The BBC has been plugging its new film ‘The Gamechangers’ recently but the subject of that film, Rockstar Games, isn’t happy…
@BBC Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks?
— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) September 15, 2015
Rockstar also filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against the BBC, as reported in May, after saying that no-one at the gaming firm was consulted about The Gamechangers.
The film, from director Owen Harris and writer James Wood, did however make it very clear that it is in no way authorised by Rockstar.
That hardly makes things better does it? Not only is the film ‘made up bollocks’ it had no input from the game producers.
Not the Ten O’Clock News but sounds awfully familiar as a modus operandi for BBC reporters.
Surely there are basic industry courtesy if not IP issues involved?
Don’t tell me the BBC can now also cite whatever it likes for the purposes of faction ‘for the purposes of being unique and vital’ too, so long as it pops a small disclaimer on Jasmine’s twitter bio?
One way to ‘support’ the UK creative industries I guess.
But this is an outfit which can pretty much do what it likes to anyone. Apparently.
Hopefully the BBC have underestimated both ‘Rockstar Games’ will and resource
I pray for the day when an organization with bigger jackboots than the BBC crushes the BBC like as you would a cockroach.
Ffs, just look at the amount of BBC videos on Corbyn on today’s website. His every move is being met with admiration by a BBC which can no longer contain its glee. I mean they even had the audacity to post this crap:
I think you’ll find it was only Liebour MPs and perhaps a few other lefty oddballs who did any cheering. Pathetic BBC lefty bias.
Aside from the “random made up bollocks” , “Gamechangers” had less dramatic impact than that stinker “Gigli”. As the BBC could clearly not back a movie which came to a conclusion that media content could seriously damage the fragile minds of the young and impressionable, there was no conclusion, just a painfully slow fizzle. Poor old Harry Potter never waived his wand once.
Following on from the melodramatic cobblers of “An Inspector Calls”, you have to ask just how much of our licence tax is spent to produce this crap. Drama is yet another area where the Beeb is hopelessly at sea.