I listened to the BBC run yet ANOTHER sympathetic piece concerning the plight of all those poor “refugees” at the Jungle camp near Calais (7.30, Today programme) This time it’s about those noble caring leftists who send Aid to the illegal immigrants. Funny how the “world class” BBC talent misses THIS story…
“150kg of clothes sent to the Calais migrants in aid. they’ve just set fire to the lot”
Lovely people. Culturally enriching and full of gratitude.
I wonder how long it is before one of the few little kids at Calais gets hurt or worse, so that the hoards waiting there get some of the attention back from the mob swarming into Germany.
They must be aware of the outcry about the Syrian toddler by now.
To misquote Blackstone’s formulation: “Better that 10 economic migrants, criminals and Jihadists enter the UK then 1 family be forced to remain in the safety of a Turkish refugee camp amongst people of their own persuasion and next door to the country they say they want to return to”
According to the Metro front page a Conservative MP is now in trouble for wondering out loud why it is that the ‘refugees’ that he is a customer of for food & haircuts finds that the great service is not available because the providers have gone on holiday . . . . .
Where? Scotland? No. Wales? No. Scarborough or Skeggy then? No. OK. You are not going to tell me they have gone to Bournemouth? No. Can’t possibly be Brighton? No. Where then?
They have gone back to the country they came from.
Oh, you mean where their lives were in mortal danger, family members were killed and their homes destroyed or they suffered persecution?
I think they prefer I- phones and Nike trainers. Harry Endfield picked up on this.
Its quite funny, all these virtue signallers dumping all their old unwanted toot, thus feeling morally superior. But the illegals don’t won’t their cast offs.
A large consignment of golden elephants please and no rubbish !
I read they are arriving in designer jeans toting iPhones, so maybe the donation path should be reversed?
150kg of clothes sent to the Calais migrants in aid. they’ve just set fire to the lot.” They WANT designer clothes, baseball caps back to front, trousers hanging down , lots of bling bling, the kind of clothes that ” Italian” footballer Mario Balotelli wears. http://www.csportsfashion.com/20120621/mario-balotelli-style-fashion.html
“150kg of clothes sent to the Calais migrants in aid. they’ve just set fire to the lot”
I heard that even French food proffered by deluded French leftys was refused and dumped.
And please make sure there are no Christian crosses on the Red Cross food parcels. It offends the starving refugees.
Make sure any food is halal, don’t want upset the little darlings !
On the other hand, if they don’t want to eat, let them starve. I assume that no food or clothes have been donated by muslims, otherwise the BBC would report it ?
They are not Christian red crosses – they are inverted Swiss flags from where the Red Cross organisation originated. How many more times…???
The BBC are simply following the line of the militant left on Immigration in this “small window of opportunity” they have currently been given…Here’s Comrade Nick Lowles giving the game away totally..Doesn’t he regularly contribute to Panorama programmes?
You see, in normal times this would be a massive BBC own goal although now they are broadcasting outright propaganda 24 hours a day it seems almost unnoticeable. But just ignoring that, why does the BBC “have a small window to change public opinion over immigration”? They’re supposed to report the news, not damn well shape it!
If the BBC was not so smug and arrogant, it would gradually realise that all of the pro-refugee propaganda they have been pumping out so hysterically of late was having the opposite effect to the one they desired. I gather we are due a whole evening of pro-refugee propaganda on Radio 4 tomorrow evening. Can hardly wait to skip that one.
The nice thing about the BBC propaganda is that a majority of the UK now want to leave the EU.
Please let them continue and preach to their own – that way they are losing everyone else.
The change in public opinion is marching furiously away from any migration opinion this Nick Lowles deludedly hopes he might change. Listen hard Nick Lowles to the opinions of true white British people that have taken time to understand and discern the seiously savage issue currently facing the whole of Europe and its very uncertain future as a result of the invasion by tens of thousands which could well turn into millions, of immigrants/migrants call them what you will, whose values, culture, and religious ideology are a million miles away from our own. The weakness of our politicians and the greed of big business has more than contributed to what we are facing now. It will end in Blood if I am not mistaken.
