Credit where credit is due, I have been watching The Detectives on BBC2 these last three nights which actually came to my attention via a recommendation in the Weekend FT (which isn’t a great start, have to say!).
This documentary focused on the efforts that the police made to bring Saville’s friend and former chauffer, Ray Teret to justice towards the end of 2014 but also covered some lower profile cases that arose in the same period.
The programme covered this really well, bringing out how difficult it is to identify evidence on these historic cases and how they went about it. It also addressed issues which both victims and the police themselves faced both emotionally and psychologically.
The BBC do this kind of thing really well, I think, there was no slant, no bias, providing a good illustration of how these things materialise.
The same BBC that conspired to get Nick Griffin put in prison some ten years ago for telling the uncomfortable truth about Muslim grooming gangs?
Or perhaps I missed their later apology to Nick Griffin and later non partisan broadcast of the issue of said Muslim grooming, thus righting a horrific wrong that resulted in the sickening rapes of thousands of white English girls.
I’m not having a pop at you but complacency of the BBC isn’t a road I recommend taking.
What hasn’t been discussed, and seems to be being deliberately ignored is the other crimes which the Fascists turned a blind eye to.
Nu Labour unofficially had a moratorium on prosecutions of Pakistani & Bangladeshi Muslims for a major part of their time in power. The drug dealing and the young Pakistanis driving round in Lamborghinis and Ferraris became a joke. The Police were so obviously doing nothing that the dealers became emboldened.
All kinds of money laundering, benefits fraud, and many many other crimes all went unchallenged. Councils and other public services have been compromised by corrupt employees and elected officials who are prepared to do anything that they are asked by friends and family – I know it’s happened to me. Now many public services are too dangerous to use if there’s a Muslim involved.
All because Labour ‘thought’ it might be ‘cohesive’ and couldn’t accept there might be the slightest thing bad about their brown eyed boys.
And now the BBC wonder why they lost the election !
Thoughtful, I agree. And now I watch the analysis of why Labour lost the election, how their economic plan was not adequately addressed. But they keep off the subject of which voters dare not speak.
All the talk is about EU migration, while at the same time ignoring migration from Islamic countries like Somalia, Pakisatn, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
I was interested to see in the last episode that the PC coppers prosecuted a rape case even when there was a witness who contradicted the “victim’s” story. Needless to say she was too drunk to remember what had happened.
Even given the facts on offer, it was clear that this was a case that would never result in a guilty verdict, but the cops and CPS ploughed on with a trial, at God knows what cost, and put the man in question, who had come forward voluntarily, through the hell of a trial, only to result in an inevitable not guilty verdict. I will remember that case the next time the plod are bleating about their “lack of resources”.
‘I will remember that case the next time the plod are bleating about their “lack of resources”.
Beyond errant journalists and tweeters, or high profile celebs needing a combo rozzer/BBC Blue Thunder approach, I am also often struck what level of staff commitment seems needed to accompany TVL/Capital sales teams on their ‘inspections’ that all too often seem to result in a funniest home video, as hapless plod crammed into a suburban semi’s lounge profess on camera to be ignorant of… the law.
I agree with you.
Thought that the programme showed how fraught and trigger-happy some people are to make a grievance, pissed or not.
In other words-complex and shows how much the scales of justice have shifted for political kudos…and things like evidence and proof don`t seem to be as needed as before.
Just the slipperier lawyer.
Felt sorry for any police officer who tried to be truthful and without an agenda…glad I saw how it`s all changed.
Thought that the BBC did it fairly enough, but Savile was not revisited-which Terets case would have normally been pertinent towards.
Still-better than usual from the BBC.
Today (20/5/2015) BBC news runs an article entitled “EU membership is in UK’s national interest – CBI” Nowhere in that article does the BBC mention that the CBI received over £800,000 from the EU over a 4 year period. Neither does the BBC mention that the CBI receives £157,331 per year, for “business and consumer surveys”. Should the BBC also declare a ‘conflict of interest’ with regards to this article in respect of the £3m it received itself from the EU over a 4 year period?
That was why Geoff, that the LibLabCon conspired to keep him from winning Thanet at all costs – they fear him in debate; it would have been fantastic to have seen Farage in Parliament, a real shame he didn’t get in.
He never gets any air time on TV in the UK when he speaks in the Euro Parliament, that isn’t something that would have continued if he had been elected an MP at Westminster.
Results in the last five previous elections have been released between 3 and 6am, this one was around 11am and no-one seems capable of accounting for the time lag, or indeed where the ballot boxes were during that 5 hour period.
Watched BBC’s coverage of Chelsea flower show last night, during which there was an extended piece on an Islamic garden, courtesy of some awful Arab feudal state. The female designer wanted it to show the positive aspects of Islam, but how could it do that without a beheading or limb-lopping area, or a tall building from which to throw gays?
I also watched the programme. I think her garden was called ‘The Beauty of Islam’. She seemed quite a charming girl and the 5 minutes or so she was allocated (more than any other competitor) was relentlessly positive accompanied with stunning shots of Dubai and a beautifully-constructed mosque.
Back in Chelsea she was keen that her garden should celebrate ‘shared values’. Trying to spot a Muslim/coloured face in the crowds proved fruitless, so I concluded sharing of our gardening ‘values’ hasn’t quite happened yet, as is also the case with ‘shared values’ in British history – clearly rejected by the majority ‘ethnic’ population, at least if Leicester is anything to go by, where the hideously white crowds for the Richard III re-interment showed a complete lack of, um, ‘cohesion’.
Then the cynic in me started wondering about the possibility of segregated flowerbeds, with perhaps a bit of stemen mutilation thrown in for good measure…
P.S. A generous 2-second mention for The Telegraph’s gold medal-winning garden. Oh, BBC, you bitter, bitter bastards…
The Chatsworth Trout garden is a favourite, Marcus Barnett’s own childhood garden, the Moran Stanley Healthy Cities Garden trails behind as the next favourite garden with odds at 9/11, followed by The Brewin Dolphin Garden and The M&G Garden at 12/1,
… whilst “The Beauty of Islam Garden” is the most unlikely winner in gamblers’ eyes with odds at 33/1. …
sheesh! … I wonder why?
why all the unwarranted airtime BBC?
“At least 100,000 Christians are killed every year because of their faith, which amounts to 273 per day, or 11 every hour”,
Bishop McAreavey said
By who? any ideas?,
any “beautiful” totalitarian ideology that pretends to be a religion we could mention?
The beautiful Islamic State that makes $323 million from smuggling migrants into Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS. So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then simply profit from their flight, as many migrants embark from Libya on unseaworthy boats
Radio 4 Thought for the day featured a speaker who praised Islam’s treatment of guests. What she failed to mention, of course, was that this was referring to Islam’s treatment of Moslem guests. Infidels/dhimmi’ s would be treated very differently .
“How many did she murder before converting to Islam? … Zero, right?
And she ascribes her activities now to Islam.
Yet no one thinks the phenomenon of converts to Islam becoming jihadi s is worthy of study? ”
R Spencer
The very same woman the Met Police didn’t arrest and took her word at face value. All in the name of political correctness.
This, the closing down of the roads to allow the hate preacher Abu Hamza police protection to recruit terrorists on the streets of London and refusing to make arrests of Muslims calling for our deaths.
The real tragedy is why Iain Blair still has his knighthood and his pension.
That is reminiscent of the way we are told by the followers of Islam and its useful idiots that the taking of ‘innocent’ life is forbidden in the RoP. This is quite correct: but anyone who isn’t a Muslim cannot be innocent.
On the World Service this morning there was a report that the Saudi authorities are executing so many people that they have had to advertise for 8 executioners. The executioners job description not only involve killing people, but also amputations!
Watch out for job applications from British people (well with a British passport) on their way for interviews, with worried parents expressing concern on the BBC and the head of the Met on his knees apologising for not preventing them from seeing the job description.
I’ve seen a beheading in Saudi 2 in fact both Pakistani drug dealers. Only reason I went was to see someone worse off than myself. The locals shoved me and my mate to the front and took delight in watching our expressions
Yes, the multicultural society is a dream. Though there are of course exceptions, we have a country where groups of people live quite independently of each other, speaking different languages, often eating different food, socialising in different ways. Go to a stately home if you want to see hideously white visitors; go for a walk in the country to see some more; the heritage of the indigenous people doesn’t interest the vast majority of the immigrant communities.
Not really surprising, but it’s a little pathetic to see the National Trust and similar bodies hoping to unify the population under its flag. Full marks for politically correct policies of integration, but I think they’re on a loser.
‘Over the years we have taken note here of numerous instances… in which the BBC has misled its audiences by inaccurately referring to the 1949 Armistice Lines.
Nevertheless – and perhaps precisely because this frequent error is rarely if ever corrected – the organization supposedly committed to building “a global understanding of international issues” continues to allow audiences to be misled and misinformed through the repeated use of inaccurate terminology.
One might assume that a reasonable level of proficiency in the subject matter – including the use of accurate terminology – would be a fairly basic requirement for an interviewer on a flagship news programme.
Is there any part of this that is inaccurate as to the competencies and impartiality of Evan Davies, Newsnight or the BBC?
If not, why are they still allowed to broadcast misinformation?
It’s a simple question I would dearly love John Whittingdale to explain.
‘John Whittingdale is “a good choice” as culture secretary whose appointment last week will not have an adverse impact on the BBC, the outgoing vice-chair of the BBC Trust has said’
Now, why does that make me less than easy?
The BBC may have ‘great popularity’. But that really doesn’t atone for being bent and wrong so often…..
One has to ask, how does one still view in black and white (a saving of £96.50) where can you still buy a black and white TV? Can I just turn the colour down? 😉
Why is there no reduction for watching in standard definition, 4 by 3 or in mono ?
As I stated on the last thread I watch the non live bBC Formula One races on Germany’s RTL from the Astra 19.2 satellite, If I were to make that satellite my viewing staple, even though 95% of it is foreign language, to watch it live I would still need a TV licence!
The TVL and its rules are archaic , time to get rid….
Hence some rather ‘interesting’ videos of tvl sales persons asking home owners to reconnect equipment and switch on to self-incriminate and hence break the law.
I am always surprised how, with such evidence of official attempts at entrapment, these folk (and often doofus plod in stab vests standing in the corner like plonkers) don’t end up on the sharp end of some awkward questions.
Christianity was first introduced here by the Romans.
For nearly 2,000 years our country has had a Christian tradition and the Sovereign holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’.
We have a National Broadcaster, paid for by our taxes, who daily hold Religious programmes to uphold our nations Christian tradition.
You could not make the next bit up!
Muslim, Aaqil Ahmedof is the BBC Commissioning Editor of Religion and Head of Religion and Ethics .
Do you ever wonder why this Corporation is totally unable to even announce on the news such facts as the crimes of Pakistani Peado rapists and groomers and Muslim criminals, often referred to as men or asian instead?
I am not religious. But I do know that this nation should sort out the proliferation in the UK of Islamic Sharia Courts, Madrases, Trojan Horses, Murderous Jihadis, FGM practisced on their poor girls, the disgusting and cruel Halal slaughter, radicalisation of it’s young and Muslim peado groups grooming, raping and trafficking non-muslim under-age girls by the thousand all over this land, women treated as 2nd class citizens, Muslims going off to join the murderous ISIS to go and throw off high buildings as many gays as they can find, chop off heads, burn people alive, kill Shias and Christians like a Holocast and other disgusting stuff.
Yes, all that is happening under Islam in our country, for which the broadcaster has it’s Islamic religious head informing the masses of the truth?
BBC is yesterday, they have had there chance and have asked for abolition big time.
“He produced and directed The Crime Squad (fronted by Sue Lawley) as well as numerous one-off documentaries for BBC One such as Britain On The Fiddle ”
Sheesh! … must be Muslim
Aaqil Ahmed has … “shaped” … Religion on the box for over a decade, (?), at Channel 4 and the BBC. He lays out why he believes we dismiss it at our peril
As Geert Wilders points out in his book “Marked for Death”. Islam claims to be one of the Abrahamic religions, but does not recognize the “eye for an eye” rule. An insulting cartoon could be ignored or at worst the reply should be an equally insulting cartoon. If a Muslim feels insulted by a cartoonist, he feels entitled to simply butcher the cartoonist.
This is barbarism . The barbarians are already at the gates of Palmyra and the BBC still thinks Islam is the religion of peace. Islam not only exterminates nonbelievers, but also intends to erase any evidence of the existance of nonbelievers from the world and history.
“……there dwell in India seventy millions of Moslems, a race of far greater physical vigour and fierceness, armed with a religion which lends itself only too readily to war and conquest. While the Hindu elaborates his argument, the Moslem sharpens his sword. Between these two races and creeds, containing as they do so many gifted arid charming beings in all the glory of youth, there is no intermarriage.
The gulf is impassable. If you took the antagonisms of France and Germany, and the antagonisms of Catholics and Protestants, and compounded them and multiplied them ten-fold, you would not equal the division which separates these two races intermingled by scores of millions in the cities and plains of India.”
‘Given the reluctance of the BBC to correct any complaints about anything the claim that they accepted two PSC complaints in a short period is simply odd.’
Odd… to a unique degree.
BBC Complaints operates in multiples of months and often years. No matter what.
The only time things can get accelerated is with pure factual inaccuracy. And even then it is usually relegated to a footnote on an archived piece no one has looked at in months.
To jump through the hoops on something as vague as tone is explicable only given the direction from which the complaint was coming, and the oft unspoken desire from above that ‘balance’ is best shown by both sides not being satisfied.
BBC Watch nails the BBC every week on fact; the softball line is a crock in comparison, and opens up massive precedent. Serial incompetence from ignorance is another matter.
‘Steel then tries to excuse Montague’s appalling silence as Israel’s defense minister took over the BBC airwaves by claiming that Montague was badly briefed by researchers and didn’t have much time to make the recording.’
Failure to put an expert’s independence in context is more valid, but again the BBC fails on this all the time.
The law of unintended consequences may have been unleashed again thanks to EI.
Fraser may have a bit of precedent to handle from others seeking his wisdom having run into the labyrinth that is BBC ‘complaints’ from other directions.
This is an interesting example from 2003 of how the BBC excused the fact that they did not use expert advice.
The presenter Michael Wood had “tracked the progress of monotheism as the progress of civilisation” but had only mentioned Islam and Christianity and had deliberately excluded Judaism.
.The committee did not uphold the complaint but subsequently noted that its findings had been reached after “seeking expert opinion” although such specialist advice had not been taken ( one wonders why the BBC would admit to a mistake like this ? ) “It subsequently commissioned an internationally respected scholar to review the programme. …….. However it also found that Michael Wood’s omission of any reference to Judaism historically problematic, although not inaccurate. But the report concluded that there was no evidence ,as the complainant suggested, that the programme was damaging to Jews or Judaism.
There doesn’t seem to be anything in writing about the Yaalon interview however if the decision was made in March it would be reasonable for it to be published in the April reports when they come out. The EI article relies on a conversation. They could be lying but I doubt it.
