Here you go, a NEW Open Thread to see us off into the weekend! Hope you are enjoying the new environment, once we all settle in I think it will be great! Detail the bias here please.
‘There is no suggestion the double Olympic champion is under investigation, he has always denied any wrongdoing – as has Salazar – and he still works with the American.’
For the first time for a long time this mourning I caught a bit of Wogan on Radio 2. It would appear that he has succumbed to bBC Department of Dumbing Down and Sanitisation, no more un PC Janet and John stories, reduced to playing sh1t like Little Mix and gloriously diverse guests such as ‘cook, reggae music and TV star’ (sic) Levi Roots (who he?).
The saddest thing was the disscusion with the traffic bint about Operation Stack, both carefully avoiding not to mention the elephant in the room, there was a time when Wogan would have told it like it was….
As I said its the first time I caught a bit of Radio 2 on a Sunday morning for a while, but I also note that ‘Love Songs’ no longer offers a ‘Flowers and Champaign’ moment, reduced now to ‘Chocolates and Flowers’. Subtle, but more bBC inclusivity!
38 Degrees is a potent activist force, and when on the warpath can stir a fair few to agitate.
However, having had and ignored the first, this follow up call to arms has more than a hint of desperation to it…
‘BBC at risk – Did you miss this email? Our BBC is under threat. The government has plans to weaken its funding and challenge its independence – and they’re hoping we won’t notice.’
No, and it is not ‘our’ BBC; a presumption that may well have knocked a fair few offside.
As to the laughable notion anyone won’t notice the relentless luvvie and loon assault on every medium, every day, to keep ‘their’ meal ticket and/or propaganda megaphone in place…
Ho ho. Snap. This came an hour ago. 38 degrees. It’s ‘our BBC’ now.
Our BBC is under attack. The government have announced plans to cut popular programmes, undermine its funding, and – worst of all – challenge its independence. [1]
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news. The same media baron who’s had countless closed-doors meetings with David Cameron. [2] Unlike other parts of the media, the BBC is fiercely independent – and that’s exactly why the government is trying to dismantle it. [3]
The government thinks it can tear our BBC apart by stealth – slowly slipping in cuts and changing the rules. But if hundreds of thousands of us create a huge public outcry now, we can show David Cameron it’d be a political disaster to destroy our BBC.
Click here to sign the petition to save our BBC now – it takes 10 seconds to sign:
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news.
Wrong. The BBC can choose to switch to subscription funding which would be a fair move to level the playing field. However, that would most likely diminish their income by some considerable margin leaving their plans to build on their 70% news coverage and long term ambition to be the UN World Government’s (Agenda 21-style eco-socialist, of course) sole approved broadcaster, in tatters.
The Left are getting desperate. Their plans are unravelling. Their only hope is for Dave to continue with his suicidal ‘Climate Change’ agenda which plays into their hands. Wake up, Dave, before it’s too late!
It was probably started by an AliBaba TV, arty farty, champaign socialist ex hippy sympathiser. There are a lot of ‘so called ‘TV stars and comedians living off the proceeds of poor licence fee payers who are very worried at the present outlook – they may have to get a real job .
Not sure if it sinks in with Beebophiles that citing other Beeophiles with massive conflicts of interest really sways any who know it’s a market monolithic monopoly.
Of course the BBC ‘helps’ music by its broadcast PR reach.
Thing is, what music? Even way back I recall payola and once that was quietly swept under the carpet, BBC producers only met pluggers whose means of securing exclusive access always seemed to serve those with deep pockets more than talent. Or the ‘right’ credentials, like Billy Bragg or Mitch Benn.
Which may explain why he thinks it ‘decent’, despite being panned by any who can see a BBC stitch-up poll-to-PR a mile away, with rigged questions to leak results to the Graun to then quote as ‘news’.
BTW The British Embassy remains closed after it was attacked by protesters in 2011. British nationals travelling to Iran should contact the Swedish embassy or the embassy of another EU member state.
Yesterday there was what most people would regard as a serious incident in East London, where a gang of Muslims attacked two immigration enforcement vans, slashing their tyres, and removing the valves. Nearby garages owned by Muslims are reported to have refused to have helped them.
Not surprised by the lack of BBC attention as Nur Choudhoury is the accidental informant. Nur, when you google him, seems to be yet another Tower Hamlets employee left behind by Lutfur Rahman after his removal by the electoral court. Corruption may well follow corruption and bias.
Perhaps most damning is the admission that the BBC reacts to multiple complaints by ignoring them. Catch 22: When lobbying floods the BBC with complaints they ignore them. When only a few complaints are filed the BBC sees that as a sign they have it about right and ignores them.
Just seen this on Guido- what a cosy fire side chat ,Jerry seems right at home at Albeeb
Dear BBC apologist lurking out there, can you find a link showing any centre or centre right Politician getting the same Cuddly treatment. That’s any not just Nigel
I wait with baited breath for your example.
Now, it’s been a few decades since I was last in Jerusalem, but the footage looks to me to have been filmed not at the ‘al-Aqsa mosque complex’ at all, but in one of the streets of the Arab quarter, to the north of Temple Mount (to give it its proper name).
Note the comentary that the area is ‘one of Islam’s holiest sites’, but merely ‘also sacred to Jews’, not the Jews’ holiest site. Also no mention that today is Tisha b’Av, when Jews solemnly commemorate the destruction of both Temples, so the Pallies’ actions can clearly be interpreted as a ‘religiosly motivated hate crime’.
