Not sure what happened to this post I made on BBBC today, so here again:
THIS WEEK Andrew Neil – EU Libyan Boat Crisis
London MP Lammy and a popular Black Lady CofE Reverend being interviewed by Andrew – – they certainly full of right platitudes, but absolutely not one solutions between them other than let them all in, but will not give numbers on how many UK should take! Pathetic response on such a serious matter for the migrants and for the UK if they take a hundred thousand or two. Typical Labour type replies to Andrews questions that mean absolutely nothing. They both a waste of socialist space.
What a total mess the EU has got itself into with this unlimited supply of Libyan boat people. Half a million on the shores of Libya now and they say another million ready to move across the Sahara.
The likes of Italy Greece, Malta, France, Sweden, Germany and many others are now being overwhelmed with this mass exodus via Libya. The EU Commission are asking member states to take many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).
When I personally drill right down into my emotions, I conclude that I must not be tempted to blame the migrant or refugee whatsoever, which I have noticed is becoming a common practice nowadays in media blogs throughout Europe. What I say is but for the grace of God go I!
Had I the misfortune to live in some failed state in Africa, or facing war in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and seeing an escape route to Northern Europe, I would surely do exactly the same as those Libyan boat people to improve my kith and kin life chances.
In my view, the blame is definitely being laid in the wrong place if we take that easy route criticising the migrants’.
The EU is solely to blame for this mass migration by sending out the wrong signals on ease of EU entry and not having a common sense immigration and asylum policy. The EU should be using its Foreign Aid budget to finding a solution in the home countries of the migrants or speedy repatriation of the economic migrants as a first step.
Maybe the EU could negotiate with some African country to be a refugee, asylum staging post, where Libyan boat people for example could be transported utilising the EU Foreign Aid budget to pay for the camps and compensate the accepting African Nation.
Whatever happens, no doubt electoral pressures by the migrant recipient states will be making their votes count in next round of EU elections for sure, just like we haves done through the ballot box with UKIP. For sure Eastern Europeans for example would certainly not be capable, or ideologically approve, of such mass migration of coloured people since they are plagued with prejudice. I actually saw it with my own eyes many times having lived in Poland many years and traveled in most other Eastern European countries.
There is of course a big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the unelected EU Commission and autocrats. Ideologically they see absolutely no problem to mass import of immigrants!
”many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).”
Err um, Slight problem with the opt out, African immigrants could go to Holland or Sweden get a Dutch or Swedish passport, they’re throwing them about like confetti, and then proceed to move to Britain.
Not tens but hundreds of thousands of mainly African illegals, and worse, carrying an islamic culture that doctrinally requires its adherents to destroy all other cultures.
Its interesating to note that ISIS is running an immigration policy of sorts in Libya. It filters out those who are Christians ( ie the genuinly persecuted) for crucifixion, while allowing Muslims to proceed to the waiting boats.
Of course they are. (As long as they’re not like the ones I encountered on the steps up to Sacre Cour yesterday who physically assaulted me and my partner while demanding Euros for ‘Friendship Bracelets’ (how ironic) to show respect for ‘their’ religion). (See Trip Advisor for more info on African ‘Christian’ cultural enrichment at Sacre Cour).
Thanks for reminding me of that. It is deplorable that these people are allowed to operate around Sacre Cour . I’m surprised that the police do not move them on.
There is a large element of criminals among the African community in Paris, and other major cities in France – presumably Muslim, Christian and others.
However, criminality is not an existential threat to France or Europe. Islam and Muslims are.
But where to move them on? The ferry “trains” are depositing Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese, Yemenese, Ivory Coastians – all majority Muslim states, by the hundreds of thousands each year.
Italy to ask EU to set up refugee processing camps in Libya
Memorial Day on the bBC, 31 years since the ‘Battle of Orgreave’
Jeremy Vine lets a gooby ex-miner to sprout propaganda and personally attack Lord Tebbit live on air.
The following callers even question some who were there on the day. Approx 8.30 in.
I remember the miners’ strike. The BBC taking sides, the downplaying of the miners attacking the police, the downplaying of miners dropping a slab of concrete off a motorway bridge onto a taxi in an attempt to kill a strike breaker except that the bastards got the driver. All we ever saw and heard was police brutality… oh, apart from regular unchallenged exposure to Scargill, McGahy and the other thugs to repeat their lies.
Plus the miners were the stormtroopers of the union movement, manning the picket lines in any dispute where they thought political capital was to be made with an opportunity for some violence thrown in as a bonus.
Thatcher banned secondary picketing and public (intimidating) ballots and generally gave the whole undemocratic, pro-communist, subversive union movement a long-overdue kicking. Else we would, for example, still be having the closed shop printing unions setting newspaper type with molten metal rather than driven by IT as well as the minor issue of 30 million days per year lost to strikes.
Didn’t hear the Vine programme but from previous BBC coverage of the subject I’d bet a pound to a penny there was little or no mention of Scargill never calling a ballot on his strike or of the massive split within the union or of the funding they received from Russia and Libya or the fact Labour closed more pits than Thatcher etc etc.
As always with the BBC, their narrative is defined by what they choose not to tell their listeners and a re-writing of history is achieved quicker than you can say ‘memory hole’.
It has become transparently clear that the BBC no longer cares how biased it is, nor who knows it.
Today’s R4 WATO was like watching a procession of Leftist memes, like so many circus elephants holding one another’s tails as they troop past a bored audience.
The high point was probably the hysterical ‘boat trip behind enemy lines’ in which a reporter tried to see what was going on at a ‘prison camp’ holding attempted illegal immigrants for the Australian government. Shrill, excited commentary, wild-eyed claims by ‘a UN spokesman’ that the Australians were guilty of ‘torture’ in this ‘Pacific Guantanamo’.
You’d have thought it was North Korea. rather than Australia. Well, actually, you wouldn’t, because the BBC don’t have the guts to try dawn commando raids on the North Koreans.
And all this followed by the artfully plebeian tones of Billy Bragg doing his best impersonation of a member of the ‘working class’ as the attention switched to the Government’s decision not to hold a judicial pantomime so that the Left could sob in public over the miners’ defeat at Orgreave in 1984.
Radio 4? Radio SWP, surely? And they simply don’t care who knows it.
In the Socialist Workers Party Trustafarians attempt to pass themselves off as horny handed sons of toil. They know as much about life in North Korea as they know about working for a living.
The bbc has run with this all week, even heading the ‘Today’ headlines with the non story that their will be no internal police inquiry. How can you have an internal inquiry about events 34 years ago ? Who is going to still in service from those days ? Some very young copper perhaps ? So rightly no inquiry, nobody left to inquire into, all either retired or dead. As far as the bbc is concerned this was a disaster that has never been righted. Inquiry into the friends Savile had at the bbc……..? inquiry into the huge number of racist rapists in our midst………..? How many poor working class women are being imprisoned for not having a licence to sub the rich and the wealthy in their good works…..? Obviously some causes are more important than others.
It is extraordinary the BBC/liberal obssession with the miners. Almost certainly it is because their hatred of Mrs Thatcher is what makes them the idiots they are.
Not one BBC liberal would ever have worked down a mine. To a Person? (is this correct) the nearest they have ever got to manual labour is taking out the rubbish.
Now I did it when younger – manual work that is – and it is exhausting and wearing . I did it because I needed to earn my living that way at the time. No complaints at all but never romanticise hard labour either in field, mine or factory or at sea.
Mining is no life for a man and I am glad the mines have nearly gone. About time.
The way coal was mined by the NCB would not be the way it would be mined today ( if they ever let us use it)
The strike was in defence of an outmoded product mined expensively and by hard labour. It had to be defeated and the majority of people in Britian knew this. The BBC is full of crap and like all liberals in denial of reality. Take no notice of them.
You bet the miners would have been out picketing those coal-fired power stations that have now closed – and with some force.
Just imagine those picket line battles with the enviro-fascists. In fact, it would be great material for a film. Where’s that Loach chappie when you need him?
The facts are:- Labour closed more mines than Conservatives.
Scargill was right about “clean coal” extraction but wrong about trying to bring down a democratically elected government. Heath was wrong to put Britain on a 3 day week, wrong to switch off power at 9pm, wrong to set the policy of ignoring 500 years of cheap energy ( continued by subsequent governments) wrong about turnnug a blind eye to excessive violence by the police and curtailment of the democratic right to both strike and protest. In fact, wrong about almost everything including Europe.
There is still much bitterness between people who took different sides in ex mining towns and villages and the promised jobs never materialised.
sorry the ‘strike’ wasn’t in ‘defence of an outmoded product’. It was simply a vehicle to bring down a tory government – again. It was a explicitly political action coal, had little to do with it!
I think the Tory government was very much a secondary target. The main aim, which motivated the miners to brutal picketing, was the attempt to gain very substantial pay rises for themselves, and just themselves. Workers’ solidarity was not much in evidence.
They thought they were in a strong position because of the problems around oil, and were keen to make the most of it. They were led sheep-like by Scargill, who was motivated in turn by hubris.
Then once the miners got to the top of the pay league the dockers, power workers, car workers etc. etc. all wanted to be there too. And so more strikes, more power cuts and more shortages followed.
Ah yes, and all consigned long ago to the memory hole by the BBC so the last two generations can live their lives through a blissful, leftist-controlled narrative of Thatcher bullying the ‘working class’.
This BBC confection that cites a negative as a storyline only sums up the Christopher Lee type grave robbing by the cadavers of the left and their zombie media.
No kids to bloodsuckle-so out comes the Orgreave kerfuffle as akin to Dresden.
Think these banner type of confections are only exhumed so the fuckers can feel alive again-that they can blow a straw into the dead lungs of socialism, and get some-ANY-kind of simulated pulse to show their empty lives still have a narrative.
Now they`re out of power for five years-and counting.
Sad adrenaline rushes and a hope that Vanessa Redgrave or John Prescott will still show up at the Green Room to plan the new electorate needed to make their tripey causes relevant once more.
Dead Men wanking…time to snuff them out, seems they`ll do it without our helpif THIS is the cause to stir us all.
Only the left-and the BBC give a hoot.
The question which is never asked about the Miners’ Strike and it’s aftermath is: why was all the head gear removed from the mines, which were closed, virtually immediately? This makes it far, far harder to reopen the mine in the future; why weren’t they mothballed for possible future use?
I could see the rationale for breaking the back of N.U.M. and the rest of the trade unions and completely agreed with it, but not the destruction of an industry vital to our nation’s energy production. Especially one which produces a raw material on which we are still so heavily reliant, even in these days of windmills and the other energy fads.
It is time poor old Beeching was looked at logically. What he did was to take the railway map of around 1860 and make the logical assumption that the lines first built were the profitable ones. This remains true today. London – Bristol. London – Birmingham.London -Southampton , Bristol -Derby. Liverpool to Manchester.etc
I am a rail enthusiast and well remember just how little used my favourite branch lines were. The internal combustion engine could not be competed with. . There were serious errors largely in singling secondary main lines that now have to be re instated which means basically building a new line.
The BR bosses were responsible for that not Beeching.
If the railways had not been nationalised I am certain the branch line closures would have been done earlier and more efficiently .Also modernisation would have been far better handled. There is a myth that nationalisation was a good thing. It was a doctrinaire socialist policy and I believe wrecked this country for years.
I followed closely the arguments about closing the branch line from Haltwhistle up to Alston in the Pennines. A beatiful piece of Victorian engineering – viaducts etc – but carrying only a handful of passengers each day on 2-carriage trains. The raison d’etre had gone when the lead mines around Alston closed many years earlier.
Yet it still took years to finally close the line.
Like about 100 Beeching cut lines, the Alston to Haltwisle line has been partially reopened from Alston to Kirkhaugh, with an extension to Slaggyford due to open, before further extensions towards Haltwistle.
Also, I am due to travel on the newly reopened Wensleydale railway from Northallerton to Redmire, with plans to extend the railway beyond Redmire to Garsdale. Next year I am planning to travel on the reopened section of the Waverley Line from Edinburgh to Galashiels, and I have already travelled on the reopened Weardale Railway from Bishop Auckland to Stanhope. Also, we are waiting for the reopening of the Alnwick branch line. And there are enthusiasts starting to reopen the Stainmore Railway across the Pennines, and the Yorkshire Wolds Railway from Driffield to Malton, at Fimber. With the idea of linking up with the North Yorkshire Moors Railway from Malton to Pickering, to link up with the reopened section to Whitby. But all this would have been easier if the Beeching Cuts had been a “sell off” rather than a “line closure” policy.
Agree and also agree that in 1963 the railways could not continue as they were.
However the speed that the infrastructure was ripped down/removed was extremely short sighted, bridges removed stations destroyed just to ensure they could not be reinstated, lines that today would be a godsend with efficient motive power.
The Alston-Haltwhistle line took traffic from the tiny and remote ex-lead-mining town of Alston to connect with the main Carlisle-Newcastle route at Alston. Yes, a small stretch has been re-opened, but basically as a tourist attraction Even if it is extended a further short distance to Slaggyford – that is a very small section of the full branch line.
There was NIL economic case for keeping the single-track Alston to Haltwhistle line open for a handful of daily 2-carriage services. And at the time, who might have bought any or all of the line ? Certainly there was no such proposal from the local Alston Council or the local County Councils.
The present fairly short line is NOT the original track. It is on a 2-foot gauge. Very pretty and all that, and good luck to all the enthusiasts who work on these examples of our industrial archaeology.
The line had been reprieved in the mid-1960’s because there was no bad-weather route to Alston (this was just after the extreme winter of 1963 when Alston was blocked in for weeks) – but this case died when road improvements were made.
As much as I’m a fan of a preserved railway as you are, in no way were these examples of a modern connected transport system. The rebuilt Alston branch is 2ft and goes a short distance, the Weardale ? Well you were in luck, as since the new US short line owners lost the coal contract they stopped the diesel service (although the supporters have run a bubble car a few times) and as the steam loco needs repairs also the tourist service. The branch from Alnwick to the mainline at Alnmouth ? Well it will go from an industrial estate on the wrong side of the A1 ( as the trackbed on the West side is very built over and the station, home of Barter Books of ‘ keep calm and carry on ‘ fame is lost. ) to ‘somewhere near the main line but not a cross platform connection, that is when Network Rail officially recognise our existence ‘ from the mouth of their general manager to me when I visited a few weeks ago.the others well from reasonable tourist lines to very,very doubtful, but still of zero use as a transport solution to the locals, sorry.
To those who decry the building over the track beds in the 60s and later, well how many of you have driven over them without knowing? A small nation does not have the luxury of allowing unused space not to be used, ‘Heads of The Valleys Road’ anyone ? ….the Irish kept their trackbeds when lines closed, they never reopened them. Sadly it’s too late for the past, keep what’s there, open new stations on open lines, get the small stations which were closed in the 60s on main lines reopened with fast stopping electric services. When the Trent Valley got a privatised fast, stopping service from Euston to Liverpool it quickly grew and grew and is now very well used, we need things like this on all main lines to act as railheads( as Alynmouth does ) rather than mourn the past.
Be careful , when you visit the Peoples Socialist Republic , to travel on the Waverley Line , Mr P. the Evil Krankie will have you deported , as you are English & Hideously White . If you manage to get in & out undetected , however,should be an interesting train ride .
The Cambridge to St Ives line remained in-situ for many years after it closed to passengers for sand traffic, as did many lines for freight that lost their passenger services under the Beeching closures.
By the mid sixties the writing was on the wall for branch line freight so the later closures tended to be to all services.
Strangely the ending of demand for coal (other than merry go rounds to power stations) knocked the heart out of wagon load freight.
Always remember to ask those who bang on about the miners when they last bought a cwt of coal to use on their home fire. Coal demand died as North Sea gas came on stream, and that is a long while ago now!
And no enquiry sought for the role of the NUM in killing taxi drivers-or the lefts role in hounding decent Nottinghamshire miners to exiles.
Course not.
Nor on the attacks on the ‘scabs’ wives and children, the rapes and threats of rape, the attacks on businesses that wouldn’t give strikers endless credit, the starvation of Russian miners and their families in order to fund the strike from abroad, the endless violence that continued long after the strike ended and on and on.
The coal is still there but if we mine again it would be entirely a different process. There would be little or nothing in common with th NCB’s operation.
If our politicians & Civil Servants had had some real foresight, they might have created the opportunity & investment for mass transit rail systems in all our major cities apart from London, and in London a circular addition to the London Underground & overground rail network joining the ends of radial lines emanating from the centre of the city. This would have employed miners and utilised their knowledge, experience & skills which I fear have now been lost.
How can you say that coal is a critical source of energy when “they” are shutting down coal fired power stations as if they are going out of fashion. Ferrybridge C is about 4% of the UK peak demand but the market has been structured so that its is not a viable economic unit. It is one of many to be shut down in recent years and they are planning to continue with this policy. Scotland will soon have no coal fired power stations. Utter madness.
Drax power station, when operating at maximum output, burns 36,000 tonnes of coal per day. If that were closed what would replace the electricity it generated? Wind? Solar? Nuclear? Will we be forced to buy it from the French via that cable which we paid for and put in place under The Channel? The one through which we used to give to France the surplus electricity we used to generate. I wonder if they will do the same for us now the boot is on the other foot?
The destruction of the coal mining industry in the U.K. has been a disaster; an ongoing one at that, see how the government refuses to subsidize our last remaining deep mine at Kellingley; so that there is at least one place where mining skills and knowledge are kept alive. “Too expensive” we are told, strange that – because £250,000,000 per week in overseas doesn’t appear to be.
The BBC’s edgy comedy is so weak. Fed up with HIGNFY or News Quiz with their lame UKIP and Daily Mail jokes. That’s what stands for satire at the Beeb. Luckily there is YouTube , and here we find some great comedy taking the mick out of lefties for once. And how easy and funny it is!
Reckon that the independent right have been emboldened by the Tories latest win-this is a good `un by Rod Liddle.
Comedy is no longer anything the BBC does-the web allows for stuff like this to be disseminated.
The Jeremy Vine programme on Radio 2 is a truly odious and warped programme(some of the Left Wing questions he poses are enough to make you scream at the radio which I often do) .
After Ken Bruce it really is a case of change over or hit the off switch.
Anyway, on Tuesday I was too busy at work to change over or switch it off and so in the background I heard this interview with the BBC’s Nick Robinson.
Now, I appreciate that he is/was fighting cancer so honest, genuine respect there but the interview really did reveal so much about the BBC.
They were discussing the recent General Election and Nick Robinson said that as a journalist he has to remain impartial(don’t laugh).
At 46.50 he says that as a BBC journalist he has to be “impartial” but then at 47.18 he declares that he and his wife were taken out to dinner before the election by Ed and Justine Miliband!!.
Even Jeremy Vine tripped himself up at 35.50 when he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
And to cap it all the song they play half-way through the interview is John Lennon’s “Power to the People”!!.
“Even Jeremy Vine tripped himself up at 35.50 when he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
You missed out Vine saying “because everybody thought that MILIBAND was unelectable”.
