The Tory “a lie a day” election, goes on and on –
Today its George “Pinocchio” Osborne again, as he flaps around in true Tory whoppery, trying to put on a positive spin
“ONS: service sector slowest growth in 2 years, UK’s recovery slowed sharply in the first quarter – construction two quarter contraction (technical sector recession) first since 2012.
The economy has been held back by continuing weak output in the construction, industrial, and services sectors.”
Vaunted Tory ‘small businesses’ letter? … written inside Conservative HQ and … includes firms that have closed down
Tories sack candidate who said she would never support, ‘the Jew’ Ed Miliband oops!
Tories sacked Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin?” who lives in Dubai, his fake demonstration, votes scam, etc oops!
With Islam there is one party … its not the incompetent liars from No 10, or the Labour party.
Here we go again…
Latest economic figures released by the ONS,growth at 0.3% (still growth).BBC’s spin as follows..massive blow to Conservatives and Osborne at this time of the election.
True facts about ONS report. Economy was 2.4% larger than the same period last year and the UK’s economy was still the fastest growing in the G7(FACT).Vicky Redwood chief economist said that the headline figures at this time of the election was not good reading but said ”the slowdown in the economy was temporary and the quarterly economic growth will return to between 0.7% and 0.8% later this year.
Same old crap from the BBC,half a story and not all the facts.
I do wonder if there is something of a wait and see effect in the current figures where people may be holding fire on spending and are waiting to see the outcome of the election.
Ed and Nichola (or will it be Alex) are not going to be good for business and, if business is not so good, would you commit large sums to anything at this precise moment?
The election outcome is going to colour the sentiment of those with capital. They might even want to leave the country, and certainly there will be a sell off, if not already happening (if you see a band wagon you have missed it) of government bonds. Umbongo?
The outcome is too important to the future of the country for me to bottle out of a decision and vote UKIP.
bBC bias against UKIP: The plot thickens, during the news at 11:20, they were showing Nigel Farage. When they suddenly break off his speech for urgent breaking news; Keith Harris has died. Who you might ask: the man who has has hand up Orville’s arse.
We are constantly told – usually with sneering contempt – that UKIP voters are the elderly, losers, ill-educated and left-behind. Now it seems the Beeb has discovered this prejudice is totally wrong – what a shocker!
Newly-released data from the fourth wave of the British Election Study (sampled in March 2015) – and picked up by the BBC’s David Cowling – challenges the accepted wisdom that many UKIP voters are working class.
The bulk of UKIP’s support surprisingly comes from professional and managerial middle classes. British Election Study Co-Director Professor Geoffrey Evans and BES Research Fellow Dr Jonathan Mellon, from Nuffield College Oxford, say contrary to the popular view advocated by some academic researchers, working class voters are only slightly more likely to support UKIP.
UKIP voters are often the self-employed and employers – and not the disenfranchised, “left behind” voters, commonly described by the media.
ICSCN “We are constantly told .//. that UKIP voters are the elderly, losers, ill-educated and left-behind”
My qualifications: E (nearly) L [in the 2007/9 crash 🙁 ] I-E (in terms of certificates, not as many as some) L-B (definitely) and BSu (Bachelor of Serial under-achievement) to top things off nicely.
And there was I thinking I was a small ‘c’ Conservative voter …
All to play for Dave, Ed, Nick, Nigel … if you are listening.
I’d hazard a guess that Kippers are more left-behind than ill-educated and also that engineers are over-represented. Successive governments have driven down pay for engineering, especially software. Every time Dave makes a speech on immigration, he rushes off to re-assure India that he still wants Indian software engineers. I think I counted four such visits in 2013. Added to the question of rewards, engineers tend to work more on logic than the ’emotional intelligence’ types, so the possibility of the UK enriching the entire world is more likely to seem ludicrous.
Total multi-culti wankfest of Five Live this morning with the fragrant Burden visiting Enfield North and regaling us with tales of her night at the local Imam’s house.
One of the most fantastic experiences of her life she kept telling us – the lady protests too much methinks.
And then we had the the voting intentions of the local “communities” (innit) – Turkish, Greek, Cypriot – take your pick.
And there was me thinking it was a British election.
Never heard of Burden so had to consult Wiki. ‘…English-born Irish national…’so first loyalty is not to the UK. ‘…daughter of the former BBC journalist Paul Burden…’ She was interviewed for the wimmin’s section of the Torygraph:
I heard Burden too nauseatingly sycophantic, and claiming she felt ‘at home’, really/i> Rachel? Porkie pies methinks. Welcomed I am sure, most Muslim cultures do have a strong culture of hospitality, and respect for their ‘betters’ and the welcome given to an organisation as Islamophile and prestigious as the Beeb would be enormous. I am sure the Imam was very eager to impress his neighbours and family by showing off his ‘big man’ guests.
Now here’s a thing! The BBC web-site has the Cameron Conservative announcement on apprenticeships. Also shown on the web-site are the immigration proposals of Labour and Nick Clegg setting out the LibDem’s Budget red lines.
Web-site members (registered users) are only being allowed to post Comments & debate on Dave’s speech, not on the other two policy announcements. Is that impartiality?
Miliband has been bumped down & across to the centre (left!) a bit but Dave’s thing & Cleggie are still in line on the right hand side. {A subtle political comment from the Beeb’s Art Director? Whatever next?!}
Many of us compare the BBC with Pravda. There is ,I think ,a great difference. The Pravda journalists did not really believe in what they were doing .The party line was there and that was that. The BBC opinion makers and journalists really do believe in the liberal fantasies they are creating.
No sane human being can listen or watch them in action without laughing.
They have ensured that this election is a farce and by ignoring the real issues of who really rules Britain and what sort of nation this country will become when the population is exchanged for another they are far worse than Pravda.
Pravda had the virtue of loyalty in the end to Russia. The BBC is disloyal by action and belief to the notion of England..
One News. Danny Savage shows photos of Nigel Farage and local UKIP candidates to UKIP supporters. They know Farage, but not the local. ‘One Man Band’ ✔ Job done. This piece should surely become a standard part of ‘journalist’ training.
As with all BBC comparisons, well worth the ask (accepting such information would exempted for the purposes of undermining political foes).
I am fully aware of my current MP. Other than a pile of leaflets on the hall shelf I am still steeling myself to waste time reading, I have little to zero knowledge of the others.
I’m ‘lucky’ in that the choices locally do not clash with nationally, so am spared tactical or protest dilemmas.
I doubt the situation is different for most other parties in their constituencies.
Be very careful reading the Green party literature.
I did over breakfast a couple of Saturdays ago and nearly choked on the utter fantasies contained therein.
What planet do they live on?