For a rather better report (Beeboids note and learn), with some pictures of how these Muslims treat ‘one of their holiest sites’, see:
From the video clips in the 2 articles it looks to me like some abusive behaviour by Arabs in the alleyways of the Old City – as you say – plus masked Arab youths rioting at the mosque atop Temple Mount. It all looks pre-planned, deliberate provocation by the Arabs.
As you say – the BBC playing its usual trick of stressing the “holiness” of the site to Muslims, when there is no actual mention of Jerusalem in their tradition – merely “the most distant ” = Al Aqsa. It was long afterwards that the Muslims claimed this meant Jerusalem.
Whereas the Temple Mount had been the holiest site for Jews for millenia. It is sick of the BBC not to relate that plain fact.
As a reminder – I understand that when the Jews took control in 1967 of the whole of Jerusalem they left day-today control of the acres atop the Temple Mount to the Muslims and restricted the terms of access by Jews – an act of amazing magnanimity. All they get back from the Arabs is spite and venom. Of course the BBC would not mention this to us, it does not fit their narrative of Arab victimhood.
The Al Aqsa site is where Muslims believe their prophet ascended to heaven on a winged donkey! That would have been after the sun had set in its muddy pool, which he also claimed to have seen, and the flat earth which was laid out like a carpet !
And don’t dare dispute this, there’s a fatwa declared, and you know what happens then!
‘Of course the BBC would not mention this to us, it does not fit their narrative of Arab victimhood.’
The BBC never mentions any of the three full-scale wars waged by the Arabs to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the earth’. Nor will it ever mention the offers over the years for a two-state solution that have been rejected by the Arab states and the ‘Palestinians’.
The BBC is now omitting so much stuff from its coverage of issues like the Middle East and ‘climate change’ it is beginning to sound like the Norman Collier of broadcasting.
Daniel Pipes has written in detail about the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. His thesis is that the Arabs don’t give a damn about Jerusalem unless it is in someone else’s hands.
Perhaps the most damning refutation to the ‘3rd holiest city’ malarkey is the realisation that while the city was in Jordanian hands for 19 years between 1948 and 1967 not one Muslim head of state thought it important enough to visit.
Interesting reading, thanks for the links. The Saracens’ attitude towards Jerusalem has always been ‘dog in manger’, and especially so now just to spite the Jews.
I think I’ve just about heard everything now! At the very end of today’s Gardeners’ Question Time, some imbecile started whooping as the programme closed.
The BBC’s fault? Well, it’s certainly the sort of moronic ‘participation’ it has encouraged. No doubt we will have a Kardhasian on the panel before very much longer.
Just had the bBC news tell us that the DEPUTY SPEAKER of the LORDS has just resigned because he has been caught taking drugs with prostitutes. They left out the bit he is LABOUR, how strange!
And before a Beeboid says that he was a cross-bencher he resigned from the Labour party in 2012 just to take up the post of chairman of a committee. Still Labour at heart as demonstrated by standard Socialist hypocrisy
As people have said before, the BBC is just like Pravda used to be, you can always read between the lines. Because the BBC was not mentioning his party affiliation, I knew he was likely to be Labour.
Am I getting mixed up? I’m sure I saw a repeat (inevitably) of one of those interminable antiques programmes where Philip somebody (Serrell?) from Worcester took great delight in handing over some ancient trainspotting books to a ‘Deputy Speaker’ of the HoL. Have I got this all wrong – surely, no-one who knows all about steam engine valve gear and locomotive numbering could possibly have anything to do with drugs, or even recognise a prostitute unless she had her Swindon number tattooed on her thigh?
My apologies to all train-spotters everywhere. I appear to have vilely traduced the Deputy Leader of the HoL, which is, I gather, a different position. Although I may still be wrong on this – I did not realise how little I know about this. Perhaps there should be an Ian Allan book of politicians, detailing there livery, locomotive sheds and shunting arrangements.. after all, if there are to be some 800 of them in the Upper Marshalling Yard, there’s plenty to spot with a pencil and a pair of binoculars.
I don’t watch the hypocrite Marr nowadays. After the disgraceful slur on Cameron nothing changes so this doesn’t surprise me. Did he misspeak? Probably yes, but his misspeak in itself ‘speaks’ volumes about what lies just below his consciousness.
The one thing that I did notice was paper reviewer Sarah Smith; introduced as a ‘journalist’. Now, as far as I am aware Smith is a BBC journalist and daughter of the late John Smith, Labour Leader. The previous time I watched Marr, Toenails Robinson was one of the paper reviewers.
Is this a new trend? Now passing off their own as guest ‘journalists’…or is the BBC now so big there are no none-BBC journalists left.
John Ware investigates plans to counter the activities of those classed as non-violent extremists. Glorifying terrorism is already a crime. In future, expressing views deemed contrary to British values could be illegal too. A new bill would allow police to impose prevention orders aimed at silencing those who preach an extremist message. The law could be used to shut down the premises used to host such speakers. It is part of the “muscular liberal” approach set out by David Cameron in 2011. But does it risk compromising the liberal values it is designed to protect?
Who decides who is an extremist, the BBC, followed by money grabbing left-wing lawyers? How Orwellian.
They call it “Liberal Fascism” not “Muscular Liberalism”
History shows that this type of repression of “Free Speech” usually leads to Civil War rather than Glasnost.
Yes, it s hard to believe that our PC PCs won’t be scrutinising UKIP supporters and anyone who might truly deserve the term ‘conservative’ every bit as much as Islamic fundamentalists. As you say, egged-on by the BBC and Guardianistas.
I guess you a very excited by the prospect of Comrade J Corbyn taking over as PM in 2020 .Then all non Socialist Hideously Whiteys, to the Gulag or gas chamber .Comrade Len will be clicking his heels, & pulling the strings.
