Here you go, a NEW Open Thread to see us off into the weekend! Hope you are enjoying the new environment, once we all settle in I think it will be great! Detail the bias here please.
BBC World News at 7 last night. Beeboid asked a Kenyan government minister what she thought of Obama. Beeboid almost speechless when she said ” I give him 5 out of 10 ” !
BBC and Kenyans trotting out the same old “first black President” crap, so racist and sexist at the same time !
I am looking forward to the BBC covering Allen West’s response to the Iran nuke deal. I happen to know that Allen West does not give a shit about skin colour but as it is so important to BBC racists, perhaps they ought to acknowledge this man and his arguments.
Obama/Kerry -BBC view.
Obama – President Obama turned “Yes we can” into – OBAMA: “Yes we did.” SOPEL,(BBC): “Yes we did.” OBAMA: Yeah. Its unfinished business” etc.
Kerry BBC – A better deal ‘a fantasy’ says Kerry
Yet another case of Asians , mainly or exclusively Muslims, conducting industrial scale abuse of very young white girls. As with so many of the other cases the council seem to have known about it but did nothing. The BBC, true to the corrupt and disgusting standard of reporting that we are becoming used to, allowed a Muslim council official to claim that ‘statistically there are more cases of white on white abuse’, without any attempt to challenge this rubbish. Presumably hoping to make listeners think that the epidemic of abuse that we are witnessing in our midst is not down to Muslims.
The BBC should be rooting this abuse out. They should be running investigations into the reasons why Muslim men abuse white girls apparently with the consent of council officials and police up and down the land. Instead the BBC acts as an apologist for Islam and the perpetrators and tries to leave the impression that the girls are at least in part complicit in their own abuse and that white men are just as likely to abuse girls as Muslims.
Really people should ask themselves why should we pay a BBC Tax when the BBC has such an anti British bias and is quite happy to suppress the truth and tell outright lies in support of its multiculty goal.
By 5.50 pm PM had got worse! We had a 5 minute piece from a Muslim woman given the platform to tell us all how Islam was a ROP and how upset she was by the PMs speech urging Muslims in the UK to do more to oppose radicals in their midst. It is clear that, at best ,the BBC is going to maintain its policy of moral relativism , at worst, the BBC is going to become even more pro Islam and anti Christian/white Brits.
If the BBC wants to consult the people about Charter Renewal we should all make sure that their love of Islam and hatred of Britain and the British, is the key battle ground.
The BBC still uses the phrase “the alleged Trojan Horse plot” – used on the Today programme earlier this week Everyone else accepts that the plan to take over schools was real, but not the BBC.
Excellent point, RJ. The BBC’s sly but subtle use of language* is a major weapon regularly deployed in their propaganda/brainwashing war.
*Another example: ‘The claimed pause in global warming’.
In fact, I will attempt to maintain a log of on-going examples and post at some future date, the only trouble being I listen to the BBC less and less these days for obvious reasons….
Really people should ask themselves why should we pay a BBC Tax
Or for that matter what use is the police if they do sod all when tens of thousands of young girls are being raped by Pakistani ha ha ha “heritage ” gangs.
This is the most shameful episode in the history of any nation. Cant think of any incident in history where the authorities knowingly allowed brutal gang rapes of tens of thousands of young White girls by immigrant gangs of Pakistani “heritage”.
War crime of the worst sort, allowed by an authority on their own kith & kin young girls, in peacetime.
Does the BBCs worshipful adoration of Obama know any bounds?
I’ve just heard them refer to Obamas grandmothers house as the “Obama ancestral home” !
An ancestral home is the place of origin of one’s extended family, or the home owned and preserved by the same family for several generations.
I don’t know where to start with this one. It’s a one-sided stitch up throughout, so I’ll just mention the first major irritant: The presenter talks about GI’s hero, Martel, talking about how he “removed Muslims from France….violently”.
What she fails to mention is that he was removing an invading army from France. FFS.
You don’t like Islam so you’re Islamophobic ! So the BBC now believes that it is the law that people in the UK have to like Islam or they’re committing a crime ?
The members of Generation Identitaire (GI) tried to respond to this BBC biased woman, who was fixated with their resistance to the Islamification of France and the rest of Europe. For her Islamophobia was a term with meaning and she equated it it with racism. But that is the BBC left – argument by caricaturing the other person. GI is arty farty in a peculiar French way, but resonates with respect for French/European traditions, such as respect for the family, history, and resistance to multiculturalism. A brief account of their origins and development is in this link, but I suggest checking out their FB pages. They also exhibit a sense of humour, as when they called upon a militant feminazi location handing out flowers and Valentine cards.
There is no point in blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it rapes on an industrial scale, honour killings, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us.
Muslims are doing what they are required to do as required by their religion. Islam makes it quite clear that that is the intent. Anjem Chaudary also has made that clear for decades. No, the fault lies with us. And if we didn’t know this would happen when the idiot and ignorant political elite allowed Muslims into the country, then that is our misfortune for continuously electing them.
I’m certain of that only if they dont fall for the “victim strategy” that Muslims are expert in. We see this after every major terrorist act since 9/11. Before the bodies are cold, Muslims are claming that they are the victims, and they are deadly afraid of a “backlash” – which never seems to happen. And ocourse an hijab was tugged by some racist Islamophobe. Even the last is never substansiated.
Bear in mind, that the BBC will be on the Muslim victimhood mongers, unless the government warns the BBC, that they wont tolerate that attitude.
Terrorism is rife in the UK. Tens of thousands of young English girls have been brutally raped, and the BBC has hid that from the people.
It is not safe for the British servicemen and women to walk the streets of Britain. Yes Britain, not Iraq.
It is not safe for the British police to arrest people in Muslims areas, and this BBC girl cannot what Islam/Muslims are doing to Britain.
Why? Because for this girl, the only reality is what the BBC broadcasts. If the BBC did not broadcast that tens of thousands of young English girls were brutally raped by Muslims, then it did not happen, and anyone who says otherwise is an Islamophobe.
Now that the BBC is admitting that there were some rapes, but by Asians, I’m certain this girl beleives that “Asians” were responsinbe for some of these rapes.
This young girl has been thoroughly brainwashed by the BBC . To be pitied rather then pilloried.
The usual ignorance of history by the BBC reporter. She has a so obvious agenda and nothing must get in her way.
What a useless lot they are. Hive and more hive. A cultural marxist to her fingertips.
The exiled Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Iraq, is warning westerners about welcoming an increasing number of Muslims into their countries, naively believing that they too believe in democratic principles.
“Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future,” said Archbishop Amel Shimoun Nona in an interview by Corriere della Sera. “I lost my diocese. The physical setting of my apostolate has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want us converted or dead. But my community is still alive.”
The archbishop’s interview was reported by the blog Rorate Caeli.
The archbishop warned: Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.
We don’t seem to realize how close we came to sink in perpetual barbarity, just as the Islamic world is. We don’t seem to realise, that had it not been for the brave Christian soldiers at Vienna, Lepanto and Potiers, there would be no Western civilisation. Or for that matter, art, music, engineering and science, and all the rest that Western civilisation is, which has become the envy, and template for the rest of the world.
Edward Gibbon noted five signs that presaged the collapse of the Roman Empire:
1) Ostentatious displays of wealth.
2) A preoccupation with sex.
3) A huge gap between the rich and the poor.
4) Freakishness in the arts and outlandish enthusiasms pretending to be creativity.
5) A strong desire to live off the state.
All these traits are exhibited in present day society.
IN addition those ‘men’ have been at it again, in another paedophile sex ring in Aylesbury.
Their names are
Vikram Singh, 45,
Harmohan Nangpal, 41,
Asif Hussain, 33,
Arshad Jani, 33,
Mohammed Imran, 38,
Faisal Iqbal, 32,
Taimoor Khan 28,
Akbari Khan, 36,
Jerome Joe, 35,
Sajad Ali, 35
Sohail Qamar, 41
If I can find their names and ages so easily on the web carried by mainstream left wing media, why is the BBC so coy about telling us, and so concerned about covering up their identity?
and … BBC get it right … its 11 not 6 Islamic paedo s
YEP! folks the photo s give it away …
Up pops “Former Aylesbury mayor Niknam Hussain ”
for comment … seen that photo, if he s the mayor eh!?
Still on the insufferable liability of the “religion” of paeds front
“The witless panderer Cameron insisted in his speech that Islam was a peaceful religion, but this sop to the War-Is-Deceit crowd didn’t placate them.
The fact that he is talking about Islamic terrorism at all, in however toothless and mealy-mouthed a fashion, sends them into paroxysms of rage”
R Spencer
One BBC report today seemed to be playing up an Indian rather than a Pakistani connection. I assume that was because 1 of the 11 is called Singh. BBC forgetfulness over the other 10.
why is the BBC so coy about telling us, and so concerned about covering up their identity?
Why indeed.
As I’ve said, the 1400 in Rotherham is merely the tip of the iceberg. The real figure is quite likely in the 30,000 mark, if not higher. Such is the scale of this war crime, that every suberfuge/tactic is going to be employed to bury it. No Chief constables are going to be investigated as they will immediately point the finger upwards.
The EDL tried but they were demonised, and Tommy Robinson incarcerated without charge.
I dont blame the establishment for doing what it is doing now to bury the crime. Such is the scale of the war crime, that it has the potential to destroy the UK.
I just switched on the TV on BBC2 to find an episode of Are You Being Served? I hadn’t realised that product placement was obvious on the BBC at that time the programme was made but it was blatant and obvious. Mrs Slocome had a drink problem and was swigging gin and tonics. Mr Humphries found a bottle of the mixer, held it for several seconds, label facing directly to the camera. Schhhhhhhh……you know who.
BBC Six News leads inevitably with the Sopel interview with the Socialist-in-Chief, and how brilliantly brilliant he is, and how he’s going to solve all Africa’s problems in one short visit. Then we have Alistair Leithhead direct from Nairobi virtually wetting himself over Obama’s visit and how he’ll improve trade etc etc, and then interrupts himself to excitedly announce that The Great Man has landed.
Colonel Alan West for President.
I saw Leithhead’s excitement that the President had landed in a country that is neither the U.S. nor the UK. I wondered why this is news and if it is going to be BBC policy to tell us each time the President takes off and lands. (Of course should the next President be Republican the policy will be discontinued).
BBC news report on October introduction of carrier bag tax – Totally welcoming and uncritical with no opposing views presented. I can’t remember any other government policy announcement greeted so uncritically. Reasons for objecting include:
– Forcing the reuse of carrier bags for raw meat could lead to food poisoning.
– Modern carrier bags have negligible weight and environmental footprint.
– The outer carrier bag is insignificant compared to the individual packaging of every product. Even a packet of biscuits uses more materials.
– It’s just another unnecessary tax on the poor
Trust the BBC to offer totally one-sided support to idiotic new green taxes.
The BBC can be relied on to uncritically support any measure deemed to be ‘Green’. No doubt they would try to claim that ‘environmentalism’ isn’t political but, off course, it most certainly is when it is hijacked as a cloak to wrap around Marxist ideas in an attempt to make them more palatable.
The carrier bag tax is a stupid, cynical, token measure. Just the sort of thing the BBC would normally be expected to be critical of.
Quite. I have always said that carrier bags are an ideal way to sequester carbon and prevent it from entering the atmosphere. Provided they are not allowed to break down at all.
We should all be encouraged to use as many plastic carriers as possible, and ensure they are placed in landfill, as a way of recycling petrochemicals straight back into the ground.. In fact, they should be subsidised, not penalised.
I never reuse a carrier bag in which I have brought home a raw chicken as I understand that the bacteria that can make you ill are frequently found on the exterior of the wrapping. To be fair I suppose I have not heard of thousands dying from reusing these bags but I will accept that the price of the chicken has gone up 5p. (thank you Mr Clegg who claimed this policy as his own increasing the cost to poor families).
In the US may towns put complete bans on plastic bags forcing reusable bags on the public. Result; an increase in food poisoning and a re-think.
Examples can be found pretty quickly using a basic search (obviously not available in the BBC). Even in the liberal press (US liberal). People simply don’t behave as the governing powers expect all the time.
Another Muslim child rape gang, but the BBC and the rest of the spineless media and politically correct authorities REFUSE to accept and discuss in any depth both the cultural and religious factors that result in these repugnant and hideous crimes!
How much longer are we to have to put up with this s**t from these b@st@rds! I mean FFS; can there ever be a day when there is a national news programme, without a report on some evil they’ve been perpetrating somewhere?
The BBC, as usual, have nothing to say about any common link between these ‘Asian’ men. It really is disgusting – it’s politically correct censorship; a wilful under reporting of the facts and a conscious decision to set aside journalism in preference of political agenda.
So now we get the PATHETIC and cowardly play on words with the BBC using the prefix ‘so-called’ before Islamic State. I wonder whether the bBC would go to the same gutless lengths of apologist hand-wringing if it were an extremist Christian terrorist group?
Because it is axiomatic for the BBC that Islam is the only Religion of Peace. There is a contradiction if people who commit obscene acts of violence also claim to belong to an Islamic state. Either these people are deluded, or don’t understand Islam, or are Jewish/UKIP agents provocateurs trying to blacken Islam. It’s not the state part of the designation that is “so called” but the Islamic bit. The state can”t have anything to do with Islam by definition. As Christianity is not the ROP, there is no contradiction when Christians commit obscene acts of violence – they are not votaries of the ROP.
Here’s a thought. How would you describe the political centre of gravity of LBC? To me it’s all over the place with all shades of opinion, and is refreshingly unbiased with representative audiences when it comes to debates.
Now compare and contrast with the BBC where the impartialiaty is pretence and the bias is apparent.
