Ed Stourton is pretty religious, a Catholic, often suspected of having a Catholic agenda in the programmes he presents….Ed Stourton reveals his liberal Catholic bias again as he puts the boot into the Ordinariate
Stourton has come out with this:
David Cameron’s attack on Islamic extremism at this month’s Slovakia security conference included the charge that groups such as Islamic State believe “religious doctrine trumps the rule of law”.
The phrase is revealing in a way the prime minister probably did not intend: it underlines how far the role of religion has been eroded in British life.
For most of our history, most people in this country would have taken it for granted that God’s laws should trump those made by man – indeed they would have assumed that “religious doctrine” provided the proper basis for “the rule of law”.
Take Magna Carta, which we have heard so much about recently.
This cornerstone of law and liberty was explicitly laid on religious foundations.
The idea of an inherent conflict between law and religion is a very modern one.
But then Mr Cameron leads a country where religious faith, in particular as expressed through the established Church, is in precipitous decline.
The Magna Carta was created eight hundred years ago and was not created by the Church but forced upon a reluctant King by the Barons, the Aristocracy, in the interests of a fairer society ….giving people far more rights than the Church ever would have.
It is curious that a BBC man should be trying to justify Islamic beliefs and the creation of the Caliphate by comparison to Christianity when the BBC normally tries to deny any link between Islamic radicalism, fiundamentalism really, and Islam.
He might also have mentioned that all this denounced by Cameron..‘The cause is ideological. It is an Islamist extremist ideology one that says the West is bad and democracy is wrong that women are inferior, that homosexuality is evil.’ is also from the Koran.
But…if you’d read this from Stourton last year you might understand why he admits that there is a religious basis to ISIS……
BBC’s Edward Stourton: British media suffers from religious ‘blind spot’ leading to ‘skewed’ coverage
BBC journalist Edward Stourton has said Britain’s lack of appreciation for the importance of religion across the world damages its news coverage.
Stourton, presenter on Radio 4’s religious programme Sunday, believes British journalists have a “blind spot” when it comes to religion, meaning coverage can be “skewed”.
He highlighted coverage of the Ukraine crisis, the Middle East and Boko Haram in Nigeria as examples of stories which would be covered better with more understanding of religion.
“I do think that there is a problem with British culture… in the way that we treat religion as a sort of curious ‘ghetto’-like thing,” he told Press Gazette.
“And I don’t say that from the point of view of arguing that religion is a good thing – because very often it’s not.
“But it does damage our understanding and our ability to perceive stories accurately.”
He suggested that British news organisations have not considered the importance of the growth of churches in Russia and what Russian nationalism means in coverage of Ukraine. And on Middle East stories, he said “we continually misread the story because we don’t think what a powerful force religion is”.
He goes on…
“But it’s been perhaps made more apparent than ever by events since 9/11, because a whole area of quite complex religion has become very essential to the understanding of mainstream news.”
So understanding Islam is essential to understanding what is going on in the world.
Who’d have thought.
And just a curious coincidence…as Stourton pushes ‘Religion über alles’….so does Giles Fraser on Thought for the Day…….telling us that Christians should run their own ‘Caliphate’ and ignore the democratic, political, national, patriotic government….instead adopt the ‘revolutionary spirit’….and ignore the established Church….it’s not the job of Christians to be patriotic, their identification is with a god that supercedes all national boundaries.
Giles worships the Prince of Peace not the Duke of Wellington apparently.
Good old Giles, getting more like George Galloway every day.
Decapitation in France. A man, alleged to be an Islamist, ISIS flag, not sure how to play this eh BBC. Vichy Dave will be sending instructions. Meanwhile its a lone wolf, Islam is a religion of peace.
It will all be glossed over as always even though the scumbag chopped off someone’s head and put it on a fence like something out of the middle ages
hasn’t France just agreed to take 40,000 of those poor boat people as well? Absolute madness and it will all end in tears
Simon ,
They will be moved on to Calais .
that is a good point actually and pretty stupid of me not to realise that.
