Middle of the week and time for  new one of these. I see the BBC are enchanted by the news that few pages of a new Koran “may” have been found in Birmingham. So touching. Anyway, over to you…

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153 Responses to MIDWEEK OPEN THREAD

  1. Beltane says:

    Primary translations of the treasured fragments include some from the ‘Corrections and Amendments Department’ and seem to suggest that the phrase ‘beheading the infidels’ should have read ‘be heeding the in fiddles’ – taken to suggest an early appreciation of the means of maximising the benefits system in use at the time.


  2. Calvin says:

    Anyone want to give hints to where to find the Labour story that musn’t be talked about? I’ve had a look over Guido,Twitter and Reddit to no avail. We don’t need a link or a name, just a bit of an idea of how to find it ourselves.


    • Deborah says:

      I too have failed to find the magic formula that will lead to the top story about a Labour MP. I have tried every combination I could think of with Google, maybe I just don’t know the right jargon.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Remember Lord McAlpine. It’s better that the wrong name is not bandied around cyberspace at this time.


      • Anne says:

        Well said. Too many loons naming people they ‘always knew’ to be a bit dodgy.

        Having said that, I heard rumours about Savile years ago. I have no connection with the BBC (thank God!) or any of his hospitals so if the rumours reached me, at this distance, they must have been very strong at source.

        Several years ago, I also heard that a Labour MP (and one other, a Tory I think) who was very prominent at the time had been discovered kiddy fiddling and had been forced to take a back seat. The Labour MP, who had been very vocal on various issues, did in fact more or less disappear from our TV screens but I was never sure whether the rumour was correct or had been cobbled together by conspiracy loons to explain the disappearance.

        I know who it was and if it turns out to be true, a lot of reputations are going to be damaged.

        It is often said that the cover up is worse than the crime. Probably untrue in these cases, although they left others vulnerable to abuse.


  3. Cassandra says:

    In the week where our Prime Minister declares in a very understated speech that the Muslim community pose a threat to the existance of British values, culture and way of life, we have the BBC doing one of their ‘Rejoice, Rejoice’ stories about Islam; that is, Birmingham University have the oldest written version of the Koran in the world. I expect the BBC will repeat what they did after Cameron’s speech, that is interview Muslims only to get their views. How long will it be before this backfires and we get the Muslim ‘community leaders’ demanding the return of their precious texts and that they are insulted that the kaffir are in possession of them.


    • Andy says:

      Search BBC news for the phrases, “Prophet Muhammad” and “Lord Jesus Christ”.
      Guess which one gets no direct hits…


      • dez says:


        Search BBC news for the phrases, “Prophet Muhammad” and “Lord Jesus Christ”.
        Guess which one gets no direct hits…

        This old chestnut. The comparison is false; since the equivalent of “Prophet Muhammad” is simply “Jesus Christ” which literally means “Jesus The Messiah

        Plenty of hits for the phrase, “Jesus Christ” on BBC news…


    • NCBBC says:

      BBC: Muslims grooming “easy meat” white girls for sex trade


      Note: “Asians” and “pakistanis” is mentioned, but apparantly nothing to do with Islam. So the current Truth for 2015, “This has nothing to do with Islam” is true.


      • NCBBC says:

        What is pakistani heritage? We need to get to the bottom of this.

        Paul Weston


      • NCBBC says:

        Sex slavery on an industrial basis to humiliate the Kuffar is not ordinary criminal activity. The intent of Muslims is to humiliate the Kuffar so that he acknowledges that Islam is superior, and converts to Islam. Combined with violent actions, terrorism, criminality, Benefit fraud on a grand scale, this is a war crime against the Crown. All Muslims, not just pakistanis, are working towards that goal. Therefore, it is the duty of the givernment to put a stop to it, with force if necessary, and to banish the invaders. This is the prime duty of government – to defeat the enemies of the Crown, and remove them so that they , or their descendents can never be a threat from within.


  4. noggin says:

    BBC – Wonder – The spoken word of God – The World of Islam
    BBC – Discover how the Koran became part of British life
    Al BBC . I ll just finish that sentence for you …
    , continually aided by the BBC
    , for all the wrong reasons
    , whether you infidels like it or not
    , to the continuing detriment of our society
    , now kneel and pray Lord Hall
    etc, etc

    “I’m sure people from all over the UK will come to Birmingham just to have a glimpse of these pages,”

    Sheesh! … Beebot s must knee deep in ejaculate in Broadcasting House today

    Don t want to rain on the Parade … Nah! go on then
    This BBC article is circulating widely, but it raises more questions than it answers, and reveals more about the wishful thinking of the academic and media establishments than it does about the Qur’an.

    The article is riddled with academic and journalistic sloppiness. We’re told that the radiocarbon dating shows, “with a probability of more than 95%, the parchment was from between 568 and 645.” Very well, but does the ink date to that time as well? We are not told. Parchment was often reused in the ancient world, with the earlier text erased and written over, and so if a parchment dates from 645, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the text does.

