Seems the met office is so pleased with its accuracy in predicting the weather that they have awarded themselves almost £21 million in bonuses. No, I am not making this up to increase your morning blood pressure.
Leave aside their constant error strewn forecasting, how on earth can a tax payer funded entity be competing in the market place and then award itself these extraordinary sums of money for doing its job?
If anyone in the public sector thinks they should be paid private sector wages then they should get their arses out into the private sector. There they can set up a company, put their house on the line, work 24/7, pay their own pensions and then see if they are in a position to award themselves bonuses.
But this is the New Age, the Age of Stupid, where people are given perks and encouragements to provide rotten, or useless “services”.
The Met Office has a history of getting it wrong – even more so since they have installed more expensive computer equipment.
Their bonuses are richly deserved, for they can do no wrong. If they can attract further and increased public funding, then they have succeeded, and all those involved merit a bonus.
I have the BBC’s weather app on my phone. The information it provides is substantially wrong probably on a majority of days in the week. A favourite trick seems to be switching a weather prediction to an actual observation. Perhaps that is the way they calculate their accuracy? Could it be that it doesn’t matter when they get it right, as long as they eventually do – even if only five minutes from the predicted time?
We all know the reason why this is. Like the BBC, the Met Office has fallen under the control of a small band of zealots who are willing to stare reality in the face and call it a liar.
Anyone can now look at the satellite observations of the North Atlantic over a period of 24 hours, and then project those movements and direction over the next 24 hours, on a globe at home using a piece of string and a marker pen. A Weather forecast at a super bargain basement cost.
the next day is always warmer than the previous one”.
Depending on how close to the Heathrow thermometer the jumbo jet parks.
I have a theory about the decline of the Met Office. It was set up by the military, so the forecasts mattered – lives depended on accuracy. Now accuracy is irrelevant and it is their grants that depend on sticking to the global warming script.
Another grossly lying propagandist dispatch from Gaza from a (child-like) journalist on “From Our Own Correspondent” World Service 0330-0359 this morning. Apparently there is a constant barrage of incoming missiles from Israel, which peace-loving Gazans are having to endure. Incredible stuff, but all part of the demonization of Israel that is the enduring BBC policy.
The BBC is the propaganda arm of the liberal elite. At the moment , the right-thinking (English) electorate outnumber them-let’s think up the best way to draw up a PETITION to sell off the BBC and/or make it subscription-only. It would be hard for the Tories to completely ignore.
Come on guys, what’s the best method????
In the Independent this morning John Rentoul has an interview with Paul Mason, formerly BBC Economics Editor on Newsnight and now the same on C4.
Armando Iannucci recently joined the chorus of lefties and licence fee teat-suckers to dismiss all claims of left-wing bias at the BBC, asking for an example.
Maybe the BBC appointing a self confessed “raging leftie” (his own words) and proud Marxist to one of it’s senior posts might do it eh?
If the French get really pissed off with us they’ll give the swarm EU papers, and then Dave will rollover and let them all in – under EU rules he will be “only obeying orders”.
Switching from the BBC to Sky is the liberal equivalent of a conservative swapping the Mail for the Express.
The Left has a monumental cheek demonising Murdoch when his TV channel in the UK is every bit as biased as the BBC. Like the BBC Sky is overpriced, biased and rubbish.
Muslims were condemning the Satanic Verses before it hit the bookshelves. I was warned by a man from the mosque that there was going to be ‘very great trouble’. (I was a police officer at this time working in a muslim enclave in a Northern town). I only ever met one who actually read the book, he was Iranian, and told me it was crap.
Anyway, I’ll repeat it to confirm as it was short:-
The BBC is the propaganda arm of the Liberal Elite.The right-thinking people of the UK (outside London, it would seem) outnumber the useful idiots subtantially at the moment.
Why don’t we work out the basis of a PETITION to break-up and sell the B Bc OR to make it subscription-Only??
WE could also use the INTERWEB to promote it ,as they can’t YET quite control it as they would wish.
Come on Bbbc contributors, let’s see what we can do???
With plans to break-up and sell the BBC and make it a subscription only service.
With two months to go, end date 8th October. There is plenty of time to prepare a submission. I am awaiting information on an interesting submission myself, as I may be asked to contribute towards findings about the BBC’s censorship policy on climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
The Mail headline has the sad news of the death of our Cilla in Spain (Cilla Black) the Beeb has nothing , zero , zilch . Our world class news service…….??????
I was not a fan but 72 is nothing these days. RIP. The Beeb will have to acknowledge her passing but, no doubt, reluctantly as Cilla admitted she was a Conservative.
They came on BBC Local at about 1415 , & said ,`The BBC have `learnt` about Cilla`s death` , but when I googled Cilla Black , the Mail had posted it about 55 mins before.Well done to the DM on that one.
For some reason you cannot rely on getting timely news from the worlds largest news organisation, the BBC, since Sky, ITV and almost every other UK major media outlet had oodles of stuff on Cilla’s sad demise long before the BBC.
What is wrong with them?
Just another reason, to add to the mounting pressures confirming they are not fit for purpose.
The BBC employs interns to work the weekend shift. They are both young and ultra-left so have no sense of news beyond that of a Guardian or Huff Post reader.
How is it with a newsroom the size of a planet that the BBC news website has not yet caught up with the death of Cilla Black? (Not news of major international importance, but I’m sure they will make much of it when the lunch break ends)
Other news about vitamin D deficiency in this country .
Hold on , we had rickets before all the way to the fifties , caused by vit D deficiency , but why has it come back now ?
Could it be because some people go about all the time wearing garb that originated in other lands and cultures ?
Or alternatively; all the malnourished folk and their children who’ve come in from the Second and Third world, to enrich us and create yet more wonderfully “vibrant” and “diverse” areas in our towns and cities.
If you really want to cause your blood pressure to rise turn on LBC one Tom Swarbrick running a phone in on the invaders at Calais. he doesnt even attemtp to conceal which side he is on!
