The BBC reasoning is that it saves money by sending generic replies but it is clearly not an acceptable way to respond to a specific complaint by an individual who has the right to be answered in a proper manner. No other public company would get away with this and this shoddy treatment of those who complain to the BBC should be hi- lighted as yet another failure of a company who says it cares.
Dang. I thought the BBC Complaints Department was there for the BBC to complain about the Government not giving it enough money, silly viewers who do not accept the views of the Collective and voters who did not vote how the BBC wanted them to.
This is going to be top News this week, particularly with allegations and outing of Peedo Senior serving Labour MP whose name can be found on the net now:
Lets hope it does become a major news item and is not suppressed as usual. The naming of several Conservatives will probably sway a reluctant BBC in revealing ( partially) the story.
Lets hope the b*****ds get sent to jail no matter how old or supposedly ill they are.
Well, with a bit of wikipedia and excel, the following Labour MPs are also ex cabinet members:
Alan Johnson
Andrew Smith
Andy Burnham
Ben Bradshaw
Caroline Flint
Harriet Harman
Hilary Benn
John Healey
Liam Byrne
Margaret Beckett
Pat McFadden
Rosie Winterton
Sadiq Khan
Yvette Cooper
Remove the women and we have:
Alan Johnson
Andrew Smith
Andy Burnham
Ben Bradshaw
Hilary Benn
John Healey
Liam Byrne
Pat McFadden
Sadiq Khan
It’s a pretty short list. Head of religion, you say?
We all obviously like to know. Out of sheer curiosity I found ‘a name’ to put against the SUN headline by watching and following persistent Guido commentators of similar persuasion on Sundays blog:
But like many, I have seen the dreadful mistakes made on National TV of guessing and accusing without evidence, so I will follow our ancient legal maxim of a man is innocent until proved guilty.
“But like many, I have seen the dreadful mistakes made on National TV of guessing and accusing without evidence, so I will follow our ancient legal maxim of a man is innocent until proved guilty.”
Well said. Unfortunately, CPS refusal to act (for whatever reason) has created a vacuum which is rapidly being filled by internet conspiracy loons on YouTube and elsewhere. Most of them seem to consist of lazy, anti-everything types who enjoy constructing elaborate lies about people they dislike, and the HofC provides plenty of material. Unmarried MPs are obvious easy targets.
The Government and the CPS are largely responsible for this feeding frenzy and should deal with it asap to limit the damage.
You are probably right. Then again, if Zac Goldsmith is to believed, they are likely to be paralysed with fear. His suggestion as to the size of the scandal, were it to be fully revealed, makes me wonder if it wouldn’t bring the whole tower down around their ears.
Well, it appears that Wikipedia deserves its reputation for inaccuracy. The page for the 1970s Labour Government contradicts the individual page for at least one MP:
Just listening to Teressa May being interviewed on Radio 4. Bloody hopeless stuttering and stammering in her totally unconvincing manner as usual. No way could she be a contender for the top job.
Yes, her interview on the Today programme was pathetic. Beating around the bush, avoiding direct answers – all on a crucial issue. We have a cancer amongst us – but she waltzed around it for several minutes, not one crisp and blunt answer.
Under her watch much of the Home Office has been a disaster. She has largely failed as a Minister., I hope Osborne and Boris smack her down.
The problem is,, of course, that Dave’s new “cunning plan” is simply an admission of current and inevitable future failure. “Broad spectrum strategy” blah, blah “generational struggle” blah. Like the Muslim presence in the Balkans, the existence of the Caliphate in Britain has been secured for generations to come thanks to uncontrolled mass immigration. Unless there is uncontrolled Muslim mass emigrstion to Syria, the problem will persist. As usual, the BBC claims that the vast majority of Muslims in Britain is “moderate”, the IS ideology is a “perversion of Islam”, yet asking “moderate” Muslims to act against the IS “perversion of Islam” would be “counterproductive” and enrage “moderate” Muslims. But clearly IS does not outrage the ummah as much as a drawing of the prophet.
That’s what our Bill Turnbull quips about the weather in the Med on BBC Breakfast this morning.
Of course the summer hereabouts in the UK has been a bit ‘wintery’ (to use a BBC word for frost and snow) and so apparently we need a reminder every so often that it is hot elsewhere in the world.
In lieu of Australian bush fires or Indian heatwaves we get a vivid orange map of the Med flashed up on our screens this morning.
Are Horrible Histories butting in with a plan of the ancient Roman Empire, we wonder?
No, it’s just a temperature map of the Med coasts. So I guess that’s why British people travel to Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy for their hols.
Pure agenda-driven propaganda. With faith in the global warming scam wavering, the message needs to be drummed into the plebs.
This talk of plebs and of ancient Rome reminds me who it is who Billy Turnbull reminds me of: Publius Clodius Pulcher
‘In December 62, when the winter ceremony of the Bona Dea (from which men were excluded) was celebrated in the house of Julius Caesar, a man believed to be Clodius was discovered disguised as a female harpist among the participants.’
Mention on the news on Today that organ donors are down by 5%. Do you think that the Beeb will do an analysis explaining this, as a certain religion believes bodies that are not whole will not go to paradise?
I didn’t know anything until recently about the ‘whole bodies’ business until I read about this in the local press – then all became clear. As a Sandwell ratepayer I was slightly less than impressed that my hard earned taxes were being spent on this.
Deputy Council Leader Mahboob Hussain and Black Country Coroner Zafar Siddique have praised the development apparently – can’t for the life of me imagine why ……
Not a comment about BBC bias, per se but one that provides yet another example of how (like the NHS, for that was the analogy used by the hive last week) the BBC has lost touch with the people it serves and reflects the arrogance and lack of integrity of the organisation.
I’m not sure how many bBBCers here enjoy classical music and tune into the Proms. Last night the BBC broadcast an exceptional concert. Breathtakingly performed world class music by the CBSO. The only problem being, in the same way that the BBC screwed up the Royal pageant, in the same way that they screwed up Wimbledon with some newly cooked up ideas straight out of the ‘documentary’ series that is W1A (!), they screwed up last nights concert by interrupting the movements with a talking head and illustrated it clips of other concerts to tell the audience what to expect next. As a number of commentators have noted the programme was ruined and the ‘BBC reached a new low’. A ‘sacrilege’ one called it.
Just what is it with these people who take it on themselves to know what is best for us? Are they intent on destroying their reputation, just for the sake of it? Or is it a case with the BBC’s huge budget and staffing that too many cooks are spoiling the broth and some mindless half-wit has to prove themselves with some new, big idea?
And as for the bit about the integrity of the ‘worlds most trusted broadcaster’, I note that all of the critical comments on last nights twitter feed have somehow been ‘disappeard’, the BBC preferring to re-tweet only the positive ones – one, re-tweet, BTW, in true BBC fashion, can be traced back to a BBC Head of Comms. This morning, I see that critical comments are staring to disappear from Facebook as well.
The arrogance of the BBC knows no bounds, thumbing their noses at their audience is easy when the BBC don’t have to worry about where the next cent is coming form.
I don’t want the BBC privatised. I want it to die and for the idiots that run it to face the consequences.
Still plenty of critical comments in The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, and Breitbart, though. Reading them reveals in stark clarity how the BBC are so up themselves, they haven’t a clue what the paying audience really think.
If I still lived in the Former UK, I’d demand my money back!
But you don’t? How can you be so obsessed about a service you don’t see, hear or read? Anyone who reads the comments section of Guido. breibart and the Telegraph and thinks they represent anything but a tiny group of weird people is deluded. You aren’t a silent majority, you’re the noise little group of internet oddballs.
I suffer the BBC here, too, although to a lesser extent each day, and can see from a (small) distance what a biased, profligate monstrosity it really is.
You are either an apologist, an employee, or both. Shame on you, sir (or madam).
The people that complained long and loud about the crap that was ‘Wimbledon 2day’ were not a, ‘little group of internet oddballs’.
The BBC couldn’t even be honest about the changes that they had to make to that programme; to remove the invited gurning bystanders…to actually show some tennis on a tennis review programme and to eventually relocate the programme to Wimbledon itself – it had to pretend that the changes were somehow planned and that the programme ‘evolved’.
No doubt the idiot responsible was taken outside and promoted in front of their family.
No reading the gutter press of which the telegraph is now one shows the bias of the proprietors.What they say about the bbc largely reflects their corporate intest in retaining biased media coverage.
I do not want the BBC privatised nor do I want it to die. I am happy for it to remain funded by a Licence Fee but it has to be just that, a reasonable Licence Fee, not a massively increased wodge of tax that is then used to enrich others far beyond what most people can earn and taken at the point of a ‘gun’; the threat of Court, fine and imprisonment. That is a form of piracy.
I want the BBC de-piratised!
It may helpful to John Whittingdale, Lord Hall and the BBC Trust (with copies to our MPs) if we start to analyse what we receive from the BBC and what we perceive about the BBC. Creating lists of areas where things are wrong, going wrong or starting to collapse. If enough people lay out their complaints in reasoned manner, in writing, then it cannot then be dismissed as an ‘attack by enemies’ or ‘the print media taking revenge for Leveson’ but will be seen as customer taxpayers expressing their complaint over the inadequate service they have received for a substantial amount of money each year.
Just returning to the Proms for a moment: the BBC used to be known for the excellence of its engineering and its outside broadcasts. In my experience these have been declining in quality, especially when the Licence Fee was ratcheted upward from the mid-1990s onwards. It started to become apparent around the time the BBC ‘discovered’ the Glastonbury Festival and reached a new low with R4’s Any Questions from a Visitor Centre at Manchester airport in the week before last.
My hunch is that BBC is having a collective spiritual, nervous & physical breakdown (three for the price of one!) all at the same time. Perhaps it is being brought on by guilt? They realise what they have done and are doing with & for the Licence Fee and also realise deep within their being that they have been ripping us all off.
Fair comment. I think I wrote that more in anger than in sadness. The concert was one I had been looking forward to for a long time. It was ruined.
On reflection, I agree. I think that the remedy, as was said last week, is a smaller, more focussed BBC producing stuff of a far higher quality than has been evident in recent years.
I don’t think the Proms escapade last night is accidental, exactly. I think that, like dogs peeing up lampposts, there is a general wish to ‘re-purpose’ every cultural edifice, by subtly (or not so subtly, as last night) trashing its integrity. Look for everything that might matter to a culturally British audience, and it will have little pins stuck into it, just to demonstrate that it doesn’t belong to the people who most appreciate it.
Although I follow the Proms avidly (and it is something to be said for the BBC), I did miss this concert. But I do find perky Miss Derham tries my patience beyond it’s limits.
Praise be – I’ve just listened to Peter Hennessy’s conversation with Nigel Lawson on Radio 4. During the survey of Lawson’s political career (the purpose of the programme) Lawson was allowed – uninterrupted – to give his reasons for his opposition, generally and morally, to the climate change fraud and, specifically, to the Paris conference nonsense later this year.
OTOH I am confident that this will be a more or less unique instance of the BBC permitting the broadcast of a counter-narrative view of “climate change” before (and after) the (pre-ordained) celebrations in Paris. Its very uniqueness highlights the failure of the BBC to ensure the impartiality required by statute in its coverage of the topic. I assume the well-known geneticist, charlatan and Lysenko fan Steve Jones will be complaining about this breach of the BBC’s censorship policy concerning unhelpful comment on the climate change money pit.
The Peter Hennessey series has been very interesting. Today’s interview with Nigel Lawson (at 9am) is well worth catching – an account of his years as a “Tory radical”, his balanced view of Margaret Thatcher, his opposition to the EU, and then his work on puncturing the Global Warming bubble was all very lucid.
I hope Lawson becomes one of the leading voices in the OUT campaign on Europe, he is still a compelling debater.
Peter Hennessey’s interviewing style should be a lesson to the rest of the BBC – it IS possible to discuss matters with someone like Lawson whose views and convictions and political achievements are anathema to most of the BBC hive.
Peter Hennessey’s interview with Nigel Lawson was a splendid example of how all interviews should be conducted: ask short, polite questions, and allow the guest to speak uninterrupted, with adequate time to develop a point. The interview was an object lesson to all broadcasters (take note, Humphreys, et al). It was clear from the broadcast what a remarkable and far-sighted Chancellor Lawson was, and I could have listened to him for an hour. One black mark that was not touched on, however, was his ambushing, with Geoffrey Howe, of Margaret Thatcher in respect of ERM. At least Lawson eventually came to understand the true nature of the EU and Euro.
Let Manon and other trolls know that this site is not against the BBC. The above thread is praising it for doing a decent programme for once. We want the old BBC back when it was a decent service.
I think that is probably Lord Hall’s plan: subscription for everything despite past promises of free archive access, free radio, free iPlayer, local radio, etc., but all on top of an inflating Licence Fee. Even more money for the BBC and an endless stream of superannuated Senior Managers, Executives, Station & Channel Chiefs, Internet & Archive Directors and on top of all that multi-million pay cheques for presenters & top journalists.
If you think the present structure is bloated & unwieldy, wait until they charge for everything via subscriptions. Then a national economic crisis will happen – as they do from time to time – and it will all fall apart and we will be left with nothing.
I think it better to push for reform and a slimmed down, efficient organisation that becomes known, once again, for its excellence.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to see a factual drama –
‘SNP – The First 100 Days’
Based upon financial experts opinion, where Scotland would be now had it voted for independence on the back of a falling oil price.
11.50am bbc tv world news: Report about Cuba, reporter said, and I am sure this is what she said regarding the US exclusion of Cuba, ‘the longest genocide in history’. Where in her mindset does this come from?
I’ve just come back from holiday so apologies if this is an old story, but I caught Feedback on Radio 4 over the weekend on the question of the license fee. Based on the calls that came in, the entire country is in love with the BBC and happily pays the poll tax (sorry, license fee). No mention of bias. No mention of over-paid executives and presenters. No mention of the absurd self-importance of the whole corporation. In fact no mention of any alternative to their comfortable status quo at all.
Clearly I’ve got it all wrong. I mean, how could I ever be so cynical as to imagine the calls had been vetted!
Fred Bloggs, anyone else,
I would have liked to check all that on iPlayer as I’m trying to collect BBC whoopsies at the moment.
I find the TV news is not available on iPlayer How long has that been so? Have to admit I’ve not only stopped watching broadcast TV but my use of iPlayer for catch up is becoming increasingly infrequent.
So if anyone knows when BBC TV News was excluded from iPlayer and why, I will be grateful to know. Maybe I should e-mail Lord Hall . . . . .
