bBC economic and disingenuous with the truth and real story yet again. Their breaking news story as on the news website…
“Net migration to the UK was estimated to be 330,000 in the year to March – the highest figure on record, the Office for National Statistics has said.
The figure is more than three times higher than the government’s target”
The real story is that 636,000 foreigners (that we know of) arrived here last year, the real story being that we’re being out-bred, replaced and our culture decapitated. Surely our national broadcaster should be telling us this? Note also the dig at the Torys.
The time is fast approaching when, if the government won’t do something about it, the people will. Regardless of the BBC calling them far-right. For the moment people are too frightened to speak publicly, for fear of appearing to be racist, but some event, as yet unknown, will bring things to a head and the authorities will lose control. I’m sure most here can sense the unspoken anger building. What I can’t figure out is how those in power can’t work it out – or perhaps they can but are like deer in headlights and don’t know what else to do. The BBC I can just about understand: in their bubble they are oblivious to the real world, but even they must sense from the occasions they are foolish enough to open a HYS what the groundswell is.
It amazes the short-termism the current crop of ‘leaders’ and ‘statespersons’ indulge.
It’s like none of them have kids… or care about them, so long as ivory towers stand firm, be they in the nicer parts of Islington, or gated communities in holiday resorts with private beaches patrolled by the SAS. And wafted around in Priuses vs. risking public transport, segregated or otherwise.
I know I am likely to be OK. Maybe even my kids until their fair crack is up. I am very dubious about thereafter.
So while I am not rioting on the streets, as it is not my nature, the pressure cooker lid being clamped down so long, so gratuitously, with such hypocrisy and the insult to injury of the powers who think they be and BBC assuming I can’t learn the truth outside their drip-feed filter, is starting to really grate. And I am now looking to the generations ahead who depend on my legacy of support and example to take forward.
I told my MP in no uncertain terms that he was getting my backing only because his party was the winner in a politics of least bad contest and we needed stability and continuity to weather storms from a stronger economic base than any others offered.
However, the gloves are off now on the storms blowing in, and equivocation to outright lies from his oily toad of a supposed leader are no longer going to be tolerated in hope of a promised greater good. I can for a while tolerate ruthlessness, but incompetence and naked self-interest (from him, May, Whittingdale…) repel me.
“…For the moment people are too frightened to speak publicly, for fear of appearing to be racist, but some event, as yet unknown, will bring things to a head and the authorities will lose control.
Yes, absolutely. It will happen. Maybe five, or perhaps ten years down the line, but it’s coming. Who knows, maybe even sooner? I suspect the general background noise of unfettered immigration will slowly rise to a crescendo, anyway, but all it’s going to take to erupt is some significant trigger event to set the whole crisis in motion across western Europe; it might even begin almost imperceptibly as these things sometimes do.
It might be that muslims themselves, with their constant victim mentality and refusal to integrate (as per their Holy Instruction Manual) will unwittingly fire the starting gun. One event is all it will eventually take and the whole lot will ignite.
Libtards know this – they must do. They must know that their dream of a ‘borderless Europe’ is only ever going to end one way? When you push a people far enough they eventually break – the natural generosity and social infrastructure of any nation can only take so many kicks in the nuts, after all.
I have always said (particularly re the Euro) the harder the efforts to tie people together, the bigger the bang when it all falls apart. Where do the likes of Merkel and the German politicians who think taking more and more ‘migrants’is going to take Europe? Do they think that they themselves have taken so much money from the gravy train that they will be safe? Which countries do they think will be safe (and if their answer is America, I am not sure they are right). I think a big bang is coming and I don’t like it.
Oddly the EU’s migrant crisis has brought Europeans unexpectedly closer together. Unfortunately for the EU (and the BBC) it’s not in a way that they would probably have liked.
I’ve just been watching the Maybrit Illner chat show about the refugee crisis on German TV. All the politicians seemed puzzled or were outraged that they were getting death threats and unkind messages from an unappreciative public. Yet they still think on opinion poll evidence that the majority of indigenous Germans are crying out for more enrichment and rejuvenation. I don’t know where they got the studio audience from, they made Question Time audiences seem like rabid Nazis. Some even applauded when a loon from the Greens objected to the phrase “stream of refugees” as being”dehumanising”. I couldn’t follow her reasoning at all. The politicians and “opinion formers” seem to think that the public are like frightened children and that it’s only their irrational fear of the “other” that is preventing them from welcoming each and every asylum seeker with open arms and whoops of delight. Some of the more smug politicians are taking Eritreans, etc. into their own homes, much as you would a stray animal, to show the simple folk how it’s done. Openness, human warmth, cuddles all round. How this is a rational approach to integrating 800,000 migrants is beyond me. The only rational argument offered for this hyper-good-Samaritanism was dramatic population ageing and reduction. “We will be a smaller nation”. This is nonsense of course. Unless immigration miraculously increases the birth rate of indigenous Germans, they will still be a “smaller nation”, one contained in a much larger population of non-Germans.
Perhaps we should be forcing every child in school to learn of the fall of Rome to the invading hoards of Huns Vandals, Visi Goths, Ostra Goths, all of them very diverse vibrant and so enriching they destroyed civilisation which took 1000 years to re establish itself.
It could be worse than the fall of theRoman Empire. There are good grounds for thinking that the invaders rather admired Rome and were nowhere near as hostile to the place as say Isis is to the West.
Yes, the situation today is virtually identical to the year 409.
In 410/2016, Coel/David Cameron pleaded with Rome/Brussels for help in stemming the barbarian hoards. The reply was “The swarm of immigrants have sacked Rome/Brussels, so I cannot possibly help you, so go and buy some cheap immigrant mercenaries, who will turn on you, and cut your Liberal fascist throats, once they have emptied your coffers”
Agreed I would also add an endless supply of cheap labour, but the tone of the statement implies that its all the Tory’s fault (and I ain’t no Tory supporter) lets remember that it was Mandelson & co that ripped down the borders, sent out search parties and made discussing such issues sacrosanct.
There will be another figure reported showing that the number of people born outside the UK but live there will for the first time exceed 8 million. The surprising thing about this number is that the vast majority is made up of arrivals from OUTSIDE the EU. We supposedly have some sort of control over this, but clearly governments of all political stripes don’t give a monkey’s.
What is even worse ED, is that the figure doesn’t include all the second, third and fourth generation Third Worlders who are also here. I don’t know when things will reach a tipping point in the U.K. (i.e. when people will elect politicians who love our country and will do whatever is necessary to save it) but I know that when we do, it will be one hell of a bumpy road to travel down to get to where this country needs to.