“The Magna Carta was created eight hundred years ago and was not created by the Church but forced upon a reluctant King by the Barons, the Aristocracy, in the interests of a fairer society”
Clause 1 of Magna Carta:
“First, that we have granted to God, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired.”
And where does Stourton claim it was ‘created by the Church’?
He doesn’t. He says that it was “explicitly laid on religious foundations.” The fact that the VERY FIRST CLAUSE grants the Church freedom in perpetuity is pretty much the definition of a document laid ‘on religious foundations’.
And who brokered the deal between the barons and King John? Er, that would be Stephen Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
So yeah, Alan, definitely a completely secular deal, nothing at all to do with the Church.
Magna Carta is in Latin. Whoops.
Whoops, silly me for posting an English translation of a document written in medieval Latin.
And why was it in Latin, rather than either of the vernacular tongues of the day, Norman French or Anglo-Saxon?
That would be because Latin was the official CHURCH language!
Thank you for proving my point. Since you are obviously an avid scholar of these things, here is the Latin original so that you can see that Alan is wrong, whatever language it is in.
“In primis concessisse Deo et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, pro nobis et heredibus nostris in perpetuum quod Anglicana ecclesia libera sit, et habeat iura sua integra, et libertates suas illesas.”
“but forced upon a reluctant King by the Barons”
That is what happened.
This clause, of which you make so much, was a polite fiction. A standard heading, to keep everyone happy.
But it does not matter. Marxism must prevail.
The end justifies the means.
So let us revise the historical records so that they conform to the party line.
Airbrush the Commissar from the photograph.
Feed the old records into the memory hole.
Job done.
“Corrections and Clarifications Department”
Probably the most inaccurate pseudonym ever.
Because that is exactly what you don’t do.
I expect that you are a highly valued employee in the BBC.
Where there really is a Corrections and Clarifications Department.
Where treason, mendacity, distortion, omission, misinformation and disinformation occur daily, on an industrial scale.
“This clause, of which you make so much, was a polite fiction. A standard heading, to keep everyone happy.”
Really!? Do you know anything about this period at all? Were you aware that John was in dispute with the papacy for well over a decade, resulting in the excommunication of the entire nation in 1208?
Did you know that he was in the habit of treating the Church estates as a personal overdraft facility, taxing them on a whim? And how about the fact that he liked to nominate his own candidates for bishoprics when they fell vacant, rather than allow the Church to appoint its own clergy?
Of course it is possible that all these factors are irrelevant, as you claim. It is possible that you are right, that clause 1 is a ‘standard heading, to keep everyone happy’. On the other hand, that would mean that every major historian who has written about this is wrong. So on the whole I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
“Marxism must prevail.”
Er, what? This is hardly revisionism. Try reading a few books. See what Churchill had to say about it. Unless you think he’s a Marxist?
““Corrections and Clarifications Department”
Probably the most inaccurate pseudonym ever.
Because that is exactly what you don’t do.”
I have just – ahem – CORRECTED what is an obvious untruth. You’re arguing against me and anybody who has ever studied this seriously. You’re the one in the minority here, mate, not me.
“I expect that you are a highly valued employee in the BBC.”
Ha! Wrong. And paranoid.
John immediately succeeded in getting Magna Carta declared null and void by the church. Once he had capitulated to the church, the pope was his most diligent defender. Magna Carta survived because John died the following year and his nine-year-old son, Henry III required a regency and the acquiescence of the barons, if he were to reign at all.
This obviously undercuts everything you have said.
“So let us revise the historical records so that they conform to the party line.”
David Carpenter, Magna Carta (Penguin, 2015):
“John’s tumultuous and tempestuous quarrel with the Church was a centrepiece of his reign, and had a major influence on the content of Magna Carta.”
Keep digging, FOTW, you’re not getting any less wrong.
Goalposts moved, resized, and protean.