For a complete history Kevin Connolly should have mentioned that the division that the division of the Middle East was not conducted in secret by two British/French diplomat/soldiers but in open at the San Remo conference four years later attended by the prime ministers of Great Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Alexandre Millerand), and Italy (Francesco Nitti), and representatives of Japan, Greece, and Belgium, the victors of WWI with America as an observer. The decisions were ratified by the League of Nations, the world body at the time and coincidentally reratified by the United Nations.
However I did learn something that I was unaware of. Look at the map the BBC provided. Sykes-Picot allocated what is now Israel, the Palestinian Authority and parts of Jordan as an International Zone. The world gave it to Britain as a mandate for a Jewish homeland.
So Connolly’s probably not guessing that the issues surrounding the promise (sic to build a national home for Jews in Palestine) would remain a potent source of violence and discord a century later. is at odds with the evidence he, himself, provides.
One thing that always takes me aback on maps of the Middle East is just how small Israel is. Geographically speaking, they are surrounded by giants – I don’t know what the population levels are, but I imagine the combined total of their neighbours must easily outnumber them. Not necessarily the most important thing, of course, but just so striking when you ‘zoom out’ from the usual microsopic-scale maps which are presented in the news.
Cameron a 5 year plan,(5 bloody years!!) on extremism/terrorism, that after the soundbite, then another soundbite, then a hashtag. etc.
So Islam is the issue, the root cause Mr Camoron, #watchagonnado ? … deny that it is?
For the sake our children, eh? the probable 1 million victims
of Islamic child gang rape? … is that not erm extreme?
Its the School Holidays Mr Camoron
Honour Crime?
Over 11,000 cases of honour violence were recorded by UK police
At least 50 children (50? … come on) dragged off to Somalia for FGM?
FGM is sanctioned by Islamic law:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’
[this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).”
— ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3
Extreme at all? … the vast majority from Islam that’s not
Islamic State … oops apologies Davey
IS … oops apologies Davey
I mean ISIL, no errrrr … Daesh
Camoron, that’s Islam,(one word) … extreme at all.?
David Cameron calls Islam a “Religion of peace” just hours after British tourists were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Tunisia, a man was decapitated by an Islamic terrorist in France and 200 were wounded in an Islamic terror attack in Kuwait
Just listening in to the incompetent traitors spin, Dave
waffling on … and on … and on.
If he denies, the narrative, the mandates set out in Islamic texts, teachings that are pneumatically drilled into every Islamic childs mind, taught in every mosque.
Just heard the clown mention “moderate” again sheesh!
every Islamic adherent here , is moderate, including the Islamists compared to Islamic state … that the new low bar level?
Camoron’s going after ”dem extremists ”, but what extremists does he mean ? I think we all know, UKIP voters, Christians, people who post comments on the internet, in other words, white people !!
There are many British Moslems that are moderate because either they are unaffiliated to the true religion of Islam or they prefer western values to those values in Islamic State or they see religion in family/community terms without being politically driven to create an Islamic state out of the country that they live in. Cameron is desperately trying to keep it that way by not referring to the true goal of Islam.
Agreed. However, there is no point at all in pretending that pure Islam itself is not the problem.
Of course, many UK Muslims are simply ‘cultural Muslims’, they just go through the outward motions of observing Ramadan, not drinking alcohol, going to Mosques etc but otherwise have no real interest in, or knowledge of, true Islam.
Just because there are decent Muslims, doesn’t mean we should pretend that Islam itself is decent.
It’s not ‘radicalised’ or ‘extreme’ or ‘perverted’ Islam that is the problem. Pure 100% unadulterated Islam is the problem.
We should be publicly discussing how a true Muslim can play a part in a western civilised society.
The call should be for reform of Islam, root and branch.
Personally, I do not see that Islam can be reformed. Once you question the idea that Mohammed is the perfect man (apart from the rape, murders, lying and deceit, paedophilia, his infant bride, etc) and accept that the Koran is not the perfect word of god; then there’s not a lot left to believe in.
I damn well refuse to live in a country where saying any of the above can get me imprisoned or killed just because the victims of Islam are so [understandably] insecure in their faith.
Quite. We should be talking more or less exclusively to secular Muslims, as they are the only ones who are integrating with our (secular) society. No-one with an absolutist faith, whether it is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh or any other religion, can be expected to integrate fully.
‘Guest cultures’ are just that, and they should be reminded of the etiquette of the guest, just as we should obey the etiquette of being a host. If individual residents from alien cultures wish to assimilate to British life, then they need to assimilate within our understanding of what it is to be British. It is a great leap, not to be undertaken lightly, or with a mind to retaining divided loyalties – like Ruth, one is forsaking one’s mother and father and cleaving to a new life. Like Ruth, it is an act of faith and love, which transcends one’s historical roots. Without this, one remains simply a ‘resident alien’ regardless of the niceties of possessing a British passport.
SKY news paper review, David Wooding political editor of the rag the Sun, ” John Whittingdale is sorting out the BBC blah blah blah.” Just shows the disconnect between the London chatteratti and the pressitudes in the media, when everyone knows that the renewal of the bbc charter is a little tea dance they have to go through, will they, won’t they, will they. etc etc.
Easy response from a decent reporter would be “Cameron says he is only going after terrorists and extremists. You say you feel marginalised by this so do you consider yourself a terrorist, an extremist or both?”
Sadly I know of no decent reporter to ask that comeback question.
On Sky just now the “expert” for community cohesion said that most of his people agreed with the need for integration, but that’s two ways. Apparently the hosts are expected to integrate with their requirements. Sorry, but no! They chose to come here, and like the Jews and others who have come here it’s up to the arrival to integrate with the people he chose to join. If someone goes to live in a foreign country and expects the hosts to fit in with them is clearly invasion and colonisation.
My last sentence should read “If a large group goes to live in a foreign country and expects the hosts to fit in with them it is clearly invasion and colonisation. “
David Cameron, nor any other politician of the major parties, will ever say anything other than “Islam is a religion of peace..”, “One of the world’s great religions..”, “Islam shares our British values…” etc etc; and this regardless of what terrorist atrocity the followers of Mohammedanism commit – see the Religion of Peace comments by George W. Bush the day after 911 or Cameron after Lee Rigby’s Jihad murder, for perfect examples of this.
The reason Cameron and the others do this? To tell the truth about Islam and Muslims and its / their effect on this country, and the West generally – would mean they would have to do something about it.
As we all know they don’t have it in them to do what would need to be done; so they simply carry on re-arranging the deck chairs. The problem is left to someone else: our children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren to deal with. As deal with it somebody, sometime will have to; Cameron and his ilk just want to make sure it isn’t them.
So right Mr Glodstone…. Cameron is a worthless coward, afraid to act on the muslims, a slimy, miserable excuse for a PM, backed by his in-effective HS, May, afraid to tell it like it is….
Despite the, what, £900 million spent by the BBC on its “news” services, I haven’t heard/seen any BBC mention how one of its senior managers – Alan Yentob – contacted his Labour friends in the Treasury to let the Bat’s fake charity off £700,000 deducted from staff salaries and . .er . . misappropriated not paid over to HMRC. In other words a mixture of corruption (BBC employee using his Labour Party contacts in the then Labour government to suborn HMRC) and theft (the money owed to HMRC was actually the employees’ money not “Kids Company” cash – the “charity” was acting purely as a payment agent for its employees).
This is, of course, embarrassing for the BBC and, particularly, Labour. Accordingly, AFAIAA it’s not mentioned in the BBC viewing/listening news nor online (BBC search parameter “Batmanghelidjh” at 14:30 today). Now imagine the BBC’s reaction if it “learned” about a Murdoch employee approaching a Conservative finance minister in the interest of a charity feeding a Conservative meme . . . . .
In addition to Editorial By Omission, I’d also be keen to see the detail in the guidelines under ‘smothering’, as part of their re-education and misinformation remit.
“According to a poll of 600 Muslim and 800 non-Muslim students at thirty universities throughout the UK conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), as reported ref B,
32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified,
54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and
40 percent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.
Only 2 percent of non-Muslims felt killing in the name of religion could be justified and none believed it was acceptable for Muslims in the UK to have a religious-based party, or to be under Sharia law.
73 percent of Muslim students are at least occasional participants in Friday services while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students attend any religious service.
68 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is NOT justified.
54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament (what’s so wrong with that?)
60 percent DO NOT want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.
Those on the Fascist Left often use an Arguement called ‘Russian Roulette’
‘But they’re not all like that’
The response to this is simple:
I have here an empty revolver, I will place one bullet into a chamber, but don’t worry, they’re not all like that! Now would you pick up that gun, place it against your temple & pull the trigger? If not then don’t dare to do it to someone else !
Many years ago I was involved in a project that, it was believed, had some risk to the general population.
As I recall the ‘acceptable’ risk was set at one ‘event’ in thirty years.
I wonder why we bothered to manage that risk when the equivalent ‘quarter of a rogue Muslim in thirty years’ has been substantially exceeded and our media/politicians can’t/won’t see the cause.
At least in the world of real, as opposed to ‘social’ engineering, there is an awful lot of experiment, analysis and demonstration before ‘dangerous’ projects go ahead. I’m far, far, far more confident that my erstwhile project in the hands of my successors will deliver the goals set by my predecessors than we won’t have another ‘cultural event’, that has nothing to do with… (click)
Yes, very telling – what on earth is the point in having a culture which sometimes seems to cohere solely in terms of the ubiquitous risk analysis paradigm, if it is never applied to a ‘clear and present danger’, ie a risk staring us in the face, and one which moreover, carries a devastating impact whenever and wherever that risk materialises?
Can I plead with all providers of risk-analysis training for all the little jobsworths in their petty professions, to start using this particular one as an example. It might at least place all those ‘tripping hazards’ in perspective.
I completely agree with you, Demon. But the problem is that this “two way” integration is very insidious. Many on the Guardian reading left and the BBC with their obsession with Islam have already signed up to it. This has to be vigorously opposed at every opportunity. Integration both ways is simply a step towards towards an Islamic UK by underhand means.
“The modern notion of multiculturalism postulates the equivalence of all cultures (cultural relativism), and accordingly of the values they promote.
It should be noted that this idea of equivalence exists solely in the West, whereas Islamic societies profess the superiority of theirs through the Koran.
This introduces asymmetry into the concept of multiculturalism and effectively denies it.”
I completely agree and it is also, ironically, the wellspring of much of the socialism that so dogs the West.
The fear of ‘causing offence’ to someone who is willing to condone suicide bombing is pathological and it stems from a religious principle that has been grotesquely exaggerated.
You are correct.
The real Christians have not begun to get mobilised for the fight to come-and the likes of Welby and Papa Frankie only make things worse with their lavender sachets and incense that covers the abbatoir stench of their flocks getting butchered by Muslims in former “Holy Land” territory.
The words of Jesus are there for all to see-and only a limpdick mug would choose the mealy mouthed compliance doctrines in all cases.
The Church is like the BBC-wants no confrontations, prefers to suck up whatever Islam throws at them.
But-and don`t ask me how-Jesus wins-and He`ll do so here just as he did when the threats were worse.
As in China and the old USSR-we Christians know the Biblical purpose of Islam, and it`ll not pass by us…it`ll fall on its own scimitar.
And if it clears a path for us by scorching the atheists, the godless oafs who crave its caress-then so be it.
The Bible tells us all what`s needed…let him who has ears, yada yada….
Noticed that Panorama was set to fuss itself over Jerusalems new light railway.
In any other place this would be a public sector triumph, helping reduce clogged up streets, creating jobs and showing a brave and progressive solution to congestion.
But-this being Jerusalem(Al Quds to the BBC)-I imagine that it
a) didn`t allow for disabled scooters from Hamas failed suicide bombers to gain access
b) didn`t provide for Scud missiles to fit in the luggage racks
c) didn`t give free passage for Hamas, didn`t offer reduced rates to Hez`bollox in transit through those hideous occupied territories
d) encouraged Jews to think that they could make a metropolitan transit system independent of Gazan tunnelling engineers
e)went through Jewish places, and offered Jews a way around their city-which would annoy Ahmedinejadh or Johann Hari.
In short-if the BBC were there to praise the engineering and vision-then my name is Chelsea Manning again.
If on the other hand the BBC were there to sneer at a sovereign nation daring to transport its citizens around its own capital city, then it`ll only be the latest BBC effort to suck Islams nipples for bile, vinegar and the blood of innocents…as per usual.
I watched that. One or two terrible pieces of bias in there plus woeful naivety two. In the programme they came at it from the angle of the Israelis slowly putting a stranglehold on Jerusalem slowly squeezing the Palestinians out. To illustrate that they mentioned in a fair bit of detail the murder of the young Palestinian lad in 2014, interviewing his mother etc. then there was an almost throw away comment of the myrder of the three young Israeli lads “at the same time” for a bit of balance. Of course it would have made the whole stranglehold narrative a bit hollow had the film maker put it I. Context that murder of the Palestinian boy was in reprisal for the kidnap and murder of the Jewish boys. Panoramas take on the two incidents painted them as totally unrelated and alluded to a different chronological order.
The naivety came at the end when the film maker who talked about his parents who pressed for the creation of the Israeli state mentioned that this is not would what they would have wanted I. This difference between the two peoples.
Funny how he left out that one group wanted absolutely no Jews there full stop and the efforts to drive them into the sea the moment the state of Israel was formed. He couldn’t seem to recognise that his parents dream wouldn’t have come true in any form had the Arabs had their way.
It would also have helped if the BBC contrasted the reactions of the Palestinian authorities to the murder of three Jews with the Israeli authorities reaction to the murder of the Palestinian.
BBC coverage of the Open golf at St Andrews final round, they didn’t show the morning session, even though they paid £7 million for the exclusive rights to it, instead they showed repeats of Bargain Hunt. Another shambles, just like the tennis coverage. If I was a golf fan I’d be upset about that.
“There’s been an awful lot of self-serving drivel written about the BBC recently and I don’t intend to add much to it.
One of the strengths the Corporation likes to boast about is its unique ability to bring the nation together for ceremonial occasions and major sporting events.
But yesterday, when the last day of the Open golf from St Andrews spilled over from the weekend, the BBC failed to cover it until six hours after the start of play.
Instead, they broadcast such indispensable cultural triumphs as Council House Crackdown and Bargain Hunt.
Half the field had finished by the time BBC1 went live from the Open.
Any private sector chief executive who screwed up so badly would be shown the door.
From 2017, the rights to broadcast the Open will pass to Sky. And not a moment too soon.”
Market rate talents at work during this critical time.
Ian R
The dear ol’ Beeb are horrifyingly poor at listening to & watching their own programmes. In addition, they appear to be quite hopeless at searching their own paper & on-line news archives, which you demonstrate above with the Arctic ice projection & its failure.
