Question Time, back to it’s normal time of 10.45 this week comes from Uxbridge, the constituency of new Conservative MP Boris Johnson and a Tory seat for 45 years. So expect the audience to consist of the sweepings of the local Student’s Union bar and a few dozen public sector workers.
The panel includes Conservative Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt, Leader of UKIP Nigel Farage, musician and campaigner Brian May and Editor of The Economist Zanny Minton Beddoes.
Chat here
Register here if necessary.
I am sure it’s just a simple tube ride to get all the lefties in from the rest of London. Wonder if the purple haired megaphone mouth will make it too?
Well, there you are BLS, typical Tory scum taking it for granted that real people can afford tube rides! Thanks to the Savage Cuts, most genuine workers are forced to walk barefoot, of course, to any demo or similar location, only the frequency of giro facilities and food-banks allowing an effective performance on arrival.
Surely all the “carefully chosen” workers and Leftards should either be walking or riding a bike to QT anyway. After all, don’t forget about Global Warming that is one of the “Progressives'” and McBeeb’s favourite stick to bang us greedy, free-thinkers with.
Apparently the offie’s still sell Special Brew in Uxbridge!
Lot’s to talk about…Perhaps they’ll start with the BBCs deputy political editor Norman Smith, and his live claim on air, that Nigel Farage is a cunt….Yes, that’s what he said..
The “lovely Norman” – BBC anchor defending him a couple of months ago over similar slip showing – was trying to put as much disgust into quoting that he suffered from Freudian Slip malfunction. You’d think that they were his words not quoting. It is difficult keeping your bias hidden when the bile is roiling inside. Maybe he should get some counselling for his Farage trauma. Nigel does upset them at the BBC as they displace all their impotent rage at losing the election onto UKIP. One might complain about bias but the BBC is in huge denial and they might lose it again and call me a… cult.
so nigel farage is on question time tonight,what will be the make up of the rancid question time audience i wonder,what will be the agenda of david dimbleby,will question time be about the issues of the day or just one big nigel farage and ukip hatefest,i think we know the anwser to that,then after question time we have question time extra time with the most 2 annoying people in the bbc stephen nolan and john pienaar,what odds there whole programme will be dominated by nigel farage,tonight on question time and radio 5 live the bbc are going to get there revenge against ukip and nigel farage for sure.
Here I was, thinking that after the Euro elections albeeb had learned their lesson. The lesson that says, no matter how much you bad mouth UKIP, all that happens is their vote share increases.
Having tried their best during the GE campaigns to ignore UKIP, as part of their master plan to thwart them once again, they then found that hasnt worked either.
Hence, albeeb and the rest of the media are basically fucked.
Bring it on….keep farage on the front page, be our publicity agents.
This evening’ Question Time is from Brunel University, Uxbridge and our first question is from Will Self Professor of Contemporary Thought at Brunel University.
‘Would the panel explain whether Nigel Farage is a racist c***nt or merely a racist’, and if he is banged up due to anti extremist legislation how will this facilitate a quick return of a Labour Government?
Massive applause from the Mooslim community representatives of West Drayton.
All day 5 live have been on about the ‘civil war’ within UKIP and the breakup of the party, how Farage is a megalomaniac and he resigned then ‘changed his mind’ , and without him they are finished ( does he eat babies too! )……Mean while in the real world I live in UKIP polled nearly 4 millions as opposed to labours 9 millions despite a vicious anti UKIP media. They also have hundreds of councillors and control a council.
Labour having lost the election, lost their leader and Balls are apparently back on track because it has been sorted all they need is a new leader. The fact that the electorate didn’t vote for them appears to be a question that has been carefully swept under the carpet, because it would mean having to admit that Labour has been a dying party for a decade or more and has out lived it’s purpose. ‘Talking and listening’ to the electorate is meaningless they all say that. It is clear labours purpose in life was destroyed when Thatcherism clearly showed that the working classes actually wanted to better themselves and aspire to be better than their neighbours and not be simply great full for an extra lump of coal to put on their fires at Christmas hard fought for by the unions.
It appears now analysis is being carried out that UKIP hit labour very hard up north and of course they were destroyed in Scottyland, it is clearly no longer a national party, and as such it will never form a government again without an ideological shift which of course has to be immigration UKIP proves this. Labour clearly will not shift on open doors immigration, they are therefor doomed to the dustbin of history, I for one rejoice at the slow and painful death of labour (having been a labourite in the past ), and they can take the BBC with them.