You know he met David Cameron for dinner too? And indeed in the book (and Daily Mail article) compared the meal unfavourably to the meeting with the Labour leader. So if I had a comment on the point you raise it would be to observe you surfed over the news, ingested what confirmed your own prejudices and then finding your brain full you moved on.
I guess a pertinent question would be, have you read Nick Robinson’s book? Have you confirmed to you own satisfaction he never had dinner with the Cameron’s or the Cleggs?
Cause otherwise you look pretty stupid.
he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
Which of course is a lie from Vine because, like all his BBC colleagues, he was getting very excited about Miliband becoming PM – probably in an unofficial pact with their other heroes in the Scottish and Welsh National Socialists. There is no way they thought the British public would see through the BBC propaganda and lies.
just sick and tired of question time and any questions,it boring lame rubbish,rather watch a good carry on film with sid james than watch question time and listen to any questions on radio 4.the final straw was the immigration debate tonight on any questions on radio 4 when david dimbleby done his typical left wing audience bias rigged survey,dimbleby shouted out put up your hands up those who think the uk should help these illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers breaking there way into europe,put up your hands those who are against, dimbleby announces that it seems like 100 % of the lefty hand picked audience agree with the illegal immigrants coming in to europe and the uk,this was not a scientific survey says dimbleby and only represents the views of the totally left wing biased audience,enough of this left wing rubbish,i have had enough and i am out.
An Anti White propaganda piece from the Economist. ” The Changing Face of Britain.” Check out the Chart of the demographics in each local authority by 2031
Genocide: ‘the destruction of a nation or an ethnic group.’
‘… a coordinated strategy to destroy a group of people, a process that could be accomplished through […] strategies that eliminate key elements of the group’s basic existence, including language, culture, and economic infrastructure.’ Raphael Lemkin
Quite a number of miners stayed in Oxford during the strike for fundraising and picketing purposes. My family comes from an industrial South Wales background, so we got to know a couple of them a bit when they were out collecting money and food, and would quite often chat to them without hyperventilating with excitement. Some posh Oxford middle class lefties however were almost wetting their pants to be in the presence of actual real live working class people! It was pathetic.
I clearly remember overhearing the following boastful exchange at a Ruskin College social: “I’ve got TWO Yorkshire miners sleeping in my study!”, only to be trumped by: “Well, we’ve got THREE Welsh miners staying in our conservatory!”. Oh, how I laughed.
The Left are often so nauseatingly patronising and sentimental about “the workers”. Perhaps it’s because Nanny always made them remember the miners in their prayers in the nursery!
And I well remember the earnest liberal bed-wetters of Hornsey and Highgate/Islington sending box loads of Lord Fauntleroy kiddies stuff and designer Barbour-type waxies up to those brave little tinkers oop north back in the mid-80s.
And they all seem to be still wearing them if those pictures of them all celebrating Thatchers death are typical.
The Great Lady would not have been seen dead in that Glenda Jackson tat as Chaneled through Vanessa Redgrave…but they will be!
The miners strike was sad. But even Neil Kinnock blamed Arthur Scargill for driving the miners over a cliff.
Scargill and the NUM used the State monopoly to try and bring the country to it’s knees and bring in a Communist paradise.
And there in lies the problem. Scargill didn’t give a cahoot about the miners. Just like all the left, they only want Red Fascist power.
The Conservative government had a great package for the miners (a payoff is cheaper than a strike). Scargill rejected. Kinnock came back with the same package during the strike. Scargill again rejected. Then Kinnock knew what it is all about.
Scargill is head of the NUM for life, he is living off the miners blood, sweat and tears. Just like Castro, living a fat life off the blood, sweat and tears of the Cuban people.
John Inverdale won’t be doing Today at Wimbledon, he’s been demoted, the BBC has picked, drum roll please, Clare Balding !! She ticks two boxes. From a guy who insults female tennis players to a woman who insults jockeys with bad teeth.
When , John Inverdale presented ITV`s coverage of the French Open , the person he had joked about, Marion Bartoli, was one of the co commentators , & panelists . If she was so fucking “offended” she would not of appeared together with him . The BBC are both ,racist & sexist to white people .
Fathers are already horrendously disadvantaged by our corrupt family courts. Here is a rare example of a father actually winning custody of his son due to the mother’s selfishness, which led to the mother abducting the boy. The BBC is now portraying it as her somehow being a victim who should have her case reopened, instead of a foul lying cunt who put her own needs ahead of those of her son and broke several laws. The BBC is gynocentric filth.
Italian school girl age 12 beaten up by African immigrant boy (invader) for wearing a crucifix. Fished out of the Med, 5 minutes in Italy and he’s causing trouble.
Incidentally shouldn’t David Camoron be arrested for human trafficking with HMS Tinkerbell picking up all these African invaders ? why doesn’t he go the whole hog, roll out the red carpet and get the QE2 to run a ferry service between Libya and Italy ?
Glad to hear on this mornings 7.00 news that German industrialists are welcoming their 400,000 Syrian assylum seekers for solving their skills shortage. As we all know ‘Arbeit macht frei’.
It was reported slightly differently on the World Service. Something along the lines of
Angela Merkal will spend $1bn on new housing for 400,000 asylum seekers (double the year before).
Even for a country with the population size of Germany, 400000 is a lot. Governments across Europe are committing cultural suicide with absolutely no mandate for these “policies”. It will only end in tears.
If the German economy ever collapses it could lead to deep resentment from Germans against the minority community. The last time that happened, the minority community didn’t fair too damn well.
“If the German economy ever collapses it could lead to deep resentment from Germans against the minority community. The last time that happened, the minority community didn’t fair too damn well.”
The next time it happens the ‘minority communities’ will probably be the majority.
By 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state, according to the German Federal Statistics Office – unless some form of national sanity returns to the majority of Germans well before then.
Yes, the ZDF/ARD TV stations are always pushing the “Willkommenskultur” nonsense – even in children’s programmes. It’s always initially misjudged immigrant child heroically saves calf from cruel, grreedy conservative Bavarian farmer too thick to come to terms with the “progressive” agenda. Usually, there is a happy end, where farmer sees the error of his ways and universal brotherly love breaks out. Unfortunately, the German rustics in the real world are not gagging for enrichment of this type and a number of accommodation centres for asylum seekers have been subject to arson attacks.
The Germans claim to be over the moon at the richness of the human resources flowing their way from Syria, etc., yet criticise Britain for their lack of “solidarity” in not taking their “fair share” of asylum seekers. This is clearly a contradictory position. The British opt-out could only benefit Germany and so they should be thanking us for our altruism.
As Poland must be somewhat lacking in working age population by now, you would think the Poles would be down in Italy trying their utmost to get the enrichment travelling their way.
“As Poland must be somewhat lacking in working age population by now, you would think the Poles would be down in Italy trying their utmost to get the enrichment travelling their way.”
Indeed, and much criticism of Cameron from our handwringers yet none at all for the countries doing no burden sharing whatsoever! They should be glad that at least Camerons spending tax payers money sending the navy to fish the little darlings out of the sinking boats!
There’s seems to be a debate amongst the liberal left as to whether different legal standards should be applied to recent immigrants, in such cases as walloping children. I’ve no doubt they are debating over immigrants attacking children who wear crucifixes. After all, it’s what they do back home.
The debate, by the way doesn’t extend to young whiteys who go starkers in Malaysia. The Malaysians have been universally praised for sending them to jail.
Just started watching the BBC’s new Scottish drama ‘Stonemouth’ on i-player. At the beginning, am starting to get into the plot / characters etc… when bam! onto the screen walks a negro police officer on the harbourside of some God forsaken coastal town (and a not very good actor as well). Instantly, the mood is destroyed as the BBC’s drama by box ticking comes flooding back into my mind. Totally destroyed any credibility that had been built up. For me, a potentially good drama ruined because each time I see him on screen all I can think of is the BBC trying to fulfil it’s f*****g “diversity” targets. God how I loathe the BBC.
I hardly watch any BBC drama or documentaries these days, one of the main reasons is that which you outline above. Other reasons are that dramas are usually full of leftist PC messages some more obvious than others , but they are almost always there. Documentaries are delivered from a 21st century leftist point of view which distorts the programmes be they historical, science or current affairs or even Radio 2 phone ins. These things are unwatchable to anyone who wants to have a balanced programme. The so called comedy programmes are now so biased that they are becoming funny to listen to/watch in the sense that you can’t credit they let this crap be broadcast . As to the news well words fail me.
I also have almost given up on BBC drama. I thought I’d have a look at the new crime drama “The Interceptor”. I lasted 15 mins for the reason it was just poor. Poor acting, no sense of it being “real”. The stake out at railway station was trying to ape The Bourne Ultimatum but just looked sad.
There’s a weird one I am sticking with about Napoleon.
All for alternative views, but historians trashing other historians can be a tricky path to navigate.
Seems Boney was a sweetheart, except for a few excesses.
What has intrigued is the acceptable ‘it was another time’ concessions that often do not get accorded colonial power enforcers less favoured by the BBC.
Some nice locations (of course) and the odd snippet to check online, but I do hope he doesn’t set precedents that the BBC has to place in the ‘other standards’ box.
I found it interesting that there was no mention of Napoleon’s defeat at Acre by the Turks, reinforced by a British naval brigade under Sir Sidney Smith. After all that was a European (French) army defeated by a multinational/multi ethnic force. I’d expected the BBC to make much of that, but then it would have shown the British in a good light – so not acceptable.
Isn’t a bit ironic that the BBC should be running a eulogy to Bonaparte in the week of the 200th anniversary of Waterloo ? The BBC seems to be turning a mostly blind eye on this anniversary. I believe Thursday 18 June is the date of the battle but I could find nothing about Waterloo on the BBC TV schedules for next Thursday
I gave up on the Boney programme as the line was clearly going to be that B., being a good European, was ahead of his time in seeking European unity, and that only those hopeless old UKIPers led by Nigel Wellesley wouldn’t see the benefits of being ruled by a European dictator.
Adolf’s turn soon to be re-evalued?
Tbh, I think the Napoleon documentary walks a tenuous line. Bonaparte was a dictator, and a pretty ruthless one at that, responsible for at least one well-documented massacre which would today place him in the same rank as any of the 20th century’s tyrants.
The BBC are of course up to their usual revisionist tricks with this history documentary, but even they struggle to overlook the excesses of this ‘hero of the revolution’ .
I’m looking forward to the 15th July 1815, when Napoleon surrenders to the British, and is arrested by Captain Frederick Lewis Maitland RN. Transported by HMS Bellerophon to Torbay, and then on to Plymouth before being sent to imprisonment on the most isolated island in the British Empire.
I remember them well, I posted on this site about them! Keen sea fishermen one and all, after all Zimbabwe is only 1,000km and at least one country from the sea and it clearly has a long tradition of sea angling.
The camera crew just happened to find them you know – completely spontaneous decision to include them as typical of the sea fishermen of Yorkshire. There was absolutely no chance whatsoever that there was some sort of policy made by the BBC to look under every stone to find a narrative compliant group.
In my experience (an I have quite a lot) of taking boats out from our coastal towns I have never, ever, seen a single BME person, fishing, diving or yachting or even on a peddalo. Not once; and given that the BME population is something like 15% of the total now (!) that probably indicates that they just don’t do that sort of thing for recreation. Never mind BBC ‘reality’ is always serving a higher truth!
Likewise foreign ethnics anywhere the ethnic British population goes for amusement and celebration of their heritage. Country Parks, nope, National Trust properties, occasionally, usually in the company of a white partner and usually Hindu Middle class. County Shows ? Nope, preserved Railways, nope. The seaside, nope, the theatre, nope, no matter how much time and effort is spent on ‘diversity’ engagement. Horse racing, a few rich from the Gulf usually when they own the field and a few West Indians loosing rather heavily at the bookies. Horse of the year show, not a single brown face to be seen. Cathedrals, nope not that I’ve seen apart from again when school parties full of them from Birmingham are roped into going around and never to be seen again. In fact the entire British entertainment spectrum apart from that under the control of the likes of the bbc is ‘horribly white’ . Expect the likes of the bbc to no longer cover such events as they do not display our ‘cultural enrichment’ . Oh, they don’t anyway do they, not these days.
Likewise with the rock & indie live concerts I go to. I’ve seen no increase in BME attending in the 38 years I’ve been going. As they used to say “heavy metal the last bastion of the white male heterosexual” Probably why it gets so much coverage on the BBc.
You are not wrong. I have a similar length of experience and it is true heavy metal/rock gigs are almost always white and male. Not sure why as most metalheads I know are hardly racist/sexist/whateverist barbarians and when a black face does appears there is never any trouble and, despite the lyrics, the vast majority of fans are complete gentlemen to the few women who turn up.
Incidentally heavy metal fans have the highest IQs of any recognised musical tribe. Perhaps that has something to do with it?
Ah Ha – the BBC is aware of this issue that is why it spends so much time and effort telling us how great the fantastically vibrant “Carnival” (what ever happened to the Notting-Hill bit?) is. You know the heartwarming annual BBC stories of crowds of police doing the conga -and smiling at old ladies. Never much mention why the Met deploys quite so many officers to cover such a joyous celebration.
Despite the coverage of Carnival, strangely the BBC never even finds time to cover on their risible local radio services my local County Agricultural Show – where there are at most a dozen cops on traffic duty and no recorded arrests/murders/rapes/assaults/gang wars on most years, despite the attendance of tens of thousands of local people with their children and dogs. Just to note I have seen quite a few Asian families out at the County Show enjoying themselves.
Though I agree with your general theme, there are seaside resorts which are patronised by large numbers of non-whites. A stretch of Bournemouth beach near the pier is generally Indian; whitey moves off towards Poole. And I remember a great party of Londoners who descended on Eastbourne a year or two ago and left the beach in such a state it made the headlines in the local press. Shall we say that litter bins were not overused.
‘Londoners’ were they ? Treated the beech like the general state of the countryside in the Middle East and the Indian sub continent did they ? Well get used to it down there son !
Yeah those African`s are never found , on the ski slopes , or Winter Olympic`s , water sports (no dirty minds on this one) , sailing , diving ,& swimming for starters . Various horse related sports , until recently motor sports , cycling , shooting sports , mountaineering ,polar exploration . There must be more but I can`t think of any yet .
” Scottish drama ‘Stonemouth’, At the beginning, I’m starting to get into the plot / characters etc… when bam! onto the screen walks a negro police officer on the harbourside.”
Bit like seeing an Eskimo in the Sahara desert, it’s incongruous.
And the ‘diverse’ Blacks are always in positons of authority, never the security men , parking attendants, or fast breeding layabouts we see in real life.
The BBC, or at least its subs, have lost the plot over this.
Of course they are not secret. Clearly.
Any more than any of the rest of their claims or accusations-as-questions are credible or in possession of an ounce of impartial integrity.
Which given Jon Donnison seems at the heart of it comes as little surprise. The BBC seems to throw him in countries they seek to undermine as siege armies used diseased carcasses on castles.
Jon ‘dubbed by some’ Don, on another mystery boat trip, dips in and out with ‘some say’ selective reporting that errs into pure ‘actor vox pop’ propaganda and censorship.
He is pure BBC.
Here’s some comments from the FaceBook complements:
Armando Soto-Vieira No comparison…where are the chains and torture chambers??? iligal immigrants remain in detention…they destroy their identities, refuse to return to points of exit…abusing the same weak points and political correct loo points has in UK and Europe…BBC should do undercover reporting on Australia’s decades humanitarian refugee i (sustainable) programes…Manus Island refugees are in their entirety financial refugees…Any one paying $10.000 to 20.000 to peoples smugglers have find out too late that have been taken for a deadly boat ride…as over 1200 drawn victims discover so far and to late…
Mark Smith Lol BBC! Nice try at attempting to demonise Australia for this. As you can see from the comments, however, there’s overwhelming support for it.
Dani Thompson Oh please, Guantanamo bay and Manus island are hardly comparable. Firstly, they aren’t held there against their will, they made the journey there and can go back home.
Who to believe?
Given his record, JonDon is fast becoming the BBC’s Comical Ali, only funded by compulsion.
Can’t wait to see if anyone hits them with some factually-based complaints on their efforts over this.
Had a Donnison report on our (NZ) main news tonight on the boat people detained on the island – blatantly infiltrating and breaking rules to get his ‘story’. His final comment was, “Cruel to be kind, or just cruel?” – oooh, I wonder which way he was thinking – not!!
Why should western democracies welcome all comers from failed states – failed because of endemic corruption and barbarism in their own countries? UN is the root cause of all this mass movement – they need sorting.
Can we start a petition to get Tony Abbot to declare the bbc in general and moron JonDon in particular ” Persona non Grata ” and booted back to Gaza ? I would willingly pay my tax to remove this loathsome creature from the shores of a friendly state and boot him back into the loving arms of Hamas.
I’m enjoying the defeat of my old party. Yes I was a Labour party member once…I can only apologise.
However Its nice to see the BBC and Labour are doing such sterling work rubbing their own noses in their failure to be elected. (And one hopes being out of power for the next 5, probably 10, maybe 15 years). I’m almost pleased to pay my TV Tax.
Labour think it was all about trusting them with the economy. It was but it was obviously something much bigger. The fact is large swathes of Britain from various classes and backgrounds and for various reasons simply despise them. Seeing the disgusting, sneering hypocrite Emilly Thornberry recently on a rerun simply fuels my hatred…However maybe Labour HAVE caught on to one of the reasons. Anyone checking out, the party’s official web site, (not the BBC which of course is their unofficial site) may see that on all those 50 plus faces on their lead page not one is “efnic.” Not one at all. If Labour are trying to claw back white working class votes I suggest its a bit late now.
Many thanks indeed for apologising for being a past member of the Labour Party.
It is so good that you converted from an ideology that nearly destroyed our nation in so many ways economically, ethnically, morally, religiously and even reputationally by insanely going to war over WMD lies and allying with that criminal and nutter Bush.
Blair and the Labour tribe, (from the spin of, Campbell, to the deceit of the Attorney General et al), must be unable to sleep at night knowing they contributed to much of the Middle East now on fire with millions either displaced, wounded, in body bags or on the shores of Libya making an escape to EU from ISIS.
You say Roadto….”Labour think it was all about trusting them with the economy. It was but it was obviously something much bigger”,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you are dead right about that.
It is always good to remind ourselves of these other crimes, (listed below) that were finally identified by the great British people and a big message was sent to Labour on 7th May. This site is dedicated also to the BBC bias who has supported Labour contrary to its unbiased remit from the taxpayer who pay their inflated ginormous salaries,
Labour = Get ROTHERHAM + most other Labour administered strongholds.
