I just cannot believe how shockingly incompetent Corbyn and his partner in slime, chancellor John McDonnell, are. It’s risible and yet the BBC are still treating these two clowns as if they are the answer to the Tories.Corbyn and his teletubbies seem to be getting an easy time from the comrades at the BBC, escaping the level of scrutiny that any decent and impartial news organisation would rightly be putting them under. It’s pathetic!
I am wondering if the Beeb are a little worried about charter renewal. We have seen a nod towards QT and Any Questions towards balance. The Panorama programme re Leon Brittain was allowed and given some prominence in News programmes. I believe it temporary and only a slight move to the right. Does anyone else think they have spotted it?
I have noticed over the past week ,that when the BBC are reporting about the violence in Israel ,they have mentioned Israeli Jews have been killed / murdered by Palestinians rather than their usual habit of mentioning that Palestinians have been killed by Jews. I don’t know if that is a move to the right but it is more honest reporting.
Deborah – I would call it more a shift towards impartiality than to the right. But I agree there has been a slight improvement recently in some reporting especially with the recent violence in Israel referred to by Fixby below.
However an overwhelming leftist narrative still persists, with favoured causes – e.g. man-made ‘climate change’ – being pursued ad nauseam, especially on Radio 4.
Yes, johnnythefish, your choice of words is better. By ‘move to the right’ I meant from where the Beeb is most of the time, ie somewhere to the left of Jeremy Corbyn and they are just not quite that far at the moment, maybe on par with JC.
The science regarding man-made climate change was settled a long time ago and the BBC is well within it’s rights to ignore any counter-claims by climate deniers.
I know this because a regular on the BBC comedy shows called Marcus Brigstocke said so and he is comedy gold……..just the mention of his name makes me laugh.
The only climate change deniers are those alarmists who have utterly abandoned the scientific method, reject any of the vast mountains of empirical evidence which casts serious doubt on the CATASTROPHIC AGW hypothesis, whilst embracing any and all fixed, fudged, estimated and wilfully adjusted data, no matter how bad, so long as it supports the hypothesis. Searching for and filtering data to make a hypothesis work, is NOT how to conduct science. It is fraud. Science demands that all data be treated as important. ALL data be shared, all data be rhigourously and independently verified and if that data disagrees with the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is dead! This is NOT what happens in climate science.
Instead of blindly going along with a corrrupt and dishonest authority, led by politicians, lobbyists and corrupted scientists… look for yourself at how the science itself is actually conducted. Look at how the data the alarmists use is actually generated. It is horrific in its sloppiness and dishonesty. Why would NOAA, for example, ignore all the data from the ARGO buoy records ( a custom made and serious scientific measuring platform specifically designed to measure ocean data) and replace them with terrible and innacurate data taken from engine intake channels in marine vessels instead in Karl et al 2015? Why take the innacurate and unreliable tree-ring data from a tiny section of the Yamal forest as an accurate proxy, whilst ignoring the very accurate, monthly collated data by NOAA, which is specifically designed for the purpose, is triple checked and is scientific data of the highest standard, for the entire contiguous United States? Surely that data is a much more reliable and accurate proxy? NOAA prepares this data, yet it is never ever mentioned in any media. They use the much less accurate, incomplete, estimated and post-hoc adjusted surface stations data from NCDC instead. WHY? Because the data used in studies which get media attention, support the CAGW hypothesis, whereas the accurate data does not.
Why are the two satellite based temperature data-sets and the three main surface station temperature sets diverging in an ever increasing manner? Why do NCDC NASA GISS and HADCRUT feel the need to take the surface station data from the past, collected by volunteers, written and recorded accurately by those volunteers, and retroactively adjust those earlier temperatures downwards and later temperatures upwards, changing long-term original raw data showing downward temperature trends, into ever more rapidly increasing upward temperature trends? Why does the unadjusted satallite data from UAH & RSS show no such waming trend for 18 years and 8 months?
The more one actually holds the rules of the scientific method in one hand, and examine what climate alarmists actually DO in the other, the more one is left with the only logical explaination, which is that climate science is the most corrupted, politically infested, anti-scientific fraud, ever carried out upon humanity.
The ONLY place where there is any evidence put forward to “prove” CAGW is in the data output from climate models. Well, the truth is that Climate Models are NOT evidence. They are a projection of what the CAGW hypothesis predicts and nothing more than that. So what does the scientific method demand we do with a projection, or prediction, of a hypothesis? Test it. The only way to test if the models are correct, is to compare their projections with what is actually accurately measured. The surface stations are no longer providing accurate measurements at all, due to a whole host of ad-hoc adjustments made to the actual measurements. The nearest data we have to accurate, consistent, scientifically valid and tightly calibrated data is the data gathered from satellites, buy UAH and RSS. Both these datasets still show an increasing divergence between what the CAGW hypothesis predicts, and what the actual measurements are. In strictly scientific terms, when the prediction of the hypothesis, disagrees with the data from reality, then the hypothesis is wrong.
As for any notion of there being a “97%” consensus, well? that is utterly and completely rubbish. There has been no scientifically valid study to support that claim. Every single study which has come up with that conclusion have been utterly debunked for failing to uphold ANY of the requirements of serious scientifically valid research. They are political PR tools and nothing more.
“how shockingly incompetent ” the perfect description of Camoron and the traitorous Tories, I would add to that
self serving, arrogant . Mind you, its getting close, there s very little left for them to sell off (or should I say give away), lying about immigration, lying about the economy, doctoring figures and worst of all, lying about their own deluded imbecilic abilities
.. oh yes, they got a majority? …… folks … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
I thought he was a foul mouthed Git when he did Live Aid, I just loved his “every time I clap my hands a child dies in Africa” which gave rise to the comment from my other half ” Well stop fucking clapping then”. I gave nothing then as my taxes paid for the foreign aid budget and now I’m retired so “if you want to contribute to my pension Bob go ahead”
This is non dom Geldof who has owned his houses in offshore company trust arrangements in order to save on inheritance tax. The man is an arse who had two hits and who has been made rich and famous off the back of giving the perception of a caring image.
Er…Mrs Kitty, it was actually Bono who said that at a U2 gig…and yes, somebody did reply like that…Bono floored..lol. Oh, how many migrants have you taken in Geldof, you foul-mouthed, one-hit wonder, Irish tosser? Same for Emma darling Thomson? Silly bitch.
Too long ago and too many G&Ts in between LOL. I can remember the other half saying it though re the stopping clapping it really does sound like something Grungy Bob would say.
What about RTE in the republic ? I would of thought he should worry about them instead . In the ROI , RTE have ads, as well as a licence fee , although the licence fee there may be on the way out too .
I live in Ireland and can say that RTE is nearly as bad as the BBC when it comes to bias and manipulation, it’s just that they don’t have nearly enough money to produce a similar amount of programming and propaganda. You’ll see a lot of it on the news though. Ireland isn’t as bad as state as England is for the subversion by the left (not yet), but then I read somewhere that efforts to undermine the home countries were most strongly concentrated on England.
It’d be nice to see RTE lose its license, but I can’t see that happening soon. Having both BBC and RTE makes it interesting to compare the two and see how the line taken on given issues will basically always be the same.
I apologise for posting this again from the other thread, but it closed just after I had posted it.
Dave S posted a comment that was quite thought provoking. He wrote that one day the liberal/left PC attitudes of today will be seen as stupid and regressive as witchcraft once was, and fall like Communism. My feeling is that the liberal/left PC Western world we are living in now is just an extension of that same Communist fantasy that devastated Russia and Central Europe. In many ways it seems even more entrenched and all pervasive.
When I was young and stupid I too believed that the answer to all the World’s problems could be solved by the philosophy of the Left. Then one day I grew up and saw the sheer destructiveness of Socialism. I’m not making any claims of having superior knowledge, but it does seem as if we are living in a world that refuses to grow up and face the reality that some people do have greater abilities than others and some cultures are, to be blunt, more advanced than others. It doesn’t mean that we have to live in an inhumane society, just a realistic one.
The argument over grammar schools is a perfect example. I watched some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility. The same spokeswoman would almost certainly decry the fact that all the prime ministers since Blair had been privately educated. Yet their predecessors, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher were all products of the grammar school system. Grammar schools were not perfect, but would no doubt have evolved over time to be more flexible if the system had been left in place. But fantasyland Socialism couldn’t face up to the harsh reality that some children are brighter than others. The answer, according to the Labour party at the time was, destroy grammar schools and drag everyone down to the same level. Pol Pot might have been more brutal, but the intention was the same
I saw an interview which may have been the same woman on a different channel, a Professor. She was saying what about all the others students that didn’t make it to Grammar schools and had to suffer sub standard education at Secondary schools.
This seems to me to be a false argument, and an insult to the capabilities of good secondary schools and teachers . Secondary schools can provide a good education as well. Secondary schools have streaming which is also a meritocracy.
Pupils in the higher streams of secondary schools with the right motivational teachers can and do go on to take advanced qualifications at Universities. There are also options to go to Further Education Colleges to reach higher academic levels. To Oxford or Cambridge it the students really want to as well.
We should also look to German schools where engineering, arts and technical schools provide a path to meaningful well paid jobs.
In addition to the fact that grammar schools confirm the concept that we are not all equal, I suspect the left also dislikes grammar schools because many of them are similar to minor public schools, with team sports, cadet corps, ancient buildings etc. They’d prefer everyone to be in soulless glass buildings devoid of history or traditions, designed by le Corbusier on windswept council estates.
I was listening to a call in show yesterday and some hand-wringing freak was stating that although it was free, parents that are more “financially advantaged” can afford to pay for home tutoring to ensure their kids make it to Grammar schools and the financially disadvantages can’t…… No. They have just decided to spend their spare cash on something that will be better for their kids in the long run.
I had my kids late in life and have recently sent my eldest who is 8 to a private school. I saw the writing on the wall with his state school. He was bringing home work such as tales about a rich man and a poor man and how the rich man was nasty. He was also bringing home environmental nonsense. He had 35 in his class and they didn’t believe in streaming too much. It will be a struggle but I know I have made the correct decision. We aren’t blessed with Grammar schools in the North East so it is my only option.
Good for you Rob, You are an excellent parent. I could not afford to send my daughter to a private school, but I ensured that I tought her about free thought, critical thinking, logic and scientific principles. I taught her to question and debate and make up her own mind, based upon facts, reason and logic. We used to have amazing, passionate and even angry discussions. She never had any notion of “entitlement”, and crying or complaining never won her anything. If she wanted her own way on something, she had to be able to provide a serious logical reason for it. If I had cause to tell her off, she was allowed to argue her corner, but only with reason and logic. crying, sulking or wimpering failed completely as a valid argument.
She went on to get a Masters of Science degree and now earns a good living. It took my additional tutoring to enable her to advance. ALL her friends that she went to a bog-standard comprehensive with, are either young single mothers, or otherwise unemployed or in very menial jobs. My daughter is travelling the world, expanding her horizons and having a far far better life, than I ever could have.
It may well have been the same woman who was interviewed on this morning’s Today.
According to her, grammar school pupils succeed only because they’ve got well-educated middle-class parents or well-off middle-class parents who can afford to pay for tutoring.
Predictably, this outrageous view was not challenged by her interviewer and boosted my impression she was yet another BBC proxy brought on to rubbish a concept that is total anathema to their socialist mindset.
I was one of many kids at my grammar school in the 60s who came from a working class background whose parents had only a basic education and were unable to help in any way with school work. As for well-off enough to pay for tutoring – she really is taking the piss. Wish I could meet her and have that discussion.
She was saying what about all the others students that didn’t make it to Grammar schools and had to suffer sub standard education at Secondary schools.
So the authoritarian solution from the socialists, heavily disguised as ‘egalitarianism’ was, as usual, to drag everyone down to the same level rather than look at ways to improve what wasn’t working i.e. the secondary schools (though that is a generalisation in itself) through spreading ‘best practice’ from those secondaries which were performing well. In fact ‘best practice’ is a concept which seems to get totally ignored in the public sector – latest example Salford NHS Trust – wonder why?
I heard the same interview and was similarly disgusted by the supine interview – if you could dignify it with the word.
As always with a socialist, her answer to a problem was to level down – and anyone who has to work with school and university leavers today will know just how far down we have levelled!
If her concern was genuine, if she really worried that pupils at secondary modern schools received a sub standard education, then an intelligent person’s answer would be to improve the teaching at those schools, not condemn every pupil to the same miserable, lower standard – which, of course, is exactly what they have done.
Spot on, Oldartist. I went through a similar change from left to right. I’ve kept a diary since 1982 and I’ve been reading the early ones lately and I’m embarrassed at how anti-Tory I am. I detested Mrs Thatcher and had this very simplistic, naïve view of life that, now, I believe all left whingers have i.e. that all problems are solvable if you throw money at them. As I got older, hopefully wiser, and certainly more experienced, I shifted to the right and now realise that Mrs Thatcher was the best thing that could have happened to this country. When the Conservatives won the general election, I caught a bit of political debate along the lines of ‘what went wrong?’ so presumably a bBC one but I can’t be certain, and one academic (?), trying to make sense of the unexpected result, said that it often happens that people start off left whingers and, with age and experience, move towards the right. I don’t know if she intended it to be faint praise for those on the right of the political spectrum but that’s how it felt to me. All those things that I wrote in my diaries about the Tories are how I now feel about Labour. I cannot even stand to look at Blair’s inanely grinning mug. Seeing how Labour didn’t support George Osbourne’s proposal to make governments ‘in normal times’ ensure that spending never outstrips what a government gets in tax, tells you all you need to know about Labour. If those Laborious idiots ever get in, we should all do as the lefty morons did when Mrs Thatcher died, take to the streets and dance on the grave of the economy and the UK.
Well said oldartist, there are also pri@ks like Vince Cable, who has himself enjoyed the benefits of an education at an excellent grammar school in York, but who pull the ladder up behind them; so no other clever working class children have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.
Vince Cable supported a Mansion Tax , some people I know from Twickers , said that finished him ,because although their houses were well below 1 million , by the 2020 election they would be nearing the 2 million, or Labour /SNP would of cut the 2 million , down to 1 million.They also had had enough of him , & wanted an MP like Boris or Zac Goldsmith, in next door Richmond.
The thing is that the whole left wing education establishment has no intention of making things better in any objective sense. Dumbed down anti-Western indoctrination is the order of the day, and has been since the 1970’s at least.
Old Artist: “… some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility.”
In small part, she is probably correct. On R4 TODAY this a.m., they added the ‘excuse’ that Grammar Schools were a result of the growth of ‘white collar jobs’. That, of course, ignored a large chunk of the history of Grammar Schools. The social mobility of the 1920s & 1930s and the1950s & 1960s was not just down to Grammar Schools (and their neglected counterparts – the Secondary Modern School and the Technical School) but to other factors as well, such as increasingly cheap transport, abundant jobs, an increase in technology, widening ranges of goods for sale, etc..
However, the obvious test is ‘Why could not the (‘bog-standard’) Comprehensive School succeed in feeding a similar social mobility. Why has it failed so spectacularly?’
The answer has to be that Governments (of both major Parties) undermined ALL the conditions – not just Grammar Schools – that together with Grammar Schools, created that unprecedented social mobility. They increased the cost of transport and, when it was becoming increasingly available to people of all social & income strata, reduced it to the point where “Only the wealthy & high earners can afford to travel by train.” {attrib. George Osborne, c. 2008/09]
As they were discussing Grammar Schools this morning, and the view above about them, the acronym ‘S.E.T.’ pinged into my mind. That was, IIRC, a Labour tax on jobs from about the time they completed their attack on Grammar Schools in the 1960s. UK Unemployment was in the hundreds of thousands in the mid/late 1960s. Oh that it were so now! Amazingly, people used to worry then about ‘the work-shy who were free-loading on Unemployment Benefit.’
Labour & Socialist Patricians have always, it seems to me, undermined the overall conditions for the ordinary working man and woman while exploiting them for limited gains that amounted to no more than a single sticking plaster for multiple gaping wounds that they, the Patricians, had mostly inflicted. The Conservatives (of old) have managed to come a dismal second in that race (despite Marples, Beeching, etc.) although, it could be argued, Ted Heath tried spectacularly to help them catch up from 1970-74.
If Grammar Schools return in numbers, they need to be matched with really good Secondary & Technical Schools that are extra well resourced to educate the children currently being left to rot by the Comprehensive system. A friend of mine failed his 11-Plus Exam in the mid-1960s and went to a very good Secondary Modern. He achieved good O-Level results, even better A-Level passes and went to University. He now does a very important job that touches the lives of everyone in the UK. At that Secondary Modern he was not exceptional. The teachers and the school ethos probably were. That is the sort of school we need in many parts of the UK now.