I hope to God Trump gets the Republican nomination and then the Presidency. That could really get things moving right across the West; if he actually implements the policies he is advocating, people in countries like ours will see – something CAN be done!
Today the BBC has announced that leftie Dave has set a new record for betraying Britain by letting even more migrants in to the country.
Hopeless incompetent Immigration minister James Brokenshire announces in a kind of ‘Tim nice but dim’ manner ” it’s very disappointing” – It’s almost like a man stood in the middle of the living room as the flood waters rise to a new high level, declaring “it’s very disappointing” while failing to mend the broken pipe causing the flood in the first place!
The BBC have been jubilant about the Tory failure to keep yet another promise, limiting immigration to a few tens of thousands. For them I guess it’s a double bonus, loads of immigrants from the EU open door policy, and Tory hopelessness !
The BBC have been jubilant about the Tory failure to keep yet another promise, limiting immigration to a few tens of thousands.
Failure? No no. It is Cameron’s success in continuing Labour’s Open Doors policy whilst holding together the gutless MPs in his party who failed to call him out for his betrayal of Britain.
I think you are more left wing than Cam , Mr T , you want more benefits dished out , & that means immigrants ,legal & illegal too ,will have their share . You know we can`t discriminate now, can we .
I notice that Mark “pants” Easton’s “The Institute of Directors are calling for more immigration to help economy” which has been his only analysis of the net migration numbers all morning has been dropped over the past few minutes.
Is this because of pressure from the Institute of Directors, who I can’t believe really waded in this morning.
Does anyone know anything about “Pants” Easton?
For as long as I can remember he has been the leading appeaser at the BBC every time stats like this come out.
Ace reporter Mark Easton was telling us on the Radio 4’s Six o’ clock news that it was all these ‘refugees’ crossing the Channel and Mediterranean that had raised public concern over immigration, (hint: you people are all stupid, these numbers are small compared to the torrent from within the EU), not the wonderful ‘net’ migrants.
Wasn’t there a Labour prime minister called Brown who was unfortunate to find the only person in the UK with immigration worries during his electioneering? Until ‘Calais’ none of the rest of us were bothered.
I wish I had the analytical skills of Mr. Easton, and his pay packet.
Isn’t it curious how the BBC’s attitude to business morphs from ‘filthy capitalists’ to ‘fine, upstanding supporters of the poor immigrants’ in the blink of an eye?
The IOD, of course, like the CBI, represents people who would sell their grandmothers for a handful of small change. They couldn’t care less about Britain or its future – only whether they can make money out of it.
The CBI, the IOD..the “Church”?
All are useful sandbags to the liberal media as and when.
As long as the message turns out to help Karl, Gramsci, Alinsky(and all Fellow(ettes)/ Travellers)…and nowadays the likes of Corbyn and Ken Clarke(within limits that they set).
These are static travellers-who urge action by the poor(like Russell, Charlotte)…whilst enjoying the view as they straddle their backs.
Useful idiots-all of `em….so in all cases when the BBC come a quoting…give them no house room!
I would like a Somalian to replace tub of lard Sir Digby Jones as head of the CBI, I saw him wittering on dementedly ” we gotta have more immigrants, we gotta have more immigrants,”
The BBC introduced me to a new OED word today on the Today News at 8am.
“Whine O Clock”.
But every hour is Whine O Clock at the BBC, unless it`s Lefty trumpettings and mocking copy of what turns out to be reality for the rest of us.
Witness “You and Yours”-just heard ten minutes
1. Peter White-blind oaf of choice-wonders why the LGA go after debtors who aren`t paying their council tax.
Quelle Horreur.
Their Brummie chump/debtor/victim of Facha was chosen-but says they she doesn`t answer council letters, and rather wishes that she had.
Peter regards this as inadmissible evidence…and some State quango called the Money Advice Trust tell us that councils are rather beastly to their debtors-they even use a bailiff on occasion FFS.
The LGA bloke then is hushed up when he says that those that fund our MAT poppet are far more culpable-like energy companies, banks and mortgage brokers-who EVICT people for less than the LGA are accused of doing.
Peter and poppet maintain dignity, say nothing,,,because our LGA bloke can be silenced. And her job depends on sucking up to those far guiltier.
Bet the BBC never thought that one of their favourite sock puppets at the LGA turns out to have other ideas than Peters “Pay As You Go” crap.
Next up some Ryanair equivalent in Manchester sets up cheap gyms.
Our Radio Manchester hack got sent down…yes, its 8 times more expensive at his top gym per month-but you get FREE gels and shampoos, FREE TV screens that you can choose…and FREE swimming pool at the end.
Unlike this plebbish attempt to get the poor of Denton just a little fitter for less. I mean-he`d need a Filipino boy to carry his gels into the changing room surelemente?
How much do we pay BBC minions in the regios?…enough to join top gyms and think it`s all free!
Peter White gives the CheapGym bloke a hard time-he`s successful, but he`ll maybe be losing the pools in his new acquisitions…and what about that free gel and shampoos then, running dog of capitalism with your ideas and your earned wealth.
Oh if only all our running dogs could be on pricey crosstrainers with wall to wall compulsory BBC shite…maybe endless Armando Iannucchi shows, seeing as he`s in the market for them at the minute.
Sorry lads-just get fed up with `em…if anybody knows that in Aramaic, then Jesus will forgive me eh?
Poor bloke never DID get to watch That Was the WeekThat Was did he?
I watched all 5 minutes 34 seconds – it was a delight. Music that was gentle to the ear, no agenda, not worrying what colour the potter’s hands were in case it was offensive, not even worrying about the shape of the bowl – although I think she could have had it finished much sooner – just 5 minutes to let the world go by. Thank you G.W.F
”Far-right protesters in Germany may be booing Chancellor Merkel, but Syrians are sending her loving notes on Facebook.
The message came in a tweet from Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees on Tuesday. Syrian citizens, the office said, would no longer be subject to the Dublin Regulation. The real meaning behind the rather dry edict? Germany won’t send Syrian asylum seekers back to the EU country where they first landed – for instance, Greece or Italy. The move will potentially allow thousands to claim refugee status in Germany, and it seems to have been big news among Syrians.
“Far right”? there’s that term again being used by the bBC for anyone who dare question unfettered immigration, in reality they were probably as far right as UKIP!
10 years will give the ‘B’BC time to complete its programme of British cultural genocide and will give Cameron time to reap the rewards that allegiance to the EU-UN will bring him. We have been taken for fools and useful idiots by morally (and literally) bankrupt democratophobes who are determined to destroy the European nation states. Winners write history; Britain will expire along with everything of value that it stood for, .
