Been away so just back and can see the old Open Thread is as overflowing as a Hungarian border check point. Here’s a new thread for you to detail the bias.
The One Show takes a trip to Bradford to see how refugees that have already arrived are getting on.
First off a voxpop to tell us how wonderful Bradford is, two Asians, one indigenous agree (but she did look too sh1t scared to say anything else). We then meet a Syrian a has found work, that this for a housing charity that helps immigrants, so without immigrants there would be no job? (I call it NHS syndrome, one equals the need for the other), he tells us all the benefits available to new arrivals….
Then off to meet a family, in a nice terraced house our female reporter is greeted with smiles by the family of four, they get on like a house on fire, the kids are enjoying school, the house is great they love it and tell us that Europe should be doing more for other refugees. We don’t hear that after two years the parents haven’t got a job, but we do hear that they are learning English….FFS!
Our reporter doesn’t think to ask how, going forward we can afford to house, feed, clothe and school these people and the tens of thousand more that want to come, just how wonderful they are, but the most pertinent question I would have liked her to ask was how the &*%£ they can afford Sky TV, note the Sky remote on the UK tax payer supplied sofa…
Your point about the Sky remote really is a killer!
No matter what happens in Syria if peace breaks out and all is sweetness and light will they agitating to be taken back – thought not, and therein lies the problem.
Hopefully you did not miss the Tory M.P. who complained last week that he had been unable to get his hair cut. His barber, who had been granted asylum, had gone home for a holiday!
”has found work, that this for a housing charity that helps immigrants.” That isn’t a job, that’s a crime syndicate, aiding and abetting the displacement of the native British.
Great news for airline passengers! £600 compensation for delays resulting from technical faults, well done the European courts!
So how long exactly do they think airlines will continue to sell £10 tickets for? Any sane legal system compensates only for actual contractual loss, i.e. a seat on the plane, not consequential losses, after all we might have been rushing home to buy the million-pound winning lottery ticket.
But then the BBC doesn’t do consequences. Or joined-up thinking.
Geoff – I avoid the One Show like the plague. When I used to visit a close relative who was terminally ill in hospital, it was always on in the ward and starting at the time I used to arrive. I associate that theme tune with death and misery! At least when Adam Faith died he was watching Channel Five, which was probably more comforting!
The TV set normally gets turned off after the local inaccurate weather forecast, was doing some paperwork not paying attention, but on hearing Bradford it caught my attention and like a car crash I had look…
I know that I put this piece up from 2006 on an annual basis…but Chris Parrys article in the Sunday Times from June of that year is as stunningly prescient as ever.
It was intended as a hypothetical military “blue skies” scenario…and the Times made it appear to be fantasy or musings at that time.
Oh dear-and, unsurprisingly, he moved on soon afterwards-and then was sacked as head of some Independent School Charity for dissing the then-Labour education policy re private/comprehensive disparities.
Don`t the elite always like their toadies and apologist to be alive-but always with a view to acknowledging the prophets once they`re dead off the screens?
The BBC, Sky and Channel Snore are all guilty of the most repugnant illegal invader propaganda. It’s been simply hideous. The media in this country apart from a few newspapers are all far-Left filth who are quite happy to see the demise of Europe as a result of non-stop Muslim illegal immigration.
Yes – and I presume we were supposed to ‘understand’ that being a gay Muslim means terrorism is one career option for you.
Some fruity, non-PC comments on the BBC Radio 2 Facebook page about this during the programme which, as always didn’t get read out by Mr Pussyfoot – and then, surprise surprise, mysteriously got taken down later. I was surprised we were able to comment. Anything about the religion of peace is usually restricted or rejected for public comment.
So will we be seeing gay jihadis throwing each other off buildings anytime soon? I’m sure the BBC will be the first to tell us.
I’ve been reading George Orwell’s 1984 and I must say it reads, in parts, like the BBC’s operating manual.
Every day the ministry workers have their Hate session. No-one really knows the target of the hatred but that isn’t the point.
Tonight we had Marcus Brigstocke doing his usual thing, The Brig Society, essentially a Hate session against unknown racists, homophobes, xenophobes, Daily Mail readers etc. what the Left call the ‘other’, (I thought we were supposed to embrace them?). Occasionally he throws in a few named people like Seth Blatter that he thinks are too far away to thump him. Maybe I missed it but I think Nigel Farage missed out this time, (perhaps because the theme was football?), so we didn’t get the usual joke about ‘xenophobe’ Farage waking up next to his German wife, (sort of proves that he’s NOT a xenophobe and Brigstocke is the stupid one, I would have thought).
The copy of the book that I’m reading has a cover note by one Jo Brand: “More relevant to today than almost any other book that you can think of”. See, I knew it is the BBC’s operating manual!
1984 is a perennial favourite of mine. I often wonder what illiberal progressives actually think of the book. To me, it’s clear Orwell was writing about the brutalities of extreme socialism, about the inhumanity of a totalitarian collective imposed and enforced from above and propagated by an unaccountable, uncritical, closed minded bureaucracy. A society where nobody is allowed to disagree, to criticise or venture a personal opinion out of line with the dominant, approved narratives.
Of course, illiberal progressives have repeatedly attempted to claim Orwell’s masterpiece as a warning against ‘far right’ fascism, but history simply does not support this attempt at revisionism – quite the opposite. History’s most barbaric despots, from Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to Pol Pot and Mao were all of – what shall we say? – a distinctly ‘socialist’ hue.
Orwell pulled a blinder with 1984 – and he’s been fooling illiberal progressives ever since.
You know what,just watching feargal keane on news at ten and the ongoing pro immigration b/s and i come to this conclusion- bring it on! I am 41,fit ,and i shall stand my ground to look after my children. If the fake tories are going to let these arabs and africans move here, via the bbbc ,eu lies,then they are cooking up a nasty recipe. Remember,the english are a tollerant bunch ,but keep pushing and see what you get.
