I’m not sure that’s only applicable to the BBC. I’ve just skimmed the online Daily Mail. Almost all its top stories are about the Kardashians.
I realise I live in a parallel universe to many TV watchers and tabloid readers but, really, have we sunk to this level? Do people really give a damn about this stuff or do our media just think they do?
Well said, thought it was just me, who TF are they, where did they come from, what do they do and who gives a sh1t? At least its replaced Nadiya on the DMs front pages…
Still it takes the masses minds off Calais and the marauding swarm heading West….
Geoff, believe me, it’s not just you. I don’t know anything about them and care even less. The Daily Mail seems to be totally obsessed with them and their antics. What are they famous for? Somebody must know, surely.
It’s called bread and circuses, if the Eloi are focused on garbage which the Daily Fail promotes then they won’t be focused on more important matters, like er um, off the top of my head, white genocide, the EUSSR, the banking usury scam system.
“”The total number of stars earning between £500,000 and £5m amount to nine. In the current year, that list is set to include Chris Evans, who signed a three-year deal with the BBC to succeed Clarkson at Top Gear as well as continuing his Radio 2 breakfast show.””
But what do they earn? Do eight earn £4m each? Is it a secret?
Why Chris Evans? I would pay more to hear the thoughts of one of the last surviving Battle of Britain pilots. And give him a medal made of gold encrusted with diamonds paid for by the BBC/Our Licence Fees.
My beef with Evans is that he walked out on the BBC in 1997 and was sacked by them, gross misconduct.
In the real world, not the parallel universe that is the BBC he would never have found a way back. Its not like he is good at what he does on the radio, its all about, him, his kids, his wife, his millions and his cars.
Again in the real world people are struggling to make ends meet and do not want to hear about the escapades of a gobby multi millionaire Labour supporter.
That will be the Chris Evans who categorically said he would not do Top Gear (unless there were enough zeroes on his payslip that is). I totally agree with you about the worth of a ponce like him versus some of our true British heroes.
That lovable entity known as the Palestinians seek to claim the Western Wall is part of Al-Aqsa compound in a UNESCO proposal, which also condemns Israeli excavations near Temple Mount, is to be submitted by Arab states in coming days, and therefore is another Muslim Holy site.
But hey! …as Mohamhead had a dream, its bound to be right … right? (sarc)
The Western wall that enclosed the temple, is the holiest site to Jews, it was built by Herod 2050 years ago and cannot surely, on archaeological grounds( 😀 sorry) be part of Al-Aqsa.
Accordingly, this erm “vote” in the UN may as well be a vote against archaeological integrity
Never mind all that, will it keep “filthy Jewish feet” away?
Yes, Mohammed (pbuh) had a dream that a flying horse took him to a place called al Quds. That must be Jerusalem, I mean it sounds almost exactly the same doesn’t it? The real question is did the flying horse have the Knowledge or was it an Uber? Not many people know that that is the real cause of the Shia/Sunni split.
Just seen a report that some fuckwitt is delivering caravans ,to Calais . The newsreader( M.Croxhall) was positively beaming , at this news. This Caravanathon delivery all seems to come from Devon , so we should get the Old Bloke on the case.
No . he is not , they might bring some vunerable christians from Syria , in the 20,000 ,but the CoE wants 50,000 plus . The PM is standing firm on the 20,000 . How many are the Republic Of Ireland taking in? Even Farage would take them in , he has said so .
I had seen it ,but ,unless you totally shut the borders , so no can leave or enter the country ,like North Korea, then anyone can make promises, even Farage would not be able to stop it completely , if you believe he can , you would soon be disappointed .
Australia is able to do it ?
It is all about border control, simple. Its time Cameron put his cards on the table and got this great nation out of the corrupt and artificial state known as the ‘EU’ before its too late .
If you think they’re all ‘vulnerable Christians’ then you’re a bigger idiot than I took you for. 20,000 plus dependents = about a hundred thou in my book. I hope to God they end up near your gaff.
Cameron and May will promise the Muslim Council that they will not target or offend their people and will take steps to prevent them being radicalised by outrageous patriotic British people. There is £5million in handouts for snoopers who will report on muslims feeling offended. Cameron’s UAF Trots will be first in the queue; note how the UAF are running educational trips to Auschwitz to demonstrate their opposition to anti semitism and extremism.