If this current Licensing system is retained for another 10 years they have just missed the greatest opportunity ever to bring the organisation to book by privatisation of the commercial bits and subscription for the balance.
All I can say the Tories now deserve all the bias they get if that is how they wish to handle the BBC prospectus for Licence Renewal after what they have suffered at their hands.
Would you ever believe a Tory Government, who have been at the butt end of the the mainly liberal left bias, institutionally ingrained within the BBC and spewed out in buckets, then they really do not deserve us here on this site, plus many others blogs too, also fighting their corner.
One thing for certain the non-payment of licence fee payers will now certainly increase!
It is Whittingdale and May and others who are bringing down real democracy in this country. It is indefensible to use prison to collect a tax to finance media. It defies belief and they know it. This Tory lot are as bad as ever the Labour lot were. Sometimes you just have to say this is rubbish and you know it.
I have no idea but I know what I would like to see happen in this country. I would like to see politicians tell it as it really is not some fantasy dreamt up in a PR get together.
That the public debt is not sustainable. That the world does not owe us a living. That the EU is incompatible with our way of doing things in England. That our way is the best way in law and in civil society. And if that means an end to our stay in the EU then so be it.
That every day the political leaders must put the future of the nation before anything else. That the protection of the people and the spirit of the nation is paramount whatever it takes and whatever the cost. That they should be proud to serve us and expect little reward. That a nation is a compact between past present and future generations that is expressed as our social capital and that is no leader’s right to put in peril .
That anyone who comes to live here must accept our way of doing things or leave.
I could continue but you get the idea.
Above all else a leader must never lie to the people .He or she must understand this above all else otherwise that person will fail.
Well , you can always vote Labour , Lib Dem or Green , if the Conservatives are not tough enough . But within 24 months you can vote to leave the EU , but that won`t stop them , because we would have to totally close the borders , & all the Kippers go on foreign holidays too . So if you want to be confined to England for 10 years ,that`s the only way .Would your fair weather kipper friends accept , no foreign holidays at all ?
Frankly yes if it meant saving my country, if only it were that simple, of course all those tourist destinations will be happy to do without the UK £, just like we’ll do without German cars?
Next you’ll be comparing immigration to the UK with the greying expats in Spain…
Cameron announces 26 new Tory peers is the bBBC ‘news’ headline. Yet another of the bBBC’s not-so-subtle ways of pretending not to be biased, only mention the 11 Lib Dem and 8 Labour peers later in the article.
‘…only mention the 11 Lib Dem and 8 Labour peers later in the article.’
Luckily, for those of us not taking the state broadcaster up on its unique funding invitation, such filtered gems only came now after I had read the news from a free source with a more balanced take, with some ’cause & effect’ numbers:
if that doesn’t do for the Lib dEUms’ moral high ground ambitions, nothing will.
Then of course there’s what happens in Wales staying in Wales, when the needs of the narrative, especially that wee economy vs. environment dilemma crops up and bites a ‘lava bread and eat it’ politico on the tush:
Oh, boyo, boy, theres the thing see… if you don’t dig up nasty coal or frack around to get energy, or make it silly money vs. others, industry has a problem competing.
Oh, and in other likely ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroon Tealady) in BBCdom, I came across this:
Watch the first two minutes to see Labour bouncers remove Walter for shouting “Nonsense.” They also assault a Labour member for standing up for Walter.
And of course who can forget the brilliant Sussex Police for charging Walter on a terrorist offence for trying to get back in to the Labour party conference.
(Its a shame Sussex Police couldn’t be so efficient 19 years earlier at the Grand Hotel immediately next door to the Brighton Centre when, you know, “propa'” terrorists were laying and exploding bombs and getting away).
(To be fair the BBC reporter seems rightly appalled. But should he not be impartial throughout?)
Reading the top rated comments on the HYS after this 2013 article. People are clearly saying the same thing and are STILL being ignored by our “masters.”
If 2 million people were given a decision and the UK’s crude death rate is 9 per thousand then 18,000 might be expected to die anyway.
In fact some 40,000 died which is a rate of 20 per thousand or just over twice the average. Given that this is a group of people with health problems compared to the general population is that so surprising?
It’s surprising because it’s not a logical comparison.
You have taken the populace as a whole and tried to apply the average to a second medically selected group, with disabilities, or terminal illnesses where even more of them would be expected to die.
The job of the first medical examinations is to establish that degree of disability / illness, the second is to take that and make a decision as to whether these people were fit for work.
The allegation is that they failed to do this properly, and were far too ready to find claimants fit for work in an effort to cut benefits.
These figures support those allegations, as so many dying within 2 weeks indicate incorrect assessment.
A black man guns down two white people live on TV and says he wants to start a race war but liberal leftie carrot crunchers blame guns; however, when a white cop guns down blacks it’s about racism.
The One Show finally gets a Muslim presenter and surprise surprise more on the Labour leadership. A report from the geeky tit with specs on the unfairness of ‘outsiders’ voting, followed with a good giggle from our ‘new’ presenter about the UKIP member featured in the report.
And …
5Live drive reports from a wealthy plumby landowner, about how much he needs immigrants, sorry migrants
to harvest on his land, (the wage? nobody asks, local wage compression? nobody asks)
… flip to said migrants, been here two years, (sending all money home to buy a flat)
… now want to stop here for about ten years, till they ve sent enough home, (,erm our economic growth? nobody asks) , landowner waistline growth … marvellous
Obviously… kids education, NHS, benefits, schools, wage top up etc, the deciding factor
Must do wonders for erm “growth”, boosting our economy, and wages
Channel 4 , did a show , where it tried to recruit ,on the dole, English people from the Peterborough area ,to go & work in the fens & pick vegetables . None of them lasted more than a few days , the pickers from the East , wanted to do it , our own people , are too lazy, & won`t do it . So what`s your answer Noggin , are you going to do it ?
For instance, east European lawyers work on the fields here as they earn more than back home as lawyers. Therefore, wages here are low because to east Europeans the wages are high in their world back home.
They are willing to put up with ‘cramped’ living accommodation here for that reason.
Membership of the EU has twisted wages against the British work force.
Cramped can mean old caravans, or even the ones I saw that looked like painted up sheds.
Maybe great life … for a Romanian way of living? …… here?
Obviously alright for the incompetent Tory crooks of the cretinocracy in No10 though …
That s why the figures today are so bad, they ve no intention of stopping the flow
oh and alright for Essexman?.
53,000 Romanian and Bulgarian (EU2) citizens immigrated to the UK in the year to March 2015,
a statistically significant increase and almost double the 28,000 in the previous 12 months.