In your initial “contribution” (BBBC any chance of numbering posts as they do elsewhere?) you were claiming that Alan had, in your puerile term, “whoops” (my lower case).
Incorrectly, as I noted.
Your response to my refutation is to introduce the whole of the Plantagenet Dynasty. Irrelevant.
The subject is your selective misuse of the thread head.
Because misuse is what you do, as your nom de plume indicates.
Secularism is itself a Christian invention. It is to stop the state in interefering with Christian belief and practice, and npt the other way round.
The other thing is that the Church was always a refuge for people fleeing the excesses of the state, i.e ., a duke, count, earl or king.
How can the ‘English’ church be free? It was Catholic & hence headed by the Pope. There was no ‘English’ church until the reformation.
Oh dear, I can assure you there was an English church long before Magna Carta. Christianity arrived in England around 47AD. Archbishop Restitutus was known to have attended the council of Aries in 314AD. Do a little googling and discover the fascinating facts for yourself.
I like your, current, pseudonym.
“council of Aries”
What a t**t.
But it was a synod, in Arles, Aries is zodiacal.
Google off, ditto you cretinous “likers”.
A spell checking error does not negate the fact there has been a church in England since AD 47.
A synod is a council of the church.
It is very ungracious to call those who like commments, “cretinous”, a term now only used as an offensive insult.
Your reply contains grammatical errors and reveals arrogance, anger and contempt and an inability to grasp the main point of refutation.
There’s a Muslim Labour MP saying that she’s sick of apologising for Islamic terror. I’m with her! What’s the point in asking for Muslims to apologise for people doing what Mohammad told them to do?
Let’s have an apology and compensation for seargeant Blackman who’s now spent 18 months in prison for killing the enemy. In his case he was betrayed by those in power who sent him to war in the first place.
His latest appeal has been turned down. There’s a good review of the case at:http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/06/free-sergeant-blackman.html
If a religious rule brought in millenia ago to deal with taste over health options still causes moppets to keel over today at the thought of eating something off-limits, cannot the wit of the ‘moderate’ Muslim faith industry not come up with something in a book that suggests whipping off heads, bombing mosques and stuff is not going to secure the promised virgin, milk & honey quota previously promised?
There’s a Muslim Labour MP saying that she’s sick of apologising for Islamic terror.
But not sick of the murder and decapitations taking place because of Islam.
“’There’s a Muslim Labour MP saying that she’s sick of apologising for Islamic terror.’
But not sick of the murder and decapitations taking place because of Islam.”
That’s interesting thing for you to say DP111, seeing as Anders Breivik quotes you personally as part of his justification for killing 77 men, women and children:
“DP111, an articulate British commentator at such websites as Jihad Watch, Little Green Footballs and Fjordman blog, points out that as Muslim families are very large, a single wage earner will find it hard to support all. They will need to supplement this by getting considerable benefits from the state… …As poster DP111 says, this world war may very well be in the form of a global civil war, where you get a succession of civil wars instead of countries invading other countries. Multiculturalism and uncontrolled mass-immigration destroy the internal cohesion of the decadent West…” (Anders Breivik, 2011)
Have you apologised?
In fact; here’s what you said in response to article written on the first anniversary of Anders Breivik murdering 69 innocent, left-wing teenagers (another 110 injured, 55 seriously):
“There has been no ideology in the history of mankind, that has taken as many lives, in the most ruthless ands brutal manner, as the Leftists,communists/marxists/progressives or whatever they call themselves… Marxism and the Left are demonic”
“innocent, left-wing ”
non sequitur, they are guilty.
Convicted by 120,000,000 dead victims of socialism and 2,500,000,000 mostly dead victims of socialism who died from other causes.
Come on you Muslims, you are falling behind in the murder race.
So… Muslims must apologise for those who’ve quoted the Koran as justification for murder?
Not rare, sadly, but not a good day.
