I was amazed by a story that the BBC ran earlier today on Radio 4 Today.
Social services in Kent are struggling to cope with an increase in the numbers of unaccompanied child asylum seekers. Bernie Gibson is managing director of the agency Compass Fostering.
The central issue here was the lack of good foster homes for …Eritrean immigrants. (All boys. mysteriously) The BBC shared the concern of Ms Gibson. I’m surprised the BBC does not put them all up in Broadcasting House.
All boys…..
That will have the perverts who infest al-Beeb mosque drooling.
Most of these ‘children’ are young men pretending to be minors to secure privileged treatment and a couple of years free care and schooling. I am not surprised families dont want to foster a young adult alien from a war torn country. What a risk.
ITV interviewed a “15” year old from I remember not where.
He certainly seemed somewhat older. The age game is a well known trick to avoid export. I believe our European pickpocket gangs in London know it well.
A local story of an Afghan boy, who somehow was delivered to us alone, developed into the usual hand wringing local newspaper story when he reached 18 and was told time to go home. He had, of course, settled in well at school etc. so let him stay, and he had “no family” left in Afghanistan.
But that is exactly the problem, when you consider individual cases you tend to be sympathetic, but by the time you hear it for the 1000th and then 10,000th time the heart inevitably hardens and the head takes over to see the bigger picture.
Foster parents are paid, and If they are all let in where will they be housed?
It would be a complete and utter fool who takes one of these “children” into his home.
I totally agree-cannot believe that any consideration should be given to such an incomprehensible suggestion of fostering any of these immigrants. Europe really does have to wake up & take very firm action against this invasion which will undoubtedly overwhelm us all. There are not enough people protesting to their various Governments-Germany for one is where much of their white opoulation who are experiencing grave disorder from their Muslim intruders. Merkel I summise is now on shaky ground. We all must wake up & close our borders. Its almost too late.
The good Bishop from Kent would doubtlessly have several spare rooms at the Palace, so would seem ideal to offer his services.
However, fortunately perhaps for him, he would be immediately ruled out by social services in case he expects them to attend indoctrination every Sunday!
Yet locally a couple who took their foster children to peace camps were deemed suitable!
Sounds like it’s a continuation of the story Eddie Mair was interviewing about on last night’s PM, as mentioned on the old Open Thread by Al Shubtill.
Where the effect of taking in every Tom, Dick & Harry (not, strangely enough, Sally) on the education of everyone else in Kent was irrelevant because all children “have a right” to a good education. Naturally, the boys concerned were planning to be doctors, as they always are.
Swarm, swarm, swarm.
This is where Eddie Mair is coming from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299103/Eddie-Mair-rise-softly-spoken-assassin.html
I wonder if Emma Thompson will take a few on.
Is she into that sort of thing? Sorry, I had to ask…
Yes, Emma Thompson is very anti white, she adopted an African child, its the self loathing, white liberals latest fashion accessory, Tindyebwa Agaba from Rwanda, no white children to adopt in her neighbourhood I suppose. While speaking at Exeter University she squealed ” Nick Griffin would love it here, its very white.” She suffers from a classic case of oikophobia. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1225726/Emma-Thompson-tells-Exeter-University-students-Nick-Griffin-feel-comfortable-here.html
Surely there must be a massive demand for fostering of illegal ethnics, of any age, from all the BBC staff, Guardian staff, Labour MPs and the rest of left multiculturalists?
But whites are not allowed to adopt non-white children, surely ? The funniest exception was Madonna, who was only allowed to adopt a black boy after she bribed the Malawi government. I don’t suppose she saw the irony !
Oh Yes indeed one would think so!
I was under the impression that BBCers thought 16 year olds were mature enough to vote , not need social care .
Funny how this story and the re focus of the BBc on “children” trying to illegally swarm into the UK has just surfaced. Guess what I still don’t care.
Enough of this Al Beeb bias!
Just heard Mischal? Hossein interviewing a 20 yr old Afghani currently studying at my expense at Manchester Uni having arrived here as a 13 yr old having taken a year on the journey.
He claims he was treated worse on arrival here than he was on his journey across Europe, says people like him are coming for safety not to take our jobs and houses and recites the traditional pre-Jihadi diatribe that we are responsible for the problems in Syria and the rest of the ME.