ROI government has said it will take 4,000. By percentage of population that is a higher proportion than Cameron is suggesting. There are still people complaining that it is not enough and a few, less vocal, that it is too much.
This was a reply to Essexman’s question to Doyle above. I don’t know why it popped up here.
I believe the Telegraph worked out that she was unlikely actually to be affected by the cuts, as her business makes no profit. I didn’t hear the News at Ten point that out.
In fact, what she may be doing is relying on you and me to fund her life whilst she indulges in a hobby. She may indeed work hard at it, but if it isn’t making money she needs to do something that does earn her something and stop expecting the taxpayer to bail her out. I don’t expect the BBC to cover that side of the equation.
I would suspect that the nail bar is to facilitate the number of hours she needs to claim WTC. For eligibility For a single person with child(ren) you would need to work 16 hours pw. I also suspect several of the Idiots that I have the “pleasure” of living near who are also “self employed” are some what creative with the hours they “work” in order to make a claim. I was under the impression that the Government was supposed to be cracking down on these set ups.
Hmm whenever I go for a pedicure or manicure I usually pay cash, as do most other people. Of course I am not suggesting for a minute that Michelle isn’t declaring all her earnings, as that would be illegal, wouldn’t it.
“she needs to do something that does earn her something and stop expecting the taxpayer to bail her out. I don’t expect the BBC to cover that side of the equation.”
The BBC don’t get it because expecting the taxpayer to fund their hobby is pretty much their raison d’etre. Earning a living is for the little people.
Al Beeb’s radio Wales this this morning ‘banging the gong’ about some charity sending ‘desperate’ asylum seekers living in Swansea on a respite holiday to Pembroke.
All are so ‘desperate’ that they had to escape from Europe to get here.
Well, perhaps we should do the same and ‘get out of Europe’?
I can think of many of our own pensioners who would like a respite holiday in Pembroke but just don’t have the resources.
It’s all about Al Beeb’s bias and propaganda to take in more so called ‘refugees’.
No, not a review of the latest Tom Jones album – it’s the English crew of the BBC breakfast sofa lamenting (read : virtue signalling like crazy) their support for Scotland and Ireland crashing out from the Rugby World Cup.
Louise Minchin, Bill mincing and Beaky Nugent really ‘feel’ your pain, our friends in the regions.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for supoorting the home nations, but support ought to be evenly spread and reciprical.
By the way, that Theresa May is a useless over-promoted waste of space. ‘Take their passports away’ – that’ll learn ’em. Human Rights Lawyers…. on your marks… get set…. go!
Bill Turned-balls laps it up – no difficult question there from our house eunuch.
Mind you, she warns us of a brand new dangerous terrorist threat – the so-called Neo-Nazis.
Gosh, now I’m forwarned if I see some dodgy characters, sporting arm-bands and goose-stepping around my local shopping centre, handing out copies of Mein Kampf and seig heiling – I’ll be sure to notify the authorities.
It’s been a while but the BBc Breakfast wheel of news rotates back around to SUGAR DEATH! Yes it’s the impose a sugar tax message again this time a representative from http://sustainweb.org/ (who?),yes never heard of them charity time, set out their agenda of course the one known as Jamie Oliver (can’t stand him) is involved. Apparently Oliver is charging 7% more for fizzy drinks. But they want to impose a sugar tax on us all to in part prevent childhood obesity. Well you would assume that the parents should be responsible for their child’s diet and not me..
This is my first post, so I hope that it is in the right place! (Apologies if not)
I felt I had to share this clip from ‘Kolkata with Sue Perkins’ (there’s two diversity tick boxes completed before I’ve even started). La Perkins rolls out a stream of reasons for the British to feel ‘guilty’ about India, only to be met with an Indian who responds with the only sane position possible; The BBC encounters common sense and how silly do they look? I won’t bother going into why her history is factually incorrect – what apparently matters more than facts are perceptions. It’s exhausting… https://youtu.be/DQoJDMFqOrA
Outrageous that the BBC should block this embarrassing moment from one of their (our?) tv programs.
All their material is ‘free to air’ and can be seen on their own services such as BBC Iplayer, all digital tx services such as Freeview, BT and Sky along with domestic analogue transmissions.