P.S. No jokes please about shame me not choking, from my friends on here who keep telling us they are avoiding making a decision on the nation’s future by voting purple. It is after all a mix of red and blue, so no wonder they cannot decide which way they want the country to go!
No doubt which colour an A-4 will vote, good job the LMS express livery was not applied to them after ’48 eh?
The greens will no doubt demand that HS 2 be built to the Southerns 650DC !
The hideously unfunny Sandy Toksvig has left The New Quiz, according to the BBC.
Now, if they can just push Jeremy Hardy and one or two of the other Marxist loons out of the door, they might be able to get it back to being something approaching funny again.
Sandy, “excuse me? … was that a joke?” Toksvig,
hmmm I did note that she s gravitated to the graveyard of comedians, naff quiz show host
… on the graveyard of naff quiz shows, the afternoon slot,
next stop local pub quiz?.
Sandy said “you should always depart when people still wish you’d stay a bit longer.”
She means amongst those who have not already left because they got tired of her sanctimonious Leftist bigotry. Even then her claim that listeners wish her to stay is presumptions.
You must remember that as Chairman she merely mouthed the “Chairman’s script”. The authors of said script are named at the end of each programme. I do believe, however, that she giggled when mouthing the classic funny line “It’s the Tories that put the “n” in cuts”, prior approved at high level for inclusion.
“We’ve changed our view on immigration, says Miliband
but Labour STILL won’t set a cap on numbers allowed to come to UK.
“Ed Miliband will announce that he has ‘clear, credible plan’ on immigration
“But Yvette Cooper refused to say Labour would put target on net migration.
“Shadow home secretary only said she wanted it lower than current 300,000
“During Labour’s 13 years in power, foreign-born population rose by 3.6m.”
At least they’re being honest! The Tories set a figure for immigration and promptly went & let in a new record high!
The UK government cannot set a limit on immigration because they signed the Maastricht treaty allowing any EU national to settle here.
We cannot control our borders as a result anyone who says otherwise is lying.
There is always a prospect of those from the EU going home, just as did the “immigrant” U.K. bricklayers in “Auf Widersehen Pet”, so perhaps you need to differentiate a little in the numbers game about those who may and those we know will never go home to a state without the benefit of “Social Security” and the NHS.
Wont happen Mallard. Britain has way too many attrcations for foreigners. Germany is a lot less fun, yet some of those British brickies did stay behind and make a life there anyway.
The Germans invented the term Gastarbeiter to suggest that millions of Turks and Italians would work a couple of years in Germany as guests in the 60’s and then return home. Didn’t happen. There are no English or Irish enclaves in Germany. And, indeed no German enclaves in Britain. The pupose and scale of the British presence in Germany (apart from the Rhein army, of course) is entirely different.
‘The BBC did not provide a breakdown of the hotel bookings, but said that bookings are “made directly by BBC staff” and “the costs are reclaimed via expenses”.’
So staff make their own booking…no central booking system to drive the best deal?
That is at odds with previous exposes when BBC spokespersons are at pains to create the illusion of vast, if secret, centralised purchasing power and oversight to maximise value. Seems things vary depending on what is being avoided.
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘Russell Brand is a joke’: Cameron tears into Miliband for taking time out from election campaign to be interviewed by comedian who doesn’t even vote”
@MFellowesukip Enlighten us…..what bias would this be? .
May just be one of those tonality things, but it rather exudes a degree of challenge.
Which would be fine, except for the fact if shown the whole thing would be closed down by a CECUTT director quicker than he can express belief the BBC gets everything about right.
Of course there is the resort of FOI data, but they have that covered too.
This morning the Breakfast Show on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was running an item on the marginal seat of Enfield North. The interviews were conducted by Rachel “please teach me some manners” Burden, which in itself was not a good start! She started off by stating that Enfield North had an immigrant community, which meant that she only canvassed the views of members of that community! What do you expect when we live in a wonderful multi-cultural community? The older members of the immigrant community admitted that they always voted for the Labour Party. However, what our Rachel was not expecting was the admission from some of the younger members of that community that they were now prepared to vote for other parties such as the Greens, Liberal Democrats and, horror of horrors, the Conservative Party!! In fact those members of that community that were running their own businesses, such as a Greek Cypriot whose family had always voted Labour, was definitely considering voting Conservative. Poor Rachel must have been having kittens at this stage! In desperation she turned to a gentleman whose family were originally from Zimbabwe, and had traditionally voted Labour, but when he said that he was definitely going to vote Conservative, he was immediately cut off in his prime and, that particular broadcast was brought to a speedy conclusion. The BBC bends over backwards to promote the interests of the immigrant community and they can’t be bothered to vote the right way!! What is this country coming to?
OT; but probably worth watching. The Beeb is reporting that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has ‘side-lined’ Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis to appease the EU.
Robert Peston: Chronic UK skills shortage, especially in construction. I suppose he isn’t proposing the traditional solution of the market paying construction workers higher wages so that British workers transfer/retrain. Rather, he’ll be proposing more immigration. But that requires more houses, which require more construction…. like a dog chasing its tail.
Is a chronic UK skills shortage one of the big brakes on recovery, esp in construction?
The reason for the skill shortage is that Labour encouraged all school leavers to go to university to study ‘soft Mickey Mouse’ degrees, with no job at the end, instead of going to work and learning an apprenticeship.
Ten years of a wasted education.
I was for many years a lecturer in one of the so-called “new” universities i.e. the former polytechnics. There was a drive in my institution under the Blair Government to recruit as many first year students as possible, irrespective of qualifications, with the result that many failed to progress on to the second year. Those who managed to graduate, often failed to obtain decent careers thereafter. I often felt, and was openly critcised for saying, that these young people would have been better off undertaking apprenticeships when they left school.
Where are the technical colleges of old ?
They have turned into drama, media, social studies and art colleges. The institutions where our present politicians are coming from.
No Robert…as most proper economists have pointed out (not the BBC ones hanging around, waiting for Labour to get back in to power and provide them their ‘scoops’), we have more people in work here and businesses, having learned from the de-skilling of the previous Labour recession, hung on to their workers to retain their skills.
‘Productivity’ is higher in France etc, because they have a smaller workforce and don’t take into account all of those people there languishing on the dole.
How is this for reversal of blame? Banky Moon’s UN report confirms that Hamas used schools to store weapons. So Israel was not in the wrong after all. Now see how the BBC presents it with a headline which attributes wrong to Israel and the inevitable piccie of parent holding an injured child.
A resident of London was describing it’s financial aspect on his family.
Owen Jones of the Guardian was consulted on the phone in. He would not shut up. He went on and on and on despite being asked frequently by Vine to let the London resident speak.