Remember that Tory twat on the BBC, saying it would only be highly skilled IT workers, and the media stitch up orchestrated by them, as just a few arrived … using their photo opportunity to savage Mr Farage?.
Essexman, as you’ve stated you are happy that you voted Tory, now they have admitted that they ain’t going to touch the bBC in this Parliament and possibly the next, not to mention their ineptitude on immigration, doesn’t that make your protestations here about the bBC and immigration here somewhat weak, or am I missing something?
Yes you are ‘missing something’
Cameron needs AlBeeb to support him in his drive to keep Britain in the EU.
He has already ‘placed his cards on the table’ by stating that he wants the UK to remain within it .
He is not a politician striving in the interest of our great nation, he is just a PR man supine to the EU.
Where are the rest of the Tory MPs ?
Extremism ‘a threat to British way of life’ warns Theresa May – Yorkshire Post
Home Secretary Theresa May pledges government fight against “Islamist extremism” and “neo-Nazi extremism
So that’s Islamic fascist wannabe mass murderers … and
… erm, those that point them out then? or maybe she means Iain Drunken Smith
Mrs May was speaking as she visited Birmingham, which in recent years has witnessed its fair share of Islamist terror plots and the murder of a Muslim pensioner at the hands of a far-right extremist.
Hmm so lets just add this up … that’s how many Neo Nazi, Muslim pensioner attacks?, and …
How many Islamic Extremist, wannabe mass murderers?, or attacks?, or plots, ? or arrests?.
Doesn t even get a mention on BBC news, maybe it will take a few days
May’s speech is just made up of words that have no meaning except in the minds of politicians and the media.
Reading the comments here and on other blogs etc I detect a much harder edge to them. A reaction to the crude BBC/media propaganda and the absurdities of the EU politicians.
The sensible cautious approach of the conservative to the headlong changes and social engineering of the late 20th century was ignored by the political and media elites. This could prove to have been a fatal mistake. To a man and woman they embraced a fantasy and we, the ordinary people of England and Wales, did not deserve this.
This is an indisputable reality. We have been betrayed and what was a quiet and peaceful land where the generations succeeded generations in much the same way even when war came to our people .This betrayal cannot be forgiven. It is that simple and people like May need to grasp this.
No doubt the Tory party under Cameron is looking forward to persuading us to vote yes to the EU. That is what the party is for like all the others. To show a hidden contempt in public for our real interests but in private to laugh at us.
Now an existential crisis is coming upon the old people of England the first really since 1066. We are in places where I never ever thought we would go in my lifetime or that of my children’s. Bombs and threats of riot. A so called multicultural society that divides and actually threatens us all . Our borders under siege from those who will never share our ways or our desires.
Yes other European nations are experiencing similar events. I do not know how it will turn out but all the vapouring fron the Mays and Camerons of this world are going to be useless.
We had better understand this. Isis has been a long time a coming and it is here and wants to take our European land and people. We need to stop it now not in ten years time when it is too late.
The way of the world is the ebb and flow of civilisations and peoples.
We must have no time for the BBC/liberal media’s attempts to assuage their imagined guilt over their civilisation by using crude propaganda to justify allowing Europe and by implication our land to become someplace else with a replaced people more in tune with liberalism’s fantasies.
Just read the piece about May’s speech. She is going for neo nazi extremism too. Bad news for UKIP, as Cameron’s friends in UAF (he is a founder don’t you know) are already claiming that UKIP are neo Nazi sympathisers.
The following quote from an article in today’s Telegraph by Fraser Nelson tells you all you need to know about the vapid fool who is currently squatting in No 10:
“In fact the Prime Minister admits, in private, that he’s quite happy with the BBC and is baffled by colleagues who loathe it. He grumbles about Nick Robinson having kept him awake by filming reports outside his bedroom in No 10, but his animus doesn’t run much deeper. His wife, Samantha, has been his personal BBC monitor. She is an avid fan of 6 Music, its digital-only radio station, and alerts the Prime Minister if she hears a story going badly for his government in its morning news bulletin. He then scrambles his spin team and if the story is fixed in time for 6 Music’s lunchtime bulletin, he’s happy.”
Good quote from Fraser Nelson. Like many others, I assume, I cannot read the article because I have used up my free quota of Telegraph articles. But the comments do reveal why Whittingdale – and the rest of the Tory sheep grazing in Westminster – will not seek any reform of the BBC.
I bet that by the end of the year, Cameron is assassinated by a pro British patriot, who then becomes a national hero and a martyr to British independence and sovereignty. The Queen has an opportunity to do her duty under her oath to her subjects.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
bBC economic and disingenuous with the truth and real story yet again. Their breaking news story as on the news website…
“Net migration to the UK was estimated to be 330,000 in the year to March – the highest figure on record, the Office for National Statistics has said.
The figure is more than three times higher than the government’s target”
The real story is that 636,000 foreigners (that we know of) arrived here last year, the real story being that we’re being out-bred, replaced and our culture decapitated. Surely our national broadcaster should be telling us this? Note also the dig at the Torys.
The time is fast approaching when, if the government won’t do something about it, the people will. Regardless of the BBC calling them far-right. For the moment people are too frightened to speak publicly, for fear of appearing to be racist, but some event, as yet unknown, will bring things to a head and the authorities will lose control. I’m sure most here can sense the unspoken anger building. What I can’t figure out is how those in power can’t work it out – or perhaps they can but are like deer in headlights and don’t know what else to do. The BBC I can just about understand: in their bubble they are oblivious to the real world, but even they must sense from the occasions they are foolish enough to open a HYS what the groundswell is.
‘RIVERS OF BLOOD CLOSE TO OVERFLOWING’ An interesting, even more prophetic take on Powell’s famous prophetic statement…
Except that Powell never mentioned rivers of blood, but instead make an allusion to a classical text on such subject.
It amazes the short-termism the current crop of ‘leaders’ and ‘statespersons’ indulge.
It’s like none of them have kids… or care about them, so long as ivory towers stand firm, be they in the nicer parts of Islington, or gated communities in holiday resorts with private beaches patrolled by the SAS. And wafted around in Priuses vs. risking public transport, segregated or otherwise.
I know I am likely to be OK. Maybe even my kids until their fair crack is up. I am very dubious about thereafter.
So while I am not rioting on the streets, as it is not my nature, the pressure cooker lid being clamped down so long, so gratuitously, with such hypocrisy and the insult to injury of the powers who think they be and BBC assuming I can’t learn the truth outside their drip-feed filter, is starting to really grate. And I am now looking to the generations ahead who depend on my legacy of support and example to take forward.