Labour’s Academy Schools of 1997-2010 were an attempt to disguise the failure of the Comprehensive doctrine & system. It could be said they were Grammar Schools by another name although they really only offered ‘privilege’ to children who showed specific abilities in, say, sport or music or mathematics.
Yesterday I noticed how incensed the BBC were with Saudi Arabia’s human rights record. With justification of course. But Saudi is far from alone in Islamic world in having a shocking record on HR. In fact it seems to me that there are very few Islamic countries where HR standards are anywhere near acceptable to a liberal democracy. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume therefore that Islam and liberal HR standards are irreconcilable. So why does the BBC support uncontrolled migration of so many Muslims into our country? Do they really think that by some magic process Muslims who believe deeply in all aspects of their religion are going to undergo some miraculous conversion and willingly accept liberal values and ditch their own? If so the BBC is gullible beyond belief. If they don’t believe that this miracle will occur , then the BBC is cynically promoting a policy which threatens the well being of the British people.
Good point, Doublethinker
Israel does not have the death penalty.
Israel provides equality for women and gays.
Israel has open democracy.
Israel believes in free speech.
Israel encourages Religious tolerance.
Israel permits alcohol.
Israel allows Muslims to live and work in significant numbers within Israel e.g. Jaffa.
Israel provides aid to Palestine.
Israel has not vowed to exterminate all Arabs.
So, why is the BBC/Left so anti-Israel?
What positives as above can we say about neighbouring Arab states, including Palestine?
I read this comment about an hour ago and I still haven’t come up with 1 positive point of Islam. There really isn’t any. Believe me I searched. If you read islam sites by muslims, even they can’t provide positives for the real world.
It’s mindboggling that our western democracy accepts Islam with open arms. It makes no sense. Even Muslims admit what there about. Read any Islam website, here’s a typical example
Islam provides many human rights for the individual. The following are some of these human rights that Islam protects.
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not. Islam also protects honor. So, in Islam, insulting others or making fun of them is not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad said: {Truly your blood, your property, and your honor are inviolable.}1”
Since when was to not be made fun of a human right? Yet a true human right (free speech) is illegal. Sounds more like, ‘I won’t make fun of you, so don’t make fun of me, or I will kill you.’ And that was the first I read. It’s all like that. Islam is totally at odds with our democracy, as we all know.
“Denying the threat within Islamic ideology blinds us to the threat Islam poses to the West. This denial prevents us from erecting immigration, legislative, financial and other defences against further incursions of jihad and the spread of Sharia law.”
Nobody would ever claim that the west is morally superior. Even if only 50% of everything the West has provided –
e.g. democracy (sort of), technology (NASA), individual freedoms, equal rights, tolerance (sort of), prosperity (relative to poverty), industry, ongoing wars, free markets (not perfect), open protests, high education levels, leisure (stoning people to death is not a sport), fair judicial system (sort of), etc etc;
– was a positive on the world, there is not one positive that Islam has provided. None on the above list are perfect, and many are extremely flawed. But there are incredible achievements that have made the world a better place.
I would challenge anyone, to prove a positive that Islam provides. I am determined to find just one, but with Islam one door opens and another closes just as quickly. It will not budge and is strictly medieval.
“Do they really think that by some magic process Muslims who believe deeply in all aspects of their religion are going to undergo some miraculous conversion and willingly accept liberal values and ditch their own?”
Yeah, because all those people trying to escape economic blight, gang warfare, oppressive military dictatorships, fundamentalist nut-jobs, barrel bombs and ISIS decapitation squads, couldn’t possibly want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society could they?
If you live in the UK look around and see what Muslims are doing now they are free from the awful lives that you describe above. They are busily creating exactly the same lives for themselves and much more importantly giving us many problems we don’t want to have. So we have mass rape, uncounted cases of FGM, massive election fraud, corruption, people fearful for their own safety, fundamentalist preachers urging attacks on the West by the dozen, young Muslims leaving to fight for ISIL and of course terrorism which is barely contained by the mighty efforts of our security services.
You still think allowing millions of these people into our country is a good thing? If so you need to seek help.
“Yeah, because all those people trying to escape economic blight, gang warfare, oppressive military dictatorships, fundamentalist nut-jobs, barrel bombs and ISIS decapitation squads, couldn’t possibly want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society could they?”
Well, since they tend to bring with them the religious baggage that was largely responsible for all the problems listed, once is forced to conclude that, no they don’t. What is more likely is that they want to be illiberal and aggressive somewhere that won’t respond in kind.
Yes they may want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society. Who wouldn’t. But their intolerance is ingrained. This is what happens
[1] Amazement at the openness and freedom available to all. Stunned at the sight of women not covered from head to toe. Basking in the glow of freedom. Islam forgotten for now.
[2] Disgust at the openness and freedom available to all. Shocked at the sight of women not covered from head to toe. Hiding in the shadow from the glow of freedom. Islam missed.
[3] Desire for the shackles of Islam. Revulsion for women. Wanting Islam back. Wanting Sharia back.
Plato’s cave analogy from Republic is a must read. Islam is the shadows in the cave. I mean, come on they still throw rocks at things they don’t understand for f*ck s*ke! Stone age
I posted about this on the previous thread. The reason the BBC have been reporting about Saudi human rights is purely as a result of Jeremy Corbyn having made a couple of speeches about it. To me it is yet another confirmation that the BBC is following a Labour lead, and is irredeemably biased.
Because our government is being bribed by the Saudis (amongst others) they did a secret deal with them to make Saudi head of the UN Human Rights committee !
I always reckoned that the questioning of Batty Camilla would reveal some astonishing facts, but…
We’ve just been told that “Some “clients” received over £70,000 per annum!” It’s absolutely breathtaking. I had to listen to this twice. I just couldn’t take it in. They’ve been doling out for these worthless louts so they can pay their drug dealers with our bloody money.
Every winter some of our older people have been half starved or freezing while (inadvertantly) our money’s been going on toerags, layabouts and drug dealing parasites.
This pompous, self agrandising, waddling fat lump should be imprisoned and then deported.
This from the Telegraph is amusing.
Alan Yentob’s day of embarrassment over Kids Company… from £150 shoes to ‘abusive limericks’
POLITICAL SKETCH: In bizarre exchanges, MPs interrogate the BBC executive and Camila Batmanghelidjh over the collapse of the children’s charity. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11934290/Alan-Yentobs-day-of-embarrassment-over-Kids-Company…-from-150-shoes-to-abusive-limericks.html
This was particularly funny:
“It was chaos from the start. The kaleidoscopically flamboyant Ms Batmanghelidjh – looking more than ever like a pile of Aladdin’s laundry – seemed incapable of giving a straight answer.”
Odd isn’t it that an Iranian and an Iraqi have been scamming the taxpayer for years and only now it’s coming out. How many other instances are there going to be of ‘The Emperors New Clothes’, apart from the BBC that is.
“If that was all Mr Yentob wanted, perhaps he might have considered switching on a radio.
How on earth did he get into this mess? And how on earth will he get out of it? ”
How Naive are the Telegraph? There’s never a ‘mess’ for BBC execs ! Why would he need to get out of it? What’s going to happen to him if he doesn’t?
The truth is that nothing will happen to him, because the BBC is completely unaccountable as are its staff.
That sanctimonious, self-satisfied, smug woman angers me. One of her quotes: ‘The [charity] was doing the government’s job for it.’ Since when is it the government’s job to buy a kid shoes for £150? If there was wrong doing, PLEASE do NOT let political correctness allow this woman to get away with it.
She always looks to me as if she’s rolled down a mountain and crashed through a number of charity shops.
God knows what her dodgy enterprise was all about, apart from bribing feral kids to temporarily lay off the mugging.
I am getting tired of correcting English usage on BBBC.
Yentob “gets paid”, “is rewarded with”, “receives the sum of”, “has a salary of” and all the other descriptions that the almost infinite resources of the English language allow us to create.
He does not “earn” it, in the same way that professional “sportsmen”, film “stars” and all the other non-productive “celebrities” do not deserve their large incomes.
The “elites” are not elite, they are dangerous traitors who need to be converted into fertiliser.
Has anyone noticed the similarity between BatWoman’s arguments and those of the open-door immigration brigade?
Fatty’s argument is ‘we couldn’t turn away all these vulnerable children and it’s the (uncaring) government’s fault for not providing more money”. Without saying how many, how much etc. Blank cheques required.
The open-door argument is ” we shouldn’t turn away all these vulnerable refugees and it’s the (uncaring) government’s fault for not providing more money” Without saying how many, how much etc. Blank cheques required.
Different contexts. Same moral blackmail. Which is not that far from the bBBC’s licence fee justification.
Little wonder both Kids Company and the Immigrationists get such uncritical coverage from our impartial public sector broadcaster.
What a pile of crap this site is! 24 times opening this page getting ‘cannot detect the websites proxies’ This is the only site this ever happens on, and it happens with depressing regularity !
No problem here either., Thoughtful…..Hades that is I, will greet you with my faithfull Cerberus, meet the wife, Persephone, she’s a goer,…just stand by the bank of the river Styx..Charon the ferry man will greet you, bring you to me……
Britain will need to build 3 cities the size of Birmingham by 2020 unless action is taken to tackle migrant crisis
Experts have warned UK’s population could increase by 3million by 2020
Current immigration would require building of 3 Birmingham-sized cities
David Cameron to take control of borders ? 😀
… his pledge to cut net migration to tens of thousands has been left in tatters
pretty much like everything else these self serving and incompetent traitors touch.
Funny how the BBC don’t seem to be covering this story in any great depth. To be honest, I thought we’d heard the last of this revolting pile of blubber and her cupboard of curtains and table cloths. But I see renta-gob-Yentob and lard-arse got a grilling today from the Parliament Committee. Typical arrogant lefty happy to receive copious amounts of money from the taxpayer. In many ways the BBC are similar to this walking barrel of pus: they take your money and spend it how they see fit.
I have been watching the whole thing – quite astonishing. The fat, talking laundry basket is authoritatively pontificating about child mental health issues; then she is the forced to admit that she has absolutely no professional qualifications, of any kind, in this field.
“Immigration Bill is an attack on anybody who isn’t a white, Anglo-Saxon protestant, says MP Gerald Kaufman”
‘he bill proposes a new offence of illegal working and requires landlords to carry out checks on prospective tenants under a new ‘Right to Rent’ scheme.
Failing to do so would be a criminal offence leading to a fine or a jail sentence. Those working illegally could face six months in prison.’
Clearly Kaufman is of the opinion that genocide of Anglo Saxons & Jews is a desirable thing – made all the worse that at his age he doesn’t have long for this world.
His replacement as MP for the next parliament is likely to be a young ‘rising star’ Jim McMahon currently heading Oldham council, marred by his suspending an old Labour traditionalist for leaking details of child sexual abuse by Pakistani Muslim men, which he wanted to cover up at all costs. The Gaffe was later blown by the Heywood scandal.
”Immigration is the future.” What she’s advocating is white genocide, she isn’t saying this to China, India, Saudi Arabia or Nigeria, she’s saying it to white countries and ONLY white countries, that’s how you know it’s a scam.
Yes. She speaks for Merkel and the EU leaders. This is the end as they see it. Nationalism – as they understand it – caused all the evil in the past, now it will be destroyed by mass immigration. Result: these out of date fanatics will destroy all pride in our nations, our history and culture, and replace what they see as nationalism with religious fanaticism.
As I’ve said before: it wasn’t the nationalist side of the nazis that caused them to be psychotic killers, it was their socialist side. Socialism always leads to violence and attacks on victim groups. The nationalist part of the nazi beliefs selected their victim groups but wasn’t what caused them to murder them.
Kaufmann is a classic self-hating Jew. What he doesn’t realise is that this is unnecessary, as there is a long queue of people who are more than happy to hate him. The reason he comes across as a loathsome slimy piece of shit is because…he is.
Rob, we know this shmeckel fresser in Leeds ( his home town). He hates himself. The people he supports would throw him off the nearest high building. Yet he is photographed with them smirking and wearing a tea towel round his neck. I understand that he turned up at a shull a few years back on new year ( there chutzpa ) and was duly chinned.
24h news 7.40pm The subject is Grammar schools. Interviewer is talking to an Education professor Sandra Mcnally, shown as Uni of Surrey. Here is her paper http://cee.lse.ac.uk/cee%20dps/ceedp85.pdf written while she was at that ultra lefty uni the LSE, of course it was against Grammar schools. You cannot trust the bBC.
Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands with Paul Murton (spelling correct and not the man from HIGNFY) lots of asides about the clearances, how awful Gavin Maxwell was for enjoying hunting (he was a Duke’s grandson) and how keeping poor people occupied reduced the chance of rebellion and yesterday it was how marvellous the people of Eig were to buy their island ie lots of politics dressed up as travel.
As long time regulars on this site know, I used to be a vociferous daily commentator here back in the days of Natalie Solent and Andrew Bowman. Following our move to North America in 2007 I can’t say I have access to any BBC output now, avoiding all the dross they pump out on BBC Canada and on their US channels, that is apart from a daily visit to its website purely to look at the UK newspaper front pages that are shown on ‘The Papers’. So my comments here are becoming less and less frequent, although I always look in every day.
However, on going to look at ‘The Papers’ this morning something actually caught my eye at the bottom of their homepage where Mark Easton usually puts his drivel (which I don’t bother with) and here it is:
I really cannot believe that the BBC has plumbed such depths now as to pass something like this off as news.
And when it comes to TV series, does the BBC produce anything in that genre that can match it? Somehow I doubt it.
Are they dredging this up because, horror of horrors, it’s produced by FOX.
The sooner the licence tax is terminated the better it will be for Britain’s TV
Yes, I recently commented on this nonsense and the fact that the BBC’s piece shared many similarities with the crap the Guardian cobbled together (surprise, surprise). Utterly pathetic!
I recall those days very well, TPO – and your uniquely informed comments on police and security issues.
I have to say (crawl, crawl, grovel, grovel) that I think the site management has improved considerably since then – especially since the breakaway and eventual regrouping. For once- a revolution actually worked!
We go back a long way on this blog. I think it was 2003 when I first found this site.
What ever happened to ‘biodegradable’, he was always fun and I found that ‘John Reith’ was always an interesting interlocutor even though we were on opposing sides.
In a different way so was the preposterous ‘hillhunt’ remember him. His anti biased BBC blog went belly up back in 2010. http://opinionbeyondeducation.blogspot.ca/
You’re right about how the site has improved, although if I recall right, Andrew Bowman became unwell and gave up the site and David came along. As I retired ten years ago and moved to live in a different country I can now explain that I was the representative on a Current Intelligence Group of part of the Joint Intelligence Committee for one of the organisations I worked for. Then in my final five years I was a broker and facilitator between conventional law enforcement and the intelligence agencies, hence the insight. I just wish that I could have imparted more, but that would have got me into a lot of trouble.
I too go back to those times when Natalie Solent was running it. In fact the only reason I began my site was to allow those posting to have something permanent as a record of their observations rather than getting ‘lost’ in Open Threads as soon as the current one disappears. I offered it to Natalie but she said she was too busy with her own website as well as this one to take it on, so I just continued it.
You’ll find Biodegradable most often posting on the BBC Watch website.
BBC UK news way dow schedule. Why? I really wonder if they know something Sky does not or are they just more cautious about reporting heinious crimes in Hackney due to the BBC PC race issues?
Sky news does cover the Grammer School Annex but the BBC are treating this School Annex like a mega massive story, with all the inference that this is possible illegal and really upping the Labour class warfare message and loads about free school meals.