True, I like to listen to Nick Ferrari in the mornings then my little daily pleasure is to click off the socket with my foot when O’brien comes on. ? Happy days ?
I foolishly turned on Any Questions tonight but was pleasantly surprised to hear Frank Field explain why a discussion of “British values” was irrelevant before uncontrolled mass immigration, namely because Britain was a “hideously white”, more or less cohesive monoculture, acting British was essentially the result of being raised British. There seemed to be a fleeting grasp that this was the case. But, of course, some leftist twat only has to pipe up with “something must be wrong with Western Society”, the insight evaporates, and the the the panel’s multicultural blinkers are safely back in place. It may be true that silencing non violent extremists will now destroy our freedom of speech, but all that was preprogrammed with the mass colonisation of Britain by people who had no understanding of the British way of life and no desire to change their worldview to participate in it. Secular Turks have been writing for decades that Islam and Democracy are not compatible. If that is true for Turkey who but a bufoon would think it less true for Britain.
I’m glad you switched on and made this posting ID. ‘The insight evaporates’ – you nailed the common BBC dumbing down phenomenon in three words. Well done. This is clear bias against allowing reasoned arguments to be completed and explored. A very common BBC bias type, indicative of the cultural prejudices, capabilities and capacities of its employees.
It also gives me the opportunity to say what a reasonable, reasoning, intelligent and wise man I think Frank Field is, even if he does remain a Labour loyalist. He deserves more air time and a better platform to explain his take on EU membership, border and immigration controls, social cohesion/division and their influence on our ability to plan our public services. I hope Breitbart give him that platform. They are a political news outlet which appear to be interested in a positive future for our nation, and they would do well to provide Frank Field with a medium to express his perspectives, without the noise and interference that comes with the BBC.
To cheer us all up I will tell you of a visit this week to one of my grandson’s primary school leaving service in his local church .
A village somewhere in England. The church goes back to Saxon times .The village has an old English name.
It is a fine place to live and bring up children. It is not multicultural or multiracial in any way at all. It is as it has been for generations..English through and through and we who are of that stock know exactly what that means.
That is has survived is remarkable but there are far more places like this than our liberal elite would admit to and no doubt the BBC would rather they did not exist. After all they do not reflect the new England the cultural marxists dream of forcing into being.
The faces of the children and the congregation could come from any time in the last thousand plus years.
Simply put they are the people of old England and they are not to be trifled with much longer.
The villlage is very popular and the funny thing is that incomers are exactly like the residents. I wonder why?
The children are well behaved .Polite and hard working and have achieved much.
It is not that sort of school you see on the news items so beloved by our BBC/liberal media. The average producer/reporter would run a mile from it.
It is a little miracle that it still exists in 2015. The elite will destroy it and the village if it gets the chance and it is our task to stop them.
In the cultural war for this old land we cannot afford to listen to their arguments or give them the satisfaction of allowing them to attack our culture on their terms.
I do depise the BBC and this village is a main reason why. It exists despite the propaganda pumped into us and our children for over 50 years now.
A real English trait is stubborness and never was it needed more .
Excellent post. I live in a village just like the one you describe and that is what England means to me. I no longer recognise the version of my country portrayed on the Propaganda Channel.
Yes, I too am a product of the English village. A Devon Dumpling born and bred. I went back to my old childhood village a few weeks’ ago and had a few pints of real ale in the old pub. Still the same faces but also younger faces who’ve had enough of the city. England through and through! It is this England which comrade Corbyn and his revolting commie playmates hate. When civil war comes in the years ahead, the good old village could be locus of merry old England’s fightback! Pitch forks at the ready…
I live in a village like that, with a school like that next door. My two grown-up sons live in other villages nearby and my grandson goes to that kind of school. None of us are native to the area, but we have assimilated completely. My grandson plays soccer for the village team against similar kids from similar villages, my daughter-in-law rides at a local equestrian centre and our family business is thriving.
It’s the kind of place the BBC hive-dwellers hate and detest.
The villages are becoming the boltholes of the English. We are finding cultural as well as physical refuge in the society of our own kind. The metropolitan centres beloved of the “liberal” elites who populate the media and political bubbles are becoming foreign wastelands as more and more English flee to the Shires and they are replaced with more and more incomers, who share neither our language, our culture or our values. The more this happens, the faster the trend will accelerate, as the cities become even more unbearable than they are now.
Already, houses, for sale or for rent, are snapped up in a matter of days and always by native English. The gentle, very English, self-imposed apartheid will become even more pronounced as time goes by, until there will actually be two distinct and discrete countries. Ultimately, when the fighting starts (as start it must……no population in human history has EVER willingly and peacefully surrendered their homeland to an invader), it will be from the villages and the Shires that we will launch the raids and then the full-scale attacks that will eventually recover our country.
What a wonderful future our generation will bequeath to our children and grandchildren.
Of course these villages will survive! Where else will the like of Harriet Harperson and Billy Bragg live in their desperation to get away from the multicultural hellholes they have created ?
Two things wrong with your ironic ( I hope ) comment. Bragg and his like would be found out as wrong uns in a heartbeat . The other is that we will have a struggle to save the villages and small towns so pervasive has the influence of that dreadful city London become.
Not that the Shire English ever had much time for London.
Quite correct DS – that is why it is so dangerous to devolve greater powers to the “Northern Powerhouse” (wtf?) cities as Osborne proposes. As the demographic of these places become increasingly Islamic in character which leads to more white flight: you will end up with similar situations as that which evolved in Tower Hamlets; but on a much, much bigger scale and with far, far larger council budgets.
Interesting spin by the BBC. The number of Bee Keepers is in decline not Bee’s . Probably too cold for them humans it really is touch and go at the moment whether the old central heating will be on before the end of July isn’t it
But Bees are in decline elsewhere. – talking about bees – Israeli bumblebees are being sent to Japan to help make up for a lack of bees caused by increased use of pesticides in the rice fields. Israel’s Bio Bee firm, at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, ships the bees in spacious hives, each with an impregnated queen bee and 50 worker bees.
BBC, tut tuts and reports that two of the children from Aylesbury gang raped by Islamic paedo s, were reported on at least two occasions to the authorities over the last seven years,(and if they admit that, you can probably double it) … and were ignored.
A scandal? … well yes … the greatest, most abhorrent in living memory, a probably over a million victims, industrial scale abuse … OUR CHILDREN!
Enough to see politically correct garbage thrown right out the window.
You would hope our national broadcaster, would be screaming it out, over the last seven years.
Instead … they ignore the facts still … still wilfully attempt to deceive the public, and want to carry on with a “far right far right” puff piece about a photo of the queen when she was six, for a second week.
Here is a useful ‘PC’ glossary for AliBaba TV
Terrorists – ‘Militants’
Invaders – ‘Migrants
Rapists – ‘Groomers’
Murder – ‘Honour killing’
poisonous drugs – legal highs’
And I am sure there are many more.…..
“Increased migrant activity” – huge numbers of feral third worlders at Calais, attempting to illegally enter the U.K. by breaking into lorries, vans and caravans, often with the threat or use of violence.
Looting feral scum – ‘Political trailblazers’
That gem emanated from Paul Mason during the 2011 London riots. When he was still a ‘boid.
On another website a commenter said of Mason, ‘It must be embarrassing to get an erection every time you hear breaking glass.’
It’s the news the BBC misses that shows where they come from.
After reading quite a few articles about a rather controversial remark that Mrs. Clinton made about “young black man in hoodies”, I went to the BBC site and there to my surprise was an article headlined “Hilary troubles”. Oh ho! says I, at last they are listening to their critics. Then I clicked on the article. It is all about Hilary’s email troubles.
There is not a single word that I can find on the BBC site concerning this:
“I mean if we’re honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear,” Clinton said.
As many US commentators (of a certain persuasion) are saying, just imagine if it had been a Republican who said that? I can certainly imagine that if Donald Trump had said it, the story would be plastered all over the BBC from now until another Republican made another controversial remark.
BBC ‘news’ vs. BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
They can’t be expected to cover everything. Especially with all the cuts.
Meanwhile an edgy young market rate exec creates an edgy new online magazine channel to send edgy young comedic activists to far flung places with a full crew to ‘report’.
Loving the sport this morning it’s a true English fest . Mohammed who ran round a track and won and yes you’ve guessed it Mohammed the cricketer who’s ambitions were to be a bog cleaner at his local mosque or to own his own chip shop – sausage in batter and chips please young Mohammed my good man maybe wrap it in that book all about head surgery
The BBC have been running the claim by Barnados that they told the council in 2008 that abuse might have been happening. I find any claim by Barnados extremely dubious given that their Head, Martin Narey ex civil service ‘diversity champion’ (read chief PC enforcement officer), refused to accept that there even was a problem with the rape of white girls by Pakistani Muslim gangs.
We are fortunate that this is still a matter of record:
“I certainly don’t think this is a Pakistani thing. My staff would say that there is an over-representation of people from minority ethnic groups – Afghans, people from Arabic nations – but it’s not just one nation.””
A retired Police Chief Superintendent from Leeds who had also drunk the coolaid said
“I’m not suggesting, and I do not think anybody is, that it is a problem within a community,”
What this country so very badly needs is an independent unbiased broadcaster, to look back in the very recent history. To extract the comments made by the loons in charge of public services and charities, and to present those individuals with their own idiocy !
Political Correctness is a monster which needs to be dragged out of the shadows into the glaring light of day for the people to see it for what it is.
After the Heywood case, Jack Straw made certain comments about Pakistani Muslims grooming white children. Fascists within the Labour party attacked him for ‘stereotyping’ their favourite brown eyed boys.
All these people need to be dragged in front of a camera and made to explain why they said the things they did.
This IS the scandal of the generation, for the No10 Traitors, the Al BBC, the Police, and all the deliberately, wilfully blind in between
… its still going on, it ain t going away, and its a 99.9% Islamic issue. 1 million victims, industrial scale, the “norm” in many cities.
… as is current terrorism
… as is the future terrorism
… as is instilling a parallel legal system
… as is the mandate for a 5th column right here
… as is the perversion of our education system
Trojan Horse Birmingham/Bradford… how about this?
… as is the perversion of our education system here, Dewsbury
“A Muslim boarding school has been rated “good” by Ofsted, despite threatening to expel students if they mix with other children. The Institute of Islamic Education in Dewsbury was praised by the education watchdog despite its pupils being taught not to speak to the media and being banned from watching TV, listening to the radio or reading newspapers.
Sky News obtained copies of documents given to parents which state that students “socialising with outsiders… will be expelled if there is no improvement after cautioning.”
Faith school bans pupils from meeting ‘outsiders’
Dont’t forget that Barnardo’s chief ex is…..Javed Khan,
Quote: “Javed Khan has twenty eight years’ experience in the UK public and voluntary sectors, and has developed a track record of successfully managing change through key high profile leadership roles.”
What does that mean exactly? Positive discrimination in my book.
If Javed Khan or any other of the patronising, arrogant
deniers of THEIR responsibility had the shameful nerve to bleat, “lessons will be learned” to my face they would be picking up their teeth from the other side of the room.
These ARE racist, these are child gang rapists, who have arrogant nerve to threaten their victims mothers and families … because of their throwback cult, mandated in
its very texts.
1. Why do they do it?
2. Why don’t they attack young vulnerable muslim girls?
3. What would the consequences be of attacking young vulnerable muslim girls?
4. Are they therefore scared of attacking young vulnerable muslim girls?
5. Does this abhorrent behaviour occur in Pakistan?
6. What would be the consequences for the men if this happened in Pakistan?
Go on BBC! I dare you! I double dare you to ask these questions!
So of these questions they have asked so I’d be a bit careful if I were you.
In question 4 you make the assumption that they are not attacking Muslim girls, yet this is known to not be the case.
Question 2
They do attack vulnerable Muslim girls, although this might not be the same gangs / people.
Question 3
The consequences of doing so are very limited because of culture / Islam.
If a girl is no longer a virgin then she will be difficult for the family to sell / marry off, and if the attacker is a family member, and they often are because of the size of the extended families, then a prosecution would bring shame / dishonour on the family.
So for those reasons it is rare for it to be reported to the Police.
Question 5
Yes it does with men raping girls as well as boys, unreported for the reasons above.
Question 6
For those few who are reported it depends on where they are and who they are.
A member of a powerful warlord family in the North of Pakistan is unlikely to have anything happen. A low status family in the South would probably be lynched by a mob.
There has been a program about paedophilia in Pakistan.
Very interesting – and helps to explain why ‘British Muslims’ (in the guise of ‘Community Leaders’, Imams etc.) refuse to condemn the goings-on (and on) in Aylesbury, Rotherham, Oldham . . . etc.
The BBC is always anxious to assert that, in effect, ‘other grooming gangs are available’ and the men are of PREDOMINANTLY (not 100%) ‘Asian’ (not Muslim) origin, as they did in last night’s news. However, can anyone remember any cases of this type before The-Religion-Of-Peace (be upon it)’ taught us all they know?
Will any broadcaster ever state the blazingly obvious about this. Where are the raging feminists when you need them? Will the touchy-feelies ever wake up?
“Thoughtful” … I didn’t see “Dover Sentry” making any wishes.
I read his post as being questions he would like to see the BBC ask, and then hopefully receive answers from the great and the good, or even from the not so great and good.
You open your reply with, “So of these questions they have asked so I’d be a bit careful if I were you.” –
I presume that should be “Some of these questions they have asked […]”
*NOW*, could you kindly provide a link to where “they”, the BBC, *have* asked some of these questions?
When did this questioning happen?
Who were they asking them of?
What were the answers (if any)?
