Classic sketch from Not The Nine O’Clock News (did the bBC really once make programs like this?)
Satirical maybe, but following yesterdays ‘poll’ (propaganda) by the bBC that many ‘can’t live without it’ I seriously believe that most employees, are of the opinion/sentiment of the sketch.
No Grant, it wouldn’t be on the BBC now because it is too close to the truth! As in the faked letters or the present empty consultation rather than people writing in offering to pay more.
Deborah, True. In those days the BBC had the confidence to take that kind of flak. Today they are so brittle they could crack any minute. I certainly hope so !
This may be a bit after the event, but there was a thought provoking article in the Weekend FT (which is paywalled, but accessible online with a free registration) on the subject of What Next for the BBC.
As you would expect, the focus is very much on the swingeing cuts that will be necessary in the creative arts, and not a great deal on possible savings that could be made in the layer upon layer of management, or in the property portfolio (for instance).
As usual with lefties, they always focus on the customer/ consumer downside and never upon greater efficiency or better management process leading to customer/ consumer upside, when they make their considerations.
Looks like someone in the BBC News Room has the knives out for Alan Yentob.
According to the Radio 4 Today program, he was heavily involved in a letter sent to civil servants threatening dire consequences if “Kids Company” were to close. These threats included that of wide scale rioting, attacks on government buildings and adverse mental health reactions. They were so self important they believed that the closure would be to kids as similar to the death of a parent or even the entire extended family!
This letter was used to gain an extra £3 million of funding from the credulous & spineless David Cameron who should probably be made to pay this money from his own funds.
The document was written in language that civil servants across government described as “absurd”, “hysterical” and “extraordinary”.
Yentob is unapologetic but if this was any other sphere than the ridiculous BBC it would be difficult to see how he could survive, yet we all know his snout is firmly in the trough, and he’s going nowhere
Given the BBC’s ‘sack of rats’ corporate mission statement (actually I think they are more like the Aliens that killed a colleague for their blood to escape the cell they were in) it is possible young Alan may be ushered in to a room with a table sporting a glass of whisky and a leaving card so he can spend more time with his pension.
They are not above offering sacrifice when cornered, especially to preserve the cause:
We have gone from no evidence for CO2 warming to evidence from the ”Unified Theory of Climate” that CO2 cannot be the cause of any warming. The evidence from Luna Earthshine and satellite observations show that the cause of Climate Change is Cloud Albedo. Piers Corbyn says its changes in upper Cloud Albedo, and Henrik Svensmark says that it is changes in low cloud albedo. But observations cannot distinguish which it is, but the Svensmark mechanism is better understood. But I presume both upper and lower cloud albedo mechanisms are correct. Piers Corbyn has said that his brother will allow debate about this in the Labour party. But what about the BBC? Even the GWPF has not got round to talking to Corbyn about why the ”Unified Theory of Climate” liberates the mind from the bullshit/jelly that is the Arrhenius method.
1. Posted by tigersimon
25 Aug 2015 16:22
So the BBC putt this up as HYS. Risky, considering the common link between these two organisations.
7. Posted by imemomeme
25 Aug 2015 16:27
A brave article Mr Cook.
Mr Yentob, or his backers, will get you removed from the site forthwith, as he he did with your last article.
This story is all over the printed press today too… Yentob is in a spot of trouble on this I would have thought as he has previously denied (or more accurately, his spokesman previously denied) that he applied any pressure at all.
Someone should ask him some seriously direct questions but you just know that it won’t be the BBC who will do so!
Sounds like Yentob has finally gone mad with power. This warning of rioting, along with the fabricated celebrity petition and the “people can’t live without the BBC” documentary. It sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. He should be relieved of his post immediately!
My last post went awol..
‘New Tricks’ has seriously deteriorated since the loss of James Bolam and especially Denis Waterman no liberal to be sure.
Last nights episode was the worst yet. The boss of UCOS is of course a young woman, but now she is in a wheel chair, so that is the disabled and gender bit sorted in one swoop. The scene was set in the yuppie eighties, and centred around a brilliant broker who was of course ‘Asian’ as we all know Asians were in the majority in the city in the mid eighties and kept Great Britain afloat as the English weren’t capable of creating their own successes without immigrant help.
He was accused of murder ( how odd !) but of course was exonerated later as the murderer turned out to be a white man.. for a change.
The obligatory rape was also included and the victim was a self empowered escort who chose her trade and presumably knew the risks, but best not got there!
The brokers were all men and supporters of Maggie Thatcher and the naked greed of these people making ‘loadsa dosh’ had to be impressed on us. There was a statue of Maggie they adored which very predictably got broken I am sure as a symbolic act by the BBC.
The BBC churn out propaganda with a sort of story entwined but the problem is that their output is so predictable, precisely because there is no original content only the same old same old dogma, multi culti, diversity, gender, sexuality, equality, disability etc being regurgitated. Any BBC output involving a crime you straightaway dismiss any ethnic, woman or disabled, that leaves absolutely no intrigue for the programme involved. The BBC amongst other things has become quite frankly boring.
How the BBC doesn’t report the facts when it comes to Islamic terrorism
From the BBC:
Manchester girl, 16, pleads guilty to terror charges
“A teenage girl has pleaded guilty to two terror offences including possessing “recipes for explosives” and a bomb-making guide. The 16-year-old, from Manchester, admitted the charges at the city’s Magistrates’ Court. She was arrested in April following an investigation by the North West Counter Terrorism Unit. The inquiry also led to the arrest of a boy, 14, who admitted involvement in a plot to attack police in Australia.
The court heard that phone data retrieved by police showed the pair exchanged more than 2,000 WhatsApp messages a day before being arrested. No evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.
The girl, who cannot be named, admitted two counts of possessing a document containing information of a kind likely to be of use to a person preparing or committing an act of terrorism. She was accused of having a copy of bomb-making guide the Anarchist Cookbook. She will be sentenced in October.”
Same story, this time from Sky News:
Schoolgirl, 16, Admits Two Terror Offences
“A schoolgirl held following a plot to attack police at an Anzac Day parade in Australia has admitted two terror offences. The 16-year-old pleaded guilty to possessing a “recipe for explosives” during an appearance at Manchester Magistrates’ Court. The youngster from Manchester, who cannot be named because of her age, was arrested in April. She was held along with Britain’s youngest jihadi terrorist, a boy of 14, from Lancashire.
The boy encouraged an Islamic State-inspired terror attack on police officers at the parade. He pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey last month to inciting terrorism abroad. Phone data retrieved by police showed the pair exchanged more than 2,000 WhatsApp messages a day before they were arrested. The girl also used her school IT system to search for information on Jihadi John and images of Michael Adebolajo, killer of Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.
Wearing a headscarf and striped cardigan, she was excused from sitting in the dock at the Youth Court at Manchester Magistrates’ Court. Instead she sat on a bench in front of the judge, flanked by her mother, an uncle and her solicitor. The girl spoke only to confirm her name and age and she pleaded guilty to two offences under section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The offences relate to the possession of documents to be of use to anyone preparing or committing an act of terrorism. One was a recipe for explosives. No evidence was found that she was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot.
She was granted bail by District Judge Khalid Qureshi, who agreed to adjust her bail condition of reporting to police to allow her to attend college. The girl’s bail conditions include a 9pm to 7am curfew, reporting to police three times a week. There is also a ban on applying for travel documents or a passport and a ban on travelling outside England and Wales. Judge Qureshi warned her that because of the law, his sentencing options would include immediate custody. He added: “The youth offending team will want to interview you and your family. It is very much in your interests you are open and honest with them about what’s happened, if you are able to tell them why you got involved in what you got involved in. I will be asking you some questions directly about your conduct, your behaviour, why you think it has happened. I need to try to understand why this happened.”
She was held by police in April following an investigation by the North West Counter Terrorism Unit. The girl told police writing in her sketch pad was related to school work and a chemical recipe in the pad was in response to a Blue Peter programme on fireworks. Analysis of her Blackberry phone found instructions for producing a timed circuit, a document about DIY bomb-making and the Anarchist Cookbook 2000. The girl also had publications by terror group Islamic State, images of guns, knives and grenades, and photos of jihadi terror ‘heroes’ including Anwar al-Awlaki, IS leader Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Osama Bin Laden. Images of IS symbols and flags and quotes including “I love that I should be killed in the way of Allah” and “Only Jihad No Democracy” were also found. And photos of a dead child, an execution and people about to be beheaded were recovered. Another image of a female child carried the words: “I will be the one who slaughters you o kuffar, I will be a mujahid.”
The 14-year-old arrested in the same police investigation pleaded guilty last month to encouraging the Anzac Day parade plot. Over a 10-day period, the youngster sent thousands of instant messages to 18-year-old Australian Sevdet Besim, who shared his admiration for the IS terror group. The boy faces sentencing at Manchester Crown Court on September 3 and is being held in an unidentified youth detention centre in the north west of England. Among the messages the boy sent to Besim was one which read: “Suggest you break into someone’s house and get your first taste of beheading.” Besim, who is awaiting trial in Australia, replied that that seemed “a little risky”.
Simple question: which of these two stories would you say left you best-informed as to the actual facts around the story?
The Manchester Evening News is a part of Mirror Group Newspapers, a left leaning Labour supporting media outlet, but they’re nowhere near as far left and Politically Correct as the BBC are!
The following in the MEN are completely absent from the BBCs report which is full of lies by omission.
Britain’s youngest jihadi terrorist
Islamic State
In fact the BBC attempts to mitigate her crimes by stating :
“No evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.”
Well that’s alright then ! Can’t imagine what she was ever brought before the court for, must be Islamophobia – except we can’t mention Islam in any contect ! Doh!
Neither page mentions the Pakistani ethnicity either.
The BBC continues to preach about the need for massive immigration numbers.
Always a photo of a small child or baby to tug the heart strings.
Nothing of course about the negative impact.
How do you separate an economic migrant from an asylum seeker? You can’t. Nobody admits to being an economic migrant.
No discussion permitted.
You have been told what’s best for you by the BBC. Don’t argue! That would make you a racist!
BBC Proms with baritone Roderick Williams, mixed race, father Welsh, mother Jamaican. Also on the programme was double bass player Chi-chi Nwanoku, she is also mixed race, Nigerian father, Irish mother. Gosh !!! what are the chances of that ? they really are pushing the Richard Karlegi miscegenation agenda. What’s next, mixed race and transgender musicians I suspect.
I have never understood why someone with one black parent and one white parent is automatically black. Surely they could just as easily be considered white by that logic. The Polish flag, for instance – is it red or white?
Throwback to America’s One drop of blood rule. Any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry (“one drop” of black blood) is considered to be black (Negro in historical terms). When the United States Supreme Court struck down Virginia’s law prohibiting inter-racial marriage in Loving v. Virginia (1967), it also declared Plecker’s Virginia Racial Integrity Act and the one-drop rule unconstitutional.
”Chi-chi Nwanoku: ‘I want black musicians to walk on to the stage and know they belong”’ Why do effniks always have to be in the Special Needs Class ?
” For 30 years, double bassist Chi-chi Nwanoku has enjoyed a successful career and as a classical musician and never felt the colour of her skin has held her back. So why is she now embarking on and ambitious plan to form Europe’s first professional black orchestra? .” Isn’t that racist ? I suppose it’s ok because it’s just anti white.
Can you just imagine what the BBC among others would say if someone was setting out to make a white orchestra and if that person was to say they were aiming to have music written only by white people; or a male only orchestra?
”Chi-chi Nwanoku: ‘I want black musicians to walk on to the stage and know they belong”’
Perhaps they should try being part of the audience first. With so little interest in the music in the first place, the probability of seeing a significant number of black musicians on the concert platform is insignificant. SE Asians are a different matter.
Orchestras are under pressure to attract a more diverse (ie: black) audience. Good luck with that.
Lots of athletics on TV at the moment. Some track events seem to be lacking in diversity. When is this institutional racism going to be fixed?
A word of praise “A Very British Renaissance” is excellent. I really was expecting dumbed down PC crapola with a revisionist emphasis on wimmin, colonial exploitation, class struggle, climate change and inappropriate parallels drawn between Catholics and muslims but no – a truly excellent programme full of new stuff, quietly patriotic, modestly presented, devoid of intrusive silly music and no bogus academics with daft accents and spurious expertise in fashionable leftist memes.
I sincerely hope the presenter doesn’t get ruined by the BBC-ification like Prof Cox, “Dr” Worsley and Beard. Cox and Beard used to be quite bearable but the good looks of one and self regard of the other have gone to their heads and they think we want to know how they vote. Worsley is just unbearable. Posh, pink, prissy, privileged and all pervasive.
Dr James Fox @doctorjamesfox May 8
Nationalism overtakes Scotland, conservatism overtakes England & Wales, and liberalism deserts the UK. A worrying 5 years ahead.
He just thought he would tell us that, because this public school Leftist working for the BBC has such deeply held principles.
Oh dear. Well its positively right-wing compared to the stuff tweeted by most of the BBC’s staff after the election; also he’s right about nationalism in Scotland and the death of liberal England being worrying isn’t he? I assume no-one here is actually suggesting they shouldn’t have views and opinions: just that they shouldn’t pretend not to have them whilst ramming them down our throats as objective truth.