Ah diddums, the aggressive and illegal benefit seekers were sprayed with pepper spray because they were belligerently demanding that the borders be opened and pulling down a fence: good on the French I say and what a biased disgrace the BBC has been over this whole affair. They are showing their true anti-British colours by seeking solely the opinions of those who would have the culture of this country banished forever e.g. that loathsome and insufferable anti-British woman Yasmin Brown.
Now, in the video above we could see that the arrogance of these illegals was somewhat diminished by the mere use of pepper spray, even if only momentarily; we need much more of this type of crowd control but in greater rigour, numbers and frequency i.e. water canon, riot police in force and a good hard lesson with the truncheon if any become aggressive. Now, of course, it is important to protect women and children and make sure they’re safe, but as far as I can see the majority of these invaders are young men who have an irritating habit of laughing when they’re being chased by the police; it is they who should be subject to the most severe rigours of law enforcement, i.e. a severity that will deter future attempts to commit the same crimes. They have mobiles, they speak good English and they all seem to know about their ‘human rights’. The BBC, Sky News and Channel 4 are exploiting this situation for their own ideological purposes, against, in my opinion, the wishes of the public at large. My argument is this: they have got through many safe havens to arrive in one of the wealthiest nations on earth: France. In other words, they’re chancers and have NO RIGHT to be in France let alone Britain. The most frightening thing is that they seem to know they have support from the middle-class, latte-sipping lefties this side of the channel. We have people in this country who are hard set to see the demise of English culture; we must resist!
Looking at the running crowds, I am struck by some similarities to the 2011 riots. The BBC coverage of those events bore a distinct resemblance too: an over-emphasis on the rioters as victims, the distortion of their demographic composition, criticism turned instead on the civil forces engaged on responding on our behalf to the violence and mayhem, criticism even turned on the rioters’ victims.
In short, another instance of institutional Stockholm Syndrome, looking back on it. The pathology is obvious.
Absolute screaming bias Islamophillia, and support for terrorism & Jihad !
HSBC, Muslims & Me
In the summer of 2014 HSBC dispatched a batch of identical letters to several prominent Muslims telling them that their accounts would be closed. The bank said that it no longer had the “risk appetite” to handle their money. But it failed to explain why or to offer a right of appeal. So what happened?
Pursuing this story led journalist Peter Oborne to resign his job as Chief Political commentator of the Daily Telegraph: the paper had refused to publish an article he had written which was critical of HSBC’s decision.
Footloose and temporarily freelance, Oborne embarked on an intriguing journey to discover the cause of the bank’s decision. Were the Muslims targeted by mistake or were they targeted because they are Muslims? Was Peter naive to think the accounts would be closed without good reason? And, given the fact that many of those cut off by the bank had links to the Muslim Brotherhood, could the HSBC’s actions have anything to do with David Cameron’s announcement of a government review of this Islamist network?
Oborne is shocked when he finds out the truth.
I was shocked when I heard the program ! Not for the reasons Oborne found but in his absolute complacency and support for charities organisations and individuals designated as being involved with terrorism.
Oborne has previous form for this so the BBC cannot claim it didn’t know what he was like.
In July 2008, Oborne presented another Dispatches programme made for Channel 4 called It Shouldn’t Happen to a Muslim. In this film and the accompanying leaflet Muslims Under Siege co-written with television journalist James Jones, it was argued that the demonisation of Muslims has become widespread in British media and politics.
In February 2015, Oborne wrote an article for The Spectator, arguing that the Labour leader Ed Miliband had been a consistent and strong leader of the Opposition. In particular, he stated that, like Margaret Thatcher, Miliband has forged his own course, changing the terms of the debate on big business, foreign policy, Israel-Palestine and the power of the Murdoch press
Seems ideal material for a BBC presenter!
Have a listen on iplayer but make sure the radio is somewhere safe because you’re certain to end up throwing something at it !
“Have a listen on iplayer but make sure the radio is somewhere safe because you’re certain to end up throwing something at it !”
I heard it this evening while driving down the M6 so I couldn’t react. There was lots of sob stuff, but if you could keep your concentration on the actual facts buried in the emotion the conclusion had to be that;
1) the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organisation or at the very least has close links to terrorists
2) the groups Oborne was presenting as victims have links to the Muslim Brotherhood
3) the banks were suspicious of Oborne’s friends and wanted to keep their distance.
Luckily traffic was light and I could keep track of the facts amidst the emoting. Clearly I lack the necessary empathy to fit into the BBC;s world.
How much bBC Radio is actually live, how much do the bBC decieve us?
I note that before tonights Radio 2 Paul O’Grady show that a disclaimer was put in that it was ‘recorded before the death of Cilla Black’ (they were mates).
Typical eh? The bBC pay the lefty a fortune, but he can’t be arsed to show up on a Sunday evening. Maybe the show was recorded at his place in Venice, where he threatened to retreat if the Tory’s won the election. Nice work if you can get it and don’t come back.
Apart from Tony Blackburn on Saturday , & Johnny Walker on Sunday , all the shows at the weekend are pre recorded. Even then , those shows are occasionally pre recorded.Wogan might be live though .
BBC news talking about benefits cuts for the families of confirmed bogus asylum seekers, the BBC must have really trawled around to find some criticism, because the only one they could come up with was the discredited Swedish ‘government’ !
Why do they feel the need to back up their left wing bias with the confirmation from some equally dodgy source, and do they not realise how obvious it sounds to listeners?
In fact the BBC has made much of two useless critics of Cameron’s policy. The C of E in the person of a Dover cleric and believe it or not the Swedish Immigration Minister.
The Cleric was as you would expect entirely useless but the Swede was hilarious.
Taking advice from the Minister in charge of the abolition of Sweden?
Listening to him was surreal but then Sweden is an object lesson in collective insanity in a people.