Youtube is full of BBC material.
I, (and you), have paid for this program so why should we not be able to watch it?
For sure, people outside the UK who don’t pay the enforced tax may see it. But does it matter if a Belgian or Icelander sees a clip? It may make them wish to pay a subscription and see the program. Though, equally, it may make people around the world feel relieved they do not have to pay a tax for this codswallop.
BTW only the poor Norwegians pay more for their licence fee than the down trodden British license payers but at least they don’t have to watch the pointless Sue Perkins on everything.
I made the mistake of watching HIGNFY last Friday, with Sue Perkins in the chair. She ruined every scripted joke by her complete lack of timing. It was difficult see that she brought anything to the programme except satisfying the bBBC’s quota of queer presenters.
I still have time for MTW, even if they do seem to have an obligatory UKIP bash minute, and even the females not shoehorned in by the sorely missed Cohen Quota can be funny.
But HIGNFY is dire. The guests are desperate and both Hislop and Merton are now phoning it in.
I made the mistake of checking out the Clarkson chair episode on iPlayer and it was embarrassing. The blonde idiot made a fool of herself and that Lurch bloke seemed to think his sole function was to try and undermine Jezza, who simply shrugged at each pathetic jibe.
Al Beeb reporting the Eurotunnel service suspended (yet again), because of an intrusion.
Wasn’t Theresa the appeaser and our PM ‘getting to grips’ with this?
This fiasco is getting to be a drain on our economy.
Heard the following on World Service ‘News’ shortly after 8:00 am GMT:
The Israeli government is proposing wider stop and search powers for the police in response to a continuing wave of attacks by Palestinians. At least 50 people have died in the recent upsurge of violence in which Palestinians, using knives and guns, have been met with lethal force from the Israeli police and army.
But the ‘Palestinians’* who have been going on a murderous spree for the last month were not using lethal force, according to the despicable BBC.
*I used quotes since many of these attacks have also been carried out by Israeli Arabs. To the BBC, I guess there is no difference. “We are all Palestinians now.”
Just a heads up, Jon Gaunt’s Talk2MeRadio is live now until 10 to 1pm, Paul Nutall is on today. Not everyones cup of tea but certainly a change from Five Dead or lefty fest LBC.
Up2snuffJan 31, 14:32 Midweek 29th January 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – far, far, far, far away with the fairies ….. …… is the BBC in their cosy…
vladJan 31, 14:14 Midweek 29th January 2025 As soon as Trump made his remarks about DEI, I knew the BBC – for whom Diversity is a religion…
GJan 31, 14:11 Midweek 29th January 2025 The same characteristics in a pilot……….. “hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability…
harry142857Jan 31, 14:09 Start the Week 27th January 2025 BBC blasted for ‘incredible misinformation’ about Brexit after broadcaster ‘IGNORED’ facts shared by expert. A Brexit expert has launched a…
GJan 31, 14:03 Midweek 29th January 2025 “……no evidence to support……” (a growing number of assertions/claims made by DJT). Like Ivermectin etc…………. This is all our, “Worlds…
MarkyMarkJan 31, 13:54 Midweek 29th January 2025 22 LOST in Manchester (c) Theresa May LOST … can be found again!
MarkyMarkJan 31, 13:24 Midweek 29th January 2025 The life of a cynical young woman, who is blind, is a complete mess as she only has two friends…
vladJan 31, 13:16 Midweek 29th January 2025 The whole FAA shambles brings to mind this comedy sketch by the non-woke stand-up Ryan Long. He makes fun of…
pugnaziousJan 31, 13:05 Midweek 29th January 2025 Vlad…you just don’t understand…unlike Adrian Chiles who does and stated today that such people just hadn’t had a chance to…
Just watching Pointless Celebrities (from last night) and the first category is … EU countries (yet again). Agenda, what agenda?
Aren’t most BBC celebrities pointless?
I’m not sure that’s only applicable to the BBC. I’ve just skimmed the online Daily Mail. Almost all its top stories are about the Kardashians.
I realise I live in a parallel universe to many TV watchers and tabloid readers but, really, have we sunk to this level? Do people really give a damn about this stuff or do our media just think they do?