I remember back in Thatcher’s heyday, there was serious concern expressed that Labour was sinking and disappearing and that the necessary counterbalance it offered was no longer likely. This was not just the Left that was concerned, but reasonable people on all sides.
But Politics is unpredictable and momentum swings one way and then another, and to write off the Labour party for a decade is just as silly as to think in 1997 that Toryism had been routed forever by the New Centrist Blairites . It doesn’t happen like that.
The BBC will do their utmost to bring Labour back. They’ve already started!
I would have agreed with you once, but we have a new additive I the mix, immigration. labours Arthur Neather admitted publicly that immigration was to ‘rub the rights nose in diversity’ and give labour a new client voter as they clearly new the indigenous white population were lost to them, this is why labour despise the indigenous population.
labour can only ever be re electable if they denounce immigration, this clearly they won’t and if they do they lose their new client base the ‘immigrant classes’. Labours good polling in London proves the point.
As I have said before if Britain becomes colonized then yes labour could possibly be re electable but they won’t be ruling the Britain I live in, it will be a third world slum.
And maybe labour will have been shunned by then as the Muslims will no longer need labour they will have their own organizations.
I’ll guarantee that there’ll be no question about the revelation that Al Murrays’ foray into politics was apparently funded and supported (albeit by proxy) by the BBC. I’ll wager the lefties thought that was a real wheeze, using taxpayers money to distort an election result. Allegedly.
So out of the three politicians, two have been called a *unt by the BBC, and one has not. Guess which one has not!
Or a C U Next Tuesday
Par for the course to discover that the “impartial” BBC helped Al Murray in his electoral farce in South Thanet, running against Nigel Farage..
ukip are finished without nigel farage.
Labour were finished after BLair.
Wow dty457, what an absolute pearler of wisdom! Did you come up with that all by yourself? In your student digs eh! Never mind, it’ll be time for bed soon and you can let your brain recover from it’s intellectual strains for the day!
Careful Bunny, those £12 Billion benefits cuts are coming and you being so visible and snotty inhabit a target rich environment.
See above post but insert your own name!
socalism rules.
Socialism’s only rule is “Do as I say, not as I do”
“So expect the audience to consist of the sweepings of the local Student’s Union bar and a few dozen public sector workers”
-very funny
the same joke 2 weeks ago wouldn’t even have raised a smile from me. Today I actually chuckled.
Bliss was it that dawn to be alive.
Thanks for warning him, with a bit of luck he’ll bring an armed guard.
Nothing is going to change. You chumps will continue to pay for a license fee and moan. BBC is here forever, suck it up.
God save the Queen.
I would be surprised if the Queen was a fan of the BBC at all
This is sounding less and less like a threat and more and more like some perv’s self-abuse fantasy.
It will give Farage the opportunity to let everyone know that in order to save his job he will comply with the wishes of the UKIP plotters i.e. he will stop talking about left wing audiences, the International Health Service, being swamped by boat people & restricting non-EU immigration.
Warning, the Al Beeb ‘sockpuppets’ are back on the offensive, having lost their last battle . Their objective is to disrupt this site ahead of the European Elections now that the UK elections are over .
Score so far . Al Beeb ‘Nil’ – BiasedBBC ‘One’
Yes, as usual another rebranded renamed same old shit.
Employed, organised, paid for by the bbc, working in predictable shifts.
Best not feed them.
I’m just looking forward to Nigel Farage being asked a question and then as soon as he starts to answer, he gets interrupted and spoken over with, “Yes, but… yada yada” and then Nigel tries again only to be met with, “Yes, but… yada yada” fifty times over.
It’s going to take some restraint to stop myself from hurling something at the TV I think.
update on question time extra time 10 pm radio 5 live,caller after caller had a go at john pienarr and stephens nolans bbc biased bashing and slagging off of nigel farage,they did not like it one bit,all arrogant nolan and pienaar could say to the ukip callers you are entitled to your opinion,total one sided anti ukip bias as i predicted and bbc revenge on ukip by nolan and pienaar again.
So question time is just ask Farage why he didn’t resign when he did.
Absolutely, its like Labour didn’t lose last week!
dimbledor what an arsey bore
Here’s an idea May try a a different guitar break for a change and keep out of politics.