“”The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
Yes, that was the very first thing I noticed. I was thinking, “Where is it this week? Bradford?” I was hoping it would be Chipping Camden or somewhere – really show up the QT “impartial” selection process!
I think it is worse than that. Friend’s brother, ex accountant, moved from Wembley. When I asked why, I was told he was the last white man living in his area.
In addition to the Trust weasel getting neatly blind-sided by facts contradicting BBC template rhetoric, the comments suggest the BBC’s relentless migrant propaganda has yet to find a receptive audience. In fact it seems to be knocking more and more folk offside.
Maybe the Trust would like to reflect on why that may be?
Nice to see the BBC facilitating Sandi ‘toxic’ Toksvig in her new political career, allowing her to use QT as a party political broadcast for her new wimmins party. Could Dimbledore be any more useless?
Well, Question Time is living up to its usual impartial standards…
The two people on the panel who are slightly to the right of Karl Marx can hardly get a word in. And as for the audience; Take a close look at that audience. This is London, the capital of our once great country. Those of you who haven’t experienced the over whelming delights of mass immigration have that to look forward to in the very near future.
How the hell an apologist for terrorists can receive vociferous applause from a “British” audience is beyond all understanding.
Dimbleby is being his usual self. Smug, patronising and allowing the Trot an astonishing amount of time.
Oh Gawd, we’re now onto the “migrant” crisis. There’s going to be an undignified battle of the bleeding hearts, desperate to outdo each other on the sensitivity angle.
Time for bed.
The new “face” of Britain. Thought it was just me Jeff. And don’t the bbc just love to rub our faces in it. There is a song ” Living on a thin line ” by The Kinks. The words written c 1980/90’s are so so apt for now. I am not tech enough to transfer on this site, but guys, if you can it is worth a listen, a true anthem for what has happened to this once great country of ours.
Panellist were poor. They failed to outline so many facts, eg, declining German birth rate, IS terrorists, belief that appeasing the IRA was good when they (IRA) were about to give in without any agreement, they had been so infiltrated,etc.-Our pathetic politicians refusing to take the advice of our intelligence services at the time. Their ego’s came first. – Past members of the IRA now admit this to be true.
Poor panellists bar possibly Stanley
Tim Stanley received a direct accusation and was not allowed to respond by Dumbledore
The Shrek looking Scotsman who hates England mentioned some immigrants like Mo Farah, Freddie Mercury,etc.
He could have mentioned Sandi Toksvig, Michael Adebolajo, Michael Adebowale (Lee Rigby killers), Nick Clegg, Anjem Choudary, Richard Reid- Slipper Terrorist, Germaine Greer, etc,etc,etc
By the way, I read today that Diane Abbott and Jezza had sex a few years ago! Judgement was and still is a problem for both of them.
While AlBeeb have gone Over The Top with their wall to wall coverage of the the Labour Party and its so called ‘leadership contest’ and its adoration of Corbyn in the last 3 months. As far as I am aware, they have not covered UKIP’s political rally.
Thanks to this website this is certainly worth a watch………………….
Wake up Britain
Albeeb are desperate to stay in EU in order to receive their immigrant customers and grant received from the EU. They absolutely hate UKIP which is an excellent reason, as I see it, to vote for UKIP.
In QT, Shrek described Corbyn as a man of principle and conviction. So as soon as he becomes the leader of his party, he wants to remain in the EU, stay in NATO and will kiss the Queens hand and become a member of the privy counsel in order to get the 6 million his party will receive for doing so.
Last week Corbyn was a republican, anti NATO and happy to leave the EU.
Why does no one ever point out that he is so “principled” he chose to rake in £70k a year sitting with a party he clearly doesn’t agree with (voted against them 500 times!) rather than leaving and joining a party he actually agrees with, like the Socialist Workers? I suspect the reason is the £70k a year….
Mr A, I agree with you.
It is Len Mcluskey and the other Union puppet master leaders who control the puppet Corbyn. Other Labour MP’s are sponsored by Unions. Trouble in store.
There is no depth in the political comments made in QT. It is a programme for a Daily Star readership. It is based upon providing cheap soundbites. Shrek the Scotsman talking about immigrant child’s death,-pathetic. Did anyone mention the irresponsibility of the parents, -no.
Father has gone back to live in Syria!!!
I saw on the BBC news website that, after all the deliberations and soul-searching about which adjective is most appropriate for the immigrants, refugees etc, the BBC actually used the word ‘newcomers’ when the first wave hit. Newcomers? what is this, some sort of gargantuan therapy meeting? Could the 100k ‘newcomers’ please sit down and introduce themselves to the group? Afterwards we can sing “Michael row the boat ashore”
In all our huffing and puffing on here about migrants and moslem countries not doing their bit an article in the DT yesterday by the Jordanian Ambassador deserves a much wider audience.
If anyone can put up a link to it to enable others to read it I would be grateful. It was at the bottom of page 24.
It reminded me that there is a stable country in the troubled Middle East and it is doing much more than its fair share hosting 1.4m Syrians.
Many criticize the government’s overseas aid budget, but perhaps it is a good thing if we can use more of it in circumstances like Jordan presently is.
It is recognised that Muslim-majority countries in the form of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are doing more than their fair share. The criticisms are mainly levelled at Saudi Arabia and the wealthy Gulf states, who are precipitating or at least facilitating the problems, not helping sufficiently with the resultant mess but rather using their financial muscle to persuade Western countries to sort things out for them. This is an Arab problem and an opportunity for them to step up to the mark and cut the apron strings to Britain, France and America.