I can’t disagree with the finding other than to point out that many instances of the BBC ignoring their own guidelines makes this decision, if nothing else quite hypocritical. For example, BBC’s Yolande Knell back on the ‘one state’ bandwagon avoids informing the audience of two instances of interviewees with known connections to biased organisations.
Having said that though, I do connect with these young women at some level. I share their sincere desire for wanting to do the “right thing” and live a life where you are part of a greater whole working for the greater good. I share their yearning to learn more about who they are and where they fit in the world.
I share their rejection of the media’s portrayal of Islam and Muslims as inherently violent. I share their frustration at experiencing prejudice and disrespect for being a Muslim. And for being a woman and a Muslim woman, whether by mainstream society or their own religious communities. I share their hunger for wanting to learn and their confusion about Islam.
Now we know why they became ‘radicalised’. All the fault of the evil West. As if we didn’t already know. Yawn.
Wake up, BBC, you useful idiots. I share their sincere desire for wanting to do the “right thing” and live a life where you are part of a greater whole working for the greater good. Oh, yes indeed – them having watched the beheadings videos, having read of innocent Christians – men, women and children – being slaughtered, having seen ancient historical sites being destroyed and all the rest that goes with this evil, primitive, nihilistic cult of death, destruction and human defilement.
/// Luckily for him my father and I have worked with a number of Islamists and religious activists from the Middle East, so knew who to turn to for help. ///
No doubt the BBC saw which way the wind was blowing, public opinion-wise, and had a fit of the vapours.
Vox pops are all well and good – last night on (Leftyviews)Night one Evan Davies ALMOST has me believing he found plenty of people in Catholic rural Ireland all a flutter to speak up for pantomime marriage – lest we forget getting embedded with the right campaigners and a careful edit is always a BBC trick of the trade.
Well, it’s back, and the mods are operating an interesting compensatory policy…
120. Posted by cacoethes scribendi
45 minutes ago “We’re having some problems displaying the comments at the moment. Sorry. We’re doing our best to fix it.”
The sub-text is: too many people are stating the truth. So we’re moderating everything! Yuck Fou.
And the comments are still open (see what happens as home time beckons).
This latest may tip it…
140. Posted by Marxists Trots Commies Socailists crushed 2015
1 minute ago Pity there seems to be a problem with this HYS site I.E. not working all day it is as if it is a big tease. Or that someone knew that blizzard of demands that these people are shipped out would be too hot to handle cannot have the publics views aired I mean that would never do would it . all in the cause of course of ( community cohesion ) what a farce it has become !
Just popped back as this has been good value while it lasted.
But all good things, ‘n all.
The penultimate post seems a fitting epitaph:
156. Posted by Mudfish88
21 May 2015 21:25 Dear BBC, please note the sentiments of the vast majority expressed here on this subject. It’s not what you expected in your idealistic liberal utopia is it? You were expecting us to say “Phew that was close, it’s good to have these lovely people back in Slough again”. Well, some news for you – it ain’t!
Your package on the closure of part of Ferrybridge Power Station was severely biased because of the follow-up interview, which was with John Grant, who was described as ‘an expert in renewable energy and climate change’. Why didn’t you describe him as a hard line environmentalist, which is what he is? Then the viewers would have known where he was coming from and could have adjusted their credibility accordingly. And why did you chose this man anyway, with his known bias on the subject? Why didn’t you interview someone who was a true expert in the whole field of energy production; someone who would take a more balanced and broader view? John Green gave totally one-sided answers which were narrowly focused on the conventional environmentalist mantra. He is absolutely committed to the environmentalist cause, unsurprisingly because he makes a good living from it.
I’m well aware of the BBC’s position on anthropomorphic global warming: the debate is closed and no-one is allowed to question the orthodoxy. The 2006 climate seminar and what followed showed the BBC’s ingrained bias. However many of your licence-payers still manage to think for themselves despite the constant propaganda, and would appreciate a balanced report.
Yet again Look North demonstrates its left/liberal/environmentalist bias. I have lost faith in the BBC as a great British institution because of the lack of impartiality.
Fred Stubber,
The second and third paragraphs of your complaintare tactical errors. They will allow the BBC to address them as the major element of the complaint not the breach of BBC guidelines.
Please point out what these tactical errors so we can all learn from it. Otherwise it just comes across as a pointless bit of negativity, which I don’t expect you meant it to be.
In the meantime, well done Fred for actually complaining! Tactical errors or not, it’s still better than sitting on your backside and moaning in private.
If making a point beyond the BBC by sharing on such as here, those last paras are fine.
However, if seeking a specific answer on a matter that Fraser Steel has now set a mighty precedent upon, best to leave it at para 1 and that’s it. Guidelines were breached and the response is now clear (tx Electronic Intifada), so an answer is demanded.
Betting the predicted swerves and avoidances will take place, but if Fred is up for it, if that happens just ignore them and repost with the single matter of attribution.
‘What are we going to do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’
They expect us to sit in the dark and cold. They consider mankind to be a blot on the face of Gaia, and if She will not provide us with heat and light, then we will have to do without. A bit of a shame for the old and sick who will die, but what Gaia wants, Gaia gets.
That’s interesting. John Grant has just about taken over my local paper – The East Anglian Daily Times, which has just become a propaganda comic for the environmental movement.
‘It’s clear from a number of the comments I received that I understood the first of the summarised points of complaint … in a different sense from some who complained.’
I wonder if he moonlights as an election pollster?
‘However, that doesn’t alter the outcome because I don’t think …’
That serious complaints hinge on what a bloke at the BBC thinks, or believes… or doesn’t, rather going to why they are a laughing stock.
Can’t believe Fraser Steel is still there ! There desperately needs to be a change at the top of the complaints if the BBC Complaints is to be seen to be performing its job impartially.
I listened some of ‘Today’ this morning between 7.00 and 8.10. I’ve never heard such relentless propaganda. The whole programme was given to promotion of the stay-in-the-EU campaign. ‘Crackdown on immigration’, ‘France will try to “accommodate” Cameron’ (we’ll have to fudge it now but we ‘might’ be able to include the fudges in later treaty changes), Airbus will likely pull out if we leave the EU. On, and on, and on. I don’t have time to make a list, unfortunately, but it’s here:
With deep apologies to Don Mclean
“Evan’s Newsy, Newsy Night”
Newsy, Newsy night
Evan’s suits are much too tight
And it was always Guardian-lite
Now Katz and the thirteen-year-olds have free rein
It’s us poor plebs who pay the bills
Kirsty’s dance with zombies gives us nightmares still
Whilst Maitlis really could pass for one of the undead
Oh good grief is Allegra really all there is for late relief?
Newsy, Newsy night
Last one watching turn out the light
Now Paxo’s stormed out in a huff
Perhaps they didn’t pay him quite enough…?
Now I understand
What they tried to say to me
And how they tried to set the Scots on me
And how they suffered in that Tory victory
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
Newsy, newsy night
Attack all views that come from the right
Campaign for migrants, Global Warming, Labour and the EU
Play out to the sound of some Guatemalan nose flute band
You tried to scupper UKIP every chance you got
You must admit you tried the lot
Evan’s snide smears for Nigel, contrast with come on down smiles for Sturgeon
But someone please tell Nicola she’s wasting her time there
England colours changing hue
Morning news show conservative gain
BBC faces lined in pain
Are soothed within the newsnight metro bubble again
Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
Cameron can’t have listened, he did not know how
Perhaps he’ll scrap it now
You took the piss, as lefties often do
But I could’ve told you, Newsnight
The airwaves were never meant for
One as awful as you
SWMBO is repulsed by Davis, absolutely nothing to do with his sexuality she thinks he’s a scruffy b’tard, not fitting for a national serious news broadcaster.
every time i see Davis or some other scruffy bastard on the beeb not wearing a tie, i want to walk into the studio with the worst tie i can find and say oiiii scruffy bastard, put this on. And where does Davis get his suits? they look like they cost 100 quid from Next
The word net is a slight of hand, it’s like having a shopping basket with 6 apples in it, taking them out and replacing them with 6 oranges, you still have 6 items but it’s not the same.
The true figure is 640,000 Third World immigrants ( invaders and colonisers ) coming into the UK while 320,000 British leaving.
Thanks, David. It’s another example of typical misdirection from the BBC politburo. Always ‘Economical… with the actualité’.
The (true) figures make for sober reading. Clearly, nothing is getting any better in that respect. I don’t hold out any hope Cameron can change that anytime soon (because I don’t believe he actually wants to). The BBC are clearly delighted. As long as all those scruffy North African Boat People don’t move in next door to them, that is (which they know, given the obscene house prices in their leafy, well-appointed South London suburbs, is never going to happen, anyway).
That’s what gets my back up when they broadcast such statements like ‘net immigration is down’ as good news.
It ain’t good news because as you say the ‘replacements’ ain’t like for like and this needs to be made clear to the hard of thinking, of which there are many.
the electoral boundary review wont do anything to save the torys next time +640,000 labour voters -320,000 probably conservative/ukip voters 1 million votes a year shift at worse. At best its 300,000 a year thats at least 2 seats. Lets hope they all settle(sic) in central london.
Anyone who considers the New World Order, UN Agenda 21, and the Trilateral Commission to be conspiracy theories should do a bit of homework because it’s clear now who the real racists are. UK politicians, with Nigel Farage as a remarkable exception, have decided to cover their eyes and hope that the nightmare will go away. The delusional, self loathing BBC are already bowing to their new masters.
On a lighter note, here’s another nursery rhyme variation:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and shape it and mark it with “Bollox to the BBC”,
The comments section of this report are very interesting. I could not find anyone commenting positively on these numbers. What is clear that even immigration that can be controlled (non EU) is not.
Tony Abbot spoke with clarity today on the World Service saying Australia would not take any Burma boat people. If only the EU had the courage to speak in the same way it could end a lot of needless suffering.
It’s even worse than that.
Most of the apples being removed are going to the Anglosphere, where quality control standards are much higher than ours.
So what are we left with?
Immigration in line with Cameron’s objectives. Anyone really think he has a different programme from the BBC’s open doors policy? Just await the Cameron/BBC proposals for continuing EU membership. Did any Tories with backbones get elected?
No, Cameron does not have a different programme from the BBC. Although the BBC is largely staffed by Labour Guardianistas, it is ultimately the state broadcaster and propoganda arm of the British state. The messages of globalisation, monopoly capitalism and the destruction of nation states will continue unabated as these are the policies of the Establishment. Whether it is the pretend EU sabre-rattling of the Conservatives, or the constant faux-outrages from the Labour apparatchiks who don’t really know the end game makes no differences to the overall message.
Sadly correct.Cameron is there to keep us in. It is a farce and I object to the way it is being presented to us by the elites.
They get to continue to rule and stay rich. One big Euro liberal mess of tax eaters. As for big business it is the corporate state at work and that always leads to oppression and fascism or one sort or another.
This so called Tory government will be a disaster. The left could not have sold us out easily. This lot will and will enjoy doing it. Their contempt for us knows no bounds.
It is grave mistake for a real conservative Englishman to give any support to them
Immigration rises to highest ever level under Tories, and Camoron
Net immigration hits 318,000 – triple even the Conservatives’ worst “spin” cast,
tens of thousands 😀 another Tory lie,
in fact “Net” immigration has now jumped 52%
in less than a year, from 209k to 318k
Kneejerk, Soundbite new “measures” cooked up on the back of a fag packet?
Simply because it actually serves the Tory agenda
Overflowing with low skilled, low productivity … ie no growth?, and more Wage compression?
Despite the “lip service” to “measures” this disaster, benefits the very few
… … pass the champers, what!
Camoron “witnessed” an immigration photo opportunity … oops sorry I mean “raid” 😀
this morning … what timing eh!
totally correct, look at the figures EU migration, The nasty EU wont let us is a smoke screen, they already have a choice on non-eu migration, they have chosen to do nothing about it.
Don’t blame me….I didn’t vote for Cameron. And will never vote Conservative again, after 36 years of voting nothing else.
Anyone who believed a word that came out of Cameron’s mouth regarding immigration during the election campaign must have been a full blown idiot. He’s been PM for 5 years and net immigration has increased dramatically since 2010. Why anyone thinks that anything would change is completely and utterly beyond me.
“Don’t blame me….I didn’t vote for Cameron”
with the staggering level of deceit, cowardice,
smear, and incompetence shown by all in No 10
neither did I.
You are absoluteley right. Not a single mention of Cameron’s “renegotiation initiative” on German TV. Greece, Ukraine are the current topics of interest. There is even talk of a hare-brained scheme to include five ex-Soviet republics Azerbajan, Georgia, etc. in a closer association with the EU. As if the EU didn’t have enough problems in Southern Europe to cope with. Japan, an island, has no difficulty controlling immigration, it simply does not let in foreigners it does not want. All the talk of “reducing pull factors” is simply a smoke screen as 500,000,000 people have a legal right to come here if they want to.
So how does Today react to Cameron’s latest initiative to get a grip of the huge and growing population of illegal immigrants in this country?
They drag on somebody from one of those pro-immigration charities who spend millions of our hard-earned cash making sure we make room for anybody and everybody, from every corner of the world, regardless of whether or not they have done so legally, that’s what.
‘Vulnerable people’ without access to ‘legal representation’ – all the usual lefty claptrap. And how can they have their money confiscated when they are paid cash and don’t have bank accounts? So many problems, you see, and it’s all so unfair, it’s not worth Cameron’s while doing anything!
But the measure that obviously got her untethered goat was the removal of illegals to their country of origin so they have to make their appeal from there. So not fair! The fact that France use this system and seem to make it work quite well was either not known to our interviewer or conveniently forgotten. Whichever, it was another clear demonstration that the BBC are not fit for purpose when it comes to doing an informative and balanced interview on news and current affairs.
“…the BBC are not fit for purpose when it comes to doing an informative and balanced interview on news and current affairs.”
Because The Agenda trumps everything, including redundant gestures towards so-called ‘impartiality’. The BBC is on a mission, Johnny, as I know you’re aware. The Agenda must be served, whenever and however that means the actuals facts of any issue must be misshapen, twisted, obfuscated or otherwise dissembled to obscure the true (common) purpose behind the BBC’s Current Affairs agenda.
It’s a travesty of honest journalism and with every week that passes the BBC digs itself a bigger grave, seemingly indifferent to the fact that the vast majority of the British public are already on to them. At times like this I sadly wish that John Whittingdale really was an attack dog, champing at the leash to tear into the fat backside of the BBC beast.
I suspect, like most of you here, that that simply won’t happen. And so an all-too-rare opportunity slips slowly away…
It takes a very special kind of moral duplicity to present the latest immigration figures in BBCspeak, but luckily in ‘our political correspondent’ Norman Smith, we have a truly gifted exponent.
Round eyed in disbelief, Our Norm railed against the outrage that is being inflicted on society before our very eyes, the unsupportable burden bearing down on our infrastructure – schools, housing, the NHS etc, etc, etc, – as a dire refection on the inability of the government in general and Cameron in particular to cope, let alone deal with the situation.
Funnily enough, Nigel Farage has made much the same assessment, frequently, but those of course are simply the irrational racist rantings of a bigot. Aren’t they Norman?