You should judge his work which seems remarkably free of the usual BBC revisionist prejudices despite presenting as a subject an open goal for a parade of leftist posturing which I was expecting. I mean have you seen the Time Twats latest on Ch 4 where they go back to middle ages to preach socialism ..
I am guessing you are 1) female and 2) you fancy him, but his comment about the election of David Cameron being the worrying death of liberal England reveals his character not his opinions. When he says that a Conservative government means “a worrying 5 years ahead”, all he is thinking about is public subsidies to himself and his chums. That is the sole content of his political musings.
That he made a point of expressing his political views has 100% to do with what sort of opinions will get him his next gig, and absolutely nothing to do with any consideration relevant to the state of the nation. It is not about supporting or attacking David Cameron, it is about integrity. You see his type a lot in academia these days. Maybe it has always been the case. If he was in the court of Henry VIII he would be licking Cardinal Wolsey’s arse.
Offensive stupid sexist crap and exactly why the people who so enrage you remain in charge of the media you so despise. By the way I am male and your bizarre assumptions indicate a struggle with your sexuality you ought perhaps to take a good look at.
Unfortunately thanks to the BBC screwing up DAB like they screw up every technological advance, TV is the only medium the BBC have to broadcast high quality audio. It’s also the only way they can broadcast 5.1 multichannel other than over the internet.
The BBC isn’t just biased politically. The catastrophic record it has over handing broadcast technology is rarely discussed, and when it is, it’s always in glowing terms.
When was the last time you saw a BBC 5.1 production?
In the early days of the BBC HD channel they broadcast a lot of 5.1, Jools Holland was a regular in 5.1, since the addition of of all the other BBC HD channels bit rates have been cut, the picture quality is barely recognisable beyond standard definition and no more than stereo, which we’ve had since Nicam circa 1990.
Both Channel Four and ITV have far superior HD pictures, noticeable by the disc space used up on your PVR by a one hour recording.
OT (for now; we’ll see), but I just got an email from Charlie Church and her new activist-du-jour BFF’s at Greenpeace.
I wonder how long before their latest wheeze gets reported by Rog, Matt, etc?
This bit caught my eye:
‘I’m being watched by a line of swaggering security guards standing at huge crystalline doors. Bodies in black business suits hover at the windows of the 350 foot building trying to get a glimpse of me and my microphone. Right now I’m standing at Shell’s London headquarters without permission.
Now that I’ve got their attention, I’m going to stop these oil giants laughing all the way to the bank.’
As a matter of interest, one may ponder how the non-swaggering flower-holding guardians and of love at the BBC swing doors would react if anyone tried to grab the attention of black business suits on the top floor about market rate talents marching all the way to the bank to cash in their million-pound pensions?
We’ll just have to see who does what and how it is reported… impartially.
‘Near the start of the hour-long protest, activist comedian Mark Thomas by chance walked out of the BBC, and came to greet the protesters, some of whom he had met when he gave a ‘mass miracle’ performance outside Atos’s Edinburgh office as part of the Fringe Festival. He was persuaded to speak briefly
Oh I love this Mr Who(…are you a Doctor?…all the asylum seekers seem to be, so best be quack if you want to be!).
Mark Thomas…”being persuaded to speak”?…to a lefty lorra lorry load of leftovers outside the BBC -in Edinburgh as the festival dies on its sporran?
PERSUADED?…that unfunny po-faced noMark( to be confused with Steel-very confused) gets the chance to “Speak To The Nation”?
Comedy gold of the ironic, sarcastic understatement surely?
As for Charlie Church…bankers laughing all the way to the bank?
Put Thomas, Steel , Hardy or Henry on reception in Canary Wharf then…no banker will ever laugh again-much as we don`t!
What, I wonder, is the basis for the BBC describing those who booed Angela Merkel as “far-right protestors”? Is it sufficient merely to oppose uncontrolled immigration to be labelled as such by the BBC, or were those protesting all doing so under a particular banner? The story doesn’t tell us. Perhaps there were some Neo-Nazis there, but did that justify tarring everyone protesting with the same brush? After all, there’s usually trouble at left-wing marches but the BBC is quick to tell us they were just a minority of trouble-makers.
I suspect the truth is revealed, unintentionally, when we are told that “Motorists also reportedly hooted their car horns as they drove past”. Just like the passing motorists, it’s probably a cross-section who feel that way, though I would imagine many others are simply too scared to put their heads above the parapet.
That’s something of a trend across the BBC’s European reportage – a great narrative, but so much left unanswered.
For instance, given the growth inducing, diversifying, enriching, non-public service straining qualities of mass immigration – how come the Germans suddenly feel the need to squander part of their happy abundance of new-comers through quotas?
“…What, I wonder, is the basis for the BBC describing those who booed Angela Merkel as “far-right protestors”
The basis would be that they don’t agree with the BBC’s view on the issue. Anyone who is even a scintilla ‘to the right’ of the BBC’s world-view is, by definition, ‘far right’ – or ‘controversial’ (a very slippery word in the hands of the BBC).
Except if they’re a fanatical muslim terrorist branding a Kalashnikov, wearing a suicide vest, shouting ‘death to all unbelievers!’. In that instance – on past evidence – they’d fall into the BBC’s ever-useful ‘militant’ category (which, by logical definition, would suggest the Corporation thinks they might have a valid point).
‘ I asked the BBC how many TV licence evaders were caught last year.
They replied: 344,099.
But only 179,993 of them are considered guilty in the eye of the law:
Of the 204,018 were prosecuted in 2014 (or “dealt with” in Scotland), 164,106 cases were dismissed, withdrawn or people were found not guilty.”
Now sources close to the BBC are quoting critics as saying that such a presumption of guilt, corporate deluge, block prosecution approach by a state corporation to deliver such rates is a travesty of British justice and an abuse of the legal system.
How a BBC investigative journalist may feel… who knows? They don’t seem to like asking questions if the answers are awkward.
I know the Corbyn wimmins train issue isn’t exactly BBC bias, but it does make me wonder why no one in the media has realised the corollary of what he’s actually saying, and the reasons why.
How about this headline :
Corbyn admits public transport is unsafe especially for women?
I’m sure we all know why it’s unsafe, but proving it is banned. The Police and courts are not allowed to keep data of offenders based on ethnicity (another crazy PC idea) just so the truth can’t be spoken.
If we deal with his argument from this angle he’s probably right and most of us would probably agree with him! Whether a women’s carriage is the solution is actually the wrong question.
Oh joy!
Corbyn is comedy beyond measure.
Imagine what Islam would think, seeing as all their fantasies would be in the one carriage from New Street?
And getting a Virgin train won`t save you either… not even if you`re Vera Baird,Alison Saunders or the Angela/Maria Eagle tag team of tittivation!
Was it not Professor Plant who once said during Stairway to Evan….”does anybody remember laughter?”
Maybe we`ve all had years of Thomas, Henry, Steel,Brands, Toksvig,Steel, Howard and Brigstocke…I for one find only the Lefts Po-faced blowback funny these days on the BBC and the liberal press.
Todays “Indie”.
“I`M A HOMOSEXUAL, NOT A PAEDOPHILE”…does anybody think Andreas Whittam Smith would have had that as a broadsheet banner headline on the front page when he started out in `88?
It`ll get worse too-saw some paean to the Greeks on the BBC the other day, pretty much supporting paedophilia-as long as the blokes leave flowers and there`s a job in it later-as if that`s not what BBC staff do in 2015!
I m sure the Al BBC reports have had some stick on here
Bomb-making instructions and an image of a child with the words:
“I will be the one who slaughters you o kuffar.”
She also had images of a dead child, IS executions, guns and knives and her jihadi
terror ‘heroes’, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Analysis of her phone found instructions for producing a timed circuit, and a document
about DIY bomb-making.
“She was granted bail (WTF!) by Judge … wait for it, Khalid Qureshi”
Aw come on … its only college folks,
I mean … Univ/Colleges they never have anything even slightly concerning,
going on in those places … right… what could go wrong eh?
Khalid Qureshi has been a good judge, saying things which would be utterly impossible for a white judge to say. He’s never shied away from harsh sentencing either, again something which might be difficult for a white judge in similar circumstances.
He knows all the tricks and all the lies. It shouldn’t be like this, but this is the disgraceful state left wing idiocy and political correctness have brought us to.
Just because the guy has a Muslim name don’t think he’ll go lightly – just the reverse.
Put the shoe on the other foot T …
The clear intention is there, the non accident waiting to happen,
Imagine the usual white teen, here what if they state, they just want to murder
all muslims? … slaughter? … if they had detailed plans for timers, DIY bombs
pictures of their knives of choice, images of mass murderers, there erm “heroes”
that wilfully murders as many muslim s as possible, murder all muslims propaganda
if you could find such a thing
Do you think there would be leniency?, bail?, off you go to Uni?, the old curfew routine?
Can you imagine the MSM, the BBC … the usual orchestrated backlash-aphobia
by all these insidious Islamic pressure groups?
Fair comment there Thoughtful. I remember, some years ago, I attended the trial of a vicious Bengali youth. He had beaten up a fellow Asian and when arrested (by myself) had a knuckle duster in his possession. The chairman of the bench at the trial was an Asian gentleman who went to town on this bastard. I thought at the time that any other magistrate would have been more lenient considering the pitiful mitigation that the defense offered. It seemed that this magistrate knew more about this man than the rest of us.
Not like them to make a cluster-FUBAR out of a sow’s ear with all that market rate brainpower, now is it?
I might just drop my MP a personal note with a few less… template points to ponder from another viewpoint.
There is also, as comments already note, the blowing the Charter requirements apart. Again.
Still, I am sure a promise of a softball few minutes of flame on Daily Politics will soon get 90% of the creeps in power back in national treasure mode.
They do seem to have quite the budget for ‘PR’, be it keeping the 141,7-210 occupied ‘selling’ A. Newsroom Tealady and A. Yentob doing the pas de deux on Strictly to make up the numbers, or black ops efforts that can get snookered by registration vetting or not reading the instructions before cutting and pasting.
An old (in the ‘long time in media’ sense) story but a nice summary of a related example:
‘Unfortunately, despite the claims in those Tweets, the link provided does not lead to the ‘full study’ but to a press release put out by the BBC’
Hey, when you are down to your last £4Billion and facing Alan’s pay-off to go quietly, they have to use all that BBC integrity to deploy the money…. ‘properly’.
And this can mean some things get talked about a lot. If not really news or true, and some things, as above, get quietly dropped…
‘A BBC spokesperson said: “As we said at the time, we believe our coverage of the referendum was rigorously impartial and in line with our guidelines on fairness and impartiality.”‘
Presenters shot on live television – anything missing from the BBC’s report?
Here’s what the BBC say: The footage then captures what appears to be a fleeting image of the gunman, who is wearing black trousers and a blue top – and holding a handgun. from
And here’s what an American website is reporting (there is also a photograph of the suspect): “He was described as a light skinned black male, with brown eyes and black hair, 6 foot 3 inches tall and approximately 250 pounds.” See
The information may or may not have any relevance, but contrast with the BBC’s usual ‘White cop shoots unarmed black teenager’ style of reporting. Can you imagine them using a phrase such as ‘Black gunman shoots unarmed white reporters’?. Hardly.
Five Live and Tony Livesey chatting to a correspondent, Guy somebody/nobody, about the (im)migrant crisis.
Livesey mentions that “far right” (natch) groups in Germany are opposing the policy of welcoming one and all.
Guy assures us that Merkel has told these groups in no uncertain terms that this will not do and that such behaviour towards fellow human beings will not be tolerated.
“Very noble of her” says Guy.
Very noble? Very fuckin noble??!! Who the fuck asked your opinion Guy? Why not just do your job and report the facts you sycophantic, invertebrate, quisling bastard.
Naturally Livesey challenged this assertion by Guy………..oh no, actually he never
Someone on Guido’s blog posted this picture of a burka covered carriage. Given the BBC’s love for all things Islamic and growing support for Corbyn’s attachment to Labour Party gender segregation facilities, the idea might prove attractive to the Party’s core voters.
I suggest a compromise concerning the Amazon fancy dress. Drop the offensive word ‘Golly’ and replace it with Lenny – a British name. Call it a Lennywog.
The endless flow of propaganda about the migrant crisis continued on R4’s PM this evening with a performance by Ed Thomas worthy of Damien Day from Drop The Dead Donkey. All he lacked was the peripatetic teddy bear.
It was a masterpiece! The 18 year old who had pushed his grandmother in a wheelchair all the way from Afghanistan to Hungary, the razor wire, ‘far-Right’ demonstrators, hateful Hungarians – not a single word, not even the hint of an opposing view, was allowed into a broadcast that was designed to tug at the heartstrings of the 5pm radio listener.
This was polemic at its worst. If anyone is ever looking for a clip to illustrate the depths to which the BBC has sunk in its one-sidedness, its complete and utter bias, this will do fine.