08:00 The breakfast bullshit continues. Serious looks from he sofa sloths. Croatia shuts it’s borders. Run video of a large group of men, surrounded by rubbish. Reporter then tells us there was a demonstration in a hotel being used as a drop in centre. The illegals don’t want to register in Croatia but we are not told why. We are also told local “aid” groups are handing out maps to show the way to Slovenia. More serious faces as we are told they may have to walk through minefields to get there.
On the BBC’s The Daily Politics yesterday there was a discussion with Robin Tilbrook, Chairman of the English Democrats party on the violence of migrants attempting to get into Hungary who have been attempting to breach the fence which is there to protect Hungary’s border. He was saying that we in England may need to use force to protect our borders if there is an attempt by thousands to get over here, and that every country has a right and duty to protect its borders and interests.
Jo Coburn was interviewing him and she showed just how much the BBC mindset, and indeed hers personally is wired. She was complaining that the police had used pepper spray and water cannon against the attackers first, that the attackers had only started to attack the fence and throw rocks after this had happened, in other words they were innocent victims of police aggression, and by extension they ought to be allowed through. Robin Tibrook only had time to say quickly ‘the other way round’, before he interview was ended.
Student politics again from Coburn. It is always the eternal aggressor- the police ,the army any legitimate arm of a nation. it is never the victim.
Borders are just that and just what is so hard to understand.
It is interesting that when in the former capital of Britain the audience roughly reflects the population of that sad city but when QT comes to a shire town it does not reflect the shire population.
Evidence if you really needed it of BBC gerrymandering and agenda driven behaviour.
Forget the BBC and it’s pathetic attempts to confuse us and the nation.
To be fair, I was at a BBC OB the other week.
Yes, there`ll be bias in ways like questions asked to suit a panel or BBC hobby horse…but the audiences-in my experience are the motivated, the public sector agitprop types who take an afternoon off in work time to collate, to fill the coach or minibus-the single issue grievance hustlers who get a petition to wave as you walk on, or a bucket to chuck a coin into.
In short,a freak show of all the disaffected PTSD types and medicated tie-dyes who have plenty time on their hands…AND who don`t have to justify time off, because their jobs are Environmental Heath or an NHS Union Pilgrim…and retired pensioners with no families but lots of money for Gaza.
The few real people get cowed-and the virtue of the smugfux at the end is a fog, I can tell you.
No Oxygen of Publicity needed when you breathe each others old dope instead…and get the inhalers from the next generation of kids.
And THAT`S As far to the BBC as I`m going-except to say I liked Michael Moselys thing on embyronic development-but even HE sought out the unusual humans, as if being normal is somehow “beige and boring”.
Still-good though.
Last night’s QT panel were all in full ‘virtue signalling’ mode as soon as the difficult subject of those so-called ‘migrants’ loomed. They were all buffoons (Toksvig was completely barking – basically inviting anyone and everyone into ‘Merrie Britain’ – you know, because we’re all so glad to welcome in a poisonous, hateful, brutal ideology which wants to see us eradicated), but none were quite so pompous on the panel as Alex Salmond, who pontificated as well as any North Korean dictator might, by shamelessly re-invoking the image of the dead boy the beach to push his pro-immigrant agenda. The audience, of course, sat in mute silence and lapped it up.
What we had here – from all the panelists (and from most of the audience), although Salmon really was particularly excruciating – was a textbook example of cognitive dissonance, of collective groupthink, and a total inability to face the harsh economic, social and cultural inevitabilities of welcoming in the great muslim flood across Europe. To these puffed-up charlatans there is simply no downside to flinging open the front doors to a dangerous ideology which is inherently incompatible with those of a free, democratic Europe and which will, once safely over the threshold, simply bide its time, never integrate whilst growing ever-stronger, ever-more malevolent and threatening in our midst.
I honestly don’t know how much further out-of-touch our metropolitan politicians and commentators can really be.
Didn`t see it.
Same old same old as Dimblys brain fades get ever more embarrassing…think his little brother though is more advanced re senility though.
Has Salmond and his Tartan toffees offered Glencoe and Rannoch Moor yet to the Syrians and others (to be arranged)?
I know Jimmy Savile had a nice gaff up there-and were we to call that deserted area where not much happened( my history`s been excised..but can tell you the date Thatcher died!)-“Savile County”…I`m sure his estate would clear the condoms,sweaty socks and his Duchesses many old frocks and death mask?
Salmond and Sturgeon really need to send those Caledonian Airbuses out and around the Med-bring them all up to Glencoe, and let them all thrive….but no technical delays to those planes eh Alex?…it`ll cost ya!
We no longer have a Police force in the UK with most of them fully indoctrinated in the enforcement of Political Correctness, bravely rushing to arrest dotty old ladies who dared to suggest the RoP might not be the true religion, or the vegetarian who stuck stickers on packs of meat suggesting Halal was cruel.
So when there’s a report of a Muslim running amok with a knife, they will probably be running around the terrified crowd arresting anyone who doesn’t appreciate the diversity of being stabbed by someone from a minority background.
One thing is for certain though, they would NEVER under any circumstances have even wounded a Muslim, let alone used lethal force. Most likely they would have persuaded him to lay down the knife and then taken him back to the station for a nice cup of tea, before announcing the usual ‘Lone wolf’, mental illness excuses. He would then be given back to his family who would tell us what a ‘beautiful man’ he is, and that they had no idea he was going to do such a thing – there were no indications.
White people in the crowd would be threatened with arrest if they failed to see things in the same light the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly known as ‘The Police’) insist they do.
Not BBC bias, just more evidence of the insanity that the perverted left wing ideology, and authoritarianism has caused, and the real proof that white people are second class citizens:
“Judge rules it is right that child molester who abused ethnic minority girls got longer sentence because Asian sex crime victims suffer more than whites”
Remember all the Fascists baying for the blood of the judge who said that a witness named Patel, who said she couldn’t attend commented that she must be able to get time off from working in a corner shop? He was made to resign – what’s the betting nothing happens to this one?