    However, it is impossible to discover any more details from this shoddy BBC presentation. The best photo of this manuscript that the BBC provides shows clear traces of another text underneath the main text. It is not clear from the photo whether that is the text from the other side bleeding through on the photograph, or even if there is any text on the other side; nor does the BBC tell us whether or not the parchment shows signs of having been a palimpsest — that is, a parchment that was used more than once for different texts. There is also some red ink in the top lines of the manuscript in the photo but not in the succeeding lines. Has the red ink faded from the other sections, or is it itself evidence of the ink fading? Or is it a later hand filling in areas that had faded away (and possibly altering the text)? The BBC doesn’t tell us, yet this is an extremely salient point. Another recently discovered and much-touted fragment of the Qur’an, now in Germany and dated from between 649 and 675, shows clear signs of alteration, raising the possibility that the Qur’anic text was altered over time. If this is a possibility also for the University of Birmingham manuscript, the BBC should tell us so. But it doesn’t.
    R Spencer


    • noggin says:

      The gushing, and loooooonnng BBC presentation

      Oldest Qur’an fragments in the world discovered in the UK? Maybe, maybe not.
      “In sum, the more one looks at this curious story, the less there is to see. It seems indisputable that an ancient manuscript has been confirmed to be ancient.
      Has its text been altered? We aren’t told.
      Is it part of the Qur’an? We can’t be sure.
      Does it correspond to the modern standard Qur’anic text?
      We aren’t told.
      The only thing we can really be sure of about this story is the closing statement from Dr. Muhammad Isa Waley: this “is news to rejoice Muslim hearts.”
      That may be the primary objective all along”.


      • The General says:

        So when will the demands to have it returned to Mecca begin? Could be a good excuse for a bomb or two.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Birmingham will replace Mecca. They have several Bingo Halls with that name, or they used to have


          • DownBoy says:

            Mecca is an inland city with a large adherence to Islam and is a bit of a cultural desert with an incomprehensible dialect, whereas Birmingham….


        • NCBBC says:

          I’m surprised that the BBC are delighted that a fragment of the koran has been found.

          What is more relevant is what is stated in that fragment, as the koran we know, is full of murder against the Kuffar.


    • Snack Bar 6 times a day says:

      I’d gladly go to Birmingham to wipe my arse on it.


      • G.W.F. says:

        I am sure it can be interpreted as a command from Allah Akibar to retain the BBC Licence Fee in its present form.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Apparently, according to the expert being interviewed, the texts would have been used by the Imams of the time as ‘prompts’.

      ‘Prompts’ to do what, exactly? Dunno, the interviewer never asked.

      What did the texts say, then? Ditto.

      And what was going on in the world of Islam at the time? Ditto.

      In other words, let’s not mention the first Jihad.

      Sheer quality, BBC, so light on the ‘educate and inform’, so extremely fucking heavy on ‘Islam is such a constant source of joy and wonderment’.


  5. petebogtrot says:

    Most muzzies are walleys, bbc just found one.
    Why do we have to have non stop muslim news, what about english news.


  6. Guest Who says:


    BBC exec staff mis-tweeting and then deleting? The very idea.

    Seems credible.

    She may be hideously white, and blonde, but whilst Danny’s star still soars, she has what it takes to hit quota.

    Thus elevated, one looks forward to an even higher calibre of door for her to tell the nation Labour pols illuminate by passing through.


  7. DYKEVISIONS says:

    Not BBC bias but this is so good…http://youtu.be/pUXvCCSnS_4

    Unfortunately she would be easy meat in Rotherham.


  8. Dazed & Confused says:

    The BBC are in heaven…They’ve apparently discovered the oldest fragments on a Koran anywhere in the world….”Allah Akbar Al-BBC”.



  9. DYKEVISIONS says:

    Sorry proper link should be


    • hadda says:

      And we get Mishal Husein…


    • Glen says:

      Well said that girl. I hope the gun toting Americans take heed of her warning, someone needs to do something. What a strange coincidence it is that every liberal led country is facing the exact same problems, hatred of nazislam, austerity, white racism against everyone, gay haters everywhere blah,blah,blah.

      Yet the failure of ALL public services, resulting in the deaths of innocent people in many cases, the rise of muslim terrorism, lawlessness, violent crime, relaxed laws on drugs, huge increase in immigration, media lies..well, that’s just normal life and is reported as so. All just a coincidence, nothing to do with social engineering by the backward lefties.


  10. Thoughtful says:

    Left – but not that left !

    Leftie liberalism is a kind of socialism with a dose of insanity caused by separation from reality brought about by excess wealth !

    This is the kind of bias which the BBC projects constantly. So when Tony BLiar pops up with his metrosexual, metropolitan, version of Labour, the BBC loved it. Now however they have a real dilemma.

    Jeremy Corbyn.

    The prospect of having a hard line Labour MP who would almost certainly do things they don’t like (such as raising their income tax), seems to be spooking them !

    At the time of the Wilson government, and Super Tax of 95% and spending at a level which still bankrupted the country, the BBC execs probably weren’t in the league which were bothered by it – now however they very much are!

    It seems that the bias over the Labour leadership election, is ‘Left but not THAT Left’!


  11. stuart says:

    funny how david cameron makes a speech on islamic extremism in birmingham, and the next day like a miracle the liberals at birmingham library just happen to find a new version of the koran that has brought to tears and excited the muslims down at the birmingham central mosque as we have seen on the bbc all day,now that i find very strange indeed,could birmingham become the new mecca where millions of muslims from all over the world descend on birmingham library to pay tribute to there long dead prophet mohammed( peace be upon him),that is what the leader of the birmingham central mosque suggested on the bbc this evening.i find that very sinister.


    • Thoughtful says:

      They also allegedly have the staff of Moshe Rabbeinu though they don’t shout about that.


    • Lobster says:

      Looks like somebody should be opening a stall outside Birmingham library selling bacon butties (Halal, naturally).