NHS Wales, Mid Staffs,
Deficit largest peacetime ever,
Tower Hamlets,
British JIHADI’s,
Campbell spin (Kelly),
EU 55m per day,
Record teenage mums,
BBC Bias (stuffed with lefties with resultant ethos),
Halal extreme animal cruelty,
England democratic deficit post devolution,
Trojan Horses,
Human Rights Act,
Benefits Street lifestyle choice,
Quangos stuffed,
PFI generational extortion,
Multi-Culti fail,
NEETS highest ever,
Shairia Courts in our land,
Inequality highest ever under labour,
Foreign Aid corruption,
Bequeathed Coalition longest recession ever,
GPs 100k pa combined with cancel out of hours service result A&E overload, (5 million extra citizens plus an ageing population helped too),
Cheap gold – 400 tons of it,
Manufacturing largest ever decline,
House building lowest since 20s (notwithstanding introducing 5 million extra to our population),
Zero Power Stations built,
Millennium Dome,
Janner Peado allegations,
Coop Bank fail,
Fuel Duty escalator,
Islamification priority over the Christian heritage,
Crony dynasty Blair, Kinnock, Benn, Harman,
Lisbon Treaty without referendum,
Postal voting fraud, 50% attending uni – only 20% uni jobs avail (should have gone for more apprenticeships),
Climate change zeal,
Class war – Thornberry snob, Abbot Racist,
Cash for honours – even a Prime Ministers collar felt for the first time ever
Said it before and I`ll say it again-these lists of yours are essential.
Reminding us of the colossal litany of disasters and nasty turds in the jacuzzi that Labour left us with-and still hope we`ll forget….or let the BBC/Guardian tell us were all Tory errors.
Got my own list to compare with-I just start with the towering John Prescott, sway past the Queen Mothers coffin with Blair and Campbell taking selfies-and poor Tracey Temple getting a spare pair of undies from Pauline Prescotts drawer, as she writes her “book” on the Chequers lawn.
Labour are redundant toxic waste-and need dismembering.
“Said it before and I`ll say it again-these lists of yours are essential.”
Absolutely! Gives us pedants something to spot – an omission.
I don’t think that the Milibands’ & Margaret Hodge’s tax dodging … er … aggressive tax avoidance …. ummhh, no … playing the system … doh! what’s the correct phrase? … oh, I have it now: ‘complying with tax law to secure the best possible personal outcome’ went down too well with some sectors of the electorate.
The Dome down at Greenwich , has been made into a fantastic area , with an excellent arena now its “The O2” , I have been down to see quite a few concerts at it. I was really impressed .
Me too!…I was solid Irish working class Labour grapeshot throughout the 80s, hated Thatcher, loved Ron Todd and thought Benn and Foot were “The Way”.
Became a green in 1989, and stayed with them until 1992…days of Sarah Lucas, eulogising Petra Kelly etc.
Found Jesus in 1993(where He`d always been)-and was duped, non-voting but happy for Blair to try his experiments.
Epiphany was 9/11-and funnily enough Rocco Buttiglioni, David Kelly, Mandelson in the EU and tuition fees gave me a visceral hatred of Labours betrayals…so found the likes of Hayek, Coulter, Hitchens(P), Melanie P …and this site in 2009 too!
Realised the role of Israel and the Old Testament in 2008/9-having been a suckup for Islam previously.
So sir-you`re correct, Labour are dead-a zombie legacy heritage theme park of the deluded and the hypocritical.
I to apologise for having previously been a Labour supporter and for having canvased for them back in the 1980s. However, Roadto. The ‘old’ party was not defeated at the GE, that died long ago
Perhaps Michael Crick could chase the Hon Harriet Harman down the street on Channel 4 News demanding to know why she is a racist? If it’s good enough for Ukip, it should be good enough for Labour.
Let’s list your prejudices:
1. Anyone coloured.
2. Anyone gay
3. Anyone female
4. anyone who does not conform to your concept of living in 50s Britain.
So do you go around telling these people to FO? Or do you just do it on a troll site?
Pray tell. Not that anyone will be waiting to read your views.
I think the point is that the majority population is successively being airbrushed out. I have nothing against any of these groups at all but I suspect that the BBC operates a policy that goes something like this….
Sports programmes have been bastions of white male neanderthals for a long time. Hmmm…. despite the vast majority of people who participate in sports and who attend sporting events being male and largely white and heterosexual this is clearly unacceptable (!). We need to encourage ‘diversity’. Presto, new male sports reporters (not the half witted celebrity commentators) pretty much on the red book critically endangered species list as far as the Beeb goes. This general liberal fascism applies across the board at the BBC – every policy is designed to achieve some social engineering goal.
I do not think that it is racist, sexist or homophobic to point out the blatant application of explicitly racist, sexist and homophilic policies by the BBC
Twizzle. Certainly:
1. I am friends with 3 generations of a West Indian family and they are wonderful, highly intelligent people…. Hint, they do NOT subscribe to ‘victim’ politics, all generations from Uni lecturer grandfather through school headmaster to high flying Student daughter fully identify as British first and black a lot further down the line, a lesson here for others perhaps ?
2. I have worked and had common hobbies with ‘Gays’ most of my life. Some have come out, some have not, all have got on with their lives….once again none of them have identified as ‘victims’ ( we live far to far from London to make it worthwhile !). All have been great people, who I have been happy to share a drink and my time with. I never ask about their sexual habits and they have never asked about mine, a lesson to you young beeboid, not everyone ‘gays’ included is obsessed about their little bits.
3. Have been married twice, the first time to a schoolgirl who became a student who became a head of school in a leading Uni, the other a very good teacher, I have always loved women, as a child, as a lover, as a husband, as a human being. next stupid question ?
4. 1950s Britain ? Dunno, as I was only a very small child in that time and was born out of wedlock ( shock, horror ! MY GOD I WAS A VICTIM TOO!!!! ) you really are a sad little twat with your questions arn’t you pal, stupid questions, stupid bbc ideas about those who hold you to account, stupid and bloody thick, pal.
My understanding of BBC types is that for maximum equality/diversity, all eight people should be depicted as disabled black lesbians. And for some reason, only the Asians and Afro-Caribbeans are depicted in a normal relationship, while all the white ones would be regarded as abnormal by nice descent Islamic people, and anyone else that was not a middle class left-wing anti-democratic BBC type.
Given the new rules for Dolezal in the USA-surely all four of these PC labels could be mixed and matched…those Afro Carribeans look very Peters and Lee to me now!
Ah yes, the ersatz mulattress Rachel Dolezal. The brief film in the article below, where she is questioned about how she lied regarding her father’s ethnicity, is pure gold.
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it BBC News Watch, the show that likes to play hide and seek through the schedules with us licence payers.
This morning – set your alarm clocks – at 8.13 and 3/4 on the News Channel (or some such) they give a masterclass in how to get the BBC to respond to a concern about their news….
wait for it….
Some viewers are upset that the BBC is giving diversity posterboy Mo Farah a hard time.
You see our Mo runs on water. Or at least not on steroids.
So the lesson is : if you have a complaint that the BBC is offending some object close to the liberal heart – then it’s straight to air with your concerns.
Then one of those awkward juxtapositions in the news schedule – worries that people aren’t complaining to big institions because it’s a waste of time eg…. wait for it… the NHS
What the BBC decides is worthy of a mea culpa is every bit as editorially selective as their guest selection or vox pops.
Was Fraser ‘I’m on it’ Steel leading the self-flagellation rapid response?
Given what actually matters that does give cause for concern, the BBC complaints landing page is usually a hoot for what the BBC thinks has truly upset the audiences.
It’s almost like they choose trivia to avoid the serious.
Amusingly, given the rats-in-a-sack version of cabinet responsibility practised by our liberal guardians there at the BBC, that Ceri Thomas of BBC Panorama when challenged with “but given the problems with Lord McAlpine was the BBC right to blah blah Mo Farah” our ceri comes right back with “That was Newsnight!”
Peoples Front for Judea just bombed the Judean Popular Front
The Panorama/Newsnight rivalry seems to produce endless entertainment, if propagating the notion of a weird limbo of responsibility in BBC higher management where they all suddenly get forgetful and point at each other, but nothing actually sticks as it stays internal.
Erm…I’m usually behind on these things. But aren’t we supposed to start referring to Mo as “Somalian-born” so that we can ever so subtly create a fissure that will in time become an earthquake-size hole?
Just keep me in the loop.
A mild slap form Rona, with all the authority she carries? I bet they are quaking.
Nice to see the words ‘BBC’ and ‘financial reputation’ still together.
There’s also a runners and riders selection on the DCMS committee chair.
Looking at Ed Vaizey’s feed, one can only hope a spine may be found somewhere if John W continues to see his role as simply securing the BBC’s revenue….
Not entirely a BBC bias issue but they’re clearly advocating Guardian bias as well as furthering their own. The BBC quotes a female commentator in the Guardian, who has a title with ‘sexism’ in the name meaning she’s hardly impartial, as saying the honours list is sexist because most of the top honours this year went to men, at a ratio of 5:1. This ignores the fact that the last several honours lists have seen knights only outnumber dames by about 3:2, and overall honours moreorless equal, making this year’s list the exception to the rule. Still, it allows a feminist to think she’s saying something and the BBC can pat itself on the back for giving credence to this confirmation bias nonsense.
The bigger issue though is that the honours list is meaningless to the majority, so even if it is sexist, it only affects a few people each year. Funny that the BBC and Guardian don’t ever report on the far more socially relevant family court laws, which have been utterly discriminatory against men for years and affect far more people’s lives than a token nobility.
Of course, the one case of child custody prominently referred to in the media lately is one of the disproportionately few in which the father has won, and in this case the mother abducted the boy before running to the Daily Mail trying to portray herself as a victim. Even the BBC points out that she has been judged mentally unstable, has fabricated evidence against the father in court, and is generally unsafe to be with her son unsupervised. Her latest action simply justifies the court’s original decision, yet the BBC seems intent on having a case that already lasted two years reopened, which is absolute stupidity. Of course, it’s entirely because it’s a mother in this rare case and the BBC can force its female victimisation bollocks onto us once more. Had it been one of the majority of cases where the father was given little to no access, kicked out of his house, and forced to pay child support for a child he was never able to see, the BBC and Guardian would have ignored it – unless the dad had abducted the child, in which case an argument would have been made for even fewer rights to male divorcees and parents.
This goes beyond political correctness, this is actively damaging our society. How these cultural Marxists can think it’s ‘progress’ is beyond me.
Any review of this latest Scandi drama care of the BBC cheque book (ie our licence fee) simply has to start with this quote from Lord Palmerston:
“Only three people have ever really understood the Schleswig-Holstein business – the Prince Consort, who is dead – a German professor, who has gone mad – and I, who have forgotten all about it”
And a few minutes of watching 1864 tells you that Palmerston pretty much nails it for both the Schleswig-Holstein question and the TV series.
The modern day tale with flash backs to the history story style delivers something like girl with a silver nose-piercing meets The Heir Hunters. If you like bleached out film tone and probably stilted dialogue made to appear profound in sub-title… read on.
I‘ll have to own up I could only stomach a fraction of the thing.
They say it had a double episode starter and will end in a double-ender. Enough said.
There were some impressive war scenes but the human story seemed to have been done before and to fall flat.
There’s always a liberal message behind these things. Large nation robs provinces from a small one. Difficult pitch. Now had this happened to, say Ireland, or just about anywhere else, then the Germans would have been the clear bad guys. How could modern euro-liberals spin that? Well, it seems the Danish politicians were the warmongers. And we focus on some diversity in the form of a gypsy family caught up in all the strife. Ethnic refugees flee war torn Europe, I guess.
We got off lightly. Had the BBC made this in-house the mere mention of Prussian Black Hussars would surely have given a part to His Lordship Sir Lenny Henry.
The Schleswig-Holstein question could have been solved during the 1945 – 1955 British Sector of Germany days. We could have annexed our ancient homeland Angeln to England as a buffer between Germany and Denmark.
In Springwatch’s spin-off show Springwatch Unsprung, Chris Packham was defiant as he addressed the fact that the show had received plenty of comments about airing the footage.
Chris Packham said: “Well, look, the real world is the real world. Is it because it’s a cutesy owl?
“We can’t put our human values on this.” He added: “If a spider eats a fly, is it any worse? It’s the cycle of life. And we did warn people.”
Typical of the globalist garbage that makes up most of cinema advertising nowadays. Probably started (and continued) by the maker of brown fizzy liquid in curvy bottles. (Has anyone ever seen young people en masse knocking back the stuff except in an advert?). Ein Volk, Ein Reich.
Seriously? The tag line is ‘that’s what happens when you put two great things together …’ That hardly means whitey is boring.
Admittedly the dancing is hardly ‘great’ and the music is culturally streets ahead but it is in no way anti-white.
Getting upset by this sort of crap, and it has nothing to do with the BBC BTW, is only gong to end up with you spraining something. Chill out with a Guinness … 😉
A few weeks back I informed my esteemed colleagues on this site that I’d submitted a formal complaint via the BBC ‘Complaints’ website re the WHYS programme by the incurably ‘progressive’ Chloe Tilley on Palestinian attempts to expel Israel from FIFA. Naturally the Israeli side was hardly heard amid a flurry of foul Palestinian propaganda virtually unhindered by Chloe.
About ten days later I changed my ISP and email address so today I resubmitted the complaint in case they really will reply. I agreed to do a survey on the website and after being rejected for the survey I wrote to them again:
I complained today on an unrelated matter and a box popped up asking if I wanted to complete a survey for edigital research on this website. So once I’d sent the complaint I filled in the first few questions of the survey, only to be told that I cannot complete it since I live outside the UK.
Please tell those responsible that I object to having my time wasted and I don’t understand why they cannot tell people at the outset that the survey is restricted to those in the UK. Unless of course they structure it that way in order to see how many people, in or out of the UK, will at least begin the survey – which is a lot worse.
In either case, it’s treating people with indifference at best and contempt at worst. The BBC spreads its unique brand of ‘progressive’ ideology across the planet in an attempt to get as many people as possible in line with its own world view. So at the very least it should be prepared to listen to the opinions of those it seeks to influence.
Now I note that despite getting the following reassuring message on submitting the previous complaint: “we will acknowledge your complaint ….” I have checked my inbox and have received nothing. Should I assume this is because I am outside the UK and therefore the BBC will not deal seriously with my complaint?
If so, please let me know so that I don’t waste more time.
Outside the UK
While writing this here I got an email from them complete with a case reference number. Nearly fell off my chair in shock. However, I didn’t receive an email for the Chloe complaint – not for the original one either. So I guess I’ll have to resubmit it with a short note to that effect.
Right, and demonstrating total misunderstanding of what I wrote.
There is an interesting contradiction here. When I’d submitted the Chloe complaint a page from the World Service came up with a blurb indicating that they would acknowledge my complaint and aim to reply within ten working days. They haven’t acknowledged it.
But on submitting the above complaint, which I’d directed to General BBC, I got a blurb back which did not mention any initial acknowledgement, yet I received one.
They claim it’s automatically generated but I don’t believe it. Perhaps ten minutes went by before I got it and why did I not get it for the Chloe complaint?
There’s almost certainly a vetting process right from the start, with an army of leftie BBC nerds hovering over every incoming complaint in order to earn spare cash for their social science studies.
Well, I guess this need further investigation. Will there be no automatic response (and therefore no case number) to any complaint directed to the World Service?
Many companies use automated response systems that acknowledge emails to ‘customer services’ or complaint departments as a matter of course. It lets the correspondent know their email/form has been received. Surely it is not beyond the wit of the BBC to do the same? It costs nothing after all …
Well if it costs nothing then it’s right out of the window. The BBC would need at least 5000 meetings employing an army of £1000 a day consultants first. Anyone who suggested a simple solution would be seen as a traitor. I mean, without endless meetings, what would the whole tier of management do with themselves all day?
Not sure if I’ve missed it but has the bbc made any refer any reference to this ongoing which if you google still seems to be bubbling away ? You can see the problem they and their leftie friends are going to have with this one, just imagine if our poor misunderstood ‘British’ youngsters took themselves off to get involved as in Syria ? Who to support ? Which line to take ? What if Israel comes to the aide of Hamas ? Oh to be a fly on the wall of the foreign newsroom meeting.
Splendid-hope it`ll be a a matter of mutually-assured destruction.
But not before the BBC get skewered on the horns of an Islamic mosque about which side here will destroy them for not supporting their cause.
Maybe BBC could back IS, whereas BBC2 back Hamas…that Panorama/Newsnight chasm of theirs.
In that Guardian report comes this gem:
“Boothman is married to Susan Deacon, a former Labour minister and MSP, and is seen as closely aligned to Labour.”
The Boothman in question is John Boothman, BBC Scotland’s head of news and current affairs.
I never thought I’d ever see the day when the print edition of the BBC made such an admission.
As a relative’s birthday treat we went on a BBC Tour the other day. A snip at £15 each, this consisted of a heavily chaperoned shuffle, by a group of around 20 people, around very limited parts of Broadcasting House (B.H.) and New B.H. We were escorted by a couple of rather camp young men, presumably “resting” luvvies. We started with a pep-talk outside the BBC Newsroom (the biggest in Europe, apparently) before pressing our noses to the newsroom windows to see… precisely nothing that you can’t already see in the background of TV News broadcasts. Wow.
Then on to the One Show studio, and its green sofas. “You don’t know how many famous bottoms have sat on these”, said one of the luvvies, a bit lasciviously I thought. Perhaps he was interested in bottoms. He pointed out how the One Show’s logo on the outside of the studio window blocked the view of the Cafe Nero outlet across the courtyard. “We don’t want to give them free advertising,” he explained, a bit rich coming from the BBC and its endless programme adverts, or “trails” as we were sniffily told they were called.
Next, upstairs to the Broadcasting House Theatre, a nondescript large studio building with cramped red seats in the balcony on which we were told, not invited, to sit. Many radio programmes are, surprise, recorded here, we were told, and there were microphones suspended over the audience area which “prove” that the audience laughter you hear on the programmes is real. We were all too polite to point out that the laughter need not necessarily have been recorded at the same time as the typically dire radio comedy programme in which it was heard. And for the dullards among us, we were told that this studio had been used for donkey’s years and all sorts of famous people had recorded stuff there. Well, I never.
That was all we saw of the “real thing”. The rest of the tour was spent in a room made into a fake radio studio, where 5 volunteers among us recorded a spoof radio play with sound effects, quite fun actually, and then in a similar room done up as a fake TV studio where volunteers stood in front of a green screen to read some fake news from the camera’s autocue, with the newsroom inserted into the background of the picture in place of the green screen to make it look real. Cringe, cringe. Lastly, we were encouraged to visit the BBC Shop to buy some tat, (e.g. BBC mugs, £6.99) before being shown/thrown out.
Overall impression: a highly self-regarding and self-satisfied institution, hideously male and white, treating its paying guests with barely-disguised contempt. (I have been on many more interesting and worthwhile tours than this.) There was no attempt to explain anything, just dumbed down encouragement, that would not have looked out of place in a kindergarten, to go “ooh, ah” and play with the toys provided.
Do they not still have the OO gauge model railway?
That was the highlight of my visit about 12 years ago. The engine had a camera fitted to the front relayed to a large screen, so that you could run your own version of the 4 minute trip from London to Brighton.
Not that we saw, alas. I do remember the old black and white “4 minutes from London to Brighton” film though. It was always a laugh that whenever the film cut to a shot of the driver, the scenery was passing by at normal speed.