It has been happening on R4 this week with the trail for a programme at 11am tomorrow on WW2 Bletchley & the women code-breakers. The trail claims the women were unrecognised for their service and the men got all the attention. Not only have I heard endless references to Bletchley over the last 5-10 years but both genders have had mentions. While some individuals have had more attention than others, it was because they were in charge AT THE TIME or made an important breakthrough AT THE TIME. Of the individuals I have heard speak about Bletchley & Enigma on Radio 4, MANY HAVE BEEN WOMEN.
Not only that, R4 ran a comedy programme set in Bletchley with men & women taking involved. Aaaauugghhh!!!
Now I’m starting to get a bit cross but not as much as #88 did over his ruined Prom! [My apologies for getting shouty, … but really ….. 🙂 ]
The BBC haven’t got it quite right, yet. In Orwell’s ‘1984’ Winston Smith had a cushy job obliterating the earlier newspaper reports when history was revised. The BBC haven’t started doing this properly. Sure, the EU are helping by getting Google to remove information that politicians find embarrasing, such as which Marxist or Maoist organisation a particular EU Minister or Labour MP was a member of. And BBC TV programmes are revised so create the impression that William the Conqueror and Henry VIII were black transexuals or whatever. Give it time…
They do it all the time with stealth edits. First they put up a story – e.g. Israelis murder helpless civilians. The story rises up their ‘most viewed’ chart and gets a wide audience. Later they make changes to the story and tone it down to fit the actual facts. They don’t change the ‘last edited’ time stamp, so the story appears in the archives to have always been ‘fair and balanced’, when that is far from the truth.
I remember debating with a friend about this issue. He didn’t believe it/me. It was only when I managed to get a google cache screenshot of the page, that he sat up and took notice – ‘that is pretty damning’ was his response.
The website is still active, but doesn’t flag up the pages that have been changed without updating the timestamp.
About 10 years ago I was monitoring the site myself, using some software I found on the web. It was a bit slow and my electricity supply at the time wasn’t reliable – just moved to london and using a key metre. I now have 75Mbps broadband, so I might give it another go. Only issue is leaving the PC on permanently. Really, you’d have to use a dedicated hosted server.
some ugly man hating feminist did this in the Guardian this week. Someone flagged her writing an article last year saying how catcalling was sexist and then yesterday put up an article saying how she is upset she isn’t catcalled any more. She changed the headline to make her look less foolish but the damage was done
Whenever you find a particular article that you can see has such gross inaccuracies or bias, as we are used to from the BBC, you can also use this website to track any subsequent changes made.
They will email you whenever it is changed.
No mention of the guilty ‘men’ who caused it all. And no mention of the Political Correct wall of silence that stifled action by the authorities.
And continues to do so.
Imagine if white British Christian men in gangs had done the same to local muslim girls in Pakistan over the years? Air-brush or firing squad???
(Re-fills of air brush cans available in the UK though).
Quite right DS, Toady – South Yorkshire Police still failing to deal with the “risk” to young girls in Rotherham; no mention of who poses said risk to these children.
Radio 4 thought for the day had another self destructive Jew this morning. Someone living in cloud cuckoo land when it came to the antipathy of Muslims towards Jews.
Everything was approached from the Old Testament , the 7 tribes, of the conflict between the Sons of Abraham, and she was stupid / naïve enough to believe that this was all it was about. Aside of course from blaming BBC arch enemy Israeli President Nettanyahu.
There was nothing about the poisoning of Mohammed by a Jewess, nor the addressing of verses in both Qur’an and Hadith commanding followers to murder Jews en masse.
She even managed to talk about her ‘Muslim friends’ without even seemingly knowing about the verse forbidding them from taking ‘people of the book’ as friends.
It is my belief that the vast majority of the loony Left are like this. Willing and enthusiastic to attack anyone who opposes their insanity, but whilst all the time living in a bubble of false assumption and fantasy.
Where do they get them? The BBC trawled its “progressive” clerics list (almost needless to say, by definition all the BBC lists comprise progressives only) and turned up Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, Senior Rabbi at the Movement for Reform Judaism. As expected she followed the “all that’s necessary is for all people of good will to come together” line. “People of good will” include those fabled “moderate” Moslems we’re told so much about (but don’t hear much from). At best the rabbi is deluded; at worst she’s positively wicked. IMHO, she is simply leading her people into the metaphorical gas chambers of the 21st century.
“…It is my belief that the vast majority of the loony Left are like this. Willing and enthusiastic to attack anyone who opposes their insanity, but whilst all the time living in a bubble of false assumption and fantasy.”
Reminds me of these verses from ‘Sheep’ by Pink Floyd:
Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I’ve looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.
What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.
Anti-extremism legislation.
Dave when you were studying PPE, you were not studying history.
Muslims are failing to integrate, bollox Dave,
Muslims are right, everyone else is wrong.
Therefore everyone else must convert to Islam, Allah demands this.
Or else we shall blow up ourselves and anyone/everyone else.
Because we are right.
Dave, you did not invent this 4legsIslamGood 2LegsNot_Islamic_ bad nonsense.
Dave you did not start this crap,
But you are promoting this nonsense.
Dave you have 1400 years of examples of this.
The “Islamic State” is not a “one off”, a unique aberration, a sole example, an inexplicable departure, an unprecedented, a hitherto unknown, a previously unrecorded, a historically new, an unexpected, a totally unpredictable, an unforeseeable, etc.
It is merely the latest in a long line of examples starting in whichever Cloud Cuckoo Land you currently inhabit to Mecca.
This is what Muslims do best, practise makes perfect.
Europe did not need Muslims.
Europe did not want Muslims.
Muslims want, no demand, that Europeans integrate, that is CONVERT.
Muslims must be expelled from Europe, ethnic cleansing must take place.
The sooner this happens the smaller the European death count will be.
The responsibility is wholly that of twats like you Dave.
Every so often one gets a reassuring reminder that while the BBC is staffed by brain dead droids churning out Wolfie-pleasing PR as news, it still has to get past an audience who clearly are better educated and less seduced by student union political groupiedom.
I’ll try and post a sample when I fire up the PC (tablet won’t copy FaceBook posts), but one of the cubicle kinder gardeners has written some daft gush on BBC World News about some geezer homaging Che Guevaras’s bike ride.
Suffice to say the comments are not going well for the pyscho mass killer’s memory or the BBC’s credibility.
The Secret Diary of Che Guevara, Aged 24 3/4 says:
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”
“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
‘It’s always the same, give with one hand, take with the other’
Considered economic insight this morning from our Steph McGovern of the BBC
It’s been said before, and I’ll say it again : the BBC approach to market economics looks like a fish riding a bicycle
I’m reminded of the story of Che sticking his hand up when he heard Castro ask for an economist – in fact Che admitted he thought Castro had asked ‘is anyone here a communist?’
BBC Radio 4 are really going for it this morning following the Cameron speech on ‘extremism’.
One of the ways he said extremism could be spotted early was by anti semitic attitudes, and the BBC is wheeling out a whole slew of fantasists to deny that such a thing exists in Islam.
To someone who knows the verses:
They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odour emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.
Basically, what I am hearing from the BBC is telling me that ALL Muslims who believe and follow the teachings of the Qur’an, are extremists, and only those who have decided to follow their religion in name only are ‘moderate’.
The problem stems from left wing fantasists who know nothing about Islam and yet believe they have some authority to oppress the rest of us with their idiocy.
They think Islam is just the same as all the other religions and that adherents can follow which teaching they wish to.
Women who do not cover their hair but come from a Muslim background are referred to as ‘moderate Muslims’, when they are in fact apostates.
I have no problem with them doing this, but lets not try to group them in with a religion they have clearly decided not to follow.
There maybe ahem “moderate” Muslims.
(dislike that term intensely … moderate compared to what, where s the bar set),
They are “moderate” in spite of Islam not because of it, with the concern that the larger number this community becomes, the less “moderate” it is.
Why? … the larger community, the more stricture ensues and … the texts and teachings compel adherence, supremacism
Jew hatred, and subjugation of the non Islamic.
That’s why Islamic societies in University encourage Jew hatred
insular and throwback behaviour … its all in the book.
If you don t address the fact that Islam is extreme, and totalitarian political ideology to boot.
Admit the fact the “religion” bit is a manipulative
“get out of jail free card”, you won t even start
to have real success.
‘Moderate’ compared to a suicide vest-wearing nutjob, I suppose. But that’s not a great marker. ‘Moderate’ muslims are quite literally the ones who don’t go around advocating the murdering of non-muslims (or actually doing it), but it doesn’t tell us anything about how literally they might privately interpret their Qur’an.
As I understand it, there is no ‘moderate’ version of Islam. It’s all or nothing – the Qur’an is a non-negotiable text. This partly explains why Islamic State is busy beheading so many ‘fellow muslims’ – perhaps their victims aren’t the right kind of muslim… perhaps they’re too ‘moderate’, too liberal, too westernised.
Islamic State considers ‘moderate Islam’ to be a western construct – to them it’s meaningless and probably as much of an insult to Islam as a cartoon of the Prophet.
Therefore, those in the west who consider themselves ‘moderate’ muslims (if they do, that is), have every reason to be as frightened of Islamic State as non-muslims. Islamic State wants to kill us all.
* To be {muslim/communist/whatever..} in name only, that is, in the religious context to commit apostacy. Good, I’m all for that, let’s talk to these ‘people of dawning common sense’ and entice them to truly abandon ship and join the Enlightenment.
* OR: to be someone whose beliefs remain deeply held, but are currently moderated in their expression, generally for reasons of expediency. This implies that their expression is likely to alter when expediency no longer requires prudent concealment. In this case, the task of everyone else is to unmask those beliefs and strip away the deceitful appearance of ‘moderation’, before the situation changes and those beliefs are voluntarily unmasked (generally accompanied by gunfire and explosions).
Either way, there is no point in talking to the first kind as though they could carry ‘their’ religion with them – patently they cannot. And the second type are merely cynical and deceptive, and talking to them at all is like talking to a puff adder.
Yes you are absolutely right. The use of “moderate” seems to suggest some ideological difference, but no one in the media is able to say what it is that a jihadist believes that an “ordinary” Muslim doesn’t and vice versa. Neither rejects any part of the Koran and, apart from the traditional schisms, nothing else relating to ritual etc. I remember a German woman telling me about her husband who was a fervanr Nazi party member and functionary who insisred that she burn her Bible in front of him before they could be married according to Nazi party custom. He had never murdered anyone and was never physically violent, but could he be called a “moderate” Nazi?
The Che love in amongst certain lefties makes me laugh. Just because some saddos think he looks good on T-shirt he is afforded far more attention than he deserves. Lets face it, if he had John Prescott’s looks no one would give a Monkeys about him these days.
Just got in the car for a short trip and straight into a Woman’s Hour interview with a woman cricketer. Interviewer said, with loathing in her voice, that Peter Alliss commented, as Zac Johnson was about to make the winning putt, “if it goes in his wife will get her new kitchen”. To be fair to the cricketer she was not as horrified as she was obviously expected to be though no doubt lattes throughout Notting Hill were being spilt as the luvvies reacted to another loathsome man so soon after the repugnant comments about women scientists.
So we now know where the beeb’s priorities lie; an item about women cricketers as the matches against Australia are beginning is subsumed by political correctness (though I hear bottoms of barrels being scraped here).
Click, over to Classic FM
Probably been done before but watched last nights have I got old news for you.
It was obviously run for a time when immigration was on the weeks agenda with the report of immigrants generating more than they cost. In it clearly some BBC lefty luvvie decided they were going to play a game of immigration top trumps comparing things like education, cost etc and comparing a British person, an EU resident a non EU resident and someone else.
It was obvious which way this was going when then the image of the Briton was a white male slob in his white vest. Inevitable we scored low on the eduction and high on hourly wage. It was so obviously skewed in what it was trying to present that even Hislop and Merton were taking sarcastic digs at it.
Of course I’m sure it was lost on the luvvie that if slob by Briton was poorly educated one might have to look at why in an education system that the left has had a stranglehold on for decades. I also suppose that if slob by Briton costs a lot of money it was list on the luvvie that such rates of pay had been driven by the constant haranguing from the left about minimum wages, living wages and their fight against benefit capping.
As they say in some parts of the world – you break it, you own it.
I had thought that Richard Littlejohn’s reference to ‘Council House Crackdown’ on BBC1 in a morning instead of the golf was a joke; but being on holiday and switching on the TV whilst I had a late breakfast, I found it was real. And dire. And shallow. Whilst we did not get to see the people subletting their council properties or their tenants we heard their voices. They didn’t sound English, not even the ones subletting since 1986. And before Dez or the man on the bus complains that I am racist, what I mean is that if they were British born, they were not living in a community where English is their first language. But I am still thinking this out, but in one case the two bedroom flat was being sublet to a mother with three children and another woman. So the flat was overcrowded. The council worker got a result and the landlord gave notice and in 1 month the flat would be returned to the council. The landlord had claimed the half million pound house she was living in belonged to her sister and she was just looking after it in spite of Land Registry having her name on the deeds. She said it was her daughter living in the flat in spite of a difference in the name. But the Council just gave her the option of giving notice or being taken to court, and she chose notice. So no fines, or stain on her name after 30 years of claiming a subsidised rent on a property she was subletting. A nice little earner. And what about the people who were living in the flat? Presumably they will be made homeless and go to the Council to be rehoused in a bigger property, a further drain on our resources. I am not sure those of us who are tax payers are the winner here.
And finally the programme showed a lovely white family, well spoken, who have waited 18 years to get a council house. I think they had been living in a two bed flat all that time. We were shown the house they are now living in, full of new furniture from IKEA. The wall of one room was fully shelved with CDs or DVDs and I wondered where they had been kept in their previous tiny flat. I had also wondered if they had not bought so money if they could have afforded, with housing benefit, to be with a private landlord. Mum had never worked, but the kids were teenagers and I wondered why she hadn’t been able to pick up some work in a shop maybe, or a bit of cleaning.
The whole programme was superficial and contrived.
There’s something of the Machiavellian plotter in Kinnock junior, he backed no hoper Mary Creagh in the Leftylympics leadership race, knowing full well she was a dud. This meant he could avoid sitting on the fence whilst simultaneously not annoying any of the potential winners. Sly.
