North Koreans have a lot of practice in crying. The public display of fake grief when their top dog died a while back was difficult to watch. Could be that was the first genuine tear that girl had ever shed.
Yep…Jonesy would be staggering about..don’t panic..the fuzzy wuzzies are coming…fix bayonets…they don’t like it up ’em, the cold steel..wonderful series, another time. If this is the future…it sucks…thanks Blair and Brown, chief villains, i’d happily knife the pair down a dark alley, traitors…Did you hear Cameron, saying what a wonderful country this is, bigging it up, so what are the migrants to think? Moron…he should be over there saying how dear it is to live here, housing shortage, high rents, low wages, NHS overwhelmed, as are schools, doctors etc….traitor.
It is a wonderful country, utopia for those arriving, for us decent honest hardworking Brits who’s family’s have been here for generations, its fast turning into the stinking rotten third world sh!thole, similar to the one the migrants have left behind. Mainwaring, Jonesy and co were not just of another time, they were of another country.
Just glad my old man (WW2) and grandfather (WW1) ain’t here to see it. #whydidtheybother.
There was a report by Gavin Lee broadcast this morning in which he interviews one of those from the ‘jungle’. Ali from Syria left because he wanted to ‘skip the war’. He had crossed into France from Turkey, Greece and Serbia – paying for transport a lot of the way. He lives in a 5 man tent and moaned about the queues for the toilets, the queues for re-charging his mobile phone, his one meal a day and his having to put up with drunken (!!) people engaging in ethnic fighting.
He wants England because he speaks English and has friends and relatives here. Does not want to learn another language. He got into a train truck last night but the French Police just stopped the train. He has been ousted by British Police as well. His message to the ‘English Government’ is that ‘whatever you do it will just make us wait for more time, but we will cross’.
I waited in vain for Mr. Lee to ask him ‘what makes you think the British people want you there? No doubt his answer re Human Rights, entitlement, etc. would have provided too much Eurosceptic ammunition for our ‘esteemed’ broadcaster to take.
Yes its his determine dsense of entilttmentr that is so infuriating and makes one actually hate them rather than feeling some measure of pity for them.
I saw an interview with a pregnant woman and she claimed ‘I WILL have my baby in England’. Bloody cheek!
I sincerely hope you do not meet a desperate Somali, Sudanese…etc down a dark alley Deschain, for they will as likely knife you for anything on is their way.
You might think it’s in order to knife someone for something that might happen in the future as a consequence of their actions, but I don’t. Much better to drop them into these consequences.
I used to work with a Nigerian (nice guy to speak to, but clearly on the take for whatever he could get). He said he was terrified of the Somalis – ‘kill you over a phone, without even thinking about it’
Well, Roland, some warrior you’d make…’s because Brown and Blair, add Blunkett, Straw et al WILL get away with facing the rap for their terrible actions in power, that in my book, they need to face the terror that someone so affected, so angry at their lack of contrition will explode into violence. All through history, men who have been responsible for such crimes have been eliminated, John Felton, for stabbing the Duke of Buckingham, George Villiers, for his inept generalship. Somalis in Bristol carry knives, it’s their way, the Police back off, utter cowards……..mind how you go.
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Muhammed
If You Think We’re On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Muhammed
If You Think Old England’s Done?
I have been reading today, that the met Office have been out there stating that August is going to be the “hottest eva”. Well someone said that about May, June and July but it didn’t go quite to plan unless you stick a thermometer up a tail pipe of a 747 at Heathrow, that is. At least a bit of warmth will creep in to the far South East this coming 11 days, but for the rest of us? Central heating and slippers at the ready! The early birds were using di-icer on their windscreens on Dartmoor this morning.
Yep, those who were listening 20 years ago to the politicians, climate scientists, environmentalists & sundry campaigners saying the world would be frying not long into the 21st century and were thinking or even saying “We will wait until after the first decade has passed to see if you are right” have wry, ‘I told you so’ looks on their faces.
Maybe B-BBC should be running a book – if it stays this chilly below seasonal averages – on when all the global frying promoters will start to get in a flap over whether we are heading into a mini-ice age. I’ll give it about two years from …
… now.
Will they be asking us all to burn extra CO2 to warm the planet? Will they apologise for all the grief & impoverishment they have caused? Will they hand back all the money they have made off the back of it?
“Maybe B-BBC should be running a book – if it stays this chilly below seasonal averages – on when all the global frying promoters will start to get in a flap over whether we are heading into a mini-ice age. I’ll give it about two years from …”
Some sun spot activity scientists are already there. They released a report indicating that they have now found the formula that got sun spot activity into sync with global temperatures, and a mini ice age is predicted from about 2030.
I do not think RH has chosen to report on that one – for some reason.
Yes, I saw those reports too. To be fair the Beeb did have it in a news item on the w/s but it wasn’t prominently displayed. Perhaps Harrabin will dig up the guys who at the end of the 1960s were predicting a mini-ice age for the turn of the century. He could point out how they got all all their data wrong and didn’t ‘adjust’ it. They could point out how the AGravatingWarmers ‘adjusted’ their figures & still got it wrong and offer to meet them somewhere in the middle, say? It’s a deal, then. Pleasure to do business wiv’ ya, Guv!
Surely there must be another country on the planet willing to accept this fusion of humanity and undergo a project of multi culturalism and diversity so callously perpetrated on the British people by Anthony Blair and his cohorts. And facilitated by the bBC.
Nicola Sturgeon, Führer of the Scotch People and the Scotch National Socialist Party said she is very keen to take all of these “migrants” into the UK. We can therefore make a deal to everybody’s satisfaction; that Scotland takes all the “migrants”, we break up the UK and close our Northern Border, and rebuild Hadrian’s Wall.
If I had enough wealth I’d buy a property near the likes of Sturgeon and fill it with these “migrants”. To teach both her and those who vote for her the consequences of their actions.
Strict Mistress Krankie Sturgeon knows that any ethnic minority immigrants to Scotland will make their way asap to England, as the clever Scots do themselves. Pity really, Easterhouse in greater Glasgow could do with a dilution of its 96%+ Scottish population, it would likely improve it.
Yes there are at least two, Sweden and Finland is doing its utmost to join in. Their Ruling elite have said that any Syrian who makes it to Finland will be given asylum. Lucky for the Finns that its such a cold dark country that tropicans are reluctant to go to. Unlike us however they do have a decent party True Finns who oppose the madness.
Meanwhile in the BBC and Guardian reports of “remarkably successful Ebola vaccine”.
Developed, naturally, by those racist whites in the West.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
I am sick of my white man’s burden.
Cut off all aid now and make them stand on their own two feet.
Send them some blacks from Europe to help.
Exactly, we are told we have to address our evil past daily. Have we not atoned for any alleged wrong doing by the numerous inventions and medicines that help the rest of the world over the decades? Now we have invented another great aid for Africa at our own tax payer cost, can we now be forgiven please?
If any group has an evil past, it’s that group which has an evil present, and, unless stopped, will have an evil future.
Anyone who thinks ISIS, or whatever name they currently use, are a new phenomenon, needs to get the history books out. The activities of early Islam, and Islam in the Indian sub-continent for a millennium, are ghastly.
But the BBC does not read these history books, or if it does, it then catches a virus, amnesius collectivus-permanentus.
Those at the mass morning BBC hate then shout one thousand times “black legs good, white legs bad”.
Then they feel better, totally correct, totally smug, totally superior.
Africans chiefs and kings sold their prisoners captured in tribal raids. Far better economically then to kill them. These were initially sold to the pharoanic empire (going back 2000 BC or more), then to Arabs, then much later to Europeans. Fortunately or otherwise, Britain stopped the slave trade, and thus damaged an export trade on which many African chiefs relied on..
Britain’s colonisation of Africa was far better – in governance, education and medical relief, then anything that African tribal chiefs levied on the poor African, and more then compensated for the loss of the export trade.
Britain colonised virtually the whole world. People who were and are smart, learned from the conqueror – his skill, work ethic, innovation, education, and are now successful. Those who were not, try to get some guilt money.
Slavery is a mental attitude. A free people can never be enslaved, even though they are occupied.
Developed, naturally, by those racist whites in the West.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
For the same reason that Africa is still the poorest continent, despite having huge natural resources.
The BBC report waxed long on the vaccine. We heard from a professor and others, but were never told which company invented and developed it.
Its strange that there are hardly any physicists, engineers or mathematicians of any note who are African. To develop a technical civilisation, one needs a surplus of such people – not doctors, lawyers, journalists, media specialists, or sportsmen of any sort.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
Sometimes I already know the answer before I ask the question.
The same reason they resort to crime, everywhere.
Are overrepresented in Jails, everywhere.
Are overrepresented among the unemployed, everywhere.
Are at the bottom of the pile, socially and economically,everywhere.
Are the last people you would want in any country.
Also aesthetically challenged.
BBC- highlights,
Palestinian officials say Israel is “fully responsible” for the death of an infant in an arson attack, (no one is responsible for Pally attacks, not Islam, or “poor” Palestinians).
On 5Live news its on loop, they speed dialled in some arsehole
commentator waffling on about “far right” … lots of ranting Palestinian Authority, the “occupation” Palestinian land, and a single Bibi statement in amongst the onslaught, condemning it and
urging working together to stop further terrorism … rejected out of hand by the terror organisation obviously.
An arson attack is terrible, a death is always abhorrent
… a genocidal terror organisation voted in by its areas inhabitants
will on occasion get a taste of its own medicine, as always its an innocent who gets it …
but … WHAT? “occupation”, there isn t one
Israel is there, it ain t going anywhere, if you terrorise a community
of settlers, eventually there will be blowback whether right, or wrong … not everyone has a Beebot mentality.
I see they are pioneering a new approach to denigrating their critics. The reliably snide Eddie “nasty piece if work” Mair reading out a somewhat deranged and illiterate email from a regular anti immigant correspondent emphasising its defects of grammar and compassion.
This fellow was clearly not going to be chewing the sour dough with people like us at polite nw 3 dinner parties and could thus comfortably be mocked together with anyone who dared question the morally correct line that all these young male sub saharan thugs (and it would appear numbers of simply abandoned children) are obviously refugees from Mr Blairs illegal wars and should be encouraged to come here given a grant, an underage girlfriend from a troubled background, and allowed to get on with their first novel.
“The reliably snide Eddie “nasty piece if work” Mair reading out a somewhat deranged and illiterate email from a regular anti immigant correspondent emphasising its defects of grammar and compassion.”
Very likely an invented email. Nothing is too low for the BBC in their attempts to denigrate those who oppose them
What the BBC doesn’t understand is that quite a lot of what is in the letter is exactly what millions of Brits are thinking! Obviously the BBC thinks that by denigrating this letter, and those who have similar thoughts, they will convince people that the BBC liberal view is the only virtuous option for a civilised society. What I hope is that those millions who agree with the contents of the letter, real or forged, wonder why they are paying their License Fee if the BBC is so ready to denigrate their thinking.
Probably has a white van and a flag of St George.
A job.
Children who know who their father is.
No criminal record.
Hates the BBC and Labour Party.
I will overlook the orthographical errors.
I see the trial of Roof who killed nine black people in America has begun, this will be a daily trial for us as well.
SKY’s female presenter told us she thought it was a good idea that the Confederate flag had been taken down in that area. She also told us that there will be a lot of ‘soul searching’ in America.
Firstly her thoughts are of no merit, factual reporting is, further as despicable as the crime was, it was carried out by a ‘lone operative’ ( if its good for Muslims…) fruitcake. Where is the data that shows how many Americans are ‘soul searching’ ? This is another example of making ‘evil whitey’ go down the old well trodden guilt trip road yet again.
The arrogance of ‘journalists’ is profound. Two Brains Paxman actually wrote that he asked the questions of our politicos to which the public sought answers. No he didn’t, which is why it was left to a member of the public to ask MiniMili whether his lot had borrowed/spent too much prior to the 2007 (it started in Brown’s Scottish banks) crash. Brown was never questioned about it and only in 2012 did Andrew Neil stick it, very gently, to Ed Bollox that his lot had run an enormous structural deficit BEFORE 2008. Still, that one reasonable member of the public probably cost MiniMili the GE. He deserves a knighthood at least.
Just had to switch off the Now Show for a particularly nasty rant by some young twerp going on about how great left-wing comedy is & how it is impossible to do right-wing comedy. Radio ‘comedy’ is bad most of the time, this was intolerable!
Phil, you missed the surreal item where they gave up any attempt at “comedy” and spent 5 minutes talking to a US reporter about how wonderful Obama is. It made a change from the non jokes, but was a puff piece and was completely out of place.
Glad you liked it. He goes back several decades to the old South Africa, where he was much appreciated for songs like Ag Pleez Deddy – a humorous take on Afrikaner children begging their father for entertainment.
While looking for the above link I found this extraordinary number, sung to the Ag Pleez Deddy tune by Valerie Miller with Taylor on guitar:
He couldn’t take Harold Wilson’s lefty World View in the ’60’s and went to Southern Africa and plied his right wing comedy there for many years.
He did a ripoff of the Afrikaaners brilliantly. You can hear the “South African” accent in this recording.
Great comedian!
Yes, he had the accent down perfectly and economy of words and timing – essential for good comedy. Leftie agitators like Marcus Brig-whatever-his-name-is wouldn’t know comedy if it smacked them in the face.
According to his Wiki entry, Taylor’s Ag Pleez Deddy was banned by the SA government. In those days they would ban anything that moved.
Sadly not funny.Rubbish in fact – as bad as BBC propaganda ‘comedy’!The trouble is the targett of the ‘liberal man;s’ hatred doe s not sound like a likeable person at all, so instead of laughing at the ‘liberal man’ one can only feel some empathy with him.
The problem of nationalism is it being conflated with right wing support for the wealthy and bigotry. This song reinforces that. If the horrible neighbour is going around name calling other ethnic groups, while that isnt the worlds worst crime as some Guardian readers believe, its hardly admirable or likely to endear us to his wealthy arrogant neighbour.
Nor is the ‘liberal man’s’ anti Semitism convincing since it is atypical of the Globalist tendency. They after all are the one’s constantly bleating about the Holocaust and wishing to make so called ‘Holocaust denial’ a crime.
Impossible to do right-wing comedy? Utter poverty of imagination, blind prejudice, or both? The whole PC culture has vast rich veins to be mined, but of course the BBC won’t. We should have laughed off some of the lunacies such as same-sex marriage that have been inflicted on us, but weren’t allowed to.
The law has made it very difficult to do nationalist comedy (though perhaps not ‘right wing’). It would have to mock all the trappings of PeeCeedom, challenge Islam, mock the arrogance and sexism of many dimwit young black males, mock the gullibility of hand wringing indigenees,mock the breeding habits of benefit scrounging west Indian single mums, and the fast breeding of South Asians. There are many veins to tap but mostly illeagl, and if not that certainly that would bring out the venomous young Twits.
Are there no male senior police officers? Is it a good example of how political correctness can be achieved?
I cannot remember the last time I saw a male senior police officer telling me what has happened at a major incident. Perhaps none of the male police officers performs well at interview or is it just another example of ‘agenda’ pursuance by the left wing feminazis?
Indeed English Gent. And they all say the same thing because they are not allowed to have an original thought in their head.
” Our thoughts at this difficult time are with the families. We appeal for witnesses to come forward. I can’t answer any questions as it may prejudice the investigation. Goodbye”
Yes where have all the senior male police oficers gone?
How on earth did these women make it to the senior ranks – chief constables. From their physique, I dont see them able to cope with even a minor physical altercation on the street.
They are the products of positive affirmation policies – very ordinary famale graduates in sociology or something, fast tracked for senior management.
In the force (not service) that I worked for we had a female DI who was damn good at her job. I saw senior ranks who were extremely effective and others who were laughable. The same with any business which is supposed to be a meritocracy, some are more deserving than others.
I have no doubt officers are promoted above their abilities because of who and what they are but at the lower end of the scale, where the policing matters I have found that in the majority of cases, ability counts.
But then again it is a regional force and not a metropolitan one that requires political correctness above all.
ER yes, Peter Fahy Greater Manchester Common Purpose, who has advocated fast tracking BAMEs by missing a generationand promoting them over more senior 9and better) Indigenous.
Bernard Hogan Howe who is running a pilot project BANNING anyone who doenst speak one of a variety of foriegn languages from recruitment to the Met
First off I get an email screaming about attacks on Aunty, and then when that didn’t work a plea to ask if I’d got it.