The BBC marxist collective is really in trouble if this is the best it can come up with.
No interviews with us shire people I see. Scared or what is our fearless media giant.
The Swedish message was reinforced at great length on the weekend WATO. They broadcast a long piece on what a wonderful multi-cultural paradise Sweden has become now it has let in so many “migrants”. The only counter argument mentioned was a question as to the falling standard of Swedish education – but the education minister came on to assure listeners that Swedish education standards were falling for all ethnic groups, so there is nothing to worry about.
If it wasn’t for news sources such as Brietbart I’d have no idea of the problems in Sweden.
I can filter out the BBC bias in the reports they broadcast, but my biggest worry is the distortion caused by what they choose not to report.
I did not hear it but am not surprised. No doubt it dealt with the plight of the Jewish population of Sweden particularly in Malmo.
I doubt whether Sweden will have a Jewish population much longer.
Sweden was one of the countries prewar that pressed Nazi Germany to mark Jewish passports with a J the better to identify them.
Only when Germany looked like being defeated did Sweden offer sanctuary giving refuge to Denmark’s Jews
I have no love at all for Sweden but it is part of Europe and what happens there will affect us all.
BBC – “The man’s clothes were dirty and he was clearly exhausted. He slumped back in the plastic chair and began to cry.
“My wife, my family, they’re all dead. All killed,” he said.
“That’s why I left Syria. I met Saba in a makeshift reception centre for refugees, in the town of Passau Germany.
BBC – -Immigration fuels rising tension in Germany
BBC – Germany seeks new Balkan migrant curbs to halt influx
IE – Usual BBC fare on rising immigrant numbers, tinged with the obligatory “poor me” narrative
… sadly no time for this though
No Go Zones in Germany,” Gatestone Institute, Aug 1, 2015:
“Spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by immigrants from the Middle East and the Balkans are turning parts of Duisburg, a key German industrial city, into “areas of lawlessness”
areas that are becoming de facto “no-go” zones for police”, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.
“immigrants from the Middle East”, hmmm … any ideas?
Clear and to the point. I can see no logical flaw in his argument.
At this critical moment we must not weaken but continue to ignore and to counter the liberal left at every opportunity.
Invaders is the correct terminology ( people attempting by force to enter a sovereign nation without permission. ) . How is it that the BBC and our liberal media cannot use words that accurately describe what is going on in Calais.?
Because they are unable to face reality and live in a dream world of their own devising.
This time the liberal elite has gone too far and must be exposed for what it is.
That is also very good Alex, McKinstry (in my opinion) is one of the best journalists writing at the moment – he is one of the few who really “get” what we face via: immigration; Islam; multiculturalism; political correctness and all the other s**t that is f*****g destroying our country.
Thank God! For Richard Desmond and the Express for providing him with a platform.
David Camoron is going to build a higher fence at Calais and buy a guard dog, that’s the African invaders sorted out. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.
Lord Astors son in law, Camoron is so spineless and weak. He is the archetypal ‘Flashman’ figure, a bully but weak and cowardly. He is under orders from his wife and father in law not to leave the EU gravy train as Lord Astor has already made a bucket full of money out of grants from the use wind turbines on his land. Those socialists just love lining the pockets of the rich!
‘Please Mr Hollande don’t make these immigrants into EU citizens my wife’s Daddykins wouldn’t want us to leave the EU’
Surprised that the MSM have not discussed the dramatic rise of African birthrates over the last 30 years. This is where the real problem lies. Their shift northwards can’t be sustained, its simply us or them and doubtful that if this rise continues that the earth can sustain such.
Still the bleeding heart leftys will still swear blind that we have room for them all…
Latest astonishing ‘observation’ on the British population, perpetrated by Norman Smith on the Today programme at 7.34. Talking about the new regulations allowing landlords to summarily evict illegal immigrants, and sanctioning them if they fail to do so – words to the effect that this could cause landlords to simply abandon renting, in the face of a bureaucratic burden. Apparently this could give a return to the ‘bad old days of no Blacks, no Jews, no Gays’.
Firstly, this gob-smacking throwaway seems to be simply an ignorant perpetuation of a myth about historical racial discrimination, which I gather was originally deliberately propagated and used as a pretext for the earliest anti-racist legislation.
Secondly, it spuriously associates illegal immigrants with other minorities which have completely different histories of discrimination, implying (a) common cause, and (b) common victim status.
Was Mr Smith deliberately muddying the waters and using the situation opportunistically to smear historical British culture by association? Or is he genuinely ignorant of the largely welcoming attitudes of the British people to immigrants and guest-cultures in the past? Either way, it fits into the pathological BBC culture, the institutional Stockholm Syndrome that I have mentioned here before.
PS I don’t mean to imply that there wasn’t any racism in Britain fifty years ago – that would be ludicrous: my grandfather was proof of deeply imbedded suspicion and hostility to ‘foreigners’ especially if their skin was a different colour, or whatever. Mind you, his attitudes were deeply influenced by his service in the Western Front throughout the first World War (attitudes which were definitely ‘inclusive’, encompassing a level of fear and horror at the ‘barbarism’ of the Aussies of those times..).
I am just saying that the landlord’s window notices stating ‘no Blacks’ appear to have been possibly a propaganda fraud, for the purposes of pushing through anti-racist legislation.
The term ‘Black’ wasn’t used until ‘Black Power’ in the USA and it took some time before the liberals imported it here; a long time after the ‘Empire Windrush’ days. The term ‘Gay’ used to mean fun-loving. By the time it had been adopted by the homosexual community homosexuality had ceased to be illegal and was well on the way to being compulsory/top dog minority so such signs never existed.
As for the Jews, well in those ‘bad old days’ the Jews were the landlords (Peter Rachman?) and making the rules.
You are a bogus asylum seeker, travelling from some third world shit hole. You have borrowed money – a lot of it to make the trip, and you’re going to have to pay that back, which is likely to be impossible if you are returned home.