Jones managed to bring in Victorian deprivation of the working classes and how this government was taking us back there and he had to rent in London at 30 years of age without a chance to buy despite being better off than others and the Londoner had made a million and it wasn’t fair…etc. etc. He hogged the airwaves again and again.
A Labour Party Broadcast by Owen Jones.
Farage would never have been allowed to get away with that.
Sacked Gulzabeen Afsar ‘the Jew’ Ed Miliband ?
Tories sack Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin?”
Quesir Mahmood fraud
latest, Amjad Bashir
“Mr Bashir has been informed of the specifics of the investigations which include unanswered financial and employment questions, interference with UKIP candidate selection processes and a continued affiliation with Mujeeb Bhutto, despite the party’s protests against Mr Bhutto’s involvement with Mr Bashir or UKIP.”
Mr Bhutto allegedly involved in a Pakistani kidnap gang. ”
bBC all excited that Junker of the EUSSR said that there was room for negotiation with the UK on membership, but completely skited over the fact that it doesn’t include free movement.
When it gets on its moral hobby horse the BBC resembles a SWP student society. Outraged by the US police killing any unarmed black in any circumstances, not so bothered about the murder of unarmed students in Pakistan or Kenya by Islamists.
The BBC is promoting the impending execution by Indonesia of several foreign (but none British) drug runners. Indonesia says it is fighting a drug epidemic responsible for the deaths of thousands of its citizens. Who amongst the UK licence payer cares if Indonesia executes drug runners? It’s just BBC journos campaigning at public expense.
Sad they executed the two individuals but they took the risk and were caught. Perhaps drug smugglers will have second thoughts about trying to smuggle drugs into Indonesia in the future and bring misery to many people.
Ed explains why he met Brand, nudge nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?
Russell Brand is a self confessed wanker. Can someone warn Ed.
‘Russell then said the director insisted the stranger play with him too: “So I take down my trousers and pants… and then the bloke sort of mauled at my genitals while I w**ked him off.”‘
Bias. Oh yes. Anti-UKIP? Yes, with a dose of anti-truth and redefining reality in, almost, real time. From establishment son-of-a-Tory establishment trougher media hack – Hugo Rifkind (Journalist). Hugo looking very uncomfortable. He’s on duty for the Tories and the Establishment tonight and looks white as a sheet. Hugo is not natural liar, nor a natural propagandist.
According to Hugo, now that the Scottish question (SNP/Labour) has become the main issue of the election, immigration is no longer an election issue. Really Hugo? Because when people think about it a bit more, they don’t personally have a problem associated with immigration. Really Hugo? And UKIP are slipping away and are basically no longer a relevence in the election. Really Hugo?
Hugo Rifkind. Wasn’t expecting him to literally force his way onto ‘my list’. Maybe he’s ill, feeling a bit flu-ey and delusional.Perhaps I’m being unfair on Rifkind the younger.
Liblabcon and their MSM including the BBC have done 1 to 3. When it comes to 4, they may have the SWP, HnH, UNISON, SWP, Unite to “fight” and smear them at street level, but they don’t have the manifestos, policies, ethics or arguments to fight UKIP on a public platform. Looks like they are not sure whether to go with 3. ‘slander’ or 4. ‘ignore’ at the moment, because I have noticed that the MSM and LibLabCon haven’t been laughing at UKIP for some time now.
Just had BBC Producer Thomas Martinson on the 10 o’clock.
He apparently was on his way up Everest when the earthquake hit.
3 Questions:
Why should the bbc think its audience would be interested to hear from its own elite who was anyway risking his own life by his own choice on his own hobby climbing mountains?
Isn’t putting this highly privileged member of the international white trash elite’s view on the tragedy on instead of the locals view of this tragedy, well, racist?
How the hell does a BBC producer afford to launch an Everest shot? Unless he is being subsidised by the licence payer?
Sorry – Nepal is now genuine news, unlike much of the trash the BBC reports. And if the BBC happens to have one of their own people up at Everest Base Camp – why should they not use him ? Better than all the BBC idiots being flown out there. The guy is there because Nepal is such a great country to visit.
And he may not be aiming to climb Everest ( I did not see the BBC story). Many go to Everest Base Camp – about 4200m high, say 13,000/14,000 feet, but do not go higher. I prefer Annapurna Base Camp, same height. All around you at ABC are mountains of 6, 7 and 8,000 metres – twice as high as the base camp.
I am pleased that the BBC are giving a lot of coverage to Nepal – and the awful problems now faced by Nepalis. They are lovely people, they love the Brits more than any other visitors, they deserve our sympathy.
Several of my daughters have also been to Nepal. The roof of the world – but also with ancient cities. All of us agree that it is one of the friendliest and safest countries to visit – yes the governments are corrupt, but there is no begging in the streets even though they are abjectly poor. A proud people, living in a country of truly awesome scenery and many majestic city temples and monuments.
Plus the best French meal I ever had was in Kathmandu, and the biggest steaks.
The BBC is now reporting the bad news from Nepal. I just wish they would spend some of their £4billion a year promoting Nepal as an unforgettable travel destination. Expensive to get to – but cheap as chips to travel in – including trekking as long as you do your own thing, hiring a local porter rather than using some ripoff tour company.
Nigel Farage has changed his plans so that he can travel to Strasbourg
Ukip leader to appear in European parliament in Strasbourg to make his case against unified efforts to rescue migrants, saying it would ‘threaten our civilisation’ – Nigel Farage will warn that half a million Islamic extremists could cross the Mediterranean and gain access to the UK as a result of European Union policies to address the migrant boat crisis.
Isn’t that a “Lifelong Racist Labour Voter will be voting UKIP this time” tweet?
In my book it looks like UKIP are picking up Labour voters whether those Labour voters are racist or not. If that man gets involved With UKIP, it can be explained to him that all people should be treated as their character, manners and behaviour dictate, and that their race, colour or gender should be of no relevence.
Well done Robin. Finding a Labour racist (didn’t Gordon Brown try that one?). Gold Star.
I’d take a small wager that the guy never suggested any such thing. Far more likely Brant pretended to be interested in researching why Labour voters might vote UKIP. If you ask someone ‘Do you think it might be because X’, a lot of times they will respond ‘I suppose it could be’ without any prejudice whatsoever. Tick – result. Alex Forsyth shared the job with Brant; she seemed totally fair, but she has gone quiet. I wonder why?
I think its about the Muslim community in Grimsby turning against Labour and voting UKIP over the issue of a Jewish leader insulting Muslim community leaders by imposing a women only shortlist on Grimsby.
BBC World Service making the Indonesian executions its main story.
Focussing on the two “Australians” But if you look at the actual names, they are about as “Australian men” as a Mr Ahmed and a Mr Obalulu are “British men”.