Now they have gone full Wolfie and unleashed the Murdoch.
Exposed: it looks like George Osborne held a secret meeting with media baron Rupert Murdoch – right before the chancellor proposed serious cuts and changes to the BBC. [1]
The government seems to be building up to a huge attack that could cut to the heart of our BBC. The weaker the BBC, the easier it is for Rupert Murdoch to build his empire of biased news. And the more he controls the news, the easier it is for him to push his own agenda.
The BBC is independent – and that’s exactly why it’s under attack. It’ll take a huge public outcry to protect it.
For a start ‘looks like’ seems a p*ss poor way to kick off.
Especially when followed up with ‘seems’.
And whatever Rupes is or is not up to, and what they are trying to allege with zero actual proof, I don’t really care.
I don’t have to buy his ‘biased news’.
The BBC makes it darn hard not to.
Such lobbying is pathetic. I suspect it will backfire more than help, it is so inept.
I too have been victim of their increasingly hysterical emails, despite having replied with clear indication of my views
Sent: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:08
Subject: Urgent: BBC
” Our BBC is under attack. Today, the government announced plans to cut popular programmes, undermine its funding, and – worst of all – challenge its independence. [1]
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news. The same media baron who’s had countless closed-doors meetings with David Cameron. [2] Unlike other parts of the media, the BBC is fiercely independent – and that’s exactly why the government is trying to dismantle it. [3]
The government thinks it can tear our BBC apart by stealth – slowly slipping in cuts and changing the rules. But if hundreds of thousands of us create a huge public outcry now, we can show David Cameron it’d be a political disaster to destroy our BBC.”
My courteous reply
“Smash the BBC it is the enemy of democracy, only evil Stalinists support it ”
Ms Bentall ( author of the missive) didn’t take the hint
Sent: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 19:55
Subject: BBC at risk
” Did you miss this email? Our BBC is under threat. The government has plans to weaken its funding and challenge its independence – and they’re hoping we won’t notice. ”
My reply
“Did you miss this email?
No but you couldn’t be bothered to read my reply- I don’t want to save the BBC but more importantly I don’t want to be forced to pay for it
You clearly love its unending bourgeois fauxcialist agit-prop and self righteous sermonising Great you pay for it by subscription after all its only 40p a day ”
Perhaps I should contact the worldly wise Ms Bentall more directly
So much for 38 degrees being non party political -So riddle me this dear lurkers at the threshold ,If the BBC is not biased to the left why does the , ‘no platforming’, left defend it so vigorously ? It certainly isn’t in defence of free speech
Camoron speaks to the BBC on his return from explaining to Asia how he turned London into the money laundering capital of the world, on Calais and illegal immigrants.
I have here in my hand … a sticking plaster, that I will be forwarding to the correct department, that can liase with the French counterpart, so that it may … working in unison,
go forward together to be put on the hole in the fence seen on the BBC this morning
In full and effective haste we will be contacting the one firm
that the border force uses for sniffer dogs to see if they can begin
the arduous task of training them to smell immigrants,
Have you contacted them?
Well no I have said, that we will after all the considerations from my office, down to the relevant department, that can then forward a memo to the border force, that they may after completing the correct paper work, gain funding for further training for dogs with the afore mentioned company.
Yep! I m totally … on it.
Maybe Cameron should read Cicero and find out how Pompey cleared the Mediterranean of pirates in 60 days!! I don’t think Pompey spent much time soul searching about the counterproductiveness of Roman foreign policy ,felt the pain of every sentient being in the Universe, contemplated the use of sniffer dogs or built feeble fences. He did destroy their ships and resettled pirates who surrendered to him in sparsely populated areas elsewhere. Obviously an early version of Australian immigration policy.
Pompey cleared the pirates.
Might want to read some 18c history as well. During the French Revolution they had riots and insurgency that made the UK riots of a few years ago look like a pillow fight.
Napoleon, was ordered to stop some riots, which he did in next to no time.
He did not use water cannons, he used real cannons.
IF it legal to forcibly resettle them elsewhere in Africa why not? I am sure there are some safe African neighbours that would be happy to have them in return for some wonga.
Over 80% of the people arrested weren’t homeless at all!
Want to see ‘racism’ in action? look on the streets of any big city and you’ll find that virtually every homeless person is a white male. Now if equality is ‘real’ on not just a way of oppressing the white population we need to be seeking an equal ethnic representation not just in the positive but in the negative as well.
We need to see more black and Pakistanis on the streets homeless ! Where’s Lenny Henry when you really need him?
But of course ‘equality’ has nothing to do with equality it’s another word for oppression.
Normally Big Issue founder John Bird has a lot of sense to speak, but this time either the BBC has not told him the ethnicity of the latest arrests or he’s turned into a complete hand wringer!
Goodness only knows how many Romanians et al are caught begging when they have the benefit of state support and a house, for as sure as the Gospel truth they have no real need to beg.
This web page has so many examples of bias by omission that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
There is a Roma woman who has taken up a regular spot outside my local Sainsbury’s selling the Big Issue. Every time she says “Beeg Ishoo” to me, it give me enormous pleasure to tell her to fuck off.
A few Saturdays ago (about 8am), I drove into the small, market town which is local to me; I usually go to the cashpoint to draw some money for the weekend expenses.
I saw that there were 5 or 6 shabby looking foreign blokes loitering near my bank, so I went to another bank’s machine to get my money.
When I returned to the car, I saw that there was only one of them now; on the pavement at the edge of the market square.There was a small mound of wet sand that had been put there, and he was sculpting a dog out of it – with a tin next to him for money to be thrown in. I have seen others sculpting the same ubiquitous style of dog, in various places. I asked him where he was from: “Romania” he answered, he looked to be about 18.
I thought that about what I had done in altering my usual pattern of behaviour (in however minor a way) is what we will all increasingly have to do as the numbers of legal and illegal immigrants here expand and their presence impinges, ever more, on our way of life.
It is an example of the sort of incremental changes that the indigenous people here will be compelled to make, due to factors which have been forced upon us by those who rule us, but who never consulted us.
I thought the dog sculptor was ‘indigenous’ to West London. Then I went to Oxford at the weekend and saw another (should be illegal) immigrant doing the same shit approximation of a dog. I also spotted a muslim with a headscarf handing tourists a tiny scrap of paper declaring she was a ‘refugee’ while doing her best impression of a ‘pitiful’ person. I am sick to death of these parasites coming to the UK and littering our streets. We are importing poverty on an industrial scale.
My patience has completely snapped and I want clear firm action. I’m absolutely past caring about their ‘human rights’. Mass deportation of anybody not contributing to the UK’s finances.
Shouldnt you be even more angry with the brainless Brits encouraging them?
Its the same kind of sentimental stupidity that sees our countrymen feeding seagulls and pidgeons.
“After the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, it was nearly three hundred years before the invaders were assimilated to the point where court proceedings in London were again heard in English. And it was nearly nine centuries before there was any further large-scale immigration into the British Isles – the Caribbean and Asian influx after WW2.” Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow.
Cameron , the entire liberal left, the pretend Tories do not want to know about our past.
We are not a people. The English do not exist. Even if they do they are the dregs. of humanity.
What is really important in a country is getting very rich and living it up.
All the above are good at that. That is all they are good at.
It is dreadful to live in an old and fine country so traduced and so insulted by these our governors.and their enablers in the media/academia.
It is time to heed the wise words of Solzhenitsyn
” you can resolve to live your life with integrity.Let your credo be this. Let the lie come into the world but not through me”
Let nobody underestimate what this means.
We are the underestimated people of England and as always it will be left to us to sort out the mess left at our doors by these fools who govern and pontificate to us.
I dont believe we’ve ever recovered from the Norman invasion. The Anglo Saxon uppe rclass were killed or impoverished and replace dwith an alien elite who intermarried with the Anglo Saxon peasants but retaine da sense of superiority and looked to continental Europe with admiration.
The man behind the video is called Tim Murdock ( Horus the Avenger) this is his website where he catalogs all the anti white news from around the world
Bbbc news at ten,”migrant crisis” lessie news bint reporting from calais says that many of the migrants are “English speaking, and from former colonies” .wondered what angle al beeb would take next and here it is.
There’s many justifications for mass immigration (invasion and colonisation) into white countries and only white countries.
In America they justify mass Mexican immigration by saying ” Aren’t we Americans once immigrants too ?”
In Britain and France, they justify mass immigration by saying ” We once colonised their countries, now they can come here, the latest one is ” the NHS will collapse without them !!!”
In Germany they justify mass immigration by saying” We got to pay for what happened between 1933-1945.”
In Ireland they justify mass immigration by saying ” We’ve went all over the world as immigrants, so we should welcome Africans and muslims into our country.”
And finally, Sweden and Norway they justify mass immigration by saying ” We’re successful and rich nations, it would be selfish not to share our wealth to immigrants.”
As I said to a Nigerian at work – just because we want doctors, doesn’t mean we have to take beggars. He said we do – ‘racist’ otherwise. Apparently, it is impossible to just take the people you want.
So that isn’t Syria is it? Yes I saw the “former colonies” remarks. Hey yea but I’m still responsible for the crusades and slavery am I not?
Wow 22:00 news hi-energy music yep its the woman’s football match that’s on tomorrow surprise I won’t be watching.
Report on Wimmin’s Football. Woman told camera that she wanted to see a woman’s slot on Match of the Day. And that women are every bit as good as men. Accompanied with punchy guitar music.
No counter view that women’s football is boring and won’t attract investment. A fact that the BBC and wimmin can’t and will never understand.
Followed by the biggest sporting news of the day that England had beaten Australia at cricket. Was this intentional by the BBC to place cricket second to women’s football?? Male ‘middle class’ white game? (But it isn’t, of course).
Also, I don’t think they watched the match or didn’t understand it judging by the their report. They belittled England because Bell was dropped by an Australian fielder, and they thought it was possible if he had been caught that Australia could have won.
What total cobblers! Australia could never have won because England only needed to score just over 100 runs to win and the loss of Bell was inconsequential!
Why do we bother….I think the BBC is more out of control than it ever has been.
You’re absolutely spot on Dover. Been happening for some time now in respect of the cricket.
Just listen to/watch how the BBC report any English loss. It’s all snidey digs, how crap we are as usual blah blah blah.
But win and it must have been down to luck surely? Despite having comprehensively beaten the Aussies in the third test.
And spot on in respect of wimmin’s footy. The standard is rats – not even as good as men’s semi-professional – seriously.
But as with all the Beeb’s agendas they will continue pushing it. Don’t need to justify themselves to advertisers when nobody tunes in, they’ve got the cushy licence fee guaranteed.
The bBC aren’t objective with sport because they have so little of it, they don’t have the Ashes so it ain’t important, but they do just happen to have the wimmins footy live tomorrow so to the top of sports news it goes, regardless of its next to zero importance and the fact that no one will be watching.
It’s most obvious on a non live bBC F1 weekend, when F1 is of little consequence to them.
The lack of sport and constant pointless futile plugging of its crap over diverse output makes one realise just how insignificant the bBC has become.
Channel 5 take over ,the Championship & Div 1 & 2 highlights in August . There will be no wimmin`s football agenda . No commerical channel , free or subscription ,will show that shit , there is no money in it for them, because there is NO audience .
Yes; no ‘cultural jewel’ this – just a propaganda bicycle, always in our faces but only relevant to our culture in the same way Pravda was to the Russian people in Soviet days. Always examined for its omissions, bias and pretention – endlessly pored over to try and deduce what was actually happening..
Just like Pravda, the interests of the BBC are no longer aligned with the interests of the population it ‘serves’, and it is controlled by a detached and unaccountable elite. In the BBC’s case, I believe it is the EU which now pulls the strings, as a major hidden provider of funds and attitudes.
I’ll probably watch it, but for anyone to compare it realistically with the man’s game is frankly off their collective rockers. Or, alternatvely, they are desparately trying to force an agenda that makes no real sense.
The BBC’s obsession with mindless music, especially in documentaries to the extent that you can’t hear what the narrator is saying infuriates me. Maybe that is the point. Like a spoilt child making a lot of noise to get attention.
I agree totally with the BBC’s anti-England bias in sport – and in everything else, of course. It’s been a fact for years.
However, I’m not so sure about women’s football. The World Cup final between the US and Japan attracted a capacity crowd in Vancouver and popularity appears to be growing.
However, it would be merciful if the BBC would stop insisting women are equal to men. Women would need at least a five-goal handicap to compete with men.
BBC News at 10pm going large on the sad case of the Palestinian baby who died in what appears to be an arson attack allegedly by Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Fair enough, but how come there was no BBC TV news report on the 2011 murders of the entire Fogel familly of Israeli settlers by Pali terrorists? – Including their 3 month old baby. I remember it well. On the day BBC news instead featured a long item on a report by a lefty think tank on Tory cutz. Not a peep about the Fogels. It was deemed not news worthy. The BBC: Biased in what they choose to report and biased in what they choose not to report.
This was one of those occasions when, as they say, “the BBC got it wrong” (see Coming next on Panorama: a special report on how an unknown Jewish person may have said some slightly unkind words to a Palestinian terrorist round about 1974.
Mark Thompson’s claim that they didn’t report the Fogel murders because ‘it was a busy time with Libya & the Tsunami” is total bullshit. I specifically remember the day it happened I’d read about it online and was waiting to see a report on BBC TV news. They had a great long boring piece about local government cuts which could easily have been dropped or rescheduled. Pure anti-Israel bias by omission. No other possible explanation.
Spot on. Thompson came up with the typical mealy-mouthed response whenever the BBC is caught in its bias. It was obvious to anyone who knows the BBC that they kept quiet about the barbaric murders of the Fogel family because they didn’t want to be perceived as being sympathetic to Israelis and evoke anti-Palestinian feeling by broadcasting news about the atrocity.
The BBC are masters at propaganda by omission of some pertinent facts and the widespread publication of others. But they blundered here, thinking they could sweep the atrocity under the carpet and nobody would notice. Unfortunately for them, there are enough decent people around who were appalled at the savage murders, Louise Mensch among them. I recall she wrote an article questioning the BBC’s uncaring attitude to the Fogels. That in itself was exceptionally naïve – as if the BBC would ever “care” about the beheading of an Israeli baby – and demonstrated the trust that people still have in the BBC.
Well, let’s hope we can continue to erode that trust on this site and others so that more and more people begin to perceive the hideous face of the BBC behind its benign mask.
Has anybody seen a news report from the bBC about the death of their hero Samir Kantar err actually bBC his name was Samir Kuntar it appears that the man who was serving a 540 year sentence for grabbing a 4 year old girl by the legs and bashing her head in after he ran out of bullets killing her dad was behind the attack on an ambulance the other week inside Israel, so the IDF being the IDF took him out with an airstrike.
I hear the bBC are in bits, funny enough so is Kuntar.
I recall that Kuntar was treated like royalty by Hezbollah on his release by Israel. It says all anyone needs to know about Hezbollah that they would be ecstatic about the release of a terrorist who murdered a little girl by bashing her head against a rock after having murdered her father in front of her.
His killing hasn’t been verified by mainstream Israeli media, as far as I know, but if true it is very good news indeed.
Regards Israel here are a few snippets from this past 7 days the bBC haven’t bothered mentioning: Friday – July 24
21:20 Firefighters arrived to extinguish a fire in Isiwiya Jerusalem, a confrontation between police and Arab rioters. Number of people shut down affected by tear gas, and two of them were evacuated to a medical center for further treatment
22:00 Arabs hurled stones at police in Isiwiya
19:05 Dozens of Arab rioters Jalazun in Benjamin and throw stones at IDF soldiers
19:00 Dozens of Arab rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces in the settlement of Kedumim
Saturday – July 25
0:33 Arabs threw stones at the Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem
21:42 Arabs attacked Jews in Hebron
Sunday – July 26
• Police forces were attacked by dozens of Arabs in Qalandia
0:21 Arabs set off fireworks at the Border Police A-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem
23:20 Two Jewish passengers were slightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at the bus line 142 near the square, Benjamin person. One was lightly injured by shrapnel and suffered a shock second. The two were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
19:04 Two policemen were wounded by a Molotov cocktail thrown by Arab rioters in Isiwiya
18:00 Arabs set fire to a forest fire in Gush Etzion hills. Six planes and six firefighters with volunteers were in place.
16:30 Elon forest fire flared up again. Eight firefighters and six aircraft were in place. Two mobile homes were burned down
15:54 Hebron Arabs attacked a soldier and tried to breach the Givat Avot neighborhood in Hebron.
