Usual mirth on Five Live this afternoon with their sports panel section.
Nobly chaired by the fragrant Oldroyd (laydee, yay) the guests were a female weightlifter (yay), a black, female rugby player (double yay) and a black, American, paralympian (triple yay?).
And the burning question “is it easier being gay in sport than in society” came up, natch – I mean why wouldn’t it?
Funny thing was, Oldroyd introduced the piece by saying something like; “I know a lot of people are going to say does it really matter”ie is anyone really arsed?
And ironically, the panel pretty much said “well, does it really matter” ie is anyone really arsed?
Which begs the question, why the fuck do the BBC keep banging the same old fuckin drum about it?
A detailed analysis here of the bBBC’s biased reporting of the badger cull on Farming Today. After recording an interview with Lord Krebs, chairman of the original panel recommending trial culls, the bBBC’s reporter Anna Hill introduced the programme by stating her opinions rather than the facts.
And not forgetting Lyse Doucet, the Saint Theresa of Palestinians and immigrants but not UKIP. The latter would suggest impartiality and not what the BBC expects of it’s reporters.
“I’d give you 50 points if I could”, so said a visibly amused John Humphries on Mastermind after the contestant (middle aged man with earring) had called UKIP’s Mark Reckless, Mark Careless. (What next, Nigel Garage, Douglas Crapswell?) How everyone laughed like frigging hyenas almost like it had been pre-arranged. I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist but with the BBC nowadays, you just never know anymore.
Its always three white males and a token white woman, with the woman coming last more often than would be expected if it was based on equal merit. I don’t know what the selection rules are, but I guess most Mastermind episodes would be an all white male line up, if there where not for a left-wing politically correct social engineered quota. But I haven’t seen any ethnics this year, up to now.
Bet they would have booed if Nadiya Hussein was referred to as Nadiya ‘headscarf’ Hussein !! speaking of which she now has an ‘agent’ , no surprise there then.
R4’s PM discussed, in some detail, the current closures of what remains of our steel industry. Various factors were examined but not the elephant in the room and the factor that makes anything dropping from the lips of Labour MPs and their union paymasters rank hypocrisy – the high cost of energy in the UK.
Of course, we know why energy prices are high and, no doubt, so do they. It was because a moronic Labour airhead called Bryony Worthington, who worked for one of the Greens’ shakedown racket organisers, penned a bill and Labour’s almost impossibly stupid ‘Ed’ Milliband had it wafted through the Commons, voted for in lockstep by the legions of the undead who were stacked on the Labour benches.
They were told the resultant high energy costs would kill energy intensive industries but they wouldn’t listen.
So, not for the first time, the ‘Labour movement’ shot itself in the head, with a gun loaded by the Greens. No wonder the BBC doesn’t want to remind us of it.
Tragically, though unsurprisingly, almost the totality of the Conservative front bench also voted for the enactment of Labour’s insane ‘climate change’ laws – and, indeed, still support them. Even the loss of the UK aluminium and other energy-intensive industries didn’t bring the fools in government to their senses. Let us hope the imminent loss of steel-making will finally concentrate their tiny minds.
I think it may only be the BBC’s rabid hatred for the Tories that fools anyone into thinking they are significantly different from their left-centrist ‘opposition’.
I worked a few years ago in a small engineering company, doing the accounts, and suddenly on the utilities bills appeared a ‘Climate change levy’. Forgotten how much it was, perhaps £10, perhaps more but a nice little earner if every company is charged this. The message I got from it was, ‘If mankind really is knackering the planet, it will have devastating consequences for us all, but you can carry on doing it – we’re just going to charge you for it.’
‘Green initiatives’ are hidden in all our utility bills, cunningly described as a ‘standing charge’ I pay £3 a week before I have turned on a gas tap or flicked a switch, one third of my bill during the summer months.
BBC now concerned for the Steel Industry. Them and their like with all these green taxes are the reason why our Industry cannot compete anymore. They put these hard working blokes out of of work
Nobody on the MSM mentions green energy costs in the uk and the millstone it puts around the neck of our own heavy industries. It’s too much of an inconvenient truth for the bBC.
As the bloke said we make the best rail in the World and Cameron thinks it’s a good idea to get our rail from China. This Country runs a deficit through pure mismanagement. As some body said only a pure genius could engineer an energy crisis on an island built of coal
It is not just the energy cost but also the transport cost inflated by various taxes and the Fuel Duty Escalator. Steel is heavy & bulky and is made mostly at the extremes of the UK, Sheffield (what’s left of the industry there) being an exception. If sold within the UK, it has to be transported to stockholders and then on to customer. Not sure how much travels by rail these days, but the rolled sheet and girders are often seen on the road network. Inevitable road transport occurs at some point.
Business Rates were a similar disaster under Labour.
We have been especially stupid with much of our taxation (or tariff impositions in the case of energy) and have made UK business uncompetitive. We only have a few years to reverse that before the next cyclical downturn comes along, although others expect another major crash to arrive first. We were lucky in my view to get through 2007-2009 with under 3m unemployed by 2012. Next time it may be – it is likely to be – far, far worse.
these people must have some kind of mental illness. If everyone disagrees with you when you say something any sane person would reflect and think have I got this all wrong. They just carry on assuming everyone else is wrong and they need to change them and they see no issues with changing opinion round to their way by banning contra arguments.
Off topic Paddy Power only 3/1 on a white Christmas in London bit short those odds for October
Lock13, the problem is that, “If everyone (outside of your fellow travellers bubble) disagrees with you……..”. We are not talking Copernicus et al against conventional wisdom, we are talking of the hive beeboid mind.
” Fake Refugees in Germany Hoist an ENGLISH-Language Sign, Expressing Fake Sentiments, in Order to Pull Heartstrings in America–But Who Wrote It For Them?
Beyond the BBC remaining in watertight oversight mode, what I have seen from certain media who manage their news to a lesser extent has tended to add ‘claims’. For the life of me I cannot see why they cannot simply do that investigative stuff first and then, I don’t know… simply report?
Real satire from Bill Maher while in the UK we get the exhausted, excruciatingly unfunny Have I got News For you. I noticed that on last night’s episode they didn’t even bother adding a laughter track to Sue Perkin’s comments.
HIGNFY can be funny but it never works if you have more than one unfunny personality on. Last night they had three.
Nor can it be satire if it only fires in one direction, at the enemies of the BBC’s notion of liberal values.
As the top floor gets in a circular conga line to stab each other in the back in a market rate game of thrones, it may sink in that things are not headed in a great direction.
‘the BBC coverage was at times misleading and failed to provide a wider context’
Yet the BBC public is still expected to pay for it, by compulsion. This is very unique.
Hope Lord Grade doesn’t find he is expedited, as that would be… very funny.
It is now clear Alan Yentob pushed his considerable hooter into the studios of Radio Four’s news to intimidate staff and also Newsnight where he tried to get a story delayed in which he is the principal character.
A complaint was made by Nick Sutton, editor of the World at One, about Yentob’s behaviour regarding an item about Kid’s Company.
At the moment the BBC is hiding behind the line we will ‘not take the matter forward because a formal complaint was not lodged.’
It doesn’t matter whether a formal complaint was lodged. A powerful BBC executive tried to affect the BBC news thus ruining the implied impartiality of the BBC news output. He should have been sacked to send out a warning to all other executives that if they are in the news they should not expect special treatment. At the very least he ought to be suspended whilst there is an inquiry.
Perhaps more pertinent is how Yentob used a death as a convoluted defence against the closure of Kid’s Company. The mother of the young man killed by a car whilst fleeing a fight said to Yentob her son’s death was being used ‘just to get yourself out of hot water.’
Whilst he remains in his job no one can say the BBC news is beyond reproach – not that many on this board would say so anyway.
BTW I admire Yentob for his energy and creative output in the arts. From his early docs, through the creation of the superb Arena series to being controller of BBC2 and then BBC 1. Equally I appreciate he was acting during a time of great personal stress but his actions betrayed a lack of judgement that a news gathering organization cannot tolerate – or rather the audience of a news gathering organization cannot accept.
“thus ruining the impartiality of the BBC news”
I do not think so.
Not even a twat like Yentob can ruin something that the BBC have not had for fourty years.
I think it is a siege mentality, and a perceived threat from a common enemy (stated as the Wicked Tories but tacitly understood to be the majority of the British public) that is rapidly becoming the only glue which is holding the Beeb together. Not altogether a long-term strategy, is it, chaps?
“On October 13, Ahmed, his sisters and his Sudan-born father flew out of Saudi Arabia into Sudan, a theocratic Muslim state that split into two states after waging a long war against Christian and tribal minorities in the south of the country.
It’s so genocidal that the International Criminal Court has posted a warrant for Bashir’s arrest. So theocratic that Bashir was Osama bin Laden’s host for several years.”
I would never ever compare the evil b’stard that was Jimmy Savile to anyone, but whereas Savile was deemed ‘untouchable and bullet proof’ during his life; I am seeing a similar scenario with Yentob – why does he have such power ? is his ‘personality’ such that no-one dare cross him ? Clearly there isn’t anyone with balls at the top to just hand him his P45 or put him on ‘garden leave’ until his contract has ended. Or will he too play the religious race card and blame it on his Jewishness for being ‘hounded’ out ?
The aroma of droite de seigneur that still wafts around the Bolly-bedecked corridors of this benighted corporation would be enough to wrinkle the nose of an Elizabethan tanner.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe
”Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.”
it seems clear that the situation in Germany (particular the old East ) is deteriorating by the day.
It looks like a re run of 1989 and the collapse of the communist power structure
The people in Dresden and other eastern cities are not going to allow the Merkel regime to impose existential disaster upon them. This could mean a real crisis in the EU which could rip it apart.