Check out the fucktard who stated Farage isn’t an MP any more. Finger on pulse the patient is dead.
Why are there food banks says May? Because people like to spend their money on fags, smartphones & large screen tvs instead.
Fucktard maybe, but she ticked a box!
and don’t forget the 2 + Pit bulls that is a must have
Multi millionaire from priviledged background talks food banks and the working man, wtf does he know?
After no applause after Farage’s first answer we gave up, and I am not even a UKIP voter. I assume I am missing nothing other than the predictable.
Farage got more applause as the show went on.
You should have stuck it out Deb – Nigel turned every attempt to bring him down around and gained more and more applause from an initial reluctant crowd.
Quite impressive!
My honest opinion on this thread, for what its worth,
China is a huge open market. China looks up to Britain as a great place of culture – we the UK can trade with China without the EU’s control.
The EU like Labour, is finished along with its ‘Euro’ currency!
India is the biggest democracy in the world, it looks up to the UK as the ‘mother of democracy’ it has great connection with the UK – The Commonwealth, Tata etc.
When the country voted (I voted against and I can’t find anyone who did? ) for the Common Market, it did not involve political control of this nation.
Great Britain was not ‘Great’ because of the EU.
Vote UKIP and vote to get out of the EU and its bureaucracy
many people voted for security, they were the starving children of the war they didnt vote for what its become.
I think we struggle more than others, because the others just pay lip service to much of it, but our jobsworth mentality tends to impose it all.
It needs to reform massively, if it wont/cant we must get out
At the time we had butter mountains, wine mountains etc .
As I said, I don’t know anyone who voted for the Common Market ?
Vote here Dan & pass it on …..
exactly food security
my dad did, silly old fool, regretted it ever since
They poured milk and wine down the drain and gave corned beef and butter away – so where has it all gone wrong ?
he didnt realise he was paying to keep french farmers sat on their fat arse’s
he thought he was guaranteeing food avaiability
time to leave they will never change
If we don’t leave they will change us and achieve what Napoleon and Hitler failed to achieve . European domination.
All this thanks to Al Beeb who get some funding from Europe.
Vote here..
Hahaha. You have been asleep for a long time evidently. We have been taken over already. Next time you go to your high street note the names of all the shops and look who owns then of the Internet. You don’t need to drop bombs anymore. Our Tory governments have been more than willing to sell off British assets to anyone willing to buy them. Thank god TTIP hit the dust in the senate otherwise you would be on your way to eating US pesticides with your lunch.
Maybe you don’t realise but European community was set up to counter US competition.
I was 3 years old, I have never been given the option to vote on the common market, let alone the EU.
indeed people voted for free trade without tariffs not for a president, a flag, an anthem and army or laws that undermine our sovereignty and at the same time increases the EU’s power over our lives.
After Farage’s performance tonight on Question Time the bBC must be pretty pee’d off after their extensive efforts to destroy UKIP today.
Massive FAIL, must try harder.
The people of this country are slowly but surely realising, that Al Beeb are biased .
Vote here and join the people’s army …..
Will try harder..
Nigel did well on QT tonight, against all the odds. Even the audience didn’t seem to be quite so predispositioned to discount whatever he had to say (after an uncertain start). He definitely picked up more studio applause as the show went on and – unusually – he got the chance to make his points without being mobbed.
Most shocking of all was that none of the panellists and not a single member of the studio audience invoked the usual lazy ‘racist’ insults against UKIP,
Winning almost 4 million legitimate votes in the General Election seems to have focused even the minds of QT’s normally rabidly socialist militants. Things are changing and UKIP’s cleverest next move will be to capitalise on this.
As the fastest growing Political party, UKIP are expanding at the rate of 423 percent every five years. So at the current rate of increase, the vote in the next Election would create a 16,411,676 vote landslide victory for UKIP.
An interesting demonstration perhaps of how hype can be overcome by reality.
It is hardly surprising after recent coverage that any public audience would be reticent. However, if points were getting heard enough to be appreciated on merit then that is all that can be asked.
Playing the argument and not the man should however not be a novelty.
Yes Phil, provided they sort their internal strife NOW.
MSM are just loving the turmoil and apparent self destruct going on – it’s major news and it shouldn’t be.
Nigel is accused of getting off-message on Europe
as the main UKIP issue and allowing Cameron to steal the referendum limelight.