World Service has now spent 10 minutes on this story. Is it really worth so much prominence and time?
Maybe there is a metro-media thing about capital punishment that justifies so much time on a story about which most people say “So what – who gives a monkey’s about convicted drug traffickers?”
‘A suited, statesmanlike pose, accepting applause’ shot of our favoured Red Ed.
‘Casual, introspective, defensive, explaining’ shot of our second favourite Cast Iron Dave.
BBC Protocol for Selection of Main Photo for the Labour Election Website on the BBC: No Farage. No Clegg. No Bennett. Usually Special Ed (no foodstuffs – not in motion), sometimes Cast Iron Dave (preferable casually dressed and looking agitated). Or go with another unrelated picture that takes your fancy. Jimmy Krankie, on occasion, is OK.
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There are others available too, but I’ve never had a problem with them. You can also download their program for your desktop for easy access.
Elizabeth Day. Race baiting, tick. Brand importance, tick. Ed ‘gambling’ with his Russel B interview, tick. Defend Ed, tick. Use Ed’s christian name, tick. Cameron’s surname, tick. And this John Newton Dunn guy is a meedya wuss. Don’t watch SKY much. Gutter Guff. Off switch.
“Can it really be that the BBC has only issued specific guidelines on the ‘correct’ terminology to be used when reporting on one of the world’s many conflicts? ”
Well, with only £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, clearly for the BBC there are ‘guidelines’ and ‘more of a guideline really’ (c) A. Semantic CECUTT Drone.
I don’t know about anyone else but I have to say that I am sick to back teeth of switching on the news (Sky included) to be greeted by a moving image of Nicola Krankie, or some other liebour talking head…….Today it was Millibrain on one channel and Ed Balls on the other. The side splitter was that Balls (you know the chap I mean – Gordon Brown’s absolute right hand, number one, fully paid up, committed henchman and believer in Gordon Brown’s economic ability who between the two of them caused the biggest most severe UK recession ever) well, he was giving a lecture on the economy and the liebour spending plans for the next five years. Surely to put this chap in control of any responsible position with regard to the economy would be like putting Billy Bunter in charge of the tuck shop. Meanwhile on the other channel was millibrain saying how everyone needed to believe him and not the tories…
But my point is that this is a regular, daily dose we all get of liebour intentions to the (almost) exclusion of all the other parties (especially UKIP, except when they are trying to take the piss out of them))
Why do we have to have such a biased left wing media lead very proudly by the bbbc~? There is now not even any pretence of equality from the bbbc
The Tories have just realised the BBC is biased against them, quelle surprise.
I have absolutely no sympathy for them. If you allow yourself to be a doormat, you can’t complain that people walk all over you. They have had many years to address this chronic problem, and without a doubt would have been well aware of the lefty slanted corporation, but did nothing.
They’ve clearly felt they could use whatever agendas the BBC have for their own purposes, regardless of the lack of ethics involved. BBC accused of ‘anti-Tory bias’ by Culture Secretary Sajid Javid who threatens review of how the Corporation is governed
Well the penny has finally dropped !
Perhaps they might also like look into the absolute bias and propaganda that is aimed against UKIP . I’m suspecting a full judicial inquiry in to this – lots of Tory investigators using this website as a place to look for ideas?
Vote here to get rid of this unjust tax ……
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pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
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Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
The Tory “a lie a day” election, goes on and on –
Today its George “Pinocchio” Osborne again, as he flaps around in true Tory whoppery, trying to put on a positive spin
“ONS: service sector slowest growth in 2 years, UK’s recovery slowed sharply in the first quarter – construction two quarter contraction (technical sector recession) first since 2012.
The economy has been held back by continuing weak output in the construction, industrial, and services sectors.”
Vaunted Tory ‘small businesses’ letter? … written inside Conservative HQ and … includes firms that have closed down
Tories sack candidate who said she would never support, ‘the Jew’ Ed Miliband oops!
Tories sacked Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin?” who lives in Dubai, his fake demonstration, votes scam, etc oops!
With Islam there is one party … its not the incompetent liars from No 10, or the Labour party.
Don’t hear much now from the Tories about the UKIP MEP who defected.
Here we go again…
Latest economic figures released by the ONS,growth at 0.3% (still growth).BBC’s spin as follows..massive blow to Conservatives and Osborne at this time of the election.
True facts about ONS report. Economy was 2.4% larger than the same period last year and the UK’s economy was still the fastest growing in the G7(FACT).Vicky Redwood chief economist said that the headline figures at this time of the election was not good reading but said ”the slowdown in the economy was temporary and the quarterly economic growth will return to between 0.7% and 0.8% later this year.
Same old crap from the BBC,half a story and not all the facts.
…BBC just told complete story from the ONS…WONDERS NEVER CEASE..!!!!
I do wonder if there is something of a wait and see effect in the current figures where people may be holding fire on spending and are waiting to see the outcome of the election.
Ed and Nichola (or will it be Alex) are not going to be good for business and, if business is not so good, would you commit large sums to anything at this precise moment?
The election outcome is going to colour the sentiment of those with capital. They might even want to leave the country, and certainly there will be a sell off, if not already happening (if you see a band wagon you have missed it) of government bonds. Umbongo?
The outcome is too important to the future of the country for me to bottle out of a decision and vote UKIP.
bBC bias against UKIP: The plot thickens, during the news at 11:20, they were showing Nigel Farage. When they suddenly break off his speech for urgent breaking news; Keith Harris has died. Who you might ask: the man who has has hand up Orville’s arse.
All the more reason to vote here…
We are constantly told – usually with sneering contempt – that UKIP voters are the elderly, losers, ill-educated and left-behind. Now it seems the Beeb has discovered this prejudice is totally wrong – what a shocker!
Newly-released data from the fourth wave of the British Election Study (sampled in March 2015) – and picked up by the BBC’s David Cowling – challenges the accepted wisdom that many UKIP voters are working class.
The bulk of UKIP’s support surprisingly comes from professional and managerial middle classes. British Election Study Co-Director Professor Geoffrey Evans and BES Research Fellow Dr Jonathan Mellon, from Nuffield College Oxford, say contrary to the popular view advocated by some academic researchers, working class voters are only slightly more likely to support UKIP.
UKIP voters are often the self-employed and employers – and not the disenfranchised, “left behind” voters, commonly described by the media.
Newsnight Live – 27 April
I don’t often talk about my qualifications but…
Barlicker, BA(Lancaster) MA(York) PGCE … and UKIP.
I don’t often talk about my qualifications but …
Doyle, BA (History), PGCE, lots of other shit … and UKIP.
Can’t resist joining in..