No, just someone who has true Conservative values – which don’t include the introduction of gay marriage into law and a one billion pound a month overseas aid budget… which will rise as GDP rises.. oh and is protected against any cuts unlike nearly all other government departments.
Someone who ISN’T in favour of Corbynlite policies like that.
Gay marriage , hardly comes up in conversation down my pub . As none of us are gay ,it does not affect us , & nobody cares . Let them get on with it ,if that`s what they want to do. The Church of England & other churches are exempt from marrying same sex couples , so I would not loose any sleep over it .
That wasn’t my point; if someone had asked fifteen or twenty years ago “Which political party will one day legalize gay marriage? Which political party will one day give £250,000,000 per week in Overseas Aid?”
What answer do you think most people would have given?
Cameron is NOT a Tory. I’m sorry to have to burst that bubble for you.
It was a free vote , all parties supported it . does it really matter ? I don`t support oversea`s aid either , but I would not vote Labour because of that . Cam is the best we have at the moment, until Comrade Corbyn takes over .I am sure that you would welcome that .
That may be, but for the sake of this nation’s future, I hope he will still be in the party and that UKIP will be strong contenders in the next general election. The present government and its leader are ‘wets’, eg. immigration is up despite the promises, and the security of nations border control is a mess hence the present Channel Tunnel fiasco.
From our exchange on here; and my view that Cameron is no good because he isn’t really a Tory, how on earth can you infer that I would welcome Corbyn as PM FFS?
The ONLY way I would vote Labour is if they returned to their pre-1983 policy on the EU (EEC as was) – to get out; but that is unlikely to happen, say the least.
I think Comrade Corbyn says the EU is too Capitalist & wants out ,so he can start on a massive nationalisation of the `Commanding Heights of the Economy`.
If Corbyn thinks the EU has anything to do with capitalism or the free market he’s even more delusional than I thought: it’s a political union which has masqueraded, since its inception, as an economic one
Well, the police in the south west already have form on this, having arrested someone for reading aloud from a book by Winston Churchill. Clearly the greatest Englishman of the 20th century is now outside the pale of English values.
I would claim, its against the Human Rights Act,if I were him . You might as well use it against them, while it still exists. But I guess Blair inserted a clause , to prevent Whitey from using it against the Blair Junta , at the time .
Well you got it right!
When BLiar and his Nu Liebour party enacted the Human Rights Act they conveniently omitted the clause about freedom from discrimination on the grounds of political belief.
Of course the lefties did this because they knew that all the bullying oppression and discrimination came from them & their supporters.
The case of Redfearn Vs UK forced a change in this position, although his employers (Serco) bare faced lies in court should have landed them with a perjury charge.
According to Cameron’s address for Ramadamalong 2015, Islam is central to British values which means that speaking ill of Prophet 1 and his book is a form of extremism.
(PS. I am thinking of a new title for the one they normally call the prophet, as it is very clear to the BBC that Obama is the current Prophet).
Alistair Leithhead (Obama’s biggest fan) and BBC Africa correspondent latest update…
“You can feel the energy the president has brought with him to Kenya” he exclaims excitedly. Sorry people, Obamacrush takes precedent over impartiality.
Obama’s father is from Kenya, that’s the official line, the unofficial line is his real father is Frank Marshall Davis, there is a resemblance. Also Obama’s brother is err um, a pedophile.
”Samson Obama, who runs a mobile phone shop in Nairobi in Kenya, was on his way to the president’s inauguration in January when he tried to stop over in Britain to visit relatives. But he was turned away by immigration officers who declined to issue a visa on the grounds of deception. Details on the database suggested that he was the same man who had been arrested by police in Berkshire after approaching a group of young girls, including a 13 year-old, and allegedly trying to sexually assault one of them, the News of the World reported. ”
Graham Stringer, Labour MP and one of the few parliamentarians with any kind of scientific background, joins the Global Warming Policy Foundation along with Peter Lilley.
The question is: can they ever bring any sanity to parliamentary debate on the government’s current suicidal ‘climate change’ policy?
Stringer was one of the few who protested against the farce/whitewash of the parliamentray enquiries into Climategate (which exposed the unscientific behaviour of ‘scientists’ of the Climate Research Unit at the UEA).
Real Hamid, Tripoli, Libya, 7 hours ago
Exactly! You never see a headline like ‘Christian gang slashes tyres…’, the media always picks on us for some reason.
You would think a Briton winning the Tour de France for the second time would be top news at the Beeb but no you have to go to the sports pages to read it. Of course his being born in Nairobi if he’d been of different hue and not white the Beeb would have been salivating for the last 12 days.
Chris Froome has won the Tour de France, he’s originally from Kenya, Africa. The BBC doesn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about it like they were about ”our” Mo at the Olympics. Hmm…
on Al BBC News … don t be silly, was only a “so called” plot after all wasn t it BBC?
Thankfully, more pressing news
Birmingham Balti’s bid for EU protected status
Jennifer Harby
BBC News Online
– I’ve just been speaking to Defra about whether the Birmingham Balti is any closer to getting EU protected status.
A rare moment of truth on Radio Four when German immigrant Westminster MP Gisela Stuart admitted that the Founding Fathers of the EU wanted political union and that to achieve that they realised that migration of people was a necessity (in other words to end national identity).
Well done BBC for letting this be openly stated on national radio, a rare one.
Gisela Stuart, despite being a Labour MP, is no friend of the EU. She or Kate Hoey really should be rolled out by the BBC every time they have a Tory like Ken Clarke on talking about the EU, but they will not.
