When you know the history of Bosnia and the context of events in Srebrenica you get to understand that the BBC is hiding an important truth about this conflict….the result of that deceit and that false narrative will be more radicalisation of Muslim communities and terrorism as it perpetuates a myth of Muslims persecuted and ‘under siege’. The BBC takes the easy, non-controversial line that also suits its own narrative.
Fraser Nelson in the Spectator criticises the BBC’s failure to challenge the ‘consensus’ and air controversial subjects or opinions…
Benefits St was indeed a landmark in the debate; she’s right about that. But wrong to suggest that it somehow backfired on Ch4. Its documentaries are distinguished by picking controversial topics that the BBC shies away from: Ch4 lives up to its remit of challenging, rather than reinforcing, the consensus….[the BBC] lives in fear of the inevitable complaints. Ch4 has no such fear.
In 1995 around 8000 Bosnian Muslims were killed in a massacre by Bosnian Serb forces.
This has become a ‘genocide’, a ‘Holocaust’…..a deadly narrative pushed by Muslims and picked up by the BBC and promoted with a relentless and deadly determination….a narrative that serves to radicalise Muslims.
There is another narrative….’the crimes were quite “extraordinary in the region committed by those Muslim soldiers made the Serbs’ desire for revenge inevitable…… the Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. He stated… “One can’t be bothered with prisoners” .
The narrative of innocent Muslims being victims of murderous non-Muslim Serbs is incredibly important to both Muslim activists and the BBC. Muslims use a narrative of Muslims being persecuted and murdered as a recruiting tool for the Jihadists and as a stick to beat the West with to induce feelings of guilt and Liberal angst…this serves two purposes, firstly to give Muslims political influence and secondly to try to close down debate about the incompatibility of Islam with a Western society by claiming that any such talk will lead to another ‘Srebrenica’ which gives a free ride, cover, to Islamist who work to Islamise Europe. The BBC is fully on board with that second narrative but also knows that it is a recruiting tool for the Jihadis and yet the BBC made the decision to carry on pushing the narrative knowing the consequences…as I’ve said before the BBC is prepared to see ‘collateral damage’ on the streets, and beachs, of Europe and beyond, if it means that Muslim sensibilities aren’t upset in any way by a good dose of reality….
The BBC has decided that a bit of ‘collateral damage’ is acceptable…the BBC has decided that in order to maintain that fiction about Islam it is willing to sacrifice, not just that very precious liberal, free, democratic society that is increasingly the victim of creeping Islamisation, but it is also prepared to see dead bodies, non-Muslim ones, in the streets as the necessary murders that are the price to be paid for ‘peace’.
Here is the BBC’s latest bit of, what can only be described as Islamist propaganda, warning us of a new Holocaust, Muslims beng the new Jews of Europe, allegedly, if we don’t keep quiet and don’t stop raising awkward truths about Islam and its effects upon a secular, democratic, liberal Western society……
A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited
Journalist Myriam François-Cerrah travels to Bosnia to mark the 20th anniversary of one of the worst atrocities in Europe since World War II.
In July 1995, in the midst of war in the former Yugoslavia, around 8,000 Muslim men and teenage boys were massacred at Srebrenica.
She tells us ‘how easily prejudice can take hold and why this story has important lessons for us all in multicultural Britain today.’
Firstly to describe Myriam François-Cerrah merely as a ‘journalist’ is the BBC hiding an important fact…she is a fanatical convert to Islam who is a ‘professional Muslim’ making a living campaigning and agitating for Muslim influence. To allow her to front this programme on such a sensitive and highly politicised subject is unforgiveable….why not let David Irvine do a documentary on the real Holocaust? He wants to deny it ever happened whilst François-Cerrah wants you to believe in one for highly problematic reasons.
Second..how about that title, A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited? Fairly obvious what that is intended to say…and if you weren’t sure here’s that end sentence again….‘how easily prejudice can take hold and why this story has important lessons for us all in multicultural Britain today.’
The BBC is pushing the dangerous Jihadist line…here’s the Islamist IHRC peddling the same propaganda that Muslims are persecuted and threatened with ‘future atrocities’….