It is difficult for Nigel to do this when he’s trying to define the full UKIP manifesto at the same time as proving to the country that UKIP are not just a one-issue party.
I do believe that Dimblebore must be frightened for his job, and the BBC for its licence fees. He interrupted hardly at all. The audience was neutral; the bussed-in Marxists were absent; there was no howling-down of the Right. And – joy of joys – the two non-leftists were allowed to present their cases. I found it a totally different programme. I can’t believe that the Beeb has repented; it must be pure fear that their past is at last about to catch up with them. I trust that it will, soon and hard.
The old timers on Al Beeb would be looking at fat redundancy payments when Al beeb gets closed down or is made to pay its way.
The young lefty LSE socialists who have never had a real job are the ones who are worried , that’s the likes of Scotty , ‘Arthur’ and the rest of Al Beeb’s researchers and its duty officers .
Yes the discussion went well, despite repeated attempts to undermine UKIP over the leadership issue at the outset, revived constantly by Bumbledim who was restrained but nevertheless could not hold back his silly snipes at Farage. I conclude that Dimblebum has lost the plot and in his dotage cannot work out that the BBC has to watch itself for a while.
They’ll be as good as gold until their Charter is renewed.
I hear that DynoRod have been called into the BBC a number of times since the election to clear the blocked and overflowing toilets.
never mind question time,it was all out war last night betreen stephen nolan,john pienaaar and ukip voters on radio 5 live extra time question time radio 5 live 10pm,it was radio gold,never has nolan and pienaar been ever been challenged about there anti ukip bias as was last night and they hated it,best call of the night at about 12.40 am when a black ukip voter who gave pienaar and nolan full barrels about there left wing anti ukip bias,nolan was seething and said i try hard to be impartiial and not biased against ukip i really do,not hard enough nolan,pienaar then jumped to nolans defence pronouncing how impartial the bbc are,not good enough there pienaar,that black ukip voter tore nolan and pienaar to shreds last night and left them was a must listen,fantastic.
When will QT drop the celebrity fourth member of the panel? Invariably they have no clue of the reality of politics, they are predictably left-leaning, & like Brian May last night often believe in conspiracy theories. The problem is that those gullible watching would believe them, or agree with their tired dogma merely because they are famous. These people ruin the debate.
QT is a ratings mine, like any other broadcast property where the market rates of executives depend on eyeballs.
So celebrity will always have an appeal. But is a May really any less qualified than a one-trick pony like Dianne Abbott, or most of the ditzy ‘senior’ pols from any other party? Bennett?
From the sound of it he did more damage than good to whatever he was there to promote. But I agree, having a doofus punchbag like they use for the regulars on ‘8 out of 10 cats’ is a waste.
Odd that a science-trained musician with money enough to inform himself properly seems stuck in a restricted groove still.
One thing is for sure though, in such shows if the choice is between the smart and the usual suspects, when it comes to the idiot box producers will select the latter.
Educated and rich equates with ill informed opinion.
Uneducated and not rich equates with informed opinion. How does this work exactly?
Not what was written, so reshaping to try and twist to make a statement out of a question is pretty daft.
At least the sentence structure is readable, so the baton appears to have been passed to a slightly more educated representative of the morning shift. If equally ill-informed.
He’s been on that bus a long time. It must be going round in circles.
Welcome back Mr Bus Conductor. We have missed you loads.
Seems the Prozac is working and has your deep depression under control.
MOCO ….where have you been since Labour fell off the cliff last week? Anyway, nice to see you back!
I must say we are rather short on this site of those who disagree that BBC bias is institutionally almost totally directed against the centre right like Tories and UKIP in particular. It is so good that you often reflect a view from the left to give us something to remind us we must not get complacent.
We are not alone on the net with our BBC Bias blog, since the UKs most visited political blog, Guido Fawkes, hardly has a page not deriding this BBC left bias.
Would be delighted for your views on Tom Baldwin’s belief that we are mainly wrong on this site:
Also, what do you think about the polls:
Entertainers really should try to avoid sticking their oar into politics. It simply alienates a chunk of their audience. I speak here as a massive fan of Queen, particularly their earlier work.
Of course, they do it for their ego, without which they probably wouldn’t have become entertainers in the first place. And one thing I’ve learned over the years about Brian May is that he has an ego the size of Jupiter.