I really fail to understand why the dumbing down of education is a Labour and BBC norm? Especially so when you just look at the Labour MPs up to 2010 who went to Grammer Schools and the enormous amount of parents who want this education for their kids:
Diane Abbott (Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
Nick Ainger (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)
Graham Allen (Nottingham North)
David Anderson (Blaydon)
Janet Anderson (Rossendale and Darwen)
Hilary Armstrong (North West Durham)
Charlotte Atkins (Staffordshire Moorlands)
John Austin (Erith and Thamesmead)
Adrian Bailey (West Bromwich West)
Vera Baird (Redcar)
Margaret Beckett (Derby South)
Stuart Bell (Middlesbrough)
Roger Berry (Kingswood)
Liz Blackman (Erewash)
Hazel Blears (Salford)
David Borrow (South Ribble)
Karen Buck (Regent’s Park and Kensington North)
Richard Burden (Birmingham Northfield)
Colin Burgon (Elmet)
Alan Campbell (Tynemouth)
Martin Caton (Gower)
Colin Challen (Morley and Rothwell)
Ben Chapman (Wirral South)
David Chaytor (Bury North)
Paul Clark (Gillingham)
Vernon Coaker (Gedling)
Ann Coffey (Stockport)
Rosie Cooper (West Lancashire)
Jeremy Corbyn (Islington North)
David Crausby (Bolton North East)
Tony Cunningham (Workington)
Janet Dean (Burton)
Andrew Dismore (Hendon)
Frank Dobson (Holborn and St. Pancras)
Jeffrey Ennis (Barnsley East and Mexborough)
Bill Etherington (Sunderland North)
Paul Farrelly (Newcastle-under-Lyme)
Frank Field (Birkenhead)
Michael Foster (Hastings and Rye)
Hywel Francis (Aberavon)
Bruce George (Walsall South)
Neil Gerrard (Walthamstow)
Mark Hendrick (Preston)
John Heppell (Nottingham East)
Stephen Hesford (Wirral West)
Patricia Hewitt (Leicester West)
Keith Hill (Streatham)
Kate Hoey (Vauxhall)
Kelvin Hopkins (Luton North)
Kim Howells (Pontypridd)
Beverley Hughes (Stretford and Urmston)
John Hutton (Barrow and Furness)
Eric Illsley (Barnsley Central)
Glenda Jackson (Hampstead and Highgate)
Alan Johnson (Hull West and Hessle)
Diana Johnson (Hull North)
Martyn Jones (Clwyd South)
Gerald Kaufman (Manchester Gorton)
Alan Keen (Feltham and Heston)
Stephen Ladyman (South Thanet)
Tony Lloyd (Manchester Central)
Andrew MacKinlay (Thurrock)
Christine McCafferty (Calder Valley)
Sarah McCarthy-Fry (Portsmouth North)
John McDonnell (Hayes and Harlington)
Tony McNulty (Harrow East)
Alun Michael (Cardiff South and Penarth)
Austin Mitchell (Great Grimsby)
Madeleine Moon (Bridgend)
Kali Mountford (Colne Valley)
Denis Murphy (Wansbeck)
Edward O’Hara (Knowsley South)
James Plaskitt (Warwick and Leamington)
Greg Pope (Hyndburn)
Stephen Pound (Ealing North)
Joan Ruddock (Lewisham Deptford)
Christine Russell (City of Chester)
Martin Salter (Reading West)
Alison Seabeck (Plymouth Devonport)
Barry Sheerman (Huddersfield)
Siôn Simon (Birmingham Erdington)
Alan Simpson (Nottingham South)
Dennis Skinner (Bolsover)
Andrew Smith (Oxford East)
John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan)
Peter Soulsby (Leicester South)
Helen Southworth (Warrington South)
Jack Straw (Blackburn)
Gerry Sutcliffe (Bradford South)
David Taylor (North West Leicestershire)
Stephen Timms (East Ham)
Paddy Tipping (Sherwood)
Jon Trickett (Hemsworth)
Des Turner (Brighton Kemptown)
Neil Turner (Wigan)
Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent North)
Alan Whitehead (Southampton Test)
Alan Williams (Swansea West)
Mike Wood (Batley and Spen)
Phil Woolas (Oldham East and Saddleworth)
Tony Wright (Cannock Chase)
Derek Wyatt (Sittingbourne and Sheppey
I actually went to Borden Grammar school Sittingbourne, there at the same time as Derek Wyatts’s cousin Phil, who went on to have a career in Trade Unions.
Good friends actually, although we were both on the same side in those days. I changed as a result of years of dealing with tax and benefit fraudsters and shysters.
The BBC has been reporting that the NHS, that vehicle to justify mass migration is suffering a shortage of, nurses, and spineless Dave & his crew have opened wide the UKs doors to foreign trained nursing and other medical staff.
It has been presented as ‘suddenly and without warning the NHS has run short of staff and we should be grateful these people will help us out, but the reality is much more sinister.
Spineless Dave and his oppo Gideon (the destroyer in Hebrew) Osborne have deliberately cut back training of both Doctors and Nurses in the UK.
While this immigration is presented as a positive thing, it is in fact extremely negative. It deprives those countries which have been responsible of the medical staff they have paid to train, deprives their population of skilled medical staff and it fails to provide jobs for the capable populace of this country, and all for what? So Osborne can save a few pounds on training? How much does it cost in the slightly longer term?
But then as we all know from Spineless Dave and his mates in the institute of Directors, white English people don’t want to work and are fit only for the food banks.
Having worked in the NHS, a little known fact about the system worked within the organisation never sees the light of day in the media.
Fully qualified nurses can only reach a certain rung in their pay grade and generally that’s it. They can have years ahead of them on the same salary before taking early retirement, so many of them diversify into Admin which in turn gives them further rungs to climb on the pay scale. Climbing the ladder creates many titles, the big one being.. MANAGER, the holy grail of the pay structure; and everyone wonders why there are so many Managers in the NHS !!
During my time in the NHS I was staggered at the amount of ex-nurses who are ‘Managers’ in the Admin field, and when I queried that having been a secretary all of my life, I wouldn’t dream of performing medical duties on a ward, so what makes professional medics think they could do better than me in my chosen field, shoulders were shrugged !
In my experience in working with the public sector, I recall that most of these organisations had a pay band structure. And within each pay band there was a progression of incremental salary levels. This meant, of course, that staff were promoted within a band on an almost annual basis (and from many instances I saw, whether or not their performance had changed to any significant degree), which could mean, often, a regular rise of £1,000 a year, a significant percantage rise in income each year. This was, in many cases, income rising purely on length of service, and not of skills or value to the organisation.
Since the annual increase was for the bands and sub-levels, each of these, in a ‘pay freeze’, might not change – but that does not mean that income was frozen for individuals – most were walking away with a significant income rise every year. But when the media painted a picture (and the BBC, a public sector organisation by another name, is heavily included in this), the impression would be that millions of people had had their income frozen ! And, of course, there would be no need to mention reality when talking about the ‘heartless’ treatment being doled out to public sector workers. A ‘pay freeze’ was often nothing of the sort.
And, as brissles points out, so many people in the public sector are so used to annual increments in their income, that nurses are moving out of real patient nursing care into admin, technical specialist and other roles, to get onto a new incremental pay ladder. I believe that we really are building up a long-term problem in the patient care areas of the NHS.
That is what happens in such salary-structured organisations. Try finding that in the private sector.
Jeremy Vineinterviews Anita Rani on her experience with Who Do You Think You Are. The one funny moment, (about 51 minutes in), is when he ‘just assumes that she is modern-British’ and wouldn’t speak any other language or have any other background!
It was amazing how much time could be spent talking about ‘partition’ and how bad it was, (clearly Britain’s fault), without asking the ‘elephant’ question – So 15 million people moved but 1 million died, why? Did whole trains just fall off the tracks? How come these lovely people ‘of all faiths’ that got on so well suddenly feel the urge to throw their wives and daughters down the well?
A puzzle isn’t it? About as puzzling as to why our politicians and media keep making excuses.
Off topic slightly but it is amazing and indicative of the lack of creative imagination in the BBC that so many programmes live off those that are successful – like the ghastly Strictly. Even those that aren’t especially popular create parasitic offspring.
The Beeb never fails to milk them to death. And if the cupboard runs dry, they can turn the archives into another series.
This cannibalisation masks the fact that the licence fee is increasingly gobbled up by staff costs plus another billion thrown into the BBC staff pension scheme.
Even Russia Today, which is equally biased, can rustle up about the same number of interesting programmes on a small budget.
Ref your throwaway remark about the al-Beeb pension scheme. So totally true. We’re all paying for their very cosy pension deals.
And when bBBC goes into auto-rant about ‘cuts’ to public services, it never mentions pension provision. For example – lots of publicity that the NHS may be about £4bn overspent this year. Cue bBBC outrage about savage Tory cuts. Petty cash! What about the extra £9bn of unfunded pension liability accrued in the same single year and to be eventually paid for by our children? Not a whisper. Not one. Single. Whisper.
London Police Officer shot today whilst trying to arrest black youths involved in gun crime. Operation Trident.
It has no priority on BBC Online News. It is the 12th item, well behind a London Secondary school getting an award at item number 3. And behind the divisive introduction of Grammar schools in the listing.
Judging by past performance, the BBC will be waiting for the inevitable ‘street protests’ (for which read, riots) at the ‘intrusion’ and calls for reduced policing in the area.
This morning on BBC TV Sofa News, the Naga Munchetty of the BBC said to the elderly singer Charles Aznavour during her interview of him, “Turn off your mobile, you shouldn’t have it on, here in the studio”
His measured reply was to state that it was his hearing aid and he needed to use it!
Cue writhing embarrassment! Disabled dissed on air!
“BBC Europe correspondent Chris Morris says most EU leaders are convinced that efforts to contain the migration crisis will not succeed without closer co-operation with the Turkish government.
But, he adds, Ankara wants plenty in return. It is reportedly asking for €3bn in aid to ease the strain of hosting refugees, as well as visa liberalisation and progress on Turkey’s stalled application for EU membership.”
Odd that the BBC seems uninterested in whether Turkey had a motive to facilitate the migrant ‘crisis’. I have some sympathy with the Turkish government who didn’t start the Syrian war, even if they are attacking the Kurds in Syria. However, they are not fools. This is their opportunity.
“England is to get its first “new” grammar school for five decades after ministers allowed a grammar school to build an “annexe” in another town.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-34535778
Criticising the plans the article quotes “Comprehensive Future” without mentioning its bias e.g. patrons include Lord Kinnock, Caroline Lucas MP and Baroness Williams.
Al Beeba also states “The Sutton Trust, which promotes social mobility, highlighted research that less than 3% of pupils in grammar schools were entitled to free meals, compared with an average of 18% in the areas they serve.”
But the BBC fails to mention that in response to today’s news the Sutton Trust stated “The best grammar schools are actively reaching out to bright pupils from less advantaged backgrounds and introducing fair admissions that recognise that their families can’t afford private tutors or prep school fees. Others should do more to follow their example.” The Sutton Trust is not opposed to grammar schools in principle.
The elite and the BBC/Guardian are frightened of most things being cowards but the thought of Grammar schools really terrifies them.
One of the great achievements of the fantasists on the left was to abolish decent schools that recognised differing abilities in humans in favour of dogma. If grammar schools return what horrors might follow.
We might actually have a governing class that listened to the people and governed in the national interest.
Errr, Kent Grammar schools put in place a major 11+ change about 2 years ago with the deliberate intention of reducing the ‘coachability’ of the test. The bBBC even reported it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-24668503
The private tuition industry was up in arms at the time, so clearly it had an effect!
If the bBBC did some actual impartial journalism for a change it would also find several Grammar Schools have given priority in their Admissions rules for those receiving Free School Meals/Pupil Premium.
Perhaps bBBC should be reporting on plans to subsidise house prices near successful Comprehensive Schools to give poor students and families a better chance of living in the catchment area? Except of course that there aren’t any. Funny how the social mobility argument only goes one way.
One can only speculate as to how much fear and panic would ensue among food bank staff should Batty ever be seen lumbering up to their front door. Not that it will ever happen of course, she will be well looked after.
Yeah, but at the speed she can walk they’d have plenty of time to clear the shelves.
Maybe the NHS should offer her work to front one of their obesity campaigns.
Naga, steff the breakfast crew-whining that they, and women in general are not getting xmas bonuses. Unbelievable, maybe we’ll see them at the foodbank!
Who in their right mind would ‘fancy’ Peter Andre ???? (or that other ‘pretty’ boy with equally squeaky voice, Beckham)…… hardly in the Gregory Peck or Burt Lancaster league.
Seems the BBC decided to park the irony bus around the corner, and go after Sky for less than perfect service standards in pursuit of fees for, in Sky’s case opt-in via choice, televisual entertainment.
Sensational headlines but a non-story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24626584
“Lockerbie bombing: ‘It took 24 years to find out my son had died'” Wow, how can that happen I hear you say? Here’s how
1. She gave him up at birth
2. She only started looking for him last year.
More cutting edge journalism from the BBC?
Yep! … the BBC eh! … blustering on 27 years too late
Makes you wonder … what s the real news?.
Then again … they re still obsessing about the “far right”,
bravely puffing, banging the table!…. they re 70 years too late with that one
Yet … afraid to show a cartoon?, mind you Cameron is aiding them and the media
in that, at every possible opportunity.
here’s a great example of the BBC’s softly softly approach to muslim terrorists in their description of Boko Haram
> Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education – Boko Haram means “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language
> Launched military operations in 2009
> Joined Islamic State, now calls itself “West African province”
> Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, abducted hundreds, including at least 200 schoolgirls
> Seized large area in north-east, where it declared caliphate
I can’t help noticing that they have ‘abducted hundreds’ but ‘thousands killed’ – shouldn’t that read ‘ they have killed thousands’ or does that stick in your lilly-livered liberal apologist craw?
The BBC is the terrorist’s friend.
These last few days I had the misfortune to hear the greater parts of Marcus Brigstocke’s latest efforts on Radio 4, his Brigsociety. These gave the great man’s thoughts on the housing ‘crisis’ and reform of the House of Lords.
Comedy is always in the ear of the beholder but I had in mind Feedback‘s recent lashing of Roy Hudd’s efforts of the past. Those had included such ‘racist’ jokes as converting the traditional policeman joke, “‘ello, ‘ello (Lettsby Avenue)”, to a negro “Hello der!” (following efforts to recruit more black policemen). Feedback also told us that in this ‘Brave New World’ satire was to be directed at the powerful.
Our Marcus has a pattern. It seems every week he must put in a dig at UKIP, (one MP, sock it to power!). Apparently all NIMBY’s vote UKIP (let’s hear it for Fiona Bruce!) and own houses in Spain and voting slips are the colouring books of adult (are there any?) UKIP supporters. Cutting edge stuff!
I waited in vain to hear any mention of the effect of immigration on the demand for housing. To give him his due it got in towards the end. That allowed him and his team to go through their repertoire of foreign accents, (Hello der! ) and to introduce a novel theory: Immigration is a right-wing conspiracy! It all goes back to the evil Tebbit who urged Somali’s to get on their bikes and cycle to Calais! In fact the whole housing crisis goes back to ‘Thatcher’ and her cabinet. All those council houses that people used to live in until they died suddenly became ‘lost’ when they were bought by their sitting tenants. It is as if Major, Blair and Brown never existed. As usual immigration from the third-world was equated with British emigration to Spain. Well I can only speak for the three people that I know off that moved to Spain, in all cases they had new houses built there so they must be part of the solution? I wish someone in the sycophantic audience had had the courage to shout out ‘Negative equity!’, in answer to the great man’s housing solution that houses should drop in value.
I have just heard the funniest interview on Woman’s Hour whilst making a cake. (You don’t think I would be listening to that sort of guff if I had better things to do?). The presenter (Emily Barnett?) was interviewing Dame Valerie Berel (no me neither), an epidemiologist who had originally been a doctor. The guest stated quite clearly that HRT could be directly implicit in increased rates of breast cancer and might also be related to increased rates of heart disease and strokes. This was not what the interviewer wanted to hear. ‘Surely it is alright if taken for a short time?’ she stuttered. There were then several more pleas for the guest to tell her that it was OK. I presume it was that Miss Barnett herself was on HRT, or was it lawyers in the background? Whichever, it was a classic BBC interview that didn’t go as planned.
Now thanks to Merkel Europe is in danger of sinking into the abyss of a new dark age, I was musing how Cameron could rouse the nation to deal with the invaders. I can just picture him saying
“We shall welcome them on our beaches, we shall welcome them on our landing grounds, we shall grovel to them in our fields and streets. We shall grovel to them in our hills. We will always surrender”.
Just joking folks. Even he wouldn’t utter such craven lines. But it does sound quite like a BBC mission statement .
Black woman has a right racist pop at Muslims on a London bus……BBCs “world class journalists” will obviously ignore it because it doesn’t pander their leftist prejudices..
Au contraire. The BBC has not ignored it. Indeed, when I last looked it was the most read story despite appearing nowhere on the BBC News Page.
I was amazed to see the headline and thought maybe the BBC was finally trying a bit harder to maintain impartiality. Then I clicked on it, to see it was a BBC Trending article and all became clear. BBC hierarchies. You see, it’s “Footage showing a woman’s anti-Muslim tirade on a London bus” and this trumps colour, it would seem.
According to the BBCs piece, the video above stands out because the racist perpetrator is black and this is apparently some sort of watershed moment…Really?…..Do the BBC ever bother looking at YouTube..