I would prefer a link to your claim that the BBC have already asked some of the questions that “Dover Sentry” asks. I do not require you to supply answers from various sources, especially sources which have no connection with the BBC.
What I am trying to point out here is that the questions already have been asked, and the answers are neither what might have been expected, nor helpful to our cause.
It might be said that these questions are perhaps better not asked!
The assertion by those on the left that ‘paedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of our society’ is I believe an attempt to make the UK appear just as bad as Pakistan is, and to give a foothold to those who wish to say that we are no different to them, and that Islam is not the cause.
The fact that a Pakistani Judge can regard paedophilia as preferable to Christianity illustrates how acceptable and normal paedophilia is in Pakistani culture and how intolerant they are of other faiths.
It might well be said that they are indeed victims, but not in the way the BBC sees them. In the Fascist oppressors heads Pakistanis and their culture are perfection personified, anyone who dared to challenge their culture was declare a ‘racist’ and all debate closed down. Now we see the results of that idiocy.
I remember two Jags Prescott telling us about getting the best from other cultures, and yet his party did nothing to extract that, while eliminating the bad. All the Fascists left us with is the worst from each culture because of their insanity.
Don’t you just love the BBC’s use of Newspeak as used in this article?
For the benefit of any BBC journos sniffing around this site, ‘migrant activity’ is where somebody arrives in the UK through the correct channels bearing their passport and requests temporary permission to visit or has made official arrangements to live/work in the UK. All other methods of entry to the UK are illegal. It really isn’t that difficult to grasp. Most people can work out that trying to sneak through a tunnel probably comes under the definition of illegal.
Steve you read my mind I was going to post similar all this use of the word migrant is just wrong. Look up the meaning in the dictionary BBC. So BBC what is the root cause of this country being more or less under a blockade can’t leave or get in via our own ports? Nobody cares to discuss that nor the problems this could potentially have with the movement of freight in and out being stopped.
I see even the Daily Mail is deleting/moderating all comments that highlight the pattern of Muslims involved in child grooming. The whole media are complicit in this cover up in my opinion. It is a disgrace that ‘Asian’ (which tars all Asians with the same brush) is being used instead of Muslims.
The media have zero problem in relating (quite rightly) the Catholic church with child abuse when the situation arises. It is yet another example of the authorities’ disgusting cowardice; they are petrified of offending Muslims.
There are instances of car abuse, as it is difficult to make a transition from a culture where sheep and goats can be sexual partners. I guess the traffic cops and organizations like the AA and RAC will turn a blind eye to car grooming.
Apologies if it caused offence. The objective was to satirize the inactivity of authorities towards the widely discussed evils of child abuse covered here. Obviously it failed.
Couldn’t agree more with everything Pat says, in particular regarding the poodle force. There was a piece on the bbc news app that reported on the fact that over 300 members of the poodle forces have been sacked for criminal activity!!
Not only are these people absolutely useless, they are criminals, preening, prancing cowards employed by the liberal left to carry out their warped agenda of protecting islam and the cult of multi. This is what the left give you, they are the worst criminals of all.
The Mail is notorious for manipulating comments. This is a screen shot of ‘worse rated’ comments when a certain woman was made a peer, not even just one green arrow, it would appear all and sundry disagreed, yet not one actual dissenting comment made it through.
Interesting to see that last comment about the woman running that Children’s charity, who has been in the news recently. Perhaps if she went to the Lords she could help resolve the expenses problem by insisting everyone uses cash.
When the BBC R4 broke the news on this first of all it sounded very much like No.10, at Cameron’s direction, was deliberately protecting Camilla & Kids Company. But then same day, same TODAY programme, the Beeb with some of its later contributors & commentators really started to have a go at Cameron. Evil Tories. Wicked Cameron. Heartless Osborne.
Hold no brief for the guy but if the DM story is right, the BBC have amply demonstrated their pro-Labour bias on this and really owe Cameron a public apology.
Why is it so many black people seem to conduct themselves with ‘dignity’?
The BBC even used the description when referring to Victoria Climbie’s parents at the trial of her murderers – the one’s those very same parents had entrusted with her care whilst they continued to live in another country.
Stephen Lawrence’s parents too – always ‘dignified’ apparently.
“The BBC – its programmes and services
1. Thinking about the range of services and programmes paid for by the licence fee, in your opinion, do you think that:
e. The BBC provides far too much
2. Please briefly tell us why you have said this
Licence Fee is good value compared to commercial peers, like Virgin, Sky if one wishes such output, quantity and quality produced, however the BBC Licence Tax is not something I want and is a regressive tax.
I say this with a belief that all taxes should only be for universal actual requirements, rather than leisure extras or luxuries which cannot easily be found on free-view, online or commercial media markets, for those that want such services, thus relieving tax payers who cannot afford, or do not wish, such BBC services.
This regressive tax results in the largest number of non-compliant individuals being dragged through our courts, much more than any other crime , (nearly 200,00 per annun). This certainly cannot be right particularly when the tax is so inefficiently used (see below).
I do believe there is a place for our Public Broadcaster, producing factual news and information for our citizens and informing the world about us and our land and culture.
This provision should be in accord with the Licence remit, i.e. without fear or favour and totally politically unbiased, (which I find it is not balanced). The BBC has a noticeable centre left ethos bias with so much of its news and current affairs output.
This bias does not match the majority of the Nations inhabitants who have have democratically voted in Governments 70% of the time which are right of centre, for over 100 years now.
Therefore the BBC are not representing the politcal balance of the Nation: Proof of this unbalance can be found with the online sites dedicated to highlighting this bias, (I can only find sites dedicated to ‘left’ bias, listing many thousands of individual actual examples, which provide tons of evidence): – (almost ever page of this top of the UK political blogs has comments referring to the BBC ‘left’ bias, with literally many thousands of comments listing such).
I personally come up against this whenever I watch BBC News or current affairs. Only this morning I was watching sky and saw a headline “Faith School Bans Pupils From Meeting ‘Outsiders’.
Wow, I thought this must be big news about our wonderful tolerant, charitable, kind, inclusive British way of life being undermined. I wondered what our National Broadcaster who one would have thought would defend our British way of life was saying about such an important Public Service newsworthy item. I cannot find even a mention on the BBC, (that is not meeting the BBC remit):
A vastly reduced BBC output would of course result in very little requirement for tax funding thus relieving regressive taxes.
The world has changed since the last Licence Review.
Nowadays we have a substantial choice of entertainment, information, educational, leisure and sport programmes which can be found on a plethora of commercial or free-view media.
There is no need any longer for our taxes to provide this enormous extra BBC Leisure output that can easily stifle the commercial markets through the BBC historical dominance. For example there are 8,000 BBC reporters, more than the combined total of ‘Fleet Street’ reporters.
Additionally the BBC have wasted so much of the licence fee with failed IT programmes, Lonely Planet purchase: and many other items like the move to Salford.
I also do not agree with the scandalous ginormous BBC management 6 figure salaries and pay-offs, nor do I agree that a tax funded organisation should run schemes for high paid staff/stars/presenters whose main income is the BBC but go self employed to avoid paying tax.
There are numerous other issues I have with the BBC that make me wish for the BBC to no longer be funded by my taxes:
I believe our National broadcaster should represent our minorities, but not at the expense of the majority of the nation, its culture and heritage. I find it absolutely incomprehensible, for example, why the BBC appoints a Muslim Head of Religion:
when we have two millennium Christian heritage and culture.
I also find the BBC has been a breeding ground for the Savlle and other paedophile scandals with their employers and that the BBC receives massive amounts of money from the EU and does not fairly report affairs concerning our membership. Immigration issues are not covered fully or honestly.
BBC lunchtime news, and excited teenager and sometime BBC correspondent Alistair Leithhead is drooling over Obama again.
“A bit of Swahili to endear him to his audience, as if that was even necessary” and “after recent terror attacks, Kenya’s image needs a boost, and it doesn’t get better than this”.
He then goes on to faithfully report the Obama nonsense about how brilliantly Africa is doing, studiously ignoring the little local difficulty around the Med, with all those (non) Africans queuing to leave that fantastic continent.
I never thought anyone would outdo Fatty Mardell, but Leithhead takes the gold in Obama sycophancy.
Don’t worry. The BBC have ‘drug cheat’ rumours smeared all over Froome, along with the usual ‘Why doesn’t Britain like Froome?’ angles. The magnificent human achievement of Chris Froome over the past three weeks (I follow the Tour) is hard to over-state. The BBC’s understanding of the sport is questionable, and the contempt for Froome as a human being and a honorable man, is tangible. Bradley Wiggins (rightly) was applauded and congratulated for his epic achievements. Then he was knighted. The same should be applause and congratulations should be afforded to Sir Chris Froome (now two time Tour de France winner) – but the BBC don’t like him, so I guess the idea is that we mustn’t either.
Forgive me, but for the BBC’s coverage of Chris Froome’s magnificent athletic prowess, grit, bravery, stamina and heart –
Didn’t the BBC go to great lengths recently to state that just because a certain athlete had missed a drugs test and his coach had been accused of doping there was no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of that certain athlete.
Can’t remember all the details but I am confident the BBC treats all athletes the same.
Is it maybe because he’s a white Kenyan brought up in South Africa and they can’t bring themselves to be overly gushing about the ‘white colonialist oppressor’?
I didn’t wish to speculate as to why the BBC sports editor has given sanction to contasting and bias coverage with respect to the achievements of Froome/Wiggins. I wished to record the fact that the BBC did so.
Michael Morpurgo on Any Questions explaining why we should stay in the EU (paraphrased):
‘Because we are so much better when we’re working to a common purpose’
Oh, you are so clever, Michael – right over the heads of 95% of the listening audience who are being gently brainwashed by you and your BBC/EU/UN Common Purpose mates who have no time for democracy because, well, you know what’s best for us don’t you?
No challenge from Dimblebum of course, just a knowing smirk and slap on the back when they retire to the Green Room for a job well done – team effort, of course.
What a bunch of subversive, insidious bastards they all are.
Not many people know this, but Common Purpose was actually named after the Common Porpoise, on the basis that it could smile while it was eating, indulged in occasional gay sex with bubbles, and secretly trained the very people who thought they were training it.
Not to mention Green Peace, named unintentionally after the generative member of an exhibitionist vegetarian drummer who trained with the Beatles for their Hamburg trip, but got on the wrong bus and ended up in Chester.
‘Barack Obama was raised by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, called Ann, and grandparents Madelyn and Stanley Dunham.[26][27] He often referred to his family during his candidacy and term as President.[28][29][30] Obama’s maternal heritage consists mostly of English ancestry, with much smaller amounts of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swiss, and French ancestry.’
You know, dem white folks who have been airbrushed from history, consigned to the BBC’s Memory Hole because it’s like an inconvenient truth that doesn’t quite fit with the myth of being America’s first ‘black’ president, does it?
And who remembers the BBC’s gushing coverage of O’ Bama’s visit to Ireland, keen to claim his ‘Irish ancestry’ – y’ know, the jolly jiggin’ acceptable side of the white family history.
Part English? Not that you’d ever know listening to your educational and informative BBC.
He discussed matters of the day with an arab woman and two men in tie-less suits. (The sign of edgy rebels). He of course had a tie-less suit. A French woman of left-leanings attended.
The final discussion was on American gun laws. All deplored with rolling eyes the gun laws and blamed the National Rifle Association for it’s corrupt influence. No counter-view given of course. BBC safe ground.
The arab woman was concerned that white gunmen who shoot members of the public are called insane but that never applies to arab gunmen. Could it be because the arab gunmen are terrorists?
She of course was not challenged.
Of interest re Esler’s left politics:-
“In 2007 a BBC publication investigating into impartiality in the organisation criticised an unnamed BBC news presenter for writing an article in the Daily Mirror newspaper entitled “Why the World Needs Hillary”, stating they had been “unwise” for doing so. The article appeared to endorse Hillary Clinton to be the next US President and it soon emerged that the newsreader in question was Esler. The BBC report noted that the article “could make it hard for that presenter to conduct American political interviews”
this time in Aylesbury, has slipped down the page rankings, whilst the main headline news is that a foreign non-european president is visiting a non-european country. ? . Is this ‘news’ for us brits?
I am also surprised that the news viewing public are not reading the case of these men, who despite warnings from 2008, had continued to perpetrate their despicable crimes, apparently with the full knowledge of local state institutions. Well,the BBC’s News Homepage’s ‘most read’ list doesn’t include this news item in the top ten most read.
Then again, ‘Man threw MacDonalds food at girl.’ ranking No 3 on the most read list, clearly is of great import.
Does the BBC not wish to inform the public about the mass sexual abuse of children? Has the article about more depraved criminality of muslim men in England and Wales not been read, or are the BBC ‘fiddling’ with hit statistics to reduce the dissemination of the news that yet again, Muslim men have been found to be organising over long periods of time, the mass rape/ gang rape of young English children whilst employees of our state institutions looked the other way and took their salaries?
Yasser Arafat did let us know that the Muslims main weapon is the womb. Evidently, (that is, on the basis of accruing evidence from cases in the English courts) the wombs of prepubescent English girls is the latest slant on this weapon and our public servants are too happy to facilitate and assist.
The institutions are broken, failing, devoid of a ‘can-do’ attitude, mired in apathy, overstaffed and weighed down by a morass of human incompetence and treachery.
Whilst we may be experiencing record low temperatures for June and July, the temperature of the blood of Englishmen is rising further. There is a reckoning coming. I hope its a civil one. I fear it may not be.
