The BBC is feeding the Black grievance industry and victimhood narrative, and worse, promoting the idea that all whites are racist, and blacks the victims of that racism….a very dangerous and destructive line that sets one group against another.
Justin Webb demonstrates what is so often wrong with BBC interviewers…they go in with preconceived notions that any interviewee has to then defend themselves against rather than the BBC asking neutral questions intended to genuinely discover what is going on in any given situation that has suddenly got their interest.
Webb in this interview (08:48) with British police officer Michael Matthews, author of “We Are The Cops”, who has long experience of how American police operate, began with the prejudice that American police are brutal, racist, violent and a regard themselves as beleagured ‘superheros’ setting themselves against the rest of the population, the police not being part of the community.
Matthews soon put Webb right on just about every criticism.
Webb’s approach is all too often reflected in the rest of the BBC when it comes to reporting on recent events in the US, reporting as ‘fact’ that America is a racist society and that white police officers are gunning down black men because the white officers are racist.
The BBC plays a dangerous game feeding into the black activists game of race baiting, race hustling and facilitating the grievance industry and the line that Blacks are victims of white People’s prejudices at all times.
Here are just some of the BBC’s own prejudices where it casually accepts that events in Ferguson and Baltimore and elsewhere are caused by police racism…
The Costco heir who became a voice for Baltimore
Justin Brotman is a human rights activist, and the son of one of the co-founders of wholesale superstore Costco. And as the voice behind the @Bipartisanism Twitter account, he became one of the main drivers of a campaign to change the public perception of what happened in Baltimore last week.
“I think what we’re seeing is a bit of a tipping point in American culture. With each incident, with video, with witnesses, we’re starting to think – wow, we really do have this problem in America,” Brotman said.
“People are starting to think ‘How many black men are in jail, and shouldn’t be? How many black men have been killed?’ That’s all starting to percolate clearly.”
Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?
What a riot does achieve
So what box do we put the Freddie Gray story in?
It’s obviously a story – but it is none too rare, sadly not that unusual – and if you ask many in the black community, not in the least bit unexpected.
I heard one piece of commentary that more or less started “First there was Ferguson, now Baltimore”‘ – but in truth there has been a whole pile of incidents in between.
I haven’t the space to list them all – the 12-year-old boy shot dead in a park in Cleveland, Ohio, the student left bloody and bruised at the University of Virginia, the man fatally shot eight times in the back in South Carolina, the 44-year-old chased down and killed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after volunteer officer pulled a firearm instead of a stun gun.
And there are more, culminating in Freddie Gray dying while in the custody of Baltimore police, after his spinal cord had been virtually severed. It’s unlikely you would sustain an injury like that simply by slipping as you stepped into the police wagon.
What the common features are of all these incidents is that the victims were black and the forces of law and order involved in them were for the most part white.
Which brings us back to the opinion piece that made the point that first there was Ferguson, then there was Baltimore. The writer is correct, insofar as they both resulted in looting, burning and vandalising – all playing out on our screens last night.
From the hapless Baltimore mayor through to the president the point has been made – rioting achieves nothing.
But, sadly it has. It has caught people’s attention – because it has conformed to the journalist’s law of what makes a story – it is rare, unexpected and unusual.
Perhaps the lesson is we need to take more notice of things that lead to the riots and sense of alienation by disaffected young African-Americans.
The white cop assaulting or shooting a black man may not be that unusual, but it has already led to dire consequences for those living in Ferguson and in Baltimore.
More black ‘victimhood’….you can’t call a thug a thug…
The unlikely origins of the word ‘thug’
In the wake of violence and unrest in Baltimore, media commentators as well as politicians – including President Barack Obama – called rioters “thugs”, and were criticised for it. But the term has a much older history.
In the US, “thug” is a loaded term.
“It’s this very effective way of suggesting that the people who are doing the rioting and who are being called thugs don’t actually have a right to their outrage,” she says.
That’s partly why there’s widespread disgust in the African American community over its use. Just take the response Baltimore Councilman Carl Stokes gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett over the word.
“It’s not the right word to call our children ‘thugs,'” Mr Stokes said. “These are children who have been set aside, marginalised, who have not been engaged by us.”
Garber isn’t surprised the word has become so loaded.“In some sense, the history of language is about people trying to wield power over other people,” she says.
“And so this is just one more example of that strife and that effort.”