BBC World News via BBC News
At least 27 people have died in an attack on a tourist hotel in the Tunisian resort of Sousse
Live updates: http://bbc.in/1BGR88m
I wonder if Dave has dispatched HMS Bulwark to offer evacuation support to Italy for the perps?
Why the hell would anyone think that a holiday in a country that shares a border with Libya a good idea?
Don’t know about ‘a good idea’, but the holiday company and HMG seem to have been OK with it…. up to now.
Certainly I’d have been dubious given recent history. That said, the year before the Arab Spring so beloved of Tahir Square balcony journos my family enjoyed a Nile Cruise, putting to back of mind the pot shots taken at earlier tourist guests.
These countries may need to face up to who is going to go there and who will be let out if they don’t chip in a bit more on sorting out these elements.
Diseases sometimes need quarantines to control.
Lyon, Tunisia, and now, today…
BBC World News
At least 4 people are killed in a bomb attack on a Shia mosque in the Kuwaiti capital
What may link these, who can say, this holy month.
Maybe the BBC could get its best heads together to think it through?
OT, though I did just see it on the BBC link:
I am sickened by the attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait. Our countries stand together in combatting the horrors of terrorism.
I know he has to say something, and quick, but that seems about as vapid as it gets. I am amazed ‘thoughts and prayers’ was not trotted out by rote.
Frankly standing together… with heads in the sand and hoping for the best, and a few platitudes when it isn’t, may not cut it much longer.
I very much took to our guides and service staff in Egypt; all educated, funny and friendly. There is no way we will return there. Quite what happens to such folk when the audience dries up I don’t know.
Maybe they could charge a compulsory fee on tourists before they go anywhere less ‘exciting’?
According to the Guardian, David Cameron said:
“The people who do these things, they sometimes claim that they do it in the name of Islam. They don’t. Islam is a religion of peace. ”
I try not to swear on this blog. But I’m really struggling right now. So a “FFS” will have to do.
What is the point of having politicians like Cameron, when they’re so out of touch it’s frighteningly scary?
I’m watching ‘Humans’ on 4OD at the moment.
Based on the pilot, not as awful (so far) as UK Sci-Fi on a budget can often be. Looks a bit Blade Runner meets AI meets Corrie, but OK.
But given the limited set of responses our beloved PM can manage at such times, he appears to get broken out of the bubble wrap, has a couple of AAA’s popped in and one a few buttons pushed so he intones… the same mantra , every time.
If any one does an Ed-it ‘these strikes are wrong’ of his stock statesroboship, he is going to look an utter tool.
I have watched Hollande’s statement which is equally vapid…don’t let them divide us,,, yada yada.
Marine le Pen:
Marine Le Pen
3 hrs ·
« L’horreur islamiste a de nouveau frappé notre pays, et cette horreur a franchi une nouvelle étape dans la barbarie.
Rien n’a été fait depuis des années contre le fondamentalisme islamiste. Il progresse à vitesse grand V dans notre pays.
Marine Le Pen demande que des mesures fermes et fortes soient prises immédiatement pour terrasser l’islamisme ».
” the Islamist horror was again struck our country, and this horror has taken a new step in barbarism.
Nothing has been done over the years against Islamic fundamentalism. It is progressing at great speed v in our country.
Marine le pen request that firm action and strong to be taken immediately to defeat the islamism “.
Marine le pen request that firm action and strong to be taken immediately to defeat the islamism “.
I hope she knows that there is no such thing as Islamism.
So we have it. Defeat Islam under the guise that we are attacking Islamism.
In other circumstances, it’s usually “lessons will be learned”. But not when the lesson is that Islam encourages its followers to kill us.
Lessons were learned ages ago. Those lessons being learnt by Islamists and their large minority of supporters throughout Islam, that they might as well do anything they like as they wil never be blamed. And if anyone says their “religion” is violent they will protest and kill some people just to prove they are the “Religion of Peace”.
Also they have learnt that all mainstream Western politicians will bend over backwards to avoid telling the truth about them. They have learnt that the Police are frightened to take action whatever crime they commit so they get a lot more latitude than anyone else. All they have to do is make subtle threats and the Western Establishment will bend over backwards to accommodate their every wish.