The hive does not know what to do now. It must know that the majority of Europeans are opposed to these vast numbers storming the borders. So the hive will play down protests and look desperately for feelgood stories . This means that the old, women and children will be given prominence in all stories and film clips. So obvious and rather pathetic.
This is reality hitting liberalism in the guts. So for now they are going to have to stick to their insane principles or shut up.
The opposition will start in the East of Europe and gather momentum. An unstoppable momentum in my view.
Europe cannot absorb all these people from the failed states of the world.
It is not a question of ethics or anything the usual liberals like to spout but simple economics and reality. It also ultimately defies history. No people ever have voluntarily ceded their space to others.
BBC Radio 4 PM shows the BBC taking a stand on US gun ownership – something they claim never to do, and are aghast at the fact the NRA are able to stop the leftie pressure groups from banning gun ownership altogether. They also mention the Obamessiah and his efforts to ‘bring sanity’ to gun ownership all thwarted by the dastardly NRA.
Of course the fact that a TV crew has been shot dead has not passed them by, and I expect that they are wiping the sweat from their collective brows that it couldn’t happen here. Of course no one knows exactly what happened – but the BBC knows.
And then there’s the metropolitan attitude which simply doesn’t understand, or want to understand about life in the American rural areas where people have to hunt to acquire meat for the winter. For beeboids food just appears on your plate at the restaurant, or in the supermarket so detached from reality are they.
How about a piece trying to get gun control in Pakistan? especially in the Northern regions? Not a chance, they might get hurt !
The shooter of the two journalists is now dead. If he were white the BBC would be hammering the theme ‘white gun man kills reporters’. But no mention in the BBC story of his colour – a subject so close to BBC racist thought.
Is it still racist to say that white lives matter?
Note the BBC picture of the shooter where he looks a bit whiter than other photos in the US media.
Sadly I think this may give ‘others’ ideas, what could be more shocking than witnessing such a horror live on TV and then uploading the full horror from the perteptrators perspective to the internet?
Geoff, I agree with you. The film of the shooting has gone viral. Like the vids of ISIS killings there is nothing governments or people can do about it. The technology is there, it is simple to use,and in this case the camera was held by the man who was actually firing at the time. People will copy. Perhaps it will give us an insight into the minds of such killers.
Demonstrators against migrants in Germany referred to on the as
“……right wingers including neo-Nazis…” by James Robbins, a SENIOR reporter with the BBC. It is beyond a joke that even their longstanding reporters indulge in this lazy, biased and perverse journalism.
Demonstrators against migrants in Germany referred to on the six o’clock news as……………..
“……right wingers including neo-Nazis…”
Courtesy of James Robbins, a SENIOR reporter with the BBC. How the hell does he know their politics, still less define it? It is beyond a joke that even their longstanding reporters indulge in this cynical propaganda. A perversion of impartial journalism.
Yentob is playing a very serious hand. We dismiss him as a loon at our expense. His statements that there will be ‘savagery on the streets’ and that there is a ‘high risk of arson on government buildings’ isn’t the talk of a madman, it is in fact a call to arms to the dark forces of the fascist left, the targets clearly marked for his and the BBCs useful footsoldier idiots. The BBC cannot accept that the tories are in government and they will not accept it as a democratic reality.
Corbyn has had an extremely cosy ride with none of his ‘extreme’ excesses mentioned.
The BBC is hoping that Corbyn will become Labour leader and that the far left rabble and other political oddities will unite behind Labour and of course the BBC will do their part to promote labour as a mass democratic movement against a despized ( in their eyes only ) Tory government. Yentob and the BBC are inciting a revolution ( subliminal at present ) one no doubt that Brand will be given plenty of air time to promote.
‘Yentob and his rentamob’… a rather prophetic ring to it don’t you think!
I doubt Corbyn is the man of choice for the BBC. It will almost impossible for him to achieve power democratically. With Scotland lost and the South and West solidily anti labour I cannot envisage it. The BBC hive knows that power is everything.
Yentob sounds desperate more than anything else . As a trustee of a charity under investigation his posiition is precarious to say the least.
What it starting to become clear is just how the left has fractured and how ineffective it really is. It is now the party of the middle class state employees and those who rely on the state. In other words outfits like the BBC that are solidly behind a left leaning movement.
Fomenting trouble is all they are good for now.
Dave S
Corbyn is the only candidate that can unite all the various factions of the left in one party. Militant Tendency decades ago tried it but were booted out. This is different in that a whole umbrella group of people are joining from all walks of life the left, greens and other oddities. With all respect you didn’t read my post properly, I never suggested Corbyn could get into power democratically I did in fact suggest a revolution of sorts.
As for Yentob being desperate, absolutely not. He has threatened a democratically elected government with blackmail and threats of violence, where is the desperation?
Don’t forget the BBC kept on J saville knowing his sexual proclivities, Yentob is far from the threat Saville could have been exposed, so he is sitting pretty at the moment.
Lastly the left are not fractured, they are so much in control culturally and politically they have it all.
I am fed up to the back teeth listening to the migrant reporters speak in sympathetic hushed tones when referring to the ‘desperate and exhausted’, ‘searching for a new life’ migrants. Why don’t they get someone with teeth to do the interviewing and reporting, like asking why they don’t stay in their own countries and fight, or ask if they’ve ever heard of birth control. Amazing how the cameramen always use the BBC tactic of focusing on the children crying. They must think we’re stupid.
No questions asked, much at all. Especially for Syrians, why haven’t they gone as refugees to the appropriate foreign Embassy or Consulate in Damascus to plead their case? It would be both cheaper and safer to do it the legal way.
There has been too much of it from the BBC for it to be mere ignorance of the ways of the world or carelessness (as exemplified in some of their Shoreham coverage, for example); they really do seem to be pushing an agenda. Definitely not educating, informing or entertaining in the true spirit of the Corporation of the past.
I think that we encourage them to think that we are all stupid by calmly paying the LF despite the fact that the BBC clearly doesn’t represent the majority views of the British people on a wide range of crucial subjects. Perhaps if we turned up outside Broadcasting House and demonstrated like their lefty friends would , then they would stop thinking we were as thick as two short planks.
Oh dear one of the BBC favourites and regular commentators / interviewees / rent a gob Mark Serwotka has been a victim of Labours comedic attempts to run a leadership election has had his vote cancelled !
They really are a shower of incompetents, yet its difficult to understand what the BBC gains from showing them up as such, unless of course they are so wrapped up in it, they’ve forgotten the rest of us are watching !
Copied from Left Unity’s Facebook Page. This bunch of left loonies were created by loony film maker, Kenneth Loach, who made numerous appeals on the BBC in support of a loony left wing alternative to Labour. Labour must be opposed they said. They formed an alternative party, are dominated by Trots and other misfits, but are now complaining that Labour is scrutinising the membership applications to weed out trash like themselves. I do not give a jot about either party, but find it so amusing that the left opponents of Labour are now complaining that they cannot come in and vote for Che Corbyn.
‘Left Unity
Yesterday at 6:01pm ·
The Labour Party has “managed to identify the social media profiles of 45,000 people” who signed up to vote in the leadership contest, and is monitoring them. Labour’s Big Brother is watching you.’
“”Armando Iannucci: Britain needs strong TV industry””
He said: “If public service broadcasting – one of the best things we’ve ever done creatively as a country – if it was a car industry, our ministers would be out championing it overseas, trying to win contracts, boasting of the British jobs that would bring.”
ITVs Peter Fincham has pleaded with the bBC not to schedule Strictly with the X-Factor, “We’re a commercial broadcaster, this really matters for us. For the BBC, it feels like a game,” he said.
Channel Four’s Jay Hunt added “There are no consequences for the BBC if Strictly takes a hit.”
This is the problem with the bBC they have a free monopoly of our airwaves in both radio and TV, courtesy of the telly tax payer, free to air commercial operations are always going to be on the back foot. The bBC do not need to chase ratings, especially with lowest common denomintor tosh like Strictly. The X Factor is also tosh, but I hope it trounces the bBCs offering.
Whittingdale needs to get his act in gear and quickly, the bBC needs severe pruning.
The very fact that the BB-Paedo-C sought this horrific woman’s views on the Muslim paedo gangs tells us much about the BBC’s PC agenda of putting political correctness and cowardice before the safety and welfare of white children.
The council, social services, police would rather have children brutally raped than be accused of being a waaycist, which in their and the media’s eyes is the bigger crime.
Who else but a serial liberal woman who hates this country(except for queueing apparently) to ask about her fellow-religionists propensity to abuse white girls in Labour Council “care”.
Not going to listen to the bitter sow-she`ll doubtless be served up to us again , with her “views”…as if none of us could possibly guess every one of them.
That they`re so flatpack, liberal stupid-and predictable-makes her a keeper for the BBC chattering classes.
Yoko Ono without the poetry and talent…and we`re talking a very low threshold here…
Really you should have listened to what she said which was very sensible. Basically she said that the perpetrators must have grown up being inculcated with a view that white girls were trash and that they , the Pakistani perpetrators, must have caused an enormous number of white people to become racists by what they had done. Both points are correct. The only thing she said in this interview which I thought was badly wrong, was that she claimed that the council officials ignored the plight of the girls because of class issues. Were as we all know it was because they feared being labelled racist and so PC won the day again.
So she may well usually be obnoxious but on this issue she was willing to say much that was true.
Just need to say I agree with you – my own point below was more general, and I do think Ms Alibhai Brown demonstrates the conflicts that can arise when people are ‘hoisted’ out of extreme circumstances by well-intentioned outsiders, especially when those people who are being ‘rescued’ belong to cultures which are unused to rapid change, or are anchored only in tradition.
Ms Alibhai Brown appears to have an axe to grind against the nation that took her and her family in when they were ejected from a primitive and brutal African society. A nation that fostered her opportunity to flourish to the point where she could, with supreme irony, make a career out of biting and vilifying the hand that fed her.
Her sense of entitlement dwarfs that of ‘pigs in the trough’ politicians with their hands in the pockets of society. Her greed is not just egregious but insatiable, because it is greed for the restoration of pride, a pride which was crucially wounded by the very act of being taken in and rescued.
She should serve as a salutory warning to all liberal Western societies – beware your instinct to rescue and nurture those who hammer at your doors claiming you have a wholesale moral ‘obligation’, those who do not share your values but nevertheless claim to understand your own morality and culture better than you do.
Some of the most vociferous beneficiaries of your humanitarian instincts will turn out to be your most vindictive, ungrateful, carping and unquenchable serial critics. In the very act of pulling them from the sea of folly into which they have plunged, you will have caused them deep and undying offence, which will power their hatred of you and the society which rescued them.
Wounded pride, and the humiliation of being forced to acknowledge the appalling shortcomings of your own culture, are powerful engines of hatred. Unless we in the West understand this, we will never be able to understand and counter those who wish to destroy our civilisation out of what amounts to psychotic anger.
All valid points, and meanwhile the EU continues to open the floodgates to thousands of tomorrow’s future bombers and Islamic State footsoldiers – these are the early arrivers; the sleeper cells, the incubators who will, five, ten years from now begin their predestined campaigns of terror on their host nations across Europe. It’s all part of the plan; western media have fallen hook, line and sinker for the ‘tragic migrants’ narratives, whilst the EU itself – traitorous to the rotten core – remains determined to annihilate all traces of European nationality from its member states.
No good will come from any of this. Tick-tock, tick-tock…
Outside in the cold a man finds a snake almost dead from hypothermia, so he takes it into his house and warms it by the fire .
When the snake gets warm , it hisses and bites the mans young daughter .
“How could you repay my kindness by doing such an evil deed ” said the man
“Serves you right , you know I am a snake , and this is a snakes nature ”
In the Aesop tale , the man kills the snake , in modern Britain he gets a sympathy and a house .
10 O clock news featuring a charming interview with Jeremy Corbyn where his associations with Hamas and Hezbollah were quickly skated over without any follow up question. The BBC were much more interested in the fact that Corbyn rides a bike (because of environmental concerns) and his hobbies of working on his allotment and making jam.
Then heard a headline about the boss of McDonalds having the audacity to defend the “controversial” zero hours contracts before I had to turn the TV over.
The killer of the two journalists was a typical grievance monger. It’s been reported that he complained of being racially abused, sexually harassed and bullied while employed at the TV station. Killing two ‘whiteys’ is obviously the ultimate result of the black grievance/victim culture that’s been carefully nurtured by Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, et al.
No Andy the politically correct conclusion to draw is that guns should be banned. Peter Hitchens claims that in nearly all such cases drug use is involved, but this is almost never mentioned by the BBC, because it might lead the viewer to the politically incorrect conclusion that drug use is even more dangerous than the possession of guns. I am not advocating a position either way, but the line of thought (the interpretation of the events) which the BBC want you to have is clear. What a BBC report leaves out is generally more informative than what it includes.
Peter Hitchens as astute as he is, blames pretty much any murder on drugs and to an extent he is right.
Unfortunately he also believes that any Muslim murder of an English person is also ‘just drugs’.
Hitchens went way to far for me when he said that the murderers of Lee Rigby did it because they were on drugs… despite the fact they chanted their old fav ..Allahu Akbar as they decapitated one of our finest, just as most Muslims tend to say as they murder westerners. Hitchens received an enormous amount of flak from his regulars, one of his least popular blogs ever.