Here is a typical BBC, very one-sided, look at the ‘problem’…..naturally the BBC doesn’t bother with any context or challenge to the lines being fed to us that blacks are treated more harshly than whites……..
Would it have been different if the Waco bikers were black?
Biker gangs in Waco, Texas, shot each other up and the police moved in to stop the shootings. The police actually shot some of the bikers and arrested over 170…and yet black activists, and the BBC, are asking why there was no ‘tanks’ etc on the streets…it’s a race thing surely?
Well perhaps there were no tanks because, despite police shooting some bikers and arresting 170 or so of them, there were no mass riots, civil disorder and mass destruction in reaction to those shootings and arrests in contrast to how the black community reacted in Baltimore and Ferguson….here are those rioting bikers……
And yet there were heavily armed police at Waco…
Contrast with Baltimore and Ferguson….can you spot the difference?……
And you may remember a previous police action at Waco….guess that was police racism as well….or not as the ‘victims’ of police violence were white……….
How about those racist National Guardsmen?
or indeed back to Waco present day…….those racist cops arresting all these black boys……
I’m sure I read a couple of statistics somewhere; there are more whites killed by blacks in the US than the reverse, and a hell of a lot more blacks killed by blacks than by whites.
I have read somewhere that some 10,000 white women a year are raped by black men in America but white men raping black women is counted an a few fingers.
I am still amazed that the BBC haven’t massaged ‘Crime watch’ to only show white criminals, although it may have changed as I haven’t watched it for years.
“counted on a few fingers”
I am surprised it requires any fingers at all.
As the poet might have said, ugliness is in the eye of the beholder.
I am surprised it requires any fingers at all.
Quite. Statistcally speaking – zero fingers.
That’s why we have to bomb the HIV ridden so called migrants. Make sure they don’t infect our children
I think it’s similar here.
There was a list circulating a while ago listing white people killed by non-whites since Stephen Lawrence. It wasn’t a short list.
I do know that the BNP some years ago held a vigil for white people murdered by black/brown people, there were an awful lot of photos with candles lit below them.
Th police came along and dismantled the photographic tribute. I believe it is on YTube.
I’m not sure what permutation of words you need to see it.
Kriss Donald is a name you never hear in the media let alone the BBC, but that poor 16 years old boy suffered the most horrific torture for hours before being set alight to his eventual death. This was the most evil racist murder this country has ever suffered, even the Scottish police said as much.
It’s events like this that should bring it home just what a treacherous disgusting broadcaster the BBC can be.
This was not consider enough of a crime to be reported by the BBC. The Stephen Lawrence murder however is another matter.
I remember the murder of unarmed PC Patrick Dunne – a popular local PC who was killed for no particular reason while investigating a domestic dispute in Clapham, I think it was.
If I remember correctly, it was reported that the murderer walked away laughing.
That point was made in Baltimore after the tragic Gray killing. There are criminal blacks in some suburbs that are preying on neighbourhoods that are predominantly or exclusively black and a mixed race police force is trying to deal with it.
You may have also seen the video, IIRC, linked to on B-BBC a few months ago, after and I think in Ferguson. A white Police Chief was being harangued by a mixed raced bunch of TV, radio & print media journalists and he lost his temper with them. He tearfully and forcefully informed them he was going from this press conference to explain to a bereaved black mother how her son was killed by a black criminal and how his officers were doing their best to apprehend the perpetrator.
That video clip should be mandatory annual viewing for TV, radio & newspaper journalists here.
PS: Oops! This was meant to be placed under the first post but appears to have landed elsewhere. Sorry.
Here’s the facts
for demon don’t know how it ended up down here
Does anybody know if these statistics are available in Britain?
I have the feeling that if collated they are not issued.
Demon says: May 22, 2015 at 7:22 am I’m sure I read a couple of statistics somewhere; there are more whites killed by blacks in the US than the reverse, and a hell of a lot more blacks killed by blacks than by whites.
You are correct on both counts.
And, happily, more and more I am seeing conservative talkers turning the tables on reporters with “gotcha” questions… beginning with a statement similar to, “I do not accept your premise.” At least, that’s what I’m starting to see here in the US. 🙂
It’s not just the BBC that panders to this dangerous and nonsensical meme. Here in Australia, we have a similar hierarchy of pseudo-goodness in the lame-stream media (led by “our” ABC) with white males at the very bottom and a toss up for top pozzie between Aborigines and Muslims.
