11 Responses to Flash, Bang, Wallop, What A Picture!

  1. Jerry Owen says:

    Caption….. ‘Corr..bin hit on the nose!’
    Joking aside, I am disgusted at what has happened, as I surely must own that miss treated camera by now.


  2. The Old Bloke says:

    Black cameras matter.


  3. John Standley says:

    I can’t wait for Michael Crick to visit Corbyn’s house.


  4. Pollystuscanyvilla says:

    What a shame.


  5. Mice Height says:

    Blue on blue, or should that be red on red?


  6. G.W.F. says:

    We need a verb for this – Corbyned? Please help with suggestions. Now why can’t I feel sympathy? A picture of misery and pain without a child in the frame. Does not have the emotional content


  7. RJ says:

    Imaging the outrage if it had been Farage’s driver wot done it. Wall to wall coverage. They might even have made a quick substitution of a black cameraman – or a child.


  8. Conan says:

    I can’t help thinking this camera man (James Webb) is milking this for all he can. Just look at that picture of him with the neck brace on. I bet after the car drove off he’s had a chat with his producer and they thought it wouldn’t be a story without a decent pic so he’s popped down to A&E and started wincing in pain about his neck “I think it’s broken doc…arrggghhh”.

    Once he’s all strapped up in the neck brace and got the gown on he gets his picture taken (“Hold your arm up James so we can see the catheter”). Then after the xray confirms what they already knew – that there’s nothing wrong, he’s been discharged.

    What a total arse.
