Remember when the BBC insisted that a Syrian ‘fighter’ was definitely not a Jihadi on the run…the BBC knew this because ‘his identity is unusually well documented…He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo..’
Ah yes, that well known seal of authenticity….’He says….’
Here he is…fighter and ‘migrant’…
What reminded me of this story? A tale from the Mail about the Jihadi Hipsters trying to dodge Putin’s wrath by shaving off their face fungus…
A close shave? Terrified jihadists leave their BEARDS on the battlefield as they shave their faces and dress as women to flee Syria
ISIS fighters are reportedly shaving their beards and dressing up as women in order to flee Syria, in the wake of Russia stepping up its military campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad.
Pictures said to have been taken near Aleppo last week shows mounds of what looks like cut off facial hair, alongside discarded packets of razors.
In order to cross the border to Turkey undetected, ISIS jihadists are said to be shaving and disguising themselves in niqabs – a veil covering all but the eyes worn by some muslim women.
Not saying of course that our plasterer turned Syrian freedom fighter was a jihadi but why did he shave off his beard as he slipped into Europe…indeed why did he grow one…beards being a very definite recognition feature of a Jihadi?
As has been pointed out on another site, it would be a simple matter to take a sample from a discarded beard, identify the DNA of its previous wearer, and then arrest at the border anyone with matching DNA on suspicion of being an ISIS terrorist.
But will anything like this happen?
Having shaved his beard, he is now transformed into a refugee.
He will be met at the border by a drooling BBC reporter who will ask him how he feels and does he blame Western foreign policy? Will he mind waiting almost an hour for the next luxury coach to take him to the European destination of his choice?
Oh, the plight….
I see…
…so some speculation about photo from a pro-Assad reporter (Leith Abou Fadel) for a pro-Israel news site; edited by an ex-correspondent of “Israel Army Radio” (Shimrit Meir); and backed by “The Israel Project” in the U.S., is proof positive that the “Free Syrian Army commander” is a secret ISIS agent.
Ignore that fact that whether or not someone is granted asylum has absolutely nothing to do with how often they shave…
You’ve got a theory and you’re sticking to it; no matter any evidence to the contrary.
Well done you.
Aww, what a matter, Jason*. Are your heroes getting their arse kicked and running away? Must be disappointing, I mean they used to look so brave when they were murdering prisoners.
*Come on now, muhammed, use your real name. We all know that only a brain-dead, brainwashed muslim could show a scintilla of support for those sub-human vermin..
It must take a great deal of skill and bravery to walk along a long line of unarmed, tied up prisoners shooting each in the head as they walk past.
They are not so brave when faced with real soldiers, unhindered by politically correct rules of engagement. The Russians have achieved more in one month, than the USA has achieved in 3 years.
It actually makes me wonder if the wild conspiracy theories about ISIS being funded and armed in secret by the USA may have a ring of truth to it.
Assad is a butcher, but at least Christians were safe under his rule. We should never be aiding AL Qaeda, or their affiliates in any battles. Whether against Assad or ISIS. I am happy to let the Russians sort out Syria, for it is their ally after all.
Shame about Atlantis, but good to see you have found a new job.
There’s a point in there somewhere.
But again the sticky issue of precedent arises.
Will you be sharing your challenges to the BBC when they speculate using selected sources from whom they learn stuff? Ignoring all sorts of other evidence the BBC does not consider news ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) mainly because it doesn’t suit the narrative? Running with ideological propaganda in face of facts staring the rest of us into our own lying eyes.
If so, do share their reply.
That would be just…
Go you.
Ah yes, the evil naZionist narrative. Thank God (whilst you still can) people like you have the BBC to provide balance and obfuscate the dangers in the name of multi-multiculturalism. I’m sure the young gentleman will be happy to integrate into the culture of whichever country he joins, insha’allah of course.
Surely a former soldier, no matter what side he fought on, does not qualify as refugee? Doesn’t he come under the same category as fleeing criminal, until proved otherwise?
Yet another case of Islam blokes losing no excuse to get into the frillies of any passing girl-preferably teenage, but grannys old Friday best djelbab will do,
This plays well with Caitlyn, Bradley/Chelsea and Kellies mates and cistransistas…most of who sit under the golf brolly of diverse perviness that is the BBC in full rainbow warrior mode.
Maybe if we sent our Scottish lingerie queen(Mona is it?) over there to set up some dressing up boxes for them all-or put the shutters up on Ann Summers/Agent Provo etal for a while-we`d get less of the buggers over here.