Just a quick word to say I am back from my holiday and awoke to the Today programme’s relentless bias this morning. However to be fair to the BBC, although the item at 7.10am was ALL SET UP for some left wing self righteous indignation over our failure to embrace gazillions of …coughs …”refugees’ the interviewee – Catriona Jarvis who is a retired judge of the Upper Tribunal – was unable to answer the simple question HOW MANY of them should we have then!!! Give it a listen if you missed it – her answers were truly pathetic.
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Catriona Jarvis was just one of many of the judiciary, both past and present, who signed a petiton criticising the government for their approach in dealing with the Syrian refugee problem.
Maybe politicians should sign petitions to get judges sacked and judgements overturned.
Judges should stick to the law, otherwise they compromise their position, this is very dangerous and very foolish for Judges to behave in this way.
Judges should be seen by the public as being impartial. The petitoners should consider their position.
There are far too many leftie judges on the circuit.
It is judges who keep telling the Home Office that foreign criminals must not be deported. I think it’s called judicial activism – which should result in dismissal.
The problem extends to the Court of Appeal. Hence the recent decision that rapists of white children should be in prison for less time than rapists of “asian” children.
No, the problem does not extend to the Court of Appeal certainly not in the case you refer to. In this case the judge was careful to make clear that he was following GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTION, that Muslim lives are worth more than non Muslim ones.
This is Sharia law, implemented by a government owned by a foreign country !
I agree.
The only thing about which our jurists should be partisan is the primacy of the law itself. If they choose to enter the political arena then they risk undermining the very democracy that supports them in the exercise of their legitimate constitutional role.
Jurisprudence possesses a collective supremacy in the interpretation and application of both the common, and the statutory instruments of the law. In a relatively stable democracy it is possible to fall into the error of forgetting that this possession is held solely by courtesy of, and in the service of, society – Mankind – which has ordered it so.
To paraphrase, ‘The Law was made for Man, not Man for the Law’. And the Law, both in person and in fact, has no business in curtailing our democratic freedom to continue the process of creating or renewing our notions of morality. That process is what led to the construction of the Law in the first place.
Fine asses they will look, if they hew the branch upon which they sit.
Agree-hopefully they are not too out of the general scene to recognise that the United Kingdom is carrying a population of over 70 millions as per recent statistics, which is endangering our frail infrastructure. However to have the termerity to imply allowing another 20, 000 immigrants from Syria into the UK is not sufficient in numbers is simply gross impertinance to the ever generous British. Europe now faces its worse nightmare-the evils it has & is allowing to perpetrate all European nations will undoubtedly have far reaching unsociable & in some cases devastating effects on the future of Europe-a weak soppy out of touch Judicary is most certainly what we don’t want.
No judge (or any figure of authority) wheeled out by the BBC will be impartial.
If they were, they wouldn’t be on the BBC.
David Vance, Nice name. Welcome back from your holiday in Cuba. I still remember, many years ago, your tropical fish ! Keep up the good work !
You can bet your bottom dollar that the judiciary, both past and present want more migrants into the country.
Think of all those lucrative cases they would be taking up fighting deportation orders along with retired judges making some pocket money from their consultation fees etc.
All these people are pissing in the wind. They do not live in a real world !
“All these people are pissing in the wind.”
Not quite accurate. They’re pissing on us.
Ha ! Yes !
Trump has a good grasp of the ‘invader’ issue
“Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
The West, particularly Europe, is facing an existential crisis, made much worse by Merkel. Whether she is insane is not the question. Germany, and by extension, Europe is now potentially mortally wounded, unless something is done to reverse the crisis.
To do what needs doing requires the leadership and support of the American president. By his words, Trump shows that he understands the gravity of the situation, and will not only support but lead the way.
why didn’t the BBC ask the judge if she feels the judiciary should be political, why we don’t have an elected judiciary instead of an appointed one ?