Well said, thought it was just me, who TF are they, where did they come from, what do they do and who gives a sh1t? At least its replaced Nadiya on the DMs front pages…
Still it takes the masses minds off Calais and the marauding swarm heading West….
Geoff, believe me, it’s not just you. I don’t know anything about them and care even less. The Daily Mail seems to be totally obsessed with them and their antics. What are they famous for? Somebody must know, surely.
I wonder if it was like this in the last days of Rome? Forget about the Huns, just talk about which actress is shagging which gladiator.
It’s called bread and circuses, if the Eloi are focused on garbage which the Daily Fail promotes then they won’t be focused on more important matters, like er um, off the top of my head, white genocide, the EUSSR, the banking usury scam system.
The Kardashians? Poster girls for race mixing; that’s your answer.
That’s true enough, they all seem to like it black. Their poor Armenian father must be spinning in his grave.
Douchebag gets one on the nose
BBC stars?
“”The total number of stars earning between £500,000 and £5m amount to nine. In the current year, that list is set to include Chris Evans, who signed a three-year deal with the BBC to succeed Clarkson at Top Gear as well as continuing his Radio 2 breakfast show.””
But what do they earn? Do eight earn £4m each? Is it a secret?
Why Chris Evans? I would pay more to hear the thoughts of one of the last surviving Battle of Britain pilots. And give him a medal made of gold encrusted with diamonds paid for by the BBC/Our Licence Fees.
My beef with Evans is that he walked out on the BBC in 1997 and was sacked by them, gross misconduct.
In the real world, not the parallel universe that is the BBC he would never have found a way back. Its not like he is good at what he does on the radio, its all about, him, his kids, his wife, his millions and his cars.
Again in the real world people are struggling to make ends meet and do not want to hear about the escapades of a gobby multi millionaire Labour supporter.
That will be the Chris Evans who categorically said he would not do Top Gear (unless there were enough zeroes on his payslip that is). I totally agree with you about the worth of a ponce like him versus some of our true British heroes.
That lovable entity known as the Palestinians seek to claim the Western Wall is part of Al-Aqsa compound in a UNESCO proposal, which also condemns Israeli excavations near Temple Mount, is to be submitted by Arab states in coming days, and therefore is another Muslim Holy site.
But hey! …as Mohamhead had a dream, its bound to be right … right? (sarc)
The Western wall that enclosed the temple, is the holiest site to Jews, it was built by Herod 2050 years ago and cannot surely, on archaeological grounds( 😀 sorry) be part of Al-Aqsa.
Accordingly, this erm “vote” in the UN may as well be a vote against archaeological integrity
Never mind all that, will it keep “filthy Jewish feet” away?
BBC?… forget about it, too slow to catch a cold
The world has gone mad
Yes, Mohammed (pbuh) had a dream that a flying horse took him to a place called al Quds. That must be Jerusalem, I mean it sounds almost exactly the same doesn’t it? The real question is did the flying horse have the Knowledge or was it an Uber? Not many people know that that is the real cause of the Shia/Sunni split.
The Kardashians? What, is there a new Star Trek movie or something? Wasn’t it the Kardashians that got taken over by the Borg?
The bBBC ‘news’ at Ten still has the shouty chav from Question Time as a ‘news’ item. Makes me even more think that she was orchestrated by Labour.
Just seen a report that some fuckwitt is delivering caravans ,to Calais . The newsreader( M.Croxhall) was positively beaming , at this news. This Caravanathon delivery all seems to come from Devon , so we should get the Old Bloke on the case.
Your pal Cameron is sending caravans to Lebanon/Turkey and bringing them back here. A bit rich for you to start mouthing off, eh?
No . he is not , they might bring some vunerable christians from Syria , in the 20,000 ,but the CoE wants 50,000 plus . The PM is standing firm on the 20,000 . How many are the Republic Of Ireland taking in? Even Farage would take them in , he has said so .
Just a reminder to you all of our Prime Minister’s promise ………………………….
I had seen it ,but ,unless you totally shut the borders , so no can leave or enter the country ,like North Korea, then anyone can make promises, even Farage would not be able to stop it completely , if you believe he can , you would soon be disappointed .
Australia is able to do it ?
It is all about border control, simple. Its time Cameron put his cards on the table and got this great nation out of the corrupt and artificial state known as the ‘EU’ before its too late .