19:13 Arabs set fire to a tire on Highway 437 near the settlement of Maale Adumim Benjamin
14:11 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at Border Police in Isiwiya
8:10 Four police officers were injured in riots mass of Arabs on the Temple Mount
21:19 Two nights suspects were identified approaching the settlement of Elon Moreh in Samaria. IDF forces fired a flare during a chase after them, and the forest near the village caught fire. The fire spread quickly to the homes and three firefighters with civilian and military forces worked to extinguish the fire. One of the suspects was apprehended and questioned by the Israeli army.
Monday – July 27
0:23 A fire broke out in the town of Psagot Benjamin after Arabs threw multiple firebombs at homes
22:46 Arabs threw stones at an Israeli bus near the settlement of Beit El in Binyamin
21:37 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at Israeli vehicles near the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim
20:39 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the old mosque in the village of Hawara in Samaria
19:05 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the settlement of Ofra in Binyamin
18:33 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Sinjil Benjamin
18:32 Dozens of Arab rioters in Qalandiya and threw stones at border police forces
18:24 Arabs threw stones at an ambulance near Mount Hebron
17:01 Jewish woman was lightly injured by stones thrown at her vehicle near the Arabs up Maaleh Levona Binyamin settlement
11:22 Gvaot forest fire resumed. Three firefighters working there.
11:10 Arab terrorists imprisoned in jail, ignited a fire in one of the cells. 11 prison guards and two inmates were injured moderately easy to smoke inhalation, one of the guards was evacuated to a medical center.
11:09 The fire broke out in Elon Moreh was renewed. Three firefighters working there.
Tuesday – July 28
0:23 Arabs threw firebombs at homes in Ma’aleh Olives in Jerusalem’s Old City
23:22 Two passengers were lightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at another bus Hizma-Anatoth Benjamin
22:43 Arabs threw stones at policemen near the Shuafat checkpoint in Jerusalem
19:59 Arabs firebombed military vehicles on the Gilad raod in the Shomron
17:55 Arabs threw bottles of paint at a bus near the community of Negohot in Mount Hebron, damage reported (Tazpit)
17:34 Dozens of Arab rioters from the village of Jalazun near BEit El and throwing stones at IDF forces
13:02 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the settlement of Karnei Shomron, damage reported
9:14 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, damage reported
Wednesday – July 29
• Arabs threw firebombs and stones at police in Jerusalem’s Isiwiya neighborhood
18:06 Dozens of Arab rioters near the village of Beit El Jalazun threw stones at IDF forces
16:45 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection of Mount Hebron strings
13:24 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem
12:22 Arabs threw an explosive device at the Tomb of Rachel. The worshipers were taken away and a police sapper on his way to the scene (Tazpit News Agency)
• Arabs threw stones at a bus in Jerusalem, damage reported
Thursday – July 30
21:36 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the West Bank village of Azzun, damage reported
10:40 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion
Thank you.
I’ve been really busy at work this past 6 months. So I haven’t been able to spend a little down time. Can’t promise I’ll be able to spend as much time here as I would like. But I will pop in now and again.
In the lead up to the recent General Election you couldn’t escape the blanket, largely favourable coverage given to “The Progressive Parties” – SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens.
Who can forget the huddle of the trio of witches – The Haircut from hell, Leanne-but-dim, and the mad Sheila after the TV debate.
I know that Nicola Krankie is still never off our screens and airwaves, but has anyone heard any mention of the other two no-marks since they both failed miserably? Did I miss the forensic examination by the BBC into their complete failure to justify the hysterical, fawning coverage they were given, or have they been allowed to slip back into obscurity hoping no-one noticed?
Yeh where is Leanne I thought she was going to be the next PM with all the coverage she got. You really wouldn’t have bet on her to get the shopping in right from Tesco’s would you.
I am often intrigued what lies behind the BBC staying mute on a story until all the facts are in and they can safely ignore it if it doesn’t suit the narrative, and when they rush to indulge in the kind of speculation so decried by our now late lamented Flokker community if practiced on forum as opposed to a supposedly impartial, professional broadcaster.
Here’s a petition from the very left wing 38 degrees group pro BBC asking for signatures to defend it.
The next time some loon asks for examples / evidence of bias ask them when was the last time someone on the right was mounting a campaign to save the BBC, and why they think that might be?
“Exposed: it looks like George Osborne held a secret meeting with media baron Rupert Murdoch – right before the chancellor proposed serious cuts and changes to the BBC. [1]
The government seems to be building up to a huge attack that could cut to the heart of our BBC. The weaker the BBC, the easier it is for Rupert Murdoch to build his empire of biased news. And the more he controls the news, the easier it is for him to push his own agenda.
The BBC is independent – and that’s exactly why it’s under attack. It’ll take a huge public outcry to protect it. Please can you sign the petition to save our BBC now? It only takes a few seconds to sign:”
As usual there’s the paranoia over Murdoch which is something like being afraid of the bogeyman! In any event people now get their news & content from a far wiser range of sources than Murdoch has a hope of controlling.
BBC Radio 4 this morning and our Mishal Husain cues up (rather than interviews) a former illegal migrant to the UK
I would be pleased to hear from these people and interested in their responses when questioned about their motivations.
This chap aged 13 got here via Calais in a refrigerated lorry (and apparently at the end of an extensive and gruelling world tour) – his mother having sent him off “because she was worried the Taleban or American Forces might kill him”
Unfortunately – and unsuprisingly for the BBC – our Mishal only wants half the story, and so her one tentative challenging question is not followed up although a hat full of questions arise from our migrant’s response.
Mishal: “Do you have any sympathy for the views of people who may be ‘uncomfortable’ about migrants coming to the UK?”
I wish I had a transcript, suffice to say the guy launches into a tirade:
‘right-wing press’
‘people losing their humanity’
‘the authorities made his life hell’
‘they didn’t believe his age’
My personal favourite:
‘it’s our [Britain’s?] fault anyway, these countries are unsafe’
The guy hardly stopped for breath. Our Mishal didn’t follow up of course – perhaps she was getting a signal to back to Jimmy Naughtie in Yorkshire and some county show: “Clap evryone, so the listeners know we have an audience” No for much longer, surely?
oh Nana what a load of bollox you do speak they are all fleeing war torn countries . ok Nana it may have escaped your pesky little braincell but they are in France so what are they fleeing at the moment darling ?
I saw an article in the DM that had a picture of illegal immigrants scrambling down a grass bank to get to the ferry terminal….”desperate to flee Europe”….I had no idea I lived in a War Zone. Well I suppose burning tyres and spraying fertiliser from tractors must be so traumatising for the gentle souls that they are.
Maybe they’ve never witnessed mechanised farming before – given they’re all metropolitan elites (doctors, electrical engineers, architects, etc), it must be traumatic to encounter such heavily polluting vehicles…
I am waiting, and I know I will wait for eternity, for an Al Beeb ‘interviewer’/prompt to respond, when told incredulously that Brits believe that immigrants take their homes and jobs, do you live in a house or do you live in a tent or a hole in the ground? Do you work here, and is your job one which could be done by a Brit? Have you used our education or INHS services at all? Have you earned enough to pay tax to contribute to the cost of the services you have used?
I’ve heard of immigrants claiming full unemployment/housing benefits and running successful Skype/internet businesses back in Africa. They’re not stupid…
Should have read This chap who claimed he was aged 13, but which no one in authority believed !
What was important and completely missed out of the interview, was whether his asylum claim had been allowed, because minors are allowed to stay in the UK until they have reached the age of majority. It is therefore in an asylum seekers interests to claim they are as young as they can get away with.
Being worried that the US or Taleban might kill someone is not grounds for a successful asylum claim!
I heard the interview, and he recited every single left wing meme about asylum I think the left has dreamed up. I think he’d been primed before this interview.
I think the BBC regularly prime foreigners and minority erthnics including on such programs as Woamns Hour. The number that seem to come out with the right PeeCee on message phrases is too high to be true.
I also think at Calais they probably interview many more than we see and select the ‘best’ for their agenda.
I am sure they are all told when asked why they want to come to Britian not to even mention the words ‘benefits’ or ‘house’.
Yes, I was amazed when I heard this brazen Afghan’s arrogant sense of entitlement. As if the sole purpose of the British taxpayer was to extricate thirdworlders from their self-made shitholes and pander to their every need. Hopefully, this pernicious leech, now bloated on this country’s lifeblood, will detach himself and slither off to Syria before any more harm is done.
Did anyone else catch BBC News a few days ago when Joanna Gosling, on news confirming the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar, asked of an Afghan correspondent ‘Was he a charismatic leader?’. There was a momentary pause and a slightly bemused look and then realising it was a genuine (fawning) question, the correspondent proceeded with the dialogue.
Wow Joanna, you must have been top of your class in BBC’s Dhimmitude 101.
Never mind, his successor Mullah Akhtar Mansour, will no doubt be soon adorning your bedroom wall.
I’m still waiting to see if the next terrorist video (they love to keep showing again and again: ‘be afraid people, be very afraid’) will have an end credit ‘Produced in cooperation with the BBC’.
SKY news reporter Tom Parmenter asks an African invader in Calais why he wants to come to England ? His response ” I speak English and I want to share my views and ideas !!! ” Can he not share his views and ideas on Twitter ?
The self-entitlement of the illegal immigrants swarming at Calais is beyond belief. I’m sick of seeing gullible, hand-wringing, bleeding heart BBC and Sky News lefties falling for the sob stories of these benefit seekers: in one interview there was a Muslim woman who radiated this massive sense of entitlement and who was moaning non-stop and criticising David Cameron for x, y and z; wow, just think what she’ll be like if she ever makes it in to this country. The BBC have a responsibility to be truthful; they are, however, on an all out mission to garner sympathy.
These migrants are attempting to commit a criminal offence as in enter our country illegally.
Why do the BBC treat them as victims? They are home and dry in the rest of Europe.
And how many can we take? Is there a finite number? 5 million? 10 million? 50 million?
I wonder how the Chinese would react to a similar situation. or the Japanese or the Russians or you name the country ( Sweden excepted )
The BBC is so way out of line with public opinion as to be absurd.
I see we have a great choice of tv viewing this afternoon. Women’s football or women’s golf – now which one shall I watch ? Decisions, decisions …… errm, neither.
I often find this more entertaining than most modern bBC output, no diversity, just thankful that her opponent wasn’t the same as the Robertson’s logo or this bit of British history would have been consigned to the dustbin…
Surprised the bBC haven’tcome up with a ‘modern’ take on this yet.
People forget not so long ago there was no breakfast television, no daytime television either, television started up at 4pm with children’s programmes and closed down at around about midnight with the announcer in a very calming RP voice telling us ” don’t forget to switch off your television sets and have a very restful and peaceful goodnight.” and then they played the national anthem.
Superior Music as well. But I have seen a modern take on this. It was a new “Test Card” picture with an identical pose by a 56 year old woman called Carole Hersee.
Having just glanced at the evenings TV there ain’t much else on, apart from mind numbing dross and repeats. Sad to say that despite its 15th rerun Dads Army appears to be the highlight of the evening!
Just listening to Five Live 7.07pm and chance to re-live the winning of a bronze medal at the Women’s World Cup with Rachel Brown Finnis and “The Lionesses”.
They don’t let up do they? It is laughable.
PS – hope you all caught the Women’s FA Cup final? Oh dear.
Funnily enough the Beeb showed “highlights” on the news afterwards. We learned that FA means Fuck All.
A group devoted to the appreciation of vintage television is calling on TV watchers to search their attics for the last known vestiges of the BBC’s respect for Britishness, now feared lost.
Episodes of Doctor Who, Dad’s Army and The Likely Lads have no known copies but the missplacing of the BBC’s patriotism may prove to be be a far more serious cultural disaster.
“Many people recorded shows off the TV and radio as far back as the 1950s,” say the spirits of Winston Churchill, Francis Drake and Florence Nightingale, three of the hundreds of spectoral voices behind the appeal for the ‘Lost B in BBC’ appeal.
“The purpose of the appeal is to rediscover a domestic soul.”
The BBC is sadly among those fighting against the campaign.
Four Dennis Potter dramas from the ’60s are also missing believed to be wiped by the broadcaster – but never mind about that.
On BBC 1 , I thought only the home nations had their own announcers , eg Scotland . In the East we always had the London announcer at closedown , & thoughout the day & evening . If your aerial was pointing to Sudbury , it would be the same as Crystal Palace ,which most people could also get , as well .
The closest we get is a judge telling Lee Rigby’s killers that they weren’t real Muslims – which the BBC lapped up and broadcast far and wide. I’m so glad our judges are also theologians.
A chap called Alfie made it through to LBC earlier. He called the situation perfectly – i.e. middle class hand wringers pushing multiculturalism down the working class populations throat, while living in their nice enclaves. I agreed with every word. It was then business as usual as very well spoken people phoned in to assure us he was a racist. One lady even phoned in to assure use that all the people that she’d seen being interviewed on TV were engineers and teachers, so we should let them all in. Poor Alfie lives in Tower Hamlets (as I used to). Not sure where she lived, but I’d put money on the immigrants she encounters are either running the corner shop, tiling her bathroom or sitting next to her at a Notting Hill dinner party.
It won’t last. The hand wringers are nearly all urban. They might weekend in the shires once in a while but they are essentially an urban blight.
The shire folk who never leave and work and raise their families there are different.
How different these urban liberals will find out eventually.
It should have been “nice hideously white enclaves“
UKIP’s point based immigration policy would let in “engineers and teachers” But you don’t get any sense of enthusiasm for this policy from the liberal lefties, for some reason.
I think the reason is that the dysfunctional mind of a lefty is basically schizophrenic. That is, if someone like an immigrant makes a lefty feel superior, then selfishness makes them say that the immigrant is a superior person. But if you make the lefty feel inferior, then selfishness makes them say that you are an inferior person.
Like Climate Change, its all based on the fantasy assumptions of wishful thinking. Its why Blacks are stereotyped in BBC dramas as intellectual “engineers and teachers” types, superior to the white-van-man types. This is so as to prevent them from being “stereotyped”? or in other words, realistically depicted, in a way that shows Blacks as seven times more derogatorily depicted, as indigenous white people.
Its much more easy for the dysfunctional BBC types to derogatorily depict Jews, Australians, Canadians, Japanese, Western Europeans and Mensa members, because of the reality of who UKIP’s points based immigration policy would really let in to this country.
Charlatans – I would suggest the Carter Administration, allowing Khomeni to return to Iran should prefigure the Bush Blair entanglements on your (accurate) list; in that it enabled the creation of the largest sponsor of world wide Islamic terrorism and accelerated the destabilization of the Middle East.
A bit before my time. I was only ten when the Satanic Verses were published. It certainly made an impression on my young mind – I’d been taught by my ‘traditional’ school teachers that we should venerate books. We certainly shouldn’t swarm in the street burning them and screaming for the author, and Britain generally, to be killed. That is one of those moments that could have changed the course of history – people rounded up, immigration status checked and relevant people deported back to Iran, etc (I’m sure they would have been given a wonderful welcome by their Muslim brethren). Instead, we showed how ‘tolerant’ and ‘enlightened’ we were. The rest is history – if there is anybody left to write it, once we become entirely monocultural.
As an aside, if you’re curious about the Satanic Verses and haven’t been able to find a copy (most high street shops won’t stock it), check out the book shops at the airport. I guess it is considered a safe place to sell it – no chance of a nutter pulling out a gun on the departure side of security. That’s where I found my copy.
I got hold of a copy a few years back. It was one of the most unreadable books I’ve ever had the misfortune to try to read. I tried really hard to stick to it till the part that apparently caused all the fuss but I gave up.
No, it is actually quite a good book – very original, and worth persisting with. His writing style is opaque at times, and it is difficult to anticipate how the several parallel narratives will join up, but they do, in the end. It is a very cinematic book, and would I think have been a candidate for screen treatment, if only it hadn’t been such a bone of contention.
If it helps, I would put it at about 180 degrees from Harry Potter – now there is a truly unreadable series of books, execrably written by an author whose political inclinations are correspondingly juvenile..
Indeed. Our streets thronging with pakis calling for the death of an author whose book they’d never read should’ve been followed by mass deportations of undesirable, uncivilised and unwelcome immigrants who understood nothing of the free society they chose to park their arses down in. It didn’t become a turning point, it was however, the point of no return. A civil war beckons and that’s not because I want it, it’s because it’s as inevitable as the sun rising every morning. If you know anything of history you know this will be the outcome.