Dear God, sounds like a day trip to North Korea. 🙁
I know, how about a comedy show based on the world of bbc comedy shows, could be really funny if it was honest !
BBC s poster boys … CAGE Prisoners
getting “pat on the back” treatment from …
Hilary s boy, Max Blumenthal,(as well as the BBC)
“Max Blumenthal is the hard-Left writer who helped Hillary Clinton concoct her wild story that the jihad attack in Benghazi was over a YouTube video that cast Muhammad in a negative light.
So we know Max is a foe of the freedom of speech. He is also the son of Hillary’s close adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, who was involved with the Benghazi fiasco every step of the way. Max Blumenthal is also an energetic purveyor of the “Islamophobia” myth, even recording an interview about it on RT the day before the Benghazi attack.”
R Spencer
“BBC 5Live 10am is going to have an extended piece on the reality of erm … “climate change”
(don t they ever realise how abjectly stupid they sound using that term),
A few glassy eyed, “church of” will be given copious amounts of airtime no doubt
… “even Saudi Arabia now has to accept the reality”, bleats our Beebot advertising for the show.
… After, Fridays BBC B/S fest, on ahem “the reality”, of “the facts”
on climate change, a few impeccably researched real fact for them to ponder.
The ICCC event yesterday
Great stuff, noggin – thanks for posting those clips.
Didn’t Roger Harrabin go to one of the Heartland conferences and get into an angry dispute ? I doubt if Harrabin had time to go to this one, he is far too busy building up the propaganda case for the Paris conference in December.
Now why on earth would Harrabin get into an angry dispute? Surely he would have been there merely to report the facts in an impartial manner. Getting angry implies an emotional attachment to one side in the climate debate. Not our Roger.
The ubiquitous Claire Balding this morning presenting Trooping The Colour was almost on the point of climax when she found a women officer from the Kings Troop. The most important question she could think to ask was ‘What is the percentage of women in the Kings Troop?’
Is this important? sod their ability to do the job eh Claire.
What a disgusting little thug. That incident opens up a few questions:
Who took the video? Almost certainly someone who works in the shop.
If so, why post it on YouTube? From the blurb under the video, it seems a copy was made so that it would not be lost. Could be that the thug put it up originally in celebratory mode to gloat over and then realised there might be consequences and took it down:
Don’t worry, I’m sure the BBC and UK media will be all over this. After all, they’ve given saturation coverage to a mildly stupid remark about labs and women falling in love, so surely this will get the full treatment?
You Tube have removed it. But the Mirror is running it as a story of a shopkeeper who takes the law into his hands. To me it looked as if the victim was guilty of taking a bag into the shop, which several of the shops owned by protected people prohibit. See the vid here and share it widely;
Not like the woman on the tram who complained about immigrants whose video was available throughout her lengthy trial.
Indeed they Sent JonDon, he knew how to suck but has now left. Question, how to show our support for the boys in black aka, IS ? A bit like a male approaching a female black widow spider I’d imagine.
Its honours day and just as elsewhere in the country bBC Points West reports on those honoured here in the West, plenty of them, but do they focus on the scientist come explosives expert, the postmistress who ran her post office for 50 years, or the police superintendent who led the responce to the Somerset floods?
No instead the program focuses on a Bristol chap who started the first Muslim scout group in Britain and some Common Purpose type who ‘raised the awareness’ of FGM.
The bBC needs to realise that no one outside of the metropolis gives a toss what happens within, certainly not here in deepest Somerset.
One question begging to be asked, is there a such a thing as a Christian only scout group?
Succinctly put, and mirrors my sentiments exactly. I can’t make my mind up if Earls Court is a troll or a weapons-grade looney. Or even, perhaps, Bunny in a new persona after a Damascene conversion.
“Can the divestment movement tame climate change?”
–Most scientists say that the burning of fuels like coal, gas and oil is the main driver of climate change, and that cutting back on them is inevitable–.
(Divestment is a new word thought up by an anonymous US University. It means stopping investment in Companies that refuse to commit financial suicide at the Climate Change altar).
No counter discussion of course. Such as: ‘Some scientists say that Climate Change does not exist’.
That discussion would never ever be allowed in BBC world.
…other authors of that invaluable collection of essays include Mark Steyn, Prof Lindzen, Anthony Watts, Donna Laframboise, Nigel Lawson, Ross McKitrick, Jo Nova, Willie Soon, Ian Plimer etc
Not all the essays are good – but the book shows the breadth of the talent and knowledge/wisdom in the sceptic camp.
You must surely have worked out that Dave is a chinless tosser by now! The fact that he managed to beat a party led by Brain Dead Ed does not make him another Churchill (and I mean the dog, not Winston).
He won’t do anything meaningful about the BBC, just as he won’t do anything meaningful about the EU. His so-called renegotiation is a sham, we all know it. He is a manager, not a leader.
Anyone unfortunate enough to be listening to Any Questions the other day would have come away with the impression that Diane Abbot is the most wonderful politician in Britain. The “self selecting, first come first served audience” as Dimbleby minor constantly reminds us hooted, stomped and applauded rapturously every syllable the divine Diane gave us. Nobody else received the merest ripple of affirmation. We were told by the sage that the refugees drowning in the Med were human beings (no, really?) and needed to be treated with compassion. When the impressive Dan Hannan took her to task for her insipid emotional rhetoric the audience turned on him, catcalling and shouting in the usual typical lefty fashion. Dan was having none of it and ploughed on. Poor Diane seemed lost for words and was, metaphorically, on the ropes. Referee Dimbleby valiantly came to her assistance (impartially, of course) and decided that the “impartial audience” should vote on the question of the refugee crisis. Believe it or not the “impartial audience” agreed with Ms Abbot, that we do need to do more to help these poor people, though what that might be no one could say. The amazing thing was the extent of the vote. Even Dimbleby sounded embarrassed. “It looks like,” he mumbled “about 100 per-cent.”
And people reckon that BBC audiences are rigged.
As if…
The week after Natalie Bennett had her spluttering LBC disaster Any Questions came from Bristol and Bennett was a guest.
The show was so biased in her favour that in the following weeks Dimbleby Minor found it necessary to preface every subsequent programme running up to polling day by saying that all tickets were on a first come, first served basis.
Plainly that night the Greens deliberately skewed the audience in their own favour in an attempt to gain electoral advantage.
Dunno about discreet. Dimbleby reads out the venues for the next two weeks towards the end of each QT.
Could be that assorted lefties are just well organised in hijacking events, with a bit of help, no doubt from the BBC selection process for the audience.
I accept that left wing groups are well organised so well in fact that their foot soldiers already have their application forms filled out for appropriate locations before Dimbleby even said good evening
I’m sure it takes far more than two weeks prepare for a QT ,even for a well organised left wing group like the BBC
‘Twitter’ (well, the media end of it, which is all that matters, in their minds) seems to have clocked that Ministers don’t seem to jump now when the BBC snaps its fingers.
And the BBC, and twitter, are not happy, so they are doing what they do best and throwing toys out of the pram… on a sunny Sunday when most are in the garden having a coffee (WiFi boosters and tablets a real boon).
Actually I think this is a very unfortunate pendulum swing on accountability, but it shows just where the BBC has dragged itself down to.
Labour has imploded so the BBC no longer reports or asks questions; it propagandizes and censors trying to be a defacto opposition.
It is not trusted and not transparent, and enough know it that dodgy pols (that is, all pols) have twigged they can risk passing on the dubious exposure BBC airtime affords.
Must sting to see them being viewed as simply a part of what the public needs to know about, or doesn’t.
And to realize they are now treated as they have too long treated political discourse, as something to be squeezed through a filter to suit minority preferences.
Another hour, another BBC Facebook post advocacy in guise of a question:
“Is Majid Britain’s most popular asylum seeker”
The answers so far again suggest that whoever the BBC seems determined to speak for, it is not the nation they claim.
Well, I should point out it is via twitter via #bbctrending, which is how the BBC gets its news these days, if often via Godfrey, who they are coming to grasp is the wrong kind of student on the line.
A tablet in the outdoors is not an ideal mechanism to accompany ‘Jane’s Book Of BBC Peroxide Sinks’ in host recognition, but even as one who has seldom enjoyed the A/VD reporting experience, is that really her?
Not that it really matters as the piece itself has ‘hive-approved’ written through it.
Yeah saw this article myself and decided to have a watch at the clip on youtube. Laughable reporting. The 10000 approx. viewers this clip has is probably as many as watched it live when it was transmitted live on the VD show!!!
I think the BBC has turned into a national broadcaster for minorities. Be it ethnicity, sexuality,ability,morality or whatever is not the majority held view or behaviour.
They are anti the majority, ergo anti democracy.
All that fuming, red faced ranting about Muslims being victims … of conspiracy … of the Zionist plot etc etc.
On the BBC, on Sky, on LBC,
Looks like old Asshair Buthairy has blown one “incandescent with rage” brain cell too many.
Asghar … Israel ain t going anywhere, so all of this Israel hatred, is not good for you … and its racist
but it is just endemic and stereotypical Islamic anti-Semitic conspiracy paranoia, what a dangerous cult you follow A,
The last few days has proven quite special for spokespeople of BBC fondly-held causes imploding to an extent that only true acolytes can fail to blush at the association.
On twitter this morning this cove featured a fair bit. Interestingly, stills used to feature him had oddly familiar backgrounds.
Would it be safe to say he is also no stranger to the odd BBC studio and sofa?
Another example of the BBC defending someone based on their gender. Rebecca Minnock, who was so terrible a parent that even the most feminist-biased family court system in the Western world wasn’t willing to give her custody of her son, kidnapped him and has since tried to portray herself as the victim, while the BBC is more than happy to give her ample time yet has provided absolutely none to Ethan’s father. Perhaps Minnock’s “two years of hell” wouldn’t have lasted as long if she hadn’t fabricated evidence and used sly tactics to prevent her ex-partner from seeing his child. I don’t purport to know about either of these people but that’s precisely the point, the BBC has not done anything to give us an informed account of the personalities of the people involved. Normally I’d say that’s fair, but considering the disproportionate amount of credence they’re now giving her attempts to defend her illegal behaviour, coupled with their pre-existing and well-documented liberal bias, it’s so blatantly apparent that this is another attempt at female victimisation. Maybe if the BBC reported on the 90-odd% of cases where fathers are given very limited (if any) visitation rights I’d give them the benefit of the doubt on this, but they don’t. They only ever report on this stuff when it fits into their gynocentric social engineering streamline. And they’re doing this despite even the mother admitting that Ethan wanted to return home to his father.
The BBC is the most evil media indoctrination device ever created.
That disgusting organisation, the BBC, f**king reeks of sympathy for these vile pieces of rat filth. They are not British and they are not fighting some ‘holy war’. They are vermin who should be expunged from the planet.
Agreed, they are nothing more than the modern version of the Waffen SS, and they need to be treated as they were when cornered, or captured. Bullet in the back of the head, move on.
“If you have one total outsider, who is free to say whatever he likes, who sounds totally human, much more convincing – and all of the others restricted within the normal rules of politics and they sound a bit… sort of.. ‘lockjaw’… fixed, it makes them sound stiffer, it’s a bit like having a loose horse jumping all the jumps ahead in the middle of the Grand National – it doesn’t necessarily help decide between the serious runners”
Polly Toynbee was here giving an arguement against including left winger Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour leadership hustings.
Read her words carefully and think about how the BBC regularly includes left-leaning actors, comedians and other celebrities in – for example – their Question Time debates. ‘Loose horses’ – it could be a useful phrase to remember.
‘Food waste scandal of the Calais stowaways’ – £2m worth of food every month being destroyed by illegal immigrants – was the main front page news in The Times yesterday. On the bBBC ‘news’ … nowhere!
Bias by omission again. Mustn’t report anything that might reflect badly on the economic migrants men fleeing persecution.
According to The Times, Food worth almost £2 million is being written off each month because stowaways have broken into lorries heading for Britain, it emerged yesterday.
Freight bosses revealed that £10 million of fresh fruit and vegetables had been thrown away since the start of the year amid fears over deteriorating levels of security at the port of Calais.
In many cases, food is dumped after being rejected by shops and distributors who are concerned that it has been “contaminated” by groups of migrants found inside HGVs. Write-offs are being reported almost every day, it was said.
“That’s fresh produce in the vehicle being lost. It is fresh produce, it’s for immediate consumption and not packaged in a way that makes the product totally sealed, and therefore if you have people in the back there is a risk of contamination.”
Just as we have skip divers highlighting supermarket waste and name and shames on odd shaped veg on Look Navel programmes, why not ‘Not Strictly Sanitary’ cooking shows, whipping up treats from produce blessed by uncertain contacts?
Best yet, all then served up in the BBC canteens for free to offset the curse of queuing for dodgy baked spuds from not enough microwaves at every corridor end?
The BBC Press Office is getting very excited about this.
And if facts are wrong, they have every right to correct them.
Getting into editorial by omission however risks them highlighting just how much the BBC does it.
Also, after the BBC Press Office’s last little foray (quickly deleted with all sorts of implausible excuses) onto twitter to ‘deal’ with critics, they are pretty much a shot bolt on credibility now.
ZephirFeb 5, 14:56 Midweek 5th February 2025 [img][/img]
ZephirFeb 5, 14:49 Midweek 5th February 2025 [img][/img]
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moggiemooFeb 5, 14:43 Midweek 5th February 2025 I’d sell the house and use some of the money to go after the individual responsible, and I don’t mean…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 14:38 Midweek 5th February 2025 “I hope that raising awareness of this scam may at least make it less worthwhile for the criminals involved, and…
tomoFeb 5, 14:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 Waverley Borough Council hit them with a £70,000 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This will have been a decision taken by…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 14:31 Midweek 5th February 2025 “‘If I committed an act of terrorism and was found guilty I would have the right to appeal – not…
Not sure what happened to this post I made on BBBC today, so here again:
THIS WEEK Andrew Neil – EU Libyan Boat Crisis
London MP Lammy and a popular Black Lady CofE Reverend being interviewed by Andrew – – they certainly full of right platitudes, but absolutely not one solutions between them other than let them all in, but will not give numbers on how many UK should take! Pathetic response on such a serious matter for the migrants and for the UK if they take a hundred thousand or two. Typical Labour type replies to Andrews questions that mean absolutely nothing. They both a waste of socialist space.
What a total mess the EU has got itself into with this unlimited supply of Libyan boat people. Half a million on the shores of Libya now and they say another million ready to move across the Sahara.
The likes of Italy Greece, Malta, France, Sweden, Germany and many others are now being overwhelmed with this mass exodus via Libya. The EU Commission are asking member states to take many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).
When I personally drill right down into my emotions, I conclude that I must not be tempted to blame the migrant or refugee whatsoever, which I have noticed is becoming a common practice nowadays in media blogs throughout Europe. What I say is but for the grace of God go I!
Had I the misfortune to live in some failed state in Africa, or facing war in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and seeing an escape route to Northern Europe, I would surely do exactly the same as those Libyan boat people to improve my kith and kin life chances.
In my view, the blame is definitely being laid in the wrong place if we take that easy route criticising the migrants’.
The EU is solely to blame for this mass migration by sending out the wrong signals on ease of EU entry and not having a common sense immigration and asylum policy. The EU should be using its Foreign Aid budget to finding a solution in the home countries of the migrants or speedy repatriation of the economic migrants as a first step.
Maybe the EU could negotiate with some African country to be a refugee, asylum staging post, where Libyan boat people for example could be transported utilising the EU Foreign Aid budget to pay for the camps and compensate the accepting African Nation.
Whatever happens, no doubt electoral pressures by the migrant recipient states will be making their votes count in next round of EU elections for sure, just like we haves done through the ballot box with UKIP. For sure Eastern Europeans for example would certainly not be capable, or ideologically approve, of such mass migration of coloured people since they are plagued with prejudice. I actually saw it with my own eyes many times having lived in Poland many years and traveled in most other Eastern European countries.
There is of course a big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the unelected EU Commission and autocrats. Ideologically they see absolutely no problem to mass import of immigrants!
”many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).”
Err um, Slight problem with the opt out, African immigrants could go to Holland or Sweden get a Dutch or Swedish passport, they’re throwing them about like confetti, and then proceed to move to Britain.
Not tens but hundreds of thousands of mainly African illegals, and worse, carrying an islamic culture that doctrinally requires its adherents to destroy all other cultures.
Refugees: Boundlessly Reckless
Its interesating to note that ISIS is running an immigration policy of sorts in Libya. It filters out those who are Christians ( ie the genuinly persecuted) for crucifixion, while allowing Muslims to proceed to the waiting boats.
Are Christian Africans ok?
Of course they are. (As long as they’re not like the ones I encountered on the steps up to Sacre Cour yesterday who physically assaulted me and my partner while demanding Euros for ‘Friendship Bracelets’ (how ironic) to show respect for ‘their’ religion). (See Trip Advisor for more info on African ‘Christian’ cultural enrichment at Sacre Cour).
Thanks for reminding me of that. It is deplorable that these people are allowed to operate around Sacre Cour . I’m surprised that the police do not move them on.
There is a large element of criminals among the African community in Paris, and other major cities in France – presumably Muslim, Christian and others.
However, criminality is not an existential threat to France or Europe. Islam and Muslims are.
But where to move them on? The ferry “trains” are depositing Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese, Yemenese, Ivory Coastians – all majority Muslim states, by the hundreds of thousands each year.
Italy to ask EU to set up refugee processing camps in Libya
The ones who have made it to Europe, are not going to go back. Period.
‘T ‘
Your vote is needed here ?
Memorial Day on the bBC, 31 years since the ‘Battle of Orgreave’
Jeremy Vine lets a gooby ex-miner to sprout propaganda and personally attack Lord Tebbit live on air.
The following callers even question some who were there on the day. Approx 8.30 in.
I remember the miners’ strike. The BBC taking sides, the downplaying of the miners attacking the police, the downplaying of miners dropping a slab of concrete off a motorway bridge onto a taxi in an attempt to kill a strike breaker except that the bastards got the driver. All we ever saw and heard was police brutality… oh, apart from regular unchallenged exposure to Scargill, McGahy and the other thugs to repeat their lies.
I miss (not) the 3-day weeks, the lights going out at 7pm and Britain being the sick man of Europe.
It had to be done.
Plus the miners were the stormtroopers of the union movement, manning the picket lines in any dispute where they thought political capital was to be made with an opportunity for some violence thrown in as a bonus.
Thatcher banned secondary picketing and public (intimidating) ballots and generally gave the whole undemocratic, pro-communist, subversive union movement a long-overdue kicking. Else we would, for example, still be having the closed shop printing unions setting newspaper type with molten metal rather than driven by IT as well as the minor issue of 30 million days per year lost to strikes.
Didn’t hear the Vine programme but from previous BBC coverage of the subject I’d bet a pound to a penny there was little or no mention of Scargill never calling a ballot on his strike or of the massive split within the union or of the funding they received from Russia and Libya or the fact Labour closed more pits than Thatcher etc etc.
As always with the BBC, their narrative is defined by what they choose not to tell their listeners and a re-writing of history is achieved quicker than you can say ‘memory hole’.