Anti Racism is just code word for Anti White.
As Bahar Mustafa has very kindly demonstrated to the whole nation.
Ms Mustafa racist rant is in the headlines again
“Police have launched an investigation into a students’ union diversity officer alleged to have tweeted the hashtag “kill all white men”.
I suspect she may be in deep doo-doo, as she has had to break out the ‘justjoooooking’ attempt much beloved of BBC staff confronted with evidence of stuff that would get mere mortals hounded out of job and into jail by them.
David Brims,
“Anti Racism is just code word for Anti White”
I see, so if you aren’t prejudiced about people because of their skin colour you must therefore be prejudiced about people because of their skin colour.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Anti racism – if you care to check – is a front for Trotskiest parties in the UK. They are all peddling the race issue, exaggerating racist crimes and distorting the picture of race issues in the US. For the Trots – and this includes many within the BBC – it has nothing o do with race or ethnicity, just a means of spreading outrage and hate and increasing membership of the revolutionary party. Read their literature and see how they find racism in a grain of sand – racism is attributed to capitalism ergo smash capitalism and racism will disappear.
In fact Trotsky invented the term ‘racism’ for this purpose
The term “racism” is just another stick to stifle debate, standard liberal left shut down. Dez is at odds with the real world, where people are quite capable of discussing race issues, immigration, muslim entryism, without donning bedsheets with eyeholes.
Skin colour is the standard straw man, you can rely on a robot like Dez to trot(sky) it out to avoid discussing culture, national pride, you know, decent things.
Time for fight back against black racism.. Was the black Mansion Murders perpetrator in the image of Obama’s son, like Trayvon and Big Mike? Sickening.
How many times do we hear that it is not possible for a black person to be racist as they are a minority with no power. I don’t really understand the logic but it seems to satisfy those on the left and the BBC. There are more blacks in prison in westernized countries due to racist policies rather than more blacks committing crimes. It is racist for a policeman to stop and search blacks and the perception that blacks are more likely to carry weapons and drugs is racist. Until political correctness is put to one side and reality is both accepted and properly confronted there will never be a resolution.
The General says: May 22, 2015 at 10:54 am How many times do we hear that it is not possible for a black person to be racist as they are a minority with no power.
Blacks here in the US are finally starting to catch on that a statement like that will get them laughed at, given that there is a black man in the White House. They HAVE the most powerful man in the world. Why isn’t HE doing anything to help?
If racism is re-defined in this way it is by definition anti-white and just feeds into the narrative of the self-loathing left. It’s illogical and stupid and ultimately destructive.
The white farmers being killed and mutilated in South Africa are the real racists in the eyes of the liberal Western media. Racist by definition by virtue of being white.
Check out Genocide Watch and be prepared to be appalled.
Any concern from our Western media? Dream on .
86 year old nun gang raped and murdered in South Africa.
as trevor phillips pointed out in his tv confession in the uk
a far far higher percentage of blacks are murdered than whites, (or browns or yellows or greens for that matter)
the huge vast majority by blacks
The whole schtick of the Race Baiting industry in the US and UK is that they tell blacks they are worthless, hopeless, and downtrodden, and only the left can help them – and they then turn the resulting display of grievances into political capital.
Quite a neat trick…
Is black a ‘race’?
Not as such – it’s a colour. In physics terms, it’s a lack of colour, with white being all colours (remember the spectrum/prisms etc..).
The races (as once explained to me by a biology teacher) are Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid.
If that’s not the accepted view then would someone please enlighten me.
.. I must add, my education was some time ago – before the lefty reforms.
But, but, but, Negroid (=Negro) is racist.
In general terms Black=someone of negroid descent. i.e. their origins are in Africa
Unfortunately yes, but ‘white’ seems to be only for no other blood at all which means that eventually it won’t exist. There are so many now who call themselves ‘black’ and they aren’t even slightly brown: with a tan I’m blacker than half “African Americans”. Obama is half white but called black; if he was seven eighths black he’d still be called black.
sorry if this isn’t easily understood: just realised my typo: last line should read “..even if he was seven eighths white he’d still be called black.
Mongoloid!…. must have been a long time ago 😉
There are as many differences between African peoples are there are between European ones.
An Ethiopian and a Nigerian are a different as a “Latin” and a “Celt”.