This is where we end up with impact guidelines on sentencing. Once we accept the multiculty view that cultures must be assessed for impact of crimes then the principle that justice is blind is negated. In practice, the message to muslim pedophiles is – stick to white trash kaffirs (preferably from what the media describe as disturbed backgrounds) and in the unlikely event that you will be prosecuted, expect a lenient sentence.
In this case, note that the court followed sentencing guidelines which are endorsed by the present government.
Justice is no longer blind in the multiculty state.
Weather woman is out at Biggin hill for breakfast. Useful information includes a Spitfire built in 1943 didn’t take part in the battle of Britain. Also asked a woman pilot who ferried aircraft around in WW2 if she faced “discrimination”.
Noted an awful lot of puffery for the shiny brand-new world of technology…Hawking, great computers and loads of jobs and love if we only let the boffins lead the methods and we fuddy duddies get out of their way.
In a whole week given over to this Brave New World, the BBC seem yet to have given us any-er “downside”.
If only the Tories could be given such a clean bill of health, no questions re fundings, mindsets and overall destinations.
Just Trusted…as are the IT Crowd.
Now here is the problem of them all being uneducated liberal arts graduates from Oxbridge who saw too much Tomorrows World and Live Aid.
I gather that driverless cars will choose to crash-if they must-into the cheaper vehicle, the less “valuable” car if both cars are facing the doomed computer-led one!
And the BBC say this-without ONE Word about how the “computer” decides which one THAT is!
Safe to say that you`d better not shunt Anjem Choudhury or his family-and the last thing I`ll be wanting is his mates using cars as radio controlled bombs by Tiger Tiger on Ladies Nights…let alone taking me to Glasgow Airport by Childcatching Taxi!
But the BBC won`t be worrying-they of course will always be THE Essential Service we all let go untroubled…
Somebody asked what the left think of Orwell’s ‘1984’. What I’ve noticed from studying him – admittedly only to bachelor degree level so I’m not an expert – is that the left tend to view ‘1984’ as a warning, usually of the dangers of right-wing totalitarianism, but once you dig deeper you see that it’s also a satire on what was happening at the time. There are all sorts of incidents in the book that refer to actual events that changed Orwell’s previously unquestioned support of the left. Eg the bit about Eastasia and Eurasia etc suddenly changing sides and pretending they’ve always been at war, is based on the Nazi-Soviet pact of the early 1940s.
Yet the left generally seem to push this idea of the book being a warning about fascism and the ‘spectre of the far-right’ which is always supposed to be ‘on the rise’ in Europe but never actually seems to get off the ground.
I just spoke to my wife who’s currently in Hungary. I asked about the country being on a war footing.
“War footing?” she asked. “What on earth are you talking about?”
I explained to her that I’d just seen Alex Crawford on Sky News interviewing some Iraqis who’d been stopped breaking through the fence from Serbia into Hungary. I relayed to my wife what Ms Crawford said to camera : “They’ve crossed into a country where sympathy is in short supply. Where the government has put the country on a virtual war footing.”
My wife agreed to go out immediately and buy a flak jacket and helmet for the remainder of her visit and now I can breathe easily again.
LOL. I guess having any sort of border control means war, to some beeboids. If they really want to know what Hungary looks like on ‘a war footing’ they should look for some footage of the street fighting in Budapest in ’56.
Who could have imagined that his name might have been Mohammed Ali?
Enough Ricin to kill 1400 people and he gets a sentence of just 8 years meaning he will be out in just 4, you get longer for looking at a Muslim the wrong way!
The usual excuses are trotted out mental illness lone wolf, operating alone etc etc, and the family yet again claim “They are distraught and appalled by the mess he has got into.” In other words, they’re upset he got caught !
The BBC whilst actually reporting this fail to investigate the motivation, or the Islamic angle at all, they simply view it as a British man whose motivations are unknown.
Is this the end of Isis? British special forces colonel claims devastating loss of land and troops thanks to air strikes and battles with Kurdish forces will lead to ‘house of cards’ falling down
One British Colonel reportedly said ISIS are ‘fragile’ and in a ‘poor position’
Brigadier added it was just a ‘question of time’ before jihadis were defeated
Terrorist numbers said to have fallen by 8,000 since campaign started
Makes you wonder if this Colonel has realised that they’ve all upped sticks and moved to Germany ?
Holy crap….I wonder how the BBC will report this? ‘German crowds boo’d Merkel for her hard hearted stance on refugees and shouted demands for more to be allowed in to the country’.
If they report it at all, it will be that the shadowy ‘Right wing groups’ infiltrated an address given by the infinitely reasonable and compassionate dear leaderene and shouted their ‘vile hatred’ at her.
Isn’t that how they report on everyone who fails to see the world the way they do?
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
The One Show takes a trip to Bradford to see how refugees that have already arrived are getting on.
First off a voxpop to tell us how wonderful Bradford is, two Asians, one indigenous agree (but she did look too sh1t scared to say anything else). We then meet a Syrian a has found work, that this for a housing charity that helps immigrants, so without immigrants there would be no job? (I call it NHS syndrome, one equals the need for the other), he tells us all the benefits available to new arrivals….
Then off to meet a family, in a nice terraced house our female reporter is greeted with smiles by the family of four, they get on like a house on fire, the kids are enjoying school, the house is great they love it and tell us that Europe should be doing more for other refugees. We don’t hear that after two years the parents haven’t got a job, but we do hear that they are learning English….FFS!
Our reporter doesn’t think to ask how, going forward we can afford to house, feed, clothe and school these people and the tens of thousand more that want to come, just how wonderful they are, but the most pertinent question I would have liked her to ask was how the &*%£ they can afford Sky TV, note the Sky remote on the UK tax payer supplied sofa…
Blood pressure at bursting point…..
Your point about the Sky remote really is a killer!