I remember the marches: ‘Get yer tits oot for the lads’ they cried.
It has become transparently clear that the BBC no longer cares how biased it is, nor who knows it.
Today’s R4 WATO was like watching a procession of Leftist memes, like so many circus elephants holding one another’s tails as they troop past a bored audience.
The high point was probably the hysterical ‘boat trip behind enemy lines’ in which a reporter tried to see what was going on at a ‘prison camp’ holding attempted illegal immigrants for the Australian government. Shrill, excited commentary, wild-eyed claims by ‘a UN spokesman’ that the Australians were guilty of ‘torture’ in this ‘Pacific Guantanamo’.
You’d have thought it was North Korea. rather than Australia. Well, actually, you wouldn’t, because the BBC don’t have the guts to try dawn commando raids on the North Koreans.
And all this followed by the artfully plebeian tones of Billy Bragg doing his best impersonation of a member of the ‘working class’ as the attention switched to the Government’s decision not to hold a judicial pantomime so that the Left could sob in public over the miners’ defeat at Orgreave in 1984.
Radio 4? Radio SWP, surely? And they simply don’t care who knows it.
In the Socialist Workers Party Trustafarians attempt to pass themselves off as horny handed sons of toil. They know as much about life in North Korea as they know about working for a living.
The bbc has run with this all week, even heading the ‘Today’ headlines with the non story that their will be no internal police inquiry. How can you have an internal inquiry about events 34 years ago ? Who is going to still in service from those days ? Some very young copper perhaps ? So rightly no inquiry, nobody left to inquire into, all either retired or dead. As far as the bbc is concerned this was a disaster that has never been righted. Inquiry into the friends Savile had at the bbc……..? inquiry into the huge number of racist rapists in our midst………..? How many poor working class women are being imprisoned for not having a licence to sub the rich and the wealthy in their good works…..? Obviously some causes are more important than others.
Actually we do have one among us (occasionally, at any rate) who was actively involved in policing the strikers’ rioting.
TPO, who now lives in Canada, has in the past provided some very revealing comments on what really went on.
His testimony most certainly would not be welcomed by the BBC and its forum trolls.
It is extraordinary the BBC/liberal obssession with the miners. Almost certainly it is because their hatred of Mrs Thatcher is what makes them the idiots they are.
Not one BBC liberal would ever have worked down a mine. To a Person? (is this correct) the nearest they have ever got to manual labour is taking out the rubbish.
Now I did it when younger – manual work that is – and it is exhausting and wearing . I did it because I needed to earn my living that way at the time. No complaints at all but never romanticise hard labour either in field, mine or factory or at sea.
Mining is no life for a man and I am glad the mines have nearly gone. About time.
The way coal was mined by the NCB would not be the way it would be mined today ( if they ever let us use it)
The strike was in defence of an outmoded product mined expensively and by hard labour. It had to be defeated and the majority of people in Britian knew this. The BBC is full of crap and like all liberals in denial of reality. Take no notice of them.
Imagine if the mines had stayed ooen, these same liberals would today want them closed because of all that horrid CO2 that burning coal produces!
You bet the miners would have been out picketing those coal-fired power stations that have now closed – and with some force.
Just imagine those picket line battles with the enviro-fascists. In fact, it would be great material for a film. Where’s that Loach chappie when you need him?
The facts are:- Labour closed more mines than Conservatives.
Scargill was right about “clean coal” extraction but wrong about trying to bring down a democratically elected government. Heath was wrong to put Britain on a 3 day week, wrong to switch off power at 9pm, wrong to set the policy of ignoring 500 years of cheap energy ( continued by subsequent governments) wrong about turnnug a blind eye to excessive violence by the police and curtailment of the democratic right to both strike and protest. In fact, wrong about almost everything including Europe.
There is still much bitterness between people who took different sides in ex mining towns and villages and the promised jobs never materialised.
sorry the ‘strike’ wasn’t in ‘defence of an outmoded product’. It was simply a vehicle to bring down a tory government – again. It was a explicitly political action coal, had little to do with it!
I think the Tory government was very much a secondary target. The main aim, which motivated the miners to brutal picketing, was the attempt to gain very substantial pay rises for themselves, and just themselves. Workers’ solidarity was not much in evidence.
They thought they were in a strong position because of the problems around oil, and were keen to make the most of it. They were led sheep-like by Scargill, who was motivated in turn by hubris.
Then once the miners got to the top of the pay league the dockers, power workers, car workers etc. etc. all wanted to be there too. And so more strikes, more power cuts and more shortages followed.
Ah yes, and all consigned long ago to the memory hole by the BBC so the last two generations can live their lives through a blissful, leftist-controlled narrative of Thatcher bullying the ‘working class’.
This BBC confection that cites a negative as a storyline only sums up the Christopher Lee type grave robbing by the cadavers of the left and their zombie media.
No kids to bloodsuckle-so out comes the Orgreave kerfuffle as akin to Dresden.
Think these banner type of confections are only exhumed so the fuckers can feel alive again-that they can blow a straw into the dead lungs of socialism, and get some-ANY-kind of simulated pulse to show their empty lives still have a narrative.
Now they`re out of power for five years-and counting.
Sad adrenaline rushes and a hope that Vanessa Redgrave or John Prescott will still show up at the Green Room to plan the new electorate needed to make their tripey causes relevant once more.
Dead Men wanking…time to snuff them out, seems they`ll do it without our helpif THIS is the cause to stir us all.
Only the left-and the BBC give a hoot.
The question which is never asked about the Miners’ Strike and it’s aftermath is: why was all the head gear removed from the mines, which were closed, virtually immediately? This makes it far, far harder to reopen the mine in the future; why weren’t they mothballed for possible future use?
I could see the rationale for breaking the back of N.U.M. and the rest of the trade unions and completely agreed with it, but not the destruction of an industry vital to our nation’s energy production. Especially one which produces a raw material on which we are still so heavily reliant, even in these days of windmills and the other energy fads.
It was the same with the railways following Beeching.
It is time poor old Beeching was looked at logically. What he did was to take the railway map of around 1860 and make the logical assumption that the lines first built were the profitable ones. This remains true today. London – Bristol. London – Birmingham.London -Southampton , Bristol -Derby. Liverpool to Manchester.etc
I am a rail enthusiast and well remember just how little used my favourite branch lines were. The internal combustion engine could not be competed with. . There were serious errors largely in singling secondary main lines that now have to be re instated which means basically building a new line.
The BR bosses were responsible for that not Beeching.
If the railways had not been nationalised I am certain the branch line closures would have been done earlier and more efficiently .Also modernisation would have been far better handled. There is a myth that nationalisation was a good thing. It was a doctrinaire socialist policy and I believe wrecked this country for years.
I followed closely the arguments about closing the branch line from Haltwhistle up to Alston in the Pennines. A beatiful piece of Victorian engineering – viaducts etc – but carrying only a handful of passengers each day on 2-carriage trains. The raison d’etre had gone when the lead mines around Alston closed many years earlier.
Yet it still took years to finally close the line.
Like about 100 Beeching cut lines, the Alston to Haltwisle line has been partially reopened from Alston to Kirkhaugh, with an extension to Slaggyford due to open, before further extensions towards Haltwistle.
Also, I am due to travel on the newly reopened Wensleydale railway from Northallerton to Redmire, with plans to extend the railway beyond Redmire to Garsdale. Next year I am planning to travel on the reopened section of the Waverley Line from Edinburgh to Galashiels, and I have already travelled on the reopened Weardale Railway from Bishop Auckland to Stanhope. Also, we are waiting for the reopening of the Alnwick branch line. And there are enthusiasts starting to reopen the Stainmore Railway across the Pennines, and the Yorkshire Wolds Railway from Driffield to Malton, at Fimber. With the idea of linking up with the North Yorkshire Moors Railway from Malton to Pickering, to link up with the reopened section to Whitby. But all this would have been easier if the Beeching Cuts had been a “sell off” rather than a “line closure” policy.
Agree and also agree that in 1963 the railways could not continue as they were.
However the speed that the infrastructure was ripped down/removed was extremely short sighted, bridges removed stations destroyed just to ensure they could not be reinstated, lines that today would be a godsend with efficient motive power.
IMO Marples had more than a part to play in this.
The Alston-Haltwhistle line took traffic from the tiny and remote ex-lead-mining town of Alston to connect with the main Carlisle-Newcastle route at Alston. Yes, a small stretch has been re-opened, but basically as a tourist attraction Even if it is extended a further short distance to Slaggyford – that is a very small section of the full branch line.
There was NIL economic case for keeping the single-track Alston to Haltwhistle line open for a handful of daily 2-carriage services. And at the time, who might have bought any or all of the line ? Certainly there was no such proposal from the local Alston Council or the local County Councils.
The present fairly short line is NOT the original track. It is on a 2-foot gauge. Very pretty and all that, and good luck to all the enthusiasts who work on these examples of our industrial archaeology.
The line had been reprieved in the mid-1960’s because there was no bad-weather route to Alston (this was just after the extreme winter of 1963 when Alston was blocked in for weeks) – but this case died when road improvements were made.
As much as I’m a fan of a preserved railway as you are, in no way were these examples of a modern connected transport system. The rebuilt Alston branch is 2ft and goes a short distance, the Weardale ? Well you were in luck, as since the new US short line owners lost the coal contract they stopped the diesel service (although the supporters have run a bubble car a few times) and as the steam loco needs repairs also the tourist service. The branch from Alnwick to the mainline at Alnmouth ? Well it will go from an industrial estate on the wrong side of the A1 ( as the trackbed on the West side is very built over and the station, home of Barter Books of ‘ keep calm and carry on ‘ fame is lost. ) to ‘somewhere near the main line but not a cross platform connection, that is when Network Rail officially recognise our existence ‘ from the mouth of their general manager to me when I visited a few weeks ago.the others well from reasonable tourist lines to very,very doubtful, but still of zero use as a transport solution to the locals, sorry.
To those who decry the building over the track beds in the 60s and later, well how many of you have driven over them without knowing? A small nation does not have the luxury of allowing unused space not to be used, ‘Heads of The Valleys Road’ anyone ? ….the Irish kept their trackbeds when lines closed, they never reopened them. Sadly it’s too late for the past, keep what’s there, open new stations on open lines, get the small stations which were closed in the 60s on main lines reopened with fast stopping electric services. When the Trent Valley got a privatised fast, stopping service from Euston to Liverpool it quickly grew and grew and is now very well used, we need things like this on all main lines to act as railheads( as Alynmouth does ) rather than mourn the past.
Be careful , when you visit the Peoples Socialist Republic , to travel on the Waverley Line , Mr P. the Evil Krankie will have you deported , as you are English & Hideously White . If you manage to get in & out undetected , however,should be an interesting train ride .
The Cambridge to St Ives line ,was disused , & has since been ripped up & become a guided bus track , bloody madness .
The Cambridge to St Ives line remained in-situ for many years after it closed to passengers for sand traffic, as did many lines for freight that lost their passenger services under the Beeching closures.
By the mid sixties the writing was on the wall for branch line freight so the later closures tended to be to all services.
Strangely the ending of demand for coal (other than merry go rounds to power stations) knocked the heart out of wagon load freight.
Always remember to ask those who bang on about the miners when they last bought a cwt of coal to use on their home fire. Coal demand died as North Sea gas came on stream, and that is a long while ago now!
None whatsoever, it’s a reoccurring fantasy !
And no enquiry sought for the role of the NUM in killing taxi drivers-or the lefts role in hounding decent Nottinghamshire miners to exiles.
Course not.
Nor on the attacks on the ‘scabs’ wives and children, the rapes and threats of rape, the attacks on businesses that wouldn’t give strikers endless credit, the starvation of Russian miners and their families in order to fund the strike from abroad, the endless violence that continued long after the strike ended and on and on.
The miners have a lot to answer for.
The coal is still there but if we mine again it would be entirely a different process. There would be little or nothing in common with th NCB’s operation.
If our politicians & Civil Servants had had some real foresight, they might have created the opportunity & investment for mass transit rail systems in all our major cities apart from London, and in London a circular addition to the London Underground & overground rail network joining the ends of radial lines emanating from the centre of the city. This would have employed miners and utilised their knowledge, experience & skills which I fear have now been lost.
How can you say that coal is a critical source of energy when “they” are shutting down coal fired power stations as if they are going out of fashion. Ferrybridge C is about 4% of the UK peak demand but the market has been structured so that its is not a viable economic unit. It is one of many to be shut down in recent years and they are planning to continue with this policy. Scotland will soon have no coal fired power stations. Utter madness.
Drax power station, when operating at maximum output, burns 36,000 tonnes of coal per day. If that were closed what would replace the electricity it generated? Wind? Solar? Nuclear? Will we be forced to buy it from the French via that cable which we paid for and put in place under The Channel? The one through which we used to give to France the surplus electricity we used to generate. I wonder if they will do the same for us now the boot is on the other foot?
The destruction of the coal mining industry in the U.K. has been a disaster; an ongoing one at that, see how the government refuses to subsidize our last remaining deep mine at Kellingley; so that there is at least one place where mining skills and knowledge are kept alive. “Too expensive” we are told, strange that – because £250,000,000 per week in overseas doesn’t appear to be.
That should read ‘overseas aid’ in the final sentence.
The BBC’s edgy comedy is so weak. Fed up with HIGNFY or News Quiz with their lame UKIP and Daily Mail jokes. That’s what stands for satire at the Beeb. Luckily there is YouTube , and here we find some great comedy taking the mick out of lefties for once. And how easy and funny it is!
Reckon that the independent right have been emboldened by the Tories latest win-this is a good `un by Rod Liddle.
Comedy is no longer anything the BBC does-the web allows for stuff like this to be disseminated.
The Jeremy Vine programme on Radio 2 is a truly odious and warped programme(some of the Left Wing questions he poses are enough to make you scream at the radio which I often do) .
After Ken Bruce it really is a case of change over or hit the off switch.
Anyway, on Tuesday I was too busy at work to change over or switch it off and so in the background I heard this interview with the BBC’s Nick Robinson.
Now, I appreciate that he is/was fighting cancer so honest, genuine respect there but the interview really did reveal so much about the BBC.
They were discussing the recent General Election and Nick Robinson said that as a journalist he has to remain impartial(don’t laugh).
At 46.50 he says that as a BBC journalist he has to be “impartial” but then at 47.18 he declares that he and his wife were taken out to dinner before the election by Ed and Justine Miliband!!.
Even Jeremy Vine tripped himself up at 35.50 when he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
And to cap it all the song they play half-way through the interview is John Lennon’s “Power to the People”!!.
As the man said, you couldn’t make it up!.
Couldn’t you make it up?
“Even Jeremy Vine tripped himself up at 35.50 when he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
You missed out Vine saying “because everybody thought that MILIBAND was unelectable”.
Why did you forget that Sinniberg?
Hmm good point I suppose so just for balance got anything to say about Nick Robinsons dinner date with the Millipedes?
You know he met David Cameron for dinner too? And indeed in the book (and Daily Mail article) compared the meal unfavourably to the meeting with the Labour leader. So if I had a comment on the point you raise it would be to observe you surfed over the news, ingested what confirmed your own prejudices and then finding your brain full you moved on.
I guess a pertinent question would be, have you read Nick Robinson’s book? Have you confirmed to you own satisfaction he never had dinner with the Cameron’s or the Cleggs?
Cause otherwise you look pretty stupid.
The BBC thought Miliband was unelectable, but that the SNP would prop him up as the Labour/SNP/BBC’s preferred puppet Prime Minister.
I haven’t mentioned it for a while, but I am in Mensa. I thought you ought to know.
he said “I had a conversation with a colleague this morning who said we all knew that MILIBAND was gonna win, *splutter* sorry, Camerson was gonna win”.
Which of course is a lie from Vine because, like all his BBC colleagues, he was getting very excited about Miliband becoming PM – probably in an unofficial pact with their other heroes in the Scottish and Welsh National Socialists. There is no way they thought the British public would see through the BBC propaganda and lies.
BBC staff do not lie.
They simply have a version of truthiness that can be at variance with reality…………… a BBC spokesperson has said.
just sick and tired of question time and any questions,it boring lame rubbish,rather watch a good carry on film with sid james than watch question time and listen to any questions on radio 4.the final straw was the immigration debate tonight on any questions on radio 4 when david dimbleby done his typical left wing audience bias rigged survey,dimbleby shouted out put up your hands up those who think the uk should help these illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers breaking there way into europe,put up your hands those who are against, dimbleby announces that it seems like 100 % of the lefty hand picked audience agree with the illegal immigrants coming in to europe and the uk,this was not a scientific survey says dimbleby and only represents the views of the totally left wing biased audience,enough of this left wing rubbish,i have had enough and i am out.
jonathan dimbleby?
Interchangeable – much like trolls.
An Anti White propaganda piece from the Economist. ” The Changing Face of Britain.” Check out the Chart of the demographics in each local authority by 2031
Genocide: ‘the destruction of a nation or an ethnic group.’
‘… a coordinated strategy to destroy a group of people, a process that could be accomplished through […] strategies that eliminate key elements of the group’s basic existence, including language, culture, and economic infrastructure.’ Raphael Lemkin
Quite a number of miners stayed in Oxford during the strike for fundraising and picketing purposes. My family comes from an industrial South Wales background, so we got to know a couple of them a bit when they were out collecting money and food, and would quite often chat to them without hyperventilating with excitement. Some posh Oxford middle class lefties however were almost wetting their pants to be in the presence of actual real live working class people! It was pathetic.
I clearly remember overhearing the following boastful exchange at a Ruskin College social: “I’ve got TWO Yorkshire miners sleeping in my study!”, only to be trumped by: “Well, we’ve got THREE Welsh miners staying in our conservatory!”. Oh, how I laughed.
The Left are often so nauseatingly patronising and sentimental about “the workers”. Perhaps it’s because Nanny always made them remember the miners in their prayers in the nursery!
And I well remember the earnest liberal bed-wetters of Hornsey and Highgate/Islington sending box loads of Lord Fauntleroy kiddies stuff and designer Barbour-type waxies up to those brave little tinkers oop north back in the mid-80s.
And they all seem to be still wearing them if those pictures of them all celebrating Thatchers death are typical.
The Great Lady would not have been seen dead in that Glenda Jackson tat as Chaneled through Vanessa Redgrave…but they will be!
The miners strike was sad. But even Neil Kinnock blamed Arthur Scargill for driving the miners over a cliff.
Scargill and the NUM used the State monopoly to try and bring the country to it’s knees and bring in a Communist paradise.
And there in lies the problem. Scargill didn’t give a cahoot about the miners. Just like all the left, they only want Red Fascist power.
The Conservative government had a great package for the miners (a payoff is cheaper than a strike). Scargill rejected. Kinnock came back with the same package during the strike. Scargill again rejected. Then Kinnock knew what it is all about.
Scargill is head of the NUM for life, he is living off the miners blood, sweat and tears. Just like Castro, living a fat life off the blood, sweat and tears of the Cuban people.