It is one of the reasons I went there less and less and opted out for a while as he stiil to this day believes he is right, then by chance ( only because I felt that the BBC was one of the biggest problems for me ) found this vibrant up to the minute site despite the two sites being very different. Hitchens is looking out for his gilt pension now and has become irrelevant to the struggle we all have ahead of us.
Fair enough. I admit I do not follow Peter Hitchens and so I did not realise the extent of his obsession in this regard. I simply heard him express that claim once and I thought it was an interesting suggestion.
In the case of this murder various explanations could be offered (a leading one would be the “if you are black and unhappy blame everything on the whites” rhetoric retailed by race hustlers such as Obama) but the BBC with its usual scrupulous bias will invariably only focus on a narrative that accords with the prejudices of the Left.
“I have taken all the German names off my mobile phone – it is Hans free”
As I said in an earlier post, the sour faced lefties have banned laughter from the world. God alone knows what shite the rest of them must have been like if this was the ‘funniest’.
Radio 4 has been running trailers pushing Crossing Continents – Losing Louisiana in which plaintive ‘black'(?) voices are heard bemoaning the loss of ‘their’ land.
“James Fletcher travels to Bayou Lafourche and the town of Leeville to get to know one community facing the reality of losing their past and their future.”
No doubt it is all our fault for jetting to Spain for our holidays, as opposed to jetting to Climate Change Conferences, but it is interesting how the BBC is always keen to support other peoples in other lands but not its own.
I’m sure there are many here who could identify with the loss of their history, culture and land, the BBC being in the forefront of the thieves.
No, not a valedictory Met Office hottest Wednesday in Arbroath since the Stone Age. (Bearing in mind, of course, the Stone Age only ended in Arbroath last Wednesday)
This is a ‘could, later today’ that the BBC know damn well is a dead cert…
So, put on your serious face and watch your ‘p’s and ‘q’s…. The Home Office is about to smash the Net Migration record. This is a real record set a decade ago by an administration that really put immigration on steroids. David Blunkett could see no disadvantages to mass immigration – so Team GB became number one in the arena.
BBC: ‘We get reminded 4 times a year of the failure to meet net migration targets’ Yeah, it’s a swine, isn’t it? If only it were less often!
Charlie Stayt says : “This is about who arrives and who’s leaving….’
Bet your bottom Euro Dollar it won’t be that. The BBC won’t touch the truth of the subject of what kind of new arrivals are gracing us with their presence. Aside for a quick hearsay report from Brain Surgeons and Captains of Industry R Us.
Damage Limitation Mode will be to the fore. Oh how the BBC would love to bash Cameron on his ineffectiveness and missed targets. And yet, and yet. Can’t worry the holy cow. So we hear from a talking head who suggests all is hunky dory and we may as do away with that 100,000 target – ‘cos it just undermines confidence (which is the main thing – apparently).
As the rest of Europe gets invaded, Ali Baba broadcasting has been spouting out vibes all week, that we in Britain have not been invaded as fast as our EU partners. It has been promoting this invading hoard as bringing more skills and cultural enrichment to our shores. Ali Baba ‘implies’ and ‘propagates’ that we should open our doors to more.
Many of the invaders are from a medieval culture that is not compatible with our modern way of life. A culture that does not and will not assimilate in to our culture. On the contrary the invaders will in time, try to alter our hard fought freedom, equality, identity and laws.
We are very fortunate in this country as we have a natural border called the English Channel. A defensive moat that has protected us for centuries. A defensive moat that has bought us time. The rest of Europe has failed to defend it borders and is in panic.
Our Mr Prime Minister is looking at more heading this way and ‘trashing’ his ‘net migration’ promise.
Time to get out of this failed European artificial state.
The only thing these illegal immigrants are ‘bringing to our shores’ is a toxic religious ideology determined to extinguish all cultures in its way. What we are witnessing is the seeding of the future war to come. As Europe’s populations swell with illegal immigrants today, who will, like a virus, grow rapidly from these initial numbers, so the possibility for armed conflict grows. As the numbers of muslims throughout Europe propagates to a tipping point we will witness the first serious attempts by Islamist fanatics to get on with their true mission: the annihilation of western cultures, the enslavement of the west to Sharia and the establishment of a European Caliphate.
But first the enemy have to embed themselves, in large number, amongst us. They have to swell their number, to be seen to ‘integrate’ (although it will be no such thing) and thereby establish a firm base within their host at every level from which to operate.
Truly hilarious “debate” on the VD show with Naga. The theme of the debate was “Immigration to the UK” with (from what I could gather before I had to turn off) 5 of the 6 guests in favour. Of course that doesn’t include the so called moderator who was as partisan as could be expected.
I don’t pretend to move in the sort of circles that the BBC Libtards do; but in my world the balance of numbers in the debate would have been the other way round.
When I look at the BBC I don’t see a reflection of the country I live in. I see an active attempt to ignore and belittle any world view that does not fit into theirs. An organisation that is now totally out of control.
These ‘circles’ are indeed remarkable in what excites and what needs quietly sidelining.
On the matter of the latest workplace disgruntlement, it is interesting how so far reporting and social media excitement has either been vague or dedicated to mitigation explanations, compared to rather more extensive and exciteable blanket coverage when the protagonist relationships are ordered differently.
As it came on you would think it was a bloody crèche … highest ever figures eh! … where s Wavy Davey s daily superficial sound bite, wheel out Mayor Boris Johnson to say its no joke, with a hairstyle by Vidal Baboon,
… you couldn t make it up
Clueless, compromised, the “Keystone Kops” hit a new low.
BBC – “Head of counter-terrorism Commander Richard Walton said ex-jihadis who had abandoned radicalism were “powerful voices” in countering propaganda. He told the Evening Standard “we have a few” but are “desperate” to find more.
The Met’s counter-terrorism command arrested 225 people on suspicion of terrorism-related offences in the year to August – a 32% increase on the previous 12 months”
Is it April 1st? …Not like getting a forces guy, to infiltrate, enemy lines … these Islamic adherents believe in sharia, supremacy of Islam their mosques, probably even their families, and friends, what rationale do they think these people have?
Mind you.
What rationale … do the Met have, don t they know the deceit of taqiya … what next eh!
… Get erm ex-Paedo s patrol infant school playgrounds, in case anyone dodgy is around
Maybe the Muslim Police Assoc, advised them in this erm … “sensitive” area eh!
Remember one of the latest Al BBC, go to guys
“Abdullah Al-Andalusi, whose real name is Mouloud Farid, worked at Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, at which he was privy to “highly sensitive and classified police and intelligence information.” Andalusi passed the required security checks despite his public reputation for collaborating with extremist groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, a global Islamist movement, and CAGE, a pro-jihadist group that worked closely with the ISIS executioner “Jihadi John.”
Contemporary Britain is so ridiculous, it would be a smash-hit comedy if it weren’t so tragic
R Spencer
BBC Breakfast this morning still showing the little girl in the pink leggings being hoisted over a fence at Calais, I think this footage surfaced about 3 weeks ago, but as small children are few and far between at Calais they have to keep showing it to emphasise the fact that not all the invaders are dangerous, desperate, criminal young men (even though they are)
Sky are not much better to be fair, they are in Berlin and the border at Hungary, where there are richer pickings in the vulnerable “Migrant” stakes including an elderly gentleman on crutches, and more women and kids..Bingo !
They also keep stressing the amount of “Migrants” that Sweden and Germany are taking, but no mention of what happens afterwards when presumably these people will be free to go where they like in Europe quite legally.
As stated in other peoples posts, no mention of the frightened, angry locals whose lands are being invaded and who are helpless in the face of a tide of human traffic flowing in, no other side of the story at all. Its actually quite sinister the way this is being reported.
People won’t stop this madness – events will. There is a desperate future war coming, of which this so-called ‘migrant crisis’ is but a mere prelude. This is how wars begin – it took WWII the best part of 20 years to finally kick off; everyone could see what was happening in Germany, nothing was hidden. Inaction, cowardice and a large degree of fear allowed Nazi Germany to operate for almost a decade completely unhindered by interventions from the rest of the world.
So it is with Islamic State. At the eleventh hour – perhaps – we might finally wake from our slumber, finally understand the nature of the existential threat before us; my worry is that by then the traitorous EU and UN will have done so much to flood native European nations with muslims ready to fight for the establishment of the Caliphate that it really will be too late.
Give them a generation or two and they won’t have to fight because the will outnumber us! These immigrants out breed white Europeans about 3 or 4 to 1. Simple arithmetic shows that starting off from say a 10% share of the under thirty years of age population, within two generations there will be more young people of immigrant descent than of indigenous descent.
We may have already passed the tipping point and will certainly do so soon if they keep letting in millions each month. Our politicians and liberal left media are traitorous fools.
“…These immigrants out breed white Europeans about 3 or 4 to 1.”
This a central part of the plan. By ‘hiding in plain sight’ Islam hopes to grow its numbers to the inevitable tipping point, beyond which the Caliphate becomes not a mere possibility, but a statistical certainty. Every hand-wringing liberal leftard Lord Haw-Haw (such as the cowardly BBC) exercising ‘concerns’ about ‘compassion for migrants’ is playing the role of the useful (if very, very dangerous) idiot on behalf of the coming war with Islam.
As Germany staggers under the weight of 800 thousand ‘migrants’ per year (and rising, the vast majority muslims), so, too will other EU nations (especially France and Sweden) be co-opted into this grand slow-motion invasion. In the end, sheer weight of numbers – once these migrants become EU citizens, start multiplying and discover they can legitimately make a political fuss within their host countries – will tip the balance and Islam (real Islam, red in tooth and claw) will violently assert its dominance and ultimately collapse the whole of western Europe into civil war.
The liberal left will be powerless (along with the rest of us) left to wonder, even as we are lined up against the wall to be shot or beheaded – just how it was allowed to happen…
I’m pinning all my hopes on rampant interbreeding, rendering them weak and useless…A fools dream perhaps but I have no hope of anyone in power sorting out this mess.
”elderly gentleman on crutches, and more women and kids..Bingo !” Those ‘cute’ children will one day grow up, break in to our houses and mug us. Look at Sweden.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Classic sketch from Not The Nine O’Clock News (did the bBC really once make programs like this?)
Satirical maybe, but following yesterdays ‘poll’ (propaganda) by the bBC that many ‘can’t live without it’ I seriously believe that most employees, are of the opinion/sentiment of the sketch.
Brilliant ! No way it would be on the BBC now !
No Grant, it wouldn’t be on the BBC now because it is too close to the truth! As in the faked letters or the present empty consultation rather than people writing in offering to pay more.
Deborah, True. In those days the BBC had the confidence to take that kind of flak. Today they are so brittle they could crack any minute. I certainly hope so !
Can you imagine the names if that was on now?
Not Cook of Stevenage, Tully of Sidcup or Jones of Putney.
All Mohammed, Rashid, Dasar, etc, etc
This may be a bit after the event, but there was a thought provoking article in the Weekend FT (which is paywalled, but accessible online with a free registration) on the subject of What Next for the BBC.
As you would expect, the focus is very much on the swingeing cuts that will be necessary in the creative arts, and not a great deal on possible savings that could be made in the layer upon layer of management, or in the property portfolio (for instance).
As usual with lefties, they always focus on the customer/ consumer downside and never upon greater efficiency or better management process leading to customer/ consumer upside, when they make their considerations.
‘Financial’ Times. Oxymoron.
So how would the terrorist incident on the train have panned out if Corbyn had his way with women only carriages.
It’s going down well on the internet!
Looks like someone in the BBC News Room has the knives out for Alan Yentob.
According to the Radio 4 Today program, he was heavily involved in a letter sent to civil servants threatening dire consequences if “Kids Company” were to close. These threats included that of wide scale rioting, attacks on government buildings and adverse mental health reactions. They were so self important they believed that the closure would be to kids as similar to the death of a parent or even the entire extended family!
This letter was used to gain an extra £3 million of funding from the credulous & spineless David Cameron who should probably be made to pay this money from his own funds.
Here are some quotes from the BBC report:
The document was written in language that civil servants across government described as “absurd”, “hysterical” and “extraordinary”.
Yentob is unapologetic but if this was any other sphere than the ridiculous BBC it would be difficult to see how he could survive, yet we all know his snout is firmly in the trough, and he’s going nowhere
Given the BBC’s ‘sack of rats’ corporate mission statement (actually I think they are more like the Aliens that killed a colleague for their blood to escape the cell they were in) it is possible young Alan may be ushered in to a room with a table sporting a glass of whisky and a leaving card so he can spend more time with his pension.
They are not above offering sacrifice when cornered, especially to preserve the cause:
We have gone from no evidence for CO2 warming to evidence from the ”Unified Theory of Climate” that CO2 cannot be the cause of any warming. The evidence from Luna Earthshine and satellite observations show that the cause of Climate Change is Cloud Albedo. Piers Corbyn says its changes in upper Cloud Albedo, and Henrik Svensmark says that it is changes in low cloud albedo. But observations cannot distinguish which it is, but the Svensmark mechanism is better understood. But I presume both upper and lower cloud albedo mechanisms are correct. Piers Corbyn has said that his brother will allow debate about this in the Labour party. But what about the BBC? Even the GWPF has not got round to talking to Corbyn about why the ”Unified Theory of Climate” liberates the mind from the bullshit/jelly that is the Arrhenius method.
