Siding With The Oppressor

The Politics of Betrayal

If you have been listening to the BBC on the radio all day you will have come away possibly impressed with the apparently principled moral stance of Jeremy Corbyn and his proposal to apologise, on behalf of the Labour Party, for the Iraq War.

What was missing from the BBC’s reporting was the essential piece of information that informs you about his stance….that Corbyn is the Chair of the Stop The War Coalition.a highly discredited organisation with highly dubious links to people who would seem to be actually supporters of the people who are engaged in the war against the West.

Ironically not only tacitly supporting ISIS but also Assad…

Stop the War Continues to Promote Assad Apologists

Stop the War Coalition is a British grassroots group that ostensibly lobbies the West to “change its disastrous foreign policies.”

In truth, as the Spectator writer James Bloodworth notes: “[Stop the War] isn’t so much opposed to war as has accrued a sorry reputation for supporting the other side in every conflict it has pretended to oppose.”

Stop the War has a long history, in fact, of working in support of Iran and her allies, Syria and Hezbollah. In 2007, one of the speakers at Stop the War’s annual conference was “Somaye Zadeh of Campaign Iran”, who used her speech “to counter the imperialist lies [about Iran].” Somayeh Zadeh, whose real name is Somaye Bagherzadeh, is a member of the anti-sanctions lobby group CASMII, whose Directors are closely involved with senior Iranian regime officials and institutions.


Why has the BBC failed to mention that crucial link between Corbyn and the Stop the War Coalition?  The BBC mentions that he has always opposed the war, and here that he has been ‘prominent in the anti-war coalition’ but what does that mean to the audience when the damning links to islamic extremists goes unmentioned?  It makes him out to be a man of principle when the opposite would seem to be true and fails utterly to reveal the true nature of the STWC.

The BBC, as many people have noted, has been reluctant to tackle Corbyn on allegations about such links and his connections to terror groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.  It was only after Louise Mensch slammed the BBC in this article that the BBC seems to have been forced into challenging Corbyn on those links.  Mensch says…..

‘Examining Jeremy Corbyn’s association with anti-Semites is unpleasant, but necessary. It is quite stunning that the BBC refuses to ask the favourite for Leader of the UK Opposition any difficult questions about the racists he’s supported.

Corbyn is not exactly refusing to answer; the BBC is obligingly just not asking him. I wonder how it would fly if Boris Johnson were found to have given money to Nick Griffin, attended his rallies, called the English Defence League his “friends,” and then added airily ‘but I hate racism and I’m just opening a dialogue?’

It wouldn’t work and rightly not. But because the racism in this case is directed at Jews, the BBC is washing its hands.’


Just what is it with the BBC and people who enjoy the company of Islamists?

I see Corbyn is on ‘Any Questions’ in 10 minutes…and counting….might be interesting.


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5 Responses to Siding With The Oppressor

  1. Dazed and Confused says:

    Stop the war was created by the Socialist Workers Party, it’s just yet another Trotsky front that Corbyn is so enchanted with…

    That information isn’t hard to find, it’s just the BBC aren’t interested in divulging it in the slightest..


  2. Stuart Beaker says:

    The SWP and other hard-left organisations are part of the Labour Party’s dirty washing – a penumbra of left-fascist extremists who perpetually cast doubt by association on their democratic sincerity.

    Whichever hero of the left these extremists are built around – Trotsky is favourite, but others are available – infiltration, entry-ism and infestation of their opponents is in their very genes.

    They were led wholesale into Mr Livingstone’s ‘governance’ of Greater London, they routinely target local government through their elected representatives and their officers, and infiltrating the Labour Party is a stroll for them when someone opens the back door and invites them in.

    Labour will never admit this, of course, and is currently attempting to turn the spotlight on alleged disruption from the Right. This is just misdirection, of course. The apparent and unprecedented ‘surge’ in supporter registrations is, on balance, much more likely to have come from the far-Left.

    Any interest the Right might have in who leads Labour is naturally centred on Mr Corbyn, but the surge in membership occurred way before it became apparent that Mr Corbyn could win the contest. It therefore only makes sense as part of a plan which could only be perpetrated by those with genuine influence within the party.

    It would be wise, therefore, for the Labour Party to investigate not only the affiliations of those newly-minted ‘supporters’, but also whoever opened the door to let them in.


  3. Russell says:

    So… the BBC don’t question Corbyn’s anti-Semitic views. No surprise to me. Been saying for years that the BBC is the most anti-Semitic organisation in the UK. Fortunately, as with all their output, most people don’t believe what they say and question all their output.
    There’s the truth, the whole truth and the BBC. we know the difference and adjust .


  4. NISA says:

    Corbyn is criticised for being chummy with a man who said “death of every British soldier is a victory”. That man is Lebanese. Corbyn is a British MP, but as a leading member of the Stop the War Coalition he was party to that body supporting the killing of UK troops. It passed a post Iraq war (2004/5) resolution urging the Iraqi “Resistance” to oppose the occupation “by any means necessary”