The communist regime was founded on fantasy economics and the Eu is founded on fantasy politics aimed at destroying the nation state and the inalienable right of the indigenous inhabitants of that state to enjoy secure borders and the rule of law.
I cannot see any compromise here. The liberal BBC/Guardian axis is out of it’s depth again and can safely be ignored.
What is true is that when the inevitable chaos happens it will be swift and the results unpredictable. I doubt that many of Europe’s current political leadership will survive.
The only caveat is that this corrupt leadership may resort to force and violence before giving way.
Hopefully this country will avoid trouble.
I could never quite understand why the old Communist satellite countries did not create their own equivalent of the EU for trading together as a group of freed economies and also with the wider world including the EU & USA, back in the mid-1990s.
It was explained, courtesy of Radio 4 about six to eight years ago, by (I think) the Finance Minister of Poland. He put it bluntly on behalf of Poland: “We want payback for the Communist years from Germany. That’s why we joined.”. I don’t know if the other eastern nations look on EU membership in a similar way but that may explain why they shackled themselves to the EU chains. Perhaps inducements were held out to them by various individuals & groups further west. I don’t know.
You could now say, in opening her borders to massive levels of immigration, Germany is – effectively – blowing the kids inheritance. By taking that stand and making those statements, Merkel also invited people to cross the borders of other nations and has put them, aas well as Germany, under incredible pressure.
Our EU Referendum sometime in 2017 may turn out to be a bit of a non-event if the eastern European states like Hungary, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and maybe Poland, too, have already left the EU.
I’m trying to convince myself that this isn’t the answer, but when you’re told to leave your own country this sort of thing becomes inevitable. I await the BBC article bemoaning how the perpetrator became disenfranchised.
A bit of a dilemma during the editorial integrity meeting in Frankie Howerd on how to cover this, if it turns out he was using a handy stabling guide the Israelis have been ‘claiming’ (seems the MSM has no ability to check such things independently) has been issued by the Palrstinians.
Ever since I read The Destruction Of Dresden by David Irving I’ve taken a particular interest in East Germany and Dresden. I remember reading an interesting story about deer in the Czech Republic post the falling of the wall. They still thought of the wall as being there and they never crossed it. Similarly, the East is still the East even now. That’s what 50 years of separation does to you. Interestingly, the East wasn’t actually mono-cultural – The Sorbs (Slavs) were a privileged minority (after years of being treated like shit) and there were minorities of Vietnamese and Angolans (in keeping with the Commie brotherhood orthodoxy). However, numbers were very small almost to the point you hardly noticed. This, however, is a different kettle of fish altogether. From what I gather, they’ll effectively being dumped everywhere, particularly in the East (where presumably, some housing still exists – many easterners left to go to the west post 1989). If you read Breitbart though, you’ll realise that their politicians (kinda like ours) have no problem with it. They just dumped a thousand on a village of a few hundred people and the local mayor couldn’t understand the fuss. Questions of sewage never entered into their equation. The backlash will begin in the east, of that I’m certain. Those in the west are too far gone.
At leats Germans still have eenough guts to complain vocally!. If it were Britain it would just be a few people muttering to their neighbours and most not sayinga word!
I think too many people are hoping that they can change things by voting Ukip once every five years that’s why they don’t do more to express themselves. Ukip is not in a position to have much effect at the moment. Certainly vote for them but don’t expect too much as they are a political party still finding their way.
To properly oppose alien immigration a non-party movement along the lines of ‘Brits for British Borders’ with the object of exposing and protesting the climate of lunacy that has overtaken the political classes. With aims that are not too numerous but clearly stated it could appeal to and mobilize a wide spectrum of people.
Nothing is likely to change until the people get out and show their numbers to the London elite and let them know.
(The ‘BBB’ could have a few things to say to the BBC. The public would then judge who represented Britain)
“Islam was NEVER. part of Europe, except as an invader bent on conquering and subjugating the native peoples.
But now it is a different story, courtesy the weakness, fecklessness, and multiculturalist internationalism of European leaders. If trends continue, by the end of this century Islam will be Europe’s primary identifying characteristic. ”
Hungarian PM
Then we have …
BBC – Arrest over ‘Racist’ London bus rant
Which “race? … ” where in Europe is this “race s” nation? … what is this garbage? the deliberate lie again.
One can only assume that the BBC is so emboldened by the Tories latest protected status
for Islam, its taking more liberties than usual
There is however REAL racism going on … and growing in intensity and violence in the UK: not that the BBC is concerned.
“We need to kill all the Jews” (any idea where its coming from?)
“The Campaign Against Anti-semitism reported that the first incident of the day occurred when “young Asian men,” a term often used for Muslims, shouted anti-Semitic abuse at a school bus driver even as young children were on board.
Not long afterwards, a black man shouted “we need to kill all the Jews” at a Jew as he left a synagogue in Stamford Hill. The assailant followed the man, and then smashed in the driver’s side window of his car.
The anti-Semitism continued, as another person, possibly the same man who smashed the car window, verbally abused and threatened two women on the same street”
BBC1 Sunday – Sunday Morning Live
Topics include
“A Muslim candidate is half as likely to get called back for interview as a Christian candidate simply because of their name, according to a report by the social policy think-tank Demos. Legislation is now called for that would enforce anonymous resumes during job applications at large companies.”
“David Cameron has announced that anti-Muslim hate attacks will be recorded separately to other religious hate crime in Britain. It will bring Islamophobic attacks in line with anti-Semitism in terms of categorisation.
This follows news of religious hate crime in Britain rising by 45% in some regions.
Is it right to suggest that women who are targeted for wearing a hijab and men who are victimised for growing beards should compromise their identity in order to fit in?”
So that’s …
Poor Victim islam
“A group of Sikh activists have been protesting interfaith marriages in Sikh places of worship, making their dissatisfaction known by storming the weddings of mixed faith couples.”
and erm … those violent er Sikhs?
” Where have our moral standards gone? And where should we turn to find them?
Tommy Sandhu goes to Brick Lane, 😀 in search of a moral compass? (shakes head)
and asks people on the street where they get their moral standards
Sooo …get our standards from Brick Lane?
Brick Lane last month, good erm choice … Tommy
Sorry it only works one way with PC equality. No Charlie Smith but you can buy Halalified British Shepherd’s Pie in Sainsbury. No doubt we can look forward to a Halal special on Great British Menu for the next coronation dinner!
When you get a Halal bacon sandwich, or pork sausage roll there s a faint glimmer of hope … until then?What a shameful, excuse for both a religious “flagship” and a moral one …. on a Sunday morning to boot!., eh BBC.
Religion? … the only part of Islam that is, is its excuse book, of simpering victimhood, the bleating “rights” and privileges obsessed one, that is being used to play the inadequate Tory fuckwits, the traitors in No10 like a violin.
Everything else about it is a totalitarian dangerous … very dangerous, power obsessed ideology.
If anyone needs to go to “Brick Lane” to find a erm … “moral compass”, (shakes head) eh!
They re already devoid of any right to talk about it, they re already hopelessly compromised.
Morals! 😀 … just like the self-serving shower inhabiting No 10, they haven t got any.
Unfortunately Sainsbury now sell Ieat Halalified Sausage Roll! We really should have some laws to stop the bastardisation of British Culture. For instance you should not be called a butcher if you don’t sell pork and if a product is described as traditional or British it should not contained halal meat.
At a Service Station I saw a ‘pop-up’ Chinese take-away stall (Chopstix), manned by Poles with a sign on the counter saying the chicken was halal ! I nearly blew a gasket ! I’m not normally given to outbursts of displeasure (not in public anyway), but I made my feelings clear, in a huffing and puffing way, about being given the choice of wanting halal meat or not, instead of having it forced upon us ! I didn’t buy and walked away. WHY are we pandering, kow-towing to a religion that slaughters meat in a way I’m not comfortable with ? Much talk of Islamaphobia, but is there any bloody wonder ??? When its starts to infiltrate MY life, then I shall continue to get as mad as hell.
“The strongest evoker of aggressive response in animals is the sight of a stranger, especially a territorial intruder. This xenophobic principle has been documented in virtually every group of animals displaying higher forms of social organization. Groups that did not defend territory against intruders, were less likely to survive.”
Good video Nogginator. I was waiting for the part where the cops arrive in their patrol cars, break up the fight and arrest the perps. I suppose they were too busy scrutinising Tweets for evidence of hate in jokes about burkas.
It wasn’t that long ago that the met Office and the BBC were telling us that the CET (Central England Temperature) had recorded the hottest “eva” year, that being 2014 from “selected” reporting stations in a triangular area of England roughly with points from London, Bristol to Lancashire. Hmm. The CET is itself an hypothesis of adjusted temperatures because weather reporting stations move and where rural observations were once taken, the same reporting station now finds itself with urban crawl and associated “heating” effect. So, the results of the reporting can at best be….streeeeetched, to give a result that fits an agenda. The trouble is, the results from CET analysis can also show the opposite view point to an agenda. Have you noticed how silent, the Met Office, the BBC and the Guardian have been in telling us all the September CET was the coldest since 1993? No, well, I just have. This “Global Warming” just isn’t playing ball at the moment is it Mr Harrabin of the BBC, and boy, haven’t you been quiet recently….I wonder why?
The BBC is having a bit of a torrid time on blatant inaccuracy at the moment. Luckily the unique way they are funded means the UK public keeps on funding such damaging propaganda no matter what.
In addition to lots of discussing (Frankie Howerd must be booked for weeks), it’s possible it’s so serious they may even enter a note in logs… which get circulated if never read.
Cripes, the queue for Frankie Howerd must be round the block.
Seems the alma mater of most Beeboids is also hitting a rocky patch. This one really has all the boxes (as it were) ticked. However, one can’t help but feel they may be a bit conflicted, editorially, which may impact the integrity of what is news, and what is not ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
Thanks for the Annie Teriba link, both hilarious and sickening in equal measures. Just how spoilt, self-obsessed, self indulgent, and so far up herself is this woman to come out with such drivel?