To be fair to the EU nothing was hidden at the beginning. What this programme doesn’t tell us is that the facts of ‘ever closer union’ and ‘free movement’ were until recently dismissed by OUR politicians as never going to happen.
In the 1975 white paper we were told that essentially no-one migrated between the ‘six’ and the same situation was expected to pertain here too. Of course THEN we were talking about the likes of France, Germany and Holland, pretty much of a muchness economically so why move and have to cope with a foreign language.
But now we are 28, most of whom are basket cases, and for the same reason that the Scots, Scousers and Southern Irish traditionally flocked to London our new ‘partners’ do the same.
Dont the BBC absolutely LOVE Mairhi Black the gobby student lesbian Scots Nat MP?
A nauseatingly unctous documentary about her which I heard on Radio Four ealrier this week was repeated again today. Surely only Obama himself iis as praisworthy as this Wonderchild?
A billion pound organisation and they make silly mistakes like this on their web site front page. Since when was ‘Eastenders’ a sport?
Obviously the flaming image hasn’t loaded but if you go to the bbc homepage at the moment you will see it. i took a screenshot but don’t know how to load it up here
And I’m back, thanks for sorting out the log in issue I had. As usual I’ve not watched much BBc this weekend however for some reason the TV ended up on Children’s BBc with horrible histories and I most bizarre resume of Winston Churchill. If I was a child I would have learned from the program he overspent the “dosh” doing up his house and was a wartime Prime minister but not a peacetime Prime minister. Errr what happened in 1951?
Funny that, Countryfile did a piece from Chartwell, they omitted that fact as well, implying that post war he spent his time building walls and farming.
Even on the Tour De France, the BBC cannot resist having a dig at the government. From their live feed on the presentation to the winner Chris Froome…with spelling error from their trained journalist…..
The chancelllor George Osborne snuck his way on to the stage there somehow. Not sure where he came from.
Imagine the BBC headlines if Osborne, in Paris for important meetings, didn’t share in Froome’s (British) success.
‘Chancelor Osborne distances himself from Froome Victory’.
‘The BBC learned today that George Osborne, in Paris for last gasp meetings with key opponents of Britain’s bid to reform the EU, chose not to attend the presentation ceremony for Tour de France winner, former Kenyan, Chris Froome. Froome has been dogged by allegations in the French press surrounding his ‘improbable’ performance in the Tour. BBC correspondent Norman Smith said that Osborne’s absence would be seen as a snub to Froome, distancing himself from Froome’s victory.
After Paris, Osborne will travel to other European capitals in a desperate attempt to garner support for the Tories fading hopes of securing EU treaty change’
“one of the worst affected groups being British Muslims”
What’s not to like? Just shows what a load of benefit-leeches they are. This isn’t the former East Germany (despite the efforts of the PC Stasi); if they don’t like it, they’re free to sod off.
That is a truly special… ‘report’, even by Graun standards.
From who from where quoted, to the simple facts they are quoted trotting out, with near zero sensible ‘analysis’, it’s hard to see the BBC not trotting it out to stir up racial and faith tensions still further, as seems their mission these days.
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 14:05 Midweek 26th February 2025 UK is safe …. “Former British military pilots are being lured to China with large sums of money to pass…
diggFeb 26, 13:57 Midweek 26th February 2025 Agreed Lucy, the only thing the defence uplift will achieve is higher tax all round for every worker in the…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 13:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 Money from the UK to Ukraine ? Goes into UK Gov pocket?
diggFeb 26, 13:55 Midweek 26th February 2025 BBC running lots of footage of TTK in battlefield camo garb while visiting his troops….. I’ve always believed that this…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 26, 13:50 Midweek 26th February 2025 I think there’s a huge number of people who hope that Trump gives TTK a right good talking to. Normally,…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 13:48 Midweek 26th February 2025 “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell, 1984
AlthepalerpFeb 26, 13:45 Midweek 26th February 2025 Money for the EU to Ukraine is a loan. Money from the USA to Ukraine will now be paid back…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 26, 13:42 Midweek 26th February 2025 He is either stupid, or he thinks we are, or both.
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 13:38 Midweek 26th February 2025 “In 10 years’ time, Britain is going to be full of people wearing burqas. “Islam will have taken over.” Chloe…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 13:15 Midweek 26th February 2025 Starmer is now gaslighting the whole nation …. amazing… I thought Boris was good at this …. “The national security…
AliBaba TV weatherman asking, ‘where has summer gone ? ‘
From the west I am asking, ‘have we had summer ? ‘
‘So called’ Global Warming anyone?
Don’t get excited Mo is not under suspicion.
‘There is no suggestion the double Olympic champion is under investigation, he has always denied any wrongdoing – as has Salazar – and he still works with the American.’
For the first time for a long time this mourning I caught a bit of Wogan on Radio 2. It would appear that he has succumbed to bBC Department of Dumbing Down and Sanitisation, no more un PC Janet and John stories, reduced to playing sh1t like Little Mix and gloriously diverse guests such as ‘cook, reggae music and TV star’ (sic) Levi Roots (who he?).
The saddest thing was the disscusion with the traffic bint about Operation Stack, both carefully avoiding not to mention the elephant in the room, there was a time when Wogan would have told it like it was….
As I said its the first time I caught a bit of Radio 2 on a Sunday morning for a while, but I also note that ‘Love Songs’ no longer offers a ‘Flowers and Champaign’ moment, reduced now to ‘Chocolates and Flowers’. Subtle, but more bBC inclusivity!
38 Degrees is a potent activist force, and when on the warpath can stir a fair few to agitate.
However, having had and ignored the first, this follow up call to arms has more than a hint of desperation to it…
‘BBC at risk – Did you miss this email? Our BBC is under threat. The government has plans to weaken its funding and challenge its independence – and they’re hoping we won’t notice.’