    • hadda says:

      “millions of muslims from all over the world descend on birmingham”

      Yep: just take a look at the area round the bottom end of New Street, HIgh Street and Bull Street any Saturday afternoon.


  12. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘Oldest’ It’s A Knockout fragments found on the internet

    What may be the world’s oldest fragments of the former BBC game show It’s A Knockout have been found by experts from the University of Frumpenceshire.

    The Buddylove Library’s expert on such items, Dr Baptiste Ima Whaley, said this “exciting discovery” would make fans “rejoice”.


    Authentic props, costumes and inflatables have remained unrecognised for goodness knows how long.

    The stuff might have been kept with a collection of other tosh, perhaps without being identified as one of the oldest fragments of It’s A Kockout in the world.

    Taking a break from Radio-Internet Dating, experts found the entertainments company web site by a complete accident and believe it to be possibly at least a couple of months old, making it very much among those in existence.

    “It’s a Knockout is Britain’s best team building tournament. You can’t beat it for mad moments, belly laughs and nostalgia.”

    Dr Whaley said “This could well take us back to within a few years of the actual founding of It’s A Knockout”
    “According to tradition, the Presenter Stuart Hall (Approbation and disgust be upon his head) received the gig from David Vine about 1972.

    Prof Plumb hypothesises the dating of the ‘classic Penguin Pursuit’ would mean it was quite possible that the audience which may have originally laughed a bit at it may quite possibly also have been alive at the time of the M*A*S*H.


    • Anne says:

      And a farmer in Suffolk has unearthed what is believed to be an ancient decorative artifact, possibly belonging to a long extinct indigenous tribe. According to an expert from the British Museum, it is about the size of a large coin, blue in colour, shaped like a shield, and bears a symbol which appears to consist of the stylistic representation of a primitive sailing vessel. A similar symbol can be seen on the remains of a small glass or ceramic vessel now in the British Museum. It is believed it was used to contain valuable spices of some kind.

      Its precise purpose is unknown but it might be a relic of an earlier, superior civilisation.

      The exact location of the find has not been revealed for obvious reasons.


  13. Lobster says:

    Eddie Waring’s “up and under” might take on a whole new meaning now…..


  14. AsISeeIt says:

    Now Teenager finds photos of first Nirvana gig tucked inside her dad’s books


    Maggie Pouluka’s father put on the first Nirvana show and jammed with the band – she didn’t realise the significance of the pictures when she tweeted them

    Photographs of Nirvana’s first ever show have been uncovered – and tweeted by a teenager who had no idea what she was showing to the world.

    Maggie 19, tweeted the photos observing they were photos of “my dad who may have been alive at the same time that Kurt Cobain was still possibly alive and perhaps playing together very likely back in the day”.

    After she tweeted the pictures, they gradually spread across the web, going viral. Other Twitter users pointed out their significance to her: “These photos could be from what may have been Nirvana’s first ever concert in about March/April 1987 (with 95% certainty). Do you have any more??” asked a user called Toolism One.

    Millions of Nirvana fans will undoubtedly “Rejoice”


  15. by looney left says:

    Omar replies: “If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.”
    The above relates to the Islamic destruction of the greatest library in the world, the library of Alexandria, by Muslims, in 642AD.

    So no changes since then, destruction of the Buddhas of Bamian by the Taliban in Afghanistan, the destruction of ancient artefacts in Iraq as I write.

    If you have a spare month or two you may learn about the destruction of Hindus and Hindu art and architecture by Muslims for 1300 years.

    So I am not impressed by the new Koran findings. If it is genuine it will still say nonsense like the current one, if it is not genuine it will be as just valuable, it will be worth SFA.

    I think I might follow the example of another contributor and use the name NoFanOfMuslims.


  16. Beltane says:

    Strange that no importance, or relevance, seems to be put on the fact that the Arctic icecap actually grew by over 40% in 2013, and that the extent of Antarctic ice is currently greater than all previous records show. Naturally, this tends to confuse those arguments so frequently promoted by the BBC and others of equal authority and eminence, that the icecaps will have disappeared by 2020 – and already must make embarrassing reading for those who assured us that the Arctic ocean would be navigable by 2014….


    • DownBoy says:

      Marcus Brigstocke, that well known and much loved hilarious comedian was on a luvvies jolly a few years ago, cruising in high latitudes and intoning sadly that very soon there would be no ice left.
      Worth every penny of his large BBC salary.


      • Beltane says:

        Our Marcus exhibits all the hallmarks of a public school education in his sad attempts to both represent and appeal to the lower classes as a ‘stand-up’ comedian.


    • TigerOC says:

      Not the BBC but Eamon Holmes, Sky News, yesterday had on a female I have not seen before but a classic lefty in the Corbyn mold.
      This item came up and everyone agreed that this was all very strange. The woman then professed that she always thought that AGW was a scam and that it was Thatcher that started it. Yup, she issued orders that this project must be started to show the recently unemployed coal miners what damage their work was doing to the planet.
      So now you know everything that has befallen the world since 1978 is all Thatchers fault.


    • The General says:

      You obviously have not been listening to the BBC. They had an ‘expert’ on last week who explained that the heat which is still being produced by Global warming is in fact hiding deep in the oceans of the world and will, sooner or later, burst out………. Devilish cunning of the Thermals isn’t it.


  17. Glen says:

    Nothing much about on the news about the ‘African-American’ woman who died in custody (no wonder the blacks in the U.S. don’t know how they are supposed to fit in…are they African? Are they American? They just don’t know).