It’s been 20 years, with paltry recognition meanwhile of something that should be memorialised, at the very least, as a cautionary reminder. A reminder that Europe has not learned from the Holocaust. A reminder that the idea of Europe is created by the idea of unity against a heathen Muslim and Jewish ‘other’, and that it does – it must – repeat its cycle of violence periodically to cleanse its soil of the ‘undesirable’.
By all means remember and respect Srebrenica’s dead in Westminster Abbey, the Vatican and wherever else will acknowledge their names. But understand that this is neither enough, nor good enough, because Europe and its minions repeat – in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, in DRC, Pakistan and well beyond. Not to understand that fails to respect the dead. It simply keeps that ‘potential for future atrocities’ alive.
Ironically the BBC is right in a way about that ‘Warning from History’ (Curious how the warnings are all about the Right and not the Left which has killed millions upon millions with its ideology)… it’s not though the warning that they intend.
What lessons can we take from the history of Bosnia?
That a small group of fanatics, prepared to use terror and murder to further their aims to impose a regime upon a reluctant populace is a danger we must all watch out for.
The title of this post is ‘Srebrenica-A Deadly Myth’. Certainly 8000 or so men were killed at Srebrenica but does the BBC narrative tell the real story or the story that they and the Islamists want you to hear?
For instance…genocide? The people killed were all men, supposedly those considered to be of fighting age…the women and children were not killed in this massacre. So mass murder not genocide….not an attempt to wipe out a race or ethnic group.
The BBC et al refer to the murdered men as ‘Muslim’ but they were Bosnian Muslims…the BBC refers to their killers as Bosnian Serbs so why use the term ‘Muslims’?
They weren’t killed because they were ‘Muslim’ but because they weren’t Serbian…an important distinction, one to hide if you have a narrative to spin of Muslims being persecuted for their religion. Here’s one quote that illustrates this…
Throughout the afternoon of 12 July 1995, Serb soldiers mingled in the crowd . One witness recalled hearing the soldiers cursing the Bosnian Muslims and telling them to leave; that they would be slaughtered; that this was a Serb country
A Serb country not a Christian country. If the ‘Muslims’ had been Methodists or Protestant Christians their fate would likely have been the same.
The BBC conveniently forgets history.
The Balkans has always been a boiling pot…
It was here that the First World War began with a Bosnian Serb terrorist, Gavrilo Princip, murdering the Austro-Hungarian ArchDuke Ferdinand.
Why? Here’s a quote from the Telegraph in 1914 that reports his actual words and reasoning:
‘Although I was born in Bosnia, the Big Servian idea has always existed in me since my earliest childhood. I considered it unjust that a foreign power should be established in Bosnia, where the Serbs, on account of their numbers and commercial economic position, should take part ingovernment. It pained me that Austria should oppress us, for she is the old and eternal enemy of Servia. I also knew, though, that the first place amongst those who were hated by Serbs was occupied by the Archduke, Franz Ferdinand’
I knew that he is the sworn enemy of all Servian aspirations, and that he had sworn to destroy Servia and the Servian dynasty. I hope that the fatal revolver shots will open the way to the Servian army to march here to occupy Bosnia, for this land is destined by its inclinations and traditions to belong to Big Servia.’
That makes it quite clear the context for Serbian aggression against anyone it considers not Serbian and in the way of Serbian rule over Bosnia….nothing to do with religion or a particular hatred of Muslims. The old and eternal enemy were the ‘Austrians’. It also makes it quite clear how the Serbs view Bosnia as part of their territory.
Do the Austrians now also have to be aware of this ‘warning from history’?
Here is the modern version of the same reasoning…
For the Bosnian Serbs, control of this region was necessary in order to achieve their minimum goal of forming a political entity in Bosnia. As stated by General Radovan Radinovic, the Defence military expert:
Serbs intended to preserve Bosnia and Herzegovina as a component part of the former state. That was indeed their fundamental, long-term, and political objective in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Why? I don’t think it is very difficult to understand that. They wanted to live in the same state with other Serbs, and the only state that could guarantee that was the former Yugoslavia.
And what was the reality of Srebrenica?
Were the Bosnian Muslims the innocent victims of a genocide?