Jones, BSc(Hons) Physics/Astrophysics, MA…and UKIP
ICSCN “We are constantly told .//. that UKIP voters are the elderly, losers, ill-educated and left-behind”
My qualifications: E (nearly) L [in the 2007/9 crash 🙁 ] I-E (in terms of certificates, not as many as some) L-B (definitely) and BSu (Bachelor of Serial under-achievement) to top things off nicely.
And there was I thinking I was a small ‘c’ Conservative voter …
All to play for Dave, Ed, Nick, Nigel … if you are listening.
I’d hazard a guess that Kippers are more left-behind than ill-educated and also that engineers are over-represented. Successive governments have driven down pay for engineering, especially software. Every time Dave makes a speech on immigration, he rushes off to re-assure India that he still wants Indian software engineers. I think I counted four such visits in 2013. Added to the question of rewards, engineers tend to work more on logic than the ’emotional intelligence’ types, so the possibility of the UK enriching the entire world is more likely to seem ludicrous.
If they are as described it is all the more disturbing that they should wish to not have some say in the future of this country after the election.
Total multi-culti wankfest of Five Live this morning with the fragrant Burden visiting Enfield North and regaling us with tales of her night at the local Imam’s house.
One of the most fantastic experiences of her life she kept telling us – the lady protests too much methinks.
And then we had the the voting intentions of the local “communities” (innit) – Turkish, Greek, Cypriot – take your pick.
And there was me thinking it was a British election.
I really must get with the programme.
Never heard of Burden so had to consult Wiki. ‘…English-born Irish national…’so first loyalty is not to the UK. ‘…daughter of the former BBC journalist Paul Burden…’ She was interviewed for the wimmin’s section of the Torygraph:
Radio 5 Live’s Rachel Burden: How I got into radio
I’m not much the wiser, but it’s good to see that her father’s connections played no part.
‘Never heard of Burden…’
She is a real faux liberal do-as-I-say-not-as-I do plastic paddy if ever there was one.
Who could forget her classic Beeboid reaction to the move to Salford – it’s right up there with Garvey’s empty champers bottles
Here’s a reminder:
‘We won’t sell our house,’ says Rachel, 35, referring to her four-bedroom Edwardian home in Ealing, valued at £650,000. [2011]’
‘London prices are likely to rise faster than other parts of the country so we want to hold on to it and let it out.’
Can’t fault her personal economic acumen, however.
Watch out for the Mansion Tax, Rachel.
”Total multi-culti wankfest of Five Live this morning”
Nicky Campbell is always having a mass debate.
Next: Rotherham females regale us with tales of their nights at the local Imam’s house.
I heard Burden too nauseatingly sycophantic, and claiming she felt ‘at home’, really/i> Rachel? Porkie pies methinks. Welcomed I am sure, most Muslim cultures do have a strong culture of hospitality, and respect for their ‘betters’ and the welcome given to an organisation as Islamophile and prestigious as the Beeb would be enormous. I am sure the Imam was very eager to impress his neighbours and family by showing off his ‘big man’ guests.
Jo Coburn wearing red AGAIN!!! well pinky red ! obeying orders from Her Liebour masters AGAIN.
Maybe it’s to match her eyes?
Maybe she’s on the blob and it’s a warning to her hubby to keep away. Yuk, I’m running out of mind bleach.
Now here’s a thing! The BBC web-site has the Cameron Conservative announcement on apprenticeships. Also shown on the web-site are the immigration proposals of Labour and Nick Clegg setting out the LibDem’s Budget red lines.
Web-site members (registered users) are only being allowed to post Comments & debate on Dave’s speech, not on the other two policy announcements. Is that impartiality?
I have fired a complaint BBC-wards. 🙁
Now that’s a complaint reply I await being shared.
If only for the semantic tangle they will get into.
It must surely be accepted that on political policy, the majority of commentary will be critical or used to piggy back entrenched prejudices.
Hence a selective process as you describe sparing the other two is hard to justify.
Do you have a link/page capture?
BBCeeb News w-s: (Alternatively go to the BBC Homepage & click on News.)
Miliband has been bumped down & across to the centre (left!) a bit but Dave’s thing & Cleggie are still in line on the right hand side. {A subtle political comment from the Beeb’s Art Director? Whatever next?!}
Sadly on my tablet it looks a complete dog’s breakfast, so tracking comparisons a non starter.
However, a few headlines there to tickle a guffaw:
“Russell Brand meeting was to make election interesting – Miliband”
As taking a hole and creating a crater goes… hard to beat there, Ed.
But fear not, Laura K as ever there to ensure her Adonis lights up every door he walks into…
“Labour upbeat over election ground war”
With the BBC providing 24/7 air cover, why wouldn’t they be?
Russell Brand is a grade one @rsehole and should be told as much at every opportunity.
It’s a complete mess on my phone, too. So much so that I ditched the new BBC app and downloaded the Sky equivalent to use instead.
Sadly, it seems Sky is as far to the Left as the BBC.
Many of us compare the BBC with Pravda. There is ,I think ,a great difference. The Pravda journalists did not really believe in what they were doing .The party line was there and that was that. The BBC opinion makers and journalists really do believe in the liberal fantasies they are creating.
No sane human being can listen or watch them in action without laughing.
They have ensured that this election is a farce and by ignoring the real issues of who really rules Britain and what sort of nation this country will become when the population is exchanged for another they are far worse than Pravda.
Pravda had the virtue of loyalty in the end to Russia. The BBC is disloyal by action and belief to the notion of England..
And Britain and the British and the concept of a United Kingdom. They lick Sturgeons stillettos.
One News. Danny Savage shows photos of Nigel Farage and local UKIP candidates to UKIP supporters. They know Farage, but not the local. ‘One Man Band’ ✔ Job done. This piece should surely become a standard part of ‘journalist’ training.
Serious question here of course, has he done the same test with the other parties?
I dunno…just asking.
Saw it myself and wondered.
As with all BBC comparisons, well worth the ask (accepting such information would exempted for the purposes of undermining political foes).
I am fully aware of my current MP. Other than a pile of leaflets on the hall shelf I am still steeling myself to waste time reading, I have little to zero knowledge of the others.
I’m ‘lucky’ in that the choices locally do not clash with nationally, so am spared tactical or protest dilemmas.
I doubt the situation is different for most other parties in their constituencies.
Be very careful reading the Green party literature.
I did over breakfast a couple of Saturdays ago and nearly choked on the utter fantasies contained therein.
What planet do they live on?
P.S. No jokes please about shame me not choking, from my friends on here who keep telling us they are avoiding making a decision on the nation’s future by voting purple. It is after all a mix of red and blue, so no wonder they cannot decide which way they want the country to go!