I see there is a HYS open… er… currently.
1. Posted by tigersimon
25 Aug 2015 16:22
So the BBC putt this up as HYS. Risky, considering the common link between these two organisations.
7. Posted by imemomeme
25 Aug 2015 16:27
A brave article Mr Cook.
Mr Yentob, or his backers, will get you removed from the site forthwith, as he he did with your last article.
This story is all over the printed press today too… Yentob is in a spot of trouble on this I would have thought as he has previously denied (or more accurately, his spokesman previously denied) that he applied any pressure at all.
Someone should ask him some seriously direct questions but you just know that it won’t be the BBC who will do so!
Sounds like Yentob has finally gone mad with power. This warning of rioting, along with the fabricated celebrity petition and the “people can’t live without the BBC” documentary. It sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. He should be relieved of his post immediately!
My last post went awol..
‘New Tricks’ has seriously deteriorated since the loss of James Bolam and especially Denis Waterman no liberal to be sure.
Last nights episode was the worst yet. The boss of UCOS is of course a young woman, but now she is in a wheel chair, so that is the disabled and gender bit sorted in one swoop. The scene was set in the yuppie eighties, and centred around a brilliant broker who was of course ‘Asian’ as we all know Asians were in the majority in the city in the mid eighties and kept Great Britain afloat as the English weren’t capable of creating their own successes without immigrant help.
He was accused of murder ( how odd !) but of course was exonerated later as the murderer turned out to be a white man.. for a change.
The obligatory rape was also included and the victim was a self empowered escort who chose her trade and presumably knew the risks, but best not got there!
The brokers were all men and supporters of Maggie Thatcher and the naked greed of these people making ‘loadsa dosh’ had to be impressed on us. There was a statue of Maggie they adored which very predictably got broken I am sure as a symbolic act by the BBC.
The BBC churn out propaganda with a sort of story entwined but the problem is that their output is so predictable, precisely because there is no original content only the same old same old dogma, multi culti, diversity, gender, sexuality, equality, disability etc being regurgitated. Any BBC output involving a crime you straightaway dismiss any ethnic, woman or disabled, that leaves absolutely no intrigue for the programme involved. The BBC amongst other things has become quite frankly boring.
How the BBC doesn’t report the facts when it comes to Islamic terrorism
From the BBC:
Manchester girl, 16, pleads guilty to terror charges
“A teenage girl has pleaded guilty to two terror offences including possessing “recipes for explosives” and a bomb-making guide. The 16-year-old, from Manchester, admitted the charges at the city’s Magistrates’ Court. She was arrested in April following an investigation by the North West Counter Terrorism Unit. The inquiry also led to the arrest of a boy, 14, who admitted involvement in a plot to attack police in Australia.
The court heard that phone data retrieved by police showed the pair exchanged more than 2,000 WhatsApp messages a day before being arrested. No evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.
The girl, who cannot be named, admitted two counts of possessing a document containing information of a kind likely to be of use to a person preparing or committing an act of terrorism. She was accused of having a copy of bomb-making guide the Anarchist Cookbook. She will be sentenced in October.”
Same story, this time from Sky News:
Schoolgirl, 16, Admits Two Terror Offences
“A schoolgirl held following a plot to attack police at an Anzac Day parade in Australia has admitted two terror offences. The 16-year-old pleaded guilty to possessing a “recipe for explosives” during an appearance at Manchester Magistrates’ Court. The youngster from Manchester, who cannot be named because of her age, was arrested in April. She was held along with Britain’s youngest jihadi terrorist, a boy of 14, from Lancashire.
The boy encouraged an Islamic State-inspired terror attack on police officers at the parade. He pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey last month to inciting terrorism abroad. Phone data retrieved by police showed the pair exchanged more than 2,000 WhatsApp messages a day before they were arrested. The girl also used her school IT system to search for information on Jihadi John and images of Michael Adebolajo, killer of Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.
Wearing a headscarf and striped cardigan, she was excused from sitting in the dock at the Youth Court at Manchester Magistrates’ Court. Instead she sat on a bench in front of the judge, flanked by her mother, an uncle and her solicitor. The girl spoke only to confirm her name and age and she pleaded guilty to two offences under section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The offences relate to the possession of documents to be of use to anyone preparing or committing an act of terrorism. One was a recipe for explosives. No evidence was found that she was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot.
She was granted bail by District Judge Khalid Qureshi, who agreed to adjust her bail condition of reporting to police to allow her to attend college. The girl’s bail conditions include a 9pm to 7am curfew, reporting to police three times a week. There is also a ban on applying for travel documents or a passport and a ban on travelling outside England and Wales. Judge Qureshi warned her that because of the law, his sentencing options would include immediate custody. He added: “The youth offending team will want to interview you and your family. It is very much in your interests you are open and honest with them about what’s happened, if you are able to tell them why you got involved in what you got involved in. I will be asking you some questions directly about your conduct, your behaviour, why you think it has happened. I need to try to understand why this happened.”
She was held by police in April following an investigation by the North West Counter Terrorism Unit. The girl told police writing in her sketch pad was related to school work and a chemical recipe in the pad was in response to a Blue Peter programme on fireworks. Analysis of her Blackberry phone found instructions for producing a timed circuit, a document about DIY bomb-making and the Anarchist Cookbook 2000. The girl also had publications by terror group Islamic State, images of guns, knives and grenades, and photos of jihadi terror ‘heroes’ including Anwar al-Awlaki, IS leader Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Osama Bin Laden. Images of IS symbols and flags and quotes including “I love that I should be killed in the way of Allah” and “Only Jihad No Democracy” were also found. And photos of a dead child, an execution and people about to be beheaded were recovered. Another image of a female child carried the words: “I will be the one who slaughters you o kuffar, I will be a mujahid.”
The 14-year-old arrested in the same police investigation pleaded guilty last month to encouraging the Anzac Day parade plot. Over a 10-day period, the youngster sent thousands of instant messages to 18-year-old Australian Sevdet Besim, who shared his admiration for the IS terror group. The boy faces sentencing at Manchester Crown Court on September 3 and is being held in an unidentified youth detention centre in the north west of England. Among the messages the boy sent to Besim was one which read: “Suggest you break into someone’s house and get your first taste of beheading.” Besim, who is awaiting trial in Australia, replied that that seemed “a little risky”.
Simple question: which of these two stories would you say left you best-informed as to the actual facts around the story?
The BBC: Some of the news, some of the time.
The Manchester Evening News is a part of Mirror Group Newspapers, a left leaning Labour supporting media outlet, but they’re nowhere near as far left and Politically Correct as the BBC are!
Compare & Contrast these two news reports:
The following in the MEN are completely absent from the BBCs report which is full of lies by omission.
Britain’s youngest jihadi terrorist
Islamic State
In fact the BBC attempts to mitigate her crimes by stating :
“No evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.”
Well that’s alright then ! Can’t imagine what she was ever brought before the court for, must be Islamophobia – except we can’t mention Islam in any contect ! Doh!
Neither page mentions the Pakistani ethnicity either.
BBC News Website:
Europe ‘must open official channels for migrants’
“The ones who are in need of international protection, they will have it. It is our duty,” he told the BBC.
The BBC continues to preach about the need for massive immigration numbers.
Always a photo of a small child or baby to tug the heart strings.
Nothing of course about the negative impact.
How do you separate an economic migrant from an asylum seeker? You can’t. Nobody admits to being an economic migrant.
No discussion permitted.
You have been told what’s best for you by the BBC. Don’t argue! That would make you a racist!
BBC Proms with baritone Roderick Williams, mixed race, father Welsh, mother Jamaican. Also on the programme was double bass player Chi-chi Nwanoku, she is also mixed race, Nigerian father, Irish mother. Gosh !!! what are the chances of that ? they really are pushing the Richard Karlegi miscegenation agenda. What’s next, mixed race and transgender musicians I suspect.
I have never understood why someone with one black parent and one white parent is automatically black. Surely they could just as easily be considered white by that logic. The Polish flag, for instance – is it red or white?
Throwback to America’s One drop of blood rule. Any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry (“one drop” of black blood) is considered to be black (Negro in historical terms). When the United States Supreme Court struck down Virginia’s law prohibiting inter-racial marriage in Loving v. Virginia (1967), it also declared Plecker’s Virginia Racial Integrity Act and the one-drop rule unconstitutional.
”Chi-chi Nwanoku: ‘I want black musicians to walk on to the stage and know they belong”’ Why do effniks always have to be in the Special Needs Class ?
” For 30 years, double bassist Chi-chi Nwanoku has enjoyed a successful career and as a classical musician and never felt the colour of her skin has held her back. So why is she now embarking on and ambitious plan to form Europe’s first professional black orchestra? .” Isn’t that racist ? I suppose it’s ok because it’s just anti white.
”Each of our programmes will include a work by a composer of relative ethnicity standing alongside the great canon; this opening concert will include a moving work for 18 strings called Elegy written in memory of Stephen Lawrence by black British composer Philip Herbert,” Groan.
Can you just imagine what the BBC among others would say if someone was setting out to make a white orchestra and if that person was to say they were aiming to have music written only by white people; or a male only orchestra?
”Chi-chi Nwanoku: ‘I want black musicians to walk on to the stage and know they belong”’
Perhaps they should try being part of the audience first. With so little interest in the music in the first place, the probability of seeing a significant number of black musicians on the concert platform is insignificant. SE Asians are a different matter.
Orchestras are under pressure to attract a more diverse (ie: black) audience. Good luck with that.
Lots of athletics on TV at the moment. Some track events seem to be lacking in diversity. When is this institutional racism going to be fixed?
A word of praise “A Very British Renaissance” is excellent. I really was expecting dumbed down PC crapola with a revisionist emphasis on wimmin, colonial exploitation, class struggle, climate change and inappropriate parallels drawn between Catholics and muslims but no – a truly excellent programme full of new stuff, quietly patriotic, modestly presented, devoid of intrusive silly music and no bogus academics with daft accents and spurious expertise in fashionable leftist memes.
I sincerely hope the presenter doesn’t get ruined by the BBC-ification like Prof Cox, “Dr” Worsley and Beard. Cox and Beard used to be quite bearable but the good looks of one and self regard of the other have gone to their heads and they think we want to know how they vote. Worsley is just unbearable. Posh, pink, prissy, privileged and all pervasive.
I notice this tweet from the writer/presenter
Dr James Fox @doctorjamesfox May 8
Nationalism overtakes Scotland, conservatism overtakes England & Wales, and liberalism deserts the UK. A worrying 5 years ahead.
He just thought he would tell us that, because this public school Leftist working for the BBC has such deeply held principles.
”and liberalism deserts the UK.” Don’t know what he’s talking about, we have a Liberal government, it’s called the Cuckservatives.
Oh dear. Well its positively right-wing compared to the stuff tweeted by most of the BBC’s staff after the election; also he’s right about nationalism in Scotland and the death of liberal England being worrying isn’t he? I assume no-one here is actually suggesting they shouldn’t have views and opinions: just that they shouldn’t pretend not to have them whilst ramming them down our throats as objective truth.
You should judge his work which seems remarkably free of the usual BBC revisionist prejudices despite presenting as a subject an open goal for a parade of leftist posturing which I was expecting. I mean have you seen the Time Twats latest on Ch 4 where they go back to middle ages to preach socialism ..
I am guessing you are 1) female and 2) you fancy him, but his comment about the election of David Cameron being the worrying death of liberal England reveals his character not his opinions. When he says that a Conservative government means “a worrying 5 years ahead”, all he is thinking about is public subsidies to himself and his chums. That is the sole content of his political musings.
That he made a point of expressing his political views has 100% to do with what sort of opinions will get him his next gig, and absolutely nothing to do with any consideration relevant to the state of the nation. It is not about supporting or attacking David Cameron, it is about integrity. You see his type a lot in academia these days. Maybe it has always been the case. If he was in the court of Henry VIII he would be licking Cardinal Wolsey’s arse.
Offensive stupid sexist crap and exactly why the people who so enrage you remain in charge of the media you so despise. By the way I am male and your bizarre assumptions indicate a struggle with your sexuality you ought perhaps to take a good look at.
No need to have a hissy fit.
Classical music doesn’t work on television, it’s an audio not a visual medium, it’s a bit like having snooker on the radio.
Unfortunately thanks to the BBC screwing up DAB like they screw up every technological advance, TV is the only medium the BBC have to broadcast high quality audio. It’s also the only way they can broadcast 5.1 multichannel other than over the internet.
The BBC isn’t just biased politically. The catastrophic record it has over handing broadcast technology is rarely discussed, and when it is, it’s always in glowing terms.
When was the last time you saw a BBC 5.1 production?
In the early days of the BBC HD channel they broadcast a lot of 5.1, Jools Holland was a regular in 5.1, since the addition of of all the other BBC HD channels bit rates have been cut, the picture quality is barely recognisable beyond standard definition and no more than stereo, which we’ve had since Nicam circa 1990.