Srebrenica was a Bosnian Muslim military base that was supposed to be demilitarised but wasn’t….‘a consistent refusal by the Bosnian Muslims to abide by the agreement to demilitarise the “safe area”.
What was the catalyst for the massacre? The Bosnian Muslims had just massacred thousands of Orthodox Christians in surrounding villages…the BBC doesn’t seem too interested in that fact.
Here is a Sky report from the time that illustrates some of what was happening……
A few inconvenient facts for the BBC and the Islamist narrative of innocent Muslims….
A few other indisputable facts should not be overlooked:
Shortly before the Bosnian Serb attack on Srebrenica, the Muslim troops stationed in that enclave carried out murderous attacks on nearby Serb villages. These attacks were certain to incite Serb commanders to retaliate against the Srebrenica garrison.
Meanwhile, the Muslim high command in Sarajevo ordered the Srebrenica commanders, Oric and his lieutenants, to withdraw from Srebrenica, leaving thousands of his soldiers without commanders, without orders, and in total confusion when the foreseeable Serb attack occurred. Surviving Srebrenica Muslim officials have bitterly accused the Izetbegovic government of deliberately sacrificing them to the interests of his State.
Here is the report of French General Philippe Morillon, the UNPROFOR commander who first called international attention to the Srebrenica enclave, he is adamant that the crimes were quite “extraordinary in the region committed by those Muslim soldiers made the Serbs’ desire for revenge inevitable. He testified at The Hague Tribunal on February 12, 2004, that the Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region.”
Morillon also recounts how “the Serbs took me to a village to show me the evacuation of the bodies of the inhabitants that had been thrown into a hole, a village close to Bratunac. And this made me understand the degree to which this infernal situation of blood and vengeance […] led to a situation when I personally feared that the worst would happen if the Serbs of Bosnia managed to enter the enclaves and Srebrenica…I feared that the Serbs, the local Serbs, the Serbs of Bratunac, these militiamen, they wanted to take their revenge for everything that they attributed to Naser Oric. It wasn’t just Naser Oric that they wanted to revenge, take their revenge on; they wanted to revenge their dead on Orthodox Christmas.”
The Bosnian Muslim commander, Naser Oric, stated that “One can’t be bothered with prisoners” .
There is the suggestion that the Bosnian Muslim President wanted a massacre in Srebrenica…from the very left wing ‘Counter Punch’…
From the the U.N. Secretary General’s 1999 Report on Srebrenica, it emerges that the idea of a “Srebrenica massacre” was already in the air at a September 1993 meeting in Sarajevo between Bosnian Muslim president Alija Izetbegovic and members of his Muslim party from Srebrenica.
Some surviving members of the Srebrenica delegation have stated that President Izetbegovic also told them he had learned that a NATO intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina was possible, but could only occur if the Serbs were to break into Srebrenica, killing at least 5,000 of its people.”
Izetbegovic later denied this, but he is outnumbered by witnesses. It is clear that Izetbegovic’s constant strategy was to portray his Muslim side in the bloody civil war as pure helpless victims, in order to bring U.S. military power in on his side. On his death bed, he readily admitted as much to his ardent admirer Bernard Kouchner, in the presence of U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke.
It goes on…
Like the Bosnian Serbs, the Muslims also herded their adversaries into “horrible” camps at the start of the civil war, on the way to expulsion. Unlike the Bosnian Serbs, the Bosnian Muslims enjoyed the services of high-powered U.S. public relations experts in the Washington-based Ruder Finn agency who knew how to “spin” the Bosnian conflict in order to equate the Serbs with the Nazis-the quickest and easiest way to win public opinion over to the Muslim side. The news media and political figures were showered with press releases and other materials exaggerating Serb atrocities, whereas Muslim atrocities (such as the decapitations of Serb prisoners, fully documented) remained confidential. To the public, this was a one-sided conflict between a Serbian “fascist aggressor” and innocent victims, all unarmed civilians.
And…David Owen knew of this other narrative….
