It was quite something to hear R4’s WATO reverential ‘interview’ with that serial failure and trougher supreme, Neil Kinnock, this lunchtime.
Martha Kearney would ask a question then, one assumes, nip off to knit a sweater or service the car, while Kinnock was left to gush like a faulty cesspit, quite unchecked, absolutely unhindered, as if he had anything anyone could possibly want to hear.
The BBC’s sad obsession with the Labour Whitehall farce is one thing. Giving Kinnock, of all people, an empty mic into which he could bloviate is quite something else.
The Corporation has, as they say, completely lost it.
The BBC gives yet another of Labour’s failures a generous chunk of primetime radio in which to air their meaningless, impotent views.
Kinnock struts around like some kind of senior statesman of his time, whilst everyone (BBC excepted) laughs at the memory of his self-regarding windbaggery and arse over tit trouser-wetting beach antics.
If only the incoming migrants had the “skills” if your average beeboid.
How great would it be if they flooded the media jobs market, and under cut the prices, driving down the take home pay off the likes of Minchin, Turnbull, Fry et al. As they’ve done to the working man in the building game.
Sadly I can’t see “Daniel” from the Sudan doing the weather forecast any time soon.
Maybe Sally (daughter of Magnus) Magnusson how did she get that job? so recently seen presenting BBC Songs of Praise (or “It’s Wrong to Appease” as we call it in our house) from Calais would be happy to be undercut by an immigrant worker?
Maybe have her 5 kids going to a school where teachers struggle with umpteen languages?
Maybe have her road change beyond recognition in a few years?
Whats with the latest supermarket thing with parking attendants on arrival pointing you to spaces (who every body ignores anyway),something that we have managed without for decades, have we lost the ability to find a parking space in a supermarket car park?
The thing is that these ‘attendants’ are all recent arrivals, and it just seems a job creation scheme for unneeded jobs. I have spotted such as far West as deepest Cornwall.
I got accosted by one at the weekend for parking in a bay meant for motorcycles, as the supermarket had just been revamped, the bay wasn’t marked as such with absolutely no signage, I had also parked there in the past when it wasn’t such a bay.
This officious tw@t in regulatory hi-viz comes running up to me to remonstrate, thing was I couldn’t understand a bloody word he was saying, I walked on into the supermarket. He was still there when I got back to the car, he was jestering that it was a motorcycle bay and that he had taken my number.
What really bugged me was that here I was in my city of birth being unnecessarily hounded by someone we don’t need in this country, can’t communicate in English, doing a job that isn’t necessary, thinking right was on his side and to boot likely supported by me, the tax payer in income support, housing benefit and quite possibly child benefit.
The thing is, had I been approached in a nice way by one of my fellow city people I would have gladly moved it….
Well I wonder how soon we shall need “car guards”. A newly created job in Southern Africa where you are blackmailed into paying an officially vetted individual to protect your car and its contents from being stolen whilst you’re shopping.
Sadly I can’t see “Daniel” from the Sudan doing the weather forecast any time soon.
But bBBC viewers in Northwest England will know that Eno from Nigeria, a failed fashion-designer, reads the weather forecast despite being unable to pronounce words like ‘clouds’.
They said that the rain would only effect the Northeast, and be gone by the Afternoon. But its still bucketing down all over Yorkshire as we approach the evening, and according to the Radar, the rain has now moved into Lancashire. A major cock-up by Eno, the failed Nigerian fashion-designer, appointed by the BBC as its Northwest England representative for the Met Office.
Maybe the Met Office is going the same way as the BBC, sacking the Scientists because of scepticism, and then replacing them with Arts, Media and Languages qualified Environmental activists. And then appointing them as the “best scientific experts” at the Met Office.
OT, unless it has or does make its way to the broadcast division via Rog…
Guardian Environment
“It is an emotive call for a spiritual fight against climate change that will be very important for Muslims … It speaks to issues of fairness, accountability, differentiation and adaptation in the Paris agreement.”
Islamic leaders issue bold call for rapid phase out of fossil fuels
Religious scholars, experts and teachers from around the world unite to make emotive declaration on climate change ahead of crucial Paris summit
No surprise to see medieval Islamic thugs so ready to get in line to pimp ‘climate change’ as if it were something anyone need actually worry about.
Islamofascism naturally agrees that all fossil fuels should be phased out for everyone. They would like nothing better than to send us all back to the fields – Pol Pot style – to toil endlessly beneath the broken wind turbines.
CAGW: now attracting religious murderers, child molesters, kidnappers and thieves to The Cause. I think that tells us all we really need to know about the actual agenda behind the climate scam.
It is fossil fuels that have made us in the West so indebted to the Muslim oil producers and made them so very rich.