Enough of this fucking nonsense from Al Beeb, enough!!
I forgot the obligatory blame for the ‘lies of the right wing press’ from our grateful refugee.
Which is why the Left love to bring them in – more footsoldiers to fight for The Cause (Internationalism).
Who will eventually murder or enslave them, then they will reap the results of their incomprehensible behaviour & treachery.
Surely we should be letting these 5,000 Doctors and Surgeons (and the 2 women) currently in Calais. Everyone selected to be interviewed on the TV (bbc) are portrayed as Nobel prize winning highly educated graduates and Doctors. Or are the bbc trying to fool us.
Eritrea – yet another Islamic hellhole that Muslims built, using the clearcut instructions in the Koran and Hadiths.
I note that many of these invaders thank allah that they have made it to Europe. I hope they also thank allah that he has given them the privilege to live in the Christian West, and they never forget that.
Unfortunately, the PC sensibilities of these same white liberals somehow got in the way of showing the same concern for underage British girls in Rotherham, Cambridge etc.
I heard the interview with the woman from – now what was it, ‘Compass’? The clue is in the name. Bare naked Internationalism laced with a heavy dose of Common Purpose. It stank.
It feels like the battle for the survival of this country has started in earnest, with the forces of the BBC, the UN, the EU and countless ‘charities’ and ‘think tanks’ massing their armies of Internationalists/Socialists, determined to ignore the serious concerns of the majority of the electorate. Agenda 21 is in full swing.
I get the same feeling. The cultural marxists of the BBC/liberal elite are having to act now and show their hand before they wanted to probably.
Our ally is reality and the turn of events. But we need to be warned. The elite is dangerous now when wounded.
I fully expect that draconian laws will be enacted to silence us on the right .
Tyrants by inevitablility. The fate of modern liberals.
The fact is that it’s all a bit of a scramble and looking decidedly rough around the edges. It seems that the CP, Ag21 crowd have had the wind put up them by recent events; no doubt we’ll be paying in one way or another for them to be putting in lots of overtime.
They are obviously expecting a crisis, and will be trying to manage it in advance, so we probably should be paying attention to puzzling items in news, current affairs, drama and comedy. They may be placements in anticipation of what’s coming up. It will be the pattern that is significant, not just the individual pieces.
Perhaps the bBC should remember that the go on about, the right to a family life. Therefore by that logic the bBC should be insisting that these unaccompanied children should be repatriated back to their families.
It doesn’t work like that Fredders.
In 2002 Labour changed the immigration rules to allow dependents of immigrants into the UK. The law now says:
You can apply to join a settled person in the UK if:
•You need long-term personal care to perform every day tasks, such as washing and cooking.
•The care you need is not available in the country where you are living, either because it is not available and there is no person in the country where you are living who can reasonably provide it or it is not affordable.
•Your sponsor can show that he or she is able to provide adequate maintenance, accommodation and care for you without having to rely on public funds. Your sponsor will need to sign a sponsorship undertaking form to confirm that they will be responsible for your care without relying on public funds for a period of at least 5 years.
So in five years time the rest of the family can join them HERE. This tip of the iceberg is like a pyramid game….and the ‘undertaking’ is not worth the paper it is printed on.
News this morning that the Government is going to scrap benefits for the families of failed asylum seekers .
We are told by the BBC that an asylum seeker gets £37 a week .
That’s the only figure they give . A paltry 37 quid so they’re not coming for that , imply the BBC and liberal/left .
Perhaps the BBC is as ignorant as the rest of the population about how much can be claimed by who in our labyrinth welfare system , but I would have thought their Gramscian chums in the civil service have smirkingly told them of what the damage is .
It’s the Beeboids duty to inform isn’t it ? The whole truth.
That’s their “pocket money” which is in addition to free housing, free NHS, food vouchers and …………….
I remember some years ago reading an article about a foster career who took in an unaccompanied “child” asylum seeker aged around 15.He turned out to be much older ,and gradually proceeded to terrorise her in her own home .The local authority who were responsible ,were unhelpful to say the least.
Of course if you suggest some of these people are liars ,the apologists will say you are racist and by way of excuse,they are desperate
At the risk of sounding callous, anyone who fosters a “child” asylum seeker, and then gets terrorised deserves everything they get . She might think twice in future about enabling a criminal ponce.