I told my MP in no uncertain terms that he was getting my backing only because his party was the winner in a politics of least bad contest and we needed stability and continuity to weather storms from a stronger economic base than any others offered.
However, the gloves are off now on the storms blowing in, and equivocation to outright lies from his oily toad of a supposed leader are no longer going to be tolerated in hope of a promised greater good. I can for a while tolerate ruthlessness, but incompetence and naked self-interest (from him, May, Whittingdale…) repel me.
“…For the moment people are too frightened to speak publicly, for fear of appearing to be racist, but some event, as yet unknown, will bring things to a head and the authorities will lose control.
Yes, absolutely. It will happen. Maybe five, or perhaps ten years down the line, but it’s coming. Who knows, maybe even sooner? I suspect the general background noise of unfettered immigration will slowly rise to a crescendo, anyway, but all it’s going to take to erupt is some significant trigger event to set the whole crisis in motion across western Europe; it might even begin almost imperceptibly as these things sometimes do.
It might be that muslims themselves, with their constant victim mentality and refusal to integrate (as per their Holy Instruction Manual) will unwittingly fire the starting gun. One event is all it will eventually take and the whole lot will ignite.
Libtards know this – they must do. They must know that their dream of a ‘borderless Europe’ is only ever going to end one way? When you push a people far enough they eventually break – the natural generosity and social infrastructure of any nation can only take so many kicks in the nuts, after all.
I have always said (particularly re the Euro) the harder the efforts to tie people together, the bigger the bang when it all falls apart. Where do the likes of Merkel and the German politicians who think taking more and more ‘migrants’is going to take Europe? Do they think that they themselves have taken so much money from the gravy train that they will be safe? Which countries do they think will be safe (and if their answer is America, I am not sure they are right). I think a big bang is coming and I don’t like it.
Oddly the EU’s migrant crisis has brought Europeans unexpectedly closer together. Unfortunately for the EU (and the BBC) it’s not in a way that they would probably have liked.
I’ve just been watching the Maybrit Illner chat show about the refugee crisis on German TV. All the politicians seemed puzzled or were outraged that they were getting death threats and unkind messages from an unappreciative public. Yet they still think on opinion poll evidence that the majority of indigenous Germans are crying out for more enrichment and rejuvenation. I don’t know where they got the studio audience from, they made Question Time audiences seem like rabid Nazis. Some even applauded when a loon from the Greens objected to the phrase “stream of refugees” as being”dehumanising”. I couldn’t follow her reasoning at all. The politicians and “opinion formers” seem to think that the public are like frightened children and that it’s only their irrational fear of the “other” that is preventing them from welcoming each and every asylum seeker with open arms and whoops of delight. Some of the more smug politicians are taking Eritreans, etc. into their own homes, much as you would a stray animal, to show the simple folk how it’s done. Openness, human warmth, cuddles all round. How this is a rational approach to integrating 800,000 migrants is beyond me. The only rational argument offered for this hyper-good-Samaritanism was dramatic population ageing and reduction. “We will be a smaller nation”. This is nonsense of course. Unless immigration miraculously increases the birth rate of indigenous Germans, they will still be a “smaller nation”, one contained in a much larger population of non-Germans.
Perhaps we should be forcing every child in school to learn of the fall of Rome to the invading hoards of Huns Vandals, Visi Goths, Ostra Goths, all of them very diverse vibrant and so enriching they destroyed civilisation which took 1000 years to re establish itself.
It could be worse than the fall of theRoman Empire. There are good grounds for thinking that the invaders rather admired Rome and were nowhere near as hostile to the place as say Isis is to the West.
Yes, the situation today is virtually identical to the year 409.
In 410/2016, Coel/David Cameron pleaded with Rome/Brussels for help in stemming the barbarian hoards. The reply was “The swarm of immigrants have sacked Rome/Brussels, so I cannot possibly help you, so go and buy some cheap immigrant mercenaries, who will turn on you, and cut your Liberal fascist throats, once they have emptied your coffers”
”Note also the dig at the Torys. ” The only thing the Cuckservatives like Ken Clarke are interested in is low taxes, not the culture of the country.
Agreed I would also add an endless supply of cheap labour, but the tone of the statement implies that its all the Tory’s fault (and I ain’t no Tory supporter) lets remember that it was Mandelson & co that ripped down the borders, sent out search parties and made discussing such issues sacrosanct.
Ken Clarke isn’t a Tory although he is in the Tory party , a bit like some migrants in the country .
There will be another figure reported showing that the number of people born outside the UK but live there will for the first time exceed 8 million. The surprising thing about this number is that the vast majority is made up of arrivals from OUTSIDE the EU. We supposedly have some sort of control over this, but clearly governments of all political stripes don’t give a monkey’s.
What is even worse ED, is that the figure doesn’t include all the second, third and fourth generation Third Worlders who are also here. I don’t know when things will reach a tipping point in the U.K. (i.e. when people will elect politicians who love our country and will do whatever is necessary to save it) but I know that when we do, it will be one hell of a bumpy road to travel down to get to where this country needs to.
I hope to God Trump gets the Republican nomination and then the Presidency. That could really get things moving right across the West; if he actually implements the policies he is advocating, people in countries like ours will see – something CAN be done!
Today the BBC has announced that leftie Dave has set a new record for betraying Britain by letting even more migrants in to the country.
Hopeless incompetent Immigration minister James Brokenshire announces in a kind of ‘Tim nice but dim’ manner ” it’s very disappointing” – It’s almost like a man stood in the middle of the living room as the flood waters rise to a new high level, declaring “it’s very disappointing” while failing to mend the broken pipe causing the flood in the first place!
The BBC have been jubilant about the Tory failure to keep yet another promise, limiting immigration to a few tens of thousands. For them I guess it’s a double bonus, loads of immigrants from the EU open door policy, and Tory hopelessness !
The BBC have been jubilant about the Tory failure to keep yet another promise, limiting immigration to a few tens of thousands.
Failure? No no. It is Cameron’s success in continuing Labour’s Open Doors policy whilst holding together the gutless MPs in his party who failed to call him out for his betrayal of Britain.
I think you are more left wing than Cam , Mr T , you want more benefits dished out , & that means immigrants ,legal & illegal too ,will have their share . You know we can`t discriminate now, can we .
I notice that Mark “pants” Easton’s “The Institute of Directors are calling for more immigration to help economy” which has been his only analysis of the net migration numbers all morning has been dropped over the past few minutes.
Is this because of pressure from the Institute of Directors, who I can’t believe really waded in this morning.
Does anyone know anything about “Pants” Easton?