What single thing have Muslims done, which has benefited the U.K.?
Perhaps the BBC might be able to enlighten us, since they appear to like them so much.
I agree. I think the point of no return was passed post 9/11 and 7/7. The BBC and government kicked the can down the road hoping that if we’re all just a bit more accommodating, then things will resolve themselves via inter-marriage, muslims lapsing and becoming more secular – e.g. like the Jewish community have. Of course, Islam isn’t Judaism and Muslims don’t share the same values as Jews or, it would seem, anything remotely like their IQs.
Civil war is unfortunately inevitable, unless the British People can bring themselves to vote for somebody that will fix the problem.
Unfortunately, as with all ‘extreme governments for extreme events’ how do you turn the madness back off again? Once they’ve got their hands on the levers of power, they won’t want to step down and risk a trial for ‘ethnic cleansing’ (polite deportation with compensation). We could be stuck with Shriah in all but name – jackboot on the face of humanity, etc.
Yes, if only we’d rounded up a few ringleaders and deported them (with their families) we might have nipped all this madness in the bud. People will look back on the present and previous 30/40 years with incredulity. Even children will wonder at the suicidal stupidity of these times.
The Glass Floor at Broadcasting House is cracking. Middle Class parents have created a “glass floor” for their less able children to stop them slipping down the social scale. Research shows that middle-class families are hoarding the best opportunities available for the less academically gifted children, such as the university, arts and media route to a job at the BBC. Research found that well-healed parents help struggling children by using contacts at the BBC, and social networks such as “Common Purpose“, to find them useful internships that lead to well paid jobs at the BBC. But John Whittingdale is being sent a great deal of evidence that this is causing the ”Glass Floor” at the BBC, to show serious cracks. The study was based on many of the 45 year old employees working at the BBC.
I know a girl that works at the BBC in production. Jewish. Very nice girl. Daughter of somebody quite well connected. She said it definitely helped get a foot in the door, but then it was actually a lot harder to get on – everybody knew and assumed she’d only got the job because of her connections, which I suppose was true, to some extent. Lovely girl and incredibly talented. Not a standard beeboid, by any means.
Becoming tired with the BBC relentlessly plugging women’s sport? Don’t worry, it’s all ideological – not genuine interest.
Just keep in mind who it was that signed up feminists Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith to present their Diamond Jubilee show which disrespected the world’s otherwise most respected woman.
I predict that if the country ever does get behind a world beating England women football or cricket team, the BBC will be first on the scene with Tony Livesey, Nicky Campbell et al in a quick chorus of :
There never was an England,
That’s what they say to me,
If England means as little to you,
As it does to the BBC
Quote from Jeremy Clarkson “The problem is that television executives have got it into their heads that if one presenter on a show is a blond-haired, blue-eyed heterosexual boy, the other must be a black Muslim lesbian. Chalk and cheese, they reckon, works. But here we have Top Gear setting new records after six years using cheese and cheese. It confuses them.”
BBC Sunday Morn Live – Should Britain be a safe haven for migrants?
… that’s ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS BBC, that by the way, are already CRIMINAL through funding those who transport them to europe.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Anglican Bishop Stephen Lowe, writer and broadcaster Christina Patterson and Pastor Clement Okusi
So that s no real debate at all then, just all shades of the same argument.
Hmmm and … the public vote has long gone, 😀 we have erm “Tommy” Sandhu these days, with a helpful ahem … “selection” … of tweets.
I salute your bravery and resolve in watching this BBC offering.
I had to switch off immediately I saw Yasmin Alibaba Clown, the Most Stupid Woman on TV and Waliking Emetic was present.
How did the “sex talk with toddlers” segment go?. The vast Muslim and priestly expertise in doing much more than talking about sex with toddlers must have been enlightening. As someone else has noted this is well beyond parody.
Just catching up on Sunday Morning Live, where both sides of the argument always win Pussyfooter-of-the-Year Awards, whatever the topic. Apparently ‘only’ 0.24% of our population are refugees (UNHCR). (a) Do you believe them? (b) How do they do the calculation? (c) So what?
Much breast-beating about the word ‘Swarm’ (again). Thankfully, it was pointed out on the programme that one definition is; ‘An aggregation of persons, especially when in turmoil or moving in mass’.
Yasmin, I’ll bet the people of Kent are delighted to welcome all these consultant surgeons, concert pianists and captains of industry from the back, inside and underside of lorries. Why don’t you ask them?
Yeah ,I saw that Yasmin Evil Brown , was, on with some vicar ,thought it was that Giles one, I then went outside, to enjoy the day . Thought of contacting Captain Mainwaring, & the boys as England needs them again,right now .
There was an interesting caller on Any Answers yesterday. A typical BBC caller…This well meaning (tho’ completely daft) woman assured us that Britain wasn’t overcrowded, that Scotland had vast areas of open space to accommodate these poor migrants. Of course no one at the Beeb thought to tell her that France, with a population on a par with ours and three to four times the land mass, had even more space for these people to settle. These facts just don’t seem to appeal to the BBC mind set. And, of course, these people , according to what I glean from Aunty, are all doctors, lawyers and engineers, they will want to work. No one challenged the obvious flaw in her assumption that the migrants would be content to remain in Scotland. FFS even the Jocks don’t want to stay there, parts of London are full of Scots! Seeing as these illegal entrants have crossed deserts, seas, and an entire continent does anyone really believe they would remain in the Outer Hebrides? Perhaps we could gently persuade them with machine gun turrets erected on Hadrian’s Wall.
That would please me on so many levels…
Russia has vastly more space – it’s strange that they don’t appear to want to go there, isn’t it? I’m sure Mr Putin would give them a warm welcome ……. or perhaps not.
Al Beeb’s news currently discussing the immigrant crisis in their usual balanced fashion. Complaining about the Mail’s pointing out that these illegal immigrants are being put up in hotels and only ‘given’ £35 per week whilst simultaneously saying our benefit system gives them nothing. Are the hotels offering free accommodation and is each £35 found on a Leftist money tree?
These illegals have been living under plastic sheets with zero assistance from the French who should have been processing them.
How about the Beeb drop the migrant crap and call them invaders ? Still we got Sian on next to talk about the use of the word ‘swarm’ typical misdirection ‘…. oh look squirrel’.I guess that will be my tax money putting them up in hotels and giving them spending money. Well I have news for you BBC I do not want my taxes spent on the invaders I want them spent on defence , health , infrastructure and keeping the lights on .
I would imagine that the picture on the front of the Mail of those two cnuts smiling whilst enjoying a nice pot of tea at a nice hotel, is almost too much for any hard working job hating Brit to take.
BH talking to a Swede (really?). I just realised that the mass importation of aliens to Sweden, and the crushing of any opposition to this relentless process, actually gives ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ a whole new meaning at societal level. It gives a name to exactly what most people object to.
And it (quite rightly) pathologises it, in the same way that the original ‘Syndrome’ referred to the overwhelming of a hostage’s cognitive framework and emotional integrity by an existential imperative of surviving in a brutal, inhuman and ruthless situation.
Perhaps it would be productive to understand the psychology of ‘rolling over’ at a society level – looking at the involvement of the BBC as a key component of this would give us a whole new way of looking at the Corporation, as an institution harbouring and propagating a pathology.
The BBC is accustomed to criticism, and knows very well how to counter it – but being diagnosed and pitied, and having corrective treatment applied, this might not be to their liking. Not very dignified, to have your misjudgement and skewed view of reality picked apart in terms of an illness..
Sweden is a tragedy for the West. I have no pity for the ethnic Swedes as they have created their own particular version of a third world hellhole but it is a European country and it will have a really detrimental effect on Scandinavia in particular.
What puzzles me is why the ethnic Swedes have not opposed the destruction of their country.
In which case you are correct. Stockholm syndrome it is.
Perhaps the relentless pursuit of the ideal socialist based society that has been Sweden for generations is the cause.
Literally the Swedes have gone insane as a nation.
The BBC is likewise now the product of at leat 50 years of indoctrination of it’s staff. Like has recruited or trained like.
BBC syndrome should now be our way of describing the useless pursuit of unreality and the collective howling of the swarm at any criticism of this.
As Thilo Sarrazin points out in his book “Deutschland schafft sich ab” leftists in the media have succeeded in turning every social and political problem into an “empathy deficit” problem.
Germans are particularly susceptible to the “Nazikeule”, the “Nazi club” which can be brought down on anyone who has a rational objection to uncontrolled mass immigration. Any German who complains, say, about wage depression can be accused of a lack of compassion, selfishness in denying others what he has and, of course, of not having learnt anything from his intolerant “Nazi past”. Any criticism of mass immigration must inevitably lead to mass extermination in the gas chambers. I’ve just been watching Euromagazin on German TV featuring a German lorry driver transporting a high value load destined for England from Belgium to Calais. Migrants are attempting to stowaway on his lorry in Belgium and he has had to write off loads worth 40,000 Euros because of damage caused by migrants. He is clearly very angry, yet the media type asks him “Do you have any sympathy with the plight of the migrants?”. You know deep down from what he has said previously that his sympathy is minimal, but the expected ritual response has to include some nod to their suffering and bravery or he might be depicted as harbouring some non-progressive Nazi/Neo Nazi leanings. The BBC, even though it cannot use the Nazikeule with the same effect continually tries to depict the unwillingness of the British public to accept any number of migrants with open arms as an “empathy deficiency” with the “other” The Greeks have to deal with more migrants than we do, more empathy and self sacrifice is required to live up to the new morality promulgated by the media. Every “news” item from the BBC about the Calais crisis contains some emotional appeal for compassion towards migrants. No one wants to be, or be seen to be, heartless or unfeeling, but the BBC is cynically exploiting the public’s better nature to shut down reasoned argument and pursue its own utopian political agenda.
Very accurate observations. The problem for the BBC/liberal lugenpresse is that it is now so obvious.
Nobody I come across believes them any more.
It is the empathetic taliking to the empathetic not to the majority.
They think of themselves as supremely empathetic, but they show no empathy to the millions of their fellow Brits who will lose wages, jobs, neighbourhoods due to the influx of millions of colonisers. As well as their children’s education, their health provision under the NHS will suffer, as well as their freedom to speak freely, live freely and to not be treated as second-class citizens in their own country.
Beeboids – show some empathy for these people – you know: the working class who you despise but claim to support.
I remember back in the heady days of the 70s, at the height of the Cold War, my military unit played host to a Russian defector from our opposite numbers in the Red Army. A really nice guy, hard as nails with a great sense of humour, we enjoyed several good evenings with much alcoholic refreshment.
One of the topics of conversation one night was the Soviet leadership’s obsession with propaganda. The population subjected to an unvarying diet of what the Politburo wanted them to hear 24/7, with posters everywhere of steely-jawed workers and burly soldiers marching shoulder-to-shoulder into a brave, socialist future.
“Doesn’t it get on your wick after a while, knowing they’re feeding you all these bloody lies?” I asked.
“Naah” said my friend. “Nobody takes any notice of it. We make jokes about the latest pile of steaming pap from the state media. They know we don’t believe it. They don’t believe it either. They just churn it out to please their bosses and to keep their jobs and priveleges.”
It could well be that even certain sections of the BBC don”t believe the BBC either. I turned on the World Service a couple of days ago late at night and they were announcing a programme called the Fifth Floor about the inner workings of the World Service. This according to the voice ” was where the news is made in 27 languages”. A candid admission that the BBC fabricates the news rather than reporting it.
I’ve been surprised by the reaction of even quite Left wing friends and colleagues, most of whom can usually be relied upon to swallow hook, line and sinker, the BBC’s line on any event. But not this time!
People are worried, they are angry and I suspect the C of E, the Government (such as it is) and the BBC are doing themselves no favours with this pusillanimous attitude to invading law breakers.
The new establishment is in serious danger of misjudging the nation’s mood over this challenge to our security and ugly things could follow.
Thank you, that is very interesting. When you are surrounded by cant, day in, day out, it is difficult to know where to ‘grab hold’ of it. To provide names for what is being done is to perform a great service of encapsulation. There has always been much power in naming devils, even if ‘their name is Legion’.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I see the BBC are currently bleary eyed as a Countrywoman of one of their favourite Nations wins some sort of diving medal…
Did you mean teary-eyed?
North Koreans have a lot of practice in crying. The public display of fake grief when their top dog died a while back was difficult to watch. Could be that was the first genuine tear that girl had ever shed.
Time to reform the Home Guard, at least Mainwaring & Co would have been more effective than Cameron & Co.
Yep…Jonesy would be staggering about..don’t panic..the fuzzy wuzzies are coming…fix bayonets…they don’t like it up ’em, the cold steel..wonderful series, another time. If this is the future…it sucks…thanks Blair and Brown, chief villains, i’d happily knife the pair down a dark alley, traitors…Did you hear Cameron, saying what a wonderful country this is, bigging it up, so what are the migrants to think? Moron…he should be over there saying how dear it is to live here, housing shortage, high rents, low wages, NHS overwhelmed, as are schools, doctors etc….traitor.
It is a wonderful country, utopia for those arriving, for us decent honest hardworking Brits who’s family’s have been here for generations, its fast turning into the stinking rotten third world sh!thole, similar to the one the migrants have left behind. Mainwaring, Jonesy and co were not just of another time, they were of another country.
Just glad my old man (WW2) and grandfather (WW1) ain’t here to see it. #whydidtheybother.
There was a report by Gavin Lee broadcast this morning in which he interviews one of those from the ‘jungle’. Ali from Syria left because he wanted to ‘skip the war’. He had crossed into France from Turkey, Greece and Serbia – paying for transport a lot of the way. He lives in a 5 man tent and moaned about the queues for the toilets, the queues for re-charging his mobile phone, his one meal a day and his having to put up with drunken (!!) people engaging in ethnic fighting.
He wants England because he speaks English and has friends and relatives here. Does not want to learn another language. He got into a train truck last night but the French Police just stopped the train. He has been ousted by British Police as well. His message to the ‘English Government’ is that ‘whatever you do it will just make us wait for more time, but we will cross’.
I waited in vain for Mr. Lee to ask him ‘what makes you think the British people want you there? No doubt his answer re Human Rights, entitlement, etc. would have provided too much Eurosceptic ammunition for our ‘esteemed’ broadcaster to take.
Yes its his determine dsense of entilttmentr that is so infuriating and makes one actually hate them rather than feeling some measure of pity for them.
I saw an interview with a pregnant woman and she claimed ‘I WILL have my baby in England’. Bloody cheek!
“its fast turning into the stinking rotten third world sh!thole, similar to the one the migrants have left behind.”
I think you’re being a bit unfair on France.
“i’d happily knife the pair down a dark alley”
Really? Count me out of that sort of thing.
It would be far more fitting to make them live amongst the enrichment.
“It would be far more fitting to make them live amongst the enrichment”
Yes but but not in the UK, better they do it in Syria, Eritrea, Libya etc its what they deserve….
Totally agree with Roland’s proposal and Geoff’s amendment.
I sincerely hope you do not meet a desperate Somali, Sudanese…etc down a dark alley Deschain, for they will as likely knife you for anything on is their way.
You might think it’s in order to knife someone for something that might happen in the future as a consequence of their actions, but I don’t. Much better to drop them into these consequences.
I used to work with a Nigerian (nice guy to speak to, but clearly on the take for whatever he could get). He said he was terrified of the Somalis – ‘kill you over a phone, without even thinking about it’
Well, Roland, some warrior you’d make…’s because Brown and Blair, add Blunkett, Straw et al WILL get away with facing the rap for their terrible actions in power, that in my book, they need to face the terror that someone so affected, so angry at their lack of contrition will explode into violence. All through history, men who have been responsible for such crimes have been eliminated, John Felton, for stabbing the Duke of Buckingham, George Villiers, for his inept generalship. Somalis in Bristol carry knives, it’s their way, the Police back off, utter cowards……..mind how you go.
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Muhammed
If You Think We’re On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Muhammed
If You Think Old England’s Done?
In hope.
Not before time over here you may ask!
I have been reading today, that the met Office have been out there stating that August is going to be the “hottest eva”. Well someone said that about May, June and July but it didn’t go quite to plan unless you stick a thermometer up a tail pipe of a 747 at Heathrow, that is. At least a bit of warmth will creep in to the far South East this coming 11 days, but for the rest of us? Central heating and slippers at the ready! The early birds were using di-icer on their windscreens on Dartmoor this morning.
