‘Break In’ News


The Today programme interviewed David Cameron (08:10).  The main concern?  Cameron’s use of the word ‘swarm’.  Yes that’s still top of the BBC’s list of concerns never mind it being an old story that even when new was based solely on the faux, manufactured and highly political ‘outrage’ of a few lefties, the BBC included, intended to manage the debate on immigration and close it down or at least limit as much as possible the messages from those who oppose mass, uncontrolled immigration.

Justin Webb was quite insistent in trying to make Cameron apologise for using the word swarm, the BBC default position being that he is ‘guilty’ which just goes to show just how out of touch the BBC is with the rest of the population.  I imagine that the vast, vast majority have not the slightest concern about the use of the word swarm, and probably agree with the concept.  The BBC has really lost the plot on this if it thinks Cameron will lose any support over it….he may, like UKIP, actually increase his support…the BBC never seems to learn.

Indeed almost immediately the BBC was again on the attack, excitedly pointing out that Cameron in the interview had used the phrase ‘break in’ to describe how migrants are trying to enter the UK….it made the Front page quite prominently...Stop migrants ‘breaking in’ – Cameron.    Not an unfair description by Cameron when you look at what is going on.  However the BBC immediately jumped on this appallingly de-humanising phrase and began to shout it from the rooftops, the clear intent was to again try and whip up another Twitter storm of concerned lefties with some outrage to spare.

Other media then immediately picked up on this and began to mention it.  The BBC’s job was done…it had  manufactured some media outrage that was aimed directly at Cameron and his approach to immigration.

This was purely a BBC spin operation, a ‘black op’ aimed at discrediting David Cameron and his immigration policies.  The ‘storm’ over the use of the word ‘swarm’ had died down but the BBC decided to re-open the battle by trying to put Cameron in the stocks over it again.  The following BBC news throughout the day then headlined on this story and doubled up with his use of the phrase ‘Break in’.

It looks like this was the BBC deliberately and knowingly setting Cameron up and using its ‘news’ service to attack and undermine him.  Is the BBC out of control and a political force all of its own?  Is it not about time someone took notice and dealt with it?

One other thing of interest was Justin Webb’s suggestion that Jews in the UK are also outraged at Cameron’s use of the word swarm.  Firstly the BBC has shown not the slightest interest in allegations that the possible next Labour leader, and maybe even PM, is anti-Semitic or at least has close and knowing associations with hard line anti-Semites, only meriting a nod to the story in the ‘what the papers say’ section with a  quick mention, so rather curious they are now so concerned about what Jews think, second, there is this…

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli leaders have proclaimed that their tough approach — building a fence along the country’s border, denying work permits for illegal migrants, forcing them into a detention center in the desert — may ultimately save lives by dissuading migrants from attempting a perilous journey. Critics of the Israeli policy counter that a country built by refugees should be more accepting of those fleeing war, poverty and oppression.



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24 Responses to ‘Break In’ News

  1. BBC delenda est says:

    The Israeli approach, a model which we could adopt, with one change.
    No blackmail should be paid.

    The only good thing about the insurgents entering our country is the effect this will have on the EU vote.

    The British population can see that the only way to stop this is to leave the EU. There are already dozens of reasons for Brexit.

    Bye bye EU, Finland next? or who?


  2. Nibor says:

    Why are Eritrean and Sudanese people going to Israel ?


    • NCBBC says:

      Because that is the way to start the Jihad – from within. Israel has always been the prime target, followed by Christian countries.

      All these Somali, Eritrean invaders on the borders at Calais, are soldiers of allah. Once safely ensconced in Britain, there is no doubt that that they, or their descendants will, wage Jihad on Britain.

      On a related issue a “British” mother( Somali actually) wants to return “home” – yes, Britain not Somalia.

      British widow who left the UK to join Isil now stranded in Turkey and desperate to come home


      What a surprise that the DT has disabled comments.


      • GRIM REAPER says:

        The Telegraph is morphing into Guardian mk2 every day…i don’t take it now.She will be allowed to re-enter, just watch…so feeble have our leaders become.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Historically there have been black Jewish communities in both Ethiopia (Eritrea) and the Sudan. From the 1970s to the 1990s there were large covert operations to transport them to Israel, such that they now constitute a six-figure population. Few if any remain in Africa, but perhaps the reputation of Israel as a tolerant ‘Land of Milk and Honey’ means it is a powerful magnet as the nearest outpost of civilisation for those who do not have religious links. There is some information on this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel


  3. David Brims says:

    ”Israel has begun telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.” You see it can be done if there’s a political WILL to do it, no such WILL exists in the UK and French governments.


  4. Guest Who says:

    ‘…still top of the BBC’s list of concerns’

    Well, there’s ‘news’, and there’s ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)

    For istance, I wonder which silly bit of not news was dropped to bring us this:

    @BBC5LiveEver dreamt of a simpler life? This man gave up everything…to live as a goat: http://t.co/OEjwxMDA6x


    • johnnythefish says:

      When our ‘climate change’ policies reach their ultimate conclusion in several years’ time, life as goats will most likely be the best we can hope for.