No matter what happens in Syria if peace breaks out and all is sweetness and light will they agitating to be taken back – thought not, and therein lies the problem.
Hopefully you did not miss the Tory M.P. who complained last week that he had been unable to get his hair cut. His barber, who had been granted asylum, had gone home for a holiday!
”has found work, that this for a housing charity that helps immigrants.” That isn’t a job, that’s a crime syndicate, aiding and abetting the displacement of the native British.
More stupidity from the BBC:
Great news for airline passengers! £600 compensation for delays resulting from technical faults, well done the European courts!
So how long exactly do they think airlines will continue to sell £10 tickets for? Any sane legal system compensates only for actual contractual loss, i.e. a seat on the plane, not consequential losses, after all we might have been rushing home to buy the million-pound winning lottery ticket.
But then the BBC doesn’t do consequences. Or joined-up thinking.
Geoff – I avoid the One Show like the plague. When I used to visit a close relative who was terminally ill in hospital, it was always on in the ward and starting at the time I used to arrive. I associate that theme tune with death and misery! At least when Adam Faith died he was watching Channel Five, which was probably more comforting!
The TV set normally gets turned off after the local inaccurate weather forecast, was doing some paperwork not paying attention, but on hearing Bradford it caught my attention and like a car crash I had look…
Adam Faith died on the Job ! He was shagging his young girlfriend at the time .
I know that I put this piece up from 2006 on an annual basis…but Chris Parrys article in the Sunday Times from June of that year is as stunningly prescient as ever.
It was intended as a hypothetical military “blue skies” scenario…and the Times made it appear to be fantasy or musings at that time.
Oh dear-and, unsurprisingly, he moved on soon afterwards-and then was sacked as head of some Independent School Charity for dissing the then-Labour education policy re private/comprehensive disparities.
Don`t the elite always like their toadies and apologist to be alive-but always with a view to acknowledging the prophets once they`re dead off the screens?
June 11th 2006, mark you!
That is one very prophetic artical, thanks CH duly book marked.
The BBC, Sky and Channel Snore are all guilty of the most repugnant illegal invader propaganda. It’s been simply hideous. The media in this country apart from a few newspapers are all far-Left filth who are quite happy to see the demise of Europe as a result of non-stop Muslim illegal immigration.
Did anyone listen to Jezza Vine today, interviewing the homosexual jihadi?
Yes – and I presume we were supposed to ‘understand’ that being a gay Muslim means terrorism is one career option for you.
Some fruity, non-PC comments on the BBC Radio 2 Facebook page about this during the programme which, as always didn’t get read out by Mr Pussyfoot – and then, surprise surprise, mysteriously got taken down later. I was surprised we were able to comment. Anything about the religion of peace is usually restricted or rejected for public comment.
So will we be seeing gay jihadis throwing each other off buildings anytime soon? I’m sure the BBC will be the first to tell us.
Things are not looking good in Germany ? …………………………………………..
‘The president of Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees’ – “for personal reasons”.
(nothing seen on ALBeeb about that? )
I’ve been reading George Orwell’s 1984 and I must say it reads, in parts, like the BBC’s operating manual.
Every day the ministry workers have their Hate session. No-one really knows the target of the hatred but that isn’t the point.
Tonight we had Marcus Brigstocke doing his usual thing, The Brig Society , essentially a Hate session against unknown racists, homophobes, xenophobes, Daily Mail readers etc. what the Left call the ‘other’, (I thought we were supposed to embrace them?). Occasionally he throws in a few named people like Seth Blatter that he thinks are too far away to thump him. Maybe I missed it but I think Nigel Farage missed out this time, (perhaps because the theme was football?), so we didn’t get the usual joke about ‘xenophobe’ Farage waking up next to his German wife, (sort of proves that he’s NOT a xenophobe and Brigstocke is the stupid one, I would have thought).
The copy of the book that I’m reading has a cover note by one Jo Brand: “More relevant to today than almost any other book that you can think of”. See, I knew it is the BBC’s operating manual!
The irony of that deeply unpleasant, far-Left authoritarian woman being quoted on the back of Orwell’s masterpiece is staggering.
Orwell, of course, knew whereof he wrote – he worked for the BBC.
It is incredible that Lefties are so stupid they do not realise that 1984 is about THEM !
1984 is a perennial favourite of mine. I often wonder what illiberal progressives actually think of the book. To me, it’s clear Orwell was writing about the brutalities of extreme socialism, about the inhumanity of a totalitarian collective imposed and enforced from above and propagated by an unaccountable, uncritical, closed minded bureaucracy. A society where nobody is allowed to disagree, to criticise or venture a personal opinion out of line with the dominant, approved narratives.
Of course, illiberal progressives have repeatedly attempted to claim Orwell’s masterpiece as a warning against ‘far right’ fascism, but history simply does not support this attempt at revisionism – quite the opposite. History’s most barbaric despots, from Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to Pol Pot and Mao were all of – what shall we say? – a distinctly ‘socialist’ hue.
Orwell pulled a blinder with 1984 – and he’s been fooling illiberal progressives ever since.
Obi, publication was delayed until after WW2 for fear of offending the Soviets who were our allies !
You know what,just watching feargal keane on news at ten and the ongoing pro immigration b/s and i come to this conclusion- bring it on! I am 41,fit ,and i shall stand my ground to look after my children. If the fake tories are going to let these arabs and africans move here, via the bbbc ,eu lies,then they are cooking up a nasty recipe. Remember,the english are a tollerant bunch ,but keep pushing and see what you get.
Or, as Kipling put it:
“”The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
Well said mate
What utter shite mock the week is.
BBc still putting the boot in on Trump. 22:25.
Just seen the trump thing on news at ten. Clutching at straws was my first thought
A Donald Trump / Ted Cruz winning ticket, would be ideal for the U.S. and the rest of the West.
