BBC – “Obama has called climate change “a serious threat to global security” and heavily criticised climate change … “deniers”… 😀
In his strongest remarks on the issue yet”
Ah! … not criticising “global warming deniers” now then 😀
I wonder why?
Sooo , The “climate”, changes ……… and?……… always has done.
no one denies that at all!.
The BBC must be cock-a-hoop!
“He said: “I’m here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security and make no mistake: it will impact how our military defends our country. ”
“Denying it or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security”
… yeah right!
Mind you, ISIS is nothing, only a Junior Varsity team according to this bell end.
… poverty causes terrorism?
lawdy lawdy.
ah well! he s joined the twitterfarti ”
“Times Square bomber, Faisal Shehzad, boasts an MBA and is the son of a senior Pakistani air-force officer.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who stands accused of lighting a makeshift bomb on a transatlantic flight in the so-called “underwear plot”, had a degree from University College, London, and is the son of a rich Nigerian banker.
The suspected suicide-bomber in this week’s attacks in Stockholm had a degree from a British university.
Are well-heeled terrorists representative or are they exceptions to the rule?
Social scientists have collected a large amount of data on the socioeconomic background of terrorists. According to a 2008 survey of such studies by Alan Krueger of Princeton University, they have found little evidence that the typical terrorist is unusually poor or badly schooled. ”
I certainly hope not, but to get anywhere in the federal bureaucracy, you have to toe the party line. Obama has got rid of a whole swathe of senior military officers who were not to his taste, so you can be sure the upper echelons of the armed forces are on side. They may not actually be able to fight and win a war, but that is not the point, indeed that is to miss the point. I doubt Obama seriously wants the US to be able to fight and win a war ever again.
Another sort of bias on the R4 Today programme: There have been two pieces, one today and one ?a week ago on the drastic decline of the hedgehog in Britain. In neither programme was badger predation mentioned, despite being one of the most important causes of the decline. Mustn’t appear to support the hated Tories (and especially Owen Paterson – they run away shrieking in horror) in implying support for culling Brock.
Badgers are one thing but the building on their natural habitat greenfield sites is another, an indirect result of immigration, not that the bBC would consider this a reason.
A school near me was ‘forced’ to extend because of a lack of places, with no thought given to wildlife, work started late September into a barren field removing hedgerows, just as the Hedgehogs were about to hibernate. We found a small one motionless whilst walking the dog, barley alive picked it up, did a bit of Googling and took it to the local rescue center, to be told that two others had be brought in from the same area that day, only one survived (ours).
Another couple of reasons to hate immigration, lager schools which equals more traffic and no hedgehogs in our gardens…
Today is the second anniversary of the slaughter of Fusilier Lee Rigby. Having just searched the BBC website, all i can see relating to Fusilier Rigby is to be found on the BBC UK News Wales page: ‘ 24 hour window to halt cyber hate after terrorist event’.
Apologies for not providing a clickable link.
Please read it. I recoiled in absolute disgust. Today of all days. This is how the toxic reptiles at the BBC choose to mark his death.
“This is how the toxic reptiles at the BBC choose to mark his death”
. … or rather not to mark it, besmirch it
and bloody criminology? … sheesh!
latest craze “Uni” course for dead heads
… I recall a couple of years ago it was psychology
The ever-imploding ‘get it about right 110%’ delusion-factory that is CECUTT crops up more and more these days, so I was interested in this email from Graun Media & Tech Network:
‘Consumers are turning to social media to communicate with brands at a rapid rate – with complaints in particular on the rise. That’s according to recent research from the Institute of Customer Service, which found an eight-fold increase in complaints made on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook since Jan 2014. Brands must act accordingly by adapting their customer service strategies, advises the institute’s CEO, Jo Causon.”
‘Gone are the days of one-way conversations dictated by brands. Customers now demand a level of speed, convenience and transparency that is challenging boardrooms and customer service professionals like never before.’
Seems such as Fraser “I listen to what you are saying but don’t like what I am hearing so… ‘la-a-la'” Steel comes from another, out-dated, time.
‘Increasingly, platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are being viewed as the perfect vehicles for customers to escalate complaints’
Along with sites like here, ITBB, BBC Watch, etc. And more getting added each week… all OUT of BBC control.
They can decide a complaint has no value to their hearts’ content internally, but now avenues exist for these to be aired in places they cannot isolate and close.
Like the licence fee, it seems technology is evolving faster than their ability to impose their unique way of steering things.
‘why don’t you let us work”.
.. if this continues (wait for it)
“you will have problems’.”
Similar … Louvre art gallery closing down after staff complained of being spat at, abused and even assaulted by pickpocketing gangs.
Hmmm Islamic Sharia ghettoes, or
assaulted by Romagarian crime gangs
… tough call!
if they only watched “Spiral” eh!
I’ve stopped visiting Paris. No longer the cultural capital of the world, the most elegant and atmospheric city, it’s now a grim, rather threatening and sad has-been. A terrible shame: what do the French think about what has happened to their once incomparable city?
From that report “Staff say that’formal guarantees’ are needed from management to stop pickpocketing gangs who target numerous tourists every day”
Management can guarantee jack as long as France remains in the EU, much the same as Cameron promising to cut immigration, impossible whilst the UK remains in the EU.
Caught a snippet of Jeremy Vine on R2 today. At around 12:30 he had Steve Hilton on to explain how the Tories won the General Election, because “nobody can understand how they managed it”. They really do live in a bubble!
Your lucky you missed the lynch mob rape piece earlier.
In summary a women claimed rape and the police didn’t believe her story. She later produced a T-shirt that she claimed would provide DNA evidence, (where did she get it, when was it ‘marked’?). Later the CPS requested further investigations and the ‘right’ verdict was returned for the mob. All men are rapists and women never lie, you see.
Vine told us how impressed he was with The Detectives and their ‘ABC’ rule – Accept nothing, Believe no-one, Confirm everything. Vine assured us that this didn’t apply to rape cases – Accept the complainant’s story, Believe her absolutely, Condemn the ‘perpetrator’.
Re. the Steve Hilton story during which a listener sent in an e-mail with a Vine Record for the most use of the word ‘nasty’ in it. I can’t believe that someone so full of hatred can be a nice person but then it is all part of the can’t say Paki or nigger but racist and bigot are OK. The former are often used in a non-pejorative way, the later always are.
“Accept the complainant’s story, Believe her absolutely, Condemn the ‘perpetrator’.
a) That’s contradicted by your own observation that initially the Police didn’t believe her story.
b) If you’d watched the programme to the end you would have seen that the CCTV evidence supported the victims story, questioned the validity of the “eye wittness” account, and proved that the accused was lying about what happened.
To describe it as a “lynch mob” says nothing about the police and everything about your own prejudice.
I’m in the middle of watching a very old film, “The Cruel Sea”, starring Jack Hawkins. Like I often do these days when something attracts my attention I pause the film and go looking for information. In this case it was the scene where Lockhart (Donald Sinden) meets Ericson (Jack Hawkins) and they both drink pink gin.
Now, I’ve enjoyed pink gin for over 40 years but it suddenly struck me, when did people start drinking this concoction so I went and looked it up.
Let Wiki be your friend. Following the general info re pink gin, we get the section, “In popular culture” there is the following gem:
“In the 1953 film adaptation of Nicholas Monsarrat’s book, The Cruel Sea, Lockhart (Donald Sinden) meets Ericson (Jack Hawkins) at a London hotel where they both drink pink gin. In a somewhat rewritten scene in the BBC Radio 4 Extra adaptation of 2013, the pair drink gin and tonic.”
I wonder what upset them? Could it be “pink”? Is pink now a no-no with Aunty?
I always understood that pink gin was a popular drink amongst naval officers. They would hardly drink a tot of rum with the men, would they? Mind you, I have never tried it, so I am in no position to criticize.
It was indeed and though I personally liked it, many seemed to drink it under sufferance, “tradition, laddie …”
I always understood the traditional drinks to be pink gin in the wardroom, and if entertaining pongoes, Horses Necks should be available. 🙂
Respect to the. Father in law. To all those who kept the supplies coming in, the thinnest line, the hardest battle. Not that the bbc pays any attention to the history of our survival.
The BBC pays attention and then they craftily change our history.
Referring back to naval matters, I lost all faith in the BBC when they made a dramatised documentary about the “Laconia” incident during WWII.
They absolutely changed the characters and the truth of many British survivors during that “dramatised documentary” so much that I wrote a long letter of protest to the BBC about it.
For example: A British Nurse escorting a baby back home was transformed into a German “Mata Hari” spy.
A very noble gentlewoman, the wife of a British Padre heading home with her daughter was transformed into a very dissolute, drunken, landowner of the British gentry occupying some castle in Scotland.
These were *SUCH* travesties of the truth, that my dislike of the BBC descended into almost hatred.
Needless to say, the whole farrago was concocted by one of the BBC’s ever favoured left wing sons – Alan Bleasedale.
I have never, ever trusted the BBC about anything again since I saw that programme.
Your father in law had impeccable taste, though as you say it sometimes needed to be acquired. I once remember a chap who, on first tasting it, declared: “This is just like that Bay Rum stuff my barber sprays over me!”
On being asked, “Well, you won’t want a refill, eh?”, protested he had never, ever tasted anything so wonderful in his life. (I’m not sure if he did taste the Bay Rum.)
Over a lifetime I have studied the “Battle of the Atlantic”, reading innumerable memoirs and histories of this cruellest of battles which was the longest battle theatre of WWII.
There are very few stories of the medical staff such as your father in law who served on these ships, and our naval history is so much the poorer because of that. We can read more detailed tales of the doctor’s work in the days of Nelson (“The Butcher’s Bill”) than we can ever read about doctor/surgeons during WWII.
Yes OK, hygiene was greater; yes OK, we mainly knew what caused disease and infection. *BUT* those men like your father-in-law, in ships at sea, worked and operated in many similar conditions as their predecessors did a couple of hundred years before. For their dedication, and the lives they saved, their history has *still* to be written.
Sorry to reply to my own post, *but*, why on earth would the BBC script department decide that “pink gin” had to be changed to “gin and tonic” in the play wot they re-rote?
For a start, the whole scene of Hawkins ordering the pink gin is very essential to the film: When the elderly waiter arrives with Hawkins pink gin plus jug of water, Hawkins asks if the waiter can please change the water as there is dust in the jug.
“Certainly, sir,” says the old gent as he goes to remove the offending jug, “But you do realise there is a war going on.”
Hawkins, sitting there in his naval uniform says nothing, just an almost unnoticeable shrug as he waits for his fellow officer to join him. I can imagine the thoughts of Captain Ericson, something like, “bloody jobsworth … ” etc.
It seems the more things change …
However, my original question still stands:
Why, in 2013, did the BBC decide that in the script, “pink gin” must be replaced by “gin and tonic”? I honestly doubt if it was censorship of the word “pink” though I am more than willing to hear other points of view from readers who know the BBC better than I.
Rather perhaps, some young twerp who had never, ever heard of pink gin in his/her life decided at a script conference, “Oh! Pink gin! No one nowadays will know what they are talking about. Let’s call it a gin and tonic instead! OK?”
“Yah, yah, blah, blah …”
“NEXT script query?”
“Pink Gin! Whatever next?” Is there some hidden subtext in those lines, eh?
The Beeboid would totally ignore the script, the action, leading up to both the Pink Gin request and the request to change the jug of water.
[Well, I mean to say – a bloody RN Commander with blood on his hands after sinking a couple of U-Boats, has the bloody nerve to ask for dust free water! Let *us* never, ever encourage such demands! Wot will *they* ask for next!]
And whilst I paused the film I switched on R4 “PM” and got an unexpurgated party politcal broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Now switched off. AGAIN.
LOL! I don’t know if anyone else uses Angostura much but there was a desperate worldwide shortage of it a few years ago and when it eventually returned to the market the price had rocketed. Fortunately, I am still only half way through three largeish bottle purchased maybe 20 years ago – before they invented “use by”/”Best before” and other BS.
What never fails to amuse me are those bottles of mineral water which has supposedly been filtering though Alpine rock for thousands of years – Best before October 17th!
Cameron in Latvia-yet the BBC have plenty hacks who we did NOT vote for, somehow able to discern his isolation, the forthright stance of the EU.
Didn`t we vote for Cameron on May 7th to negotiate for us, and give us a referendum?…and only two weeks ago?
Apparently not-the BBC and Channel 4 continue to speak of our isolation, that Europe won`t listen to the banging on harpie that is the Tory party.
Who the fuck asks THEM- is asking them-what their opinions are-we voted for exactly the opposite,
But the BBC/Channel 4 continue to bag their nutty ash drum, and drown the civilians out.
As if we didn`t have en election-but we did.
So why is Andy Burnham presuming to tell us what ails the NHS?
Didn`t we vote to shut that mid-Staffs quisling up on May7th-so why is the BBC asking for his views as if he can do a thing about it all until 2020?
Shut it Beeb!
R4 Any Questions audience is back on track. The left wing trade unionist and Labour politico get applause, the Conservative and UKIP politicos get silence.
Rapturous applause for the trade unionist saying the BBC licence fee should be increased. Groans for the UKIPper saying the BBC crowds out local media.
Just before the elections, Al Beeb were reporting that, as UKIP were being taken seriously as a political party they would be coming under more ‘scrutiny’. Well now that elections are over perhaps its time for Al Beeb to be ‘scrutinised’
In fact, Mark Serwotka (£125,000+pa) said the licence fee should be doubled. I wonder does his remarkable lack of empathy explain his support for mass immigration?
Always instructive to see who, from the market rate classes (if £125kpa can said to be so) are the most passionate advocates of the expansion of a left wing propaganda and censorship service, via compulsion.
Just watched hignwy I was curious to see if the agenda had changed following the election this being one of the few BBc programs I’ve seen this week. No of course not it was as funny as hammering nails into my eyes. Farage & the government all coming under comment. Dire!
oh it was poor wasn’t it he used to be quite funny that Frank Skinner now he’s turned into an unfunny lefty pr7ck why don’t him and Merton give up comedy I meet funnier people over a Sunday pint
Frank Skinner is less lefty on the radio,but it’s still there – often in an ironic way. I remember him rattling on about how he and some fellow labour party members (his own words) had a particularly torrid time during their getaway at a ski resort in France. He chose not to read out my text about champagne socialism.
Silly Bunny, you are just repeating yourself, again and again and again. Time to buy a new record Bunny, how about ‘Clegg, where did it go wrong ?’ ‘Milliband, time to stop stabbing your brother ?’ ”Balls, what happened fatso ? And can you still manage to get it up for Mrs Balls ? ‘
Time for some new strap lines Bunnykins pie.
I should know better now but unfortunately the missus watched HIGNFY this evening (which meant that I had to watch it)……So boring, still in the same gear. My recollection is that every single political joke was at the expense of UKIP, no equivalent against liebour. There were two unknown guests, I vaguely recollect seeing the female one before and Merton and Hislop just taking the (no doubt large) cheque, thank you very much.
The programme is so dead in the water now…….
God knows how desperate the bbbc are going to get when the referendum is on the horizon and they might suspect their dream of being assimilated into europe and therefore killing the Kingdom might not happen…….
I just hope wytingdale holes them below the waterline (I don’t think he will)….. 🙁
Just for “a laff”, I just now pulled up HIGNFY on that iPlayer thing.