PS. Owen is on QT tonight, another treat in store!
What was perhaps even more revealing about Norman’s little diatribe was the emphasis he continuously put on the discomfiture of the government, and the PM, very evidently enjoying another hatchet job.
You might have thought, being a public service provider as they always assure us, that the BBC would concentrate on what effects this massive influx will have on the country as a whole, rather than any particular political party.
You cannot expect the law to enforce a muslim baker to make a gay wedding cake – that would be racism. Remember, offending muslims is racist and don’t respond by saying that Islam is not a race. Offending it is racist as the magistrates will quickly tell you.
It is said that a sprinkle of iron filings in a cake will produce a pwerful effect with regard to gas emissions and might even contribute to global warming. Otherwise, a strong laxative cake might be advised.
318,000 = 871 per day! Using that average and the election as a cut off point that means another 111,488 have arrived so far this year.
Where TF are they all living and how do they afford to live here and what jobs are they doing? Questions we can expect our national broadcaster to answer in tonights news and current affairs programs…..
If this subject gets aired on QT tonight the reactions of Stella Creasy, Tim Farron Owen Jones will of course think its a good thing and Nicky Morgan will say all the right things knowing nothing will change. Just a shame that Farage isn’t on tonight, which begs the question were these figures withheld until after the election?
Where TF are they all living and how do they afford to live here and what jobs are they doing?
Sky had a piece this morning about a female (Tamil?) who had been refused asylum and was cleaning and cooking for some friends in exchange for a bed. The implication was that it wasn’t organised, more random, moving around, but who knows, as Mandy Rice Davies said, ‘She would say that….’. The clear message is that police, law, etc are irrelevant because no one is ever sent home, apart from the occasional stunt organised for the media where a dozen robocops raid some unfortunate sucker.
A couple of bit’s of what I call ‘nudge’ bias from bBC Radio, yesterday Steve Wright reading out the headlines ‘Farage and his party 100% united ahead of Euro referendum’ off script added ‘which is a while to go….’ The implication of course being that UKIP are incompetent and likely to be in disarray by then.
Secondly Radio Devon this morning trailed Bill Buckley’s live show from The Devon County Show, that will be examining farming ‘under a solely Conservative Government’. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Again the implication is that we should worry about a Tory Government, did we have such a show under ‘a solely Labour Government’ ? No!
The knee jerk reaction on here seems to assume the non EU rise are all third world immigrants.
It is just as likely, to be U.S., Canadian, Australian, New Zealand etc. citizens drawn in by the “booming economy”.
The EU rise is not really any surprise either as more countries are being slowly strangled to death within the Euro. With English being widely spoken among the young where would you think to look for work if you have got that get up and go? Greece or the U.K?
Why did the Auf Wiedersehen Boys go to Germany?
The BBC have to be careful not to over talk up this as it may well increase those who might vote to leave the EU. Tricky one!
Canada, Australia and New Zealand have a total population of about 60 million.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria have a total population of over 500 million.
We need an Aussie / Canadian / New Zealand points system to weed out unskilled immigrants who have no skills other than stripping down an AK-47 or reciting violent books by heart.
The knee jerk reaction on here seems to assume the non EU rise are all third world immigrants.
The ‘knee jerk reaction’ may in part be an awareness that IT employers are salivating at the prospect of replacing whitey with Indians at half the cost. Alternatively, the knee jerk reaction may be an awareness of an increasing number of people going about wearing robes or black cloths over their heads; not really suggestive of U.S., Canadian, Australian or New Zealand citizens. The knee jerk reaction result from viewing film every evening showing chancers on ships, or in Calais, making a mockery of the law. The knee jerk reaction may even be a consequence of knowing that the official population of the UK is 64m but we supply food for 72m. Personally, my knee jerk reaction is caused by dismay at the endless, utter lying bullshit talked on immigration by the Tories.
A pretty remarkable claim if you know anyone who has ever tried to emigrate here from our former WWII allies! In fact, forget emigrate – a friend of mine had her daughter turned round at the airport, put on a plane and sent back to the USA, despite her having secured a place at a leading UK university, due to some spurious mistake in her paperwork.
Naturally, she was unable to scream ‘racism’ so no one came to her aid.
It’s far from a unique story and something the BBC will never, ever, investigate – the systematic discrimination against Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians and Americans.
So all immigrants are from the third world. I did not know that. I thought a large percentage were from the EU, like the brickies were when in Germany.
Did they return when their work was finished in Germany or the building industry picked up again in the U.K. so there was work at home. A bit like many Irish returned to Ireland when the economy took off there, and some probably came back when it crashed!
There will always be flows of labour between struggling countries and those doing well, and like it or not we are doing well compared with many in Europe at present, and English is the second language for many young people.
A look at the immigration graphs show declines as we entered our recession deeper than most just as they have turned up as we recover strongly.
60022Mallard; you could surely spin for the Tories? Why not give Mr Green a call and see if there are any jobs?
There will always be flows of labour…
What we have now is not a normal flow of labour, and well you know it. The Tories have become more deceitful than Labour on this tragedy, presumably because many of them get thirty pieces of silver from it, while the Labour voting suckers are impoverished.
That’s pretty weak, do you think four million people voted UKIP because of the rise of Oz, American, Canadian, Kiwi accents in their locality, you should be a script (spin) writer for bBC News!
It’s not a knee jerk reaction, ones experience is enough, in my local area the proliferation of non English speakers is off the scale in the last three years.
My knee jerk reaction comes from the fact that I travel regularly in and out of this country. I see the battalions of them heading this way. I’m on aircraft full of every colour and hue, speaking more languages than the Tower of Babel and praying away to Allah several times on the flight and then when the stewardess brings round the landing cards, out pop all the British Passports.
Not much sign of immigrants from the US, Canada and Australia flocking here, sadly. But if there were, the stalwarts on the UKBA desk would soon sort them out. Their white faces would give them away in a trice. Not that you’ll see any white faces looking back at you from the UKBA staff either, of course.
My knee jerk reaction comes from listening, and watching, and smelling this tide of humanity, who the Left greet with unalloyed delight as they arrive to enrich our backward little country with their enlightened ways, such as FGM, forced marriage, honour killings and organised rape and abuse of vulnerable white children.
I have a bit of knee jerk reaction from visiting and working in dozens of countries around the world, all of whom have a stricter immigration system than we have. I have a real knee jerk reaction to the fact that the likes of Iraq, Afghanistan and various “backward” African countries have stricter entry criteria than we do and enforce them.
Most of all, my knee jerk reaction comes from living and working in the countries most of these enrichers hail from. Seeing the endemic corruption, the hideous cruelty to man and beast alike, the misogyny, the profligate disregard for everything but what they and their perverted religion want. The utter debasement of both individuals and their culture, and then coming home to see them and their enablers transforming my country into a fair facsimile of the hellhole they left to come here, aided and abetted by the so-called “leaders” of my country and trumpeted as some kind of benefit to us by our own state broadcaster.
I can only presume the aircraft contain companies rather than battalions of those you speak so warmly about when you are on the outbound leg of your journeys!
My knee-jerk reaction comes from the fact that in my part of England local folks are now an ‘ethnic minority’ (but with none of the perks). Why?
Many towns and cities in England have large areas which are now almost totally “diverse” – i.e. primarily Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims. Why?
My knees jerk because, unlike members of the political elite who tell us how wonderful ‘diversity’ is, I am not wealthy enough to avoid living in a ‘diverse community’. But what really gets the old kneecaps rattling is when these hypocritical scumbags, who are unaffected by ‘diversity’, then shout racist at anyone who is and wants to control it.
Quite a lot are English people returning home from living abroad . Just returned from Dresden in Saxony , where my tribe originate from , it was 99% Hideously White. Not even any Polish serving in the bars & restaurants , all 100% Saxon . They Saxons even gave us “free” beer, at jazz festival that was on while we were there. They are all very friendly ,& we visited Colditz too . Really great place to visit .
I’ve had similar experiences on my not infrequent forays to Europe. In Germany I seem to meet Germans, in Portugal, Portuguese etc. The only place I have come across abroad that in any way resembles what London has become is around the Gare du Nord, Paris. Are we being told the truth about immigration into other European countries?
Interesting point, I watch German TV using a cheap satellite system I bought just for F1 on RTL, but I also watch tennis on Eurosport. Back to my point, which is that unlike UK adverts that are nearly all hideously diverse, German ads are all gloriously white.
It would appear that our EU cousins don’t follow the multi cult mantra as closely as we do.
It’s the none too subtle rubbing of our noses in diversity that infects nearly every advert on TV. There is an insidious agenda at work here. The first faces you see in the majority of ads are black or Asian with whites being included as an afterthought. The majority of couples in ads are of mixed race, certainly a higher percentage than in reality. The admakers concentrate more on selling the diversity agenda than the product. It’s nothing more than political indoctrination and should be illegal – It probably is under advertising regulations but no one in the establishment is going to do anything about it. It’s all being run by a group called ” The Creative Diversity Network”. It’s obviously a Common Purpose front organisation but it’s had most of the broadcasters and media groups signed up to it. Check out its website – very sinister.
Last time I was in the UK I played a game to see if I could spot any bank posters (ie the ones the use in branches offering there products) that were not “diverse”. I could not.
What I find so annoying about this kind of manipulation is that is does not reflect the country that you can see with your own eyes. Its a pc version of what we are told society should be.
I was in the UK last month and almost broke my neck in my haste to get through departures to get back here (South of France ) my first words to husband meeting me at airport “I’m so glad to be home”. No walking Letter Boxes and loads of smiling White faces, yes there are non-white faces (what is the correct phrase this week???) but you don’t feel intimidated.
AFDI President Pamela Geller said in a statement:
“Because the media and the cultural and political elites continue to self-enforce the Sharia without the consent of the American people by refusing to show any depictions of Muhammad or showing what it was in Texas that had jihadists opening fire,
we are running an ad featuring the winning cartoon by former Muslim Bosch Fawstin from our Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas.”
Addressing concerns that the ad would endanger people riding on public transportation, Geller explained:
“Drawing Muhammad is not illegal under American law, but only under Islamic law.
Violence that arises over the cartoons is solely the responsibility of the Islamic jihadists who perpetrate it.
Either America will stand now against attempts to suppress the freedom of speech by violence,
or will submit and give the violent the signal …
that we can be silenced by threats and murder.”
Can we expect the BBC to talk about hate bigots?
Hate sites?
Re-quote discredited pseudo outfits like the SPLC?
Islam haters etc?
As they re too slow to catch a cold .. well … probably not yet
but just wait, till it goes around a few news outlets.
641,000 settled here last year. Nothing has changed or is likely to in the near future and by that average, come Saturday, another quarter of a million will have done the same thing. A staggering 1756 per day.
I’ve seen it all now. BBC News Channel tells us that the Mirror faces huge fines over phone hacking. They interviewed Dr Evan Harris of Hacked Off. Harris said, I jest you not, ‘No one would want to see a newspaper have it’s viability threatened.’ Can you believe that? These are the people who ruthlessly hounded Murdoch; how do they have the nerve for such hypocrisy?
It was only two weeks ago when our appointed negotiator for EU revisions-Sarah Montague of Highgate-managed to get to Barrosso(ex EU panjandrum) on the old dog n bone-just so Britain could be snitched upon, before Cameron had even returned to Chequers on May 10th.
Sarah was at pains to tell Jose Manuel that Cameron might bang on and bluster…but Sarah and the liberal BBC elite are much more agreeable-so the EU might as well tell Sarah what the “red lines” are…just so the BBC can scupper any “democratic squauking” of the plebs. We only voted two weeks ago-but we surely didn`t mean it.
Two weeks on-and Mishal Husein is doing a similar on air negotiation with Edith Cresson-another old EU harpie who achieved nothing but a Kinnock-like soufflet of wind.
Indeed-poor Edith couldn`t hear at the start-so the show was halted `til the great Cresson was able to surprise us with HER views on Cameron and the EU.
No Edith-do tell us!
The BBC are right tossers aren`t they?-mealy mouthed agenda setters for Common Purpose.
Interesting too that Cameron was accused of being of little status in Europe, creating diplomatic isolation by being so beastly to Juncker etc-by Labour(and hence, of course the BBC).
What`s happened to THOSE cultural tropes and memes then?
Anyone able to tell the BBC that we elected people to negotiate with the likes of Cresson and Barossa( their new 2.0 versions anyway)?…the BBC have NO right whatsoever to presume that their foibles and preferences have the slightest interest to we the people.
So butt out BBC, you presumptuous stuffies…les ouanquers totales
— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) May 20, 2015
Good balance of centre-left and hard-left on the panel; it wouldn’t really be appropriate to have someone speak crassly about immigration on the day the figures are released.
Cameron has failed in his promise to control immigration – big time !
What do the Tory contributors / readers of this site say now ?
The floor is yours ….
‘it means that the BBC can use the licence fee cash from cheap-to-produce Bargain Hunt viewers to pay / subsidise sending a camera person off to film Barnacle Geese for a year, in the hope that they will jump off the cliff whilst the cameras are rolling.’
Is this true? Because if I was offered the output of the Bristol Natural History Unit as a sub, alone I may well volunteer to pay it. What is, apparently, ‘vital’, on par with an MRI scanner or body armour… like Strictly, or ‘Enders… not so much. And certainly not what Norm here to JonDon there feels like ‘analysing’ in lieu of reporting.
And I have and do see similar productions from other countries, by other broadcast entities, that are pretty good. Only last night on 4OD I watched a doco on castles that seemed cool, propped up by a comedy cop show… that was actually funny.
I just wonder if it isn’t the quality stuff that is propping up financially the salaries and pensions of the likes of Danny Cohen to ‘create’ ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ to get the ratings from the sofa sloths here, whilst overseas no one really wants to get within a bargepole of what is used to peg market rates around the watercoolers of W1A.
I just ask as the rest of the piece casually drops other stuff that jars with reality.
‘even if you never watch BBC One, you probably find yourself listening to Radio 1’
Have to say my kids do neither. They are not alone.
Grimshaw shouldn’t be too worried about his falling listenership, as the article states Sara Cox was also a failure, yet as the BBC always reward failure and like Cox, eventually he’ll end up with a cozy niche job on Radio 2
Its not just failure, Brand, Ross and Evans have also reappeared on the bBC after committing gross misconduct.
Anyone failing or committing gross misconduct in the real world outside of that of the cozy world of the bBC, would never find a way back.
The 8am news headlines on Today this morning spoke of Camerons “demand to rewrite the rules of the EU”…with the ever-so reasonable Wolfgang Schauble restraining the Brits excesses-in effect.
Look at that newsreader phrase-“demands to rewrite the rules of the E.U”…who`d think that the BBC had its own agenda?
Despicable creeps there at the BBC-as if we`re not aware of their use of language…Cameron defends, demands and insists-whereas Miliband urges, suggests and is resolute.
Er…well Miliband DID…but no doubt any new Labour leader will get the same flannel of mealy mouthed doublespeak.
Orwell told us thus years ago-does the BBC know that?