The lessons the rest of us have learnt is that it doesn’t matter which set of lily-livered politicians we elect, they are not interested in us as we don’t threaten violence. The police are not on our side, nor is the Church, nor the judiciary. They all pander to those that threaten. We have also learned that the BBC and allied left-wing nutjobs hate us (normal, decent people) and will make any excuse for these atrocities even blaming the victims.
The left-wing has learned that the decent majority are powerless to stop this onslaught against the values of decency, honesty and compassion: – three of the many things they hate along with democracy. What they have singly failed to learn is that when this country has finally been taken over their ilk will be first against the wall, or at least the first to be lined up for a head-chopping session or be dragged behind motor-bikes, or thrown off buildings, or stoned, or burned alive, or hanged from cranes etc.
Or, like the appeasing shit house scum they are, they will wear the garb, they will read the koran, they will deny all that they know, they will pray, they will offer up their children (something they should be used to) they will want to become even bigger bullies than they are now to protect their own. The left are every bit as dangerous.
The West learned its lessons re Islam some 1200 years ago, and did not unlearn it till this present generation’s idiot polticians, who thought they knew better.
Quite right Geoff.
How can anyone since 2001, think its a good idea to have a holiday in an Islamic country, unless of course they were planning to join ISIS. This is sheer ignorance and stupidity.
Unfortunately, holidaying in France is now equivalent to having a holiday in an Islamic country. And if it isnt too late already, have a holiday in London, for before long, one could be beheaded in London, even in tourist areas.
I see the so-called “Corrections and Clarifications Department”, has been busy on Google today.
I wonder if the bbc will state plainly to its audience that any holiday or business in any Muslim country is asking for trouble. The boys in black are looking for targets and will keep on killing till they get what they want
I have never much liked Stourton. I always feel he longs for a bygone age when the church had complete authority. No wonder he has so much toleration for Islam.
As for Giles Frazer, he gets nuttier by the day.
The problem with this understanding of other religions, which is clearly code for Islam, is which version of Islam? The BBC and most of the left only seem to recognise a nice, warm friendly version. Anyone straying outside this narrow definition, which may be a construction of the left and actually nothing to do with Islam, is apparently not a real Muslim. I was amazed to hear one of the panellists, a non-Muslim, on Question Time a couple of weeks ago state that Muslims were “misunderstanding their own religion”.
A hat-trick of murderous enrichment today! Don’t you feel privileged that these people are swamping our country by the lorry/plane/boat load every single day?
did you listen to that politacaly correct posh moron dave cameron say today that islam is a peacefull religion after 1 man was beheaded in france by isis and up to 100 europeans have been butchered by the allah hu akbar screaming isis lot in tunusia,what world is that man cameron living in,he says that after every terrorist islamic prophet mohammed insprired outrage,all i can think is that his moronic advisers at no 10 and his muslim controllers at the muslim council of britian has told cameron and co to say islam is a peacefull religion when it is damm well not.
At least bbbc look east has a shiny new weather graphic to tell us what times for sunset/sunrise ,just for Ramadan you understand.
On the train to Menton from Ventimilla ( Italy) .The CRS are now in charge at the border, anyone who is not Hideously White is now removed at the first station Menton Garavan. The same at the road border. We need a CRS / Calabineri in England now.
“He suggested that British news organisations have not considered the importance of the growth of churches in Russia and what Russian nationalism means in coverage of Ukraine. And on Middle East stories, he said “we continually misread the story because we don’t think what a powerful force religion is”.
Maybe the growth of the churches has something to do with the fact that they haven’t swallowed the ‘religion of peace’ bullshit that the coward leaders of the Western world want us to believe.
I watched the superb Ross Kemp programme on the Ukraine and they see perfectly well what the aim of the followers of Islam is. Did every German believe in Nazism until their spectacular rise to power and illusions of world domination actually became a reality? The disease is spreading ever closer and I still don’t see the real ‘RoP’ cultists standing up to be counted.