No, and it is not ‘our’ BBC; a presumption that may well have knocked a fair few offside.
As to the laughable notion anyone won’t notice the relentless luvvie and loon assault on every medium, every day, to keep ‘their’ meal ticket and/or propaganda megaphone in place…
Ho ho. Snap. This came an hour ago. 38 degrees. It’s ‘our BBC’ now.
Our BBC is under attack. The government have announced plans to cut popular programmes, undermine its funding, and – worst of all – challenge its independence. [1]
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news. The same media baron who’s had countless closed-doors meetings with David Cameron. [2] Unlike other parts of the media, the BBC is fiercely independent – and that’s exactly why the government is trying to dismantle it. [3]
The government thinks it can tear our BBC apart by stealth – slowly slipping in cuts and changing the rules. But if hundreds of thousands of us create a huge public outcry now, we can show David Cameron it’d be a political disaster to destroy our BBC.
Click here to sign the petition to save our BBC now – it takes 10 seconds to sign:
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news.
Wrong. The BBC can choose to switch to subscription funding which would be a fair move to level the playing field. However, that would most likely diminish their income by some considerable margin leaving their plans to build on their 70% news coverage and long term ambition to be the UN World Government’s (Agenda 21-style eco-socialist, of course) sole approved broadcaster, in tatters.
The Left are getting desperate. Their plans are unravelling. Their only hope is for Dave to continue with his suicidal ‘Climate Change’ agenda which plays into their hands. Wake up, Dave, before it’s too late!
If Sky is anything to judge by, having ‘Murdoch’ in charge would make no difference at all. Sky is every bit as as Left-liberal as the BBC.
It was probably started by an AliBaba TV, arty farty, champaign socialist ex hippy sympathiser. There are a lot of ‘so called ‘TV stars and comedians living off the proceeds of poor licence fee payers who are very worried at the present outlook – they may have to get a real job .
Often a refusal speaks volumes too:
‘Thank you for your response that the BBC has added up to nine more Senior Managers to the ten that you already have in Grade 11.
When he was Director General Tim Davie told a parliamentary
committee that the BBC never moves Senior Managers to Grade 11 but you are still at it.
Guess what… they are keeping Mum.
Loved this non stupid tweet from one of those well-staffed niche magazines the BBC has to roam around the world ‘reporting’:
BBC Click @BBCClick
We’re on patrol in Texas with the latest policing tech. See for times.
Clearly appealed to their core audience:
Mark Holliday @quizbuff2000
@BBCClick Yet more gadgetry for the persecution of black people. #fatfascists
Wonder what they have at Calais? Punji sticks on railway sleepers?
Tipping down outside, so as the stew simmers, a wee ‘other news’ catch up (broken into filter-sized chunks):
Actually, sounds pretty much just like BBC ‘News’. This phrase appealed:
‘scraped from BBC News’
Sums it up.
Not sure if it sinks in with Beebophiles that citing other Beeophiles with massive conflicts of interest really sways any who know it’s a market monolithic monopoly.
Of course the BBC ‘helps’ music by its broadcast PR reach.
Thing is, what music? Even way back I recall payola and once that was quietly swept under the carpet, BBC producers only met pluggers whose means of securing exclusive access always seemed to serve those with deep pockets more than talent. Or the ‘right’ credentials, like Billy Bragg or Mitch Benn.
He doesn’t mention from which side.
Which may explain why he thinks it ‘decent’, despite being panned by any who can see a BBC stitch-up poll-to-PR a mile away, with rigged questions to leak results to the Graun to then quote as ‘news’.
Two interesting Iranian stories from the BBC. Spot the dissonance.
Iran executions see ‘unprecedented spike’ – Amnesty
Iran plans to become global tourism hotspot
BTW The British Embassy remains closed after it was attacked by protesters in 2011. British nationals travelling to Iran should contact the Swedish embassy or the embassy of another EU member state.
Yesterday there was what most people would regard as a serious incident in East London, where a gang of Muslims attacked two immigration enforcement vans, slashing their tyres, and removing the valves. Nearby garages owned by Muslims are reported to have refused to have helped them.
The BBC needless to say has decided to completely ignore this.
How many more lawless zones will we have to tolerate before this gutless government takes action – drastic action, at that?
Not surprised by the lack of BBC attention as Nur Choudhoury is the accidental informant. Nur, when you google him, seems to be yet another Tower Hamlets employee left behind by Lutfur Rahman after his removal by the electoral court. Corruption may well follow corruption and bias.
BBC under fire for documentary on Jerusalem Light Rail
Perhaps most damning is the admission that the BBC reacts to multiple complaints by ignoring them. Catch 22: When lobbying floods the BBC with complaints they ignore them. When only a few complaints are filed the BBC sees that as a sign they have it about right and ignores them.
How does one access the middle bear?
Just seen this on Guido- what a cosy fire side chat ,Jerry seems right at home at Albeeb
Dear BBC apologist lurking out there, can you find a link showing any centre or centre right Politician getting the same Cuddly treatment. That’s any not just Nigel
I wait with baited breath for your example.
Latest from Jerusalem:
Palestinians and Israeli police clash at al-Aqsa mosque
Now, it’s been a few decades since I was last in Jerusalem, but the footage looks to me to have been filmed not at the ‘al-Aqsa mosque complex’ at all, but in one of the streets of the Arab quarter, to the north of Temple Mount (to give it its proper name).