Jeez if the Wembley QT audience is representative of London today and the rest of the UK tomorrow we really are fooked, 25% white?
Yes, that was the very first thing I noticed. I was thinking, “Where is it this week? Bradford?” I was hoping it would be Chipping Camden or somewhere – really show up the QT “impartial” selection process!
To get an all British audience you have to go to the Falkland Islands.
Corbyn wants to give that to the Argies!
I think it is worse than that. Friend’s brother, ex accountant, moved from Wembley. When I asked why, I was told he was the last white man living in his area.
In addition to the Trust weasel getting neatly blind-sided by facts contradicting BBC template rhetoric, the comments suggest the BBC’s relentless migrant propaganda has yet to find a receptive audience. In fact it seems to be knocking more and more folk offside.
Maybe the Trust would like to reflect on why that may be?
Nice to see the BBC facilitating Sandi ‘toxic’ Toksvig in her new political career, allowing her to use QT as a party political broadcast for her new wimmins party. Could Dimbledore be any more useless?
Apparently they have men members 😉 Always had my doubts about Sandi….
Well, Question Time is living up to its usual impartial standards…
The two people on the panel who are slightly to the right of Karl Marx can hardly get a word in. And as for the audience; Take a close look at that audience. This is London, the capital of our once great country. Those of you who haven’t experienced the over whelming delights of mass immigration have that to look forward to in the very near future.
How the hell an apologist for terrorists can receive vociferous applause from a “British” audience is beyond all understanding.
Dimbleby is being his usual self. Smug, patronising and allowing the Trot an astonishing amount of time.
Oh Gawd, we’re now onto the “migrant” crisis. There’s going to be an undignified battle of the bleeding hearts, desperate to outdo each other on the sensitivity angle.
Time for bed.
Q. Should we take in more refugees?
A. No. Next question?
The new “face” of Britain. Thought it was just me Jeff. And don’t the bbc just love to rub our faces in it. There is a song ” Living on a thin line ” by The Kinks. The words written c 1980/90’s are so so apt for now. I am not tech enough to transfer on this site, but guys, if you can it is worth a listen, a true anthem for what has happened to this once great country of ours.
Multicultural London is a foreign country to me.
Panellist were poor. They failed to outline so many facts, eg, declining German birth rate, IS terrorists, belief that appeasing the IRA was good when they (IRA) were about to give in without any agreement, they had been so infiltrated,etc.-Our pathetic politicians refusing to take the advice of our intelligence services at the time. Their ego’s came first. – Past members of the IRA now admit this to be true.
Poor panellists bar possibly Stanley
Tim Stanley received a direct accusation and was not allowed to respond by Dumbledore
”Poor panellists bar possibly Stanley.” This is the witless wonder who said ” We don’t have a muslim problem, we have terrorism problem.” and also ” muslims do it because they’re bored.”
The Shrek looking Scotsman who hates England mentioned some immigrants like Mo Farah, Freddie Mercury,etc.
He could have mentioned Sandi Toksvig, Michael Adebolajo, Michael Adebowale (Lee Rigby killers), Nick Clegg, Anjem Choudary, Richard Reid- Slipper Terrorist, Germaine Greer, etc,etc,etc
By the way, I read today that Diane Abbott and Jezza had sex a few years ago! Judgement was and still is a problem for both of them.
While AlBeeb have gone Over The Top with their wall to wall coverage of the the Labour Party and its so called ‘leadership contest’ and its adoration of Corbyn in the last 3 months. As far as I am aware, they have not covered UKIP’s political rally.
Thanks to this website this is certainly worth a watch………………….
Wake up Britain
And to remind you all of our Prime Minister’s Promise …………..
Albeeb are desperate to stay in EU in order to receive their immigrant customers and grant received from the EU. They absolutely hate UKIP which is an excellent reason, as I see it, to vote for UKIP.
In QT, Shrek described Corbyn as a man of principle and conviction. So as soon as he becomes the leader of his party, he wants to remain in the EU, stay in NATO and will kiss the Queens hand and become a member of the privy counsel in order to get the 6 million his party will receive for doing so.
Last week Corbyn was a republican, anti NATO and happy to leave the EU.
Principled my arse!!
Why does no one ever point out that he is so “principled” he chose to rake in £70k a year sitting with a party he clearly doesn’t agree with (voted against them 500 times!) rather than leaving and joining a party he actually agrees with, like the Socialist Workers? I suspect the reason is the £70k a year….
So much for principles.
Mr A, I agree with you.
It is Len Mcluskey and the other Union puppet master leaders who control the puppet Corbyn. Other Labour MP’s are sponsored by Unions. Trouble in store.
There is no depth in the political comments made in QT. It is a programme for a Daily Star readership. It is based upon providing cheap soundbites. Shrek the Scotsman talking about immigrant child’s death,-pathetic. Did anyone mention the irresponsibility of the parents, -no.
Father has gone back to live in Syria!!!
When the British people see the ‘real migrants’ in Europe, UKIP will do better than they did in June ……………………
I saw on the BBC news website that, after all the deliberations and soul-searching about which adjective is most appropriate for the immigrants, refugees etc, the BBC actually used the word ‘newcomers’ when the first wave hit. Newcomers? what is this, some sort of gargantuan therapy meeting? Could the 100k ‘newcomers’ please sit down and introduce themselves to the group? Afterwards we can sing “Michael row the boat ashore”
That wouldn’t be Mrs. Adebolajo’s wee boy, would it? A few ‘Syrian’ cousins en route to Calais via Croatia as we speak.
It’s all shaping up like an episode of Babylon 5, only without the laughs.
In all our huffing and puffing on here about migrants and moslem countries not doing their bit an article in the DT yesterday by the Jordanian Ambassador deserves a much wider audience.
If anyone can put up a link to it to enable others to read it I would be grateful. It was at the bottom of page 24.