Even within the same geographical area (e.g. Rwanda) we have the very different Hutu and Tutsi tribes.
But the most important differences that create huge problems are the differences between the black ( African ) races and the white ( European ) races.
The genocidal wars in Rwanda and Burundi were between different African tribes.
What a preposterous claim.
Some survived.
This entire topic is just leftist bulls**t and American police kill more victims than blacks….Still, let’s not let facts get in the way of the BBC, and their winging leftist Guardianista reporters..
All I want is to know what CORRECT term of the DAY is , is that too much to ask? I see the plan …….we all screw ourselves into knots trying to work out what the correct speak is for the day, while the Left take over……..or do I need my Pills? And now I’m being serious…….What is the correct terminology to describe someone who is not of the White variety?
Black I believe, sure someone will correct me.
Maybe its gone full circle! As you say we tied ourselves in knots to be polite and do the right thing. When I was a kid ‘Darkey’ was common parlance, then it became ‘coloured’ which seemed polite (to me), that morphed into black, when I don’t know. Maybe once we get used to that the terminally offended will come up with a new one just to claim more offence.
If I were a light-skinned Indian I don’t think I’d be happy to go about designated a “black”. What a pathetic business all this pussyfooting around what the “correct” term is.
erm not white? though to be fair with a weeks sun im erm blacker than most ahem asians, so yeah some kind of colour chart is f in stupid im definitively blacker than that stoopid goldsmiths tart
my dad prefers the term wog but he is 82
It is all very ephemeral isn’t it.
When I was a teenager, ‘nignog’ was an epithet applied to an inexperienced/incompetent person. Then along came the TV ‘comedy’ (?) series “Love Thy Neighbour” and the word became taboo.
The irony of “Love Thy Neighbour” was that the racist slob Eddie Booth (Jack Smethurst) was a Labour voter, and that West Indian Bill Reynolds (Rudolph Walker) was an aspirational Tory voter.
Kay Burley tells a witness what he saw…
Who’s he meant to believe Kay, you or his lying eyes?
It’s still a classic , after all these years!
Very good. (kay burley) Surprised it got aired. (possibly live broadcast)
There is a race problem in America, it is that the black minority of the population is committing almost all the violent crime.
U.S. Dept. of Justice figures:
52.2% of all homicides in the U.S. are committed by blacks, who make up 13% of the total population. The homicides were in the vast majority of cases carried out by males aged between 18 – 49, who make up 4% of the total population of America.
Therefore roughly half the homicides in the U.S. are perpetrated by 4% of the population.
The question: ‘Why do the police arrest blacks so frequently?’
Should be: ‘Why are blacks doing things that cause themselves to be arrested so frequently by the police?’
The School Cormorant,
“There is a race problem in America, it is that the black minority of the population is committing almost all the violent crime… …52.2% of all homicides in the U.S. are committed by blacks, who make up 13% of the total population.”
Or in other words, 52.2% of all homicides are committed by 0.02% of the Black population; which is a good enough reason to view the other 99.98% with increased suspicion.
Generalisations about groups of white people (eg: Macpherson) seem to be acceptable enough.
“Generalisations about groups of white people (eg: Macpherson) seem to be acceptable enough.”
A “group” of white people is not the same as all white people.
The ‘sockpuppets’ are back.
Who are you referring to?
I hope you’re not suggesting that I am dez.
Generalisations about racist whites, racist Britain, and in particular racist working class whites (not all whites, admittedly, but a seven figure population) have been commonplace for decades.
A sweeping generalisation is a sweeping generalisation, no matter how you try justify it.
“dez”- you are an imbecile.
Where ever they go, wether it’s Detroit, London, Paris, Africa, they seem to riot and wreck the place and civilisation goes over a cliff.
Blacks cannot sustain White Civilization, they cannot even create a viable alternative.
“Race riots usually begin with criminality and end with criminality. They’re protests by criminals on behalf of a dead criminal.” Daniel Greenfield.
David Brims,
“Where ever they go, wether it’s Detroit, London, Paris, Africa, they seem to riot and wreck the place and civilisation goes over a cliff.”
White England’s finest:
Except that the EDL, and organisations like it, do not destroy neighbourhoods, towns, cities and countries.
Don’t see many plasma TVs being looted, either.
Whites function very well, than you.
