I was listening to BBC Today this morning on Radio 4 for my sins and around 6.40am on came Lyse Douchet with a fulsome tribute to Obama’s horrific deal with the Mad Mullahs in Iran. Her take on it was that because Obama had willed it, and because the likes of the UN Security Council and the EU had also piled in, the fact that it has NOT gained approval from the US Congress is a pesky detail that will surely be resolved.
Gosh – I remember the BBC taking issue with George W Bush anytime he tried to go it alone with out Congress approval but when it’s Obama….ah…different story. Lovely Lyse went on to inform us listeners “it is good to be back in Iran”. Let’s hope she was wearing her veil.
She was on BBC 4 World News last night , strutting around some luxury palace wearing a headscarf. I mean Lyse wearing a headscarf. Has she converted to Islam ? Of course it is good for her to be back in Iran. Luxury hotel or house, big expense account, car , driver and all the trimmings, paid for by us. Just as well she is not a lesbian !
She was also (probably the same report) on the News at Ten. My 12-year-old was listening and asked “Where’s Eeran” because Lyse kept mentioning it.
She has a voice like fingernails on the blackboard.
Roland, I was watching it here on a visit to Bonnie Scotland ( enjoying the refreshing weather, by the way ) with my elderly mother who asked me ” what kind of accent is that ? “. !!!
I have no doubt whoever gave Doucet elocution lessons instructed her to talk as if she has a hot potato in her mouth. She is unlistenable to with her rounded vowels.
Will she be reporting on this while she’s there?
I doubt it. And even if she has heard of such persecution, the BBC will whitewash it, or deny any such thing could be held against the religion of their choice – Islam the religion of peace.