the Conservatives as the main party opposing Labour.
Arthur, get real!
WAEIT, you forget that the Coalition was obliged to tackle much larger targets than the BBC in its five-year term, with the lefty Lib Dems hanging round Cameron’s ankles on a number of issues. Even then Cameron froze the license fee and demanded and got other concessions from the profligate broadcaster.
I could point out some other major and muscular changes made by Cameron but I sense that you wouldn’t be inclined to accept them. Vote UKIP by all means, but it will be a wasted vote if you actually want anything to move forward in the right direction,
Forward? Right Direction?
It may take time for many to wake up.
I’m in a Con Lab marginal, but the choice is simple. I’ll be voting UKIP.
vote here …
Churchill was complaining about how the BBC covered the 1926 General Strike !!! nah, the Tories have done b*gger all about the BBC.
This might be of interest.
You are joking Phil? Yes?
Leftie Dave won’t do anything against the BBC just like he’s been doing nothing for all the time he’s been in power.
This is the man who collaborated with the ultra far left Socialist Workers Party over the formation of the UAF. He’s only interested in preserving vested interest, and once he and a few cronies realised that far left wing politics weren’t threatening him & his friends wealth he wasn’t bothered about opposing it any more.
The BBC licence fee recommendation to Parliament is made by a cross party committee which has already been formed and has been working on their proposals for some time. There was a thread posted on these pages asking for submissions to that committee some time ago.
It doesn’t matter if the Tories or Labour get in the outcome on this is very likely to be the same (The Public will be shafted either way!).
The LibLabCon party are one big conglomeration, with a very limited set of powers because they have given most of those away to either regions, or the EU. Only one can stand out as different because it’s the only one planning to get those powers back!
The BBC wants Labour in power simply because it has so many left wing creative dreamers working for it, who might have talent in music, visual arts, and dance, but don’t have the first clue about economics and reality. They don’t have to when they work for lady bountiful aka the BBC.
Tory “a lie a day” election, trundles on. whoppers about deficit reduction, the erm long term plan, no answers on money tree economic, or welfare cuts last week
I think the Tory policy for today, is to lie about unemployment figures again, and get caught doing it again.
Benefit claimant counts rather than official unemployment statistics have been used by Tory candidates.
JSA figures at the local level maybe accurate, but it is not correct to confuse JSA rates and unemployment. etc etc
“Ideally, politicians should be clear on the data they use. JSA is meaningful but different from unemployment.”
Still … never mind
just look at the ST “rich list” eh!
were all in it … erm … together?
Old “call me Dave” forgot his teams, hmmm which team is it?
oh yes!, the one my uncle used to own
Did anybody have the utter misfortune of listening to any of “men’s hour” last night?
Seriously, perhaps the biggest pile of shite that has ever been broadcast.
The piece I heard had two women on moaning about sexism in Parliament – on men’s hour!!!!
This was then hilariously followed by the host (who I swear was fighting to hide his embarrassment) speaking to Pienaar about his upcoming show.
Johnny boy told us it would be giving us a different view of the election…………from a women’s perspective!!!!!!
I only just managed to flick the off switch before keeling over
I suppose this site is very familiar with this report CIVITAS “Impartiality at the BBC?
An investigation into the background and claims of Stuart Prebble’s ‘Independent Assessment for the BBC Trust'”
Click to access impartialityatthebbc.pdf
but it is news to me & maybe to other readers here. I was particularly pleased to see the University of Cardiff’s “unbiased BBC stats” called out as they heve long been regarded as bogus by this site.
Thanks Nisa, it certainly is. It is worth remembering though. The final conclusion (page 19) by CIVITAS report: (Cardiff is oft quoted by BBC as proving it’s ‘so called’ impartiality is clearly shown as being entirely false and fabricated. (quote) – The BBC Trustees have relied on this data to claim that the Corporation’s EU coverage properly complies with statutory requirements. They are wrong to have done so, and this raises grave doubts about their competence in meeting their regulatory obligations. ‘
Would the bBC let this lady on a political debate? Looks right but wrong message, good on her.
Guido catches them at it again
In complement..
Neat headline, all things being more equal than others.
Hold. The. Front. Page.
No, really. Actually, not to worry; the BBC has for you.
Seems that, for all these silly global mishaps, what’s really trending is ‘men and women’ are painting their nails to ‘show solidarity with Bruce Jenner’.
Sadly for the bbc, they may need to getting modding soon. It’s not going too well.
A Conservative local election candidate who said she could never support “the Jew” Ed Miliband has been suspended.
Nasty, nasty, xenophobic Tories!!!!!
Blimey, they’re getting as bad as the UKIP – I bet this was some typical stuffy old ex-colonel from the shires in a blazer…
‘Gulzabeen Afsar, a council candidate in Derby, made the comment on Facebook. In a post, she said: “Just can’t take Mr Ed Miliband seriously!” and later said “Never ever will I drop that low and support the Al Yahud!”. Al Yahud is Arabic for “the Jew”.’
I have to agree with the comments from ‘Labour leader of Derby City Council, Ranjit Banwait’ : “This is not about politics…”
Quite. Sounds as though it’s more about religion. But we have to expect the BBC to tread very lightly there.
Here she is at an “Islamic relief” fundraiser….I.E. a Muslim bad mouths Miliband for having a Jewish background, and it’s all the right wings fault…..Perfect BBC framing of the facts in favour of the Labour party…
Lovely. Plenty more Kalashnikovs and head choppy- choppy knives, inshallah.
Love her quote “You just have to know your audience”
I am just a normal slave to Allah.
How can people even think things like this?
Also – I wonder what would be the reaction of the authorities if a group of English people held a Christian relief fund raising even in say Saudi Arabia or Iran.
In Iran they would be killed, in KSA definitely jailed or possibly killed.
Strange. I read about that story yesterday, yet it seems that only now has it made it to the BBC website. I say “seems” because had the link not been provided above, I’d still be blissfully unaware it was on the BBC as it isn’t given any link on the main news or indeed election pages.
Now had it been a UKIP candidate, we all know things would have been a lot different.
Or if the anti-semite had not been muslim things would have been different. In its report the BBC doesn’t mention her being muslim.