It’s been a spectacular day for the RoP, it seems ramadan really is important, it’s been like a mini Tet offensive, the perfect cover.
The bbc have just had Quilliam’s majid nawaz on to claim that ramadan is the month of fighting for muslims so they see it as their right to do what they do!! So it isn’t a religion of peace, and that’s from the horses mouth! Or, there is this;
“While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations with one’s spouse. Muslims are also instructed to refrain from sinful behavior that may negate the reward of fasting, such as false speech (insulting, backbiting, cursing, lying, etc.) and fighting”
Like the lefties, it’s just one contradiction after another to excuse their warped ideology.
Now compare today’s media reporting with the recent ‘white supremacist’ jailing, the media were desperate to report the white attacker as ‘extreme right wing’..’shouting white supremacy’..’was in contact with numerous far right groups’! The only mention of ‘suspected’ islam today has been by the spineless camoron to further embellish the RoP lie.
So nawaz and the bbc are lying c**ts, they are appeasers, they are cowards, they are scum, they are complicit in some of the worst crimes this world has seen all in the name of islam.
I have a workmate who’s daughter was recently disappointed to have had a school trip cancelled so the the Staffordshire water park they were to visit could close its doors for a ‘muslim only day’??
She asked her dad..”Did you have all this when you were a kid” (he is around 40). He told her the truth but couldn’t explain as to why it has happened, that is what I want to know….why islam? What is so important about islam and its followers? Why have the scum liberal socialists put every whim of the worst of all ‘religions’ above everything and everyone? I don’t think we’ll see an answer on the bbc any time soon.
The only way out of this mess is to vote for UKIP and get out of the EU. when the referendum is sprung upon us. Then we can control who is coming in to this country.
In the meantime vote here ………………. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
For most of our history, most people in this country would have taken it for granted that God’s laws should trump those made by man – indeed they would have assumed that “religious doctrine” provided the proper basis for “the rule of law”.
Christianity and Judaism are the bases for Western Civilisation, this is true, and although the Church was autocratic for a much of its history, Christianity itself preaches tolerance and compassion: “love one another” It has also always aspired to be primarily spiritual, allowing men to rule the temporal. “render unto Caeser what is Caeser’s…” When the church became too worldly and powerful, there were schisms with the Reformation and Counter-Reformation due to the inherent nature of the religion.
And while God’s law is meant to trump man’s law or can form the basis of it, (do not steal, do not lie, do not kill etc.), Christianity doesn’t proscribe a strict path to salvation. This is what helped pave the way to notions of personal freedom and liberty: the idea that everybody’s salvation lies within their own hands. Ultimately every individual matters, it’s what you do yourself that makes the difference. You are encouraged to look inside yourself, search yourself, and while the concept of sin might be unpleasant and arbitrary or even anachronistic, it is also malleable and can be redeemed. It has forced Christianity’s followers to take responsibility for themselves and their actions because they believe that each of them matter in the eyes of their Creator.
For all Christianity’s flaws, (which the mass media and the BBC will willingly remind us of all the time), for me, this is one of the things that make me very glad that I grew up in a Christian society (as well as secular one), even if I’m not a full believer anymore. Humanism, science, the Enlightenment; all these (and more) were made possible, or at least, more possible, through the foundations laid down by Christianity.
On the other hand, anyone who has read enough about what Islam rally entails, will know, this is not the case with that belief system. Salvation only lies by following its strictures and doctrines as closely as possible, often on pain of severe punishment or death (depending also on how strict or secular that particular society is). When the religious nutters are in the ascendancy, the only law is God’s law, with no room for anything else. God’s law trumps all, no matter how sadistic or cruel. It cannot be questioned. It is the only path to heaven (apart from the guaranteed path of martyrdom through Jihad). There is no personal journey to salvation, no responsibility, and therefore very little room for the use of reason or for personal development.