For as long as I can remember he has been the leading appeaser at the BBC every time stats like this come out.
Ace reporter Mark Easton was telling us on the Radio 4’s Six o’ clock news that it was all these ‘refugees’ crossing the Channel and Mediterranean that had raised public concern over immigration, (hint: you people are all stupid, these numbers are small compared to the torrent from within the EU), not the wonderful ‘net’ migrants.
Wasn’t there a Labour prime minister called Brown who was unfortunate to find the only person in the UK with immigration worries during his electioneering? Until ‘Calais’ none of the rest of us were bothered.
I wish I had the analytical skills of Mr. Easton, and his pay packet.
If the immigrants are so good for economies then why doesn’t the EU send them to countries with weak economies? Spain and Greece for instance.
No questions asked to the IOD as to how other countries cope without swarms of people coming in , or how we coped before the invasion .
Isn’t it curious how the BBC’s attitude to business morphs from ‘filthy capitalists’ to ‘fine, upstanding supporters of the poor immigrants’ in the blink of an eye?
The IOD, of course, like the CBI, represents people who would sell their grandmothers for a handful of small change. They couldn’t care less about Britain or its future – only whether they can make money out of it.
The CBI, the IOD..the “Church”?
All are useful sandbags to the liberal media as and when.
As long as the message turns out to help Karl, Gramsci, Alinsky(and all Fellow(ettes)/ Travellers)…and nowadays the likes of Corbyn and Ken Clarke(within limits that they set).
These are static travellers-who urge action by the poor(like Russell, Charlotte)…whilst enjoying the view as they straddle their backs.
Useful idiots-all of `em….so in all cases when the BBC come a quoting…give them no house room!
I would like a Somalian to replace tub of lard Sir Digby Jones as head of the CBI, I saw him wittering on dementedly ” we gotta have more immigrants, we gotta have more immigrants,”
Sir Digby , has not been head of the CBI for many years .
It’s lunchtime, and yesterdays killing is already slipping out of the headlines, and becoming an issue of gun control.
Is this because the killer was both BLACK and GAY?
I think it might be!!!!
The BBC introduced me to a new OED word today on the Today News at 8am.
“Whine O Clock”.
But every hour is Whine O Clock at the BBC, unless it`s Lefty trumpettings and mocking copy of what turns out to be reality for the rest of us.
Witness “You and Yours”-just heard ten minutes
1. Peter White-blind oaf of choice-wonders why the LGA go after debtors who aren`t paying their council tax.
Quelle Horreur.
Their Brummie chump/debtor/victim of Facha was chosen-but says they she doesn`t answer council letters, and rather wishes that she had.
Peter regards this as inadmissible evidence…and some State quango called the Money Advice Trust tell us that councils are rather beastly to their debtors-they even use a bailiff on occasion FFS.
The LGA bloke then is hushed up when he says that those that fund our MAT poppet are far more culpable-like energy companies, banks and mortgage brokers-who EVICT people for less than the LGA are accused of doing.
Peter and poppet maintain dignity, say nothing,,,because our LGA bloke can be silenced. And her job depends on sucking up to those far guiltier.
Bet the BBC never thought that one of their favourite sock puppets at the LGA turns out to have other ideas than Peters “Pay As You Go” crap.
Next up some Ryanair equivalent in Manchester sets up cheap gyms.
Our Radio Manchester hack got sent down…yes, its 8 times more expensive at his top gym per month-but you get FREE gels and shampoos, FREE TV screens that you can choose…and FREE swimming pool at the end.
Unlike this plebbish attempt to get the poor of Denton just a little fitter for less. I mean-he`d need a Filipino boy to carry his gels into the changing room surelemente?
How much do we pay BBC minions in the regios?…enough to join top gyms and think it`s all free!
Peter White gives the CheapGym bloke a hard time-he`s successful, but he`ll maybe be losing the pools in his new acquisitions…and what about that free gel and shampoos then, running dog of capitalism with your ideas and your earned wealth.
Oh if only all our running dogs could be on pricey crosstrainers with wall to wall compulsory BBC shite…maybe endless Armando Iannucchi shows, seeing as he`s in the market for them at the minute.
Sorry lads-just get fed up with `em…if anybody knows that in Aramaic, then Jesus will forgive me eh?
Poor bloke never DID get to watch That Was the WeekThat Was did he?
I believe that BBC TV went steadily downhill after its best ever production seen here.
I watched all 5 minutes 34 seconds – it was a delight. Music that was gentle to the ear, no agenda, not worrying what colour the potter’s hands were in case it was offensive, not even worrying about the shape of the bowl – although I think she could have had it finished much sooner – just 5 minutes to let the world go by. Thank you G.W.F
”Far-right protesters in Germany may be booing Chancellor Merkel, but Syrians are sending her loving notes on Facebook.
The message came in a tweet from Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees on Tuesday. Syrian citizens, the office said, would no longer be subject to the Dublin Regulation. The real meaning behind the rather dry edict? Germany won’t send Syrian asylum seekers back to the EU country where they first landed – for instance, Greece or Italy. The move will potentially allow thousands to claim refugee status in Germany, and it seems to have been big news among Syrians.
Overnight it prompted an outpouring of love on Facebook for Germans and, in particular, Chancellor Angela Merkel. ”
800.000 invaders in Germany this year alone, There hasn’t and never will be a a vote on this by the public.
But how long in Germany once they obtain that golden ticket?
“Far right”? there’s that term again being used by the bBC for anyone who dare question unfettered immigration, in reality they were probably as far right as UKIP!
In the BBC world far right is Gillian Duffy of Gordon Brown and bigotgate fame,
I see the Expenses Scandal Tory MP Douglas Hogg has been bumped up to the Lords.
Cameron should think again and put him in charge of immigration control – if ever we were in need of advice on how to build a moat it is now…
“10 more years” !!!
Inept on immigration, ineffective with the BBC, they ain’t real Tories just a bunch of EU appeasing Liberals. Essexman, still glad you voted Tory? 😉
“BBC licence fee is here for another 10 years, says minister: Culture Secretary insists charge is the ‘least worst option’ for now”
10 years will give the ‘B’BC time to complete its programme of British cultural genocide and will give Cameron time to reap the rewards that allegiance to the EU-UN will bring him. We have been taken for fools and useful idiots by morally (and literally) bankrupt democratophobes who are determined to destroy the European nation states. Winners write history; Britain will expire along with everything of value that it stood for, .
If this current Licensing system is retained for another 10 years they have just missed the greatest opportunity ever to bring the organisation to book by privatisation of the commercial bits and subscription for the balance.
