I’m pretty sure Jeremy Clarkson would be hunted down and, at the very least, removed from the public sphere by the Left.
Would they be so keen to do the same to other Jeremys? It seems they would. Just what do they have against the ‘Jeremys’ or is that the jeremiahs?
Somebody in the Labour Party has apparently suggested that ‘If you took all the Jeremys in the Labour Party, and the people who vote for them and shot them in the back of the head there would be a brighter future for us all.’
Actually it was Jeremy Hardy, BBC comedian, who said this ” If you took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head there would be a brighter future for us all” .
Which is ironic now that he complains so bitterly about Labour apparently trying to cleanse the leadership election voter register of people it finds objectionable.
Hardy seemed quite ready to literally wipe out people who have political views he doesn’t like and yet suddenly he has scruples when it’s his turn to be ‘sidelined’, purged.
Laugh? Oh yeah!
I think Jeremy Hardy is hilarious, but not for the reasons he thinks !
Oliver Hardy was funny, but no laurels for Jeremy.
First they came for………
Oh Jeremy you poor thing.
At least no-one is suggesting shooting you in the back of the head. That would surely be a phobic-ism of some sort don’t you think?
Or incitement perhaps?
The nine grams treatment is, as anyone with the slightest aquaintance with Marxist history knows, how they win arguments with their opponents.
This is also how they behave between themselves. The decline of the USSR may be said to begin when, I think it was Ivan Serov, became the first Soviet Intelligence chief to actually retire, all his predecessors having been shot (or otherwise disposed of in the case of Felix Dzerzhinsky).
This is also how the left win wars. They do have a very good record of winning wars, but this is not due to their mastery of military strategy which is very poor. Where they excel is increasing the body count.
Doubtless everyone has heard of the victories of the Red Army in WW2. Victory achieved at a cost of approximately five times German casualties. Remember when Gordon Brown “pardoned” (ie re-wrote history) 224* WW1 British soldiers who were shot for cowardice?
During WW2 approximately 170,000 Soviet Soldiers were shot for cowardice. Making the “heroic” Red Army 76800% more cowardly that the British Army in WW1. This is not the statistic the left would like you to believe. This “cowardly” behaviour by the left (ie shooting their own soldiers) continued in the Chinese Civil War, The Korean War and the Vietnamese War.
“Pour encourager les autres” as Voltaire might have said, in fact he did say. The Soviet troops might have a .95 probability of being killed by the Germans but the probability of being shot by their “own” side was 1.0.
None of the above matters to the Marxists. The Marxist philosophy, using lies for foundations, envy for bricks, hatred for mortar, nastiness for scaffolding, was built on sand. The tactic of painting the surface of their ramshackle skyscraper in Dulux gloss, shade “Moonlight Mandacity”, fooled only themselves.
Jeremy Hardy is just another foot soldier who can be flushed down the memory hole when his usefulness to the party has expired. But he is such a nasty little twat we are all allowed to enjoy this. Soon, like Yezov and many others, he will be photoshopped from history during the next rewriting of the “history books”.
*From memory.
Very nicely put. Thanks.
HA Ha Ha!!! The old left wing arsehead rejected by his own party.
He could join Sandy Toxics Outfit; I’m sure they’ll have any old Trot.