Ironic and I don’t believe a word of that Guardian report. It was a joke I presume?
And our authorities prefer to spend thousands of pounds chasing a dead prime minister for alleged sex crimes than pursue the present day perpetrators because of political correctness, while AliBaba broadcasting provide the diversion tactics .
Not a chance the BBC will ever air this crackpot show!
Glazov, ex Russian, immigrant, has written books that the left would label ‘hate’ against both them and Islam.
Fair enough if it were aired on a major foreign network but an internet TV channel? Really?
The BBC has downplayed the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs for a couple of reasons, firstly Islamophilia, and secondly it has its own problems with mass paedophile rape!
It’s a kind of symbiotic cover up of both to protect both.
I have just finished reading Roger Mosey’s autobiography. Mosey worked for the BBC for over 30 years and ended his time as assistant Director General.He left he BBC in 2013, retirement with no pay off! He does say he thought his final salary of well over 250K pa was too large and no doubt he has a an equally large pension.
His views on the BBC are quite interesting. Obviously after working there so long he praises it and goes on about how brilliant it can be. But he also makes some telling criticisms, albeit politely put. The key one being that he feels it is far too dominant in the news and current affairs area. To quote him, ‘ It is uncomfortable that the BBC has a market share of at least 70% in both television and radio news, especially when there is an itch ( inside the BBC ) for greater central control of the agenda. Plurality and diversity are important in the public media, and that is harder if there is one man or woman at the top with the ability to shape so much of it. I noted that the BBC had admitted that it had not , with the virtue of hindsight, given enough coverage in the past to people opposed to immigration or who believed that Britain should withdraw from the EU’.
He went on to say that his criticism was not well received by his ex employer. He said that he was not aware of any leftist bias in the BBC but that some senior folks within the BBC were well aware that the liberal values of the BBC were suffocatingly uniform.
Clearly there are those within the BBC who are uncomfortable with the power that it has to dictate the news agenda of the country and with its overwhelmingly liberal mind set. In essence a few hundred people in the BBC have been telling us what they think we should know , what we should think and what our values should be, for decades, all from a liberal perspective.
All of us on this site would agree 100% that this is indeed what has been happening. It follows from this view of the BBC, stated by some of its own senior people, that the corporation is stifling debate and suppressing the views of large sections of the population. In short the BBC is undermining democracy in the country.
Surely this is the most compelling reason of all why the BBC should be forced to undergo fundamental change. Although , in common with many others on this site, I think it is beyond reform and should be either closed down or the license fee abolished and it left to fund itself.
It is deeply troubling that someone as senior as Mosey can be simply brushed aside when he criticises the BBC.
A properly concerned government would listen to people like him – let along those outside the Corporation. The fact that they haven’t simply reinforces the fact that they simply do not care and have no intention of doing anything at all about the BBC’s relentless promotion of Leftist ideas.
Which, iof course, raises all manner of interesting questions about David Cameron and his faux-Tory government.
“I can’t yet find coverage on the BBC News wesbite
It seems to me the BBC lost all round.
…programmes cannot be sponsored, whether credited or not.
a line of “Thanks to” in the credits was insufficient to demonstrate that the programme had been sponsored.
Ofcom said, because of the time that had past, it was largely pointless trying to work out whether these programmes were also in breach of rules on impartiality
I’m sure it’ll get some BBC coverage today.
The BBC Trust have tweeted that they gave BBC World a going over in 2011
But Ofcom found more faulty programmes than the first Trust sweep.
In summary, the BBC is as bent as a nine bob note, everyone knows it, but nothing can be done, and isn’t, so why bother?
Corbyn is the dream candidate for the cultural marxist left. They really think he will deliver the triumph of the social workers and university junior lecturers. So what is there not to like for Newsnight?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
It was quite something to hear R4’s WATO reverential ‘interview’ with that serial failure and trougher supreme, Neil Kinnock, this lunchtime.
Martha Kearney would ask a question then, one assumes, nip off to knit a sweater or service the car, while Kinnock was left to gush like a faulty cesspit, quite unchecked, absolutely unhindered, as if he had anything anyone could possibly want to hear.
The BBC’s sad obsession with the Labour Whitehall farce is one thing. Giving Kinnock, of all people, an empty mic into which he could bloviate is quite something else.
The Corporation has, as they say, completely lost it.
It’s good to know the windbag hasn’t lost his verbosity in his old age.
The BBC gives yet another of Labour’s failures a generous chunk of primetime radio in which to air their meaningless, impotent views.
Kinnock struts around like some kind of senior statesman of his time, whilst everyone (BBC excepted) laughs at the memory of his self-regarding windbaggery and arse over tit trouser-wetting beach antics.