Most likely you’re also a criminal, with little regard for law, and you’re probably not averse to seriously injuring or even killing anyone who gets in your way.
So you tell your story to the Home office, and are inevitably refused asylum. You make an appeal to the immigration courts, which thanks to the UKs hopeless gravy train we laughably call a ‘justice’ system, it’ll take years before your case is heard. You’ll likely be given legal aid (which white people can’t get), but the greedy lefties who work in immigration will almost certainly have spent long before you get to court.
Eventually the wheels of ‘justice’ will grind to your appeal which you will also most likely lose!
Your benefits will then cease and you will have no money coming in. In another few years the Home Office might wake up and realise that you are here illegally and seek to deport you. So what do you do to avoid this?
Well don’t worry because lefty Dave has just the policy for you!
If the Home Office can’t find you then they can’t deport you! So once you leave your accommodation, no one in authority will be able to tell where you are!
You might be able to find work in one of the many takeaways, and work for a couple of pounds per hour sleeping on the premises. If you can stay long enough, you can claim that circumstances in your home country have changed and claim asylum all over again!
Of course you might well meet other failed asylum seekers and hear the stories which have succeeded learn one, and claim that next time.
And don’t believe the government that the benefits of failed are stopped, that’s only to deceive the public! The refugee council are funded by the government to pay your benefits without them actually being called benefits!
Despite the governments claims, they are making the lives of failed bogus asylum seekers as easy as possible. When asked on the Today program the Tory minister was unable to give the number of failed asylum seekers returned to their countries of origin. This is an amazing revelation, or the figure is so low he doesn’t want to tell us!
Tory mind set summed up – if you can spent a pound to save a penny, then do it and damn the consequences.
Takeaways are the biggest harbours of illegals and have been for decades.
I remember doing a summer job back in 1990 delivering frozen food, one drop, a BB chicken outlet in of all places Bath I had 20 cases of chips, rang the bell, the immigrant owner said I get someone to help, suddenly a dozen foreigners appeared from nowhere, cleared the load in seconds and disappeared as quickly as they appearded.
In my naivety I didn’t think much of it, but a couple of years later the place was closed down for harboring illegals.
If this was the West Country in 1990, I dread to think what has been going on in our major cities over the last three or four decades.
In a small town I know, while an Indian restaurant has been ‘done’ for harbouring illegal immigrants, a kebab shop of extremely murky ownership (let alone quality!) seems to have got away with it for a decade or two.
What I have never understood is that it appears to be staffed by Turks and their near neighbours. How do successive waves of staff (not – yet – EU citizens) even get into the country?
There is plenty of food here for an investigative reporter to get his teeth into (hough he would be advised to avoid the kebabs). But does anyone seriously believe that the BBC would even consider exploring the murky way in which the fast food business facilitates illegal immigration?
‘Today’ gleefully exposing Obummer’s plan for his swansong, which includes screwing the USA into the ground by imposing more CO2 emission cuts, taking away their coal (and probably their oil and gas, too), as his “legacy” to the great country that he will have totally fucked up over eight years…
..I hope they take the EPA to court, and win, but I don’t hold out much hope, as the Republicans are probably just as weak and stupid as the Democrats.
The Republicans have already said that if they are returned to power they will scrap the entire bill, and they will block all attempts through the Senate which the control.
It came about because the Republicans are too scared of being accused of ‘racism’ to impeach Obama. It’s the same fear that in has seen the US and UK media too scared to investigate his extremely strange past and thoroughly unconstitutional actions in office.
The BBC reports – with tacit approval – of a facility on Twitter whereby if a user types in the phrase “Illegal Immigrant” a suggestion appears suggesting a correction (sic): “People aren’t illegal. Try saying “undocumented immigrant” or “unauthorized immigrant” instead.” This is an important technique of cultural Marxism – control the language to control the debate (as in, shut down the debate). The BBC cheekily points out that “Many American news organisations have moved away from using the phrase, though it is permitted by the style guide at the BBC.” – a piece of disinformation as the BBC does not use the phrase (it’s always migrants, asylum seekers etc).
Here’s a bit of mind expanding for the BBC: it can be argued that all immigration is illegal, on the basis that it is being carried out without any form of democratic mandate from the British public.
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Seems the met office is so pleased with its accuracy in predicting the weather that they have awarded themselves almost £21 million in bonuses. No, I am not making this up to increase your morning blood pressure.
Leave aside their constant error strewn forecasting, how on earth can a tax payer funded entity be competing in the market place and then award itself these extraordinary sums of money for doing its job?
If anyone in the public sector thinks they should be paid private sector wages then they should get their arses out into the private sector. There they can set up a company, put their house on the line, work 24/7, pay their own pensions and then see if they are in a position to award themselves bonuses.
But this is the New Age, the Age of Stupid, where people are given perks and encouragements to provide rotten, or useless “services”.
The Met Office has a history of getting it wrong – even more so since they have installed more expensive computer equipment.
Their bonuses are richly deserved, for they can do no wrong. If they can attract further and increased public funding, then they have succeeded, and all those involved merit a bonus.
Well, it seems that way…
I have the BBC’s weather app on my phone. The information it provides is substantially wrong probably on a majority of days in the week. A favourite trick seems to be switching a weather prediction to an actual observation. Perhaps that is the way they calculate their accuracy? Could it be that it doesn’t matter when they get it right, as long as they eventually do – even if only five minutes from the predicted time?
We all know the reason why this is. Like the BBC, the Met Office has fallen under the control of a small band of zealots who are willing to stare reality in the face and call it a liar.
Both cabals need to go.
Anyone can now look at the satellite observations of the North Atlantic over a period of 24 hours, and then project those movements and direction over the next 24 hours, on a globe at home using a piece of string and a marker pen. A Weather forecast at a super bargain basement cost.
the next day is always warmer than the previous one
the next day is always warmer than the previous one”.
Depending on how close to the Heathrow thermometer the jumbo jet parks.