It reminded me that there is a stable country in the troubled Middle East and it is doing much more than its fair share hosting 1.4m Syrians.
Many criticize the government’s overseas aid budget, but perhaps it is a good thing if we can use more of it in circumstances like Jordan presently is.
It is recognised that Muslim-majority countries in the form of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are doing more than their fair share. The criticisms are mainly levelled at Saudi Arabia and the wealthy Gulf states, who are precipitating or at least facilitating the problems, not helping sufficiently with the resultant mess but rather using their financial muscle to persuade Western countries to sort things out for them. This is an Arab problem and an opportunity for them to step up to the mark and cut the apron strings to Britain, France and America.
08:00 The breakfast bullshit continues. Serious looks from he sofa sloths. Croatia shuts it’s borders. Run video of a large group of men, surrounded by rubbish. Reporter then tells us there was a demonstration in a hotel being used as a drop in centre. The illegals don’t want to register in Croatia but we are not told why. We are also told local “aid” groups are handing out maps to show the way to Slovenia. More serious faces as we are told they may have to walk through minefields to get there.
On the BBC’s The Daily Politics yesterday there was a discussion with Robin Tilbrook, Chairman of the English Democrats party on the violence of migrants attempting to get into Hungary who have been attempting to breach the fence which is there to protect Hungary’s border. He was saying that we in England may need to use force to protect our borders if there is an attempt by thousands to get over here, and that every country has a right and duty to protect its borders and interests.
Jo Coburn was interviewing him and she showed just how much the BBC mindset, and indeed hers personally is wired. She was complaining that the police had used pepper spray and water cannon against the attackers first, that the attackers had only started to attack the fence and throw rocks after this had happened, in other words they were innocent victims of police aggression, and by extension they ought to be allowed through. Robin Tibrook only had time to say quickly ‘the other way round’, before he interview was ended.
Student politics again from Coburn. It is always the eternal aggressor- the police ,the army any legitimate arm of a nation. it is never the victim.
Borders are just that and just what is so hard to understand.
It is interesting that when in the former capital of Britain the audience roughly reflects the population of that sad city but when QT comes to a shire town it does not reflect the shire population.
Evidence if you really needed it of BBC gerrymandering and agenda driven behaviour.
Forget the BBC and it’s pathetic attempts to confuse us and the nation.
To be fair, I was at a BBC OB the other week.
Yes, there`ll be bias in ways like questions asked to suit a panel or BBC hobby horse…but the audiences-in my experience are the motivated, the public sector agitprop types who take an afternoon off in work time to collate, to fill the coach or minibus-the single issue grievance hustlers who get a petition to wave as you walk on, or a bucket to chuck a coin into.
In short,a freak show of all the disaffected PTSD types and medicated tie-dyes who have plenty time on their hands…AND who don`t have to justify time off, because their jobs are Environmental Heath or an NHS Union Pilgrim…and retired pensioners with no families but lots of money for Gaza.
The few real people get cowed-and the virtue of the smugfux at the end is a fog, I can tell you.
No Oxygen of Publicity needed when you breathe each others old dope instead…and get the inhalers from the next generation of kids.
And THAT`S As far to the BBC as I`m going-except to say I liked Michael Moselys thing on embyronic development-but even HE sought out the unusual humans, as if being normal is somehow “beige and boring”.
Still-good though.
Yes, the signing of the letter would have done that.
Last night’s QT panel were all in full ‘virtue signalling’ mode as soon as the difficult subject of those so-called ‘migrants’ loomed. They were all buffoons (Toksvig was completely barking – basically inviting anyone and everyone into ‘Merrie Britain’ – you know, because we’re all so glad to welcome in a poisonous, hateful, brutal ideology which wants to see us eradicated), but none were quite so pompous on the panel as Alex Salmond, who pontificated as well as any North Korean dictator might, by shamelessly re-invoking the image of the dead boy the beach to push his pro-immigrant agenda. The audience, of course, sat in mute silence and lapped it up.
What we had here – from all the panelists (and from most of the audience), although Salmon really was particularly excruciating – was a textbook example of cognitive dissonance, of collective groupthink, and a total inability to face the harsh economic, social and cultural inevitabilities of welcoming in the great muslim flood across Europe. To these puffed-up charlatans there is simply no downside to flinging open the front doors to a dangerous ideology which is inherently incompatible with those of a free, democratic Europe and which will, once safely over the threshold, simply bide its time, never integrate whilst growing ever-stronger, ever-more malevolent and threatening in our midst.
I honestly don’t know how much further out-of-touch our metropolitan politicians and commentators can really be.
Didn`t see it.
Same old same old as Dimblys brain fades get ever more embarrassing…think his little brother though is more advanced re senility though.
Has Salmond and his Tartan toffees offered Glencoe and Rannoch Moor yet to the Syrians and others (to be arranged)?
I know Jimmy Savile had a nice gaff up there-and were we to call that deserted area where not much happened( my history`s been excised..but can tell you the date Thatcher died!)-“Savile County”…I`m sure his estate would clear the condoms,sweaty socks and his Duchesses many old frocks and death mask?
Salmond and Sturgeon really need to send those Caledonian Airbuses out and around the Med-bring them all up to Glencoe, and let them all thrive….but no technical delays to those planes eh Alex?…it`ll cost ya!
Germany police shoot Berlin Islamist after knife attack
We no longer have a Police force in the UK with most of them fully indoctrinated in the enforcement of Political Correctness, bravely rushing to arrest dotty old ladies who dared to suggest the RoP might not be the true religion, or the vegetarian who stuck stickers on packs of meat suggesting Halal was cruel.
So when there’s a report of a Muslim running amok with a knife, they will probably be running around the terrified crowd arresting anyone who doesn’t appreciate the diversity of being stabbed by someone from a minority background.