John Inverdale won’t be doing Today at Wimbledon, he’s been demoted, the BBC has picked, drum roll please, Clare Balding !! She ticks two boxes. From a guy who insults female tennis players to a woman who insults jockeys with bad teeth.
Rick Mayall ” To work at the BBC you have to be gay, black or a woman ”
When , John Inverdale presented ITV`s coverage of the French Open , the person he had joked about, Marion Bartoli, was one of the co commentators , & panelists . If she was so fucking “offended” she would not of appeared together with him . The BBC are both ,racist & sexist to white people .
The BBC, now re-branded for 2015 as The Balding Broadcasting Corporation.
Fathers are already horrendously disadvantaged by our corrupt family courts. Here is a rare example of a father actually winning custody of his son due to the mother’s selfishness, which led to the mother abducting the boy. The BBC is now portraying it as her somehow being a victim who should have her case reopened, instead of a foul lying cunt who put her own needs ahead of those of her son and broke several laws. The BBC is gynocentric filth.
The Dailly Mail’s hands aren’t exactly clean here either. But at least I’m not forced to pay for it when I don’t read it.
Italian school girl age 12 beaten up by African immigrant boy (invader) for wearing a crucifix. Fished out of the Med, 5 minutes in Italy and he’s causing trouble.
Incidentally shouldn’t David Camoron be arrested for human trafficking with HMS Tinkerbell picking up all these African invaders ? why doesn’t he go the whole hog, roll out the red carpet and get the QE2 to run a ferry service between Libya and Italy ?
Glad to hear on this mornings 7.00 news that German industrialists are welcoming their 400,000 Syrian assylum seekers for solving their skills shortage. As we all know ‘Arbeit macht frei’.
It was reported slightly differently on the World Service. Something along the lines of
Angela Merkal will spend $1bn on new housing for 400,000 asylum seekers (double the year before).
Even for a country with the population size of Germany, 400000 is a lot. Governments across Europe are committing cultural suicide with absolutely no mandate for these “policies”. It will only end in tears.
If the German economy ever collapses it could lead to deep resentment from Germans against the minority community. The last time that happened, the minority community didn’t fair too damn well.
“If the German economy ever collapses it could lead to deep resentment from Germans against the minority community. The last time that happened, the minority community didn’t fair too damn well.”
The next time it happens the ‘minority communities’ will probably be the majority.
By 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state, according to the German Federal Statistics Office – unless some form of national sanity returns to the majority of Germans well before then.
It’s well known that the Germans are an incompetent lot who can’t wait for Syrians to come over and show them how it’s done.
Yes, the ZDF/ARD TV stations are always pushing the “Willkommenskultur” nonsense – even in children’s programmes. It’s always initially misjudged immigrant child heroically saves calf from cruel, grreedy conservative Bavarian farmer too thick to come to terms with the “progressive” agenda. Usually, there is a happy end, where farmer sees the error of his ways and universal brotherly love breaks out. Unfortunately, the German rustics in the real world are not gagging for enrichment of this type and a number of accommodation centres for asylum seekers have been subject to arson attacks.
The Germans claim to be over the moon at the richness of the human resources flowing their way from Syria, etc., yet criticise Britain for their lack of “solidarity” in not taking their “fair share” of asylum seekers. This is clearly a contradictory position. The British opt-out could only benefit Germany and so they should be thanking us for our altruism.
As Poland must be somewhat lacking in working age population by now, you would think the Poles would be down in Italy trying their utmost to get the enrichment travelling their way.
“As Poland must be somewhat lacking in working age population by now, you would think the Poles would be down in Italy trying their utmost to get the enrichment travelling their way.”
Indeed, and much criticism of Cameron from our handwringers yet none at all for the countries doing no burden sharing whatsoever! They should be glad that at least Camerons spending tax payers money sending the navy to fish the little darlings out of the sinking boats!
There’s seems to be a debate amongst the liberal left as to whether different legal standards should be applied to recent immigrants, in such cases as walloping children. I’ve no doubt they are debating over immigrants attacking children who wear crucifixes. After all, it’s what they do back home.
The debate, by the way doesn’t extend to young whiteys who go starkers in Malaysia. The Malaysians have been universally praised for sending them to jail.
Just started watching the BBC’s new Scottish drama ‘Stonemouth’ on i-player. At the beginning, am starting to get into the plot / characters etc… when bam! onto the screen walks a negro police officer on the harbourside of some God forsaken coastal town (and a not very good actor as well). Instantly, the mood is destroyed as the BBC’s drama by box ticking comes flooding back into my mind. Totally destroyed any credibility that had been built up. For me, a potentially good drama ruined because each time I see him on screen all I can think of is the BBC trying to fulfil it’s f*****g “diversity” targets. God how I loathe the BBC.
I hardly watch any BBC drama or documentaries these days, one of the main reasons is that which you outline above. Other reasons are that dramas are usually full of leftist PC messages some more obvious than others , but they are almost always there. Documentaries are delivered from a 21st century leftist point of view which distorts the programmes be they historical, science or current affairs or even Radio 2 phone ins. These things are unwatchable to anyone who wants to have a balanced programme. The so called comedy programmes are now so biased that they are becoming funny to listen to/watch in the sense that you can’t credit they let this crap be broadcast . As to the news well words fail me.
I also have almost given up on BBC drama. I thought I’d have a look at the new crime drama “The Interceptor”. I lasted 15 mins for the reason it was just poor. Poor acting, no sense of it being “real”. The stake out at railway station was trying to ape The Bourne Ultimatum but just looked sad.
There’s a weird one I am sticking with about Napoleon.
All for alternative views, but historians trashing other historians can be a tricky path to navigate.
Seems Boney was a sweetheart, except for a few excesses.
What has intrigued is the acceptable ‘it was another time’ concessions that often do not get accorded colonial power enforcers less favoured by the BBC.
Some nice locations (of course) and the odd snippet to check online, but I do hope he doesn’t set precedents that the BBC has to place in the ‘other standards’ box.
I found it interesting that there was no mention of Napoleon’s defeat at Acre by the Turks, reinforced by a British naval brigade under Sir Sidney Smith. After all that was a European (French) army defeated by a multinational/multi ethnic force. I’d expected the BBC to make much of that, but then it would have shown the British in a good light – so not acceptable.
Isn’t a bit ironic that the BBC should be running a eulogy to Bonaparte in the week of the 200th anniversary of Waterloo ? The BBC seems to be turning a mostly blind eye on this anniversary. I believe Thursday 18 June is the date of the battle but I could find nothing about Waterloo on the BBC TV schedules for next Thursday
I gave up on the Boney programme as the line was clearly going to be that B., being a good European, was ahead of his time in seeking European unity, and that only those hopeless old UKIPers led by Nigel Wellesley wouldn’t see the benefits of being ruled by a European dictator.
Adolf’s turn soon to be re-evalued?
Tbh, I think the Napoleon documentary walks a tenuous line. Bonaparte was a dictator, and a pretty ruthless one at that, responsible for at least one well-documented massacre which would today place him in the same rank as any of the 20th century’s tyrants.
The BBC are of course up to their usual revisionist tricks with this history documentary, but even they struggle to overlook the excesses of this ‘hero of the revolution’ .
I’m looking forward to the 15th July 1815, when Napoleon surrenders to the British, and is arrested by Captain Frederick Lewis Maitland RN. Transported by HMS Bellerophon to Torbay, and then on to Plymouth before being sent to imprisonment on the most isolated island in the British Empire.
He’s probably related to the Zimbabwean fishermen in ‘Coast’ – part of that well known black ghetto in Whitby.
I remember them well, I posted on this site about them! Keen sea fishermen one and all, after all Zimbabwe is only 1,000km and at least one country from the sea and it clearly has a long tradition of sea angling.
The camera crew just happened to find them you know – completely spontaneous decision to include them as typical of the sea fishermen of Yorkshire. There was absolutely no chance whatsoever that there was some sort of policy made by the BBC to look under every stone to find a narrative compliant group.
In my experience (an I have quite a lot) of taking boats out from our coastal towns I have never, ever, seen a single BME person, fishing, diving or yachting or even on a peddalo. Not once; and given that the BME population is something like 15% of the total now (!) that probably indicates that they just don’t do that sort of thing for recreation. Never mind BBC ‘reality’ is always serving a higher truth!
Yes – I have noticed that both the coast and the countryside have the same effect on our ‘BME’ chums as garlic does to a vampire.
Likewise foreign ethnics anywhere the ethnic British population goes for amusement and celebration of their heritage. Country Parks, nope, National Trust properties, occasionally, usually in the company of a white partner and usually Hindu Middle class. County Shows ? Nope, preserved Railways, nope. The seaside, nope, the theatre, nope, no matter how much time and effort is spent on ‘diversity’ engagement. Horse racing, a few rich from the Gulf usually when they own the field and a few West Indians loosing rather heavily at the bookies. Horse of the year show, not a single brown face to be seen. Cathedrals, nope not that I’ve seen apart from again when school parties full of them from Birmingham are roped into going around and never to be seen again. In fact the entire British entertainment spectrum apart from that under the control of the likes of the bbc is ‘horribly white’ . Expect the likes of the bbc to no longer cover such events as they do not display our ‘cultural enrichment’ . Oh, they don’t anyway do they, not these days.
Or go to a classical music concert, theatre, opera, book shops, die-versity free.
Apart from SE Asians, who somehow manage to cope with all those racist whites, conspiring to keep them away.
Walking in the Peak District fairly regularly, it is unusual to see a non-white face among the other walkers.
I’ve always thought those hills seem really racist.
Ever tried rambling in a burka?
Likewise with the rock & indie live concerts I go to. I’ve seen no increase in BME attending in the 38 years I’ve been going. As they used to say “heavy metal the last bastion of the white male heterosexual” Probably why it gets so much coverage on the BBc.
You are not wrong. I have a similar length of experience and it is true heavy metal/rock gigs are almost always white and male. Not sure why as most metalheads I know are hardly racist/sexist/whateverist barbarians and when a black face does appears there is never any trouble and, despite the lyrics, the vast majority of fans are complete gentlemen to the few women who turn up.
Incidentally heavy metal fans have the highest IQs of any recognised musical tribe. Perhaps that has something to do with it?
“Incidentally heavy metal fans have the highest IQs of any recognised musical tribe.”
If this comes from where I think it comes from, you’ve read the Guardian, haven’t you? Go on, admit it.
How dare you! Never! I demand a retraction!! 😉
It’s from personal experience.
Can you give me a link to that, even if its from the Garundiad, it would prove invaluable in the pursuit domestic harmony.
Why metal fans are brainier
Science Proves Metal Fans And Classical Fans Are Identical Personality-Wise
I didn’t buy the Guardian, honest. Someone, probably a BBC employee, had left it on a train …..
Interesting website
Ah Ha – the BBC is aware of this issue that is why it spends so much time and effort telling us how great the fantastically vibrant “Carnival” (what ever happened to the Notting-Hill bit?) is. You know the heartwarming annual BBC stories of crowds of police doing the conga -and smiling at old ladies. Never much mention why the Met deploys quite so many officers to cover such a joyous celebration.
Despite the coverage of Carnival, strangely the BBC never even finds time to cover on their risible local radio services my local County Agricultural Show – where there are at most a dozen cops on traffic duty and no recorded arrests/murders/rapes/assaults/gang wars on most years, despite the attendance of tens of thousands of local people with their children and dogs. Just to note I have seen quite a few Asian families out at the County Show enjoying themselves.
“Never much mention why the Met deploys quite so many officers to cover such a joyous celebration.”
One year it was 10,000.
”One year it was 10,000. ”
10,000 stabbings or 10,000 police ?
Though I agree with your general theme, there are seaside resorts which are patronised by large numbers of non-whites. A stretch of Bournemouth beach near the pier is generally Indian; whitey moves off towards Poole. And I remember a great party of Londoners who descended on Eastbourne a year or two ago and left the beach in such a state it made the headlines in the local press. Shall we say that litter bins were not overused.
‘Londoners’ were they ? Treated the beech like the general state of the countryside in the Middle East and the Indian sub continent did they ? Well get used to it down there son !
Yeah those African`s are never found , on the ski slopes , or Winter Olympic`s , water sports (no dirty minds on this one) , sailing , diving ,& swimming for starters . Various horse related sports , until recently motor sports , cycling , shooting sports , mountaineering ,polar exploration . There must be more but I can`t think of any yet .
Bet this effnik officer did not speak like Rab C Nesbit .
Bet this effnik officer did not speak like Rab C Nesbit
Oh yes he did – and his name was ‘dougie’!
” Scottish drama ‘Stonemouth’, At the beginning, I’m starting to get into the plot / characters etc… when bam! onto the screen walks a negro police officer on the harbourside.”
Bit like seeing an Eskimo in the Sahara desert, it’s incongruous.
And the ‘diverse’ Blacks are always in positons of authority, never the security men , parking attendants, or fast breeding layabouts we see in real life.
And he’sssss back…..up to his usual tricks.
Both BBC News and BBC World News on Facebook:
“Manu’s Island. Australia’s Guantanamo?”
It’s nothing of the sort; there is no comparison, but by popping a question mark at the end JonDon is covered.
Trouble is, the subs are less savvy:
“The Guantanamo Bay of the Pacific”
No, it is not; there is no comparison.
The BBC Australia team’s loathing of the current government is pushing them beyond reason.
And while certain anti-Abbott reports have found an audience, they are being slaughtered in the comments.
This is pure BBC social engineering advocacy flying in the face of reality. Like Israel, they really do like testing the hospitality of their hosts.
Next up they are on about a fire in a North Korean hotel that was/is so mysterious, no photos exist.
Except from the ones promptly provided to a £4B/pa ‘news’ operation by posters for free off the internet.
Given the Bbc’s record on such as its headlines of the day page, raising North Korean state media practices and missing reports seems…. brave.
On the front page of the main BBC website, the video is there with the title:
“Australia’s secret camps for migrants”
Is it really secret? I very much doubt it as we all know about it!
The BBC, or at least its subs, have lost the plot over this.
Of course they are not secret. Clearly.
Any more than any of the rest of their claims or accusations-as-questions are credible or in possession of an ounce of impartial integrity.
Which given Jon Donnison seems at the heart of it comes as little surprise. The BBC seems to throw him in countries they seek to undermine as siege armies used diseased carcasses on castles.
Jon ‘dubbed by some’ Don, on another mystery boat trip, dips in and out with ‘some say’ selective reporting that errs into pure ‘actor vox pop’ propaganda and censorship.
He is pure BBC.
Here’s some comments from the FaceBook complements:
Armando Soto-Vieira No comparison…where are the chains and torture chambers??? iligal immigrants remain in detention…they destroy their identities, refuse to return to points of exit…abusing the same weak points and political correct loo points has in UK and Europe…BBC should do undercover reporting on Australia’s decades humanitarian refugee i (sustainable) programes…Manus Island refugees are in their entirety financial refugees…Any one paying $10.000 to 20.000 to peoples smugglers have find out too late that have been taken for a deadly boat ride…as over 1200 drawn victims discover so far and to late…
Mark Smith Lol BBC! Nice try at attempting to demonise Australia for this. As you can see from the comments, however, there’s overwhelming support for it.
Dani Thompson Oh please, Guantanamo bay and Manus island are hardly comparable. Firstly, they aren’t held there against their will, they made the journey there and can go back home.
Who to believe?
Given his record, JonDon is fast becoming the BBC’s Comical Ali, only funded by compulsion.
Can’t wait to see if anyone hits them with some factually-based complaints on their efforts over this.
Had a Donnison report on our (NZ) main news tonight on the boat people detained on the island – blatantly infiltrating and breaking rules to get his ‘story’. His final comment was, “Cruel to be kind, or just cruel?” – oooh, I wonder which way he was thinking – not!!
Why should western democracies welcome all comers from failed states – failed because of endemic corruption and barbarism in their own countries? UN is the root cause of all this mass movement – they need sorting.
Can we start a petition to get Tony Abbot to declare the bbc in general and moron JonDon in particular ” Persona non Grata ” and booted back to Gaza ? I would willingly pay my tax to remove this loathsome creature from the shores of a friendly state and boot him back into the loving arms of Hamas.
I wish Abbott would start pronouncing his name with a silent ‘tt’. That would confuse the heck out of the racist beeboids.
I’m enjoying the defeat of my old party. Yes I was a Labour party member once…I can only apologise.
However Its nice to see the BBC and Labour are doing such sterling work rubbing their own noses in their failure to be elected. (And one hopes being out of power for the next 5, probably 10, maybe 15 years). I’m almost pleased to pay my TV Tax.
Labour think it was all about trusting them with the economy. It was but it was obviously something much bigger. The fact is large swathes of Britain from various classes and backgrounds and for various reasons simply despise them. Seeing the disgusting, sneering hypocrite Emilly Thornberry recently on a rerun simply fuels my hatred…However maybe Labour HAVE caught on to one of the reasons. Anyone checking out, the party’s official web site, (not the BBC which of course is their unofficial site) may see that on all those 50 plus faces on their lead page not one is “efnic.” Not one at all. If Labour are trying to claw back white working class votes I suggest its a bit late now.
Many thanks indeed for apologising for being a past member of the Labour Party.
It is so good that you converted from an ideology that nearly destroyed our nation in so many ways economically, ethnically, morally, religiously and even reputationally by insanely going to war over WMD lies and allying with that criminal and nutter Bush.
Blair and the Labour tribe, (from the spin of, Campbell, to the deceit of the Attorney General et al), must be unable to sleep at night knowing they contributed to much of the Middle East now on fire with millions either displaced, wounded, in body bags or on the shores of Libya making an escape to EU from ISIS.
You say Roadto….”Labour think it was all about trusting them with the economy. It was but it was obviously something much bigger”,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you are dead right about that.
It is always good to remind ourselves of these other crimes, (listed below) that were finally identified by the great British people and a big message was sent to Labour on 7th May. This site is dedicated also to the BBC bias who has supported Labour contrary to its unbiased remit from the taxpayer who pay their inflated ginormous salaries,
Labour = Get ROTHERHAM + most other Labour administered strongholds.
NHS Wales, Mid Staffs,
Deficit largest peacetime ever,
Tower Hamlets,
British JIHADI’s,
Campbell spin (Kelly),
EU 55m per day,
Record teenage mums,
BBC Bias (stuffed with lefties with resultant ethos),
Halal extreme animal cruelty,
England democratic deficit post devolution,
Trojan Horses,
Human Rights Act,
Benefits Street lifestyle choice,
Quangos stuffed,
PFI generational extortion,
Multi-Culti fail,
NEETS highest ever,
Shairia Courts in our land,
Inequality highest ever under labour,
Foreign Aid corruption,
Bequeathed Coalition longest recession ever,
GPs 100k pa combined with cancel out of hours service result A&E overload, (5 million extra citizens plus an ageing population helped too),
Cheap gold – 400 tons of it,
Manufacturing largest ever decline,
House building lowest since 20s (notwithstanding introducing 5 million extra to our population),
Zero Power Stations built,
Millennium Dome,
Janner Peado allegations,
Coop Bank fail,
Fuel Duty escalator,
Islamification priority over the Christian heritage,
Crony dynasty Blair, Kinnock, Benn, Harman,
Lisbon Treaty without referendum,
Postal voting fraud, 50% attending uni – only 20% uni jobs avail (should have gone for more apprenticeships),
Climate change zeal,
Class war – Thornberry snob, Abbot Racist,
Cash for honours – even a Prime Ministers collar felt for the first time ever
Said it before and I`ll say it again-these lists of yours are essential.