Note the comentary that the area is ‘one of Islam’s holiest sites’, but merely ‘also sacred to Jews’, not the Jews’ holiest site. Also no mention that today is Tisha b’Av, when Jews solemnly commemorate the destruction of both Temples, so the Pallies’ actions can clearly be interpreted as a ‘religiosly motivated hate crime’.
For a rather better report (Beeboids note and learn), with some pictures of how these Muslims treat ‘one of their holiest sites’, see:,7340,L-4684025,00.html
From the video clips in the 2 articles it looks to me like some abusive behaviour by Arabs in the alleyways of the Old City – as you say – plus masked Arab youths rioting at the mosque atop Temple Mount. It all looks pre-planned, deliberate provocation by the Arabs.
As you say – the BBC playing its usual trick of stressing the “holiness” of the site to Muslims, when there is no actual mention of Jerusalem in their tradition – merely “the most distant ” = Al Aqsa. It was long afterwards that the Muslims claimed this meant Jerusalem.
Whereas the Temple Mount had been the holiest site for Jews for millenia. It is sick of the BBC not to relate that plain fact.
As a reminder – I understand that when the Jews took control in 1967 of the whole of Jerusalem they left day-today control of the acres atop the Temple Mount to the Muslims and restricted the terms of access by Jews – an act of amazing magnanimity. All they get back from the Arabs is spite and venom. Of course the BBC would not mention this to us, it does not fit their narrative of Arab victimhood.
The Al Aqsa site is where Muslims believe their prophet ascended to heaven on a winged donkey! That would have been after the sun had set in its muddy pool, which he also claimed to have seen, and the flat earth which was laid out like a carpet !
And don’t dare dispute this, there’s a fatwa declared, and you know what happens then!
One guy has a dream … and that’s makes it the 3rd erm … “most holy” place in Islam …
You couldn t make it up
… mind you he did
‘Of course the BBC would not mention this to us, it does not fit their narrative of Arab victimhood.’
The BBC never mentions any of the three full-scale wars waged by the Arabs to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the earth’. Nor will it ever mention the offers over the years for a two-state solution that have been rejected by the Arab states and the ‘Palestinians’.
The BBC is now omitting so much stuff from its coverage of issues like the Middle East and ‘climate change’ it is beginning to sound like the Norman Collier of broadcasting.
Daniel Pipes has written in detail about the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. His thesis is that the Arabs don’t give a damn about Jerusalem unless it is in someone else’s hands.
The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem
Reviewing the Muslim Claim to Jerusalem
More on the Muslim Claim to Jerusalem
Perhaps the most damning refutation to the ‘3rd holiest city’ malarkey is the realisation that while the city was in Jordanian hands for 19 years between 1948 and 1967 not one Muslim head of state thought it important enough to visit.
Interesting reading, thanks for the links. The Saracens’ attitude towards Jerusalem has always been ‘dog in manger’, and especially so now just to spite the Jews.
I think I’ve just about heard everything now! At the very end of today’s Gardeners’ Question Time, some imbecile started whooping as the programme closed.
The BBC’s fault? Well, it’s certainly the sort of moronic ‘participation’ it has encouraged. No doubt we will have a Kardhasian on the panel before very much longer.
It was probably one of the many vegetables that work for them.
Just had the bBC news tell us that the DEPUTY SPEAKER of the LORDS has just resigned because he has been caught taking drugs with prostitutes. They left out the bit he is LABOUR, how strange!
And before a Beeboid says that he was a cross-bencher he resigned from the Labour party in 2012 just to take up the post of chairman of a committee. Still Labour at heart as demonstrated by standard Socialist hypocrisy
As people have said before, the BBC is just like Pravda used to be, you can always read between the lines. Because the BBC was not mentioning his party affiliation, I knew he was likely to be Labour.
Am I getting mixed up? I’m sure I saw a repeat (inevitably) of one of those interminable antiques programmes where Philip somebody (Serrell?) from Worcester took great delight in handing over some ancient trainspotting books to a ‘Deputy Speaker’ of the HoL. Have I got this all wrong – surely, no-one who knows all about steam engine valve gear and locomotive numbering could possibly have anything to do with drugs, or even recognise a prostitute unless she had her Swindon number tattooed on her thigh?
Please, just tell me it’s someone else!
Perhaps he was interested in her Box Tunnel.
My apologies to all train-spotters everywhere. I appear to have vilely traduced the Deputy Leader of the HoL, which is, I gather, a different position. Although I may still be wrong on this – I did not realise how little I know about this. Perhaps there should be an Ian Allan book of politicians, detailing there livery, locomotive sheds and shunting arrangements.. after all, if there are to be some 800 of them in the Upper Marshalling Yard, there’s plenty to spot with a pencil and a pair of binoculars.
According to Andrew Marr, Lord Coke is a Tory:
See at around 6 mins:
I don’t watch the hypocrite Marr nowadays. After the disgraceful slur on Cameron nothing changes so this doesn’t surprise me. Did he misspeak? Probably yes, but his misspeak in itself ‘speaks’ volumes about what lies just below his consciousness.
The one thing that I did notice was paper reviewer Sarah Smith; introduced as a ‘journalist’. Now, as far as I am aware Smith is a BBC journalist and daughter of the late John Smith, Labour Leader. The previous time I watched Marr, Toenails Robinson was one of the paper reviewers.
Is this a new trend? Now passing off their own as guest ‘journalists’…or is the BBC now so big there are no none-BBC journalists left.
On Radio 4 now 16:00
Should extremism be a crime?