The general public did not know that Srebrenica, described as a “safe area”, was not in fact simply a haven for refugees, but also a Muslim military base. The general public did not know what Lord Owen knew and recounted in his important 1995 book, Balkan Odyssey (p.143), namely that in April 1993, Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic was extremely anxious to prevent Bosnian Serb forces from overrunning Srebrenica. “On 16 April I spoke on the telephone to President Milosevic about my anxiety that, despite repeated assurances from Dr. Karadzic that he had no intention of taking Srebrenica, the Bosnian Serb army was now proceeding to do just that. The pocket was greatly reduced in size. I had rarely heard Milosevic so exasperated, but also so worried: he feared that if the Bosnian Serb troops entered Srebrenica there would be a bloodbath because of the tremendous bad blood that existed between the two armies. The Bosnian Serbs held the young Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, responsible for a massacre near Bratunac in December 1992 in which many Serb civilians had been killed. Milosevic believed it would be a great mistake for the Bosnian Serbs to take Srebrenica and promised to tell Karadzic so.”
So there we have an important context for explaining the Bosnian Serb actions and mindset….were they ‘anti-Muslim’? No….just pro-Serb. Certainly they wanted to clear the area of anyone not Serbian but that is not the same as being ‘anti-Muslim’. Were the Bosnian Muslims innocent victims of murderous Bosnian Serbs whilst they themselves committed no such crimes? No, they were also the perpetrators of massacres and the running of ‘concentration camps’. To ignore the crimes of the Bosnian Muslims whilst only reporting those of the Bosnian Serbs is to paint an utterly false picture of events and more importantly the motivations and reasoning behind them allowing Islamists, unhindered by the facts, to conjure up that politically useful myth of Muslim persecution.
The uncomfortable truth is that the Bosnian Muslim leadership wanted a massacre and they got it with 8000 unsuspecting ‘Shahids’ sacrificed for political ends….and now the same can be said for the BBC and the Islamists who know that they can use this event as a lever for political, cultural and religious influence.
Every cloud has a silver lining. Every dead body a currency.
Superb teaching Alan, Thank you.
Very interesting, I have always had my doubts, and the way the BBBC treats Israel, well, there is an agenda, not only what they say but what they leave out.
And that professional muslim convert woman last night smugly and self satisfying “proving” this was genocide. A very sexist genocide I might add.
…and isn’t it remarkably interesting in this case to find out that the BBC tends to leave out or minimise entirely, any precursor to an action by those whom it hates.
Bear witness how many times BBC headlines we see are written along the lines of “Israel bombs, pillages, kills, poor and helpless Gaza(ns)…..” and (but only if you follow through the article in its entirety) if you are extremely lucky, somewhere innocuously buried in the body of text below, you find the reason for Israeli action, namely some sort of unwarranted attack by Hamas/Gaza. However, the damage is already done, the image implanted in the brains of many of the population that Israel has unilaterally taken action….again !
This stuff is NOT news – it is political propaganda.
So Alan.
What you are trying to suggest, and get us to believe, is that these killings of male Muslims, if not justified, is understandable as a reprisal for the earlier mass killings of Serbs (of both sexes) by Muslims.
You are also trying to suggest that the BBC is following a pro Islamic agenda by not reporting this.
Alas Alan you are mistaken, on both counts.
Islam is a peaceful religion, its holy book, the New Testament, teaches peace, tolerance, love thine enemy, turn the other cheek.
No non Muslim has ever been killed by a Muslim.
There is however a long tradition of false witness against peaceful, tolerant, turn the other cheek, love thine enemy Muslims, accusing them of such killings. The BBC is aware of this, and takes suitable care to avoid repeating these unjustified accusations. Accusations all made by white, racist, Christian, European barbarians of the Korani sect.
Let us consider events on 2001-09-11 in New York. TV in the Middle East at this time reported severe famine in US states on the Eastern Seaboard. A number of young Muslims, outraged at the inaction of their governments, determined to do something to help the USA. These charitable Muslims chartered two planes, filled them with food donated by other Muslims and took off for the USA. On arriving over the USA the pilots: I describe them as pilots, but in reality they had received a minimum of training: the pilots discovered flaws in their plans. The intention was to drop the food directly to the people to prevent them being confiscated by the tyrannical US Government. Finding this was impossible an attempt was made to land the planes, by “pilots” who had no experience in landing. The inevitable happened both planes crashed killing the crew.