Writing the Century – Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary
15 Minute Drama
Set in 1930’s Calcutta ‘Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary’ is the true story of Tanika Gupta’s great uncle Dinesh Gupta and his resistance to British Colonial rule based on the letters he wrote while imprisoned in Alipore Jail and his brother Pritish Gupta’s journals.
From the excerpt broadcast it was the typical how horrid the British were / are.
No doubt drama like this will be used to justify more anti white racism.
The BBC use of drama in the form of documentary style dramas that appear to be the truth to incite hatred- in this case -anti white racism – is quite frightening. This is difficult to complain about . The BBC do not accept the idea that they are promoting incitement to hatred but it needs to be pointed out to them that they should have nothing to do with this. I gave them evidence that the day after a particularly nasty programme against Jews in Israel someone I know who was working as a summer play leader was punched and kicked by the children after she mentioned she was a Jew.
“The BBC – its programmes and services
1. Thinking about the range of services and programmes paid for by the licence fee, in your opinion, do you think that:
e. The BBC provides far too much
2. Please briefly tell us why you have said this
Licence Fee is good value compared to commercial peers, like Virgin, Sky if one wishes such output, quantity and quality produced, however the BBC Licence Tax is not something I want and is a regressive tax.
I say this with a belief that all taxes should only be for universal actual requirements, rather than leisure extras or luxuries which cannot easily be found on free-view, online or commercial media markets, for those that want such services, thus relieving tax payers who cannot afford, or do not wish, such BBC services.
This regressive tax results in the largest number of non-compliant individuals being dragged through our courts, much more than any other crime , (nearly 200,00 per annun). This certainly cannot be right particularly when the tax is so inefficiently used (see below).
I do believe there is a place for our Public Broadcaster, producing factual news and information for our citizens and informing the world about us and our land and culture.
This provision should be in accord with the Licence remit, i.e. without fear or favour and totally politically unbiased, (which I find it is not balanced). The BBC has a noticeable centre left ethos bias with so much of its news and current affairs output.
This bias does not match the majority of the Nations inhabitants who have have democratically voted in Governments 70% of the time which are right of centre, for over 100 years now.
Therefore the BBC are not representing the politcal balance of the Nation: Proof of this unbalance can be found with the online sites dedicated to highlighting this bias, (I can only find sites dedicated to ‘left’ bias, listing many thousands of individual actual examples, which provide tons of evidence):
Guido Fawkes (almost ever page of this top of the UK political blogs has comments referring to the BBC ‘left’ bias, with literally many thousands of comments listing such).
I personally come up against this whenever I watch BBC News or current affairs. Only this morning I was watching sky and saw a headline “Faith School Bans Pupils From Meeting ‘Outsiders’.
Wow, I thought this must be big news about our wonderful tolerant, charitable, kind, inclusive British way of life being undermined. I wondered what our National Broadcaster who one would have thought would defend our British way of life was saying about such an important Public Service newsworthy item. I cannot find even a mention on the BBC, (that is not meeting the BBC remit):
A vastly reduced BBC output would of course result in very little requirement for tax funding thus relieving regressive taxes.
The world has changed since the last Licence Review.
Nowadays we have a substantial choice of entertainment, information, educational, leisure and sport programmes which can be found on a plethora of commercial or free-view media.
There is no need any longer for our taxes to provide this enormous extra BBC Leisure output that can easily stifle the commercial markets through the BBC historical dominance. For example there are 8,000 BBC reporters, more than the combined total of ‘Fleet Street’ reporters.
Additionally the BBC have wasted so much of the licence fee with failed IT programmes, Lonely Planet purchase:
and many other items like the move to Salford.
I also do not agree with the scandalous ginormous BBC management 6 figure salaries and pay-offs, nor do I agree that a tax funded organisation should run schemes for high paid staff/stars/presenters whose main income is the BBC but go self employed to avoid paying tax.
There are numerous other issues I have with the BBC that make me wish for the BBC to no longer be funded by my taxes:
I believe our National broadcaster should represent our minorities, but not at the expense of the majority of the nation, its culture and heritage. I find it absolutely incomprehensible, for example, why the BBC appoints a M.u.s.lim Head of Religion:
when we have two millennium Christian heritage and culture.
I also find the BBC has been a breeding ground for the Savlle and other p***do scandals with their employers and that the BBC receives massive amounts of money from the EU and does not fairly report affairs concerning our membership. Immigration issues are not covered fully or honestly.
As a former teacher and lecturer I find it abhorrent how these Islamic faith schools are enforcing religious separation in British communities on a alarming scale and with seeming impunity; yet the utterly useless Ofsted and its PC minions turn a blind eye! I find it unacceptable that any faith school should enforce such intolerant methods.
Doesn’t this type of segregationist and extremist ‘education’ fly in the face of the Left’s call for a tolerant, multi-faith and multicultural society based on collective principles of integration? It seems that following the credos of tolerance and diversity only applies to white, English Christians!
Is the ethnic/cultural background of these Ofsted Inspectors in the public domain? You know, like the Muslim Crown Prosecutor Nazir Afzal who sees no religious connection to muslim rape gangs.
F*cking 5Live!!! Just been listening to a delightful retrospective about TMS, then over to Fatty Nolan for a discussion — with live audience, no less — on . . . the Labout leadership election! Will there be no escape?!
Actually, yes: switch to Planet Rock because the BBC, for all its unique funding and commitment to public service broadcasting, doesn’t have a dedicated Rock station, preferring to micturate its funds away on R1Xtra and the Asian Network instead.
Just watching the news on BBC1. Can someone enlighten me as to why the head of one foreign state (USA) visiting another foreign state (Kenya) should be of such overwhelming interest to us in the UK?
I believe that I’ve just heard/seen the arch Beeboid fuckwit Marr point to a Sun headline referring to a Blair crony Lord taking coke and referring to a ‘Tory’.
If his stroke did this to him Al Beeb should retire him but it is inexcusable.
‘Marr point to a Sun headline referring to a Blair crony Lord taking coke and referring to a ‘Tory’.’
I heard this too. Having checked the facts – I hadn’t heard of this character, he’s not a household name – I find Marr misspoke. A slip which might easily have been corrected by one of the two female political journos present or perhaps a word in the ear from the BBC producers. Calling him a tory was perhaps wishful thinking on Marr/BBC part? What you might call a BBC Marxian Slip.
Afterall Comrade Corbyn just told Marr ‘in your heart of hearts you’re a Marxist too’
And, as I am myself as a man and van
so I know this for certain, why is the bbbc not investigating why such councils as Haringey, Islington, Hounslow and more, paying for recent”african migrants” to be moved into social housing in Northamptonshire towns at a large cost to the taxpayer. Also, leaving the said towns short of housing for indigenous people’s. ???
Mine likewise. Every day I seem to see more Africans, and they ARE Africans, not long standing descenedents of the Windrush, and like wise Asians in Asian dress and sandals, fresh off the boats as it were.
And this is on top of the many many invaders from Eastern Europe.
But the Germans in WW2 killed 563,00 of the Greek population. Most of these were executed or died of starvation. He might find that’s the reason for the Tiff…
AliBaba TV has been banging the gong about Obama’s comment, ‘The UK must stay in the European Union to continue to have influence on the world stage’.
I recollect that Great Britain had far more influence on the world stage before joining the ‘so called ‘ EU.
We lost it because of the insidious manner of dressing up a ‘Common Market’ as a trading bloc which was in-fact a creeping bureaucracy taking away our hard fought sovereignty and imposing its own laws.
IMHO, The EU was jealous of our nation’s global influence in the world because of our British Commonwealth or Commonwealth of Nations.
Collectively the EU does not behave like a natural ally of the US, as past responses to international crises have proved time and again.
It does, however, pursue a ‘Common Purpose’ style agenda, sharing the ideals and ambitions of the UN for an undemocratic eco-socialist ‘world government’. Agenda 21 is closer to Obama’s heart than anything that might be in the best interests of good old Blighty and our influence in the world.
“IMHO, The EU was jealous of our nation’s global influence in the world because of our British Commonwealth or Commonwealth of Nations.”
Think you could be right there, taffman. The US also felt like that and were ahead of the EU in that respect. IIRC, they insisted on the UK cutting its favourable Commonwealth trade links after WW2. Germany lost its colonies in the war, Belgium became increasingly disgraced by their activities and the French were facing resistance from their north African colonies. Not hard to imagine the jealousy.
Time that great Britain got rid of the eu project, ie-germany won the wars. Lets face it , although bbcc choose to ignore and generally put us down, if it wasn’t for forward thinking brits, the entire planet would be a backward mess, exactly what they are promoting with islamic nonsense
Five Live, “the home of live news and sport” seems to have given up the ghost this morning. Faced with diminishing listening figures, no doubt the result of hours of sympathetic broadcasting aimed solely at the transsexual Marxist illegal immigrant community this morning they’ve gone over to pre-recorded programming.
At ten we had a heart-warning repeat of the everyday tale of an Afghan illegal and his struggles to be given free everything by the British taxpayer, while the nasty British taxpayer was nasty to him at every turn. The presenter, an American, struggled to make himself heard against the swirling strings of the Our Tune music.
The lad ran away from home as “his way of fighting the Taliban.” Now, years later, he found himself helping British soldiers prepare to deploy to Afghanistan and fight the fight he and his fellow Afghans were unwilling to take up.
At eleven the home of live news and sport is running a documentary about W.G. Grace. First with the news indeed.
It costs £80 million quid a year to run this network. Close it. Labour and the SNP will just have to buy airtime like the other political parties.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Obama, obama, labour labour, e.u. e.u,”migrant migrants, day in day out. And who the hell cares what obama thinks about staying in Europe.
Whether the UK stays in the EU or not is none of Obama’s goddamn business.
The bBC says, “Barak Obama says “The UK should stay in the EU””
as Richard Littlejohn says “You couldn’t make it up”
As potus it is his concern but only what is in the US’ interests.
I don’t mind Him giving His opinion, but it should be treated with the very little importance it deserves.
This man would get my vote, Allen West
Article by Jon Sopel on BBC website now about his interview with Obama in the White House. Pass the sick bag !
BBC World News at 7 last night. Beeboid asked a Kenyan government minister what she thought of Obama. Beeboid almost speechless when she said ” I give him 5 out of 10 ” !
BBC and Kenyans trotting out the same old “first black President” crap, so racist and sexist at the same time !
I am looking forward to the BBC covering Allen West’s response to the Iran nuke deal. I happen to know that Allen West does not give a shit about skin colour but as it is so important to BBC racists, perhaps they ought to acknowledge this man and his arguments.
Obama/Kerry -BBC view.
Obama – President Obama turned “Yes we can” into – OBAMA: “Yes we did.” SOPEL,(BBC): “Yes we did.” OBAMA: Yeah. Its unfinished business” etc.
Kerry BBC – A better deal ‘a fantasy’ says Kerry
Obama/Kerry – Another view
Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are: Traitors
We have met the enemy and he is in the White House.
House eunuch Charlie Stayt on BBC Breakfast this morning: “We’re gonna be talking a lot about plastic bags”
Off switch.
Yet another case of Asians , mainly or exclusively Muslims, conducting industrial scale abuse of very young white girls. As with so many of the other cases the council seem to have known about it but did nothing. The BBC, true to the corrupt and disgusting standard of reporting that we are becoming used to, allowed a Muslim council official to claim that ‘statistically there are more cases of white on white abuse’, without any attempt to challenge this rubbish. Presumably hoping to make listeners think that the epidemic of abuse that we are witnessing in our midst is not down to Muslims.
The BBC should be rooting this abuse out. They should be running investigations into the reasons why Muslim men abuse white girls apparently with the consent of council officials and police up and down the land. Instead the BBC acts as an apologist for Islam and the perpetrators and tries to leave the impression that the girls are at least in part complicit in their own abuse and that white men are just as likely to abuse girls as Muslims.
Really people should ask themselves why should we pay a BBC Tax when the BBC has such an anti British bias and is quite happy to suppress the truth and tell outright lies in support of its multiculty goal.
By 5.50 pm PM had got worse! We had a 5 minute piece from a Muslim woman given the platform to tell us all how Islam was a ROP and how upset she was by the PMs speech urging Muslims in the UK to do more to oppose radicals in their midst. It is clear that, at best ,the BBC is going to maintain its policy of moral relativism , at worst, the BBC is going to become even more pro Islam and anti Christian/white Brits.
If the BBC wants to consult the people about Charter Renewal we should all make sure that their love of Islam and hatred of Britain and the British, is the key battle ground.
The BBC still uses the phrase “the alleged Trojan Horse plot” – used on the Today programme earlier this week Everyone else accepts that the plan to take over schools was real, but not the BBC.
Excellent point, RJ. The BBC’s sly but subtle use of language* is a major weapon regularly deployed in their propaganda/brainwashing war.
*Another example: ‘The claimed pause in global warming’.
In fact, I will attempt to maintain a log of on-going examples and post at some future date, the only trouble being I listen to the BBC less and less these days for obvious reasons….
Really people should ask themselves why should we pay a BBC Tax
Or for that matter what use is the police if they do sod all when tens of thousands of young girls are being raped by Pakistani ha ha ha “heritage ” gangs.
This is the most shameful episode in the history of any nation. Cant think of any incident in history where the authorities knowingly allowed brutal gang rapes of tens of thousands of young White girls by immigrant gangs of Pakistani “heritage”.
War crime of the worst sort, allowed by an authority on their own kith & kin young girls, in peacetime.
No parallel anywhere, anytime. Period.
Does the BBCs worshipful adoration of Obama know any bounds?
I’ve just heard them refer to Obamas grandmothers house as the “Obama ancestral home” !
An ancestral home is the place of origin of one’s extended family, or the home owned and preserved by the same family for several generations.