That conflicts withn the chap on Radio Scotland this morning who said that there was no sign of any improvement for August. It must be devo max.
Yep, those who were listening 20 years ago to the politicians, climate scientists, environmentalists & sundry campaigners saying the world would be frying not long into the 21st century and were thinking or even saying “We will wait until after the first decade has passed to see if you are right” have wry, ‘I told you so’ looks on their faces.
Maybe B-BBC should be running a book – if it stays this chilly below seasonal averages – on when all the global frying promoters will start to get in a flap over whether we are heading into a mini-ice age. I’ll give it about two years from …
… now.
Will they be asking us all to burn extra CO2 to warm the planet? Will they apologise for all the grief & impoverishment they have caused? Will they hand back all the money they have made off the back of it?
Time for another prediction …
… NO.
“Maybe B-BBC should be running a book – if it stays this chilly below seasonal averages – on when all the global frying promoters will start to get in a flap over whether we are heading into a mini-ice age. I’ll give it about two years from …”
Some sun spot activity scientists are already there. They released a report indicating that they have now found the formula that got sun spot activity into sync with global temperatures, and a mini ice age is predicted from about 2030.
I do not think RH has chosen to report on that one – for some reason.
Yes, I saw those reports too. To be fair the Beeb did have it in a news item on the w/s but it wasn’t prominently displayed. Perhaps Harrabin will dig up the guys who at the end of the 1960s were predicting a mini-ice age for the turn of the century. He could point out how they got all all their data wrong and didn’t ‘adjust’ it. They could point out how the AGravatingWarmers ‘adjusted’ their figures & still got it wrong and offer to meet them somewhere in the middle, say? It’s a deal, then. Pleasure to do business wiv’ ya, Guv!
The BBC hates England. Likes Scotland and Wales and lurves the Irish.
Funny how everyone outside the UK chooses England over anywhere else in the world?
I do not understand why they do not all want to go to Russia. It is a lot less crowded.
Surely there must be another country on the planet willing to accept this fusion of humanity and undergo a project of multi culturalism and diversity so callously perpetrated on the British people by Anthony Blair and his cohorts. And facilitated by the bBC.
Nicola Sturgeon, Führer of the Scotch People and the Scotch National Socialist Party said she is very keen to take all of these “migrants” into the UK. We can therefore make a deal to everybody’s satisfaction; that Scotland takes all the “migrants”, we break up the UK and close our Northern Border, and rebuild Hadrian’s Wall.
If I had enough wealth I’d buy a property near the likes of Sturgeon and fill it with these “migrants”. To teach both her and those who vote for her the consequences of their actions.
Strict Mistress Krankie Sturgeon knows that any ethnic minority immigrants to Scotland will make their way asap to England, as the clever Scots do themselves. Pity really, Easterhouse in greater Glasgow could do with a dilution of its 96%+ Scottish population, it would likely improve it.
“rebuild Hadrian’s Wall”
Judging from antics at Calais we’d more than a wall to keep them out – a garrison of armed Roman Centurions maybe?
”Surely there must be another country on the planet willing to accept this fusion of humanity ?”’ Yes, its called Sweden.
Yes there are at least two, Sweden and Finland is doing its utmost to join in. Their Ruling elite have said that any Syrian who makes it to Finland will be given asylum. Lucky for the Finns that its such a cold dark country that tropicans are reluctant to go to. Unlike us however they do have a decent party True Finns who oppose the madness.
Meanwhile in the BBC and Guardian reports of “remarkably successful Ebola vaccine”.
Developed, naturally, by those racist whites in the West.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
I am sick of my white man’s burden.
Cut off all aid now and make them stand on their own two feet.
Send them some blacks from Europe to help.
Exactly, we are told we have to address our evil past daily. Have we not atoned for any alleged wrong doing by the numerous inventions and medicines that help the rest of the world over the decades? Now we have invented another great aid for Africa at our own tax payer cost, can we now be forgiven please?
If any group has an evil past, it’s that group which has an evil present, and, unless stopped, will have an evil future.
Anyone who thinks ISIS, or whatever name they currently use, are a new phenomenon, needs to get the history books out. The activities of early Islam, and Islam in the Indian sub-continent for a millennium, are ghastly.
But the BBC does not read these history books, or if it does, it then catches a virus, amnesius collectivus-permanentus.
Those at the mass morning BBC hate then shout one thousand times “black legs good, white legs bad”.
Then they feel better, totally correct, totally smug, totally superior.
Total ****s.
The BBC doesn’t read history books….it writes them!
Africans chiefs and kings sold their prisoners captured in tribal raids. Far better economically then to kill them. These were initially sold to the pharoanic empire (going back 2000 BC or more), then to Arabs, then much later to Europeans. Fortunately or otherwise, Britain stopped the slave trade, and thus damaged an export trade on which many African chiefs relied on..
Britain’s colonisation of Africa was far better – in governance, education and medical relief, then anything that African tribal chiefs levied on the poor African, and more then compensated for the loss of the export trade.
Britain colonised virtually the whole world. People who were and are smart, learned from the conqueror – his skill, work ethic, innovation, education, and are now successful. Those who were not, try to get some guilt money.
Slavery is a mental attitude. A free people can never be enslaved, even though they are occupied.
Developed, naturally, by those racist whites in the West.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
For the same reason that Africa is still the poorest continent, despite having huge natural resources.
The BBC report waxed long on the vaccine. We heard from a professor and others, but were never told which company invented and developed it.
Its strange that there are hardly any physicists, engineers or mathematicians of any note who are African. To develop a technical civilisation, one needs a surplus of such people – not doctors, lawyers, journalists, media specialists, or sportsmen of any sort.
Developed, naturally, by those racist whites in the West.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
The vaccine was developed by the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory.
Why can’t the Africans do it?
Sometimes I already know the answer before I ask the question.
The same reason they resort to crime, everywhere.
Are overrepresented in Jails, everywhere.
Are overrepresented among the unemployed, everywhere.
Are at the bottom of the pile, socially and economically,everywhere.
Are the last people you would want in any country.
Also aesthetically challenged.
What can you expect from a race with a mean average IQ of 85?
“Low IQ, poor impulse control and a lack of future time orientation, oppositional personalty disorder and retarded brain growth.”
Google has lots more.
More to come, much more.
Thanks Blair.
BBC- highlights,
Palestinian officials say Israel is “fully responsible” for the death of an infant in an arson attack, (no one is responsible for Pally attacks, not Islam, or “poor” Palestinians).
On 5Live news its on loop, they speed dialled in some arsehole
commentator waffling on about “far right” … lots of ranting Palestinian Authority, the “occupation” Palestinian land, and a single Bibi statement in amongst the onslaught, condemning it and
urging working together to stop further terrorism … rejected out of hand by the terror organisation obviously.
An arson attack is terrible, a death is always abhorrent
… a genocidal terror organisation voted in by its areas inhabitants
will on occasion get a taste of its own medicine, as always its an innocent who gets it …
but … WHAT? “occupation”, there isn t one
Israel is there, it ain t going anywhere, if you terrorise a community
of settlers, eventually there will be blowback whether right, or wrong … not everyone has a Beebot mentality.
Sheesh! Ch4 News, Jon Snow, can even you imagine.
And 22 attacks on Israeli Jews by Arabs in 60 attacks in the last week.
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a false flag operation perpetrated by hamas.
I see they are pioneering a new approach to denigrating their critics. The reliably snide Eddie “nasty piece if work” Mair reading out a somewhat deranged and illiterate email from a regular anti immigant correspondent emphasising its defects of grammar and compassion.
This fellow was clearly not going to be chewing the sour dough with people like us at polite nw 3 dinner parties and could thus comfortably be mocked together with anyone who dared question the morally correct line that all these young male sub saharan thugs (and it would appear numbers of simply abandoned children) are obviously refugees from Mr Blairs illegal wars and should be encouraged to come here given a grant, an underage girlfriend from a troubled background, and allowed to get on with their first novel.
“The reliably snide Eddie “nasty piece if work” Mair reading out a somewhat deranged and illiterate email from a regular anti immigant correspondent emphasising its defects of grammar and compassion.”
Very likely an invented email. Nothing is too low for the BBC in their attempts to denigrate those who oppose them
What the BBC doesn’t understand is that quite a lot of what is in the letter is exactly what millions of Brits are thinking! Obviously the BBC thinks that by denigrating this letter, and those who have similar thoughts, they will convince people that the BBC liberal view is the only virtuous option for a civilised society. What I hope is that those millions who agree with the contents of the letter, real or forged, wonder why they are paying their License Fee if the BBC is so ready to denigrate their thinking.
Probably has a white van and a flag of St George.
A job.
Children who know who their father is.
No criminal record.
Hates the BBC and Labour Party.
I will overlook the orthographical errors.
I see the trial of Roof who killed nine black people in America has begun, this will be a daily trial for us as well.
SKY’s female presenter told us she thought it was a good idea that the Confederate flag had been taken down in that area. She also told us that there will be a lot of ‘soul searching’ in America.
Firstly her thoughts are of no merit, factual reporting is, further as despicable as the crime was, it was carried out by a ‘lone operative’ ( if its good for Muslims…) fruitcake. Where is the data that shows how many Americans are ‘soul searching’ ? This is another example of making ‘evil whitey’ go down the old well trodden guilt trip road yet again.
What on earth makes journalists think that we are interested in their opinions ? They have no more value than anyone elses.
The arrogance of ‘journalists’ is profound. Two Brains Paxman actually wrote that he asked the questions of our politicos to which the public sought answers. No he didn’t, which is why it was left to a member of the public to ask MiniMili whether his lot had borrowed/spent too much prior to the 2007 (it started in Brown’s Scottish banks) crash. Brown was never questioned about it and only in 2012 did Andrew Neil stick it, very gently, to Ed Bollox that his lot had run an enormous structural deficit BEFORE 2008. Still, that one reasonable member of the public probably cost MiniMili the GE. He deserves a knighthood at least.
Just had to switch off the Now Show for a particularly nasty rant by some young twerp going on about how great left-wing comedy is & how it is impossible to do right-wing comedy. Radio ‘comedy’ is bad most of the time, this was intolerable!
Just had to switch off the Now Show”
Phil, you missed the surreal item where they gave up any attempt at “comedy” and spent 5 minutes talking to a US reporter about how wonderful Obama is. It made a change from the non jokes, but was a puff piece and was completely out of place.
….how it is impossible to do right-wing comedy.
He’s obviously never heard of Jackie Mason. Or Jeremy Taylor, a comic genius in song. Here he is taking the typical Guardian reader apart:
Thanks so much for posting that TrueToo, fantastic stuff. I’ve never seen him before, hilarious – but completely correct of course.
Glad you liked it. He goes back several decades to the old South Africa, where he was much appreciated for songs like Ag Pleez Deddy – a humorous take on Afrikaner children begging their father for entertainment.
While looking for the above link I found this extraordinary number, sung to the Ag Pleez Deddy tune by Valerie Miller with Taylor on guitar:
He couldn’t take Harold Wilson’s lefty World View in the ’60’s and went to Southern Africa and plied his right wing comedy there for many years.
He did a ripoff of the Afrikaaners brilliantly. You can hear the “South African” accent in this recording.
Great comedian!
Yes, he had the accent down perfectly and economy of words and timing – essential for good comedy. Leftie agitators like Marcus Brig-whatever-his-name-is wouldn’t know comedy if it smacked them in the face.
According to his Wiki entry, Taylor’s Ag Pleez Deddy was banned by the SA government. In those days they would ban anything that moved.
It’s Prigstocke .
Lee Hurst is pretty damned good and by no means a BBC leftie. Here’s a sample tweet:
David Cameron sends extra sniffer dogs to Calais and the illegal immigrants say “Great, they’re delicious.”
Sadly not funny.Rubbish in fact – as bad as BBC propaganda ‘comedy’!The trouble is the targett of the ‘liberal man;s’ hatred doe s not sound like a likeable person at all, so instead of laughing at the ‘liberal man’ one can only feel some empathy with him.
The problem of nationalism is it being conflated with right wing support for the wealthy and bigotry. This song reinforces that. If the horrible neighbour is going around name calling other ethnic groups, while that isnt the worlds worst crime as some Guardian readers believe, its hardly admirable or likely to endear us to his wealthy arrogant neighbour.
Nor is the ‘liberal man’s’ anti Semitism convincing since it is atypical of the Globalist tendency. They after all are the one’s constantly bleating about the Holocaust and wishing to make so called ‘Holocaust denial’ a crime.
“They after all are the one’s constantly bleating about the Holocaust and wishing to make so called ‘Holocaust denial’ a crime. ”
Yes but that’s dead Jews who they can emote over. What they can’t stand are the Jews that are living and willing to stand up for themselves.
What the hell were you doing listening to it in the first place?
Impossible to do right-wing comedy? Utter poverty of imagination, blind prejudice, or both? The whole PC culture has vast rich veins to be mined, but of course the BBC won’t. We should have laughed off some of the lunacies such as same-sex marriage that have been inflicted on us, but weren’t allowed to.
The law has made it very difficult to do nationalist comedy (though perhaps not ‘right wing’). It would have to mock all the trappings of PeeCeedom, challenge Islam, mock the arrogance and sexism of many dimwit young black males, mock the gullibility of hand wringing indigenees,mock the breeding habits of benefit scrounging west Indian single mums, and the fast breeding of South Asians. There are many veins to tap but mostly illeagl, and if not that certainly that would bring out the venomous young Twits.
The Press Gazette seems quite keen on this story.
Their first article attracted a fair few commenters being a bit dismissive of any staff not loyal to the BBC.
Seems they may live in a bit of a bubble:
May be worth bookmarking to see what the weekend shift brings.
Are there no male senior police officers? Is it a good example of how political correctness can be achieved?
I cannot remember the last time I saw a male senior police officer telling me what has happened at a major incident. Perhaps none of the male police officers performs well at interview or is it just another example of ‘agenda’ pursuance by the left wing feminazis?
Indeed English Gent. And they all say the same thing because they are not allowed to have an original thought in their head.
” Our thoughts at this difficult time are with the families. We appeal for witnesses to come forward. I can’t answer any questions as it may prejudice the investigation. Goodbye”
Yes where have all the senior male police oficers gone?
How on earth did these women make it to the senior ranks – chief constables. From their physique, I dont see them able to cope with even a minor physical altercation on the street.
They are the products of positive affirmation policies – very ordinary famale graduates in sociology or something, fast tracked for senior management.
“How on earth did these women make it to the senior ranks…”
Common Purpose. Google it.
In the force (not service) that I worked for we had a female DI who was damn good at her job. I saw senior ranks who were extremely effective and others who were laughable. The same with any business which is supposed to be a meritocracy, some are more deserving than others.
I have no doubt officers are promoted above their abilities because of who and what they are but at the lower end of the scale, where the policing matters I have found that in the majority of cases, ability counts.
But then again it is a regional force and not a metropolitan one that requires political correctness above all.
“Are there no male senior police officers? ”
ER yes, Peter Fahy Greater Manchester Common Purpose, who has advocated fast tracking BAMEs by missing a generationand promoting them over more senior 9and better) Indigenous.
Bernard Hogan Howe who is running a pilot project BANNING anyone who doenst speak one of a variety of foriegn languages from recruitment to the Met
Blimey, 38Degrees are getting a bit desperate.
First off I get an email screaming about attacks on Aunty, and then when that didn’t work a plea to ask if I’d got it.
Now they have gone full Wolfie and unleashed the Murdoch.
Exposed: it looks like George Osborne held a secret meeting with media baron Rupert Murdoch – right before the chancellor proposed serious cuts and changes to the BBC. [1]
The government seems to be building up to a huge attack that could cut to the heart of our BBC. The weaker the BBC, the easier it is for Rupert Murdoch to build his empire of biased news. And the more he controls the news, the easier it is for him to push his own agenda.
The BBC is independent – and that’s exactly why it’s under attack. It’ll take a huge public outcry to protect it.
For a start ‘looks like’ seems a p*ss poor way to kick off.
Especially when followed up with ‘seems’.
And whatever Rupes is or is not up to, and what they are trying to allege with zero actual proof, I don’t really care.
I don’t have to buy his ‘biased news’.
The BBC makes it darn hard not to.
Such lobbying is pathetic. I suspect it will backfire more than help, it is so inept.