No doubt which colour an A-4 will vote, good job the LMS express livery was not applied to them after ’48 eh?
The greens will no doubt demand that HS 2 be built to the Southerns 650DC !
Some good news at last.
The hideously unfunny Sandy Toksvig has left The New Quiz, according to the BBC.
Now, if they can just push Jeremy Hardy and one or two of the other Marxist loons out of the door, they might be able to get it back to being something approaching funny again.
Sandy, “excuse me? … was that a joke?” Toksvig,
hmmm I did note that she s gravitated to the graveyard of comedians, naff quiz show host
… on the graveyard of naff quiz shows, the afternoon slot,
next stop local pub quiz?.
Sandy said “you should always depart when people still wish you’d stay a bit longer.”
She means amongst those who have not already left because they got tired of her sanctimonious Leftist bigotry. Even then her claim that listeners wish her to stay is presumptions.
You must remember that as Chairman she merely mouthed the “Chairman’s script”. The authors of said script are named at the end of each programme. I do believe, however, that she giggled when mouthing the classic funny line “It’s the Tories that put the “n” in cuts”, prior approved at high level for inclusion.
“We’ve changed our view on immigration, says Miliband
but Labour STILL won’t set a cap on numbers allowed to come to UK.
“Ed Miliband will announce that he has ‘clear, credible plan’ on immigration
“But Yvette Cooper refused to say Labour would put target on net migration.
“Shadow home secretary only said she wanted it lower than current 300,000
“During Labour’s 13 years in power, foreign-born population rose by 3.6m.”
By James Slack and Ian Drury.
At least they’re being honest! The Tories set a figure for immigration and promptly went & let in a new record high!
The UK government cannot set a limit on immigration because they signed the Maastricht treaty allowing any EU national to settle here.
We cannot control our borders as a result anyone who says otherwise is lying.
There is always a prospect of those from the EU going home, just as did the “immigrant” U.K. bricklayers in “Auf Widersehen Pet”, so perhaps you need to differentiate a little in the numbers game about those who may and those we know will never go home to a state without the benefit of “Social Security” and the NHS.
Wont happen Mallard. Britain has way too many attrcations for foreigners. Germany is a lot less fun, yet some of those British brickies did stay behind and make a life there anyway.
The Germans invented the term Gastarbeiter to suggest that millions of Turks and Italians would work a couple of years in Germany as guests in the 60’s and then return home. Didn’t happen. There are no English or Irish enclaves in Germany. And, indeed no German enclaves in Britain. The pupose and scale of the British presence in Germany (apart from the Rhein army, of course) is entirely different.
More telly tax well spent
‘The BBC did not provide a breakdown of the hotel bookings, but said that bookings are “made directly by BBC staff” and “the costs are reclaimed via expenses”.’
So staff make their own booking…no central booking system to drive the best deal?
That is at odds with previous exposes when BBC spokespersons are at pains to create the illusion of vast, if secret, centralised purchasing power and oversight to maximise value. Seems things vary depending on what is being avoided.
‘bookings are “made directly by BBC staff”’
‘Opinions’…, and now, apparently, ‘bookings’ their own.
What a fabulous win-win situation and free-for-all they’re running there at the BBC.
Based on the EU accounting (and ‘ability) system.
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘Russell Brand is a joke’: Cameron tears into Miliband for taking time out from election campaign to be interviewed by comedian who doesn’t even vote”
“Russell Brand meeting was to make election interesting – Miliband”
Looking across media reports, Labour spinners appear to be struggling to pin down what exactly this meeting of minds was actually about.
Maybe they were just swapping ways to inspire the faithful. The BBC seems to be smitten.
Has this story been covered in any depth? Imagine if a Tory or UKIP candidate had been arrested.
Tweets by BBCNWT
This was interesting:
@MFellowesukip Enlighten us…..what bias would this be? .
May just be one of those tonality things, but it rather exudes a degree of challenge.
Which would be fine, except for the fact if shown the whole thing would be closed down by a CECUTT director quicker than he can express belief the BBC gets everything about right.
Of course there is the resort of FOI data, but they have that covered too.
From the days when the bBC entertained, both very clever and funny. RIP.
This morning the Breakfast Show on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was running an item on the marginal seat of Enfield North. The interviews were conducted by Rachel “please teach me some manners” Burden, which in itself was not a good start! She started off by stating that Enfield North had an immigrant community, which meant that she only canvassed the views of members of that community! What do you expect when we live in a wonderful multi-cultural community? The older members of the immigrant community admitted that they always voted for the Labour Party. However, what our Rachel was not expecting was the admission from some of the younger members of that community that they were now prepared to vote for other parties such as the Greens, Liberal Democrats and, horror of horrors, the Conservative Party!! In fact those members of that community that were running their own businesses, such as a Greek Cypriot whose family had always voted Labour, was definitely considering voting Conservative. Poor Rachel must have been having kittens at this stage! In desperation she turned to a gentleman whose family were originally from Zimbabwe, and had traditionally voted Labour, but when he said that he was definitely going to vote Conservative, he was immediately cut off in his prime and, that particular broadcast was brought to a speedy conclusion. The BBC bends over backwards to promote the interests of the immigrant community and they can’t be bothered to vote the right way!! What is this country coming to?
OT; but probably worth watching. The Beeb is reporting that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has ‘side-lined’ Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis to appease the EU.
Varoufakis may be a less than happy camper:
Al Beeb reporting that ‘Labour vows quick immigration action’.
If UKIP had vowed that, Al Beeb would be reporting ‘Racism !’.
Double standards and propaganda – anyone ?
Robert Peston: Chronic UK skills shortage, especially in construction. I suppose he isn’t proposing the traditional solution of the market paying construction workers higher wages so that British workers transfer/retrain. Rather, he’ll be proposing more immigration. But that requires more houses, which require more construction…. like a dog chasing its tail.
The reason for the skill shortage is that Labour encouraged all school leavers to go to university to study ‘soft Mickey Mouse’ degrees, with no job at the end, instead of going to work and learning an apprenticeship.
Ten years of a wasted education.
I was for many years a lecturer in one of the so-called “new” universities i.e. the former polytechnics. There was a drive in my institution under the Blair Government to recruit as many first year students as possible, irrespective of qualifications, with the result that many failed to progress on to the second year. Those who managed to graduate, often failed to obtain decent careers thereafter. I often felt, and was openly critcised for saying, that these young people would have been better off undertaking apprenticeships when they left school.
Where are the technical colleges of old ?
They have turned into drama, media, social studies and art colleges. The institutions where our present politicians are coming from.