John Ware investigates plans to counter the activities of those classed as non-violent extremists. Glorifying terrorism is already a crime. In future, expressing views deemed contrary to British values could be illegal too. A new bill would allow police to impose prevention orders aimed at silencing those who preach an extremist message. The law could be used to shut down the premises used to host such speakers. It is part of the “muscular liberal” approach set out by David Cameron in 2011. But does it risk compromising the liberal values it is designed to protect?
Who decides who is an extremist, the BBC, followed by money grabbing left-wing lawyers? How Orwellian.
They call it “Liberal Fascism” not “Muscular Liberalism”
History shows that this type of repression of “Free Speech” usually leads to Civil War rather than Glasnost.
Yes, it s hard to believe that our PC PCs won’t be scrutinising UKIP supporters and anyone who might truly deserve the term ‘conservative’ every bit as much as Islamic fundamentalists. As you say, egged-on by the BBC and Guardianistas.
Cameron has to go. Oops, that’s me on the list!
I guess you a very excited by the prospect of Comrade J Corbyn taking over as PM in 2020 .Then all non Socialist Hideously Whiteys, to the Gulag or gas chamber .Comrade Len will be clicking his heels, & pulling the strings.
No, just someone who has true Conservative values – which don’t include the introduction of gay marriage into law and a one billion pound a month overseas aid budget… which will rise as GDP rises.. oh and is protected against any cuts unlike nearly all other government departments.
Someone who ISN’T in favour of Corbynlite policies like that.
Gay marriage , hardly comes up in conversation down my pub . As none of us are gay ,it does not affect us , & nobody cares . Let them get on with it ,if that`s what they want to do. The Church of England & other churches are exempt from marrying same sex couples , so I would not loose any sleep over it .
That wasn’t my point; if someone had asked fifteen or twenty years ago “Which political party will one day legalize gay marriage? Which political party will one day give £250,000,000 per week in Overseas Aid?”
What answer do you think most people would have given?
Cameron is NOT a Tory. I’m sorry to have to burst that bubble for you.
It was a free vote , all parties supported it . does it really matter ? I don`t support oversea`s aid either , but I would not vote Labour because of that . Cam is the best we have at the moment, until Comrade Corbyn takes over .I am sure that you would welcome that .
Hopefully Nigel Farage and UKIP will be up and running by then .
Think Nigel will have stood down from Ukip leadership by then.
That may be, but for the sake of this nation’s future, I hope he will still be in the party and that UKIP will be strong contenders in the next general election. The present government and its leader are ‘wets’, eg. immigration is up despite the promises, and the security of nations border control is a mess hence the present Channel Tunnel fiasco.
From our exchange on here; and my view that Cameron is no good because he isn’t really a Tory, how on earth can you infer that I would welcome Corbyn as PM FFS?
The ONLY way I would vote Labour is if they returned to their pre-1983 policy on the EU (EEC as was) – to get out; but that is unlikely to happen, say the least.
I think Comrade Corbyn says the EU is too Capitalist & wants out ,so he can start on a massive nationalisation of the `Commanding Heights of the Economy`.
If Corbyn thinks the EU has anything to do with capitalism or the free market he’s even more delusional than I thought: it’s a political union which has masqueraded, since its inception, as an economic one
Well, the police in the south west already have form on this, having arrested someone for reading aloud from a book by Winston Churchill. Clearly the greatest Englishman of the 20th century is now outside the pale of English values.
I would claim, its against the Human Rights Act,if I were him . You might as well use it against them, while it still exists. But I guess Blair inserted a clause , to prevent Whitey from using it against the Blair Junta , at the time .
Well you got it right!
When BLiar and his Nu Liebour party enacted the Human Rights Act they conveniently omitted the clause about freedom from discrimination on the grounds of political belief.
Of course the lefties did this because they knew that all the bullying oppression and discrimination came from them & their supporters.
The case of Redfearn Vs UK forced a change in this position, although his employers (Serco) bare faced lies in court should have landed them with a perjury charge.
According to Cameron’s address for Ramadamalong 2015, Islam is central to British values which means that speaking ill of Prophet 1 and his book is a form of extremism.
(PS. I am thinking of a new title for the one they normally call the prophet, as it is very clear to the BBC that Obama is the current Prophet).
Alistair Leithhead (Obama’s biggest fan) and BBC Africa correspondent latest update…
“You can feel the energy the president has brought with him to Kenya” he exclaims excitedly. Sorry people, Obamacrush takes precedent over impartiality.
It seems the BBC is among a minority of British news sites to consider Obama’s trip home to see the folks as being of any interest.
I’d say the Corporation’s constant Obamaphilia is an open and shut case of racism, personally.
This a good article about Barack’s comments about Britain and the E.U.
Obama’s father is from Kenya, that’s the official line, the unofficial line is his real father is Frank Marshall Davis, there is a resemblance. Also Obama’s brother is err um, a pedophile.
”Samson Obama, who runs a mobile phone shop in Nairobi in Kenya, was on his way to the president’s inauguration in January when he tried to stop over in Britain to visit relatives. But he was turned away by immigration officers who declined to issue a visa on the grounds of deception. Details on the database suggested that he was the same man who had been arrested by police in Berkshire after approaching a group of young girls, including a 13 year-old, and allegedly trying to sexually assault one of them, the News of the World reported. ”
Obama’s uncle was an illegal immigrant and a drunk driver.
Graham Stringer, Labour MP and one of the few parliamentarians with any kind of scientific background, joins the Global Warming Policy Foundation along with Peter Lilley.
The question is: can they ever bring any sanity to parliamentary debate on the government’s current suicidal ‘climate change’ policy?
Stringer was one of the few who protested against the farce/whitewash of the parliamentray enquiries into Climategate (which exposed the unscientific behaviour of ‘scientists’ of the Climate Research Unit at the UEA).