R4 headlines at 5-30 played it straight, almost word for word from her webpage. Tory, tick, candidate for local elections, tick, said her name without further comment, tick, mentioned the fact the phrase she used was Arabic, tick. What was not mentioned was her religion, I mean what possible light would such a thing shine on the story ? Jewiphobia anyone ? Racist comment anyone ? If I said I could not vote for say Rahman because he was a Muslim what would be said about me then ? Would plod want a word in my ear ?
Let’s be honest.. if the lady in question had been a Labour member, the story would never have seen the light of day on the BBC.
A new week and ‘BBC for Labour’ moves up a gear;
Our old friend, biased Norman Smith, yet again has praise for Miliband ‘and his growth in stature’ as well as a dig at the Tories who have needed to return to Plan A – the economy – because their campaign isn’t working. That’s probably because the BBC have been playing down Tory achievements and announcements and (as Guido points out) been heavily promoting Labour and Miliband. It’s difficult to get your message out through the BBC filter
Statesman Ed v lacklustre Cameron seems to be their narrative du jour – hard on the heels of lining up Ed v Boris yesterday on the Marr show (no Cameron there) and Labour’s Marr asking if this is a hint of things to come? The symbolism of Cameron as a loser is pure BBC. It can be only be the future if as the BBC hope, Miliband gets into Number Ten, if he doesn’t he’ll be replaced and on the first boat out to New York. That’ll teach Cameron to complain about Marr’s lies last week.
What else? Oh according to the BBC the Tories have got thousands of small businesses to sign one of their letters (as opposed to the Labour supporting letter from GPs a few weeks ago – which was apparently spontaneously written errr…to coincide with a grid announcement on the NHS, by ED (and organised by a Labour activist).
Labour today have also launched to great BBC fanfare their stamp duty bribe. But the BBC have failed to properly challenge them on, where the money is coming from? why it wasn’t in the manifesto? or their response to the Tory stamp duty reforms, when they argued that this would only put house prices up.
And then despite having Labour’s housing spokesman in their studio to talk about this and their rent controls, the BBC forgot to ask him (h/t Guido) why the Shadow Minister said only a month ago that there wouldn’t be any rent controls….and suddenly there are.
The Tory campaign might be lack-lustre, but Labour’s is looking increasingly opportunistic and incoherent. Opportunism is becoming a theme for Labour, it defines them and Miliband’s shallow approach.
The BBC are stealing this election for Labour.
“The BBC are stealing this election for Labour.”
They like to think they are, I’m not so sure. The internet is probably having a bigger effect, people are picking up on the bBC’s (and Sky’s) bias and seeking information elsewhere.
I’m sure the bBC will also be more than a little surprised at some of the results when they roll in in the early hours of the 8th May.
I do hope that you are right Geoff.
I’m hoping that if Cameron gets in it will be with a majority so, without the Lib Dems in tow, he can start to really get to grips with people like the BBC.
What makes you think he wants to?
Cameron hasn’t shown the slightest inclination to tackle the Left’s hegemony, whether it be in the BBC, quangos, education or anywhere else.
He’s an empty suit.
Here, here GC
Just right to go on an empty chair, in those debates
mind you I suppose preferable, to turning up with his empty head
… which team is it? I don t know?, who am I? etc
Totally agree. If I thought UKIP would win even 50 seats I would vote for them,but I don’t and what I want is a Conservative majority .I don’t think people fiully understand how the Libs were a drag anchor on Tories which is why many things couldn’t happen in the last Parliament,leaving people disappointed.
As far as the BBC electioneering goes it is so blatant people are noticing and are searching elsewhere for more clarification.I don’t bother with the web site at all.
Sorry Deborah, I don’t buy this ‘it was because they were in coalition’ business, Cameron was happy to, he could have either gone back to the country or attempted to go it alone on a slim majority, a marriage of convenience.
All this as well following probably worst Labour administration ever.
Vote Tory get LibDem
Vote Labour get SNP
Vote UKIP get UKIP.
I agree Geoff. Cameron was completely comfortable getting into bed with Clegg. He is not from the Right wing of the party and clearly felt more at home with the Liberals than with sensible members of his own party such as John Redwood.
The Tories have had the last vote they will ever get from me, unless the squidgy Oxford PPE Left is banished – for good.
I think ‘Call me Dave’ is from the Cameron wing of the Camerovative Party. I’ll get stick for this but I think Boris is cut from exactly the same bolt. And Blair is in that very weave, too: Blair, Heir to Blair & Heir to Dave.
Doesn’t suit me, Sir!
Unless some miracles happen, the UK could be stuffed!
If a Lib Dem calls ask him why he/she has handed Labour a 20 – 30 seat advantage at this election.
He/she may be surprised by that remark, but if the number of M.P.s had been reduced to 600 with approx equal constituency electorate sizes, Labour would have “lost” 30 of the 50, Wales 10!!!!and Scotland 4 or 5. So the 20 would have been shared out by the Tories, Lib Dems and Nats
The present in built bias towards smaller urban seats and Wales would have been ended and the election much fairer.
Do not get me started on the chaos proportional representation would bring!
What makes me laugh are the people who complain about the coalition but then call for PR which would ensure, even more than FPTP at present. Totally muddled thinking and totally left-wing (but then I’m repeating myself).
The reform of constituency boundaries was in the coalition agreement. The Lib Dems broke their word on this – and Dave did nothing about it.
The Lib Dems have handed Labour the 20-30 seat advantage, but Dave connived at the gift.
He couldn’t. Labour and the Lib Dems, both of who benefited from the gerrymandered boundaries would have outvoted him.
Oh and not to mention the Labour voices that the BBC broadcast telling the public that the Tories were trying to rig the boundaries. Not once did the BBC challenge them putting it to them that votes of equal value were a democratic right.
At least Cameron managed to ensure that individual voter registration was introduced….despite ongoing opposition from Labour and continued carping, to this day from the BBC.
More ‘horror’ from the BBC Hammer unit:
It seems carrying a camera absolves one from actually assisting those in need. In fact an award can often be the result where others would be accused of neglect.