No Robert…as most proper economists have pointed out (not the BBC ones hanging around, waiting for Labour to get back in to power and provide them their ‘scoops’), we have more people in work here and businesses, having learned from the de-skilling of the previous Labour recession, hung on to their workers to retain their skills.
‘Productivity’ is higher in France etc, because they have a smaller workforce and don’t take into account all of those people there languishing on the dole.
Do they still teach bricklaying in secondary schools? They did in the comprehensive I attended in the late sixties, early seventies.
How is this for reversal of blame? Banky Moon’s UN report confirms that Hamas used schools to store weapons. So Israel was not in the wrong after all. Now see how the BBC presents it with a headline which attributes wrong to Israel and the inevitable piccie of parent holding an injured child.
BBC 4 and 5live
Has a interview from UKIPs Mr Farage, no surprises
John Pienaar, pushes the hatchet job agenda a tad further.
5Live Drive no link yet
BBC Radio 2. Lunchtime. Jeremy Vine show.
A ‘phone in’ discussion of the Mansion Tax.
A resident of London was describing it’s financial aspect on his family.
Owen Jones of the Guardian was consulted on the phone in. He would not shut up. He went on and on and on despite being asked frequently by Vine to let the London resident speak.
Jones managed to bring in Victorian deprivation of the working classes and how this government was taking us back there and he had to rent in London at 30 years of age without a chance to buy despite being better off than others and the Londoner had made a million and it wasn’t fair…etc. etc. He hogged the airwaves again and again.
A Labour Party Broadcast by Owen Jones.
Farage would never have been allowed to get away with that.
Sacked Gulzabeen Afsar ‘the Jew’ Ed Miliband ?
Tories sack Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin?”
Quesir Mahmood fraud
latest, Amjad Bashir
“Mr Bashir has been informed of the specifics of the investigations which include unanswered financial and employment questions, interference with UKIP candidate selection processes and a continued affiliation with Mujeeb Bhutto, despite the party’s protests against Mr Bhutto’s involvement with Mr Bashir or UKIP.”
Mr Bhutto allegedly involved in a Pakistani kidnap gang. ”
Can anyone see a pattern emerging?
bBC all excited that Junker of the EUSSR said that there was room for negotiation with the UK on membership, but completely skited over the fact that it doesn’t include free movement.
ohhhh! remind me to vote Labour.
Pattern? That Muslim politicians are walking piles of sh1t?
If you give me three guesses, I’m going to go for:
1- Islam
2- Muslims
3-Religion of Peace
Am I getting warm?
When it gets on its moral hobby horse the BBC resembles a SWP student society. Outraged by the US police killing any unarmed black in any circumstances, not so bothered about the murder of unarmed students in Pakistan or Kenya by Islamists.
The BBC is promoting the impending execution by Indonesia of several foreign (but none British) drug runners. Indonesia says it is fighting a drug epidemic responsible for the deaths of thousands of its citizens. Who amongst the UK licence payer cares if Indonesia executes drug runners? It’s just BBC journos campaigning at public expense.
… the impending execution by Indonesia of several foreign (but none British) drug runners.
Not ‘impending’ any longer…
Sad they executed the two individuals but they took the risk and were caught. Perhaps drug smugglers will have second thoughts about trying to smuggle drugs into Indonesia in the future and bring misery to many people.
I don’t think they will be repeat offenders any time soon.
I care about this as much as I care about the three little jihadi girls.
Which is not at all.
Doesn’t need any words, sums up the BBC position fully
Ed explains why he met Brand, nudge nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?
Russell Brand is a self confessed wanker. Can someone warn Ed.
‘Russell then said the director insisted the stranger play with him too: “So I take down my trousers and pants… and then the bloke sort of mauled at my genitals while I w**ked him off.”‘
BBC Parliament approx 2045Hrs.
Media establishment talkshop BBC style.
Bias. Oh yes. Anti-UKIP? Yes, with a dose of anti-truth and redefining reality in, almost, real time. From establishment son-of-a-Tory establishment trougher media hack – Hugo Rifkind (Journalist). Hugo looking very uncomfortable. He’s on duty for the Tories and the Establishment tonight and looks white as a sheet. Hugo is not natural liar, nor a natural propagandist.
According to Hugo, now that the Scottish question (SNP/Labour) has become the main issue of the election, immigration is no longer an election issue. Really Hugo? Because when people think about it a bit more, they don’t personally have a problem associated with immigration. Really Hugo? And UKIP are slipping away and are basically no longer a relevence in the election. Really Hugo?
Hugo Rifkind. Wasn’t expecting him to literally force his way onto ‘my list’. Maybe he’s ill, feeling a bit flu-ey and delusional.Perhaps I’m being unfair on Rifkind the younger.
How to deal with uncomfortable truths MSM style?
1. Ignore them.
2. Laugh at them.
3. Slander them.
4. Fight them.
Liblabcon and their MSM including the BBC have done 1 to 3. When it comes to 4, they may have the SWP, HnH, UNISON, SWP, Unite to “fight” and smear them at street level, but they don’t have the manifestos, policies, ethics or arguments to fight UKIP on a public platform. Looks like they are not sure whether to go with 3. ‘slander’ or 4. ‘ignore’ at the moment, because I have noticed that the MSM and LibLabCon haven’t been laughing at UKIP for some time now.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense.
When number 4 kicks in Nigel will have to take care crossing the road.
Just had BBC Producer Thomas Martinson on the 10 o’clock.
He apparently was on his way up Everest when the earthquake hit.
3 Questions:
Why should the bbc think its audience would be interested to hear from its own elite who was anyway risking his own life by his own choice on his own hobby climbing mountains?
Isn’t putting this highly privileged member of the international white trash elite’s view on the tragedy on instead of the locals view of this tragedy, well, racist?
How the hell does a BBC producer afford to launch an Everest shot? Unless he is being subsidised by the licence payer?
Sorry – Nepal is now genuine news, unlike much of the trash the BBC reports. And if the BBC happens to have one of their own people up at Everest Base Camp – why should they not use him ? Better than all the BBC idiots being flown out there. The guy is there because Nepal is such a great country to visit.
And he may not be aiming to climb Everest ( I did not see the BBC story). Many go to Everest Base Camp – about 4200m high, say 13,000/14,000 feet, but do not go higher. I prefer Annapurna Base Camp, same height. All around you at ABC are mountains of 6, 7 and 8,000 metres – twice as high as the base camp.
I am pleased that the BBC are giving a lot of coverage to Nepal – and the awful problems now faced by Nepalis. They are lovely people, they love the Brits more than any other visitors, they deserve our sympathy.