Only in BBCland does footage of a black racist cause confusion. These people can only comprehend the white on black variety of racism as they truly believe that is the only one that exists. Racism, in all its forms, is abhorrent. This is why I am appalled at the race hustlers to whom the BBC gives air time in order to milk the aforementioned kind.
Tensions between black people and Muslims in my home town have been going on for years resulting in murders, stabbings and all other kinds of enrichment. Meanwhile the BBC is amazed at an inter ethnic verbal ding dong on a bus. How out of touch can they be?
You may not agree with my logic but here goes; this is about the bBC facing in two directions at the same time. The news item was that poor women who are pregnant are more likely to smoke. My judgement is that means they are less intelligent. Yesterday the Grammar school argument as proposed by the bBC says this will discriminate against the poor because they will not get access, being they are no less intelligent. Does not seem to me they have a clear idea about this subject.
I read that Stephen Fry is to leave QI and will be replaced by Sandy Tosfig. I wonder if anyone can calculate the odds of one gay presenter being replaced by another given the ratio of heterosexual to homosexuals in the UK population. Is it about two in a hundred?
Perhaps a kind mathematician on this site could calculate the number of heterosexual panellists required to balance the number of gay and lesbian on the show; say Fry, Perkins requires, how many straight panellists? How many extra shows would we need to acquire a BBC quota balance?
Now for someone with a PHD, how many non lefty BBC apparatchiks , you know the kind I mean, would it take to have a panel of ordinary folk with sensible mostly mainstream views, based on real life, who could be funny and clever without endless rants about UKIP, Tories etc. but made jokes about the left and the BBC?
I realize this figure could have a load of zeros after it so to the power of10 will suffice.
Thank you in advance.
According the ONS, 1.6% of people in Britain identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Men are twice as likely as women to say they identify as gay. 3.2% of London residents identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
Tonight (October 16th) on BBC1 we had Have I Got News For You presented by Sue Perkins. This was followed by her ex girlfriend Emma Kennedy’s so-called sit-com The Kennedys, which naturally featured a couple of Danish lesbians. After the news we got The Graham Norton Show.
As for BBC2, more of the same – QI presented by Stephen Fry and then Newsnight with Evan Davis. Really, what are the odds?
… given that the host must be a woman then rather than choosing the gay Sandy they could have chosen Susan Calman or Sue Perkins or Clare Balding or Jane Hill … erm that’s odd, they are all gay.
What are the odds? As Harry Hill would say, though he is disqualified as host on account of owning a pair of testicles.
According to the National Statistics office just 1.1% of the UK population said they were gay or lesbian which means there are 545,000 gay people in the UK. If we say half are lesbians, and actually male gays are supposed to outnumber female gays, that means there are 270,000 lesbiens in the UK. So the BBC has a staggering number of lesbian presenters in ratio to heterosexual ones.
I think the BBC should stand up for minorities, eg heterosexual women on the BBC.
Having seen Yentob at the select committee yesterday and watched such a ‘high performer’, paid £300k+ of our money, in action, I’m inclined to suggest that competent managers represent a ‘significantly under-represented’ minority at the bBBC.
Studied a lot of convicts too by all accounts and then applied his findings to the wider population, there are embryonic murmerings by evil people who are using Kinseys findings to try and legitamise perverse and aberrant sexual behaviour even today, no doubt backed by the Kinsey Istitute.
I have just listened to another short programme on radio 4, in which Peter Snow pretends to take various celebrities back and forward in time. Yesterday we had Professor Steve Jones looking forward to a time when we are all brown, about 300 years hence. Today, the “TV Historian” Kate Williams was looking forward 1000 years, when apparently the Central African Republic will be the richest nation on earth, whilst Britain is a poor forgotten backwater.
The left wing intelligentsia really hate us don’t they? Once they might have tried to be a bit discrete about it, but now they can’t be bothered.
I think that it is very likely that the UK and Europe will be a forgotten backwater far sooner than 1000 years from now. After all in another 20 to 30 years there will be more ethnics in the UK and the rest of Europe than Europeans ! So by 2050 ish we will slowly start to go backwards to the middle ages. Of course we will be culturally enriched and by the end of the century we will be able to watch all manner of barbaric punishments handed out by our clerics . Such is progress.
That is true. As a nation and culture it will only take a couple of generations for the white population to become severely diminished, as we don’t breed to the same degree as the ethnics. Sadly I can foresee that once this happens, the type of ghettoes now prevalent in our largest towns and cities, will be the norm. And as for saying we shall go back to the middle ages, this must surely be on the cards as intellectually the vast majority of ethnics are as thick as two planks !! – its religion first second and third and to hell with maintaining the sewers, or fixing the overhead electricity cables, – and whose ever seen an Asian on a tractor ???
Yes and we are already losing our hard won freedom of speech which we could have used to object to all this. As Douglas Murray points out so eloquently, we have de facto Islamic blasphemy law in our country now.
The lady that took over from Sir Patrick Moore as presenter of The Sky at Night was also on Peter Snow’s cringe-worthy radio show. We were treated to the delight of her father’s arrival in this country, from Nigeria, being re-enacted for her to witness. There certainly seems to be a pattern emerging,
”Kate Williams was looking forward 1000 years, when apparently the Central African Republic will be the richest nation on earth.” What weed was she smoking ?
EU to speed up Turkey’s application to join the EU?
It concerns me that Turkey is using the immigration crisis to enable it to join the EU as soon as possible, and also to gain billions of Euros to manage the ‘migrant crisis’.
There are grave concerns that allowing Turkey to join the EU would fling open the door to millions of Turkish muslims. This would increase the security threat to Europe.
“Rioters set fire to a tomb revered as that of the biblical figure Joseph. The site, where Jews go to pray, was badly damaged.
It came hours after Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinian leadership to stop a wave of attacks.
… Loathsome forked tongue Palestinian leader Mahmoud “je suis Charlie” Abbas condemned the arson and said the site would be repaired”.
Hmm The old Mafia trick … Nothing to do with me, I won t harm you, but wow my buddy here, with the bomb or him with the AK47, they will
… Islam does this all the time, it has proven so successful, very useful, get purchase with it … and so Islam plays on it.
You don want to offend however many gazillion muslims? – Translation … there s a few that might shoot you, or stab you, or fire bomb your works.
PS. If only you apologise enough eh! ……….. I ll see what I can do etc.
This is reiterated brilliantly by D Murray below, the BBC is dumbfounded by this Pally violence why? … WHY?
BBC – Is Palestinian-Israeli violence being driven by social media?
With a corking Al BBC map for your perusement
Why are the BBC so random with their news reporting?
2pm Radio 2 News: ‘serious sex assault’ on boy in Leicester park given the the location, I guess its not surprising to hear the description of the man as 18-20 with ‘dark skin’ although I have to admit I was surprised to hear this detail reported.
3pm Radio 2 News: Normal service had resumed, no description given, was it because it didn’t sit well with the next item, the Stephen Lawrence police corruption claims?
The local BBC webpage describes the attacker as ‘non white’ is that the new politically correct term, I bet he wasn’t Japanese….
A woman in Saudi Arabia may spend a year in prison after she filmed her husband allegedly groping, kissing and grabbing the family maid, according to reports.
This has appeared in the Mirror, so might pop up on the BBC now Jeremy Corbyn has spoken about Saudi Arabia, yet we know it will be the Kingdom which is blamed and not the practice and implementation of Islamic law, which is the real root of the problem.
An horrific tale from an horrific country, practicing an horrific religion.
Some good news for anyone suffering from withdrawal symptoms; The sainted Stephen Lawrence is back in the news. The Guardian are running the story of a “police cover up” though I thought that this had all been done and dusted. Seems I was wrong. I’ve no doubt that televised the Guardian in the guise of the BBC will be plaguing us with this over the weekend.
Wasn’t there a policeman shot yesterday, by a (ahem) youth? When I was a youngster such a horrifying occurrence would have dominated the media for weeks. Now they’re regurgitating a crime that happened a quarter of a century ago.
For some inexplicable reason there doesn’t seem to be too much about the cop shooting on the Beeb.
Groan, Reading the papers you’d think it was the only crime that’s ever taken place, are they still using the cropped photo of him ? the black power clenched fist salute edited out.
Like any before have been just spiffy. I rather doubt any sane IDF soldier or Israeli treats any sporting a ‘Press’ badge with anything other than suspicion.
Still, Jezza might be well advised to stay the right side of any tanks even within his rather oddly chosen comfort zone host country.
Top rated comments seem to feel the BBC has not performed as impartially as it might in easing tensions.
As with Cohen, Byford, etc, before, those seeking and claiming scalps seem to forget that these market rate talents are only prised out kicking and screaming with their millions intact.
And if Bryony thinks Yentob is what is going to kill the BBC off, she is a very silly girl.
But it will certainly help the crumbling edfice to further sink, and as sack of rats prose goes, her putting of the boot in is rather special.
The BBC pushing the lie yet again that Islam is a race, and it’s hilarious that they just cannot seem to understand that when the woman shouting the abuse is black. They seem utterly astonished & incredulous, to the extent that they’ve brought in a race hustler to explain it to them ! (otherwise as whites they’d be waycist) !
It’s about a woman who filmed her miscarriage. That’s now closed. Don’t think they like people Having Their Say. It’s like little pinpricks in the BBC bubble.
Contrast and compare
BBC – Fresh violence has erupted between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, with three Palestinians killed in clashes, Palestinians say. Two were killed in confrontations with Israeli troops over the Gaza border, medical sources said.
Violence has erupted between Israel? … Two were killed in confrontations with Israeli troops ?
Looks like the BBC is confused as to who is the perpetrator here?
Oh they loves lists on this don t they
the Palestinians say etc … here s another http://t.co/OdkQCpqtiZ
compare and contrast BBC reporting
Facts –
Hamas calls for “day of rage”, Abbas incites murder of Jews, knowing western media will paint terrorists as victims
P Condell http://t.co/lxUlyVY4Cl
Violence BETWEEN Israel AND Palestine. If I go up to somebody and shoot them, there is not violence between us. I am the cause of the violence. So it is violence AGAINST Israel BY Palestine.
We had one day earlier this week when some sympathy was shown for Israel when several stabbings occurred BETWEEN Israel AND Palestine. Sorry, i’m at it now! It must be catching..
I believe people are beginning to recognize the importance of Israel, and the need for its protection. Like it or not, if Israel goes that would be the end of modern civilization beyond Greece.
AlBeeb bleating about lack of government support for the steel industry- they conveniently neglect to mention EU rules. The following are extracts from an article written by the EU Director General for Competition on EC State aid rules for steel :
i) “Financial support of Member States to their industry generally amounts to State aid, which is under the EU rules, Article 87 (1) EC Treaty, prohibited. ”
ii) “In addition, also regional investment aid is prohibited under point 27 of the Multisectoral framework on regional aid for large investment projects. In sum, essentially any kind of significant investment aid in the steel sector, be it for restructuring or other purposes, is prohibited. ”
iii)” Only closure aid, as an exception from the prohibition to grant restructuring aid, is exceptionally allowed. Such closure aid may be aid to redundant employees that are laid off or aid to support companies to close their facilities. The latter is however only accepted if the entire legal entity is closed.”
So there we have it, as an EU member state we are virtually powerless to do anything to save our steel industry or to introduce temporary measures to help it survive during a savage downturn in world prices. Another very good reason to kiss Brussels goodbye.
As this clearly does not fit the BBC’s EU narrative, they simply ignore the facts.
Well said Gunner; the EU now dominates the lives of the citizens’ of its member states, to a degree which would be completely unthinkable not twenty years ago.
I believe that one of the reasons why it continually produces all these (seemingly) insignificant rules and regulations, covering such mundane things as the capacity toilet cisterns must be and the type of light bulbs one can buy; is that if in even the most minor facets of our lives, the EU has a controlling hand. It must follow, without question, that it will hold sway over any of the really major decisions that our government takes; such as the examples you cite re the steel industry or whether the U.K. can build another nuclear power station, our border and immigration controls etc etc.
It is a form of conditioning so that we, automatically, expect the EU to have a say in everything and for us to comply. After all – for the EU to tell me what my toilet and light bulbs have to be, it is indisputable that they will also tell the leaders of my country whether they can have a new nuclear power station or are able to assist a major domestic industry.
I only hope that when the Brexit campaign gets fully underway, all of this information is hammered home to people here: so that they can see what type of entity we are part of and how malign is its influence.
Armed police officers are to be allowed on British trains, stations and the London Underground, to cope with the threat of a Mumbai-style terrorist attack
More enrichment and vibrancy eroding our age old values. I hope the lefties are proud
Search Biased BBC
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I just cannot believe how shockingly incompetent Corbyn and his partner in slime, chancellor John McDonnell, are. It’s risible and yet the BBC are still treating these two clowns as if they are the answer to the Tories.Corbyn and his teletubbies seem to be getting an easy time from the comrades at the BBC, escaping the level of scrutiny that any decent and impartial news organisation would rightly be putting them under. It’s pathetic!
I am wondering if the Beeb are a little worried about charter renewal. We have seen a nod towards QT and Any Questions towards balance. The Panorama programme re Leon Brittain was allowed and given some prominence in News programmes. I believe it temporary and only a slight move to the right. Does anyone else think they have spotted it?
I have noticed over the past week ,that when the BBC are reporting about the violence in Israel ,they have mentioned Israeli Jews have been killed / murdered by Palestinians rather than their usual habit of mentioning that Palestinians have been killed by Jews. I don’t know if that is a move to the right but it is more honest reporting.
Deborah – I would call it more a shift towards impartiality than to the right. But I agree there has been a slight improvement recently in some reporting especially with the recent violence in Israel referred to by Fixby below.
However an overwhelming leftist narrative still persists, with favoured causes – e.g. man-made ‘climate change’ – being pursued ad nauseam, especially on Radio 4.
Yes, johnnythefish, your choice of words is better. By ‘move to the right’ I meant from where the Beeb is most of the time, ie somewhere to the left of Jeremy Corbyn and they are just not quite that far at the moment, maybe on par with JC.
The science regarding man-made climate change was settled a long time ago and the BBC is well within it’s rights to ignore any counter-claims by climate deniers.
I know this because a regular on the BBC comedy shows called Marcus Brigstocke said so and he is comedy gold……..just the mention of his name makes me laugh.
The only climate change deniers are those alarmists who have utterly abandoned the scientific method, reject any of the vast mountains of empirical evidence which casts serious doubt on the CATASTROPHIC AGW hypothesis, whilst embracing any and all fixed, fudged, estimated and wilfully adjusted data, no matter how bad, so long as it supports the hypothesis. Searching for and filtering data to make a hypothesis work, is NOT how to conduct science. It is fraud. Science demands that all data be treated as important. ALL data be shared, all data be rhigourously and independently verified and if that data disagrees with the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is dead! This is NOT what happens in climate science.
Instead of blindly going along with a corrrupt and dishonest authority, led by politicians, lobbyists and corrupted scientists… look for yourself at how the science itself is actually conducted. Look at how the data the alarmists use is actually generated. It is horrific in its sloppiness and dishonesty. Why would NOAA, for example, ignore all the data from the ARGO buoy records ( a custom made and serious scientific measuring platform specifically designed to measure ocean data) and replace them with terrible and innacurate data taken from engine intake channels in marine vessels instead in Karl et al 2015? Why take the innacurate and unreliable tree-ring data from a tiny section of the Yamal forest as an accurate proxy, whilst ignoring the very accurate, monthly collated data by NOAA, which is specifically designed for the purpose, is triple checked and is scientific data of the highest standard, for the entire contiguous United States? Surely that data is a much more reliable and accurate proxy? NOAA prepares this data, yet it is never ever mentioned in any media. They use the much less accurate, incomplete, estimated and post-hoc adjusted surface stations data from NCDC instead. WHY? Because the data used in studies which get media attention, support the CAGW hypothesis, whereas the accurate data does not.
Why are the two satellite based temperature data-sets and the three main surface station temperature sets diverging in an ever increasing manner? Why do NCDC NASA GISS and HADCRUT feel the need to take the surface station data from the past, collected by volunteers, written and recorded accurately by those volunteers, and retroactively adjust those earlier temperatures downwards and later temperatures upwards, changing long-term original raw data showing downward temperature trends, into ever more rapidly increasing upward temperature trends? Why does the unadjusted satallite data from UAH & RSS show no such waming trend for 18 years and 8 months?
The more one actually holds the rules of the scientific method in one hand, and examine what climate alarmists actually DO in the other, the more one is left with the only logical explaination, which is that climate science is the most corrupted, politically infested, anti-scientific fraud, ever carried out upon humanity.