The BBC meets Generation Identitaire.
I don’t know where to start with this one. It’s a one-sided stitch up throughout, so I’ll just mention the first major irritant: The presenter talks about GI’s hero, Martel, talking about how he “removed Muslims from France….violently”.
What she fails to mention is that he was removing an invading army from France. FFS.
You don’t like Islam so you’re Islamophobic ! So the BBC now believes that it is the law that people in the UK have to like Islam or they’re committing a crime ?
Sheesh, just about sums them up really
Simple – it is not compatible with a modern or a western way of life.
The members of Generation Identitaire (GI) tried to respond to this BBC biased woman, who was fixated with their resistance to the Islamification of France and the rest of Europe. For her Islamophobia was a term with meaning and she equated it it with racism. But that is the BBC left – argument by caricaturing the other person. GI is arty farty in a peculiar French way, but resonates with respect for French/European traditions, such as respect for the family, history, and resistance to multiculturalism. A brief account of their origins and development is in this link, but I suggest checking out their FB pages. They also exhibit a sense of humour, as when they called upon a militant feminazi location handing out flowers and Valentine cards.
There is no point in blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it rapes on an industrial scale, honour killings, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us.
Muslims are doing what they are required to do as required by their religion. Islam makes it quite clear that that is the intent. Anjem Chaudary also has made that clear for decades. No, the fault lies with us. And if we didn’t know this would happen when the idiot and ignorant political elite allowed Muslims into the country, then that is our misfortune for continuously electing them.
Well said. However, I believe that the people (indigenous white) shall be more than a match come the inevitable.
I’m certain of that only if they dont fall for the “victim strategy” that Muslims are expert in. We see this after every major terrorist act since 9/11. Before the bodies are cold, Muslims are claming that they are the victims, and they are deadly afraid of a “backlash” – which never seems to happen. And ocourse an hijab was tugged by some racist Islamophobe. Even the last is never substansiated.
Bear in mind, that the BBC will be on the Muslim victimhood mongers, unless the government warns the BBC, that they wont tolerate that attitude.
Terrorism is rife in the UK. Tens of thousands of young English girls have been brutally raped, and the BBC has hid that from the people.
It is not safe for the British servicemen and women to walk the streets of Britain. Yes Britain, not Iraq.
It is not safe for the British police to arrest people in Muslims areas, and this BBC girl cannot what Islam/Muslims are doing to Britain.
Why? Because for this girl, the only reality is what the BBC broadcasts. If the BBC did not broadcast that tens of thousands of young English girls were brutally raped by Muslims, then it did not happen, and anyone who says otherwise is an Islamophobe.
Now that the BBC is admitting that there were some rapes, but by Asians, I’m certain this girl beleives that “Asians” were responsinbe for some of these rapes.
This young girl has been thoroughly brainwashed by the BBC . To be pitied rather then pilloried.
The usual ignorance of history by the BBC reporter. She has a so obvious agenda and nothing must get in her way.
What a useless lot they are. Hive and more hive. A cultural marxist to her fingertips.
The exiled Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Iraq, is warning westerners about welcoming an increasing number of Muslims into their countries, naively believing that they too believe in democratic principles.
“Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future,” said Archbishop Amel Shimoun Nona in an interview by Corriere della Sera. “I lost my diocese. The physical setting of my apostolate has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want us converted or dead. But my community is still alive.”
The archbishop’s interview was reported by the blog Rorate Caeli.
The archbishop warned: Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.
We don’t seem to realize how close we came to sink in perpetual barbarity, just as the Islamic world is. We don’t seem to realise, that had it not been for the brave Christian soldiers at Vienna, Lepanto and Potiers, there would be no Western civilisation. Or for that matter, art, music, engineering and science, and all the rest that Western civilisation is, which has become the envy, and template for the rest of the world.
Edward Gibbon noted five signs that presaged the collapse of the Roman Empire:
1) Ostentatious displays of wealth.
2) A preoccupation with sex.
3) A huge gap between the rich and the poor.
4) Freakishness in the arts and outlandish enthusiasms pretending to be creativity.
5) A strong desire to live off the state.
All these traits are exhibited in present day society.
IN addition those ‘men’ have been at it again, in another paedophile sex ring in Aylesbury.
Their names are
Vikram Singh, 45,
Harmohan Nangpal, 41,
Asif Hussain, 33,
Arshad Jani, 33,
Mohammed Imran, 38,
Faisal Iqbal, 32,
Taimoor Khan 28,
Akbari Khan, 36,
Jerome Joe, 35,
Sajad Ali, 35
Sohail Qamar, 41
If I can find their names and ages so easily on the web carried by mainstream left wing media, why is the BBC so coy about telling us, and so concerned about covering up their identity?
Seems like it was much the same in Rotherham.
and … BBC get it right … its 11 not 6 Islamic paedo s
YEP! folks the photo s give it away …
Up pops “Former Aylesbury mayor Niknam Hussain ”
for comment … seen that photo, if he s the mayor eh!?
Still on the insufferable liability of the “religion” of paeds front
“The witless panderer Cameron insisted in his speech that Islam was a peaceful religion, but this sop to the War-Is-Deceit crowd didn’t placate them.
The fact that he is talking about Islamic terrorism at all, in however toothless and mealy-mouthed a fashion, sends them into paroxysms of rage”
R Spencer
One BBC report today seemed to be playing up an Indian rather than a Pakistani connection. I assume that was because 1 of the 11 is called Singh. BBC forgetfulness over the other 10.
BBC useless website describes them as ” Asian “. Why don’t they come out and say it is these damn Gurkhas again !
why is the BBC so coy about telling us, and so concerned about covering up their identity?
Why indeed.
As I’ve said, the 1400 in Rotherham is merely the tip of the iceberg. The real figure is quite likely in the 30,000 mark, if not higher. Such is the scale of this war crime, that every suberfuge/tactic is going to be employed to bury it. No Chief constables are going to be investigated as they will immediately point the finger upwards.
The EDL tried but they were demonised, and Tommy Robinson incarcerated without charge.
I dont blame the establishment for doing what it is doing now to bury the crime. Such is the scale of the war crime, that it has the potential to destroy the UK.
I just switched on the TV on BBC2 to find an episode of Are You Being Served? I hadn’t realised that product placement was obvious on the BBC at that time the programme was made but it was blatant and obvious. Mrs Slocome had a drink problem and was swigging gin and tonics. Mr Humphries found a bottle of the mixer, held it for several seconds, label facing directly to the camera. Schhhhhhhh……you know who.
BBC Six News leads inevitably with the Sopel interview with the Socialist-in-Chief, and how brilliantly brilliant he is, and how he’s going to solve all Africa’s problems in one short visit. Then we have Alistair Leithhead direct from Nairobi virtually wetting himself over Obama’s visit and how he’ll improve trade etc etc, and then interrupts himself to excitedly announce that The Great Man has landed.
Colonel Alan West for President.
I saw Leithhead’s excitement that the President had landed in a country that is neither the U.S. nor the UK. I wondered why this is news and if it is going to be BBC policy to tell us each time the President takes off and lands. (Of course should the next President be Republican the policy will be discontinued).
Yes but Alan West is a Republican and is vilified for that by Democrats ,as are many other black Conservatives in America.
This cringing worship of Obama by the loathsome BBC is becoming a real embarrassment.
He’s the worst US President ever, a failure home and abroad, yet after seven years the BBC still treat him like a rock star.
He’s a lame duck President, the BBC bedwetters need to come to terms with that.
BBC news report on October introduction of carrier bag tax – Totally welcoming and uncritical with no opposing views presented. I can’t remember any other government policy announcement greeted so uncritically. Reasons for objecting include:
– Forcing the reuse of carrier bags for raw meat could lead to food poisoning.
– Modern carrier bags have negligible weight and environmental footprint.
– The outer carrier bag is insignificant compared to the individual packaging of every product. Even a packet of biscuits uses more materials.
– It’s just another unnecessary tax on the poor
Trust the BBC to offer totally one-sided support to idiotic new green taxes.
The BBC can be relied on to uncritically support any measure deemed to be ‘Green’. No doubt they would try to claim that ‘environmentalism’ isn’t political but, off course, it most certainly is when it is hijacked as a cloak to wrap around Marxist ideas in an attempt to make them more palatable.
The carrier bag tax is a stupid, cynical, token measure. Just the sort of thing the BBC would normally be expected to be critical of.
Quite. I have always said that carrier bags are an ideal way to sequester carbon and prevent it from entering the atmosphere. Provided they are not allowed to break down at all.
We should all be encouraged to use as many plastic carriers as possible, and ensure they are placed in landfill, as a way of recycling petrochemicals straight back into the ground.. In fact, they should be subsidised, not penalised.
Sloppy thinking there, Greenies!
I never reuse a carrier bag in which I have brought home a raw chicken as I understand that the bacteria that can make you ill are frequently found on the exterior of the wrapping. To be fair I suppose I have not heard of thousands dying from reusing these bags but I will accept that the price of the chicken has gone up 5p. (thank you Mr Clegg who claimed this policy as his own increasing the cost to poor families).
Indeed. I have never seen a healthy chicken inside one of those bags – they are invariably dead.
In the US may towns put complete bans on plastic bags forcing reusable bags on the public. Result; an increase in food poisoning and a re-think.
Examples can be found pretty quickly using a basic search (obviously not available in the BBC). Even in the liberal press (US liberal). People simply don’t behave as the governing powers expect all the time.
Another Muslim child rape gang, but the BBC and the rest of the spineless media and politically correct authorities REFUSE to accept and discuss in any depth both the cultural and religious factors that result in these repugnant and hideous crimes!
Child rape; FGM; terrorism; intolerance; homophobia; madrasa schools; female gender inequality; segregation… but nothing to do with Islam, right?
How much longer are we to have to put up with this s**t from these b@st@rds! I mean FFS; can there ever be a day when there is a national news programme, without a report on some evil they’ve been perpetrating somewhere?
The BBC, as usual, have nothing to say about any common link between these ‘Asian’ men. It really is disgusting – it’s politically correct censorship; a wilful under reporting of the facts and a conscious decision to set aside journalism in preference of political agenda.
End the license fee now.
common link between these ‘Asian’ men. ???
What could that be?
1. They are Asian
2. They are Brown
3. They are men
Cant for the life of me think what else.
Here is an useful link for helping biasedbbc readers to get rid of the licence fee.
Unless you have already signed it ?
So now we get the PATHETIC and cowardly play on words with the BBC using the prefix ‘so-called’ before Islamic State. I wonder whether the bBC would go to the same gutless lengths of apologist hand-wringing if it were an extremist Christian terrorist group?
It never used the ‘so called IRA’ even though claim to that title was disputed. Why is ‘Islamic State’ such a sensitive matter?
Because it is axiomatic for the BBC that Islam is the only Religion of Peace. There is a contradiction if people who commit obscene acts of violence also claim to belong to an Islamic state. Either these people are deluded, or don’t understand Islam, or are Jewish/UKIP agents provocateurs trying to blacken Islam. It’s not the state part of the designation that is “so called” but the Islamic bit. The state can”t have anything to do with Islam by definition. As Christianity is not the ROP, there is no contradiction when Christians commit obscene acts of violence – they are not votaries of the ROP.
Never mind, give them enough RoP and they’ll (eventually) hang themselves.
Here’s a thought. How would you describe the political centre of gravity of LBC? To me it’s all over the place with all shades of opinion, and is refreshingly unbiased with representative audiences when it comes to debates.
Now compare and contrast with the BBC where the impartialiaty is pretence and the bias is apparent.
True, I like to listen to Nick Ferrari in the mornings then my little daily pleasure is to click off the socket with my foot when O’brien comes on. ? Happy days ?
I foolishly turned on Any Questions tonight but was pleasantly surprised to hear Frank Field explain why a discussion of “British values” was irrelevant before uncontrolled mass immigration, namely because Britain was a “hideously white”, more or less cohesive monoculture, acting British was essentially the result of being raised British. There seemed to be a fleeting grasp that this was the case. But, of course, some leftist twat only has to pipe up with “something must be wrong with Western Society”, the insight evaporates, and the the the panel’s multicultural blinkers are safely back in place. It may be true that silencing non violent extremists will now destroy our freedom of speech, but all that was preprogrammed with the mass colonisation of Britain by people who had no understanding of the British way of life and no desire to change their worldview to participate in it. Secular Turks have been writing for decades that Islam and Democracy are not compatible. If that is true for Turkey who but a bufoon would think it less true for Britain.
I’m glad you switched on and made this posting ID. ‘The insight evaporates’ – you nailed the common BBC dumbing down phenomenon in three words. Well done. This is clear bias against allowing reasoned arguments to be completed and explored. A very common BBC bias type, indicative of the cultural prejudices, capabilities and capacities of its employees.
It also gives me the opportunity to say what a reasonable, reasoning, intelligent and wise man I think Frank Field is, even if he does remain a Labour loyalist. He deserves more air time and a better platform to explain his take on EU membership, border and immigration controls, social cohesion/division and their influence on our ability to plan our public services. I hope Breitbart give him that platform. They are a political news outlet which appear to be interested in a positive future for our nation, and they would do well to provide Frank Field with a medium to express his perspectives, without the noise and interference that comes with the BBC.
ID, and where is Ataturk when we need him now ? Sadly , the UK never produced a great man of his stature.
Oliver Cromwell – you don’t get much more statural than that.
To cheer us all up I will tell you of a visit this week to one of my grandson’s primary school leaving service in his local church .
A village somewhere in England. The church goes back to Saxon times .The village has an old English name.
It is a fine place to live and bring up children. It is not multicultural or multiracial in any way at all. It is as it has been for generations..English through and through and we who are of that stock know exactly what that means.