Al Beeb Wales, reporting that the Neonatal at Unit Swansea Hospital is offering checks for babies after a person there tested positive for tuberculosis. Nothing to worry about .
The benefits of migration ?
Probably one of the local allotment workers who was on countyfile last week. The ones in full “ethnic” Middle eastern garb growing chick peas and cous -cous. Typical Welsh working class, look you.
The program, launched Tuesday, stipulated that Palestinian workers would have to return from Israel to the West Bank via the same checkpoint they left and will not be allowed to ride Israeli bus lines (that would avoid those checkpoints).
Cancelled Wednesday. (The BBC claims announced Wednesday and cancelled within hours).
As Isis advance ever nearer the oasis that is Israel, i wonder what the IDF is planning should the muslim maniacs burst through and flood into Jordan, the Golan and maybe the Sinai?……I reckon theatre nuclear weapons will be deployed, and so i hope…..clean out the Middle East once and for all.
Good point. There is every likelihood that that particular confrontation will see Israel take off the gloves. A very messy and thoroughly deserved end to that part of the world.
Isis seems astutely led. In which case they will steer well clear of Israel. There is nothing to stop Isis taking control of the rest of the ME apart from Kurdish and Turkish lands and Iranian lands. I include Saudi Arabia etc in that.
The West is in complete denial as to the threat Isis presents to us. Not surprising given the liberal propensity for self delusion over everything.
I also think Isis is surprised at how easy it has all been. Long term they have sights set on the conquest of Europe’s fringes and eventually it’s heartland.
Can we stop them,? Of course but it will require will and ruthlessness and that is now a commodity absent from Western thinking.
Israel alone provides that spine we now lack. For that reason Isis will avoid any direct clash. There is no need.
Predictions only but Isis or something like them has been coming for a long time.
Part of the ebb and flow of empires and peoples. If we wish to survive in the West we had better ditch our liberal wetness and rediscover those qualities that made us powerful.
The famous BBC “quotes” also come into play. He built bombs as part of a “deadly” campaign to kill Americans fighting in the country. Is there any doubt the campaign was deadly — it killed an American soldier. If it is repeating someone else’s word — who and why quote only one word?
On a long drive home on Tuesday I thought I would keep a tally of the propaganda available on R4. In the space of a few hours I enjoyed:
1. Tom Heap trying to big up the renewable energy scheme on the island of Eigg. This is a combination of solar/wind/hydro that provides the electricity for, wait for it, almost 100 people. Except, as the programme went on to simultaneously reveal and try and gloss over, it doesn’t quite. Electricity was rationed at 5kW per household which one householder explained was enough for a kettle and toaster. Presumably the fridge, lights etc were all switched off as part of a new age tea and toast ceremony because if you went over 5kW the supply was conveniently tripped and you had to wait for an engineer to come and reset it. A battery storage facility had been built with batteries costing £65,000 and around the back of the building were two diesel generators. For some reason Heap referred to these as the ‘dirty little secret’. A more accurate description would be reliable back up for an unreliable pie in the sky green dream. The hydro scheme cost upwards of £400,000 and there were 4 windmills (one of which was being fixed when the programme was recorded). So, a nice cheap scheme that doesn’t actually work and that could easily be scaled up to provide the needs of a city like Birmingham I don’t think.
2. Mark Steel slagging off fracking during his ‘comedy show’ in Fleetwood, Lancs.
3. A prolonged discussion, again, on PM about the Labour leadership contest. I couldn’t actually bear more than 30s of that and checked back at intervals to see how long it lasted which was over 5 mins.
4. Some more nonsense about US race relations on a programme whose name I didn’t catch.
We must have been travelling at the same time as I had the same experience and the same reaction to this stream of puerile drivel. The Scottish eco-loon delighted by her 5kW limit was borderline delusional.
Radio 4 is an almost endless daily litany of Left wingery, from the excesses of Today in the morning to the final close-down. And then it gets, improbably, even worse, once it hands over to the World Service!
What is so tragic is that not too many years ago, R4 was a beacon and something I would have actively defended the BBC for. Now it has become a channel that low functioning Twitterati use to signal their right-onness to one another and use for indoctrinating unaware listeners.
Once I believed it could be repaired. I no longer think that way and I want to see it gone.
In other news, does anyone else think that the interview Jeremy Clarkson did today with old carrot top for R2 sounded very like those show trials conducted by Stalin ? He “loves” the bbc, misses it “terribly”. Expect him to come out of Room 101 any day now, the treatment is working well.
Presented by that horrible Scot Neil Oliver, this was all about how the evil capitalists and the evil war-mongering government conspired to put the blame on the poor oppressed railway workers. This of course is bollocks if you read up on it.
Even though I know that this disaster occurred 100 years ago being told that it was ‘all the fault of the government‘ as they ran the railways still triggers a little thought in the back of my mind, “wicked David Cameron”. Must be years of BBC drip-speak and Pavlovian reactions.
As for the railway company ‘trying to make money’ by running two sleeper services during war time, well, maybe they were trying to meet ‘customer demand’? Or run a railway?
There was lots of analysis about how things would be done differently now, all ‘touchy-feely’ stuff, had the signalman been ill etc. I’m surprised Post-Traumatic Stress didn’t get a look in, he had just seen carnage take place in front of him after all. But then Oliver was making a thin case that Tinsley had been ill all-along.
What didn’t get examined was the role of the others. It was Meakin that had set up the disaster, he was the one that put the local train on the wrong line, he was the one that failed to ‘block back’ to warn the box to the north, he was the one who failed to put on lever collars, (macho signalmen apparently don’t follow the rules). What about the fireman of the local train that the rules specifically required to be assured that his train was protected?
Instead most of the film focused on what made the disaster worse like wooden coaches and gas lighting. Fancy a railway using old equipment, (like 40 year-old HST!)!
These were tougher times, people got on with living, (and dying). The first priority then would have been to re-open the railway. The priority now would be to close the line for weeks so as to employ hundreds of police and dozens of lawyers to earn a good crust.
I was a bit confused by Oliver’s analysis. If the Caledonian Company couldn’t be trusted to run a railway because it wanted to make a profit, and the government couldn’t be trusted because it had other priorities, that didn’t seem to leave much of an alternative. Perhaps we should have railways as a Social Enterprise?
In 1915 the simple analysis showed that the crash was caused by mistakes made by the signalmen. A 2015 Root Cause Analysis would have identified many more contributing factors, but the immediate cause was still the mistakes made by the signalmen. There could have been a good programme on the pressures of running a north/south mainline railway with the Grand Fleet based in the north of Scotland and other significant units at Rosyth on the Forth, with the resultant pressure on railway staff caused by the increased traffic, but instead we had infinitely repeated shots of actors dressed as injured soldiers.
Don’t worry, these BBC bods are just holding up one of those snow-kites to show tv viewers the equipment used by a British team who have traversed Greenland in record time.
Sadly their mate George is in hospital with frostbite so he can’t join BBC Breakfast.
Apparently the weather was ‘unseasonably cold’.
Met Office warming-biased forcasting strikes again?
Don’t expect BBC journos to ask too many difficult questions of the weathermen – the BBC are on a sort of a campaign on this subject.
Tried to find anything on Beeb , nothing anywhere but I also tried many of the online newspapers also nothing. So sad that not one has an article on him. I feel like he’s been swept under the local prayer mat.
That was Hugh Quarshie (Holby City) on Shakespear’s Othello
A great problem I have with the use of the word ‘racist’ is that when it is so casually applied to some institution by race campaigners it often comes over to my mind as simply a plea for the user and his mates to get preferential treatment from liberal whites who are too affraid of this big scary word to think clearly or to discuss.
It is identity sectarian politics in action. Metro liberal BBC find it impossible not to lap it all up.
So it is with the super brains trust which is the BBC Breakfast team.
If Hugh says Othello is a racist play, then so it is. Who are they to question?
But fear not Hugh Quarshie fans, he is going to take the part afterall, because, he reassures us, that it’s not just him, it’s “three brown sons of the Commonwealth” who will be involved.
Iago is to be played by a blackman which fixes the racism, apparently.
“Iago is to be played by a blackman which fixes the racism, apparently.”
Su8rely Iago being white is the whole point. He is very jealous of Othello and hates him. Does he hate him because he is black – I have always assumed that is a major part of his hatred. Othello is clearly an anti-racism play, much more so than than Merchant.
I think another issue is that Shakespeare (along with Verdi etc) is a Dead White European Male and his achievements must be belittled at every opportunity.
Shakespeare was white, he created Othello who was black. Shakespeare had no ‘right’ to interfere and must therefore be racist.
In any case, Othello was a Moor, not a Sub-Saharan black.
Anyone notice the language used by the bBC when talking about UKIP?
The term the ‘rise’ of UKIP is often used, emotive language designed to draw a parallel to another party of 1930’s Germany and thus manipulating the viewing/listening public.
You never hear the phrase the ‘rise’ of Islam in the UK…
JonathanRJan 25, 22:09 Weekend 25th January 2025 Quite old but you will never see this comedian on the BBC
BRISSLESJan 25, 21:44 Weekend 25th January 2025 Lucy – the chap with the guitar was my Dad – 10 years ago I was contacted by the…
Lucy PevenseyJan 25, 21:36 Weekend 25th January 2025 Sky is blocking comments on that particular story.
JohnCJan 25, 21:08 Weekend 25th January 2025 Palestinians’ return on hold as Israel accuses Hamas of breaching truce deal What kind of complete nonsesse headline is…
tomoJan 25, 20:23 Weekend 25th January 2025 [img][/img]
tomoJan 25, 20:17 Weekend 25th January 2025 [img][/img]
Lefty WrightJan 25, 19:53 Weekend 25th January 2025 I thought I’d post this little song sung by an English gentleman.
Lefty WrightJan 25, 19:44 Weekend 25th January 2025 vlad Oh for the days when Private Eye did satire!
Bollox to the Beeb !
And so say all of us. (Except, no doubt, for the irritating and delayed passenger on the Clapham omnibus…)
Man on clapped out bus clearly goes round in circles.
He needs to expand his horizons and get out a bit more!
How about “man with clap on the omnibus”?
Is “delayed” another way of saying “retarded” OG?
Seems like travelling around Clapham provides all the applause the poor old boy is capable of earning.
Credit where credit is due, I have been watching The Detectives on BBC2 these last three nights which actually came to my attention via a recommendation in the Weekend FT (which isn’t a great start, have to say!).
This documentary focused on the efforts that the police made to bring Saville’s friend and former chauffer, Ray Teret to justice towards the end of 2014 but also covered some lower profile cases that arose in the same period.
The programme covered this really well, bringing out how difficult it is to identify evidence on these historic cases and how they went about it. It also addressed issues which both victims and the police themselves faced both emotionally and psychologically.
The BBC do this kind of thing really well, I think, there was no slant, no bias, providing a good illustration of how these things materialise.
‘The BBC do this kind of thing really well, I think, there was no slant, no bias, providing a good illustration of how these things materialise. ‘
Except all the perpetrators were hideously white, and Plod from Rochdale were heavily involved in bringing them to justice.
Can’t help thinking there’s a chunk – and a very big, very violent and very racist one at that – missing somewhere.
The same BBC that conspired to get Nick Griffin put in prison some ten years ago for telling the uncomfortable truth about Muslim grooming gangs?
Or perhaps I missed their later apology to Nick Griffin and later non partisan broadcast of the issue of said Muslim grooming, thus righting a horrific wrong that resulted in the sickening rapes of thousands of white English girls.
I’m not having a pop at you but complacency of the BBC isn’t a road I recommend taking.
What hasn’t been discussed, and seems to be being deliberately ignored is the other crimes which the Fascists turned a blind eye to.
Nu Labour unofficially had a moratorium on prosecutions of Pakistani & Bangladeshi Muslims for a major part of their time in power. The drug dealing and the young Pakistanis driving round in Lamborghinis and Ferraris became a joke. The Police were so obviously doing nothing that the dealers became emboldened.
All kinds of money laundering, benefits fraud, and many many other crimes all went unchallenged. Councils and other public services have been compromised by corrupt employees and elected officials who are prepared to do anything that they are asked by friends and family – I know it’s happened to me. Now many public services are too dangerous to use if there’s a Muslim involved.
All because Labour ‘thought’ it might be ‘cohesive’ and couldn’t accept there might be the slightest thing bad about their brown eyed boys.
And now the BBC wonder why they lost the election !
Thoughtful, I agree. And now I watch the analysis of why Labour lost the election, how their economic plan was not adequately addressed. But they keep off the subject of which voters dare not speak.
All the talk is about EU migration, while at the same time ignoring migration from Islamic countries like Somalia, Pakisatn, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
I was interested to see in the last episode that the PC coppers prosecuted a rape case even when there was a witness who contradicted the “victim’s” story. Needless to say she was too drunk to remember what had happened.
Even given the facts on offer, it was clear that this was a case that would never result in a guilty verdict, but the cops and CPS ploughed on with a trial, at God knows what cost, and put the man in question, who had come forward voluntarily, through the hell of a trial, only to result in an inevitable not guilty verdict. I will remember that case the next time the plod are bleating about their “lack of resources”.
‘I will remember that case the next time the plod are bleating about their “lack of resources”.
Beyond errant journalists and tweeters, or high profile celebs needing a combo rozzer/BBC Blue Thunder approach, I am also often struck what level of staff commitment seems needed to accompany TVL/Capital sales teams on their ‘inspections’ that all too often seem to result in a funniest home video, as hapless plod crammed into a suburban semi’s lounge profess on camera to be ignorant of… the law.
I agree with you.
Thought that the programme showed how fraught and trigger-happy some people are to make a grievance, pissed or not.
In other words-complex and shows how much the scales of justice have shifted for political kudos…and things like evidence and proof don`t seem to be as needed as before.
Just the slipperier lawyer.
Felt sorry for any police officer who tried to be truthful and without an agenda…glad I saw how it`s all changed.
Thought that the BBC did it fairly enough, but Savile was not revisited-which Terets case would have normally been pertinent towards.
Still-better than usual from the BBC.
Today (20/5/2015) BBC news runs an article entitled “EU membership is in UK’s national interest – CBI” Nowhere in that article does the BBC mention that the CBI received over £800,000 from the EU over a 4 year period. Neither does the BBC mention that the CBI receives £157,331 per year, for “business and consumer surveys”. Should the BBC also declare a ‘conflict of interest’ with regards to this article in respect of the £3m it received itself from the EU over a 4 year period?
What a credit to Britain this man is, Farage’s speech today in the European Parliament, many agree with him.
Thanet, what fools you were, imagine such performances in the HOC.
Sir Nigel.
Sassy sharp sermons,
Simple sage stoicism,
Stout Sterling Standard.
Krankie’s Friends or English Socialists at the BBC
Stupid Sassenachs
Supporting Sturgeon’s Sound-bites
Scots Socialists smashed
Tommy Robinson
Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea
But was he right then?
BBC Comrades
Crying, wailing and moaning
But leftwards they go
BBC luvvies
All are Common Purpose trolls
Respect Free Thought
Hate crimes, or thought crimes?
Totalitarian tools.
Broken by brave men.