I remain unclear on what the BBC is trying to push with all this.
But the heartwarming success stories in conclusion may encourage more such…. ‘migration’ if the benefits outweigh the risks.
BBC Daily Politics. 27.4.15
Suzanne Evans brushes off her well-publicised name ‘gaff’ with charm and aplomb. Evidently she got C4 Tantrum Gurning Murphy’s name wrong.
Emma Reynolds (Labour Housing Spokesperson) asked about funding of their rent control and stamp duty ‘give away’. Her answer receives an audible laugh from within the studio – it is Andrew Neil I think. Emma confirms it is tax avoidance and the Magic Money Tree again. Instead of Andrew skewering Emma, who has recently confirmed, correctly, that rent controls will have a negative effect on housing quality and stock, Emma gets a free pass to waffle inanely as Jo Co provides the questions.
Have they put a leash on Brillo?
It’s early in the program, but it’s all ‘Ed plans this’, ‘Ed will do that’.
Ahh! Brillo on Emma Reynolds! Leash is off. Emma is back peddling on her historic comments.
And the Labour policy is…. Totally incomprehendable to me. It is not rent controls, nor tenancy enforcement. I think it might be a specific policy to legislate on three year tenancies and control of rent increases within the period of a tenancy agreement, even though shorter tenancies will be ‘allowed’ anyway. ? . And David Gauk (conservative) is being asked to explain what is wrong with a Labour policy which appears to me is changing by the hour.
Ahh! Brillo asks Emma whether she knows about the academic understanding of the negative impact of Rent Controls. The most well understood of economic principles (Rent Controls have bad results). She doesn’t. Emma’s layperson’s response is unbelievable. Emma knows better evidently. The intelligence of the Labour Party’s representatives is, quite frankly, embarrassing. Labour Auton Skewered. Again.
Wow. Conservative PPC (and incumbent) Andrew Rossendale is begging Suzanne Evans and begging UKIP supporters to vote for the Conservatives. “We’ll let Ed and Nichola in” (paraphrased), protests Rossendale! Rossendale exposes himself as a Kipper! Suzanne suggests that Rossendale should reflect on which Party is his true home. Terrific stuff. Nice one Suzanne.
Christian Fraser has a piece on UKIP and polls. Evidently one of the pollsters will be left with egg on their face. A spread of 10% to 18%. Only one Christian? Time will tell.
‘The Whig Party’ is given a platform. Evidently ‘Whigs’ are anti-UKIP, pro-immigration, pro BBC and pro-NHS. The usurping of terms, historical political movements and words continues. We have Hope not Hate – spreading hate and suppressing free speech. We have Unite Against Fascism, a group of islamofascist sympathisers who act to suppress free speech and use bully tactics synonymous with fascists. We have Socialist Workers Party, which has a deficit of workers. We have Unite, who divide. We have the ‘The Whig Party’, which appears to be a front for ‘Multiculti-BBC-NHS-Openborders-Islamification of Britain’ Party. And who’d a thunk it! Their Leader, one Waleed Ghani, once worked for the BBC! It would not surprise me if ‘The Whig Party’ is another establishment founded and funded red herring party designed as a propaganda tool against UKIP. The number of such organisations littering the political landscape is adding up.
The current GE is the most interesting I can remember. Godspeed and good luck, Nigel Farage and the UKIP team.
Meanwhile on BBC Pro Labour News at 1 BBC1, which many more people watch, If you didn’t know, you’d have no idea how dumb Rent Controls are, nor what the consequences of their introduction might be. Gompherz (the small) confirms that the Labour policy on housing is all about helping the little people, those struggle to get on the housing ladder. Thanks Simon! Go Labour!
“….but it’s all ‘Ed plans this’, ‘Ed will do that’.”
Sorry about that….
Classic ‘leftie do-gooders know best’ piece on the BBC News today. ‘Deer numbers are out of control. The effects on woodland, devastating.’ Cue, Dr Paul O’Donoghue with a standard piece of exaggeration ‘The British countryside is effectively dying, right before our eyes.’ O’Donoghue is a walking environmentalist cliche, a great hairy hulk of a man, eyes aglow with fervour; a David Bellamy for today, but hopefully without denier tendancies. His solution is to re-introduce the lynx. It’s all so wonderful; ‘One of Britain’s missing predators will be back soon.’ [Lynx were allegedly ‘hunted to extinction in Britain more than a thousand years ago.’ but other sources stop short of that claim.] Concerns of farmers are mentioned, but brushed aside.
If you want a more balance picture, you don’t need to consult a climate change denier or US shock-jock; just read this page from the BBC in March:
The numbers of deer killed by lynx in European studies seem insufficient to reduce deer populations to the point that they would allow tree generation. … the main culprit preventing regeneration is red deer, whereas the lynx usually catch the smaller roe deer. … a recent study in Norway reported lynx to be killing twice as many domestic sheep as roe deer in summer. They also sometimes eat grouse and presumably pheasants,… The RSPB will be unhappy if lynx eat the last 1,300 surviving capercaillies, the largest species of grouse in Scotland.
Not to mention possible attacks on domestic animals and small children.
But notice this line: It ‘belongs’ in our countryside. Indeed, we are obliged under the European Habitats Directive to “study the desirability of reintroducing [threatened] species” that have become extinct from our region. Europe interfering again.
Too many deer? Shoot ’em and eat ’em, simples. (And yummy, nomnomnom)
Exactly !
But just what are these environmental nutters thinking ?
Agreed. Venison is delicious.
By coincidence, I was just reading The Ecologist on this on Facebook.
It kicked off with ‘the UK public have spoken’ which, being one and having no recollection of being asked, put me in that place I go when anyone presumes to tell me how I am thinking. Especially if it’s based on an independent survey they have paid for that has amazingly given the required result.
But I am going to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt here. That report did at least accord a fair crack at the counter arguments.
That said, not mentioning their own recent report seems a strange lapse, and frankly equating human and livestock space here now with a thousand years ago seems idealistic at best.
But Monbiot wanted wolves back didn’t he? So who knows. The compo lawyers will be happy. Fluffy puddy tats they are not, as evidenced by the hefty guage wire cages between them and the happy-snappers in the op-ed.