  5. Stuart Beaker says:

    If the BBC has come to be a prisoner of its own hatred, that is the thing they will conceal at all costs.

    When they ask questions which serve only the purposes of some poisonous bigotry or other, politicians and others could learn to turn those questions around and say “Why are you asking me this?”

    And keep repeating that response. Eventually the interviewer may be forced from responding “We ask the questions around here”, to attempting to recruit what may be imaginary support from their listeners.

    Then and only then, can discussion proceed to the underlying question, which is –

    What support does the BBC actually have from the general population, and is it entitled to choose for itself which sections of that population it prefers to reflect?


  6. Thoughtful says:

    I heard the interview, and just thought it confirmed my belief that Cameron is a spineless opportunist with no conviction behind his policies, other than grasping greed and self enrichment – not a pleasant personality.

    He could have savaged Justin Webb over BBC bias, especially their decision to run with the far left criticism of the word swarm – but he didn’t.

    An utterly weak PM with no conviction, who will always take the route of least resistance, and go with which ever way the wind is blowing.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Agreed. I don’t understand why he doesn’t tell them he’s not going to be sidetracked by a BBC-led campaign to stir up faux outrage over truthful descriptions and say he won’t answer further questions on the subject. The BBC can then either make an issue of that and let accusations of their bias become the story, or drop it and start actually asking some pertinent questions.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘Swarming’ is a common term to use in the human context and always has been e.g. ‘The England attack were swarming all over the German defence’ or ‘Hundreds of fans could be seen swarming around the airport entrance, hoping to get a glimpse of their idol’. etc etc

      But presumably Cameron didn’t make this very basic point in his defence.


  7. Grant says:

    If a criminal was trying forcibly to enter a Beeboid’s house, would that be a “break in ” ?


  8. Aerfen says:


    Seems those fences are helping.


  9. john in cheshire says:

    Slightly O/T but I have been trying to avoid the bbc in totality and as a result I have been listening to LBC. I’m coming to the opinion that LBC is also of a collectivist mind; ie. a communist bent . One example, they give air time to Ken Livingstone.


    • Essexman says:

      With ,David Mellor , to be fair , I do like to hear their banter on LBC , its not the BBC , they don`t close the debate down , with one sided bleeding hearts like the BBC . I do like to here the enemies point of view , even if it is totally wrong , it shows , how if elected , what a sort of hell hole Labour has planned for England . In a democracy , you need to hear the other side too,that`s what LBC do. The BBC totally hate anyone to the right of Blair , apart from Ken Clarke .


  10. Martin Pinder says:

    Breaking in? Couldn’t think of a better metaphor myself. That’s exactly what these immigrants at Calais are trying to do!


  11. G.W.F. says:

    Ha, the only thing the BBC could criticise Cameron for was his choice of words about migrants. His deeds, or rather lack of them, indicate that he completely accepts the Blair/EU/BBC open approach to immigration. His Home Secretary cannot find the means of returning them, even when charges of terrorism are indicated. And his police, move heaven and earth to prevent them leaving for jihad in Syria.

    The question many people want to hear is not ‘Why did you use the word ‘swarm’ Mr Cameron?’ But, ‘why are you doing bugger all to prevent them getting here Mr Cameron?’


  12. Nibor says:

    Are bees nasty because they swarm ?

    ” there was a BUZZ in the air when Jeremy addressed the crowds ”

    What next – the word flocking , as in People Flocked To Hear The Preacher ?

    Is somebody more free being in a swarm or kettled ?


    • Aerfen says:

      Well said Nibor! The Globalist tendency just dont liek the word ‘swarm’ applied to the illegal invaders because it emphasises that there are large numbers of them, and that they are moving in our direction en masse.

      They wish to play down the incursion and keep the lplebs ignorant.
      Their fascism summed up by fanatic juvenile journo Laurie Penny in the New Statesman:

      So perhaps we should take a different approach. Perhaps those of us lucky enough to be European citizens should take a deep breath and realise that maybe, just maybe, our feelings might not be the most important thing here. That maybe if thousands of people are desperate enough to risk death to come to our shores, whether or not we’re entirely comfortable having them move to our area should not be the deciding factor in policymaking

      A clarion call for politicians to ignore the electorate if ever there was one.


  13. taffman says:

    AliBaba telly reporting that there is a big drop in the amount of ‘immigrants’ trying to get into the Calais terminal.
    Well don’t let that fool you, for I suspect that our European allies will soon give them European citizenship because they know where these invaders will head then.
    The whole crisis has developed because of the weak European Border controls.


    • Aerfen says:

      And I wonder if some havent just headed down the road to le Havre, Caen, St Malo. Dispersion would make them more difficult to police.