“Thanet, what fools you were”
Hear Hear! …
And, to underline Nigel’s point:
That was why Geoff, that the LibLabCon conspired to keep him from winning Thanet at all costs – they fear him in debate; it would have been fantastic to have seen Farage in Parliament, a real shame he didn’t get in.
Personally, I prefer him in the European Parliament. He is of much more use there holding the EU to account.
He never gets any air time on TV in the UK when he speaks in the Euro Parliament, that isn’t something that would have continued if he had been elected an MP at Westminster.
”Thanet, what fools you were”
Voting fraud perhaps ?
The only questionable word is ‘perhaps’.
Results in the last five previous elections have been released between 3 and 6am, this one was around 11am and no-one seems capable of accounting for the time lag, or indeed where the ballot boxes were during that 5 hour period.
I quite agree……sheeple of Thanet……you are utter and complete cretins, no use moaning now, you’ve had a chance to make a difference…….and blown it.
h/t to donbob on the last open thread who posted:
Watched BBC’s coverage of Chelsea flower show last night, during which there was an extended piece on an Islamic garden, courtesy of some awful Arab feudal state. The female designer wanted it to show the positive aspects of Islam, but how could it do that without a beheading or limb-lopping area, or a tall building from which to throw gays?
I also watched the programme. I think her garden was called ‘The Beauty of Islam’. She seemed quite a charming girl and the 5 minutes or so she was allocated (more than any other competitor) was relentlessly positive accompanied with stunning shots of Dubai and a beautifully-constructed mosque.
Back in Chelsea she was keen that her garden should celebrate ‘shared values’. Trying to spot a Muslim/coloured face in the crowds proved fruitless, so I concluded sharing of our gardening ‘values’ hasn’t quite happened yet, as is also the case with ‘shared values’ in British history – clearly rejected by the majority ‘ethnic’ population, at least if Leicester is anything to go by, where the hideously white crowds for the Richard III re-interment showed a complete lack of, um, ‘cohesion’.
Then the cynic in me started wondering about the possibility of segregated flowerbeds, with perhaps a bit of stemen mutilation thrown in for good measure…
P.S. A generous 2-second mention for The Telegraph’s gold medal-winning garden. Oh, BBC, you bitter, bitter bastards…
There was a very large Taqiyya tree in the middle of her garden. Beeboid Monty deftly skipped around it.
The Chatsworth Trout garden is a favourite, Marcus Barnett’s own childhood garden, the Moran Stanley Healthy Cities Garden trails behind as the next favourite garden with odds at 9/11, followed by The Brewin Dolphin Garden and The M&G Garden at 12/1,
… whilst “The Beauty of Islam Garden” is the most unlikely winner in gamblers’ eyes with odds at 33/1. …
sheesh! … I wonder why?
why all the unwarranted airtime BBC?
The erm … “beauty” of Islam garden
“At least 100,000 Christians are killed every year because of their faith, which amounts to 273 per day, or 11 every hour”,
Bishop McAreavey said
By who? any ideas?,
any “beautiful” totalitarian ideology that pretends to be a religion we could mention?
The beautiful Islamic State that makes $323 million from smuggling migrants into Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS. So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then simply profit from their flight, as many migrants embark from Libya on unseaworthy boats
BBC – “beauty of Islam”
Her garden was called ‘the beauty of Islam’ and she wanted it to celebrate ‘shared values’…yeah right!
The Beauty of Islam in the real world
Radio 4 Thought for the day featured a speaker who praised Islam’s treatment of guests. What she failed to mention, of course, was that this was referring to Islam’s treatment of Moslem guests. Infidels/dhimmi’ s would be treated very differently .
Since converting to Islam, UK woman has murdered 400 people
“How many did she murder before converting to Islam? … Zero, right?
And she ascribes her activities now to Islam.
Yet no one thinks the phenomenon of converts to Islam becoming jihadi s is worthy of study? ”
R Spencer
The very same woman the Met Police didn’t arrest and took her word at face value. All in the name of political correctness.
This, the closing down of the roads to allow the hate preacher Abu Hamza police protection to recruit terrorists on the streets of London and refusing to make arrests of Muslims calling for our deaths.
The real tragedy is why Iain Blair still has his knighthood and his pension.
That is reminiscent of the way we are told by the followers of Islam and its useful idiots that the taking of ‘innocent’ life is forbidden in the RoP. This is quite correct: but anyone who isn’t a Muslim cannot be innocent.
This is wrong as the tradition of hospitality predates islam and is practiced by non-muslim and non-arab peoples in the middle east.
On the World Service this morning there was a report that the Saudi authorities are executing so many people that they have had to advertise for 8 executioners. The executioners job description not only involve killing people, but also amputations!
What a charming country.
Watch out for job applications from British people (well with a British passport) on their way for interviews, with worried parents expressing concern on the BBC and the head of the Met on his knees apologising for not preventing them from seeing the job description.
I’ve seen a beheading in Saudi 2 in fact both Pakistani drug dealers. Only reason I went was to see someone worse off than myself. The locals shoved me and my mate to the front and took delight in watching our expressions
Yes, the multicultural society is a dream. Though there are of course exceptions, we have a country where groups of people live quite independently of each other, speaking different languages, often eating different food, socialising in different ways. Go to a stately home if you want to see hideously white visitors; go for a walk in the country to see some more; the heritage of the indigenous people doesn’t interest the vast majority of the immigrant communities.
Not really surprising, but it’s a little pathetic to see the National Trust and similar bodies hoping to unify the population under its flag. Full marks for politically correct policies of integration, but I think they’re on a loser.
‘Over the years we have taken note here of numerous instances… in which the BBC has misled its audiences by inaccurately referring to the 1949 Armistice Lines.
Nevertheless – and perhaps precisely because this frequent error is rarely if ever corrected – the organization supposedly committed to building “a global understanding of international issues” continues to allow audiences to be misled and misinformed through the repeated use of inaccurate terminology.
One might assume that a reasonable level of proficiency in the subject matter – including the use of accurate terminology – would be a fairly basic requirement for an interviewer on a flagship news programme.
Is there any part of this that is inaccurate as to the competencies and impartiality of Evan Davies, Newsnight or the BBC?
If not, why are they still allowed to broadcast misinformation?
It’s a simple question I would dearly love John Whittingdale to explain.
‘John Whittingdale is “a good choice” as culture secretary whose appointment last week will not have an adverse impact on the BBC, the outgoing vice-chair of the BBC Trust has said’
Now, why does that make me less than easy?
The BBC may have ‘great popularity’. But that really doesn’t atone for being bent and wrong so often…..
By coincidence, this just popped into my in-tray from Martin’s Money Tips :
How to watch TV and (legally) not pay the licence fee. News this week that 1,000s more do it. Do you qualify?
Stay legal… as long as they let you.
One has to ask, how does one still view in black and white (a saving of £96.50) where can you still buy a black and white TV? Can I just turn the colour down? 😉
Why is there no reduction for watching in standard definition, 4 by 3 or in mono ?
As I stated on the last thread I watch the non live bBC Formula One races on Germany’s RTL from the Astra 19.2 satellite, If I were to make that satellite my viewing staple, even though 95% of it is foreign language, to watch it live I would still need a TV licence!
The TVL and its rules are archaic , time to get rid….
I always thought if your TV was capable of receiving live TV you had to buy a licence?
Hence some rather ‘interesting’ videos of tvl sales persons asking home owners to reconnect equipment and switch on to self-incriminate and hence break the law.
I am always surprised how, with such evidence of official attempts at entrapment, these folk (and often doofus plod in stab vests standing in the corner like plonkers) don’t end up on the sharp end of some awkward questions.
Christianity was first introduced here by the Romans.
For nearly 2,000 years our country has had a Christian tradition and the Sovereign holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’.
We have a National Broadcaster, paid for by our taxes, who daily hold Religious programmes to uphold our nations Christian tradition.
You could not make the next bit up!
Muslim, Aaqil Ahmedof is the BBC Commissioning Editor of Religion and Head of Religion and Ethics .
Do you ever wonder why this Corporation is totally unable to even announce on the news such facts as the crimes of Pakistani Peado rapists and groomers and Muslim criminals, often referred to as men or asian instead?
I am not religious. But I do know that this nation should sort out the proliferation in the UK of Islamic Sharia Courts, Madrases, Trojan Horses, Murderous Jihadis, FGM practisced on their poor girls, the disgusting and cruel Halal slaughter, radicalisation of it’s young and Muslim peado groups grooming, raping and trafficking non-muslim under-age girls by the thousand all over this land, women treated as 2nd class citizens, Muslims going off to join the murderous ISIS to go and throw off high buildings as many gays as they can find, chop off heads, burn people alive, kill Shias and Christians like a Holocast and other disgusting stuff.
Yes, all that is happening under Islam in our country, for which the broadcaster has it’s Islamic religious head informing the masses of the truth?
BBC is yesterday, they have had there chance and have asked for abolition big time.
“He produced and directed The Crime Squad (fronted by Sue Lawley) as well as numerous one-off documentaries for BBC One such as Britain On The Fiddle ”
Sheesh! … must be Muslim
Aaqil Ahmed has … “shaped” … Religion on the box for over a decade, (?), at Channel 4 and the BBC. He lays out why he believes we dismiss it at our peril
Summary of this lecture. Cover all the religions but don’t offend religions which object to being offended.
Allah akibar.
I suppose all religions object to being offended. The difference is what they do about it.
As Geert Wilders points out in his book “Marked for Death”. Islam claims to be one of the Abrahamic religions, but does not recognize the “eye for an eye” rule. An insulting cartoon could be ignored or at worst the reply should be an equally insulting cartoon. If a Muslim feels insulted by a cartoonist, he feels entitled to simply butcher the cartoonist.
This is barbarism . The barbarians are already at the gates of Palmyra and the BBC still thinks Islam is the religion of peace. Islam not only exterminates nonbelievers, but also intends to erase any evidence of the existance of nonbelievers from the world and history.
“……there dwell in India seventy millions of Moslems, a race of far greater physical vigour and fierceness, armed with a religion which lends itself only too readily to war and conquest. While the Hindu elaborates his argument, the Moslem sharpens his sword. Between these two races and creeds, containing as they do so many gifted arid charming beings in all the glory of youth, there is no intermarriage.
The gulf is impassable. If you took the antagonisms of France and Germany, and the antagonisms of Catholics and Protestants, and compounded them and multiplied them ten-fold, you would not equal the division which separates these two races intermingled by scores of millions in the cities and plains of India.”
Churchill: ‘Our Duty in India’, March 18, 1931.
What are the chances that the BBC will use this dishonest reporting of the CNN journalists in one of their news reports. ?
Softball interviews with Israeli ministers breach impartiality code, BBC admits
Given the reluctance of the BBC to correct any complaints about anything the claim that they accepted two PSC complaints in a short period is simply odd.
Anyone know anything about this?
Disclaimer: Electronic Intifada is hardly a neutral unbiased source but could it be true?
‘Given the reluctance of the BBC to correct any complaints about anything the claim that they accepted two PSC complaints in a short period is simply odd.’
Odd… to a unique degree.
BBC Complaints operates in multiples of months and often years. No matter what.
The only time things can get accelerated is with pure factual inaccuracy. And even then it is usually relegated to a footnote on an archived piece no one has looked at in months.
To jump through the hoops on something as vague as tone is explicable only given the direction from which the complaint was coming, and the oft unspoken desire from above that ‘balance’ is best shown by both sides not being satisfied.
BBC Watch nails the BBC every week on fact; the softball line is a crock in comparison, and opens up massive precedent. Serial incompetence from ignorance is another matter.
‘Steel then tries to excuse Montague’s appalling silence as Israel’s defense minister took over the BBC airwaves by claiming that Montague was badly briefed by researchers and didn’t have much time to make the recording.’
Failure to put an expert’s independence in context is more valid, but again the BBC fails on this all the time.
The law of unintended consequences may have been unleashed again thanks to EI.
Fraser may have a bit of precedent to handle from others seeking his wisdom having run into the labyrinth that is BBC ‘complaints’ from other directions.
This is an interesting example from 2003 of how the BBC excused the fact that they did not use expert advice.
The presenter Michael Wood had “tracked the progress of monotheism as the progress of civilisation” but had only mentioned Islam and Christianity and had deliberately excluded Judaism.
.The committee did not uphold the complaint but subsequently noted that its findings had been reached after “seeking expert opinion” although such specialist advice had not been taken ( one wonders why the BBC would admit to a mistake like this ? ) “It subsequently commissioned an internationally respected scholar to review the programme. …….. However it also found that Michael Wood’s omission of any reference to Judaism historically problematic, although not inaccurate. But the report concluded that there was no evidence ,as the complainant suggested, that the programme was damaging to Jews or Judaism.
“Electronic Intifada is hardly a neutral unbiased source but could it be true? ”
Hello Demon. Good to see you back – I hope you are recovering well after your operation.
Thanks. Going better, I believe, than I expected. Thanks for asking.
There doesn’t seem to be anything in writing about the Yaalon interview however if the decision was made in March it would be reasonable for it to be published in the April reports when they come out. The EI article relies on a conversation. They could be lying but I doubt it.
The earlier complaint was decided in their favour. Gaza: How Hamas tunnel network grew, Finding by the Editorial Complaints Unit It’s an interesting read. It only took three readers to successfully complain. Tens or even hundreds of complainers are often fobbed off in other issues.
I can’t disagree with the finding other than to point out that many instances of the BBC ignoring their own guidelines makes this decision, if nothing else quite hypocritical. For example, BBC’s Yolande Knell back on the ‘one state’ bandwagon avoids informing the audience of two instances of interviewees with known connections to biased organisations.
Slightly off topic but I found this interesting
Thought some others might as well
Given that the SNP are nationalist and socialist, he is only speaking an obvious truth.
The real test then, will be if Scotland gets independence and the economy collapses. Will they blame their plight on foreigners?
I imagine they will blame all their problems on the English, as usual.
We’re their stand in for the Jews
This robot reminds me of Scott.
Speaking of Scott and others of that ilk:
Nice to see the usual suspects are eager to demonstrate their inability to behave as anything other than spotty little adolescents, isn’t it?
Hope you’re following, Edward (Snowden, that is).
Oh no the pro BBC sycophant ‘electronic infantile’ is on your case RJ ! beware of fatality weak sarcasm coming your way !
Scott, why don’t you jump on the clapped out bus and join bugs bunny on the way to ‘Toon Land’.
You are doing a great job advertising this …
Politically correct wishy washy garbage…
Having said that though, I do connect with these young women at some level. I share their sincere desire for wanting to do the “right thing” and live a life where you are part of a greater whole working for the greater good. I share their yearning to learn more about who they are and where they fit in the world.
I share their rejection of the media’s portrayal of Islam and Muslims as inherently violent. I share their frustration at experiencing prejudice and disrespect for being a Muslim. And for being a woman and a Muslim woman, whether by mainstream society or their own religious communities. I share their hunger for wanting to learn and their confusion about Islam.
Now we know why they became ‘radicalised’. All the fault of the evil West. As if we didn’t already know. Yawn.