Muslim gang attack Immigration van in London.
BBC seem to have missed this one.
Reply on the comments section by Hamid:-
Real Hamid, Tripoli, Libya, 7 hours ago
Exactly! You never see a headline like ‘Christian gang slashes tyres…’, the media always picks on us for some reason.
You would think a Briton winning the Tour de France for the second time would be top news at the Beeb but no you have to go to the sports pages to read it. Of course his being born in Nairobi if he’d been of different hue and not white the Beeb would have been salivating for the last 12 days.
Chris Froome has won the Tour de France, he’s originally from Kenya, Africa. The BBC doesn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about it like they were about ”our” Mo at the Olympics. Hmm…
Poor Mo just wants to get on with racing. Nothing at all suggests involvement with drugs, but they have been interviewing him.
Mo runs around that track like an express train, is he on rocket fuel ?
“At least two teachers accused of involvement in the Trojan Horse plot to ‘Islamise’ Birmingham schools have been reinstated by the academy at the heart of the scandal, despite being banned from the teaching profession.” Clearly the Park View School is not in the least concerned about a possible negative reaction from British authorities”
R Spencer
on Al BBC News … don t be silly, was only a “so called” plot after all wasn t it BBC?
Thankfully, more pressing news
Birmingham Balti’s bid for EU protected status
Jennifer Harby
BBC News Online
– I’ve just been speaking to Defra about whether the Birmingham Balti is any closer to getting EU protected status.
A rare moment of truth on Radio Four when German immigrant Westminster MP Gisela Stuart admitted that the Founding Fathers of the EU wanted political union and that to achieve that they realised that migration of people was a necessity (in other words to end national identity).
Well done BBC for letting this be openly stated on national radio, a rare one.
Gisela Stuart, despite being a Labour MP, is no friend of the EU. She or Kate Hoey really should be rolled out by the BBC every time they have a Tory like Ken Clarke on talking about the EU, but they will not.
I presume you are referring to Analysis.
To be fair to the EU nothing was hidden at the beginning. What this programme doesn’t tell us is that the facts of ‘ever closer union’ and ‘free movement’ were until recently dismissed by OUR politicians as never going to happen.
In the 1975 white paper we were told that essentially no-one migrated between the ‘six’ and the same situation was expected to pertain here too. Of course THEN we were talking about the likes of France, Germany and Holland, pretty much of a muchness economically so why move and have to cope with a foreign language.
But now we are 28, most of whom are basket cases, and for the same reason that the Scots, Scousers and Southern Irish traditionally flocked to London our new ‘partners’ do the same.
What puzzles me is why the BBC chose a 13 year old to read out her GCSE essay on the subject.
Dont the BBC absolutely LOVE Mairhi Black the gobby student lesbian Scots Nat MP?
A nauseatingly unctous documentary about her which I heard on Radio Four ealrier this week was repeated again today. Surely only Obama himself iis as praisworthy as this Wonderchild?
A billion pound organisation and they make silly mistakes like this on their web site front page. Since when was ‘Eastenders’ a sport?
Obviously the flaming image hasn’t loaded but if you go to the bbc homepage at the moment you will see it. i took a screenshot but don’t know how to load it up here
BBC broadcasting the Anniversary Games, talk about flogging a dead horse.
And I’m back, thanks for sorting out the log in issue I had. As usual I’ve not watched much BBc this weekend however for some reason the TV ended up on Children’s BBc with horrible histories and I most bizarre resume of Winston Churchill. If I was a child I would have learned from the program he overspent the “dosh” doing up his house and was a wartime Prime minister but not a peacetime Prime minister. Errr what happened in 1951?
Funny that, Countryfile did a piece from Chartwell, they omitted that fact as well, implying that post war he spent his time building walls and farming.
We both sounded at the screen ‘only until 1951!’
Even on the Tour De France, the BBC cannot resist having a dig at the government. From their live feed on the presentation to the winner Chris Froome…with spelling error from their trained journalist…..
The chancelllor George Osborne snuck his way on to the stage there somehow. Not sure where he came from.
Well, perhaps he was invited?
Imagine the BBC headlines if Osborne, in Paris for important meetings, didn’t share in Froome’s (British) success.
‘Chancelor Osborne distances himself from Froome Victory’.
‘The BBC learned today that George Osborne, in Paris for last gasp meetings with key opponents of Britain’s bid to reform the EU, chose not to attend the presentation ceremony for Tour de France winner, former Kenyan, Chris Froome. Froome has been dogged by allegations in the French press surrounding his ‘improbable’ performance in the Tour. BBC correspondent Norman Smith said that Osborne’s absence would be seen as a snub to Froome, distancing himself from Froome’s victory.
After Paris, Osborne will travel to other European capitals in a desperate attempt to garner support for the Tories fading hopes of securing EU treaty change’
Oh god… it’s only a matter of time before the BBC get hold of this lefty report from (where else?) the Guardian’s ‘news’ site:
“one of the worst affected groups being British Muslims”
What’s not to like? Just shows what a load of benefit-leeches they are. This isn’t the former East Germany (despite the efforts of the PC Stasi); if they don’t like it, they’re free to sod off.
That is a truly special… ‘report’, even by Graun standards.
From who from where quoted, to the simple facts they are quoted trotting out, with near zero sensible ‘analysis’, it’s hard to see the BBC not trotting it out to stir up racial and faith tensions still further, as seems their mission these days.
Oh, goodie, as a further public service, another new commercial spin-off is created:
BBC Worldwide unveils BBC StoryWorks, a new content marketing team #ContentMarketing
A view.
Be interesting to see what comments it attracts, from whom.