I had no laughs.
I heard no laughs around me.
I saw no humour.
I heard no humour.
I did see the usual culprits who are paid huge fees by the BBC, try to go about their alleged “comedy business”.
They failed miserably.
Did anyone at all watching that programme at home on their TVs either laugh or chuckle?
Only the taped/paid for audience seemed to find everything hilarious.
Why do these studio audiences laugh so much at things which contain absolutely no humour?
Do they get an electronic monitor fitted when they enter the studio and then get paid by results: so much per chuckle and twice as much for a laugh?
I can *HONESTLY* think of no other reason why any individual listening/watching *any* of the current BBC “comedy” shows would decide to laugh at all during the programme?
Unless, of course, Ken Dodd is travelling right amongst them with his tickling stick and thereby making po-faced righteous “people” smile.
Meantime, I shall return to my wonderland of old films*, old comedy shows*, old music*, and mainly old everything and remember just how good life used to be before *they* decided it must all be destroyed.
*I use an old fashioned thing called Usenet – many, many programmes from the days when the BBC was a very well respected broadcaster are stil available there.
No laughs here gave it just 4 minutes until the inevitable UKIP ‘jokes’ came along.
Its the self satisfied smugness of all involved that laugh at their own ‘in’ jokes, all with faces that you want to punch.
Talking of all things old, currently on a John Sullivan fest, Just Good Friends, Citizen Smith and am still laughing out loud at the umpteenth time of viewing of my Only Fools and Horses DVDs, just watched the Cornish cottage episode from 1983, well written, well acted and bloody funny.
Hi Geoff,
I seem to have about the same tastes as yourself – (and also maybe some inclined physical symptoms, if you know wot I mean!)
Now, you see yon Citizen Smith – now there’s a guy who knew how to get on in the world ‘cos I’ve just recently seen him, as an Admiral would you believe! – telling that young shaver Hornblower wot he had better do or else!
You know, to me, it’s the sign of great actors. A bloke who can play Citizen Smith then a few years down the line he can tell young Hornblower wot is wot is quite a good actor in my book.
There are not many true *TV* actors left these days – the likes of your John Thaw and others etc.
All great shows Wolfie was great , they showed a picture of a frog on a stick on hignfy and said oh look Farage working out. What kind of talentless imbecile do you have to be to think that is funny .Whoever writes that show really should consider a career change because if there is one thing they are definitely not it is comedy show script writers
Are we all excited ? the BBC will go live to Ireland when the results of the important referendum are released later I’m on tenterhooks- Wonder if they allow postal votes in this one. Apparently you are a lunatic these days if you think marriage means a man and a woman anyway I’m off to look for the missing heat for the Global warming mob I’m sure I saw it somewhere earlier
Saw Paddy O Connell on Newsnight referring to that bearded bloke in the frock as a “he/she whatever you call it” last night.
And Emily laughed along.
Now I`m 100% behind this creation being a bloke-just a drag queen, yet the BBC continue to refer to him as “a woman/she” etc.
But-if I wanted to shaft the shit-stirring BBC-I`d be passing this one onto the hate police-Tatchells termagents, Eagles effluent and Harmans houris…and get Katz set among the pigeons.
The BBC is making news of the leak from the Bank of England press office, that they were researching the effect of the UK leaving the EU.
Does anyone seriously think that this was really accidental? What was the press office doing with secret internal information like this in the first place? And to have sent it to the one leftie paper which favours both EU membership and publishing leaked data.
This is (to me at least) a deliberate and calculated leak of information which would otherwise have no place in the public sphere.
No secret information has been sent to anyone, save that we now know that the BoE are going to do an in depth study about the effects of an exit. The Guardian use the word ‘financial shocks of exit’ – dishonest words – which reflect their pre-determined take on this. They could have used the words that the BoE are to undertake an in depth study to look at the effects of the financial boost brought about by Brexit (but they wouldn’t, would they?)
If the BoE…or any other major organisation was not doing this, or a similar analysis, they would deserve to have the arses kicked.
Which brings me to the dogs breakfast of the breakfast time interview on Toady this morning. Labour’s Jim Naughtie was pedalling this story for all its worth…top story on the news, Labour’s utterly useless Chis Leslie had been on earlier, wringing his hands as only a Labour politician can, and Naughtie had some learned professor on to apply the coup de grâce. But try as an increasingly agitated Naughtie might, the Prof was having non of it…essentially this was a ‘so what’ story according to him. Having failed miserably, Naughtie went off the topic and got the Prof to say that exit would be detrimental.
Next up, Tory, Owen Patterson, who riled Naughtie by insisting on responding the Prof’s assertion…but Naughtie was having non of it, he didn’t want to talk about the issue that he himself had brought up with the previous guest and the ‘interview descended from there, Naughtie talking over Paterson, Paterson talking over Naughtie who ended with a sarcastic ‘coooooome onnnn’. This from someone who should have hung his microphone up years ago.
Any chance of the BBC insisting on an enquiry into THIS leak then?
You know-like that Sturgeon/Carmichael squit-when the SNP won anyway?
Nah, course not-this was a “good leak”…a la Assange/Snowdon/Call Me Chelsea…so no need to look into how the Godawful Guardian were sent this commercially-sensitive info that the dreaded bankers could make hay with?
Lying pondweed!
The interesting thing about the Sturgeon leak inquiry is that it found no reason to doubt the honesty of the civil service note taker; thus, for all her bluster, Nicola was lying, and she really did say she preferred Cameron over Miliband. That’s the really interesting thing, and thus that is the thing which Scottish National Socialism makes sure is not mentioned.
Quite right; there’s no story, only that the Beeb/Grauniads can suggest that there is great fear and trepidation amongst the great that the UK might vote out.
In fact what WOULD have been a story is a revelation the the Bank had not given a thought to the financial aspects of Brexit.
BBC News this morning, reporting , “so called” Islamic state is actually shrinking, with some colonel leading its bullsh-t storm.
So … the Islamic State that is constantly expanding and winning new victories, destroying ancient artefact’s, now controlling, important border crossings from Iraq/Syria, has made hundreds of millions from the refugee crisis, billions in oil revenues, a windfall of arms and ammunition courtesy of the US backed Iraqi army
is actually … losing.?
So … the Islamic State that has nothing to do with Islam, is not a state? … yet it keeps on attracting 1000s Muslims from the West to join it on the basis of its Islamic claims, its Islamic caliphate state wet dreams.
No air force strikes when they recently held their victory parade in public. Nothing to worry about. Protection in the UK for the volunteers and families who support them.
“climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security”
yep! fiddle with the temperature gauge, while Iraq burns
As always sharp and funny in equal measure
Mark Steyn
I watched a film about the American writer/producer/director John Milius. Up popped a clip from the BBC. Eh? It was from Newsnight. Any prizes for guessing why? No, because it is BBC Newsnight (even Newsnight vintage 1984) and therefore absolutely predictable. Newsnight were discussing the release of his film Red Dawn. It was anti-communist yarn about a Russian/North Korean attack on the USA, and they were outraged. How dare he make such a film? Even at a distance of 30 years ago the BBC was Guardian reader crap. They must have wept when the USSR collapsed.
I have seen that film too. Milius was quite a guy, but the pinko Hollywood establishment crapped all over his career after Red Dawn. If he had made a film about Americans invading a peaceful Russia and getting their arses kicked, they’d have loved him, but he was guilty of the sin of patriotism, the one crime Hollywood can never forgive.
Off topic, but does anyone think that Carswell is actually a Tory/establishment stooge trying to destroy UKIP and Farage from within? How can anyone seriously think that Farage is not the right person to lead the ‘OUT’ campaign? That is unless you have ulterior motives…
No, I think he’s right on this occasion. It’s a single issue referendum – UKIP isn’t a single issue party.
Also , having a party leader involved risks other issues being put into the agenda, and left/right partisanship creeping in.
We have to frame it as a peoples movement – a ground up movement and hope that the electoral commission use a sensible multi party, multi organisation grouping as the recognised lead.
I think in the end it will be a slightly anti establishment campaign, as all the establishment parties, the CBI, BBC, NGO’s, Unions etc, will line up behind IN.
So it would be wrong to have a party leader involved in the OUT campaign, yet we will have at least 6 party leaders subliminally championing the IN campaign? Aided and abetted by the bBC.
I hope Farage will play a supporting role rather than trying to take the lead – when the time comes.
But in the meanwhile Farage must be the attack dog, snapping at Cameron’s heels, pointing out that any “negotiations” are likely to be a con. Cameron’s shopping list is far too narrow, even if he achieved it all he would not be reducing immigration by very much and would not be grabbing back much of the UK’s lost sovereignty. The likelihood is that Cameron will not even achieve his list of modest changes – but will brag that he has changed the scene. Farage’s job is to flush all this out, month by month. Hold Cameron’s feet to the fire.
Now Carswell has come back into line, he can help too.
Cameron is, first and last, a PR man. He never worries whether he is doing anything significant; he concentrates on ‘how it will play’. Getting a vote that apparently ends fifty years of antagonism to the EU, purely by tweaking benefits, is marketing genius. He’s remarkably good at what he does. It’s a shame he cares nothing for the indigenous population of the country or their future.
Presumably you would be put off by his main policy: that the UK should leave the E.U.
Are you being terribly consistent here? I’d love to know what UKIP policies you dislike so much.
… does anyone think that Carswell is actually a Tory/establishment stooge …?
I don’t think so. I think he is a Lone Ranger, sincerely keen to escape the EU political stranglehold, who thought he could take over UKIP and sanitise it to increase the vote. But he’s wrong. The majority of the population are deluded – obsessed with being progressive. They think they’re well on their way to bringing the whole world population up to Western standards. They will keep believing that until the house of cards collapses and then the circle will turn again. Assuming no collapse in the next year, the referendum will won by the ‘stay-in’ side. The mood of the country is ‘modern, progressive, sophisticated’. All the media, bar maybe the Express, will join Cameron in a brutal PR campaign. It will not even be close. The only interesting question is whether those Tory ministers and MPs who know better will sell their souls rather than speak out for a lost cause. It’s not looking good so far.
Old Jimmy was rabidly anti-EU though, what’s not to like on that score!
Goldsmith, like his friends Lord Lucan and John Aspinall, believed Britain had been victim of a socialist conspiracy and that communists had infiltrated the Labour party and the media. In the mid-1990s, Goldsmith was a financial backer of a Euro-sceptic think tank, the European Foundation. In 1994 he was elected in France as a member of the European Parliament, representing the Majorité pour l’autre Europe party. Goldsmith became leader of the eurosceptic Europe of Nations group in the European Parliament. He then founded and funded the Referendum Party in the UK, on the lines as Majorité pour l’autre Europe, which stood candidates in the 1997 general election. Goldsmith mailed five million homes with a VHS tape expressing his ideas. It has been suggested he planned to broadcast during the election from his offshore pirate Referendum Radio station.
Nigel Farage was interviewed yesterday and accepted that Carswell was a different kind of politician.
Some people think themselves down-to-earth, unsophisticated, rough-and-ready, sensible, no-airs-or-graces. This attitude was fashionable years ago. There’s a lot of us here; Farage is our man. There are an increasing number of people, though, who want to be thought modern and sophisticated; they see the other lot as uncouth. Carswell wants their votes. That’s fair enough, but it doesn’t justify him undermining our man. IMHO.
In order to achieve our common goals, surely it is sensible to remind ourselves of the many commonalities there are between one’s own views, those of Nigel Farage and the views held by Douglas Carswell, rather than focus on the differences, especially irrelevances such as internal Party musical chairs? Libertarians and liberty lovers: Farage; Carswell; other guys and gals; and I, just another guy, we all have to take a lead, in our own way. The time for inaction is over.
Our country needs a variety of characters and approaches to put out the positive reasons for discarding the EU, to awaken and sway our neighbours and countrymen towards liberty and self-determination. This variety includes ‘you’. It includes UKIP, their leader Farage and it includes Douglas Carswell, about whom I would hope you reserve future judgement until he has had the opportunity to show his influence on the floor of the House over the coming months.
Leaving the EU is of national importance. More important than party politics or short term economic prospects (even though I don’t see a down side here anyway). For most of the electorate, the reality of how important it is to leave is not comprehended. The lies from the EU establishment are well ingrained, our schools and universities are infected with pro-EU propagandists. The discourse leading up to the referendum cannot rest on one man, easily targeted by a huge ‘stay in’ propaganda campaign. I would like to see Farage leading UKIP. The out campaign needs a large variety of positive voices, Farage and Carswell amongst them.
Farage is a Marmite politician. The referendum should not be a party political thing. People should be able to vote to leave the EU without feeling they are endorsing Ukip. The vital thing is to kill the Big Lie, which is repeated over and over, that the EU and the Single Market are the same thing. They are not, and you can be a member of the Single Market through the EEA without being a member of the EU.
People should be able to vote to leave the EU without feeling they are endorsing Ukip.
I totally agree. But… no one else is making the case. The Tory Eurosceptics had a plan to out-PR Call-Me-Dave by taking a ‘we have to wait and see the outcome of the negotiations’ line. They intended to keep to that for a year. As they dither, Cameron is going for a quick killer blow to see them off before they get started. I notice Owen Paterson has spoken today, so maybe they’ve come out of their coma. Can’t blame UKIP for the silence of others, though.
There is lots of interesting discussion of the alternative structures of the OUT campaign on the site. It’s not an easy read as Richard North is very, very anti Nigel, but his ideas are worth the effort to read them.
And he has done an enormous amount of work on Flexit, a workable exit plan.
I’m inclined to agree. The main problem for OUT-ists will be the endless propaganda which will come from those with a vested interest in keeping in, and the main argument they will repeat again and again will be economic.
The main argument for OUT will be one of sovereignty and self-determination, a more philosophical issue.
So, it will be jobs/money/fear versus patriotism/hope.
I’m afraid any modern day electorate will inevitably be swayed by the former.
Carswell is only “on loan ” to Ukip , I heard from a farmer friend ,& ex Kipper in the Tendring District , that he might return to the Conservatives shortly .
I do wonder if the likes of Craig, any honest Media course( as opposed to the residual bias of Cardiff and Glasgow) are keeping tabs on hours expended on Labours bitchslapping, the same old ” headbangers that want out of the EU”…NHS cuts and the need for Burnham yada yada.
Since May 7th. it`s the only slurry option available from the Guardian,Channel 4 and the BBC.
I honestly thought that they`d be spending man-hours grovelling for having got us all wrong, for having majored on minors just like their Savile creation.
But no-same old, same old-as if we`d not voted to dump these liberal scummards and their poxy views a few weeks back.
Isn`t that power though?-to blithely continue on their yellow brick road to hell, without us being able to say or do anything to the contrary.
Jettison this scum-no license fee, stop feeding the thick libtards.
And no-who gives a damn about Irish gay weddings, whether Sturgeon said what she did-and she did-again, its not the content, but the daring to leak the content that the libtards obsess over.
They`e got to go-they really have.
Latest in the ‘what else can said about the party the country rejected’ hourly BBC coverage, is the tantalizing prospect that a leadership contender’s voter-rejected spouse has not discounted him taking up a vital bbc-offered slot on Strictly.
The BBC home of paedophiles and the gay mafia already crowing over the result in Ireland allowing perverts to marry and have children. Is there no way back from this? Why hasn’t UKIP stood firmer against the homosexual assault on our culture. How much has the BBC to blame for making buggery acceptable?