Did anyone else listen to the Labour Party broadcast by the BBC this morning, that being from 08.00 to 08.20, when Justin Webb was telling those who were listening what Labour had done wrong prior to the election this year. Well, thank you Mr Webb. And then we had the pleasure of listening to the thoughts of Chairman Corbyn. My God, what a dinosaur. Not a clue to where we are in this day and age and blind to all the problems his religion of socialism has caused. Of course it was all the Tory boys fault, everything. Nothing wrong with socialism, everything wrong with Toryism. Not a peep from Justin Webb, but then why would I expect otherwise, when he drops his guard and says “we” when talking to Labour politicians. Oh and don’t forget good people, according to Scott on this forum, bias is only “perceived”. Yeah, right.
Isn’t it fascinating to be treated constantly to the inner workings of the left? It feels a bit intrusive of me, actually – I’m not sure I’ve really been invited, and any moment they’re going to look over their shoulders and say “‘Ere, what are you doing here, this is private mate?” and boot me out. I just wish they’d spend a bit more time gathering and broadcasting news.
What do B BBC posters think will happen to Labour if Corbyn , wins the leadership contest , I am sure the BBC will be creaming their pants , but apparently 43% of Labour membership wants him to be their new Fuhrer .Frightening .
It seems he believes that ‘reaching out’ to those, particularly young, people who did not vote at the GE will bring Labour victory next time. His blinkered assumption being that all young people vote Labour, of course. And naturally more and more extreme Socialism. There is a bandwagon element to his campaigning, the Left/Communists in Greece and in Spain are after all popular, but look at the trouble they have wrought in Greece. They have brought even greater trouble to it.
I dare say he will favour compulsory voting, and I suspect he has a hankering after a merger with the SNP which is a party of the Hard Left.
The people are not to be trusted, Marxists know best – or else.
Article about a young Egyptian woman (in Egypt) who wants to live away from her parents for independence.
It details the hostility and abuse from males who spy on her and check that she is conforming.
“Living anywhere in Egypt, people watch a girl’s every move,” she said. “They monitor when she leaves and what time she returns, who she is hanging out with, her clothes and whether she is made up.
If this had been an article about a white Christian woman in America facing these issues from white Christian men, there would be BBC ‘Pankhurstian’ outcry that would have lasted for weeks.
But Islam gets a ‘pass’. Nothing to do with Islam. She is a victim of something or other created by men. Nothing to do with Islam. Must NOT criticise Islam. Her treatment according to the BBC is simply a feminist matter involving men.
Compare the silence from feminists and luvvies about certain religions’ and societies’ treatment of women with that meted out to Peter Allis and Sir Tim Hunt. Top Trumps indeed!
That’s the rule. Islam always gets a pass. Well, almost always…
Last night the fragrant Emily Maitlis was chairing an interview about the implications of Call-Me-Dave’s ‘extremist speech’ earlier in the day. One of her interviewees was from the Muslim Council of Britain. The man was in total denial – everything, and I mean absolutely everything, was someone else’s fault, but certainly not the fault of muslims or of Islam.
Usefully, the black woman co-interviewee (on Skype) took him to task for his well-rehearsed victimhood (despite Ms Maitlis’s best efforts to shut her up). He looked suitably non-plussed by her temerity.
I have just watched the Daily Politics and was treated to the sight of presenter Jo Coburn’s leftist bias bursting out all over on the topic of welfare reform.
Firstly, when interviewing two Labour MPs , one of whom abstained and one voted against, she became confused for a moment and thought that if all Labour MPs had voted against then the Bill could have been defeated. When she was told that in fact Labour could not have defeated the Bill she said in an aside that she forgave the abstainer. A small Freudian slip which clearly demonstrates that she wanted Labour to have defeated the Bill. Not very professional for someone who interviews politicians almost every day of the week.
Secondly, she then went on to interview a government minister about the welfare reforms and she was emotional in the way she conducted herself. She very clearly showed that she thought the reforms were a bad thing and that she resented the reduction in state aid to what she regards as the poorest in society.
It is disturbing that someone who presents such a high profile political programme is unable to present the programme from an impartial standpoint. It also a demonstration of BBC’s leftist bias that they have allowed her to continue to do for several years. She clearly doesn’t feel it necessary to take tips on impartiality from her co presenter Mr Neil whose politics remain a mystery, just as they should .
Indeed so, she is a disgrace – I was disgusted that during one of the Minister’s comments she turned rudely away from him with the insulting ‘Yes, we’ve heard all that’.
hadda, with ref. to your first link, I’d love to know what sort of an idiot placed the image of police tape at the top of the page. A picture of dog poop would have contributed more to an understanding of the story.
There was scene in Eastenders on Friday night where a person is hiding from the police in a chapel where a corpse is awaiting burial. His friend arrives (also a man) and they have sex near the body. I wonder if anyone remembers the Biased BBC ever trying such a stunt in a mosque, or synagogue or if this is a deliberate poke by the BBC at Christianity?
The Today Programme The digital divide: 40% of you now listen on DAB radio. Was it worth the switch?
Majority of listeners ‘happy with digital radio’
Guessing that ‘quote’ is via a BBC ‘poll’.
Suffice to say that commenters less filtered first by the BBC seem to be of a different mind.
If I recall correctly, that’s not in accordance with the immediate phone-in, e-mail & Tweet listener response conveyed to Justin Webb after the TOADY item on DAB radio.
He was honest enough to admit it was 100% anti-DAB by users!
And I`ll tell you why DAB is shit.
The mighty Brian Matthews “Sounds Of The Sixties” on Radio 2, all too often has early stereo recordings of the pop hits-so you only get one channel on DAB.
Lucky dip whether you get the Beatles harmonies-or Maccas bass playing…but you rarely get both.
So DAB can go hang-and I don`t recall any fuss about all those perfectly good radios we had to bin either-normally the eco nuts at the BBC would kick up a stink about so much consumerism and waste.
Not in this case however.
Spot on, BBC Radio aside, some of the lesser commercial stations only broadcast in mono, acceptable listening on some £5 MW radio, but not when you’ve forked out a fortune on such ‘wonderful’ technology.
FM obsolescence aside, don’t forget these things use a lot more energy, a set of AA batteries will last for months if not years in a standard portable radio, in a similar DAB radio, lucky if these last days.
One last thing is it progress that not only on DAB but also digital TV it is impossible to get an accurate time check, or one that isn’t 2-4 seconds old….
Yes. brass-necked lying; they must think they can get away with it for ever, telling us whatever they like. I think it’s called ‘hubris‘, and traditionally presages downfall at the hands of the Gods.
Local news in London on BBC1 at 10.30 started with an attack on Boris and his water cannon. He explained that the faults had been rectified, but the disbelief of the reporters and the Opposition in the Assembly soon rubbished that. Then an item about the difficulties in London having enough places in secondary schools due to the increase in the population. There will need to be 35,000 more places we were told. No mention why the population is growing, I noticed. There were three people interviewed; two whitish people, a man and a woman both with an American twang to their accent with a white lady with a headscarf wrapped around her head (possibly orthodox Jewish?) as the middle of a sandwich, but surprisingly (?) no blacks or Muslims, possibly because they may have been a reminder of why the population is rising. So lots of attacks on Boris, there couldn’t be a Mayoral election coming up, could there?
And in the main News we had the usual box pops of young people from poor families explaining why replacing grants with loans will put the off going to university. As usual, the sort of story where the BBC prefers white middle class kids. Why the Beeb and indeed the children themselves cannot see that if after they finish university they have high income, they will be able to pay back their loan and if they are low income it will be like a grant, and never paid back to the tax payers. I lie, I can see exactly why the Beeb takes that angle, because whatever the Government believes, the BBC believes opposite.
And while I am having a rant and it might have been Channel 4, earlier today I saw a woman from the Horn of Africa, living in the UK, explain that when a child she suffered FGM. Now I am sympathetic to women who have undergone such an operation. But the woman’s words were that ‘nobody talks about it.’ I felt like screaming to the TV that in the studios of the BBC and Channel 4 they seem to speak of little else.’
Apologist idiots are – to some interested parties – useful idiots. I can’t be alone in sensing a growing fear that all of this – radical Islam, unfettered immigration, delusional progressivism and so on – is all leading to some kind of catastrophe.
The immigration disaster unfolding across the Mediterranean is just a precursor, but it is sowing the seeds of a future conflict, helped – yes, actually encouraged – by the EU, which is hellbent on handing out EU passports like lollipops.
Of course, we find the BBC busy, busy, busy at work ‘nudging’ us all closer to disaster with its ceaseless progressive multicultural propaganda (seriously, try listening to the World Service in the wee small hours).
Perhaps not in my lifetime, but soon, this really isn’t going to end well for anyone.
“But the project has run into criticism for its exclusion of Muslims who have also been forced from their homes by Isis, for fear of murder, enslavement or torture.
Countries including the United States have declined to participate in the scheme, which has the support of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad.”
I will be listening to this – the way this is being trailed, I fear that someone, somewhere, thinks they can now get away with creating yet another ‘victim group’ – the women who worked at Bletchley.
The silence that was maintained by all who worked there for decades after the war, was enforced for security considerations. However, when the story of this organisation was eventually revealed, there was no suggestion of anything other than a tremendous sense of patriotism, pride and solidarity among all who had worked there. Are we now to be told by the BBC that there was a gender-based ‘underclass’ who were in some sense oppressed victims of a patriarchal warrior class waging a ‘man’s war’ over their heads? Or will we be told that the ‘contribution of women’ as a class was overlooked and under-valued at the time compared to that of men? Is the narrative now to become, not one of the most tremendous solidarity in fighting an inhuman, ruthless, and despicable foe, but rather simply yet another historical ‘preflection’ of today’s obsession with internal equalities within our own society?
I am not hopeful that this programme will cast any new light on the Bletchley operation, but I am prepared to be pleasantly surprised.
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 25, 16:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I happened to look at a bbbc series called Dope Girls about a bunch of wimmin, set in 1918 and…
diggFeb 25, 16:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 This sort of event is more akin to a “gig” for these types. where they can swap substances, get a…
Fedup2Feb 25, 16:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC puts out an advert with the DeI Myrie about the BBC working to deal with ‘disinformation ‘ gives…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 15:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 70 year old arrested for posting on facebook – empty the prisons!
Using a template response to defend the use of template responses does have a certain poetic irony all of its own.
The BBC reasoning is that it saves money by sending generic replies but it is clearly not an acceptable way to respond to a specific complaint by an individual who has the right to be answered in a proper manner. No other public company would get away with this and this shoddy treatment of those who complain to the BBC should be hi- lighted as yet another failure of a company who says it cares.
The purpose of the BBC complaint system is to deflect complaints. It may be the most efficient branch of the BBC.
Dang. I thought the BBC Complaints Department was there for the BBC to complain about the Government not giving it enough money, silly viewers who do not accept the views of the Collective and voters who did not vote how the BBC wanted them to.
only efficient?
Why not use a template. It makes total sense.
This is going to be top News this week, particularly with allegations and outing of Peedo Senior serving Labour MP whose name can be found on the net now:
Lets hope it does become a major news item and is not suppressed as usual. The naming of several Conservatives will probably sway a reluctant BBC in revealing ( partially) the story.
Lets hope the b*****ds get sent to jail no matter how old or supposedly ill they are.
I bet RT on Freeview channel 135 is the first to break through the Media censorship in the UK, unless the Government closes it down this afternoon.
Do you have a link to the page where he’s named? I presume that is allowed?
Sorry, He is Labour and the BBC is biggest ally. Cannot give any clues, as too dangerous in this age of PC:
Wrong is right,
Black is white,
Up is down,
Victim is Criminal
Christian heritage for 2,000 year (UK)
National Broadcaster Appoints Muslim Head of Religion
You just could not make that one up!
Like appointing Jimmy Saville to be Child Abuse Advisor to the Vatican.
You get my drift
Bit too cryptic for me, I’m afraid. Did you use a VPN to access a USA search engine? A nudge in the right direction, would be a big help.
Well, with a bit of wikipedia and excel, the following Labour MPs are also ex cabinet members:
Alan Johnson
Andrew Smith
Andy Burnham
Ben Bradshaw
Caroline Flint
Harriet Harman
Hilary Benn
John Healey
Liam Byrne
Margaret Beckett
Pat McFadden
Rosie Winterton
Sadiq Khan
Yvette Cooper
Remove the women and we have:
Alan Johnson
Andrew Smith
Andy Burnham
Ben Bradshaw
Hilary Benn
John Healey
Liam Byrne
Pat McFadden
Sadiq Khan
It’s a pretty short list. Head of religion, you say?
We all obviously like to know. Out of sheer curiosity I found ‘a name’ to put against the SUN headline by watching and following persistent Guido commentators of similar persuasion on Sundays blog:
But like many, I have seen the dreadful mistakes made on National TV of guessing and accusing without evidence, so I will follow our ancient legal maxim of a man is innocent until proved guilty.
With the exception of Tony Blair, of course.
“But like many, I have seen the dreadful mistakes made on National TV of guessing and accusing without evidence, so I will follow our ancient legal maxim of a man is innocent until proved guilty.”
Well said. Unfortunately, CPS refusal to act (for whatever reason) has created a vacuum which is rapidly being filled by internet conspiracy loons on YouTube and elsewhere. Most of them seem to consist of lazy, anti-everything types who enjoy constructing elaborate lies about people they dislike, and the HofC provides plenty of material. Unmarried MPs are obvious easy targets.
The Government and the CPS are largely responsible for this feeding frenzy and should deal with it asap to limit the damage.
You are probably right. Then again, if Zac Goldsmith is to believed, they are likely to be paralysed with fear. His suggestion as to the size of the scandal, were it to be fully revealed, makes me wonder if it wouldn’t bring the whole tower down around their ears.
One can only hope.
I don’t think the Elm House list, which is relatively easy to get hold of, would do that. No huge surprises.
If others are involved – who knows?
Perhaps they’re waiting for a good time to bury bad news.
Brietbart and Guido commentators seem to be caughing up the wrong tree. That man was only ever a member of the Shadow Cabinet – not a minister.
grimer – You have different guy to what I have seen doing the rounds on blogs.
It appears that the Wikipedia entry for the ‘Blair Ministry’ is missing the delightful Keith Vaz:
“appointment as the Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He served in this position from October 1999 and June 2001”
Just updating the previously posted list of Labour Ministers that are still MPs, you understand…
grimer… think you need to go further back in time.
Well, it appears that Wikipedia deserves its reputation for inaccuracy. The page for the 1970s Labour Government contradicts the individual page for at least one MP:–79
Under-Secretary of State, Environment
Gerald Kaufman 8 March 1974 – 12 June 1975
Just listening to Teressa May being interviewed on Radio 4. Bloody hopeless stuttering and stammering in her totally unconvincing manner as usual. No way could she be a contender for the top job.