Wake up, BBC, you useful idiots. I share their sincere desire for wanting to do the “right thing” and live a life where you are part of a greater whole working for the greater good. Oh, yes indeed – them having watched the beheadings videos, having read of innocent Christians – men, women and children – being slaughtered, having seen ancient historical sites being destroyed and all the rest that goes with this evil, primitive, nihilistic cult of death, destruction and human defilement.
‘Greater whole’ and ‘greater good’. Yeh, right.
/// Luckily for him my father and I have worked with a number of Islamists and religious activists from the Middle East, so knew who to turn to for help. ///
I bet you did, love.
love the comments section albeeb dont need no surveys, just read the comments to see which way the wind blows despite them
Must have been people with ‘wrong opinions’. They’ve stopped showing them.
No doubt the BBC saw which way the wind was blowing, public opinion-wise, and had a fit of the vapours.
Vox pops are all well and good – last night on (Leftyviews)Night one Evan Davies ALMOST has me believing he found plenty of people in Catholic rural Ireland all a flutter to speak up for pantomime marriage – lest we forget getting embedded with the right campaigners and a careful edit is always a BBC trick of the trade.
“Sorry, we are unable to load the comments at this time. Please try again later”
I wonder if a bit of retroactive modding going on?
Pretty much BBC SOP when the public fail to reflect the views of the public the BBC likes to see.
It seems to be on all articles with comments maybe one of their moderators has had a meltdown and they’ve had to shut the whole thing down.
Well, it’s back, and the mods are operating an interesting compensatory policy…
120. Posted by cacoethes scribendi
45 minutes ago
“We’re having some problems displaying the comments at the moment. Sorry. We’re doing our best to fix it.”
The sub-text is: too many people are stating the truth. So we’re moderating everything! Yuck Fou.
That staying up for 45 mins is… impressive.
Comments are down again. Not before 494 managed to comment on “David Cameron won’t ‘cave in’ on migration target despite new figures”.
Hang on. That just went up to 497. So some people must be getting through.
It wasn’t me. My comment was held up. I must remember to change my name there to Mohammid.
Blimey, it’s still up.
And the comments are still open (see what happens as home time beckons).
This latest may tip it…
140. Posted by Marxists Trots Commies Socailists crushed 2015
1 minute ago
Pity there seems to be a problem with this HYS site I.E. not working all day it is as if it is a big tease. Or that someone knew that blizzard of demands that these people are shipped out would be too hot to handle cannot have the publics views aired I mean that would never do would it . all in the cause of course of ( community cohesion ) what a farce it has become !
Just popped back as this has been good value while it lasted.
But all good things, ‘n all.
The penultimate post seems a fitting epitaph:
156. Posted by Mudfish88
21 May 2015 21:25
Dear BBC, please note the sentiments of the vast majority expressed here on this subject. It’s not what you expected in your idealistic liberal utopia is it? You were expecting us to say “Phew that was close, it’s good to have these lovely people back in Slough again”. Well, some news for you – it ain’t!
Dear Sirs,
Look North Leeds, 20th May 2015
Your package on the closure of part of Ferrybridge Power Station was severely biased because of the follow-up interview, which was with John Grant, who was described as ‘an expert in renewable energy and climate change’. Why didn’t you describe him as a hard line environmentalist, which is what he is? Then the viewers would have known where he was coming from and could have adjusted their credibility accordingly. And why did you chose this man anyway, with his known bias on the subject? Why didn’t you interview someone who was a true expert in the whole field of energy production; someone who would take a more balanced and broader view? John Green gave totally one-sided answers which were narrowly focused on the conventional environmentalist mantra. He is absolutely committed to the environmentalist cause, unsurprisingly because he makes a good living from it.
I’m well aware of the BBC’s position on anthropomorphic global warming: the debate is closed and no-one is allowed to question the orthodoxy. The 2006 climate seminar and what followed showed the BBC’s ingrained bias. However many of your licence-payers still manage to think for themselves despite the constant propaganda, and would appreciate a balanced report.
Yet again Look North demonstrates its left/liberal/environmentalist bias. I have lost faith in the BBC as a great British institution because of the lack of impartiality.
Fred Stubber
Look forward to the reply(ies) from those addressed.
In content and speed.
Only yesterday someone shared how quickly Fraser Steel issued a mea culpa when the independence of an expert was called into question.
We’ll have to see what happens here.
Fred Stubber,
The second and third paragraphs of your complaintare tactical errors. They will allow the BBC to address them as the major element of the complaint not the breach of BBC guidelines.
Please point out what these tactical errors so we can all learn from it. Otherwise it just comes across as a pointless bit of negativity, which I don’t expect you meant it to be.
In the meantime, well done Fred for actually complaining! Tactical errors or not, it’s still better than sitting on your backside and moaning in private.
I am sure negativity was not the aim.
It depends on what is being sought to achieve.
If making a point beyond the BBC by sharing on such as here, those last paras are fine.
However, if seeking a specific answer on a matter that Fraser Steel has now set a mighty precedent upon, best to leave it at para 1 and that’s it. Guidelines were breached and the response is now clear (tx Electronic Intifada), so an answer is demanded.
Betting the predicted swerves and avoidances will take place, but if Fred is up for it, if that happens just ignore them and repost with the single matter of attribution.
Thanks Guest Who,
That was exactly my point.
Good point. But when they reply I’ll narrow it down to the guidelines breach.
Useful in put about the way to complain to the BBC – thanks -a good use of this site .
Well done Fred.
And the question the BBC never asks these anti-captialist enviro-socialist freaks: ‘What are we going to do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’
‘What are we going to do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’
They expect us to sit in the dark and cold. They consider mankind to be a blot on the face of Gaia, and if She will not provide us with heat and light, then we will have to do without. A bit of a shame for the old and sick who will die, but what Gaia wants, Gaia gets.
Ask ’em how many windmills it takes to provide power to an extra 318000 people a year. Then ask ’em how many windmills for ten years worth of 318000.
That’s interesting. John Grant has just about taken over my local paper – The East Anglian Daily Times, which has just become a propaganda comic for the environmental movement.
On the topic of complaints, especially those that see Fraser following procedure to the letter…
‘It’s clear from a number of the comments I received that I understood the first of the summarised points of complaint … in a different sense from some who complained.’
I wonder if he moonlights as an election pollster?
‘However, that doesn’t alter the outcome because I don’t think …’
That serious complaints hinge on what a bloke at the BBC thinks, or believes… or doesn’t, rather going to why they are a laughing stock.
Can’t believe Fraser Steel is still there ! There desperately needs to be a change at the top of the complaints if the BBC Complaints is to be seen to be performing its job impartially.
If I knew you were bumming I’d have baked you a cake.
I listened some of ‘Today’ this morning between 7.00 and 8.10. I’ve never heard such relentless propaganda. The whole programme was given to promotion of the stay-in-the-EU campaign. ‘Crackdown on immigration’, ‘France will try to “accommodate” Cameron’ (we’ll have to fudge it now but we ‘might’ be able to include the fudges in later treaty changes), Airbus will likely pull out if we leave the EU. On, and on, and on. I don’t have time to make a list, unfortunately, but it’s here:
With deep apologies to Don Mclean
“Evan’s Newsy, Newsy Night”
Newsy, Newsy night
Evan’s suits are much too tight
And it was always Guardian-lite
Now Katz and the thirteen-year-olds have free rein
It’s us poor plebs who pay the bills
Kirsty’s dance with zombies gives us nightmares still
Whilst Maitlis really could pass for one of the undead
Oh good grief is Allegra really all there is for late relief?
Newsy, Newsy night
Last one watching turn out the light
Now Paxo’s stormed out in a huff
Perhaps they didn’t pay him quite enough…?
Now I understand
What they tried to say to me
And how they tried to set the Scots on me
And how they suffered in that Tory victory
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
Newsy, newsy night
Attack all views that come from the right
Campaign for migrants, Global Warming, Labour and the EU
Play out to the sound of some Guatemalan nose flute band
You tried to scupper UKIP every chance you got
You must admit you tried the lot
Evan’s snide smears for Nigel, contrast with come on down smiles for Sturgeon
But someone please tell Nicola she’s wasting her time there
England colours changing hue
Morning news show conservative gain
BBC faces lined in pain
Are soothed within the newsnight metro bubble again
Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
Cameron can’t have listened, he did not know how
Perhaps he’ll scrap it now
You took the piss, as lefties often do
But I could’ve told you, Newsnight
The airwaves were never meant for
One as awful as you
SWMBO is repulsed by Davis, absolutely nothing to do with his sexuality she thinks he’s a scruffy b’tard, not fitting for a national serious news broadcaster.
I don’t disagree.
every time i see Davis or some other scruffy bastard on the beeb not wearing a tie, i want to walk into the studio with the worst tie i can find and say oiiii scruffy bastard, put this on. And where does Davis get his suits? they look like they cost 100 quid from Next
I thought more along the lines of five quid from Oxfam
It’s not the suit, it’s his scrawny, abused little body, poor sweet……
”NET ” immigration to Britain is 318,000 ”
The word net is a slight of hand, it’s like having a shopping basket with 6 apples in it, taking them out and replacing them with 6 oranges, you still have 6 items but it’s not the same.
The true figure is 640,000 Third World immigrants ( invaders and colonisers ) coming into the UK while 320,000 British leaving.
Thanks, David. It’s another example of typical misdirection from the BBC politburo. Always ‘Economical… with the actualité’.
The (true) figures make for sober reading. Clearly, nothing is getting any better in that respect. I don’t hold out any hope Cameron can change that anytime soon (because I don’t believe he actually wants to). The BBC are clearly delighted. As long as all those scruffy North African Boat People don’t move in next door to them, that is (which they know, given the obscene house prices in their leafy, well-appointed South London suburbs, is never going to happen, anyway).
Cultural Diversity. Ain’t it wonderful?
It’s time to enrich N1 and NW3 a little more.
Loads of big houses there.
That’s what gets my back up when they broadcast such statements like ‘net immigration is down’ as good news.
It ain’t good news because as you say the ‘replacements’ ain’t like for like and this needs to be made clear to the hard of thinking, of which there are many.
This begs the question:
Why the F is Cameron condoning ‘replacements’ who are far more likely to vote Liebour ?
Nothing less than electoral suicide.
the electoral boundary review wont do anything to save the torys next time +640,000 labour voters -320,000 probably conservative/ukip voters 1 million votes a year shift at worse. At best its 300,000 a year thats at least 2 seats. Lets hope they all settle(sic) in central london.
come on David, celebrate the diversity 😮
Anyone who considers the New World Order, UN Agenda 21, and the Trilateral Commission to be conspiracy theories should do a bit of homework because it’s clear now who the real racists are. UK politicians, with Nigel Farage as a remarkable exception, have decided to cover their eyes and hope that the nightmare will go away. The delusional, self loathing BBC are already bowing to their new masters.
On a lighter note, here’s another nursery rhyme variation:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and shape it and mark it with “Bollox to the BBC”,
The comments section of this report are very interesting. I could not find anyone commenting positively on these numbers. What is clear that even immigration that can be controlled (non EU) is not.
Tony Abbot spoke with clarity today on the World Service saying Australia would not take any Burma boat people. If only the EU had the courage to speak in the same way it could end a lot of needless suffering.
That may be, but one wonders who these people just voted for and what they expected their party of choice to do about it had they won.
They can’t all be UKIP voters.
And… having just tried to comment there, the comments have vanished completely.
It’s even worse than that.
Most of the apples being removed are going to the Anglosphere, where quality control standards are much higher than ours.
So what are we left with?
Immigration in line with Cameron’s objectives. Anyone really think he has a different programme from the BBC’s open doors policy? Just await the Cameron/BBC proposals for continuing EU membership. Did any Tories with backbones get elected?
No, Cameron does not have a different programme from the BBC. Although the BBC is largely staffed by Labour Guardianistas, it is ultimately the state broadcaster and propoganda arm of the British state. The messages of globalisation, monopoly capitalism and the destruction of nation states will continue unabated as these are the policies of the Establishment. Whether it is the pretend EU sabre-rattling of the Conservatives, or the constant faux-outrages from the Labour apparatchiks who don’t really know the end game makes no differences to the overall message.
Sadly correct.Cameron is there to keep us in. It is a farce and I object to the way it is being presented to us by the elites.
They get to continue to rule and stay rich. One big Euro liberal mess of tax eaters. As for big business it is the corporate state at work and that always leads to oppression and fascism or one sort or another.
This so called Tory government will be a disaster. The left could not have sold us out easily. This lot will and will enjoy doing it. Their contempt for us knows no bounds.
It is grave mistake for a real conservative Englishman to give any support to them
Immigration rises to highest ever level under Tories, and Camoron
Net immigration hits 318,000 – triple even the Conservatives’ worst “spin” cast,
tens of thousands 😀 another Tory lie,
in fact “Net” immigration has now jumped 52%
in less than a year, from 209k to 318k
Kneejerk, Soundbite new “measures” cooked up on the back of a fag packet?
Simply because it actually serves the Tory agenda
Overflowing with low skilled, low productivity … ie no growth?, and more Wage compression?
Despite the “lip service” to “measures” this disaster, benefits the very few
… … pass the champers, what!
Camoron “witnessed” an immigration photo opportunity … oops sorry I mean “raid” 😀
this morning … what timing eh!
Check out Carswell on BBC 5Live Daily
totally correct, look at the figures EU migration, The nasty EU wont let us is a smoke screen, they already have a choice on non-eu migration, they have chosen to do nothing about it.
Don’t blame me….I didn’t vote for Cameron. And will never vote Conservative again, after 36 years of voting nothing else.
Anyone who believed a word that came out of Cameron’s mouth regarding immigration during the election campaign must have been a full blown idiot. He’s been PM for 5 years and net immigration has increased dramatically since 2010. Why anyone thinks that anything would change is completely and utterly beyond me.
You voted for him…it’s your fault.
“Don’t blame me….I didn’t vote for Cameron”
with the staggering level of deceit, cowardice,
smear, and incompetence shown by all in No 10
neither did I.
“… Thanet, what fools you were”
Tory and “a lie a day” appears to be continuing
You are absoluteley right. Not a single mention of Cameron’s “renegotiation initiative” on German TV. Greece, Ukraine are the current topics of interest. There is even talk of a hare-brained scheme to include five ex-Soviet republics Azerbajan, Georgia, etc. in a closer association with the EU. As if the EU didn’t have enough problems in Southern Europe to cope with. Japan, an island, has no difficulty controlling immigration, it simply does not let in foreigners it does not want. All the talk of “reducing pull factors” is simply a smoke screen as 500,000,000 people have a legal right to come here if they want to.
So how does Today react to Cameron’s latest initiative to get a grip of the huge and growing population of illegal immigrants in this country?
They drag on somebody from one of those pro-immigration charities who spend millions of our hard-earned cash making sure we make room for anybody and everybody, from every corner of the world, regardless of whether or not they have done so legally, that’s what.
‘Vulnerable people’ without access to ‘legal representation’ – all the usual lefty claptrap. And how can they have their money confiscated when they are paid cash and don’t have bank accounts? So many problems, you see, and it’s all so unfair, it’s not worth Cameron’s while doing anything!