    Then again, there’s nothing like a good news story for the British Caliphate to usurp all others, who’d have thought that the good old British would have the ‘oldest’ piece of the koran in existence!! Not me, that’s for sure? I mean, what next? The ‘shroud of the prophet muhammed’…complete with children’s hand prints all over it.

    Woo Hoo…aren’t we a good little muslim country! World leaders in muzzerdom, forget al aqsa, medina, ISIS….Birmingham is where it’s at. Cue the next stage in the islamisation of the UK, pilgrimage to Brum and you don’t have to go home, you can stay and enrich this shit hole of a country the country that was ruined by thousands and thousands of heroes who gave their lives for it in two world wars.

    And the bbc wonder why we hate them so much.


  18. John says:


    This little cracker, “Viewpoint – Britain must pay reparations to India” is currently highlighted on the main page of the BBC News site. The full article can be found by following the link to World News.

    Even hardened readers on this site will be impressed by this one.


    • Anne says:

      As we’re frequently told that immigrants make a massive contribution to the UK, and do all the hard work, wouldn’t reparations penalise them as much as anybody else?

      Anyway, why did they join the British Commonwealth, as it used to be known?


  19. Dazzyboy says:

    Yesterday IS slaughtered 30 Kurdish Muslims; yet another case of Muslims killing fellow Muslims, but have we heard a reaction of digust from our Muslim communities? No as usual its all very quiet, but if a small cartoon appeared in a foreign magazine and they would be marching for weeks!


  20. The Old Bloke says:

    Just to cement in the findings contained in Beltane’s post a few moments earlier, the Icelandic nation are getting concerned about the navigable straight between them and Greenland as it is showing signs of icing over thus rendering it a closed seaway. A close eye is being kept on the situation and the feeling is that at least one icebreaker should be put at station in Iceland. Also, on a trip to Bristol today and to the dock area along the Severn, I noticed tonnage of Blackberries ripe for picking. Blackberries ripe for picking in July??? I have also noticed that this week, the swifts are already gathering for their southern journey, two months early. What do they know? As soon as we get a Northerly (which will be next week) they will be off by the look of it. Today, my professional gardening girlfriend informs me that Autumn flowering plants, that being in September, are now flowering as borders turn orange. For those who are interested, I think frosts will abound next week as cold air arrives from the arctic yet again. None of this had been predicted in the warmist agenda that the BBC have promoted. Why? Because the hypothesis is wrong and nature will prove it one way or another. We should also look for the clever words used by the Met Office to deflect what is really happening, there will be a lot of below average, chilly, unusually cool etc in their forecasting over the next 14 days.


    • Thoughtful says:

      None of these frosts have been forecast either, and unless you’re in the far North of Scotland there’s little chance of any in this month or the next one.


    • Essex Man says:

      Yes ,you are right about the blackberries . I would welcome a Med type climate , but in reality that`s always going to be hogwash . The sun`s elevation is too low , even in mid summer The only way to get a 1976 style summer year in year out, is to have prevailing south to south easterly winds blowing the warm air up from the Med . The lower sun`s elevation would then be able to top up the already warmer air mass , & give us temps between 28 to 35 C in the south of England . But the weather does not really play ball , so that scenario would be quite rare , or only for about 2 to 5 days at a time, per summer .


      • The Old Bloke says:

        Essex Man, the only way to get a 1976 – 1977 type of summer is to get the type of sun spot activity we had in those years. Yes, warm southerly winds from Africa will play it’s part, but what drives our “weather” around the world, or rather what drives our “climate” which determines our weather at any particular time sequence?


        • Beltane says:

          Your memory serves you ill TOB! After 1976 when the harvest was in by the end of June in many parts of the UK, the summer of 1977 was one of the wettest and coldest on record and the combines went down to their axles in mud, attempting to harvest the waterlogged crops.
          Strangely, none of the experts available in 76 – of which there were many – who had so wisely prophesied on the BBC (where else?) that northern European agriculture would be forced to change irrevocably, with alfalfa and rice becoming staples, seemed to be similarly available to explain the contradictory weather, as it was then known.
          Nothing changes!


          • Arthurp says:

            I think 1975 was a hot summer – but obviously not in the category of 1976.


    • Deborah says:

      Harvest is at least two weeks late throughout the country and usually the last two weeks of July are warm enabling much of the barley and oil seed rape to be brought into store. It just isn’t anything like ‘fit’ (agricultural term). This could be quite a story on Country File but I shouldn’t hold your breath.


      • Lobster says:

        They are probably already working on how to approach the subject from an Islamic perspective. I’m not sure if the barley is halal but the rape should be ok ……..


  21. jez says:

    i often wonder to myself when i walk past a mosque,what the hell is going on in there now.


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Jez, try popping in the mosque for a chat. They’ll be most welcoming, especially if you have a skull cap.


      • Bogart says:

        Pop in. Give it a whirl. They’re begging to integrate…good luck!


      • Anne says:

        Well that’s a good point. Any other religion with Islam’s assorted pathologies would attract the attention of some brave, investigative journalist wanting to know what would happen if you did just that.

        Walking into a synagogue with a pork pie would not make you instantly popular of course, but walking in unprovocatively, solely as a member of another religion would not, I think, get you thrown out.

        The risk wouldn’t apply to all mosques because, as Mr Cameron has taught us, Islam is a religion of peas, but there are quite a few I wouldn’t go anywhere near.


