Just what is it that makes a Brit fight for Putin’s blitz on Ukraine?
Apparently it is zero hours contracts in Britain that drive the recruiting process…oh, that, Western aggression and the rise of the Far Right in Ukraine.
Ukraine conflict: The Brits fighting with pro-Russian rebels
His Manchester accent is unmistakable. His yearning for British food is too, as he declares that he “could murder a steak”.
So what has brought this man in his thirties, who claims to have served in the British army, to fight for the pro-Russian militia against Ukraine?
‘Western aggression’
The first reason appears to be his lack of prospects back home. He has not had a job since last December.
He claims zero-hour contracts, which allow firms to hire staff without any guarantee of work, forced him “to vote with his feet”.
But ideology also led him to travel more than 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to live off army rations, in a tent in a wood, by a stream, with a group of rebel soldiers, just north of the city of Debaltseve in rebel-held territory.
“I see this as more western imperial aggression towards Russia, to people who aren’t playing the western game”, he said.
He did not want us to show his face or use his name.
He says that after watching reports in the media about far right groups in Ukraine, he was inspired to join the rebels.
‘I’m not a terrorist’ [er… yes you are]
In reality, far-right groups in Ukraine enjoy minimal public backing.
So basically all those ideas that the BBC promotes, the horrors of the zero hours contract, the idea of western aggression and the rise of the far-right, are the motivators for joining up with the terrorists.
Oh but hang on the BBC reporter denies that there is a Far-Right surge in the Ukraine…’In reality, far-right groups in Ukraine enjoy minimal public backing.’
Hmmmm…..obviously he hasn’t been reading the BBC’s own propaganda on this…
Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
Ukraine: The far-right groups patrolling Kiev
Ukraine crisis: Is conflict fuelling far-right threat?
Torch-lit far-right march in Ukraine
Ukraine crisis: Far-right ‘show of strength’ in Kiev
So once again the BBC’s misleading reporting can be linked to the ‘radicalisation’ of terrorists…this time recruited by the old enemy….the reborn Soviet Union. Ah the glorious BBC spreading harmony, social cohesion and a civil society.
I was initially puzzled by this article but it began to make sense after the announcement by Cameron and May on tackling ‘extremism in all its forms’ with its bizarre references to neo-Nazis. There was focus on the radicalisation in the Muslim community that has led to an estimated 700 packing their bags to go and join Islamic State in Syria. But look! In an exact parallel we see that hundreds of Brits – well, one at least – are joining the ‘Far Right’ Russian-backed forces in Eastern Ukraine. Russian-backed, eh? Didn’t Nigel Farage express his admiration for President Putin? So, support for Russia – or least a refusal to join in with the general Russiaphobia enthusing the British government and media – equals UKIP support, equals Far Right (sic) support, equals support for Neo-Nazism, equals support for terrorism. Hurrah! Cameron and May have got it right! Support for Islamic extremism and home grown right-wing extremism (code word: UKIP) are exactly the same thing.
It is not beyond the realms of possibility that this article on the BBC website was a carefully designed plant, designed to set a mood and condition people into a certain type of thinking – placing the dots without drawing the lines inbetween them. But then, we don’t really do things like that in this country, do we?
He cannot get a job.
No surprise, importing one million non-whites every hour when we already have unemployment.
Zero hour contracts, Cameron and will do nothing about it, UKIP will.
UKIP are also just the party to vote for if you want better treatment, and here I mean better treatment, not waffle
about better treatment, for UK Servicemen/women.