Just heard on Classic FM’s Global Tripe that 80 bishops have spoken for the nation (suspect the BBC may pick up that baton) to tell me I consider the government’s response to Syrian refugees is inadequate.
Don’t recall being asked, but they may be right, if not on the basis they are claiming.
Also worth noting that bishops live in palaces, are unelected and preside over a faith system hardly enjoying massive support any more, not least since said bishops started blurring church and state matters.
The BBC, one is sure, will report on this objectively.
These bishops endorse further Muslim immigration and then wonder why the numbers in congregations at C of E churches are falling: it’s because people know they’ll hear PC cr@p like that were they to attend.
Meanwhile, in other news, the C of E is suffering such a loss of support that it is considering switching rural churches to occasional services only (Christmas, weddings, funerals). Of course, in so many cases that’s all these empty monuments to former piety have become anyway, but if these liberal fools want to know why people no longer attend, supermarkets being open on Sundays isn’t the answer. It is because whatever spiritual needs people have are no longer being served by the half-baked socialism, moral relativism and liberal guilt spewed out of pulpits to the handful of old ladies who still bother to attend.
If we need something to combat the influence of ‘other faiths’ in this country, it’s going to need to be made of sterner stuff. Odinism, perhaps?
“”Thousands of weary migrants aiming to reach Western Europe cross into Slovenia from Croatia after Hungary closed another of its borders.””
Notice the emotive use of ‘weary’
First photo involves someone in a wheel chair with a military styled police officer standing close. (Cue “Oppression”).
Second photo involves an old man looking ‘weary’ (not representative of the 70% young adult males).
The video opens with a shot of immigrants getting onto a bus with about six red cross staff nearby. The camera lingers on women and children. One young adult male covers his face.
The BBC reporter tells us that families, older people and babies are making the journey. They don’t know which border point they will be faced with crossing or if their desires to live in Germany or the Nordic countries will be realised.
The BBC is desperately trying to elicit sympathy for these immigrants. Their report is openly biased towards immigrants as ‘victims’.
This is the view of the Left and of course matched by the BBC whenever it can.
This is BBC Left wing bias. In fact more than bias. Bias suggests a leaning towards. These reports are fraudulent and can be regarded as propaganda on behalf of the Left.
Party political rallies – I won’t now euphemise them with the legacy title of ‘conferences’ – but wait, don’t the BBC usually report these gatherings with an air of scepticism and inquiry?
Normally Norman Smith is our proponent of cartoonish metaphor, what’s happened to his habitual satirical jocularity? [jocularity – now can you guess where I’m going with this?]
The SNP Rally
Only a narrow minority will know how this is being reported north of the border; this English viewer feels as though the BBC has strapped a Proclaimer twin to each shoulder and is busy belting out folk-rock hagiographies to the bairn Wee Jimmy Krankie.
And for another rendition of the Battle of Skye Bridge!
Scots voters and their First Minister have the two easiest jobs in politics. The former whinge and grouse and romanticise whilst the latter acts like Santa. Lovely Barnet Formula wrapped prezzies and if it’s not just what you wanted – well, it was David Cameron who was naughty. No lose situation for Hen Sturgeon and her sharp-toothed little Twitter helpers – best politician in the UK… my windy Trussocks!
BBC objectivity? – like the Pan Scotland Police Service– they’ve left their balance injured and bleeding by the roadside for a wee while and will get back to us sometime, maybe.
Thanks GW.
It’s an example of absolute bias by the BBC. There are two sides to the debate. The BBC opts for one side and that’s it. End of debate.
The BBC exists to present facts. And enough facts for the viewers to decide. This isn’t happening and hasn’t been happening for many years.
The BBC decides, and then presents the ‘facts’ it wants you to hear.
This is the most telling part of the BBC’s letter,
‘In his apology letter Fraser Steel, head of the BBC’s complaints unit, said that Lord Lawson’s views on climate change were “not supported by the evidence from computer modelling and scientific research and I don’t believe this was made sufficiently clear to the audience.”
As anyone with any proper scientific training will tell you, computer model output is not data, or evidence, and is not considered admissible in support of a theory. A theory is supported by data from the real world or experiment. Real world evidence in support of AGW does not exist.
This abuse of the scientific method has become accepted in climate ‘science’ so it is no wonder that the BBC, which is now almost devoid of anyone with scientific qualifications (eg Harrabin), willingly and knowingly goes along with it.
Get rid of this shower of lying, ignorant, activists now.
Agreed. What is happening here is that Steel and his ilk are electing to believe one set of opinions as opposed to another because the favoured opinions support the BBC’s liberal world view.
Lilley, isn’t even an opponent of the AGW theory – he is a ‘lukewarmist’ and the BBC has absolutely no business dismissing his opinions simply because they do not support the Left wing agenda of the alarmist.
So they didn’t manage to find a Mrs Muslim willing to forgo the bin liner headwear in order to put herself in someone else’s shoes, eh? It is always the West and our freedoms for women to dress how they like which must bend to Islam, never the other way around. Abetted at every turn by our treacherous liberal elite in the BBC.
Just some of the gratuitous migrant pornography the BBC inflicts on its readers….
“on a cold, dark night as the rain pours down on the open field”
“Dust blows across the path as women carry what possessions they have in flimsy blue bin bags. One calls out to a little boy on a bicycle but…”
where’s my violin?
So they will be sent to Bradford? Isn’t Bradford already a ghetto with some areas even the police will not go? I will have a stab in the dark here (probably not the best choice of words I agree) and say that will be a recipe for disaster.
“They are also undergoing something of a crash course in how to live in the UK, which includes how to register with a GP, how to get medication from a chemist’s and how to get children into school”
They should send some of the indigenous British population on these courses too as I’m sure some of them would also like to know how to get their children into schools, Spaces are given up to the ethnic minorities who play the system with lies and subterfuge to fool everyone into thinking they live in the catchment area. The schools simply do not have the resources to fight this. According to a friend of mine, a School Secretary in Kent, the Nigerians are the worst culprits apparently. You don’t say.
I did as you suggested and then read about 30 of the comments. I found 1 supportive of taking more immigrants, a couple that were in favour with some provisos and the rest were against. So the BBC can see from their own site that the British public are about 90% against! So why don’t they just stop their incessant campaign and leave us in peace. As to the dimwits in the C of E, I have been expecting some daft contribution from them for weeks. Personally I think that the 20k worth that Cameron has been bullied into taking should be billeted in empty Churches across the country and the clergy can look after them. They can use the pews for firewood.
As you can imagine it is imperative that the left control what we say from as early an age as possible. So children will be policed in the playground to ensure they are speaking in terms with which Harriet Harman would be pleased.
I am sure you will be equally thrilled to read these quotes from the piece:
“Dame Barbara Stocking, head of the female-only Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, who will take part in a conference this week to launch the guide,”
“Some schools are already creating volunteer squads of girls to police sexist language and behaviour and report back to teachers.”
“Janice Callow, deputy head at Fairfields High School in Bristol, one of the pilot schools, said a volunteer group of girls was being assembled to spot sexist language.”
Now then, thinking caps on, can anyone spot the sexism?
You are wrong! Sexism doesn’t count if it comes from women, nor, it seems from schoolgirls. Hope that has clarified the situation.
I came across Barbara Stocking when she was at the NHS Modernisation Agency. She was a good speaker at a conference but couldn’t deliver in the real world. She decamped to Oxfam were she persuaded Blair and Brown to stuff her organisation with money.
Excellent. Thanks for posting.
The warmist said: No debate needed. The position is settled. The data ‘Are’ settled.
Sounds like the BBC’s position. In fact, it is their position!
You don’t have to be a scientist to join the Union of Concerned Scientists. From memory, Anthony Watts (of made the point by enrolling his dog.
Why does the bBC persist with the pathetic pretence that the Sunday night Strictly show is live? Anyone with Google can find out at 10 O’clock on Saturday night just who the ‘public’ has voted out. Yet the two airheads will introduce the show tonight as if its Sunday night, yet exactly the same addience will be sitting in exactly the same place wearing exactly the same thing…
Do they think we’re daft,? I just hope the bookies ain’t.
This is all about chasing ratings and a classic example of where the bBC has an unfair advantage over the independents, whilst at the same time deceiving the paying audience.
BTW beeb golden boy Vine despite being bottom on the judges vote didn’t even face the dance off, just who is voting for the jerk?
Its the way the wooden puppet that is Tess Daly refers to ‘last night’ – when clearly it isn’t, despite the hosts and Darcey Bussell’s change of clothes. A simple way around this would be to say “earlier in the show”, instead of treating us like idiots.
Hello to everyone, and sorry to start my first post by disagreeing.
The results show is never suggested as being live. The presenters and judges talk about “last night’s show” because, to the TV audience watching, that’s exactly what it is.
I’ve been in the studio audience in the past (before they shut down TV Centre and moved filming to Elstree, which is a pain to get to for me). It feels a bit odd to be watching people record bits that talk about “last night” just a little while later the same evening, but there’s no pretence – everybody knows it’s being recorded to be shown the following day.
As for the result leaking, most audience members seemed to appreciate that keeping silent makes the results show more enjoyable for those who don’t know. While it’s possible to find out on line on a Saturday night if you really want to, it’s far easier not to go looking and then enjoy the Sunday results show as a recorded piece of entertainment.
You completely miss the point, that is that the BBC are chasing ratings, possible because of the ‘unique’ way they are funded, there is no reason why the results show can’t be broadcast live on Saturday night. Everyone in the audience may realise what is happening but not necessarily the viewer.
Completely disagree that the BBC doesn’t string the viewer along with this pretence, it don’t fool me, I’m just obliged to watch by proxy, but it probably fools many.