Seems a classic PR as news piece from a favoured source that went through the BBC machine with zero thought. Like most.
I’m pretty torn over this issue. I fully accept the concerns of farmers regarding the threat to their livestock represented by the reintroduction of the Lynx; on the other hand I am in favour of reintroducing species we formerly hunted out of existence.
This is a tricky one for me. I am not a farmer, though, so in the end, for me reintroducing the Lynx would be almost an abstract notion which might make me feel better, but for the farmers it would be potentially be a massive problem and threat.
We have to listen to the farmers and those who live and work in the countryside. In the end, their experience and advice is the best guide on this and other issues relating to reintroduction of species. We absolutely must not leave this up to the eco-zealots – down that path lies madness, as I think we all know.
When the activities of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds were made unlawful, the reason given was to “prevent unnecessary suffering”(a single stag or hind was chased over a long distance until, exhausted, it was held at bay – ie not attacked by the hounds but prevented from running further,- then shot at close range): henceforth any killing of deer was to be performed by grim-faced licensed professionals who wouldn’t enjoy it or by the farmers who knew where the damage to their crops was being done, either way death would be swift, clean and modern and no metropolitan sensibilities would be offended. But that was then. Now we hear that lynx will perform the necessary culling sometimes starting eating at the back end before the front end has stopped moving…. and you Mr Ford say you’re torn, well, not as torn as …. I don’t need to finish do I?
But that was then.
Ditto the issue of planning permission. For years you couldn’t build a dog house that might be visible against the horizon… ‘Environmentally sensitive area’. Google knows everything – 1987. Now they erect monstrous wind turbine eyesores without a flicker of guilt. And they wonder why the public are contemptuous.
As a respite from the mind numbingly tedious election.
BBC 4 tonight 9pm Himmler.
Not sure the headline really the best summary that the sub could have conjured up.
Appreciate the reminder, David. Looks interesting. Sadly conflicts with Game of Thrones on Sky Atlantic – but Sky Box to the rescue, so I’ve got it set to record at 1.30am in HD tomorrow morning!
It’s like an eclipse, something interesting on the BBC, doesn’t happen very often.
Careful, BBC 4 switches to sign language versions after midnight. I’ve been caught out a few times.
Completely OT, but I use FaceBook to track an eclectic mix of the personal, the professional, the educational and the informative (not sure where the BBC would place).
In the last few days I have noticed several ‘sponsored posts’ crop up, and they seem very politically targeted. All so far have been dishing dubious dirt on Tory candidates.
Usually such things wash over, but I have taken to posting to ask who is doing the sponsoring.
So far the answers (if offered) have been from anonymous Admins saying ‘just me, as a concerned individual’.
Have to say, I have my doubts.
It’s to be hoped that the superannuated student activists who make up so much of the BBC’s staff get to watch it so they can find out what a fascist really looks like.
In other words, most decidedly not like Nigel Farage!
Funny how quiet it has been here about the resignation and disgrace of Jim Wells of the DUP. The BBC has also ignored it.
Since his views are pretty similar to the BiasedBBC heart one would have thought he was worth a mention. Or is it such an embarrassment to find out that in the real world, nobody much cares for these views here? No doubt Vance will be to the rescue. He does love gays. And Women, and blacks, and Muslims and immigrants. So in touch. Not.
Hi Scott!
Hi David wow well done so now can you top off your ‘anti Vance ‘ scoop with a concise and meaningful rebutle of this
Since his views are pretty similar to the BBC heart one would have thought he was worth a mentioning by you a fellow Gurdion [note BBC in house rag !] type! maybe you can clear up this one?
Would the “Gay row Health Minister Resigns” link that’s been fairly prominent all day on the BBC News page be the same one the BBC has ignored? Or is that a different Jim Wells of the DUP?
As the topic of what is independent, or not, is currently in the frame, along comes this:
At least he’s not saying anything stupid.
Is there any aspect of government or NGO oversight, especially regarding media and free speech, now not stuffed with folk who rather clearly do not leave their (radical) politics at the door?
How can IPSO pretend to function impartially under a regime modeled on the BBC top floor?
Anyone thinking that any complaint to IPOS (Independent Press Standards Organisation) will be treated impartially needs to read the tweets from the individual who has just been appointed Director of External Affairs. Also read his other tweets in the comments in the above linked article.
If he’s not biased, then neither are the bBC….
Same way the BBC pretends to function impartially, I guess. Just keep saying and it shall be so.
We must stop assuming on here UKIP members are former Tories.
If they were, they would not be propping up a small minority of Labour councillors to run Norfolk.
With the odd exception “power” does not come easily to those elected as UKIP councillors, but being voting fodder for Labour seems to!
I’m sure a good few are, but I remember confronting a few Lefties of the “BNP supporters are Tory scum” variety with the survey that said that the bulk of BNP voters had never voted before and of those that had, the majority had voted Labour. Never confront a socialist with facts, their tiny brains simply can’t handle the contradictions
What a pile of left wing crap! Only the BBC could manage to combine French cinema and Islamophillia !
Has anyone else noticed how UKIP have vanished from the BBC News page?.
It’s at least a week since there was ANYTHING relating to UKIP on the main page, even although it was(as always)in the negative.
Obviously the BBC are now trying the “ignore them” tactic.
Something else I’ve noticed is that all the photos used to promote Ed Miliband are carefully selected images which show him in a “commanding/statesman” pose.
The BBC are now also trotting out supposed “snap polls” which “show” the Conservatives and Labour as neck and neck.
The BBC really are desperate to control the election and get Labour into 10 Downing Street……..
Yes the images of Ed are highly flattering. So try this.
No doubt a striking resemblance to his granddaddy, Sam, a member of the Russian Red Army.
Clearly there is something in his DNA. You just can’t keep a Commie down.
I wonder why the Milibands (or whatever their real name is) didn’t return to the USSR when the war was over and where their alien Marxist creed really belonged?
I should think because Stalin was about as big a fan of Jews as Hitler was.
At a guess, the comfortable lifestyle of a pampered academic living in leafy Hampstead might have had something to with it.