Reminding us of the colossal litany of disasters and nasty turds in the jacuzzi that Labour left us with-and still hope we`ll forget….or let the BBC/Guardian tell us were all Tory errors.
Got my own list to compare with-I just start with the towering John Prescott, sway past the Queen Mothers coffin with Blair and Campbell taking selfies-and poor Tracey Temple getting a spare pair of undies from Pauline Prescotts drawer, as she writes her “book” on the Chequers lawn.
Labour are redundant toxic waste-and need dismembering.
“Said it before and I`ll say it again-these lists of yours are essential.”
Absolutely! Gives us pedants something to spot – an omission.
I don’t think that the Milibands’ & Margaret Hodge’s tax dodging … er … aggressive tax avoidance …. ummhh, no … playing the system … doh! what’s the correct phrase? … oh, I have it now: ‘complying with tax law to secure the best possible personal outcome’ went down too well with some sectors of the electorate.
The Dome down at Greenwich , has been made into a fantastic area , with an excellent arena now its “The O2” , I have been down to see quite a few concerts at it. I was really impressed .
Me too!…I was solid Irish working class Labour grapeshot throughout the 80s, hated Thatcher, loved Ron Todd and thought Benn and Foot were “The Way”.
Became a green in 1989, and stayed with them until 1992…days of Sarah Lucas, eulogising Petra Kelly etc.
Found Jesus in 1993(where He`d always been)-and was duped, non-voting but happy for Blair to try his experiments.
Epiphany was 9/11-and funnily enough Rocco Buttiglioni, David Kelly, Mandelson in the EU and tuition fees gave me a visceral hatred of Labours betrayals…so found the likes of Hayek, Coulter, Hitchens(P), Melanie P …and this site in 2009 too!
Realised the role of Israel and the Old Testament in 2008/9-having been a suckup for Islam previously.
So sir-you`re correct, Labour are dead-a zombie legacy heritage theme park of the deluded and the hypocritical.
I to apologise for having previously been a Labour supporter and for having canvased for them back in the 1980s. However, Roadto. The ‘old’ party was not defeated at the GE, that died long ago
Jeez…this place getting like the confessional.
Perhaps Michael Crick could chase the Hon Harriet Harman down the street on Channel 4 News demanding to know why she is a racist? If it’s good enough for Ukip, it should be good enough for Labour.
This new BBC game show certainly ticks all the boxes…
Here’s one for sure that will not be f*****g well watching it!!!
Let’s list your prejudices:
1. Anyone coloured.
2. Anyone gay
3. Anyone female
4. anyone who does not conform to your concept of living in 50s Britain.
So do you go around telling these people to FO? Or do you just do it on a troll site?
Pray tell. Not that anyone will be waiting to read your views.
Hello Troll, is it Scott’s day off?
BTW, “coloured” is now considered racist. When did you last do diversity training? Epic fail.
Maybe not.
But whoever it is, they seem to have got to the T’s in the Borg box.
Troll alert !
Not far to go now. Keep on voting and tell your mates …..
Nothing to do with prejudice, its about obvious tokenism, to which you are obviously blind in your adoration of the bBC.
If the above does represent those appearing on the program they in no way reflect the way in which the vast majority of Brits identify.
Consequentially like all recent bBC Saturday night bollocks of late, it will fail miserably.
I won’ be watching,not because of those appearing but because it looks shite.
I think the point is that the majority population is successively being airbrushed out. I have nothing against any of these groups at all but I suspect that the BBC operates a policy that goes something like this….
Sports programmes have been bastions of white male neanderthals for a long time. Hmmm…. despite the vast majority of people who participate in sports and who attend sporting events being male and largely white and heterosexual this is clearly unacceptable (!). We need to encourage ‘diversity’. Presto, new male sports reporters (not the half witted celebrity commentators) pretty much on the red book critically endangered species list as far as the Beeb goes. This general liberal fascism applies across the board at the BBC – every policy is designed to achieve some social engineering goal.
I do not think that it is racist, sexist or homophobic to point out the blatant application of explicitly racist, sexist and homophilic policies by the BBC
Twizzle. Certainly:
1. I am friends with 3 generations of a West Indian family and they are wonderful, highly intelligent people…. Hint, they do NOT subscribe to ‘victim’ politics, all generations from Uni lecturer grandfather through school headmaster to high flying Student daughter fully identify as British first and black a lot further down the line, a lesson here for others perhaps ?
2. I have worked and had common hobbies with ‘Gays’ most of my life. Some have come out, some have not, all have got on with their lives….once again none of them have identified as ‘victims’ ( we live far to far from London to make it worthwhile !). All have been great people, who I have been happy to share a drink and my time with. I never ask about their sexual habits and they have never asked about mine, a lesson to you young beeboid, not everyone ‘gays’ included is obsessed about their little bits.
3. Have been married twice, the first time to a schoolgirl who became a student who became a head of school in a leading Uni, the other a very good teacher, I have always loved women, as a child, as a lover, as a husband, as a human being. next stupid question ?
4. 1950s Britain ? Dunno, as I was only a very small child in that time and was born out of wedlock ( shock, horror ! MY GOD I WAS A VICTIM TOO!!!! ) you really are a sad little twat with your questions arn’t you pal, stupid questions, stupid bbc ideas about those who hold you to account, stupid and bloody thick, pal.
How many meetings in Frankie Howerd did it take to come up with this shower of shite?
My understanding of BBC types is that for maximum equality/diversity, all eight people should be depicted as disabled black lesbians. And for some reason, only the Asians and Afro-Caribbeans are depicted in a normal relationship, while all the white ones would be regarded as abnormal by nice descent Islamic people, and anyone else that was not a middle class left-wing anti-democratic BBC type.
Given the new rules for Dolezal in the USA-surely all four of these PC labels could be mixed and matched…those Afro Carribeans look very Peters and Lee to me now!
Ah yes, the ersatz mulattress Rachel Dolezal. The brief film in the article below, where she is questioned about how she lied regarding her father’s ethnicity, is pure gold.
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it BBC News Watch, the show that likes to play hide and seek through the schedules with us licence payers.
This morning – set your alarm clocks – at 8.13 and 3/4 on the News Channel (or some such) they give a masterclass in how to get the BBC to respond to a concern about their news….
wait for it….
Some viewers are upset that the BBC is giving diversity posterboy Mo Farah a hard time.
You see our Mo runs on water. Or at least not on steroids.
So the lesson is : if you have a complaint that the BBC is offending some object close to the liberal heart – then it’s straight to air with your concerns.
Then one of those awkward juxtapositions in the news schedule – worries that people aren’t complaining to big institions because it’s a waste of time eg…. wait for it… the NHS
BBC : Not us Guv
What the BBC decides is worthy of a mea culpa is every bit as editorially selective as their guest selection or vox pops.
Was Fraser ‘I’m on it’ Steel leading the self-flagellation rapid response?
Given what actually matters that does give cause for concern, the BBC complaints landing page is usually a hoot for what the BBC thinks has truly upset the audiences.
It’s almost like they choose trivia to avoid the serious.
Amusingly, given the rats-in-a-sack version of cabinet responsibility practised by our liberal guardians there at the BBC, that Ceri Thomas of BBC Panorama when challenged with “but given the problems with Lord McAlpine was the BBC right to blah blah Mo Farah” our ceri comes right back with “That was Newsnight!”
Peoples Front for Judea just bombed the Judean Popular Front
The Panorama/Newsnight rivalry seems to produce endless entertainment, if propagating the notion of a weird limbo of responsibility in BBC higher management where they all suddenly get forgetful and point at each other, but nothing actually sticks as it stays internal.
The Christmas parties must be a hoot.
Erm…I’m usually behind on these things. But aren’t we supposed to start referring to Mo as “Somalian-born” so that we can ever so subtly create a fissure that will in time become an earthquake-size hole?
Just keep me in the loop.
Sorry not bBC related but found this quite funny, here are the Jackson 5, that is according to Rachael Dolezal
Nice one centurion-yuk yuk!
She’s wrong – it’s the Jackson 6. The sixth one is taking the photo.
In other news…
This may not be the kind of news those hanging their BBc defences on its no-ad status would welcome.
‘you’d think the ability to hold 69 simultaneous meetings in one London building alone ought to be enough for any organisation.’
One is sure Frankie Howerd would appreciate the symbolism of now being one of that number.
Worry ye not.
A mild slap form Rona, with all the authority she carries? I bet they are quaking.
Nice to see the words ‘BBC’ and ‘financial reputation’ still together.
There’s also a runners and riders selection on the DCMS committee chair.
Looking at Ed Vaizey’s feed, one can only hope a spine may be found somewhere if John W continues to see his role as simply securing the BBC’s revenue….
Not entirely a BBC bias issue but they’re clearly advocating Guardian bias as well as furthering their own. The BBC quotes a female commentator in the Guardian, who has a title with ‘sexism’ in the name meaning she’s hardly impartial, as saying the honours list is sexist because most of the top honours this year went to men, at a ratio of 5:1. This ignores the fact that the last several honours lists have seen knights only outnumber dames by about 3:2, and overall honours moreorless equal, making this year’s list the exception to the rule. Still, it allows a feminist to think she’s saying something and the BBC can pat itself on the back for giving credence to this confirmation bias nonsense.
The bigger issue though is that the honours list is meaningless to the majority, so even if it is sexist, it only affects a few people each year. Funny that the BBC and Guardian don’t ever report on the far more socially relevant family court laws, which have been utterly discriminatory against men for years and affect far more people’s lives than a token nobility.
Of course, the one case of child custody prominently referred to in the media lately is one of the disproportionately few in which the father has won, and in this case the mother abducted the boy before running to the Daily Mail trying to portray herself as a victim. Even the BBC points out that she has been judged mentally unstable, has fabricated evidence against the father in court, and is generally unsafe to be with her son unsupervised. Her latest action simply justifies the court’s original decision, yet the BBC seems intent on having a case that already lasted two years reopened, which is absolute stupidity. Of course, it’s entirely because it’s a mother in this rare case and the BBC can force its female victimisation bollocks onto us once more. Had it been one of the majority of cases where the father was given little to no access, kicked out of his house, and forced to pay child support for a child he was never able to see, the BBC and Guardian would have ignored it – unless the dad had abducted the child, in which case an argument would have been made for even fewer rights to male divorcees and parents.
This goes beyond political correctness, this is actively damaging our society. How these cultural Marxists can think it’s ‘progress’ is beyond me.
It counts as “progress” for them precisely because they wish to destabilize our model of society.
Any review of this latest Scandi drama care of the BBC cheque book (ie our licence fee) simply has to start with this quote from Lord Palmerston:
“Only three people have ever really understood the Schleswig-Holstein business – the Prince Consort, who is dead – a German professor, who has gone mad – and I, who have forgotten all about it”
And a few minutes of watching 1864 tells you that Palmerston pretty much nails it for both the Schleswig-Holstein question and the TV series.
The modern day tale with flash backs to the history story style delivers something like girl with a silver nose-piercing meets The Heir Hunters. If you like bleached out film tone and probably stilted dialogue made to appear profound in sub-title… read on.
I‘ll have to own up I could only stomach a fraction of the thing.
They say it had a double episode starter and will end in a double-ender. Enough said.
There were some impressive war scenes but the human story seemed to have been done before and to fall flat.
There’s always a liberal message behind these things. Large nation robs provinces from a small one. Difficult pitch. Now had this happened to, say Ireland, or just about anywhere else, then the Germans would have been the clear bad guys. How could modern euro-liberals spin that? Well, it seems the Danish politicians were the warmongers. And we focus on some diversity in the form of a gypsy family caught up in all the strife. Ethnic refugees flee war torn Europe, I guess.
We got off lightly. Had the BBC made this in-house the mere mention of Prussian Black Hussars would surely have given a part to His Lordship Sir Lenny Henry.
I look forward to the BBC’s documentary on Millais’s The Black Brunswicker.
The Schleswig-Holstein question could have been solved during the 1945 – 1955 British Sector of Germany days. We could have annexed our ancient homeland Angeln to England as a buffer between Germany and Denmark.
Has someone at the BBC suddenly seen the light?
In Springwatch’s spin-off show Springwatch Unsprung, Chris Packham was defiant as he addressed the fact that the show had received plenty of comments about airing the footage.
Chris Packham said: “Well, look, the real world is the real world. Is it because it’s a cutesy owl?
“We can’t put our human values on this.” He added: “If a spider eats a fly, is it any worse? It’s the cycle of life. And we did warn people.”
‘Viewers left shocked as Springwatch airs violent scenes of tawny owl being killed by its parent and fed to siblings’
Check this out, Irish drinks advert with its insidious propaganda message, effniks are vibrant and edgy while whites are old and boring,
You think that’s bad – watch this for a stomach churning experience…
Typical of the globalist garbage that makes up most of cinema advertising nowadays. Probably started (and continued) by the maker of brown fizzy liquid in curvy bottles. (Has anyone ever seen young people en masse knocking back the stuff except in an advert?). Ein Volk, Ein Reich.
What do you expect ?
The media is run by the ‘liberal luvvies’
Seriously? The tag line is ‘that’s what happens when you put two great things together …’ That hardly means whitey is boring.
Admittedly the dancing is hardly ‘great’ and the music is culturally streets ahead but it is in no way anti-white.
Getting upset by this sort of crap, and it has nothing to do with the BBC BTW, is only gong to end up with you spraining something. Chill out with a Guinness … 😉
A few weeks back I informed my esteemed colleagues on this site that I’d submitted a formal complaint via the BBC ‘Complaints’ website re the WHYS programme by the incurably ‘progressive’ Chloe Tilley on Palestinian attempts to expel Israel from FIFA. Naturally the Israeli side was hardly heard amid a flurry of foul Palestinian propaganda virtually unhindered by Chloe.
About ten days later I changed my ISP and email address so today I resubmitted the complaint in case they really will reply. I agreed to do a survey on the website and after being rejected for the survey I wrote to them again:
I complained today on an unrelated matter and a box popped up asking if I wanted to complete a survey for edigital research on this website. So once I’d sent the complaint I filled in the first few questions of the survey, only to be told that I cannot complete it since I live outside the UK.
Please tell those responsible that I object to having my time wasted and I don’t understand why they cannot tell people at the outset that the survey is restricted to those in the UK. Unless of course they structure it that way in order to see how many people, in or out of the UK, will at least begin the survey – which is a lot worse.
In either case, it’s treating people with indifference at best and contempt at worst. The BBC spreads its unique brand of ‘progressive’ ideology across the planet in an attempt to get as many people as possible in line with its own world view. So at the very least it should be prepared to listen to the opinions of those it seeks to influence.
Now I note that despite getting the following reassuring message on submitting the previous complaint: “we will acknowledge your complaint ….” I have checked my inbox and have received nothing. Should I assume this is because I am outside the UK and therefore the BBC will not deal seriously with my complaint?
If so, please let me know so that I don’t waste more time.
Outside the UK
While writing this here I got an email from them complete with a case reference number. Nearly fell off my chair in shock. However, I didn’t receive an email for the Chloe complaint – not for the original one either. So I guess I’ll have to resubmit it with a short note to that effect.
Hard work complaining to the BBC.
It’s hard work because you where idiotic enough to change all your contact details. But of course blame someone else for you inadequacies.
‘It’s hard work because you were idiotic enough to change all your contact details. But of course blame someone else for your inadequacies’
It’s the weekend. And, at last, blinking into the light, they start to climb out of bed, non-idiotically, and with the greatest of respect, of course.
Right, and demonstrating total misunderstanding of what I wrote.
There is an interesting contradiction here. When I’d submitted the Chloe complaint a page from the World Service came up with a blurb indicating that they would acknowledge my complaint and aim to reply within ten working days. They haven’t acknowledged it.
But on submitting the above complaint, which I’d directed to General BBC, I got a blurb back which did not mention any initial acknowledgement, yet I received one.
They claim it’s automatically generated but I don’t believe it. Perhaps ten minutes went by before I got it and why did I not get it for the Chloe complaint?
There’s almost certainly a vetting process right from the start, with an army of leftie BBC nerds hovering over every incoming complaint in order to earn spare cash for their social science studies.
Well, I guess this need further investigation. Will there be no automatic response (and therefore no case number) to any complaint directed to the World Service?
Many companies use automated response systems that acknowledge emails to ‘customer services’ or complaint departments as a matter of course. It lets the correspondent know their email/form has been received. Surely it is not beyond the wit of the BBC to do the same? It costs nothing after all …
Well if it costs nothing then it’s right out of the window. The BBC would need at least 5000 meetings employing an army of £1000 a day consultants first. Anyone who suggested a simple solution would be seen as a traitor. I mean, without endless meetings, what would the whole tier of management do with themselves all day?
LOL. Perhaps I should have said ‘next to nothing’?
Thanks for the chuckle, Rob in Cheshire.
Many a true word is said in jest.
Not sure if I’ve missed it but has the bbc made any refer any reference to this ongoing which if you google still seems to be bubbling away ? You can see the problem they and their leftie friends are going to have with this one, just imagine if our poor misunderstood ‘British’ youngsters took themselves off to get involved as in Syria ? Who to support ? Which line to take ? What if Israel comes to the aide of Hamas ? Oh to be a fly on the wall of the foreign newsroom meeting.
The BBC appears to have an official policy of not reporting, or barely reporting, any event that’s hard to spin as the BBC would want it spun.
So yes, I imagine they’ll ignore this one.
Splendid-hope it`ll be a a matter of mutually-assured destruction.
But not before the BBC get skewered on the horns of an Islamic mosque about which side here will destroy them for not supporting their cause.
Maybe BBC could back IS, whereas BBC2 back Hamas…that Panorama/Newsnight chasm of theirs.
An interesting aricle (again) on Bill Rogers blog:
In the article is a link to the story in The Guardian.
In that Guardian report comes this gem:
“Boothman is married to Susan Deacon, a former Labour minister and MSP, and is seen as closely aligned to Labour.”
The Boothman in question is John Boothman, BBC Scotland’s head of news and current affairs.
I never thought I’d ever see the day when the print edition of the BBC made such an admission.
Change of topic: Has anyone tried a BBC Tour?
As a relative’s birthday treat we went on a BBC Tour the other day. A snip at £15 each, this consisted of a heavily chaperoned shuffle, by a group of around 20 people, around very limited parts of Broadcasting House (B.H.) and New B.H. We were escorted by a couple of rather camp young men, presumably “resting” luvvies. We started with a pep-talk outside the BBC Newsroom (the biggest in Europe, apparently) before pressing our noses to the newsroom windows to see… precisely nothing that you can’t already see in the background of TV News broadcasts. Wow.