You mean allowing gay people to marry. Intelligent people know there’s a difference – if you find one who has the patience to deal with you, maybe you could ask them to explain.
Why hasn’t UKIP stood firmer against the homosexual assault on our culture
I’m sure you can explain how allowing gay couples to marry has been such a detriment to “your” culture. Or would you rather just blather away, pretending that your (I presume only nominal) heterosexuality makes you better than everyone else while demonstrating the exact opposite?
Fancy a Biased BBC commenter decrying others for “almost limitless self-regard” and being “simply not that important”.
What next – Merched Becca ragging on someone for endlessly linking to his petition with increasing cares of desperation? Guest Who telling someone off for being a pompous nobody who spends all day every day parsing other people’s language because it’s easier than being a constructive member of society? Alan criticising somebody for not being able to take criticism? Oh no, wait, he did that a few days ago, with just as much lack of self-awareness as always.
“…and concentrate on important matters.
Indeed. Here’s one for you: David Brims has it in for mixed race couples. Perhaps you could start by explaining why that’s in any way acceptable? Or is being an ignorant little racist not important enough for you?
Sometimes the BBC needs to be on the frontline in educating the nation about modernity. Sooner or later all the backward weirdos in the “shires” catch up. It just takes them 30 years of moaning.
Er.. the male/female thing has been the only real game in town since mammals first appeared 167 million years ago. Probably countless millions before that, as well. But hey; don’t let such trivial details intrude on the joy of the modern metropolitan elite!
Scott, by god man, praise the lord you are here. I need the advice from a social justice warrior like you scott. Can you tell me on a scale of 1 – 10, just how racist this cartoon from the 30s is and do you think it and others like it should be shown on cbeebies together with your reasons why?
Scott whatever you are, sensible, intelligent or reasonable you are not.
Bullying, bigoted, ignorant, rude, intolerant, self important, envious………………. I’m sure others will have items to add…..
‘Bugs’ helps to advertise the above petition calling for the end of the TV Licence Fee or ‘TV Poll Tax’ – would you like to help Scott? It is going quite well so far – have a look .
Scott , your favourite TV show of the Year is on , tonight . Better get yourself “camped out” in front of the TV for next 4 hours or so , where you can watch endless “Drama Queens” parading about all evening .
Mmm. Watching people having fun and enjoying themselves. Must eat you up as you sit there with your Biased BBC mates, twisting up into those little balls and furious, impotent hatred and bitterness.
But you’re the better man, apparently. Because illogic.
I watched some of the BBc over the top coverage from the Republic of Ireland. However if the same sex couples want to get married that is their affair and I don’t care. Also I don’t live in the Republic of Ireland so I don’t care. So basically I don’t care. However there was much talk of equality. I assume the 2004 act here hasn’t been amended so different sex couples can’t have a civil partnership. Correct me if I’m wrong. I really can’t be bothered to look it up, however that would mean that mixed sex couples don’t have the same options. So one group would be more equal than another. Also the BBc went to some length to point out the no votes would be concentrated in rural areas. What ever is the point they are trying to make there?
Its the same in Britain. Same sex couples have rights under the English law that are not available to heterosexual couples.
One group has to be more equal than others though Dave. Don’t you know? That Eric Blair geezer told the lefties that in his classic ‘Animal Farm’. It appears that Napoleon is gay and he’s in charge of Irish Law.
The funniest thing is that these bigotted lefties still think that George was their man, ie a socialist. He was a visionary who saw the inevitable flaws and immorality in enforced collectivism. That must be the clearest evidence of the intellectual void that the ‘Left intelligencia’ in Britain has become. (Well that and BBC / Guardian output).
However, like you Dave, I care little about the subject of ‘Gay marriage’, more about the state takeover of language and culture. If they had given it a different name, “Garriage”, or getting “garried”, then I doubt that anybody (other than possibly Muslims and some Christian denominations) would have an issue.
Same sex couples have rights under the English law that are not available to heterosexual couples.
Only civil partnerships, which were a halfway house created because gay couples couldn’t have full marriage, and at the time opposition was such that the laws to grant full marriage to all would not have been possible to pass.
Civil partnerships remain on the statute books now because those couples who have had their partnerships registered will, understandably, want those partnerships to retain their legal status. While same-sex couples could in theory opt for a CP rather than a marriage now, I don’t know of any couples who have done so or are even thinking about it. In fact, most of my friends who are in civil partnerships have either converted to a full marriage already or are making plans to do so.
People who whine about straight couples not being able to have CPs have never been able to answer why they would want one when they could have a civil marriage.
I care little about the subject of ‘Gay marriage’
if that’s true, then fine, we’ll believe you.
But you know, it’s just called marriage. It so happens that it’s now available to same-sex couples too. Calling it a “state takeover of language” is nonsense. That sort of talk is the hysterical shrieking of a thankfully shrinking minority of straight people who can’t grasp that they can’t legislate against other groups to feed their own insecurities any more.
Scott. Thanks for confirming that I was correct, that English Law is indeed skewed and treats different individuals differently under the law. Its a shame that you attempt to justify the unjustifiable (discrimination based on sexual orientation) in the treatment of citizens. Prior to the change in the law in the last parliamentary term, the people who were discriminated against included siblings who chose to live together, other long term platonic same sex relationships. This manifested itself in the inhuman effects of death duties on the death of one’s brother/sister/life partner (not gay couples who could enjoy a civil partnership). The SSM law, as instigated by our parliament, simultaneously introduced injustices and caved in to the gay lobbyists who wished to co-opt a word that has very distinct and precious meaning to a huge variety of individuals within our society for a plethora of reasons, whether they be Muslims, Christians, Anti-statists (such as me) or other interested parties.
I believe in liberty. You believe in authoritarian control and fascism (using your own definition of fascism, rather than any I might offer). Therefore you see no danger or cultural damage in the government defining the meaning of words in confrontation with traditional word meaning and the people’s use of words. I see danger in this and do no accept that the definition or redefinition of words is the legitimate function of any government.
I’m on Orwell’s side. Ministry of Truth? You may wish to encourage it, but I would have it smashed.
It may be convenient for you to group people together so that you can insult them. However, if you believe that those who disagree with your position are homophobes or bigots, it may fit easily in your world view, but you would be very much mistaken.
Nice to see that in your attempt to desperately be proved right, any pretence of common sense has long left the station.
The SSM law, as instigated by our parliament, simultaneously introduced injustices
What injustices did such a law introduce? None. The Civil Partnerships Act went a long way to giving same-sex couples rights that had previously been denied them, but which were available to opposite-sex couples through civil marriage. Anybody else? Not affected. At all.
When marriage rights were finally extended fully to same-sex couples, whose rights were taken away? Nobody’s.
That’s the rub – all your talk of injustice and inequality, aimed at straight people? It’s laughable. It’s so far removed from the real world that it defies logic. It’s only believed by imbeciles.
For new visitors to this site – you’ll soon get tired of Merched Becca tiresomely linking to that pathetic petition, and falsely claiming that people support it.
Sensible people would recognise that having to lie about things like that is a sign of pathetic desperation. Now, if someone could explain that to poor little Merched Becca…?
Just as one has come to always expect from the BBC, another unethical lefty ‘double whammy’ – distributing Comic relief funds, (red Nose Day to some dubious causes – not giving much relief to the decent people who donated and also pay their BBC Taxes:
From the FT (09/02/2015)
The NHS Litigation Authority, which provides indemnity cover for legal claims against the health service, has set aside £26.1bn to cover outstanding liabilities, equivalent to almost a quarter of the £113bn annual health budget: £1.6bn was paid out last year.
£1.6 Billion!!! Good to know the bucket loads of used fivers are being splashed about wisely isn’t it?
“There has been movement in attitudes to abortion although it is still contentious. However, voters have twice rejected referendum proposals (1992 and 2002) aimed at making abortion provision stricter.
Eventually, a brave government will have to run the gauntlet of the vocal but increasingly minority conservative right and offer a referendum proposal on abortion, which would liberalise it, rather than restrict it.
However, the country has experienced rapid social and political change since the 1970s and all the indications are that it will take a further step away from its conservative past on Friday.”
Amidst all the thong-biting, and squealing up on tippy toes that is the BBCs default position re all things fey and gay; I find it depressing that a country that built generations of grievances against the “British oppressor” is limping and mincing so sassily into an EU hell…and clearly no sense of colonial oppression and condescension at all.
Hence the old of role of Ireland as the land of harmless patronised indulgence by the BBCs cultural elite is back-the bloody pointless vote is on live as I write-as if it matters over here.
I know that the Irish get the BBC for nothing-no license fee there-so why the hell are we paying for this rainbow fest of marriage breakdown to come?
Ah well-hope the gays and the BBC know that the EU allow no referendum result to be confirmed or valid until it has been rerun until the original verdict is overturned.
Looking forward to the rematch.
Until then, Ireland joins the merry band of countries happy for Da`esh to confirm their boy-bride vows, by heading past Dover and onto Queenstown( as we shall now have to call it once again).
How come with 1916 coming up the gays don`t claim Padraig Pearce(or Caselment etal) as one of their own-should go down well with Sinn Fein, I`d have thought?
at least they have a referendum, democracy in action, or would they just have kept having it??? I often wonder if we only get a referendum if they expect the “correct” answer
Any social conservative view is now fair game to be shouted down by the liberal ascendancy. There is an inevitability about the descent into deliberate silencing of such views now in the West.
At a time when the West faces it’s gravest existential crisis in the last five hundred years it is quite extraordinary.
The inescapable reality is that those intent on our destruction are socially conservative with a vengeance and so despise our culture that it barely registers with them as a viable way of living.
So what has just occured in Ireland will confirm in our enemy’s eyes that we are there for the taking. Maybe they are right.
Daniel Greenfield covered the left’s deconstruction of marriage in an essay of the 15th April on his SultanKnish blog. His arguments deseve attention but such is the prevailing Western hysteria over this matter and over abortion that serious socially conservative views are ignored.
It is very difficult to put over to our liberals that over and above their desires to create the fantasy world of the imagination there is the duty to conserve and hand on to future generations that culture which nurtured them. They just do not understand this at all. Our enemies understand all to well that the flow of generations is what creates a successful culture.
And hideously camp, the ‘person’ with a beard confuses the f out of me how the hell can it be a referred to as a she with a testosterone fuelled beard, sure Scott has the answer?
It’s quite straightforward – Conchita is a drag character who uses female pronouns. Just as Dame Edna or any other drag character you can think of does.
I would have thought that would be easy enough for even the densest of Biased BBC commenters to understand. Are you telling me I have to downgrade my expectations even further?
Scott; that was actually an interesting response, sort of spoiled by the unnecessary insults. Why bother? Geoff didn’t insult you. His confusion, as someone outside the ‘LGBT’ thing, is easy to understand. I certainly never knew it was just an act, rather than supposedly making some tedious PC point. Look at the vicious wars between the Lez and the Trans; who would have predicted that? I’m not sure why you think we should have instinctive understanding of all ideas.
Happy to be dense in such matters rather than a rabid homosexual
Bless. What’s rabid about standing up to your idiocy? Does that mean that everyone you encounter is rabid?
Would love to be more insulting back to Scott, but as a straght male I’m not so protected…
You poor little victim. I wouldn’t worry – David Vance is straight, and he’s been insulting people left right and centre for decades, and yet still he’s able to continue…
I’m not sure why you think we should have instinctive understanding of all ideas.
You’re right, of course: expecting Biased BBC commenters to know anything about anything is a stretch. Why, even expecting them to be able to google for basic information is too much.
nope you write words you write more words but still wtf is your point, it would appear your supreme intellect is unable to communicate with us mere mortals
Scott. Many heterosexual people, especially of advancing age, don’t ‘instinctively’ understand homosexuality, cross dressing, what ‘LGBT community’ means, etc.
Could you Scott, not be more polite and charitable to those people? You yourself display a complete instinctive ignorance in your posts on this site with respect to economics; science; truth; justice and honour, yet your comments are tolerated here (though I admit you are mocked and sometimes insulted, which is a shame).
You do not practice the tolerence that you preach. It’s known as hypocricy, which you can look up in a dictionary, unless the government has redefined that word as well whilst I wasn’t watching.
You yourself display a complete instinctive ignorance in your posts on this site with respect to economics; science; truth; justice and honour
Congratulations – you win the Lack Of Self Awareness Award of the Day.
It’s known as hypocricy, which you can look up in a dictionary
Being accused of being a hypocrite by a Biased BBC regular. Whatever next? Being accused of being an unelectable political ignoramus by David Vance? Being accused of not being able to make a succinct, coherent point by Alan?
PS: if you look up “hypocricy” [sic] in a dictionary, you might find out how to spell it. You could give “tolerence” [sic] a once-over as well. Just a thought.
And, before dragged into the party, again, just in:)
Spent a lovely weekend so far out with friends and family. Seems some have missed out, preferring a more obsessive time spent all day every day parsing other people’s language because it’s easier than being a constructive member of society.
Plus a wee bit more “hypocricy” [sic]. The BBC kind. Which is fine. Apparently.
Not sure what award I can now hope for, but everything’s crossed.
The wisdom of people of advancing age is priceless and something we have insufficient respect for in the UK.
The kneejerk rejection of anything which isn’t as it was when one was in ones own physical prime is just a basic psychological failing of inadequates and should be ignored.
It’s what militant gays do. Scott’s a bitchy, poisonous old queen. It’s in his genes. He’s a 70’s gay stereotype of the “Hello, Honky Tonk” kind, but he’s too busy insulting those he disagrees with, or having bakery businesses closed down to notice. I bet he hates other gays who are unwilling to join his militant gang.
Oh, Andy. You don’t know me, so you make things up to fit into your own twisted worldview.
This isn’t the first time you’ve resorted to lying to justify your own prejudice – remember that time you made up nonsense about Alan Turing being arrested for cottaging? – and I’m sure it won’t be the last. One day, you may gain some maturity and begin to realise that if you have to make stuff up to justify your own demented prejudice, it says more about you than it does about those you attack.
Still, never mind. Biased BBC places bigotry above honesty, so you’ll find refuge here. Any time you want to join the real world, you’ll be welcome. But to do that, you’ll have to stop lying through your teeth.
The problem with gays like you, Scott is that you make a fetish out of victimhood. You think you and your kind ( by that I mean militant homosexuals) can make any demand on society and the rest of us should welcome those demands with open arms or we are denounced as bigots and homophobes. The problem is that it isn’t about sexuality but sexual lifestyles. That’s why we see much sleazy behaviour at Gay Pride parades. You and your kind are the real bigots and totalitarians, despite your denials. Why else would you harass and victimise the owners of businesses
and B & Bs whose own beliefs are just as strong as yours but under “Rainbow Nation” edicts aren’t allowed to follow them? Any person owning a business who disagrees with the demands of militant homosexuals is subjected to vilification, threats and insults via e-mail and Twitter but also the threatened closure of their livelihoods.
You are not only a bigoted , totalitarian fascist, but a hypocrite as well. I await with baited breath the next demand from the Gay Mafia, because, mark my words, there will be more.
For such a small minority, the Gay Lobby has an overwhelming and disproportional influence on our politicians and society as a whole. For such a minority to have such a hold over the majority doesn’t bode well for the future well being of society.