If only the incoming migrants had the “skills” if your average beeboid.
How great would it be if they flooded the media jobs market, and under cut the prices, driving down the take home pay off the likes of Minchin, Turnbull, Fry et al. As they’ve done to the working man in the building game.
Sadly I can’t see “Daniel” from the Sudan doing the weather forecast any time soon.
Um… the Met Office weather forecast? I can! It has been wrong every day for the past six days in my area, Shelly!
Otherwise, completely agreed.
Maybe Sally (daughter of Magnus) Magnusson how did she get that job? so recently seen presenting BBC Songs of Praise (or “It’s Wrong to Appease” as we call it in our house) from Calais would be happy to be undercut by an immigrant worker?
Maybe have her 5 kids going to a school where teachers struggle with umpteen languages?
Maybe have her road change beyond recognition in a few years?
Alas no.
Judging by the strangled vowels I heard on last night’s News at Ten, it’s begun in the news reporter department.
I don’t expect every reporter to use Received Pronunciation, but they could at least speak recognisable English.
Whats with the latest supermarket thing with parking attendants on arrival pointing you to spaces (who every body ignores anyway),something that we have managed without for decades, have we lost the ability to find a parking space in a supermarket car park?
The thing is that these ‘attendants’ are all recent arrivals, and it just seems a job creation scheme for unneeded jobs. I have spotted such as far West as deepest Cornwall.
I got accosted by one at the weekend for parking in a bay meant for motorcycles, as the supermarket had just been revamped, the bay wasn’t marked as such with absolutely no signage, I had also parked there in the past when it wasn’t such a bay.
This officious tw@t in regulatory hi-viz comes running up to me to remonstrate, thing was I couldn’t understand a bloody word he was saying, I walked on into the supermarket. He was still there when I got back to the car, he was jestering that it was a motorcycle bay and that he had taken my number.
What really bugged me was that here I was in my city of birth being unnecessarily hounded by someone we don’t need in this country, can’t communicate in English, doing a job that isn’t necessary, thinking right was on his side and to boot likely supported by me, the tax payer in income support, housing benefit and quite possibly child benefit.
The thing is, had I been approached in a nice way by one of my fellow city people I would have gladly moved it….
”hounded by someone we don’t need in this country.” 5 minutes in the country and they’re dishing out orders, what a cheek.
That was what riled me.
Well I wonder how soon we shall need “car guards”. A newly created job in Southern Africa where you are blackmailed into paying an officially vetted individual to protect your car and its contents from being stolen whilst you’re shopping.
‘£1 to look after your car mate?’
Sadly I can’t see “Daniel” from the Sudan doing the weather forecast any time soon.
But bBBC viewers in Northwest England will know that Eno from Nigeria, a failed fashion-designer, reads the weather forecast despite being unable to pronounce words like ‘clouds’.
Eno Erutor, her name has got more vowels than consonants.
They said that the rain would only effect the Northeast, and be gone by the Afternoon. But its still bucketing down all over Yorkshire as we approach the evening, and according to the Radar, the rain has now moved into Lancashire. A major cock-up by Eno, the failed Nigerian fashion-designer, appointed by the BBC as its Northwest England representative for the Met Office.
Maybe the Met Office is going the same way as the BBC, sacking the Scientists because of scepticism, and then replacing them with Arts, Media and Languages qualified Environmental activists. And then appointing them as the “best scientific experts” at the Met Office.
OT, unless it has or does make its way to the broadcast division via Rog…
Guardian Environment
“It is an emotive call for a spiritual fight against climate change that will be very important for Muslims … It speaks to issues of fairness, accountability, differentiation and adaptation in the Paris agreement.”
Islamic leaders issue bold call for rapid phase out of fossil fuels
Religious scholars, experts and teachers from around the world unite to make emotive declaration on climate change ahead of crucial Paris summit
What are the odds?
So far, not a comment.
No surprise to see medieval Islamic thugs so ready to get in line to pimp ‘climate change’ as if it were something anyone need actually worry about.
Islamofascism naturally agrees that all fossil fuels should be phased out for everyone. They would like nothing better than to send us all back to the fields – Pol Pot style – to toil endlessly beneath the broken wind turbines.
CAGW: now attracting religious murderers, child molesters, kidnappers and thieves to The Cause. I think that tells us all we really need to know about the actual agenda behind the climate scam.
It is fossil fuels that have made us in the West so indebted to the Muslim oil producers and made them so very rich.
Ironic and I don’t believe a word of that Guardian report. It was a joke I presume?
The Times (£) has this important story today: Koran encourages rape: how Isis fighters justify making sex slaves of girls
But I can’t seem to find it on the bBBC website. Where should I be looking? Rotherham? Rochdale? Oxford? …?