  22. Barlicker says:

    Btw, I see Tommy Robinson is back in prison. But still no empty cells for Anjem Choudrey et al.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Tommy Robinson was yanked back in to complete his sentence inside. No reason given. But the timing coincided with Cameron’s greatest ever speech on combatting Islamic extremism. A bit of appeasement perhaps.


  23. Alex says:

    I see that vile anti-English lump of blubber Emily Thornberry is spouting her snooty ‘lefty’ views on News(s)hite. An unbearable, patronising and pretentious dinner party chit-chat blabber mouth who will hopefully never get further than opposition. She typifies the chardonnay socialist.


  24. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    The bBBC ‘news’ doesn’t seem to tell us which of the prophet’s ramblings are in the section of the Koran found in Birmingham. Is it the part that tells his followers to kill all of us? Or the bit that tells them to mutilate young girls? Or perhaps the section that tells them to rape non-Muslims? The possibilities are endless.


    • nogginator says:

      “which of the prophet’s ramblings are in the section of the Koran found in Birmingham?”.

      In true D Trump style …
      Look that’s non of your business, but its it s the greatest find
      Has its text been altered? … that’s non of your business
      but it IS … the greatest, most fantastic, stunning
      Does it correspond to the modern standard Qur’anic text?
      look don t interrupt, and by the way
      that’s non of your business … but
      Its the greatest, most fantastic, there have been other korans
      but not like this … this is the most oldest ,most valuable etc, etc



      • Deborah says:

        Mason saying Trump claims eg that he is the richest in the world. Mason’s response is, ‘does anyone look it up? Trump says it, so it must be true.’ It is rather like the BBC and its avid supporters saying, ‘the BBC is the best in the world’ have they compared it to every other TV station in the world?


        • nogginator says:

          “have they compared it to every other TV station in the world? ”

          well … that’s non of your business … but
          this is the finest, greatest, most fantastic …
          you heard news? but not like this, this is the best, most expensive, grandest, most newsreaders, most news radio hosts, most highly paid news in the world
          Is it objective and factual?
          look don t know nothing about that but its the best most, wonderful biggest …
          The licence fee?
          non of your business and look … don t interrupt
          but this is the grandest, greatest, biggest, finest etc


  25. Demon says:

    Test new login. Worked.


  26. Anne says:

    Usual shambles of an interview on BBC Breakfast this morning. Charlie Stayt opening his mouth without knowing what he wants to say, rephrasing a question in three or four different ways before allowing the interviewee to answer.

    Usual, amateurish, bumbling performance. Cut the chat and learn your job!


  27. AsISeeIt says:

    More spendid news for much favoured BBC group

    Millions of Liverpudlians will “rejoice” as one of John Lennon’s aunt Mimi’s old shopping lists turns up inside a library book in Merseyside. Experts say the Mills and Boon edition, not taken off the library shelves since 1964, was titled “Love Me Do”

    The focus of research now moves back to Birmingham where researchers continue their quest for Lenny Henry’s school reports – although scientists say even one of his old bus tickets would be a miraculous find


  28. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Twaddle: -Being African: What Does Hair Have To Do With It?-

    A thousand costly words. A complete waste of Licence Fees.
    The next BBC article will possibly be:- Is Blonde Hair Oppressive?


    “Some say hair is one of the most contentious issues in black society.

    South African columnist Danielle Bowler goes as far as to say in Eyewitness News that “while some women might not choose their hairstyle based on an overt political decision, the choices available to us are themselves inescapably political”.

    “She also notes that hair can be divisive.”

    “Black hair has been treated with disdain for years because black people have been made to be a problem, fighting to get out of enslavement and oppression, fighting to get into mainstream society, fighting for equal rights. Black hair, which is what makes us black, has been fighting for those same rights.”



    • The Lord says:

      ///Black hair, which is what makes us black///

      Mmm, maybe it’s what makes you as thick as two short planks as well. But I suspect that’s just an unfortunate coincidence.


  29. Stuart Beaker says:

    Well done on the new security! All I need now is a means of searching the site for my contributions (I’m so vain – seriously, Disqus has deficiencies, but at least it allows you to look through your own posts).


    • Deborah says:

      Please Bbbc don’t go on to Disqus, my iPad just gives me a message saying that comments are taking longer than usual to load, offers reload and then gives up altogether.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        My Android devices do that as well. I always wonder how it is that Disqus usually takes longer than usual, although if I wait it comes up eventually.


        • Stuart Beaker says:

          Oh, I’m not suggesting moving to Disqus, just pointing out one of its features which I do find useful..


    • The Lord says:

      I agree, Stuart. It’s not vanity, (much) but you tend to comment on topics that interest you, so it would be nice to revisit them without schlepping through the same things to find them. (especially the half-wittery from Diz and Clapped-out)


  30. Guest Who says:

    Interesting post from Ian Katz missing out a key aspect…?

    @iankatz1000 “I don’t think it would be a disaster” if @jeremycorbyn wins Labour leadership – though he won’t vote for him #r4today


  31. Stuart Beaker says:

    I turned on the radio this morning in the vain hope that the coverage of the Labour Party leadership election would have at least taken second place to some real news. Some chance.

    Most people didn’t vote for Labour in the GE, and of those that did, there must be many, many who are simply yawning into their cornflakes. Has the BBC just stepped off into La-la Land? Current Affairs seems to have lost all touch with reality – how do they possibly expect it to do their case any good at all in the real issue of their alleged ‘centrality’ in the UK’s soul? Astonishing.


    • Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

      The most important item on the bBBC One TV o’clock ‘news’ is that a group of 12-year-old girls were swimming in a pool and one of them has sadly drowned. On average, more than one child a week dies by drowning in this country, so the death of another one, however tragic, doesn’t seem to merit ‘top news of the day’ billing. So, what is behind the bBBC’s choice?


  32. The Old Bloke says:

    I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today, did anyone catch the Labour Party political broadcast on Radio 4 this morning from 08.05 to 08.20? They can’t help themselves can they? And once again did anyone catch the royal “we” with John Humphries in that segment? When talking about prospective candidates with John Prescott and of their attributes, it wasn’t “you have…” as directed to the Labour Party, be “we have….” stated as being part of it. And to think there are some people who visit this forum who are so deluded that they think the BBC is not biased. They need help.


    • Guest Who says:

      Have to say the BBC’s contribution to the latest Labour implosion is proving gripping, as they only can respond following lines to take, and in this case the options all involve ideological fellow travellers knocking spots off each other.

      Hence we have Prezza weighing in with BBC support, flailing about, and then…. calling for calm.

      I’m only surprised the BBC doesn’t found its own political party to shoulder the opposition role it knows it can fight better.

      Nick R must be giggling at what Laura K has stepped into.


  33. Umbongo says:

    Love the shrieky Mrs Balls this morning on Today. Apparently – according to her – there are or soon will be “5 million children in absolute poverty” in the UK and the wicked Tories are going to slash all government expenditure by 40 %. Humphrys just let this crap pass into the aether unchallenged. It’s all very well Humphrys insisting on Mrs Balls defining her general position between Blair and Corbyn (a predictably pat-a-cake question, the anodyne response to which was, I’m sure, already prepared) but unless he – and other interviewers – call her (and her fellow candidates) on the obvious lies and exaggerations, what’s the point?


  34. Doublethinker says:

    Surely contributors and readers of this site are not surprised by the BBC’c wall to wall coverage of the Labour Party leadership contest. This is an existensionalist threat to Auntie, an unelectable Labour party means the BBC has lost most of its political cover and the Tories will be much harder in the Charter Renewal negotiations.


  35. NCBBC says:

    Glad to see some security for the site.

    Thanks David


  36. Umbongo says:

    Another signature instance of crapola reporting and bias: Harrabin (in the Radio 4 8:00 “news”) reported the latest announcement from Edinburgh to the effect that the SNP has ensured that Scotland will meet its renewable energy targets through, among other things, constructing more heavily subsidised on-shore wind factories. Harrabin – a “reporter” apparently – doesn’t even touch the basics. For instance, why not tell us, in passing, what the subsidy component of the price of the energy produced is and, as important, and who pays the subsidy? This might inform the public about the gross waste of their money going into this expensive and inefficient technology. But no, all Harrabin is interested in telling us is that Scotland, at least, will be able to stand tall at the Paris warmist conference later this year (with the implication that the Tories are letting down the side again!). He could also comment – and give reliable figures (as if!) – on the number of (non)jobs created in renewables and how many real jobs have been sacrificed as a result.


    • GCooper says:

      There is a positive side to Harrabin’s ridiculous zealotry. He is so far removed from being an unbiased reporter that it is blindingly obvious to anyone. His name attached to a story might as well be read as ‘Rubbish – please ignore’ and I’m sure most sensible people do just that.


      • Steve Jones says:

        Harrabin was probably one of those verbose Dave Spart (For the younger ones here think Student Grant from Viz.) clones at university that would bang on ad nauseum about anything and everything left-wing. Unfortunately, he seems to have found a route from the Student Union bar to our beloved national broadcaster and is now able to force his nonsense on a much wider audience.
        As has been mentioned before, his degree subject does not qualify him to comment on any scientific matter anyway but that does not matter at the modern, all-inclusive, BBC.


  37. NCBBC says:

    Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch

    This BBC article is circulating widely, but it raises more questions than it answers, and reveals more about the wishful thinking of the academic and media establishments than it does about the Qur’an.



    • nogginator says:

      Ah … but not at the Al BBC, who by now, have waders on to trawl through all the ejaculate, and bullsh-t going around in the Religious Programmes Dept, anyone see a “special”, and a documentary on the horizon?.

      “raises more questions than it answers, and reveals more about wishful thinking”
      maybe?, could be?, possibly?

      Anyway in true Donald Trump style …
      Look that’s non of your business, but its it s the greatest find
      Has its text been altered? … that’s non of your business
      but it IS … the greatest, most fantastic, stunning
      Does it correspond to the modern standard Qur’anic text?
      look don t interrupt, and by the way that’s non of your business … but
      Its the greatest, most fantastic, there have been other korans
      but not like this … this is the most oldest ,most valuable etc, etc


  38. Geoff says:

    Good work all, some much needed security has at last been added.

    My consumption of bBC has been almost zero since Monday hence my absence! Much recommend!

    Are the bBC all over the latest child abuse claims like they have were with the ‘Young One’ ? Maybe that’s a silly question as these latest claims appear to be against Tory’s…


  39. NCBBC says:

    From the BBC article

    “In any case, this – along with the sheer beauty of the content and the surprisingly clear Hijazi script – is news to rejoice Muslim hearts.”

    Whats this “sheer beauty of the content “? guidance. Does it mean allude to texts on how and when to slaughter Infidels?