If you think they’re all ‘vulnerable Christians’ then you’re a bigger idiot than I took you for. 20,000 plus dependents = about a hundred thou in my book. I hope to God they end up near your gaff.
Add an extra zero and you’ll get the true figure, it’ll be 200,000
Standing firm on 20,000, like he’s standing firm on EU treaty re-negotiation?
Still your ‘conservative’ PM can stand firm on traditional British freedoms
A bit like North Korea
(I wonder how much that will put on the rates?)
Cameron and May will promise the Muslim Council that they will not target or offend their people and will take steps to prevent them being radicalised by outrageous patriotic British people. There is £5million in handouts for snoopers who will report on muslims feeling offended. Cameron’s UAF Trots will be first in the queue; note how the UAF are running educational trips to Auschwitz to demonstrate their opposition to anti semitism and extremism.
ROI government has said it will take 4,000. By percentage of population that is a higher proportion than Cameron is suggesting. There are still people complaining that it is not enough and a few, less vocal, that it is too much.
This was a reply to Essexman’s question to Doyle above. I don’t know why it popped up here.
Essexmanchild, plus your chum Camoron is getting the Royal Navy to run a ferry service from Libya to Italy for the invaders.
I believe the Telegraph worked out that she was unlikely actually to be affected by the cuts, as her business makes no profit. I didn’t hear the News at Ten point that out.
In fact, what she may be doing is relying on you and me to fund her life whilst she indulges in a hobby. She may indeed work hard at it, but if it isn’t making money she needs to do something that does earn her something and stop expecting the taxpayer to bail her out. I don’t expect the BBC to cover that side of the equation.
It’s the left-leaning Institute for Fiscal Studies who suggest that Michelle’s non-profit-making “nail-bar” – no, me neither – means she is unlikely to be hit by the changes to working tax credits, or the child tax credits for her four children.
I would suspect that the nail bar is to facilitate the number of hours she needs to claim WTC. For eligibility For a single person with child(ren) you would need to work 16 hours pw. I also suspect several of the Idiots that I have the “pleasure” of living near who are also “self employed” are some what creative with the hours they “work” in order to make a claim. I was under the impression that the Government was supposed to be cracking down on these set ups.
Hmm whenever I go for a pedicure or manicure I usually pay cash, as do most other people. Of course I am not suggesting for a minute that Michelle isn’t declaring all her earnings, as that would be illegal, wouldn’t it.
“she needs to do something that does earn her something and stop expecting the taxpayer to bail her out. I don’t expect the BBC to cover that side of the equation.”
The BBC don’t get it because expecting the taxpayer to fund their hobby is pretty much their raison d’etre. Earning a living is for the little people.
Compare and contrast Al Beeb and other sources …………………………………….
‘Dies’ and ………………………………..
‘Found hanged’ ?
All very strange, what did she know?
A determined Pakistani Syrian successfully enters Hungary…
Al Beeb’s radio Wales this this morning ‘banging the gong’ about some charity sending ‘desperate’ asylum seekers living in Swansea on a respite holiday to Pembroke.
All are so ‘desperate’ that they had to escape from Europe to get here.
Well, perhaps we should do the same and ‘get out of Europe’?
I can think of many of our own pensioners who would like a respite holiday in Pembroke but just don’t have the resources.
It’s all about Al Beeb’s bias and propaganda to take in more so called ‘refugees’.
‘Huge Disappointment’ and ‘Heartbreak’
No, not a review of the latest Tom Jones album – it’s the English crew of the BBC breakfast sofa lamenting (read : virtue signalling like crazy) their support for Scotland and Ireland crashing out from the Rugby World Cup.
Louise Minchin, Bill mincing and Beaky Nugent really ‘feel’ your pain, our friends in the regions.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for supoorting the home nations, but support ought to be evenly spread and reciprical.
By the way, that Theresa May is a useless over-promoted waste of space. ‘Take their passports away’ – that’ll learn ’em. Human Rights Lawyers…. on your marks… get set…. go!
Bill Turned-balls laps it up – no difficult question there from our house eunuch.
Mind you, she warns us of a brand new dangerous terrorist threat – the so-called Neo-Nazis.