I notice that, yet again, you don’t address your own history of lying through your teeth. Instead, you fall back on your traditional spittle-fuelled diatribes, spouting your grubby little homophobic views as if they have any meaning or relevance to today’s world.
Throw around the phrase “militant homosexuals” all you want. It means nothing. It’s just yet another tired little attempt at homophobic drivel from a man who has nothing else to offer the world but bile, bitterness and lies. A man who desperately wants to act like the school ground bully, but can’t even do that properly.
As I said, any time you choose to give up the mantle of being a lying little cockwomble, the real world will welcome you. If, on the other hand, you choose to remain a snivelling little ball of putrescent idiocy, that’s your choice.
oohhhhhhh how queer. That reply was very bitchy scott. most unlike you, youre usually full of spunk adding to the gaiety of the discussion in hand. I dont know whats caused this queer behaviour mister but you just turn that frown upside down and smile
Thanks for proving my point Scott! Couldn’t have done it better myself.
You are one of those little nobodies with low self esteem who attach themselves to causes in an effort to be “somebody”. In other times you would have been tightening the thumb screws or giving the rack another turn during the Inquisition or making sure the trains ran on time to Auschwitz. Totalitarian regimes cannot function without people like you.
I just about remember that you had to pay a penny to see the bearded lady, at Hull Fair, in the 1960’s. Its good to see an old Victorian freak show act coming back in a Song Contest, after disappearing for a few decades. But it just goes to show that the Novelty acts now win the Eurovision Song Contest, not the Songs any more. Still, I think this years Swedish novelty act won because it was the most complex Fantasia type novelty act ever attempted.
as it says “upcoming rift in the unholy alliance of the liberal left and the Islamophobia lobby?” I for one am happy to have no feelings on this subject at all, so can just sit and watch the fight
” I am surprised that it took so long for this fault line to open up into a chasm.”
That fault line has been evident for some time, but the liberal inquisition has been papering over it with increasing desperation ,not only in relation to ‘gay rights’ but also women’s rights and Islamic supremacism in general. What seems to be happening now is that moslem intellectuals feel so confident in their position that they no longer need the patronage of the bien-passant patrician class ,pretty soon they will cut themselves lose from the hard left as well(witness collapse of respect) How these groups will respond is yet to be seen
True. Only the stupidest and most ignorant of our liberals would have expected a Muslim to accept gay marriage. It cannot happen ever. Read or at least try to comprehend the basis for the Koran and Sharia and then reflect that the world view therein is at complete variance with our liberal Western outlook.
I hope that at long last it will dawn on our liberal elites that there is only Islam and it is not open to rewriting or re-interpreting.
Just moments later, Hanif’s account was locked, and then deleted.
Are we to assume that twitter deleted his account to deny him freedom of speech? This guy said he had nothing against homosexuality; just gay marriage. It’s scary if he was silenced just for holding that view!
Having listened to, and watched Al Beeb this morning I am of the view that the representatives of the main political parties, except the Limpdems, are expressing a change in opinion. A change in opinion on uncontrolled immigration, a referendum and the reform of the EU.
Whatever your views on Nigel Farage and UKIP, they have listened to the man in the street and certainly caused a political earthquake in this country. All this despite the propaganda of Al Beeb.
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”
BBC Radio 4 Broadcasting house ‘the papers’ had some insane leftie on (Dennis Gilbert?) definitely a Southern hemisphere twang, whose only conversation was limited to ‘intolerance’ ironically without being able to see that he was perhaps the most intolerant man I’ve ever heard !
Every single news story came down to ‘intolerance’ and he even managed to drag the great left wing totem ‘Stephen Lawrence’.
ISIS – all down to Western intolerance, and if only we accepted and understood them they would calm down. Jihadi John, all the product of the UK security services.
This man should have been in an asylum not on a radio program !
Heard it. Had to turn it off eventually before I threw the radio at the wall. Dennis banging on about how tolerant he was and the only thing he could not tolerate was intolerance (i.e. any opinion contrary to his own).
The BBC is reliably fascist these days. It won’t be long before they have sympathetic interviews with ISIS “activists” (if they haven’t already done so) to balance up their endless “We hate England” activism. A left-wing fascist is a fascist who hates their own Country.
I will reveal my ignorance and say I knew nothing of the Irish author, Dervla Murphy, until today when I caught the tail end of a programme on BBC World where she was interviewed by Rajan Datar.
When the 83-year-old Murphy used the word, “nasty”, and spoke with barely-concealed contempt about Israel, the BBC’s Rajan Datar nodded respectfully and said, “Sure”, as if this was what all perfectly normal people thought about the Jewish state. Of course, in the bubble of left-leaning, Israel-hating beeboids it is the only acceptable opinion that can be held.
I decided to do some research on Murphy, and found this very informative blog article about her:
Apparently, in 1943, when she was 12, her family sheltered Charlie Kerins, the IRA Chief of Staff who was on the run and was co-operating with Nazi intelligence. The IRA seeking to become installed as a government of Ireland following a Third Reich invasion. I didn’t see all the programme, but wondered if Rajan Datar’s friendly chat covered this early episode in her life. Murphy has written a book called “Between River and Sea: Encounters in Israel and Palestine”. She calls for the dissolution of the Jewish state.
I used to listen from time to time to Rajan Datar’s Over to You on the World Service.
It purported to be sort of Newswatch programme, boldly challenging BBC ‘editors’ to justify their output in the light of complaints from the public, but was in fact just a sham, allowing them to spout their propaganda at length with little or no challenge from Datar.
So it’s unsurprising that he would timidly accept anti-Israel vitriol from an interviewee.
There was apparently terrorist cooperation between the IRA and the PLO.
The following only relates to the BBC in that is an example of the ‘liberal’-left in full propaganda mode:
There is an excellent US debating forum, Intelligence Squared, which hosted a really interesting debate on Liberals Are Stifling Intellectual Diversity On Campus with two conservatives for the proposition and two liberals against it.
One of the panellists on the liberal side gave an example of students heckling Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, claiming that they did not prevent him from speaking and were arrested for “engaging in free speech.”
But when you go to the actual video of the “heckling,” it’s evident that it was a coordinated campaign of Muslims students to shut down the event. They got up at intervals and yelled insults at Oren at the top of their voice, while given raucous support by fellow-agitators in the audience, which stopped his address several times. He even left the stage a couple of times to consider his options.
The event only continued after those “students” had been removed and their supporters, around thirty of them, had left (after 24 minutes into the video) and continued their demonstration of the Religion of Peace outside:
The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in the Sixties was taken over by the Left and soon became the “No Platform For Anybody Who Disagrees With The Left Movement”. The Left uses words such a “justice” and “freedom” and then act in a way that is their exact opposite i.e. they endorse the theft of property and endorse mob rule attacks on freedom of speech.
Yes, it’s been going on for a helluvah long time across the planet.
Still, even with their iron grip on so much of academia and the media, the comrades of the left sometimes fail to influence politics to their benefit, as has just been proven in the UK and Israel.
Among the free speech denyers at the Oxfrod Union meetings against Tommy Robinson Marine le Pen, etc., and of course Farage’s political meetings, we have to include the socialist students, UAF, NHS workers, members of the NUJ and of course the horny handed members of UNITE.
Leftie deniers of freedom of speech and opinion even had their tentacles firmly wrapped around the universities in late Apartheid South Africa, in particular a correspondence university where I had the misfortune to do an undergrad degree.
One such tentacle gripped the English department, where an attempt to question the anti-Semitic content of the poetry of the beloved TS Eliot was met with implacable resistance, even from a Jewish professor.
Another gripped the history department so tightly that I was obliged to drop the course.
You wouldn’t have had a very different experience at many British or American universities. The problem of the Left’s hegemony in academic pursuits is one that we have to tackle before we can have any sort of reform in the professions – notably, in broadcasting and journalism.
Al Beeb discussing the EU and the in/out referendum with a multiculti group of diverse correspondents on the panel. All in favour of the EU and staying in – hardly any dissent.
What annoys me is the fact that Britain, ‘the cradle of democracy’, once the biggest manufacturer and trader in the world does not have the confidence to get out of the almost defunct EU and its control.
Britain imports more from the EU than it exports. There is a big world outside Europe, China, India, the USA and all the Commonwealth. Superb connections.
Al Beeb biased?
the germans are not going to stop selling us cars, the greeks and spanish aren’t going to stop selling us holidays, and the french are not going to errm stop selling us cheese , and burning sheep.
Ben Cooper controller of Radio 1 and 1xtra ‘earns’ £185k a year presides over 700,000 loss of listeners, what does he do? He sends a letter of congratulation to his biggest loser, one Nick Grimshaw because half a million of those were over 30….
Only in the tax payer funded bBC could such a thing happen!
The BBC is obsessed with marriage today. They seem to have the knives out for people with religious objections. Those who lived through the 70’s will recall how, back then, the gullible trendies promoted ‘living-in-sin’ and single-motherhood, deriding those with religious opposition. Remember the slogan? Marriage is an outdated institution! I wish I had a £1 for every time I heard or read that. With condescension, they sniffed that it was about love, that a pathetic ceremony was irrelevant. There was never any sign that the trendies would revise their view of marriage until the gays spotted the opportunity for yet another contrived grievance. I wonder what nonsense will be next.
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 25, 16:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I happened to look at a bbbc series called Dope Girls about a bunch of wimmin, set in 1918 and…
diggFeb 25, 16:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 This sort of event is more akin to a “gig” for these types. where they can swap substances, get a…
Fedup2Feb 25, 16:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC puts out an advert with the DeI Myrie about the BBC working to deal with ‘disinformation ‘ gives…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 15:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 70 year old arrested for posting on facebook – empty the prisons!
BBC – “Obama has called climate change “a serious threat to global security” and heavily criticised climate change … “deniers”… 😀
In his strongest remarks on the issue yet”
Ah! … not criticising “global warming deniers” now then 😀
I wonder why?
Sooo , The “climate”, changes ……… and?……… always has done.
no one denies that at all!.
The BBC must be cock-a-hoop!
“He said: “I’m here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security and make no mistake: it will impact how our military defends our country. ”
“Denying it or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security”
… yeah right!
Mind you, ISIS is nothing, only a Junior Varsity team according to this bell end.
… poverty causes terrorism?
lawdy lawdy.
ah well! he s joined the twitterfarti ”
“Times Square bomber, Faisal Shehzad, boasts an MBA and is the son of a senior Pakistani air-force officer.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who stands accused of lighting a makeshift bomb on a transatlantic flight in the so-called “underwear plot”, had a degree from University College, London, and is the son of a rich Nigerian banker.
The suspected suicide-bomber in this week’s attacks in Stockholm had a degree from a British university.
Are well-heeled terrorists representative or are they exceptions to the rule?
Social scientists have collected a large amount of data on the socioeconomic background of terrorists. According to a 2008 survey of such studies by Alan Krueger of Princeton University, they have found little evidence that the typical terrorist is unusually poor or badly schooled. ”
Obama has got to be the worst American President ever. He makes even Jimmy Carter look like General Patton. What a pathetic excuse for a leader.
But do you think they believed him?
I certainly hope not, but to get anywhere in the federal bureaucracy, you have to toe the party line. Obama has got rid of a whole swathe of senior military officers who were not to his taste, so you can be sure the upper echelons of the armed forces are on side. They may not actually be able to fight and win a war, but that is not the point, indeed that is to miss the point. I doubt Obama seriously wants the US to be able to fight and win a war ever again.
Its nice to know all those who died in the twin towers died because of global warming the USA people will be grateful for that pearl of wisdom
Another sort of bias on the R4 Today programme: There have been two pieces, one today and one ?a week ago on the drastic decline of the hedgehog in Britain. In neither programme was badger predation mentioned, despite being one of the most important causes of the decline. Mustn’t appear to support the hated Tories (and especially Owen Paterson – they run away shrieking in horror) in implying support for culling Brock.
Badgers are one thing but the building on their natural habitat greenfield sites is another, an indirect result of immigration, not that the bBC would consider this a reason.
A school near me was ‘forced’ to extend because of a lack of places, with no thought given to wildlife, work started late September into a barren field removing hedgerows, just as the Hedgehogs were about to hibernate. We found a small one motionless whilst walking the dog, barley alive picked it up, did a bit of Googling and took it to the local rescue center, to be told that two others had be brought in from the same area that day, only one survived (ours).
Another couple of reasons to hate immigration, lager schools which equals more traffic and no hedgehogs in our gardens…
Today is the second anniversary of the slaughter of Fusilier Lee Rigby. Having just searched the BBC website, all i can see relating to Fusilier Rigby is to be found on the BBC UK News Wales page: ‘ 24 hour window to halt cyber hate after terrorist event’.
Apologies for not providing a clickable link.
Please read it. I recoiled in absolute disgust. Today of all days. This is how the toxic reptiles at the BBC choose to mark his death.
Try this
And no, there is no invite to discuss the story.
“This is how the toxic reptiles at the BBC choose to mark his death”
. … or rather not to mark it, besmirch it
and bloody criminology? … sheesh!
latest craze “Uni” course for dead heads
… I recall a couple of years ago it was psychology
The ever-imploding ‘get it about right 110%’ delusion-factory that is CECUTT crops up more and more these days, so I was interested in this email from Graun Media & Tech Network:
‘Consumers are turning to social media to communicate with brands at a rapid rate – with complaints in particular on the rise. That’s according to recent research from the Institute of Customer Service, which found an eight-fold increase in complaints made on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook since Jan 2014. Brands must act accordingly by adapting their customer service strategies, advises the institute’s CEO, Jo Causon.”
‘Gone are the days of one-way conversations dictated by brands. Customers now demand a level of speed, convenience and transparency that is challenging boardrooms and customer service professionals like never before.’
Seems such as Fraser “I listen to what you are saying but don’t like what I am hearing so… ‘la-a-la'” Steel comes from another, out-dated, time.
‘Increasingly, platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are being viewed as the perfect vehicles for customers to escalate complaints’
Along with sites like here, ITBB, BBC Watch, etc. And more getting added each week… all OUT of BBC control.
They can decide a complaint has no value to their hearts’ content internally, but now avenues exist for these to be aired in places they cannot isolate and close.
Like the licence fee, it seems technology is evolving faster than their ability to impose their unique way of steering things.
I’m sorry to hear that the Eiffel Tower has closed due to staff protesting about pickpocketing gangs.
Pickpockets force Paris Eiffel Tower staff walk-out
I wonder where these gangs all came from? The story seems curiously uncurious.
The Paris of the Balkans ?
Although, to be faIr, the “Tsigani” pickpockets are hated by the good folk of Bucharest as well.
‘why don’t you let us work”.
.. if this continues (wait for it)
“you will have problems’.”
Similar … Louvre art gallery closing down after staff complained of being spat at, abused and even assaulted by pickpocketing gangs.
Hmmm Islamic Sharia ghettoes, or
assaulted by Romagarian crime gangs
… tough call!
if they only watched “Spiral” eh!
The French, like the British in London, are becoming rare in Paris.
I’ve stopped visiting Paris. No longer the cultural capital of the world, the most elegant and atmospheric city, it’s now a grim, rather threatening and sad has-been. A terrible shame: what do the French think about what has happened to their once incomparable city?