Yes, her interview on the Today programme was pathetic. Beating around the bush, avoiding direct answers – all on a crucial issue. We have a cancer amongst us – but she waltzed around it for several minutes, not one crisp and blunt answer.
Under her watch much of the Home Office has been a disaster. She has largely failed as a Minister., I hope Osborne and Boris smack her down.
The problem is,, of course, that Dave’s new “cunning plan” is simply an admission of current and inevitable future failure. “Broad spectrum strategy” blah, blah “generational struggle” blah. Like the Muslim presence in the Balkans, the existence of the Caliphate in Britain has been secured for generations to come thanks to uncontrolled mass immigration. Unless there is uncontrolled Muslim mass emigrstion to Syria, the problem will persist. As usual, the BBC claims that the vast majority of Muslims in Britain is “moderate”, the IS ideology is a “perversion of Islam”, yet asking “moderate” Muslims to act against the IS “perversion of Islam” would be “counterproductive” and enrage “moderate” Muslims. But clearly IS does not outrage the ummah as much as a drawing of the prophet.
Yeah like Boris and Osbourne are sucessess.
That’s what our Bill Turnbull quips about the weather in the Med on BBC Breakfast this morning.
Of course the summer hereabouts in the UK has been a bit ‘wintery’ (to use a BBC word for frost and snow) and so apparently we need a reminder every so often that it is hot elsewhere in the world.
In lieu of Australian bush fires or Indian heatwaves we get a vivid orange map of the Med flashed up on our screens this morning.
Are Horrible Histories butting in with a plan of the ancient Roman Empire, we wonder?
No, it’s just a temperature map of the Med coasts. So I guess that’s why British people travel to Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy for their hols.
Pure agenda-driven propaganda. With faith in the global warming scam wavering, the message needs to be drummed into the plebs.
This talk of plebs and of ancient Rome reminds me who it is who Billy Turnbull reminds me of: Publius Clodius Pulcher
‘In December 62, when the winter ceremony of the Bona Dea (from which men were excluded) was celebrated in the house of Julius Caesar, a man believed to be Clodius was discovered disguised as a female harpist among the participants.’
ashfelt you certainly have lost the plot. No longer are weather forecasters allowed to forecast hot weather. Sooo PC arent you.
Mention on the news on Today that organ donors are down by 5%. Do you think that the Beeb will do an analysis explaining this, as a certain religion believes bodies that are not whole will not go to paradise?
Trying to equate that with various means of voluntary early departure chosen by many adherents.
I didn’t know anything until recently about the ‘whole bodies’ business until I read about this in the local press – then all became clear. As a Sandwell ratepayer I was slightly less than impressed that my hard earned taxes were being spent on this.
Deputy Council Leader Mahboob Hussain and Black Country Coroner Zafar Siddique have praised the development apparently – can’t for the life of me imagine why ……
Sorry, I must apologise. Mr Hussain is apparently no longer Deputy Council Leader.
I couldn’t possibly comment.
Anyone at the BBC need to apologise? I think so..
Recording ‘shows Sir Tim was joking’
Not a comment about BBC bias, per se but one that provides yet another example of how (like the NHS, for that was the analogy used by the hive last week) the BBC has lost touch with the people it serves and reflects the arrogance and lack of integrity of the organisation.
I’m not sure how many bBBCers here enjoy classical music and tune into the Proms. Last night the BBC broadcast an exceptional concert. Breathtakingly performed world class music by the CBSO. The only problem being, in the same way that the BBC screwed up the Royal pageant, in the same way that they screwed up Wimbledon with some newly cooked up ideas straight out of the ‘documentary’ series that is W1A (!), they screwed up last nights concert by interrupting the movements with a talking head and illustrated it clips of other concerts to tell the audience what to expect next. As a number of commentators have noted the programme was ruined and the ‘BBC reached a new low’. A ‘sacrilege’ one called it.
Just what is it with these people who take it on themselves to know what is best for us? Are they intent on destroying their reputation, just for the sake of it? Or is it a case with the BBC’s huge budget and staffing that too many cooks are spoiling the broth and some mindless half-wit has to prove themselves with some new, big idea?
And as for the bit about the integrity of the ‘worlds most trusted broadcaster’, I note that all of the critical comments on last nights twitter feed have somehow been ‘disappeard’, the BBC preferring to re-tweet only the positive ones – one, re-tweet, BTW, in true BBC fashion, can be traced back to a BBC Head of Comms. This morning, I see that critical comments are staring to disappear from Facebook as well.
The arrogance of the BBC knows no bounds, thumbing their noses at their audience is easy when the BBC don’t have to worry about where the next cent is coming form.
I don’t want the BBC privatised. I want it to die and for the idiots that run it to face the consequences.
Still plenty of critical comments in The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, and Breitbart, though. Reading them reveals in stark clarity how the BBC are so up themselves, they haven’t a clue what the paying audience really think.
If I still lived in the Former UK, I’d demand my money back!
But you don’t? How can you be so obsessed about a service you don’t see, hear or read? Anyone who reads the comments section of Guido. breibart and the Telegraph and thinks they represent anything but a tiny group of weird people is deluded. You aren’t a silent majority, you’re the noise little group of internet oddballs.
In the words of the Oracle, Mr. T, up yours.
I suffer the BBC here, too, although to a lesser extent each day, and can see from a (small) distance what a biased, profligate monstrosity it really is.
You are either an apologist, an employee, or both. Shame on you, sir (or madam).
“T” for Tw*t. One would assume.
The people that complained long and loud about the crap that was ‘Wimbledon 2day’ were not a, ‘little group of internet oddballs’.
The BBC couldn’t even be honest about the changes that they had to make to that programme; to remove the invited gurning bystanders…to actually show some tennis on a tennis review programme and to eventually relocate the programme to Wimbledon itself – it had to pretend that the changes were somehow planned and that the programme ‘evolved’.
No doubt the idiot responsible was taken outside and promoted in front of their family.
That would be a similar ‘little group’ of ‘odballs’ to the one that buys the Daily Mail, or the four million that voted UKIP, would it?
How do you manage ti breathe, living in that bubble?
Even the BBC’s own polling show only 30% of the public are happy with the licence fee and over 50% want it abolished entirely!
It’s you who is in the minority.
He still gets the world service from Syria. Old goat lives with an old chicken and an old cow and thinks that when it rains that means global cooling!
No reading the gutter press of which the telegraph is now one shows the bias of the proprietors.What they say about the bbc largely reflects their corporate intest in retaining biased media coverage.
I do not want the BBC privatised nor do I want it to die. I am happy for it to remain funded by a Licence Fee but it has to be just that, a reasonable Licence Fee, not a massively increased wodge of tax that is then used to enrich others far beyond what most people can earn and taken at the point of a ‘gun’; the threat of Court, fine and imprisonment. That is a form of piracy.
I want the BBC de-piratised!
It may helpful to John Whittingdale, Lord Hall and the BBC Trust (with copies to our MPs) if we start to analyse what we receive from the BBC and what we perceive about the BBC. Creating lists of areas where things are wrong, going wrong or starting to collapse. If enough people lay out their complaints in reasoned manner, in writing, then it cannot then be dismissed as an ‘attack by enemies’ or ‘the print media taking revenge for Leveson’ but will be seen as customer taxpayers expressing their complaint over the inadequate service they have received for a substantial amount of money each year.
Just returning to the Proms for a moment: the BBC used to be known for the excellence of its engineering and its outside broadcasts. In my experience these have been declining in quality, especially when the Licence Fee was ratcheted upward from the mid-1990s onwards. It started to become apparent around the time the BBC ‘discovered’ the Glastonbury Festival and reached a new low with R4’s Any Questions from a Visitor Centre at Manchester airport in the week before last.
My hunch is that BBC is having a collective spiritual, nervous & physical breakdown (three for the price of one!) all at the same time. Perhaps it is being brought on by guilt? They realise what they have done and are doing with & for the Licence Fee and also realise deep within their being that they have been ripping us all off.
Fair comment. I think I wrote that more in anger than in sadness. The concert was one I had been looking forward to for a long time. It was ruined.
On reflection, I agree. I think that the remedy, as was said last week, is a smaller, more focussed BBC producing stuff of a far higher quality than has been evident in recent years.
I don’t think the Proms escapade last night is accidental, exactly. I think that, like dogs peeing up lampposts, there is a general wish to ‘re-purpose’ every cultural edifice, by subtly (or not so subtly, as last night) trashing its integrity. Look for everything that might matter to a culturally British audience, and it will have little pins stuck into it, just to demonstrate that it doesn’t belong to the people who most appreciate it.
To slightly adapt the BBC’s own assertion,
“It’s not yours anymore – it’s theirs“.
Although I follow the Proms avidly (and it is something to be said for the BBC), I did miss this concert. But I do find perky Miss Derham tries my patience beyond it’s limits.
Praise be – I’ve just listened to Peter Hennessy’s conversation with Nigel Lawson on Radio 4. During the survey of Lawson’s political career (the purpose of the programme) Lawson was allowed – uninterrupted – to give his reasons for his opposition, generally and morally, to the climate change fraud and, specifically, to the Paris conference nonsense later this year.
OTOH I am confident that this will be a more or less unique instance of the BBC permitting the broadcast of a counter-narrative view of “climate change” before (and after) the (pre-ordained) celebrations in Paris. Its very uniqueness highlights the failure of the BBC to ensure the impartiality required by statute in its coverage of the topic. I assume the well-known geneticist, charlatan and Lysenko fan Steve Jones will be complaining about this breach of the BBC’s censorship policy concerning unhelpful comment on the climate change money pit.
I heard that too, I thought it was a very good interview with Lawson.
Me too. Nigel Lawson is honest, and a gentleman.
The Peter Hennessey series has been very interesting. Today’s interview with Nigel Lawson (at 9am) is well worth catching – an account of his years as a “Tory radical”, his balanced view of Margaret Thatcher, his opposition to the EU, and then his work on puncturing the Global Warming bubble was all very lucid.
I hope Lawson becomes one of the leading voices in the OUT campaign on Europe, he is still a compelling debater.
Peter Hennessey’s interviewing style should be a lesson to the rest of the BBC – it IS possible to discuss matters with someone like Lawson whose views and convictions and political achievements are anathema to most of the BBC hive.
Peter Hennessey’s interview with Nigel Lawson was a splendid example of how all interviews should be conducted: ask short, polite questions, and allow the guest to speak uninterrupted, with adequate time to develop a point. The interview was an object lesson to all broadcasters (take note, Humphreys, et al). It was clear from the broadcast what a remarkable and far-sighted Chancellor Lawson was, and I could have listened to him for an hour. One black mark that was not touched on, however, was his ambushing, with Geoffrey Howe, of Margaret Thatcher in respect of ERM. At least Lawson eventually came to understand the true nature of the EU and Euro.
Let Manon and other trolls know that this site is not against the BBC. The above thread is praising it for doing a decent programme for once. We want the old BBC back when it was a decent service.
No, Kennedy, the B BC is beyond redemption.
We DO want the BBC broken up +/or changed to a subscription basis…a straw poll on this site would certainly support my contention rather than yours.
I think that is probably Lord Hall’s plan: subscription for everything despite past promises of free archive access, free radio, free iPlayer, local radio, etc., but all on top of an inflating Licence Fee. Even more money for the BBC and an endless stream of superannuated Senior Managers, Executives, Station & Channel Chiefs, Internet & Archive Directors and on top of all that multi-million pay cheques for presenters & top journalists.
If you think the present structure is bloated & unwieldy, wait until they charge for everything via subscriptions. Then a national economic crisis will happen – as they do from time to time – and it will all fall apart and we will be left with nothing.
I think it better to push for reform and a slimmed down, efficient organisation that becomes known, once again, for its excellence.
Kennedy’s post:
Here here! 🙂
Another one for the ‘impartiality’ collection, via Guido…
Order-Order :
“UPDATE: And the tweet has now magically disappeared down the memory hole”
What, despite such views being doubtless ‘her own’?
The spirit of Jasmine strong with this latest one is.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to see a factual drama –
‘SNP – The First 100 Days’
Based upon financial experts opinion, where Scotland would be now had it voted for independence on the back of a falling oil price.
In your dreams!
I see that Bishop Hill has picked up the excellent story from yesterday’s Mail, linking Greenpeace, the Labour Party and illegal toxic waste dumping.
It’s curious however that Dez’s researcher still doesn’t seem to have found the single copy of the Mail that is delivered to the BBC newsroom.
The BBC and matters green can very much be a hit and miss affair…
‘Unsurprisingly, the BBC are trying to use the story as a means to attack Boris Johnson.’
That would be the ‘hit’.
Now, what might they have missed?
11.50am bbc tv world news: Report about Cuba, reporter said, and I am sure this is what she said regarding the US exclusion of Cuba, ‘the longest genocide in history’. Where in her mindset does this come from?
I’ve just come back from holiday so apologies if this is an old story, but I caught Feedback on Radio 4 over the weekend on the question of the license fee. Based on the calls that came in, the entire country is in love with the BBC and happily pays the poll tax (sorry, license fee). No mention of bias. No mention of over-paid executives and presenters. No mention of the absurd self-importance of the whole corporation. In fact no mention of any alternative to their comfortable status quo at all.
Clearly I’ve got it all wrong. I mean, how could I ever be so cynical as to imagine the calls had been vetted!
Fred Bloggs,
Looks like there there is a shortage of dictionaries at the BBC Word Service.
And those they have don’t seem to include the word ‘terrorist’.
Fred Bloggs, anyone else,
I would have liked to check all that on iPlayer as I’m trying to collect BBC whoopsies at the moment.
I find the TV news is not available on iPlayer How long has that been so? Have to admit I’ve not only stopped watching broadcast TV but my use of iPlayer for catch up is becoming increasingly infrequent.
So if anyone knows when BBC TV News was excluded from iPlayer and why, I will be grateful to know. Maybe I should e-mail Lord Hall . . . . .
Winds of change blow through Middle East from Iran.
For a complete history Kevin Connolly should have mentioned that the division that the division of the Middle East was not conducted in secret by two British/French diplomat/soldiers but in open at the San Remo conference four years later attended by the prime ministers of Great Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Alexandre Millerand), and Italy (Francesco Nitti), and representatives of Japan, Greece, and Belgium, the victors of WWI with America as an observer. The decisions were ratified by the League of Nations, the world body at the time and coincidentally reratified by the United Nations.
However I did learn something that I was unaware of. Look at the map the BBC provided. Sykes-Picot allocated what is now Israel, the Palestinian Authority and parts of Jordan as an International Zone. The world gave it to Britain as a mandate for a Jewish homeland.