I too have been victim of their increasingly hysterical emails, despite having replied with clear indication of my views
Sent: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:08
Subject: Urgent: BBC
” Our BBC is under attack. Today, the government announced plans to cut popular programmes, undermine its funding, and – worst of all – challenge its independence. [1]
If we lose the BBC, we’ll be left with the likes of Rupert Murdoch controlling our news. The same media baron who’s had countless closed-doors meetings with David Cameron. [2] Unlike other parts of the media, the BBC is fiercely independent – and that’s exactly why the government is trying to dismantle it. [3]
The government thinks it can tear our BBC apart by stealth – slowly slipping in cuts and changing the rules. But if hundreds of thousands of us create a huge public outcry now, we can show David Cameron it’d be a political disaster to destroy our BBC.”
My courteous reply
“Smash the BBC it is the enemy of democracy, only evil Stalinists support it ”
Ms Bentall ( author of the missive) didn’t take the hint
Sent: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 19:55
Subject: BBC at risk
” Did you miss this email? Our BBC is under threat. The government has plans to weaken its funding and challenge its independence – and they’re hoping we won’t notice. ”
My reply
“Did you miss this email?
No but you couldn’t be bothered to read my reply- I don’t want to save the BBC but more importantly I don’t want to be forced to pay for it
You clearly love its unending bourgeois fauxcialist agit-prop and self righteous sermonising Great you pay for it by subscription after all its only 40p a day ”
Perhaps I should contact the worldly wise Ms Bentall more directly
Though she is a very busy girl
So much for 38 degrees being non party political -So riddle me this dear lurkers at the threshold ,If the BBC is not biased to the left why does the , ‘no platforming’, left defend it so vigorously ? It certainly isn’t in defence of free speech
Its unlikely that Cameron takes an exe to the BBC, even though the BBC is a Lefty anti conservatibe media behemoth.
My dream would be to see ex-BBC employees applying for jobs in the up and coming Clarkson, Hammond and May show.
Camoron speaks to the BBC on his return from explaining to Asia how he turned London into the money laundering capital of the world, on Calais and illegal immigrants.
I have here in my hand … a sticking plaster, that I will be forwarding to the correct department, that can liase with the French counterpart, so that it may … working in unison,
go forward together to be put on the hole in the fence seen on the BBC this morning
In full and effective haste we will be contacting the one firm
that the border force uses for sniffer dogs to see if they can begin
the arduous task of training them to smell immigrants,
Have you contacted them?
Well no I have said, that we will after all the considerations from my office, down to the relevant department, that can then forward a memo to the border force, that they may after completing the correct paper work, gain funding for further training for dogs with the afore mentioned company.
Yep! I m totally … on it.
Maybe Cameron should read Cicero and find out how Pompey cleared the Mediterranean of pirates in 60 days!! I don’t think Pompey spent much time soul searching about the counterproductiveness of Roman foreign policy ,felt the pain of every sentient being in the Universe, contemplated the use of sniffer dogs or built feeble fences. He did destroy their ships and resettled pirates who surrendered to him in sparsely populated areas elsewhere. Obviously an early version of Australian immigration policy.
Pompey cleared the pirates.
Might want to read some 18c history as well. During the French Revolution they had riots and insurgency that made the UK riots of a few years ago look like a pillow fight.
Napoleon, was ordered to stop some riots, which he did in next to no time.
He did not use water cannons, he used real cannons.
Why not take a lesson from Israel?
IF it legal to forcibly resettle them elsewhere in Africa why not? I am sure there are some safe African neighbours that would be happy to have them in return for some wonga.
Why would the accepting country want wonga? Would’nt the enrichment and rejuvenation offered by the new arrivals themselves be inducement enough?
Interesting piece by the BBC about the people arrested for begging.
Over 80% of the people arrested weren’t homeless at all!
Want to see ‘racism’ in action? look on the streets of any big city and you’ll find that virtually every homeless person is a white male. Now if equality is ‘real’ on not just a way of oppressing the white population we need to be seeking an equal ethnic representation not just in the positive but in the negative as well.
We need to see more black and Pakistanis on the streets homeless ! Where’s Lenny Henry when you really need him?
But of course ‘equality’ has nothing to do with equality it’s another word for oppression.
Normally Big Issue founder John Bird has a lot of sense to speak, but this time either the BBC has not told him the ethnicity of the latest arrests or he’s turned into a complete hand wringer!
Goodness only knows how many Romanians et al are caught begging when they have the benefit of state support and a house, for as sure as the Gospel truth they have no real need to beg.
This web page has so many examples of bias by omission that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
There is a Roma woman who has taken up a regular spot outside my local Sainsbury’s selling the Big Issue. Every time she says “Beeg Ishoo” to me, it give me enormous pleasure to tell her to fuck off.
I can’t recall when I last saw a Beeg Eeshoo seller with an indigenous accent.
A few Saturdays ago (about 8am), I drove into the small, market town which is local to me; I usually go to the cashpoint to draw some money for the weekend expenses.
I saw that there were 5 or 6 shabby looking foreign blokes loitering near my bank, so I went to another bank’s machine to get my money.
When I returned to the car, I saw that there was only one of them now; on the pavement at the edge of the market square.There was a small mound of wet sand that had been put there, and he was sculpting a dog out of it – with a tin next to him for money to be thrown in. I have seen others sculpting the same ubiquitous style of dog, in various places. I asked him where he was from: “Romania” he answered, he looked to be about 18.
I thought that about what I had done in altering my usual pattern of behaviour (in however minor a way) is what we will all increasingly have to do as the numbers of legal and illegal immigrants here expand and their presence impinges, ever more, on our way of life.
It is an example of the sort of incremental changes that the indigenous people here will be compelled to make, due to factors which have been forced upon us by those who rule us, but who never consulted us.
I thought the dog sculptor was ‘indigenous’ to West London. Then I went to Oxford at the weekend and saw another (should be illegal) immigrant doing the same shit approximation of a dog. I also spotted a muslim with a headscarf handing tourists a tiny scrap of paper declaring she was a ‘refugee’ while doing her best impression of a ‘pitiful’ person. I am sick to death of these parasites coming to the UK and littering our streets. We are importing poverty on an industrial scale.
My patience has completely snapped and I want clear firm action. I’m absolutely past caring about their ‘human rights’. Mass deportation of anybody not contributing to the UK’s finances.
Shouldnt you be even more angry with the brainless Brits encouraging them?
Its the same kind of sentimental stupidity that sees our countrymen feeding seagulls and pidgeons.
Be fair Grimer. These folk are waiting to get into medical school or university to study engineering. You should give them all the help you can.
“After the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, it was nearly three hundred years before the invaders were assimilated to the point where court proceedings in London were again heard in English. And it was nearly nine centuries before there was any further large-scale immigration into the British Isles – the Caribbean and Asian influx after WW2.” Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow.
Aren’t we suppose to learn from history?
Cameron , the entire liberal left, the pretend Tories do not want to know about our past.
We are not a people. The English do not exist. Even if they do they are the dregs. of humanity.
What is really important in a country is getting very rich and living it up.
All the above are good at that. That is all they are good at.
It is dreadful to live in an old and fine country so traduced and so insulted by these our governors.and their enablers in the media/academia.
It is time to heed the wise words of Solzhenitsyn
” you can resolve to live your life with integrity.Let your credo be this. Let the lie come into the world but not through me”
Let nobody underestimate what this means.
We are the underestimated people of England and as always it will be left to us to sort out the mess left at our doors by these fools who govern and pontificate to us.
I dont believe we’ve ever recovered from the Norman invasion. The Anglo Saxon uppe rclass were killed or impoverished and replace dwith an alien elite who intermarried with the Anglo Saxon peasants but retaine da sense of superiority and looked to continental Europe with admiration.
Al Shubtill, you may like this, its only 5 minutes long but it says a lot. ” How Whites took over America.”
That’s very good DB, I hadn’t seen that. Thanks for posting it.
The ‘Hitler Anti-Racist’ film by the same people, is spot on.
The man behind the video is called Tim Murdock ( Horus the Avenger) this is his website where he catalogs all the anti white news from around the world
Bbbc news at ten,”migrant crisis” lessie news bint reporting from calais says that many of the migrants are “English speaking, and from former colonies” .wondered what angle al beeb would take next and here it is.
There’s many justifications for mass immigration (invasion and colonisation) into white countries and only white countries.
In America they justify mass Mexican immigration by saying ” Aren’t we Americans once immigrants too ?”
In Britain and France, they justify mass immigration by saying ” We once colonised their countries, now they can come here, the latest one is ” the NHS will collapse without them !!!”
In Germany they justify mass immigration by saying” We got to pay for what happened between 1933-1945.”
In Ireland they justify mass immigration by saying ” We’ve went all over the world as immigrants, so we should welcome Africans and muslims into our country.”
And finally, Sweden and Norway they justify mass immigration by saying ” We’re successful and rich nations, it would be selfish not to share our wealth to immigrants.”
As I said to a Nigerian at work – just because we want doctors, doesn’t mean we have to take beggars. He said we do – ‘racist’ otherwise. Apparently, it is impossible to just take the people you want.
And I bet they wish their countries were still British colonies !
So that isn’t Syria is it? Yes I saw the “former colonies” remarks. Hey yea but I’m still responsible for the crusades and slavery am I not?
Wow 22:00 news hi-energy music yep its the woman’s football match that’s on tomorrow surprise I won’t be watching.
BBC TV News. 10.20pm
Report on Wimmin’s Football. Woman told camera that she wanted to see a woman’s slot on Match of the Day. And that women are every bit as good as men. Accompanied with punchy guitar music.
No counter view that women’s football is boring and won’t attract investment. A fact that the BBC and wimmin can’t and will never understand.
Followed by the biggest sporting news of the day that England had beaten Australia at cricket. Was this intentional by the BBC to place cricket second to women’s football?? Male ‘middle class’ white game? (But it isn’t, of course).
Also, I don’t think they watched the match or didn’t understand it judging by the their report. They belittled England because Bell was dropped by an Australian fielder, and they thought it was possible if he had been caught that Australia could have won.
What total cobblers! Australia could never have won because England only needed to score just over 100 runs to win and the loss of Bell was inconsequential!
Why do we bother….I think the BBC is more out of control than it ever has been.
You’re absolutely spot on Dover. Been happening for some time now in respect of the cricket.
Just listen to/watch how the BBC report any English loss. It’s all snidey digs, how crap we are as usual blah blah blah.
But win and it must have been down to luck surely? Despite having comprehensively beaten the Aussies in the third test.
And spot on in respect of wimmin’s footy. The standard is rats – not even as good as men’s semi-professional – seriously.
But as with all the Beeb’s agendas they will continue pushing it. Don’t need to justify themselves to advertisers when nobody tunes in, they’ve got the cushy licence fee guaranteed.
The bBC aren’t objective with sport because they have so little of it, they don’t have the Ashes so it ain’t important, but they do just happen to have the wimmins footy live tomorrow so to the top of sports news it goes, regardless of its next to zero importance and the fact that no one will be watching.
It’s most obvious on a non live bBC F1 weekend, when F1 is of little consequence to them.
The lack of sport and constant pointless futile plugging of its crap over diverse output makes one realise just how insignificant the bBC has become.
Channel 5 take over ,the Championship & Div 1 & 2 highlights in August . There will be no wimmin`s football agenda . No commerical channel , free or subscription ,will show that shit , there is no money in it for them, because there is NO audience .
Yes; no ‘cultural jewel’ this – just a propaganda bicycle, always in our faces but only relevant to our culture in the same way Pravda was to the Russian people in Soviet days. Always examined for its omissions, bias and pretention – endlessly pored over to try and deduce what was actually happening..
Just like Pravda, the interests of the BBC are no longer aligned with the interests of the population it ‘serves’, and it is controlled by a detached and unaccountable elite. In the BBC’s case, I believe it is the EU which now pulls the strings, as a major hidden provider of funds and attitudes.
Even most women don’t watch women’s football !
I’ll probably watch it, but for anyone to compare it realistically with the man’s game is frankly off their collective rockers. Or, alternatvely, they are desparately trying to force an agenda that makes no real sense.
Dave666 – ‘high energy music’
Dover Century – ‘punchy guitar music’
Have you noticed how the trailer for Ripper Street, a period drama, has been accompanied by rap ‘music’?
The BBC’s obsession with mindless music, especially in documentaries to the extent that you can’t hear what the narrator is saying infuriates me. Maybe that is the point. Like a spoilt child making a lot of noise to get attention.
I agree totally with the BBC’s anti-England bias in sport – and in everything else, of course. It’s been a fact for years.
However, I’m not so sure about women’s football. The World Cup final between the US and Japan attracted a capacity crowd in Vancouver and popularity appears to be growing.
However, it would be merciful if the BBC would stop insisting women are equal to men. Women would need at least a five-goal handicap to compete with men.
BBC News at 10pm going large on the sad case of the Palestinian baby who died in what appears to be an arson attack allegedly by Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Fair enough, but how come there was no BBC TV news report on the 2011 murders of the entire Fogel familly of Israeli settlers by Pali terrorists? – Including their 3 month old baby. I remember it well. On the day BBC news instead featured a long item on a report by a lefty think tank on Tory cutz. Not a peep about the Fogels. It was deemed not news worthy. The BBC: Biased in what they choose to report and biased in what they choose not to report.
I was thinking along similar lines, that when the victim is a jew, well there’s very little coverage. But when its a Pal, why its the main headline.
This was one of those occasions when, as they say, “the BBC got it wrong” (see Coming next on Panorama: a special report on how an unknown Jewish person may have said some slightly unkind words to a Palestinian terrorist round about 1974.
Mark Thompson’s claim that they didn’t report the Fogel murders because ‘it was a busy time with Libya & the Tsunami” is total bullshit. I specifically remember the day it happened I’d read about it online and was waiting to see a report on BBC TV news. They had a great long boring piece about local government cuts which could easily have been dropped or rescheduled. Pure anti-Israel bias by omission. No other possible explanation.
Pure anti-Israel bias by omission.
Spot on. Thompson came up with the typical mealy-mouthed response whenever the BBC is caught in its bias. It was obvious to anyone who knows the BBC that they kept quiet about the barbaric murders of the Fogel family because they didn’t want to be perceived as being sympathetic to Israelis and evoke anti-Palestinian feeling by broadcasting news about the atrocity.
The BBC are masters at propaganda by omission of some pertinent facts and the widespread publication of others. But they blundered here, thinking they could sweep the atrocity under the carpet and nobody would notice. Unfortunately for them, there are enough decent people around who were appalled at the savage murders, Louise Mensch among them. I recall she wrote an article questioning the BBC’s uncaring attitude to the Fogels. That in itself was exceptionally naïve – as if the BBC would ever “care” about the beheading of an Israeli baby – and demonstrated the trust that people still have in the BBC.
Well, let’s hope we can continue to erode that trust on this site and others so that more and more people begin to perceive the hideous face of the BBC behind its benign mask.
Has anybody seen a news report from the bBC about the death of their hero Samir Kantar err actually bBC his name was Samir Kuntar it appears that the man who was serving a 540 year sentence for grabbing a 4 year old girl by the legs and bashing her head in after he ran out of bullets killing her dad was behind the attack on an ambulance the other week inside Israel, so the IDF being the IDF took him out with an airstrike.
I hear the bBC are in bits, funny enough so is Kuntar.
I recall that Kuntar was treated like royalty by Hezbollah on his release by Israel. It says all anyone needs to know about Hezbollah that they would be ecstatic about the release of a terrorist who murdered a little girl by bashing her head against a rock after having murdered her father in front of her.
His killing hasn’t been verified by mainstream Israeli media, as far as I know, but if true it is very good news indeed.
Regards Israel here are a few snippets from this past 7 days the bBC haven’t bothered mentioning:
Friday – July 24
21:20 Firefighters arrived to extinguish a fire in Isiwiya Jerusalem, a confrontation between police and Arab rioters. Number of people shut down affected by tear gas, and two of them were evacuated to a medical center for further treatment
22:00 Arabs hurled stones at police in Isiwiya
19:05 Dozens of Arab rioters Jalazun in Benjamin and throw stones at IDF soldiers
19:00 Dozens of Arab rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces in the settlement of Kedumim
Saturday – July 25
0:33 Arabs threw stones at the Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem
21:42 Arabs attacked Jews in Hebron
Sunday – July 26
• Police forces were attacked by dozens of Arabs in Qalandia
0:21 Arabs set off fireworks at the Border Police A-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem
23:20 Two Jewish passengers were slightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at the bus line 142 near the square, Benjamin person. One was lightly injured by shrapnel and suffered a shock second. The two were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
19:04 Two policemen were wounded by a Molotov cocktail thrown by Arab rioters in Isiwiya
18:00 Arabs set fire to a forest fire in Gush Etzion hills. Six planes and six firefighters with volunteers were in place.