You say “there is no reason why the results show can’t be broadcast live on Saturday night.”
It did used to be – a shorter show for the results. I have to say I prefer the current set up. After all, in these early shows the live programme goes on for nearly two hours – I like watching it, but after that even I need a day’s rest before the next bout.
Again, there’s no deception involved. A programme is recorded for transmission on Sunday, and the presenters talk about the show that was broadcast live on Saturday in terms that make sense according to when the results show goes out.
And it’s clear to you, as you repeatedly say. I’m not sure the people who you imagine to be more impressionable than you are as plentiful as you seem to believe.
Well, have just watched tonight’s offering, and there was continual referral to “Saturday night ” ! My only gripe is that Peter Andre is still in it !! – the male version of Susannah Reid with his continual ‘thank yous’.
The politically correct liberally queer and socialist CofE clergy ain’t worthy to preach in, or be custodians of the glorious old buildings that our ancestors sweated blood and lives constructing.
Churches almost empty so desperately trying to find a cause which makes them feel important again, nailing their faded colours to any right-on fad that comes along. Pathetic.
On SKY this morning, apparently every Twitter comment (for what it’s worth) was opposed to the CofE’s position.
Got talking to a few Germans last night (from Hannover and Berlin) who’d been following Sisters Of Mercy (ffs) through Europe. Nice people too. I feel really sorry for them.
Switched of the radio after Madely, but caught the top story on BBC radio news. Church of England angry with the Tories for not flooding Britain with Islamic refuges.
Thought that Saudi Arabia was wanting to pay for hundreds of new Mosques in Britain, so why do the hypocrites in the C of E not give all those empty inner city churches to Islam.
Also as the Archbishops of Canterbury used to be Catholics, and are now obviously closet Atheists. So why do they bar members of the Islamic faith from the C of E hierarchy if they say that they are inclusive. I understand that according to the prevailing moronic mindset in the Church of England (Islam boycotting the C of E’s obsession with Multi faith services), this is racist and therefore illegal?
‘Describing the ‘no-go’ zones that have sprung up around the city and calling for greater border controls to get criminal migration under control, Chief Superintendent Torsten Elofsson said:
“Years ago you could go with two officers, no problem. Now you have to send four officers and two cars – if the fire brigade want to go, they have to take a police escort. They throw stones and try to stop the fireman from putting out fires.
“They sabotage the police cars. You can’t leave them unguarded – when you come back to it you find the windows smashed and the tyres deflated. It isn’t quite a no-go zone, but we have had to develop special routines to go there”.’
Is that like my special routine? Stay in at night because it’s too unsafe to venture out in multi-cultural East London.
A woman has been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence after an incident on a London bus which was circulated online.
Great to see the brave lads of the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (sharia division) hard at work oppressing the population again!
How on earth anyone can keep a straight face when trying to knock the square peg of religion into the round hole of race is beyond me, and it’s just more proof that ‘racism’ is a meaningless word for an act as false as witchcraft.
Interesting that the BBC entitle his program, A Point of View in the singular, because as they KNOW there is only one point of view, and all the others are ‘right wing groups’ and they are there to fight them !
So Will Self has never experienced the back aching joys of wheeling a barrow full of horse shit to spread over the seed potatoes he is about to plant. There was a time before allotments were sold to developers, before people sold their back gardens to developers, when the family income would be supplemented by the efforts in the garden.
Never been a gardener myself. My mum and dad always reckoned that they had me to help with the garden and my sister to help with the housework. Neither of us took to either task. However, my dad loves it. I think it’s fucking boring; I’ll just watch him mowing the lawn and drink a beer or something. I figure he loves it and I don’t get in his way. If it was up to me our front lawn would be three feet tall and full of mice! Anyway, it’s a peculiarly British thing which is why, no doubt, Mr Self Abuse hates it so much. I might not do anything with the garden but I look forward to my dad’s tomatoes every summer although after a bit, it does tend to be tomatoes with everything. Seeing as I live rent free (after many personal problems) I don’t complain. What could be better than getting looked after at my age. Jesus, I should be looking after the old man. In conclusion, Self is a rat faced shithouse and I hope he dies of a thousand cancers.
GJan 31, 11:56 Midweek 29th January 2025 Update: + 27% I’m told. In BBC terms, thats like Trump: “groundless/baseless allegation’s”
Fedup2Jan 31, 11:53 Midweek 29th January 2025 Steady a PPL (H). I could get me knickers in a twist over that one …
tomoJan 31, 11:46 Midweek 29th January 2025 oh, gawd…. Trannies seem to be attracted to rotary wing piloting…..
micknotmikeJan 31, 11:46 Midweek 29th January 2025 Morning MM, Is that £1.65m for the whole program, or for one patient, or for one dose (Wouldn’t surprise me).…
Fedup2Jan 31, 11:26 Midweek 29th January 2025 Tomo – just to add to the mix – X is saying the Blackhawk pilot was a trannie .. it’s…
tomoJan 31, 11:06 Midweek 29th January 2025 I’m certainly not going to claim that it (DEI) was a factor in the Potomac collision but having had some…
MarkyMarkJan 31, 10:24 Midweek 29th January 2025 Diversity is our strength …. no black people…”College of Commissioners” The College of Commissioners meets once per week to…
Fedup2Jan 31, 10:21 Midweek 29th January 2025 Elon his picked up on the plight of the Irish – on X a lady lays out the effect on…
MarkyMarkJan 31, 10:18 Midweek 29th January 2025 “Watchdog: women face an epidemic of violence ” [img][/img] Imane Khelif’s gold medal run shows how sex testing in women’s…
harry142857Jan 31, 10:17 Midweek 29th January 2025 Looks like you can sacrifice a few crashes to get their diversity correct. Recruitment Individuals who bring different perspectives,…
Usual mirth on Five Live this afternoon with their sports panel section.
Nobly chaired by the fragrant Oldroyd (laydee, yay) the guests were a female weightlifter (yay), a black, female rugby player (double yay) and a black, American, paralympian (triple yay?).
And the burning question “is it easier being gay in sport than in society” came up, natch – I mean why wouldn’t it?
Funny thing was, Oldroyd introduced the piece by saying something like; “I know a lot of people are going to say does it really matter”ie is anyone really arsed?
And ironically, the panel pretty much said “well, does it really matter” ie is anyone really arsed?
Which begs the question, why the fuck do the BBC keep banging the same old fuckin drum about it?
A detailed analysis here of the bBBC’s biased reporting of the badger cull on Farming Today. After recording an interview with Lord Krebs, chairman of the original panel recommending trial culls, the bBBC’s reporter Anna Hill introduced the programme by stating her opinions rather than the facts.
BBC Online News. The BBC is still full on supporting immigration. The BBC’s spearhead is always a small child in camera shot.
Emotive and heart-tugging whilst ignoring the uncomfortable fact that 70% of immigrants are fit males in their twenties without wives or children.
Current links on immigration from their site.
And not forgetting Lyse Doucet, the Saint Theresa of Palestinians and immigrants but not UKIP. The latter would suggest impartiality and not what the BBC expects of it’s reporters.
“I’d give you 50 points if I could”, so said a visibly amused John Humphries on Mastermind after the contestant (middle aged man with earring) had called UKIP’s Mark Reckless, Mark Careless. (What next, Nigel Garage, Douglas Crapswell?) How everyone laughed like frigging hyenas almost like it had been pre-arranged. I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist but with the BBC nowadays, you just never know anymore.
Ian Fleming quote ” Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”
That made me sit up, as well – though admittedly I had a quiet chuckle, too…
Its always three white males and a token white woman, with the woman coming last more often than would be expected if it was based on equal merit. I don’t know what the selection rules are, but I guess most Mastermind episodes would be an all white male line up, if there where not for a left-wing politically correct social engineered quota. But I haven’t seen any ethnics this year, up to now.
Bet they would have booed if Nadiya Hussein was referred to as Nadiya ‘headscarf’ Hussein !! speaking of which she now has an ‘agent’ , no surprise there then.
Dumbledore asks: “Who was the Iraq War against”
Answer: “Madman Insane”
Question Time audience: “Boo”
R4’s PM discussed, in some detail, the current closures of what remains of our steel industry. Various factors were examined but not the elephant in the room and the factor that makes anything dropping from the lips of Labour MPs and their union paymasters rank hypocrisy – the high cost of energy in the UK.
Of course, we know why energy prices are high and, no doubt, so do they. It was because a moronic Labour airhead called Bryony Worthington, who worked for one of the Greens’ shakedown racket organisers, penned a bill and Labour’s almost impossibly stupid ‘Ed’ Milliband had it wafted through the Commons, voted for in lockstep by the legions of the undead who were stacked on the Labour benches.
They were told the resultant high energy costs would kill energy intensive industries but they wouldn’t listen.
So, not for the first time, the ‘Labour movement’ shot itself in the head, with a gun loaded by the Greens. No wonder the BBC doesn’t want to remind us of it.
Tragically, though unsurprisingly, almost the totality of the Conservative front bench also voted for the enactment of Labour’s insane ‘climate change’ laws – and, indeed, still support them. Even the loss of the UK aluminium and other energy-intensive industries didn’t bring the fools in government to their senses. Let us hope the imminent loss of steel-making will finally concentrate their tiny minds.
Sadly, you know it won’t.
This is true. But then how much difference is there between the Conservatives and the mass of Labour MPs?
I sometimes wonder why the BBC has such hatred for the Tories. As far as I can see most of them are barely different from Blairite Labour types.
I think it may only be the BBC’s rabid hatred for the Tories that fools anyone into thinking they are significantly different from their left-centrist ‘opposition’.