Both Channel Four and ITV have far superior HD pictures, noticeable by the disc space used up on your PVR by a one hour recording.
I have to say Chi-Chi Nwanoku is a terrific name.
I wonder if half Scots half Ghanaian saxophonist, Irn-Bru Yeboah will be getting a gig at the proms anytime soon.
Shelly, LOL !!!
OT (for now; we’ll see), but I just got an email from Charlie Church and her new activist-du-jour BFF’s at Greenpeace.
I wonder how long before their latest wheeze gets reported by Rog, Matt, etc?
This bit caught my eye:
‘I’m being watched by a line of swaggering security guards standing at huge crystalline doors. Bodies in black business suits hover at the windows of the 350 foot building trying to get a glimpse of me and my microphone. Right now I’m standing at Shell’s London headquarters without permission.
Now that I’ve got their attention, I’m going to stop these oil giants laughing all the way to the bank.’
As a matter of interest, one may ponder how the non-swaggering flower-holding guardians and of love at the BBC swing doors would react if anyone tried to grab the attention of black business suits on the top floor about market rate talents marching all the way to the bank to cash in their million-pound pensions?
We’ll just have to see who does what and how it is reported… impartially.
Perhaps the oil giants are nervous in case she uses the microphone to sing one of her Opera-lite tunes.
No mention yet. Charlie and the Outrage Factory will need to up their PR game.
Meanwhile, from a quick look at the complete lack of swagger and black business suits at the BBC’s front door:
‘Near the start of the hour-long protest, activist comedian Mark Thomas by chance walked out of the BBC, and came to greet the protesters, some of whom he had met when he gave a ‘mass miracle’ performance outside Atos’s Edinburgh office as part of the Fringe Festival. He was persuaded to speak briefly
What… were the odds?
Oh I love this Mr Who(…are you a Doctor?…all the asylum seekers seem to be, so best be quack if you want to be!).
Mark Thomas…”being persuaded to speak”?…to a lefty lorra lorry load of leftovers outside the BBC -in Edinburgh as the festival dies on its sporran?
PERSUADED?…that unfunny po-faced noMark( to be confused with Steel-very confused) gets the chance to “Speak To The Nation”?
Comedy gold of the ironic, sarcastic understatement surely?
As for Charlie Church…bankers laughing all the way to the bank?
Put Thomas, Steel , Hardy or Henry on reception in Canary Wharf then…no banker will ever laugh again-much as we don`t!
What, I wonder, is the basis for the BBC describing those who booed Angela Merkel as “far-right protestors”? Is it sufficient merely to oppose uncontrolled immigration to be labelled as such by the BBC, or were those protesting all doing so under a particular banner? The story doesn’t tell us. Perhaps there were some Neo-Nazis there, but did that justify tarring everyone protesting with the same brush? After all, there’s usually trouble at left-wing marches but the BBC is quick to tell us they were just a minority of trouble-makers.
I suspect the truth is revealed, unintentionally, when we are told that “Motorists also reportedly hooted their car horns as they drove past”. Just like the passing motorists, it’s probably a cross-section who feel that way, though I would imagine many others are simply too scared to put their heads above the parapet.
‘The story doesn’t tell us’
That’s something of a trend across the BBC’s European reportage – a great narrative, but so much left unanswered.
For instance, given the growth inducing, diversifying, enriching, non-public service straining qualities of mass immigration – how come the Germans suddenly feel the need to squander part of their happy abundance of new-comers through quotas?
“…What, I wonder, is the basis for the BBC describing those who booed Angela Merkel as “far-right protestors”
The basis would be that they don’t agree with the BBC’s view on the issue. Anyone who is even a scintilla ‘to the right’ of the BBC’s world-view is, by definition, ‘far right’ – or ‘controversial’ (a very slippery word in the hands of the BBC).
Except if they’re a fanatical muslim terrorist branding a Kalashnikov, wearing a suicide vest, shouting ‘death to all unbelievers!’. In that instance – on past evidence – they’d fall into the BBC’s ever-useful ‘militant’ category (which, by logical definition, would suggest the Corporation thinks they might have a valid point).
‘ I asked the BBC how many TV licence evaders were caught last year.
They replied: 344,099.
But only 179,993 of them are considered guilty in the eye of the law:
Of the 204,018 were prosecuted in 2014 (or “dealt with” in Scotland), 164,106 cases were dismissed, withdrawn or people were found not guilty.”
Now sources close to the BBC are quoting critics as saying that such a presumption of guilt, corporate deluge, block prosecution approach by a state corporation to deliver such rates is a travesty of British justice and an abuse of the legal system.
How a BBC investigative journalist may feel… who knows? They don’t seem to like asking questions if the answers are awkward.
As to BBC FoI responses, ‘drivel’ seems kind.
I know the Corbyn wimmins train issue isn’t exactly BBC bias, but it does make me wonder why no one in the media has realised the corollary of what he’s actually saying, and the reasons why.
How about this headline :
Corbyn admits public transport is unsafe especially for women?
I’m sure we all know why it’s unsafe, but proving it is banned. The Police and courts are not allowed to keep data of offenders based on ethnicity (another crazy PC idea) just so the truth can’t be spoken.
If we deal with his argument from this angle he’s probably right and most of us would probably agree with him! Whether a women’s carriage is the solution is actually the wrong question.
Oh joy!
Corbyn is comedy beyond measure.
Imagine what Islam would think, seeing as all their fantasies would be in the one carriage from New Street?
And getting a Virgin train won`t save you either… not even if you`re Vera Baird,Alison Saunders or the Angela/Maria Eagle tag team of tittivation!
Was it not Professor Plant who once said during Stairway to Evan….”does anybody remember laughter?”
Maybe we`ve all had years of Thomas, Henry, Steel,Brands, Toksvig,Steel, Howard and Brigstocke…I for one find only the Lefts Po-faced blowback funny these days on the BBC and the liberal press.
Todays “Indie”.
“I`M A HOMOSEXUAL, NOT A PAEDOPHILE”…does anybody think Andreas Whittam Smith would have had that as a broadsheet banner headline on the front page when he started out in `88?
It`ll get worse too-saw some paean to the Greeks on the BBC the other day, pretty much supporting paedophilia-as long as the blokes leave flowers and there`s a job in it later-as if that`s not what BBC staff do in 2015!
72 Virgin Trains
No substantiation in where these cuts will be at all.
I m sure the Al BBC reports have had some stick on here
Bomb-making instructions and an image of a child with the words:
“I will be the one who slaughters you o kuffar.”
She also had images of a dead child, IS executions, guns and knives and her jihadi
terror ‘heroes’, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Analysis of her phone found instructions for producing a timed circuit, and a document
about DIY bomb-making.
“She was granted bail (WTF!) by Judge … wait for it, Khalid Qureshi”
Aw come on … its only college folks,
I mean … Univ/Colleges they never have anything even slightly concerning,
going on in those places … right… what could go wrong eh?
Khalid Qureshi has been a good judge, saying things which would be utterly impossible for a white judge to say. He’s never shied away from harsh sentencing either, again something which might be difficult for a white judge in similar circumstances.
He knows all the tricks and all the lies. It shouldn’t be like this, but this is the disgraceful state left wing idiocy and political correctness have brought us to.
Just because the guy has a Muslim name don’t think he’ll go lightly – just the reverse.
Put the shoe on the other foot T …
The clear intention is there, the non accident waiting to happen,
Imagine the usual white teen, here what if they state, they just want to murder
all muslims? … slaughter? … if they had detailed plans for timers, DIY bombs
pictures of their knives of choice, images of mass murderers, there erm “heroes”
that wilfully murders as many muslim s as possible, murder all muslims propaganda
if you could find such a thing
Do you think there would be leniency?, bail?, off you go to Uni?, the old curfew routine?
Can you imagine the MSM, the BBC … the usual orchestrated backlash-aphobia
by all these insidious Islamic pressure groups?
I take your point, have a “like” 😀
There should be MINIMUM sentences , not maximum sentences
Then the rest of us would have justice .
Fair comment there Thoughtful. I remember, some years ago, I attended the trial of a vicious Bengali youth. He had beaten up a fellow Asian and when arrested (by myself) had a knuckle duster in his possession. The chairman of the bench at the trial was an Asian gentleman who went to town on this bastard. I thought at the time that any other magistrate would have been more lenient considering the pitiful mitigation that the defense offered. It seemed that this magistrate knew more about this man than the rest of us.
The BBC seems to be ‘going large’ on the “woe, woe and thrice woe” dial to eleven across a variety of fronts, not least the home one…
Not like them to make a cluster-FUBAR out of a sow’s ear with all that market rate brainpower, now is it?
I might just drop my MP a personal note with a few less… template points to ponder from another viewpoint.
There is also, as comments already note, the blowing the Charter requirements apart. Again.
Still, I am sure a promise of a softball few minutes of flame on Daily Politics will soon get 90% of the creeps in power back in national treasure mode.
Rats again being smelled in back rooms.
They do seem to have quite the budget for ‘PR’, be it keeping the 141,7-210 occupied ‘selling’ A. Newsroom Tealady and A. Yentob doing the pas de deux on Strictly to make up the numbers, or black ops efforts that can get snookered by registration vetting or not reading the instructions before cutting and pasting.
An old (in the ‘long time in media’ sense) story but a nice summary of a related example:
‘Unfortunately, despite the claims in those Tweets, the link provided does not lead to the ‘full study’ but to a press release put out by the BBC’
Hey, when you are down to your last £4Billion and facing Alan’s pay-off to go quietly, they have to use all that BBC integrity to deploy the money…. ‘properly’.
And this can mean some things get talked about a lot. If not really news or true, and some things, as above, get quietly dropped…
‘But it’s misleading. …
Which the BBC helpfully extrapolates’
Meanwhile, North of the border….
And guess what…
‘A BBC spokesperson said: “As we said at the time, we believe our coverage of the referendum was rigorously impartial and in line with our guidelines on fairness and impartiality.”‘
So there.
‘Strictly to make up the numbers’
And lo, it was made so…
The net still not cast too far, really.
As I jokingly renamed it yesterday ‘I’m A BBC Employee Get me In There’
Presenters shot on live television – anything missing from the BBC’s report?
Here’s what the BBC say:
The footage then captures what appears to be a fleeting image of the gunman, who is wearing black trousers and a blue top – and holding a handgun. from
And here’s what an American website is reporting (there is also a photograph of the suspect):
“He was described as a light skinned black male, with brown eyes and black hair, 6 foot 3 inches tall and approximately 250 pounds.” See
The information may or may not have any relevance, but contrast with the BBC’s usual ‘White cop shoots unarmed black teenager’ style of reporting. Can you imagine them using a phrase such as ‘Black gunman shoots unarmed white reporters’?. Hardly.
‘6 foot 3 inches tall and approximately 250 pounds’
Just a kid, really.
Five Live and Tony Livesey chatting to a correspondent, Guy somebody/nobody, about the (im)migrant crisis.
Livesey mentions that “far right” (natch) groups in Germany are opposing the policy of welcoming one and all.
Guy assures us that Merkel has told these groups in no uncertain terms that this will not do and that such behaviour towards fellow human beings will not be tolerated.
“Very noble of her” says Guy.
Very noble? Very fuckin noble??!! Who the fuck asked your opinion Guy? Why not just do your job and report the facts you sycophantic, invertebrate, quisling bastard.
Naturally Livesey challenged this assertion by Guy………..oh no, actually he never
Isn’t Merkel an East German who must have spent many years under the old regime. Strange that. A late convert to democracy perhaps.
The BBC is once again giving a pro-migrant polemic, disguised as news, always, of course, sympathetic to this brown rat invasion.
The BBC traitors will be the first against the wall when the civil war starts.
BBC look like they’re protecting Corbyn now or at least his wimmin only ideas
The era of ‘ladies only’ train compartments
Someone on Guido’s blog posted this picture of a burka covered carriage. Given the BBC’s love for all things Islamic and growing support for Corbyn’s attachment to Labour Party gender segregation facilities, the idea might prove attractive to the Party’s core voters.
Oh dear the BBC are not at all happy with the non PC outfits being sold for Halloween – Cecil the Lion Killer & call me Caitlyn
Better not tell them about this costume Amazon are selling:
(warning this might induce the now banned condition known as ‘laughter’ )
I suggest a compromise concerning the Amazon fancy dress. Drop the offensive word ‘Golly’ and replace it with Lenny – a British name. Call it a Lennywog.
I thought the zombie Jimmy Saville might be particularly appreciated at a BBC Fancy Dress party too !
The endless flow of propaganda about the migrant crisis continued on R4’s PM this evening with a performance by Ed Thomas worthy of Damien Day from Drop The Dead Donkey. All he lacked was the peripatetic teddy bear.
It was a masterpiece! The 18 year old who had pushed his grandmother in a wheelchair all the way from Afghanistan to Hungary, the razor wire, ‘far-Right’ demonstrators, hateful Hungarians – not a single word, not even the hint of an opposing view, was allowed into a broadcast that was designed to tug at the heartstrings of the 5pm radio listener.