And the EDL was formed in Luton as a direct response to provocation.
I suppose these cop loving citizens either misunderstand the race narrative or are defending the cops from people of pallor supremacists
Obama refers to blacks as:
‘People of colour’
Where did he get that from?
Moh the murderer referred to them as ‘raisin heads’ in the koran.
Maybe he’s just being diplomatic.
Not wishing to contradict the Obamessiah…
1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)
When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.
2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can’t see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.
Therefore are blacks “persons of no colour”, and whites “persons of all colours”?
Persons of colour or people of colour is widely used, see link.
Time we started to speak of people of pallor with the same reverence
Yup-the BBC offer us nothing more that refried grievances…no matter how aerated and synthetic.
Mark Duggan in 2011 was their peak…a drug dealing thug, a gangland pond skater gets killed in the line of his “business”.
Only the BBC were able to knit a narrative to condone the thuggery that climbed opportunistically on the “grievance”-the same scum who`d have fenced his drugs, shot him, burned his bloody vests or been alibis for him….they all coalesced under the BBCs rainbow flag, and managed to pin their evil onto Lordship Lane cop shop-long closed.
Goes back to Bernie Grant and Keith Blakelock…who, funnily enough has never had the BBCs grievance industry behind THAT evil atrocity.
So-Baltimore is far way enough to suck up to their black rough trade, but allows the fans of hatred to be fanned at our expense.
And we pay for it-why the hell do we?…thought `we`d voted these ticks off our backs on May 7th, didn`t we?
Good to see so many fellow whites demanding our country back from all the non-white parasites.
No, that’s not really what it is all about, but that is all you have to offer …
Was it worth typing that piece of wisdom?
“….a very dangerous and destructive line that sets one group against another.”
You would want any part of that would you Alan; such as your endless diatribes against Muslims, or blaming Immigrants and Islam for the actions of Anders Breivik.
“[Webb] began with the prejudice that American police are brutal, racist, violent and a regard themselves as beleagured ‘superheros’ setting themselves against the rest of the population, the police not being part of the community.”
Thats just a flat out lie Alan. Webb started by saying there had been well documented cases of Police brutality and excess. Which is a fact:
And not the same as describing the “American Police” as brutal & violent.
Neither did Webb, at any point, describe the Police as racist. He mentioned that there had been; “accusations of racism”. Which again is another fact, whether or not you think those accusations are valid. But perhaps when they come from a Department of Justice report you should take them a little more seriously.
Islam WAS the reason Anders Breivik went on his spree Dez.
The people to blame for that massacre were the parents who sent their children to be indoctrinated into anti Semitism and to be poisoned and brainwashed into supporting Islamic terrorism. Nothing much was reported about Hamas and Palestinian being invited to the island to teach the children how to hate.
Don Laird from Canada sums it up nicely –
‘More and more truth comes to the surface regarding those moments on Utoya Island…….it seems the parents of these youth had decided to place their very own flesh and blood into the murderous crucible of international politics………it seems that Utoya, at first glance an idyllic Norwegian playground, was little more than a training ground for the cannon fodder of Hamas and Hezbollah as young men and women were readied, through brain-washing and a steady diet of propaganda, to be placed into the breech of islamic terrorism………
Utoya Island, a sort of Ikea-esque version of the madrassas of Pakistan where the very finest of suicide bombers are moulded……….
So, I thought I would share my thoughts with you on parents who throw their children to lions………
Here lays the truth….
There is no difference between the muslim who whispers the blackest of lies in the ears of the unloved, the easily impressed and the dull witted and then, for the sake of political agenda, ignites these same lost souls in a blinding flash of light in the marketplace….where in a symphony of carnage and the sweetest of agony, the innocent are borne away on rivers of blood………this Middle Eastern creation, the work of madmen, the pride of Lucifer himself….. yet greatly admired by some as so too the Norwegian politicians and academia who whisper lies into the ears of their own children as they set out to the island of Utoya…….these so called educated and enlightened men and women who champion the cause of psychopathic, terroristic murderers…..these Norwegian men and women, closet national socialists, who seek the murder and annihilation of all Jewry on a global scale….these monstrous Norwegian men and women who whisper lies into their children’s ears and then set these children loose into the political arena to, in seeking, as all children do, the approving eye of that which gave them life, willingly act as little more than cannon fodder for their parents vicious agenda………
How incredibly sick…… incredibly demented, these Norwegians who use their children as pawns in a game that they themselves are loathe to play……..wretched bloody cowards the lot……and now they stand on the world stage and, tears flowing down cheeks, with hand on heart, with refrains of melodramatic background music as their flesh and blood is lowered into the ground…..and now……with obscene hypocrisy……….they seek our solace and our sympathy…..what wretched souls these sick Norwegian psychopaths…….now, having offered up their very own children to the cause and conflict of islam and terrorism they will be accorded, with admiring deference by their fellow media luminaries, academics and politicians, the very best seats in cafes and bistros…..where, noshing on exotic cuisine, sipping expensive wines, dressed in shemaghs and wrapped in the Palestinian flag, the haute couture of media, mass murders and academia everywhere, they will be treated as celebrities for murdering their very own children… utterly vile………..