From that report “Staff say that’formal guarantees’ are needed from management to stop pickpocketing gangs who target numerous tourists every day”
Management can guarantee jack as long as France remains in the EU, much the same as Cameron promising to cut immigration, impossible whilst the UK remains in the EU.
France, like the UK, has massive problems due to second and third generation immigrants from non-EU countries.
The same elephant in the room, except that it’s North African rather than South Asian.
Caught a snippet of Jeremy Vine on R2 today. At around 12:30 he had Steve Hilton on to explain how the Tories won the General Election, because “nobody can understand how they managed it”. They really do live in a bubble!
Your lucky you missed the lynch mob rape piece earlier.
In summary a women claimed rape and the police didn’t believe her story. She later produced a T-shirt that she claimed would provide DNA evidence, (where did she get it, when was it ‘marked’?). Later the CPS requested further investigations and the ‘right’ verdict was returned for the mob. All men are rapists and women never lie, you see.
Vine told us how impressed he was with The Detectives and their ‘ABC’ rule – Accept nothing, Believe no-one, Confirm everything. Vine assured us that this didn’t apply to rape cases – Accept the complainant’s story, Believe her absolutely, Condemn the ‘perpetrator’.
Re. the Steve Hilton story during which a listener sent in an e-mail with a Vine Record for the most use of the word ‘nasty’ in it. I can’t believe that someone so full of hatred can be a nice person but then it is all part of the can’t say Paki or nigger but racist and bigot are OK. The former are often used in a non-pejorative way, the later always are.
“Accept the complainant’s story, Believe her absolutely, Condemn the ‘perpetrator’.
a) That’s contradicted by your own observation that initially the Police didn’t believe her story.
b) If you’d watched the programme to the end you would have seen that the CCTV evidence supported the victims story, questioned the validity of the “eye wittness” account, and proved that the accused was lying about what happened.
To describe it as a “lynch mob” says nothing about the police and everything about your own prejudice.
You seem to be conflating two entirely separate stories here.
I’m in the middle of watching a very old film, “The Cruel Sea”, starring Jack Hawkins. Like I often do these days when something attracts my attention I pause the film and go looking for information. In this case it was the scene where Lockhart (Donald Sinden) meets Ericson (Jack Hawkins) and they both drink pink gin.
Now, I’ve enjoyed pink gin for over 40 years but it suddenly struck me, when did people start drinking this concoction so I went and looked it up.
Let Wiki be your friend. Following the general info re pink gin, we get the section, “In popular culture” there is the following gem:
“In the 1953 film adaptation of Nicholas Monsarrat’s book, The Cruel Sea, Lockhart (Donald Sinden) meets Ericson (Jack Hawkins) at a London hotel where they both drink pink gin. In a somewhat rewritten scene in the BBC Radio 4 Extra adaptation of 2013, the pair drink gin and tonic.”
I wonder what upset them? Could it be “pink”? Is pink now a no-no with Aunty?
I always understood that pink gin was a popular drink amongst naval officers. They would hardly drink a tot of rum with the men, would they? Mind you, I have never tried it, so I am in no position to criticize.
It was indeed and though I personally liked it, many seemed to drink it under sufferance, “tradition, laddie …”
I always understood the traditional drinks to be pink gin in the wardroom, and if entertaining pongoes, Horses Necks should be available. 🙂
My father in law had been a surgeon Lt-Commander on Atlantic Convoy destroyers, always drank pink gin. It was a matter of habit – an acquired taste.
Respect to the. Father in law. To all those who kept the supplies coming in, the thinnest line, the hardest battle. Not that the bbc pays any attention to the history of our survival.
The BBC pays attention and then they craftily change our history.
Referring back to naval matters, I lost all faith in the BBC when they made a dramatised documentary about the “Laconia” incident during WWII.
They absolutely changed the characters and the truth of many British survivors during that “dramatised documentary” so much that I wrote a long letter of protest to the BBC about it.
For example: A British Nurse escorting a baby back home was transformed into a German “Mata Hari” spy.
A very noble gentlewoman, the wife of a British Padre heading home with her daughter was transformed into a very dissolute, drunken, landowner of the British gentry occupying some castle in Scotland.
These were *SUCH* travesties of the truth, that my dislike of the BBC descended into almost hatred.
Needless to say, the whole farrago was concocted by one of the BBC’s ever favoured left wing sons – Alan Bleasedale.
I have never, ever trusted the BBC about anything again since I saw that programme.
Alan Bleasdale is a well balanced Scouser, he has a chip on each shoulder.
Your father in law had impeccable taste, though as you say it sometimes needed to be acquired. I once remember a chap who, on first tasting it, declared: “This is just like that Bay Rum stuff my barber sprays over me!”
On being asked, “Well, you won’t want a refill, eh?”, protested he had never, ever tasted anything so wonderful in his life. (I’m not sure if he did taste the Bay Rum.)
Over a lifetime I have studied the “Battle of the Atlantic”, reading innumerable memoirs and histories of this cruellest of battles which was the longest battle theatre of WWII.
There are very few stories of the medical staff such as your father in law who served on these ships, and our naval history is so much the poorer because of that. We can read more detailed tales of the doctor’s work in the days of Nelson (“The Butcher’s Bill”) than we can ever read about doctor/surgeons during WWII.
Yes OK, hygiene was greater; yes OK, we mainly knew what caused disease and infection. *BUT* those men like your father-in-law, in ships at sea, worked and operated in many similar conditions as their predecessors did a couple of hundred years before. For their dedication, and the lives they saved, their history has *still* to be written.
Sorry to reply to my own post, *but*, why on earth would the BBC script department decide that “pink gin” had to be changed to “gin and tonic” in the play wot they re-rote?
For a start, the whole scene of Hawkins ordering the pink gin is very essential to the film: When the elderly waiter arrives with Hawkins pink gin plus jug of water, Hawkins asks if the waiter can please change the water as there is dust in the jug.
“Certainly, sir,” says the old gent as he goes to remove the offending jug, “But you do realise there is a war going on.”
Hawkins, sitting there in his naval uniform says nothing, just an almost unnoticeable shrug as he waits for his fellow officer to join him. I can imagine the thoughts of Captain Ericson, something like, “bloody jobsworth … ” etc.
It seems the more things change …
However, my original question still stands:
Why, in 2013, did the BBC decide that in the script, “pink gin” must be replaced by “gin and tonic”? I honestly doubt if it was censorship of the word “pink” though I am more than willing to hear other points of view from readers who know the BBC better than I.
Rather perhaps, some young twerp who had never, ever heard of pink gin in his/her life decided at a script conference, “Oh! Pink gin! No one nowadays will know what they are talking about. Let’s call it a gin and tonic instead! OK?”
“Yah, yah, blah, blah …”
“NEXT script query?”
I expect the Beeboid had never heard of pink gin. He may have thought it was some sort of joke at the expense of a certain community?
I’ll be honest, that was my very first thought:
“Pink Gin! Whatever next?” Is there some hidden subtext in those lines, eh?
The Beeboid would totally ignore the script, the action, leading up to both the Pink Gin request and the request to change the jug of water.
[Well, I mean to say – a bloody RN Commander with blood on his hands after sinking a couple of U-Boats, has the bloody nerve to ask for dust free water! Let *us* never, ever encourage such demands! Wot will *they* ask for next!]
Thank God Ericson didn’t have a black labrador.
Especially if he had the misfortune to call him Bigger!
[check keyboard!]
And whilst I paused the film I switched on R4 “PM” and got an unexpurgated party politcal broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Now switched off. AGAIN.
It’s enough to give anyone the Angostura bitters.
LOL! I don’t know if anyone else uses Angostura much but there was a desperate worldwide shortage of it a few years ago and when it eventually returned to the market the price had rocketed. Fortunately, I am still only half way through three largeish bottle purchased maybe 20 years ago – before they invented “use by”/”Best before” and other BS.
What never fails to amuse me are those bottles of mineral water which has supposedly been filtering though Alpine rock for thousands of years – Best before October 17th!
Al Beeb – ‘Best before 1970’
How about getting something going – never mind “Best Before”, maybe:
BBC – Use by 01/2017. Safely dispose of after this date.
Haven’t you caught the bugga yet? You’re not a very good fighting Bunny, are you, Bunny?
Keep em coming Bugsy, you are doing a grand job here …
Thank you. I have signed.
My greyhounds love bunnies.
Just like a Jack Russell “terminating” a rat:-)
Cameron in Latvia-yet the BBC have plenty hacks who we did NOT vote for, somehow able to discern his isolation, the forthright stance of the EU.
Didn`t we vote for Cameron on May 7th to negotiate for us, and give us a referendum?…and only two weeks ago?
Apparently not-the BBC and Channel 4 continue to speak of our isolation, that Europe won`t listen to the banging on harpie that is the Tory party.
Who the fuck asks THEM- is asking them-what their opinions are-we voted for exactly the opposite,
But the BBC/Channel 4 continue to bag their nutty ash drum, and drown the civilians out.
As if we didn`t have en election-but we did.
So why is Andy Burnham presuming to tell us what ails the NHS?
Didn`t we vote to shut that mid-Staffs quisling up on May7th-so why is the BBC asking for his views as if he can do a thing about it all until 2020?
Shut it Beeb!
R4 Any Questions audience is back on track. The left wing trade unionist and Labour politico get applause, the Conservative and UKIP politicos get silence.
Rapturous applause for the trade unionist saying the BBC licence fee should be increased. Groans for the UKIPper saying the BBC crowds out local media.
Just before the elections, Al Beeb were reporting that, as UKIP were being taken seriously as a political party they would be coming under more ‘scrutiny’. Well now that elections are over perhaps its time for Al Beeb to be ‘scrutinised’
In fact, Mark Serwotka (£125,000+pa) said the licence fee should be doubled. I wonder does his remarkable lack of empathy explain his support for mass immigration?
Always instructive to see who, from the market rate classes (if £125kpa can said to be so) are the most passionate advocates of the expansion of a left wing propaganda and censorship service, via compulsion.
By sheer coincidence, I have just had an email from
Seems they have a petition.
Betting this one will get a bit more coverage than ones the BBC are less keen on.
Just watched hignwy I was curious to see if the agenda had changed following the election this being one of the few BBc programs I’ve seen this week. No of course not it was as funny as hammering nails into my eyes. Farage & the government all coming under comment. Dire!
oh it was poor wasn’t it he used to be quite funny that Frank Skinner now he’s turned into an unfunny lefty pr7ck why don’t him and Merton give up comedy I meet funnier people over a Sunday pint
Frank Skinner on Absolute Radio Sat. 0800 pm – 1100 , very good , & not lefty at all .
That is as maybe so why sit there on hignfy and repeat pure crap if he has any self-respect
Frank Skinner is less lefty on the radio,but it’s still there – often in an ironic way. I remember him rattling on about how he and some fellow labour party members (his own words) had a particularly torrid time during their getaway at a ski resort in France. He chose not to read out my text about champagne socialism.
Silly Bunny, you are just repeating yourself, again and again and again. Time to buy a new record Bunny, how about ‘Clegg, where did it go wrong ?’ ‘Milliband, time to stop stabbing your brother ?’ ”Balls, what happened fatso ? And can you still manage to get it up for Mrs Balls ? ‘
Time for some new strap lines Bunnykins pie.
I should know better now but unfortunately the missus watched HIGNFY this evening (which meant that I had to watch it)……So boring, still in the same gear. My recollection is that every single political joke was at the expense of UKIP, no equivalent against liebour. There were two unknown guests, I vaguely recollect seeing the female one before and Merton and Hislop just taking the (no doubt large) cheque, thank you very much.
The programme is so dead in the water now…….
God knows how desperate the bbbc are going to get when the referendum is on the horizon and they might suspect their dream of being assimilated into europe and therefore killing the Kingdom might not happen…….
I just hope wytingdale holes them below the waterline (I don’t think he will)….. 🙁
“Dead in the water” describes it exactly!
Just for “a laff”, I just now pulled up HIGNFY on that iPlayer thing.
I had no laughs.
I heard no laughs around me.
I saw no humour.
I heard no humour.
I did see the usual culprits who are paid huge fees by the BBC, try to go about their alleged “comedy business”.
They failed miserably.
Did anyone at all watching that programme at home on their TVs either laugh or chuckle?
Only the taped/paid for audience seemed to find everything hilarious.
Why do these studio audiences laugh so much at things which contain absolutely no humour?
Do they get an electronic monitor fitted when they enter the studio and then get paid by results: so much per chuckle and twice as much for a laugh?
I can *HONESTLY* think of no other reason why any individual listening/watching *any* of the current BBC “comedy” shows would decide to laugh at all during the programme?
Unless, of course, Ken Dodd is travelling right amongst them with his tickling stick and thereby making po-faced righteous “people” smile.
Meantime, I shall return to my wonderland of old films*, old comedy shows*, old music*, and mainly old everything and remember just how good life used to be before *they* decided it must all be destroyed.
*I use an old fashioned thing called Usenet – many, many programmes from the days when the BBC was a very well respected broadcaster are stil available there.
No laughs here gave it just 4 minutes until the inevitable UKIP ‘jokes’ came along.
Its the self satisfied smugness of all involved that laugh at their own ‘in’ jokes, all with faces that you want to punch.
Talking of all things old, currently on a John Sullivan fest, Just Good Friends, Citizen Smith and am still laughing out loud at the umpteenth time of viewing of my Only Fools and Horses DVDs, just watched the Cornish cottage episode from 1983, well written, well acted and bloody funny.
Hi Geoff,
I seem to have about the same tastes as yourself – (and also maybe some inclined physical symptoms, if you know wot I mean!)
Now, you see yon Citizen Smith – now there’s a guy who knew how to get on in the world ‘cos I’ve just recently seen him, as an Admiral would you believe! – telling that young shaver Hornblower wot he had better do or else!
You know, to me, it’s the sign of great actors. A bloke who can play Citizen Smith then a few years down the line he can tell young Hornblower wot is wot is quite a good actor in my book.
There are not many true *TV* actors left these days – the likes of your John Thaw and others etc.
All great shows Wolfie was great , they showed a picture of a frog on a stick on hignfy and said oh look Farage working out. What kind of talentless imbecile do you have to be to think that is funny .Whoever writes that show really should consider a career change because if there is one thing they are definitely not it is comedy show script writers
Seems odd they are the ones unable to let go.
“What kind of talentless imbecile do you have to be to think that is funny”
A market rate one? I understood all scripts had to pass for approval via the Ministry of Mirth first.
Maybe they are venting as tearing into the Tories too much at this time may have sunk in as unwise.
And it’s not like Labour has provided limitless material. Oh no.
For real comedy, I commend the Nick Robinson and Media Lens twitter feeds currently.
Indeed, plenty of LOLs to be had there. Dummy has now been spat by Nick ‘There’s Your Licence Fee Right There’ Robinson.
Scrap the telly tax.
Titter ye not, as they might say, bereft of irony, as they sit in Frankie Howard…
Are we all excited ? the BBC will go live to Ireland when the results of the important referendum are released later I’m on tenterhooks- Wonder if they allow postal votes in this one. Apparently you are a lunatic these days if you think marriage means a man and a woman anyway I’m off to look for the missing heat for the Global warming mob I’m sure I saw it somewhere earlier
Have you tried looking down the back of the sofa? That’s where I tend to find things that have gone missing.
It’s as plausible as any other options offered by experts.