All I can say the Tories now deserve all the bias they get if that is how they wish to handle the BBC prospectus for Licence Renewal after what they have suffered at their hands.
Would you ever believe a Tory Government, who have been at the butt end of the the mainly liberal left bias, institutionally ingrained within the BBC and spewed out in buckets, then they really do not deserve us here on this site, plus many others blogs too, also fighting their corner.
One thing for certain the non-payment of licence fee payers will now certainly increase!
Ten more years, and they say Labour lost the election. BBC is safe to continue with the socialist message.
It is Whittingdale and May and others who are bringing down real democracy in this country. It is indefensible to use prison to collect a tax to finance media. It defies belief and they know it. This Tory lot are as bad as ever the Labour lot were. Sometimes you just have to say this is rubbish and you know it.
Yes , what would Farage do ? Please tell .
I have no idea but I know what I would like to see happen in this country. I would like to see politicians tell it as it really is not some fantasy dreamt up in a PR get together.
That the public debt is not sustainable. That the world does not owe us a living. That the EU is incompatible with our way of doing things in England. That our way is the best way in law and in civil society. And if that means an end to our stay in the EU then so be it.
That every day the political leaders must put the future of the nation before anything else. That the protection of the people and the spirit of the nation is paramount whatever it takes and whatever the cost. That they should be proud to serve us and expect little reward. That a nation is a compact between past present and future generations that is expressed as our social capital and that is no leader’s right to put in peril .
That anyone who comes to live here must accept our way of doing things or leave.
I could continue but you get the idea.
Above all else a leader must never lie to the people .He or she must understand this above all else otherwise that person will fail.
Well , you can always vote Labour , Lib Dem or Green , if the Conservatives are not tough enough . But within 24 months you can vote to leave the EU , but that won`t stop them , because we would have to totally close the borders , & all the Kippers go on foreign holidays too . So if you want to be confined to England for 10 years ,that`s the only way .Would your fair weather kipper friends accept , no foreign holidays at all ?
Frankly yes if it meant saving my country, if only it were that simple, of course all those tourist destinations will be happy to do without the UK £, just like we’ll do without German cars?
Next you’ll be comparing immigration to the UK with the greying expats in Spain…
One of us is being a bit thick here. Why would we have to totally close the borders?
In Defence of the Realm?
”because we would have to totally close the borders , & all the Kippers go on foreign holidays too.” We went on foreign holiday’s before 1973.
Cameron announces 26 new Tory peers is the bBBC ‘news’ headline. Yet another of the bBBC’s not-so-subtle ways of pretending not to be biased, only mention the 11 Lib Dem and 8 Labour peers later in the article.
‘…only mention the 11 Lib Dem and 8 Labour peers later in the article.’
Luckily, for those of us not taking the state broadcaster up on its unique funding invitation, such filtered gems only came now after I had read the news from a free source with a more balanced take, with some ’cause & effect’ numbers:
if that doesn’t do for the Lib dEUms’ moral high ground ambitions, nothing will.
Then of course there’s what happens in Wales staying in Wales, when the needs of the narrative, especially that wee economy vs. environment dilemma crops up and bites a ‘lava bread and eat it’ politico on the tush:
Oh, boyo, boy, theres the thing see… if you don’t dig up nasty coal or frack around to get energy, or make it silly money vs. others, industry has a problem competing.
Oh, and in other likely ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroon Tealady) in BBCdom, I came across this:
Feeling the benefits of all this influx of diversity yet? How about a nice case of TB to go with a freaking bonkers court case to be having in the UK?
Anyone remember Walter Wolfgang?
Anyone remember what Labour is capable of?
Watch the first two minutes to see Labour bouncers remove Walter for shouting “Nonsense.” They also assault a Labour member for standing up for Walter.
And of course who can forget the brilliant Sussex Police for charging Walter on a terrorist offence for trying to get back in to the Labour party conference.
(Its a shame Sussex Police couldn’t be so efficient 19 years earlier at the Grand Hotel immediately next door to the Brighton Centre when, you know, “propa'” terrorists were laying and exploding bombs and getting away).
(To be fair the BBC reporter seems rightly appalled. But should he not be impartial throughout?)
I just thought that people should see what the BBC isn’t showing, about the paradise of enrichment and vibrancy the EU nutters have in store for us.
Farage (2013 ) – he was right all along ?
Reading the top rated comments on the HYS after this 2013 article. People are clearly saying the same thing and are STILL being ignored by our “masters.”
Re AlBeeb’s reports on the record numbers of immigrants, where are all our Tory readers on this?
Indeed, let’s also not mention the 2400 taken off benefits and declared fit for work who were reportedly dead within two weeks.
Perhaps those people posting on the SOS IDS thread might now like to apologise?
Number 88 said this of my post which the Daily Mail article now proves correct:
“What a bile sodden and ignorant post. You’ve surpassed yourself. As others have pointed out (below) you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about”
Well perhaps the Daily Mail doesn’t know either and there are enough people who regard it as ‘bile sodden’ !
I’m of the opinion that these people are not priority when looking at where the tax payers money is going, just easier targets and easy to demean.
Scrounging immigrants should be the priority, if we stopped feeding the rats they they wouldn’t keep coming.
Couldn’t quite understand the bile towards you on that thread.
If 2 million people were given a decision and the UK’s crude death rate is 9 per thousand then 18,000 might be expected to die anyway.
In fact some 40,000 died which is a rate of 20 per thousand or just over twice the average. Given that this is a group of people with health problems compared to the general population is that so surprising?
It’s surprising because it’s not a logical comparison.
You have taken the populace as a whole and tried to apply the average to a second medically selected group, with disabilities, or terminal illnesses where even more of them would be expected to die.
The job of the first medical examinations is to establish that degree of disability / illness, the second is to take that and make a decision as to whether these people were fit for work.
The allegation is that they failed to do this properly, and were far too ready to find claimants fit for work in an effort to cut benefits.
These figures support those allegations, as so many dying within 2 weeks indicate incorrect assessment.
A black man guns down two white people live on TV and says he wants to start a race war but liberal leftie carrot crunchers blame guns; however, when a white cop guns down blacks it’s about racism.
The One Show finally gets a Muslim presenter and surprise surprise more on the Labour leadership. A report from the geeky tit with specs on the unfairness of ‘outsiders’ voting, followed with a good giggle from our ‘new’ presenter about the UKIP member featured in the report.