In the darkened doorways lurk the omnipresent leering muslim vultures, Hamas and Hezbollah…….they sit quietly and marvel at a job well done…..for the slaughter of these deluded youth was a win/win massacre for muslims…….you find evidence of that in their immediate reaction to the bombing as every Jihadist group, muslim and islamist with an axe to grind didn’t just rush to the Norwegian river of blood….no, they jumped in and, splashing and frolicking about, claiming responsibility…..revelling, as they love to do, in the death and misery of innocents and children…….
But as events unfolded and it became apparent that Anders Breivik was responsible……….these muslims faded away quietly as here was something beyond their wildest dreams…..and the academia smiled………..and the media was delighted…….and the band played on………..
How utterly bloody wretched…….’
Regards, Don Laird
Edson, Alberta, Canada
I do condemn the Norwegians who send their children to these disgusting modern Hitler-Youth type camps where they are taught to hate Jews, the Truth and anything decent. However, they cannot be blamed for the deaths of their children, that was the sick psychopath Breivik who is alone responsible. Nothing going on in the world gives him any excuse for what he did – if it wasn’t the Hitler-Youth Camp it would have been somewhere else.
The penalty of being indoctrinated is not death.
Breivik was to blame for those deaths and no one else.
Breivik picked the wrong target, the man was an imbecile. He set back the western cause 30 years by his madness. Better targets were all around him and he cocked up big time. We do not need a fool such as him over here. Rather people who can see the real problem.
lets not go down the route of his actions are deplorable BUT …
let leave the BUTs for the lefties and muslims
“Breivik picked the wrong target… …Better targets were all around him…”
Oh really? So who do think he should have murdered?
b liar , osama bin liner, the list of the more deserving is endless
Maybe he ought to have used the tactics of Hamas against those who support and give help to the terrorists in another democratic country.
What’s good for the ( Israeli) goose might also be used against the (Norwegian ) gander.
Those that support terrorism in other lands because it gives them a warm feeling in their tummy might change their minds if they had to suffer themselves the consequences of their thoughtless help. There are plenty of supporters of terrorism in the west who do not suffer the effects of their actions, look at the support the IRA received in the US when they didn’t suffer the consequences of their help. They didn’t like it though when bombs went off in Boston though did they ? Those who support terrorism in other lands might be said to deserve to be treated as such.
For once I agree with you Dezzie. Have a like.
If those who support terrorism from a nice safe distance thought they might get the same treatment as those with blood on their hands they might think twice.
Too many ‘liberals’ throw money in a tin that leads to death of innocents. If you are happy with that go ahead. I prefer to call the supporters what they are, one step removed terrorists. They deserve the same treatment.
Vote here Dez..
We’re nearly there
Michael Matthews correctly informs a naïve Justin Webb that America is a different society to ours where there are 90 guns for every 100 citizens.
The police over in the US are basically defending themselves and their country against its own constitutional Second Amendment.
Congratulations, you have just posted the most stupid comment this week.
The BBC Has been very matter of fact In its coverage on Newsday of the diversity officer who likes to Tweet #killallwhitemen as a joke. Like everybody here I’m absolutely confident that they would treat a white man Tweeting #killallmuslims in exactly the same measured benevolent tones.
In response to the outrage Bahar whines on about suffering “trauma” daily as an “ethnic minority woman”. There’s only one minority that suffers daily oppression at her university: white males. There’s a witty piece on her here:
On Memorial Day weekend (which, I believe, may be this one), “Black Biker Week” gets going in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Tens of thousands of bikers descend on the town and an orgy of crime ensues. When shopkeepers decided to lock up their premises, rather than tolerate the epidemic of theft, they were accused of racism (although I’d guess quite a lot of South Carolina shop-owners are themselves black) and forced by the courts to remain open.