Saw Paddy O Connell on Newsnight referring to that bearded bloke in the frock as a “he/she whatever you call it” last night.
And Emily laughed along.
Now I`m 100% behind this creation being a bloke-just a drag queen, yet the BBC continue to refer to him as “a woman/she” etc.
But-if I wanted to shaft the shit-stirring BBC-I`d be passing this one onto the hate police-Tatchells termagents, Eagles effluent and Harmans houris…and get Katz set among the pigeons.
The BBC is making news of the leak from the Bank of England press office, that they were researching the effect of the UK leaving the EU.
Does anyone seriously think that this was really accidental? What was the press office doing with secret internal information like this in the first place? And to have sent it to the one leftie paper which favours both EU membership and publishing leaked data.
This is (to me at least) a deliberate and calculated leak of information which would otherwise have no place in the public sphere.
spot on you don’t accidentally send an e-mail to the Guardian
Beat me to it!
Oh look I’ve just ‘accidentally’ typed the Guardians email address and even sillier I’ve also accidentally hit the send button, silly me!
The intention was obviously to send it, the accidental aspect maybe not to send it when they did.
How funking stupid do they think we are?
Deliberate or not, it’s a nothing story.
No secret information has been sent to anyone, save that we now know that the BoE are going to do an in depth study about the effects of an exit. The Guardian use the word ‘financial shocks of exit’ – dishonest words – which reflect their pre-determined take on this. They could have used the words that the BoE are to undertake an in depth study to look at the effects of the financial boost brought about by Brexit (but they wouldn’t, would they?)
If the BoE…or any other major organisation was not doing this, or a similar analysis, they would deserve to have the arses kicked.
Which brings me to the dogs breakfast of the breakfast time interview on Toady this morning. Labour’s Jim Naughtie was pedalling this story for all its worth…top story on the news, Labour’s utterly useless Chis Leslie had been on earlier, wringing his hands as only a Labour politician can, and Naughtie had some learned professor on to apply the coup de grâce. But try as an increasingly agitated Naughtie might, the Prof was having non of it…essentially this was a ‘so what’ story according to him. Having failed miserably, Naughtie went off the topic and got the Prof to say that exit would be detrimental.
Next up, Tory, Owen Patterson, who riled Naughtie by insisting on responding the Prof’s assertion…but Naughtie was having non of it, he didn’t want to talk about the issue that he himself had brought up with the previous guest and the ‘interview descended from there, Naughtie talking over Paterson, Paterson talking over Naughtie who ended with a sarcastic ‘coooooome onnnn’. This from someone who should have hung his microphone up years ago.
I don’t think that Naughtie likes the Tories
Any chance of the BBC insisting on an enquiry into THIS leak then?
You know-like that Sturgeon/Carmichael squit-when the SNP won anyway?
Nah, course not-this was a “good leak”…a la Assange/Snowdon/Call Me Chelsea…so no need to look into how the Godawful Guardian were sent this commercially-sensitive info that the dreaded bankers could make hay with?
Lying pondweed!
The interesting thing about the Sturgeon leak inquiry is that it found no reason to doubt the honesty of the civil service note taker; thus, for all her bluster, Nicola was lying, and she really did say she preferred Cameron over Miliband. That’s the really interesting thing, and thus that is the thing which Scottish National Socialism makes sure is not mentioned.
But it was not commercially sensitive. There is no information. The study hasn’t started.
Everyone knows that Britain’s membership of the EU will be subject to a referendum. Every organisation should be doing an impact analysis.
Quite right; there’s no story, only that the Beeb/Grauniads can suggest that there is great fear and trepidation amongst the great that the UK might vote out.
In fact what WOULD have been a story is a revelation the the Bank had not given a thought to the financial aspects of Brexit.
BBC News this morning, reporting , “so called” Islamic state is actually shrinking, with some colonel leading its bullsh-t storm.
So … the Islamic State that is constantly expanding and winning new victories, destroying ancient artefact’s, now controlling, important border crossings from Iraq/Syria, has made hundreds of millions from the refugee crisis, billions in oil revenues, a windfall of arms and ammunition courtesy of the US backed Iraqi army
is actually … losing.?
So … the Islamic State that has nothing to do with Islam, is not a state? … yet it keeps on attracting 1000s Muslims from the West to join it on the basis of its Islamic claims, its Islamic caliphate state wet dreams.
Islamic State expands its ‘state,’” Reuters, May 22, 2015
hmmm … Looks like the enemedia to me.
No air force strikes when they recently held their victory parade in public. Nothing to worry about. Protection in the UK for the volunteers and families who support them.
Good article from the Commentator on the subject
“climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security”
yep! fiddle with the temperature gauge, while Iraq burns
As always sharp and funny in equal measure
Mark Steyn
Good sense from Mark Steyn as usual, no wonder the BBC won’t touch him with a bargepole.
I watched a film about the American writer/producer/director John Milius. Up popped a clip from the BBC. Eh? It was from Newsnight. Any prizes for guessing why? No, because it is BBC Newsnight (even Newsnight vintage 1984) and therefore absolutely predictable. Newsnight were discussing the release of his film Red Dawn. It was anti-communist yarn about a Russian/North Korean attack on the USA, and they were outraged. How dare he make such a film? Even at a distance of 30 years ago the BBC was Guardian reader crap. They must have wept when the USSR collapsed.
I have seen that film too. Milius was quite a guy, but the pinko Hollywood establishment crapped all over his career after Red Dawn. If he had made a film about Americans invading a peaceful Russia and getting their arses kicked, they’d have loved him, but he was guilty of the sin of patriotism, the one crime Hollywood can never forgive.
Off topic, but does anyone think that Carswell is actually a Tory/establishment stooge trying to destroy UKIP and Farage from within? How can anyone seriously think that Farage is not the right person to lead the ‘OUT’ campaign? That is unless you have ulterior motives…
No, I think he’s right on this occasion. It’s a single issue referendum – UKIP isn’t a single issue party.
Also , having a party leader involved risks other issues being put into the agenda, and left/right partisanship creeping in.
We have to frame it as a peoples movement – a ground up movement and hope that the electoral commission use a sensible multi party, multi organisation grouping as the recognised lead.
I think in the end it will be a slightly anti establishment campaign, as all the establishment parties, the CBI, BBC, NGO’s, Unions etc, will line up behind IN.
So it would be wrong to have a party leader involved in the OUT campaign, yet we will have at least 6 party leaders subliminally championing the IN campaign? Aided and abetted by the bBC.
Yes, precisely this – because we want them to lose.
We need to create a groundswell against the establishment, not try to ape it.
I hope Farage will play a supporting role rather than trying to take the lead – when the time comes.
But in the meanwhile Farage must be the attack dog, snapping at Cameron’s heels, pointing out that any “negotiations” are likely to be a con. Cameron’s shopping list is far too narrow, even if he achieved it all he would not be reducing immigration by very much and would not be grabbing back much of the UK’s lost sovereignty. The likelihood is that Cameron will not even achieve his list of modest changes – but will brag that he has changed the scene. Farage’s job is to flush all this out, month by month. Hold Cameron’s feet to the fire.
Now Carswell has come back into line, he can help too.
Cameron’s shopping list is far too narrow…
Cameron is, first and last, a PR man. He never worries whether he is doing anything significant; he concentrates on ‘how it will play’. Getting a vote that apparently ends fifty years of antagonism to the EU, purely by tweaking benefits, is marketing genius. He’s remarkably good at what he does. It’s a shame he cares nothing for the indigenous population of the country or their future.
If there was a referendum tomorrow, I would vote ‘out’. Indeed I am likely to vote ‘out’ in 2016/7
The one thing that might make we think twice is if Farage leads the out campaign. I would not want to be associated with him and his politics.
I would not want to be associated with him and his politics.
Which of his policies make you feel so strongly?
Presumably you would be put off by his main policy: that the UK should leave the E.U.
Are you being terribly consistent here? I’d love to know what UKIP policies you dislike so much.
I quite like the image of Tom Brown Farage holding Flashman Cameron to the fire. Sweet revenge.
… does anyone think that Carswell is actually a Tory/establishment stooge …?
I don’t think so. I think he is a Lone Ranger, sincerely keen to escape the EU political stranglehold, who thought he could take over UKIP and sanitise it to increase the vote. But he’s wrong. The majority of the population are deluded – obsessed with being progressive. They think they’re well on their way to bringing the whole world population up to Western standards. They will keep believing that until the house of cards collapses and then the circle will turn again. Assuming no collapse in the next year, the referendum will won by the ‘stay-in’ side. The mood of the country is ‘modern, progressive, sophisticated’. All the media, bar maybe the Express, will join Cameron in a brutal PR campaign. It will not even be close. The only interesting question is whether those Tory ministers and MPs who know better will sell their souls rather than speak out for a lost cause. It’s not looking good so far.
”Off topic, but does anyone think that Carswell is actually a Tory/establishment stooge trying to destroy UKIP and Farage from within?”
Carswell is a bit suspect, he’s chums with Zac Goldsmith, son of Billionaire Jimmy Goldsmith, who in turn is friends with the Rothschilds.
Old Jimmy was rabidly anti-EU though, what’s not to like on that score!
Goldsmith, like his friends Lord Lucan and John Aspinall, believed Britain had been victim of a socialist conspiracy and that communists had infiltrated the Labour party and the media. In the mid-1990s, Goldsmith was a financial backer of a Euro-sceptic think tank, the European Foundation. In 1994 he was elected in France as a member of the European Parliament, representing the Majorité pour l’autre Europe party. Goldsmith became leader of the eurosceptic Europe of Nations group in the European Parliament. He then founded and funded the Referendum Party in the UK, on the lines as Majorité pour l’autre Europe, which stood candidates in the 1997 general election. Goldsmith mailed five million homes with a VHS tape expressing his ideas. It has been suggested he planned to broadcast during the election from his offshore pirate Referendum Radio station.
Good old Jim; that’s a fine legacy!
” Nigel shouldn’t front the EUSSR referendum blasts Carswell.”
Bit strange that.
Nigel Farage was interviewed yesterday and accepted that Carswell was a different kind of politician.
Some people think themselves down-to-earth, unsophisticated, rough-and-ready, sensible, no-airs-or-graces. This attitude was fashionable years ago. There’s a lot of us here; Farage is our man. There are an increasing number of people, though, who want to be thought modern and sophisticated; they see the other lot as uncouth. Carswell wants their votes. That’s fair enough, but it doesn’t justify him undermining our man. IMHO.
In order to achieve our common goals, surely it is sensible to remind ourselves of the many commonalities there are between one’s own views, those of Nigel Farage and the views held by Douglas Carswell, rather than focus on the differences, especially irrelevances such as internal Party musical chairs? Libertarians and liberty lovers: Farage; Carswell; other guys and gals; and I, just another guy, we all have to take a lead, in our own way. The time for inaction is over.
Our country needs a variety of characters and approaches to put out the positive reasons for discarding the EU, to awaken and sway our neighbours and countrymen towards liberty and self-determination. This variety includes ‘you’. It includes UKIP, their leader Farage and it includes Douglas Carswell, about whom I would hope you reserve future judgement until he has had the opportunity to show his influence on the floor of the House over the coming months.
Leaving the EU is of national importance. More important than party politics or short term economic prospects (even though I don’t see a down side here anyway). For most of the electorate, the reality of how important it is to leave is not comprehended. The lies from the EU establishment are well ingrained, our schools and universities are infected with pro-EU propagandists. The discourse leading up to the referendum cannot rest on one man, easily targeted by a huge ‘stay in’ propaganda campaign. I would like to see Farage leading UKIP. The out campaign needs a large variety of positive voices, Farage and Carswell amongst them.
Farage is a Marmite politician. The referendum should not be a party political thing. People should be able to vote to leave the EU without feeling they are endorsing Ukip. The vital thing is to kill the Big Lie, which is repeated over and over, that the EU and the Single Market are the same thing. They are not, and you can be a member of the Single Market through the EEA without being a member of the EU.
Of course Sir James Goldsmith literally was a Marmite politician, he owned the company!
People should be able to vote to leave the EU without feeling they are endorsing Ukip.
I totally agree. But… no one else is making the case. The Tory Eurosceptics had a plan to out-PR Call-Me-Dave by taking a ‘we have to wait and see the outcome of the negotiations’ line. They intended to keep to that for a year. As they dither, Cameron is going for a quick killer blow to see them off before they get started. I notice Owen Paterson has spoken today, so maybe they’ve come out of their coma. Can’t blame UKIP for the silence of others, though.
There is lots of interesting discussion of the alternative structures of the OUT campaign on the site. It’s not an easy read as Richard North is very, very anti Nigel, but his ideas are worth the effort to read them.
And he has done an enormous amount of work on Flexit, a workable exit plan.
Richard North, How to get out of the EUSSR.
”Richard North is very, very anti Nigel,”
That’s an understatement !!
I’m inclined to agree. The main problem for OUT-ists will be the endless propaganda which will come from those with a vested interest in keeping in, and the main argument they will repeat again and again will be economic.
The main argument for OUT will be one of sovereignty and self-determination, a more philosophical issue.
So, it will be jobs/money/fear versus patriotism/hope.
I’m afraid any modern day electorate will inevitably be swayed by the former.
The EU is a ‘House of Cards’, and one is about to fall. Greece looks unable to pay its bills. Spain or Italy Next ?
Carswell is only “on loan ” to Ukip , I heard from a farmer friend ,& ex Kipper in the Tendring District , that he might return to the Conservatives shortly .
But will he resign and stand for re-election?
Maybe he will , I would not object.
Do you think Miss Priti will resign over his referendum deceit? Or has she totally sold out?
I do wonder if the likes of Craig, any honest Media course( as opposed to the residual bias of Cardiff and Glasgow) are keeping tabs on hours expended on Labours bitchslapping, the same old ” headbangers that want out of the EU”…NHS cuts and the need for Burnham yada yada.
Since May 7th. it`s the only slurry option available from the Guardian,Channel 4 and the BBC.
I honestly thought that they`d be spending man-hours grovelling for having got us all wrong, for having majored on minors just like their Savile creation.
But no-same old, same old-as if we`d not voted to dump these liberal scummards and their poxy views a few weeks back.
Isn`t that power though?-to blithely continue on their yellow brick road to hell, without us being able to say or do anything to the contrary.
Jettison this scum-no license fee, stop feeding the thick libtards.
And no-who gives a damn about Irish gay weddings, whether Sturgeon said what she did-and she did-again, its not the content, but the daring to leak the content that the libtards obsess over.
They`e got to go-they really have.
Hold. The. Front. Page.
Latest in the ‘what else can said about the party the country rejected’ hourly BBC coverage, is the tantalizing prospect that a leadership contender’s voter-rejected spouse has not discounted him taking up a vital bbc-offered slot on Strictly.
Anyone would think they are desperate.
The BBC home of paedophiles and the gay mafia already crowing over the result in Ireland allowing perverts to marry and have children. Is there no way back from this? Why hasn’t UKIP stood firmer against the homosexual assault on our culture. How much has the BBC to blame for making buggery acceptable?
the result in Ireland allowing perverts to marry
You mean allowing gay people to marry. Intelligent people know there’s a difference – if you find one who has the patience to deal with you, maybe you could ask them to explain.