I have a theory about the decline of the Met Office. It was set up by the military, so the forecasts mattered – lives depended on accuracy. Now accuracy is irrelevant and it is their grants that depend on sticking to the global warming script.
Another grossly lying propagandist dispatch from Gaza from a (child-like) journalist on “From Our Own Correspondent” World Service 0330-0359 this morning. Apparently there is a constant barrage of incoming missiles from Israel, which peace-loving Gazans are having to endure. Incredible stuff, but all part of the demonization of Israel that is the enduring BBC policy.
The BBC is the propaganda arm of the liberal elite. At the moment , the right-thinking (English) electorate outnumber them-let’s think up the best way to draw up a PETITION to sell off the BBC and/or make it subscription-only. It would be hard for the Tories to completely ignore.
Come on guys, what’s the best method????
In the Independent this morning John Rentoul has an interview with Paul Mason, formerly BBC Economics Editor on Newsnight and now the same on C4.
Armando Iannucci recently joined the chorus of lefties and licence fee teat-suckers to dismiss all claims of left-wing bias at the BBC, asking for an example.
Maybe the BBC appointing a self confessed “raging leftie” (his own words) and proud Marxist to one of it’s senior posts might do it eh?
I gave Armadildo three examples, still awaiting my reply….
Daily Fail headline ”The French ARE to blame for the chaos in Calais and we can’t trust them to do any more than give a Gallic shrug, writes historian Andrew Roberts !!!!!!!! ” And who’s navy is running a ferry service from Libya to Italy ? I read somewhere that the UK welfare system is more generous than the French one. Two grinning invaders, they must think we’re mugs.
If the French get really pissed off with us they’ll give the swarm EU papers, and then Dave will rollover and let them all in – under EU rules he will be “only obeying orders”.
Just watched the BBC ‘news’ with another migrant sob story.
An Ethiopian woman saying she’s entitled to live in Britain and we should open our borders.
The BBC news is a travesty, and nothing more than pro EU, pro immigrant propaganda.
Sadly its not just the bBC Sky ran a similar story yesterday, twice an hour throughout the day…
Switching from the BBC to Sky is the liberal equivalent of a conservative swapping the Mail for the Express.
The Left has a monumental cheek demonising Murdoch when his TV channel in the UK is every bit as biased as the BBC. Like the BBC Sky is overpriced, biased and rubbish.
They have so much in common.
Muslims were condemning the Satanic Verses before it hit the bookshelves. I was warned by a man from the mosque that there was going to be ‘very great trouble’. (I was a police officer at this time working in a muslim enclave in a Northern town). I only ever met one who actually read the book, he was Iranian, and told me it was crap.
Oh Dear, where did my post go??
Anyway, I’ll repeat it to confirm as it was short:-
The BBC is the propaganda arm of the Liberal Elite.The right-thinking people of the UK (outside London, it would seem) outnumber the useful idiots subtantially at the moment.
Why don’t we work out the basis of a PETITION to break-up and sell the B Bc OR to make it subscription-Only??
WE could also use the INTERWEB to promote it ,as they can’t YET quite control it as they would wish.
Come on Bbbc contributors, let’s see what we can do???
OOPs, my post has now showed up.
Oh well, the sentiments can bear repeating…..we are still FREEMEN and WOMEN .
Noel Edmonds and Richard Desmond are sending proposals to the BBC Charter Review
With plans to break-up and sell the BBC and make it a subscription only service.
With two months to go, end date 8th October. There is plenty of time to prepare a submission. I am awaiting information on an interesting submission myself, as I may be asked to contribute towards findings about the BBC’s censorship policy on climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
The Mail headline has the sad news of the death of our Cilla in Spain (Cilla Black) the Beeb has nothing , zero , zilch . Our world class news service…….??????
I was not a fan but 72 is nothing these days. RIP. The Beeb will have to acknowledge her passing but, no doubt, reluctantly as Cilla admitted she was a Conservative.
A black voting Conservative ?!?
Labour and the BBC think they only vote one way showing how racist they are .
They came on BBC Local at about 1415 , & said ,`The BBC have `learnt` about Cilla`s death` , but when I googled Cilla Black , the Mail had posted it about 55 mins before.Well done to the DM on that one.
For some reason you cannot rely on getting timely news from the worlds largest news organisation, the BBC, since Sky, ITV and almost every other UK major media outlet had oodles of stuff on Cilla’s sad demise long before the BBC.
What is wrong with them?
Just another reason, to add to the mounting pressures confirming they are not fit for purpose.
The BBC employs interns to work the weekend shift. They are both young and ultra-left so have no sense of news beyond that of a Guardian or Huff Post reader.
How is it with a newsroom the size of a planet that the BBC news website has not yet caught up with the death of Cilla Black? (Not news of major international importance, but I’m sure they will make much of it when the lunch break ends)
Was she coloured, a lesbian, transgender, or disabled.
I think you may have your answer.
I see what you mean Goat. Her real name was Priscilla White, so that explains everything.
She was a Tory supporter. That might have been more to the point.
Other news about vitamin D deficiency in this country .
Hold on , we had rickets before all the way to the fifties , caused by vit D deficiency , but why has it come back now ?
Could it be because some people go about all the time wearing garb that originated in other lands and cultures ?
Or alternatively; all the malnourished folk and their children who’ve come in from the Second and Third world, to enrich us and create yet more wonderfully “vibrant” and “diverse” areas in our towns and cities.
Good God..
My lower jaw just hit the floor. The BBC have gone through the bottom of the barrel and are now on the other side. Utterly despicable.
The bBBC ‘chose’ Owen Jones!
‘….They chose me out of all those pro-Corbyn media commentators!’
‘LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME EVERYONE’ (Says Jones the narcissist)
If you really want to cause your blood pressure to rise turn on LBC one Tom Swarbrick running a phone in on the invaders at Calais. he doesnt even attemtp to conceal which side he is on!