I worked a few years ago in a small engineering company, doing the accounts, and suddenly on the utilities bills appeared a ‘Climate change levy’. Forgotten how much it was, perhaps £10, perhaps more but a nice little earner if every company is charged this. The message I got from it was, ‘If mankind really is knackering the planet, it will have devastating consequences for us all, but you can carry on doing it – we’re just going to charge you for it.’
‘Green initiatives’ are hidden in all our utility bills, cunningly described as a ‘standing charge’ I pay £3 a week before I have turned on a gas tap or flicked a switch, one third of my bill during the summer months.
Not to mention the Landfill Tax.
The “Far Right” in Germany.
BBC now concerned for the Steel Industry. Them and their like with all these green taxes are the reason why our Industry cannot compete anymore. They put these hard working blokes out of of work
Nobody on the MSM mentions green energy costs in the uk and the millstone it puts around the neck of our own heavy industries. It’s too much of an inconvenient truth for the bBC.
As the bloke said we make the best rail in the World and Cameron thinks it’s a good idea to get our rail from China. This Country runs a deficit through pure mismanagement. As some body said only a pure genius could engineer an energy crisis on an island built of coal
It is not just the energy cost but also the transport cost inflated by various taxes and the Fuel Duty Escalator. Steel is heavy & bulky and is made mostly at the extremes of the UK, Sheffield (what’s left of the industry there) being an exception. If sold within the UK, it has to be transported to stockholders and then on to customer. Not sure how much travels by rail these days, but the rolled sheet and girders are often seen on the road network. Inevitable road transport occurs at some point.
Business Rates were a similar disaster under Labour.
We have been especially stupid with much of our taxation (or tariff impositions in the case of energy) and have made UK business uncompetitive. We only have a few years to reverse that before the next cyclical downturn comes along, although others expect another major crash to arrive first. We were lucky in my view to get through 2007-2009 with under 3m unemployed by 2012. Next time it may be – it is likely to be – far, far worse.
Meanwhile, in a sack of rats hanging in W1A..
Meanwhile the BBC’s Matthew Price is back in Calais and sharing in Facebook.
Matt… hate to tell you, but the comments could by going a wee bit better for you, the BBC and your utterly discredited propaganda narrative.
The people you claim to speak for have wised up.
these people must have some kind of mental illness. If everyone disagrees with you when you say something any sane person would reflect and think have I got this all wrong. They just carry on assuming everyone else is wrong and they need to change them and they see no issues with changing opinion round to their way by banning contra arguments.
Off topic Paddy Power only 3/1 on a white Christmas in London bit short those odds for October
Lock13, the problem is that, “If everyone (outside of your fellow travellers bubble) disagrees with you……..”. We are not talking Copernicus et al against conventional wisdom, we are talking of the hive beeboid mind.
Similar behaviour to Jehovah’s Witnesses (hope I’m not ‘offending’ anyone here) – the more people hate them, the better they feel.
” Fake Refugees in Germany Hoist an ENGLISH-Language Sign, Expressing Fake Sentiments, in Order to Pull Heartstrings in America–But Who Wrote It For Them?
The illegal aliens hoisting that banner did not orchestrate this scene, a German likely did, possibly a German media operative, or a “humanitarian aid” worker from an anti-white NGO. ”’ Check out the poster
The sign industry worldwide seems highly advanced.
I have seen beautifully rendered efforts in full colour and perfect English deployed in the middle of desert shitholes where no one can speak a word.
By coincidence this is usually at the same time as a film crew arrives.
I did ”like” the hand prints in different colours, a nice touch and very subtle.
United gimmegrants of benneton!
Why doesn’t BBC News feature this? It’s on Sky’s front news page. Not mentioned by BBC.
“”Palestinian Children ‘Shown How To Stab A Jew'””
BBC News Website:
“”Israeli occupation is ‘abnormal, cruel and lethal'””
So there you have it. BBC supports Palestinians. But not Israel.
Constant ‘BBC/Left’ Middle East bias. Arab = Good. Israeli = Bad.
Beyond the BBC remaining in watertight oversight mode, what I have seen from certain media who manage their news to a lesser extent has tended to add ‘claims’. For the life of me I cannot see why they cannot simply do that investigative stuff first and then, I don’t know… simply report?
I wouldn’t know what is happening in the world if it wasn’t for Breitbart – and I thank them for being able to tell the truth
Seems like Bake Off’s Nadiya has appeared on television before…
Real satire from Bill Maher while in the UK we get the exhausted, excruciatingly unfunny Have I got News For you. I noticed that on last night’s episode they didn’t even bother adding a laughter track to Sue Perkin’s comments.
HIGNFY can be funny but it never works if you have more than one unfunny personality on. Last night they had three.
Nor can it be satire if it only fires in one direction, at the enemies of the BBC’s notion of liberal values.
Come on BBC, look at this clip and be brave.
Re Schama’s shiil for racial engineering- from order-order
Douglas Murray @DouglasKMurray
Thanks to all who noted Simon Schama advocates mass immigration for the UK while living in a distinctly monocultural suburb of New York.
Doing the billy bragg it seems,_New_York#Demographics
Trends can be interesting; where stuff has been, is and seems headed.
I have noticed a lot of commentary about the BBc and its staff, by BBC staff current and past. Little of it good, and growing in number.
As the top floor gets in a circular conga line to stab each other in the back in a market rate game of thrones, it may sink in that things are not headed in a great direction.
‘the BBC coverage was at times misleading and failed to provide a wider context’
Yet the BBC public is still expected to pay for it, by compulsion. This is very unique.
Hope Lord Grade doesn’t find he is expedited, as that would be… very funny.
Meanwhile, in one small city, of many…
It is now clear Alan Yentob pushed his considerable hooter into the studios of Radio Four’s news to intimidate staff and also Newsnight where he tried to get a story delayed in which he is the principal character.
A complaint was made by Nick Sutton, editor of the World at One, about Yentob’s behaviour regarding an item about Kid’s Company.
At the moment the BBC is hiding behind the line we will ‘not take the matter forward because a formal complaint was not lodged.’
It doesn’t matter whether a formal complaint was lodged. A powerful BBC executive tried to affect the BBC news thus ruining the implied impartiality of the BBC news output. He should have been sacked to send out a warning to all other executives that if they are in the news they should not expect special treatment. At the very least he ought to be suspended whilst there is an inquiry.
Perhaps more pertinent is how Yentob used a death as a convoluted defence against the closure of Kid’s Company. The mother of the young man killed by a car whilst fleeing a fight said to Yentob her son’s death was being used ‘just to get yourself out of hot water.’
Whilst he remains in his job no one can say the BBC news is beyond reproach – not that many on this board would say so anyway.
BTW I admire Yentob for his energy and creative output in the arts. From his early docs, through the creation of the superb Arena series to being controller of BBC2 and then BBC 1. Equally I appreciate he was acting during a time of great personal stress but his actions betrayed a lack of judgement that a news gathering organization cannot tolerate – or rather the audience of a news gathering organization cannot accept.
“thus ruining the impartiality of the BBC news”
I do not think so.
Not even a twat like Yentob can ruin something that the BBC have not had for fourty years.
I think it is a siege mentality, and a perceived threat from a common enemy (stated as the Wicked Tories but tacitly understood to be the majority of the British public) that is rapidly becoming the only glue which is holding the Beeb together. Not altogether a long-term strategy, is it, chaps?
Compare and contrast
“On October 13, Ahmed, his sisters and his Sudan-born father flew out of Saudi Arabia into Sudan, a theocratic Muslim state that split into two states after waging a long war against Christian and tribal minorities in the south of the country.
It’s so genocidal that the International Criminal Court has posted a warrant for Bashir’s arrest. So theocratic that Bashir was Osama bin Laden’s host for several years.”
I would never ever compare the evil b’stard that was Jimmy Savile to anyone, but whereas Savile was deemed ‘untouchable and bullet proof’ during his life; I am seeing a similar scenario with Yentob – why does he have such power ? is his ‘personality’ such that no-one dare cross him ? Clearly there isn’t anyone with balls at the top to just hand him his P45 or put him on ‘garden leave’ until his contract has ended. Or will he too play the religious race card and blame it on his Jewishness for being ‘hounded’ out ?
The aroma of droite de seigneur that still wafts around the Bolly-bedecked corridors of this benighted corporation would be enough to wrinkle the nose of an Elizabethan tanner.
I always find it very… brave when the BBC raises the topic of North Korean stage management…
Decided to catch up with this chap after a short breAK. In other news…
‘A majority of people favour an ‘updated’ licence-fee…
Really. All I know don’t want one at all. But wait….
‘The finding is the most important conclusion from the BBC Trust’s analysis…
Ah… utter BBC rigged BS then. Phew. Order is restored to The Farce.
‘It’s a year since the BBC’s Director of News, James Harding, deemed himself a suitable radio presenter
Looks like Yentob 2.0 is almost out of beta for when they scrap the original. I wonder if Jim will get the extra ‘talent’ fee to go with?
I’m afraid they lost me at Tristram.
‘Eventually, the Dame Janet Smith Review will be made public’
Of course it will. The BBC is noted, indeed trusted for its transparency. Apparently.
‘Sadly, Yentob and Batmanghelidjh came to their grilling by MPs laden with tales, rather than evidence.’
Shoe-ins for any BBC reporter or editor slot then.
‘That was in June. I’m sure something’s coming’
Christmas? There’s a nice comment added:
‘Makes you wonder if the Beeb really does have a “shooting itself in the foot” department.
Like they care.
Big trouble brewing in Germany and just about anywhere else where the politicians say such things as this:
This isn’t immigration anymore, it’s the deliberate plan by the power elites to ethnically cleanse and white genocide the peoples of Europe.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe
”Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.”
it seems clear that the situation in Germany (particular the old East ) is deteriorating by the day.
It looks like a re run of 1989 and the collapse of the communist power structure
The people in Dresden and other eastern cities are not going to allow the Merkel regime to impose existential disaster upon them. This could mean a real crisis in the EU which could rip it apart.