So Connolly’s probably not guessing that the issues surrounding the promise (sic to build a national home for Jews in Palestine) would remain a potent source of violence and discord a century later. is at odds with the evidence he, himself, provides.
One thing that always takes me aback on maps of the Middle East is just how small Israel is. Geographically speaking, they are surrounded by giants – I don’t know what the population levels are, but I imagine the combined total of their neighbours must easily outnumber them. Not necessarily the most important thing, of course, but just so striking when you ‘zoom out’ from the usual microsopic-scale maps which are presented in the news.
Cameron a 5 year plan,(5 bloody years!!) on extremism/terrorism, that after the soundbite, then another soundbite, then a hashtag. etc.
So Islam is the issue, the root cause Mr Camoron, #watchagonnado ? … deny that it is?
For the sake our children, eh? the probable 1 million victims
of Islamic child gang rape? … is that not erm extreme?
Its the School Holidays Mr Camoron
Honour Crime?
Over 11,000 cases of honour violence were recorded by UK police
100s of Forced marriages?
How hundreds of terrified British victims of the tradition are being failed every year by the services they need most
At least 50 children (50? … come on) dragged off to Somalia for FGM?
FGM is sanctioned by Islamic law:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’
[this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).”
— ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3
Extreme at all? … the vast majority from Islam that’s not
Islamic State … oops apologies Davey
IS … oops apologies Davey
I mean ISIL, no errrrr … Daesh
Camoron, that’s Islam,(one word) … extreme at all.?
David Cameron calls Islam a “Religion of peace” just hours after British tourists were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Tunisia, a man was decapitated by an Islamic terrorist in France and 200 were wounded in an Islamic terror attack in Kuwait
How David Camoron’s ” Big Society” coming along ?
Just listening in to the incompetent traitors spin, Dave
waffling on … and on … and on.
If he denies, the narrative, the mandates set out in Islamic texts, teachings that are pneumatically drilled into every Islamic childs mind, taught in every mosque.
Just heard the clown mention “moderate” again sheesh!
every Islamic adherent here , is moderate, including the Islamists compared to Islamic state … that the new low bar level?
As usual hopelessly out of his depth
Camoron’s going after ”dem extremists ”, but what extremists does he mean ? I think we all know, UKIP voters, Christians, people who post comments on the internet, in other words, white people !!
There are many British Moslems that are moderate because either they are unaffiliated to the true religion of Islam or they prefer western values to those values in Islamic State or they see religion in family/community terms without being politically driven to create an Islamic state out of the country that they live in. Cameron is desperately trying to keep it that way by not referring to the true goal of Islam.
Agreed. However, there is no point at all in pretending that pure Islam itself is not the problem.
Of course, many UK Muslims are simply ‘cultural Muslims’, they just go through the outward motions of observing Ramadan, not drinking alcohol, going to Mosques etc but otherwise have no real interest in, or knowledge of, true Islam.
Just because there are decent Muslims, doesn’t mean we should pretend that Islam itself is decent.
It’s not ‘radicalised’ or ‘extreme’ or ‘perverted’ Islam that is the problem. Pure 100% unadulterated Islam is the problem.
We should be publicly discussing how a true Muslim can play a part in a western civilised society.
The call should be for reform of Islam, root and branch.
Personally, I do not see that Islam can be reformed. Once you question the idea that Mohammed is the perfect man (apart from the rape, murders, lying and deceit, paedophilia, his infant bride, etc) and accept that the Koran is not the perfect word of god; then there’s not a lot left to believe in.
I damn well refuse to live in a country where saying any of the above can get me imprisoned or killed just because the victims of Islam are so [understandably] insecure in their faith.
Quite. We should be talking more or less exclusively to secular Muslims, as they are the only ones who are integrating with our (secular) society. No-one with an absolutist faith, whether it is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh or any other religion, can be expected to integrate fully.
‘Guest cultures’ are just that, and they should be reminded of the etiquette of the guest, just as we should obey the etiquette of being a host. If individual residents from alien cultures wish to assimilate to British life, then they need to assimilate within our understanding of what it is to be British. It is a great leap, not to be undertaken lightly, or with a mind to retaining divided loyalties – like Ruth, one is forsaking one’s mother and father and cleaving to a new life. Like Ruth, it is an act of faith and love, which transcends one’s historical roots. Without this, one remains simply a ‘resident alien’ regardless of the niceties of possessing a British passport.
It’s shrunk.
Well, it is a religion of peace in the doublethink sense. But I don’t think that’s how Dave is using it.
SKY news paper review, David Wooding political editor of the rag the Sun, ” John Whittingdale is sorting out the BBC blah blah blah.” Just shows the disconnect between the London chatteratti and the pressitudes in the media, when everyone knows that the renewal of the bbc charter is a little tea dance they have to go through, will they, won’t they, will they. etc etc.
And this morning the only response the BBC could find to Cameron’s Speech were interviews with Muslims who felt “marginalised” by it.
Easy response from a decent reporter would be “Cameron says he is only going after terrorists and extremists. You say you feel marginalised by this so do you consider yourself a terrorist, an extremist or both?”
Sadly I know of no decent reporter to ask that comeback question.
Yet on LBC I heard a couple who felt that he could / should have gone further.
Perhaps LBC could taxi them round to new Broadcasting House.
On Sky just now the “expert” for community cohesion said that most of his people agreed with the need for integration, but that’s two ways. Apparently the hosts are expected to integrate with their requirements. Sorry, but no! They chose to come here, and like the Jews and others who have come here it’s up to the arrival to integrate with the people he chose to join. If someone goes to live in a foreign country and expects the hosts to fit in with them is clearly invasion and colonisation.
My last sentence should read “If a large group goes to live in a foreign country and expects the hosts to fit in with them it is clearly invasion and colonisation. “
David Cameron, nor any other politician of the major parties, will ever say anything other than “Islam is a religion of peace..”, “One of the world’s great religions..”, “Islam shares our British values…” etc etc; and this regardless of what terrorist atrocity the followers of Mohammedanism commit – see the Religion of Peace comments by George W. Bush the day after 911 or Cameron after Lee Rigby’s Jihad murder, for perfect examples of this.
The reason Cameron and the others do this? To tell the truth about Islam and Muslims and its / their effect on this country, and the West generally – would mean they would have to do something about it.
As we all know they don’t have it in them to do what would need to be done; so they simply carry on re-arranging the deck chairs. The problem is left to someone else: our children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren to deal with. As deal with it somebody, sometime will have to; Cameron and his ilk just want to make sure it isn’t them.
The nail has been hit on the head!
So right Mr Glodstone…. Cameron is a worthless coward, afraid to act on the muslims, a slimy, miserable excuse for a PM, backed by his in-effective HS, May, afraid to tell it like it is….
Despite the, what, £900 million spent by the BBC on its “news” services, I haven’t heard/seen any BBC mention how one of its senior managers – Alan Yentob – contacted his Labour friends in the Treasury to let the Bat’s fake charity off £700,000 deducted from staff salaries and . .er . .
misappropriatednot paid over to HMRC. In other words a mixture of corruption (BBC employee using his Labour Party contacts in the then Labour government to suborn HMRC) and theft (the money owed to HMRC was actually the employees’ money not “Kids Company” cash – the “charity” was acting purely as a payment agent for its employees).This is, of course, embarrassing for the BBC and, particularly, Labour. Accordingly, AFAIAA it’s not mentioned in the BBC viewing/listening news nor online (BBC search parameter “Batmanghelidjh” at 14:30 today). Now imagine the BBC’s reaction if it “learned” about a Murdoch employee approaching a Conservative finance minister in the interest of a charity feeding a Conservative meme . . . . .
‘Not mentioning’ being a bit of a BBC specialty.
In addition to Editorial By Omission, I’d also be keen to see the detail in the guidelines under ‘smothering’, as part of their re-education and misinformation remit.
‘Predictably, the BBC is smothering a vital EU policy document pushing for a United States of Europe’
Predictable maybe; doesn’t make it right.
Is Mr. Whittingdale by chance on the PM’s side on matters P-EU?
Dez? Anyone at home?
The lights are on, but…
To re iterate to point made earlier about Camoron still refusing to face the facts and reality, about Islam.
“Three years, mind you, in a prison where he will be
given a Qur’an, allowed regular prayer with other Muslims, and
visited regularly by an imam.
The utmost deference and respect will be given to the faith that incited him to try to help his coreligionists commit mass murder. Then after three years, or sooner, he will be free again, and able to continue his jihad”
R Spencer
“According to a poll of 600 Muslim and 800 non-Muslim students at thirty universities throughout the UK conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), as reported ref B,
32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified,
54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and
40 percent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.
Only 2 percent of non-Muslims felt killing in the name of religion could be justified and none believed it was acceptable for Muslims in the UK to have a religious-based party, or to be under Sharia law.
73 percent of Muslim students are at least occasional participants in Friday services while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students attend any religious service.
I can just see how that will be spun:
68 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is NOT justified.
54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament (what’s so wrong with that?)
60 percent DO NOT want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.
Those on the Fascist Left often use an Arguement called ‘Russian Roulette’
‘But they’re not all like that’
The response to this is simple:
I have here an empty revolver, I will place one bullet into a chamber, but don’t worry, they’re not all like that! Now would you pick up that gun, place it against your temple & pull the trigger? If not then don’t dare to do it to someone else !
Many years ago I was involved in a project that, it was believed, had some risk to the general population.
As I recall the ‘acceptable’ risk was set at one ‘event’ in thirty years.
I wonder why we bothered to manage that risk when the equivalent ‘quarter of a rogue Muslim in thirty years’ has been substantially exceeded and our media/politicians can’t/won’t see the cause.
At least in the world of real, as opposed to ‘social’ engineering, there is an awful lot of experiment, analysis and demonstration before ‘dangerous’ projects go ahead. I’m far, far, far more confident that my erstwhile project in the hands of my successors will deliver the goals set by my predecessors than we won’t have another ‘cultural event’, that has nothing to do with… (click)
Yes, very telling – what on earth is the point in having a culture which sometimes seems to cohere solely in terms of the ubiquitous risk analysis paradigm, if it is never applied to a ‘clear and present danger’, ie a risk staring us in the face, and one which moreover, carries a devastating impact whenever and wherever that risk materialises?
Can I plead with all providers of risk-analysis training for all the little jobsworths in their petty professions, to start using this particular one as an example. It might at least place all those ‘tripping hazards’ in perspective.
@susana_mendonca in no way passing on PR as news…
Mayoral candidate @SadiqKhan pledging that all bus drivers would receive the same basic pay if he were #londonmayor @BBCLondonNews
Especially the journalistic fact-checking bit.
I completely agree with you, Demon. But the problem is that this “two way” integration is very insidious. Many on the Guardian reading left and the BBC with their obsession with Islam have already signed up to it. This has to be vigorously opposed at every opportunity. Integration both ways is simply a step towards towards an Islamic UK by underhand means.
“The modern notion of multiculturalism postulates the equivalence of all cultures (cultural relativism), and accordingly of the values they promote.
It should be noted that this idea of equivalence exists solely in the West, whereas Islamic societies profess the superiority of theirs through the Koran.
This introduces asymmetry into the concept of multiculturalism and effectively denies it.”
Sorry to say this but I blame Christianity and all that “turn the other cheek” and “love thy neighbour” stuff.
It might work amongst Europeans most (or, more likely, some) of the time but, elsewhere, it’s simply perceived as weakness.
In many respects we’re a complete pushover and need to wise up, and fast.
I completely agree and it is also, ironically, the wellspring of much of the socialism that so dogs the West.
The fear of ‘causing offence’ to someone who is willing to condone suicide bombing is pathological and it stems from a religious principle that has been grotesquely exaggerated.
You are correct.
The real Christians have not begun to get mobilised for the fight to come-and the likes of Welby and Papa Frankie only make things worse with their lavender sachets and incense that covers the abbatoir stench of their flocks getting butchered by Muslims in former “Holy Land” territory.
The words of Jesus are there for all to see-and only a limpdick mug would choose the mealy mouthed compliance doctrines in all cases.
The Church is like the BBC-wants no confrontations, prefers to suck up whatever Islam throws at them.
But-and don`t ask me how-Jesus wins-and He`ll do so here just as he did when the threats were worse.
As in China and the old USSR-we Christians know the Biblical purpose of Islam, and it`ll not pass by us…it`ll fall on its own scimitar.
And if it clears a path for us by scorching the atheists, the godless oafs who crave its caress-then so be it.
The Bible tells us all what`s needed…let him who has ears, yada yada….
Noticed that Panorama was set to fuss itself over Jerusalems new light railway.
In any other place this would be a public sector triumph, helping reduce clogged up streets, creating jobs and showing a brave and progressive solution to congestion.
But-this being Jerusalem(Al Quds to the BBC)-I imagine that it
a) didn`t allow for disabled scooters from Hamas failed suicide bombers to gain access
b) didn`t provide for Scud missiles to fit in the luggage racks
c) didn`t give free passage for Hamas, didn`t offer reduced rates to Hez`bollox in transit through those hideous occupied territories
d) encouraged Jews to think that they could make a metropolitan transit system independent of Gazan tunnelling engineers
e)went through Jewish places, and offered Jews a way around their city-which would annoy Ahmedinejadh or Johann Hari.
In short-if the BBC were there to praise the engineering and vision-then my name is Chelsea Manning again.
If on the other hand the BBC were there to sneer at a sovereign nation daring to transport its citizens around its own capital city, then it`ll only be the latest BBC effort to suck Islams nipples for bile, vinegar and the blood of innocents…as per usual.
I watched that. One or two terrible pieces of bias in there plus woeful naivety two. In the programme they came at it from the angle of the Israelis slowly putting a stranglehold on Jerusalem slowly squeezing the Palestinians out. To illustrate that they mentioned in a fair bit of detail the murder of the young Palestinian lad in 2014, interviewing his mother etc. then there was an almost throw away comment of the myrder of the three young Israeli lads “at the same time” for a bit of balance. Of course it would have made the whole stranglehold narrative a bit hollow had the film maker put it I. Context that murder of the Palestinian boy was in reprisal for the kidnap and murder of the Jewish boys. Panoramas take on the two incidents painted them as totally unrelated and alluded to a different chronological order.
The naivety came at the end when the film maker who talked about his parents who pressed for the creation of the Israeli state mentioned that this is not would what they would have wanted I. This difference between the two peoples.
Funny how he left out that one group wanted absolutely no Jews there full stop and the efforts to drive them into the sea the moment the state of Israel was formed. He couldn’t seem to recognise that his parents dream wouldn’t have come true in any form had the Arabs had their way.