One thing is for certain though, they would NEVER under any circumstances have even wounded a Muslim, let alone used lethal force. Most likely they would have persuaded him to lay down the knife and then taken him back to the station for a nice cup of tea, before announcing the usual ‘Lone wolf’, mental illness excuses. He would then be given back to his family who would tell us what a ‘beautiful man’ he is, and that they had no idea he was going to do such a thing – there were no indications.
White people in the crowd would be threatened with arrest if they failed to see things in the same light the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly known as ‘The Police’) insist they do.
Not BBC bias, just more evidence of the insanity that the perverted left wing ideology, and authoritarianism has caused, and the real proof that white people are second class citizens:
“Judge rules it is right that child molester who abused ethnic minority girls got longer sentence because Asian sex crime victims suffer more than whites”
Remember all the Fascists baying for the blood of the judge who said that a witness named Patel, who said she couldn’t attend commented that she must be able to get time off from working in a corner shop? He was made to resign – what’s the betting nothing happens to this one?
This is where we end up with impact guidelines on sentencing. Once we accept the multiculty view that cultures must be assessed for impact of crimes then the principle that justice is blind is negated. In practice, the message to muslim pedophiles is – stick to white trash kaffirs (preferably from what the media describe as disturbed backgrounds) and in the unlikely event that you will be prosecuted, expect a lenient sentence.
In this case, note that the court followed sentencing guidelines which are endorsed by the present government.
Justice is no longer blind in the multiculty state.
Weather woman is out at Biggin hill for breakfast. Useful information includes a Spitfire built in 1943 didn’t take part in the battle of Britain. Also asked a woman pilot who ferried aircraft around in WW2 if she faced “discrimination”.
Noted an awful lot of puffery for the shiny brand-new world of technology…Hawking, great computers and loads of jobs and love if we only let the boffins lead the methods and we fuddy duddies get out of their way.
In a whole week given over to this Brave New World, the BBC seem yet to have given us any-er “downside”.
If only the Tories could be given such a clean bill of health, no questions re fundings, mindsets and overall destinations.
Just Trusted…as are the IT Crowd.
Now here is the problem of them all being uneducated liberal arts graduates from Oxbridge who saw too much Tomorrows World and Live Aid.
I gather that driverless cars will choose to crash-if they must-into the cheaper vehicle, the less “valuable” car if both cars are facing the doomed computer-led one!
And the BBC say this-without ONE Word about how the “computer” decides which one THAT is!
Safe to say that you`d better not shunt Anjem Choudhury or his family-and the last thing I`ll be wanting is his mates using cars as radio controlled bombs by Tiger Tiger on Ladies Nights…let alone taking me to Glasgow Airport by Childcatching Taxi!
But the BBC won`t be worrying-they of course will always be THE Essential Service we all let go untroubled…
Somebody asked what the left think of Orwell’s ‘1984’. What I’ve noticed from studying him – admittedly only to bachelor degree level so I’m not an expert – is that the left tend to view ‘1984’ as a warning, usually of the dangers of right-wing totalitarianism, but once you dig deeper you see that it’s also a satire on what was happening at the time. There are all sorts of incidents in the book that refer to actual events that changed Orwell’s previously unquestioned support of the left. Eg the bit about Eastasia and Eurasia etc suddenly changing sides and pretending they’ve always been at war, is based on the Nazi-Soviet pact of the early 1940s.
Yet the left generally seem to push this idea of the book being a warning about fascism and the ‘spectre of the far-right’ which is always supposed to be ‘on the rise’ in Europe but never actually seems to get off the ground.
I just spoke to my wife who’s currently in Hungary. I asked about the country being on a war footing.
“War footing?” she asked. “What on earth are you talking about?”
I explained to her that I’d just seen Alex Crawford on Sky News interviewing some Iraqis who’d been stopped breaking through the fence from Serbia into Hungary. I relayed to my wife what Ms Crawford said to camera : “They’ve crossed into a country where sympathy is in short supply. Where the government has put the country on a virtual war footing.”
My wife agreed to go out immediately and buy a flak jacket and helmet for the remainder of her visit and now I can breathe easily again.
LOL. I guess having any sort of border control means war, to some beeboids. If they really want to know what Hungary looks like on ‘a war footing’ they should look for some footage of the street fighting in Budapest in ’56.
Breaking Bad fan jailed over Dark Web ricin plot.
Who could have imagined that his name might have been Mohammed Ali?
Enough Ricin to kill 1400 people and he gets a sentence of just 8 years meaning he will be out in just 4, you get longer for looking at a Muslim the wrong way!
The usual excuses are trotted out mental illness lone wolf, operating alone etc etc, and the family yet again claim “They are distraught and appalled by the mess he has got into.” In other words, they’re upset he got caught !
The BBC whilst actually reporting this fail to investigate the motivation, or the Islamic angle at all, they simply view it as a British man whose motivations are unknown.
Typical bias from both the BBC and the judiciary.
Is this the end of Isis? British special forces colonel claims devastating loss of land and troops thanks to air strikes and battles with Kurdish forces will lead to ‘house of cards’ falling down
One British Colonel reportedly said ISIS are ‘fragile’ and in a ‘poor position’
Brigadier added it was just a ‘question of time’ before jihadis were defeated
Terrorist numbers said to have fallen by 8,000 since campaign started
Makes you wonder if this Colonel has realised that they’ve all upped sticks and moved to Germany ?
Holy crap….I wonder how the BBC will report this? ‘German crowds boo’d Merkel for her hard hearted stance on refugees and shouted demands for more to be allowed in to the country’.
If they report it at all, it will be that the shadowy ‘Right wing groups’ infiltrated an address given by the infinitely reasonable and compassionate dear leaderene and shouted their ‘vile hatred’ at her.
Isn’t that how they report on everyone who fails to see the world the way they do?