As the end of his Presidency approaches, Obama acts more and more like a despot rather than a President. He seems to have a disregard for the views of Congress and his previously stated ambition to work in partnership with the US Congress has been junked. L’état, c’est moi
This seems to please the BBC. They were in throes of ecstasy over the Iran deal and now they are working themselves into a frenzy over his latest plan to tackle “climate change”.
US President Barack Obama is due to unveil what he called “the biggest, most important step we have ever taken” in tackling climate change. The aim of the revised Clean Power Plan is to cut greenhouse gas emissions from US power stations by nearly a third within 15 years. The measures will place significant emphasis on wind and solar power and other renewable energy sources.
But hush….
However, opponents in the energy industry have vowed to fight the plan.
Oh no. How dare they. Obama (and Hillary Clinton) can be assured of the plaudits from the BBC for hyping the utter implausibility of “tackling” climate change since this fits in nicely with the BBC’s enduring commitment to the left wing issue.
As this original comment was whisked away with the “weekend open thread”, I’ll put it ‘ere…
‘Today’ gleefully exposing Obummer’s plan for his swansong, which includes screwing the USA into the ground by imposing more CO2 emission cuts, taking away their coal (and probably their oil and gas, too), as his “legacy” to the great country that he will have totally fucked up over eight years…
..I hope they take the EPA to court, and win, but I don’t hold out much hope, as the Republicans are probably just as weak and stupid as the Democrats.
How did it ever come to this?
I will also repeat my (now moved) contribution because I think it highlights a major example of bias at the BBC.
“It came about because the Republicans are too scared of being accused of ‘racism’ to impeach Obama. It’s the same fear that has seen the US and UK media too scared to investigate his extremely strange past and thoroughly unconstitutional actions in office. ”
When one recalls the constant invective and attempts to undermine Bush (love him or hate him) the BBC’s worship of Obama hasn’t just been craven, it has been a prime example of political bias.
There is a lot about Obama that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny and while the US MSM is too parti pris to expose it, the BBC could and should.
It won’t, of course. The BBC campaigned on behalf of Obama and has done everything it can to hide his woeful performance in office.
I heard on Today that the Republicans opposed earlier climate change legislation because it would be bad for jobs and profit. Making the clear implication that the only reason for opposing it is because these nasty right-wingers are more interested in their bottom line than the future of Mother Earth.
The fact that so-called man-made climate change is largely bollocks didn’t enter into it, of course.
A bit like complaining about Calais because of the disruption to tourism, and the haulage industry. All true of course, but somewhat missing the main point.
My mother said WWII was very inconvenient to her, living in the middle of Coventry, because ‘all the roads were blocked off or full of debris, and it took simply ages getting home from work’.. That may well have been a stiff upper lip in action, but waving a ‘cost to jobs’ flag at Climate Change is plain cowardice, in refusing to call it out for what it is – unscientific, hysterical, boll*x.
Will they blame the coming ice-age on climate change(man made) or bask in the glory of stopping global warming.
I had a feeling this O’Barmy business wouldn’t end well.
The day he was first elected a beeboid solicited views from among the wailing crowd in front of the White House.
3rd (black) woman he talked to. ‘Oh my God, we can stop paying the mortgage now’.