Several of my daughters have also been to Nepal. The roof of the world – but also with ancient cities. All of us agree that it is one of the friendliest and safest countries to visit – yes the governments are corrupt, but there is no begging in the streets even though they are abjectly poor. A proud people, living in a country of truly awesome scenery and many majestic city temples and monuments.
Plus the best French meal I ever had was in Kathmandu, and the biggest steaks.
The BBC is now reporting the bad news from Nepal. I just wish they would spend some of their £4billion a year promoting Nepal as an unforgettable travel destination. Expensive to get to – but cheap as chips to travel in – including trekking as long as you do your own thing, hiring a local porter rather than using some ripoff tour company.
And the Nepalis. Great country, great people.
Nigel Farage has changed his plans so that he can travel to Strasbourg
Ukip leader to appear in European parliament in Strasbourg to make his case against unified efforts to rescue migrants, saying it would ‘threaten our civilisation’ – Nigel Farage will warn that half a million Islamic extremists could cross the Mediterranean and gain access to the UK as a result of European Union policies to address the migrant boat crisis.
Nigel Farage: EU response to migrant boat crisis would bring jihadis to UK
BBC UKIP campaign correspondent adds the usual slant; Some consumers are less than impressed:
Another classic ‘UKIP are racist’ tweet from Robin Brant; he never misses a trick:
Isn’t that a “Lifelong Racist Labour Voter will be voting UKIP this time” tweet?
In my book it looks like UKIP are picking up Labour voters whether those Labour voters are racist or not. If that man gets involved With UKIP, it can be explained to him that all people should be treated as their character, manners and behaviour dictate, and that their race, colour or gender should be of no relevence.
Well done Robin. Finding a Labour racist (didn’t Gordon Brown try that one?). Gold Star.
I’d take a small wager that the guy never suggested any such thing. Far more likely Brant pretended to be interested in researching why Labour voters might vote UKIP. If you ask someone ‘Do you think it might be because X’, a lot of times they will respond ‘I suppose it could be’ without any prejudice whatsoever. Tick – result. Alex Forsyth shared the job with Brant; she seemed totally fair, but she has gone quiet. I wonder why?
I think its about the Muslim community in Grimsby turning against Labour and voting UKIP over the issue of a Jewish leader insulting Muslim community leaders by imposing a women only shortlist on Grimsby.
A classic BBC ‘sources who say’ tweet too.
Politicians are rightly mocked when they produce people who represent ‘what the people are thinking’ like this.
He seems to be headed to Jasmine Lawrence levels, if clever enough to pop in a level of separation no one will believe is credible given his history.
Enough for CECUTT to wail ‘editorial integrity’ if this got challenged.
BBC World Service making the Indonesian executions its main story.
Focussing on the two “Australians” But if you look at the actual names, they are about as “Australian men” as a Mr Ahmed and a Mr Obalulu are “British men”.
World Service has now spent 10 minutes on this story. Is it really worth so much prominence and time?
Maybe there is a metro-media thing about capital punishment that justifies so much time on a story about which most people say “So what – who gives a monkey’s about convicted drug traffickers?”
BBC Bias. You-betcha! 0113 Hrs 29.4.15.
BBC Election Webpage main photo. I’m not educated in this image grabbing stuff so:
‘A suited, statesmanlike pose, accepting applause’ shot of our favoured Red Ed.
‘Casual, introspective, defensive, explaining’ shot of our second favourite Cast Iron Dave.
BBC Protocol for Selection of Main Photo for the Labour Election Website on the BBC: No Farage. No Clegg. No Bennett. Usually Special Ed (no foodstuffs – not in motion), sometimes Cast Iron Dave (preferable casually dressed and looking agitated). Or go with another unrelated picture that takes your fancy. Jimmy Krankie, on occasion, is OK.
I’m not educated in this image grabbing stuff…
It’s very easy. A single press of the Print Screen button (PrtSc, PrtScn, or PrntScrn) copies it; you can proceed to paste it as normal. Holding ‘Alt’ at the same time allows you to just copy the active window. Check out these:
Where you upload it is a separate issue; I’d take advice on that myself.
I use Tinypic myself. You can simply open a free account with them and upload as many pictures there as you wish. Each one will have its own link which you can use on any website.
There are others available too, but I’ve never had a problem with them. You can also download their program for your desktop for easy access.
O/T Sky News. Didn’t realise they’d gone leftard. Newspaper review.
Elizabeth Day. Race baiting, tick. Brand importance, tick. Ed ‘gambling’ with his Russel B interview, tick. Defend Ed, tick. Use Ed’s christian name, tick. Cameron’s surname, tick. And this John Newton Dunn guy is a meedya wuss. Don’t watch SKY much. Gutter Guff. Off switch.
“Can it really be that the BBC has only issued specific guidelines on the ‘correct’ terminology to be used when reporting on one of the world’s many conflicts? ”
Well, with only £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, clearly for the BBC there are ‘guidelines’ and ‘more of a guideline really’ (c) A. Semantic CECUTT Drone.
I don’t know about anyone else but I have to say that I am sick to back teeth of switching on the news (Sky included) to be greeted by a moving image of Nicola Krankie, or some other liebour talking head…….Today it was Millibrain on one channel and Ed Balls on the other. The side splitter was that Balls (you know the chap I mean – Gordon Brown’s absolute right hand, number one, fully paid up, committed henchman and believer in Gordon Brown’s economic ability who between the two of them caused the biggest most severe UK recession ever) well, he was giving a lecture on the economy and the liebour spending plans for the next five years. Surely to put this chap in control of any responsible position with regard to the economy would be like putting Billy Bunter in charge of the tuck shop. Meanwhile on the other channel was millibrain saying how everyone needed to believe him and not the tories…
But my point is that this is a regular, daily dose we all get of liebour intentions to the (almost) exclusion of all the other parties (especially UKIP, except when they are trying to take the piss out of them))
Why do we have to have such a biased left wing media lead very proudly by the bbbc~? There is now not even any pretence of equality from the bbbc
Somebody, please close them down………
The Tories have just realised the BBC is biased against them, quelle surprise.
I have absolutely no sympathy for them. If you allow yourself to be a doormat, you can’t complain that people walk all over you. They have had many years to address this chronic problem, and without a doubt would have been well aware of the lefty slanted corporation, but did nothing.
They’ve clearly felt they could use whatever agendas the BBC have for their own purposes, regardless of the lack of ethics involved.
BBC accused of ‘anti-Tory bias’ by Culture Secretary Sajid Javid who threatens review of how the Corporation is governed
Well the penny has finally dropped !
Perhaps they might also like look into the absolute bias and propaganda that is aimed against UKIP . I’m suspecting a full judicial inquiry in to this – lots of Tory investigators using this website as a place to look for ideas?
Vote here to get rid of this unjust tax ……