But the measure that obviously got her untethered goat was the removal of illegals to their country of origin so they have to make their appeal from there. So not fair! The fact that France use this system and seem to make it work quite well was either not known to our interviewer or conveniently forgotten. Whichever, it was another clear demonstration that the BBC are not fit for purpose when it comes to doing an informative and balanced interview on news and current affairs.
“…the BBC are not fit for purpose when it comes to doing an informative and balanced interview on news and current affairs.”
Because The Agenda trumps everything, including redundant gestures towards so-called ‘impartiality’. The BBC is on a mission, Johnny, as I know you’re aware. The Agenda must be served, whenever and however that means the actuals facts of any issue must be misshapen, twisted, obfuscated or otherwise dissembled to obscure the true (common) purpose behind the BBC’s Current Affairs agenda.
It’s a travesty of honest journalism and with every week that passes the BBC digs itself a bigger grave, seemingly indifferent to the fact that the vast majority of the British public are already on to them. At times like this I sadly wish that John Whittingdale really was an attack dog, champing at the leash to tear into the fat backside of the BBC beast.
I suspect, like most of you here, that that simply won’t happen. And so an all-too-rare opportunity slips slowly away…
It takes a very special kind of moral duplicity to present the latest immigration figures in BBCspeak, but luckily in ‘our political correspondent’ Norman Smith, we have a truly gifted exponent.
Round eyed in disbelief, Our Norm railed against the outrage that is being inflicted on society before our very eyes, the unsupportable burden bearing down on our infrastructure – schools, housing, the NHS etc, etc, etc, – as a dire refection on the inability of the government in general and Cameron in particular to cope, let alone deal with the situation.
Funnily enough, Nigel Farage has made much the same assessment, frequently, but those of course are simply the irrational racist rantings of a bigot. Aren’t they Norman?
PS. Owen is on QT tonight, another treat in store!
“…Owen is on QT tonight, another treat in store!”
Thanks for the tip, Beltane. Time to get in the popcorn!
Cotton wool makes more effective ear plugs than popcorn Phil.
The Mute button is even better.
And the OFF button is best of all.
What was perhaps even more revealing about Norman’s little diatribe was the emphasis he continuously put on the discomfiture of the government, and the PM, very evidently enjoying another hatchet job.
You might have thought, being a public service provider as they always assure us, that the BBC would concentrate on what effects this massive influx will have on the country as a whole, rather than any particular political party.
Bakers unable to discriminate making Gay Wedding Cakes!
Good, except try and get a Muslim Bakery to make you one!
What happens in America always happens here later:
You cannot expect the law to enforce a muslim baker to make a gay wedding cake – that would be racism. Remember, offending muslims is racist and don’t respond by saying that Islam is not a race. Offending it is racist as the magistrates will quickly tell you.
Dearborn!, US … could be Wembley, Tower Hamlets, areas of Bradford etc etc
It is said that a sprinkle of iron filings in a cake will produce a pwerful effect with regard to gas emissions and might even contribute to global warming. Otherwise, a strong laxative cake might be advised.
BBC, in it’s current political correctness state, will never be able to compete with real comedy ever again:
318,000 = 871 per day! Using that average and the election as a cut off point that means another 111,488 have arrived so far this year.
Where TF are they all living and how do they afford to live here and what jobs are they doing? Questions we can expect our national broadcaster to answer in tonights news and current affairs programs…..
If this subject gets aired on QT tonight the reactions of Stella Creasy, Tim Farron Owen Jones will of course think its a good thing and Nicky Morgan will say all the right things knowing nothing will change. Just a shame that Farage isn’t on tonight, which begs the question were these figures withheld until after the election?
“Which begs the question were these figures withheld until after the election? ”
You can bet your bloody life on it!
Where TF are they all living and how do they afford to live here and what jobs are they doing?
Sky had a piece this morning about a female (Tamil?) who had been refused asylum and was cleaning and cooking for some friends in exchange for a bed. The implication was that it wasn’t organised, more random, moving around, but who knows, as Mandy Rice Davies said, ‘She would say that….’. The clear message is that police, law, etc are irrelevant because no one is ever sent home, apart from the occasional stunt organised for the media where a dozen robocops raid some unfortunate sucker.
Peace and Prosperity
On Immigration.
For our grandchildrens’ futures:
Control it wisely.
A couple of bit’s of what I call ‘nudge’ bias from bBC Radio, yesterday Steve Wright reading out the headlines ‘Farage and his party 100% united ahead of Euro referendum’ off script added ‘which is a while to go….’ The implication of course being that UKIP are incompetent and likely to be in disarray by then.
Secondly Radio Devon this morning trailed Bill Buckley’s live show from The Devon County Show, that will be examining farming ‘under a solely Conservative Government’. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Again the implication is that we should worry about a Tory Government, did we have such a show under ‘a solely Labour Government’ ? No!
The knee jerk reaction on here seems to assume the non EU rise are all third world immigrants.
It is just as likely, to be U.S., Canadian, Australian, New Zealand etc. citizens drawn in by the “booming economy”.
The EU rise is not really any surprise either as more countries are being slowly strangled to death within the Euro. With English being widely spoken among the young where would you think to look for work if you have got that get up and go? Greece or the U.K?
Why did the Auf Wiedersehen Boys go to Germany?
The BBC have to be careful not to over talk up this as it may well increase those who might vote to leave the EU. Tricky one!
Canada, Australia and New Zealand have a total population of about 60 million.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria have a total population of over 500 million.
We need an Aussie / Canadian / New Zealand points system to weed out unskilled immigrants who have no skills other than stripping down an AK-47 or reciting violent books by heart.
The knee jerk reaction on here seems to assume the non EU rise are all third world immigrants.
The ‘knee jerk reaction’ may in part be an awareness that IT employers are salivating at the prospect of replacing whitey with Indians at half the cost. Alternatively, the knee jerk reaction may be an awareness of an increasing number of people going about wearing robes or black cloths over their heads; not really suggestive of U.S., Canadian, Australian or New Zealand citizens. The knee jerk reaction result from viewing film every evening showing chancers on ships, or in Calais, making a mockery of the law. The knee jerk reaction may even be a consequence of knowing that the official population of the UK is 64m but we supply food for 72m. Personally, my knee jerk reaction is caused by dismay at the endless, utter lying bullshit talked on immigration by the Tories.
” It is just as likely, to be U.S., Canadian, Australian, New Zealand etc. citizens drawn in by the “booming economy”.
Who are you kidding ? nice try but no cigar.
A pretty remarkable claim if you know anyone who has ever tried to emigrate here from our former WWII allies! In fact, forget emigrate – a friend of mine had her daughter turned round at the airport, put on a plane and sent back to the USA, despite her having secured a place at a leading UK university, due to some spurious mistake in her paperwork.
Naturally, she was unable to scream ‘racism’ so no one came to her aid.
It’s far from a unique story and something the BBC will never, ever, investigate – the systematic discrimination against Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians and Americans.
my sister was ejected from the usa .. tooo educated they just need floor sweepers
”Why did the Auf Wiedersehen Boys go to Germany?”
Slight difference, after finishing their work they returned back to Britain. These Third Worlders are here for good.
So all immigrants are from the third world. I did not know that. I thought a large percentage were from the EU, like the brickies were when in Germany.
Did they return when their work was finished in Germany or the building industry picked up again in the U.K. so there was work at home. A bit like many Irish returned to Ireland when the economy took off there, and some probably came back when it crashed!
There will always be flows of labour between struggling countries and those doing well, and like it or not we are doing well compared with many in Europe at present, and English is the second language for many young people.
A look at the immigration graphs show declines as we entered our recession deeper than most just as they have turned up as we recover strongly.
60022Mallard; you could surely spin for the Tories? Why not give Mr Green a call and see if there are any jobs?
There will always be flows of labour…
What we have now is not a normal flow of labour, and well you know it. The Tories have become more deceitful than Labour on this tragedy, presumably because many of them get thirty pieces of silver from it, while the Labour voting suckers are impoverished.
That’s pretty weak, do you think four million people voted UKIP because of the rise of Oz, American, Canadian, Kiwi accents in their locality, you should be a script (spin) writer for bBC News!
It’s not a knee jerk reaction, ones experience is enough, in my local area the proliferation of non English speakers is off the scale in the last three years.
Stop kidding yourself!
My knee jerk reaction comes from the fact that I travel regularly in and out of this country. I see the battalions of them heading this way. I’m on aircraft full of every colour and hue, speaking more languages than the Tower of Babel and praying away to Allah several times on the flight and then when the stewardess brings round the landing cards, out pop all the British Passports.
Not much sign of immigrants from the US, Canada and Australia flocking here, sadly. But if there were, the stalwarts on the UKBA desk would soon sort them out. Their white faces would give them away in a trice. Not that you’ll see any white faces looking back at you from the UKBA staff either, of course.
My knee jerk reaction comes from listening, and watching, and smelling this tide of humanity, who the Left greet with unalloyed delight as they arrive to enrich our backward little country with their enlightened ways, such as FGM, forced marriage, honour killings and organised rape and abuse of vulnerable white children.
I have a bit of knee jerk reaction from visiting and working in dozens of countries around the world, all of whom have a stricter immigration system than we have. I have a real knee jerk reaction to the fact that the likes of Iraq, Afghanistan and various “backward” African countries have stricter entry criteria than we do and enforce them.
Most of all, my knee jerk reaction comes from living and working in the countries most of these enrichers hail from. Seeing the endemic corruption, the hideous cruelty to man and beast alike, the misogyny, the profligate disregard for everything but what they and their perverted religion want. The utter debasement of both individuals and their culture, and then coming home to see them and their enablers transforming my country into a fair facsimile of the hellhole they left to come here, aided and abetted by the so-called “leaders” of my country and trumpeted as some kind of benefit to us by our own state broadcaster.
Great post!
I can only presume the aircraft contain companies rather than battalions of those you speak so warmly about when you are on the outbound leg of your journeys!
David A. There is no reply to this. Your indignation comes across clearly and with absolute genuineness. Post it everywhere you can.
My knee-jerk reaction comes from the fact that in my part of England local folks are now an ‘ethnic minority’ (but with none of the perks). Why?
Many towns and cities in England have large areas which are now almost totally “diverse” – i.e. primarily Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims. Why?
My knees jerk because, unlike members of the political elite who tell us how wonderful ‘diversity’ is, I am not wealthy enough to avoid living in a ‘diverse community’. But what really gets the old kneecaps rattling is when these hypocritical scumbags, who are unaffected by ‘diversity’, then shout racist at anyone who is and wants to control it.
Quite a lot are English people returning home from living abroad . Just returned from Dresden in Saxony , where my tribe originate from , it was 99% Hideously White. Not even any Polish serving in the bars & restaurants , all 100% Saxon . They Saxons even gave us “free” beer, at jazz festival that was on while we were there. They are all very friendly ,& we visited Colditz too . Really great place to visit .
I’ve had similar experiences on my not infrequent forays to Europe. In Germany I seem to meet Germans, in Portugal, Portuguese etc. The only place I have come across abroad that in any way resembles what London has become is around the Gare du Nord, Paris. Are we being told the truth about immigration into other European countries?
Interesting point, I watch German TV using a cheap satellite system I bought just for F1 on RTL, but I also watch tennis on Eurosport. Back to my point, which is that unlike UK adverts that are nearly all hideously diverse, German ads are all gloriously white.
It would appear that our EU cousins don’t follow the multi cult mantra as closely as we do.
You mean like this, subtle miscegenation propaganda promotion. what has this got to do with opening a bank account ?
jeez man i went to turkey and saw o, none, nil, no burkas, manchester well thats a bit different
It’s the none too subtle rubbing of our noses in diversity that infects nearly every advert on TV. There is an insidious agenda at work here. The first faces you see in the majority of ads are black or Asian with whites being included as an afterthought. The majority of couples in ads are of mixed race, certainly a higher percentage than in reality. The admakers concentrate more on selling the diversity agenda than the product. It’s nothing more than political indoctrination and should be illegal – It probably is under advertising regulations but no one in the establishment is going to do anything about it. It’s all being run by a group called ” The Creative Diversity Network”. It’s obviously a Common Purpose front organisation but it’s had most of the broadcasters and media groups signed up to it. Check out its website – very sinister.
Last time I was in the UK I played a game to see if I could spot any bank posters (ie the ones the use in branches offering there products) that were not “diverse”. I could not.
What I find so annoying about this kind of manipulation is that is does not reflect the country that you can see with your own eyes. Its a pc version of what we are told society should be.
I was in the UK last month and almost broke my neck in my haste to get through departures to get back here (South of France ) my first words to husband meeting me at airport “I’m so glad to be home”. No walking Letter Boxes and loads of smiling White faces, yes there are non-white faces (what is the correct phrase this week???) but you don’t feel intimidated.
From Moraymint’s blog – always worth a look.
Him on the immigration figures:
“Human rights advocacy group the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has announced a new ad campaign to defend the freedom of speech and stand up to violent intimidation.
AFDI President Pamela Geller said in a statement:
“Because the media and the cultural and political elites continue to self-enforce the Sharia without the consent of the American people by refusing to show any depictions of Muhammad or showing what it was in Texas that had jihadists opening fire,
we are running an ad featuring the winning cartoon by former Muslim Bosch Fawstin from our Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas.”
Addressing concerns that the ad would endanger people riding on public transportation, Geller explained:
“Drawing Muhammad is not illegal under American law, but only under Islamic law.
Violence that arises over the cartoons is solely the responsibility of the Islamic jihadists who perpetrate it.
Either America will stand now against attempts to suppress the freedom of speech by violence,
or will submit and give the violent the signal …
that we can be silenced by threats and murder.”
Can we expect the BBC to talk about hate bigots?
Hate sites?
Re-quote discredited pseudo outfits like the SPLC?
Islam haters etc?
As they re too slow to catch a cold .. well … probably not yet
but just wait, till it goes around a few news outlets.
Torygraph blogs …
… If only Pam were in the UK…
My Telegraph Blogs
641,000 settled here last year. Nothing has changed or is likely to in the near future and by that average, come Saturday, another quarter of a million will have done the same thing. A staggering 1756 per day.
Apparently immigration is compulsory now.
Today I saw a van labelled ‘Home Office – Immigration Enforcement’!
I’ve seen it all now. BBC News Channel tells us that the Mirror faces huge fines over phone hacking. They interviewed Dr Evan Harris of Hacked Off. Harris said, I jest you not, ‘No one would want to see a newspaper have it’s viability threatened.’ Can you believe that? These are the people who ruthlessly hounded Murdoch; how do they have the nerve for such hypocrisy?
It was only two weeks ago when our appointed negotiator for EU revisions-Sarah Montague of Highgate-managed to get to Barrosso(ex EU panjandrum) on the old dog n bone-just so Britain could be snitched upon, before Cameron had even returned to Chequers on May 10th.
Sarah was at pains to tell Jose Manuel that Cameron might bang on and bluster…but Sarah and the liberal BBC elite are much more agreeable-so the EU might as well tell Sarah what the “red lines” are…just so the BBC can scupper any “democratic squauking” of the plebs. We only voted two weeks ago-but we surely didn`t mean it.