Gosh, now I’m forwarned if I see some dodgy characters, sporting arm-bands and goose-stepping around my local shopping centre, handing out copies of Mein Kampf and seig heiling – I’ll be sure to notify the authorities.
It’s been a while but the BBc Breakfast wheel of news rotates back around to SUGAR DEATH! Yes it’s the impose a sugar tax message again this time a representative from http://sustainweb.org/ (who?),yes never heard of them charity time, set out their agenda of course the one known as Jamie Oliver (can’t stand him) is involved. Apparently Oliver is charging 7% more for fizzy drinks. But they want to impose a sugar tax on us all to in part prevent childhood obesity. Well you would assume that the parents should be responsible for their child’s diet and not me..
This is my first post, so I hope that it is in the right place! (Apologies if not)
I felt I had to share this clip from ‘Kolkata with Sue Perkins’ (there’s two diversity tick boxes completed before I’ve even started). La Perkins rolls out a stream of reasons for the British to feel ‘guilty’ about India, only to be met with an Indian who responds with the only sane position possible; The BBC encounters common sense and how silly do they look? I won’t bother going into why her history is factually incorrect – what apparently matters more than facts are perceptions. It’s exhausting…
The BBC have now blocked this. It must have been good.
I believe it shows that they are monitoring sites like this – they saw your post so made sure as few people as possible saw it.
Roughly what did he say?
Their censorship in support of propaganda is getting ridiculous, but blatant.
It’s like they know they need offer no explanation.
Outrageous that the BBC should block this embarrassing moment from one of their (our?) tv programs.
All their material is ‘free to air’ and can be seen on their own services such as BBC Iplayer, all digital tx services such as Freeview, BT and Sky along with domestic analogue transmissions.
Youtube is full of BBC material.
I, (and you), have paid for this program so why should we not be able to watch it?
For sure, people outside the UK who don’t pay the enforced tax may see it. But does it matter if a Belgian or Icelander sees a clip? It may make them wish to pay a subscription and see the program. Though, equally, it may make people around the world feel relieved they do not have to pay a tax for this codswallop.
BTW only the poor Norwegians pay more for their licence fee than the down trodden British license payers but at least they don’t have to watch the pointless Sue Perkins on everything.
My sentiments exactly . For new visitors to this site, this link is one way to air your protest. ……………………………
Tell your mates.
I made the mistake of watching HIGNFY last Friday, with Sue Perkins in the chair. She ruined every scripted joke by her complete lack of timing. It was difficult see that she brought anything to the programme except satisfying the bBBC’s quota of queer presenters.
I posted at the time that it was interesting that the BBC weren’t even bothering to add a laughter track to her incessant jabbering.
I still have time for MTW, even if they do seem to have an obligatory UKIP bash minute, and even the females not shoehorned in by the sorely missed Cohen Quota can be funny.
But HIGNFY is dire. The guests are desperate and both Hislop and Merton are now phoning it in.
I made the mistake of checking out the Clarkson chair episode on iPlayer and it was embarrassing. The blonde idiot made a fool of herself and that Lurch bloke seemed to think his sole function was to try and undermine Jezza, who simply shrugged at each pathetic jibe.
Al Beeb reporting the Eurotunnel service suspended (yet again), because of an intrusion.
Wasn’t Theresa the appeaser and our PM ‘getting to grips’ with this?
This fiasco is getting to be a drain on our economy.
Heard the following on World Service ‘News’ shortly after 8:00 am GMT:
The Israeli government is proposing wider stop and search powers for the police in response to a continuing wave of attacks by Palestinians. At least 50 people have died in the recent upsurge of violence in which Palestinians, using knives and guns, have been met with lethal force from the Israeli police and army.
But the ‘Palestinians’* who have been going on a murderous spree for the last month were not using lethal force, according to the despicable BBC.
*I used quotes since many of these attacks have also been carried out by Israeli Arabs. To the BBC, I guess there is no difference. “We are all Palestinians now.”
Just a heads up, Jon Gaunt’s Talk2MeRadio is live now until 10 to 1pm, Paul Nutall is on today. Not everyones cup of tea but certainly a change from Five Dead or lefty fest LBC.
Listen here http://www.jongaunt.co.uk/2015/07/17/talk-2-me-radio-is-open-ep-105/
Apps also available via Apple and Android apps.