16:30 Elon forest fire flared up again. Eight firefighters and six aircraft were in place. Two mobile homes were burned down
15:54 Hebron Arabs attacked a soldier and tried to breach the Givat Avot neighborhood in Hebron.
19:13 Arabs set fire to a tire on Highway 437 near the settlement of Maale Adumim Benjamin
14:11 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at Border Police in Isiwiya
8:10 Four police officers were injured in riots mass of Arabs on the Temple Mount
21:19 Two nights suspects were identified approaching the settlement of Elon Moreh in Samaria. IDF forces fired a flare during a chase after them, and the forest near the village caught fire. The fire spread quickly to the homes and three firefighters with civilian and military forces worked to extinguish the fire. One of the suspects was apprehended and questioned by the Israeli army.
Monday – July 27
0:23 A fire broke out in the town of Psagot Benjamin after Arabs threw multiple firebombs at homes
22:46 Arabs threw stones at an Israeli bus near the settlement of Beit El in Binyamin
21:37 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at Israeli vehicles near the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim
20:39 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the old mosque in the village of Hawara in Samaria
19:05 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the settlement of Ofra in Binyamin
18:33 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Sinjil Benjamin
18:32 Dozens of Arab rioters in Qalandiya and threw stones at border police forces
18:24 Arabs threw stones at an ambulance near Mount Hebron
17:01 Jewish woman was lightly injured by stones thrown at her vehicle near the Arabs up Maaleh Levona Binyamin settlement
11:22 Gvaot forest fire resumed. Three firefighters working there.
11:10 Arab terrorists imprisoned in jail, ignited a fire in one of the cells. 11 prison guards and two inmates were injured moderately easy to smoke inhalation, one of the guards was evacuated to a medical center.
11:09 The fire broke out in Elon Moreh was renewed. Three firefighters working there.
Tuesday – July 28
0:23 Arabs threw firebombs at homes in Ma’aleh Olives in Jerusalem’s Old City
23:22 Two passengers were lightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at another bus Hizma-Anatoth Benjamin
22:43 Arabs threw stones at policemen near the Shuafat checkpoint in Jerusalem
19:59 Arabs firebombed military vehicles on the Gilad raod in the Shomron
17:55 Arabs threw bottles of paint at a bus near the community of Negohot in Mount Hebron, damage reported (Tazpit)
17:34 Dozens of Arab rioters from the village of Jalazun near BEit El and throwing stones at IDF forces
13:02 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the settlement of Karnei Shomron, damage reported
9:14 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, damage reported
Wednesday – July 29
• Arabs threw firebombs and stones at police in Jerusalem’s Isiwiya neighborhood
18:06 Dozens of Arab rioters near the village of Beit El Jalazun threw stones at IDF forces
16:45 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection of Mount Hebron strings
13:24 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem
12:22 Arabs threw an explosive device at the Tomb of Rachel. The worshipers were taken away and a police sapper on his way to the scene (Tazpit News Agency)
• Arabs threw stones at a bus in Jerusalem, damage reported
Thursday – July 30
21:36 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the West Bank village of Azzun, damage reported
10:40 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion
BBC response ” So common, not newsworthy”.
Welcome back Pounce, thought we’d lost you !
Thank you.
I’ve been really busy at work this past 6 months. So I haven’t been able to spend a little down time. Can’t promise I’ll be able to spend as much time here as I would like. But I will pop in now and again.
In the lead up to the recent General Election you couldn’t escape the blanket, largely favourable coverage given to “The Progressive Parties” – SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens.
Who can forget the huddle of the trio of witches – The Haircut from hell, Leanne-but-dim, and the mad Sheila after the TV debate.
I know that Nicola Krankie is still never off our screens and airwaves, but has anyone heard any mention of the other two no-marks since they both failed miserably? Did I miss the forensic examination by the BBC into their complete failure to justify the hysterical, fawning coverage they were given, or have they been allowed to slip back into obscurity hoping no-one noticed?
Yeh where is Leanne I thought she was going to be the next PM with all the coverage she got. You really wouldn’t have bet on her to get the shopping in right from Tesco’s would you.
I am often intrigued what lies behind the BBC staying mute on a story until all the facts are in and they can safely ignore it if it doesn’t suit the narrative, and when they rush to indulge in the kind of speculation so decried by our now late lamented Flokker community if practiced on forum as opposed to a supposedly impartial, professional broadcaster.
One could ask one supposes, but the answer is likely to be they don’t have to justify rampant double standards ‘because journalism’.
Here’s a petition from the very left wing 38 degrees group pro BBC asking for signatures to defend it.
The next time some loon asks for examples / evidence of bias ask them when was the last time someone on the right was mounting a campaign to save the BBC, and why they think that might be?
“Exposed: it looks like George Osborne held a secret meeting with media baron Rupert Murdoch – right before the chancellor proposed serious cuts and changes to the BBC. [1]
The government seems to be building up to a huge attack that could cut to the heart of our BBC. The weaker the BBC, the easier it is for Rupert Murdoch to build his empire of biased news. And the more he controls the news, the easier it is for him to push his own agenda.
The BBC is independent – and that’s exactly why it’s under attack. It’ll take a huge public outcry to protect it. Please can you sign the petition to save our BBC now? It only takes a few seconds to sign:”
As usual there’s the paranoia over Murdoch which is something like being afraid of the bogeyman! In any event people now get their news & content from a far wiser range of sources than Murdoch has a hope of controlling.
A good rule-of-thumb for life is to see what the anarchists at 38degress say … and do the opposite.
One side to every story
BBC Radio 4 this morning and our Mishal Husain cues up (rather than interviews) a former illegal migrant to the UK
I would be pleased to hear from these people and interested in their responses when questioned about their motivations.
This chap aged 13 got here via Calais in a refrigerated lorry (and apparently at the end of an extensive and gruelling world tour) – his mother having sent him off “because she was worried the Taleban or American Forces might kill him”
Unfortunately – and unsuprisingly for the BBC – our Mishal only wants half the story, and so her one tentative challenging question is not followed up although a hat full of questions arise from our migrant’s response.
Mishal: “Do you have any sympathy for the views of people who may be ‘uncomfortable’ about migrants coming to the UK?”
I wish I had a transcript, suffice to say the guy launches into a tirade:
‘right-wing press’
‘people losing their humanity’
‘the authorities made his life hell’
‘they didn’t believe his age’
My personal favourite:
‘it’s our [Britain’s?] fault anyway, these countries are unsafe’
The guy hardly stopped for breath. Our Mishal didn’t follow up of course – perhaps she was getting a signal to back to Jimmy Naughtie in Yorkshire and some county show: “Clap evryone, so the listeners know we have an audience” No for much longer, surely?
oh Nana what a load of bollox you do speak they are all fleeing war torn countries . ok Nana it may have escaped your pesky little braincell but they are in France so what are they fleeing at the moment darling ?
I saw an article in the DM that had a picture of illegal immigrants scrambling down a grass bank to get to the ferry terminal….”desperate to flee Europe”….I had no idea I lived in a War Zone. Well I suppose burning tyres and spraying fertiliser from tractors must be so traumatising for the gentle souls that they are.
Maybe they’ve never witnessed mechanised farming before – given they’re all metropolitan elites (doctors, electrical engineers, architects, etc), it must be traumatic to encounter such heavily polluting vehicles…
I am waiting, and I know I will wait for eternity, for an Al Beeb ‘interviewer’/prompt to respond, when told incredulously that Brits believe that immigrants take their homes and jobs, do you live in a house or do you live in a tent or a hole in the ground? Do you work here, and is your job one which could be done by a Brit? Have you used our education or INHS services at all? Have you earned enough to pay tax to contribute to the cost of the services you have used?
I’ve heard of immigrants claiming full unemployment/housing benefits and running successful Skype/internet businesses back in Africa. They’re not stupid…
“This chap aged 13”
Should have read This chap who claimed he was aged 13, but which no one in authority believed !
What was important and completely missed out of the interview, was whether his asylum claim had been allowed, because minors are allowed to stay in the UK until they have reached the age of majority. It is therefore in an asylum seekers interests to claim they are as young as they can get away with.
Being worried that the US or Taleban might kill someone is not grounds for a successful asylum claim!
I heard the interview, and he recited every single left wing meme about asylum I think the left has dreamed up. I think he’d been primed before this interview.
I think the BBC regularly prime foreigners and minority erthnics including on such programs as Woamns Hour. The number that seem to come out with the right PeeCee on message phrases is too high to be true.
I also think at Calais they probably interview many more than we see and select the ‘best’ for their agenda.
I am sure they are all told when asked why they want to come to Britian not to even mention the words ‘benefits’ or ‘house’.
Yes, I was amazed when I heard this brazen Afghan’s arrogant sense of entitlement. As if the sole purpose of the British taxpayer was to extricate thirdworlders from their self-made shitholes and pander to their every need. Hopefully, this pernicious leech, now bloated on this country’s lifeblood, will detach himself and slither off to Syria before any more harm is done.
Don’t get me wrong. I hope he goes. I just pity the Syrian non-muslims that he’ll end up killing.
I would think , by now, their fate has long been sealed.
Did anyone else catch BBC News a few days ago when Joanna Gosling, on news confirming the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar, asked of an Afghan correspondent ‘Was he a charismatic leader?’. There was a momentary pause and a slightly bemused look and then realising it was a genuine (fawning) question, the correspondent proceeded with the dialogue.
Wow Joanna, you must have been top of your class in BBC’s Dhimmitude 101.
Never mind, his successor Mullah Akhtar Mansour, will no doubt be soon adorning your bedroom wall.
I’m still waiting to see if the next terrorist video (they love to keep showing again and again: ‘be afraid people, be very afraid’) will have an end credit ‘Produced in cooperation with the BBC’.
SKY news reporter Tom Parmenter asks an African invader in Calais why he wants to come to England ? His response ” I speak English and I want to share my views and ideas !!! ” Can he not share his views and ideas on Twitter ?
Be careful, his views might well include Jihad or the imposition of a global caliphate.
I’m wondering how Scott would justify this infestation ?
He wouldn’t. He’d dodge the issue and accuse you of homophobia.
I see this morning’s Dateline London has descended into the Owen Jones’ Making A Case for Corbyn Show. Repugnant left-wing bias.
Luckily the Mail is bringing up Corbyns lack of action over the Islington care home scandal.
The self-entitlement of the illegal immigrants swarming at Calais is beyond belief. I’m sick of seeing gullible, hand-wringing, bleeding heart BBC and Sky News lefties falling for the sob stories of these benefit seekers: in one interview there was a Muslim woman who radiated this massive sense of entitlement and who was moaning non-stop and criticising David Cameron for x, y and z; wow, just think what she’ll be like if she ever makes it in to this country. The BBC have a responsibility to be truthful; they are, however, on an all out mission to garner sympathy.
These migrants are attempting to commit a criminal offence as in enter our country illegally.
Why do the BBC treat them as victims? They are home and dry in the rest of Europe.
And how many can we take? Is there a finite number? 5 million? 10 million? 50 million?
Twenty five. You are in an overload situation, abort, abort…
I wonder how the Chinese would react to a similar situation. or the Japanese or the Russians or you name the country ( Sweden excepted )
The BBC is so way out of line with public opinion as to be absurd.
I see we have a great choice of tv viewing this afternoon. Women’s football or women’s golf – now which one shall I watch ? Decisions, decisions …… errm, neither.
I often find this more entertaining than most modern bBC output, no diversity, just thankful that her opponent wasn’t the same as the Robertson’s logo or this bit of British history would have been consigned to the dustbin…
Surprised the bBC haven’tcome up with a ‘modern’ take on this yet.
People forget not so long ago there was no breakfast television, no daytime television either, television started up at 4pm with children’s programmes and closed down at around about midnight with the announcer in a very calming RP voice telling us ” don’t forget to switch off your television sets and have a very restful and peaceful goodnight.” and then they played the national anthem.
Superior Music as well. But I have seen a modern take on this. It was a new “Test Card” picture with an identical pose by a 56 year old woman called Carole Hersee.
I’ve just noticed that the women’s golf is followed by women’s cycling!! FFS!!!
Having just glanced at the evenings TV there ain’t much else on, apart from mind numbing dross and repeats. Sad to say that despite its 15th rerun Dads Army appears to be the highlight of the evening!
Just listening to Five Live 7.07pm and chance to re-live the winning of a bronze medal at the Women’s World Cup with Rachel Brown Finnis and “The Lionesses”.
They don’t let up do they? It is laughable.
PS – hope you all caught the Women’s FA Cup final? Oh dear.
Funnily enough the Beeb showed “highlights” on the news afterwards. We learned that FA means Fuck All.
So, in BBC world, we are allowed to have Lionesses but not Actresses? Complete Lunaticesses.
BBC paying reverential homage to their deity:
BBC Anouncer close down 1979 Paul Harris
Plea for lost BBC sense of Britishness
A group devoted to the appreciation of vintage television is calling on TV watchers to search their attics for the last known vestiges of the BBC’s respect for Britishness, now feared lost.
Episodes of Doctor Who, Dad’s Army and The Likely Lads have no known copies but the missplacing of the BBC’s patriotism may prove to be be a far more serious cultural disaster.
“Many people recorded shows off the TV and radio as far back as the 1950s,” say the spirits of Winston Churchill, Francis Drake and Florence Nightingale, three of the hundreds of spectoral voices behind the appeal for the ‘Lost B in BBC’ appeal.
“The purpose of the appeal is to rediscover a domestic soul.”
The BBC is sadly among those fighting against the campaign.
Four Dennis Potter dramas from the ’60s are also missing believed to be wiped by the broadcaster – but never mind about that.
75 episodes of the Goodies, but only managed to find 33 episodes.
7 on Video, 23 on DVD and only 3 by home recordings of repeats not on DVD or Video release.
You can download some episodes of the Goodies (amongst other oldies) from you tube, quality not too good but better than what’s on now!
A different world!
The latest BBC continuity announcers, Neil Nunes from Jamaica at 2.45
On BBC 1 , I thought only the home nations had their own announcers , eg Scotland . In the East we always had the London announcer at closedown , & thoughout the day & evening . If your aerial was pointing to Sudbury , it would be the same as Crystal Palace ,which most people could also get , as well .
As a migrant illegal immigrant, why MUST she have her baby in England rather than France?
(BBC are running the same type of news).
Because she knows if she gives birth here citizenship for her is assured.
Just remembering an incident from a few decades ago, and the response from the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher.
The incident was the death of convicted terrorist Bobby Sands from a hunger strike, and this is the statement:
“Mr. Sands was a convicted criminal. He chose to take his own life. It was a choice that his organization did not allow to many of its victims.”
Can you imagine one of todays cringing hand wringing PC obsessed politicos saying something similar about the death of one of todays terrorists?
The closest we get is a judge telling Lee Rigby’s killers that they weren’t real Muslims – which the BBC lapped up and broadcast far and wide. I’m so glad our judges are also theologians.
Margaret Thatcher was the last occupant of 10 Downing Street to be worthy of the title “Prime Minister”.
Bush Blair (with lies and Labour backing) = vacuum Iraq/Afghan.
– Infection Arab Spring Egypt/Syria.
– Cameron/Sarky =vacuum North Africa.
– ISIS fill vacuum. Millions displaced/dead/wounded/radicalised.
– EU Ferry service to Italy .
– Calais.
Entryism = Labour/Tories counting them out – UKIP counting them in.
A chap called Alfie made it through to LBC earlier. He called the situation perfectly – i.e. middle class hand wringers pushing multiculturalism down the working class populations throat, while living in their nice enclaves. I agreed with every word. It was then business as usual as very well spoken people phoned in to assure us he was a racist. One lady even phoned in to assure use that all the people that she’d seen being interviewed on TV were engineers and teachers, so we should let them all in. Poor Alfie lives in Tower Hamlets (as I used to). Not sure where she lived, but I’d put money on the immigrants she encounters are either running the corner shop, tiling her bathroom or sitting next to her at a Notting Hill dinner party.
It won’t last. The hand wringers are nearly all urban. They might weekend in the shires once in a while but they are essentially an urban blight.