This unfortunate sequence of events was reported as Islamic Terrorism.
I could adduce many similar events where Muslim intentions have been deliberately mis-interpreted and mis-described.
Ah….I missed the irony on first pass…all too realistic simulation of our more excitable trolls.
Thought you must be on pub wi-fi when you said ‘Islam is a peaceful religion, its holy book, the New Testament, teaches peace, tolerance, love thine enemy, turn the other cheek. No non Muslim has ever been killed by a Muslim.’
You missed the irony.
Next time I will use a sledgehammer.
I suspect that is how these events will be recalled in 20 years time.
Not to excuse the evil actions of the Serbs, but like with Israel (and even back to the Crusades) reactions to Muslim atrocities are regarded by the left as the trigger for all violence. Whereas the real start of the violence (nearly always originated by Muslims) is ignored as it doesn’t fit in with the left’s agenda.
Interesting Lord Owen reference to Milosevic. After 3 years of goodness knows what in the Hague no verdict was reached against Milosevic as he died. Whether or not he did have a case to answer (and Lord Owen’s words appear to indicate his prosecutors were selective in assembling a case against him) I couldn’t help but feel moral posturing had been confused with legal proceedings. The Nuremburg proceedings against 22 defendents were wrapped up in 11 months.
Naser Oric also came to trial and got two years, but got off on a appeal. In Jan ’14 The Serb War Crimes Office in consultation with their colleagues in Bosnia issued a warrant against him.
Click to access VS_2014_01_29_ENG.pdf
This warrant was executed 10 June 2015 in Switzerland. After a tussle between Bosnia and Serbia, the Swiss handed him over to the Bosniaks, who released him but said he remained under investigation.
I wonder what digging over the role of British born Jihadis in the Balkan wars would uncover?
Startling similarity to the narrative-management of Gaza. It implies a planned and cold-blooded approach to deliberate provocation and pre-planned manipulation right from the start gate, running back at least to 1995. Is there any evidence of the same approach pre-dating this?
Either way, who are these guys, who is it doing all this? They are messing with everybody’s minds big-time. They don’t seem to care who gets hurt, even on their own side..
Far too wordy for an internet blog, and you missed the most important part, which is the fact that the BBC has never ever broadcast the motivations of the Serbs for starting the conflict in the first place. In fact if you ask most people they will take the line the BBC has fed them, that it was ‘Islamophobia’ intolerance and that good old meaningless word – racism again.
The history of course goes back to Haj Amin Al-Husseini and the second world war, where the Muslims followed their Muslim leader and convert Adolf Hitler, and joined the SS in their tens of thousands.
Tito supressed any post war revenge, so after the fall of the Berlin wall and Titos death the lid came off the pressure cooker.
Now that’s what the BBC have never told you !
One must take into consideration that the Ottoman invasion and occupation of Serbia was extremely brutal. The Serbs were made Dhimmis in their own land for centuries. Serb boys were stolen from their families, converted to Islam, and then trained as shock troops of Islam – the Janissaries, to kill more Christians in occupied Eastern Europe.
Another penetrating insight from the man (I assume) who was an apologist for Anders Breivik .
Note how few responses this ‘truth’ has received. Does it embarrass even this sites staunchest supporters?
If you wonder why this site is completely ignored, look again at what purports to be the truth.
Jesus wept.
If this site is completely ignored, then why are you posting on it? Uh!
What is your evidence that the man (you assume) was an apologist for Anders Brevik was an apologist fot Anders Brevik?
Which parts of the ‘truth’ are you disputing? Your rebuttal is awaited.
I am one one of this site’s staunchest supporters and I am not not embarrased.
Why did Jesus weep?