    • LynetteO says:

      . British Moslem schools need to be monitored for their teaching in case they are infected by these teachings. Palestinian Media Watch has prepared a comprehensive report on Palestinian Authority Education. http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=15264
      It includes chapters on names of schools (dozens named after terrorists), school activities (visiting homes of terrorists), statements and activities of educators (e.g., presenting murderers as role models and promising a world without Israel, schoolbooks, informal education (children reciting poems on children’s TV programs: e.g., Jews are monkeys and pigs; Tel Aviv Is “ occupied Palestine”), and a chapter with examples of honoring Hitler.


  40. Guest Who says:


    ‘Pat on the back for the BBC researcher who dug this out of the archives’

    Indeed; if a bit… selective?

    What was it about the target if not the topic that first inspired this diligent seeker after truth?

    It was, after all, a different time.



  41. Geoff says:

    Not sure about the validity of this, but it wouldn’t surprise me.


  42. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    This seems to be the bBBC’s latest attempt at a comedy.
    “We want the people of Britain to have their say so their voices are heard the loudest”


    • Dave S says:

      Very funny. Where do they find these people?


      • ObiWan says:

        “…Very funny. Where do they find these people?

        They have a members-only club called Common Purpose.

        Ms Fairhead, could make good on her witless platitude by…oh, I dunno, how about giving air time to a genuinely right of centre voice now and again..?

        Just an idea.


    • Umbongo says:

      The “people of Britain” could have their say every hour of every day of the week were the BBC subscription based. I don’t think Rona actually meant that. Rather the most she’s willing to concede is a type of African “democracy” – one man, one vote, once – and then when we’ve had our “say”, whatever that “say” concludes, it’ll be back to the lefty gravy train on the taxpayers’ dime.


    • dontblamemeivotedukip says:

      followed link and filled in survey for what its worth


  43. Umbongo says:

    On Thought for the Day this morning the Rev Canon Angela Tilby of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford told us all about her interactions at school with her Jewish fellow pupils. She tells us that she soon got used to their odd foreign ways and, in the end, treated them as almost normal. According to her CV she attended North London Collegiate School from 1961 to 1968. I attended a grammar school – also in North London – half a decade previously.

    As far as I recall, the Jews in my school – many of whom remain friends to this day – had no funny foreign ways; ever. Sure they attended synagogue on a Saturday and I went to church on Sunday and some – not many I should say – didn’t have the usual school dinner but, apart from that, they were absolutely “normal” and socially integrated. I didn’t have to get used to anything. Nor do I preen myself in retrospect, as does Rev Tilby, for my “tolerance”.

    Accordingly and manifestly, Rev Tilby is talking the usual BBC/CoE bollocks in attempting to get Islam off the hook of its own intolerance and all-round odiousness. Worse, as part of that bollocks, she is happy to smear 1. every non-Moslem minority and 2. the white Christian (nominally or otherwise) majority for the general failure of the Moslem community to either integrate or even wish to integrate. In TilbyWorld and W1A “it’s nothing to do with Islam”: the failure of Islamic integration in the UK is the fault of the host community for failing to change sufficiently to accommodate Islam’s “funny foreign ways”. God (as interpreted by his representatives in the established church) forbid that the followers of Islam should accommodate to our ways – or leave.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘As far as I recall, the Jews in my school – many of whom remain friends to this day – had no funny foreign ways; ever.’

      Couldn’t agree more. I was at a north London school in the 1970s which was up to 1/3 Jewish. There simply were no ‘funny foreign ways’.

      Perhaps the BBC’s trendy Rev could enlighten us as to what she found ‘foreign’ or ‘funny’ about her jewish schoolmates?

      When Christ shared a morality parable with his audience they tended to refer to actual known shared facts and true common experiences.

      Stories about fishing nets or tax collectors.

      The post war British Jewish population was a world away from current immigrant waves in terms of culture and integration.

      Nice try, BBC, but your parable of the immigrants fails.


      • ObiWan says:

        “…Nice try, BBC, but your parable of the immigrants fails.”

        It wasn’t meant to succeed, but rather to ‘nudge’. The BBC specialises in ‘nudging’. It’s what it sees as its public service remit: to ‘nudge’ us all incrementally towards its preferred narratives on everything from ‘multiculturalism’ to so-called ‘man-made climate change’ (whatever that is this year).

        Drip-drip-drip. A little here, a little there.

        Beware of the ‘nudge’. Once you start to listen for it on the BBC you starting recognising it all over the place.


        • ID says:

          Yes, “Brits Abroad” on R4 seems to be taking a slightly new nudging tack on the joys of mass immigration. Apparently Brits abroad can’t be bothered to learn the language and don’t have friends outside the expat community. I suppose we are meant to judge our Muslim fellow citizens less harshly for their lack of English, clannishness, propensity to violence and general distain for things Western.


    • Up2snuff says:

      “In TilbyWorld and W1A “it’s nothing to do with Islam”: …”

      IMV, this is where future trouble and danger lie.

      Eventually as more people believe that phrase, they will be quite placid about and benign toward the specific ‘religion’ but will become increasingly angry with and toward its people. Which will be both misguided & wrong. The fault is in the ‘so-called religion’ and it is important to know the history of Islam. Tilby should have been taught it at Theological College. Am surprised that she appears to either not know or is eager to turn her back on her education in order to parrot a PC meme.



  44. Steve Jones says:

    Despite a huge budget and thousands of journalists the BBC has failed to work out that it is the only organisation outside the Labour Party that gives a stuff about the leadership contest. There are quite a few hints in the comments after this article:
    showing what the public thinks. The BBC can have that tip-off from me for free.