Well hash 88, he probably knew he’d end up with a bullet in the neck like the Polish Army officers at Katyn forest…..
Well, this will come as a shock…
One view is that the recent drop in oil prices presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for governments to get rid of fossil fuel subsidies and introduce a price on carbon.
She seems blissfully unware of, or chooses not to mention:
a) Massive government fuel duties.
b) Massive government ‘renewables’ subsidies.
Classic ‘balance’, BBC-style.
BBC accused of anti-Semitism in General Election online profile for Blackley and Broughton
The slogan that Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has adopted for this election campaign is “Making it clear.” For whom – ther Labour Party? During this election campaign, the Radio Five Breakfast team have been interviewing certain individuals, whom it is claimed represent particular interest groups in our society. What this means in reality is that the individuals chosen tend to come from those people intending to vote for left-wing parties. This morning it was the turn of “expectant mums” and when they were asked what was the most important issue for them during this campaign, they answered practically in unison -yes you’ve guessed it – the NHS! Radio Five Live has been busy “weaponising” the NHS over the past few weeks, no doubt with the intention of giving Mr. Ed the opportunity to concentrate on the economy and business. Ha, ha, ha! While the NHS is an important issue, surely there are other important matters that are relevant to this campaign, which are barely touched on by the Breakfast Show. The coverage of the election by this station is appalling and basically infantile, and apart from the above item, there was little further discussion of election issues so as to assist the process of “Making it clear!” Please pass the sick bag, assuming there are any left with only ten days to go to polling day.
The other issue of concern is that Radio Five is still refusing to give any coverage to the shenanigans at Tower Hamlets. The reason why the BBC needs to investigate this matter further is because of the attitude adopted by the Metropolitan Police towards members of the public who dared to complain about the abuse of the electoral system in that part of London. As I pointed out on Friday, the police did little to prevent the intimidation of voters at the polling stations, and took no action when a witness was assaulted by two of Mr. Rahman’s supporters inside the Royal Courts of Justice itself. Even when the judge was reading out his verdict on Rashman and his cronies, one of the four petitioners responsible for petitioning the setting up of an election court to investigate this matter, received an email from a CID officer asking him to attend an interview on Tuesday. As he stated, “It is Kafkaesque.” With the failure of the police to deal effectively with the abuse of young teenage girls in Rotherham and elewhere, there is something clearly amiss with our police force, which was once held in such high regard affection. This is an issue the BBC should be investigating, as well as raising with the political leaders between now and polling day.
And ironically it was left to a former BBC man, hounded from the organisation, Andrew Gilligan, to do the heavy lifting on this story.
Good point. Brillo broke the news on Daily Politics and made a point of praising some obscure Beeb journalist who allegedly followed the story from the start. I thought then how wrong that was – Gilligan deserves the credit.
A picture speaks a thousand words
There, fixed it for you, oh and btw, vote labour if youre unable to vote SNP
Fraternal thanks comrade
Sports commentator sacked in Australia over ‘despicable’ Anzac Day tweets
Australia’s public broadcaster sacked a sports commentator over tweets sent on Anzac Day which criticised the “imperialist invasion” at Gallipoli and described Australians commemorating the day as “poorly-read, largely white, nationalist drinkers and gamblers”.
“Remembering the summary execution, widespread rape and theft committed by these ‘brave’ Anzacs in Egypt, Palestine and Japan,” McIntyre wrote.
“Not forgetting that the largest single-day terrorist attacks in history were committed by this nation & their allies in Hiroshima & Nagasaki.”
The BBC will be rushing to sign up this far left lunatic then.
The true enemy are the White liberal self-haters, like this McIntyre pri@k, they would sell their own mothers to feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Just heard on 5Live (but can’t find it online) of a 38 yo man in Blackburn questioned about electoral fraud. Blackburn, eh? Wonder what his background is.
Blackburn seems nice.
“Sajjad said on his website, “Despite concerns from the Electoral Commission and the Police, Labour liberalised the post vote system in 2001, meaning anyone on the electoral register could have a postal vote.
“Since then the number of people using absent votes has shot up over 200% in some constituencies.
“The numbers have gone up dramatically in every constituency but particularly in seats with substantial Asian electorates.”
“What is evident from recent campaigns is that within the Asian community campaigning remains very similar. Regardless of which party one supports Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats are likely to use the ‘beradari and caste system’ to garner votes.”
LOL – Milipede hoist with his own petard. You couldn’t make it up:
Is that the nanny out of her kitchen holding the other one or the lady who started threw a bit of Flanders (I know it is spelled wrongly but pun intended) mud?
Ok so is Eddie muddleband the green one in the middle ?
The guy does have a way with words; literally everything that comes out of his mouth, presumably bypassing the organ between his ears again.
And this will become the spokesperson of the nation?
“The BBC has learned that what Special Ed didn’t mean this time was …”
Looking at her I’d say he has a transgender wife.
Just had the Labour Party candidate at the door. “Can we rely on your continued support?”
He was a pleasant chap with a cheery demeanour and a friendly smile.
My old mum always instilled in me to be polite to strangers and never to swear.
I have just caught the end of the leader’s interview on bbbc between evan davis and nicola krankie.
Well, what a stark difference from the interview he had with Nigel Farage the other day.
Actually when I say davis interviewed krankie it was more of a very, very cosy chat really, no interruptions to the answers to the questions he put and davis had a constant sickly smile on his face, giving krankie plenty of nods and NVC signals to her at the appropriate moments. At one stage I thought they were going to start to make love to each other but then i remembered that would be impossible for davis wouldn’t it……..
By the way who in the bbbc chooses these interviewers to sit in front of the camera. I mean people like andrew ‘marxist’ marr, diane abbot etc. Is it ‘Plug from’ the beano?… about having faces for radio……..jeez.
Back to the point of this post, however – How can the bbbc possibly deny bias when they behave like davis did in front of Farage and then the complete opposite with sturgeon.
It really is a true disgrace and the bbbc should be made to pay heavily for this…….Close ’em down…..Well, I suppose one can live in hope…….
What a pathetic sniveling, grovelling ‘Uriah Heep,’ ever so creepy person, Evan Davis truly is.