Two weeks on-and Mishal Husein is doing a similar on air negotiation with Edith Cresson-another old EU harpie who achieved nothing but a Kinnock-like soufflet of wind.
Indeed-poor Edith couldn`t hear at the start-so the show was halted `til the great Cresson was able to surprise us with HER views on Cameron and the EU.
No Edith-do tell us!
The BBC are right tossers aren`t they?-mealy mouthed agenda setters for Common Purpose.
Interesting too that Cameron was accused of being of little status in Europe, creating diplomatic isolation by being so beastly to Juncker etc-by Labour(and hence, of course the BBC).
What`s happened to THOSE cultural tropes and memes then?
Anyone able to tell the BBC that we elected people to negotiate with the likes of Cresson and Barossa( their new 2.0 versions anyway)?…the BBC have NO right whatsoever to presume that their foibles and preferences have the slightest interest to we the people.
So butt out BBC, you presumptuous stuffies…les ouanquers totales
Good balance of centre-left and hard-left on the panel; it wouldn’t really be appropriate to have someone speak crassly about immigration on the day the figures are released.
Hard to bear, Owen Jones again. Very much pro-EU internationist panel tonight. In fact, no positive Eurosceptic view at all.
We can expect few Eurosceptics on QT for many months now, just in case light is shone on the reality of the EU before the ‘Pretenderendum’.
I might find it hard to watch tonight, especially with the amoeba brain OJ winding me up with his spiteful, Marxism laced hypocritical bullshittery.
That should get the numbers signatures on this petition growing
And it did !
Past the 75% mark now .
Well done Al beeb, QT, bugs bunny and ‘Scotty’ dog . All on the clapped out bus
Any legislation introduced by Cameron will be challenged by Human Rights lawyers and taken to the European Court.
We make the laws here but can’t apply them thanks to Europe.
The winners? Immigrants and Lawyers.
The losers? Have a guess..
Cameron has failed in his promise to control immigration – big time !
What do the Tory contributors / readers of this site say now ?
The floor is yours ….
I have a question.
It’s about the BBC (clearly not to be answered by them, as that seems off the menu by corporate default, as a spokesperson may say).
It arose as I was wading through this:
Specifically, this:
‘it means that the BBC can use the licence fee cash from cheap-to-produce Bargain Hunt viewers to pay / subsidise sending a camera person off to film Barnacle Geese for a year, in the hope that they will jump off the cliff whilst the cameras are rolling.’
Is this true? Because if I was offered the output of the Bristol Natural History Unit as a sub, alone I may well volunteer to pay it. What is, apparently, ‘vital’, on par with an MRI scanner or body armour… like Strictly, or ‘Enders… not so much. And certainly not what Norm here to JonDon there feels like ‘analysing’ in lieu of reporting.
And I have and do see similar productions from other countries, by other broadcast entities, that are pretty good. Only last night on 4OD I watched a doco on castles that seemed cool, propped up by a comedy cop show… that was actually funny.
I just wonder if it isn’t the quality stuff that is propping up financially the salaries and pensions of the likes of Danny Cohen to ‘create’ ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ to get the ratings from the sofa sloths here, whilst overseas no one really wants to get within a bargepole of what is used to peg market rates around the watercoolers of W1A.
I just ask as the rest of the piece casually drops other stuff that jars with reality.
‘even if you never watch BBC One, you probably find yourself listening to Radio 1’
Have to say my kids do neither. They are not alone.
It’s also how, in the real world, actual market rates are calculated.
Grimshaw shouldn’t be too worried about his falling listenership, as the article states Sara Cox was also a failure, yet as the BBC always reward failure and like Cox, eventually he’ll end up with a cozy niche job on Radio 2
Its not just failure, Brand, Ross and Evans have also reappeared on the bBC after committing gross misconduct.
Anyone failing or committing gross misconduct in the real world outside of that of the cozy world of the bBC, would never find a way back.
A true, BBC Win – Win?
Mind you, ISIS is nothing, only a Junior Varsity team according to this bell end.
poverty causes terrorism?
lawdy lawdy.
ah well! he s joined the twitterfarti
The 8am news headlines on Today this morning spoke of Camerons “demand to rewrite the rules of the EU”…with the ever-so reasonable Wolfgang Schauble restraining the Brits excesses-in effect.
Look at that newsreader phrase-“demands to rewrite the rules of the E.U”…who`d think that the BBC had its own agenda?
Despicable creeps there at the BBC-as if we`re not aware of their use of language…Cameron defends, demands and insists-whereas Miliband urges, suggests and is resolute.
Er…well Miliband DID…but no doubt any new Labour leader will get the same flannel of mealy mouthed doublespeak.
Orwell told us thus years ago-does the BBC know that?
Al Beeb Wales, reporting that the Neonatal at Unit Swansea Hospital is offering checks for babies after a person there tested positive for tuberculosis. Nothing to worry about .
The benefits of migration ?
Probably one of the local allotment workers who was on countyfile last week. The ones in full “ethnic” Middle eastern garb growing chick peas and cous -cous. Typical Welsh working class, look you.
Israeli government suspends Palestinian bus ‘segregation’ trial How many Palestinians were denied a bus ride?
The program, launched Tuesday, stipulated that Palestinian workers would have to return from Israel to the West Bank via the same checkpoint they left and will not be allowed to ride Israeli bus lines (that would avoid those checkpoints).
Cancelled Wednesday. (The BBC claims announced Wednesday and cancelled within hours).
As Isis advance ever nearer the oasis that is Israel, i wonder what the IDF is planning should the muslim maniacs burst through and flood into Jordan, the Golan and maybe the Sinai?……I reckon theatre nuclear weapons will be deployed, and so i hope…..clean out the Middle East once and for all.
A few buckets of instant sunshine….and who in the Middle East would object ? Not Iran, not the kingdom of Saud.
Good point. There is every likelihood that that particular confrontation will see Israel take off the gloves. A very messy and thoroughly deserved end to that part of the world.
Isis seems astutely led. In which case they will steer well clear of Israel. There is nothing to stop Isis taking control of the rest of the ME apart from Kurdish and Turkish lands and Iranian lands. I include Saudi Arabia etc in that.
The West is in complete denial as to the threat Isis presents to us. Not surprising given the liberal propensity for self delusion over everything.
I also think Isis is surprised at how easy it has all been. Long term they have sights set on the conquest of Europe’s fringes and eventually it’s heartland.
Can we stop them,? Of course but it will require will and ruthlessness and that is now a commodity absent from Western thinking.
Israel alone provides that spine we now lack. For that reason Isis will avoid any direct clash. There is no need.
Predictions only but Isis or something like them has been coming for a long time.
Part of the ebb and flow of empires and peoples. If we wish to survive in the West we had better ditch our liberal wetness and rediscover those qualities that made us powerful.
Cab driver guilty of Iraq bomb murder
One might ask what his profession in Wembley had to do with his conviction for the planting bombs in Baghdad.
The famous BBC “quotes” also come into play. He built bombs as part of a “deadly” campaign to kill Americans fighting in the country. Is there any doubt the campaign was deadly — it killed an American soldier. If it is repeating someone else’s word — who and why quote only one word?
The Middle East homepage identifies him as a Briton. It’s not simply to save space. ‘Briton’ and ‘cabbie’ have the same number of letters.
On a long drive home on Tuesday I thought I would keep a tally of the propaganda available on R4. In the space of a few hours I enjoyed:
1. Tom Heap trying to big up the renewable energy scheme on the island of Eigg. This is a combination of solar/wind/hydro that provides the electricity for, wait for it, almost 100 people. Except, as the programme went on to simultaneously reveal and try and gloss over, it doesn’t quite. Electricity was rationed at 5kW per household which one householder explained was enough for a kettle and toaster. Presumably the fridge, lights etc were all switched off as part of a new age tea and toast ceremony because if you went over 5kW the supply was conveniently tripped and you had to wait for an engineer to come and reset it. A battery storage facility had been built with batteries costing £65,000 and around the back of the building were two diesel generators. For some reason Heap referred to these as the ‘dirty little secret’. A more accurate description would be reliable back up for an unreliable pie in the sky green dream. The hydro scheme cost upwards of £400,000 and there were 4 windmills (one of which was being fixed when the programme was recorded). So, a nice cheap scheme that doesn’t actually work and that could easily be scaled up to provide the needs of a city like Birmingham I don’t think.
2. Mark Steel slagging off fracking during his ‘comedy show’ in Fleetwood, Lancs.
3. A prolonged discussion, again, on PM about the Labour leadership contest. I couldn’t actually bear more than 30s of that and checked back at intervals to see how long it lasted which was over 5 mins.
4. Some more nonsense about US race relations on a programme whose name I didn’t catch.
Not bad for a random sample.
Good post SJ.
Blimey, you must have been relieved to get home!
We must have been travelling at the same time as I had the same experience and the same reaction to this stream of puerile drivel. The Scottish eco-loon delighted by her 5kW limit was borderline delusional.
Radio 4 is an almost endless daily litany of Left wingery, from the excesses of Today in the morning to the final close-down. And then it gets, improbably, even worse, once it hands over to the World Service!
What is so tragic is that not too many years ago, R4 was a beacon and something I would have actively defended the BBC for. Now it has become a channel that low functioning Twitterati use to signal their right-onness to one another and use for indoctrinating unaware listeners.
Once I believed it could be repaired. I no longer think that way and I want to see it gone.
In other news, does anyone else think that the interview Jeremy Clarkson did today with old carrot top for R2 sounded very like those show trials conducted by Stalin ? He “loves” the bbc, misses it “terribly”. Expect him to come out of Room 101 any day now, the treatment is working well.
Agree, me me me look at all wealth Evans pushed him, but he wouldn’t let on a thing, why should he?
We know from the press that he has had frequent meetings with the other two, the bBC are now the competition and the enemy
Britain’s Deadliest Rail Disaster: Quintinshill
Presented by that horrible Scot Neil Oliver, this was all about how the evil capitalists and the evil war-mongering government conspired to put the blame on the poor oppressed railway workers. This of course is bollocks if you read up on it.
Even though I know that this disaster occurred 100 years ago being told that it was ‘all the fault of the government‘ as they ran the railways still triggers a little thought in the back of my mind, “wicked David Cameron”. Must be years of BBC drip-speak and Pavlovian reactions.
As for the railway company ‘trying to make money’ by running two sleeper services during war time, well, maybe they were trying to meet ‘customer demand’? Or run a railway?
There was lots of analysis about how things would be done differently now, all ‘touchy-feely’ stuff, had the signalman been ill etc. I’m surprised Post-Traumatic Stress didn’t get a look in, he had just seen carnage take place in front of him after all. But then Oliver was making a thin case that Tinsley had been ill all-along.
What didn’t get examined was the role of the others. It was Meakin that had set up the disaster, he was the one that put the local train on the wrong line, he was the one that failed to ‘block back’ to warn the box to the north, he was the one who failed to put on lever collars, (macho signalmen apparently don’t follow the rules). What about the fireman of the local train that the rules specifically required to be assured that his train was protected?
Instead most of the film focused on what made the disaster worse like wooden coaches and gas lighting. Fancy a railway using old equipment, (like 40 year-old HST!)!
These were tougher times, people got on with living, (and dying). The first priority then would have been to re-open the railway. The priority now would be to close the line for weeks so as to employ hundreds of police and dozens of lawyers to earn a good crust.
Excellent points (excuse the pun) some I hadn’t considered when watching the program.
I was a bit confused by Oliver’s analysis. If the Caledonian Company couldn’t be trusted to run a railway because it wanted to make a profit, and the government couldn’t be trusted because it had other priorities, that didn’t seem to leave much of an alternative. Perhaps we should have railways as a Social Enterprise?
In 1915 the simple analysis showed that the crash was caused by mistakes made by the signalmen. A 2015 Root Cause Analysis would have identified many more contributing factors, but the immediate cause was still the mistakes made by the signalmen. There could have been a good programme on the pressures of running a north/south mainline railway with the Grand Fleet based in the north of Scotland and other significant units at Rosyth on the Forth, with the resultant pressure on railway staff caused by the increased traffic, but instead we had infinitely repeated shots of actors dressed as injured soldiers.
“They look as though they’re on a protest”
Don’t worry, these BBC bods are just holding up one of those snow-kites to show tv viewers the equipment used by a British team who have traversed Greenland in record time.
Sadly their mate George is in hospital with frostbite so he can’t join BBC Breakfast.
Apparently the weather was ‘unseasonably cold’.
Met Office warming-biased forcasting strikes again?
Don’t expect BBC journos to ask too many difficult questions of the weathermen – the BBC are on a sort of a campaign on this subject.
When it come to global warming, you could say…
They sound as though they’re on a protest
Not exposed myself to any bBC output yet, but have they/will they remind us what happened on this day two years ago?
Remember folks, immigration is great for the country, I know, I learnt that from Question Time last night….
RIP Lee Rigby 1987 – 2013
Tried to find anything on Beeb , nothing anywhere but I also tried many of the online newspapers also nothing. So sad that not one has an article on him. I feel like he’s been swept under the local prayer mat.
Meanwhile, Mother of Murdered Teenager said ……
“It’s a bit racist”
That was Hugh Quarshie (Holby City) on Shakespear’s Othello
A great problem I have with the use of the word ‘racist’ is that when it is so casually applied to some institution by race campaigners it often comes over to my mind as simply a plea for the user and his mates to get preferential treatment from liberal whites who are too affraid of this big scary word to think clearly or to discuss.
It is identity sectarian politics in action. Metro liberal BBC find it impossible not to lap it all up.
So it is with the super brains trust which is the BBC Breakfast team.
If Hugh says Othello is a racist play, then so it is. Who are they to question?
But fear not Hugh Quarshie fans, he is going to take the part afterall, because, he reassures us, that it’s not just him, it’s “three brown sons of the Commonwealth” who will be involved.
Iago is to be played by a blackman which fixes the racism, apparently.
Nice job Hugh.
“Iago is to be played by a blackman which fixes the racism, apparently.”
Su8rely Iago being white is the whole point. He is very jealous of Othello and hates him. Does he hate him because he is black – I have always assumed that is a major part of his hatred. Othello is clearly an anti-racism play, much more so than than Merchant.
I think another issue is that Shakespeare (along with Verdi etc) is a Dead White European Male and his achievements must be belittled at every opportunity.
Shakespeare was white, he created Othello who was black. Shakespeare had no ‘right’ to interfere and must therefore be racist.
In any case, Othello was a Moor, not a Sub-Saharan black.
Anyone notice the language used by the bBC when talking about UKIP?
The term the ‘rise’ of UKIP is often used, emotive language designed to draw a parallel to another party of 1930’s Germany and thus manipulating the viewing/listening public.
You never hear the phrase the ‘rise’ of Islam in the UK…
Or the ” Rise ” of the Green Party.
Cunning, very cunning.
Well observed.
Have to admit that the BBC is very good at this sort of thing.
Drip … drip … drip
Get the message across in incremental stages.