This was polemic at its worst. If anyone is ever looking for a clip to illustrate the depths to which the BBC has sunk in its one-sidedness, its complete and utter bias, this will do fine.
”The 18 year old who had pushed his grandmother in a wheelchair all the way from Afghanistan to Hungary.” Is that a joke ? somehow I don’t buy that.
It was offered as a true story by the BBC’s reporter Ed Thomas, who interviewed the young man in question.
I have to say, it raises an awful lot of questions.
I heard that! There was no actual “grandmother” there as far as I could make out, if she was she wasn’t part of the interview – just a wheelchair.
perhaps it was a wheelbarrow
The hive does not know what to do now. It must know that the majority of Europeans are opposed to these vast numbers storming the borders. So the hive will play down protests and look desperately for feelgood stories . This means that the old, women and children will be given prominence in all stories and film clips. So obvious and rather pathetic.
This is reality hitting liberalism in the guts. So for now they are going to have to stick to their insane principles or shut up.
The opposition will start in the East of Europe and gather momentum. An unstoppable momentum in my view.
Europe cannot absorb all these people from the failed states of the world.
It is not a question of ethics or anything the usual liberals like to spout but simple economics and reality. It also ultimately defies history. No people ever have voluntarily ceded their space to others.
BBC Radio 4 PM shows the BBC taking a stand on US gun ownership – something they claim never to do, and are aghast at the fact the NRA are able to stop the leftie pressure groups from banning gun ownership altogether. They also mention the Obamessiah and his efforts to ‘bring sanity’ to gun ownership all thwarted by the dastardly NRA.
Of course the fact that a TV crew has been shot dead has not passed them by, and I expect that they are wiping the sweat from their collective brows that it couldn’t happen here. Of course no one knows exactly what happened – but the BBC knows.
And then there’s the metropolitan attitude which simply doesn’t understand, or want to understand about life in the American rural areas where people have to hunt to acquire meat for the winter. For beeboids food just appears on your plate at the restaurant, or in the supermarket so detached from reality are they.
How about a piece trying to get gun control in Pakistan? especially in the Northern regions? Not a chance, they might get hurt !
The shooter of the two journalists is now dead. If he were white the BBC would be hammering the theme ‘white gun man kills reporters’. But no mention in the BBC story of his colour – a subject so close to BBC racist thought.
Is it still racist to say that white lives matter?
Note the BBC picture of the shooter where he looks a bit whiter than other photos in the US media.
I copied this photo from CNN.
Sadly I think this may give ‘others’ ideas, what could be more shocking than witnessing such a horror live on TV and then uploading the full horror from the perteptrators perspective to the internet?
Geoff, I agree with you. The film of the shooting has gone viral. Like the vids of ISIS killings there is nothing governments or people can do about it. The technology is there, it is simple to use,and in this case the camera was held by the man who was actually firing at the time. People will copy. Perhaps it will give us an insight into the minds of such killers.
Demonstrators against migrants in Germany referred to on the as
“……right wingers including neo-Nazis…” by James Robbins, a SENIOR reporter with the BBC. It is beyond a joke that even their longstanding reporters indulge in this lazy, biased and perverse journalism.
Demonstrators against migrants in Germany referred to on the six o’clock news as……………..
“……right wingers including neo-Nazis…”
Courtesy of James Robbins, a SENIOR reporter with the BBC. How the hell does he know their politics, still less define it? It is beyond a joke that even their longstanding reporters indulge in this cynical propaganda. A perversion of impartial journalism.
In this report the BBC ask “Where have all Pakistan’s militants gone?”
The answer is Britain
don’t forget
Yentob is playing a very serious hand. We dismiss him as a loon at our expense. His statements that there will be ‘savagery on the streets’ and that there is a ‘high risk of arson on government buildings’ isn’t the talk of a madman, it is in fact a call to arms to the dark forces of the fascist left, the targets clearly marked for his and the BBCs useful footsoldier idiots. The BBC cannot accept that the tories are in government and they will not accept it as a democratic reality.
Corbyn has had an extremely cosy ride with none of his ‘extreme’ excesses mentioned.
The BBC is hoping that Corbyn will become Labour leader and that the far left rabble and other political oddities will unite behind Labour and of course the BBC will do their part to promote labour as a mass democratic movement against a despized ( in their eyes only ) Tory government. Yentob and the BBC are inciting a revolution ( subliminal at present ) one no doubt that Brand will be given plenty of air time to promote.
‘Yentob and his rentamob’… a rather prophetic ring to it don’t you think!
I doubt Corbyn is the man of choice for the BBC. It will almost impossible for him to achieve power democratically. With Scotland lost and the South and West solidily anti labour I cannot envisage it. The BBC hive knows that power is everything.
Yentob sounds desperate more than anything else . As a trustee of a charity under investigation his posiition is precarious to say the least.
What it starting to become clear is just how the left has fractured and how ineffective it really is. It is now the party of the middle class state employees and those who rely on the state. In other words outfits like the BBC that are solidly behind a left leaning movement.
Fomenting trouble is all they are good for now.
The SNP would prop up Corbyn.
Dave S
Corbyn is the only candidate that can unite all the various factions of the left in one party. Militant Tendency decades ago tried it but were booted out. This is different in that a whole umbrella group of people are joining from all walks of life the left, greens and other oddities. With all respect you didn’t read my post properly, I never suggested Corbyn could get into power democratically I did in fact suggest a revolution of sorts.
As for Yentob being desperate, absolutely not. He has threatened a democratically elected government with blackmail and threats of violence, where is the desperation?
Don’t forget the BBC kept on J saville knowing his sexual proclivities, Yentob is far from the threat Saville could have been exposed, so he is sitting pretty at the moment.
Lastly the left are not fractured, they are so much in control culturally and politically they have it all.
I am fed up to the back teeth listening to the migrant reporters speak in sympathetic hushed tones when referring to the ‘desperate and exhausted’, ‘searching for a new life’ migrants. Why don’t they get someone with teeth to do the interviewing and reporting, like asking why they don’t stay in their own countries and fight, or ask if they’ve ever heard of birth control. Amazing how the cameramen always use the BBC tactic of focusing on the children crying. They must think we’re stupid.
No questions asked, much at all. Especially for Syrians, why haven’t they gone as refugees to the appropriate foreign Embassy or Consulate in Damascus to plead their case? It would be both cheaper and safer to do it the legal way.
There has been too much of it from the BBC for it to be mere ignorance of the ways of the world or carelessness (as exemplified in some of their Shoreham coverage, for example); they really do seem to be pushing an agenda. Definitely not educating, informing or entertaining in the true spirit of the Corporation of the past.
I think that we encourage them to think that we are all stupid by calmly paying the LF despite the fact that the BBC clearly doesn’t represent the majority views of the British people on a wide range of crucial subjects. Perhaps if we turned up outside Broadcasting House and demonstrated like their lefty friends would , then they would stop thinking we were as thick as two short planks.
Oh dear one of the BBC favourites and regular commentators / interviewees / rent a gob Mark Serwotka has been a victim of Labours comedic attempts to run a leadership election has had his vote cancelled !
They really are a shower of incompetents, yet its difficult to understand what the BBC gains from showing them up as such, unless of course they are so wrapped up in it, they’ve forgotten the rest of us are watching !
It is really turning into a Communist-style purge. ‘Uncle Joe’ would be loving it. Lost on the BBC as that sort of thing is so last century.
Who’s next for a spell in a Gulag camp?
Copied from Left Unity’s Facebook Page. This bunch of left loonies were created by loony film maker, Kenneth Loach, who made numerous appeals on the BBC in support of a loony left wing alternative to Labour. Labour must be opposed they said. They formed an alternative party, are dominated by Trots and other misfits, but are now complaining that Labour is scrutinising the membership applications to weed out trash like themselves. I do not give a jot about either party, but find it so amusing that the left opponents of Labour are now complaining that they cannot come in and vote for Che Corbyn.
‘Left Unity
Yesterday at 6:01pm ·
The Labour Party has “managed to identify the social media profiles of 45,000 people” who signed up to vote in the leadership contest, and is monitoring them. Labour’s Big Brother is watching you.’
BBC Luvvie Supports the BBC on BBC News Website:
“”Armando Iannucci: Britain needs strong TV industry””
He said: “If public service broadcasting – one of the best things we’ve ever done creatively as a country – if it was a car industry, our ministers would be out championing it overseas, trying to win contracts, boasting of the British jobs that would bring.”
A whole page is dedicated to his Bias in support of Bias.
ITVs Peter Fincham has pleaded with the bBC not to schedule Strictly with the X-Factor, “We’re a commercial broadcaster, this really matters for us. For the BBC, it feels like a game,” he said.
Channel Four’s Jay Hunt added “There are no consequences for the BBC if Strictly takes a hit.”
This is the problem with the bBC they have a free monopoly of our airwaves in both radio and TV, courtesy of the telly tax payer, free to air commercial operations are always going to be on the back foot. The bBC do not need to chase ratings, especially with lowest common denomintor tosh like Strictly. The X Factor is also tosh, but I hope it trounces the bBCs offering.
Whittingdale needs to get his act in gear and quickly, the bBC needs severe pruning.
The bBC
The very fact that the BB-Paedo-C sought this horrific woman’s views on the Muslim paedo gangs tells us much about the BBC’s PC agenda of putting political correctness and cowardice before the safety and welfare of white children.
The council, social services, police would rather have children brutally raped than be accused of being a waaycist, which in their and the media’s eyes is the bigger crime.
Who else but a serial liberal woman who hates this country(except for queueing apparently) to ask about her fellow-religionists propensity to abuse white girls in Labour Council “care”.
Not going to listen to the bitter sow-she`ll doubtless be served up to us again , with her “views”…as if none of us could possibly guess every one of them.
That they`re so flatpack, liberal stupid-and predictable-makes her a keeper for the BBC chattering classes.
Yoko Ono without the poetry and talent…and we`re talking a very low threshold here…
I would like to watch but I can’t. This woman really needs to be exposed as an apologist with no understanding of the dangers this country is facing.
Really you should have listened to what she said which was very sensible. Basically she said that the perpetrators must have grown up being inculcated with a view that white girls were trash and that they , the Pakistani perpetrators, must have caused an enormous number of white people to become racists by what they had done. Both points are correct. The only thing she said in this interview which I thought was badly wrong, was that she claimed that the council officials ignored the plight of the girls because of class issues. Were as we all know it was because they feared being labelled racist and so PC won the day again.
So she may well usually be obnoxious but on this issue she was willing to say much that was true.
Just need to say I agree with you – my own point below was more general, and I do think Ms Alibhai Brown demonstrates the conflicts that can arise when people are ‘hoisted’ out of extreme circumstances by well-intentioned outsiders, especially when those people who are being ‘rescued’ belong to cultures which are unused to rapid change, or are anchored only in tradition.
Ms Alibhai Brown appears to have an axe to grind against the nation that took her and her family in when they were ejected from a primitive and brutal African society. A nation that fostered her opportunity to flourish to the point where she could, with supreme irony, make a career out of biting and vilifying the hand that fed her.
Her sense of entitlement dwarfs that of ‘pigs in the trough’ politicians with their hands in the pockets of society. Her greed is not just egregious but insatiable, because it is greed for the restoration of pride, a pride which was crucially wounded by the very act of being taken in and rescued.
She should serve as a salutory warning to all liberal Western societies – beware your instinct to rescue and nurture those who hammer at your doors claiming you have a wholesale moral ‘obligation’, those who do not share your values but nevertheless claim to understand your own morality and culture better than you do.
Some of the most vociferous beneficiaries of your humanitarian instincts will turn out to be your most vindictive, ungrateful, carping and unquenchable serial critics. In the very act of pulling them from the sea of folly into which they have plunged, you will have caused them deep and undying offence, which will power their hatred of you and the society which rescued them.
Wounded pride, and the humiliation of being forced to acknowledge the appalling shortcomings of your own culture, are powerful engines of hatred. Unless we in the West understand this, we will never be able to understand and counter those who wish to destroy our civilisation out of what amounts to psychotic anger.
All valid points, and meanwhile the EU continues to open the floodgates to thousands of tomorrow’s future bombers and Islamic State footsoldiers – these are the early arrivers; the sleeper cells, the incubators who will, five, ten years from now begin their predestined campaigns of terror on their host nations across Europe. It’s all part of the plan; western media have fallen hook, line and sinker for the ‘tragic migrants’ narratives, whilst the EU itself – traitorous to the rotten core – remains determined to annihilate all traces of European nationality from its member states.
No good will come from any of this. Tick-tock, tick-tock…
The vile and ubiquitous YAB was just on the Today programme, thus confirming that the BBC openly supports the employment of racist, sexist commenters.
I look forward to the forthcoming David Irving history show with some apprehension as this new policy comes into force.
Like the Aesop fable .
Outside in the cold a man finds a snake almost dead from hypothermia, so he takes it into his house and warms it by the fire .
When the snake gets warm , it hisses and bites the mans young daughter .