Why hasn’t UKIP stood firmer against the homosexual assault on our culture
I’m sure you can explain how allowing gay couples to marry has been such a detriment to “your” culture. Or would you rather just blather away, pretending that your (I presume only nominal) heterosexuality makes you better than everyone else while demonstrating the exact opposite?
‘Bugs Bunny’ likes this petition, it must be signed !
“Why hasn’t UKIP stood firmer against the homosexual assault on our culture.”
Probably because, in spite of the amount of TV time taken up by gay stuff and their almost limitless self regard, they are simply not that important.
Best to ignore them, including the one who hangs around here like a bad smell, and concentrate on important matters.
Oh Anne, do you like to amuse, don’t you?
Fancy a Biased BBC commenter decrying others for “almost limitless self-regard” and being “simply not that important”.
What next – Merched Becca ragging on someone for endlessly linking to his petition with increasing cares of desperation? Guest Who telling someone off for being a pompous nobody who spends all day every day parsing other people’s language because it’s easier than being a constructive member of society? Alan criticising somebody for not being able to take criticism? Oh no, wait, he did that a few days ago, with just as much lack of self-awareness as always.
“…and concentrate on important matters.
Indeed. Here’s one for you: David Brims has it in for mixed race couples. Perhaps you could start by explaining why that’s in any way acceptable? Or is being an ignorant little racist not important enough for you?
The gays have won a battle. We will win the war to make Britain proud again and restore moral values.
Sometimes the BBC needs to be on the frontline in educating the nation about modernity. Sooner or later all the backward weirdos in the “shires” catch up. It just takes them 30 years of moaning.
Backward? Nah pure British with true British values, not the full of bolleux indoctrinated metrosexual types from he city formerly known as London…
ah, provincial british values. Surging fearlessly into the 19th century and maybe one day even beyond
Er.. the male/female thing has been the only real game in town since mammals first appeared 167 million years ago. Probably countless millions before that, as well. But hey; don’t let such trivial details intrude on the joy of the modern metropolitan elite!
Scott, by god man, praise the lord you are here. I need the advice from a social justice warrior like you scott. Can you tell me on a scale of 1 – 10, just how racist this cartoon from the 30s is and do you think it and others like it should be shown on cbeebies together with your reasons why?
I think any sensible, intelligent, reasonable person will be able to tell you the answer to that.
I do understand why you feel unable to find one of those.
An admission that you’re not sensible, intelligent or a reasonable person?
Yeah, I should have maybe qualified it to “any sensible, intelligent, reasonable person who’s got the patience to deal with pathetic little fuckwits.”
Scott whatever you are, sensible, intelligent or reasonable you are not.
Bullying, bigoted, ignorant, rude, intolerant, self important, envious………………. I’m sure others will have items to add…..
”David Brims has it in for mixed race couples.”
Opening bank accounts, Scott my child, you forgot to add that bit !!
Opening bank accounts, being happy and fulfilled in life, not being stupid – which of those are you the most jealous of?
‘Bugs’ helps to advertise the above petition calling for the end of the TV Licence Fee or ‘TV Poll Tax’ – would you like to help Scott? It is going quite well so far – have a look .
Scott , your favourite TV show of the Year is on , tonight . Better get yourself “camped out” in front of the TV for next 4 hours or so , where you can watch endless “Drama Queens” parading about all evening .
Mmm. Watching people having fun and enjoying themselves. Must eat you up as you sit there with your Biased BBC mates, twisting up into those little balls and furious, impotent hatred and bitterness.
But you’re the better man, apparently. Because illogic.
No , have not watch it since 1974 , when Abba won it, to a young teenager , those girls were Hot & Sexy! And they still ” Wear it Well” even today .
Scott, you are wasting your time . In all honesty, why the heck are you on this site ?
You must be a ‘sockpuppet’ . Look here ……
You must be a ‘sockpuppet’
Add the term “sock puppet” to things Merched Becca doesn’t understand.
Along with “posting the same link 100 times a day just makes you seem desperate…”
Thanks, every little helps!
I watched some of the BBc over the top coverage from the Republic of Ireland. However if the same sex couples want to get married that is their affair and I don’t care. Also I don’t live in the Republic of Ireland so I don’t care. So basically I don’t care. However there was much talk of equality. I assume the 2004 act here hasn’t been amended so different sex couples can’t have a civil partnership. Correct me if I’m wrong. I really can’t be bothered to look it up, however that would mean that mixed sex couples don’t have the same options. So one group would be more equal than another. Also the BBc went to some length to point out the no votes would be concentrated in rural areas. What ever is the point they are trying to make there?
Its the same in Britain. Same sex couples have rights under the English law that are not available to heterosexual couples.
One group has to be more equal than others though Dave. Don’t you know? That Eric Blair geezer told the lefties that in his classic ‘Animal Farm’. It appears that Napoleon is gay and he’s in charge of Irish Law.
The funniest thing is that these bigotted lefties still think that George was their man, ie a socialist. He was a visionary who saw the inevitable flaws and immorality in enforced collectivism. That must be the clearest evidence of the intellectual void that the ‘Left intelligencia’ in Britain has become. (Well that and BBC / Guardian output).
However, like you Dave, I care little about the subject of ‘Gay marriage’, more about the state takeover of language and culture. If they had given it a different name, “Garriage”, or getting “garried”, then I doubt that anybody (other than possibly Muslims and some Christian denominations) would have an issue.
Same sex couples have rights under the English law that are not available to heterosexual couples.
Only civil partnerships, which were a halfway house created because gay couples couldn’t have full marriage, and at the time opposition was such that the laws to grant full marriage to all would not have been possible to pass.
Civil partnerships remain on the statute books now because those couples who have had their partnerships registered will, understandably, want those partnerships to retain their legal status. While same-sex couples could in theory opt for a CP rather than a marriage now, I don’t know of any couples who have done so or are even thinking about it. In fact, most of my friends who are in civil partnerships have either converted to a full marriage already or are making plans to do so.
People who whine about straight couples not being able to have CPs have never been able to answer why they would want one when they could have a civil marriage.
I care little about the subject of ‘Gay marriage’
if that’s true, then fine, we’ll believe you.
But you know, it’s just called marriage. It so happens that it’s now available to same-sex couples too. Calling it a “state takeover of language” is nonsense. That sort of talk is the hysterical shrieking of a thankfully shrinking minority of straight people who can’t grasp that they can’t legislate against other groups to feed their own insecurities any more.
Scott. Thanks for confirming that I was correct, that English Law is indeed skewed and treats different individuals differently under the law. Its a shame that you attempt to justify the unjustifiable (discrimination based on sexual orientation) in the treatment of citizens. Prior to the change in the law in the last parliamentary term, the people who were discriminated against included siblings who chose to live together, other long term platonic same sex relationships. This manifested itself in the inhuman effects of death duties on the death of one’s brother/sister/life partner (not gay couples who could enjoy a civil partnership). The SSM law, as instigated by our parliament, simultaneously introduced injustices and caved in to the gay lobbyists who wished to co-opt a word that has very distinct and precious meaning to a huge variety of individuals within our society for a plethora of reasons, whether they be Muslims, Christians, Anti-statists (such as me) or other interested parties.
I believe in liberty. You believe in authoritarian control and fascism (using your own definition of fascism, rather than any I might offer). Therefore you see no danger or cultural damage in the government defining the meaning of words in confrontation with traditional word meaning and the people’s use of words. I see danger in this and do no accept that the definition or redefinition of words is the legitimate function of any government.
I hope you read this (from George Orwell):
I’m on Orwell’s side. Ministry of Truth? You may wish to encourage it, but I would have it smashed.
It may be convenient for you to group people together so that you can insult them. However, if you believe that those who disagree with your position are homophobes or bigots, it may fit easily in your world view, but you would be very much mistaken.
Nice to see that in your attempt to desperately be proved right, any pretence of common sense has long left the station.
The SSM law, as instigated by our parliament, simultaneously introduced injustices
What injustices did such a law introduce? None. The Civil Partnerships Act went a long way to giving same-sex couples rights that had previously been denied them, but which were available to opposite-sex couples through civil marriage. Anybody else? Not affected. At all.
When marriage rights were finally extended fully to same-sex couples, whose rights were taken away? Nobody’s.
That’s the rub – all your talk of injustice and inequality, aimed at straight people? It’s laughable. It’s so far removed from the real world that it defies logic. It’s only believed by imbeciles.
For new visitors to this site, Scott promotes this petition…..
For new visitors to this site – you’ll soon get tired of Merched Becca tiresomely linking to that pathetic petition, and falsely claiming that people support it.
Sensible people would recognise that having to lie about things like that is a sign of pathetic desperation. Now, if someone could explain that to poor little Merched Becca…?
It’s not desperate, Its just that your posts act as a good “advertising banner” for this petition.
Much gayness from the BBC, they love shoving it down our throats.
AND the Eurovision Song Contest on the same day
a bBC result.
Just as one has come to always expect from the BBC, another unethical lefty ‘double whammy’ – distributing Comic relief funds, (red Nose Day to some dubious causes – not giving much relief to the decent people who donated and also pay their BBC Taxes:
More beeboid doublespeak. NHS Trusts overspent by £822,000,000 in the last year. According to yesterday’s bBBC TV ‘news’, this was a ‘shortfall’!
From the FT (09/02/2015)
The NHS Litigation Authority, which provides indemnity cover for legal claims against the health service, has set aside £26.1bn to cover outstanding liabilities, equivalent to almost a quarter of the £113bn annual health budget: £1.6bn was paid out last year.
£1.6 Billion!!! Good to know the bucket loads of used fivers are being splashed about wisely isn’t it?
bBC News vs Sky News
Lefty Bias vs Bias Lite + poverty porn between bulletins.
some choice.
Ch4 “News”? – now your having a laugh.
BBC’s analysis of Ireland’s gay marriage referendum is cock-a-hoop at the results, and also dismissive of all social conservative concerns.
“There has been movement in attitudes to abortion although it is still contentious. However, voters have twice rejected referendum proposals (1992 and 2002) aimed at making abortion provision stricter.
Eventually, a brave government will have to run the gauntlet of the vocal but increasingly minority conservative right and offer a referendum proposal on abortion, which would liberalise it, rather than restrict it.
However, the country has experienced rapid social and political change since the 1970s and all the indications are that it will take a further step away from its conservative past on Friday.”
All praise baby killing! All praise gay marriage!
The BBC will countenance no dissent!
Amidst all the thong-biting, and squealing up on tippy toes that is the BBCs default position re all things fey and gay; I find it depressing that a country that built generations of grievances against the “British oppressor” is limping and mincing so sassily into an EU hell…and clearly no sense of colonial oppression and condescension at all.
Hence the old of role of Ireland as the land of harmless patronised indulgence by the BBCs cultural elite is back-the bloody pointless vote is on live as I write-as if it matters over here.
I know that the Irish get the BBC for nothing-no license fee there-so why the hell are we paying for this rainbow fest of marriage breakdown to come?
Ah well-hope the gays and the BBC know that the EU allow no referendum result to be confirmed or valid until it has been rerun until the original verdict is overturned.
Looking forward to the rematch.
Until then, Ireland joins the merry band of countries happy for Da`esh to confirm their boy-bride vows, by heading past Dover and onto Queenstown( as we shall now have to call it once again).
How come with 1916 coming up the gays don`t claim Padraig Pearce(or Caselment etal) as one of their own-should go down well with Sinn Fein, I`d have thought?
at least they have a referendum, democracy in action, or would they just have kept having it??? I often wonder if we only get a referendum if they expect the “correct” answer
I reckon we should just say “well done Ireland” for giving the people the choice and respect all reported pros and cons respectfully.
Any social conservative view is now fair game to be shouted down by the liberal ascendancy. There is an inevitability about the descent into deliberate silencing of such views now in the West.
At a time when the West faces it’s gravest existential crisis in the last five hundred years it is quite extraordinary.
The inescapable reality is that those intent on our destruction are socially conservative with a vengeance and so despise our culture that it barely registers with them as a viable way of living.
So what has just occured in Ireland will confirm in our enemy’s eyes that we are there for the taking. Maybe they are right.
Daniel Greenfield covered the left’s deconstruction of marriage in an essay of the 15th April on his SultanKnish blog. His arguments deseve attention but such is the prevailing Western hysteria over this matter and over abortion that serious socially conservative views are ignored.
It is very difficult to put over to our liberals that over and above their desires to create the fantasy world of the imagination there is the duty to conserve and hand on to future generations that culture which nurtured them. They just do not understand this at all. Our enemies understand all to well that the flow of generations is what creates a successful culture.
How @BBCNews checks authenticity of user-generated content / ‘eyewitness media’. Well, in theory*
*I may have added a bit, for editorial clarity.
Eurovision Song Contest – Hideously white !!
BTW where’s Pounce lately ?
And hideously camp, the ‘person’ with a beard confuses the f out of me how the hell can it be a referred to as a she with a testosterone fuelled beard, sure Scott has the answer?
It’s quite straightforward – Conchita is a drag character who uses female pronouns. Just as Dame Edna or any other drag character you can think of does.
I would have thought that would be easy enough for even the densest of Biased BBC commenters to understand. Are you telling me I have to downgrade my expectations even further?
Scott; that was actually an interesting response, sort of spoiled by the unnecessary insults. Why bother? Geoff didn’t insult you. His confusion, as someone outside the ‘LGBT’ thing, is easy to understand. I certainly never knew it was just an act, rather than supposedly making some tedious PC point. Look at the vicious wars between the Lez and the Trans; who would have predicted that? I’m not sure why you think we should have instinctive understanding of all ideas.
Happy to be dense in such matters rather than a rabid homosexual that gives the majority of decent homosexuals a bad name.
Would love to be more insulting back to Scott, but as a straght male I’m not so protected…
Happy to be dense in such matters rather than a rabid homosexual
Bless. What’s rabid about standing up to your idiocy? Does that mean that everyone you encounter is rabid?
Would love to be more insulting back to Scott, but as a straght male I’m not so protected…
You poor little victim. I wouldn’t worry – David Vance is straight, and he’s been insulting people left right and centre for decades, and yet still he’s able to continue…
“You poor little victim”
Oh the irony!
I’m not sure why you think we should have instinctive understanding of all ideas.
You’re right, of course: expecting Biased BBC commenters to know anything about anything is a stretch. Why, even expecting them to be able to google for basic information is too much.
nope you write words you write more words but still wtf is your point, it would appear your supreme intellect is unable to communicate with us mere mortals
“nope you write words you write more words but still wtf is your point,”
Dan, you need to choose your words carefully. WTF is the next category after LGBT.
How profound. Completely astonished by your insight! (For Scott)
Scott ,
How would you like to advertise and campaign for this petition ? Your chum, Bugsy has .
Scott. Many heterosexual people, especially of advancing age, don’t ‘instinctively’ understand homosexuality, cross dressing, what ‘LGBT community’ means, etc.
Could you Scott, not be more polite and charitable to those people? You yourself display a complete instinctive ignorance in your posts on this site with respect to economics; science; truth; justice and honour, yet your comments are tolerated here (though I admit you are mocked and sometimes insulted, which is a shame).
You do not practice the tolerence that you preach. It’s known as hypocricy, which you can look up in a dictionary, unless the government has redefined that word as well whilst I wasn’t watching.
You yourself display a complete instinctive ignorance in your posts on this site with respect to economics; science; truth; justice and honour
Congratulations – you win the Lack Of Self Awareness Award of the Day.