And …
5Live drive reports from a wealthy plumby landowner, about how much he needs immigrants, sorry migrants
to harvest on his land, (the wage? nobody asks, local wage compression? nobody asks)
… flip to said migrants, been here two years, (sending all money home to buy a flat)
… now want to stop here for about ten years, till they ve sent enough home, (,erm our economic growth? nobody asks) , landowner waistline growth … marvellous
Obviously… kids education, NHS, benefits, schools, wage top up etc, the deciding factor
Must do wonders for erm “growth”, boosting our economy, and wages
… I keep saying it folks … It won t be long
Channel 4 , did a show , where it tried to recruit ,on the dole, English people from the Peterborough area ,to go & work in the fens & pick vegetables . None of them lasted more than a few days , the pickers from the East , wanted to do it , our own people , are too lazy, & won`t do it . So what`s your answer Noggin , are you going to do it ?
So who did it before? This ain’t happened by accident.
The east Europeans have very low wages back home.
For instance, east European lawyers work on the fields here as they earn more than back home as lawyers. Therefore, wages here are low because to east Europeans the wages are high in their world back home.
They are willing to put up with ‘cramped’ living accommodation here for that reason.
Membership of the EU has twisted wages against the British work force.
Nigel Farage explains this far better than I.
Cramped can mean old caravans, or even the ones I saw that looked like painted up sheds.
Maybe great life … for a Romanian way of living? …… here?
Obviously alright for the incompetent Tory crooks of the cretinocracy in No10 though …
That s why the figures today are so bad, they ve no intention of stopping the flow
oh and alright for Essexman?.
53,000 Romanian and Bulgarian (EU2) citizens immigrated to the UK in the year to March 2015,
a statistically significant increase and almost double the 28,000 in the previous 12 months.
Remember that Tory twat on the BBC, saying it would only be highly skilled IT workers, and the media stitch up orchestrated by them, as just a few arrived … using their photo opportunity to savage Mr Farage?.
‘Mental Health in the Asian Community’? I hope the BBC will be doing similar pieces on every other ethnic group in the UK.
And the House of Commons.
Pro-EU Cameron needs the very pro-EU BBC to support him in the Referendum on the EU.
If the public vote against EU membership, Cameron will be out of office and the BBC will become vulnerable to say the least.
Cameron and the BBC need each other to survive.
Essexman, as you’ve stated you are happy that you voted Tory, now they have admitted that they ain’t going to touch the bBC in this Parliament and possibly the next, not to mention their ineptitude on immigration, doesn’t that make your protestations here about the bBC and immigration here somewhat weak, or am I missing something?
Yes you are ‘missing something’
Cameron needs AlBeeb to support him in his drive to keep Britain in the EU.
He has already ‘placed his cards on the table’ by stating that he wants the UK to remain within it .
He is not a politician striving in the interest of our great nation, he is just a PR man supine to the EU.
Where are the rest of the Tory MPs ?
Extremism ‘a threat to British way of life’ warns Theresa May – Yorkshire Post
Home Secretary Theresa May pledges government fight against “Islamist extremism” and “neo-Nazi extremism
So that’s Islamic fascist wannabe mass murderers … and
… erm, those that point them out then? or maybe she means Iain Drunken Smith
Mrs May was speaking as she visited Birmingham, which in recent years has witnessed its fair share of Islamist terror plots and the murder of a Muslim pensioner at the hands of a far-right extremist.
Hmm so lets just add this up … that’s how many Neo Nazi, Muslim pensioner attacks?, and …
How many Islamic Extremist, wannabe mass murderers?, or attacks?, or plots, ? or arrests?.
Doesn t even get a mention on BBC news, maybe it will take a few days
May’s speech is just made up of words that have no meaning except in the minds of politicians and the media.
Reading the comments here and on other blogs etc I detect a much harder edge to them. A reaction to the crude BBC/media propaganda and the absurdities of the EU politicians.
The sensible cautious approach of the conservative to the headlong changes and social engineering of the late 20th century was ignored by the political and media elites. This could prove to have been a fatal mistake. To a man and woman they embraced a fantasy and we, the ordinary people of England and Wales, did not deserve this.
This is an indisputable reality. We have been betrayed and what was a quiet and peaceful land where the generations succeeded generations in much the same way even when war came to our people .This betrayal cannot be forgiven. It is that simple and people like May need to grasp this.
No doubt the Tory party under Cameron is looking forward to persuading us to vote yes to the EU. That is what the party is for like all the others. To show a hidden contempt in public for our real interests but in private to laugh at us.
Now an existential crisis is coming upon the old people of England the first really since 1066. We are in places where I never ever thought we would go in my lifetime or that of my children’s. Bombs and threats of riot. A so called multicultural society that divides and actually threatens us all . Our borders under siege from those who will never share our ways or our desires.
Yes other European nations are experiencing similar events. I do not know how it will turn out but all the vapouring fron the Mays and Camerons of this world are going to be useless.
We had better understand this. Isis has been a long time a coming and it is here and wants to take our European land and people. We need to stop it now not in ten years time when it is too late.
The way of the world is the ebb and flow of civilisations and peoples.
We must have no time for the BBC/liberal media’s attempts to assuage their imagined guilt over their civilisation by using crude propaganda to justify allowing Europe and by implication our land to become someplace else with a replaced people more in tune with liberalism’s fantasies.
Don’t forget to add the fall of the once great America into the multi-culti morass
Just read the piece about May’s speech. She is going for neo nazi extremism too. Bad news for UKIP, as Cameron’s friends in UAF (he is a founder don’t you know) are already claiming that UKIP are neo Nazi sympathisers.
The following quote from an article in today’s Telegraph by Fraser Nelson tells you all you need to know about the vapid fool who is currently squatting in No 10:
“In fact the Prime Minister admits, in private, that he’s quite happy with the BBC and is baffled by colleagues who loathe it. He grumbles about Nick Robinson having kept him awake by filming reports outside his bedroom in No 10, but his animus doesn’t run much deeper. His wife, Samantha, has been his personal BBC monitor. She is an avid fan of 6 Music, its digital-only radio station, and alerts the Prime Minister if she hears a story going badly for his government in its morning news bulletin. He then scrambles his spin team and if the story is fixed in time for 6 Music’s lunchtime bulletin, he’s happy.”
You can read the article here:
And weep.
Good quote from Fraser Nelson. Like many others, I assume, I cannot read the article because I have used up my free quota of Telegraph articles. But the comments do reveal why Whittingdale – and the rest of the Tory sheep grazing in Westminster – will not seek any reform of the BBC.
Delete your cookies, or use incognito mode on your browser and you’ll be ok to look at the article, endless articles in fact.
I bet that by the end of the year, Cameron is assassinated by a pro British patriot, who then becomes a national hero and a martyr to British independence and sovereignty. The Queen has an opportunity to do her duty under her oath to her subjects.