We have a small window to destroy Europe for good.
Why are some people so full of hatred of European civilisation, that they wish to see it replaced by Islam.
My French is a bit rusty, but I couldn’t see anything in that article that actually said the clothes were donated as charity. It’s a regional/local paper though, so not just some rumour-mongering website. Maybe it’s the kind of local paper the BBC would like to buy up! The Beeb’s response to this kind of thing seems to be to ignore it, until social-media pressure becomes overwhelming (as with the alleged terrorist photographed crossing into Hungary), after which they do some cursory investigation and conclude it’s nothing to worry about.
I’d guess clothing of that quantity must have been donated by someone. Unless stolen, of course. Or they’re making a naked protest and burning their own clothes.
Warning – you have read this before.
If the UK had millions of unfilled jobs, millions of unfilled homes, spare capacity in the NHS, and a balanced budget,
then it might just be worthwhile considering importing some non-whites.
Who would we invite? I think we would invite some people with a long history of industry and creativity. With a strong sense of personal responsibility, with a respect for the law and a low crime rate.
With a long history of artistic and literary accomplishment.
I suggest the Japanese have these qualities, but I do not believe it would be sensible to import them.
But we would be totally insane to invite the non-achieving dregs of the planet. Which is what happened.
Some ****s are suggesting we need more of this low life.
When is some politician going to admit they have betrayed the British people and say sorry?
There are hundreds of thousands of empty homes in Spain. No jobs there, but what difference does that make?
Very well put BBC delenda est-however you see, Big business wants cheap labour to ensure increasing proftability, top returns for their investors and huge bonuses for those at the top, who probably deserve less than most. The EU & its ghastly officials have sold us all out, they are a complete mess now not knowing which way to jump-right into the nearest and deepest lake would suffice. I rearlly wonder if our white population in the UK realise just what is going to happen to their lives in the future-the West has through its evil duplicity put into motion a series of events that will totally transform our society well before 2050. A child born in a peaceful and cohesive part of the West, will by the time they are 35yrs by 2050, be living through the biggest racial/ cultural upheaval ever witnesses in the history of mankind. Racial/religious wars and terrible bloodshed will ensue. No I am not Nosastradamus, but it does not take much intelligence of what is staring us in the face to see what I have fortold will come true, unless…..
Last night ‘South Today’ ( always watch it to know what I should be thinking ) had an interview of a man who took in a Syrian scrou…asylum seeker into his home. The female interviewer told us that the Syrian didn’t want to appear on the tv or be interviewed, not even in dark silhouette or voice over, always a fav for alleged rape victims.
We didn’t even get to see the room he was sleeping in or any of his possessions which surely would have included at least one fluffy teddy. In fact all we saw was a brand new crisp tenner in a pot which the kind house owner proudly told us he could safely leave unattended. The interview waffled on and at the end we were shown a shot not of the tenant his room or possessions but another shot of the brand new crisp tenner in said pot.
The up shot is that Syrian scroun… asylum seekers are invisible in your home you won’t see them or hear them, and they look after your money. Who in their right mind could refuse to take in people like this?
Where exactly is the “South”? That could be anywhere from Bristol to Colchester.
The ‘South’?
According to the BBC it is on the ‘north-west frontier’ of the Indian sub-continent border with Europe. Except they cannot really handle that concept, open atlases, read maps, understand points of the compass or probably make anything of the long words & phrases in the previous sentence.
“Cltrs up m’phn whn txt+twtng”
When Gandalf, Balls-Cooper or Thompson take in their vulnerable Syrians-when they turn out to be jihadi Somalis or Boko Haram Afghan tribute acts( created in an Ealing cybercafe or such)…will these oafs serve the sentences for murder, drunk driving of boiler room scams alongside their new friends?
Or does that mean yet more moolah for Cherie Blair,Clive-Stafford Smith etc…so what`s your problem chavvy Brit of no consequence?