The ONLY place where there is any evidence put forward to “prove” CAGW is in the data output from climate models. Well, the truth is that Climate Models are NOT evidence. They are a projection of what the CAGW hypothesis predicts and nothing more than that. So what does the scientific method demand we do with a projection, or prediction, of a hypothesis? Test it. The only way to test if the models are correct, is to compare their projections with what is actually accurately measured. The surface stations are no longer providing accurate measurements at all, due to a whole host of ad-hoc adjustments made to the actual measurements. The nearest data we have to accurate, consistent, scientifically valid and tightly calibrated data is the data gathered from satellites, buy UAH and RSS. Both these datasets still show an increasing divergence between what the CAGW hypothesis predicts, and what the actual measurements are. In strictly scientific terms, when the prediction of the hypothesis, disagrees with the data from reality, then the hypothesis is wrong.
As for any notion of there being a “97%” consensus, well? that is utterly and completely rubbish. There has been no scientifically valid study to support that claim. Every single study which has come up with that conclusion have been utterly debunked for failing to uphold ANY of the requirements of serious scientifically valid research. They are political PR tools and nothing more.
That is an excellent summary of how far “climate science” has diverged from the rigours of the scientific method.
View at Medium.com
Read that, then watch the videos in it and stop being ignorant of the truth of the massive scientific fraud which calls itself “climate science”.
How about it’s also got something to do with the pending disappearance of the loathsome Danny Cohen.
Not really, about 11.20 last night they looked at the front pages – but just the Guardian, Mirror and Independent. It’s in their DNA
“how shockingly incompetent ” the perfect description of Camoron and the traitorous Tories, I would add to that
self serving, arrogant . Mind you, its getting close, there s very little left for them to sell off (or should I say give away), lying about immigration, lying about the economy, doctoring figures and worst of all, lying about their own deluded imbecilic abilities
.. oh yes, they got a majority? …… folks … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
”’F*** off and leave the BBC alone’: Bob Geldof in foul-mouthed tirade against the government at star-studded reception
Live Aid founder sent the message to a star-studded meeting last night
The warning was beamed onto a screen at the party in Parliament” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3270617/F-leave-BBC-Bob-Geldof-foul-mouthed-tirade-against-government-star-studded-reception.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
As if Whittingdale had any intentions of reforming the BBC
Such elegance. It’s good to see that he has retained his sense of decorum, isn’t it?
I thought he was a foul mouthed Git when he did Live Aid, I just loved his “every time I clap my hands a child dies in Africa” which gave rise to the comment from my other half ” Well stop fucking clapping then”. I gave nothing then as my taxes paid for the foreign aid budget and now I’m retired so “if you want to contribute to my pension Bob go ahead”
I’m still waiting for news that Saint Bob has opened up one of his homes to a family of gimmegrants
I think you’ll be waiting quite a while.
Geldof is an immigrant, we owe him a living.
This is non dom Geldof who has owned his houses in offshore company trust arrangements in order to save on inheritance tax. The man is an arse who had two hits and who has been made rich and famous off the back of giving the perception of a caring image.
See also Billy Bragg etc etc.
Er…Mrs Kitty, it was actually Bono who said that at a U2 gig…and yes, somebody did reply like that…Bono floored..lol. Oh, how many migrants have you taken in Geldof, you foul-mouthed, one-hit wonder, Irish tosser? Same for Emma darling Thomson? Silly bitch.
Too long ago and too many G&Ts in between LOL. I can remember the other half saying it though re the stopping clapping it really does sound like something Grungy Bob would say.
I get it on Internet explorer and on Google Chrome browsers on different PCs/Laptops, so unless it’s something peculiar to Virgin ?
What about RTE in the republic ? I would of thought he should worry about them instead . In the ROI , RTE have ads, as well as a licence fee , although the licence fee there may be on the way out too .
I live in Ireland and can say that RTE is nearly as bad as the BBC when it comes to bias and manipulation, it’s just that they don’t have nearly enough money to produce a similar amount of programming and propaganda. You’ll see a lot of it on the news though. Ireland isn’t as bad as state as England is for the subversion by the left (not yet), but then I read somewhere that efforts to undermine the home countries were most strongly concentrated on England.
It’d be nice to see RTE lose its license, but I can’t see that happening soon. Having both BBC and RTE makes it interesting to compare the two and see how the line taken on given issues will basically always be the same.
Bob Geldof should consider spending less time being a twat and more time looking after his family.
I apologise for posting this again from the other thread, but it closed just after I had posted it.
Dave S posted a comment that was quite thought provoking. He wrote that one day the liberal/left PC attitudes of today will be seen as stupid and regressive as witchcraft once was, and fall like Communism. My feeling is that the liberal/left PC Western world we are living in now is just an extension of that same Communist fantasy that devastated Russia and Central Europe. In many ways it seems even more entrenched and all pervasive.
When I was young and stupid I too believed that the answer to all the World’s problems could be solved by the philosophy of the Left. Then one day I grew up and saw the sheer destructiveness of Socialism. I’m not making any claims of having superior knowledge, but it does seem as if we are living in a world that refuses to grow up and face the reality that some people do have greater abilities than others and some cultures are, to be blunt, more advanced than others. It doesn’t mean that we have to live in an inhumane society, just a realistic one.
The argument over grammar schools is a perfect example. I watched some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility. The same spokeswoman would almost certainly decry the fact that all the prime ministers since Blair had been privately educated. Yet their predecessors, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher were all products of the grammar school system. Grammar schools were not perfect, but would no doubt have evolved over time to be more flexible if the system had been left in place. But fantasyland Socialism couldn’t face up to the harsh reality that some children are brighter than others. The answer, according to the Labour party at the time was, destroy grammar schools and drag everyone down to the same level. Pol Pot might have been more brutal, but the intention was the same
I saw an interview which may have been the same woman on a different channel, a Professor. She was saying what about all the others students that didn’t make it to Grammar schools and had to suffer sub standard education at Secondary schools.
This seems to me to be a false argument, and an insult to the capabilities of good secondary schools and teachers . Secondary schools can provide a good education as well. Secondary schools have streaming which is also a meritocracy.
Pupils in the higher streams of secondary schools with the right motivational teachers can and do go on to take advanced qualifications at Universities. There are also options to go to Further Education Colleges to reach higher academic levels. To Oxford or Cambridge it the students really want to as well.
We should also look to German schools where engineering, arts and technical schools provide a path to meaningful well paid jobs.
Grammar schools provide FREE education to children who have been deemed suitable.
Without Grammar schools, children from lower incomes wouldn’t have such an opportunity.
Why do the BBC/Left oppose Grammar schools? After all, they provide opportunities for the less well off?
In addition to the fact that grammar schools confirm the concept that we are not all equal, I suspect the left also dislikes grammar schools because many of them are similar to minor public schools, with team sports, cadet corps, ancient buildings etc. They’d prefer everyone to be in soulless glass buildings devoid of history or traditions, designed by le Corbusier on windswept council estates.
I was listening to a call in show yesterday and some hand-wringing freak was stating that although it was free, parents that are more “financially advantaged” can afford to pay for home tutoring to ensure their kids make it to Grammar schools and the financially disadvantages can’t…… No. They have just decided to spend their spare cash on something that will be better for their kids in the long run.
I had my kids late in life and have recently sent my eldest who is 8 to a private school. I saw the writing on the wall with his state school. He was bringing home work such as tales about a rich man and a poor man and how the rich man was nasty. He was also bringing home environmental nonsense. He had 35 in his class and they didn’t believe in streaming too much. It will be a struggle but I know I have made the correct decision. We aren’t blessed with Grammar schools in the North East so it is my only option.
Good for you Rob, You are an excellent parent. I could not afford to send my daughter to a private school, but I ensured that I tought her about free thought, critical thinking, logic and scientific principles. I taught her to question and debate and make up her own mind, based upon facts, reason and logic. We used to have amazing, passionate and even angry discussions. She never had any notion of “entitlement”, and crying or complaining never won her anything. If she wanted her own way on something, she had to be able to provide a serious logical reason for it. If I had cause to tell her off, she was allowed to argue her corner, but only with reason and logic. crying, sulking or wimpering failed completely as a valid argument.
She went on to get a Masters of Science degree and now earns a good living. It took my additional tutoring to enable her to advance. ALL her friends that she went to a bog-standard comprehensive with, are either young single mothers, or otherwise unemployed or in very menial jobs. My daughter is travelling the world, expanding her horizons and having a far far better life, than I ever could have.
It may well have been the same woman who was interviewed on this morning’s Today.
According to her, grammar school pupils succeed only because they’ve got well-educated middle-class parents or well-off middle-class parents who can afford to pay for tutoring.
Predictably, this outrageous view was not challenged by her interviewer and boosted my impression she was yet another BBC proxy brought on to rubbish a concept that is total anathema to their socialist mindset.
I was one of many kids at my grammar school in the 60s who came from a working class background whose parents had only a basic education and were unable to help in any way with school work. As for well-off enough to pay for tutoring – she really is taking the piss. Wish I could meet her and have that discussion.
She was saying what about all the others students that didn’t make it to Grammar schools and had to suffer sub standard education at Secondary schools.
So the authoritarian solution from the socialists, heavily disguised as ‘egalitarianism’ was, as usual, to drag everyone down to the same level rather than look at ways to improve what wasn’t working i.e. the secondary schools (though that is a generalisation in itself) through spreading ‘best practice’ from those secondaries which were performing well. In fact ‘best practice’ is a concept which seems to get totally ignored in the public sector – latest example Salford NHS Trust – wonder why?
I heard the same interview and was similarly disgusted by the supine interview – if you could dignify it with the word.
As always with a socialist, her answer to a problem was to level down – and anyone who has to work with school and university leavers today will know just how far down we have levelled!
If her concern was genuine, if she really worried that pupils at secondary modern schools received a sub standard education, then an intelligent person’s answer would be to improve the teaching at those schools, not condemn every pupil to the same miserable, lower standard – which, of course, is exactly what they have done.
Spot on, Oldartist. I went through a similar change from left to right. I’ve kept a diary since 1982 and I’ve been reading the early ones lately and I’m embarrassed at how anti-Tory I am. I detested Mrs Thatcher and had this very simplistic, naïve view of life that, now, I believe all left whingers have i.e. that all problems are solvable if you throw money at them. As I got older, hopefully wiser, and certainly more experienced, I shifted to the right and now realise that Mrs Thatcher was the best thing that could have happened to this country. When the Conservatives won the general election, I caught a bit of political debate along the lines of ‘what went wrong?’ so presumably a bBC one but I can’t be certain, and one academic (?), trying to make sense of the unexpected result, said that it often happens that people start off left whingers and, with age and experience, move towards the right. I don’t know if she intended it to be faint praise for those on the right of the political spectrum but that’s how it felt to me. All those things that I wrote in my diaries about the Tories are how I now feel about Labour. I cannot even stand to look at Blair’s inanely grinning mug. Seeing how Labour didn’t support George Osbourne’s proposal to make governments ‘in normal times’ ensure that spending never outstrips what a government gets in tax, tells you all you need to know about Labour. If those Laborious idiots ever get in, we should all do as the lefty morons did when Mrs Thatcher died, take to the streets and dance on the grave of the economy and the UK.
Well said oldartist, there are also pri@ks like Vince Cable, who has himself enjoyed the benefits of an education at an excellent grammar school in York, but who pull the ladder up behind them; so no other clever working class children have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.
It used to be that you couldn’t switch on the TV/Radio without hearing some pearl of wisdom from St. Vince Cable.
He then loses his seat in May and we haven’t heard a word since.
Just goes to show how useless he actually was.
Vince Cable supported a Mansion Tax , some people I know from Twickers , said that finished him ,because although their houses were well below 1 million , by the 2020 election they would be nearing the 2 million, or Labour /SNP would of cut the 2 million , down to 1 million.They also had had enough of him , & wanted an MP like Boris or Zac Goldsmith, in next door Richmond.
The thing is that the whole left wing education establishment has no intention of making things better in any objective sense. Dumbed down anti-Western indoctrination is the order of the day, and has been since the 1970’s at least.
Old Artist: “… some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility.”
In small part, she is probably correct. On R4 TODAY this a.m., they added the ‘excuse’ that Grammar Schools were a result of the growth of ‘white collar jobs’. That, of course, ignored a large chunk of the history of Grammar Schools. The social mobility of the 1920s & 1930s and the1950s & 1960s was not just down to Grammar Schools (and their neglected counterparts – the Secondary Modern School and the Technical School) but to other factors as well, such as increasingly cheap transport, abundant jobs, an increase in technology, widening ranges of goods for sale, etc..
However, the obvious test is ‘Why could not the (‘bog-standard’) Comprehensive School succeed in feeding a similar social mobility. Why has it failed so spectacularly?’
The answer has to be that Governments (of both major Parties) undermined ALL the conditions – not just Grammar Schools – that together with Grammar Schools, created that unprecedented social mobility. They increased the cost of transport and, when it was becoming increasingly available to people of all social & income strata, reduced it to the point where “Only the wealthy & high earners can afford to travel by train.” {attrib. George Osborne, c. 2008/09]
As they were discussing Grammar Schools this morning, and the view above about them, the acronym ‘S.E.T.’ pinged into my mind. That was, IIRC, a Labour tax on jobs from about the time they completed their attack on Grammar Schools in the 1960s. UK Unemployment was in the hundreds of thousands in the mid/late 1960s. Oh that it were so now! Amazingly, people used to worry then about ‘the work-shy who were free-loading on Unemployment Benefit.’
Labour & Socialist Patricians have always, it seems to me, undermined the overall conditions for the ordinary working man and woman while exploiting them for limited gains that amounted to no more than a single sticking plaster for multiple gaping wounds that they, the Patricians, had mostly inflicted. The Conservatives (of old) have managed to come a dismal second in that race (despite Marples, Beeching, etc.) although, it could be argued, Ted Heath tried spectacularly to help them catch up from 1970-74.
If Grammar Schools return in numbers, they need to be matched with really good Secondary & Technical Schools that are extra well resourced to educate the children currently being left to rot by the Comprehensive system. A friend of mine failed his 11-Plus Exam in the mid-1960s and went to a very good Secondary Modern. He achieved good O-Level results, even better A-Level passes and went to University. He now does a very important job that touches the lives of everyone in the UK. At that Secondary Modern he was not exceptional. The teachers and the school ethos probably were. That is the sort of school we need in many parts of the UK now.
Labour’s Academy Schools of 1997-2010 were an attempt to disguise the failure of the Comprehensive doctrine & system. It could be said they were Grammar Schools by another name although they really only offered ‘privilege’ to children who showed specific abilities in, say, sport or music or mathematics.
Ironic, huh?
Yesterday I noticed how incensed the BBC were with Saudi Arabia’s human rights record. With justification of course. But Saudi is far from alone in Islamic world in having a shocking record on HR. In fact it seems to me that there are very few Islamic countries where HR standards are anywhere near acceptable to a liberal democracy. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume therefore that Islam and liberal HR standards are irreconcilable. So why does the BBC support uncontrolled migration of so many Muslims into our country? Do they really think that by some magic process Muslims who believe deeply in all aspects of their religion are going to undergo some miraculous conversion and willingly accept liberal values and ditch their own? If so the BBC is gullible beyond belief. If they don’t believe that this miracle will occur , then the BBC is cynically promoting a policy which threatens the well being of the British people.
Good point, Doublethinker
Israel does not have the death penalty.
Israel provides equality for women and gays.
Israel has open democracy.
Israel believes in free speech.
Israel encourages Religious tolerance.
Israel permits alcohol.
Israel allows Muslims to live and work in significant numbers within Israel e.g. Jaffa.
Israel provides aid to Palestine.
Israel has not vowed to exterminate all Arabs.
So, why is the BBC/Left so anti-Israel?
What positives as above can we say about neighbouring Arab states, including Palestine?
I read this comment about an hour ago and I still haven’t come up with 1 positive point of Islam. There really isn’t any. Believe me I searched. If you read islam sites by muslims, even they can’t provide positives for the real world.
It’s mindboggling that our western democracy accepts Islam with open arms. It makes no sense. Even Muslims admit what there about. Read any Islam website, here’s a typical example
“Human Rights and Justice in Islam
Islam provides many human rights for the individual. The following are some of these human rights that Islam protects.