That is has survived is remarkable but there are far more places like this than our liberal elite would admit to and no doubt the BBC would rather they did not exist. After all they do not reflect the new England the cultural marxists dream of forcing into being.
The faces of the children and the congregation could come from any time in the last thousand plus years.
Simply put they are the people of old England and they are not to be trifled with much longer.
The villlage is very popular and the funny thing is that incomers are exactly like the residents. I wonder why?
The children are well behaved .Polite and hard working and have achieved much.
It is not that sort of school you see on the news items so beloved by our BBC/liberal media. The average producer/reporter would run a mile from it.
It is a little miracle that it still exists in 2015. The elite will destroy it and the village if it gets the chance and it is our task to stop them.
In the cultural war for this old land we cannot afford to listen to their arguments or give them the satisfaction of allowing them to attack our culture on their terms.
I do depise the BBC and this village is a main reason why. It exists despite the propaganda pumped into us and our children for over 50 years now.
A real English trait is stubborness and never was it needed more .
Excellent post. I live in a village just like the one you describe and that is what England means to me. I no longer recognise the version of my country portrayed on the Propaganda Channel.
Yes, I too am a product of the English village. A Devon Dumpling born and bred. I went back to my old childhood village a few weeks’ ago and had a few pints of real ale in the old pub. Still the same faces but also younger faces who’ve had enough of the city. England through and through! It is this England which comrade Corbyn and his revolting commie playmates hate. When civil war comes in the years ahead, the good old village could be locus of merry old England’s fightback! Pitch forks at the ready…
I live in a village like that, with a school like that next door. My two grown-up sons live in other villages nearby and my grandson goes to that kind of school. None of us are native to the area, but we have assimilated completely. My grandson plays soccer for the village team against similar kids from similar villages, my daughter-in-law rides at a local equestrian centre and our family business is thriving.
It’s the kind of place the BBC hive-dwellers hate and detest.
The villages are becoming the boltholes of the English. We are finding cultural as well as physical refuge in the society of our own kind. The metropolitan centres beloved of the “liberal” elites who populate the media and political bubbles are becoming foreign wastelands as more and more English flee to the Shires and they are replaced with more and more incomers, who share neither our language, our culture or our values. The more this happens, the faster the trend will accelerate, as the cities become even more unbearable than they are now.
Already, houses, for sale or for rent, are snapped up in a matter of days and always by native English. The gentle, very English, self-imposed apartheid will become even more pronounced as time goes by, until there will actually be two distinct and discrete countries. Ultimately, when the fighting starts (as start it must……no population in human history has EVER willingly and peacefully surrendered their homeland to an invader), it will be from the villages and the Shires that we will launch the raids and then the full-scale attacks that will eventually recover our country.
What a wonderful future our generation will bequeath to our children and grandchildren.
Of course these villages will survive! Where else will the like of Harriet Harperson and Billy Bragg live in their desperation to get away from the multicultural hellholes they have created ?
Two things wrong with your ironic ( I hope ) comment. Bragg and his like would be found out as wrong uns in a heartbeat . The other is that we will have a struggle to save the villages and small towns so pervasive has the influence of that dreadful city London become.
Not that the Shire English ever had much time for London.
Quite correct DS – that is why it is so dangerous to devolve greater powers to the “Northern Powerhouse” (wtf?) cities as Osborne proposes. As the demographic of these places become increasingly Islamic in character which leads to more white flight: you will end up with similar situations as that which evolved in Tower Hamlets; but on a much, much bigger scale and with far, far larger council budgets.
BBC Bias
Saint Palestinians can do no wrong.
Unbalanced reporting. (As to be expected).
Interesting spin by the BBC. The number of Bee Keepers is in decline not Bee’s . Probably too cold for them humans it really is touch and go at the moment whether the old central heating will be on before the end of July isn’t it
But Bees are in decline elsewhere. – talking about bees – Israeli bumblebees are being sent to Japan to help make up for a lack of bees caused by increased use of pesticides in the rice fields. Israel’s Bio Bee firm, at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, ships the bees in spacious hives, each with an impregnated queen bee and 50 worker bees.
yes bees are in decline because the planet is getting colder Q.E.D.
BBC, tut tuts and reports that two of the children from Aylesbury gang raped by Islamic paedo s, were reported on at least two occasions to the authorities over the last seven years,(and if they admit that, you can probably double it) … and were ignored.
A scandal? … well yes … the greatest, most abhorrent in living memory, a probably over a million victims, industrial scale abuse … OUR CHILDREN!
Enough to see politically correct garbage thrown right out the window.
You would hope our national broadcaster, would be screaming it out, over the last seven years.
Instead … they ignore the facts still … still wilfully attempt to deceive the public, and want to carry on with a “far right far right” puff piece about a photo of the queen when she was six, for a second week.
The authorities. The ‘protection’ NGOs. The media, especially the vastly resourced state one.
Amazingly wise after the event. Incredibly coy about their roles during it. Near mute still about the reasons.
All on mega-salaries to do… what?
Perhaps the BBC could have Tell MAMA on, they seem concerned
about the situation
Grooming’ Leaflets
Leaflets Stirring Community Divisions, Circulated in North Shields, Newcastle
The text reads –
“Muslim paedophile gangs operate in this area.
Are your children safe.?”
This abhorrent leaflet … stirring up hatred … intimidating communities … driving a wedge between communities etc etc.
I’d like to know how the nomenclature to all this got created, because someone is a PR genius.
‘Grooming’, ‘honour killing’… for sordid caveman activity that has no place in civilized society.
Here is a useful ‘PC’ glossary for AliBaba TV
Terrorists – ‘Militants’
Invaders – ‘Migrants
Rapists – ‘Groomers’
Murder – ‘Honour killing’
poisonous drugs – legal highs’
And I am sure there are many more.…..
“Increased migrant activity” – huge numbers of feral third worlders at Calais, attempting to illegally enter the U.K. by breaking into lorries, vans and caravans, often with the threat or use of violence.
Looting feral scum – ‘Political trailblazers’
That gem emanated from Paul Mason during the 2011 London riots. When he was still a ‘boid.
On another website a commenter said of Mason, ‘It must be embarrassing to get an erection every time you hear breaking glass.’
Cultural enrichment- im lost for words
It’s the news the BBC misses that shows where they come from.
After reading quite a few articles about a rather controversial remark that Mrs. Clinton made about “young black man in hoodies”, I went to the BBC site and there to my surprise was an article headlined “Hilary troubles”. Oh ho! says I, at last they are listening to their critics. Then I clicked on the article. It is all about Hilary’s email troubles.
There is not a single word that I can find on the BBC site concerning this:
“I mean if we’re honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear,” Clinton said.
As many US commentators (of a certain persuasion) are saying, just imagine if it had been a Republican who said that? I can certainly imagine that if Donald Trump had said it, the story would be plastered all over the BBC from now until another Republican made another controversial remark.
BBC ‘news’ vs. BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
They can’t be expected to cover everything. Especially with all the cuts.
Meanwhile an edgy young market rate exec creates an edgy new online magazine channel to send edgy young comedic activists to far flung places with a full crew to ‘report’.
Because they still can do whatever they like.
What’s the best way to deal with the Aylesbury rapes?
Well in the BBCs eyes its to go into the town interview some select Pakistanis and yet again – blame the whites for being ‘waycist’ !
The BBC really are scum, every bit as bad as Labour in Rotherham.
Can you imagine the BBC’s reaction and depth of coverage if there was gender segregation of the audience at an EDL political meeting?
It actually happened, of course – not with the EDL but Labour/Muslims during the last election campaign, and there wasn’t a peep out of the BBC:
BBC World – where Islam is beyond criticism
Loving the sport this morning it’s a true English fest . Mohammed who ran round a track and won and yes you’ve guessed it Mohammed the cricketer who’s ambitions were to be a bog cleaner at his local mosque or to own his own chip shop – sausage in batter and chips please young Mohammed my good man maybe wrap it in that book all about head surgery
Halal sausage if you please my man!
The BBC have been running the claim by Barnados that they told the council in 2008 that abuse might have been happening. I find any claim by Barnados extremely dubious given that their Head, Martin Narey ex civil service ‘diversity champion’ (read chief PC enforcement officer), refused to accept that there even was a problem with the rape of white girls by Pakistani Muslim gangs.
We are fortunate that this is still a matter of record:
“I certainly don’t think this is a Pakistani thing. My staff would say that there is an over-representation of people from minority ethnic groups – Afghans, people from Arabic nations – but it’s not just one nation.””
A retired Police Chief Superintendent from Leeds who had also drunk the coolaid said
“I’m not suggesting, and I do not think anybody is, that it is a problem within a community,”
What this country so very badly needs is an independent unbiased broadcaster, to look back in the very recent history. To extract the comments made by the loons in charge of public services and charities, and to present those individuals with their own idiocy !
Political Correctness is a monster which needs to be dragged out of the shadows into the glaring light of day for the people to see it for what it is.
After the Heywood case, Jack Straw made certain comments about Pakistani Muslims grooming white children. Fascists within the Labour party attacked him for ‘stereotyping’ their favourite brown eyed boys.
All these people need to be dragged in front of a camera and made to explain why they said the things they did.
This IS the scandal of the generation, for the No10 Traitors, the Al BBC, the Police, and all the deliberately, wilfully blind in between
… its still going on, it ain t going away, and its a 99.9% Islamic issue. 1 million victims, industrial scale, the “norm” in many cities.
… as is current terrorism
… as is the future terrorism
… as is instilling a parallel legal system
… as is the mandate for a 5th column right here
… as is the perversion of our education system
Trojan Horse Birmingham/Bradford… how about this?
… as is the perversion of our education system here, Dewsbury
“A Muslim boarding school has been rated “good” by Ofsted, despite threatening to expel students if they mix with other children. The Institute of Islamic Education in Dewsbury was praised by the education watchdog despite its pupils being taught not to speak to the media and being banned from watching TV, listening to the radio or reading newspapers.
Sky News obtained copies of documents given to parents which state that students “socialising with outsiders… will be expelled if there is no improvement after cautioning.”
Faith school bans pupils from meeting ‘outsiders’
Dont’t forget that Barnardo’s chief ex is…..Javed Khan,
Quote: “Javed Khan has twenty eight years’ experience in the UK public and voluntary sectors, and has developed a track record of successfully managing change through key high profile leadership roles.”
What does that mean exactly? Positive discrimination in my book.
Should a slippery customer like this be trusted?
Slippery as a fox.
Why is a fox in charge of the chicken run? And a slippery fox who says he will “learn lessons” from past failures.
Does that mean “they” will all be very more careful in the future?
If Javed Khan or any other of the patronising, arrogant
deniers of THEIR responsibility had the shameful nerve to bleat, “lessons will be learned” to my face they would be picking up their teeth from the other side of the room.
These ARE racist, these are child gang rapists, who have arrogant nerve to threaten their victims mothers and families … because of their throwback cult, mandated in
its very texts.
and no apologies for saying it
Wonderful Eamonn Holmes trying to seal off slippery Javed Khan’s escape routes. He didnt succeed but I felt his rage and admire his stance.
Wonder if the BBC will use this clip as part of their news training scheme?
Asian Rape Gangs.
Why doesn’t the BBC ask:
1. Why do they do it?
2. Why don’t they attack young vulnerable muslim girls?
3. What would the consequences be of attacking young vulnerable muslim girls?
4. Are they therefore scared of attacking young vulnerable muslim girls?
5. Does this abhorrent behaviour occur in Pakistan?
6. What would be the consequences for the men if this happened in Pakistan?
Go on BBC! I dare you! I double dare you to ask these questions!
So of these questions they have asked so I’d be a bit careful if I were you.
In question 4 you make the assumption that they are not attacking Muslim girls, yet this is known to not be the case.
Question 2
They do attack vulnerable Muslim girls, although this might not be the same gangs / people.
Question 3
The consequences of doing so are very limited because of culture / Islam.
If a girl is no longer a virgin then she will be difficult for the family to sell / marry off, and if the attacker is a family member, and they often are because of the size of the extended families, then a prosecution would bring shame / dishonour on the family.
So for those reasons it is rare for it to be reported to the Police.
Question 5
Yes it does with men raping girls as well as boys, unreported for the reasons above.
Question 6
For those few who are reported it depends on where they are and who they are.
A member of a powerful warlord family in the North of Pakistan is unlikely to have anything happen. A low status family in the South would probably be lynched by a mob.
There has been a program about paedophilia in Pakistan.
However it is so ingrained into Pakistani culture that one Muslim judge has declared Paedophilia is better than Christianity !
Be careful what you wish for because you might just have got it & it might not be what you expected !
Very interesting – and helps to explain why ‘British Muslims’ (in the guise of ‘Community Leaders’, Imams etc.) refuse to condemn the goings-on (and on) in Aylesbury, Rotherham, Oldham . . . etc.
The BBC is always anxious to assert that, in effect, ‘other grooming gangs are available’ and the men are of PREDOMINANTLY (not 100%) ‘Asian’ (not Muslim) origin, as they did in last night’s news. However, can anyone remember any cases of this type before The-Religion-Of-Peace (be upon it)’ taught us all they know?
Will any broadcaster ever state the blazingly obvious about this. Where are the raging feminists when you need them? Will the touchy-feelies ever wake up?
“Thoughtful” … I didn’t see “Dover Sentry” making any wishes.
I read his post as being questions he would like to see the BBC ask, and then hopefully receive answers from the great and the good, or even from the not so great and good.
You open your reply with, “So of these questions they have asked so I’d be a bit careful if I were you.” –
I presume that should be “Some of these questions they have asked […]”
*NOW*, could you kindly provide a link to where “they”, the BBC, *have* asked some of these questions?