It’s known as hypocricy, which you can look up in a dictionary
Being accused of being a hypocrite by a Biased BBC regular. Whatever next? Being accused of being an unelectable political ignoramus by David Vance? Being accused of not being able to make a succinct, coherent point by Alan?
PS: if you look up “hypocricy” [sic] in a dictionary, you might find out how to spell it. You could give “tolerence” [sic] a once-over as well. Just a thought.
Thanks for the award Scott. I shall treasure it.
Gave you the spelling mistakes, without which I was aware you would have no response.
Thanks again. Here’s hoping you will discard your hate, develop a bit of tolerance, ditch the hypocrisy and open your mind.
Never met David Vance. Wouldn’t know him from Adam. Don’t know Alan either.
Gave you the spelling mistakes, without which I was aware you would have no response
Keep repeating that, and one day even you might believe it.
Thanks again. Here’s hoping you will discard your hate, develop a bit of tolerance, ditch the hypocrisy and open your mind.
I don’t hate you. I pity you.
Thanks for helping here Scott, we’re up to 152,350 votes so far!
‘Just a thought’
And, before dragged into the party, again, just in:)
Spent a lovely weekend so far out with friends and family. Seems some have missed out, preferring a more obsessive time spent all day every day parsing other people’s language because it’s easier than being a constructive member of society.
Plus a wee bit more “hypocricy” [sic]. The BBC kind. Which is fine. Apparently.
Not sure what award I can now hope for, but everything’s crossed.
The wisdom of people of advancing age is priceless and something we have insufficient respect for in the UK.
The kneejerk rejection of anything which isn’t as it was when one was in ones own physical prime is just a basic psychological failing of inadequates and should be ignored.
It’s what militant gays do. Scott’s a bitchy, poisonous old queen. It’s in his genes. He’s a 70’s gay stereotype of the “Hello, Honky Tonk” kind, but he’s too busy insulting those he disagrees with, or having bakery businesses closed down to notice. I bet he hates other gays who are unwilling to join his militant gang.
Oh, Andy. You don’t know me, so you make things up to fit into your own twisted worldview.
This isn’t the first time you’ve resorted to lying to justify your own prejudice – remember that time you made up nonsense about Alan Turing being arrested for cottaging? – and I’m sure it won’t be the last. One day, you may gain some maturity and begin to realise that if you have to make stuff up to justify your own demented prejudice, it says more about you than it does about those you attack.
Still, never mind. Biased BBC places bigotry above honesty, so you’ll find refuge here. Any time you want to join the real world, you’ll be welcome. But to do that, you’ll have to stop lying through your teeth.
some links for you Scott, do us all a favour will you, spend your bank holiday weekend in a nice warm bath
The problem with gays like you, Scott is that you make a fetish out of victimhood. You think you and your kind ( by that I mean militant homosexuals) can make any demand on society and the rest of us should welcome those demands with open arms or we are denounced as bigots and homophobes. The problem is that it isn’t about sexuality but sexual lifestyles. That’s why we see much sleazy behaviour at Gay Pride parades. You and your kind are the real bigots and totalitarians, despite your denials. Why else would you harass and victimise the owners of businesses
and B & Bs whose own beliefs are just as strong as yours but under “Rainbow Nation” edicts aren’t allowed to follow them? Any person owning a business who disagrees with the demands of militant homosexuals is subjected to vilification, threats and insults via e-mail and Twitter but also the threatened closure of their livelihoods.
You are not only a bigoted , totalitarian fascist, but a hypocrite as well. I await with baited breath the next demand from the Gay Mafia, because, mark my words, there will be more.
For such a small minority, the Gay Lobby has an overwhelming and disproportional influence on our politicians and society as a whole. For such a minority to have such a hold over the majority doesn’t bode well for the future well being of society.
I notice that, yet again, you don’t address your own history of lying through your teeth. Instead, you fall back on your traditional spittle-fuelled diatribes, spouting your grubby little homophobic views as if they have any meaning or relevance to today’s world.
Throw around the phrase “militant homosexuals” all you want. It means nothing. It’s just yet another tired little attempt at homophobic drivel from a man who has nothing else to offer the world but bile, bitterness and lies. A man who desperately wants to act like the school ground bully, but can’t even do that properly.
As I said, any time you choose to give up the mantle of being a lying little cockwomble, the real world will welcome you. If, on the other hand, you choose to remain a snivelling little ball of putrescent idiocy, that’s your choice.
oohhhhhhh how queer. That reply was very bitchy scott. most unlike you, youre usually full of spunk adding to the gaiety of the discussion in hand. I dont know whats caused this queer behaviour mister but you just turn that frown upside down and smile
***jazz hands***
Thanks for proving my point Scott! Couldn’t have done it better myself.
You are one of those little nobodies with low self esteem who attach themselves to causes in an effort to be “somebody”. In other times you would have been tightening the thumb screws or giving the rack another turn during the Inquisition or making sure the trains ran on time to Auschwitz. Totalitarian regimes cannot function without people like you.
I just about remember that you had to pay a penny to see the bearded lady, at Hull Fair, in the 1960’s. Its good to see an old Victorian freak show act coming back in a Song Contest, after disappearing for a few decades. But it just goes to show that the Novelty acts now win the Eurovision Song Contest, not the Songs any more. Still, I think this years Swedish novelty act won because it was the most complex Fantasia type novelty act ever attempted.
…and The Tattooed Woman! Soon the side show will be the un- tattooed woman!
BBC – most important news story in the whole world today:
‘Ireland says ‘yes’ to gay marriage’
(Steph doesn’t bother with the ‘Views my own’ stuff…)
And it was all going so swimmingly
as it says “upcoming rift in the unholy alliance of the liberal left and the Islamophobia lobby?” I for one am happy to have no feelings on this subject at all, so can just sit and watch the fight
TBQH, I am surpised that it took so long for this fault line to open up into a chasm.
Perhaps Turkey might hold a similar referendum in order to be accepted into the EU.
And here’s Elvis riding into town on Shergar.
” I am surprised that it took so long for this fault line to open up into a chasm.”
That fault line has been evident for some time, but the liberal inquisition has been papering over it with increasing desperation ,not only in relation to ‘gay rights’ but also women’s rights and Islamic supremacism in general. What seems to be happening now is that moslem intellectuals feel so confident in their position that they no longer need the patronage of the bien-passant patrician class ,pretty soon they will cut themselves lose from the hard left as well(witness collapse of respect) How these groups will respond is yet to be seen
True. Only the stupidest and most ignorant of our liberals would have expected a Muslim to accept gay marriage. It cannot happen ever. Read or at least try to comprehend the basis for the Koran and Sharia and then reflect that the world view therein is at complete variance with our liberal Western outlook.
I hope that at long last it will dawn on our liberal elites that there is only Islam and it is not open to rewriting or re-interpreting.
Just moments later, Hanif’s account was locked, and then deleted.
Are we to assume that twitter deleted his account to deny him freedom of speech? This guy said he had nothing against homosexuality; just gay marriage. It’s scary if he was silenced just for holding that view!
In fact I did actually say to Mrs Dave yesterday “So this is the most important story in the world at the moment is it?”
No weekend thread, no new threads. Are our leaders celebrating in Ireland, do you think?
Having listened to, and watched Al Beeb this morning I am of the view that the representatives of the main political parties, except the Limpdems, are expressing a change in opinion. A change in opinion on uncontrolled immigration, a referendum and the reform of the EU.
Whatever your views on Nigel Farage and UKIP, they have listened to the man in the street and certainly caused a political earthquake in this country. All this despite the propaganda of Al Beeb.
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”
BBC Radio 4 Broadcasting house ‘the papers’ had some insane leftie on (Dennis Gilbert?) definitely a Southern hemisphere twang, whose only conversation was limited to ‘intolerance’ ironically without being able to see that he was perhaps the most intolerant man I’ve ever heard !
Every single news story came down to ‘intolerance’ and he even managed to drag the great left wing totem ‘Stephen Lawrence’.
ISIS – all down to Western intolerance, and if only we accepted and understood them they would calm down. Jihadi John, all the product of the UK security services.
This man should have been in an asylum not on a radio program !
Heard it. Had to turn it off eventually before I threw the radio at the wall. Dennis banging on about how tolerant he was and the only thing he could not tolerate was intolerance (i.e. any opinion contrary to his own).
The BBC is reliably fascist these days. It won’t be long before they have sympathetic interviews with ISIS “activists” (if they haven’t already done so) to balance up their endless “We hate England” activism. A left-wing fascist is a fascist who hates their own Country.
Something for the BBC’s Religious Broadcasts.
The Allah akibar song with Ave Maria. Multiculty Europe.
They’ve got a programme I’m really looking forward to this afternoon;
Oy Vey Maria !
I’d far prefer a Jewish / Christian alliance.
I will reveal my ignorance and say I knew nothing of the Irish author, Dervla Murphy, until today when I caught the tail end of a programme on BBC World where she was interviewed by Rajan Datar.
When the 83-year-old Murphy used the word, “nasty”, and spoke with barely-concealed contempt about Israel, the BBC’s Rajan Datar nodded respectfully and said, “Sure”, as if this was what all perfectly normal people thought about the Jewish state. Of course, in the bubble of left-leaning, Israel-hating beeboids it is the only acceptable opinion that can be held.
I decided to do some research on Murphy, and found this very informative blog article about her:
Apparently, in 1943, when she was 12, her family sheltered Charlie Kerins, the IRA Chief of Staff who was on the run and was co-operating with Nazi intelligence. The IRA seeking to become installed as a government of Ireland following a Third Reich invasion. I didn’t see all the programme, but wondered if Rajan Datar’s friendly chat covered this early episode in her life. Murphy has written a book called “Between River and Sea: Encounters in Israel and Palestine”. She calls for the dissolution of the Jewish state.
No further comment necessary.
I used to listen from time to time to Rajan Datar’s Over to You on the World Service.
It purported to be sort of Newswatch programme, boldly challenging BBC ‘editors’ to justify their output in the light of complaints from the public, but was in fact just a sham, allowing them to spout their propaganda at length with little or no challenge from Datar.
So it’s unsurprising that he would timidly accept anti-Israel vitriol from an interviewee.
There was apparently terrorist cooperation between the IRA and the PLO.
Newswatch’ and ‘Over To You’ are to be renamed ‘We Think We Got It about Right’ and ‘On Reflection, We’re Still Right’.
Being outside the UK I can’t get ‘Newswatch’ these days.
Used to be able to several years ago. I suppose the lawyers got hold of it.
The following only relates to the BBC in that is an example of the ‘liberal’-left in full propaganda mode:
There is an excellent US debating forum, Intelligence Squared, which hosted a really interesting debate on Liberals Are Stifling Intellectual Diversity On Campus with two conservatives for the proposition and two liberals against it.
One of the panellists on the liberal side gave an example of students heckling Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, claiming that they did not prevent him from speaking and were arrested for “engaging in free speech.”
But when you go to the actual video of the “heckling,” it’s evident that it was a coordinated campaign of Muslims students to shut down the event. They got up at intervals and yelled insults at Oren at the top of their voice, while given raucous support by fellow-agitators in the audience, which stopped his address several times. He even left the stage a couple of times to consider his options.
The event only continued after those “students” had been removed and their supporters, around thirty of them, had left (after 24 minutes into the video) and continued their demonstration of the Religion of Peace outside:
Fellow-travellers of the BBC.
The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in the Sixties was taken over by the Left and soon became the “No Platform For Anybody Who Disagrees With The Left Movement”. The Left uses words such a “justice” and “freedom” and then act in a way that is their exact opposite i.e. they endorse the theft of property and endorse mob rule attacks on freedom of speech.
Yes, it’s been going on for a helluvah long time across the planet.
Still, even with their iron grip on so much of academia and the media, the comrades of the left sometimes fail to influence politics to their benefit, as has just been proven in the UK and Israel.
Among the free speech denyers at the Oxfrod Union meetings against Tommy Robinson Marine le Pen, etc., and of course Farage’s political meetings, we have to include the socialist students, UAF, NHS workers, members of the NUJ and of course the horny handed members of UNITE.
Leftie deniers of freedom of speech and opinion even had their tentacles firmly wrapped around the universities in late Apartheid South Africa, in particular a correspondence university where I had the misfortune to do an undergrad degree.
One such tentacle gripped the English department, where an attempt to question the anti-Semitic content of the poetry of the beloved TS Eliot was met with implacable resistance, even from a Jewish professor.
Another gripped the history department so tightly that I was obliged to drop the course.
You wouldn’t have had a very different experience at many British or American universities. The problem of the Left’s hegemony in academic pursuits is one that we have to tackle before we can have any sort of reform in the professions – notably, in broadcasting and journalism.
and just for fun compare their socialist values with their rocketing salaries
True, it really is a virus that has swept the planet.
They say that higher education expands the mind. But that is only true for those who have a mind to begin with.
Al Beeb discussing the EU and the in/out referendum with a multiculti group of diverse correspondents on the panel. All in favour of the EU and staying in – hardly any dissent.
What annoys me is the fact that Britain, ‘the cradle of democracy’, once the biggest manufacturer and trader in the world does not have the confidence to get out of the almost defunct EU and its control.
Britain imports more from the EU than it exports. There is a big world outside Europe, China, India, the USA and all the Commonwealth. Superb connections.
Al Beeb biased?
Don’t forget Oz…
the germans are not going to stop selling us cars, the greeks and spanish aren’t going to stop selling us holidays, and the french are not going to errm stop selling us cheese , and burning sheep.
I believe the UK is France’s biggest export customer for Champagne. That is not likely to change whatever happens.
On second thoughts, if a high proportion of it goes to the BBC …..
Expect bBC Sports presenters to don the black armbands at Lewis Hamilton being robbed a win at the Monaco GP by his own team.
One would normally feel sorry for him were it not for his petulant antics afterwards which probably won’t be shown on the bBC highlights show.
A thinking driver such as Senna, Alonso or Mansell would have developed selective deafness at the teams request to pit at such a time.
Ben Cooper controller of Radio 1 and 1xtra ‘earns’ £185k a year presides over 700,000 loss of listeners, what does he do? He sends a letter of congratulation to his biggest loser, one Nick Grimshaw because half a million of those were over 30….
Only in the tax payer funded bBC could such a thing happen!
(Source Jon Gaunt)
The BBC is obsessed with marriage today. They seem to have the knives out for people with religious objections. Those who lived through the 70’s will recall how, back then, the gullible trendies promoted ‘living-in-sin’ and single-motherhood, deriding those with religious opposition. Remember the slogan? Marriage is an outdated institution! I wish I had a £1 for every time I heard or read that. With condescension, they sniffed that it was about love, that a pathetic ceremony was irrelevant. There was never any sign that the trendies would revise their view of marriage until the gays spotted the opportunity for yet another contrived grievance. I wonder what nonsense will be next.
Gays want marriage and support Islam.
Back to reality
Tying the knot …. Muslim style.
This kind of uniting?
A “Muslim Day” event,
“Homosexuals Must Be Killed” … pass the ice cream eh!
Muslims speak out
Read this on Breitbart national security
Some on in comments asks why there is a BBC Turkey
‘oskkar001 > stewart • 24 minutes ago
at video: wonder why there exists a BBC “turkey” ??
Didnt know they levy a tvl tax in Turkey, our champagne socialists ..’
Couldn’t think of a valid reason