The shire folk who never leave and work and raise their families there are different.
How different these urban liberals will find out eventually.
It should have been “nice hideously white enclaves“
UKIP’s point based immigration policy would let in “engineers and teachers” But you don’t get any sense of enthusiasm for this policy from the liberal lefties, for some reason.
I think the reason is that the dysfunctional mind of a lefty is basically schizophrenic. That is, if someone like an immigrant makes a lefty feel superior, then selfishness makes them say that the immigrant is a superior person. But if you make the lefty feel inferior, then selfishness makes them say that you are an inferior person.
Like Climate Change, its all based on the fantasy assumptions of wishful thinking. Its why Blacks are stereotyped in BBC dramas as intellectual “engineers and teachers” types, superior to the white-van-man types. This is so as to prevent them from being “stereotyped”? or in other words, realistically depicted, in a way that shows Blacks as seven times more derogatorily depicted, as indigenous white people.
Its much more easy for the dysfunctional BBC types to derogatorily depict Jews, Australians, Canadians, Japanese, Western Europeans and Mensa members, because of the reality of who UKIP’s points based immigration policy would really let in to this country.
Charlatans – I would suggest the Carter Administration, allowing Khomeni to return to Iran should prefigure the Bush Blair entanglements on your (accurate) list; in that it enabled the creation of the largest sponsor of world wide Islamic terrorism and accelerated the destabilization of the Middle East.
A bit before my time. I was only ten when the Satanic Verses were published. It certainly made an impression on my young mind – I’d been taught by my ‘traditional’ school teachers that we should venerate books. We certainly shouldn’t swarm in the street burning them and screaming for the author, and Britain generally, to be killed. That is one of those moments that could have changed the course of history – people rounded up, immigration status checked and relevant people deported back to Iran, etc (I’m sure they would have been given a wonderful welcome by their Muslim brethren). Instead, we showed how ‘tolerant’ and ‘enlightened’ we were. The rest is history – if there is anybody left to write it, once we become entirely monocultural.
As an aside, if you’re curious about the Satanic Verses and haven’t been able to find a copy (most high street shops won’t stock it), check out the book shops at the airport. I guess it is considered a safe place to sell it – no chance of a nutter pulling out a gun on the departure side of security. That’s where I found my copy.
I got hold of a copy a few years back. It was one of the most unreadable books I’ve ever had the misfortune to try to read. I tried really hard to stick to it till the part that apparently caused all the fuss but I gave up.
Scott liked it. He said it was long and hard and kept him up all night. Where is Scott, anyway?
No, it is actually quite a good book – very original, and worth persisting with. His writing style is opaque at times, and it is difficult to anticipate how the several parallel narratives will join up, but they do, in the end. It is a very cinematic book, and would I think have been a candidate for screen treatment, if only it hadn’t been such a bone of contention.
If it helps, I would put it at about 180 degrees from Harry Potter – now there is a truly unreadable series of books, execrably written by an author whose political inclinations are correspondingly juvenile..
Indeed. Our streets thronging with pakis calling for the death of an author whose book they’d never read should’ve been followed by mass deportations of undesirable, uncivilised and unwelcome immigrants who understood nothing of the free society they chose to park their arses down in. It didn’t become a turning point, it was however, the point of no return. A civil war beckons and that’s not because I want it, it’s because it’s as inevitable as the sun rising every morning. If you know anything of history you know this will be the outcome.
What single thing have Muslims done, which has benefited the U.K.?
Perhaps the BBC might be able to enlighten us, since they appear to like them so much.
They invented ‘zero’ – i.e. nothing.
If you literally mean the number 0 then there’s record of the ancient Egyptians using the concept. Just being picky in case I misunderstood!
I was meaning zero. I’m aware of the arguments surrounding it, but is the thing the BBC always point to as a marvel of Islamic intellect.
I agree. I think the point of no return was passed post 9/11 and 7/7. The BBC and government kicked the can down the road hoping that if we’re all just a bit more accommodating, then things will resolve themselves via inter-marriage, muslims lapsing and becoming more secular – e.g. like the Jewish community have. Of course, Islam isn’t Judaism and Muslims don’t share the same values as Jews or, it would seem, anything remotely like their IQs.
Civil war is unfortunately inevitable, unless the British People can bring themselves to vote for somebody that will fix the problem.
Unfortunately, as with all ‘extreme governments for extreme events’ how do you turn the madness back off again? Once they’ve got their hands on the levers of power, they won’t want to step down and risk a trial for ‘ethnic cleansing’ (polite deportation with compensation). We could be stuck with Shriah in all but name – jackboot on the face of humanity, etc.
I doubt there will be a civil war. UK society is too fragmented for that.
Yes, if only we’d rounded up a few ringleaders and deported them (with their families) we might have nipped all this madness in the bud. People will look back on the present and previous 30/40 years with incredulity. Even children will wonder at the suicidal stupidity of these times.
The Glass Floor at Broadcasting House is cracking. Middle Class parents have created a “glass floor” for their less able children to stop them slipping down the social scale. Research shows that middle-class families are hoarding the best opportunities available for the less academically gifted children, such as the university, arts and media route to a job at the BBC. Research found that well-healed parents help struggling children by using contacts at the BBC, and social networks such as “Common Purpose“, to find them useful internships that lead to well paid jobs at the BBC. But John Whittingdale is being sent a great deal of evidence that this is causing the ”Glass Floor” at the BBC, to show serious cracks. The study was based on many of the 45 year old employees working at the BBC.
I know a girl that works at the BBC in production. Jewish. Very nice girl. Daughter of somebody quite well connected. She said it definitely helped get a foot in the door, but then it was actually a lot harder to get on – everybody knew and assumed she’d only got the job because of her connections, which I suppose was true, to some extent. Lovely girl and incredibly talented. Not a standard beeboid, by any means.
Becoming tired with the BBC relentlessly plugging women’s sport? Don’t worry, it’s all ideological – not genuine interest.
Just keep in mind who it was that signed up feminists Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith to present their Diamond Jubilee show which disrespected the world’s otherwise most respected woman.
I predict that if the country ever does get behind a world beating England women football or cricket team, the BBC will be first on the scene with Tony Livesey, Nicky Campbell et al in a quick chorus of :
There never was an England,
That’s what they say to me,
If England means as little to you,
As it does to the BBC
Quote from Jeremy Clarkson “The problem is that television executives have got it into their heads that if one presenter on a show is a blond-haired, blue-eyed heterosexual boy, the other must be a black Muslim lesbian. Chalk and cheese, they reckon, works. But here we have Top Gear setting new records after six years using cheese and cheese. It confuses them.”
BBC Sunday Morn Live – Should Britain be a safe haven for migrants?
… that’s ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS BBC, that by the way, are already CRIMINAL through funding those who transport them to europe.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Anglican Bishop Stephen Lowe, writer and broadcaster Christina Patterson and Pastor Clement Okusi
So that s no real debate at all then, just all shades of the same argument.
Hmmm and … the public vote has long gone, 😀 we have erm “Tommy” Sandhu these days, with a helpful ahem … “selection” … of tweets.
They really are totally beyond parody now.
I salute your bravery and resolve in watching this BBC offering.
I had to switch off immediately I saw Yasmin Alibaba Clown, the Most Stupid Woman on TV and Waliking Emetic was present.
How did the “sex talk with toddlers” segment go?. The vast Muslim and priestly expertise in doing much more than talking about sex with toddlers must have been enlightening. As someone else has noted this is well beyond parody.
Just catching up on Sunday Morning Live, where both sides of the argument always win Pussyfooter-of-the-Year Awards, whatever the topic. Apparently ‘only’ 0.24% of our population are refugees (UNHCR). (a) Do you believe them? (b) How do they do the calculation? (c) So what?
Much breast-beating about the word ‘Swarm’ (again). Thankfully, it was pointed out on the programme that one definition is; ‘An aggregation of persons, especially when in turmoil or moving in mass’.
Yasmin, I’ll bet the people of Kent are delighted to welcome all these consultant surgeons, concert pianists and captains of industry from the back, inside and underside of lorries. Why don’t you ask them?
Yeah ,I saw that Yasmin Evil Brown , was, on with some vicar ,thought it was that Giles one, I then went outside, to enjoy the day . Thought of contacting Captain Mainwaring, & the boys as England needs them again,right now .
There was an interesting caller on Any Answers yesterday. A typical BBC caller…This well meaning (tho’ completely daft) woman assured us that Britain wasn’t overcrowded, that Scotland had vast areas of open space to accommodate these poor migrants. Of course no one at the Beeb thought to tell her that France, with a population on a par with ours and three to four times the land mass, had even more space for these people to settle. These facts just don’t seem to appeal to the BBC mind set. And, of course, these people , according to what I glean from Aunty, are all doctors, lawyers and engineers, they will want to work. No one challenged the obvious flaw in her assumption that the migrants would be content to remain in Scotland. FFS even the Jocks don’t want to stay there, parts of London are full of Scots! Seeing as these illegal entrants have crossed deserts, seas, and an entire continent does anyone really believe they would remain in the Outer Hebrides? Perhaps we could gently persuade them with machine gun turrets erected on Hadrian’s Wall.
That would please me on so many levels…
Russia has vastly more space – it’s strange that they don’t appear to want to go there, isn’t it? I’m sure Mr Putin would give them a warm welcome ……. or perhaps not.
It also has a very low birthrate and a suplus of women which would suit the swarms of male invaders.
Russians however still know who they are and who they want to remain, and arent afraid of being called ‘xenophobes’ or ‘racists’.
Al Beeb’s news currently discussing the immigrant crisis in their usual balanced fashion. Complaining about the Mail’s pointing out that these illegal immigrants are being put up in hotels and only ‘given’ £35 per week whilst simultaneously saying our benefit system gives them nothing. Are the hotels offering free accommodation and is each £35 found on a Leftist money tree?
These illegals have been living under plastic sheets with zero assistance from the French who should have been processing them.
How about the Beeb drop the migrant crap and call them invaders ? Still we got Sian on next to talk about the use of the word ‘swarm’ typical misdirection ‘…. oh look squirrel’.I guess that will be my tax money putting them up in hotels and giving them spending money. Well I have news for you BBC I do not want my taxes spent on the invaders I want them spent on defence , health , infrastructure and keeping the lights on .
I would imagine that the picture on the front of the Mail of those two cnuts smiling whilst enjoying a nice pot of tea at a nice hotel, is almost too much for any hard working job hating Brit to take.
It is me…
Looks like Mohammed Farah on the left that great legend of British athletics
Indeed, and the DM is proud to report that his wife its pregnant (again), seriously who really gives a …..?
Note the doctored comments….
The Daily Fail, isn’t that the rag that told us not to vote UKIP ?
That’s what pisses me off about the DM they continually run such stories to wind us all up, yet are the first with UKIP smear stories.
It is what is called, appropriately, balanced reporting. The Grauniad and Al Beeb make no pretence of balance.
BH talking to a Swede (really?). I just realised that the mass importation of aliens to Sweden, and the crushing of any opposition to this relentless process, actually gives ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ a whole new meaning at societal level. It gives a name to exactly what most people object to.
And it (quite rightly) pathologises it, in the same way that the original ‘Syndrome’ referred to the overwhelming of a hostage’s cognitive framework and emotional integrity by an existential imperative of surviving in a brutal, inhuman and ruthless situation.
Perhaps it would be productive to understand the psychology of ‘rolling over’ at a society level – looking at the involvement of the BBC as a key component of this would give us a whole new way of looking at the Corporation, as an institution harbouring and propagating a pathology.
The BBC is accustomed to criticism, and knows very well how to counter it – but being diagnosed and pitied, and having corrective treatment applied, this might not be to their liking. Not very dignified, to have your misjudgement and skewed view of reality picked apart in terms of an illness..
Sweden is a tragedy for the West. I have no pity for the ethnic Swedes as they have created their own particular version of a third world hellhole but it is a European country and it will have a really detrimental effect on Scandinavia in particular.
What puzzles me is why the ethnic Swedes have not opposed the destruction of their country.
In which case you are correct. Stockholm syndrome it is.
Perhaps the relentless pursuit of the ideal socialist based society that has been Sweden for generations is the cause.
Literally the Swedes have gone insane as a nation.
The BBC is likewise now the product of at leat 50 years of indoctrination of it’s staff. Like has recruited or trained like.
BBC syndrome should now be our way of describing the useless pursuit of unreality and the collective howling of the swarm at any criticism of this.
As Thilo Sarrazin points out in his book “Deutschland schafft sich ab” leftists in the media have succeeded in turning every social and political problem into an “empathy deficit” problem.
Germans are particularly susceptible to the “Nazikeule”, the “Nazi club” which can be brought down on anyone who has a rational objection to uncontrolled mass immigration. Any German who complains, say, about wage depression can be accused of a lack of compassion, selfishness in denying others what he has and, of course, of not having learnt anything from his intolerant “Nazi past”. Any criticism of mass immigration must inevitably lead to mass extermination in the gas chambers. I’ve just been watching Euromagazin on German TV featuring a German lorry driver transporting a high value load destined for England from Belgium to Calais. Migrants are attempting to stowaway on his lorry in Belgium and he has had to write off loads worth 40,000 Euros because of damage caused by migrants. He is clearly very angry, yet the media type asks him “Do you have any sympathy with the plight of the migrants?”. You know deep down from what he has said previously that his sympathy is minimal, but the expected ritual response has to include some nod to their suffering and bravery or he might be depicted as harbouring some non-progressive Nazi/Neo Nazi leanings. The BBC, even though it cannot use the Nazikeule with the same effect continually tries to depict the unwillingness of the British public to accept any number of migrants with open arms as an “empathy deficiency” with the “other” The Greeks have to deal with more migrants than we do, more empathy and self sacrifice is required to live up to the new morality promulgated by the media. Every “news” item from the BBC about the Calais crisis contains some emotional appeal for compassion towards migrants. No one wants to be, or be seen to be, heartless or unfeeling, but the BBC is cynically exploiting the public’s better nature to shut down reasoned argument and pursue its own utopian political agenda.
Very accurate observations. The problem for the BBC/liberal lugenpresse is that it is now so obvious.
Nobody I come across believes them any more.
It is the empathetic taliking to the empathetic not to the majority.
They think of themselves as supremely empathetic, but they show no empathy to the millions of their fellow Brits who will lose wages, jobs, neighbourhoods due to the influx of millions of colonisers. As well as their children’s education, their health provision under the NHS will suffer, as well as their freedom to speak freely, live freely and to not be treated as second-class citizens in their own country.
Beeboids – show some empathy for these people – you know: the working class who you despise but claim to support.
I remember back in the heady days of the 70s, at the height of the Cold War, my military unit played host to a Russian defector from our opposite numbers in the Red Army. A really nice guy, hard as nails with a great sense of humour, we enjoyed several good evenings with much alcoholic refreshment.
One of the topics of conversation one night was the Soviet leadership’s obsession with propaganda. The population subjected to an unvarying diet of what the Politburo wanted them to hear 24/7, with posters everywhere of steely-jawed workers and burly soldiers marching shoulder-to-shoulder into a brave, socialist future.
“Doesn’t it get on your wick after a while, knowing they’re feeding you all these bloody lies?” I asked.
“Naah” said my friend. “Nobody takes any notice of it. We make jokes about the latest pile of steaming pap from the state media. They know we don’t believe it. They don’t believe it either. They just churn it out to please their bosses and to keep their jobs and priveleges.”
Sound like anybody we know?
It could well be that even certain sections of the BBC don”t believe the BBC either. I turned on the World Service a couple of days ago late at night and they were announcing a programme called the Fifth Floor about the inner workings of the World Service. This according to the voice ” was where the news is made in 27 languages”. A candid admission that the BBC fabricates the news rather than reporting it.
I completely agree with both you and DavidA.
I’ve been surprised by the reaction of even quite Left wing friends and colleagues, most of whom can usually be relied upon to swallow hook, line and sinker, the BBC’s line on any event. But not this time!
People are worried, they are angry and I suspect the C of E, the Government (such as it is) and the BBC are doing themselves no favours with this pusillanimous attitude to invading law breakers.
The new establishment is in serious danger of misjudging the nation’s mood over this challenge to our security and ugly things could follow.
Thank you, that is very interesting. When you are surrounded by cant, day in, day out, it is difficult to know where to ‘grab hold’ of it. To provide names for what is being done is to perform a great service of encapsulation. There has always been much power in naming devils, even if ‘their name is Legion’.