Ah diddums, the aggressive and illegal benefit seekers were sprayed with pepper spray because they were belligerently demanding that the borders be opened and pulling down a fence: good on the French I say and what a biased disgrace the BBC has been over this whole affair. They are showing their true anti-British colours by seeking solely the opinions of those who would have the culture of this country banished forever e.g. that loathsome and insufferable anti-British woman Yasmin Brown.
Now, in the video above we could see that the arrogance of these illegals was somewhat diminished by the mere use of pepper spray, even if only momentarily; we need much more of this type of crowd control but in greater rigour, numbers and frequency i.e. water canon, riot police in force and a good hard lesson with the truncheon if any become aggressive. Now, of course, it is important to protect women and children and make sure they’re safe, but as far as I can see the majority of these invaders are young men who have an irritating habit of laughing when they’re being chased by the police; it is they who should be subject to the most severe rigours of law enforcement, i.e. a severity that will deter future attempts to commit the same crimes. They have mobiles, they speak good English and they all seem to know about their ‘human rights’. The BBC, Sky News and Channel 4 are exploiting this situation for their own ideological purposes, against, in my opinion, the wishes of the public at large. My argument is this: they have got through many safe havens to arrive in one of the wealthiest nations on earth: France. In other words, they’re chancers and have NO RIGHT to be in France let alone Britain. The most frightening thing is that they seem to know they have support from the middle-class, latte-sipping lefties this side of the channel. We have people in this country who are hard set to see the demise of English culture; we must resist!
Looking at the running crowds, I am struck by some similarities to the 2011 riots. The BBC coverage of those events bore a distinct resemblance too: an over-emphasis on the rioters as victims, the distortion of their demographic composition, criticism turned instead on the civil forces engaged on responding on our behalf to the violence and mayhem, criticism even turned on the rioters’ victims.
In short, another instance of institutional Stockholm Syndrome, looking back on it. The pathology is obvious.
We need look no further than this infantile drivel from the Guardian to see where the BBC gets its nonsense from:
Absolute screaming bias Islamophillia, and support for terrorism & Jihad !
HSBC, Muslims & Me
In the summer of 2014 HSBC dispatched a batch of identical letters to several prominent Muslims telling them that their accounts would be closed. The bank said that it no longer had the “risk appetite” to handle their money. But it failed to explain why or to offer a right of appeal. So what happened?
Pursuing this story led journalist Peter Oborne to resign his job as Chief Political commentator of the Daily Telegraph: the paper had refused to publish an article he had written which was critical of HSBC’s decision.
Footloose and temporarily freelance, Oborne embarked on an intriguing journey to discover the cause of the bank’s decision. Were the Muslims targeted by mistake or were they targeted because they are Muslims? Was Peter naive to think the accounts would be closed without good reason? And, given the fact that many of those cut off by the bank had links to the Muslim Brotherhood, could the HSBC’s actions have anything to do with David Cameron’s announcement of a government review of this Islamist network?
Oborne is shocked when he finds out the truth.
I was shocked when I heard the program ! Not for the reasons Oborne found but in his absolute complacency and support for charities organisations and individuals designated as being involved with terrorism.
Oborne has previous form for this so the BBC cannot claim it didn’t know what he was like.
In July 2008, Oborne presented another Dispatches programme made for Channel 4 called It Shouldn’t Happen to a Muslim. In this film and the accompanying leaflet Muslims Under Siege co-written with television journalist James Jones, it was argued that the demonisation of Muslims has become widespread in British media and politics.
In February 2015, Oborne wrote an article for The Spectator, arguing that the Labour leader Ed Miliband had been a consistent and strong leader of the Opposition. In particular, he stated that, like Margaret Thatcher, Miliband has forged his own course, changing the terms of the debate on big business, foreign policy, Israel-Palestine and the power of the Murdoch press
Seems ideal material for a BBC presenter!
Have a listen on iplayer but make sure the radio is somewhere safe because you’re certain to end up throwing something at it !
“Have a listen on iplayer but make sure the radio is somewhere safe because you’re certain to end up throwing something at it !”
I heard it this evening while driving down the M6 so I couldn’t react. There was lots of sob stuff, but if you could keep your concentration on the actual facts buried in the emotion the conclusion had to be that;
1) the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organisation or at the very least has close links to terrorists
2) the groups Oborne was presenting as victims have links to the Muslim Brotherhood
3) the banks were suspicious of Oborne’s friends and wanted to keep their distance.
Luckily traffic was light and I could keep track of the facts amidst the emoting. Clearly I lack the necessary empathy to fit into the BBC;s world.
How much bBC Radio is actually live, how much do the bBC decieve us?
I note that before tonights Radio 2 Paul O’Grady show that a disclaimer was put in that it was ‘recorded before the death of Cilla Black’ (they were mates).
Typical eh? The bBC pay the lefty a fortune, but he can’t be arsed to show up on a Sunday evening. Maybe the show was recorded at his place in Venice, where he threatened to retreat if the Tory’s won the election. Nice work if you can get it and don’t come back.
good spot me and the missus thought he would be upset this evening but he gets paid half a million to not even do a live radio show beggars belief
”How much bBC Radio is actually live, how much do the bBC decieve us?” All their Christmas shows are made in the summer.
Apart from Tony Blackburn on Saturday , & Johnny Walker on Sunday , all the shows at the weekend are pre recorded. Even then , those shows are occasionally pre recorded.Wogan might be live though .
BBC news talking about benefits cuts for the families of confirmed bogus asylum seekers, the BBC must have really trawled around to find some criticism, because the only one they could come up with was the discredited Swedish ‘government’ !
Why do they feel the need to back up their left wing bias with the confirmation from some equally dodgy source, and do they not realise how obvious it sounds to listeners?
In fact the BBC has made much of two useless critics of Cameron’s policy. The C of E in the person of a Dover cleric and believe it or not the Swedish Immigration Minister.