When did this questioning happen?
Who were they asking them of?
What were the answers (if any)?
I would prefer a link to your claim that the BBC have already asked some of the questions that “Dover Sentry” asks. I do not require you to supply answers from various sources, especially sources which have no connection with the BBC.
My post is asking why these questions are not being repeatedly asked, and asked with determination and diligence.
The inference at present, is that the accused are victims as much as the girls are. This deflects blame.
Now, imagine the storm had the accused been card carrying UKIP supporters…. ??
UKIP would have been attacked on all media fronts. A party that supports rape gangs etc. would be the response.
But Islam is spared that media attack.
Another pass for Islam?
What I am trying to point out here is that the questions already have been asked, and the answers are neither what might have been expected, nor helpful to our cause.
It might be said that these questions are perhaps better not asked!
The assertion by those on the left that ‘paedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of our society’ is I believe an attempt to make the UK appear just as bad as Pakistan is, and to give a foothold to those who wish to say that we are no different to them, and that Islam is not the cause.
The fact that a Pakistani Judge can regard paedophilia as preferable to Christianity illustrates how acceptable and normal paedophilia is in Pakistani culture and how intolerant they are of other faiths.
It might well be said that they are indeed victims, but not in the way the BBC sees them. In the Fascist oppressors heads Pakistanis and their culture are perfection personified, anyone who dared to challenge their culture was declare a ‘racist’ and all debate closed down. Now we see the results of that idiocy.
I remember two Jags Prescott telling us about getting the best from other cultures, and yet his party did nothing to extract that, while eliminating the bad. All the Fascists left us with is the worst from each culture because of their insanity.
I might have misinterpreted this headline from the BBC website
President Obama in Kenya: ‘Africa is on the move’
On the move alright…across the Med to Calais.
Original story here:
Barry O’Bama currently on the news. Introduced as having said ‘Africa is on the move’!
Don’t we know it, they are all coming over here.
(Crossed with Steve Jones’ post – sorry.)
Don’t you just love the BBC’s use of Newspeak as used in this article?
For the benefit of any BBC journos sniffing around this site, ‘migrant activity’ is where somebody arrives in the UK through the correct channels bearing their passport and requests temporary permission to visit or has made official arrangements to live/work in the UK. All other methods of entry to the UK are illegal. It really isn’t that difficult to grasp. Most people can work out that trying to sneak through a tunnel probably comes under the definition of illegal.
Steve you read my mind I was going to post similar all this use of the word migrant is just wrong. Look up the meaning in the dictionary BBC. So BBC what is the root cause of this country being more or less under a blockade can’t leave or get in via our own ports? Nobody cares to discuss that nor the problems this could potentially have with the movement of freight in and out being stopped.
I see even the Daily Mail is deleting/moderating all comments that highlight the pattern of Muslims involved in child grooming. The whole media are complicit in this cover up in my opinion. It is a disgrace that ‘Asian’ (which tars all Asians with the same brush) is being used instead of Muslims.
The media have zero problem in relating (quite rightly) the Catholic church with child abuse when the situation arises. It is yet another example of the authorities’ disgusting cowardice; they are petrified of offending Muslims.
Pat, as usual, sums it all up excellently:
There are instances of car abuse, as it is difficult to make a transition from a culture where sheep and goats can be sexual partners. I guess the traffic cops and organizations like the AA and RAC will turn a blind eye to car grooming.
Grow up.
Apologies if it caused offence. The objective was to satirize the inactivity of authorities towards the widely discussed evils of child abuse covered here. Obviously it failed.
Well, I thought it was funny, but then, I’m merely a sad goat, and potential victim of these “people” myself.
Me too. It is the YouTube version of an old joke regarding an Irishman’s attempts to make love to a Princess.
Couldn’t agree more with everything Pat says, in particular regarding the poodle force. There was a piece on the bbc news app that reported on the fact that over 300 members of the poodle forces have been sacked for criminal activity!!
Not only are these people absolutely useless, they are criminals, preening, prancing cowards employed by the liberal left to carry out their warped agenda of protecting islam and the cult of multi. This is what the left give you, they are the worst criminals of all.
The Mail is notorious for manipulating comments. This is a screen shot of ‘worse rated’ comments when a certain woman was made a peer, not even just one green arrow, it would appear all and sundry disagreed, yet not one actual dissenting comment made it through.
Interesting to see that last comment about the woman running that Children’s charity, who has been in the news recently. Perhaps if she went to the Lords she could help resolve the expenses problem by insisting everyone uses cash.
She could get Yentob to ring his ‘chums’.
Ha! Thought so!! If the DM story is correct.
When the BBC R4 broke the news on this first of all it sounded very much like No.10, at Cameron’s direction, was deliberately protecting Camilla & Kids Company. But then same day, same TODAY programme, the Beeb with some of its later contributors & commentators really started to have a go at Cameron. Evil Tories. Wicked Cameron. Heartless Osborne.
Hold no brief for the guy but if the DM story is right, the BBC have amply demonstrated their pro-Labour bias on this and really owe Cameron a public apology.
Have my doubts that he will get it.
Why is it so many black people seem to conduct themselves with ‘dignity’?
The BBC even used the description when referring to Victoria Climbie’s parents at the trial of her murderers – the one’s those very same parents had entrusted with her care whilst they continued to live in another country.
Stephen Lawrence’s parents too – always ‘dignified’ apparently.
Gotta laugh at the last comment.
One assumes members of this board have already submitted their opinions on the BBC Trusty consultation.
My comments sent this morning are below:
“The BBC – its programmes and services
1. Thinking about the range of services and programmes paid for by the licence fee, in your opinion, do you think that:
e. The BBC provides far too much
2. Please briefly tell us why you have said this
Licence Fee is good value compared to commercial peers, like Virgin, Sky if one wishes such output, quantity and quality produced, however the BBC Licence Tax is not something I want and is a regressive tax.
I say this with a belief that all taxes should only be for universal actual requirements, rather than leisure extras or luxuries which cannot easily be found on free-view, online or commercial media markets, for those that want such services, thus relieving tax payers who cannot afford, or do not wish, such BBC services.
This regressive tax results in the largest number of non-compliant individuals being dragged through our courts, much more than any other crime , (nearly 200,00 per annun). This certainly cannot be right particularly when the tax is so inefficiently used (see below).
I do believe there is a place for our Public Broadcaster, producing factual news and information for our citizens and informing the world about us and our land and culture.
This provision should be in accord with the Licence remit, i.e. without fear or favour and totally politically unbiased, (which I find it is not balanced). The BBC has a noticeable centre left ethos bias with so much of its news and current affairs output.
This bias does not match the majority of the Nations inhabitants who have have democratically voted in Governments 70% of the time which are right of centre, for over 100 years now.
Therefore the BBC are not representing the politcal balance of the Nation: Proof of this unbalance can be found with the online sites dedicated to highlighting this bias, (I can only find sites dedicated to ‘left’ bias, listing many thousands of individual actual examples, which provide tons of evidence): – (almost ever page of this top of the UK political blogs has comments referring to the BBC ‘left’ bias, with literally many thousands of comments listing such).
I personally come up against this whenever I watch BBC News or current affairs. Only this morning I was watching sky and saw a headline “Faith School Bans Pupils From Meeting ‘Outsiders’.
Wow, I thought this must be big news about our wonderful tolerant, charitable, kind, inclusive British way of life being undermined. I wondered what our National Broadcaster who one would have thought would defend our British way of life was saying about such an important Public Service newsworthy item. I cannot find even a mention on the BBC, (that is not meeting the BBC remit):
A vastly reduced BBC output would of course result in very little requirement for tax funding thus relieving regressive taxes.
The world has changed since the last Licence Review.
Nowadays we have a substantial choice of entertainment, information, educational, leisure and sport programmes which can be found on a plethora of commercial or free-view media.
There is no need any longer for our taxes to provide this enormous extra BBC Leisure output that can easily stifle the commercial markets through the BBC historical dominance. For example there are 8,000 BBC reporters, more than the combined total of ‘Fleet Street’ reporters.
Additionally the BBC have wasted so much of the licence fee with failed IT programmes, Lonely Planet purchase: and many other items like the move to Salford.
I also do not agree with the scandalous ginormous BBC management 6 figure salaries and pay-offs, nor do I agree that a tax funded organisation should run schemes for high paid staff/stars/presenters whose main income is the BBC but go self employed to avoid paying tax.
There are numerous other issues I have with the BBC that make me wish for the BBC to no longer be funded by my taxes:
I believe our National broadcaster should represent our minorities, but not at the expense of the majority of the nation, its culture and heritage. I find it absolutely incomprehensible, for example, why the BBC appoints a Muslim Head of Religion:
when we have two millennium Christian heritage and culture.
I also find the BBC has been a breeding ground for the Savlle and other paedophile scandals with their employers and that the BBC receives massive amounts of money from the EU and does not fairly report affairs concerning our membership. Immigration issues are not covered fully or honestly.
BBC lunchtime news, and excited teenager and sometime BBC correspondent Alistair Leithhead is drooling over Obama again.
“A bit of Swahili to endear him to his audience, as if that was even necessary” and “after recent terror attacks, Kenya’s image needs a boost, and it doesn’t get better than this”.
He then goes on to faithfully report the Obama nonsense about how brilliantly Africa is doing, studiously ignoring the little local difficulty around the Med, with all those (non) Africans queuing to leave that fantastic continent.
I never thought anyone would outdo Fatty Mardell, but Leithhead takes the gold in Obama sycophancy.
It’s a good job Chris Froome isn’t black otherwise the BBC would be having another snap debate about racism in sport.
Don’t worry. The BBC have ‘drug cheat’ rumours smeared all over Froome, along with the usual ‘Why doesn’t Britain like Froome?’ angles. The magnificent human achievement of Chris Froome over the past three weeks (I follow the Tour) is hard to over-state. The BBC’s understanding of the sport is questionable, and the contempt for Froome as a human being and a honorable man, is tangible. Bradley Wiggins (rightly) was applauded and congratulated for his epic achievements. Then he was knighted. The same should be applause and congratulations should be afforded to Sir Chris Froome (now two time Tour de France winner) – but the BBC don’t like him, so I guess the idea is that we mustn’t either.
Forgive me, but for the BBC’s coverage of Chris Froome’s magnificent athletic prowess, grit, bravery, stamina and heart –
Fuck the BBC!
Didn’t the BBC go to great lengths recently to state that just because a certain athlete had missed a drugs test and his coach had been accused of doping there was no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of that certain athlete.
Can’t remember all the details but I am confident the BBC treats all athletes the same.
Is it maybe because he’s a white Kenyan brought up in South Africa and they can’t bring themselves to be overly gushing about the ‘white colonialist oppressor’?
I didn’t wish to speculate as to why the BBC sports editor has given sanction to contasting and bias coverage with respect to the achievements of Froome/Wiggins. I wished to record the fact that the BBC did so.
Michael Morpurgo on Any Questions explaining why we should stay in the EU (paraphrased):
‘Because we are so much better when we’re working to a common purpose’
Oh, you are so clever, Michael – right over the heads of 95% of the listening audience who are being gently brainwashed by you and your BBC/EU/UN Common Purpose mates who have no time for democracy because, well, you know what’s best for us don’t you?
No challenge from Dimblebum of course, just a knowing smirk and slap on the back when they retire to the Green Room for a job well done – team effort, of course.
What a bunch of subversive, insidious bastards they all are.
Yes I noted the CP reference there too!
Not many people know this, but Common Purpose was actually named after the Common Porpoise, on the basis that it could smile while it was eating, indulged in occasional gay sex with bubbles, and secretly trained the very people who thought they were training it.
Not to mention Green Peace, named unintentionally after the generative member of an exhibitionist vegetarian drummer who trained with the Beatles for their Hamburg trip, but got on the wrong bus and ended up in Chester.
‘Barack Obama was raised by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, called Ann, and grandparents Madelyn and Stanley Dunham.[26][27] He often referred to his family during his candidacy and term as President.[28][29][30] Obama’s maternal heritage consists mostly of English ancestry, with much smaller amounts of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swiss, and French ancestry.’
You know, dem white folks who have been airbrushed from history, consigned to the BBC’s Memory Hole because it’s like an inconvenient truth that doesn’t quite fit with the myth of being America’s first ‘black’ president, does it?
And who remembers the BBC’s gushing coverage of O’ Bama’s visit to Ireland, keen to claim his ‘Irish ancestry’ – y’ know, the jolly jiggin’ acceptable side of the white family history.
Part English? Not that you’d ever know listening to your educational and informative BBC.
BBC 24 News. 12.30pm today.
The usual Gavin Esler political discussion slot.
He discussed matters of the day with an arab woman and two men in tie-less suits. (The sign of edgy rebels). He of course had a tie-less suit. A French woman of left-leanings attended.
The final discussion was on American gun laws. All deplored with rolling eyes the gun laws and blamed the National Rifle Association for it’s corrupt influence. No counter-view given of course. BBC safe ground.
The arab woman was concerned that white gunmen who shoot members of the public are called insane but that never applies to arab gunmen. Could it be because the arab gunmen are terrorists?
She of course was not challenged.
Of interest re Esler’s left politics:-
“In 2007 a BBC publication investigating into impartiality in the organisation criticised an unnamed BBC news presenter for writing an article in the Daily Mirror newspaper entitled “Why the World Needs Hillary”, stating they had been “unwise” for doing so. The article appeared to endorse Hillary Clinton to be the next US President and it soon emerged that the newsreader in question was Esler. The BBC report noted that the article “could make it hard for that presenter to conduct American political interviews”
So, there you have it. Bias on a plate.