May is a fantastic musician. Dunno why he feels the need to get involved in politics. There’s a recording of last night’s QT on YouTube. He was unimpressive and got very little applause, despite his superstar status.
Here’s what he should continue to do with his time:
He’s no Ted Nugent
Yes, the celebrity member is completely ridiculous, and often embarrassing, but entirely unsurprising. This is the BBC after all.
Last night we were treated to Brian May insulting the public by claiming that we are all too ill informed to vote in a referendum about Europe. I suspect that what he really meant was that we might not all have the required left wing point of view.
I was also highly amused when Jeremy Hunt had to carefully explain to him why a referendum is necessary in the case of something that might affect the constitution, but not for a ban on fox hunting.
As for millionaire pop stars talking about the working man…
to be fair to Dr Brian May, he does have a PhD in astrophysics so he believes in aliens from outer space as well aliens coming from the european continent and illegal aliens from the 3rd world
Think he thinks there are a lot of ukip idiots on the planet too…to be fair
“Today” programme interviewed Steven Woolfe MEP (his website identifying him as UKIP Frontbench Spokesman on Migration and Financial Affairs). The good news a) he supported Farage a bit more thoroughly than O’Flynn, b) Justin Webb didn’t interupt. Worse news a) “we are not a right wing party”, b) he wants the party to distance itself away from nasty comments about health tourists. It seems that the party leadership want to retrench to what it says on the tin & focus on leaving the EU & to stop talking about the effects of immigration.
This is unfortunate for me, as though I hate the EU (No in 1975), I think the UK is too economically weak to cope with withdrawal at this time (& the referendum will not support leaving) rather I hoped UKIP would be serious about non-EU immigaration
Thanks; I had a listen, from 02:15:00 here:
Couple of points:
1. Woolfe is very good, but he was coming close to Tory ‘speaking out of both sides of the mouth’ here. UKIP has to be ‘less negative’ (presumably like treating foreigners with HIV), but he still says the people want a national health service, not international. That sounds like a distinction without a difference.
2. I like Raheem Kassam. There; I’ve said it. I always read his stuff on breitbart. He’s a straight talker – I thought that’s what UKIP was about? Is he to be burned at the stake because he said we shouldn’t allow people to swan in from all over the world for free health treatment? We even have a name – the Lagos Shuttle – for pregnant women flying – FLYING – in to have their child here and get it British citizenship. Can Kassam not even question this? Hello?
3. I despair when I read how you think the UK couldn’t survive political separation from Europe. I’ve always been convinced that there is no hope of winning a referendum against the forces lined up to scare the voters. Your remarks re-enforce that fear.
Thought Woolf acquited himself very well-and Webb said a few daft things but wasn`t slobbering all over his legs like that mincing mogodon mutt Humphrys.
So I got the gist of what the issues were.
Woolf-like Evans- is a good potential leader.
And I do think that UKIP would have done better had they put their “stars” into winnable seats…and might it not be true that Farage and the leadership did not WANT the likes of O Flynn elected, and so compete with Farage winning Thanet?
Why did he NOT stand in Kent I wonder?…it`s his home base and would have got Evans, Woolf and Nuttall into seats up and down the Eastern seaboard, as well as Peterborough, Boston and the like.
Well worth a private enquiry-but keep the septic BBC out-they HATE UKIP-and we remain the unforgiven.
Did enjoy though those vox pops of the BBCs around Grays in Essex before Wolfie spoke!
As ever, the BBC were asking questions that nobody on planet earth gave a damn about-not exactly what the set up for a UKIP attack was intended to show us.
Ah well!
The UK is too weak full stop. Leaving the EU will add to its problems both economically and security wise. But the EU is gonna crash anyway because of the debtor creditor relationship between Germany and the others. it was never a common currency area and unless there is more integration it will fall apart. Happily I am half Russian and half Chinese although I am often mistaken for an Indian.
“The UK is too weak”
What a sad thing to suggest. I refute your suggestion. The UK is strong. I am raising two sons. They will be polite,respectful and strong young men. You need to meet some more productive and positive people.
Vote UKIP. Always. 🙂
So what passport do you run on then love? One of Putins ? Or a Marxist piece of paper printed in The Forbidden City? No doubt you are one of those we are supposed to be so sodding grateful for for their “diversity “
It’s simple for those who think they don’t know about a subject to pass judgement on in a referendum .