This is the message we need to get across to people who are still confused.
In fact, calling Islam a religion, is what you could call philosophically, a category error. Perhaps we need a new category for it, or a new word. At least we need to be able to say to people, “look, it’s not a religion and it’s not peaceful.”
I dunno if anyone reading this has seen Robocop, but “spoiler alert” at the very end of the film, Robocop is prevented from shooting the evil CEO because of a hidden prime directive: he cannot shoot people from the company who created him. As soon as the evil guy’s own boss gives him the sack, Robocop is able to shoot him out the window.
I think Islam needs to be sacked from the company of religions.
Excellent post Mr Bloc!
It`s no coincidence that the EU is falling apart at its Greek and Italian borders.
Islam sneaked into Europe via North Africa across the former Roman Empire and came in at Spain.
Hence the “romantic” Gipsy King ullulations so loved by flamenco and fado…Muslim calls to prayer in effect.
No-Christianity evolved and adapted to local cultures and came to us via the Greek philosopher and democratic traditions and the Roman legal certainties, power engineering and roads etc.
In other words -the whole Western tradition is a unique amalgam of Greek, Italian historical traditions and practice but with Judeo-Christian morality that puts the individual as a free man accountable only to Jesus Christ-but you`ll always be free to deny or dispute that , you being a free agent, made in Gods own image.
As Islam sniffs around the dying corpse of the New West, the media, the secular progressive oafs who juxtapose beheadings with gay marriages and Taylor Swift-only Islam dares to talk of scripture or certainties-with no interfaith coffee mornings either.
The West has lost its language as well as its mind-even an illiterate Muslim who only sees porn and prostration from the BBC/Freeview channels-has more nuance about what God is doing…and some words and reasons for it all.
No Bible, no comment-and in particular-if you`re not up on what the Koran states-then the BBC will do your speaking for you…”bring your daughters to the slaughter” seems a bit more than an LP title nowadays.
Time to cut Islam adrift-it is NOT a religion unless it can prove it is, any more than Communism,Fascism are.
Islam chooses to be a race, a theology and a political doctrine-and the chattering classes let them choose as they will-but “religio” it aint.
It only binds people together with explosives and chains as they drown underwater in a private swimming pool.
Not all Germans were SS-but it was the ones that were than ran the “German umma”…we won`t have time to sift them all.especially if they keep showing up in lorries without brakes, coffin ships without diesel.
Hasn`t Evan Davis got a nice little holiday home near Calais he could let them have?…or is he happy to flout his deviance only from THIS side of the Channel, instead of trying to bring a few Somalis back to share a croissant or two?
Thanks very much Chris!
Evan Davis knows multiculturalism is okay because of Paddington Bear The Movie. It’s just one mainstream media organ with a message endorsing another media organ with the same message. Circular logic.
The West is in trouble because many have lost the ability to reason. Just like Orwell forsaw. So we get relativism and vindication of all beliefs and false corollaries like this one:
Islam is a religion; all religions need to be tolerated, therefore we should tolerate Islam.
But of course, we need to tolerate all minorities and gays and women too. Islam doesn’t tolerate these things so then we need to lie and obfuscate to keep “the narrative” going. And we end up with hierarchies of oppression, a wonderful Marxist construct.
This is all down to political correctness and the influence of the left, and Islamic organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood have very cunningly jumped on this bandwagon.
I posted this video here about a week ago but it’s worth anyone’s time who is interested. It is from a talk by a counter-terror and Islam expert called Stephen Coughlin who talks about how Islam cunningly jumped on the left’s bandwagon by creating the word Islamophobia and how the west has lost its ability to reason because of the cultural marxists. It explains very well why we’re in the fix we’re in. How they were able to get everyone to negate our superior beliefs and equate it with inferior beliefs like those of Islam.