The communist regime was founded on fantasy economics and the Eu is founded on fantasy politics aimed at destroying the nation state and the inalienable right of the indigenous inhabitants of that state to enjoy secure borders and the rule of law.
I cannot see any compromise here. The liberal BBC/Guardian axis is out of it’s depth again and can safely be ignored.
What is true is that when the inevitable chaos happens it will be swift and the results unpredictable. I doubt that many of Europe’s current political leadership will survive.
The only caveat is that this corrupt leadership may resort to force and violence before giving way.
Hopefully this country will avoid trouble.
I could never quite understand why the old Communist satellite countries did not create their own equivalent of the EU for trading together as a group of freed economies and also with the wider world including the EU & USA, back in the mid-1990s.
It was explained, courtesy of Radio 4 about six to eight years ago, by (I think) the Finance Minister of Poland. He put it bluntly on behalf of Poland: “We want payback for the Communist years from Germany. That’s why we joined.”. I don’t know if the other eastern nations look on EU membership in a similar way but that may explain why they shackled themselves to the EU chains. Perhaps inducements were held out to them by various individuals & groups further west. I don’t know.
You could now say, in opening her borders to massive levels of immigration, Germany is – effectively – blowing the kids inheritance. By taking that stand and making those statements, Merkel also invited people to cross the borders of other nations and has put them, aas well as Germany, under incredible pressure.
Our EU Referendum sometime in 2017 may turn out to be a bit of a non-event if the eastern European states like Hungary, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and maybe Poland, too, have already left the EU.
“I could never quite understand why the old Communist satellite countries did not …”
I can easily understand it, they wanted some of the billions of pounds of UK funds which disappears without trace into the EU.
German mayoral candidate Reker stabbed over refugee support
I’m trying to convince myself that this isn’t the answer, but when you’re told to leave your own country this sort of thing becomes inevitable. I await the BBC article bemoaning how the perpetrator became disenfranchised.
A bit of a dilemma during the editorial integrity meeting in Frankie Howerd on how to cover this, if it turns out he was using a handy stabling guide the Israelis have been ‘claiming’ (seems the MSM has no ability to check such things independently) has been issued by the Palrstinians.
Ever since I read The Destruction Of Dresden by David Irving I’ve taken a particular interest in East Germany and Dresden. I remember reading an interesting story about deer in the Czech Republic post the falling of the wall. They still thought of the wall as being there and they never crossed it. Similarly, the East is still the East even now. That’s what 50 years of separation does to you. Interestingly, the East wasn’t actually mono-cultural – The Sorbs (Slavs) were a privileged minority (after years of being treated like shit) and there were minorities of Vietnamese and Angolans (in keeping with the Commie brotherhood orthodoxy). However, numbers were very small almost to the point you hardly noticed. This, however, is a different kettle of fish altogether. From what I gather, they’ll effectively being dumped everywhere, particularly in the East (where presumably, some housing still exists – many easterners left to go to the west post 1989). If you read Breitbart though, you’ll realise that their politicians (kinda like ours) have no problem with it. They just dumped a thousand on a village of a few hundred people and the local mayor couldn’t understand the fuss. Questions of sewage never entered into their equation. The backlash will begin in the east, of that I’m certain. Those in the west are too far gone.
Dresden Inferno 1945
At leats Germans still have eenough guts to complain vocally!. If it were Britain it would just be a few people muttering to their neighbours and most not sayinga word!
I think too many people are hoping that they can change things by voting Ukip once every five years that’s why they don’t do more to express themselves. Ukip is not in a position to have much effect at the moment. Certainly vote for them but don’t expect too much as they are a political party still finding their way.
To properly oppose alien immigration a non-party movement along the lines of ‘Brits for British Borders’ with the object of exposing and protesting the climate of lunacy that has overtaken the political classes. With aims that are not too numerous but clearly stated it could appeal to and mobilize a wide spectrum of people.
Nothing is likely to change until the people get out and show their numbers to the London elite and let them know.
(The ‘BBB’ could have a few things to say to the BBC. The public would then judge who represented Britain)
Wasn’t it heartening though to hear the response he got – “GET LOST”!! I loved it.
“Islam was NEVER. part of Europe, except as an invader bent on conquering and subjugating the native peoples.
But now it is a different story, courtesy the weakness, fecklessness, and multiculturalist internationalism of European leaders. If trends continue, by the end of this century Islam will be Europe’s primary identifying characteristic. ”
Hungarian PM
Then we have …
BBC – Arrest over ‘Racist’ London bus rant
Which “race? … ” where in Europe is this “race s” nation? … what is this garbage? the deliberate lie again.
One can only assume that the BBC is so emboldened by the Tories latest protected status
for Islam, its taking more liberties than usual
There is however REAL racism going on … and growing in intensity and violence in the UK: not that the BBC is concerned.
“We need to kill all the Jews” (any idea where its coming from?)
“The Campaign Against Anti-semitism reported that the first incident of the day occurred when “young Asian men,” a term often used for Muslims, shouted anti-Semitic abuse at a school bus driver even as young children were on board.
Not long afterwards, a black man shouted “we need to kill all the Jews” at a Jew as he left a synagogue in Stamford Hill. The assailant followed the man, and then smashed in the driver’s side window of his car.
The anti-Semitism continued, as another person, possibly the same man who smashed the car window, verbally abused and threatened two women on the same street”
The BBC and accuracy, either by accident of deliberate misdirection, seem rare bedfellows:
Yet the people of the UK are required to fund this.
BBC1 Sunday – Sunday Morning Live
Topics include
“A Muslim candidate is half as likely to get called back for interview as a Christian candidate simply because of their name, according to a report by the social policy think-tank Demos. Legislation is now called for that would enforce anonymous resumes during job applications at large companies.”
“David Cameron has announced that anti-Muslim hate attacks will be recorded separately to other religious hate crime in Britain. It will bring Islamophobic attacks in line with anti-Semitism in terms of categorisation.
This follows news of religious hate crime in Britain rising by 45% in some regions.
Is it right to suggest that women who are targeted for wearing a hijab and men who are victimised for growing beards should compromise their identity in order to fit in?”
So that’s …
Poor Victim islam
“A group of Sikh activists have been protesting interfaith marriages in Sikh places of worship, making their dissatisfaction known by storming the weddings of mixed faith couples.”
and erm … those violent er Sikhs?
” Where have our moral standards gone? And where should we turn to find them?
Tommy Sandhu goes to Brick Lane, 😀 in search of a moral compass? (shakes head)
and asks people on the street where they get their moral standards
Sooo …get our standards from Brick Lane?
Brick Lane last month, good erm choice … Tommy
So no gender, no age, no religion on Curriculum Vitae! No qualifications in case that’s elitist too?
Does that mean we can expect to see somebody called Charlie Smith as Head Chef at The Star of Bengal Balti?
Sorry it only works one way with PC equality. No Charlie Smith but you can buy Halalified British Shepherd’s Pie in Sainsbury. No doubt we can look forward to a Halal special on Great British Menu for the next coronation dinner!
Fortunately for me I don’t think that lobsters are halal! Thank Allah for that!
Sorry but although Lobsters aren’t Kosher, they are halal !
Oh bugger!
Lobster Halal Thermidor
When you get a Halal bacon sandwich, or pork sausage roll there s a faint glimmer of hope … until then?What a shameful, excuse for both a religious “flagship” and a moral one …. on a Sunday morning to boot!., eh BBC.
Religion? … the only part of Islam that is, is its excuse book, of simpering victimhood, the bleating “rights” and privileges obsessed one, that is being used to play the inadequate Tory fuckwits, the traitors in No10 like a violin.
Everything else about it is a totalitarian dangerous … very dangerous, power obsessed ideology.
If anyone needs to go to “Brick Lane” to find a erm … “moral compass”, (shakes head) eh!
They re already devoid of any right to talk about it, they re already hopelessly compromised.
Morals! 😀 … just like the self-serving shower inhabiting No 10, they haven t got any.
If “Islam” is a religion then the Mafia is an Italian cultural association.
Unfortunately Sainsbury now sell Ieat Halalified Sausage Roll! We really should have some laws to stop the bastardisation of British Culture. For instance you should not be called a butcher if you don’t sell pork and if a product is described as traditional or British it should not contained halal meat.
The rot will always start at Sainsburys – Labour supporters for decades.
At a Service Station I saw a ‘pop-up’ Chinese take-away stall (Chopstix), manned by Poles with a sign on the counter saying the chicken was halal ! I nearly blew a gasket ! I’m not normally given to outbursts of displeasure (not in public anyway), but I made my feelings clear, in a huffing and puffing way, about being given the choice of wanting halal meat or not, instead of having it forced upon us ! I didn’t buy and walked away. WHY are we pandering, kow-towing to a religion that slaughters meat in a way I’m not comfortable with ? Much talk of Islamaphobia, but is there any bloody wonder ??? When its starts to infiltrate MY life, then I shall continue to get as mad as hell.
“The strongest evoker of aggressive response in animals is the sight of a stranger, especially a territorial intruder. This xenophobic principle has been documented in virtually every group of animals displaying higher forms of social organization. Groups that did not defend territory against intruders, were less likely to survive.”
Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University.
Good video Nogginator. I was waiting for the part where the cops arrive in their patrol cars, break up the fight and arrest the perps. I suppose they were too busy scrutinising Tweets for evidence of hate in jokes about burkas.