The Cleric was as you would expect entirely useless but the Swede was hilarious.
Taking advice from the Minister in charge of the abolition of Sweden?
Listening to him was surreal but then Sweden is an object lesson in collective insanity in a people.
The BBC marxist collective is really in trouble if this is the best it can come up with.
No interviews with us shire people I see. Scared or what is our fearless media giant.
The Swedish message was reinforced at great length on the weekend WATO. They broadcast a long piece on what a wonderful multi-cultural paradise Sweden has become now it has let in so many “migrants”. The only counter argument mentioned was a question as to the falling standard of Swedish education – but the education minister came on to assure listeners that Swedish education standards were falling for all ethnic groups, so there is nothing to worry about.
If it wasn’t for news sources such as Brietbart I’d have no idea of the problems in Sweden.
I can filter out the BBC bias in the reports they broadcast, but my biggest worry is the distortion caused by what they choose not to report.
I did not hear it but am not surprised. No doubt it dealt with the plight of the Jewish population of Sweden particularly in Malmo.
I doubt whether Sweden will have a Jewish population much longer.
Sweden was one of the countries prewar that pressed Nazi Germany to mark Jewish passports with a J the better to identify them.
Only when Germany looked like being defeated did Sweden offer sanctuary giving refuge to Denmark’s Jews
I have no love at all for Sweden but it is part of Europe and what happens there will affect us all.
BBC – “The man’s clothes were dirty and he was clearly exhausted. He slumped back in the plastic chair and began to cry.
“My wife, my family, they’re all dead. All killed,” he said.
“That’s why I left Syria. I met Saba in a makeshift reception centre for refugees, in the town of Passau Germany.
BBC – -Immigration fuels rising tension in Germany
BBC – Germany seeks new Balkan migrant curbs to halt influx
IE – Usual BBC fare on rising immigrant numbers, tinged with the obligatory “poor me” narrative
… sadly no time for this though
No Go Zones in Germany,” Gatestone Institute, Aug 1, 2015:
“Spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by immigrants from the Middle East and the Balkans are turning parts of Duisburg, a key German industrial city, into “areas of lawlessness”
areas that are becoming de facto “no-go” zones for police”, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.
“immigrants from the Middle East”, hmmm … any ideas?
There is a great article by Leo McKinstry on the Express website; he is usually very good, but this one is outstanding.
“Calais is becoming a symbol of the fatally flawed EU”
It is well worth reading.
Clear and to the point. I can see no logical flaw in his argument.
At this critical moment we must not weaken but continue to ignore and to counter the liberal left at every opportunity.
Invaders is the correct terminology ( people attempting by force to enter a sovereign nation without permission. ) . How is it that the BBC and our liberal media cannot use words that accurately describe what is going on in Calais.?
Because they are unable to face reality and live in a dream world of their own devising.
This time the liberal elite has gone too far and must be exposed for what it is.
This is another great piece…
That is also very good Alex, McKinstry (in my opinion) is one of the best journalists writing at the moment – he is one of the few who really “get” what we face via: immigration; Islam; multiculturalism; political correctness and all the other s**t that is f*****g destroying our country.
Thank God! For Richard Desmond and the Express for providing him with a platform.
David Camoron is going to build a higher fence at Calais and buy a guard dog, that’s the African invaders sorted out. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.
David, what happens when they’ve eaten the dog?
Sent my email to No 10:
The more that do the same, the better.
Dear Prime Minister,
Bush Blair (massive Labour lies/spin) = Vacuum Iraq/Afghan.
– Infection Arab Spring Egypt/Syria.
– Cameron/Sarky create vacuum North Africa.
– ISIS fill vacuum. Millions displaced /dead/wounded/radicalised.
– EU Ferry service to Italy, (backing up traffickers).
– Calais.
Entryism = Labour/Tories counting them out – UKIP counting them in.
I am just simple ex-army Warrant Officer and could see all this coming. I would have done everything so differently and would not be in this pickle.
Name address supplied
Lord Astors son in law, Camoron is so spineless and weak. He is the archetypal ‘Flashman’ figure, a bully but weak and cowardly. He is under orders from his wife and father in law not to leave the EU gravy train as Lord Astor has already made a bucket full of money out of grants from the use wind turbines on his land. Those socialists just love lining the pockets of the rich!
‘Please Mr Hollande don’t make these immigrants into EU citizens my wife’s Daddykins wouldn’t want us to leave the EU’
Whatever hapened to the Dublin agreeement!!!!!
Surprised that the MSM have not discussed the dramatic rise of African birthrates over the last 30 years. This is where the real problem lies. Their shift northwards can’t be sustained, its simply us or them and doubtful that if this rise continues that the earth can sustain such.
Still the bleeding heart leftys will still swear blind that we have room for them all…
I like to give the BBC credit where credit is due. Ian Collins currently on his phone in on LBC really was telling it like it is on Calais.
Latest astonishing ‘observation’ on the British population, perpetrated by Norman Smith on the Today programme at 7.34. Talking about the new regulations allowing landlords to summarily evict illegal immigrants, and sanctioning them if they fail to do so – words to the effect that this could cause landlords to simply abandon renting, in the face of a bureaucratic burden. Apparently this could give a return to the ‘bad old days of no Blacks, no Jews, no Gays’.
Firstly, this gob-smacking throwaway seems to be simply an ignorant perpetuation of a myth about historical racial discrimination, which I gather was originally deliberately propagated and used as a pretext for the earliest anti-racist legislation.
Secondly, it spuriously associates illegal immigrants with other minorities which have completely different histories of discrimination, implying (a) common cause, and (b) common victim status.
Was Mr Smith deliberately muddying the waters and using the situation opportunistically to smear historical British culture by association? Or is he genuinely ignorant of the largely welcoming attitudes of the British people to immigrants and guest-cultures in the past? Either way, it fits into the pathological BBC culture, the institutional Stockholm Syndrome that I have mentioned here before.