We can’t play their games anymore. We need to be able to define truth, or approximate it as close as we can, like science does. Therefore recategorise Islam somehow, and we need to be able to say to outsiders (especially Muslims) you need to integrate with us and our beliefs come first where they clash. Alas that seems unlikely atm. But it does happen in Russia afaik.
And we need to tell ourselves that we have a fantastic civilisation and culture, based on – as you said Chris – the Greco-Roman Judeo Christian heritage. Easier said than done I know, but we must do it, when we meet friends or strangers in our day to day lives and a topic crops up where somebody will run our past and cultures down (which is very frequent I find, and I admit I used to do it myself, probably influenced by the BBC among others).
Muslims are part of an all encompassing ideology which covers all behaviour of whatever type. Which is why it is so evil.
Separationism is going to be our only option.
It will hurt us all. No trade. No tourism. No contact. Close all borders.
No other way left now and this is the reality.
Turn Europe into a fortress and stay well clear of the ME and all Islamic lands and let them develop as they wish for good or ill.
This is what Isis really want so let us give them their desires.
I agree with this Dave. Impose a cordon sanitaire between us and the Moslem states. They don’t come here we don’t go there. As for oil and gas – we can become energy sufficient quickly; drill, frack, and to hell with the BBC greens. We don’t need their so-called skills, and our universities are sinking with the mediocrity of Moslem academics, appointed on the basis of funds attracted from oil rich tyrannies.
I’d be well up for that, too. Maybe the US could set aside a couple of states for black people (who don’t want/won’t join in with the rest of society) Let them run things the way they want and leave them to it. Perhaps we could do something similar. It’ll only be a temporary arrangement, methinks. Those that don’t kill each other or starve would beg to be part of our ‘oppressive’ society again. And show a bit of humility and gratitude instead of that sullen, undeserved, arrogance.
They already tried that once. It’s still there – Liberia
“Liberia is Africa’s oldest democratic republic. Liberia is special and unique from other African countries because it is the only country in the world that was colonized and controlled by freed African Americans and ex-slaves from the Caribbean islands who were sent from the United States of America and the Caribbean islands in 1822”
“Richly endowed with water, mineral resources, forests, and a climate favorable to agriculture, but poor in human capital, infrastructure, and stability, Liberia has a fairly typical profile for Sub-Saharan African economies”
Now that Islam is out of the frame for those murders yesterday-it`ll be the fault of chavvy flabby tourists, of disaffected workplace grievances or-at worst a therapeutic glitch in mental health or security services deficiencies-we can all sit back and watch the BBC emoting with the victims.
Cue individual heartfelt stories of wrong place wrong times-of tomorrows footballer or dental hygienist cut down-ANYTHING personal, and Kyle-Springer-as long as ISLAM and its MUSLIM Fundis don`t get any namecheck.
This will be the BBC/liberal response-lose the head(literally)…but don`t lose the heart or willingness to “feel Real Love”.
Just believe in the BBC and MSF, UN or EU…and best to believe in Anjem rather than Justin, Rowan Katie Hopkins or Melanie Phillips.
The BBC agenda is relentless…and most of us here know that.
Did any of us ever think we`d see the day when dead white British holidaymakers are carried from a beach on sunloungers?…without even a wry smile at just how low we`ve sunk as a nation?
Bloke on Any Answers, ‘Why aren’t Muslims condemning these attacks’. He hardly got the words out of his mouth before Anita Anand ‘dived’ on him, ‘WHAT!!! You’ve obviously missed them. Muslim leaders all over the world have condemned them’. (I’ve obviously missed that as well)
But curiously, she then added something along the lines of, ‘Ordinary Muslims are getting fed up of being asked to apologise every time something like this happens in the world, why should they?’ Or was it ‘why should we’, whatever, she seemed quite angry.
Surely it is precisely because Anand can be relied upon to leap to the defence of Islam that she has the job in the first place. Week after week she trots out the same threadbare defences of Islam and all the BBC’s other groupthink positions.
She has all the intellectual versatility of a speak your weight machine. The ideal BBC broadcaster, in fact.