    • ObiWan says:

      Don’t spoil the fun, Steve. Newsnight has never been funnier than it is at the moment. The BBC, having no interest at all in the democratically elected Government of the day (because they are filthy Tories), has decided that what the nation is actually desperate for is a blow-by-blow account of the Labour Leadership election.

      Whilst most of us here might actually find that…well, biased of the BBC (perish the thought!), one vague consolation for us is that it does inadvertently provide hours of mirth as we endure the sight of the BBC and its Labour acolytes (or is it the other way around?) navel-gazing each other in intimate, painful (and hilarious) detail.


      • Steve Jones says:

        You are quite right, it is a joy to watch the BBC contorting itself as it agonizes over the leadership contest and the political oblivion that awaits the Labour Party.
        The BBC is showing that it doesn’t actually like the genuine left-wing that Corbyn represents.


      • dontblamemeivotedukip says:

        This might make you laugh


        • Steve Jones says:

          Thanks for that, it did make me laugh.
          Another champagne socialist outed for what he is. Are people really so stupid that they can’t see through student politicians as shallow as Owen Jones?
          He has no genuine conviction to the cause he spouts. I’ll do it if everybody else does, good stuff Owen. Your motto should be, “Follow me people, I’m right behind you.”


  45. taffman says:

    ‘AliBaba telly’, reporting “Migrant activity disrupts Tunnel”- “Intensive migrant activity” caused by “intrusion” and “very high levels of traffic ” quoting Eurotunnel.
    How long is this illegal invasion going to go on for ? What is our PM and Home Secretary doing about it ?
    It is almost as if they are all turning a blind eye to it .
    These illegal invaders would not be there if they thought it was impossible to get in .


    • taffman says:

      ‘AliBaba telly’, are covering this again today, reporting that 5000 ‘migrants’ are in Calais.
      All jokes aside , we are being threatened by invasion . It is costing the economy millions each year. How many of these ‘illegals’ are terrorists ? How many are here already ? Its time for our so called Prime Minister to call the troops out or we will be paying a high price for this negligence in the near future .


  46. dontblamemeivotedukip says:

    What no avatar option? I am disappointed , still at least I got my nom de plume before some one nicked it.


    • Teddy Bear says:

      Thanks to Rufus McDufus for the answer to this one.
      I’d forgotten how I did mine originally.
      Register on Gravatar which is linked to WordPress, and make sure your email address matches the one used here. then you can upload your avatar there and it will show here.


  47. Glen says:


    Found this little piece on the recent Panorama programme about the Israeli train that is,erm, destroying the peace and apparently racist against the Palestinians…slight exaggeration but that is how ridiculous the bbc is!!


  48. Al Shubtill says:

    I heard part of the Jeremy Vine Show today, about deaths in police custody; Jezza asked an interviewee why the police take mobile phones off those arrested and they aren’t allowed to have them in their cells?
    FFS This man is a Durham Uni graduate and a senior BBC TV and radio journalist and he asks a question like that!
    I would have thought the obvious reasons, amongst others, would be preventing those being held from: contacting other criminals – to warn them of imminent arrest, to dispose of incriminating evidence, to intimidate / coerce /beat up / murder witnesses, to organise an alibi etc etc.
    Jeremy Vine should not be presenting the flagship talk show on Radio 2: he isn’t up to it.


    • Rampage says:

      I seem to remember some time ago the halfwit leading a discussion about overcrowding on trains. He suggested it might be safer if trains WERE overcrowded as in the event of a crash it would have a cushioning effect on the passengers???

      The man has about as much common sense as a jar of worms.


  49. The Old Bloke says:

    Mr Vine was indeed at Durham but came out with a 2:2 in English. The other English student Harrabin is on a par with Mr Vine, well suited to the BBC, they both know jack sh*t but are good at reading.


  50. Flexdream says:

    Stop Press. BBC news website leads with an ”exclusive’ as ‘Obama urges UK to stay in the European Union’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33646704
    Whose interests does he have in mind, given that the same Obama put his ‘boot on the throat’ of BP?


    • taffman says:

      Well in the words of the often misquoted little Welsh lass ‘he would say that wouldn’t he’.


      • Guest Who says:

        They seem very proud of their exclusive.

        As Mrs. Merton might say in complement, ‘what was it about the uncritical sycophancy of the BBC that first attracted the President to share his wisdom via them alone?’.


    • Deborah says:

      The Beeb reported several months ago the very same story (sorry but away from home and on iPad having more than one window open difficult). But a lame duck President who has just made a mess of negotiations with Iran to ensure he leaves a ‘legacy’ (and what a legacy it will prove to be) is not very impressive. Does anyone other than someone working at the BBC really think Obama has sufficient knowledge of the UK society and industry to really know what is best for British people?


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Obama – that great friend and admirer of the U.K., the one who had the bust of Winston Churchill (loaned from the British Embassy) removed from the Oval Office when he became President; then had his minions try to deny it and (unsuccessfully) cover up what he’d done.


    • LostOverThere says:

      Top story now in Barry’s claim that the gun laws are his biggest regret


      Weird, his big election promise was health reform, I thought that would be his No1 regret

      Barry has a lot in common with Bliar. All style, no substance, flits from one big issue to the next , with no thought of the repercussions, just desperately looking for a legacy to hang his name onto. And above all, has a compliant press failing to question him on his actions. Eh, Auntie?