Despite this coming out of a BBC Today programme interview have you heard the BBC giving it much airtime?…normally such a statement, were it pro-staying in the EU and scaremongering about leaving, would be quoted all day on the news…either I missed the endless reports or they didn’t bother…for some reason….from the Telegraph..
Ignore the scaremongers, manufacturing powerhouse Vauxhall says it would be fine outside the EU
Boss of Vauxhall, which employs 35,000 people in the UK, says a British exit from the EU would not trouble the car maker
A British exit from the European Union would not stop Vauxhall from doing business in the UK because it is “unthinkable” that the rest of the bloc would shun a new trade deal, its chairman has said.
Tim Tozer, who is also managing director of the car maker, described the EU referendum as a “good thing” and said if Britain voted to leave, the company would continue its operations as usual.
He told the BBC: “I don’t think in that event there would not be a trade agreement with what was left of the EU. We’re a very, very big market for European products, goods and services, and it would unthinkable to us as a corporation that no such trade agreement would ultimately be negotiated if this country chose to leave.”
Vauxhall employs around 35,000 people in the UK and operates two plants – in Ellesmere and Luton. Mr Tozer said a British exit would not cause “trouble” for the company or its parent, General Motors, as he stressed that Vauxhall would continue to build its popular Astra model in Britain.
Similarly have you heard much of this from the BBC?…
Saudis to Build 200 Mosques for Migrants in Germany
The Saudi government will not accept any migrants from Syria, but it will build 200 Saudi-run mosques in Germany to hinder any social integration of the Muslims into Germany’s liberal and low-conflict society.
“The Lebanese newspaper Ad-Diyar first reported the offer last week, citing a request by a committee of sheikhs,” reports International Business Times. “Saudi Arabia also vowed to donate at least $200 million, according to the Lebanese paper, although whether that was to support the refugees or to build the suggested mosques was unclear.”
In Islamic traditions, which Saudi Arabia claims to uphold and enforce, Islam should be spread by jihad wars and by migrations, dubbed a hijra. By building mosques run by supervision of Saudi-selected clerics, Muslims in Europe can be kept under Saudi influence, and expand the faith though births and a continuing hijra. Turkey has followed a similar course by pushing for Turkish-run mosques and schools in Germany that would segregate the many Turks who have migrated to Germany, which is the birthplace of protestant Christianity.
The Saudis are also building a wall to keep out the swarm. Has the bbc reported on that?
Hope they’re not using Bin Laden’s cranes!
In July 2013 Ford closed their Transit manufacturing plant in Southampton. Production was not kept with the single market by moving it to another EU country – it went to Turkey. To multi-national companies the important point is the international trade agreements, not whether a country is ruled from Brussels (or should that be Berlin).
Something else the BBC will never tell you.
Remember when a middle manager at Vauxhall said the GM would leave the UK if we didn’t join the EUro ?
It was headline news on the BBC. Top billing .
Remember also…
Even the mention of a referendum on getting out of the EU and the adoption of the Euro could cause uncertainty in the economy of the UK.
Well, it never happened.
Considering most large companies are in a constant state of flux regarding their loyalties to ANY country, how can anyone trust the views of business owners or leaders either way when the overall consensus in the business world is to outsource jobs to the cheapest labour markets wherever possible.
The views of business on EU membership is irrelevant. The future is a gamble, in terms of economics. It would be interesting to see how many pro-EU businesses profit from our European membership. I’m no expert, but I would guess most businessmen/women would shrug their shoulders when asked which is the better option.