How shameful this is, in the US not the UK
and definitely not on the BBC
part 2
And our authorities prefer to spend thousands of pounds chasing a dead prime minister for alleged sex crimes than pursue the present day perpetrators because of political correctness, while AliBaba broadcasting provide the diversion tactics .
Not a chance the BBC will ever air this crackpot show!
Glazov, ex Russian, immigrant, has written books that the left would label ‘hate’ against both them and Islam.
Fair enough if it were aired on a major foreign network but an internet TV channel? Really?
The BBC has downplayed the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs for a couple of reasons, firstly Islamophilia, and secondly it has its own problems with mass paedophile rape!
It’s a kind of symbiotic cover up of both to protect both.
“Not a chance the BBC will ever air this”
What MARIAS? … Glasov? … both?
Don t slip into shooting the messenger T
Glazov is good mostly and is on the side of the realists.
I have just finished reading Roger Mosey’s autobiography. Mosey worked for the BBC for over 30 years and ended his time as assistant Director General.He left he BBC in 2013, retirement with no pay off! He does say he thought his final salary of well over 250K pa was too large and no doubt he has a an equally large pension.
His views on the BBC are quite interesting. Obviously after working there so long he praises it and goes on about how brilliant it can be. But he also makes some telling criticisms, albeit politely put. The key one being that he feels it is far too dominant in the news and current affairs area. To quote him, ‘ It is uncomfortable that the BBC has a market share of at least 70% in both television and radio news, especially when there is an itch ( inside the BBC ) for greater central control of the agenda. Plurality and diversity are important in the public media, and that is harder if there is one man or woman at the top with the ability to shape so much of it. I noted that the BBC had admitted that it had not , with the virtue of hindsight, given enough coverage in the past to people opposed to immigration or who believed that Britain should withdraw from the EU’.
He went on to say that his criticism was not well received by his ex employer. He said that he was not aware of any leftist bias in the BBC but that some senior folks within the BBC were well aware that the liberal values of the BBC were suffocatingly uniform.
Clearly there are those within the BBC who are uncomfortable with the power that it has to dictate the news agenda of the country and with its overwhelmingly liberal mind set. In essence a few hundred people in the BBC have been telling us what they think we should know , what we should think and what our values should be, for decades, all from a liberal perspective.
All of us on this site would agree 100% that this is indeed what has been happening. It follows from this view of the BBC, stated by some of its own senior people, that the corporation is stifling debate and suppressing the views of large sections of the population. In short the BBC is undermining democracy in the country.
Surely this is the most compelling reason of all why the BBC should be forced to undergo fundamental change. Although , in common with many others on this site, I think it is beyond reform and should be either closed down or the license fee abolished and it left to fund itself.
It is deeply troubling that someone as senior as Mosey can be simply brushed aside when he criticises the BBC.
A properly concerned government would listen to people like him – let along those outside the Corporation. The fact that they haven’t simply reinforces the fact that they simply do not care and have no intention of doing anything at all about the BBC’s relentless promotion of Leftist ideas.
Which, iof course, raises all manner of interesting questions about David Cameron and his faux-Tory government. “Ratner condems third world ambulance service” Maybe this is because London is a third world city
A third world ambulance service , to service a third world health service, staffed by third world medics for the benefit of third world patients
Trevor Kavanagh at the Sun expects a Corbin victory, thanks to Blair and Brown :
An ex-Beeboid, but still a phile, this chap is always pretty fair and good value:
Some snippets:
“I can’t yet find coverage on the BBC News wesbite
It seems to me the BBC lost all round.
…programmes cannot be sponsored, whether credited or not.
a line of “Thanks to” in the credits was insufficient to demonstrate that the programme had been sponsored.
Ofcom said, because of the time that had past, it was largely pointless trying to work out whether these programmes were also in breach of rules on impartiality
I’m sure it’ll get some BBC coverage today.
The BBC Trust have tweeted that they gave BBC World a going over in 2011
But Ofcom found more faulty programmes than the first Trust sweep.
In summary, the BBC is as bent as a nine bob note, everyone knows it, but nothing can be done, and isn’t, so why bother?
Katie Razzall, the Channel 4 news reject, was on Newsnight asking, nay begging, people to vote for Corbyn.
She then took a straw poll on who would vote Corbyn at the end of report to find only one person would.
But it was enough to elicit a cheer from Razzall.
Newsnight…bedtime stories for Guardian readers.
Corbyn is the dream candidate for the cultural marxist left. They really think he will deliver the triumph of the social workers and university junior lecturers. So what is there not to like for Newsnight?