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not. Islam also protects honor. So, in Islam, insulting others or making fun of them is not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad said: {Truly your blood, your property, and your honor are inviolable.}1”
Since when was to not be made fun of a human right? Yet a true human right (free speech) is illegal. Sounds more like, ‘I won’t make fun of you, so don’t make fun of me, or I will kill you.’ And that was the first I read. It’s all like that. Islam is totally at odds with our democracy, as we all know.
The good news is that due to a mistranslation of the Koran a suicide bomber actually gets a 72 year old virgin!
“Denying the threat within Islamic ideology blinds us to the threat Islam poses to the West. This denial prevents us from erecting immigration, legislative, financial and other defences against further incursions of jihad and the spread of Sharia law.”
Diana West ‘No Fear’.
Thank goodness we in the civilised West are so morally superior.
Nobody would ever claim that the west is morally superior. Even if only 50% of everything the West has provided –
e.g. democracy (sort of), technology (NASA), individual freedoms, equal rights, tolerance (sort of), prosperity (relative to poverty), industry, ongoing wars, free markets (not perfect), open protests, high education levels, leisure (stoning people to death is not a sport), fair judicial system (sort of), etc etc;
– was a positive on the world, there is not one positive that Islam has provided. None on the above list are perfect, and many are extremely flawed. But there are incredible achievements that have made the world a better place.
I would challenge anyone, to prove a positive that Islam provides. I am determined to find just one, but with Islam one door opens and another closes just as quickly. It will not budge and is strictly medieval.
Moon Landing ,July 1969 ,not 68 .
Yes, aren’t we.
Progess ….ive!!
Where did you get this brilliant set of pics Hadda?
“Do they really think that by some magic process Muslims who believe deeply in all aspects of their religion are going to undergo some miraculous conversion and willingly accept liberal values and ditch their own?”
Yeah, because all those people trying to escape economic blight, gang warfare, oppressive military dictatorships, fundamentalist nut-jobs, barrel bombs and ISIS decapitation squads, couldn’t possibly want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society could they?
If you live in the UK look around and see what Muslims are doing now they are free from the awful lives that you describe above. They are busily creating exactly the same lives for themselves and much more importantly giving us many problems we don’t want to have. So we have mass rape, uncounted cases of FGM, massive election fraud, corruption, people fearful for their own safety, fundamentalist preachers urging attacks on the West by the dozen, young Muslims leaving to fight for ISIL and of course terrorism which is barely contained by the mighty efforts of our security services.
You still think allowing millions of these people into our country is a good thing? If so you need to seek help.
Not forgetting that most of the doctors/consultants who are struck off in this country for abuse or incompetence are of Asian descent.
(although we could see an increase in bakers from now on !!!)
“Yeah, because all those people trying to escape economic blight, gang warfare, oppressive military dictatorships, fundamentalist nut-jobs, barrel bombs and ISIS decapitation squads, couldn’t possibly want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society could they?”
Well, since they tend to bring with them the religious baggage that was largely responsible for all the problems listed, once is forced to conclude that, no they don’t. What is more likely is that they want to be illiberal and aggressive somewhere that won’t respond in kind.
Yes they may want to live in a more peaceful, liberal society. Who wouldn’t. But their intolerance is ingrained. This is what happens
[1] Amazement at the openness and freedom available to all. Stunned at the sight of women not covered from head to toe. Basking in the glow of freedom. Islam forgotten for now.
[2] Disgust at the openness and freedom available to all. Shocked at the sight of women not covered from head to toe. Hiding in the shadow from the glow of freedom. Islam missed.
[3] Desire for the shackles of Islam. Revulsion for women. Wanting Islam back. Wanting Sharia back.
Plato’s cave analogy from Republic is a must read. Islam is the shadows in the cave. I mean, come on they still throw rocks at things they don’t understand for f*ck s*ke! Stone age
I posted about this on the previous thread. The reason the BBC have been reporting about Saudi human rights is purely as a result of Jeremy Corbyn having made a couple of speeches about it. To me it is yet another confirmation that the BBC is following a Labour lead, and is irredeemably biased.
Because our government is being bribed by the Saudis (amongst others) they did a secret deal with them to make Saudi head of the UN Human Rights committee !
I often wonder if the amount the NHS spends on antidepressants could be drastically reduced if the BBC were switched off.
Waste is le mot juste.
I always reckoned that the questioning of Batty Camilla would reveal some astonishing facts, but…
We’ve just been told that “Some “clients” received over £70,000 per annum!” It’s absolutely breathtaking. I had to listen to this twice. I just couldn’t take it in. They’ve been doling out for these worthless louts so they can pay their drug dealers with our bloody money.
Every winter some of our older people have been half starved or freezing while (inadvertantly) our money’s been going on toerags, layabouts and drug dealing parasites.
This pompous, self agrandising, waddling fat lump should be imprisoned and then deported.
This from the Telegraph is amusing.
Alan Yentob’s day of embarrassment over Kids Company… from £150 shoes to ‘abusive limericks’
POLITICAL SKETCH: In bizarre exchanges, MPs interrogate the BBC executive and Camila Batmanghelidjh over the collapse of the children’s charity.
This was particularly funny:
“It was chaos from the start. The kaleidoscopically flamboyant Ms Batmanghelidjh – looking more than ever like a pile of Aladdin’s laundry – seemed incapable of giving a straight answer.”
Odd isn’t it that an Iranian and an Iraqi have been scamming the taxpayer for years and only now it’s coming out. How many other instances are there going to be of ‘The Emperors New Clothes’, apart from the BBC that is.
Here’s a link that hopefully works
Sorry still doesn’t want to work
Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11934290/Alan-Yentobs-day-of-embarrassment-over-Kids-Company…-from-150-shoes-to-abusive-limericks.html
Highlight the whole link instead of clicking, then copy and paste.
“If that was all Mr Yentob wanted, perhaps he might have considered switching on a radio.
How on earth did he get into this mess? And how on earth will he get out of it? ”
How Naive are the Telegraph? There’s never a ‘mess’ for BBC execs ! Why would he need to get out of it? What’s going to happen to him if he doesn’t?
The truth is that nothing will happen to him, because the BBC is completely unaccountable as are its staff.
That sanctimonious, self-satisfied, smug woman angers me. One of her quotes: ‘The [charity] was doing the government’s job for it.’ Since when is it the government’s job to buy a kid shoes for £150? If there was wrong doing, PLEASE do NOT let political correctness allow this woman to get away with it.
She always looks to me as if she’s rolled down a mountain and crashed through a number of charity shops.
God knows what her dodgy enterprise was all about, apart from bribing feral kids to temporarily lay off the mugging.
Alan Yentob remains a senior management figure earning a third of a million pounds a year.
How on earth do the BBC think they have a shred of credibility?
I am getting tired of correcting English usage on BBBC.
Yentob “gets paid”, “is rewarded with”, “receives the sum of”, “has a salary of” and all the other descriptions that the almost infinite resources of the English language allow us to create.
He does not “earn” it, in the same way that professional “sportsmen”, film “stars” and all the other non-productive “celebrities” do not deserve their large incomes.
The “elites” are not elite, they are dangerous traitors who need to be converted into fertiliser.
Has anyone noticed the similarity between BatWoman’s arguments and those of the open-door immigration brigade?
Fatty’s argument is ‘we couldn’t turn away all these vulnerable children and it’s the (uncaring) government’s fault for not providing more money”. Without saying how many, how much etc. Blank cheques required.
The open-door argument is ” we shouldn’t turn away all these vulnerable refugees and it’s the (uncaring) government’s fault for not providing more money” Without saying how many, how much etc. Blank cheques required.
Different contexts. Same moral blackmail. Which is not that far from the bBBC’s licence fee justification.
Little wonder both Kids Company and the Immigrationists get such uncritical coverage from our impartial public sector broadcaster.
“Different contexts. Same moral blackmail.”
And the same result. Eventually… bang!
Just turned over to BBc North West “news” one of the sofa sloths started telling us about some migrant from Afghanistan turned tv off.
Are we being lied to?
We cannot ask the Libyan government to stop asylum seekers leaving for Europe in ramshackle boats, because there is no government in Libya.
Tonight the BBC tells us:
The Libyan authorities are being asked if the FBI and Scottish Police can interview suspects of the Lockerbie bombing.
If there is such a thing as Libyan authorities then why can’t they be asked to stop Asylum seekers leaving their beaches?
What a pile of crap this site is! 24 times opening this page getting ‘cannot detect the websites proxies’ This is the only site this ever happens on, and it happens with depressing regularity !
Never had that problem. I suspect you are dealing with a local issue.
No problems here, either.
Nor in Lobster Towers.
Not even in West Wales
Definitely not in West Wales.
Does dim problemau fan hyn.
Or even down in the Sud de France
No problem here either., Thoughtful…..Hades that is I, will greet you with my faithfull Cerberus, meet the wife, Persephone, she’s a goer,…just stand by the bank of the river Styx..Charon the ferry man will greet you, bring you to me……
Nor the Costa Clyde.
No problems here, what ISP and Browser are you using?
Happened again this morning, every other site is fine though, so not a local problem.
Haven’t had that problem in Pennsylvania.
Britain will need to build 3 cities the size of Birmingham by 2020 unless action is taken to tackle migrant crisis
Experts have warned UK’s population could increase by 3million by 2020
Current immigration would require building of 3 Birmingham-sized cities
David Cameron to take control of borders ? 😀
… his pledge to cut net migration to tens of thousands has been left in tatters
pretty much like everything else these self serving and incompetent traitors touch.
No room for that at the BBC … but plenty for this
‘Suicide attempts’ since Kids Company closure
give me strenf! ….
The reply to Botney from the chair was a classic when “live” and before the MSM got their editors on it!
Funny how the BBC don’t seem to be covering this story in any great depth. To be honest, I thought we’d heard the last of this revolting pile of blubber and her cupboard of curtains and table cloths. But I see renta-gob-Yentob and lard-arse got a grilling today from the Parliament Committee. Typical arrogant lefty happy to receive copious amounts of money from the taxpayer. In many ways the BBC are similar to this walking barrel of pus: they take your money and spend it how they see fit.
I have been watching the whole thing – quite astonishing. The fat, talking laundry basket is authoritatively pontificating about child mental health issues; then she is the forced to admit that she has absolutely no professional qualifications, of any kind, in this field.
Amazing how self destructive some left wing Jews can be. It’s almost as if they have a lemming like urge to end their lives and that of their kin:
“Immigration Bill is an attack on anybody who isn’t a white, Anglo-Saxon protestant, says MP Gerald Kaufman”
‘he bill proposes a new offence of illegal working and requires landlords to carry out checks on prospective tenants under a new ‘Right to Rent’ scheme.
Failing to do so would be a criminal offence leading to a fine or a jail sentence. Those working illegally could face six months in prison.’
Clearly Kaufman is of the opinion that genocide of Anglo Saxons & Jews is a desirable thing – made all the worse that at his age he doesn’t have long for this world.
His replacement as MP for the next parliament is likely to be a young ‘rising star’ Jim McMahon currently heading Oldham council, marred by his suspending an old Labour traditionalist for leaking details of child sexual abuse by Pakistani Muslim men, which he wanted to cover up at all costs. The Gaffe was later blown by the Heywood scandal.
East German communist Anetta Kahane, she’s another Barbara Lerner Spectre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ
”Immigration is the future.” What she’s advocating is white genocide, she isn’t saying this to China, India, Saudi Arabia or Nigeria, she’s saying it to white countries and ONLY white countries, that’s how you know it’s a scam.
Yes. She speaks for Merkel and the EU leaders. This is the end as they see it. Nationalism – as they understand it – caused all the evil in the past, now it will be destroyed by mass immigration. Result: these out of date fanatics will destroy all pride in our nations, our history and culture, and replace what they see as nationalism with religious fanaticism.
As I’ve said before: it wasn’t the nationalist side of the nazis that caused them to be psychotic killers, it was their socialist side. Socialism always leads to violence and attacks on victim groups. The nationalist part of the nazi beliefs selected their victim groups but wasn’t what caused them to murder them.
Kaufmann is a classic self-hating Jew. What he doesn’t realise is that this is unnecessary, as there is a long queue of people who are more than happy to hate him. The reason he comes across as a loathsome slimy piece of shit is because…he is.
Rob, we know this shmeckel fresser in Leeds ( his home town). He hates himself. The people he supports would throw him off the nearest high building. Yet he is photographed with them smirking and wearing a tea towel round his neck. I understand that he turned up at a shull a few years back on new year ( there chutzpa ) and was duly chinned.
24h news 7.40pm The subject is Grammar schools. Interviewer is talking to an Education professor Sandra Mcnally, shown as Uni of Surrey. Here is her paper http://cee.lse.ac.uk/cee%20dps/ceedp85.pdf written while she was at that ultra lefty uni the LSE, of course it was against Grammar schools. You cannot trust the bBC.
Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands with Paul Murton (spelling correct and not the man from HIGNFY) lots of asides about the clearances, how awful Gavin Maxwell was for enjoying hunting (he was a Duke’s grandson) and how keeping poor people occupied reduced the chance of rebellion and yesterday it was how marvellous the people of Eig were to buy their island ie lots of politics dressed up as travel.
As long time regulars on this site know, I used to be a vociferous daily commentator here back in the days of Natalie Solent and Andrew Bowman. Following our move to North America in 2007 I can’t say I have access to any BBC output now, avoiding all the dross they pump out on BBC Canada and on their US channels, that is apart from a daily visit to its website purely to look at the UK newspaper front pages that are shown on ‘The Papers’. So my comments here are becoming less and less frequent, although I always look in every day.
However, on going to look at ‘The Papers’ this morning something actually caught my eye at the bottom of their homepage where Mark Easton usually puts his drivel (which I don’t bother with) and here it is:
“Artists write ‘Homeland is racist’ graffiti on set”
It’s right there on the home page listed under ‘Also in the news’
I really cannot believe that the BBC has plumbed such depths now as to pass something like this off as news.
And when it comes to TV series, does the BBC produce anything in that genre that can match it? Somehow I doubt it.
Are they dredging this up because, horror of horrors, it’s produced by FOX.
The sooner the licence tax is terminated the better it will be for Britain’s TV
Yes, I recently commented on this nonsense and the fact that the BBC’s piece shared many similarities with the crap the Guardian cobbled together (surprise, surprise). Utterly pathetic!
I recall those days very well, TPO – and your uniquely informed comments on police and security issues.
I have to say (crawl, crawl, grovel, grovel) that I think the site management has improved considerably since then – especially since the breakaway and eventual regrouping. For once- a revolution actually worked!
We go back a long way on this blog. I think it was 2003 when I first found this site.
What ever happened to ‘biodegradable’, he was always fun and I found that ‘John Reith’ was always an interesting interlocutor even though we were on opposing sides.
In a different way so was the preposterous ‘hillhunt’ remember him. His anti biased BBC blog went belly up back in 2010.
You’re right about how the site has improved, although if I recall right, Andrew Bowman became unwell and gave up the site and David came along. As I retired ten years ago and moved to live in a different country I can now explain that I was the representative on a Current Intelligence Group of part of the Joint Intelligence Committee for one of the organisations I worked for. Then in my final five years I was a broker and facilitator between conventional law enforcement and the intelligence agencies, hence the insight. I just wish that I could have imparted more, but that would have got me into a lot of trouble.
I too go back to those times when Natalie Solent was running it. In fact the only reason I began my site was to allow those posting to have something permanent as a record of their observations rather than getting ‘lost’ in Open Threads as soon as the current one disappears. I offered it to Natalie but she said she was too busy with her own website as well as this one to take it on, so I just continued it.
You’ll find Biodegradable most often posting on the BBC Watch website.
‘I really cannot believe that the BBC has plumbed such depths now’
There is a secret meeting room called ‘Marinas’, ironically on the top floor, served by Alan Yentob’s private tube.
Breaking news since 18.16 on Sky has been a Police Officer shot in Hackney:
BBC UK news way dow schedule. Why? I really wonder if they know something Sky does not or are they just more cautious about reporting heinious crimes in Hackney due to the BBC PC race issues?
Sky news does cover the Grammer School Annex but the BBC are treating this School Annex like a mega massive story, with all the inference that this is possible illegal and really upping the Labour class warfare message and loads about free school meals.