It wasn’t that long ago that the met Office and the BBC were telling us that the CET (Central England Temperature) had recorded the hottest “eva” year, that being 2014 from “selected” reporting stations in a triangular area of England roughly with points from London, Bristol to Lancashire. Hmm. The CET is itself an hypothesis of adjusted temperatures because weather reporting stations move and where rural observations were once taken, the same reporting station now finds itself with urban crawl and associated “heating” effect. So, the results of the reporting can at best be….streeeeetched, to give a result that fits an agenda. The trouble is, the results from CET analysis can also show the opposite view point to an agenda. Have you noticed how silent, the Met Office, the BBC and the Guardian have been in telling us all the September CET was the coldest since 1993? No, well, I just have. This “Global Warming” just isn’t playing ball at the moment is it Mr Harrabin of the BBC, and boy, haven’t you been quiet recently….I wonder why?
The BBC is having a bit of a torrid time on blatant inaccuracy at the moment. Luckily the unique way they are funded means the UK public keeps on funding such damaging propaganda no matter what.
In addition to lots of discussing (Frankie Howerd must be booked for weeks), it’s possible it’s so serious they may even enter a note in logs… which get circulated if never read.
Cripes, the queue for Frankie Howerd must be round the block.
Seems the alma mater of most Beeboids is also hitting a rocky patch. This one really has all the boxes (as it were) ticked. However, one can’t help but feel they may be a bit conflicted, editorially, which may impact the integrity of what is news, and what is not ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
Thanks for the Annie Teriba link, both hilarious and sickening in equal measures. Just how spoilt, self-obsessed, self indulgent, and so far up herself is this woman to come out with such drivel?
OT but I doubt for long.
Just heard on Classic FM’s Global Tripe that 80 bishops have spoken for the nation (suspect the BBC may pick up that baton) to tell me I consider the government’s response to Syrian refugees is inadequate.
Don’t recall being asked, but they may be right, if not on the basis they are claiming.
Also worth noting that bishops live in palaces, are unelected and preside over a faith system hardly enjoying massive support any more, not least since said bishops started blurring church and state matters.
The BBC, one is sure, will report on this objectively.
I don’t agree with the bishops on this. I think when the next election comes I will vote for a candidate who represents my views. Oh wait…
These bishops endorse further Muslim immigration and then wonder why the numbers in congregations at C of E churches are falling: it’s because people know they’ll hear PC cr@p like that were they to attend.
Meanwhile, in other news, the C of E is suffering such a loss of support that it is considering switching rural churches to occasional services only (Christmas, weddings, funerals). Of course, in so many cases that’s all these empty monuments to former piety have become anyway, but if these liberal fools want to know why people no longer attend, supermarkets being open on Sundays isn’t the answer. It is because whatever spiritual needs people have are no longer being served by the half-baked socialism, moral relativism and liberal guilt spewed out of pulpits to the handful of old ladies who still bother to attend.
If we need something to combat the influence of ‘other faiths’ in this country, it’s going to need to be made of sterner stuff. Odinism, perhaps?
BBC Online News:
“”Migrant crisis: Thousands enter Slovenia after Hungary closes border””
Front page paragraph:
“”Thousands of weary migrants aiming to reach Western Europe cross into Slovenia from Croatia after Hungary closed another of its borders.””
Notice the emotive use of ‘weary’
First photo involves someone in a wheel chair with a military styled police officer standing close. (Cue “Oppression”).
Second photo involves an old man looking ‘weary’ (not representative of the 70% young adult males).
The video opens with a shot of immigrants getting onto a bus with about six red cross staff nearby. The camera lingers on women and children. One young adult male covers his face.
The BBC reporter tells us that families, older people and babies are making the journey. They don’t know which border point they will be faced with crossing or if their desires to live in Germany or the Nordic countries will be realised.
The BBC is desperately trying to elicit sympathy for these immigrants. Their report is openly biased towards immigrants as ‘victims’.
This is the view of the Left and of course matched by the BBC whenever it can.
This is BBC Left wing bias. In fact more than bias. Bias suggests a leaning towards. These reports are fraudulent and can be regarded as propaganda on behalf of the Left.
Party political rallies – I won’t now euphemise them with the legacy title of ‘conferences’ – but wait, don’t the BBC usually report these gatherings with an air of scepticism and inquiry?
Normally Norman Smith is our proponent of cartoonish metaphor, what’s happened to his habitual satirical jocularity? [jocularity – now can you guess where I’m going with this?]
The SNP Rally
Only a narrow minority will know how this is being reported north of the border; this English viewer feels as though the BBC has strapped a Proclaimer twin to each shoulder and is busy belting out folk-rock hagiographies to the bairn Wee Jimmy Krankie.
And for another rendition of the Battle of Skye Bridge!
Scots voters and their First Minister have the two easiest jobs in politics. The former whinge and grouse and romanticise whilst the latter acts like Santa. Lovely Barnet Formula wrapped prezzies and if it’s not just what you wanted – well, it was David Cameron who was naughty. No lose situation for Hen Sturgeon and her sharp-toothed little Twitter helpers – best politician in the UK… my windy Trussocks!
BBC objectivity? – like the Pan Scotland Police Service– they’ve left their balance injured and bleeding by the roadside for a wee while and will get back to us sometime, maybe.
Really making friends and influencing folk, ain’t they?
Thanks GW.
It’s an example of absolute bias by the BBC. There are two sides to the debate. The BBC opts for one side and that’s it. End of debate.
The BBC exists to present facts. And enough facts for the viewers to decide. This isn’t happening and hasn’t been happening for many years.
The BBC decides, and then presents the ‘facts’ it wants you to hear.
I suppose what they do could loosely be described as journalism, in the sense that J Goebbels and the Soviet Pravda might understand the term.
This is the most telling part of the BBC’s letter,
‘In his apology letter Fraser Steel, head of the BBC’s complaints unit, said that Lord Lawson’s views on climate change were “not supported by the evidence from computer modelling and scientific research and I don’t believe this was made sufficiently clear to the audience.”
As anyone with any proper scientific training will tell you, computer model output is not data, or evidence, and is not considered admissible in support of a theory. A theory is supported by data from the real world or experiment. Real world evidence in support of AGW does not exist.
This abuse of the scientific method has become accepted in climate ‘science’ so it is no wonder that the BBC, which is now almost devoid of anyone with scientific qualifications (eg Harrabin), willingly and knowingly goes along with it.
Get rid of this shower of lying, ignorant, activists now.
Agreed. What is happening here is that Steel and his ilk are electing to believe one set of opinions as opposed to another because the favoured opinions support the BBC’s liberal world view.
Lilley, isn’t even an opponent of the AGW theory – he is a ‘lukewarmist’ and the BBC has absolutely no business dismissing his opinions simply because they do not support the Left wing agenda of the alarmist.
The BBC simply love this type of PC garbage –
‘Sparking debate’ for the BBC means at least two,people the editor knows can be quoted and projected to the rest of the country.
So they didn’t manage to find a Mrs Muslim willing to forgo the bin liner headwear in order to put herself in someone else’s shoes, eh? It is always the West and our freedoms for women to dress how they like which must bend to Islam, never the other way around. Abetted at every turn by our treacherous liberal elite in the BBC.
Its a shame, that Jessey Egan s, exercise in superficiality, attention seeking for all the wrong reasons from the erm … Imago Dei Church, Peoria? (I know … me neither),
Doesn t want to put herself in a Yazidi, or a Kurds shoes, or indeed a Jewish person …
Germany’s Jews now living in fear again, and with good reason.
or even a woman “migrant” under Islam
Migrant women are being forced to become €10-a-time prostitutes at German asylum camps where sexual assaults are now ‘an everyday event’ and violent clashes frequently break out
Yep! … the BBC they re ALL OVER IT>
Just some of the gratuitous migrant pornography the BBC inflicts on its readers….
“on a cold, dark night as the rain pours down on the open field”
“Dust blows across the path as women carry what possessions they have in flimsy blue bin bags. One calls out to a little boy on a bicycle but…”
where’s my violin?
I remember my dad used to amuse with a bit of naval doggerel that was designed to go in never ending circles…
”Twas a dark and stormy night, and the Captain stood on the bridge. Turning to the mate, he said… ‘Tell me a story’…”
BBC ‘reporting’ has now surpassed this.
Maybe there is a Barbera Cartland section of the Pulizers they are gunning for!
You get the violin, I’ll start cutting some onions.
So they will be sent to Bradford? Isn’t Bradford already a ghetto with some areas even the police will not go? I will have a stab in the dark here (probably not the best choice of words I agree) and say that will be a recipe for disaster.
“They are also undergoing something of a crash course in how to live in the UK, which includes how to register with a GP, how to get medication from a chemist’s and how to get children into school”
They should send some of the indigenous British population on these courses too as I’m sure some of them would also like to know how to get their children into schools, Spaces are given up to the ethnic minorities who play the system with lies and subterfuge to fool everyone into thinking they live in the catchment area. The schools simply do not have the resources to fight this. According to a friend of mine, a School Secretary in Kent, the Nigerians are the worst culprits apparently. You don’t say.
I thought that the picture of Homs in the BBC report you link to was a metaphor for what Bradford will look like in 10 or 20 years time.
Syria refugees: Bishops urge David Cameron to do more
They’re taking comments, so go do your worst, everyone.
I did as you suggested and then read about 30 of the comments. I found 1 supportive of taking more immigrants, a couple that were in favour with some provisos and the rest were against. So the BBC can see from their own site that the British public are about 90% against! So why don’t they just stop their incessant campaign and leave us in peace. As to the dimwits in the C of E, I have been expecting some daft contribution from them for weeks. Personally I think that the 20k worth that Cameron has been bullied into taking should be billeted in empty Churches across the country and the clergy can look after them. They can use the pews for firewood.
“Personally I think that the 20k worth that Cameron has been bullied into taking should be billeted in empty Churches across the country”
Double thinker, I still favour an unfenced camp on Hampstead Heath.
Oh dearie-me, those comments really not going the way the Bishes and BBC would appear to think they should.
Small bet with self on how the mods decide to ‘deal’ with such heresy.