No question from Uriah Davis on Nicola Krankie to justify a per capita amount of the 1400 pounds the Scots have over the English. BTW it was never according to Barnett based on geographic means and was adamant that it should not be done so.
Useless, useless,useless. BBC – a state media which perverts democracy
I agree, the contrast between Farage’s interview and the one with MacMiggins couldn’t be more profound; in fact Farage wasn’t really interviewed, it was just a prolonged personal attack on him and UKIP. The interview with Sturgeon contained no questions regarding the Barnett Formula or the SNP desire to see the U.K. without nuclear weapons – in a world far more unstable than it has been for decades.
I see that they’ve arrested Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky:
Bukovsky is an outspoken critic of the European Union. Just a coincidence. or are they rounding up their enemies on trumped up charges?
Panorama wasted more of our money with junkie Richard Bacon taking American statistical guru Nate Silver around three constituencies from which he could try to predict the election result. They chatted to a few voters, taking 20 minutes before finding a Conservative, then at the end Silver said that he didn’t know.
Another 30 minutes of bBBC anti-Conservative propaganda.
Nobody in his right mind would waste a second talking to Richard Bacon.
Listening to those people (especially the inbreds in Devon), it was the sort of programme that makes you despair. In Skeggy, Bacon spat out it was 99% white – you could tell he didn’t like saying it. Then, he proceeded to say there were loads of Eastern Europeans there. So, it might be 99% white but it’s not 99% British is it? Contrary to you, I got the impression they were saying don’t vote UKIP because there’s no point – this point is hammered home with regularity by the BBC/ITV/luegenpresse/pollsters etc. The part on Bury North, an area I’m very familiar with was a joke. Bury North goes all the way to Edenfield in the sticks and Holcombe always votes Tory. Bury North isn’t all terraced housing like Coronation Street either. It will go Tory again because it’s a Tory area and Bury South will go Labour again so there won’t be much change up here. It’s a lost cause (at least for this election) but it won’t stop me from delivering UKIP leaflets and getting the message across. It takes time (perhaps too much time) for people to change their vote but we might as well plug away. If we get a few seats now, it’ll be something to build on for 2020, by then, the country will be a clusterfuck.
Richard Bacon said on his Radio 5 show ” I don’t like classical music, it’s very long.”
Well, if you’ve got the attention span of a fruit fly then I suppose it is. That’s the trouble with classical, too many notes.
Did Sarah Walker not convert him then?
Richard Bacon on Essential Classics
I don’t suppose he would like Wagner’s Ring, but that might get quite a few at the BBC excited.
“Sorry about that, Nigel”
So says Kirsty Wark, as Alegra Statton sniggers.
There’s precious little pretence at balance as the Newsnight gals tell us their BBC predictions for the election have UKIP on two seats (up one on previous figures) – and neither of those is South Thanet.
Frankly you don’t have to be holding a candle for UKIP to see the bias here.
Pray tell, how are the Greens doing, girls?
This all-girls-together late-night hilarity in the dorm follows an all but incomprehensible set of survey results from our Alegra – BBC graphics were hit and miss and the only sense I could make of it was that the BBC wanted to make out their audience was ok (honestly) with the idea of the SNP pulling Miliband’s strings come the aftermath.
Poor stuff.
‘In the dorm’ – will they be slapping each others wobbly arses with wet towels? Urg, mind bleach.
Yeewwwwww where’s me service revolver and glass of whiskey ?
Great minds…etc
Newsnight- Wark and Stratton do the theoretical MP seat numbers.
Wark- “…..and even UKIP is up one (to 2), which we think is Thurrock and not Thanet, so sorry about that Nigel..”
Cut back to studio with a sniggering Stratton. Cue hagiographic introduction to the Krankie woman from the SNP.
So confidently biased they are, any pretence at impartiality goes out of the window in favour of sneering contempt for UKIP, and fawning adulation of the McTrots.
Roll on 8th May, when these media barstewards get the shock of their lives, in England at least.
The expression ‘sneering metropolitan elite’ was crafted for Wark. Apart from the dig at Nigel Farage, she attempted to use the interview with the kidnapped women as a vehicle to promote herself; always trying to appear ‘profound’. David has a request on language, so I’ll resist… but I couldn’t help thinking how sharp Amanda Berry was, the more so for her ordeal. No faux-sophistication required; a class act compared to Ms Wark.
Kirsty Squawk, I find her quite detestable, a wannabe intellectual, very pretentious and well, how shall put this delicately, up her own arse !!
Check out the pretentiousness of Squawks Twitter page. Plus the old bag is 60 !!!! mutton dressed as lamb.
Tweets by KirstyWark
Call her what you want but no ageism please.
‘sniggering Stratton’
Thanks for the confirmation – it almost too blatant to believe.
‘Girl calls in police after wolf whistles from builders’
The girl must have read this ….
Perhaps they should start wearing burkas? That would suit Al Beeb .
Yes the poor lass all over the media front page with her tatoos showing from every angle ? must be hell trying to be treated like a normal non sexual object when parading yourself out to the red tops !
“Casual Sexism” … is comparable to racist abuse? bleats Panto Campbell on 5live, lets get the, right on/twitterfarty/outraged latte lovers to fill an hour on it, probably be able to shoe in a couple of victims of Islamofauxbia too
… how drole, how very BBC
ps … how about the sad old Daily Fail headlines eh!
red Ed, the landgrabber etc … all getting quite desperate.…and not a word on the bbc about these whites getting attacked in baltimore.
Not a word from the BBC about the mom who caught her son rioting. It does not fit the BBC narrative. Go mom
Certainly trending on my feeds, if not the ones the BBC appears to surf and feature.
Were it all not so serious it would be funny, but credit the lady. Maybe she’s who Anger and Protest editors (down, Mason) should be interviewing and not the parade of fellow incitement experts programmed on their speed dials?