I just checked out the BBC News Homepage. 16.30Hrs 25/7/15.
The news that men of a certain religion have been convicted of particular crimes including the rape of children,
this time in Aylesbury, has slipped down the page rankings, whilst the main headline news is that a foreign non-european president is visiting a non-european country. ? . Is this ‘news’ for us brits?
I am also surprised that the news viewing public are not reading the case of these men, who despite warnings from 2008, had continued to perpetrate their despicable crimes, apparently with the full knowledge of local state institutions. Well,the BBC’s News Homepage’s ‘most read’ list doesn’t include this news item in the top ten most read.
Then again, ‘Man threw MacDonalds food at girl.’ ranking No 3 on the most read list, clearly is of great import.
Does the BBC not wish to inform the public about the mass sexual abuse of children? Has the article about more depraved criminality of muslim men in England and Wales not been read, or are the BBC ‘fiddling’ with hit statistics to reduce the dissemination of the news that yet again, Muslim men have been found to be organising over long periods of time, the mass rape/ gang rape of young English children whilst employees of our state institutions looked the other way and took their salaries?
Yasser Arafat did let us know that the Muslims main weapon is the womb. Evidently, (that is, on the basis of accruing evidence from cases in the English courts) the wombs of prepubescent English girls is the latest slant on this weapon and our public servants are too happy to facilitate and assist.
The institutions are broken, failing, devoid of a ‘can-do’ attitude, mired in apathy, overstaffed and weighed down by a morass of human incompetence and treachery.
Whilst we may be experiencing record low temperatures for June and July, the temperature of the blood of Englishmen is rising further. There is a reckoning coming. I hope its a civil one. I fear it may not be.
Yet another anti British drama on BBC Radio 4
Writing the Century – Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary
15 Minute Drama
Set in 1930’s Calcutta ‘Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary’ is the true story of Tanika Gupta’s great uncle Dinesh Gupta and his resistance to British Colonial rule based on the letters he wrote while imprisoned in Alipore Jail and his brother Pritish Gupta’s journals.
From the excerpt broadcast it was the typical how horrid the British were / are.
No doubt drama like this will be used to justify more anti white racism.
The BBC use of drama in the form of documentary style dramas that appear to be the truth to incite hatred- in this case -anti white racism – is quite frightening. This is difficult to complain about . The BBC do not accept the idea that they are promoting incitement to hatred but it needs to be pointed out to them that they should have nothing to do with this. I gave them evidence that the day after a particularly nasty programme against Jews in Israel someone I know who was working as a summer play leader was punched and kicked by the children after she mentioned she was a Jew.
Following submitted today to BBC Trust consultation.
“The BBC – its programmes and services
1. Thinking about the range of services and programmes paid for by the licence fee, in your opinion, do you think that:
e. The BBC provides far too much
2. Please briefly tell us why you have said this
Licence Fee is good value compared to commercial peers, like Virgin, Sky if one wishes such output, quantity and quality produced, however the BBC Licence Tax is not something I want and is a regressive tax.
I say this with a belief that all taxes should only be for universal actual requirements, rather than leisure extras or luxuries which cannot easily be found on free-view, online or commercial media markets, for those that want such services, thus relieving tax payers who cannot afford, or do not wish, such BBC services.
This regressive tax results in the largest number of non-compliant individuals being dragged through our courts, much more than any other crime , (nearly 200,00 per annun). This certainly cannot be right particularly when the tax is so inefficiently used (see below).
I do believe there is a place for our Public Broadcaster, producing factual news and information for our citizens and informing the world about us and our land and culture.
This provision should be in accord with the Licence remit, i.e. without fear or favour and totally politically unbiased, (which I find it is not balanced). The BBC has a noticeable centre left ethos bias with so much of its news and current affairs output.
This bias does not match the majority of the Nations inhabitants who have have democratically voted in Governments 70% of the time which are right of centre, for over 100 years now.
Therefore the BBC are not representing the politcal balance of the Nation: Proof of this unbalance can be found with the online sites dedicated to highlighting this bias, (I can only find sites dedicated to ‘left’ bias, listing many thousands of individual actual examples, which provide tons of evidence):
Guido Fawkes (almost ever page of this top of the UK political blogs has comments referring to the BBC ‘left’ bias, with literally many thousands of comments listing such).
I personally come up against this whenever I watch BBC News or current affairs. Only this morning I was watching sky and saw a headline “Faith School Bans Pupils From Meeting ‘Outsiders’.
Wow, I thought this must be big news about our wonderful tolerant, charitable, kind, inclusive British way of life being undermined. I wondered what our National Broadcaster who one would have thought would defend our British way of life was saying about such an important Public Service newsworthy item. I cannot find even a mention on the BBC, (that is not meeting the BBC remit):
A vastly reduced BBC output would of course result in very little requirement for tax funding thus relieving regressive taxes.
The world has changed since the last Licence Review.
Nowadays we have a substantial choice of entertainment, information, educational, leisure and sport programmes which can be found on a plethora of commercial or free-view media.
There is no need any longer for our taxes to provide this enormous extra BBC Leisure output that can easily stifle the commercial markets through the BBC historical dominance. For example there are 8,000 BBC reporters, more than the combined total of ‘Fleet Street’ reporters.
Additionally the BBC have wasted so much of the licence fee with failed IT programmes, Lonely Planet purchase:
and many other items like the move to Salford.
I also do not agree with the scandalous ginormous BBC management 6 figure salaries and pay-offs, nor do I agree that a tax funded organisation should run schemes for high paid staff/stars/presenters whose main income is the BBC but go self employed to avoid paying tax.
There are numerous other issues I have with the BBC that make me wish for the BBC to no longer be funded by my taxes:
I believe our National broadcaster should represent our minorities, but not at the expense of the majority of the nation, its culture and heritage. I find it absolutely incomprehensible, for example, why the BBC appoints a M.u.s.lim Head of Religion:
when we have two millennium Christian heritage and culture.
I also find the BBC has been a breeding ground for the Savlle and other p***do scandals with their employers and that the BBC receives massive amounts of money from the EU and does not fairly report affairs concerning our membership. Immigration issues are not covered fully or honestly.
Funny. I cannot seem to find this story on the main BBC ‘news’ portal.
As a former teacher and lecturer I find it abhorrent how these Islamic faith schools are enforcing religious separation in British communities on a alarming scale and with seeming impunity; yet the utterly useless Ofsted and its PC minions turn a blind eye! I find it unacceptable that any faith school should enforce such intolerant methods.
Doesn’t this type of segregationist and extremist ‘education’ fly in the face of the Left’s call for a tolerant, multi-faith and multicultural society based on collective principles of integration? It seems that following the credos of tolerance and diversity only applies to white, English Christians!
Is the ethnic/cultural background of these Ofsted Inspectors in the public domain? You know, like the Muslim Crown Prosecutor Nazir Afzal who sees no religious connection to muslim rape gangs.
Really let the ‘in other news’ backlog build up, which is a pity as there have been some corkers.
However, this one was too good not to chip in upon…
‘ Is it a change of strategy, a self-denying ordinance, or a holiday ?’
Or… Lord Hall had the ‘don’t tweet anything stupid’ market rate memo hand-delivered to protege, having read Danny’s dire output?
It’s like 99 monkeys got hold of a typewriter and chased each other around the keys.
F*cking 5Live!!! Just been listening to a delightful retrospective about TMS, then over to Fatty Nolan for a discussion — with live audience, no less — on . . . the Labout leadership election! Will there be no escape?!
Actually, yes: switch to Planet Rock because the BBC, for all its unique funding and commitment to public service broadcasting, doesn’t have a dedicated Rock station, preferring to micturate its funds away on R1Xtra and the Asian Network instead.
The BBC like to pass themselves off as on the side of working people but in reality they are nothing other than ruthless bullies:
Just watching the news on BBC1. Can someone enlighten me as to why the head of one foreign state (USA) visiting another foreign state (Kenya) should be of such overwhelming interest to us in the UK?
It’s a bBC circle-jerk
Its a ‘Muslim paedo conviction news avoidance’ measure. BBC playbook, by the numbers.
They only have so much space free for ‘news’ ((c) A Newsroom Tealady).
Hence such things as this see things like this dropped:
Personally, the roamings of foreign heads of state elsewhere that has zero effect on the UK has little interest or relevance to me.
The BBC quietly omitting editorial that would serve well to balance its previous efforts frankly does.
I find the BBC’s ‘service’ in the ME ranges from useless to deranged.
Luckily I educate and inform myself also from such as Honest Reporting, BBC Watch, Harry’s Place and of course ITTB…
All tend to be factual and fair. In noted contrast to an entity the UK public is forced to fund.
John Whittingdale will struggle to get any money out of me to pay the salary of Bowen, Orla, Donnison, etc, even by stealth.
I believe that I’ve just heard/seen the arch Beeboid fuckwit Marr point to a Sun headline referring to a Blair crony Lord taking coke and referring to a ‘Tory’.
If his stroke did this to him Al Beeb should retire him but it is inexcusable.
‘Marr point to a Sun headline referring to a Blair crony Lord taking coke and referring to a ‘Tory’.’
I heard this too. Having checked the facts – I hadn’t heard of this character, he’s not a household name – I find Marr misspoke. A slip which might easily have been corrected by one of the two female political journos present or perhaps a word in the ear from the BBC producers. Calling him a tory was perhaps wishful thinking on Marr/BBC part? What you might call a BBC Marxian Slip.
Afterall Comrade Corbyn just told Marr ‘in your heart of hearts you’re a Marxist too’
It’s just the default BBC position – if a politician does something wrong they are automatically a Tory.
Default position.
Noticed the same as others that bBC are following the ‘unofficial play it down instructions’. That is the ‘illegal immigrants’ are now MIGRANTS.
And, as I am myself as a man and van
so I know this for certain, why is the bbbc not investigating why such councils as Haringey, Islington, Hounslow and more, paying for recent”african migrants” to be moved into social housing in Northamptonshire towns at a large cost to the taxpayer. Also, leaving the said towns short of housing for indigenous people’s. ???
…..And people wonder why the Channel Tunnel is being invaded by ‘so called’ Desperate Migrants.
It’s the same in my town; immigrants seem to miraculously appear from nowhere and end up in scarce social housing. They get special treatment.
Mine likewise. Every day I seem to see more Africans, and they ARE Africans, not long standing descenedents of the Windrush, and like wise Asians in Asian dress and sandals, fresh off the boats as it were.
And this is on top of the many many invaders from Eastern Europe.
Where they fished out the Med ? they’re actually, to use the old phrase, straight off the boat !!
Probably were ‘fished out of the Med’ a year or so ago before they invaded via Calais.
Or better still, given fast track EU passports and told to ‘go west young man, go west……………… ‘
BBC View on the Greek/German Euro crisis.
“Why the row between Greece and Germany is like a lovers’ tiff”
Lot’s of hippie references befitting the author.
But the Germans in WW2 killed 563,00 of the Greek population. Most of these were executed or died of starvation. He might find that’s the reason for the Tiff…
But let’s not refer to the recent past in the support of a united Europe. Best ignore reality, eh?
BBC air-brushhhh..
AliBaba TV has been banging the gong about Obama’s comment, ‘The UK must stay in the European Union to continue to have influence on the world stage’.
I recollect that Great Britain had far more influence on the world stage before joining the ‘so called ‘ EU.
We lost it because of the insidious manner of dressing up a ‘Common Market’ as a trading bloc which was in-fact a creeping bureaucracy taking away our hard fought sovereignty and imposing its own laws.
IMHO, The EU was jealous of our nation’s global influence in the world because of our British Commonwealth or Commonwealth of Nations.
Collectively the EU does not behave like a natural ally of the US, as past responses to international crises have proved time and again.
It does, however, pursue a ‘Common Purpose’ style agenda, sharing the ideals and ambitions of the UN for an undemocratic eco-socialist ‘world government’. Agenda 21 is closer to Obama’s heart than anything that might be in the best interests of good old Blighty and our influence in the world.
“IMHO, The EU was jealous of our nation’s global influence in the world because of our British Commonwealth or Commonwealth of Nations.”
Think you could be right there, taffman. The US also felt like that and were ahead of the EU in that respect. IIRC, they insisted on the UK cutting its favourable Commonwealth trade links after WW2. Germany lost its colonies in the war, Belgium became increasingly disgraced by their activities and the French were facing resistance from their north African colonies. Not hard to imagine the jealousy.
Time that great Britain got rid of the eu project, ie-germany won the wars. Lets face it , although bbcc choose to ignore and generally put us down, if it wasn’t for forward thinking brits, the entire planet would be a backward mess, exactly what they are promoting with islamic nonsense
Five Live, “the home of live news and sport” seems to have given up the ghost this morning. Faced with diminishing listening figures, no doubt the result of hours of sympathetic broadcasting aimed solely at the transsexual Marxist illegal immigrant community this morning they’ve gone over to pre-recorded programming.
At ten we had a heart-warning repeat of the everyday tale of an Afghan illegal and his struggles to be given free everything by the British taxpayer, while the nasty British taxpayer was nasty to him at every turn. The presenter, an American, struggled to make himself heard against the swirling strings of the Our Tune music.
The lad ran away from home as “his way of fighting the Taliban.” Now, years later, he found himself helping British soldiers prepare to deploy to Afghanistan and fight the fight he and his fellow Afghans were unwilling to take up.
At eleven the home of live news and sport is running a documentary about W.G. Grace. First with the news indeed.
It costs £80 million quid a year to run this network. Close it. Labour and the SNP will just have to buy airtime like the other political parties.