Jesus wept for the likes of Col.Fawcett who is an apologist for the excesses of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Arafat, Bin Laden, Chavez, the Rochdale paedophiles rapists, Che Guevara, Peron, Gadaffi, Galloway etc.
no mention as usual by the pro muslim biased bbc about the christian serbian victims of genocide at the hands of the bosian muslim war criminals and the foreign fighters from the uk and all over the world who turned bosnia into a bloodbath of beheadings,rape and mass murder of serbian christian men, women and children,moazaam begg was in bosnia fighting with the jihadis,he admits that.what he wont admit and refuses to answer is did he kill or murder any civilians when he stuck his nose in a war that had nothing to do with him.why wont he answer that question,what is he hiding,at the end of the day, the serbian people were defending there christian lands from being overtaken by the isis of the day and that was the bosnian muslims,shame on you bbc for rewriting history,shame on you tony blair and bill clinton for bombing the serbian people who was defending there lands against radical fascist islamists,shame on you all.
The Serbians defended Christendom through the ages from brutal Turkish attacks ie the Jihad to eliminate Christianity and bring it under sharia.
Victor Hugo, in “Les Orientales”, writes: “The Turks came this way. Everything is ruin and mourning.
Serbs also fought against the Nazis. But all that was to no avail when the America decided to appease the Wahhabi Muslims of Saudi Arabia.
So now we have two Muslim nations in Europe. The first is teeming with ISIS type Arab Jihadis, and the second – Kosovo, is full of Narco criminals.
The likes of Jan Sobieski and Martell would wonder why they made such a huge sacrifice in blood, when it was all going to be given away to Islam.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
The conduct of the Ottoman Empire in their wars against Eastern Europe/Balkans was unjust. It was the work of the Anti-Christ.
“Serbs also fought against the Nazis. But all that was to no avail when the America decided to appease the Wahhabi Muslims of Saudi Arabia.”
It was Britain who nurtured and helped the House of Saud in taking over the Arabia peninsula including the Hejaz. Once Pax Americana took over from Pax Britannica, the Americans then supported the House of Saud in spreading its poison to the rest of the Muslim World. They did not appease but actively helped them in their corruption – you can witness the fruits of this today!
That’s all too true…which is the paradox when we are told that our foreign policy is what radicalises Muslims…they are upset at the fact we helped them into power? (and keep buying their oil that funds their Mosques in the UK).
That’s why the narrative from the BBC about foreign policy should change to reflect the truth that the UK has always been ‘Arabist’ and for a long time pro-Muslim Brotherhood….the ideological father to Al Qaeda and ISIS.
And always odd that Pakistani Muslims should be so ardent in defending Arab Muslim countries when the Arabs disdain Pakistanis as second class Muslims….as they say ‘the Koran was revealed to the Arabs’.
I remember being a young teenager as the whole crisis in Yugoslavia unfolded. Growing up in the 80s I used to watch the news a lot, because my dad would always come in to the living room and insist on watching it. I found it so tedious and boring in many ways, but in hindsight I can see benefits in living in a one TV household. It was a good teacher in many ways, it forced me to follow world affairs and I learnt much about how the world worked. As I grew older, initially confusing events made more sense to me, such as events in Eastern Europe, the fall of the Soviet Union, the Iraq War. The news could at least be helpful in trying to explain the different contexts and I felt I at least grasped what was happening.
For a very long time the conflict in Yugoslavia never made any sense to me, and granted the Balkans is extraordinarily complicated, but the news programmes never made much of an effort to explain anything properly. It just became a series of reports on the horror of it all, the Bosnians, the Serbians, Sarajevo, the bombings and I just tuned out of I suppose. I figured it was just too complex or something. But more and more the news did just seem to become a series of bad events. Adam Curtis did an interesting short video about called “Oh Dearism”. How every report leads to the response “Oh dear” His recognition of the problem was spot on, but I disagree with his analysis, simply because he shares many of the values of his paymasters at the BBC. He doesn’t acknowledge the truth about Islam for example.
I know now for sure, that the reporting of Yugoslavia was deliberate misrepresentation and obfuscation on the part of the reporters and I think it’s shameful. When I learnt the truth about Islam I realised that Yugoslavia was just another media smoke machine, just like all the other world events involving Islam and Muslims. Notwithstanding the overriding national elements of this conflict and the guilt of the various parties, the media, including the BBC lied by omission and as this article pointed out very well made the Bosnian Muslims out to be victims, just as their leadership had intended.
We’ve been living with all these “narratives” now for so long. But the truth will out.