They can’t help themselves…
An article today on the BBC website considers how a night out might be affected by the outcome of the General Election i.e. price of beer and fags etc. But in one section they feel it necessary to prefix it with an editorial qualifier: “The BBC does not condone the use of illegal drugs, but they are, for better or worse, a part of the lives of millions of Britons.” They are being disingenuous – one cannot help suspect that they do condone the use of illegal drugs and do think that they are are indeed ‘better’ rather than ‘worse’. Strangely enough, none of the other sections: arts, music, sport, smoking etc are prefixed in this way, telling us what the BBC does or not condone. Interesting, also, that the BBC presumably considers drug taking to be a regular part of a night out (perhaps it is for some BBC employees).
5Live Breakfast – from an Islamic centre in Enfield. Who could have predicted that?
BBC Radio 4 can’t be all bad when one of its correspondents comes out with this during a major news (8am) bulletin:
“Alexis Tsipras, the Greek Prime Minister is still under pressure over money but he shows no sign of folding … ”
Another day dawns on Pravda, sorry I meant BBc Breakfast with the sofa dwellers.
How many reporters does the BBc have in Nepal every time I watch a news item there seems to be another one there.
So let’s begin with unarmed black (can I use that word) killed in America. A quick look around the internet alleges that the deceased was selling crack cocaine and had 20 previous convictions and then ran from the Police. The media are giving out some vague reason or on the BBc this morning at least just not mentioning why he was arrested. Also missing are pictures which are easy to find on the internet of looting.
It’s charity of the day . DEC featuring Saleh Saeed, former Chief Executive of Islamic Relief Worldwide. Couldn’t see how much he gets paid though.
But wait not one charity of the day. Who says you don’t get value from the BBc…what oh yes I do. BONUS CHARITY OF THE DAY! The national obesity forum, Who?
The wheel of same news stories spins around and lands on child obesity for the umpteenth time. Fizzy drinks & junk food Blah Blah Blah.
“How many reporters does the BBc have in Nepal every time I watch a news item there seems to be another one there”
It would appear, a fair number.
Whilst a degree of coverage is clearly warranted, the results I see scattered about the broadcast, online and social media hardly appear to contribute much.
Clearly, earthquakes result in rubble. The BBC appears to have a thing for rubble. And they also appear to occupy a lot of critical payload space on relief flights to buzz about taking pictures of more rubble.
And I do wonder where they stay when they capture heartbreaking images of folk too scared to sleep indoors.
For sure it is hard to see the value of sending ‘names’ long haul all the way there to create demands their filmic contributions back home may stretch to justify.
Older readers might remember the time when the bbc just took a feed from whichever was the local provider, a few shots of fallen buildings, a few shots of locals digging for victims. All shot without sound by a Indian cameraman with a few words of script added in London. Today ? A plane load of reporters making their way to the zone, live on TV, live as I speak with empathy provided by Childes in R5. All to what end ? The dead are still dead, the buildings are still smashed but the beeb has been able to show it’s the worlds provider of news for every occasion. Nothing new is learned that wasn’t know before but the bbc has placed its reporters on the spot, it’s brand image is on show and gets the reward down the line. When you are a big brand you have to show it before the game, sorry, as the disaster “unfolds”. This is what your money is spent on folks, bbc “product” on show to the worlds audience.
“J K Rowling’s got one”
Are they referring to a Labour Party membership card? Afterall, she is one of their major donors – aside that is from Trades Unions and dodgy bankers (ie the Coop).
No, our mystery object is…. a Gold Blue Peter Badge.
This bombshell is dropped during the weather forcast this morning. Well, mumsy weather girl Carol Kirkwood (Silver Blue Peter Badge holder) was coming to us live from the Blue Peter Garden.
I’m pleased to inform readers here that this tiny slice of 1960s BBC outdoor wimsey still exists.
However, despite all the supposed tradition delivered this morning, a little research tells me our national broadcaster has moved it to Salford, ‘for fans to enjoy’.
I wrongly assumed Blue Peter had had the chop – thinking it was broadcast on BBC 3.
Wrong on two counts.
1. Due to general dumbing down and infantilising of the audience Blue Peter is broadcast on CBBC
2. BBC 3 has had a stay of execution.
The channel was originally supposed to become an online-only brand in autumn 2015, but its boss said the shift would not now occur until “after Christmas”.
Head of Strategy at the BBC may have missed a trick. A quick reschedule for Blue Peter and…..
Perhaps there’s still time for J K Rowling to put a good word in for BBC 3 with soon-to-be-PM Miliband?
🙁 BBC 3 has had a stay of execution I have no idea why BBC 3 exists full stop. Unless it’s to make money for Seth MacFarlane as every time I turn it on there is Family guy or American Dad on. I really don’t understand the rationale of constantly repeating a program for years.
It’s a basic propaganda technique. Tell the story again and again and again.
Both programmes are the same liberal self-mocking rubbish.
Right up the BBC’s street, in fact.
One has the feeling the BBC empire has grown so large – with a constant, easy income of same size – that the people running it have completely forgotten about parts of it that are not ‘flagship’, that don’t have a significant footfall, either in house or among viewers & listeners.
BBC3 (& some other parts of the BBC) appear to be a bit like a half drunk cup of coffee that is put down on the carpet by feet, then it gets pushed back so no-one kicks it over, the sofa gets moved forward a bit and it’s forgotten. Three weeks later, during a house-clean, it is discovered with repeat upon repeat of a coating that would bring delight to Sir Alexander Fleming.
The only time I watch BBC3 is to watch Family Guy, the only programme worth watching at that time of night amongst the dozens of repeats on Freeview.
Fortunately the TV has a timer so I’m able to avoid watching the repeats of EastEnders. Why that is even made beats me. I expect it is just another example of the ‘liberal elite’ spitting on the ‘hard-working’ indigenous, while still expecting them to vote Labour, in between drinking, thumping, whoring, murdering, gambling and claiming benefits.
The bBC have no balls when it comes to cuts, remember when they were going to axe 6Music and the Asian Network? The three men and their dog who listened complained and they reneged on the decision. The same has happened with BBC3.
A shame they didn’t listen to the 1,000,000 who didn’t want Clarkson to go.
No! I almost missed it 08:44 yet another charity Red cross,
14:39 yet another reporter I haven’t seen before in Nepal interviewing someone from save the children.
BBC 5Live Enfield … Yep! important marginal constituency … so all go to a …. mosque?, where all “aspects” of the community meet?.