I really fail to understand why the dumbing down of education is a Labour and BBC norm? Especially so when you just look at the Labour MPs up to 2010 who went to Grammer Schools and the enormous amount of parents who want this education for their kids:
Diane Abbott (Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
Nick Ainger (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)
Graham Allen (Nottingham North)
David Anderson (Blaydon)
Janet Anderson (Rossendale and Darwen)
Hilary Armstrong (North West Durham)
Charlotte Atkins (Staffordshire Moorlands)
John Austin (Erith and Thamesmead)
Adrian Bailey (West Bromwich West)
Vera Baird (Redcar)
Margaret Beckett (Derby South)
Stuart Bell (Middlesbrough)
Roger Berry (Kingswood)
Liz Blackman (Erewash)
Hazel Blears (Salford)
David Borrow (South Ribble)
Karen Buck (Regent’s Park and Kensington North)
Richard Burden (Birmingham Northfield)
Colin Burgon (Elmet)
Alan Campbell (Tynemouth)
Martin Caton (Gower)
Colin Challen (Morley and Rothwell)
Ben Chapman (Wirral South)
David Chaytor (Bury North)
Paul Clark (Gillingham)
Vernon Coaker (Gedling)
Ann Coffey (Stockport)
Rosie Cooper (West Lancashire)
Jeremy Corbyn (Islington North)
David Crausby (Bolton North East)
Tony Cunningham (Workington)
Janet Dean (Burton)
Andrew Dismore (Hendon)
Frank Dobson (Holborn and St. Pancras)
Jeffrey Ennis (Barnsley East and Mexborough)
Bill Etherington (Sunderland North)
Paul Farrelly (Newcastle-under-Lyme)
Frank Field (Birkenhead)
Michael Foster (Hastings and Rye)
Hywel Francis (Aberavon)
Bruce George (Walsall South)
Neil Gerrard (Walthamstow)
Mark Hendrick (Preston)
John Heppell (Nottingham East)
Stephen Hesford (Wirral West)
Patricia Hewitt (Leicester West)
Keith Hill (Streatham)
Kate Hoey (Vauxhall)
Kelvin Hopkins (Luton North)
Kim Howells (Pontypridd)
Beverley Hughes (Stretford and Urmston)
John Hutton (Barrow and Furness)
Eric Illsley (Barnsley Central)
Glenda Jackson (Hampstead and Highgate)
Alan Johnson (Hull West and Hessle)
Diana Johnson (Hull North)
Martyn Jones (Clwyd South)
Gerald Kaufman (Manchester Gorton)
Alan Keen (Feltham and Heston)
Stephen Ladyman (South Thanet)
Tony Lloyd (Manchester Central)
Andrew MacKinlay (Thurrock)
Christine McCafferty (Calder Valley)
Sarah McCarthy-Fry (Portsmouth North)
John McDonnell (Hayes and Harlington)
Tony McNulty (Harrow East)
Alun Michael (Cardiff South and Penarth)
Austin Mitchell (Great Grimsby)
Madeleine Moon (Bridgend)
Kali Mountford (Colne Valley)
Denis Murphy (Wansbeck)
Edward O’Hara (Knowsley South)
James Plaskitt (Warwick and Leamington)
Greg Pope (Hyndburn)
Stephen Pound (Ealing North)
Joan Ruddock (Lewisham Deptford)
Christine Russell (City of Chester)
Martin Salter (Reading West)
Alison Seabeck (Plymouth Devonport)
Barry Sheerman (Huddersfield)
Siôn Simon (Birmingham Erdington)
Alan Simpson (Nottingham South)
Dennis Skinner (Bolsover)
Andrew Smith (Oxford East)
John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan)
Peter Soulsby (Leicester South)
Helen Southworth (Warrington South)
Jack Straw (Blackburn)
Gerry Sutcliffe (Bradford South)
David Taylor (North West Leicestershire)
Stephen Timms (East Ham)
Paddy Tipping (Sherwood)
Jon Trickett (Hemsworth)
Des Turner (Brighton Kemptown)
Neil Turner (Wigan)
Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent North)
Alan Whitehead (Southampton Test)
Alan Williams (Swansea West)
Mike Wood (Batley and Spen)
Phil Woolas (Oldham East and Saddleworth)
Tony Wright (Cannock Chase)
Derek Wyatt (Sittingbourne and Sheppey
Mr D says if all this lot of Labour MPs went to grammar schools, then grammar schools have a lot to answer for.
A comprehensive list!
I actually went to Borden Grammar school Sittingbourne, there at the same time as Derek Wyatts’s cousin Phil, who went on to have a career in Trade Unions.
Good friends actually, although we were both on the same side in those days. I changed as a result of years of dealing with tax and benefit fraudsters and shysters.
The BBC has been reporting that the NHS, that vehicle to justify mass migration is suffering a shortage of, nurses, and spineless Dave & his crew have opened wide the UKs doors to foreign trained nursing and other medical staff.
It has been presented as ‘suddenly and without warning the NHS has run short of staff and we should be grateful these people will help us out, but the reality is much more sinister.
Spineless Dave and his oppo Gideon (the destroyer in Hebrew) Osborne have deliberately cut back training of both Doctors and Nurses in the UK.
While this immigration is presented as a positive thing, it is in fact extremely negative. It deprives those countries which have been responsible of the medical staff they have paid to train, deprives their population of skilled medical staff and it fails to provide jobs for the capable populace of this country, and all for what? So Osborne can save a few pounds on training? How much does it cost in the slightly longer term?
But then as we all know from Spineless Dave and his mates in the institute of Directors, white English people don’t want to work and are fit only for the food banks.
Having worked in the NHS, a little known fact about the system worked within the organisation never sees the light of day in the media.
Fully qualified nurses can only reach a certain rung in their pay grade and generally that’s it. They can have years ahead of them on the same salary before taking early retirement, so many of them diversify into Admin which in turn gives them further rungs to climb on the pay scale. Climbing the ladder creates many titles, the big one being.. MANAGER, the holy grail of the pay structure; and everyone wonders why there are so many Managers in the NHS !!
During my time in the NHS I was staggered at the amount of ex-nurses who are ‘Managers’ in the Admin field, and when I queried that having been a secretary all of my life, I wouldn’t dream of performing medical duties on a ward, so what makes professional medics think they could do better than me in my chosen field, shoulders were shrugged !
In my experience in working with the public sector, I recall that most of these organisations had a pay band structure. And within each pay band there was a progression of incremental salary levels. This meant, of course, that staff were promoted within a band on an almost annual basis (and from many instances I saw, whether or not their performance had changed to any significant degree), which could mean, often, a regular rise of £1,000 a year, a significant percantage rise in income each year. This was, in many cases, income rising purely on length of service, and not of skills or value to the organisation.
Since the annual increase was for the bands and sub-levels, each of these, in a ‘pay freeze’, might not change – but that does not mean that income was frozen for individuals – most were walking away with a significant income rise every year. But when the media painted a picture (and the BBC, a public sector organisation by another name, is heavily included in this), the impression would be that millions of people had had their income frozen ! And, of course, there would be no need to mention reality when talking about the ‘heartless’ treatment being doled out to public sector workers. A ‘pay freeze’ was often nothing of the sort.
And, as brissles points out, so many people in the public sector are so used to annual increments in their income, that nurses are moving out of real patient nursing care into admin, technical specialist and other roles, to get onto a new incremental pay ladder. I believe that we really are building up a long-term problem in the patient care areas of the NHS.
That is what happens in such salary-structured organisations. Try finding that in the private sector.
Jeremy Vine interviews Anita Rani on her experience with Who Do You Think You Are. The one funny moment, (about 51 minutes in), is when he ‘just assumes that she is modern-British’ and wouldn’t speak any other language or have any other background!
It was amazing how much time could be spent talking about ‘partition’ and how bad it was, (clearly Britain’s fault), without asking the ‘elephant’ question – So 15 million people moved but 1 million died, why? Did whole trains just fall off the tracks? How come these lovely people ‘of all faiths’ that got on so well suddenly feel the urge to throw their wives and daughters down the well?
A puzzle isn’t it? About as puzzling as to why our politicians and media keep making excuses.
Off topic slightly but it is amazing and indicative of the lack of creative imagination in the BBC that so many programmes live off those that are successful – like the ghastly Strictly. Even those that aren’t especially popular create parasitic offspring.
The Beeb never fails to milk them to death. And if the cupboard runs dry, they can turn the archives into another series.
This cannibalisation masks the fact that the licence fee is increasingly gobbled up by staff costs plus another billion thrown into the BBC staff pension scheme.
Even Russia Today, which is equally biased, can rustle up about the same number of interesting programmes on a small budget.
Ref your throwaway remark about the al-Beeb pension scheme. So totally true. We’re all paying for their very cosy pension deals.
And when bBBC goes into auto-rant about ‘cuts’ to public services, it never mentions pension provision. For example – lots of publicity that the NHS may be about £4bn overspent this year. Cue bBBC outrage about savage Tory cuts. Petty cash! What about the extra £9bn of unfunded pension liability accrued in the same single year and to be eventually paid for by our children? Not a whisper. Not one. Single. Whisper.
London Police Officer shot today whilst trying to arrest black youths involved in gun crime. Operation Trident.
It has no priority on BBC Online News. It is the 12th item, well behind a London Secondary school getting an award at item number 3. And behind the divisive introduction of Grammar schools in the listing.
If a black youth in London had been shot by a police officer, the BBC’s news priorities would have been VERY different.
Typical Left wing anti-police mentality by the BBC.
(The police officer shot item is number 2 in Sky News)
Judging by past performance, the BBC will be waiting for the inevitable ‘street protests’ (for which read, riots) at the ‘intrusion’ and calls for reduced policing in the area.
Now that really will get top billing!
This morning on BBC TV Sofa News, the Naga Munchetty of the BBC said to the elderly singer Charles Aznavour during her interview of him, “Turn off your mobile, you shouldn’t have it on, here in the studio”
His measured reply was to state that it was his hearing aid and he needed to use it!
Cue writhing embarrassment! Disabled dissed on air!
Priceless !
Extremely harrowing story
I don’t recall any BBC coverage but I may well be wrong as I’m not their biggest fan, did they cover this?
“BBC Europe correspondent Chris Morris says most EU leaders are convinced that efforts to contain the migration crisis will not succeed without closer co-operation with the Turkish government.
But, he adds, Ankara wants plenty in return. It is reportedly asking for €3bn in aid to ease the strain of hosting refugees, as well as visa liberalisation and progress on Turkey’s stalled application for EU membership.”
Odd that the BBC seems uninterested in whether Turkey had a motive to facilitate the migrant ‘crisis’. I have some sympathy with the Turkish government who didn’t start the Syrian war, even if they are attacking the Kurds in Syria. However, they are not fools. This is their opportunity.
Unsubtle use of scare quotes by BBC
“England is to get its first “new” grammar school for five decades after ministers allowed a grammar school to build an “annexe” in another town.”
Criticising the plans the article quotes “Comprehensive Future” without mentioning its bias e.g. patrons include Lord Kinnock, Caroline Lucas MP and Baroness Williams.
Al Beeba also states “The Sutton Trust, which promotes social mobility, highlighted research that less than 3% of pupils in grammar schools were entitled to free meals, compared with an average of 18% in the areas they serve.”
But the BBC fails to mention that in response to today’s news the Sutton Trust stated “The best grammar schools are actively reaching out to bright pupils from less advantaged backgrounds and introducing fair admissions that recognise that their families can’t afford private tutors or prep school fees. Others should do more to follow their example.” The Sutton Trust is not opposed to grammar schools in principle.
Biased reporting by the BBC? You decide.
Dear God! Any body championed by those three couldn’t be less appealing if it were being boosted by Medusa, Stheno and Euryale!
At least those three only had snakes for hair. Serpents live inside the heads of Kinnock, WIlliams and the entirely clueless Lucas!
The elite and the BBC/Guardian are frightened of most things being cowards but the thought of Grammar schools really terrifies them.
One of the great achievements of the fantasists on the left was to abolish decent schools that recognised differing abilities in humans in favour of dogma. If grammar schools return what horrors might follow.
We might actually have a governing class that listened to the people and governed in the national interest.
Errr, Kent Grammar schools put in place a major 11+ change about 2 years ago with the deliberate intention of reducing the ‘coachability’ of the test. The bBBC even reported it
The private tuition industry was up in arms at the time, so clearly it had an effect!
If the bBBC did some actual impartial journalism for a change it would also find several Grammar Schools have given priority in their Admissions rules for those receiving Free School Meals/Pupil Premium.
Perhaps bBBC should be reporting on plans to subsidise house prices near successful Comprehensive Schools to give poor students and families a better chance of living in the catchment area? Except of course that there aren’t any. Funny how the social mobility argument only goes one way.
Quentin Letts’ thoughts on the Batman and Botney Show.
Seeing that picture of the two of them sat side by side, I can’t help but think of a famously apocryphal Noel Coward quip.
One can only speculate as to how much fear and panic would ensue among food bank staff should Batty ever be seen lumbering up to their front door. Not that it will ever happen of course, she will be well looked after.
A key sentence from Mr letts on Yentob’s gullibility :
‘Perhaps his patronising egalitarianism just found her too yummily multi-cultural to resist’.
Yeah, but at the speed she can walk they’d have plenty of time to clear the shelves.
Maybe the NHS should offer her work to front one of their obesity campaigns.
Kids Company and Food Banks – it’s amazing the huge demand there is out there for free stuff.
She’s a walking clothes bank !
Naga, steff the breakfast crew-whining that they, and women in general are not getting xmas bonuses. Unbelievable, maybe we’ll see them at the foodbank!
Couldn’t help catching Naga’s aside to Charlie Stayt this morning. “Don’t you fancy Peter Andre?”
Don’t worry about all that sexist banter Charlie – take it like a man – it’ll do your BBC career a world of good.
Who in their right mind would ‘fancy’ Peter Andre ???? (or that other ‘pretty’ boy with equally squeaky voice, Beckham)…… hardly in the Gregory Peck or Burt Lancaster league.
Seems the BBC decided to park the irony bus around the corner, and go after Sky for less than perfect service standards in pursuit of fees for, in Sky’s case opt-in via choice, televisual entertainment.
I may need to order a wee bit more popcorn.
Sensational headlines but a non-story
“Lockerbie bombing: ‘It took 24 years to find out my son had died'” Wow, how can that happen I hear you say? Here’s how
1. She gave him up at birth
2. She only started looking for him last year.
More cutting edge journalism from the BBC?
Yep! … the BBC eh! … blustering on 27 years too late
Makes you wonder … what s the real news?.
Then again … they re still obsessing about the “far right”,
bravely puffing, banging the table!…. they re 70 years too late with that one
Yet … afraid to show a cartoon?, mind you Cameron is aiding them and the media
in that, at every possible opportunity.
here’s a great example of the BBC’s softly softly approach to muslim terrorists in their description of Boko Haram
> Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education – Boko Haram means “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language
> Launched military operations in 2009
> Joined Islamic State, now calls itself “West African province”
> Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, abducted hundreds, including at least 200 schoolgirls
> Seized large area in north-east, where it declared caliphate
I can’t help noticing that they have ‘abducted hundreds’ but ‘thousands killed’ – shouldn’t that read ‘ they have killed thousands’ or does that stick in your lilly-livered liberal apologist craw?
The BBC is the terrorist’s friend.
These last few days I had the misfortune to hear the greater parts of Marcus Brigstocke’s latest efforts on Radio 4, his Brigsociety. These gave the great man’s thoughts on the housing ‘crisis’ and reform of the House of Lords.
Comedy is always in the ear of the beholder but I had in mind Feedback‘s recent lashing of Roy Hudd’s efforts of the past. Those had included such ‘racist’ jokes as converting the traditional policeman joke, “‘ello, ‘ello (Lettsby Avenue)”, to a negro “Hello der!” (following efforts to recruit more black policemen). Feedback also told us that in this ‘Brave New World’ satire was to be directed at the powerful.
Our Marcus has a pattern. It seems every week he must put in a dig at UKIP, (one MP, sock it to power!). Apparently all NIMBY’s vote UKIP (let’s hear it for Fiona Bruce!) and own houses in Spain and voting slips are the colouring books of adult (are there any?) UKIP supporters. Cutting edge stuff!
I waited in vain to hear any mention of the effect of immigration on the demand for housing. To give him his due it got in towards the end. That allowed him and his team to go through their repertoire of foreign accents, (Hello der! ) and to introduce a novel theory: Immigration is a right-wing conspiracy! It all goes back to the evil Tebbit who urged Somali’s to get on their bikes and cycle to Calais! In fact the whole housing crisis goes back to ‘Thatcher’ and her cabinet. All those council houses that people used to live in until they died suddenly became ‘lost’ when they were bought by their sitting tenants. It is as if Major, Blair and Brown never existed. As usual immigration from the third-world was equated with British emigration to Spain. Well I can only speak for the three people that I know off that moved to Spain, in all cases they had new houses built there so they must be part of the solution? I wish someone in the sycophantic audience had had the courage to shout out ‘Negative equity!’, in answer to the great man’s housing solution that houses should drop in value.