PS I don’t mean to imply that there wasn’t any racism in Britain fifty years ago – that would be ludicrous: my grandfather was proof of deeply imbedded suspicion and hostility to ‘foreigners’ especially if their skin was a different colour, or whatever. Mind you, his attitudes were deeply influenced by his service in the Western Front throughout the first World War (attitudes which were definitely ‘inclusive’, encompassing a level of fear and horror at the ‘barbarism’ of the Aussies of those times..).
I am just saying that the landlord’s window notices stating ‘no Blacks’ appear to have been possibly a propaganda fraud, for the purposes of pushing through anti-racist legislation.
“bad old days of no Blacks, no Jews, no Gays”
The term ‘Black’ wasn’t used until ‘Black Power’ in the USA and it took some time before the liberals imported it here; a long time after the ‘Empire Windrush’ days. The term ‘Gay’ used to mean fun-loving. By the time it had been adopted by the homosexual community homosexuality had ceased to be illegal and was well on the way to being compulsory/top dog minority so such signs never existed.
As for the Jews, well in those ‘bad old days’ the Jews were the landlords (Peter Rachman?) and making the rules.
The BBC – making up the past and the future.
Imagine yourself in this situation.
You are a bogus asylum seeker, travelling from some third world shit hole. You have borrowed money – a lot of it to make the trip, and you’re going to have to pay that back, which is likely to be impossible if you are returned home.
Most likely you’re also a criminal, with little regard for law, and you’re probably not averse to seriously injuring or even killing anyone who gets in your way.
So you tell your story to the Home office, and are inevitably refused asylum. You make an appeal to the immigration courts, which thanks to the UKs hopeless gravy train we laughably call a ‘justice’ system, it’ll take years before your case is heard. You’ll likely be given legal aid (which white people can’t get), but the greedy lefties who work in immigration will almost certainly have spent long before you get to court.
Eventually the wheels of ‘justice’ will grind to your appeal which you will also most likely lose!
Your benefits will then cease and you will have no money coming in. In another few years the Home Office might wake up and realise that you are here illegally and seek to deport you. So what do you do to avoid this?
Well don’t worry because lefty Dave has just the policy for you!
If the Home Office can’t find you then they can’t deport you! So once you leave your accommodation, no one in authority will be able to tell where you are!
You might be able to find work in one of the many takeaways, and work for a couple of pounds per hour sleeping on the premises. If you can stay long enough, you can claim that circumstances in your home country have changed and claim asylum all over again!
Of course you might well meet other failed asylum seekers and hear the stories which have succeeded learn one, and claim that next time.
And don’t believe the government that the benefits of failed are stopped, that’s only to deceive the public! The refugee council are funded by the government to pay your benefits without them actually being called benefits!
Despite the governments claims, they are making the lives of failed bogus asylum seekers as easy as possible. When asked on the Today program the Tory minister was unable to give the number of failed asylum seekers returned to their countries of origin. This is an amazing revelation, or the figure is so low he doesn’t want to tell us!
Tory mind set summed up – if you can spent a pound to save a penny, then do it and damn the consequences.
Takeaways are the biggest harbours of illegals and have been for decades.
I remember doing a summer job back in 1990 delivering frozen food, one drop, a BB chicken outlet in of all places Bath I had 20 cases of chips, rang the bell, the immigrant owner said I get someone to help, suddenly a dozen foreigners appeared from nowhere, cleared the load in seconds and disappeared as quickly as they appearded.
In my naivety I didn’t think much of it, but a couple of years later the place was closed down for harboring illegals.
If this was the West Country in 1990, I dread to think what has been going on in our major cities over the last three or four decades.
In a small town I know, while an Indian restaurant has been ‘done’ for harbouring illegal immigrants, a kebab shop of extremely murky ownership (let alone quality!) seems to have got away with it for a decade or two.
What I have never understood is that it appears to be staffed by Turks and their near neighbours. How do successive waves of staff (not – yet – EU citizens) even get into the country?
There is plenty of food here for an investigative reporter to get his teeth into (hough he would be advised to avoid the kebabs). But does anyone seriously believe that the BBC would even consider exploring the murky way in which the fast food business facilitates illegal immigration?
‘Today’ gleefully exposing Obummer’s plan for his swansong, which includes screwing the USA into the ground by imposing more CO2 emission cuts, taking away their coal (and probably their oil and gas, too), as his “legacy” to the great country that he will have totally fucked up over eight years…
..I hope they take the EPA to court, and win, but I don’t hold out much hope, as the Republicans are probably just as weak and stupid as the Democrats.
How did it ever come to this?
The Republicans have already said that if they are returned to power they will scrap the entire bill, and they will block all attempts through the Senate which the control.
It came about because the Republicans are too scared of being accused of ‘racism’ to impeach Obama. It’s the same fear that in has seen the US and UK media too scared to investigate his extremely strange past and thoroughly unconstitutional actions in office.
‘Media expert’ Steve Hewlett offers his latest objective analysis of the BBC situation in the Graun:
Looking at the comments, things could have gone better.
The BBC reports – with tacit approval – of a facility on Twitter whereby if a user types in the phrase “Illegal Immigrant” a suggestion appears suggesting a correction (sic): “People aren’t illegal. Try saying “undocumented immigrant” or “unauthorized immigrant” instead.” This is an important technique of cultural Marxism – control the language to control the debate (as in, shut down the debate). The BBC cheekily points out that “Many American news organisations have moved away from using the phrase, though it is permitted by the style guide at the BBC.” – a piece of disinformation as the BBC does not use the phrase (it’s always migrants, asylum seekers etc).
Here’s a bit of mind expanding for the BBC: it can be argued that all immigration is illegal, on the basis that it is being carried out without any form of democratic mandate from the British public.
Twitters users deserve all the Marxism they get. Those of us forced to pay the BBC tax do not. We have no choice.