It would also have helped if the BBC contrasted the reactions of the Palestinian authorities to the murder of three Jews with the Israeli authorities reaction to the murder of the Palestinian.
BBC coverage of the Open golf at St Andrews final round, they didn’t show the morning session, even though they paid £7 million for the exclusive rights to it, instead they showed repeats of Bargain Hunt. Another shambles, just like the tennis coverage. If I was a golf fan I’d be upset about that.
“There’s been an awful lot of self-serving drivel written about the BBC recently and I don’t intend to add much to it.
One of the strengths the Corporation likes to boast about is its unique ability to bring the nation together for ceremonial occasions and major sporting events.
But yesterday, when the last day of the Open golf from St Andrews spilled over from the weekend, the BBC failed to cover it until six hours after the start of play.
Instead, they broadcast such indispensable cultural triumphs as Council House Crackdown and Bargain Hunt.
Half the field had finished by the time BBC1 went live from the Open.
Any private sector chief executive who screwed up so badly would be shown the door.
From 2017, the rights to broadcast the Open will pass to Sky. And not a moment too soon.”
Market rate talents at work during this critical time.
The BBC and Global Warming – Now and Then:
Today – “Arctic ice ‘grew by a third’ after cool summer in 2013” (see
Then – “Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013′” (see
But the article STILL bleats on about ‘Climate change’.
Such factual comparisons that really don’t suit the narrative usually result in the BBC ‘evolving the story’ at some point.
Worth keeping an eye on.
Have to appreciate the ‘ unusually’ attempt, though.
Ian R
The dear ol’ Beeb are horrifyingly poor at listening to & watching their own programmes. In addition, they appear to be quite hopeless at searching their own paper & on-line news archives, which you demonstrate above with the Arctic ice projection & its failure.
It has been happening on R4 this week with the trail for a programme at 11am tomorrow on WW2 Bletchley & the women code-breakers. The trail claims the women were unrecognised for their service and the men got all the attention. Not only have I heard endless references to Bletchley over the last 5-10 years but both genders have had mentions. While some individuals have had more attention than others, it was because they were in charge AT THE TIME or made an important breakthrough AT THE TIME. Of the individuals I have heard speak about Bletchley & Enigma on Radio 4, MANY HAVE BEEN WOMEN.
Not only that, R4 ran a comedy programme set in Bletchley with men & women taking involved. Aaaauugghhh!!!
Now I’m starting to get a bit cross but not as much as #88 did over his ruined Prom! [My apologies for getting shouty, … but really ….. 🙂 ]
The BBC haven’t got it quite right, yet. In Orwell’s ‘1984’ Winston Smith had a cushy job obliterating the earlier newspaper reports when history was revised. The BBC haven’t started doing this properly. Sure, the EU are helping by getting Google to remove information that politicians find embarrasing, such as which Marxist or Maoist organisation a particular EU Minister or Labour MP was a member of. And BBC TV programmes are revised so create the impression that William the Conqueror and Henry VIII were black transexuals or whatever. Give it time…
They do it all the time with stealth edits. First they put up a story – e.g. Israelis murder helpless civilians. The story rises up their ‘most viewed’ chart and gets a wide audience. Later they make changes to the story and tone it down to fit the actual facts. They don’t change the ‘last edited’ time stamp, so the story appears in the archives to have always been ‘fair and balanced’, when that is far from the truth.
I remember debating with a friend about this issue. He didn’t believe it/me. It was only when I managed to get a google cache screenshot of the page, that he sat up and took notice – ‘that is pretty damning’ was his response.
There is a website that used to track the BBC stealth edits
The website is still active, but doesn’t flag up the pages that have been changed without updating the timestamp.
About 10 years ago I was monitoring the site myself, using some software I found on the web. It was a bit slow and my electricity supply at the time wasn’t reliable – just moved to london and using a key metre. I now have 75Mbps broadband, so I might give it another go. Only issue is leaving the PC on permanently. Really, you’d have to use a dedicated hosted server.
some ugly man hating feminist did this in the Guardian this week. Someone flagged her writing an article last year saying how catcalling was sexist and then yesterday put up an article saying how she is upset she isn’t catcalled any more. She changed the headline to make her look less foolish but the damage was done
leftwing = double standards
Whenever you find a particular article that you can see has such gross inaccuracies or bias, as we are used to from the BBC, you can also use this website to track any subsequent changes made.
They will email you whenever it is changed.
As re-education and misinformation via editorial by omission goes, not bad, BBC.
Guess there was no space for accuracy again?
And people are meant to trust such ‘reporting’ to assess the situation?
Pure propaganda backed by censorship.
BBCWatch links to a Washington Institute study of Iran’s religious politics from 2011
Click to access PolicyFocus115.pdf
– very relevant, fascinating, informative. Why can’t the BBC base a programme on this kind of analysis??? (Rhetorical question..)
BBC blame the Rotherham police for organised child-abuse
No mention of the guilty ‘men’ who caused it all. And no mention of the Political Correct wall of silence that stifled action by the authorities.
And continues to do so.
Imagine if white British Christian men in gangs had done the same to local muslim girls in Pakistan over the years? Air-brush or firing squad???
(Re-fills of air brush cans available in the UK though).
Quite right DS, Toady – South Yorkshire Police still failing to deal with the “risk” to young girls in Rotherham; no mention of who poses said risk to these children.
Just be grateful – the next Rotherham scale outrage probably won’t even be reported. After all, we don’t want to damage community cohesion, do we?
Radio 4 thought for the day had another self destructive Jew this morning. Someone living in cloud cuckoo land when it came to the antipathy of Muslims towards Jews.
Everything was approached from the Old Testament , the 7 tribes, of the conflict between the Sons of Abraham, and she was stupid / naïve enough to believe that this was all it was about. Aside of course from blaming BBC arch enemy Israeli President Nettanyahu.
There was nothing about the poisoning of Mohammed by a Jewess, nor the addressing of verses in both Qur’an and Hadith commanding followers to murder Jews en masse.
She even managed to talk about her ‘Muslim friends’ without even seemingly knowing about the verse forbidding them from taking ‘people of the book’ as friends.
It is my belief that the vast majority of the loony Left are like this. Willing and enthusiastic to attack anyone who opposes their insanity, but whilst all the time living in a bubble of false assumption and fantasy.
Another Kapo, maybe Kaufmans daughter ? no couldn’t be, someone would have had to have it in for him.
The left just do not get it, useful idiots, and the bbbc can find and use them without any counter balance.
Where do they get them? The BBC trawled its “progressive” clerics list (almost needless to say, by definition all the BBC lists comprise progressives only) and turned up Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, Senior Rabbi at the Movement for Reform Judaism. As expected she followed the “all that’s necessary is for all people of good will to come together” line. “People of good will” include those fabled “moderate” Moslems we’re told so much about (but don’t hear much from). At best the rabbi is deluded; at worst she’s positively wicked. IMHO, she is simply leading her people into the metaphorical gas chambers of the 21st century.
“…It is my belief that the vast majority of the loony Left are like this. Willing and enthusiastic to attack anyone who opposes their insanity, but whilst all the time living in a bubble of false assumption and fantasy.”
Reminds me of these verses from ‘Sheep’ by Pink Floyd:
Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I’ve looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.
What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.
That’s rich coming from the deluded Roger Walters of Pink Floyd !
Apparently that Rabbi on Thought for the Day was Lord Janner’s daughter.
Ticks all the right boxes for the BBC, doesn’t it?
Anti-extremism legislation.
Dave when you were studying PPE, you were not studying history.
Muslims are failing to integrate, bollox Dave,
Muslims are right, everyone else is wrong.
Therefore everyone else must convert to Islam, Allah demands this.
Or else we shall blow up ourselves and anyone/everyone else.
Because we are right.
Dave, you did not invent this 4legsIslamGood 2LegsNot_Islamic_ bad nonsense.
Dave you did not start this crap,
But you are promoting this nonsense.
Dave you have 1400 years of examples of this.
The “Islamic State” is not a “one off”, a unique aberration, a sole example, an inexplicable departure, an unprecedented, a hitherto unknown, a previously unrecorded, a historically new, an unexpected, a totally unpredictable, an unforeseeable, etc.
It is merely the latest in a long line of examples starting in whichever Cloud Cuckoo Land you currently inhabit to Mecca.
This is what Muslims do best, practise makes perfect.
Europe did not need Muslims.
Europe did not want Muslims.
Muslims want, no demand, that Europeans integrate, that is CONVERT.
Muslims must be expelled from Europe, ethnic cleansing must take place.
The sooner this happens the smaller the European death count will be.
The responsibility is wholly that of twats like you Dave.
Every so often one gets a reassuring reminder that while the BBC is staffed by brain dead droids churning out Wolfie-pleasing PR as news, it still has to get past an audience who clearly are better educated and less seduced by student union political groupiedom.
I’ll try and post a sample when I fire up the PC (tablet won’t copy FaceBook posts), but one of the cubicle kinder gardeners has written some daft gush on BBC World News about some geezer homaging Che Guevaras’s bike ride.
Suffice to say the comments are not going well for the pyscho mass killer’s memory or the BBC’s credibility.
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”
“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
Here it is:
BBC World News
How Che Guevara inspired a young entrepreneur
Aldi Haryopratomo still relives his Motorcycle Diaries days by riding around villages in Java
It’s a shame, as it really has sweet FA to do with Che other than he used a bike, and was actually planning on helping folk vs. murdering them.
I also notice in passing this:
BBC World News
Here’s a sneak peek of our new Singapore studio!
#Newsday and Asia Business Report will be launched from it on 3 August – Stay tuned smile emoticon
Because all these fears of cuts are clearly hampering the BBC’s plans to have a studio everywhere staffed with as many people as possible.
Yemi Hazard Fury – Do we need to fund a whole studio over there or just need an embedded team to call on if and when needed?
Bonny Vonny – Is this coming out of my licence money if so why
I imagine Bonny may run up against resistance to answer if the one on offer doesn’t fit the narrative.
‘It’s always the same, give with one hand, take with the other’
Considered economic insight this morning from our Steph McGovern of the BBC
It’s been said before, and I’ll say it again : the BBC approach to market economics looks like a fish riding a bicycle
I’m reminded of the story of Che sticking his hand up when he heard Castro ask for an economist – in fact Che admitted he thought Castro had asked ‘is anyone here a communist?’
Che Guevara was a sadistic, psychopathic piece of s**t.
And @MartinSLewis opens a small can of worms…
This weeks MSE poll’ll be should BBC be downscaled? Not easy to write, so your thoughts on options welcome via
BBC Radio 4 are really going for it this morning following the Cameron speech on ‘extremism’.
One of the ways he said extremism could be spotted early was by anti semitic attitudes, and the BBC is wheeling out a whole slew of fantasists to deny that such a thing exists in Islam.
To someone who knows the verses:
They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odour emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.
Basically, what I am hearing from the BBC is telling me that ALL Muslims who believe and follow the teachings of the Qur’an, are extremists, and only those who have decided to follow their religion in name only are ‘moderate’.
The problem stems from left wing fantasists who know nothing about Islam and yet believe they have some authority to oppress the rest of us with their idiocy.
They think Islam is just the same as all the other religions and that adherents can follow which teaching they wish to.
Women who do not cover their hair but come from a Muslim background are referred to as ‘moderate Muslims’, when they are in fact apostates.
I have no problem with them doing this, but lets not try to group them in with a religion they have clearly decided not to follow.
There maybe ahem “moderate” Muslims.
(dislike that term intensely … moderate compared to what, where s the bar set),
They are “moderate” in spite of Islam not because of it, with the concern that the larger number this community becomes, the less “moderate” it is.
Why? … the larger community, the more stricture ensues and … the texts and teachings compel adherence, supremacism
Jew hatred, and subjugation of the non Islamic.
That’s why Islamic societies in University encourage Jew hatred
insular and throwback behaviour … its all in the book.
If you don t address the fact that Islam is extreme, and totalitarian political ideology to boot.
Admit the fact the “religion” bit is a manipulative
“get out of jail free card”, you won t even start
to have real success.
“…’moderate’ compared to what?
‘Moderate’ compared to a suicide vest-wearing nutjob, I suppose. But that’s not a great marker. ‘Moderate’ muslims are quite literally the ones who don’t go around advocating the murdering of non-muslims (or actually doing it), but it doesn’t tell us anything about how literally they might privately interpret their Qur’an.
As I understand it, there is no ‘moderate’ version of Islam. It’s all or nothing – the Qur’an is a non-negotiable text. This partly explains why Islamic State is busy beheading so many ‘fellow muslims’ – perhaps their victims aren’t the right kind of muslim… perhaps they’re too ‘moderate’, too liberal, too westernised.
Islamic State considers ‘moderate Islam’ to be a western construct – to them it’s meaningless and probably as much of an insult to Islam as a cartoon of the Prophet.
Therefore, those in the west who consider themselves ‘moderate’ muslims (if they do, that is), have every reason to be as frightened of Islamic State as non-muslims. Islamic State wants to kill us all.
To be ‘moderate’ is one of two things:
* To be {muslim/communist/whatever..} in name only, that is, in the religious context to commit apostacy. Good, I’m all for that, let’s talk to these ‘people of dawning common sense’ and entice them to truly abandon ship and join the Enlightenment.
* OR: to be someone whose beliefs remain deeply held, but are currently moderated in their expression, generally for reasons of expediency. This implies that their expression is likely to alter when expediency no longer requires prudent concealment. In this case, the task of everyone else is to unmask those beliefs and strip away the deceitful appearance of ‘moderation’, before the situation changes and those beliefs are voluntarily unmasked (generally accompanied by gunfire and explosions).
Either way, there is no point in talking to the first kind as though they could carry ‘their’ religion with them – patently they cannot. And the second type are merely cynical and deceptive, and talking to them at all is like talking to a puff adder.
Yes you are absolutely right. The use of “moderate” seems to suggest some ideological difference, but no one in the media is able to say what it is that a jihadist believes that an “ordinary” Muslim doesn’t and vice versa. Neither rejects any part of the Koran and, apart from the traditional schisms, nothing else relating to ritual etc. I remember a German woman telling me about her husband who was a fervanr Nazi party member and functionary who insisred that she burn her Bible in front of him before they could be married according to Nazi party custom. He had never murdered anyone and was never physically violent, but could he be called a “moderate” Nazi?
The Che love in amongst certain lefties makes me laugh. Just because some saddos think he looks good on T-shirt he is afforded far more attention than he deserves. Lets face it, if he had John Prescott’s looks no one would give a Monkeys about him these days.