Marcus Brigstocke is such a talented comedian that I’m sure he’d have had his own BBC radio show even if his dad hadn’t been a senior BBC producer.
I have just heard the funniest interview on Woman’s Hour whilst making a cake. (You don’t think I would be listening to that sort of guff if I had better things to do?). The presenter (Emily Barnett?) was interviewing Dame Valerie Berel (no me neither), an epidemiologist who had originally been a doctor. The guest stated quite clearly that HRT could be directly implicit in increased rates of breast cancer and might also be related to increased rates of heart disease and strokes. This was not what the interviewer wanted to hear. ‘Surely it is alright if taken for a short time?’ she stuttered. There were then several more pleas for the guest to tell her that it was OK. I presume it was that Miss Barnett herself was on HRT, or was it lawyers in the background? Whichever, it was a classic BBC interview that didn’t go as planned.
Don’t you just love it when that happens?
Mind you, if an epidemiologist told me it was October, I’d buy a calendar to check.
Deborah, I hope you remembered to wear your hijab when you were making your cake.
I understand it’s “de rigueur” these days.
Now thanks to Merkel Europe is in danger of sinking into the abyss of a new dark age, I was musing how Cameron could rouse the nation to deal with the invaders. I can just picture him saying
“We shall welcome them on our beaches, we shall welcome them on our landing grounds, we shall grovel to them in our fields and streets. We shall grovel to them in our hills. We will always surrender”.
Just joking folks. Even he wouldn’t utter such craven lines. But it does sound quite like a BBC mission statement .
Black woman has a right racist pop at Muslims on a London bus……BBCs “world class journalists” will obviously ignore it because it doesn’t pander their leftist prejudices..
London ? not a cockanee in sight.
Thanks for the laugh DaC. That is a glimpse into the hell-hole that London has become over the past 15 years. The Melting-Pot melts down.
Au contraire. The BBC has not ignored it. Indeed, when I last looked it was the most read story despite appearing nowhere on the BBC News Page.
I was amazed to see the headline and thought maybe the BBC was finally trying a bit harder to maintain impartiality. Then I clicked on it, to see it was a BBC Trending article and all became clear. BBC hierarchies. You see, it’s “Footage showing a woman’s anti-Muslim tirade on a London bus” and this trumps colour, it would seem.
According to the BBCs piece, the video above stands out because the racist perpetrator is black and this is apparently some sort of watershed moment…Really?…..Do the BBC ever bother looking at YouTube..
I think perhaps she has had a bit too much to drink
‘had a bit too much to drink’
Phew. She’s in the clear then.
I recall a sweet collection of Eastern English Roses got bladdered and decided to tear a white girl apart.
They were let off on account of their not being able to handle their drink on account of their religion.
Only in BBCland does footage of a black racist cause confusion. These people can only comprehend the white on black variety of racism as they truly believe that is the only one that exists. Racism, in all its forms, is abhorrent. This is why I am appalled at the race hustlers to whom the BBC gives air time in order to milk the aforementioned kind.
Tensions between black people and Muslims in my home town have been going on for years resulting in murders, stabbings and all other kinds of enrichment. Meanwhile the BBC is amazed at an inter ethnic verbal ding dong on a bus. How out of touch can they be?
You may not agree with my logic but here goes; this is about the bBC facing in two directions at the same time. The news item was that poor women who are pregnant are more likely to smoke. My judgement is that means they are less intelligent. Yesterday the Grammar school argument as proposed by the bBC says this will discriminate against the poor because they will not get access, being they are no less intelligent. Does not seem to me they have a clear idea about this subject.
I read that Stephen Fry is to leave QI and will be replaced by Sandy Tosfig. I wonder if anyone can calculate the odds of one gay presenter being replaced by another given the ratio of heterosexual to homosexuals in the UK population. Is it about two in a hundred?
Perhaps a kind mathematician on this site could calculate the number of heterosexual panellists required to balance the number of gay and lesbian on the show; say Fry, Perkins requires, how many straight panellists? How many extra shows would we need to acquire a BBC quota balance?
Now for someone with a PHD, how many non lefty BBC apparatchiks , you know the kind I mean, would it take to have a panel of ordinary folk with sensible mostly mainstream views, based on real life, who could be funny and clever without endless rants about UKIP, Tories etc. but made jokes about the left and the BBC?
I realize this figure could have a load of zeros after it so to the power of10 will suffice.
Thank you in advance.
Agreed Invicta,
The Beeb don’t have normal people working for them. Left wing luvvies need only apply.
According the ONS, 1.6% of people in Britain identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Men are twice as likely as women to say they identify as gay. 3.2% of London residents identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
You get the impression from the BBC that the figure should be at least 25%, which I expect it is, in the BBC.
and if you’re white and British forget it !
Tonight (October 16th) on BBC1 we had Have I Got News For You presented by Sue Perkins. This was followed by her ex girlfriend Emma Kennedy’s so-called sit-com The Kennedys, which naturally featured a couple of Danish lesbians. After the news we got The Graham Norton Show.
As for BBC2, more of the same – QI presented by Stephen Fry and then Newsnight with Evan Davis. Really, what are the odds?
Indeed Invicta but …
… given that the host must be a woman then rather than choosing the gay Sandy they could have chosen Susan Calman or Sue Perkins or Clare Balding or Jane Hill … erm that’s odd, they are all gay.
What are the odds? As Harry Hill would say, though he is disqualified as host on account of owning a pair of testicles.
According to the National Statistics office just 1.1% of the UK population said they were gay or lesbian which means there are 545,000 gay people in the UK. If we say half are lesbians, and actually male gays are supposed to outnumber female gays, that means there are 270,000 lesbiens in the UK. So the BBC has a staggering number of lesbian presenters in ratio to heterosexual ones.
I think the BBC should stand up for minorities, eg heterosexual women on the BBC.
Mel Giedroyc’s gay? Sure?
Whoops. Thank you for the correction Hadda, indeed she is not though the body of my argument still stands.
I will adjust my original post and issue a BBC styled apology:
I regret that the real world doesn’t match my reporting.
Jane Hill is gay and left wing. A damnable shame on both counts IMHO.
Having seen Yentob at the select committee yesterday and watched such a ‘high performer’, paid £300k+ of our money, in action, I’m inclined to suggest that competent managers represent a ‘significantly under-represented’ minority at the bBBC.
Interesting that the Guardian does not mention any detail of the criticism levelled at Alfred Kinsey, like his dealings with some very unsavoury men
Studied a lot of convicts too by all accounts and then applied his findings to the wider population, there are embryonic murmerings by evil people who are using Kinseys findings to try and legitamise perverse and aberrant sexual behaviour even today, no doubt backed by the Kinsey Istitute.
I have just listened to another short programme on radio 4, in which Peter Snow pretends to take various celebrities back and forward in time. Yesterday we had Professor Steve Jones looking forward to a time when we are all brown, about 300 years hence. Today, the “TV Historian” Kate Williams was looking forward 1000 years, when apparently the Central African Republic will be the richest nation on earth, whilst Britain is a poor forgotten backwater.
The left wing intelligentsia really hate us don’t they? Once they might have tried to be a bit discrete about it, but now they can’t be bothered.
Yes, they do. It is what happened once ‘turn the other cheek’ metastasised and turned into self-loathing.
I think that it is very likely that the UK and Europe will be a forgotten backwater far sooner than 1000 years from now. After all in another 20 to 30 years there will be more ethnics in the UK and the rest of Europe than Europeans ! So by 2050 ish we will slowly start to go backwards to the middle ages. Of course we will be culturally enriched and by the end of the century we will be able to watch all manner of barbaric punishments handed out by our clerics . Such is progress.
That is true. As a nation and culture it will only take a couple of generations for the white population to become severely diminished, as we don’t breed to the same degree as the ethnics. Sadly I can foresee that once this happens, the type of ghettoes now prevalent in our largest towns and cities, will be the norm. And as for saying we shall go back to the middle ages, this must surely be on the cards as intellectually the vast majority of ethnics are as thick as two planks !! – its religion first second and third and to hell with maintaining the sewers, or fixing the overhead electricity cables, – and whose ever seen an Asian on a tractor ???
”and to hell with maintaining the sewers, or fixing the overhead electricity cables,” Power cuts in South Africa now.
Yes and we are already losing our hard won freedom of speech which we could have used to object to all this. As Douglas Murray points out so eloquently, we have de facto Islamic blasphemy law in our country now.
The lady that took over from Sir Patrick Moore as presenter of The Sky at Night was also on Peter Snow’s cringe-worthy radio show. We were treated to the delight of her father’s arrival in this country, from Nigeria, being re-enacted for her to witness. There certainly seems to be a pattern emerging,
”Kate Williams was looking forward 1000 years, when apparently the Central African Republic will be the richest nation on earth.” What weed was she smoking ?
EU to speed up Turkey’s application to join the EU?
It concerns me that Turkey is using the immigration crisis to enable it to join the EU as soon as possible, and also to gain billions of Euros to manage the ‘migrant crisis’.
There are grave concerns that allowing Turkey to join the EU would fling open the door to millions of Turkish muslims. This would increase the security threat to Europe.
Turkish muslims – this has always been the nightmare scenario at letting Turkey into the EU.
“Rioters set fire to a tomb revered as that of the biblical figure Joseph. The site, where Jews go to pray, was badly damaged.
It came hours after Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinian leadership to stop a wave of attacks.
… Loathsome forked tongue Palestinian leader Mahmoud “je suis Charlie” Abbas condemned the arson and said the site would be repaired”.
Hmm The old Mafia trick … Nothing to do with me, I won t harm you, but wow my buddy here, with the bomb or him with the AK47, they will
… Islam does this all the time, it has proven so successful, very useful, get purchase with it … and so Islam plays on it.
You don want to offend however many gazillion muslims? – Translation … there s a few that might shoot you, or stab you, or fire bomb your works.
PS. If only you apologise enough eh! ……….. I ll see what I can do etc.
This is reiterated brilliantly by D Murray below, the BBC is dumbfounded by this Pally violence why? … WHY?
BBC – Is Palestinian-Israeli violence being driven by social media?
With a corking Al BBC map for your perusement
Why are the BBC so random with their news reporting?
2pm Radio 2 News: ‘serious sex assault’ on boy in Leicester park given the the location, I guess its not surprising to hear the description of the man as 18-20 with ‘dark skin’ although I have to admit I was surprised to hear this detail reported.
3pm Radio 2 News: Normal service had resumed, no description given, was it because it didn’t sit well with the next item, the Stephen Lawrence police corruption claims?
The local BBC webpage describes the attacker as ‘non white’ is that the new politically correct term, I bet he wasn’t Japanese….
A woman in Saudi Arabia may spend a year in prison after she filmed her husband allegedly groping, kissing and grabbing the family maid, according to reports.
This has appeared in the Mirror, so might pop up on the BBC now Jeremy Corbyn has spoken about Saudi Arabia, yet we know it will be the Kingdom which is blamed and not the practice and implementation of Islamic law, which is the real root of the problem.
An horrific tale from an horrific country, practicing an horrific religion.
Some good news for anyone suffering from withdrawal symptoms; The sainted Stephen Lawrence is back in the news. The Guardian are running the story of a “police cover up” though I thought that this had all been done and dusted. Seems I was wrong. I’ve no doubt that televised the Guardian in the guise of the BBC will be plaguing us with this over the weekend.
Wasn’t there a policeman shot yesterday, by a (ahem) youth? When I was a youngster such a horrifying occurrence would have dominated the media for weeks. Now they’re regurgitating a crime that happened a quarter of a century ago.
For some inexplicable reason there doesn’t seem to be too much about the cop shooting on the Beeb.
Groan, Reading the papers you’d think it was the only crime that’s ever taken place, are they still using the cropped photo of him ? the black power clenched fist salute edited out.
Stephen Lawrence is DEAD? Goodness me the BBC and Guardian kept that one quiet. Very reticent.
‘A worrying development’
Like any before have been just spiffy. I rather doubt any sane IDF soldier or Israeli treats any sporting a ‘Press’ badge with anything other than suspicion.
Still, Jezza might be well advised to stay the right side of any tanks even within his rather oddly chosen comfort zone host country.
Top rated comments seem to feel the BBC has not performed as impartially as it might in easing tensions.
I’ve often wondered what would happen if you did “Press”. I guess we have a better idea now.
As with Cohen, Byford, etc, before, those seeking and claiming scalps seem to forget that these market rate talents are only prised out kicking and screaming with their millions intact.
And if Bryony thinks Yentob is what is going to kill the BBC off, she is a very silly girl.
But it will certainly help the crumbling edfice to further sink, and as sack of rats prose goes, her putting of the boot in is rather special.
The BBC pushing the lie yet again that Islam is a race, and it’s hilarious that they just cannot seem to understand that when the woman shouting the abuse is black. They seem utterly astonished & incredulous, to the extent that they’ve brought in a race hustler to explain it to them ! (otherwise as whites they’d be waycist) !
Tom Lehrer- National Brotherhood Week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAOwYDlEQXo#t=63
Not been much in the way of HYS’s on the beeb recently. I’ve seen 1 in 2 days on the front page,
It’s about a woman who filmed her miscarriage. That’s now closed. Don’t think they like people Having Their Say. It’s like little pinpricks in the BBC bubble.
Well, plenty of pricks work there.
Contrast and compare
BBC – Fresh violence has erupted between Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, with three Palestinians killed in clashes, Palestinians say. Two were killed in confrontations with Israeli troops over the Gaza border, medical sources said.
Violence has erupted between Israel? … Two were killed in confrontations with Israeli troops ?
Looks like the BBC is confused as to who is the perpetrator here?
Oh they loves lists on this don t they
the Palestinians say etc … here s another
this might help
compare and contrast BBC reporting
Facts –
Hamas calls for “day of rage”, Abbas incites murder of Jews, knowing western media will paint terrorists as victims
P Condell
Violence BETWEEN Israel AND Palestine. If I go up to somebody and shoot them, there is not violence between us. I am the cause of the violence. So it is violence AGAINST Israel BY Palestine.
We had one day earlier this week when some sympathy was shown for Israel when several stabbings occurred BETWEEN Israel AND Palestine. Sorry, i’m at it now! It must be catching..
I believe people are beginning to recognize the importance of Israel, and the need for its protection. Like it or not, if Israel goes that would be the end of modern civilization beyond Greece.
AlBeeb bleating about lack of government support for the steel industry- they conveniently neglect to mention EU rules. The following are extracts from an article written by the EU Director General for Competition on EC State aid rules for steel :
i) “Financial support of Member States to their industry generally amounts to State aid, which is under the EU rules, Article 87 (1) EC Treaty, prohibited. ”
ii) “In addition, also regional investment aid is prohibited under point 27 of the Multisectoral framework on regional aid for large investment projects. In sum, essentially any kind of significant investment aid in the steel sector, be it for restructuring or other purposes, is prohibited. ”
iii)” Only closure aid, as an exception from the prohibition to grant restructuring aid, is exceptionally allowed. Such closure aid may be aid to redundant employees that are laid off or aid to support companies to close their facilities. The latter is however only accepted if the entire legal entity is closed.”
So there we have it, as an EU member state we are virtually powerless to do anything to save our steel industry or to introduce temporary measures to help it survive during a savage downturn in world prices. Another very good reason to kiss Brussels goodbye.
As this clearly does not fit the BBC’s EU narrative, they simply ignore the facts.
Well said Gunner; the EU now dominates the lives of the citizens’ of its member states, to a degree which would be completely unthinkable not twenty years ago.
I believe that one of the reasons why it continually produces all these (seemingly) insignificant rules and regulations, covering such mundane things as the capacity toilet cisterns must be and the type of light bulbs one can buy; is that if in even the most minor facets of our lives, the EU has a controlling hand. It must follow, without question, that it will hold sway over any of the really major decisions that our government takes; such as the examples you cite re the steel industry or whether the U.K. can build another nuclear power station, our border and immigration controls etc etc.
It is a form of conditioning so that we, automatically, expect the EU to have a say in everything and for us to comply. After all – for the EU to tell me what my toilet and light bulbs have to be, it is indisputable that they will also tell the leaders of my country whether they can have a new nuclear power station or are able to assist a major domestic industry.
I only hope that when the Brexit campaign gets fully underway, all of this information is hammered home to people here: so that they can see what type of entity we are part of and how malign is its influence.
Armed police officers are to be allowed on British trains, stations and the London Underground, to cope with the threat of a Mumbai-style terrorist attack
More enrichment and vibrancy eroding our age old values. I hope the lefties are proud