Then on to the One Show studio, and its green sofas. “You don’t know how many famous bottoms have sat on these”, said one of the luvvies, a bit lasciviously I thought. Perhaps he was interested in bottoms. He pointed out how the One Show’s logo on the outside of the studio window blocked the view of the Cafe Nero outlet across the courtyard. “We don’t want to give them free advertising,” he explained, a bit rich coming from the BBC and its endless programme adverts, or “trails” as we were sniffily told they were called.
Next, upstairs to the Broadcasting House Theatre, a nondescript large studio building with cramped red seats in the balcony on which we were told, not invited, to sit. Many radio programmes are, surprise, recorded here, we were told, and there were microphones suspended over the audience area which “prove” that the audience laughter you hear on the programmes is real. We were all too polite to point out that the laughter need not necessarily have been recorded at the same time as the typically dire radio comedy programme in which it was heard. And for the dullards among us, we were told that this studio had been used for donkey’s years and all sorts of famous people had recorded stuff there. Well, I never.
That was all we saw of the “real thing”. The rest of the tour was spent in a room made into a fake radio studio, where 5 volunteers among us recorded a spoof radio play with sound effects, quite fun actually, and then in a similar room done up as a fake TV studio where volunteers stood in front of a green screen to read some fake news from the camera’s autocue, with the newsroom inserted into the background of the picture in place of the green screen to make it look real. Cringe, cringe. Lastly, we were encouraged to visit the BBC Shop to buy some tat, (e.g. BBC mugs, £6.99) before being shown/thrown out.
Overall impression: a highly self-regarding and self-satisfied institution, hideously male and white, treating its paying guests with barely-disguised contempt. (I have been on many more interesting and worthwhile tours than this.) There was no attempt to explain anything, just dumbed down encouragement, that would not have looked out of place in a kindergarten, to go “ooh, ah” and play with the toys provided.
Do they not still have the OO gauge model railway?
That was the highlight of my visit about 12 years ago. The engine had a camera fitted to the front relayed to a large screen, so that you could run your own version of the 4 minute trip from London to Brighton.
Not that we saw, alas. I do remember the old black and white “4 minutes from London to Brighton” film though. It was always a laugh that whenever the film cut to a shot of the driver, the scenery was passing by at normal speed.
Been in the old Bush House and White City facilities a few times and the overall impression was that the BBC in general holds us all in contempt.
Dear God, sounds like a day trip to North Korea. 🙁
I know, how about a comedy show based on the world of bbc comedy shows, could be really funny if it was honest !
BBC s poster boys … CAGE Prisoners
getting “pat on the back” treatment from …
Hilary s boy, Max Blumenthal,(as well as the BBC)
“Max Blumenthal is the hard-Left writer who helped Hillary Clinton concoct her wild story that the jihad attack in Benghazi was over a YouTube video that cast Muhammad in a negative light.
So we know Max is a foe of the freedom of speech. He is also the son of Hillary’s close adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, who was involved with the Benghazi fiasco every step of the way. Max Blumenthal is also an energetic purveyor of the “Islamophobia” myth, even recording an interview about it on RT the day before the Benghazi attack.”
R Spencer
“BBC 5Live 10am is going to have an extended piece on the reality of erm … “climate change”
(don t they ever realise how abjectly stupid they sound using that term),
A few glassy eyed, “church of” will be given copious amounts of airtime no doubt
… “even Saudi Arabia now has to accept the reality”, bleats our Beebot advertising for the show.
… After, Fridays BBC B/S fest, on ahem “the reality”, of “the facts”
on climate change, a few impeccably researched real fact for them to ponder.
The ICCC event yesterday
At the same event, the always sharp and witty, in equal measure
Mark Steyn
(now actually being sued by a church of climate fantasist)
Great stuff, noggin – thanks for posting those clips.
Didn’t Roger Harrabin go to one of the Heartland conferences and get into an angry dispute ? I doubt if Harrabin had time to go to this one, he is far too busy building up the propaganda case for the Paris conference in December.
Now why on earth would Harrabin get into an angry dispute? Surely he would have been there merely to report the facts in an impartial manner. Getting angry implies an emotional attachment to one side in the climate debate. Not our Roger.
The ubiquitous Claire Balding this morning presenting Trooping The Colour was almost on the point of climax when she found a women officer from the Kings Troop. The most important question she could think to ask was ‘What is the percentage of women in the Kings Troop?’
Is this important? sod their ability to do the job eh Claire.
No doubt , to imply that there are too many BBC/Lefty oafs comprising the Queens Tripe…Regimental goat being(for the minute) Brucie Jenner.
It seems that members of the religion of peace have introduced new rules for “shoppers” in Britain….Wonder when full on amputation comes in?
Terrible, but notice how the other shoppers keep their heads down. Londoners know who rules.
i hope that mofo gets his come-uppance.
What a disgusting little thug. That incident opens up a few questions:
Who took the video? Almost certainly someone who works in the shop.
If so, why post it on YouTube? From the blurb under the video, it seems a copy was made so that it would not be lost. Could be that the thug put it up originally in celebratory mode to gloat over and then realised there might be consequences and took it down:
Could be that he realised that the UK is still partly under the jurisdiction of UK law.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the BBC and UK media will be all over this. After all, they’ve given saturation coverage to a mildly stupid remark about labs and women falling in love, so surely this will get the full treatment?
Interesting the quiet on the BBC and the MSM given their absolute hysteria about some idiots stopping a man getting onto a Paris metro train.
Please can the BBC Trolls reviewing this site look at this video and pass to the news room.
It was an obvious assault Can the police do nothing about this?
Anyone on Twitter with a good few followers? Isn’t that how the Paris video got ‘out there’ ?
Were the boot one other foot here this would be all over the bBC and MSM.
Let’s make it interesting then….The shop where the assault took place is – 219 High Street South, London E6 3PD Costcutter East Ham
You Tube have removed it. But the Mirror is running it as a story of a shopkeeper who takes the law into his hands. To me it looked as if the victim was guilty of taking a bag into the shop, which several of the shops owned by protected people prohibit. See the vid here and share it widely;
Not like the woman on the tram who complained about immigrants whose video was available throughout her lengthy trial.
Good to see that the Mirror has got hold of it though the article is rather weird.
There are 3 uploads that I know of on YouTube. Just found them by searching for shopkeeper abuses handicapped man.
This is good news. The one I opened had over 60 comments. Hopefully it will go viral and that little thug will be hauled before a judge.
I wonder if Lyse ‘Reporter in the Rubble chic’ Doucet will be reporting on this:
It seems to me that many of the BBC ‘reporters’ strutting around the Middle East have converted to Islam, the awful Doucet chief among them.
She’s in her element when among members of the Religion of Peace.
Back in 2007, BBC Reporter Alan Johnston was kidnapped in Gaza.
He was held for three months.
He has not been back since.
Lesson learned?
Indeed they Sent JonDon, he knew how to suck but has now left. Question, how to show our support for the boys in black aka, IS ? A bit like a male approaching a female black widow spider I’d imagine.
I think Johnston would love to go back but his minders at the BBC probably consider it too risky so they farmed him out to Italy.
I still recall the World Service interview on his release. He cut it short, gushing, “I’m going to have breakfast with the Prime Minister.”
That of course would have been chief Hamas terrorist Ismael Haniye, not the Israeli PM.
The BBC website, helpful as ever:
What’s the difference between a hijab, niqab and burka?
This, you’ll notice, is actually CBBC, getting its priorities right.
Its honours day and just as elsewhere in the country bBC Points West reports on those honoured here in the West, plenty of them, but do they focus on the scientist come explosives expert, the postmistress who ran her post office for 50 years, or the police superintendent who led the responce to the Somerset floods?
No instead the program focuses on a Bristol chap who started the first Muslim scout group in Britain and some Common Purpose type who ‘raised the awareness’ of FGM.
The bBC needs to realise that no one outside of the metropolis gives a toss what happens within, certainly not here in deepest Somerset.
One question begging to be asked, is there a such a thing as a Christian only scout group?
Fuck off. Seriously.
Succinctly put, and mirrors my sentiments exactly. I can’t make my mind up if Earls Court is a troll or a weapons-grade looney. Or even, perhaps, Bunny in a new persona after a Damascene conversion.
BBC News and BBC World News excelling themselves this fine morning on Facebook.
In short order a story on the possibility of cancer from Thai food, and then a splash on a claim of a lizard in a bun on an Air India flight.
Most liked comments swinging between confirming accuracy to asking how many staff there are pursuing non-stories with an agenda.
So, about normal for the BBC.
BBC and Climate Change:
“Can the divestment movement tame climate change?”
–Most scientists say that the burning of fuels like coal, gas and oil is the main driver of climate change, and that cutting back on them is inevitable–.
(Divestment is a new word thought up by an anonymous US University. It means stopping investment in Companies that refuse to commit financial suicide at the Climate Change altar).
No counter discussion of course. Such as: ‘Some scientists say that Climate Change does not exist’.
That discussion would never ever be allowed in BBC world.
and the BBC is now gushing about the climate change encyclical the Marxist Pope is coming out with this week. Expect day after day of the rubbish.
This is a brilliant book on the subject of climate change, and vividly illustrates the madness that we’re all up against:
Climate Change: The Facts (Kindle Edition)
by Dr John Abbot (Author), Dr Robert M. Carter ~ Rupert Darwall ~ James Delingpole (Author), & 10 more
defend real climate heroes, prosecute the criminals
part 2
…other authors of that invaluable collection of essays include Mark Steyn, Prof Lindzen, Anthony Watts, Donna Laframboise, Nigel Lawson, Ross McKitrick, Jo Nova, Willie Soon, Ian Plimer etc
Not all the essays are good – but the book shows the breadth of the talent and knowledge/wisdom in the sceptic camp.
Be afraid little beeboids, be very afraid !
Wow. If that’s the best that Dave can do to ‘sort out the BBC’ I am not very impressed. “Freeze the licence fee for five years”! Wow.
That will have the left twitterati trembling over their cappucinos as they slaver over their pension ‘entitlements’.
A ‘cut’ in the licence fee of 20% a year for five years. That would be a polite ‘sorting out’ in my book.
You must surely have worked out that Dave is a chinless tosser by now! The fact that he managed to beat a party led by Brain Dead Ed does not make him another Churchill (and I mean the dog, not Winston).
He won’t do anything meaningful about the BBC, just as he won’t do anything meaningful about the EU. His so-called renegotiation is a sham, we all know it. He is a manager, not a leader.
Anyone unfortunate enough to be listening to Any Questions the other day would have come away with the impression that Diane Abbot is the most wonderful politician in Britain. The “self selecting, first come first served audience” as Dimbleby minor constantly reminds us hooted, stomped and applauded rapturously every syllable the divine Diane gave us. Nobody else received the merest ripple of affirmation. We were told by the sage that the refugees drowning in the Med were human beings (no, really?) and needed to be treated with compassion. When the impressive Dan Hannan took her to task for her insipid emotional rhetoric the audience turned on him, catcalling and shouting in the usual typical lefty fashion. Dan was having none of it and ploughed on. Poor Diane seemed lost for words and was, metaphorically, on the ropes. Referee Dimbleby valiantly came to her assistance (impartially, of course) and decided that the “impartial audience” should vote on the question of the refugee crisis. Believe it or not the “impartial audience” agreed with Ms Abbot, that we do need to do more to help these poor people, though what that might be no one could say. The amazing thing was the extent of the vote. Even Dimbleby sounded embarrassed. “It looks like,” he mumbled “about 100 per-cent.”
And people reckon that BBC audiences are rigged.
As if…
The week after Natalie Bennett had her spluttering LBC disaster Any Questions came from Bristol and Bennett was a guest.
The show was so biased in her favour that in the following weeks Dimbleby Minor found it necessary to preface every subsequent programme running up to polling day by saying that all tickets were on a first come, first served basis.
Plainly that night the Greens deliberately skewed the audience in their own favour in an attempt to gain electoral advantage.
First come first served, so any group discreetly forewarned of future QT venues would be at a distinct advantage
Dunno about discreet. Dimbleby reads out the venues for the next two weeks towards the end of each QT.
Could be that assorted lefties are just well organised in hijacking events, with a bit of help, no doubt from the BBC selection process for the audience.
I accept that left wing groups are well organised so well in fact that their foot soldiers already have their application forms filled out for appropriate locations before Dimbleby even said good evening
I’m sure it takes far more than two weeks prepare for a QT ,even for a well organised left wing group like the BBC
‘Twitter’ (well, the media end of it, which is all that matters, in their minds) seems to have clocked that Ministers don’t seem to jump now when the BBC snaps its fingers.
And the BBC, and twitter, are not happy, so they are doing what they do best and throwing toys out of the pram… on a sunny Sunday when most are in the garden having a coffee (WiFi boosters and tablets a real boon).
Actually I think this is a very unfortunate pendulum swing on accountability, but it shows just where the BBC has dragged itself down to.
Labour has imploded so the BBC no longer reports or asks questions; it propagandizes and censors trying to be a defacto opposition.
It is not trusted and not transparent, and enough know it that dodgy pols (that is, all pols) have twigged they can risk passing on the dubious exposure BBC airtime affords.
Must sting to see them being viewed as simply a part of what the public needs to know about, or doesn’t.
And to realize they are now treated as they have too long treated political discourse, as something to be squeezed through a filter to suit minority preferences.
Another hour, another BBC Facebook post advocacy in guise of a question:
“Is Majid Britain’s most popular asylum seeker”
The answers so far again suggest that whoever the BBC seems determined to speak for, it is not the nation they claim.
Well, I should point out it is via twitter via #bbctrending, which is how the BBC gets its news these days, if often via Godfrey, who they are coming to grasp is the wrong kind of student on the line.
More even handed reporting of immigration from BBC
A tablet in the outdoors is not an ideal mechanism to accompany ‘Jane’s Book Of BBC Peroxide Sinks’ in host recognition, but even as one who has seldom enjoyed the A/VD reporting experience, is that really her?
Not that it really matters as the piece itself has ‘hive-approved’ written through it.
Yeah saw this article myself and decided to have a watch at the clip on youtube. Laughable reporting. The 10000 approx. viewers this clip has is probably as many as watched it live when it was transmitted live on the VD show!!!
I think the BBC has turned into a national broadcaster for minorities. Be it ethnicity, sexuality,ability,morality or whatever is not the majority held view or behaviour.
They are anti the majority, ergo anti democracy.
Spot on, but only facilitated to do so by the majority that foot the bill.
All that fuming, red faced ranting about Muslims being victims … of conspiracy … of the Zionist plot etc etc.
On the BBC, on Sky, on LBC,
Looks like old Asshair Buthairy has blown one “incandescent with rage” brain cell too many.
Asghar … Israel ain t going anywhere, so all of this Israel hatred, is not good for you … and its racist
but it is just endemic and stereotypical Islamic anti-Semitic conspiracy paranoia, what a dangerous cult you follow A,
The last few days has proven quite special for spokespeople of BBC fondly-held causes imploding to an extent that only true acolytes can fail to blush at the association.
On twitter this morning this cove featured a fair bit. Interestingly, stills used to feature him had oddly familiar backgrounds.
Would it be safe to say he is also no stranger to the odd BBC studio and sofa?
Another example of the BBC defending someone based on their gender. Rebecca Minnock, who was so terrible a parent that even the most feminist-biased family court system in the Western world wasn’t willing to give her custody of her son, kidnapped him and has since tried to portray herself as the victim, while the BBC is more than happy to give her ample time yet has provided absolutely none to Ethan’s father. Perhaps Minnock’s “two years of hell” wouldn’t have lasted as long if she hadn’t fabricated evidence and used sly tactics to prevent her ex-partner from seeing his child. I don’t purport to know about either of these people but that’s precisely the point, the BBC has not done anything to give us an informed account of the personalities of the people involved. Normally I’d say that’s fair, but considering the disproportionate amount of credence they’re now giving her attempts to defend her illegal behaviour, coupled with their pre-existing and well-documented liberal bias, it’s so blatantly apparent that this is another attempt at female victimisation. Maybe if the BBC reported on the 90-odd% of cases where fathers are given very limited (if any) visitation rights I’d give them the benefit of the doubt on this, but they don’t. They only ever report on this stuff when it fits into their gynocentric social engineering streamline. And they’re doing this despite even the mother admitting that Ethan wanted to return home to his father.
The BBC is the most evil media indoctrination device ever created.
That disgusting organisation, the BBC, f**king reeks of sympathy for these vile pieces of rat filth. They are not British and they are not fighting some ‘holy war’. They are vermin who should be expunged from the planet.
Agreed, they are nothing more than the modern version of the Waffen SS, and they need to be treated as they were when cornered, or captured. Bullet in the back of the head, move on.
Thank God they aren’t the Waffen SS!
“If you have one total outsider, who is free to say whatever he likes, who sounds totally human, much more convincing – and all of the others restricted within the normal rules of politics and they sound a bit… sort of.. ‘lockjaw’… fixed, it makes them sound stiffer, it’s a bit like having a loose horse jumping all the jumps ahead in the middle of the Grand National – it doesn’t necessarily help decide between the serious runners”
Polly Toynbee was here giving an arguement against including left winger Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour leadership hustings.
Polly’s quote is at 1.02.30
Read her words carefully and think about how the BBC regularly includes left-leaning actors, comedians and other celebrities in – for example – their Question Time debates. ‘Loose horses’ – it could be a useful phrase to remember.
‘Food waste scandal of the Calais stowaways’ – £2m worth of food every month being destroyed by illegal immigrants – was the main front page news in The Times yesterday. On the bBBC ‘news’ … nowhere!
Bias by omission again. Mustn’t report anything that might reflect badly on the
economic migrantsmen fleeing persecution.According to The Times,
Food worth almost £2 million is being written off each month because stowaways have broken into lorries heading for Britain, it emerged yesterday.
Freight bosses revealed that £10 million of fresh fruit and vegetables had been thrown away since the start of the year amid fears over deteriorating levels of security at the port of Calais.
In many cases, food is dumped after being rejected by shops and distributors who are concerned that it has been “contaminated” by groups of migrants found inside HGVs. Write-offs are being reported almost every day, it was said.
“That’s fresh produce in the vehicle being lost. It is fresh produce, it’s for immediate consumption and not packaged in a way that makes the product totally sealed, and therefore if you have people in the back there is a risk of contamination.”
Surely opportunity here?
Just as we have skip divers highlighting supermarket waste and name and shames on odd shaped veg on Look Navel programmes, why not ‘Not Strictly Sanitary’ cooking shows, whipping up treats from produce blessed by uncertain contacts?
Best yet, all then served up in the BBC canteens for free to offset the curse of queuing for dodgy baked spuds from not enough microwaves at every corridor end?
Surely the staff would lap up the chance?
The BBC Press Office is getting very excited about this.
And if facts are wrong, they have every right to correct them.
Getting into editorial by omission however risks them highlighting just how much the BBC does it.
Also, after the BBC Press Office’s last little foray (quickly deleted with all sorts of implausible excuses) onto twitter to ‘deal’ with critics, they are pretty much a shot bolt on credibility now.