They can either believe that MPs know all about it and make the decision for them , or let the informed members of the general public make the decision for them in a referendum .
They should not be so arrogant as to think everyone is as ignorant as they are .
There’s nothing on this site to suggest anyone is well informed on the EU. I presume the people here are at least interested in politics and are not all paid for along with the site by Lupert. So give people a vote on something they no nothing about? We just did that and looked what happened!
Inform us about the EU then.
Proof that the left do not listen to the spoken word. Kenneth Loach’s miserable bunch of ISIS tolerators and Israeli hating socialist bigots in Left Unity complain that Question Time supports UKIP because they frequently invite Farage on the programme. They are unaware of the hostile reception he usually receives.
And now they want Dimbelbum to die.
From Left Unity Facebook Page.
Áine O’Neill: Just watched QT, Dimbleby telling Hunt to keep to the question,then allows Farage to give a political broadcast,bet Dimbleby is a kipper
5 · 13 hrs
Brett Angell: Dimbleby is class warrior stamping out left wing thought from the air waves. I wish he would die.
I never watch QT, but having heard that Nigel did well (as always) thought I would give it a go. As some have already remarked, he definitely won the audience round so that at least they listened whether or not convinced. Dimbleby is irritating, though, if slightly more subtly, notice how he quickly changes the conversation if it goes slightly off the BBC approved track, and also his habit of slipping in some snide remark at the end of someone’s comment without giving them the chance to respond.
You should check it out .Gives lie to the idea the BBC is left wing.
The panel consisted of a Nazi,a Tory,another Tory,a real Tory and an air head. Nice and balanced!
I saw one on the centre-right, one in the centre, two left wingers and one undetermined (the journalist).
You must have watched a different show. This QT was most unusual for the BBC in that it was balanced, both in terms of the audience (which the BBC almost always fiddles with to ensure a majority of lefties) and the panel.
The BBC is a little anxious about its future right now. Hence it’s pretending to be impartial for a week or two.
Farage Right
Spectator Journalist Right
Tristram Hunt Centre Right
Hunt Centre Right
May Air head.
You clearly know nothing about politics my friend!
I’ll call your right and raise you two lefts.
Farage. Libertarian. Lover of liberty, respect for property rights and rule of law.
Journo. Centre Left (think Cameron,big government, authoritarian)
Tristram Hunt. Marxist, National Socialist, Totalitarian, i.e Extreme far left.
Hunt. Centrist. Nice chap.
May. Lead Guitar (Left stage).
Oh hello Shaz, a Nazi eh ? What’s one of them then my love ? One of the pricks like your ex glorious leader BLair, responsible for the deaths of thousands of Arab civilians and British war dead ? A cock like Brown who ran the war in the sandpit on a shoestring and left more of our men dead ? Real Nazis Shaz, those who cause the deaths of real people not you and your pathetic socialist worker shite name calling. Bitch.
Glad to see we have a pacifist amongst us although evidently no judge of political persuasion . Climb aboard! There’s always room for one more!
All Dimbleby and his pups do is seek out “Leadership” gossip 24/7.
I lost count of how often Farage and his “leadership” crops up.
The BBC will never get it-within a week of their arses getting whupped(hell yeah!)-they`re back to whether he ticks THEIR criteria for leadership.
Bland, multiculti and in hock to the BBC and their tired and turgid agendas.
We clearly don`t give a fig-if a a donkey had a purple and yellow rosette, we`d vote for UKIP-if the Tories were a safe fallback.
And to hear Brian May-BRIAN MAY, multimillionaire and confused badger saviour( except for on his ownestate)telling us that only Labour stands for the working man, whereas the Tories stand for the rich(clearly not so given how loaded Brian is)-was typical pointless agitprop.
Bet Freddie was a Tory!
I can’t believe that julio has give himself a like, it has to be the worst post ever seen on this site..I’m not one for tweet speak but WTF?
That’s a bit of a hysterical overreaction, bad time of the month or something? Anyway, I can’t have liked it or I wouldn’t have been able to like it again, and liking my own comments isn’t something I’m in the habit of doing.
I have just watched Question time from 14/05/15.
Brian May was awesome, he talked so much sense and his support for the “common man” is phenomunal. Thanks Brian for believing in and supporting “the general public” not the “elite”