1/. The mosque is outside the constituency! … so why?
2/. Do voters from outside the constituency? … frequent? … so why?
3/. Hmmm … All “aspects” of the “diverse, multi ethnic community”, so that s Muslims then?.
Glad to hear that the Beebot, is kneeling, out of respect?
on the vast array of prayer mats etc.
Next up … some whining adherent, wants money for football pitches and erm “community needs”.
… Just pandering shite
Perhaps in a marginal constituency the postal vote and its correct
manipulationorganisation is of particular importance?BBC’s radio 4 decided to do a series called ‘Tommies’ featuring the actions of an Allied division on the Western Front during World War One. Guess which Division they decided to focus on? Out of the hundred or so British Divisions they chose the ‘Lahore’ Indian Division. With no disrespect to the brave Indian soldiers,would it not have been better to choose a GB based unit, after all,if this were an Indian radio production could you imagine them choosing an English unit as representative. Of course not. Only at the bbc.
Sounds to me like you’re in need of a visit to ‘Diversity and Cultural Enrichment Re-orientation’, Jeff. You’ll find them down the corridor, turn hard left, just across from Room 101.
I spent years in one of my jobs avoiding the diversity course. I always had a meeting by coincidence they never actually got me to go.
Could have been worse – BBC Scotland on a memorial in Scotland to the conscientious objectors (cowards) of the first world war. Off switch.
For anyone who hasn’t caught it, the full series of the new bBC comedy ‘Peter Kay’s Car Share’ is available as a preview until midnight on the Iplayer,
For once a bBC comedy that does have a few genuine laugh out loud moments, but of course it being a bBC comedy needs to keep reminding us of diverse Britian.
The ad I saw for car share looked dire. Hey it’s the hilarious sat nav giving inappropriate directions time. Put me off
The vehicle that has morphed into ‘Ian’s Harpies’ gets reviewed:–x1xZkaN9QxZ
Not a lot to say, really. Which may say a lot?
Will the bBC be reporting Milibands visit to Russell Brands residence last night?
Yes, I noticed that on Guido’s site today. But why has his site become “Ed Balls”? I must have missed a joke somewhere.
Political wonkism dial to 11.
It is the anniversary of the day the ShadChan tweeted his own name and nothing else.
There was a interview on this morning’s Today programme with the DUP’s Peter Robinson. It seemed to sum up the BBC position quite nicely. It wasn’t a long interview but I think at least half was spent trying to get Mr Robinson to say in several different ways that he didn’t agree with Jim Wells’s remarks on gay couples.
The rest concentrated on whether the DUP could come to any agreement with the Tories whilst the Tories planned £12bn of welfare cuts. Especially the effect of the “Bedroom Tax”.
I’d have thought there might have been a number of issues of interest to the GB public, but evidently only those of interest to the BBC were to be looked at.
The route to media glory now is to garner an inopportune sound bite. Especially on pet, outrage topics.
Pols aware and wary.
Hence the need to provoke one at the expense of all reason.
It’s like listening to a toddler trying to grind a parent down into to buying them a hand grenade.
If Evan Davis wanted a hand grenade to play with I’d give one to him.
Yep, and tell him it works by pulling the pin…..and letting go of the lever….then when that goes ping and flies off….count to twenty……….
Kept on about gay couples but nothing on the bbc radio about the muslim female saying she couldn’t vote as low as to vote for that Jew.
Listened to the World Service this morning. Had a lengthy piece on the Baltimore riots.
They had on a person from Baltimore who basically saw the riots as a positive thing, a sort of venting of tension for the oppressed community! I’m not sure if I was a shopkeeper and saw my business go up in flames I would be so positive. At the end they said the person was an arts editor for the Baltimore Times.
A quick look at the Baltimore Times will tell you all you need to know about the Beebs agenda for this story.
Controlling the narrative starts well before the edit.
And who the BBC wheels on to vox pop seldom is chosen without great care for the desired end result.
Very interesting, Jean Claude Junker effectively torpedoes the Tory election campaign promise to renegotiate Britains relationship with Europe.
There will be no renegotiation until 2009 at the earliest, and then that might not happen. Cameron will be forced to declare an immediate referendum or admit he’s been lying.
Nothing as yet on the BBC which is unsurprising as it doesn’t help their cause at all !
‘There will be no renegotiation until 2009’
Ooops should have read 2019 !
Fair enough, if Junker won’t acknowledge that the EU needs to change (and will change as the Eurozone members draw closer together) …we will have to judge the EU on what we have now.
That’ll be an ‘OUT’ then.
UN admits Israel was right – Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.
Now will the BBC report same…Don’t hold your breath.
Maybe it would be easier for the BBC if they had ‘Not News’ Editorial meetings, as the list of topics they need to quietly shunt away or ignore seems embarrassingly extensive?
Especially when it comes to stuff they gave full coverage to when the narrative suited fine.
Agree. There is a legitimacy issue with the BBC regarding its bias and I think there is a simple modern solution. After an appropriate period, say three years, all emails and programme minutes regarding programme making on all the platforms should be placed on the internet available for perusal by the license payer. I would actually go further and “remove the wall” in a post modern fashion and do what we see in dramas and films, show the production process. Thus on radio we should be able to hear the conversations between the presenter and desk staff – transcripts would be good. We should listen in on the news editorial meetings so that we can see their reasoning in how they address and present a story. Basically, we are currently treated simply as passive consumers by just being given the mysterious created final programme by the BBC. We should be involved in the process and know the process. This would be a first for a large media organisation and would be a big step in transparency. They let TV cameras into Parliament and increasingly into court because the modern age is skeptical of the authorial delivery from higher authorities. The confidence to be gained by the licence fee payer would be a bonus.
If that hasn’t got Hugs convening a ‘purposes of’ crisis meeting I don’t know what will.
The notion of citizen trawling raw data seems to appeal when Bradley, Ed & Jules do it, but they are less keen when it’s their own integrity being checked between what is and what the BBC wants to make it.
Found it!! Fits perfectly! Dore Gold responds to a typical anti-Israel biased interview from BBC! BBC should be ashamed…!
Arrogant bitch….