Of course, the idea that anyone could get away with organising White/ Jewish/ Korean/ Buddhist Bikers Week, without also being pilloried for “racism”, beggars belief.
Having visited Myrtle Beach a number of times, and more than once on Memorial Day Weekend (a public holiday in the US), I can confirm Owen’s analysis. ‘Black Biker Week’ (as it is ‘affectionately’ known) or to use the PC term ‘Bikefest’, which disguises things somewhat – is a major headache for the residents and business owners in Myrtle Beach each year, as many, many thousands of bikers of a certain ‘colour’ descend upon the city. These guys race around the major highways in and outside the city, at suicidal (often the case) speeds all day and for much of the night. People living in the vicinity of Atlantic Beach (historically, when segregation held sway this was the ‘blacks-only’ beach, and is the yearly focus of the ‘festivities’), have often moved out for the 5-day weekend of this event, in order just to get some sleep and peace. As Owen says above, however, a few years ago, local business owners (including restaurants) decided they had had enough of the yearly crime wave that is ‘Bikefest’, and were just going to close for the week, but were warned that, if they did so, even if they had traditionally done so for years, they would be hauled up in court on racism offences.
Believe me, when following a group of these bikers, their driving is careless and full of danger – not least because many of them drive what are termed ‘crotch-rockets’, with ladies of an amazing girth perched high on what little there is of a pillion seat with their backsides in the air, and their arms wrapped around the driver. What this does to the centre of gravity of these bikes is a wonder to behold as they try sudden manoeuvres to avoid their mates as they career around the roads with one hand on the steering handle and the other on their hip, trying to look ‘suave’. On more than one occasion, said ladies are dumped on the roads as the bikers shoot off from traffic lights, and since they and the drivers are basically wearing tee-shirts and shorts (i.e. no protective gear whatsoever), present quite a danger to themselves as well as other road users. Shootings are quite common, and violent deaths are ever-present. Local hospitals and police stations are busy in ‘Bikefest’ week.
The extent to which these bikers go in order to get to this ‘Bikefest’ is also quite amazing. Most do not actually drive their bikes there, but trailers are used to haul the bikes from all over the US, including the northern border and West Coast for instance. The locals pray for a nightly storm to wash out the late-hour festivities, since only then do the bikers feel it too dangerous to drive – after all, they reason, who wants rain spatters on their gleaming chromework ?
Contrast all of this to the events in the week previous to the arrival of these bikers. The same city welcomes a Bike Week where killings are not ‘de rigeur’, residents, hotels, stores and restaurants welcome the riders because they cause little or no trouble from them, and they pay their bills and don’t trash the premises. Of course, when you get a gathering of many thousands of people (and If anything, there are probably more biker visitors to the area for this week), incidents are not unknown, but are on a microscopic level compared to ‘Bikefest’ week. Although they transport their bikes to the area in the same fashion, the riders are not too bothered by a spot of rain, most wear sensible and protective clothing, and although the law does not mandate it, a great many wear proper headgear. Death and serious injury levels reflect this ethos.
This, however, is the Harley-Davidson biker week – and the most significant factor of all, perhaps, is that the riders and their passengers are almost all white.
#white lifes do not matter to the police,the politicians,the bbc and other media outlets,the equality and diversity quangos as proved when 2000 white childrens lives did not matter when they was abused by pakistan muslim men and the others white child victims of the muslim sex slave trade up and down the country,lee rigbys murder,and the other of countless atrocitys and racial injustice commited against white people by minoritys.#white lifes matter,but not to those in power.
More unarmed black people. Another exonerated, white, law abiding American having his face pictured and his name publicly smeared by the BBC.
The BBC mind cancer. They can’t help themselves. Race baiters extraordiaire.
The reporting standard is so poor. Firstly, the headline is factually incorrect. The officer was not clearer of killing the two people. He may well have killed them. The court found him not guilty of manslaughter. Do the BBC journalists understand that it is right and or lawful, in certain circumstances, to kill? Secondly, paragraph 3 is worded to infer that more than one officer should have faced charges. Do they not understand that many police officers will have to use deadly force? The moral relativism of the BBC reflects the ongoing corrosion of the understanding of the difference between right and wrong in our society.