“How could you repay my kindness by doing such an evil deed ” said the man
“Serves you right , you know I am a snake , and this is a snakes nature ”
In the Aesop tale , the man kills the snake , in modern Britain he gets a sympathy and a house .
10 O clock news featuring a charming interview with Jeremy Corbyn where his associations with Hamas and Hezbollah were quickly skated over without any follow up question. The BBC were much more interested in the fact that Corbyn rides a bike (because of environmental concerns) and his hobbies of working on his allotment and making jam.
Then heard a headline about the boss of McDonalds having the audacity to defend the “controversial” zero hours contracts before I had to turn the TV over.
Does anybody else get the impression the BBC are trying to justify & excuse the killer of the TV journalists……their black ex colleague?
First they refer to dubious, and ultimately dismissed accusations of ‘racism’.
Secondly, they quickly turned it into an issue of gun control.
Now on Newsnight, the murder has become an issue of TV violence.
The killer of the two journalists was a typical grievance monger. It’s been reported that he complained of being racially abused, sexually harassed and bullied while employed at the TV station. Killing two ‘whiteys’ is obviously the ultimate result of the black grievance/victim culture that’s been carefully nurtured by Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, et al.
No Andy the politically correct conclusion to draw is that guns should be banned. Peter Hitchens claims that in nearly all such cases drug use is involved, but this is almost never mentioned by the BBC, because it might lead the viewer to the politically incorrect conclusion that drug use is even more dangerous than the possession of guns. I am not advocating a position either way, but the line of thought (the interpretation of the events) which the BBC want you to have is clear. What a BBC report leaves out is generally more informative than what it includes.
Peter Hitchens as astute as he is, blames pretty much any murder on drugs and to an extent he is right.
Unfortunately he also believes that any Muslim murder of an English person is also ‘just drugs’.
Hitchens went way to far for me when he said that the murderers of Lee Rigby did it because they were on drugs… despite the fact they chanted their old fav ..Allahu Akbar as they decapitated one of our finest, just as most Muslims tend to say as they murder westerners. Hitchens received an enormous amount of flak from his regulars, one of his least popular blogs ever.
It is one of the reasons I went there less and less and opted out for a while as he stiil to this day believes he is right, then by chance ( only because I felt that the BBC was one of the biggest problems for me ) found this vibrant up to the minute site despite the two sites being very different. Hitchens is looking out for his gilt pension now and has become irrelevant to the struggle we all have ahead of us.
Fair enough. I admit I do not follow Peter Hitchens and so I did not realise the extent of his obsession in this regard. I simply heard him express that claim once and I thought it was an interesting suggestion.
In the case of this murder various explanations could be offered (a leading one would be the “if you are black and unhappy blame everything on the whites” rhetoric retailed by race hustlers such as Obama) but the BBC with its usual scrupulous bias will invariably only focus on a narrative that accords with the prejudices of the Left.
WTF? James O’Brian on Newshite. The guy is a fully paid up lefty and makes no bones about it.
He is also completely up his own arse.
Coming to a BBC station depressingly soon.
The funniest joke of the Edinburgh Fringe.
“I have taken all the German names off my mobile phone – it is Hans free”
As I said in an earlier post, the sour faced lefties have banned laughter from the world. God alone knows what shite the rest of them must have been like if this was the ‘funniest’.
The funniest joke of the Mecca Fringe.
“They have taken my mobile phone – They are now Hands free”
Newsnight completely glossed over the racial aspect of the US shooting and instead had a farcical debate about whether or not liveleak should have published video of the shooting. Can you imagine their angle if a white man had shot two black journalists citing his desire for a race war? Ben Shapiro nails it here
I Hope “Drugs Cheat” Justin Gatlin wins today and puts one over on the bBC Paedo’s
Radio 4 has been running trailers pushing Crossing Continents – Losing Louisiana in which plaintive ‘black'(?) voices are heard bemoaning the loss of ‘their’ land.
“James Fletcher travels to Bayou Lafourche and the town of Leeville to get to know one community facing the reality of losing their past and their future.”
No doubt it is all our fault for jetting to Spain for our holidays, as opposed to jetting to Climate Change Conferences, but it is interesting how the BBC is always keen to support other peoples in other lands but not its own.
I’m sure there are many here who could identify with the loss of their history, culture and land, the BBC being in the forefront of the thieves.
We could be in for a new record breaker today
No, not a valedictory Met Office hottest Wednesday in Arbroath since the Stone Age. (Bearing in mind, of course, the Stone Age only ended in Arbroath last Wednesday)
This is a ‘could, later today’ that the BBC know damn well is a dead cert…
So, put on your serious face and watch your ‘p’s and ‘q’s…. The Home Office is about to smash the Net Migration record. This is a real record set a decade ago by an administration that really put immigration on steroids. David Blunkett could see no disadvantages to mass immigration – so Team GB became number one in the arena.
BBC: ‘We get reminded 4 times a year of the failure to meet net migration targets’ Yeah, it’s a swine, isn’t it? If only it were less often!
Charlie Stayt says : “This is about who arrives and who’s leaving….’
Bet your bottom Euro Dollar it won’t be that. The BBC won’t touch the truth of the subject of what kind of new arrivals are gracing us with their presence. Aside for a quick hearsay report from Brain Surgeons and Captains of Industry R Us.
Damage Limitation Mode will be to the fore. Oh how the BBC would love to bash Cameron on his ineffectiveness and missed targets. And yet, and yet. Can’t worry the holy cow. So we hear from a talking head who suggests all is hunky dory and we may as do away with that 100,000 target – ‘cos it just undermines confidence (which is the main thing – apparently).
As the rest of Europe gets invaded, Ali Baba broadcasting has been spouting out vibes all week, that we in Britain have not been invaded as fast as our EU partners. It has been promoting this invading hoard as bringing more skills and cultural enrichment to our shores. Ali Baba ‘implies’ and ‘propagates’ that we should open our doors to more.
Many of the invaders are from a medieval culture that is not compatible with our modern way of life. A culture that does not and will not assimilate in to our culture. On the contrary the invaders will in time, try to alter our hard fought freedom, equality, identity and laws.
We are very fortunate in this country as we have a natural border called the English Channel. A defensive moat that has protected us for centuries. A defensive moat that has bought us time. The rest of Europe has failed to defend it borders and is in panic.
Our Mr Prime Minister is looking at more heading this way and ‘trashing’ his ‘net migration’ promise.
Time to get out of this failed European artificial state.
The only thing these illegal immigrants are ‘bringing to our shores’ is a toxic religious ideology determined to extinguish all cultures in its way. What we are witnessing is the seeding of the future war to come. As Europe’s populations swell with illegal immigrants today, who will, like a virus, grow rapidly from these initial numbers, so the possibility for armed conflict grows. As the numbers of muslims throughout Europe propagates to a tipping point we will witness the first serious attempts by Islamist fanatics to get on with their true mission: the annihilation of western cultures, the enslavement of the west to Sharia and the establishment of a European Caliphate.
But first the enemy have to embed themselves, in large number, amongst us. They have to swell their number, to be seen to ‘integrate’ (although it will be no such thing) and thereby establish a firm base within their host at every level from which to operate.
And then the bombing will start.
Spot on – and where have they identified the weakness in our moat?
The French end of the Channel Tunnel.
Truly hilarious “debate” on the VD show with Naga. The theme of the debate was “Immigration to the UK” with (from what I could gather before I had to turn off) 5 of the 6 guests in favour. Of course that doesn’t include the so called moderator who was as partisan as could be expected.
I don’t pretend to move in the sort of circles that the BBC Libtards do; but in my world the balance of numbers in the debate would have been the other way round.
When I look at the BBC I don’t see a reflection of the country I live in. I see an active attempt to ignore and belittle any world view that does not fit into theirs. An organisation that is now totally out of control.
These ‘circles’ are indeed remarkable in what excites and what needs quietly sidelining.
On the matter of the latest workplace disgruntlement, it is interesting how so far reporting and social media excitement has either been vague or dedicated to mitigation explanations, compared to rather more extensive and exciteable blanket coverage when the protagonist relationships are ordered differently.
As it came on you would think it was a bloody crèche … highest ever figures eh! … where s Wavy Davey s daily superficial sound bite, wheel out Mayor Boris Johnson to say its no joke, with a hairstyle by Vidal Baboon,
… you couldn t make it up
Why o why do BBC news/Sport constantly go on and on and on and on and on about Usain Bolt zzzzzzzzz
Clueless, compromised, the “Keystone Kops” hit a new low.
BBC – “Head of counter-terrorism Commander Richard Walton said ex-jihadis who had abandoned radicalism were “powerful voices” in countering propaganda. He told the Evening Standard “we have a few” but are “desperate” to find more.
The Met’s counter-terrorism command arrested 225 people on suspicion of terrorism-related offences in the year to August – a 32% increase on the previous 12 months”
Is it April 1st? …Not like getting a forces guy, to infiltrate, enemy lines … these Islamic adherents believe in sharia, supremacy of Islam their mosques, probably even their families, and friends, what rationale do they think these people have?
Mind you.
What rationale … do the Met have, don t they know the deceit of taqiya … what next eh!
… Get erm ex-Paedo s patrol infant school playgrounds, in case anyone dodgy is around
Maybe the Muslim Police Assoc, advised them in this erm … “sensitive” area eh!
Remember one of the latest Al BBC, go to guys
“Abdullah Al-Andalusi, whose real name is Mouloud Farid, worked at Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, at which he was privy to “highly sensitive and classified police and intelligence information.” Andalusi passed the required security checks despite his public reputation for collaborating with extremist groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, a global Islamist movement, and CAGE, a pro-jihadist group that worked closely with the ISIS executioner “Jihadi John.”
Contemporary Britain is so ridiculous, it would be a smash-hit comedy if it weren’t so tragic
R Spencer
BBC Breakfast this morning still showing the little girl in the pink leggings being hoisted over a fence at Calais, I think this footage surfaced about 3 weeks ago, but as small children are few and far between at Calais they have to keep showing it to emphasise the fact that not all the invaders are dangerous, desperate, criminal young men (even though they are)
Sky are not much better to be fair, they are in Berlin and the border at Hungary, where there are richer pickings in the vulnerable “Migrant” stakes including an elderly gentleman on crutches, and more women and kids..Bingo !
They also keep stressing the amount of “Migrants” that Sweden and Germany are taking, but no mention of what happens afterwards when presumably these people will be free to go where they like in Europe quite legally.
As stated in other peoples posts, no mention of the frightened, angry locals whose lands are being invaded and who are helpless in the face of a tide of human traffic flowing in, no other side of the story at all. Its actually quite sinister the way this is being reported.
People won’t stop this madness – events will. There is a desperate future war coming, of which this so-called ‘migrant crisis’ is but a mere prelude. This is how wars begin – it took WWII the best part of 20 years to finally kick off; everyone could see what was happening in Germany, nothing was hidden. Inaction, cowardice and a large degree of fear allowed Nazi Germany to operate for almost a decade completely unhindered by interventions from the rest of the world.
So it is with Islamic State. At the eleventh hour – perhaps – we might finally wake from our slumber, finally understand the nature of the existential threat before us; my worry is that by then the traitorous EU and UN will have done so much to flood native European nations with muslims ready to fight for the establishment of the Caliphate that it really will be too late.
Give them a generation or two and they won’t have to fight because the will outnumber us! These immigrants out breed white Europeans about 3 or 4 to 1. Simple arithmetic shows that starting off from say a 10% share of the under thirty years of age population, within two generations there will be more young people of immigrant descent than of indigenous descent.
We may have already passed the tipping point and will certainly do so soon if they keep letting in millions each month. Our politicians and liberal left media are traitorous fools.
”We MAY have already passed the tipping point.” We already have, if the invaders ceased coming, we will still become a minority by about 2060 or even sooner.
“…These immigrants out breed white Europeans about 3 or 4 to 1.”
This a central part of the plan. By ‘hiding in plain sight’ Islam hopes to grow its numbers to the inevitable tipping point, beyond which the Caliphate becomes not a mere possibility, but a statistical certainty. Every hand-wringing liberal leftard Lord Haw-Haw (such as the cowardly BBC) exercising ‘concerns’ about ‘compassion for migrants’ is playing the role of the useful (if very, very dangerous) idiot on behalf of the coming war with Islam.
As Germany staggers under the weight of 800 thousand ‘migrants’ per year (and rising, the vast majority muslims), so, too will other EU nations (especially France and Sweden) be co-opted into this grand slow-motion invasion. In the end, sheer weight of numbers – once these migrants become EU citizens, start multiplying and discover they can legitimately make a political fuss within their host countries – will tip the balance and Islam (real Islam, red in tooth and claw) will violently assert its dominance and ultimately collapse the whole of western Europe into civil war.
The liberal left will be powerless (along with the rest of us) left to wonder, even as we are lined up against the wall to be shot or beheaded – just how it was allowed to happen…
Far fetched? Do the math.
I’m pinning all my hopes on rampant interbreeding, rendering them weak and useless…A fools dream perhaps but I have no hope of anyone in power sorting out this mess.
”elderly gentleman on crutches, and more women and kids..Bingo !” Those ‘cute’ children will one day grow up, break in to our houses and mug us. Look at Sweden.