The degree of delusion amongst the unelected establishment classes suggest buying shares first in popcorn, then tar and feathers and maybe piano wire.
Christian turkeys voting for an Islamic Christmas…
As one commentor rightly says ‘religion is not the answer, its the cause’
Christian? What does the Church of England have to do with Christianity ? Should be renamed the church of Socialism !
Good suggestion Thoughtful, and rename the leader as the Arch Community Development Worker
Interesting thought, but don’t our cousins in the USA have one of those?
And he’s useless too.
Not BBC but BBCish.
“No more sissies in the playground”
As you can imagine it is imperative that the left control what we say from as early an age as possible. So children will be policed in the playground to ensure they are speaking in terms with which Harriet Harman would be pleased.
I am sure you will be equally thrilled to read these quotes from the piece:
“Dame Barbara Stocking, head of the female-only Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, who will take part in a conference this week to launch the guide,”
“Some schools are already creating volunteer squads of girls to police sexist language and behaviour and report back to teachers.”
“Janice Callow, deputy head at Fairfields High School in Bristol, one of the pilot schools, said a volunteer group of girls was being assembled to spot sexist language.”
Now then, thinking caps on, can anyone spot the sexism?
You are wrong! Sexism doesn’t count if it comes from women, nor, it seems from schoolgirls. Hope that has clarified the situation.
Same with the closure of wimmin’s jails in Scotland, they should serve their sentences in the community.
So, equality for women.
Just not in everything.
I fear that my request to do Betty Bonkers behind the air raid shelter at school would count as a serious offence.
I came across Barbara Stocking when she was at the NHS Modernisation Agency. She was a good speaker at a conference but couldn’t deliver in the real world. She decamped to Oxfam were she persuaded Blair and Brown to stuff her organisation with money.
What a perfect example of how scum rises through the barrel to the very top – a process ZaNuLabour perfected when in office.
Cruz v GW zealot
Good for Cruz. Better tell him he will never appear on the Beeb.
Brilliant says it all
Excellent. Thanks for posting.
The warmist said: No debate needed. The position is settled. The data ‘Are’ settled.
Sounds like the BBC’s position. In fact, it is their position!
97% of the “Union of Concerned Scientists” – this does not constitute ALL scientists, Sen. Cruz should have persued this further.
“The organization employs scientists, economists, and engineers engaged in environmental and security issues, as well as executive and support staff.”
No vested interest there then……………
Time to look at that 97% in more detail then?
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’
“97% of the “Union of Concerned Scientists”.
You don’t have to be a scientist to join the Union of Concerned Scientists. From memory, Anthony Watts (of made the point by enrolling his dog.
Why does the bBC persist with the pathetic pretence that the Sunday night Strictly show is live? Anyone with Google can find out at 10 O’clock on Saturday night just who the ‘public’ has voted out. Yet the two airheads will introduce the show tonight as if its Sunday night, yet exactly the same addience will be sitting in exactly the same place wearing exactly the same thing…
Do they think we’re daft,? I just hope the bookies ain’t.
This is all about chasing ratings and a classic example of where the bBC has an unfair advantage over the independents, whilst at the same time deceiving the paying audience.
BTW beeb golden boy Vine despite being bottom on the judges vote didn’t even face the dance off, just who is voting for the jerk?
Its the way the wooden puppet that is Tess Daly refers to ‘last night’ – when clearly it isn’t, despite the hosts and Darcey Bussell’s change of clothes. A simple way around this would be to say “earlier in the show”, instead of treating us like idiots.
Hello to everyone, and sorry to start my first post by disagreeing.
The results show is never suggested as being live. The presenters and judges talk about “last night’s show” because, to the TV audience watching, that’s exactly what it is.
I’ve been in the studio audience in the past (before they shut down TV Centre and moved filming to Elstree, which is a pain to get to for me). It feels a bit odd to be watching people record bits that talk about “last night” just a little while later the same evening, but there’s no pretence – everybody knows it’s being recorded to be shown the following day.
As for the result leaking, most audience members seemed to appreciate that keeping silent makes the results show more enjoyable for those who don’t know. While it’s possible to find out on line on a Saturday night if you really want to, it’s far easier not to go looking and then enjoy the Sunday results show as a recorded piece of entertainment.
You completely miss the point, that is that the BBC are chasing ratings, possible because of the ‘unique’ way they are funded, there is no reason why the results show can’t be broadcast live on Saturday night. Everyone in the audience may realise what is happening but not necessarily the viewer.
Completely disagree that the BBC doesn’t string the viewer along with this pretence, it don’t fool me, I’m just obliged to watch by proxy, but it probably fools many.
You say “there is no reason why the results show can’t be broadcast live on Saturday night.”
It did used to be – a shorter show for the results. I have to say I prefer the current set up. After all, in these early shows the live programme goes on for nearly two hours – I like watching it, but after that even I need a day’s rest before the next bout.
Again, there’s no deception involved. A programme is recorded for transmission on Sunday, and the presenters talk about the show that was broadcast live on Saturday in terms that make sense according to when the results show goes out.
And it’s clear to you, as you repeatedly say. I’m not sure the people who you imagine to be more impressionable than you are as plentiful as you seem to believe.
Well, have just watched tonight’s offering, and there was continual referral to “Saturday night ” ! My only gripe is that Peter Andre is still in it !! – the male version of Susannah Reid with his continual ‘thank yous’.
The politically correct liberally queer and socialist CofE clergy ain’t worthy to preach in, or be custodians of the glorious old buildings that our ancestors sweated blood and lives constructing.
Churches almost empty so desperately trying to find a cause which makes them feel important again, nailing their faded colours to any right-on fad that comes along. Pathetic.
On SKY this morning, apparently every Twitter comment (for what it’s worth) was opposed to the CofE’s position.
Watch and learn. There are lots of german (english speaking) vids on you tube. they are discussing the problems that Merkel has created.
Got talking to a few Germans last night (from Hannover and Berlin) who’d been following Sisters Of Mercy (ffs) through Europe. Nice people too. I feel really sorry for them.
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing: Shaming Innocents into Compliance: Read another way TV Licensing tries to embarrass innocent people into buying a TV licence they don’t legally require.
– Savile Abuse Victim Points Finger of Blame Towards Drivers: A victim of the disgraced ex-BBC man has told police that several of his drivers were implicated in his sex crimes.
Switched of the radio after Madely, but caught the top story on BBC radio news. Church of England angry with the Tories for not flooding Britain with Islamic refuges.
Thought that Saudi Arabia was wanting to pay for hundreds of new Mosques in Britain, so why do the hypocrites in the C of E not give all those empty inner city churches to Islam.
Also as the Archbishops of Canterbury used to be Catholics, and are now obviously closet Atheists. So why do they bar members of the Islamic faith from the C of E hierarchy if they say that they are inclusive. I understand that according to the prevailing moronic mindset in the Church of England (Islam boycotting the C of E’s obsession with Multi faith services), this is racist and therefore illegal?
I suspect that secretly, this is the mindset that some of the clergy are in,
‘Describing the ‘no-go’ zones that have sprung up around the city and calling for greater border controls to get criminal migration under control, Chief Superintendent Torsten Elofsson said:
“Years ago you could go with two officers, no problem. Now you have to send four officers and two cars – if the fire brigade want to go, they have to take a police escort. They throw stones and try to stop the fireman from putting out fires.
“They sabotage the police cars. You can’t leave them unguarded – when you come back to it you find the windows smashed and the tyres deflated. It isn’t quite a no-go zone, but we have had to develop special routines to go there”.’
Is that like my special routine? Stay in at night because it’s too unsafe to venture out in multi-cultural East London.
A woman has been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence after an incident on a London bus which was circulated online.
Great to see the brave lads of the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (sharia division) hard at work oppressing the population again!
How on earth anyone can keep a straight face when trying to knock the square peg of religion into the round hole of race is beyond me, and it’s just more proof that ‘racism’ is a meaningless word for an act as false as witchcraft.
Be interesting to see against which ‘race’ she is charged.
Left wing arsehole Will Self has decided that the British past time of gardening is in fact a metaphor for digging your own grave!
Interesting that the BBC entitle his program, A Point of View in the singular, because as they KNOW there is only one point of view, and all the others are ‘right wing groups’ and they are there to fight them !
So Will Self has never experienced the back aching joys of wheeling a barrow full of horse shit to spread over the seed potatoes he is about to plant. There was a time before allotments were sold to developers, before people sold their back gardens to developers, when the family income would be supplemented by the efforts in the garden.
I’ve listened to Self speaking – he’s clearly no stranger to horse shit.
He’s certainly smoked a lot of shit in his time, as well as speaking it.
Self loathing! I always thought gardening as being a metaphor for something else….
Never been a gardener myself. My mum and dad always reckoned that they had me to help with the garden and my sister to help with the housework. Neither of us took to either task. However, my dad loves it. I think it’s fucking boring; I’ll just watch him mowing the lawn and drink a beer or something. I figure he loves it and I don’t get in his way. If it was up to me our front lawn would be three feet tall and full of mice! Anyway, it’s a peculiarly British thing which is why, no doubt, Mr Self Abuse hates it so much. I might not do anything with the garden but I look forward to my dad’s tomatoes every summer although after a bit, it does tend to be tomatoes with everything. Seeing as I live rent free (after many personal problems) I don’t complain. What could be better than getting looked after at my age. Jesus, I should be looking after the old man. In conclusion, Self is a rat faced shithouse and I hope he dies of a thousand cancers.
“Syria refugees: Bishops urge David Cameron to do more”
The BBC allowed comments for this – now closed and many removed, there aren’t many supporting the Church of Socialism in their leftie outburst.
The Church and AlBeeb are out of touch with the ordinary people of Britain.
22yr old “man from peterborough” arrested for a rape in norwich-tonights look east. Ummm, “man”-peterborough?