My bet is, if the criminals had been white, this would not have been reported by the institutionally racist BBC.
The deaths occurred in 2012 , after looking at the Beeb website I had to search for myself to discover what led to the shooting. A chase that involved police cars and bikes at over 100mph and when the car stopped did they put their hands up…….nope they began to gun the car and roll it forward. The police had heard what they thought to be gunshots previously and took action to stop them. Nowhere in the Beeb report was any of this mentioned just reading and looking at the photos you would have the impression that the Cleveland police picked a car and went hell for leather at them.
That BBC story has a tab: ‘More information’. Which opens to a few more paras concluding with ‘Less information’. Frankly even expanded form they couldn’t have offered less and alluded to more if they tried.
That one has to search beyond a BBC report to actually find out what happened is a damning indictment of their ‘news’ abilities.
When it comes to calming race issues, the BBC makes Al Sharpton seem like the voice of sweet reason.
Sometimes I disagree with the views expressed on this website, but mostly I agree. However, once we start justifying the actions of a psychopath like Breivik, for any reason, we are in a very dark and nasty place.
Oldartist, I completely agree with you, but someone here drew attention to something that the BBC and mainstream media did not cover – the kind of teaching, the Jew hate, etc. that goes on in these training camps. Now this does not justify cold blooded murder, but it sheds light on the atrocity. After all, we have been treated to a bellyful of justifications for the Charlie Hebdo murders., not forgetting the justifications of the Woolwich butchery of a young soldier and indeed 9/11.
“After all, we have been treated to a bellyful of justifications for the Charlie Hebdo murders., not forgetting the justifications of the Woolwich butchery”
True, but as I said above as did oldartist too – there is no excuse for the evil that Breivik did. If we start copying their sick justifications it brings us down to their level. We are better than them. The left are the haters and the supporters and justifiers of murder – we must remain on the ethical and moral high ground or what’s the point!
I don’t disagree with your sentiments oldartist. Breivik’s actions were Evil actions indeed. However, to describe Breivik as a psychopath appears to be ducking the issue of why he did what he did. My understanding is that he is not a psychopath, but acted deliberately, motivated by his christian roots and anti-Islamic sentiments and what he sees as a treacherous governing class socially engineering the population of his country, Norway.
However, the Norwegians decided that they were going to change the law on the hoof, such that the court case was not recorded for the analysis of the general public. This has resulted in the reasons behind the murders becoming more myth than fact and the actions of Breivik becoming taboo and virtually undiscussable.
The main issue I have with this particular BBc agenda is they consistently fail to report any facts that don’t match their narrative. Every time One of these stories is aired without fail I then have to log on to the internet to find out exactly why the “victim” was involved with the police in the first place. Such as the “victim” was selling drugs etc.. Oh and the complete total BBc reporting of violence to white people.
Motorsport fans will have noticed than the BBC is having a niggerfest Formula One season.
Its reporting is floor to ceiling Hamilton on every wall.
The saintly, immortal, invincible, Hamilton did not win today.
Because he was robbed by whites. Every time the BBC hero fails to win, it’s the whites.
When Vettel won the F1 title four years in a row all we got from the BBC is how unlucky Hamilton is, Vettel has the best car (which Vettel did have).
Since then, when Hamilton’s Mercedes has an ever greater superiority than the Red Bull had, the car advantage, is mentioned very rarely.
I noticed Lewis pulling off the track and then deliberately driving into the number 3 place sign, not on this thread but I’ll note it in reply, on todays race. We were then informed about his mature approach. Imagine if anyone else had done this would we still get told about their mature approach.
Not just Motorsport
Federal Communications Commission figures show that American broadcasters have received 22 complaints since 2011 for imaginative language from golfers.
Outbursts from Woods resulted in 15 of those complaints – including one angry viewer saying: ‘I should not be subjected to this in my own home.’
Anyone who thinks the Baltimore incident was a case of white officers killing an unarmed African American needs to be reminded that 3 of the 6 officers charged in the case were themselves African American.
Goodson is the only one facing a murder charge, although Rice, the highest ranking, faces six charges including manslaughter.
As you say, not exactly another simple ‘White on Black’ case, is it?…#killallwhites..why has this racist scum not been arrested by the police ?