Just got in the car for a short trip and straight into a Woman’s Hour interview with a woman cricketer. Interviewer said, with loathing in her voice, that Peter Alliss commented, as Zac Johnson was about to make the winning putt, “if it goes in his wife will get her new kitchen”. To be fair to the cricketer she was not as horrified as she was obviously expected to be though no doubt lattes throughout Notting Hill were being spilt as the luvvies reacted to another loathsome man so soon after the repugnant comments about women scientists.
So we now know where the beeb’s priorities lie; an item about women cricketers as the matches against Australia are beginning is subsumed by political correctness (though I hear bottoms of barrels being scraped here).
Click, over to Classic FM
Probably been done before but watched last nights have I got old news for you.
It was obviously run for a time when immigration was on the weeks agenda with the report of immigrants generating more than they cost. In it clearly some BBC lefty luvvie decided they were going to play a game of immigration top trumps comparing things like education, cost etc and comparing a British person, an EU resident a non EU resident and someone else.
It was obvious which way this was going when then the image of the Briton was a white male slob in his white vest. Inevitable we scored low on the eduction and high on hourly wage. It was so obviously skewed in what it was trying to present that even Hislop and Merton were taking sarcastic digs at it.
Of course I’m sure it was lost on the luvvie that if slob by Briton was poorly educated one might have to look at why in an education system that the left has had a stranglehold on for decades. I also suppose that if slob by Briton costs a lot of money it was list on the luvvie that such rates of pay had been driven by the constant haranguing from the left about minimum wages, living wages and their fight against benefit capping.
As they say in some parts of the world – you break it, you own it.
Enoch was right.
I had thought that Richard Littlejohn’s reference to ‘Council House Crackdown’ on BBC1 in a morning instead of the golf was a joke; but being on holiday and switching on the TV whilst I had a late breakfast, I found it was real. And dire. And shallow. Whilst we did not get to see the people subletting their council properties or their tenants we heard their voices. They didn’t sound English, not even the ones subletting since 1986. And before Dez or the man on the bus complains that I am racist, what I mean is that if they were British born, they were not living in a community where English is their first language. But I am still thinking this out, but in one case the two bedroom flat was being sublet to a mother with three children and another woman. So the flat was overcrowded. The council worker got a result and the landlord gave notice and in 1 month the flat would be returned to the council. The landlord had claimed the half million pound house she was living in belonged to her sister and she was just looking after it in spite of Land Registry having her name on the deeds. She said it was her daughter living in the flat in spite of a difference in the name. But the Council just gave her the option of giving notice or being taken to court, and she chose notice. So no fines, or stain on her name after 30 years of claiming a subsidised rent on a property she was subletting. A nice little earner. And what about the people who were living in the flat? Presumably they will be made homeless and go to the Council to be rehoused in a bigger property, a further drain on our resources. I am not sure those of us who are tax payers are the winner here.
And finally the programme showed a lovely white family, well spoken, who have waited 18 years to get a council house. I think they had been living in a two bed flat all that time. We were shown the house they are now living in, full of new furniture from IKEA. The wall of one room was fully shelved with CDs or DVDs and I wondered where they had been kept in their previous tiny flat. I had also wondered if they had not bought so money if they could have afforded, with housing benefit, to be with a private landlord. Mum had never worked, but the kids were teenagers and I wondered why she hadn’t been able to pick up some work in a shop maybe, or a bit of cleaning.
The whole programme was superficial and contrived.
Stephen Kinnock-who he- is getting plenty of airtime on the BBBC.
There’s something of the Machiavellian plotter in Kinnock junior, he backed no hoper Mary Creagh in the Leftylympics leadership race, knowing full well she was a dud. This meant he could avoid sitting on the fence whilst simultaneously not annoying any of the potential winners. Sly.
Did anyone else listen to the Labour Party broadcast by the BBC this morning, that being from 08.00 to 08.20, when Justin Webb was telling those who were listening what Labour had done wrong prior to the election this year. Well, thank you Mr Webb. And then we had the pleasure of listening to the thoughts of Chairman Corbyn. My God, what a dinosaur. Not a clue to where we are in this day and age and blind to all the problems his religion of socialism has caused. Of course it was all the Tory boys fault, everything. Nothing wrong with socialism, everything wrong with Toryism. Not a peep from Justin Webb, but then why would I expect otherwise, when he drops his guard and says “we” when talking to Labour politicians. Oh and don’t forget good people, according to Scott on this forum, bias is only “perceived”. Yeah, right.
Isn’t it fascinating to be treated constantly to the inner workings of the left? It feels a bit intrusive of me, actually – I’m not sure I’ve really been invited, and any moment they’re going to look over their shoulders and say “‘Ere, what are you doing here, this is private mate?” and boot me out. I just wish they’d spend a bit more time gathering and broadcasting news.
What do B BBC posters think will happen to Labour if Corbyn , wins the leadership contest , I am sure the BBC will be creaming their pants , but apparently 43% of Labour membership wants him to be their new Fuhrer .Frightening .
It seems he believes that ‘reaching out’ to those, particularly young, people who did not vote at the GE will bring Labour victory next time. His blinkered assumption being that all young people vote Labour, of course. And naturally more and more extreme Socialism. There is a bandwagon element to his campaigning, the Left/Communists in Greece and in Spain are after all popular, but look at the trouble they have wrought in Greece. They have brought even greater trouble to it.
I dare say he will favour compulsory voting, and I suspect he has a hankering after a merger with the SNP which is a party of the Hard Left.
The people are not to be trusted, Marxists know best – or else.
Refuses to identify the ’cause’.
Article about a young Egyptian woman (in Egypt) who wants to live away from her parents for independence.
It details the hostility and abuse from males who spy on her and check that she is conforming.
“Living anywhere in Egypt, people watch a girl’s every move,” she said. “They monitor when she leaves and what time she returns, who she is hanging out with, her clothes and whether she is made up.
If this had been an article about a white Christian woman in America facing these issues from white Christian men, there would be BBC ‘Pankhurstian’ outcry that would have lasted for weeks.
But Islam gets a ‘pass’. Nothing to do with Islam. She is a victim of something or other created by men. Nothing to do with Islam. Must NOT criticise Islam. Her treatment according to the BBC is simply a feminist matter involving men.
Compare the silence from feminists and luvvies about certain religions’ and societies’ treatment of women with that meted out to Peter Allis and Sir Tim Hunt. Top Trumps indeed!
“…But Islam gets a ‘pass’.”
That’s the rule. Islam always gets a pass. Well, almost always…
Last night the fragrant Emily Maitlis was chairing an interview about the implications of Call-Me-Dave’s ‘extremist speech’ earlier in the day. One of her interviewees was from the Muslim Council of Britain. The man was in total denial – everything, and I mean absolutely everything, was someone else’s fault, but certainly not the fault of muslims or of Islam.
Usefully, the black woman co-interviewee (on Skype) took him to task for his well-rehearsed victimhood (despite Ms Maitlis’s best efforts to shut her up). He looked suitably non-plussed by her temerity.
Muslim men being criticised by a woman – they, all of them, cannot stomach that – lets hope he doesn’t know where she lives.
Reassuring to know that the BBC, which we are forced to pay for, continue to keep their fingers on the important issues such as this:
I wonder if it were George Bush visiting his father’s homeland, would the BBC be so interested in slang?
Any mention of something else he’ll be greeted by?
I have just watched the Daily Politics and was treated to the sight of presenter Jo Coburn’s leftist bias bursting out all over on the topic of welfare reform.
Firstly, when interviewing two Labour MPs , one of whom abstained and one voted against, she became confused for a moment and thought that if all Labour MPs had voted against then the Bill could have been defeated. When she was told that in fact Labour could not have defeated the Bill she said in an aside that she forgave the abstainer. A small Freudian slip which clearly demonstrates that she wanted Labour to have defeated the Bill. Not very professional for someone who interviews politicians almost every day of the week.
Secondly, she then went on to interview a government minister about the welfare reforms and she was emotional in the way she conducted herself. She very clearly showed that she thought the reforms were a bad thing and that she resented the reduction in state aid to what she regards as the poorest in society.
It is disturbing that someone who presents such a high profile political programme is unable to present the programme from an impartial standpoint. It also a demonstration of BBC’s leftist bias that they have allowed her to continue to do for several years. She clearly doesn’t feel it necessary to take tips on impartiality from her co presenter Mr Neil whose politics remain a mystery, just as they should .
Turned Daily Politics on, saw it was just Coburn, turned it off – monkey instead of organ-grinder.
Indeed so, she is a disgrace – I was disgusted that during one of the Minister’s comments she turned rudely away from him with the insulting ‘Yes, we’ve heard all that’.
The BBC must be dismantled.
Of course, those of us who are aware of other news organisations besides the BBC already knew about this story, and in more detail:
hadda, with ref. to your first link, I’d love to know what sort of an idiot placed the image of police tape at the top of the page. A picture of dog poop would have contributed more to an understanding of the story.
I noticed this on the same page:
‘Soul torn away’
’10 years on, de Menezes family still reeling from Tube killing’
Strange how only certain families seem to ‘reel’ for so long. I’m sure things are just dandy in Middleton.
There was scene in Eastenders on Friday night where a person is hiding from the police in a chapel where a corpse is awaiting burial. His friend arrives (also a man) and they have sex near the body. I wonder if anyone remembers the Biased BBC ever trying such a stunt in a mosque, or synagogue or if this is a deliberate poke by the BBC at Christianity?
The people responsible for this will regret their actions on judgement day.
BBC FaceBook scores again:
The Today Programme
The digital divide: 40% of you now listen on DAB radio. Was it worth the switch?
Majority of listeners ‘happy with digital radio’
Guessing that ‘quote’ is via a BBC ‘poll’.
Suffice to say that commenters less filtered first by the BBC seem to be of a different mind.
If I recall correctly, that’s not in accordance with the immediate phone-in, e-mail & Tweet listener response conveyed to Justin Webb after the TOADY item on DAB radio.
He was honest enough to admit it was 100% anti-DAB by users!
And I`ll tell you why DAB is shit.
The mighty Brian Matthews “Sounds Of The Sixties” on Radio 2, all too often has early stereo recordings of the pop hits-so you only get one channel on DAB.
Lucky dip whether you get the Beatles harmonies-or Maccas bass playing…but you rarely get both.
So DAB can go hang-and I don`t recall any fuss about all those perfectly good radios we had to bin either-normally the eco nuts at the BBC would kick up a stink about so much consumerism and waste.
Not in this case however.
Spot on, BBC Radio aside, some of the lesser commercial stations only broadcast in mono, acceptable listening on some £5 MW radio, but not when you’ve forked out a fortune on such ‘wonderful’ technology.
FM obsolescence aside, don’t forget these things use a lot more energy, a set of AA batteries will last for months if not years in a standard portable radio, in a similar DAB radio, lucky if these last days.
One last thing is it progress that not only on DAB but also digital TV it is impossible to get an accurate time check, or one that isn’t 2-4 seconds old….
Yes. brass-necked lying; they must think they can get away with it for ever, telling us whatever they like. I think it’s called ‘hubris‘, and traditionally presages downfall at the hands of the Gods.
Local news in London on BBC1 at 10.30 started with an attack on Boris and his water cannon. He explained that the faults had been rectified, but the disbelief of the reporters and the Opposition in the Assembly soon rubbished that. Then an item about the difficulties in London having enough places in secondary schools due to the increase in the population. There will need to be 35,000 more places we were told. No mention why the population is growing, I noticed. There were three people interviewed; two whitish people, a man and a woman both with an American twang to their accent with a white lady with a headscarf wrapped around her head (possibly orthodox Jewish?) as the middle of a sandwich, but surprisingly (?) no blacks or Muslims, possibly because they may have been a reminder of why the population is rising. So lots of attacks on Boris, there couldn’t be a Mayoral election coming up, could there?
And in the main News we had the usual box pops of young people from poor families explaining why replacing grants with loans will put the off going to university. As usual, the sort of story where the BBC prefers white middle class kids. Why the Beeb and indeed the children themselves cannot see that if after they finish university they have high income, they will be able to pay back their loan and if they are low income it will be like a grant, and never paid back to the tax payers. I lie, I can see exactly why the Beeb takes that angle, because whatever the Government believes, the BBC believes opposite.
And while I am having a rant and it might have been Channel 4, earlier today I saw a woman from the Horn of Africa, living in the UK, explain that when a child she suffered FGM. Now I am sympathetic to women who have undergone such an operation. But the woman’s words were that ‘nobody talks about it.’ I felt like screaming to the TV that in the studios of the BBC and Channel 4 they seem to speak of little else.’
I really hate the Guardian and its lily-livered, apologist idiots:
It really is a pathetic paper.
Apologist idiots are – to some interested parties – useful idiots. I can’t be alone in sensing a growing fear that all of this – radical Islam, unfettered immigration, delusional progressivism and so on – is all leading to some kind of catastrophe.
The immigration disaster unfolding across the Mediterranean is just a precursor, but it is sowing the seeds of a future conflict, helped – yes, actually encouraged – by the EU, which is hellbent on handing out EU passports like lollipops.
Of course, we find the BBC busy, busy, busy at work ‘nudging’ us all closer to disaster with its ceaseless progressive multicultural propaganda (seriously, try listening to the World Service in the wee small hours).
Perhaps not in my lifetime, but soon, this really isn’t going to end well for anyone.
“Jewish peer who fled Nazis is rescuing Christians fleeing Isis to repay ‘debt'”
Widely reported story, but of no interest to the BBC.
Is this why?
“But the project has run into criticism for its exclusion of Muslims who have also been forced from their homes by Isis, for fear of murder, enslavement or torture.
Countries including the United States have declined to participate in the scheme, which has the support of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad.”
The Bletchley Girls, 11am, R4
I will be listening to this – the way this is being trailed, I fear that someone, somewhere, thinks they can now get away with creating yet another ‘victim group’ – the women who worked at Bletchley.
The silence that was maintained by all who worked there for decades after the war, was enforced for security considerations. However, when the story of this organisation was eventually revealed, there was no suggestion of anything other than a tremendous sense of patriotism, pride and solidarity among all who had worked there. Are we now to be told by the BBC that there was a gender-based ‘underclass’ who were in some sense oppressed victims of a patriarchal warrior class waging a ‘man’s war’ over their heads? Or will we be told that the ‘contribution of women’ as a class was overlooked and under-valued at the time compared to that of men? Is the narrative now to become, not one of the most tremendous solidarity in fighting an inhuman, ruthless, and despicable foe, but rather simply yet another historical ‘preflection’ of today’s obsession with internal equalities within our own society?
I am not hopeful that this programme will cast any new light on the Bletchley operation, but I am prepared to be pleasantly surprised.